Synergist v12.4 Release Notes - Browser Interface September 2019 1 | P a g e
Version 12.4 - Release Notes
Synergist Browser Interface
September 2019
Synergist v12.4 requires 4D Server v17
Please note: These release notes relate to the Synergist browser interface only.
Synergist v12.4 Release Notes - Browser Interface September 2019 2 | P a g e
[Intentionally blank page]
Synergist v12.4 Release Notes - Browser Interface September 2019 3 | P a g e
OVERVIEW - V12.4 RELEASE ................................................................. 8
Major features in v12.4 ........................................................................................... 8
ACCOUNTS .................................................................................... 10
Handling RR billed amount movements ...................................................................... 10
PI option for export to Xero .................................................................................... 10
Xero API - change to partner level App for cloud .......................................................... 10
Xero - Purchase import feature ............................................................................... 11
ACTIVITIES .................................................................................... 13
Activity details screen........................................................................................... 13
New fields on Activity Start date and start time .......................................................... 15
Activities can be assigned a colour ........................................................................... 15
Activity list filter Job and phase additional filters ....................................................... 16
Ability to timesheet a requisition ............................................................................. 17
Timesheets tab on activity record ............................................................................ 20
Activity priority column - Colour coding ..................................................................... 20
Activity checklist enhancements .............................................................................. 21
Calendar bookings tab added to an activity ................................................................. 22
Batch create activities .......................................................................................... 23
Batch updates ..................................................................................................... 25
Options for attaching documents.............................................................................. 27
Cloud attachments ............................................................................................... 29
Synergist documents............................................................................................. 33
New type of attachment URL hyperlink .................................................................... 35
Drag and drop when uploading a file ......................................................................... 36
BILLING PLANS ............................................................................... 37
Multi-job billing plan view ...................................................................................... 37
In-line billing plan edit feature ................................................................................ 40
Quick billing plan ................................................................................................. 41
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Quick Add Now available from the job card ............................................................... 46
Billing plan - Duplicate selected records ..................................................................... 46
Billing plan - Change billing plan dates ....................................................................... 47
CALENDAR BOOKINGS ....................................................................... 48
Monthly view ...................................................................................................... 48
Spread loading .................................................................................................... 49
Option to show activities in Calendar ........................................................................ 51
Start date added to requisitions / activity records ......................................................... 52
Hiding start and end times ..................................................................................... 53
Loading view Ability to create a booking .................................................................. 55
Auto scrolling ..................................................................................................... 55
Calendar bookings estimate and requisitions list ........................................................... 55
Kanban status filter for requisitions in Calendar bookings ............................................... 56
CALENDAR MYCALENDAR ................................................................. 57
Preferences ....................................................................................................... 57
CLIENTS, PROSPECTS & LEADS ............................................................ 58
New filter option in Client list - Charge code restricted .................................................. 58
CLIENT & SUPPLIER CONTACTS ............................................................ 59
Invoice address flag displayed on Client contact list ...................................................... 59
Surname / first name order .................................................................................... 59
Automatic domain name for email addresses ............................................................... 60
New link from ‘Client contact’ to ‘Client’ ................................................................... 60
Job title column added to Supplier contact ................................................................. 60
Linked clients ..................................................................................................... 60
EMAIL & PDFS ................................................................................ 61
Creating an email in a cloud email client .................................................................... 61
ESTIMATING ................................................................................... 63
Time and bookings screen ...................................................................................... 63
Zero value estimates ............................................................................................ 67
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EXPENSES ..................................................................................... 68
Copy expense sheet ............................................................................................. 68
Expense approval Approval options ......................................................................... 69
Expense lines order number ................................................................................... 70
INVOICING ..................................................................................... 71
Improvements to the invoicing interface .................................................................... 71
Invoice header auto-analysis ................................................................................... 72
ASBOF/BASBOF - Invoice levies ................................................................................ 73
Revenue recognition based on ticked-off costs ............................................................. 75
Calculator on the Draft invoice Financial tab ............................................................... 76
Batch printing invoices and draft invoices (Multiple PDFs) ............................................... 77
Invoice has clickable links to client and job................................................................. 78
Invoice allocated costs - Enhancements ..................................................................... 78
JOBS & PHASE ................................................................................ 79
Job and phase financial tab - Enhancements ............................................................... 79
Over / under serviced ........................................................................................... 81
Changing dates at job level New company setting ....................................................... 82
Copying a quote from another job ............................................................................ 83
Copy phase from another job / template .................................................................... 84
Changing job currency and exchange rate .................................................................. 88
Allocated costs - Warning text ................................................................................. 89
Adding stages Search filter ................................................................................... 90
Projects Display billing plans ................................................................................. 91
Opportunities export- Job comments added ................................................................ 91
Move stage dates ................................................................................................. 92
Drag and drop Ordering of phases ........................................................................... 94
Creating a view Jobs with no associated invoices ........................................................ 94
Timesheet list export ............................................................................................ 94
KANBAN BOARDS ............................................................................. 95
Work tickets v Requisitions..................................................................................... 95
Layout and features of Kanban cards ......................................................................... 96
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Colours for Kanban statuses .................................................................................... 97
Restrict the use of Kanban to certain activity types ....................................................... 98
PURCHASING ................................................................................. 100
Consolidated purchase orders ............................................................................... 100
Cancelled purchase orders ................................................................................... 102
Hovers added to ‘Purchasing’ and ‘Expenses’ sections ................................................. 102
Purchase invoice Opening associated purchase orders ................................................ 102
New pop-up screen when creating a purchase invoice .................................................. 103
Search purchase orders within a purchase invoice ...................................................... 104
QUOTING ..................................................................................... 105
Roll-up in bold option ......................................................................................... 105
REPORTING .................................................................................. 107
Custom and saved reports .................................................................................... 107
WIP Aged ......................................................................................................... 112
Estimate v Actual ............................................................................................... 113
New columns added to Job/phase report .................................................................. 113
PDF option for Missing timesheet report ................................................................... 113
Purchase invoices awaited report - Defaults .............................................................. 114
SUPPLIERS.................................................................................... 115
Supplier list - Custom fields in batch updates ............................................................ 115
Inactive supplier shows in red ............................................................................... 115
Notes tab for suppliers ........................................................................................ 116
TIMESHEETS ................................................................................. 117
Weekly timesheet - Copy timesheet row .................................................................. 117
Weekly timesheet - Grey-out additional non-working days ............................................ 117
Timesheet approval New filter............................................................................. 118
Posted timesheets list ......................................................................................... 118
GENERAL ENHANCEMENTS ................................................................ 120
Multi-user experience ......................................................................................... 120
Hover text added to sub-lists ................................................................................ 122
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Help system ..................................................................................................... 122
Batch updates Boolean custom fields now supported ................................................. 123
Additional filter buttons ...................................................................................... 123
Hovers added to key main lists .............................................................................. 124
Billing settings Accruals ....................................................................................... 124
Custom labels ................................................................................................... 125
Custom fields New URL custom field ...................................................................... 126
File Maintenance 3 new options added to the Activity type table .................................. 128
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Synergist v12.4 includes enhancements to existing features, new areas of functionality
and interface improvements, all designed to improve usability.
Major features in v12.4
Cloud integration
New cloud integration includes:
Attachment integration with G Suite and Office 365 via API link attachment types
Email integration
PDF attachments for web-based email systems
Multi-user experience
Improvements to the way Synergist handles updates
Improved methods of updating records enables users to simultaneously view and edit the
same multi-tab records.
Billing plans
Multi-job billing plan feature
The new Job/phase list feature enables users to switch to a view displaying multiple billing
plans over a number of months. Billing plans may be accessed from the client card,
providing access to billing plans for a single client.
In-line billing plan edit feature
Billing plans have a new in-line editable view.
Quick billing plan feature
The Quick billing plan feature enables users to create billing plans for a job or phase. It
has advanced features for determining the distribution of values across plans and for
applying the synchronisation settings.
Estimating & Scheduling
Time & bookings
With this new view of estimates, users can create new estimates on the fly, amend current
estimates with in-line editing and create calendar bookings against estimates. The new
view provides a useful indication of the amount of time booked against an estimate and
the time remaining.
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Calendar bookings
Create bookings from loading view
Users can create and amend bookings whilst in the Calendar loading view.
