Cognitive Disconnect:
Understanding Facebook Connect Login Permissions
Nicky Robinson
Princeton University
Joseph Bonneau
Princeton University
We study Facebook Connect’s permissions system using
crawling, experimentation, and user surveys. We find several
areas in which it it works differently than many users and
developers expect. More permissions can be granted than
developers intend. In particular, permissions that allow a
site to post to the user’s profile are granted on an all-or-
nothing basis. While users generally understand what data
sites can read from their profile, they generally do not un-
derstand the full extent of what sites can post. In the case of
write permissions, we show that user expectations are influ-
enced by the identity of the requesting site although this has
no impact on what is actually enforced. We also find that
users generally do not understand the way Facebook Con-
nect permissions interact with Facebook’s privacy settings.
Our results suggest that users understand detailed, granular
messages better than those that are broad and vague.
Categories and Subject Descriptors
D.4.6 [Security and Protection]: Access Controls
General Terms
Security; Human Factors
Online social networks; permissions; privacy; Facebook
Single Sign-On (SSO) systems allow users to log in to
websites (called relying sites or relying parties) using their
username and password from a third-party identity provider.
This creates fewer passwords for users to remember, theo-
retically meaning that they can have more complicated and
therefore more secure passwords [22]. Facebook Connect
Facebook Connect is now technically called Facebook Login
but is still frequently referred to as Facebook Connect.
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or
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for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full cita-
tion on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than
ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or re-
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COSN’14, October 1–2, 2014, Dublin, Ireland.
Copyright 2014 ACM 978-1-4503-3198-2/14/10 ...$15.00.
perhaps the most popular SSO system on the web today. A
key reason is that Facebook Connect, like many SSO sys-
tems based off of the OAuth protocol, does more than just
allow a user to sign in: sites can request access to read parts
of the user’s Facebook profile or write data back their pro-
file. This has been sufficient in practice to overcome the lack
of adoption incentives for relying parties which has plagued
many other SSO systems on the web [25].
An important selling point is that Facebook Connect re-
quires relying sites to request a specific set of permissions
from the user up front in order to read or write data from
the user’s profile. These are presented to the user in a se-
ries of dialogues (shown in Figure 1) which the user must
approve prior to logging into a relying site for the first time.
In the words of Facebook, “The user will have total control
of the permissions granted [19].
Effective user control relies both on Facebook granting
only the permissions intended by developers and on users
correctly understanding the permissions they approve. We
explore both assumptions and show that:
Facebook Connect sometimes asks the user to autho-
rize more permissions than the developer intended to
Write permissions are granted to sites on an all-or-
nothing basis. For example, if a site wants the ability
to update the user’s status, it must also gain the ability
to upload photos.
Users generally understand which read permissions are
being requested when they log in, although many do
not realize they are granting access to data they have
marked as private using their privacy settings.
Users generally do not understand the variety of write
permissions sites will receive upon authorization. This
indicates that, despite Facebook’s claim that all-or-
nothing write permissions are “simpler” for users to
understand, users understand the more granular read
permissions better.
Users are influenced by the identity of the relying site;
for example, they are much more likely to understand
a photo sharing website can upload photos to their
account. This suggests users are assuming a contextual
integrity model of privacy [20], although this is not
implemented technically.
Figure 1: Examples of messages presented to the user. From left: Read permissions message from, write permissions
message from, and extended permissions message from
The first step in determining whether the permissions sys-
tem provides users with effective control is understanding
which permissions are actually granted when a given autho-
rization message is displayed. Facebook Connect’s process
of a site requesting permissions from a user can be broken
down into three steps:
1. During login flow, relying parties request a set of per-
missions from the Facebook Connect API. We’ll call
this set the requested permissions.
2. Facebook receives the requested permissions and trans-
lates them into a set of permissions for approval which
we’ll call the granted permissions.
3. Facebook translates the the granted permissions into a
dialogue presented to the user for approval. We’ll call
this text the displayed permissions.
Ideally, these three sets of permissions would be semanti-
cally identical and the text shown to the user would clearly
represent them. In this section we’ll explore the difference
between the requested and granted permissions; we’ll com-
pare displayed and granted permissions in Section 3.
2.1 Methodology
Unfortunately, Facebook’s documentation [3] is incom-
plete and sometimes outdated. As such, there is very lit-
tle explanation of how requested permissions are eventually
translated into permissions displayed to the user. To gain
a better understanding, we combined information from the
documentation with observations from integrating Facebook
Connect login with a test site and crawled data from several
hundred relying sites.
2.1.1 Obtaining a list of relying sites
To obtain a list of relying sites implementing Facebook
Connect, we started with the most recent (October 2013)
AppInspect [18] database of 25,000 Facebook apps. We fil-
tered this list down to about 400 apps with an external site
listed on the Facebook App Center. Finally, we manually
idenitified 91 which had a Facebook Connect login.
Unfortunately, the AppInspect database does not include
apps that are used solely for Facebook Connect, only those
Figure 2: Example requested permissions (colored in red) in
the scope parameter of the approval page URL.
that have native Facebook apps. To make up for these defi-
ciencies, we took the Alexa Top 500
websites from Febru-
ary 27
, 2014 and manually identified those with Facebook
Connect logins (112 sites). Combining these two lists gave
us a total of 203 sites to study.
For crawling we used OpenWPM [15] a Selenium-based
web crawler being developed by the Princeton Center for
Information Technology Policy (CITP). We performed au-
tomated logins to all 203 sites and recorded the requested,
granted, and displayed permissions. 26 of the 203 sites used
an older version of Facebook Connect; we will focus only on
the 177 using the current version.
2.2 Requested permissions
Developers request permissions in a parameter called
“scope” or “data-scope” when the login process is initiated
using Facebook’s JavaScript SDK, Facebook’s login button,
or a manually built login system [7]. The developer can re-
quest any of the permissions listed in the documentation [6],
although some are deprecated and will have no impact on
the granted permissions.
The scope parameter is visible in the URL of the page
where the user is asked to approve permissions (see Fig-
ure 2). We confirmed using our test site that this value is
indeed exactly what the developer requested.
2.3 Granted permissions
Facebook receives the requested permissions and trans-
lates them into a set of granted permissions. The granted
permissions may exclude requested permissions that are dep-
recated, or, in some cases, may add additional permissions.
Two permissions, which Facebook calls “Basic Info/Default
permissions”[7], are always added regardless of what is re-
quested: public profile and user friends. The documenta-
tion does not mention any other permissions that may be
granted outside of what the developer requested.
