NCH Software
Copper Point of Sale Software
This user guide has been created for use with
Copper Point of Sale Software Version 3.xx
©NCH Software
Technical Support
If you have difficulties using Copper Point of Sale Software please read the applicable topic
before requesting support. If your problem is not covered in this user guide please view the
up-to-date Copper Point of Sale Software Online Technical Support at
If that does not solve your problem, you can contact us using the technical support contacts
listed on that page.
Software Suggestions
If you have any suggestions for improvements to Copper Point of Sale Software, or
suggestions for other related software that you might need, please post it on our Suggestions
page at
Many of our software projects have been undertaken after suggestions from users like you.
You get a free upgrade if we follow your suggestion.
Copper Point of Sale Software
NCH Software Suite
Getting Started
Common Tasks
Viewing Recorded Transactions
Viewing Refunded Transactions
Using Draft Transactions
Reporting and Analysis
Multiple Currencies
Credit Card Readers
Password Management
Network Setup
Keyboard Shortcuts
Application Synchronization
Import Items
Software License Terms
CSV Import Wizard: Select CSV for Import
CSV Import Wizard: Match Data Fields
CSV Import Wizard: CSV Import Results
Options ~ Credit Card Gateways
Screen References
Draft Transaction
Salespeople List
Salesperson Search
Customer List
Items List
Restaurant Menus
Restaurant Menu Categories
Restaurant Menu Items
Restaurant Tables
Restaurant Terminal
Dual Screen
View Previous Refunds
Browse Transactions
Process Refund
Gift Card
Apply Gift Card
Add Menu Item
Add Menu
Add Menu Category
Select Item
Select Category
Authorize Account Settings
Eway Account Settings
Paypal Payflow Pro Account Settings
Paypal Account Settings
Account Settings
Fax Settings
Fax Number
Email Address
Print Preview
Back Up Data
Manual Item Entry
Adjust Item Discount
Adjust Item Unit Value
Adjust Item Quantity
Add Shipping Amount
Add/Edit Customer
Select Report Category and Period
Multiple Businesses
Credit Card Information
Receive Payment
Log On
Options ~ Web Access
Options ~ General
Options ~ Sync Apps
Options ~ Transaction
Options ~ Receipt
Options ~ Receipt Text
Options ~ Tax
Options ~ Regional
Options ~ Sync Apps - Network
Item ~ Item
Item ~ Coupon
Other Links
Options ~ Web Routing
NCH Software Suite
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There is also a list of features for products in the category. Click on a feature, such as "Edit a
Video File", to install a product with that ability.
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Thank you for installing Copper.
Copper makes it easy to create sales receipts for customers and keep track of transactions.
Copper is designed to integrate easily into Point Of Sales environments, and is intended for
use with touch screen terminals and barcode scanners.
Copper generates and prints professional looking receipts. It records all transactions and then
uses that information to produce helpful reports.
Copper is entirely free and can be installed and running within minutes.
Records sales transactions quickly and easily
Generates and prints professional looking receipts
Supports receipt printers that use roll paper
Works well with touch screen terminals and barcode scanners - no need for mouse or
keyboard input
Manages item pricing and offered discounts
Generates reports for analyzing sales by salesperson or item
Can run multiple (unlimited) businesses from one install
Can store unlimited receipts and items
Data backup/restore feature keeps your data safe
Installs and ready for printing in less than a minute
Designed to be very easy to use for day-to-day operation
System Requirements
Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7/8/10
Printer (for printing receipts)
Getting Started
After you first install Copper, the startup wizard will run. This will prompt you for the most basic
information about your business including your company name, address and contact details.
After the startup wizard has run, you will need to create at least one Salesperson. Ideally, you
should also create Item entries for each of the items you will be selling, so that they can be
easily added to a transaction via the item code. All default settings should work "out of the
box". See the
Common Tasks
topic of this manual for help on creating Salespeople and Items.
Once you have created at least one Salesperson, and at least one item, you can experiment
with creating transactions using the main screen. Don't worry about creating false data - you
can easily remove the test transactions using the Delete action in the Transactions List.
When you feel confident creating transactions, you can fine tune Copper using the
configuration Options (from the Tools menu). This lets you specify more details about your
business, tax rates or the layout of receipts.
Common Tasks
Adding New Salespeople Click the View button on the main window toolbar, and select Salesp
to open the Salesperson List. Then click the Add button on the Salesperson List
Enter the appropriate information for the new Salesperson. You must provide a First Name and
Last Name, but all other information is optional.
Click the OK button to save the new Salesperson.
Creating Items
Click the View button on the main window toolbar, and select Items to open the Items List.
Then click the
Add button on the Items List toolbar.
Enter the code, description, unit value and tax rate for the new item. If applicable, enter a
discount as a percentage reduction of the original price.
Click the OK button to save the new item.
Creating Transactions
Transactions are created from the main window. Starting a Transaction is a two step process:
adding items, and recording the payment.
Adding Items to a Transaction
If necessary, use the New Transaction button located in the lower right corner to clear all
items and information from the previous transaction. There are several ways to add a new
item to a transaction:
Scan the item's code using a barcode scanner.
Enter the item's code into the Enter Item Code text box, then press Enter or the Add
Use the Select Item button to select an item from the Items List.
Use the Manual Item Entry button to add an item that does not have a barcode, or
cannot be found in the Items List (requires a keyboard).
If you add an Item which is already listed in the current transaction's items list, the quantity
of that item will increase by one, rather than adding a new item line entry. To change an
item's quantity more quickly, select an item then click or press the
Adjust Quantity button
and enter a new quantity for the selected item.
Recording Payment for a Transaction
When at least one item has been added to a new transaction, and you are ready to receive
payment, click or press the
Pay button.
Select the payment method to be used, and enter the amount tendered by the customer.
Copper will calculate the amount of change due as you enter the tendered amount, and will
display this in the field below.
When you have entered the correct payment details, and returned the correct change to the
customer, click the 'Record' button to save the transaction.
Viewing Recorded Transactions
Every time you received payment for a transaction, Copper records the transaction in its
database. At any time, you can view past transactions regardless of the date on which they
occurred. To view a previously recorded transaction:
Click on the View button on the main window toolbar.
Select the Transactions item from the popup menu to open the Transactions List.
Click within the Transactions List to select the transaction you wish to view.
Click on the View button on the toolbar of the Transactions List window.
Only the salesperson with administrative privilege can edit or delete a transaction from the
transaction list.
Click on the View button on the main window toolbar.
Select the Transactions item from the popup menu to open the Transactions List.
Click within the Transactions List to select the transaction you wish to view.
Click on the Delete or Edit buttons on the toolbar of the Transactions List window.
This window also gives you the option to Preview or Print the transactions list, or Delete a
Viewing Refunded Transactions
Every time you process a refund for a transaction, Copper records the refunded transaction in
its database. At any time, you can view past refunded transactions regardless of the date on
which they occurred. To view a previously refunded transaction:
Click on the View button on the main window toolbar.
Select the Refunds item from the popup menu to open the Refunded Transactions List.
Click within the Refunded Transactions List to select a refunded transaction you wish to
Click on the View button on the toolbar of the Refunded Transactions List window.
Only the salesperson with administrative privilege can delete a transaction from the refunded
transaction list.
This window also gives you the option to preview or print the refunded transactions list, or dele
a transaction.
Using Draft Transactions
Copper allows you to save new transactions as drafts. This means that if you are in the middle
of drafting up a new transaction and you find yourself being interrupted, you can save it as a
draft, and then resume completion of the transaction at a later time.