Option to show activities in Calendar
Requisitions can now be used as work tickets and optionally displayed in the calendar.
From within the calendar, work tickets may be reassigned, and their dates modified.
Features supporting consultancy retainers
When using a retainer model, it is often a requirement to create block bookings of hours
per day over long periods of time. The following features have been added to the Calendar
bookings system to help support this way of working:
Monthly calendar view
Useful for booking and tracking bookings spanning several months.
Booking without time of day
Consultancies often book hours per day rather than time of day into calendars. If this
way of working is preferred, it is now possible to hide the start and end times of a
Custom labels
Certain field labels can be amended. For example, ‘Handler can become ‘Project lead’.
Ability to timesheet a requisition
This feature is designed for companies who wish to assign work to staff without
necessarily using estimates or creating calendar bookings. Requisitions can behave as
work tickets, being assigned to a user and viewed on the Kanban board. The user can
then create a timesheet directly from a requisition.
Spread loading calendar bookings
This feature allows the user to enter the total number of hours and the hours per day.
As a result, it enables the system to find the end-date.
Feature to deal with levies.
Saved & Custom reports
The interface has been enhanced to handle reports saved at Company and ‘User’ levels,
and to filter ‘Custom and saved reports.
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Handling RR billed amount movements
Slight extension of nominal postings for handling RR billed amount movements
When creating RR (Revenue Recognition) or Write-off transactions, it was and still is
possible to move billed amounts between jobs or phases of jobs. These movements could
also give rise to a need for an equivalent movement of amounts between ‘Sales nominal
codes. Previously, these transactions created postings that could not be transferred to the
sales ledger of an accounting system because they weren't invoices or credit notes. The
only option was to post a manual journal into the accounting system and delete these
non-invoice/credit entries from the Synergist batch.
If the linked accounting system supports the automated posting of nominal journals, the
new feature will turn these entries into nominal ledger entries rather than sales ledger
PI option for export to Xero
Purchase invoice export
Company setting added to include the job/phase number in the description for purchase
export. The job phase number is prepended to the description when output to Xero.
Xero API - change to partner level App for cloud
Xero type
For cloud sites only, ‘Partner’ type has been added to the current ‘Public’ type, allowing a
more permanent connection between Synergist and Xero, facilitating closer integration
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Xero - Purchase import feature
Xero users, using the Synergist cloud, can obtain a feed of purchase invoices into Xero
from Receipt Bank, Data Molino etc. This new feature enables the data to be imported into
Synergist via a link to their Xero system.
To access the link:
Click the ‘Accounts linkon the main menu. This link was previously called
‘Accounts export’
Select the ‘Purchases’ button
Click ‘Get invoices from Xero’ to create a list of invoices for import
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List of invoices for importing
Invoices for importing are either Expenses or ‘Purchases’.
On clicking an expense, the expense lines appear below. These lines can be allocated to
Synergist expense types.
On clicking a purchase invoice, the user has the opportunity to allocate the invoice to a
‘Job Phase’ and a ‘Purchase Order. Purchase orders must already exist in Synergist.
Once the records for importing have been correctly matched to expense types and
purchase orders, the user selects the items for importing and clicks ‘Process selected’ from
the ‘Actions button drop-down list.
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Activity details screen
Amendments to the Activity > Details tab include:
A new shortcut to set the ‘Owner’ of an activity
A new field name ‘Watchers’ replacing the field name ‘Others’
Alerts set by ‘Start’ date
Shortcut to set the ‘Owner of an activity
A shortcut has been provided to set the current user as the ‘Owner’ of the current activity.
This is done by clicking the button to the right of the ‘Owner’ field. If the activity
record is a requisition, a second click sets the owner to the preferred person specified in
the requisition section. A third click un-assigns the owner. Users may wish to leave the
activity unassigned if their policy is to allow users to self-select requisitions as work
Field label ‘Watchers’ replaces field label ‘Others’
The field label change makes the use of this feature clearer when activities are viewed in
Kanban boards.
Button to add/remove the current user in the Watcher’s list
To add/remove other Watchers in the list, use the drop-down menu and manually
select/deselect their names from the list.
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Alert - Start date and time
Alerts used to be only set by ‘Due’ date, but now they can be set by the new ‘Start’ date
field, too.
The ‘Reminder’ field co-ordinates when a reminder is to be sent. The default setting is set
to ‘None’ with no reminder being sent.
If the ‘Reminder’ is set to a value, for example 1 hour, 'Start’ and ‘Due’ buttons appear.
The buttons give the option of being reminded by ‘Start’ or ‘Due’ date/time.
In the example below, an alert will be sent 1 hour before the Due’ date/time.
The ‘Immediate alert’ and ‘Completion alert’ functions remain unaffected.
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New fields on Activity Start date and start time
These new fields enable activities to be used in a wider range of circumstances.
Requisitions can become work tickets with the option of appearing in user’s calendars and
Kanban boards.
Defaults for these new fields
New activity
Due date = today
Due time =10:00
Start date = today
Start time = 9am
Existing activities
Start date = due date
Start time = due time - 1
Activities can be assigned a colour
This new colour field is used to colour activities when they appear in calendars.
Activity card
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Activity list filter Job and phase additional filters
To help filter the activity list, particularly when viewing in Kanban mode, ‘Job level’ and
‘Phase level’ filters have been added to the ‘List filter’.
For example, the user may want to filter the Kanban board to only show requisitions for
jobs of a specific handler.
To access the ‘List filter’ and to view the additional filters:
Navigate to the ‘Activities list’
Click the ‘Filter’ button
Select ‘Job & Phase’
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Selecting either ‘Job level’ or ‘Phase level’ opens the drop-down menu of additional filters.
Complete the necessary fields and click the ‘Apply filter’ button before exiting.
Ability to timesheet a requisition
This feature is designed for companies who wish to assign work to staff without
necessarily using estimates or creating calendar bookings. Requisitions can now be
assigned to a user and viewed on the Kanban board. These same requisitions can also be
pulled into the calendars based on the start and end dates of the requisitions.
If deciding to use this new method of assigning work, companies might wish to encourage
users to post timesheets directly from requisitions. In this workflow model, requisitions
would be raised by account handlers with realistic start and due dates. These requisitions
would then either be assigned to staff (via the ‘Owner’ field on the requisition) or by users
self-selecting the requisition from a list of unassigned requisitions.
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To create a ‘Quick timesheet’ through an activity:
Select ‘Activities’ in the main menu
Open an activity from the Activity list or the Kanban view
The ‘Quick timesheet’ button displays if the activity ‘Type’ is set to ‘Requisition’ and the
activity is linked to a job or a job phase. Click the Quick timesheet button to create a
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Creating a timesheet
If the user is the owner of an activity, they can create a timesheet by clicking the ‘Quick
timesheet’ button.
Please note that the user does not have to select the same charge code as the requisition
or the same number of hours. Neither does the ‘preferred person’ need to be the person
creating the timesheet. In Synergist requisitions, the specified number of hours, charge
code and preferred person are suggestions from the creator of the requisition. The actual
work allocated or performed may end up being something different to the initial
requisition's suggestion. It’s designed this way to keep the requisition process as flexible
as possible.
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Timesheets tab on activity record
The ‘Timesheet’ tab displays in an ‘Activity when either pending or real timesheets have
been booked against an activity. If there are no timesheets booked, then the ‘Timesheets
tab won’t display. The ‘Timesheets’ tab displays two separate read-only tables for pending
and real timesheets.
Activity priority column - Colour coding
To enhance the ‘Priority’ column in the Activity list, the text has been colour coded:
High Priority - Red
Medium Priority - Amber
Low Priority Green
This colour coding feature is present in both ‘List’ and ‘Kanban’ modes.
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Activity checklist enhancements
Progress bar on ‘Activity’ checklists
Progress bars have been introduced to help communicate progress and completion of
Activity Checklists.
To access this feature:
Select ‘Activities’ in the main menu
Open an activity in the ‘Activities list’
Click the ‘Details’ tab
Locate the ‘Checklists’ panel
When items in a checklist are ticked off, the progress bar displays the percentage of
completed items.
When the checklist is completed, the colour of the bar changes from cyan to green.
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Activity checklist pop-up information
An enhancement to the ‘Activities Checklist’ includes pop-up text displaying the following
Created by (Name, Date, Time)
Modified by (Name, Date, Time)
Completed by (Name, Date, Time)
Calendar bookings tab added to an activity
If using requisitions, it is useful to be able to see all the bookings that have been
generated from a requisition.