<input type=“hidden autocomplete=“off name=
read value=“email,user_groups,friends_groups,
public_profile,user_friends,private />
<input type=“hidden autocomplete=“off name=
write value=“publish_stream,publish_actions,
status_update,video_upload />
<input type=“hidden autocomplete=“off name=
extended value=“create_event,rsvp_event />
Figure 3: Example granted permissions (colored in red)
shown by the read, write, and extended input elements on
the permissions approval page for
Read Permissions
user activities, user about me
friends activities, friends about me
email, contact email
read stream, export stream
Write Permissions
create note, upload photos, upload videos,
publish actions, publish checkins, publish stream,
share item, status update
Extended Permissions
rsvp event, create event
Table 1: Groups of permissions which area always granted
together if any are requested.
The approval page presented to the user has three hid-
den input HTML elements named read, write, and extended
whose values are the granted permissions (see Figure 3). We
confirmed with our test site that these permissions are actu-
ally granted and may be used by the relying site, regardless
of the requested permissions.
We used these hidden elements to determine which per-
missions were granted in contrast to which were requested
for all 177 sites we crawled. Our results are shown in Fig-
ure 4. First, we confirmed that with every site crawled
the aforementioned default permissions (public profile and
user friends) always appear in granted read permissions al-
though they were never requested.
In addition, we identified several requested permissions
which always cause extra permissions to be granted along
with them (these will be discussed in more detail in the Sec-
tion 2.3). For example, Facebook’s documentation states
that publishing a story (such as liking an article) requires
the publish actions permission. However, if the create note
permission is requested, publish actions will also appear as
a granted permission and this will allow stories to be pub-
lished. Through experimentation with our test site, we de-
termined exactly which permissions are always grouped to-
gether, listed in Table 1. If any one permission in a group is
requested, all permissions in the group are granted. Grouped
permissions are always displayed to the user with a single
message, which we will discuss further in Section 2.4.
All of the grouped read and extended permissions are in
pairs, so if the developer requests one they receive the other.
However, all eight write permissions are in a single group,
effectively making write permissions all-or-nothing.
Figure 4: Permissions requested vs. permissions granted for
permissions granted in groups, as listed in Table 1.
2.4 How permissions are presented to the user
As mentioned previously, when the user logs in to a site
with Facebook Connect for the first time they are presented
with up to three messages from Facebook asking them to
approve the read, write, and/or extended permissions. We
reverse-engineered the algorithm for generating the phrase
or word in the displayed permissions message that corre-
sponds to each granted permission using our test site and
verified that it matched the data observed in our crawl. Most
messages appear reasonably clear. However, the grouped
permissions (see Table 1) are displayed with just one corre-
sponding word or phrase indicating that all the permissions
in that group are being requested. Table 2 presents these
potentially unclear messages and their meaning according to
the Facebook Connect documentation [6]. Similar tables for
all permissions can be found in Appendix A.
2.5 Facebook’s response
We sent a security bug report to Facebook stating that
we could use the publish actions permission after requesting
any other write permission. Facebook Security stated
“this behavior is by design” and confirmed that when one
permission is requested in the scope, they “translate them
to a broader set of [permissions] which are easier for users
to understand” [1]. When asked why this was done for write
permissions but not read permissions, they responded that
they “made this change to simplify the experience for devel-
opers and for users” and that “write permissions are more
similar...whereas read permissions are more distinct.” This
motivated us to evaluate whether all-or-nothing write per-
missions are in fact easier for the user to understand.
Our full correspondence with Facebook is in Appendix C.
Read Permissions: Site Name will receive the following info. . .
Message Permission Meaning [6]
email address
email email
contact email not listed
News Feed
read stream access my News Feed and Wall
export stream
export my posts and make them
public. All posts will be exported,
including status updates.
personal description
user about me about me
user activities activities
...and your friends’. . .
personal descriptions
friends about me ‘about me’ details
friends activities activities
Write Permissions: Site Name would like to. . .
Message Permission Meaning
post to Facebook for you.
post publicly to Facebook for you.
post privately to Facebook for you.
create note create and modify events
photo upload add or modify photos
publish actions publish my app activity to Facebook
publish checkins publish checkins on my behalf
publish stream publish content to my Wall
share item share items on my behalf
status update update my status
video upload add or modify videos
Extended Permissions: Site Name would like to. . .
Message Permission Meaning
manage your events
create event create and modify events
rsvp event RSVP to events
Table 2: Message decoder for permissions that are granted in groups. Decoder tables for all permissions are in Appendix A.
Italic text represents how the permissions are introduced when presented to the user. See Figure 1 for an example.
*Which of the three messages is presented depends on to whom the posts will be visible. This is controlled by the menu in
the bottom left of the middle image in Figure 1.
The second critical component in effective user control on
Facebook Connect is users’ comprehension of the messages
describing the permissions they’re asked to approve. This is
especially important given our findings in Section 2 that
all write permissions are grouped together and displayed
with a single somewhat-vague message. Previous research
by Egelman [14] found that 88% of users have a general un-
derstanding of Facebook’s read permissions dialogues; how-
ever, he studied only the read permissions dialogues. To
our knowledge this is the first study evaluating comprehen-
sion of write permissions. Together with read permissions
these make a fascinating natural experiment: are users bet-
ter able to understand granular (but complicated) read per-
missions, or simpler (but vaguer) write permissions? To test
this and other aspects of user comprehension, we ultimately
conducted three studies:
1. One study tested general comprehension of read and
write permissions and compared them to each other
(see Section 3.2).
2. One study tested how site identity affects interpreta-
tion of the write permissions message (see Section 3.3).
We decided not to test extended permissions since they are
presented similarly to read permissions and are relatively
rare (only seven out of the 177 sites requested them).
3. Our final study tested to see if users understand that
they are giving access to data regardless of their profile
privacy settings (see Section 3.4).
3.1 Methodology
We conducted our surveys using Amazon Mechanical
Turk, a service where workers can be paid to complete sim-
ple online tasks. This allowed a large and reasonably di-
verse response pool for little cost (we paid 10-15 cents per
response). (See Section 3.5 for a discussion of Mechanical
Turk’s limitations.) All of our surveys took the basic format
of presenting users with real dialogues that they might see
when logging in to a site using Facebook Connect and ask-
ing questions about what actions that site may take if they
authorize the login.
3.1.1 Pilot studies
We piloted three different methods of testing user compre-
hension. After verifying that the respondent had previously
seen a Facebook Connect login, all pilots began by present-
ing the respondent with either a read or write permissions
message that they might see when using Facebook Connect.