To save the current transaction as a draft, click on the Save button at the bottom of the main
window. This will save the transaction into to the list of drafts. To resume work on a previously
saved draft, click on the
Open button at the bottom of the main window. To view the list of
saved draft transactions, Use the menu item
View -> Drafts on the main window.
The list of draft transactions allows you to choose a draft transaction. To open the selected
draft in the main window, click
Select. To delete the selected draft, click Delete. To view the
contents of a selected draft, click
View. To edit the contents of a selected draft, click Edit.
Reporting and Analysis
Copper's reporting ability can be used as a valuable performance analysis tool. To access
Copper's reports, click on the
Reports button on the main window toolbar. Then, select the
menu item for the report you wish to view. You will then be asked to select a report category
and to provide a date range for the reporting period.
Copper provides the following reports for both sales and refunds categories:
Transactions - View all transactions within the selected reporting period, including
salesperson and amount.
Salespeople - View total sales made or refunds processed by each salesperson within the
selected reporting period, including percentage by totals for each salesperson.
Items - View the total quantity of each item sold or refunded within the selected reporting
period, including total values for each item. The item values do not take into account
coupon discounts or taxes.
Taxes - View the total taxes of different types applied on transactions within the selected
reporting period.
Payment Methods - View the report of payment methods of different types (such as cash,
check, credit, etc.) applied on transactions within the selected reporting period.
Each reporting screen provides the following actions:
Preview - Preview the report to see how it will be printed.
Print - Send the report to a printer.
Save as PDF - Save the report as a PDF file.
Save as CSV - Save the report as a CSV file, which can be opened in a spreadsheet
Email - Send the report as a PDF file to a recipient via email. You must set up email
settings from the General tab in Options before you can send email from Copper.
Fax - Send the report to a recipient via Fax. You must set up fax settings from the General
tab in Options before you can send faxes from Copper.
Multiple Currencies
Copper handles a business dealing with multiple currencies as a different business for each
currency. For example you could create one "business" called YourCompany - USD and
another YourCompany - Euro. Each could handle sales tax, VAT separately and you can print
reports entirely separately for the US dollar account or the EURO account. Each account must
be set up separately with its own salesperson, items etc.
To add a new currency to the business: from the menu, select Copper -> Multiple Businesses.
Then click Add. After you click Add the Startup Wizard will run. Then you can choose different
currency from the Options -> Regional under the Regional Format Settings section. It is
recommended you name the new business currency something logical like YourCompany -
AussieD. Remember to treat it as an entirely new business.
Credit Card Readers
Copper provides limited support for USB credit card readers.
Setup Instructions
1. Purchase a magnetic stripe reader that is configured from the factory to work in keyboard
emulation mode + SureSwipe mode
. To see whether it is working correctly, open a
program such as Notepad or TextEdit. Plug in the card reader and swipe a card. If you see
text all on one line, and the cursor moves to the next line, it should be working correctly.
Now delete the text.
2. If you are using a MagTek device, the mode can be changed at this page:
, or within Copper, you can go to Options -> Credit
Card Gateways and click Configure to set up the device.
3. Set up a "Card Present" account with a credit card gateway provider. For instance, provides a free test account. Later on, after you are done testing, make sure
you have a live account and that it is properly activated before you start selling to
customers. Otherwise, you won't get paid for the items you sell. We recommend starting
with a test account and testing it thoroughly, and then switching to a live account, and then
running a few small "purchases" on your own credit card before opening it up to customers.
You can check the purchase status online through the web page that your gateway service
4. Get the latest credit card interfaces by opening Copper and going to Options -> Credit Card
Gateways -> Check for Updates.
5. Enter your credentials after going to Options -> Credit Card Gateways and selecting a
provider and clicking Options.
6. Run test transactions by entering items and clicking "Pay". Check the box indicating that
you wish to "Charge Customer via Online Credit Card Gateway". Then click "Add
Payment". With the cursor in the "Card Number" field, slide your card through the reader. It
should process automatically.
Security Considerations
1. Whether you are using a card reader or entering card numbers manually, it is important to
keep your machine clean and free of malware.
2. Please consider using a reputable antivirus program. At the same time, it's healthy not to
go overboard because there are some phony security programs out there. We recommend
choosing one of the well-known antivirus programs.
3. Please consider using Copper on a dedicated machine. Other activities such as
unsupervised web browsing or opening email attachments could compromise the security
of the machine. If this is not practical, consider making a list of activities, programs, or web
sites that are needed for running the business, and then using the machine only for these
4. One way to tighten security is to set up a firewall to block all Internet traffic except a few
selected sites such as the operating system update site and the credit card gateway.
Usually, the credit card gateway URL can be found in the credit card setup page.
5. Please update the credit card components regularly within Copper. Even if a new version of
Copper has been installed, it is a good idea to check for credit card updates.
6. If you see an unclear error message when making a credit card sale, please contact NCH
support and/or check your merchant interface to see whether the transaction succeeded.
7. Please check bank statements regularly.
Password Management
How to change your password
1. First, log in to your account and click the Open Salespeople List link on the main page.
2. Select your name from the list and click edit.
3. Enter the new password you wish to use.
4. Re-enter the new password to confirm it.
5. Click OK to finish.
Retrieve Your Password
Click on Reset Password button on the login page. An email containing your reissued
password will be sent to your email box. For security reasons, your password will be reset
every time that you retrieve your password.
Network Setup
This tab allows you to configure your network so that you can synchronize data between
applications. The following options are available.
Allow access to Copper Point of Sale Software on the local network - This option allows
you to synchronize data with another computer that is on the local network. This is the
preferred option.
Allow access to Copper Point of Sale Software from the internet (Cloud Access) - This
option allows you to synchronize data between computers that are not on the same local
Run Web Routing and Test Wizard - Use this to check the firewall if you need cloud access.
Advanced Routing - This provides more options for configuring your computer on the
network. If you are using Copper as a client of Inventoria on the local network, then the
advanced options can typically be left alone.
Keyboard Shortcuts
The following list shows shortcuts for the most common tasks used in Copper main window:
View Items Ctrl+T
View Salespeople Ctrl+F
View Customers Ctrl+C
Handle Refunds and Returns Ctrl+R
View Program Options Ctrl+O
View Help Documentation F1
Initiate New Transaction or Void Current Transaction F3
Make Payment for Current Transaction F4
Delete Selected Item(s) DELETE
Exit Copper (Close to Tray) Alt+F4
The following list shows shortcuts for the common tasks used in Copper Items List window:
Add New Item Ctrl+N
Add New Coupon Ctrl+U
View Help Documentation F1
Edit Selected Item or Select Item if in edit transaction mode ENTER
Delete Selected Item(s) DELETE
Exit 'Items List' window ESC
The following list shows shortcuts for the common tasks used in Copper Transaction List
View Transaction Alt+V
Edit Selected Transaction ENTER
Print Selected Transaction Ctrl+P
View Help Documentation F1
Delete Selected Transaction(s) DELETE
Exit 'Transaction List' window ESC
The following list shows shortcuts for the common tasks used in Copper Customers window:
Add New Customer Ctrl+N
View Help Documentation F1
Edit Selected Customer Details or Select Customer ENTER
Delete Selected Customer(s) DELETE
Exit Customers window ESC
The following list shows shortcuts for the common tasks used in Copper Salespeople window:
Add New Salesperson Ctrl+N
Email Selected Salesperson Ctrl+E
Telephone Selected Salesperson Ctrl+T
View Help Documentation F1
Edit Selected Salesperson Details ENTER
Delete Selected Salesperson(s) DELETE
Exit Salespeople window ESC
The following list shows shortcuts for the common tasks used in Copper Report windows:
Print Selected Report Ctrl+P
Email Selected Report Ctrl+E
Save Selected Report as PDF file Ctrl+S
View Help Documentation F1
Exit Report window ESC
The following list shows shortcuts for the common tasks used in Copper Restaurant Menus
Add Menu Ctrl+N
Edit Selected Menu/Category/Item ENTER
Delete Selected Menu/Category/Item DELETE
View Help Documentation F1
Exit Restaurant Menus window ESC
The following list shows shortcuts for the common tasks used in Copper Restaurant Table List
Add New Table Ctrl+N
Delete Selected Table(s) DELETE
Edit Selected Table(s) ENTER
View Help Documentation F1
Exit Table window ESC
Application Synchronization
Use this help page to troubleshoot the most common problems when attempting to
synchronize items or quantities with Inventoria or another instance of Copper.