To access the ‘Calendar bookings’ tab:
Select ‘Activities’ from the main menu
Open an activity (typically a requisition) in the list
Click the Calendar bookings’ tab
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Batch create activities
The ‘Batch create activities’ function creates multiple activities for:
From any of the above sections:
Use the tick boxes to select one or more items in the list
Click the ‘Actions’ button
Choose the ‘Batch create activities’ option
In the following example, Batch create activities’ has been accessed via the ‘Job list’.
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Batch create activities screen
The title of the window indicates how many items have been selected. Complete the fields
in the pop-up window and then click ‘Create activity’ to finalise the action.
Description of fields:
Common description for all the activities about to be created
Select an activity type
Allocate to
Select the owner of the activities from the drop-down menu. If set to ‘-Blank-, the
current user becomes the owner
Allocate to related handler
Sets the related handler as the owner of the activities
Due date/time
If not set, they default to the current date and 8:00AM
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Batch updates
URL custom field in activity Batch update
The ‘Custom fields’ panel on the right-hand side of the ‘Activities batch process’ window
now supports URL field types.
Boolean (Yes/No) fields supported in Batch updates
The ‘Client list’ and ‘Client contact list’ support Boolean (Yes/No) fields for Batch updates.
Batch updates in these areas now support the following custom field types:
Boolean (Yes/No)
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Mark as complete - Activity batch update
Previously, there were only two tick boxes in the ‘Activities batch process’ pop-up window:
Mark as complete
Mark as incomplete
A third tick box, ‘Mark as complete if Job/Phase is complete’, has been added for
batch processing. Clicking this box also sets the Kanban status to ‘Done’.
This is as useful feature for completing any activities left open after their related jobs have
been completed.
Start date and time - Activity batch update
To change the date, click the calendar icon.
To change the time, click the clock icon.
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Options for attaching documents
Synergist provides several ways to attach documents, with each method having its own
Uploaded attachment
Users can browse their local machine and shared
drives, attaching documents and files. The
attachments cannot be opened directly in Synergist.
The files need to be downloaded and then opened or
viewed externally to Synergist.
Synergist document
These documents are special HTML files that may be
created by the user or generated from templates. The
documents can be opened or viewed in Synergist but
cannot be downloaded in their raw format. To send a
Synergist document to a colleague or client, download
a PDF version of the document and then send the PDF.
A new feature enabling a user to create a special type
of attachment that is essentially a hyperlink to any
resource on the web.
A new feature enabling users to attach and open files
stored on cloud servers similar to Google Drive and
Microsoft OneDrive. See below for more information
on this type of attachment.
Note: The cloud icon will reflect the cloud system
where the document resides. In this example it is
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Attachment tabs
Attachments are listed under the ‘Attachment tab in the following areas of the program:
Client contact
Example of the ‘Attachment tab on a job
In this example, there is one attachment of each type as described above.
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Cloud attachments
In order to attach a document stored in the cloud, the user must first have one or more
cloud provider accounts. There is no restriction to a single cloud solution cloud accounts
can be mixed and matched. For example, a user may have accounts for Google Drive / G-
suit and Microsoft OneDrive / Office 365. Documents can be attached from both sources in
the same list of attachments. When clicked on, these attachments are opened by the cloud
provider using the appropriate application (e.g. Word / Google Docs / Excel / Google
Note: Only files in shared areas of the cloud should be attached to Synergist because if a
user attaches a file that only they have access to, other users will not be able to open the
Attaching a cloud document
To attach a cloud file document, first click the ‘Cloud file selector’ button.
This opens a new browser window over the Synergist application. From here, the user has
access to the cloud apps created by Synergist to enable connectivity between Synergist
and cloud platforms.
Initial use
Users who have never granted cloud access to Synergist will need to provide
authorisation. In the following example, the user is granting access for OneDrive.
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Cloud provider
On clicking the ‘Give Access’ button, the user is re-directed to the cloud provider to log in
and asked to grant access to the Synergist cloud app. Granting access rights to Synergist
only needs to be done once.
Selecting files to attach
Once a user has given access rights to Synergist, they can select files from the cloud
provider and attach documents to Synergist.
To start this process, click the button...
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Example Microsoft OneDrive file picker
When the cloud provider’s file picker opens, users typically navigate to a shared area in
their cloud storage. Please remember that if an attached file is personal and can only be
viewed by the user, other users won’t be able to open it within Synergist.
Multiple files can be selected if the provider’s file picker allows this feature.
Checking the files before uploading
On selecting ‘Open’, the file picker disappears and a list of files is displayed. Confirmation
is necessary to upload the files as attachments to Synergist.
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Uploading the attachments
On clicking ‘Save & Close’, the browser window closes and the list of attachments is
viewable. The spinning ‘S’ icon displays for a few seconds while the documents are added
to the attachments list in Synergist.
Opening a cloud document
To open a cloud document, click on the attachment and the document opens in its web
application. In most cloud applications, multiple users can simultaneously edit the same
Note: Cloud attachments are not stored in Synergist. Synergist simply has a link to the
original document. If an attachment is deleted in Synergist, the document still exists in
the cloud. However, if an attachment is deleted in the cloud, the link will be broken and it
will not be possible to open the document from within Synergist.
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Synergist documents
Synergist documents can be accessed via the ‘Attachments tab within
Clients/Jobs/Phases/Activities etc. Various enhancements have been added to Synergist
documents in this release.
Greater support provided for the use of emoji icons and tables.
Page breaks
Page breaks can now be embedded in Synergist documents.
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View only option
Documents opened in view only mode:
allow users to read but not make edits
have embedded links which are active. In edit mode, embedded links are not
Standard paragraphs
If a set of standard paragraphs have been set up on the system, they can be accessed
from within a Synergist document by pressing the hash key (#) and selecting from the
drop-down list.
Press the hash key (#) and select from the list.
Text from the standard paragraph is pasted into the document.
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New type of attachment URL hyperlink
Adding URL hyperlinks via custom fields to a Client/Job/Phase provides easy access to
useful websites and other online resources. However, a more ad-hoc and simpler solution
is to create an attachment that works like a link.
Select ‘Add link’ when creating an attachment and complete the URL and Description
The newly created attachment appears in the attachments list and its attachment type is a
link. Simply click on the item to open the URL.
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Drag and drop when uploading a file
When uploading a file to create an attachment, users have the option to drag and drop the
files on to the screen. On the ‘Attachments’ tab, click the ‘Upload’ button and then drag
and drop the required file from the PC/Mac file explorer.
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Multi-job billing plan view
Previously, to work with billing plans it was necessary to navigate to a job or phase and
view/edit the billing plan there. The new Multi-job billing plan view provides the user with
an overview of the entire billing plan. This feature can be accessed from the following
Client card
Job list
Opportunities list
Phase list
When navigating to a Job list or Phase list, the default view is the ‘List’ view. Click on the
‘Billing plan’ button to see the billing plan view.
The billing plan view displays all the billing plans for the jobs/phases in the current view.
The jobs/phases can be filtered in the normal way or by means of the ‘Views’ button may
be selected.
The columns on the left-hand side of the table display the job/phase details and their data
can be sorted by clicking on the column headings.
Selecting a job/phase number opens the billing plan tab for in-line editing (see below).
To the right of the job/phase details are the ‘Summary’ and ‘Prior’ columns along with
billing plans for the selected months.
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Preferences button
Options are available to control the data shown in the multi-job billing plan.
Available choices:
The summary is the total of all the billing plans for the job/phase. This value
includes the billing plans that fall outside the range being displayed
This option totals all the billing plan values prior to the start of the monthly range
This options totals all the billing plan values after the end of the monthly range
Decimal places
An option to show/hide decimal places
Columns to include
An option to choose which columns are to be seen
Date range
The ‘Start month’ and the number of months can be specified.
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Weighting of Billing plans
Synergist provides comprehensive weighting features which are supported in the multi-job
billing plan. There are two ways of weighting billing plans and these techniques are not
mutually exclusive:
Job level weighting of opportunities
An opportunity can be weighted by estimating the percentage chance of the opportunity
being won.
Billing plan level weighting
This is a more specialised type of weighting and is set on individual billing plans. With this
method, the user weights a billing plan according to the estimated percentage chance of
the required work being completed to justify the invoicing of the planned amount.