No respondents were presented with both to ensure that no
one got the two questions mixed up. Respondents were then
presented with one of the following three question types:
1. A yes/no question asking if the site would be able to
do something if they clicked okay, such as view their
photos or update their status.
2. A list of things the site might be able to do if they
clicked okay. The user was asked to select all those
they thought the site would be able to do.
3. A free response question asking the user to describe
what information they thought the site would be able
to do if they clicked okay.
The free response question has the advantage of not
prompting the user with any ideas that may not have oc-
curred to them otherwise. However, pilots showed that an-
swers to free response questions were frequently too vague
to be useful and that respondents may not have put enough
thought into their answers. While this may reflect how users
pay little attention to permissions messages in real life when
they log in to sites, it is not useful for this survey. There
was no noticeable difference in responses between the yes/no
questions and the multiple-selection questions, so we chose
the latter to get results about more permissions.
We also experimented with showing the respondent mes-
sages from different sites. There was some indication that
the site influenced the responses. For example, people ap-
peared more likely to think photo-oriented sites like Flickr
would be able to do photo-oriented things, such as uploading
photos. To keep our independent variables separate, we con-
ducted two different surveys. The first survey (Section 3.2)
used the site name“”(Hooli is a fake tech company
in HBO’s Silicon Valley). The description of the site given to
users was a description of a real site, This
was one of the sites piloted and we determined it had an
appropriately general-sounding description and could con-
ceivably need a wide variety of permissions. The way the
site was presented to users can be seen in Appendix B. Our
second survey (Section 3.3) was designed to test write per-
mission comprehension across different sites.
3.2 Read vs. write permissions
Our first study tests general comprehension of read and
write permissions in such a way that they can be di-
rectly compared. For all questions, we used the site name
“” to eliminate the site name as a variable. Our
tests were designed to evaluate the the following null hy-
Null Hypothesis 1. Respondents’ ability to identify which
read permissions they are authorizing is no different than if
they were randomly guessing.
Null Hypothesis 2. Respondents’ ability to identify which
write permissions they are authorizing is no different than if
they were randomly guessing.
Null Hypothesis 3. Respondents’ ability to identify which
read permissions they are authorizing is no different than
their ability to identify which write permissions they are au-
This survey was taken by 600 Mechanical Turk workers.
All were first asked if they had seen a site use Facebook
login before—nearly all had. Half of those who had
presented with Facebook’s standard write permissions mes-
sage followed by 13 options of things they might be giving
Respondents who had not seen a Facebook Connect login
were not given the rest of the survey and were excluded from
analysis, but were still paid for their participation.
the site permission to do by clicking okay. Eight of the 13
were taken almost directly from the Facebook Connect doc-
umentation’s permission descriptions [6], so they were all
things the site would be able to do (since Facebook gives all
write permissions together). The other five were things the
site could not do. They were present not to be tested but to
eliminate biases due to an aversion to selecting all available
options. The 13 options were presented in 4 different orders
and can be seen in Appendix B.3.
The other half were presented with read permissions
questions. Since read permissions messages vary, we
used messages taken from four different real sites with
varying numbers of permissions (,,, and All were renamed
“” Each message was followed with eight or nine
options for things the site might be able to do. Four or five
options were information on a Facebook profile that the site
would be able to see. The other four were either things the
site could not see or were write or extended permissions.
Again, the incorrect answers were only so the respondent
did not have to select all options to be correct. The four
different questions can be seen in Appendix B.2. There are
too many different read permissions to effectively test them
all without exhausting the respondents with too many ques-
tions, so the ones tested are some of the more common ones.
3.2.1 Read permissions results
Figure 5 illustrates the percentage of people who correctly
identified that each permission would be given to the re-
questing site after they clicked okay.
Table 3 lists the nu-
merical percentages as well as the 2-tailed p-value from a
binomial test comparing the number of people who correctly
identified a permission as being requested to the expected
value with random guessing: half of the total number of
people who were presented with that permission.
For all tested read permissions, over half of people cor-
rectly identified that said permission would be granted based
on the message presented. On average, individual permis-
sions were correctly identified 79.72% of the time. This is
comparable to Egelman’s [14] conclusion that 88% of users
understand generally which permissions are being requested.
Null Hypothesis 1, that respondents’ ability to identify
which read permissions they are authorizing is no different
than if they were randomly guessing, can be rejected for all
but two permissions with p < .01, suggesting that users have
a significantly better understanding of which read permis-
sions they are granting than if they were randomly guessing.
We can also reject the possibility that users simply marked
every survey option as visible to the website: an average of
81.96% of users correctly identified each of the options that
would not be visible to the site. Null Hypothesis 1 for each
of these options can be rejected with p < .01.
Null Hypothesis 1 for “see what language you speak” can
be rejected with p < .03 and for “see your wall”with p < .05.
A G-test
shows that respondents were worse at identifying
It is difficult to determine what the site cannot see since
the user’s public profile could contain a lot of information
if they have relaxed privacy settings, so only very clear-cut
things like seeing private messages could be used.
Only the real permissions being requested are presented.
The incorrect answers we made up are not.
The G-test is a likelihood-ratio statistical test of indepen-
dence applicable in the same cases as a χ
-test, but with
Figure 5: Percentage of people who correctly identified that
each read permission would be granted to the site upon au-
Permission N
see the cities your
friends live in
78 80.77 0.000
see your friends’ photos 78 76.92 0.000
see what you’ve liked 78 88.46 0.000
see your status updates 150 77.33 0.000
see which city you live
230 89.13 0.000
see your wall 72 62.50 0.044
see your gender 72 79.17 0.000
see your News Feed 72 81.94 0.000
see who your family
members are
80 67.50 0.002
see your relationship
80 85.00 0.000
see your exact age 159 71.70 0.000
see where you’ve
previously worked
80 83.75 0.000
see who your friends are 79 84.81 0.000
see what language you
79 63.29 0.024
see what country you
live in
79 65.82 0.007
Table 3: p-values for 2-tailed binomial test comparing the
number of people who correctly selected each permission to
Null Hypothesis 1 of random guessing.