Unable to connect to [host name] through port [port number].
Copper was unsuccessful in its attempt to connect to the server program. Confirm that the
server program is running and has Web Access enabled. Verify that the host name entered
into Copper is the correct host name or IP address of the computer which is running the server
and that the port number entered into Copper matches the port number through which the
server accepts web connections.
Connection rejected -- Application integration not enabled by [program
The application synchronization behavior is not enabled by any business in the server
program. Complete the setup process for application synchronization in the Options dialog of
the server program.
Connection rejected -- invalid authorization key.
The authorization key entered into this instance of Copper does not match that of the server.
The authorization key is case sensitive and must exactly match the authorization key entered
into the server program.
Quantity change failed -- invalid location name: [location name].
Copper is attempting to update quantities for an item at a location that does not exist in the
server Inventoria program. The location name entered into Copper is not case sensitive but
must otherwise match the name of one location in the server Inventoria.
Quantity change failed -- invalid item name: [item name].
Copper is attempting to update quantities for an item that does not exist in the server
Inventoria program. The most likely cause of this error is that the item was created locally or
deleted from the server Inventoria after the most recent item synchronization.
Import Items
The following fields can be imported into item records:
Item Code - A unique identifier for the item. This could be a barcode number or an
identifier number or a short descriptive string. It cannot be longer than 25 characters.
Examples: 381370092346, ITEM0001, WHEAT BREAD
Description - A description of the item. It is typically limited to 259 characters.
Examples: Dental Floss, Granola Bars w/Raisins, Golden Wheat Bread
Price - The sale price of the item, using the format defined in the regional settings. If you
are using a currency other than dollars, please configure the currency before importing. It is
not necessary to include the currency symbol.
Examples: $1.99, 2.54, 0.89
Tax - (Optional) The name of the tax to apply to this item. If blank, the default tax applies.
It can also be "Default" or "None". Please set up taxes in Copper before importing items
that use taxes.
Examples: Sales Tax, Default, None, Riverton Sales Tax
Software License Terms
This EULA limits our liability and is governed by an arbitration agreement and venue
agreement. Please read below as these terms affect your rights.
1. The copyrights in this software and any visual or audio work distributed with the software
belong to NCH Software and others listed in the about box. All rights are reserved. Installation
of this software and any software bundled with or installed-on-demand from this software,
including shortcuts and start menu folders, is licensed only in accordance with these terms.
2. By installing, using or distributing the software you, on your own behalf and on behalf of your
employer or principal, agree to be bound by these terms. If you do not agree to any of these
terms, you may not use, copy, transmit, distribute, nor install this software - return it to the
place of purchase within 14 days to receive a full refund.
3. This software, and all accompanying files, data and materials, are distributed "as is" and with
no warranties of any kind, whether express or implied except as required by law. If you intend
to rely on this software for critical purposes you must test it fully prior to using it, install
redundant systems and assume any risk.
4. We will not be liable for any loss arising out of the use of this software including, but not
limited to, any special, incidental or consequential loss. Your entire remedy against us for all
claims is limited to receiving a full refund for the amount you paid for the software.
5. You may not use this software in any circumstances where there is any risk that failure of
this software might result in a physical injury or loss of life. You may not use this software if you
do not regularly backup your computer, or do not have antivirus and firewall software installed
on the computer, or keep sensitive data unencrypted on your computer. You agree to
indemnify us from any claims relating to such unauthorized use.
6. You may copy or distribute the installation file of this software in its complete unaltered form
but you may not, under any circumstances, distribute any software registration code for any of
our programs without written permission. In the event that you do distribute a software
registration code, you will be liable to pay the full purchase price for each location where the
unauthorized use occurs.
7. Use of data collected by the software is subject to the NCH Software Privacy Statement
which allows automatic anonymized collection of usage statistics in limited circumstances.
8. Choice of Law. If you reside in the United States, your relationship is with NCH Software,
Inc, a United States company, and this agreement is governed by the laws and courts of
Colorado. If you reside anywhere in the world outside of the United States, your relationship is
with NCH Software Pty Ltd, an Australian company, and this agreement is governed by the
laws and courts of the Australian Capital Territory. Such courts have continuing and exclusive
jurisdiction over any dispute between you and us, regardless of the nature of the dispute.
9. U.S. Customers Only: Arbitration Agreement and Class Action Waiver: PLEASE READ THIS
If you reside in the United States, NCH Software and you agree to arbitrate all disputes and
claims between us. This agreement to arbitrate is intended to be broadly interpreted.
References to "NCH" "you," and "us" include our respective subsidiaries, affiliates, agents,
employees, predecessors in interest, successors, and assigns. This arbitration agreement
does not preclude you from bringing issues to the attention of U.S. federal, state, or local
agencies. Such agencies can, if the law allows, seek relief against us on your behalf. This
Agreement evidences a transaction in interstate commerce, and thus the Federal Arbitration
Act governs the interpretation and enforcement of this provision. This arbitration provision shall
survive termination of this Agreement.
A party who intends to seek arbitration must first send to the other, by certified mail, a written
Notice of Dispute ("Notice"). The Notice to NCH should be addressed to:
Legal Department
NCH Software, Inc.
6120 Greenwood Plaza Blvd, Ste 120
Greenwood Village CO, 80111
("Notice Address"). The Notice must (a) describe the nature and basis of the claim or dispute;
and (b) set forth the specific relief sought ("Demand"). If NCH and you do not reach an
agreement to resolve the claim within 30 days after the Notice is received, you or NCH may
commence an arbitration proceeding. The amount of any settlement offer made by NCH or you
shall not be disclosed to the arbitrator.
A. The arbitration will be governed by the Commercial Arbitration Rules and the Supplementary
Procedures for Consumer Related Disputes (collectively, "AAA Rules") of the American
Arbitration Association ("AAA"), as modified by this Agreement, and will be administered by the
AAA. The AAA Rules are available online at, by calling the AAA at 1-800-778-7879, or
by writing to the Notice Address. The arbitrator is bound by the terms of this Agreement. All
issues are for the arbitrator to decide, including issues relating to the scope and enforceability
of the arbitration provision. Unless NCH and you agree otherwise, any arbitration hearings will
take place in Greenwood Village Colorado. If your claim is for $10,000 or less, we agree that
you may choose whether the arbitration will be conducted solely on the basis of documents
submitted to the arbitrator, through a telephonic hearing, or by an in-person hearing as
established by the AAA Rules. If your claim exceeds $10,000, the right to a hearing will be
determined by the AAA Rules. Regardless of the manner in which the arbitration is conducted,
the arbitrator shall issue a reasoned written decision. NCH will pay all AAA filing,
administration, and arbitrator fees for any arbitration initiated in accordance with the notice
requirements above. If, however, the arbitrator finds that either the substance of your claim or
the relief sought in the Demand is frivolous or brought for an improper purpose then the
payment of all such fees will be governed by the AAA Rules. In such case, you agree to
reimburse NCH for all monies previously disbursed by it that are otherwise your obligation to
pay under the AAA Rules. In addition, if you initiate an arbitration in which you seek more than
$75,000 in damages, the payment of these fees will be governed by the AAA rules.