Job level weighting is switched on be default. Billing plan level weighting is an option set in
the company settings. Any billing plan with its own specified weighting overrides the job
level weighting.
Viewing weighted values in the multi-job billing plan
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Views and filters
The multi-job billing plan shares the same ‘Views and ‘Filters as the Job/Phase lists.
In-line billing plan edit feature
The values in the Month, Year, % and Planned columns, as well as the Recognise column,
can be edited inline. This saves the user entering each billing plan item in order to alter a
To access this view, select the ‘Billing plan’ button and click the job/phase number.
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Quick billing plan
In addition to the simple ‘Quick add’ feature, there is now a more comprehensive feature
for creating a set of billing plan items for a job or phase.
To access the ‘Quick billing plan’ feature from a job or a phase record:
Select the ‘Billing plan’ tab
Choose ‘Quick billing plan’ from the ‘Actions’ button drop-down list
If there are no existing billing plans for a job, the pop-up window displays a choice to:
Create a job billing plan
o Only available if user settings allow job level plans
Create a multi-phase billing plan
o If a multi-phase billing plan is selected, the user is offered a list of phases to
choose from.
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Quick billing plan input form
Billing plans can be created based on fixed dates or relative dates. With fixed dates, the
user selects a date. With relative dates, the plan’s dates are relative to the job/phase
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Setting dates
If ‘Fixed date’ is selected, the user selects a starting date.
If ‘Relative to’ is selected, the date can be set relative to:
Job start date / expected close date
Job start date
Job due date
The billing plan dates can be offset in months by plus or minus 12 months.
The number of billing plan items to create, can also be set:
Synergist v12.4 Release Notes - Browser Interface September 2019 44 | P a g e
Users can now choose whether to enter ‘Manual planed values or ‘Synchronise planned
value with quote’ using percentages. If Synchronise planned value with quote’ is selected,
the billing plan’s values automatically adjust if the quoted value changes.
Manual planned values
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Synchronised planed values
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Quick Add Now available from the job card
Note: Previously, phase level billing plans only had this feature available from the phase
If there are no billing plans for a job or a phase, a new ‘Quick Add’ feature assists in
quickly generating and assigning new billing plans.
To access the ‘Quick Add’ feature:
Select the ‘Billing plan’ tab
Type in the number of billing plan months required
Click the ‘Quick Add button
The system creates monthly billing plans for all phases
Billing plan - Duplicate selected records
Billing plans are available at job and phase levels. The ‘Duplicate selected records’ feature
copies selected billing plans to the same job or phase.
Details within the duplicated billing plan(s) can be amended by clicking the ‘Edit’ button on
the right-hand side of the screen.
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Billing plan - Change billing plan dates
This feature enables a selection of billing plan items to move backwards and forwards in
Select ‘Change billing plan dates’ from the Actions’ button drop-down list
Move the plans
The billing plan dates can be moved forwards or backward by intervals of a month.
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Monthly view
To facilitate creating long bookings spanning several months, as required by companies
using a consultancy model, the ‘Calendar bookings’ module now has the following 4 views:
Single day
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Spread loading
The ability to enter dates, the total number of hours for a booking and the hours per day,
and for the system to calculate the spread loading. This is useful for consultancies who have
agreed to allocate a budget over an extended period. Variations of this are possible:
Example 1:
Specifying Start date, Hours per day and Total hours
Start date 1
Hours per day 3 hours
Total hours 150 hours
By inputting the above data, the system calculates 50 bookings are required and sets the
end date accordingly.
Example 2:
Specifying Start date, End date and Total hours
Start date 1
End date 31
Lock dates Checked (required to stop the dates from changing)
Total hours 160 hours
The system calculates 89 bookings are required at 1.8 hours per day.
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Example 3:
Specifying Start date, End date and Hours per day
Start date 1
End date 31
Hours per day 3 hours
The system calculates 87 bookings are required totaling 261 hours.
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Option to show activities in Calendar
For companies wishing to use requisitions as work tickets, these can now be automatically
displayed in the calendar based on the start and due dates of the activity.
The traditional Waterfall approach created time estimates, dropped them into a calendar
to allocate the work to staff, and then had staff create timesheets against the estimates
either via MyCalendar or Weekly Timesheets. This new feature provides for a more Agile
working method, enabling teams to use requisitions as simple work tickets. This Agile
approach specifies the required work using requisitions and work tickets visible on Kanban
boards and in Synergist calendars. Staff simply create and submit timesheets using the
Quick timesheet feature within the requisition. (Please refer to the ‘Activities’ section of
this document for more information.)
Enabling an activity to be visible in calendars
The default setting for activities and requisitions to be included or hidden from calendars is
set by the Activity types table in File Maintenance. However, activities and requisitions can
be individually set up to be included or hidden from calendars.
Activities in the Calendar view
Including activities in the calendar view is enabled in ‘Preferences’ in both Calendar
bookings and MyCalendar.
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Activity icon
The running person icon is used to identify activities in the calendar. The background
colour of the bar is set in the activity record.
Calendar showing bookings and activities
Activities in a calendar can be moved and resized. To edit an activity in the calendar, click
on the activity bar and the activity will open in a new tab.
Start date added to requisitions / activity records
Previously, activity records only supported a ‘Due date. A new ‘Start date’ column has
been added and can be used to indicate the planned commencement date for a
requisition. The ‘Start date’ can also be used to trigger alerts.
To view the ‘Start date’ in the requisitions list:
Select ‘Calendar bookings’ in the main menu
Click the ‘Get requisitions’ button
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Hiding start and end times
Booking without time of day
Consultancies typically book work into calendars using hours per day rather than time of
day. For those users who prefer this way of working, it is now possible to hide the start
and end times of a booking.
Company settings
To switch on this feature:
Navigate to Settings
Select ‘Companies’ from the drop-down list
Click on the required company
Choose the ‘Defaults’ tab
Locate ‘Calendar booking options’ drop down-menu
Select ‘Hide time of day’
This sets the default for all new calendar bookings to hide the start and end time of a
booking. It also auto hides any features that rely on the start and end time being used.
Note: If working with multiple companies, all companies that have been selected to be in
the same view in Calendar bookings must be given the same setting for this feature to
work correctly.
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Booking details window
With ‘Hide time’ set, the start and end times of day are hidden.
Once ‘Hide time’ has been selected, the following features are turned off:
Calendar bookings
The daily view
The weekly view
Start-end times in calendar preferences
The week view
The day view
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Loading view Ability to create a booking
In the loading view, it is already possible to click the loading bar and move/amend the
bookings associated with the loading. This has now been enhanced to allow the user to
drop a new booking into this view. Once the booking has been edited or stretched, the
booking disappears and the loading for the cell is refreshed.
Booking being dropped on to the loading view
Auto scrolling
The auto scroll feature assists when dragging a job estimate or requisition to a destination
that is not on the screen.
To view this feature:
Select ‘Calendar bookings’ in the main menu
Click the ‘Get job estimates’ or ‘Get requisitions’ button
Drag a job estimate or requisition onto the calendar
Calendar bookings estimate and requisitions list
Job and phase descriptions formatted into separate columns
Phase description added to Requisition list
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Kanban status filter for requisitions in Calendar bookings
When viewing a list of requisitions in ‘Calendar bookings’, the items in the list can be
filtered by Kanban status.
To access this feature:
Select ‘Calendar bookings’ from the main menu
Locate and click the ‘List preferences’ button on the right-hand side of the screen
Select one or more Kanban statuses for filtering
Click ‘Save’ or ‘Cancel’ to apply the filter and to close the ‘List preferences window
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A ‘Preferences button has been added to MyCalendar.
Company filter
It is now possible to select which companies to include in the calendar view. To see
bookings for all companies, leave the option blank.
Booking description
The selected description applies to bookings and any activities displayed in the view.
Client name
Client name & job description
Job description
Phase description
Activity subject (normally a requisition)
Display activities in calendar (tick box)
This feature gives the option to include activities in the calendar view. For an activity to be
included in the calendar view:
the user must be the owner of the activity and
the activity has been set to be visible in calendars
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New filter option in Client list - Charge code restricted
This new filter enables the user to identify all those clients that have special prices where
‘Only allow these charge codes’ has been selected for the client.