“see your wall”than “see your status updates” (which had an
accuracy rate roughly equal to the average) with p < .04 and
a G-test statistic of 4.528. Recall that seeing one’s Wall and
seeing one’s News Feed are both granted by the read stream
permission but the message presented to the user says only
“News Feed” (see Section 4.1). This may have been the
cause of some confusion. Respondents were also worse at
lower approximation error in nearly all cases than the more
traditional Pearson’s χ
Figure 6: Percentage of people who correctly identified that
each permission would be given to the site upon authoriza-
update your status 34.88 0.000
publish app activity to
45.85 0.166
add and modify photos 8.64 0.000
add and modify videos 8.97 0.000
publish checkins at locations 12.62 0.000
create and modify notes 5.65 0.000
share items with others 34.88 0.000
publish content to your wall 55.81 0.050
Table 4: p-values for 2-tailed binomial test comparing the
number of people who correctly selected each permission to
Null Hypothesis 2 of random guessing. N = 301 for all
identifying “see what language you speak” with p < .04 and
a G-test statistic of 4.338, but the reason for this is unclear.
3.2.2 Write permissions results
Figure 6 illustrates the percentage of people who correctly
identified that each permission would be given to the re-
questing site after they clicked okay. Table 4 lists the nu-
merical percentages as well as the 2-tailed p-value from a
binomial test comparing the number of people who correctly
identified a permission as being requested to Null Hypothe-
sis 2, that user’s understanding would be equivalent to ran-
dom guessing.
For all permissions except for “publish content to your
wall,” fewer than half of respondents answered correctly. For
all of those except “publish app activity to Facebook,” Null
Hypothesis 2, that respondents’ ability to identify which
write permissions they are authorizing is no different than if
they were randomly guessing, can be rejected with p < .01.
That is, for these six permissions, people would have been
significantly more likely to correctly identify whether they
were granting the permission by randomly guessing.
The p-value for “publish app activity to Facebook” is too
high to reject Null Hypothesis 2 with a reasonable level of
Over half of people correctly identified that the site would
be able to “publish content to [their] wall,”and Null Hypoth-
esis 2 can be rejected with p < .05. People may have a better
idea that this permission is being granted than if they were
randomly guessing.
Worth noting is that the two permissions people did best
with (“publish content to your wall” and “publish app ac-
tivity to Facebook”) are also the vaguest. (These are the
publish stream and publish actions permissions that are in-
tended to give nearly all publishing permissions.) Because
they are so vague, the fact the more people selected them
correctly probably does not mean that they fully understand
the specific things the site can post on their profile—they
include the functions of the other permissions, which most
users were not successful at identifying.
3.2.3 Comparison of read and write permissions
It appears evident at this point that users understand
read permissions messages significantly better than they
understand write permissions messages: Respondents cor-
rectly identified whether a read permission would be granted
79.72% of the time, whereas write permissions were only cor-
rectly identified 25.91% of the time.
To evaluate Null Hypothesis 3, that respondents’ ability
to identify which read permissions they are authorizing is
no different than their ability to identify which write per-
missions they are authorizing, we assigned a ranking to each
respondent based on the percentage of permissions they cor-
rectly identified
and separated them into two groups, one
for those asked about read permissions and one for those
asked about write permissions. A Mann-Whitney U test of
these two groups allows us to reject Null Hypothesis 3 with
p < 0.001 and a test statistic of U = 9163.
3.3 Influence of relying site
As previously mentioned, our pilot surveys indicated that
the site identity may influence how people interpret the write
permissions message. We performed a separate survey with
300 Mechanical Turk workers to test this. The format of
the survey was identical to the write permissions questions
in the first survey and we provided the same options for the
user to select. However, instead of using “” as the
website in question, one third of respondents were presented
with (a photo and video sharing site), one third
with (a travel site), and one third with (an anonymous messaging site). (Since there is
only one write permissions message, the message presented
to the user in all cases was identical aside from the site name
and description.)
The results of this survey can be statistically analyzed
with a G-test to see if the number of respondents who
thought each permission would be granted varied across
the four sites (the three mentioned here plus the data from
“” from the first survey). Our null hypothesis is:
Null Hypothesis 4. The relying site’s identity does not
affect how respondents interpret a requested permission.
3.3.1 Results
Figure 7 illustrates the percentage of people who correctly
identified that each permission would be given to each site
after they clicked okay. Table 5 lists the numerical percent-
ages as well as the p-values from a G-test comparing the
variation in number of correct selections for each permission
across all four sites.
For “publish app activity to Facebook,”“add and modify
photos,”“add and modify videos,” and “publish checkins at
This counts only the real permissions and not the incorrect
options since those were artificially created.
Figure 7: Percentage of people who correctly identified that
each permission would be given to the site upon authoriza-
tion for four sites.
locations,” Null Hypothesis 4, that the relying site’s iden-
tity does not affect how respondents interpret a requested
permission, can be rejected with p < .01. More respondents
thought Flickr would be able to add and modify photos and
videos compared to other sites, which is reasonable since it is
a photo and video sharing site. Likewise, many more people
thought that TripAdvisor would be able to publish checkins
at locations—a logical thing for a travel site to do.
Null Hypothesis 4 can be rejected for “update your sta-
tus” with p < .04 and “publish content to your wall” with
p < .05. It cannot be rejected for “share items with oth-
ers” nor “create and modify notes” with a reasonable level of
3.4 Influence of privacy settings
In one pilot survey of the free response format, a respon-
dent stated that the site would gain access to only a limited
number of permissions because their Facebook settings pre-
vented them from accessing the rest. This suggests a lack
of understanding of how the read permissions work: A site
can access nearly everything that is public with only the
public profile permission [9]. By granting the site additional
permissions, a user is giving the site permission to access
that information regardless of the user’s privacy settings.
Using the test site, we confirmed that we could see all user
photo albums regardless of their privacy settings with the
user photos permission.
We surveyed 100 additional Mechanical Turk respondents
to see if this confusion was widespread. The survey pre-
sented the user with the permission message for,
which requests the user photos permission. Users were asked
to identify which photo albums Imgur would be able to see
if they clicked okay. The options were those marked as vis-
ible to the public, those marked as visible to friends, and
those marked as visible to only them (the correct answer is
all three). The survey can be seen in Appendix B.4.
Our null hypothesis in this experiment is:
Null Hypothesis 5. Respondents are equally likely to in-
dicate that data can be read regardless of its privacy setting.