B. The arbitrator may award declaratory or injunctive relief only in favor of the individual party
seeking relief and only to the extent necessary to provide relief warranted by that party's
Further, unless both you and NCH agree otherwise, the arbitrator may not consolidate more
than one person's claims, and may not otherwise preside over any form of a representative or
class proceeding. If this specific provision is found to be unenforceable, then the entirety of this
arbitration provision shall be null and void.
C. Notwithstanding any provision in this Agreement to the contrary, we agree that if NCH
makes any future change to this arbitration provision (other than a change to the Notice
Address) you may reject any such change by sending us written notice within 30 days of the
change to the Arbitration Notice Address provided above. By rejecting any future change, you
are agreeing that you will arbitrate any dispute between us in accordance with the language of
this provision.
D. To opt out of this Arbitration Agreement and class action waiver send an Opt Out notice to
the Notice Address stating "I am electing to opt out of the Arbitration Agreement and class
action waiver contained in the Legal Terms applicable to my purchase of an NCH product."
Your Opt Out Notice must include the date and proof of purchase. The Opt Out Notice must be
postmarked no later than thirty (30) days after the date of purchase. A separate Opt Out Notice
must be sent for each product purchased.
General - CSV Import Wizard: Select CSV for Import
Select CSV for Import
CSV Import File
Enter the name of the CSV file containing the import or click the adjacent button to open a file
browsing dialog.
A CSV (Comma-Separated Value) file contains data entries separated by a comma. Many
spreadsheet applications allow the user to save entered data in the CSV format.
General - CSV Import Wizard: Match Data Fields
Match Data Fields
This page of the wizard provides a means of associating the headers in your CSV file with the
fields supported by Copper Point of Sale Software.
To assign a header to a specific field, click on the cell adjacent to the field. A list of unassigned
headers will display, from which you may select the header you wish to assign.
General - CSV Import Wizard: CSV Import Results
CSV Import Results
The results page shows how many items were successfully imported, how many rows failed to
produce an import, as well as all relevant errors generated during the import.
Options - Options ~ Credit Card Gateways
The Credit Card Gateways tab of the Options dialog is where credit card payments are
configured, so that you can accept credit card payments from customers using Copper Point of
Sale Software. Credit card gateways can virtually take the place of physical credit card swipe
machines and process your customer's payments securely.
A list of the available credit card gateways appears on this tab. If you do not see any gateways,
click the Update List button to refresh the list. By updating the list, you will see credit card
gateways that have been tested with Copper Point of Sale Software.
To configure settings for a gateway, select it from the list so that its name is highlighted, and
click the Options button. To enable a credit card gateway for charging customers, check the
box to the left of its name. Only one credit card gateway can be selected at a time. Note that if
you do not enable a gateway by checking its box, credit card charging with Copper Point of
Sale Software will not be possible.
For more information about each of the supported gateways, click the links below:
Authorize website:
Authorize getting started guide
Also see the
Authorize account settings
topic in this manual.
Free sandbox account:
. Choose a "Card Not
Present" account if you always enter card data manually, or a "Card Present" account if
you are using a supported card reader.
Eway Australia website:
. More countries are available by
selecting the location on the website.
Also see the
Eway account settings
topic in this manual.
PayPal website:
. You will want to set up a Paypal account, and then
set up a Payflow Pro account.
Payflow Pro website:
Also see the
Paypal Payflow Pro Account Settings
topic in this manual.
Supported Currencies
Currently, only currencies with two decimal places (such as US dollars) are supported.
Currencies with zero or three decimal places are not yet supported. To use a currency other
than US dollars, please set the default currency in your credit card gateway interface. Then run
a few small test transactions and then review the merchant interface to make sure the results
are as expected.
Charge Customers via online Credit Card Gateway - Select this option to enable credit card
charging functionality. If you are using a self-contained external credit card machine instead,
do not select this.
Configure... - Configure or adjust the settings for the selected account.
Update List - Connect to the internet and check for updates, or for support for additional
Use this section to configure a USB credit card reader. Currently, only some MagTek readers
and generic keyboard-mode readers are supported.
Show all devices - Check this box to show USB devices connected to your computer, even if
they aren't recognized as card readers.
Refresh - Updates the list of attached USB devices.
Configure - Select an item in the list and click "Configure" to set up a card reader to work with
Screen References - Transaction
Previous transactions can be viewed using this dialog window, but once transactions have
been recorded, they cannot be altered unless you have administrative privelege. When viewing
a previous transaction, you will see the Date and Time at which the transaction was recorded.
You will also see a list of all items sold, and a summary of payment details below. At the
bottom of the window is a
Receipt button which you may click on to reproduce a receipt for the
Screen References - Draft Transaction
Draft transactions can be viewed using this dialog window. When viewing a draft transaction,
you will see a list of all items to be sold, and a summary of payment details below. To use a
draft transaction, close the dialogs and use the "Open Draft" button on the main screen.
Screen References - Salespeople List
This screen lists all the salespeople who are allowed to use Copper. Before salespeople can
use Copper, they must first Log On. It is not mandatory, but it is strongly suggested that you
assign a password for each salesperson.
You can use this screen to manage the list of salespeople who are allowed to use Copper. The
following actions are available:
Add - Add a new salesperson to the list so that they may use Copper.
Delete - Remove an existing salesperson from the list. Once this is done, the salesperson
will no longer be able to use Copper.
Edit - Edit the details of an existing salesperson.
Email - Send email to the selected salesperson using your email client software. Note that
this action is not affected by the Report Send Settings which are configured via the
'General' tab of the Options Dialog.
Telephone - Make a phone call to the selected salesperson using NCH Expresstalk VoIP
software. Additional resources are required to activate this feature.
Import - Import a list from a CSV file. The following fields are supported: First Name, Last
Name, Phone, Phone 2, Email, and Additional Information.
The salespeople list can easily be filtered by entering the filter text in 'Find SalesPerson' input
box. The filter string matches in first and last name as well as the phone number, and it is
case-insensitive. 'Clear' button clears the filter and displays full salespeople list.
Screen References - Salesperson Search
Use this dialog to search for a salesperson by first name, last name, or phone number. The
first matching entry will be selected. To find subsequent matching entries, press F3 or click on
Salesperson -> Find Next.
Screen References - Customer List
Use this screen to manage your customer records. Here you will see a list of all the customers
which Copper is aware of.
You can use this screen to manage the list of customers managed by Copper. The following
actions are available:
Add - Add a new customer to the list.
Delete - Remove an existing customer from the list.
Edit - Edit the details of an existing customer.
Also, 'Select' option is available for unpaid or new transaction on clicking 'Select Customer...'
button on main transaction dialog.
Select - This button is enabled when a customer is selected from the customers list, and
can be used to add the selected customer to the active transaction.
Screen References - Items List
This screen lists all recorded items.
You can use this screen to manage the list of all recorded items including coupons. The
following actions are available:
Item - Add a new item to the list.
Coupon - Add a new coupon to the list.
Delete - Remove an existing item from the list. Once this is done, the item can't be used
any more.
Edit - Edit the details of an existing item.
Import - Import the items from a CSV file.
The items list can easily be filtered by entering the filter text in 'Find Item' input box. The filter
string matches in item code and item description, and it is case-insensitive. 'Clear' button
clears the filter and displays full items list.