Client filter
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Invoice address flag displayed on Client contact list
Surname / first name order
When displaying first names and surnames, the default setting shows the surname first.
The ‘Surname / first name’ order can be swapped when viewing the Client and Supplier
contact lists.
To access this feature:
Select Client contactsor ‘Supplier contacts’ in the main menu
Click the ‘Actions’ button
Choose the appropriate ‘Display surname first’ or ‘Display surname last’ option
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Automatic domain name for email addresses
When adding a new client or supplier contact, the email address domain is now
automatically entered into the email address field. The user can enter the email address to
the left of the @ sign. This saves the user typing out the domain name for every contact
If nothing is entered to the left of the @ sign, the domain text is cleared and won’t be
stored when saving the record.
This email address includes a name and will be saved
This email address doesn’t include an email address and won’t be saved.
New link from ‘Client contact’ to ‘Client’
To improve navigation, there is a link in the ’Client contact’ screen to the main ‘Client’
To view this feature:
Select ‘Contacts’ in the main menu
Open one of the contacts in the ‘Client contact list
Click the client link towards the top of the screen
Job title column added to Supplier contact
Linked clients
New section added to the Notes tab of a client card listing any parent clients.
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Creating an email in a cloud email client
If using Gmail or Microsoft outlook (Office 365), emails can be created using the email
address stored against contacts in Synergist. This feature is particularly useful if wishing
to send a Synergist generated quotation or PDF of an invoice/purchase order.
Creating emails and attaching PDFs is supported in the following areas:
Select the Email button on the Quote screen
Click the Email button and select the required template from the drop-down list.
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Select the client contact
Select recipients for the email.
The first time this feature is used, the user needs to select the web email client they are
using. This opens a new browser window where the user is asked to sign in and give
permission for Synergist to have access to the user’s web email client.
Email client
An email is created in the chosen web-based email client and includes the chosen recipient
along with a PDF of the quotation document.
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Time and bookings screen
A new feature, ‘Time and bookings’, has been added to the Estimate tab. The screen
provides a simplified in-line method for building estimates, enabling users to
simultaneously create bookings against estimates.
The ‘Time and bookings ’ function can also be used as a method for analysing remaining
budgets on jobs and phases. Users can see original budgets for:
time (the estimates)
the total time submitted by staff against budgets
how much time remains booked into calendars
Any overbooking is highlighted in red, making it easy to identify when a job is likely to go
over budget.
New job no estimates created
Click on the ‘Time and bookings’ button to open the new interface.
Create an estimate
Time estimates can be created from here.
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Create a calendar booking
Once an estimate has been created, bookings may be created for it in the calendar.
Adding a booking
If ticked, the initial checkbox indicates all day bookings. Untick the box to book less than a
full day. The next step is to type in the number of bookings or use the dates to calculate
the number of bookings automatically.
Booking summary
The ‘Display booking summary option shows information regarding bookings and
timesheets related to the estimate. Switch this on in the ‘Display panel.
Using the booking summary has the advantage of displaying the number of hours
remaining to be booked into the calendar.
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Rolled up views.
When multiple estimate lines have been created over multiple phases, and calendar
bookings have been created in allocating the work, various rolled up views are available to
make it easier in managing this amount of data.
Detail levels Phase
If Phases is selected from the Detail level drop-down list, the view collapses to phases.
Detail levels Stages
If ‘Stages’ is selected from the ‘Detail level’ drop-down list, phases and stages are
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Detail levels Estimates
If ‘Estimates’ is selected from the ‘Detail level’ drop-down list, phases, stages and
estimates are displayed.
Expand / collapse
Sections can be expanded to show a greater level of detail.
In this example, a phase is expanded to show estimates, but the bookings are still
Click the expand / collapse icon
The section is expanded
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Zero value estimates
When using the quick estimate feature, by default the screen includes a row for any staff
who booked time against the job. This may result in a charge code being displayed
multiple times. To hide these items, untick the checkbox Show allocated estimate rows
that have a zero value.
Multiple charge codes displayed
Quick estimate
To remove the duplicates, untick the checkbox.
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Copy expense sheet
To access the Copy expense sheet’ feature:
Select ‘Expensesin the main menu
Tick only one of the expense sheets in the Expenses list’
Click the ‘New’ button
Select ‘Copy expense sheet’ from the options
The copied expense sheet displays the current date and its status is ‘Unsubmitted’.
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Expense approval Approval options
Expense sheets are now filtered to better support the approval level options specified in
the user settings approval tab (Settings > File Maintenance > Users > Approval tab).
Approval level options
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Expense lines order number
The expense line order number updates when expense lines are re-ordered.
After re-sorting, users have the option to use the latest enhancement and renumber the
lines, so that the ‘Expense sheet’ PDF follows the same order as the expense lines.
To view this feature:
Select ‘Expenses’ in the main menu
Open one of the expense sheets in the ‘Expense list’
Click the ‘Actions’ button
Choose ‘Re-number lines using current sort order’
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Improvements to the invoicing interface
New buttons Add/Copy/Delete
Checkboxes have been added to each invoice line
Add/Copy/Delete options are available on separate buttons
Moving a row
To move a row, click and hold the start of the row, then drag it to a new position.
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Invoice header auto-analysis
Option to always use actuals for sales header auto-analysis
The sales header auto-analysis feature uses estimates to create nominal codes and values
to distribute between nominal codes for an invoice. The only exception is when the invoice
content is based on Actual Costs’. In this case, the nominal values distributed are based
on the costs ticked-off (as billed only).
This new option is a company setting forcing the costs ticked-off to always be used in the
nominal code/value distribution for sales header auto-analysis.
Company settings accounts tab
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ASBOF/BASBOF - Invoice levies
For companies invoicing clients for advertising related services, this feature automatically
creates an extra line on invoices when required to bill the ASBOF/BASBOF fee.
Set up
Certain company settings need to be considered in order to use this feature.
The ‘Levy percent’ is defined in ‘File Maintenance under the ‘Levies’ section. Check the
default values as required.
File maintenance
Company settings
To activate this feature:
Navigate to the ‘Company settings List’
Select the required company
Click on the ‘Switches’ tab
Scroll down and locate the ‘Sales invoicing panel’
Tick the ‘Enable levies’ option
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Supply types
If a user bills from costs, they can have the invoice automatically select the correct levy
for advertising purchases. This is set up in file maintenance under ‘Supply types’.
Any purchase of this type is set to be ASBOF items and auto generates a levy line at the
bottom of the invoice.
If billing from costs, the invoice can be configured to automatically select the correct levy
for advertising purchases.
To activate this feature:
Navigate to ‘File Maintenance’
Select ‘Supply types’
Choose a supply type from the list
Locate the ‘Levy code’ drop-down list
Example invoice using the levy feature.
On the draft invoice details screen, use the drop-down list in the Levy column to select the
levy type. Selecting a levy option for one or more lines generates an additional line at the
end of an invoice with the additional levy fee. Please note that the fee does not form part
of the profitability of the invoice and is not included in the phase allocations.
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Revenue recognition based on ticked-off costs
Recognise using tick-off charge values’ is a new option on an invoices ‘Phase allocations’
If selected, the system looks at the total recommended charge value of ticked-off costs
and uses this value as the ‘Recognise nowfigure. Any balance for the invoice is deferred.
In this example, the invoice is for £500 and the associated (ticked-off) costs total is £421.
Clicking the option Recognise using tick-off charge values’, automatically recognises the
£421 and leaves the balance of the invoice (£79) deferred.
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Calculator on the Draft invoice Financial tab
The calculator is used to input figures to help visualise adjustments made to:
Invoice total
Gross profit
Net profit
The numbers changed are not permanent and do not alter the actual draft invoice.
To access the calculator:
Select ‘Draft invoices’ in the main menu
Open a draft invoice in the list
Choose the ‘Financial’ tab
Locate the calculator in the ‘This transaction’ panel on the right-hand side of the
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Batch printing invoices and draft invoices (Multiple PDFs)
This new feature enables the batch printing of multiple PDFs for invoices and draft
To access the batch printing feature:
Select ‘Invoices’ or ‘Draft invoices’ in the main menu
Use the tick boxes to select the required invoices for batch printing
Click the ‘Print’ button towards the top right-hand corner of the screen
Choose ‘Save selected invoices to disc PDF
The resulting pop-up window:
Indicates how many invoices have been selected
Displays a list of available templates of which one must be selected
Gives an option to choose either Print original’ or ‘Print copy’
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Invoice has clickable links to client and job
When editing a draft invoice, this feature enables the user to open the related client or job
in a new tab while keeping the invoice open.