Percent Correct G-test
(N = 100)
(N = 93)
(N = 102)
(N = 301)
update your status 34 20.43 24.51 34.88 8.662 0.034
publish app activity to Facebook 64 51.61 35.29 45.85 16.733 0.001
add and modify photos 22 7.53 4.90 8.64 15.185 0.002
add and modify videos 15 2.15 3.92 8.97 11.783 0.008
publish checkins at locations 11 24.73 6.86 12.62 10.937 0.006
create and modify notes 6 3.23 11.76 5.65 4.783 0.188
share items with others 31 32.26 30.39 34.88 0.706 0.872
publish content to your wall 65 53.76 44.12 55.81 8.208 0.042
Table 5: p-values for G-test comparing the number of people who correctly selected each permission across four sites to Null
Hypothesis 4 of no difference between sites.
Figure 8: Percentage of people who correctly identified that would be able to see their photo albums of each
privacy level upon authorization.
3.4.1 Results
Figure 8 illustrates the percentage of people who correctly
identified that would be able to see their photo
albums with various privacy settings if they clicked okay. It
appears people are generally aware that they are giving ac-
cess to their photo albums that are marked as public. How-
ever, they are generally unaware that they are also giving
access to their photo albums that are marked as visible to
their friends or only to themselves.
Using a G-test with three degrees of freedom to compare
all three test conditions, Null Hypothesis 5, that respondents
are equally likely to indicate that data can be read regard-
less of its privacy setting, can be rejected with p < .001
based on a G-test statistic of 86.31. Comparing each pair of
conditions in turn using a G-test with two degrees of free-
dom, we can conclude with p < .001 that participants were
significantly more likely to believe photos marked “visible to
the public” could be read than either photos marked “visi-
ble to friends” or “visible to only me”. However, we cannot
conclude with high confidence (p .12) that participants
were significantly more likely to believe photos marked “vis-
ible to friends” could be read than photos marked “visible to
only me”. Thus we can reject Null Hypothesis 5 in general
and conclude that users do believe privacy settings impact
visibility of data to third-party sites, we cannot conclude if
the specific privacy settings (visible to friends or only to the
user) had a significant impact on user understanding.
Although our first set of surveys and Egelman’s study
[14] indicated that read permissions are understood decently
well, this study suggests that these results may not actually
be entirely representative of user understanding: although
people know which types of information they are granting
access to, most do not realize they are giving access to that
information even if they have marked it with a privacy level
other than public.
3.5 Limitations
There are several possible limitations to our surveys:
As discussed previously, by giving respondents several
options to select we suggested possible things the site
could do that may not have occurred to them other-
wise. In addition, in order to respond to our questions
they may have paid more attention to the permissions
dialogues than they normally would have. As a result,
our survey may indicate that users are more aware of
what permissions are being requested than they are in
If read and write permissions are fundamentally dif-
ferent in some non-obvious way, it may be invalid to
compare understanding of read permissions to under-
standing of write permissions. It is possible that users
would understand write permissions even more poorly
if they were presented granularly rather than all-or-
There may be some demographic bias in using Me-
chanical Turk to collect responses. We did not collect
demographic information from respondents although
we did restrict respondents to the United States (this
was the only restriction we placed on respondents).
Our use of Mechanical Turk is justified by previous
research finding that “[Mechanical Turk] participants
produced reliable results that are consistent with pre-
vious decision-making research” [17]. The most rele-
vant concern they raise is of respondents not paying
enough attention and becoming fatigued in longer sur-
veys; the short length of our surveys hopefully ame-
liorated that to some degree. In addition, users are
known to pay little attention to permissions messages
in practice [14].
When asking users which permissions were being
granted, we had to make up some fake options so users
did not have to select every option to be correct. If
we did a poor job, this could have influenced results
by distracting or unsettling users. We did not count
these made up permissions in our statistical analysis
for this reason.
Our study indicates that users have a decent understand-
ing of read permissions messages but a significantly worse
understanding of write permissions messages. As discussed
in Section 2.5, Facebook claims that all-or-nothing write
permissions are easier for the user to understand. However,
comparison with the very granular read permissions suggests
that users understand specific, distinct permissions better.
We also observe that grouped permissions cause confu-
sion for developers who may receive more permissions than
intended due to grouping of permissions. This appears con-
trary to Facebook’s stated advice to developers that they
should “only ask for the permissions that are essential to
an app [or site]” [7]. Facebook’s own research has demon-
strated that “the more permissions an app requests, the less
likely it is that people will use Facebook to log into [that]
app”[7]. But because Facebook Connect often grants more
permissions than the developer requested (even just by al-
ways granting public
profile and user friends), the developer
may have no choice but to receive unnecessary permissions.
We consider several possible explanations for why the sys-
tem may be architected this way.
4.1 Evolution over time
Some of our findings around the permissions API appear
likely to be artifacts of the API’s evolution, many of which
appear harmless. For example, two permissions for read-
ing an email address exist (email and contact email) and
grouping them seems sensible.
It appears that the reason that all write permissions are
presented together is that Facebook is gradually eliminating
the distinction between different types of publishing under
the hood. The description in the documentation for pub-
lish actions is “publish my app activity to Facebook” and
the description for publish stream is “publish content to my
Wall” [6]. These are quite vague, and seem as though they
could encompass nearly anything. A blog post from a Face-
book employee [12] helps explain these permissions: They
are essentially the same thing (and are being merged into
one) and allow a site to do any type of publishing to Face-
book. The post mentions that they can be used to up-
load a photo, which one may have suspected required the
photo upload permission. Another post from a Facebook
employee mentions that developers should only request pub-
lish actions because it encompasses all other write permis-
sions in an effort to “simplify the model” [27]. Furthermore,
Facebook’s Graph API lists publish actions as the permis-
sion needed for all API calls that involve publishing [5].
This transition towards only one type of publishing is vis-
ible to anyone who has used Facebook for several years: up-
dating one’s status and uploading a photo used to be distinct
actions, but now they are both performed by creating a post
on one’s Timeline. Perhaps at one point the six granular
write permissions (create note, upload photos, upload videos,
publish checkins, share item, status update) were the only
write permissions. The read and extended permissions that
are presented in groups may stem from similar changes in
Facebook’s structure and it may no longer be possible to
separate them.
It is understandable that changes in the structure of Face-
book necessitate changes in the Facebook Connect API to
keep it simple and consistent. However, our results sug-
gest user control may significantly harmed for the sake of
simplicity. This threat does not appear purely academic,
as there are many malicious Facebook apps that abuse the
permissions they are given [13, 21].
4.2 Privacy salience
It is also possible that Facebook has evolved towards hav-
ing a vague write permissions message as a strategy to de-
crease privacy salience [10]. If users thought too many per-
missions were being granted, they may not use the app or
the Facebook Connect platform in general. A vague mes-
sage allows developers to receive more permissions without
losing users.
