Top Lang Disorders
Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 297–318
2012 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
The Developmental Writing
A New Progress Monitoring Tool
for Beginning Writers
Janet M. Sturm, Kathleen Cali, Nickola W. Nelson,
and Maureen Staskowski
Developing writers make qualitative changes in their written products as they progress from
scribbling and drawing to conventional, paragraph level writing. As yet, a comprehensive mea-
surement tool does not exist that captures the linguistic and communicative changes (not just
emergent spelling) in the early stages of this progression. The Developmental Writing Scale (DWS)
for beginning writers was developed as a tool that can capture evidence of refined changes in
growth over time. This measure is a 14-point ordinal scale that defines qualitative advances in
levels of a learning progression for beginning writing from scribbling to cohesive (linguistically
connected) and coherent (on an identifiable topic) paragraph-level writing. The measure can be
used with young typically developing children and children with disabilities at all ages who are
functioning at beginning levels of writing. Limitations of current writing measures, in contrast to
the DWS, are described. The development of the DWS and techniques for using the measure are
described with regard to construct and content validity. Preliminary research on reliability of DWS
scoring and validity for 5 purposes support usefulness of the DWS for educational and research
purposes, including monitoring the progress of beginning writers with significant disabilities.
Key words: beginning writers, learning progression, writing assessment, writing scale
Author Affiliations: Central Michigan University,
Mount Pleasant, Michigan (Dr Sturm); University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Ms Cali); Western
Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan (Dr
Nelson); and Macomb Intermediate School District,
Clinton Township, Michigan (Dr Staskowski).
Portions of the Developmental Writing Scale were devel-
oped when the first author, as PI, was receiving support
from NIH Grant R41HD059238-01 to Don Johnston,
Inc. for development of software to support early writ-
ing development. The authors would like to thank the
many teachers, undergraduate, and graduate students
for their ongoing support during the development of
the Developmental Writing Scale.
The authors disclose that they may receive royalties in
the future for products based on the work described in
this article.
Supplemental digital content is available for this
article. Direct URL citations appear in the printed
text and are provided in the HTML and PDF ver-
sions of this article on the journal’s Web site (www.
SROD UF DEF POT 1. Hir I whs sentn din rind.
SROD UF DEF POT 1. (Grade 5 student)
My role model is my dad because he waled
on tools, moshens, and matel baerols. I think
it’s verey intuorasting to do because I like to fix
thing’s, and it’s fun to do waleding. (Grade 8 stu-
Pow Pow Pow, I think it would be a good idea
for teachers to have a gun permit. It would reduce
violence in schools and outside of schools. It will
also protect themselves as well as the students.
I think it would be a great idea for it. (Grade 11
Corresponding Author: Janet M. Sturm, PhD, Central
Michigan University, 2167 Health Professions Building,
Mount Pleasant, MI 48859 ([email protected]).
DOI: 10.1097/TLD.0b013e318272159e
Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
EACH OF THE students whose work is
quoted previously (shared with permission
from the Tennessee Department of Educa-
tion, 2010) faces significant challenges for de-
veloping sophisticated, conventional writing
skills. Although the students are at different
grade levels, each presents as a “beginning
writer.” These students have something else
in common—they all received a score of a
1 out of 6 on their most recent end-of-grade
writing tests. Despite differences that can be
readily observed across the three samples, the
holistic scoring method used to evaluate them
was not sensitive enough to detect the differ-
ences, nor would it be likely to reflect positive
changes that would represent progress from
one evaluation period to the next.
The Developmental Writing Scale (DWS)
described in this article was developed in re-
sponse to the need for better tools to assess
beginning writing. Development of the DWS
began in response to an immediate need on
the part of researchers to track the progress
in writing quality of beginning writers with
developmental disabilities (DD) who were
participating in an investigation of Enriched
Writers’ Workshop intervention (see Sturm,
2012). The research team needed a tool sensi-
tive enough to detect small advances in writ-
ing by students with various diagnoses involv-
ing complex cognitive, linguistic, and neuro-
motor impairments. Each of the students in
the target population was a beginning writer,
and, subjectively, each student participating
in the early research appeared to have made
gains in intervention; however, the available
writing measures were not sensitive enough
to detect the changes. This illuminated the
broader need for a writing measure that could
be used to capture differences in beginner-
level writing samples for children with disabil-
ities across grade levels as well as for typically
developing children in the early grades. Such
a tool should be sensitive enough to measure
advancing emergent writing abilities, descrip-
tive enough to inform intervention planning,
stable enough to measure progress reliably,
and valid for addressing purposes related both
to educational and research concerns.