Invoice allocated costs - Enhancements
Opening the ‘Allocated costs tab of an invoice, users can select costs to associate with an
invoice. This makes it possible to accurately report on profit by both invoice and period.
This feature has been enhanced to include the following features:
Option to write off a cost
Option to filter the unticked costs by date
Option to sort by column header
Allocated costs screen
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Job and phase financial tab - Enhancements
The financial tab of jobs and phases has been renamed to ‘Dashboard’.
New charts have been added to the Dashboard:
Key financials
Actual to estimated
Main charts
Profit & costs / Recommended charge
Clearer view of this key data.
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Completing a job
To mark a job or phase as complete, use the Actions button rather than checking the
‘completed’ check box.
Billed and un-billed costs
The charts have been amended to show the ‘Actual recommended charge’ of the costs that
have been billed. Previously, total estimated values were displayed.
Additional chart - ‘Value (to date)’
This chart only previously appeared if ‘Bill by Time & Materials’ was selected. The chart
shows the value of the work done to date expressed as gross and net profit figures.
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Over / under serviced
Once a job has been closed (final invoiced), the system looks at the recommended charge
for the work that has been done, including the recommended mark-up of purchases. The
system then compares this to the Net value of what has been invoiced.
If the system finds the amount billed is less than the system recommends for the services
provided, based on actual timesheets and not what was estimated, it clearly states this in
the key financial panel.
Key financials
Note: If the total billed exceeds the system recommendation, the system shows a similar
figure but in green, stating Over charged £x.xx xx%’. It is highlighted in green
because invoicing more than the recommended charge is generally advantageous to the
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Changing dates at job level New company setting
If a system is set up with dates being controlled at phase or stage level, it is still possible
to change the dates via the job’s ‘change dates’ feature.
The aim of this feature is to make it easier to change all the dates on a job when the
system has been set up to have the dates driven at a lower level, for example at phase or
stage level.
Job card details tab
Company settings Advanced tab
To control whether the ‘Change dates’ button is seen or hidden in the program:
Navigate to Company settings
Select the appropriate company
Click on the Advanced tab
Locate the box labelled ‘Disable option to change dates at a higher level’
Tick the box to hide the ‘Change dates’ button on the job details tab or
untick the box to display them.
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Copying a quote from another job
To save time and utilise existing quotes, it is now possible to copy a quote from another
job. To access this feature:
Select Phases’ in the main menu
Open a phase in the ‘Phase list’
Choose the ‘Quote’ tab
Click the ‘Actions’ button
Select ‘Copy from another job’
Choose a phase from the ‘Phase picker’ window
The selected phase quotes are copied to the current quote and all the fields are editable.
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Copy phase from another job / template
When viewing the ‘Phases’ tab of a ‘Job’ or ‘Opportunity’, there are two new functions
which copy phases and add them to the phase list:
Copy phase from another template
Copy phase from another job
To access these new features:
Select ‘Job’ or ‘Opportunity’ from the main menu
Open a job or opportunity from the list
Click the ‘Phases’ tab
Press the ‘New’ button
Choose ‘Copy phase from another template’ or ‘Copy phase from another job’.
Copy phase from another template:
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Selecting ‘Copy phase from another template’ opens a pop-up window with 3 main panels:
Base upon
Select which phases to copy
Base upon:
The default setting for the ‘Base upon’ template field is ‘-Blank-.
Use the drop-down menu to select a template. Only one template may be selected.
Select which phases to copy:
The list of phases to copy depends on the template job chosen. Select one or more phases
by clicking in the appropriate tick boxes.
Similar to when creating a job, the ‘Options’ panel gives an opportunity to choose which
elements of the selected phase(s) need to be copied.
Click ‘Create’ for the newly copied phase(s) to be added to the list of phases. The new
phase description(s) are the same as those of the copied phase(s).
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Copy phase from another Job
Selecting ‘Copy phase from another job’ opens a pop-up window. From the list of jobs on
the left-hand side of the window, only one job may be selected.
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On the right-hand side of the window, in the ‘Select which phases to copy’ panel, select
one or more phases for copying. Depending on the job selected, different phases appear in
the list.
The ‘Options’ panel is the same as when copying a phase from another template, giving an
opportunity to choose which elements of the selected phase(s) to copy.
Click ‘Create’ for the newly copied phase(s) to be added to the list of phases. The new
phase description(s) are the same as those of the copied phase(s).
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Changing job currency and exchange rate
Enhancements have been made to the existing feature, enabling changes to be made to
the currency rate without having to re-select the currency.
To access this feature:
Select Jobs’ in the main menu
Open a job
Click the ‘Details’ tab
Scroll down to the ‘Sales info’ panel
The ‘Latest rate (FM)’ only displays if there has been a change in exchange rates. To use
the ‘Latest rate (FM)’, click on the adjacent ‘Use’ button and the ‘Job currency change’
window opens.
The ‘Job currency change’ window also opens when changes are made to the ‘Currency’
field or ‘Rate’ field.
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There are two options in the ‘Job currency change’ window:
Keep currency quote & estimate
This option retains the value of any foreign currency quotes, adjusting the base
currency estimated charge rates and the base currency value of the quote
Adjust currency quote & currency estimate values
This option retains base currency charge rates set up for the job, but the value of
any foreign currency quotes may be adjusted with the selected rate used in the
calculations rather than the ‘Latest rate (FM)’
Clicking ‘Cancel’ in the ‘Job currency change window’ the ‘Rate or ‘Currency are
restored to their original values.
Clicking ‘OK’ in the ‘Job currency change window’ - the ‘Rate’ or ‘Currency’ changes are
updated and used for processing.
Allocated costs - Warning text
When transferring costs, a warning/info message has been added.
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Adding stages Search filter
Stages can be added via the ‘Schedule tab in Jobs, Opportunities and Phases. Clicking the
‘New’ or ‘Add stage buttons opens a pop-up window. Click the ‘Stage’ field to view the
complete list of stages.
To filter the list, type in some key characters in the stage selection field.
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Projects Display billing plans
The project input form now provides a view of all billing plans on a project.
Note: The new multi-job billing plan feature also enables the user to see billing plans
sorted by project.
Opportunities export- Job comments added
Job comments are included in an exported opportunities spreadsheet. To view:
Select ‘Opportunities’ in the main menu
Highlight the tick box for the required opportunity
Click the ‘Export’ button in the top right-hand corner of the screen
Choose ‘Opportunities export’
Open the newly generated spreadsheet and locate the ‘Comments’ column
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Move stage dates
A key stage is set by opening a stage and moving the key stage toggle.
Identifying the key stage in a schedule
The key stage is identifiable by a tick in the ‘Key’ column.
Using the key stage
A Key stage’ acts like a marker amongst a list of stages and is helpful when having to
reschedule stages on a job. Other stages in the list are linked to the key stage and if the
date of the key stage changes, other stage dates change, too. There can only be one key
stage at any time. For example, if a key stage is set to ‘Client approval’ and for some
reason the approval procedure is delayed, the user may want to move all the dates for
subsequent stages.
Move stage dates
The ‘Move stage dates’ feature is located on the ‘Actions’ menu within the Schedule tab.
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Options when moving dates
A new date for the key stage is entered and which stages to move are selected.
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Drag and drop Ordering of phases
From within the phases tab of a job, it is now possible to drag and drop the phases in the
list to re-order them.
Creating a view Jobs with no associated invoices
New filters have been added to the Jobs list filter, giving the ability to filter jobs that
have/don’t have draft or real invoices.
New filter options
Timesheet list export
This feature is available from the job and phase input forms.
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Work tickets v Requisitions
A requisition is typically a request by an account handler for some work to be scheduled
on one of their jobs. The requisition is then picked up by the traffic manager in the
Calendar bookings module.
In this release, requisitions can be used as work tickets. The tickets appear on Kanban
boards and can either be pre-allocated to staff resources or left unallocated, with staff
encouraged to self-assign the tickets. Optionally, the tickets can appear in Calendars
(using the owners name) and timesheets can be created within the work ticket itself. To
support this way of working, the Kanban board now shows the charge code description of
any work requested using the requisition.