Also, 'Select' option is available for unpaid or new transaction on clicking 'Select item...' button
on main transaction dialog.
Select - This button is enabled when an item is selected from the items list, and can be
used to add the selected item to the active transaction.
Screen References - Restaurant Menus
This is the general menus screen. This screen lists all menus, and the associated categories
and items.
You can use this screen to add new Menus/Categories/Items. You can also delete/edit existing
Menus/Categories/Items. Assigning (new/existing) category to selected menu and assigning
(new/existing) item to selected category is also available. You can also use this screen to view
the list of Categories and list of Items. The following actions are available:
Add Menu - Add a new menu.
Add Category - Add a new category.
Add Item - Add a new item.
Edit Menu/Category/Item - Edit selected Menu/Category/Item.
Delete Menu/Category/Item - Delete selected Menu/Category/Item.
Assign Category - Assign (new/existing) category to selected Menu.
Assign Item - Assign (new/existing) item to selected Category.
View Category List - View Category list.
View Item List - View Item list.
Screen References - Restaurant Menu Categories
This screen lists all menu categories.
You can use this screen to manage the list of all menu categories. The following actions are
Add - Add a new menu category.
Delete - Remove an existing menu category.
Edit - Edit the details of an existing menu category.
Screen References - Restaurant Menu Items
This screen lists all menu items.
You can use this screen to manage the list of all menu items. The following actions are
Add - Add a new menu item.
Delete - Remove an existing menu item.
Edit - Edit the details of an existing menu item.
Screen References - Restaurant Tables
This screen lists all tables.
You can use this screen to manage the list of all tables. The following actions are available:
Add - Add a new table.
Delete - Remove an existing table.
Edit - Edit the details of an existing table.
Screen References - Restaurant Terminal
Selecting Terminal from the Restaurant menu opens the payment terminal screen.
If you have not created restaurant menus, categories or items yet, you will have the following
Add Menu - Click this button to add a menu.
Assign Item - Click this button to add an item to the menu and assign the category.
Existing menus are displayed on the left side in the menu panel. The menu items will display in
the items panel in the center or the screen. Each item is color coded according to its category.
Click on an item in the item panel to add it to the order. A table must be added and selected
when making an order. The order docket is located on the right side of the terminal.
To edit an item quantity in the current order:
Click on the item in the item panel to increase the quantity by one.
Click on the item in the order row, then click on the new quantity using the keypad buttons
on the bottom right.
To remove an item in the current order, click on the item in the order row, then click X button.
To apply a payment to the order, click on the Cash, Credit or Check button. Enter the payment
information in the dialog that opens.
To cancel a transaction and start a new transaction, click on the Void button.
Click Change button to switch staff account.
Click Exit Console button to exit payment terminal screen.
Screen References - Restore
This feature restores the previously backed up data in Copper data repository.
Warning: When you do restore, all the current data will be over-written or deleted permanently
from the Copper data storage folder, and it will be replaced by the restored data. Thus, it is
highly recommended to back up the current data before performing restore operation.
How to restore
1. Login to your account using root user credentials. Root user is the first user created when
installing the Copper for the very first time.
2. Select the 'Restore data...' submenu item under 'Tools' menu.
3. Confirm by clicking 'Yes' on the popup query message if you want to continue restore
operation. (See 'Warning' above)
4. Select the parent folder where Copper backed up data is pren. Generally, the parent folder
name has format 'Copper-Backup-YYYY-MM-DD'.
5. Click OK to start restoring.
Screen References - Dual Screen
This feature enables the dual screen mode, i.e., a second dialog will open up which will display
the transaction details from the main window. This is intended for systems with two monitors,
where one monitor is turned towards customer and other towards salesperson; hence, allowing
both customer and salesperson to view and review transaction details during the check-out
Screen References - Refunds
"The refund feature in Copper allows a salesperson to process and record items returned by
Processing a Refund
Refunds are processed from Refunds window and it can be accessed from toolbar button on
main window. Refund processing is a two step process: adding returned items, and recording
the refund.
Adding Items to a Refund Transaction
If necessary, use the New Refund button located in the lower right corner to clear all items
and information from the previous transaction. There are several ways to add a new item to
a transaction:
Enter a transaction number from the past receipt into the Enter Transaction Code text
box, then press Enter or the
Add Transaction button. This would add all items from the
entered transaction.
Use the Browse Transaction to select items from recorded transaction list.
Use the Select Item button to select an item from the Items List. Note that adding new
items is not allowed when refunding a past transaction.
Use the Manual Item Entry button to add an item that does not have a barcode, or
cannot be found in the Items List (requires a keyboard). Note that adding new items is
not allowed if processing from a past transaction.
You may be able to Adjust Quantity and Adjust Unit Value of the added items in the list
depending on item types and past transaction types.
Recording the Refund
When at least one item has been added to a new refund transaction, and you are ready to
process and record the refund, click or press the
Process Refund button.
Select the refund method to be used, and enter the amount refunded to the customer.
Copper will calculate the amount of change to receive if any as you enter the refund
amount, and will display this in the field below.
When you have entered the correct refund details, and returned the correct change to the
customer, click the 'Record' button to save the refunded transaction.
Coupons in a Refund
When creating a refund, coupons must be selected for each refund. If a coupon is not
included, the refund price will be greater.
Screen References - View Previous Refunds
Previously refunded transactions can be viewed using this dialog window. When viewing a
previous transaction, you will see the Date and Time at which the transaction was recorded. If
available, it also displays the original transaction reference number from which the items were
refunded. You will also see a list of all items refunded, and a summary of payment details
below. At the bottom of the window is a
Receipt preview and print buttons which you may click
on to reproduce a receipt for the refunded transaction.
Screen References - Browse Transactions
Past recorded transactions can be viewed and items from a selected transaction can be added
to process refunds using this dialog window. The dialog consists of two list views:
Top listview contains the list of past transactions. The list can be filtered by selecting the
time period by using the pool-down-list control, or by selecting custom start and end dates.
Click on a transaction to select it and populate the bottom listview.
Bottom listview contains the list of items from the selected transaction. Select items to be
refunded by checking the checkboxes next to each item row, and click
Refund Selected to
continue processing the selected items for refunds. Coupon item from a selected
transaction is always added even if it is left unselected.
Note that Copper can only process items from one transaction at a time for refunds.
Screen References - Process Refund
After you click the 'Process Refund' button on the 'Refunds' screen, the Process Refund dialog
will appear. This is where you enter how you paid back the customer. Note that to maintain
consistency, this dialog is designed to closely resemble 'Receive Payment' dialog, which
processes the sales payment details.
Total Refund Due
This field displays the total amount owed to the customer for the transaction.
Refund by cash, check, or gift card. (Credit cards are not supported for refunds at this time.)
Balance Remaining
This field displays the remaining balance amount owed to the customer for the refunded
Refund Amount
Enter the amount to refund. Any change owed is displayed in the Change field below. You may
enter the amount, less than the total amount due. In such occasion, you are required to
complete the refund processing by splitting into multiple refund payments.
Refund Reference
Enter the credit transaction reference number here, or the check number. This is an optional
If the refund amount is more than the Total Refund Due, the change due will be displayed here.
Add Refund
If the salesperson or business wants to split the total refund amount into multiple payment
methods, then use 'Add Refund' button to add each partial tendered amount to the pay list.
Once the transaction is fully paid, click 'Record' to save and store the payment information.
Remove Payment
Use this option to remove the selected refund payment.
Show/Hide Keypad
This button shows or hides a numeric keypad, and could be useful for touch screen interfaces.