Evidence that this may be Facebook’s intention can be
seen by comparing the current write permissions messages to
those from the previous implementation of Facebook Con-
nect. As mentioned previously, 26 of the 203 websites we
crawled used an older implementation. Table 6 presents
a sampling of the messages we saw. These messages may
be misleading since they provide examples of what the site
can post based on the specific site even though all sites in
the table request only publish actions. However, these mes-
sages do distinctly identify several things the sites can post,
unlike the vague messages in the current implementation.
Facebook’s choice to eliminate these descriptions may indi-
cate an attempt to be less clear about what permissions are
actually being granted.
By itself, limiting privacy salience cannot be a complete
explanation because read permissions remain relatively de-
tailed. It may be that read permissions are less concerning
to users as write permissions can affect the user’s profile on
Facebook itself, so Facebook is less motivated to obscure
them. Alternatively, it may be the case that read permis-
sions are in fact more sensitive, since data cannot be un-read
whereas unwanted posts from a third-party can be deleted.
In this case, it may be that Facebook has decided that its
more important to clearly indicate read permissions up front,
whereas it isn’t worth concerning users with detailed write
permissions since posts can be deleted later.
Write Permissions
This app may post on your
behalf, including status
updates, photos and more.
This app may post on your
behalf, including collections
you completed, miles you
collected and more.
This app may post on your
behalf, including achievements
you earned and more.
This app may post on your
behalf, including your high
scores and more.
This app may post on your
behalf, including games you
played and more.
Table 6: Write permissions messages from sites using an
older version of Facebook Connect. All sites are gaming
sites. The only write permission requested is publish actions.
4.3 Ineffectiveness of user choice
It is possible that write messages are vague because users
are unable to completely understand them (or simply do not
pay attention to them [14]), so Facebook has decided it is
better off protecting user privacy by policing developers.
Facebook has publicly attempted to address how general
write permissions are by placing responsibility on the de-
veloper. The aforementioned Facebook blog post explain-
ing the publish stream and publish actions permissions [12]
states that since anything can be shared, “it will continue to
be the developer’s responsibility to make it clear to the user
what content will be shared back to Facebook.” Facebook’s
policy was updated to read: “If a user grants [the developer]
a publishing permission, actions [the developer takes] on the
user’s behalf must be expected by the user and consistent
with the user’s actions within [the] app.” This is especially
important since our survey showed that users’ interpretation
of the write permissions message is influenced by the identity
of the site even though there is no difference in the permis-
sions being granted. As of the time of this writing, however,
this is no longer mentioned in the Facebook policy [8].
This research could be extended in a number of directions.
The results of our survey testing whether users under-
stand that sites are getting access to their information
even if it is marked as private (see Figure 8) indicate
that there is room for more research in the area. This
should be tested with a variety of different permissions.
One could also experiment with ways to make it clear
to the user that all of their information is being shared,
regardless of the privacy settings.
We previously mentioned that our survey included op-
tions of things the sites could not actually do so the
respondent would not have to select all options to be
correct. However, many people selected these fake op-
tions. One could research what permissions users think
are being requested beyond what is actually being re-
quested. This is an important area of research because
people may be unwilling to use the SSO service if they
think too many permissions are being given.
It is clear that users do not understand the full range
of write permissions being requested. However, Egel-
man [14] determined that users make their decision
to use Facebook Connect or not before they see the
permissions requested. Egelman only tested read per-
missions, though. A similar study could see how the
presence of write permissions affects users’ decisions to
use Facebook Connect.
We observed that users understand the granular read
permissions better than the single write permission.
One could test whether granular write permissions are
in fact more clear to users than the current system.
Many researchers have studied the security and permis-
sions systems of various apps
and SSO systems. Sun
and Beznosov [24] uncovered vulnerabilities in many ma-
jor OAuth SSO implementations. Chaabane et al. [11] and
The Facebook Connect SSO system uses the same system
as native Facebook apps—creating a Facebook login on a
website requires creating a Facebook app [4].
Huber et al. [18] identified information leaks in Facebook
and RenRen apps. There have also been several studies of
what permissions sites request, such as Frank et al.’s study
in which Facebook apps were grouped into categories based
on the permissions they request [16].
Some studies have tested user comprehension of SSO sys-
tems as well. A 2011 audit of Facebook Ireland looked at,
among other things, how clearly the Facebook app system
is presented to users. It also states that it “is not possible
for an application to access personal data over and above
that to which an individual gives their consent or enabled
by the relevant settings”—that is, Facebook’s permissions
do appropriately limit what data an app can access [2].
Sun et al. studied user understanding of the authentica-
tion process in general—for example, whether users under-
stood that the site they are logging in to cannot see the
password for the identity provider (Facebook, Google, etc.)
[26]. The study most directly related to ours is Egelman
[14], which studied whether users were willing to use Face-
book Connect and how well they understand (and how much
they pay attention to) the permissions messages. Egelman
concluded that 88% of users have a general understanding
that their profile information will be shared with the site
they are logging in to, but that they typically do not pay
attention to the specifics of the dialogues and do not make
their decision whether to use Facebook Connect based on
which permissions are being requested.
Our study differs from previous studies by determining
what specific permissions correspond to the messages pre-
sented to the user and by evaluating user comprehension
of these permissions. This lets us answer most precisely
whether users understand exactly what information they are
sharing by using Facebook Connect. In addition, Egelman
only looked at read permissions. We found that write per-
missions are much more confusing to users.
To maximize security and to ensure users feel comfort-
able using Facebook Connect, developers should minimize
the number of permissions they request and the permissions
should be presented to the user as clearly as possible. On
both fronts, Facebook Connect could be improved.
When a developer designs their site to request certain
permissions through Facebook Connect, the Facebook Con-
nect system may translate certain permissions into broader
groups of permissions that will all be granted if the user au-
thorizes the site to access their profile. This may force users
to give unnecessary permissions to a site in order to log in.
The messages presented to the user for read permissions
are reasonably clear—our survey showed that a majority of
users understand what data they are providing access to.
However, many users are unaware that they are providing
access even if this information is marked as private.
Write permissions, however, are much less clear. Face-
book has simplified the write permissions process so that
every site either gets all write permissions or none. Our sur-
vey shows that users do not understand the many things a
site will be able to do to their profile if they authorize the
vague message stating that the site “would like to post to
Facebook for you.” In addition, users’ interpretations of this
message vary depending on the identity of the site they are
logging in to although this actually has no impact on the
permissions granted. Given the relative success with which
users were able to identify the more distinct and well-defined
read permissions, it appears users might actually understand
write permissions better if they were split up.