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Layout and features of Kanban cards
Improvements to Kanban cards include:
Being more compact
Displaying charge codes for requisitions
Status section in the footer area
The status section in the footer area includes:
The number of checklist items complete
The number of comments
Whether the user is a watcher
The number of attachments
The number of hours requested
Priority - hidden if priority is ‘medium’
New card layout
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Colours for Kanban statuses
Kanban status colours can be set up in File Maintenance > Kanban statuses List
Kanban board
The selected colours underline the column headings on Kanban boards.
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Restrict the use of Kanban to certain activity types
The ‘Activities list’ can be viewed in either ‘List’ or ‘Kanban’ mode. Items viewable in ‘List’
mode may be hidden in ‘Kanban’ viewing mode.
Managing Kanban view settings
By default, all activity types are viewable on Kanban boards. In some circumstances there
may be activity types, such as phone calls, that users may not wish to view. To restrict or
allow the viewing status of activity types on Kanban boards:
Navigate to Settings
Select ‘File Maintenance
Locate the ‘Client & CRM’ panel
Click Activity types
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In the ‘Activity types List’, locate and select the activity for hiding / displaying in Kanban
Select the ‘Allow on kanban boards’ tick box to display the activity on Kanban boards.
Deselect to hide the activity on Kanban boards.
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Consolidated purchase orders
The ‘Consolidate Purchase Orders’ function enables two or more estimates with the same
supplier to be combined.
Please note:
All estimates which are used to create a consolidated PO are converted into POs
and share the same PO number as the consolidated PO
Newly created POs cannot be returned to their original estimate state
POs and consolidated POs cannot be deleted
To create an estimate:
Select ‘Phases’ in the main menu
Open a phase in the ‘Phase list’
Click the ‘Estimate’ tab
Ensure that the ‘Full estimate’ button is highlighted
Select the ‘New’ button and choose ‘Add a purchase’
Follow the steps to assign a supplier
Complete any required fields in the Purchase Estimate > ‘Details’ tab
Click ‘Save & Close’
To create a consolidated purchase order:
Select ‘Purchase orders’ in the main menu
The ‘Purchase list’ contains all POs and estimates. Estimates in the list are
identifiable by the abbreviation {EST}
To only view estimates, click the ‘Views’ button and choose ‘All estimates’
Select two or more estimates with the same supplier
Click the ‘New’ button and choose ‘Create consolidated PO from selected estimates’
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The ‘New Record: Purchases’ screen opens automatically with the consolidated PO number
displayed at the top of the page. The supplier’s name is also displayed, acting as a
hyperlink to the supplier’s Details screen.
The Consolidated purchase order screen contains two tabs:
The ‘Details’ tab:
Individual purchase orders consolidated into a single PO are displayed on the left
View other information including ‘Date ordered’, ‘Date sent’ and delivery details in
the right-hand panel
The ‘Invoices’ tab:
The Invoices tab lists purchase invoices that have been allocated to any of the
purchase orders in the consolidated purchase order
To create an invoice for the consolidated PO, select ‘Purchase invoices’ from the
main menu
To view an existing consolidated PO:
All estimates which are used to create a consolidated PO are converted into POs and share
the same PO number as the consolidated PO. To view an existing consolidated PO:
Navigate to the ‘Purchase list’
Click the ‘Views’ button
Select ‘All purchase orders’
Locate one of the POs used to create the consolidated PO
Open the PO and click on the uniquely numbered ‘Consolidated PO’ button towards
the top right of the screen.
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Cancelled purchase orders
There is improved support for cancelled purchase orders with regards to the actual
recommended charge total. These improvements include:
Cancelling a PO now sets the PO charge out value to 0 and the
markup/discount % to -100%
Auto tick-off for sales invoices, flagging cancelled POs as written off rather than
Cancelled POs being excluded from the job and phase estimate page. Estimate
revisions also suppress showing cancelled POs if they were already cancelled when
the revision was created
Hovers added to Purchasing and Expenses sections
Throughout the program, in all the main lists, pop-up text and windows containing helpful
information appear when the cursor hovers over text. Hovers have been added in the
following sections:
‘Suppliers & Purchases’ section:
Supplier contact list
Purchase orders list
Purchase invoice list
‘Time & Expenses’ section:
Timesheet approval list
Expense list
Purchase invoice Opening associated purchase orders
This feature opens a purchase order from the allocated/unallocated purchase orders list
from within a purchase invoice.
Purchase invoice screen
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New pop-up screen when creating a purchase invoice
After details of a purchase order have been entered and approved, the user may wish to
create a purchase invoice for the order.
To access the ‘New purchase invoice’ window:
Select Purchase orders in the main menu
Open an approved purchase order in the ‘Purchase list’
Choose the ‘Invoices’ tab
Click the ‘Add purchase invoice’ link which is only visible if the purchase order is
Clicking on the ‘Add purchase invoice’ link opens a new pop-up window ‘New purchase
invoice’. The window contains three main sections:
For inputting the ‘PIR number’ and ‘Their ref’
For viewing the Gross, VAT and NET figures of the invoice
For making changes to the Invoice date, Posting date and Due date
If the purchase supplier is ‘Multi-currency’, the purchase currency and domestic currency
are both displayed. The ‘Exchange rate’ can be adjusted manually and the Gross, VAT and
NET figures adjust accordingly.
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Search purchase orders within a purchase invoice
Option to search for purchase orders when allocating purchase orders to a purchase
To use this function:
Navigate to Purchase invoices’ in the main menu
Open an invoice in the ‘Purchase invoice list
Click the ‘Details’ tab
Locate the ‘Available purchase orders’ panel
Use the search window function or scroll through the list of ‘Available purchase
Synergist v12.4 Release Notes - Browser Interface September 2019 105 | P a g e
Roll-up in bold option
Option to ‘Roll up details when building a quote and have the phase description displayed
in bold and italics.
This feature is available in the Jobs, Phases and Opportunities areas of the program.
To access the feature via the Jobs area:
Navigate to Jobs in the main menu
Open a job in the ‘Jobs list’
Click the ‘Phase quotes’ tab
Press the ‘Actions’ button
Select ‘Advanced Quote’ from the drop-down list
Locate the ‘Phase line information’ panel
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Bold and underline are now supported
Example quote
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Custom and saved reports
‘Saved reports’ has been renamed to ‘Custom and saved reports’. Enhancements include
Support of ‘Custom reports and filters.
Custom reports are typically created by Synergist Support for Project Managers as a
bespoke service. Custom reports can either be HM reports (PDF format) or manual reports
(simple plain reports).
Synergist Support and/or Project Managers design reports according to requirements and
provide default filters based on the data typically needed to locate them. The reports can
be further filtered by users and saved as reports with new names. Super users can save
such views as ‘Company views’ for all users to access. Other users can simply save as a
person view for their own use. These report views appear under Saved reports.
Access to ‘Custom and saved reports’ is via the Saved reports link in the main menu.
User interface
Clicking ‘Saved reports’ opens a new screen displaying two main options:
Custom reports
Saved reports
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Custom reports
Select ‘Custom reports’ to see a list of any reports set up by Synergist Support or the
Synergist Project Manager. Two different categories of reports are available:
Manual reports
Custom reports/exports
If a custom report is installed on the user’s system, the report can be run using its default
settings. However, users may want to create and save new reports. To do this, click on
the ‘Filter button, make any necessary changes and save the report with a new name (see
below). On subsequent visits, the report is located in the Saved reports section.
Filter button
On selecting a report, the user has all the usual options to run the report. However, there
is also a ‘Filter’ button with advanced filtering features.
Please see below for examples of ‘Filter’ button use.
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Saved reports
Saved reports are really views of existing standard reports and custom reports. Users can
select a report, modify the default filter and save the view as a ‘Saved report’. Saved
reports appear under the ‘Saved reports’ heading.
‘Saved reports’ lists reports set up by the Synergist Project Manager or Synergist Support.
Three different categories of reports are available:
Manual reports
Custom reports/exports
Data viewer reports
Note: Data viewer reports do not have access to the Filter. All filters for Data Viewer
reports are accessed and saved via the data viewer module.