Screen References - Gift Card
You can use this screen to manage the gift cards registered with Copper. The following actions
are available:
Issue Gift Card - Register a new Gift Card with Copper.
Check Balance - Check the remaining balance on a registered Gift Card.
Issue Gift Card
Register a new gift card.
Enter the gift card code: - Enter the code number for the new gift card.
Enter the gift card amount: - Enter the inital value for the new gift card.
Check Balance
This will show the remaining value left on the gift card.
Enter the gift card code: - Enter the code number for the gift card to be checked.
Screen References - Apply Gift Card
Enter the Gift Card Code you want to apply to this payment.
Screen References - Add Menu Item
Enter the name of the menu item.
Enter the description of the menu item.
Unit Value (price or rate):
Shows the price per serving.
Screen References - Recipe
Enter the name of the recipe.
Enter the description of the recipe.
Number of portions:
Enter the number of portions this recipe makes.
Preperation time:
Enter the time require to make this recipe.
Price per portion:
Enter the normal price per portion.
Cost per portion:
Enter the cost per portion.
Screen References - Table
Enter the table number.
Number of seats:
Enter the number of seats that are normally at this table.
Enter the description of the location.
Enter any addition notes about the table.
Screen References - Add Menu
Enter the name of the menu.
Enter the description of the menu.
Add Category
Add a category associated to the current menu.
Screen References - Add Menu Category
Enter the name of the category.
Enter the description of the Category.
Enter the color of the category.
Add Item
Add an item associated to the current category.
Screen References - Server
Enter the name of the menu.
Enter the description of the menu.
Screen References - Select Item
Select item to be assigned to the category.
You can assign a new item by selecting "Add New".
Screen References - Select Category
Select category to be assigned to the menu.
You can assign a new category by selecting "Add New".
Screen References - Authorize Account Settings
Authorize Account Settings
Enter a login ID you've obtained from Authorize.Net
Transaction Key:
Enter a transaction key you've obtained from Authorize.Net
Gateway URL:
Enter the Authorize.Net gateway. It should be
for a normal account, or for a test account.
Screen References - Eway Account Settings
Eway Account Settings
Enter a customer ID you've obtained from Eway.
Gateway URL:
Enter the Eway gateway. Typical URLs are for a test account, and for a live account.
Screen References - Paypal Payflow Pro Account
Paypal Account Settings (Payflow Pro / PayPal Payments Pro)
Enter the PayPal partner (usually PayPal). Use the same credentials you would use to log in to
Merchant Login:
Enter your merchant login
Usually this is the same as the merchant login
Enter the password to your PayPal merchant account
This is a test account (see help)
Check this to use test mode instead of running live transactions. To use test mode, you may
need to create a sandbox account at and then enter your sandbox
email address at under Service Settings -> Hosted Checkout Pages
-> Setup. (Source:
19 July 2013 p.50)
Screen References - Paypal Account Settings
Paypal Account
API Username:
Enter an API user name you've obtained from PayPal
API Password:
Enter an API password you've obtained from PayPal
Gateway URL:
Enter the PayPal gateway. Usually,
API Credentials
Client Side SSL
Select this option if you are using a certificate.
3-token Authentication
Select this option if you are using a signature.
Signature for 3-token Authentication
Certificate Password:
Password of the Certificate file for Client Side SSL
Full file path of Certificate file for Client Side SSL.
Test Connection
Click this to check the connection to the gateway using the credentials provided.
Screen References - Account Settings
If you are using a third-party credit card gateway DLL, enter the full URL-encoded login string
Screen References - Fax Settings
To send faxes you need an electronic gateway to send direct from your PC using email
protocols. Click on the recommended gateways link for more information.
Gateway domain (after @):
To send faxes you must enter the gateway domain (that is the part after @). For example to
send a fax to [FaxNumber] enter as the domain.
Screen References - Fax Number
Please enter the telephone number for the fax to send to.
Remember this fax number
Tick 'Remember this fax number' to save the number for use in the future.
Screen References - Email Address
Please enter the email address you want to send to. This needs to be the full email address,
e.g. [email protected] . To send to multiple email addresses, separate each address
with a comma.
For problems with sending an email, please refer to
this page.
Remember this email address
If this option is available, tick 'Save this as email ...' to save the email address for use in the
Screen References - Print Preview
The Preview window displays each page of the document as it will be printed by the printer.
Print (if available)
You can print the document by clicking the Print button.
This will open the printer selection and settings dialog where you can select which pages of the
document to print.
Previous and Next
Use the Previous and Next buttons to view each page of the document when there is more
than one page to print.
The Close button closes the window.
Screen References - Back Up Data
It is essential that you backup your data regularly just in case something goes wrong. Please
select one of the options below.
Backup Options
Back up to a Network Folder
This is a good option if you are working in an office. Ask your Network Administrator to create a
safe folder on the shared server. Select this folder and click Backup. The entire application
folder will be copied to that folder. If something goes wrong (like a hard drive crash) you just
copy back the folder and everything will be restored.
Back up to a CD or DVD with Express Burn
Select this option to burn all the data to disc using Express Burn. See
learn more about Express Burn.
Back up to a Removable Drive
As an alternative use this option to backup to an external USB hard drive or USB key flash
drive. Please consider using MEO to encrypt the files if using removable media.
Screen References - Manual Item Entry
Use the Manual Item Entry button, located on the main screen above the transaction list, to
add an item that does not have a barcode, or cannot be found in the Items List (requires a
Item Quantity:
Enter the quantity of the item being sold.
Item Code:
Enter the code of the item being sold, if applicable.
Item Description:
Enter the full description you want to be displayed on the receipt.
Unit Value (price or rate):
Enter the price of a single item.
Enter any discount as a percentage reduction of the Unit Value.
Select the tax rate that applies. If you only see 'None' you may first need to configure the Tax
Options (Options from the main window then click the Tax tab).
Add this item permanently to Items List
Check this box to create this item permanently, i.e., the item will be added to the items list
repository, as well as, to this transaction.
Screen References - Adjust Item Discount
Use the Adjust Discount button to change the purchase discount of the currently selected item.
Note that the discount is applied to the selected item one time only and valid for just this
transaction, i.e. this won't change the discount for the item in the item inventory list. Thus, it is
highly recommended to add some comments to the item description with the reasons for
applying the discount.
Item Description:
Enter the full description and append the reason for applying this discount.
Discount Percentage:
Adjust any discount as a percentage reduction of the Unit Value.
Discount Amount:
Adjust any discount as an amount reduction of the Unit Value.
Screen References - Adjust Item Unit Value
Use the Adjust Unit Value button to change the unit value of the currently selected item while
completing a refund transaction. Note that the unit value is applied to the selected item one
time only and valid for just this transaction, i.e. this won't change the value for the item in the
item inventory list. Thus, it is highly recommended to add some comments to the item
description with the reasons for changing the unit value.
Item Description:
Enter the full description and append the reason for changing the unit value.
Unit Value:
Adjust any unit value for the selected item. The values can not be adjusted for coupons in
Screen References - Adjust Item Quantity
Use the Adjust Quantity button to change the purchase quantity of the currently selected item.
New Quantity:
Enter the new quantity to be purchased.
Show/Hide Keypad
This button shows or hides a numeric keypad, and could be useful for touch screen interfaces.
Screen References - Add Shipping Amount
Use the Shipping button to add shipping charges to a transaction.
Shipping Amount:
Enter the shipping cost.
Screen References - Add/Edit Customer
The Add/Edit Customer window is where you fill in the details for customers. To access the
Add/Edit Customer window, click Add New Customer from the Customers List or click edit on
one of the existing customers. Users with viewer-only privileges will be unable to edit customer
You can use this screen to manage the list of customers managed by Copper. The following
actions are available:
First Name:
Enter the customer's first name.