On April 30, 2014 Facebook announced an update to their
Facebook Login system to be rolled out over the following
months that allows users to reject individual permissions or
log in anonymously [23]. While this is a big step forward, it
appears there is still only one publishing permission and it
is presented with the same vague message that our survey
respondents had trouble understanding. However, it does
provide even more specific details about read permissions.
Thanks to Arvind Narayanan for starting us on this re-
search path. Thanks to Steven Englehardt, Dillon Reisman,
Pete Zimmerman, and Christian Eubank for setting us up
with the CITP’s web crawling infrastructure. Steven orig-
inally discovering permissions in the hidden HTML input
elements. Thanks to Markus Huber for providing us with
the AppInspect dataset [18].
[1] Personal correspondence with Facebook Security
representative (Neal), April 2014.
[2] Report of Data Protection Audit of Facebook Ireland,
December 2011.
[3] Facebook Developer Reference—Facebook Login.
[4] Facebook Developer Reference—Getting Started with
Custom Stories.
docs/opengraph/getting-started/, 2014.
[5] Facebook Developer Reference—Graph API
graph-api/reference/, 2014.
[6] Facebook Developer Reference—Permissions.
reference/fql/permissions/, 2014.
[7] Facebook Developer Reference—Permissions with
Facebook Login.
docs/facebook-login/permissions, 2014.
[8] Facebook Developer Reference—Platform Policy., 2014.
[9] Facebook Developer Reference—Privacy for Apps &
[10] J. Bonneau and S. Preibusch. The Privacy Jungle: On
the Market for Privacy in Social Networks. In WEIS
’09: Proceedings of the 8
Workshop on the
Economics of Information Security, June 2009.
[11] A. Chaabane, Y. Ding, R. Dey, M. A. Kaafar, and
K. W. Ross. A Closer Look at Third-Party OSN
Applications: Are They Leaking Your Personal
Information? In Passive and Active Measurement
Conference (2014), Los Angeles, March 2014. Springer.
[12] L. Chen. Streamlining publish stream and
publish actions permissions. Facebook Blog, April
[13] P. H. Chia, Y. Yamamoto, and N. Asokan. Is This
App Safe?: A Large Scale Study on Application
Permissions and Risk Signals. In WWW ’12
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on
the World Wide Web. ACM, April 2012.
[14] S. Egelman. My profile is my password, verify me!:
The privacy/convenience tradeoff of Facebook
Connect. In CHI ’13 Proceedings of the SIGCHI
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
ACM, 2013.
[15] S. Englehardt, C. Eubank, P. Zimmerman,
D. Reisman, and A. Narayanan. Web Privacy
Measurement: Scientific principles, engineering
platform, and new results. 2014.
[16] M. Frank, B. Dong, A. P. Felt, and D. Song. Mining
Permission Request Patterns from Android and
Facebook Applications. In The 12th IEEE
International Conference on Data Mining. IEEE, 2012.
[17] J. K. Goodman, C. E. Cryder, and A. Cheema. Data
Collection in a Flat World: The Strengths and
Weaknesses of Mechanical Turk Samples. Behavioral
Decision Making, 26(3):213–224, 2013.
[18] M. Huber, M. Mulazzani, S. Schrittwieser, and
E. Weippl. AppInspect: Large-scale Evaluation of
Social Networking Apps. In COSN ’13 Proceedings of
the First ACM Conference on Online Social Networks.
ACM, 2013.
[19] D. Morin. Announcing Facebook Connect. Facebook
Blog, May 2008.
[20] H. Nissenbaum. Privacy as contextual integrity.
Washington Law Review, 79, 2004.
[21] M. S. Rahman, T.-K. Huang, H. V. Madhy, and
M. Faloutsos. FRAppE: Detecting Malicious Facebook
Applications. In CoNEXT ’12 Proceedings of the 8th
International Conference on Emerging Networking
Experiments and Technologies. ACM, 2012.
[22] P. Sovis, F. Kohlar, and J. Schwenk. Security Analysis
of OpenID. In Securing Electronic Business Processes
- Highlights of the Information Security Solutions
Europe 2010 Conference, 2010.
[23] J. Spehar. The New Facebook Login and Graph API
2.0. Facebook Blog, April 2014.
[24] S.-T. Sun and K. Beznosov. The Devil is in the
(Implementation) Details: An Empirical Analysis of
OAuth SSO Systems. In Proceedings of ACM
Conference on Computer and Communications
Security ’12. LERSSE, October 2012.
[25] S.-T. Sun, Y. Boshmaf, K. Hawkey, and K. Beznosov.
A Billion Keys, but Few Locks: The Crisis of Web
Single Sign-On. In NSPW ’10: Proceedings of the 2010
New Security Paradigms Workshop. ACM, 2010.
[26] S.-T. Sun, E. Pospisil, I. Muslukhov, N. Dindar,
K. Hawkey, and K. Beznosov. Investigating User’s
Perspective of Web Single Sign-On: Conceptual Gaps,
Alternative Design and Acceptance Model. ACM
Transactions on Internet Technology, 2013.
[27] A. Wyler. Providing people greater clarity and
control. Facebook Blog, December 2012.
Message Permission Meaning [6]
birthday user birthday birthday
chat status user online presence online presence
checkins user checkins checkins
current city user location current city
custom friends lists read friendlists access my friend lists
education history user education history education history
email address
email email
contact email not listed
events user events events
follows and followers user subscriptions subscribers and subscribees
friend list user friends list of friends
friend requests read requests access my friend requests
groups user groups groups
hometown user hometown hometown
interests user interests interests
likes user likes
likes, music, TV, movies, books,
messages read mailbox read messages from my mailbox
News Feed
read stream access my News Feed and Wall
export stream
export my posts and make them
public. All posts will be exported,
including status updates.
notes user notes notes
personal description
user about me about me
user activities activities
photos user photos photos uploaded by me
public profile public profile not listed
questions user questions questions
relationship interests user relationship details
significant other and relationship
relationships user relationships
family members and relationship
religious and political views user religion politics religious and political views
status updates user status Facebook status
Video activity user not listed
videos user videos videos uploaded by me
website user website website
work history user work history work history
Table 7: Read permission message decoder, part (a). Message begins with “Site Name will receive the following info. . . See
Figure 1 (left image) for an example.