Saved for
The ‘Saved for’ drop-down menu enables users to filter the list of available reports with
the following options:
All reports
Company - Reports set up for the user by their system administrator
Report group - User groups set up for the user
User - Reports saved by the user
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Filter button - refine report
On selecting a report, the user has all the usual options to run the report. However, there
is also a filter button, giving access to the advanced filtering features.
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Refine report
On accessing the standard ‘Refine report’ screen, the report name is the name of the
original custom report. Under this is the saved report name. This informs the user that
they are currently running a saved version of the original custom report. The user may
create as many of these variants as required.
From the ‘Refine report’ screen, the user can run the report, modify the filter and run the
report, or save any changes to the filter by clicking the ‘Views’ button.
In this example, a previously saved version of a report can be loaded, or the current filter
saved in the usual way.
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WIP Aged
Split WIP by cost type
The WIP_Aged CSV file produces a spreadsheet with many column headers including:
30 Days
60 Days
90+ Days
The ‘Split WIP by cost type’ feature creates extra columns in the WIP file that further
break down existing columns into purchases, time (cost), time (hours) and materials
(cost). In doing so, additional grouped columns are created in the spreadsheet.
To access this feature:
Select ‘Standard reports’ in the main menu
Locate the ‘Work in progress’ panel in the bottom right corner of the ‘Reports’
Click the ‘WIP-aged’ link
The ‘Split WIP by cost type’ feature is the penultimate tick box in the ‘Options’ panel.
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Estimate v Actual
This export is now available as a PDF printout.
Example report
New columns added to Job/phase report
Three new columns have been added to job and phase level exports of the standard Job / phase
Weighting %
PDF option for Missing timesheet report
In addition to CSV formatting, ‘Missing timesheets’ can be viewed and printed as PDF files.
To view this feature:
Select ‘Standard reports’ from the main menu
Locate the ‘Time & materials’ panel and click ‘Missing timesheets’
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Purchase invoices awaited report - Defaults
Change to default settings
Default behaviour of this report has changed to include expenses; Filter options allow
them to be suppressed.
The previous default settings meant that if the expense sheet date was after the cut off
and the expense line date was before the cut off, these expense costs were not included in
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Supplier list - Custom fields in batch updates
Custom fields can now be updated using the Batch update utility. This is accessed via the
main Supplier list.
Batch update
Inactive supplier shows in red
In the ‘Supplier contact list’, the name of an inactive supplier contact is highlighted in red.
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Notes tab for suppliers
A new ‘Notes’ tab has been added for suppliers. This replaces the ‘Notes’ field that was
previously located inside the ‘Financial’ tab.
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Weekly timesheet - Copy timesheet row
Submitted and Posted timesheet rows can now be copied. Previously this could only be
done for rows with un-submitted data.
To access this feature:
Select ‘Weekly timesheet’ in the main menu
Locate the timesheet row
Click the icon to reveal the drop-down menu
Weekly timesheet - Grey-out additional non-working days
In a weekly timesheet, the background colour of a non-working day is light grey.
However, users are still allowed to book time to non-working days.
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Timesheet approval New filter
Ability to filter timesheets awaiting approval by phase handler.
If a user is an approver with the ability to approve staff timesheets, they may want to
filter the timesheets they are approving to those posted on certain jobs. This feature
enables the user to select a phase handler filter before selecting the staff whose
timesheets they want to approve. For example, when a handler wants to approve
submitted timesheets for work done on their jobs.
Timesheet approval staff selector
Posted timesheets list
A list of posted timesheets is now available with filters and views to make it easy to track
and analyse time being booked to jobs.
Main menu
The ‘Posted timesheets list’ is accessed by opening the Time & Expensesarea in the
main menu and selecting ‘Posted timesheets’.
Timesheet list
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Reversing a timesheet
Using the Actions menu, it is possible to reverse one or more timesheets that may have
been posted in error.
On selecting to reverse timesheets, new negative value pending timesheets are created. If
the system does not use timesheet approval, or if the user doing the reversing action is a
full approver, the newly created pending timesheets are immediately converted to real
timesheets and posted.
Reversing timesheets can easily be spotted because they are of a negative value. On
clicking one of these timesheets, the user sees that the ‘Work done’ comment displays
when and by whom the timesheet was reversed.
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Multi-user experience
New features have been added to enhance the multi-user experience.
Areas enhanced
In v12.4, the following areas have been updated with new functionality:
In future releases, other areas will also be enhanced.
Main lists visibility of users
In the main lists, if other users have records open, a small ‘eye’ icon appears on the left-
hand side of the screen, against each open record in the list. Hovering the cursor over the
icon displays a list of all the users currently looking at (or possibly amending) the record.
Synergist v12.4 Release Notes - Browser Interface September 2019 121 | P a g e
Records visibility of users
If more than one user has the same record open, the avatars for those users is displayed
in the header.
Multiple users viewing the same record
Previously, the system saved a record if a user moved from one tab to another, even if no
field changes had been made. Record saves now only occur when a user updates a field or
executes an action. This means multiple users can view the same record simultaneously
without being asked to re-load the record, unless another user has updated the record.
If another user has updated a record, the user sees the following message:
The warning message advises the user not to make any further changes to the record
without first clicking on the ‘Refresh’ button. This new feature saves the user from having
to close and re-open the record.
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Hover text added to sub-lists
These are the lists that are found in certain tabs. Job/phases/activity lists are supported.
Help system
Both the Synergist cloud and 4D client products now use the Zendesk help system located
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Batch updates Boolean custom fields now supported
To batch update a custom Boolean field, select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ from the drop-down menu.
Selecting ‘Yes’ sets the field to TRUE. Selecting ‘NO’ sets the field to FALSE. Leaving the
field blank, as with all batch updates, instructs the program not to update the field.
Additional filter buttons
To help users amend their selected views, extra filter buttons have been added to the
following areas:
Client > ‘Activities’ tab and ‘Attachments’ tab
Client contact > ‘Activities’ tab and ‘Attachments’ tab
Job > ‘Activities’ tab and ‘Attachments’ tab
Phase > ‘Activities’ tab and ‘Attachments’ tab
Stage > ‘Activities’ tab and ‘Attachments’ tab
Supplier > ‘Orders’ tab, ‘Purchase Invoices’ tab and ‘Attachments’ tab
Please note that the ‘Filter button’ does not appear on:
Kanban views
User defined tab views
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Hovers added to key main lists
Hovers have been added to the following main lists:
Client contacts
Revenue management
Invoices & drafts
Advanced features
Billing settings Accruals
In our 12.3 release, a feature to specific Deferred / Accrued on invoice headers was
Company settings
This feature can now be shown/hidden by navigating to Company settings, selecting the
‘Codes tab and ticking/unticking the ‘Enable revenue accrue/defer facility’ box.
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Custom labels
Certain key labels can now be customised. This feature helps consultancies who typically
have different names for these key entities.
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Custom fields New URL custom field
Custom fields were previously text, numeric, date or Boolean (Yes/No). A new type of
‘URL’ custom field has been added, enabling users to enter a URL and for it to work as a
‘Custom fields’ can be created in the following areas:
Sub Frameworks
Creating a URL custom field
Navigate to ‘Settings’
Choose ‘File Maintenance’
Select ‘Lookups and custom fields’ in the ‘Client & CRM’ panel
Click the ‘New’ button
Complete the fields in the ‘Details’ screen
Synergist v12.4 Release Notes - Browser Interface September 2019 127 | P a g e
Label: The name of the field that appears on screen
Table: Where the Custom field is to be located
Field type: Select ‘URL’ from the drop-down menu
Creating a link within a URL custom field
Select ‘Jobs’ in the main menu
Open a job
Click the ‘Details’ tab
Locate the custom fields panel
Click on the icon to type or paste a link in the field
Please remember to include www. when typing a URL address.
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File Maintenance 3 new options added to the Activity type table
To access these new options:
Navigate to File Maintenance
Select Activity types
Choose an activity from the Activity types List
Click the ‘Details’ tab
Locate the 3 new options in the ‘Misc’ panel on the right-hand side of the screen
Calendar options
The only option available is ‘Owner’. Selecting this option defaults all new activities of this
type to be available for display in calendars. The default setting can be overridden in
actual activities.
Allow time sheet
This feature allows users to create timesheets on activities of this type.
The options are:
Owner only
Default owner / watcher
Selecting this option defaults all new activities of this type to have the creator of the
activity set as owner, watcher or left blank.
The options are:
Both (Owner & Watcher)