Last Name:
Enter the customer's last name.
Enter the customer's contact address.
Enter the customer's contact telephone number.
Enter the customer's contact email address.
Screen References - Salesperson
Add salespeople to Copper to keep track of each salesperson's transactions, and their contact
information. To add salespeople, click the
Add New Salesperson link from the sidebar, or open
the Salesperson List and click
Add, then use the descriptions below to fill in the information
about the salesperson.
First Name:
Enter the first name of the salesperson.
Last Name:
Enter the last name of the salesperson.
Phone (primary):
Enter the primary phone number of the salesperson. The phone number can contain letters,
digits, and other text.
Phone (alternative):
Enter the alternative phone number of the salesperson, if any.
Enter the email address of the salesperson.
Additional Info:
Enter any additional information, such as date of birth.
Enter the login password for the salesperson.
Verify Password:
Repeat the login password that was entered in the above 'Password' field to verify its accuracy.
Check this option to allow this user to modify others user's preferences, view reports and logs,
sell/refund items, and to add/remove transactions.
Check this option to allow this user to sell/refund items.
Screen References - Select Report Category and
Before Copper generates the report you have selected, you will be asked to select report
category (Sales or Refunds) and to enter dates you would like the report to span. Select from
fixed reporting dates, or customize a start and end date for the report.
Report Category
Check this option to generate report from sales transactions.
Check this option to generate report from refunded transactions.
Report Period
Select Period:
Select the period for the report. Choose from a fixed period including the current month, the
previous month, or the current calendar year. Or you can choose Select from the list and then
enter any Start Date and End Date you like in the boxes to customize the period of the report.
Start Date:
Enter the date (inclusive) the report period will start from. Clicking the down arrow will display a
calendar from which the start date for the report can be selected.
End Date:
Enter the date (inclusive) the report period will end on. Clicking the down arrow will display a
calendar from which the end date for the report can be selected.
Screen References - Multiple Businesses
A single installation of Copper can manage many businesses. They run as if they were entirely
different installs. Every single setting can be changed for each business. Each business has its
own salespeople, items, payments and reports.
To add a business, from the menu select Copper -> Multiple Businesses. Then click Add New
After you click Add the Startup Wizard will run.
To delete a business, select a business by clicking once on the list of businesses. Then click D
elete Business
To select the active business, choose a business in the list and click Select.
Screen References - Credit Card Information
Enter the credit card details for this transaction.
Card Number (or slide card):
Enter the customer's credit card number, or swipe a card through a card reader.
Card Expiration Date (mm/yyyy):
Enter the customer's credit card expiration date (mm/yy or mm/yyyy).
Card Verification Number:
Enter the customer's credit card Verification Number.
Customer Name:
Enter the name of the customer.
Billing Address:
Enter the customer billing address.
Screen References - Receive Payment
After you click the Pay button on the main screen, the Receive Payment dialog will appear.
This is where you enter how the customer paid, and if you need to give change back.
Total Amount Due:
This field displays the total amount owed by the customer for the transaction.
Payment Method:
Select a payment method to pay for the transaction.
Balance Remaining:
This field displays the remaining balance amount owed by the customer for the transaction.
Amount Tendered:
When the customer pays in cash, enter the amount received. Any change owed is displayed in
the Change field below. If the customer pays by another method, this field will be automatically
filled out with the remaining amount due.
Payment Ref:
Enter the credit transaction reference number here, or the customer's check number.
If the customer paid in cash and money is owed back to them, the change due will be
displayed here.
Add Payment
If the customer wants to split the total owed amount into multiple payment methods, then use
'Add Payment' button to add each partial tendered amount to the pay list. Once the transaction
is fully paid, click 'Record' to save and store the payment information.
Remove Payment
If a payment was entered incorrectly, remove it and re-enter it.
Hide Keypad
This button shows or hides a numeric keypad, and could be useful for touch screen interfaces.
Screen References - Log On
Select a staff and enter your password to Log On.
User Name:
Select User. This is used to uniquely identify the user.
Enter the password for this user.
Reset Password
Retrieve a forgotten password.
Screen References - Options ~ Web Access
Browser Access
For more information on setting up Browser Access, see this Knowledge Base article:
Screen References - Options ~ General
This tab is used to enter details about your business or company. Most of the information is
printed on each receipt or report. If you don't want the information printed, you can leave the
fields blank.
Company Details
Business Name:
Enter the official name of the business (e.g., Acme Corporation, Inc).
Registered Number:
In many countries, each business has an official number which must be displayed on the
receipt. Please enter it here.
Enter the address of your business as you want it to be printed on the receipt.
Contact Details:
Enter the contact details you want on the receipt. For example, phone, fax, email address and
Logo Image File:
To add your logo to receipts and other reports you can select the file path to a bmp/gif/jpg/png
Report Send Settings
These settings only apply to the sending of reports via fax or email. Please note that they do
not affect the sending of email directly to salespeople. The 'Email' button on the salesperson
list uses your email client software.
Email Settings...
Please refer to the link
for more details.
Fax Settings...
To send faxes you need an electronic gateway to send directly from your PC.
Run on Startup
Copper can be configured to run automatically whenever a user logs on to the computer.
Run Copper automatically when you log in
Tick this option if you want Copper to run automatically when a user logs on to the computer.
Specify for whom Copper will automatically startup by selecting one of the following options
from the pull down list:
Start when any user logs on : to start Copper whenever any person logs on to the
Start when this user logs on only : to start Copper only when the current user logs on to the
Start before logon. Show all users' tray : to start Copper when the computer starts up and
to make the system tray icon visible to all users.
Start before logon. Show this user only : to start Copper when the computer starts up and
to make the system tray icon visible only to the current user.
Start before logon. Do not show icon : to start Copper when the computer starts up, without
showing the system tray icon.
Service Settings
Use this option if you need advanced control over how Copper runs in the background.
Enable touchscreen buttons
This makes some dialog buttons larger, for use on a touchscreen
Enable system touchscreen keyboard
This brings up a touchscreen keyboard when Copper starts. This option only applies to
Windows 7 or later.
Screen References - Options ~ Sync Apps
Copper Synchronization Settings
Do not synchronize items. Items are local to this computer only.
Check this option to disable client and server synchronization behavior.
Synchronize this installation of Copper as a client of Inventoria or Copper
Check this option to permit Copper to connect remotely with either Inventoria or Copper for
downloading current item data and uploading quantity changes.
Access Authentication Code (must match the server program):
Enter the code that Copper will use to connect to a server Inventoria or Copper.
Address or IP number of server program (not including 'http://'):
Enter the address or IP of the server program to which Copper should connect.
Port number used by server program:
Enter the port number used by the server program to accept web connections. Inventoria has a
default port number of 1097 and Copper has a default of 1096.
Location name for this business profile:
Select or enter the name of the location in the server Inventoria which corresponds to the
current business profile in Copper.
Retrieve Locations
Use this button to request a list of locations existing in the server Inventoria.
Update Now
Use this button to immediately perform an item synchronization using the current settings.
Allow Copper to act as a server for other installations of Copper
Check this option to permit other instances of Copper to connect remotely for downloading
current item data.
Access Authentication Code (must be entered in client program):
Enter a code that other instances of Copper will use to connect to this business in Copper.
Screen References - Options ~ Transaction
This tab is used to control the way transactions are recorded.
Transaction Details
Next Transaction Number:
This is the current transaction number. It is increased every time a new transaction is recorded.
Number Prefix (optional):
The transaction number prefix is optional. You can enter digits or characters to be used in front
of any transaction number.