Message Permission Meaning [6]
birthdays friends birthday birthdays
chat statuses friends online presence online presence
checkins friends checkins checkins
current cities friends location current cities
education histories friends education history education history
events friends events events
follows and followers friends subscriptions subscribers and subscribees
groups friends groups groups
hometowns friends hometown hometowns
interests friends interests interests
likes friends likes
likes, music, TV, movies, books,
notes friends notes notes
personal descriptions
friends about me ‘about me’ details
friends activities activities
photos friends photos photos
questions friends questions questions
relationship interests friends relationship details
significant others and
relationship details
relationships friends relationships
family members and
relationship statuses
religious and political views friends religion politics religious and political views
status updates friends status Facebook statuses
videos friends videos videos
websites friends website websites
work histories friends work history work history
Table 8: Read permission message decoder, part (b). After listing the permissions that apply to the user, the permissions
applying to their friends are listed. This part of the message begins with “...and your friends’. . . See Figure 1 (left image)
for an example.
Message Permission Meaning [6]
Site Name would like to post
to Facebook for you.
Site Name would like to post
publicly to Facebook for you.
Site Name would like to post
privately to Facebook for you.
create note create and modify events
photo upload add or modify photos
publish actions publish my app activity to Facebook
publish checkins publish checkins on my behalf
publish stream publish content to my Wall
share item share items on my behalf
status update update my status
video upload add or modify videos
Table 9: Write permission message decoder. See Figure 1 (middle image) for an example. Which of the three messages is
presented depends on to whom the posts will be visible. This is controlled by the menu in the bottom left of the middle image
in Figure 1.
Message Permission Meaning [6]
access your Facebook ads and
related stats
ads read
access my Facebook ads and
related stats
access your Facebook Pages’
read page mailboxes read messages for my pages
access your Page and App
read insights
access Insights data for my pages
and applications
manage your ads ads management
manage advertisements on behalf
of me
manage your custom friend lists manage friendlists
create, delete, and modify my
friend lists
manage your events
create event create and modify events
rsvp event RSVP to events
manage your notifications manage notifications
may access my notifications and
may mark them as read
manage your Pages manage pages manage my pages
send and receive messages
on your behalf
xmpp login login to Facebook Chat
send you text messages sms send SMS messages to my phone
Table 10: Extended permission message decoder. Message begins with “Site Name would like to. . . See Figure 1 (right
image) for an example.
This appendix provides details of the surveys used to test
user understanding of permissions messages. Descriptions of
the survey process can be found in Section 3.
B.1 Initial question
The first question on every survey reads “Some websites
allow you to log in to their site using your Facebook ac-
count. Have you seen this?” If the user answered yes, they
were taken to the rest of the survey. If they answered no,
the survey ended. This was to prevent confusion caused by
seeing permissions messages out of context. Nearly all users
answered yes.
B.2 Read permissions surveys
Figures 9, 10, 11, and 12 show the four different ver-
sions of the survey to test understanding of read permissions.
Each uses the fake site name “Hooli” but the permissions are
taken from a different real site for each. The correct answers
are selected.
Figure 9: A read permissions survey. The correct answers
are selected. This version of the survey uses the permissions
B.3 Write permissions surveys
Figure 13 shows the survey to test understanding of write
permissions. It also uses the fake site “Hooli.” The correct
answers are selected. There were a total of four versions of
this survey with the options in different orders.
Figure 10: A read permissions survey. The correct answers
are selected. This version of the survey uses the permissions
B.4 Additional read permissions survey
Figure 14 shows the survey to test whether users under-
stand that they are giving access to their information that
is not marked as visible to the public. The correct answers
are selected.
Figure 11: A read permissions survey. The correct answers
are selected. This version of the survey uses the permissions
Figure 12: A read permissions survey. The correct answers
are selected. This version of the survey uses the permissions
Figure 13: A write permissions survey. The correct answers
are selected.
Figure 14: The additional read permissions survey. The
correct answers are selected.
As mentioned in Section 2.5, we sent a security bug report
to Facebook reporting that we could use the publish actions
permission after requesting any other write permission (see
Section 2.3). Below is the full correspondence with Facebook
Security [1].
Initial bug report
Description and Impact:
I can design a site with Facebook Connect that publishes
a story with the ‘publish actions’ permission. However, if I
request any other write/publishing permission, such as ‘cre-
ate note’, I can still use the ‘publish actions’ permission and
publish the story. I believe this is a vulnerability because
applications may be receiving more capability than they be-
lieve they are requesting.
Reproduction Instructions / Proof of Concept:
1. I followed the Facebook documentation instruc-
tions to create a story with the publish actions
2. If I replace publish actions in data-scope with any other
write permission, including create note, I can still pub-
lish the story. (If I replace it with a read permission
such as email I cannot.)
Facebook Security’s response
Thanks for writing in. Can you send in some screenshots of
the dialogue you see when requesting the different permis-
sions? I’m curious to see if the wording changes between the
Our response
Below are screenshots of the two messages presented whether
I request create note or publish actions. [screenshots not
shown here, roughly equivalent to Figure 1, center image]
The HTML for these messages has three hidden input
elements named read, write, and extended. The permis-
sions requested appear in their value fields. However, if
I request any of the 8 write permissions (publish actions,
publish stream, status update, video upload, photo upload,
share item, create note, or publish checkins), all 8 appear in
the value of the input element named write. I’ve been re-
searching this for a class project at Princeton University and
I’ve confirmed that this is true on 73 of 73 different websites
that request write permissions. The only two write permis-
sions messages between the 73 sites are “App Name would
like to post to Facebook for you” and “App Name would like
to post publicly to Facebook for you.” The presence of “pub-
licly” is just determined by the selection on the menu on the
bottom left of the message page (second screenshot), not by
the permissions being requested.
Facebook Security’s response
I’ll confirm with the Platform team, but I believe this is
intentional behavior: as you noted, while in the URL you’re
requesting one scope we actually translate them to a broader
set of scopes which are easier for users to understand.
Facebook Security’s followup
I just confirmed with our Platform team that this behavior
is by design.
Our response
Ok, thanks for looking into that. Is there a reason you do
that for the write permissions but not for read or extended
Facebook Security’s response
The Platform team made this change to simplify the ex-
perience for developers and for users. My guess would be
that generally, write permissions are more similar (ie: cre-
ating a note versus creating a video versus posting all are
ways to create content on the site that are not very differ-
ent) whereas read permissions are more distinct (ie: an app
which can view your friends does not necessarily need to
view your relationships unless major functionality changes).
[End of correspondence]