Payment Methods
When you apply a payment you select the payment method. This can then be used to create
reports of payments and to aid in reconciling statements. You can change the default list of
payments by entering a comma separated list of the methods your company accepts here. An
example is Check,Bank Deposit,Credit Card, etc.
Note: The first item in this list will be the
default selection in the payment dialog.
Credit Card Label:
If you change the payment methods, select which method, if any, is used for online credit card
Activate and Redeem Gift Cards
This option allows gift cards to be issued and redeemed.
Screen References - Options ~ Receipt
This tab is used to set the receipt layout.
Receipt Details
Print small size receipts
This option forces receipts to be printed with narrow widths. It is intended for use with
continuous receipt paper rolls.
Paper Width:
Select an appropriate paper width for small size receipts.
Side Margin (inches):
Enter the measurement, in inches, that printed content will appear from the paper edges along
the left and right sides for small size receipts.
Top and Bottom Margin (inches):
Enter the measurement, in inches, that printed content will appear from the paper edges along
the top and bottom for small size receipts.
Always print receipts to default printer without prompting for print dialog.
When checked, the print data is sent to default printer. That means, no print dialog is displayed
to select a printer, or to change its settings, after the 'Print Receipt' command is initiated.
Print duplicate copies of receipt.
When checked, two copies of receipt is printed, a customer copy and a store copy.
Show salesperson's name on receipts.
Select whether to show the salesperson's full name on all receipts.
Logo Height (inches):
The logo height field determines the size of your logo when it is printed. The logo will be
stretched or shrunken so it matches that height while still maintaining the correct aspect ratio.
Preview Receipt
Clicking the Preview Receipt button will open a preview of what the printed receipt will look like.
Before this window opens, the Copper program may ask you to save the receipt settings.
Screen References - Options ~ Receipt Text
This tab is used to set the text that appears on receipts.
Customize Receipt Text
Receipt Text Titles:
This is the text that will be printed on receipts. Select a title or heading from the drop-down
menu, then alter the text for that item in the field to the right.
Text entered here will appear at the bottom of the printed receipt. Choose an alignment and
font size for the text.
Note Comment:
Enter any text which will appear near the bottom of the receipt.
Foot Comment:
Enter any text which will appear at the very bottom of the receipt.
Preview Receipt
Clicking the Preview Receipt button will open a preview of what the printed receipt will look like.
Before this window opens, the Copper program may ask you to save the receipt settings.
Screen References - Options ~ Tax
This page is used to configure any sales tax, GST or VAT rates which are applied.
Sales Tax System:
This is where you select if sales tax applies in your state or country and whether there are 1, 2
or 3 rates.
Tax Rates
Tax Name:
Enter the name that the tax is called in your state or country (e.g., Sales Tax, GST, VAT etc).
Tax Rate (percent):
Enter the default tax rate.
Tax Name 2:
This is where you have a second rate of tax. Note that the rates are not cumulative. So if the
rates should both apply Rate 2 should be the dual rate.
Tax Name 3:
This is where you have a third rate of tax. Note that the rates are not cumulative. So if the rates
should all apply, Rate 3 should be the combined triple rate.
Tax Options
By default items have this tax rate:
Any new item will have this rate selected by default.
Item prices are tax inclusive (presumed to already include tax)
If this is ticked, all items subject to tax will be priced and displayed as being tax inclusive.
Screen References - Options ~ Regional
Regional Format Settings
Currency Symbol:
This is the symbol used for money in your country - usually $.
Currency Order:
Use this option to select if the currency symbol is before the number (e.g., $10.00), or after the
number (e.g., 10.00$).
Currency Digits:
Use this option to set the number of digits after the decimal point.
Decimal Symbol:
This is the symbol used for the decimal point - usually a dot everywhere but in Europe, where a
comma is used.
Thousands Symbol:
This is the symbol used to separate thousands - usually a comma.
Number of Decimal Places For Quantity:
This is the number of digits that will appear to the right of the decimal place when displaying
quantities. Note that this does not apply to currency amounts.
Rounding Settings
The rounding feature allows Copper to round (up/down) the total amount for transactions to the
selected interval when processing the payments. Rounding becomes necessary when lower
denomination of coins are unavailable to tender for cash payment type transactions. Note that
if you apply the exact total due amount to payment, rounding won't be applied even if the
feature is active, because it eliminates the necessity to provide any change back to the
Rounding Type:
Use this option to enable and disable rounding totals, and select rounding types.
Rounding Interval:
Use this option to set the rounding interval. E.g.: if setting to nearest 5 cents, select $0.05 from
the pull-down list.
Rounding Rule:
Use this option to specify rounding rules.
Round each item individually
Use this option to round each item in an order separately. Otherwise, rounding is applied only
after the order total is calculated.
Print Settings
Printed Date Format:
This is the date format used for printing and PDF generation
Paper Size:
This is the paper size used for PDF generation and when the default printer is used.
Side Margin (inches):
Enter the measurement, in inches, that printed content will appear from the paper edges along
the left and right sides.
Top and Bottom Margin (inches):
Enter the measurement, in inches, that printed content will appear from the paper edges along
the top and bottom.
Screen References - Options ~ Sync Apps - Network
Application Synchronization Access
For more information on setting up Web Access used for Application Synchronization, see this
Knowledge Base article:
Screen References - Item ~ Item
Enter items into the Copper system to complete transactions quickly and easily. To enter a
new item, click the
Enter New Item link from the left sidebar on the main page, or click Add
from the Items List to pull up the Item dialog. Then, use the descriptions below to fill out the
information about your new item.
Item Code:
Enter a short, unique (but memorable) code for this item. This code will be used to quickly add
items to a transaction.
Item Description:
Enter the full description you want to be displayed on the transaction.
Unit Value (price or rate):
This is the price of a single item.
Enter the discount as a percentage of the normal unit value.
Select the tax rate which applies. If you only see 'None' you may first need to configure the Tax
Options (Options from the main window then click the Tax tab).
Screen References - Item ~ Coupon
Enter coupons into the Copper system. Coupons in Copper are discounts that are applied to
entire purchase (i.e, transaction). You can create as many coupons as you want. Copper now
supports multiple coupons per transaction. To enter a new coupon, click the
Add New Coupon
link from the left sidebar on the main page, or click
Add New Coupon from the Items List to pull
up the Coupon dialog. Then, use the descriptions below to fill out the information about your
new coupon.
Note: A coupon can be entered in local currency format or percentage format. However, the
tax calculations may defer based on your format selection. See the respective format below for
details on tax calculations. It is recommended to try out few experimental transactions with
different types of coupons.
Coupon Code:
Enter the code of the Coupon or gift card, if applicable.
Coupon Description:
Enter the full description you want to be displayed on the receipt.
Coupon expires on:
Enter the date when the coupon expires.
Discount Price
Discount Value:
Enter the discount amount in your local currency to be applied on total bill. The amount is
simply deducted off the after-tax total, i.e., the discount is applied on after tax amount.
Tax Group:
Select the tax group of the item(s) to which this coupon will apply. For manufacturer coupons,
usually you would enter None. For store coupons that apply to a specific item, enter the tax
group of that item. For store coupons that apply to the entire purchase, enter All. The coupon
will be applied prior to calculating the selected tax.
Discount coupon is in percentage
Check this option if you want to allow discount in percentage instead of the discount value in
currency. The amount is deducted off the before-tax subtotal, i.e., the discount is applied on
before tax amount.
Discount in Percentage
Discount Percent:
Enter any discount as a percentage. The percentage amount is deducted off the before-tax
subtotal, i.e., the discount is applied on before tax amount.