Despite an emphasis on improving writing
instruction for typically developing beginning
writers, students with disabilities continue
to lag behind their peers on statewide and
national writing assessments. Data from the
National Assessment of Educational Progress
writing assessment showed nearly half (46%)
of eighth-grade students with disabilities scor-
ing below the basic level of proficiency
(Salahu-Din, Persky, & Miller, 2008). Children
with the most severe and complex disabilities
may not even be represented in these national
data because they were not considered to be
writers. Tools that would be more sensitive
to features of early writing than the holistic
writing rubrics common to state writing as-
sessments could help change this picture. For
students with complex disabilities, who oth-
erwise might never receive a score of more
than 1 (below basic) out of 6 (proficient/
exemplary) on current summative measures
throughout their primary and secondary ex-
perience, such tools could improve access to
achieving components of core curricular stan-
Quality writing instruction has been shown
to improve the writing of students with dis-
abilities (e.g., Graham & Harris, 2005; Joseph
& Konrad, 2009), and ongoing progress mon-
itoring plays a critical role in the develop-
ment of quality writing instruction. Although
currently available writing assessments might
provide educators with sufficient information
for summative assessments, they generally do
not provide sufficient or appropriate informa-
tion to guide the formative assessment pro-
cess (Heritage, 2010).
An extensive review of the literature did
not reveal any existing measures that would
be sensitive to fine-grained differences in sam-
ples produced by beginning and atypical writ-
ers, with or without disabilities. Although
several descriptions of beginning writing
development were identified for component
skills (e.g., Clay, 2006; Sulzby, Barnhart, &
Hieshima, 1989), comprehensive scales of
developmental writing skills appropriate for
Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The Developmental Writing Scale 299
this purpose were not found. As Coker and
Ritchie (2010) concluded, . . . no measure
currently exists to bridge single-letter writ-
ing and spelling and beginning composition
abilities” (p. 178). Thus, plans were set in mo-
tion to develop one. This is a report of the
procedures used to develop a DWS for use in
assessing samples of students’ early writing at-
tempts and the results of preliminary research
on the scale’s effectiveness.
For the purpose of this article, a beginning
writer is one who is learning to use written
language to express communicative intent,
and beginning writing is defined as starting
with emergent writing (drawing, scribbling,
and writing letters) and ending with conven-
tional writing abilities, usually acquired by
second or third grade for typically developing
children. Sulzby and her colleagues (Sulzby
et al., 1989; Sulzby & Teale, 1991) defined be-
ginning writers somewhat differently—as in-
dividuals who are in the early stages of learn-
ing to compose texts that can be read by
other literate persons and that can be read
conventionally by the writers themselves.
This emphasis led Sulzby and her colleagues
to focus on stages in the development of
conventional spelling as characterizing early
written language development. Although in-
telligible spelling clearly is a component of
emergent written language, the boundary be-
tween emergent and beginning writing is not
clear when spelling metrics are used alone.
Consistent with the inclusion of drawing and
scribbling in the scale of early writing de-
velopment by Sulzby et al. (1989), begin-
ning writing involves skills at language lev-
els beyond emergent spelling. In this article,
we consider students to be beginning writ-
ers who have not yet acquired rudimentary
spelling but who have demonstrated other
emergent written communication skills. This
is consistent with a more inclusive view of
candidacy for early literacy instruction pro-
posed by Kaderavek and Rabidoux (2004).
Children as young as 18 months have been
noted to make intentional marks on a page
(Tolchinsky, 2006). By 3 years of age, chil-
dren without disabilities may engage in emer-
gent writing activities that include drawing,
scribbling, and writing letters. As children
continue to develop, they begin to differen-
tiate between drawing and writing (Dyson,
1985, 1986), to form letter shapes, and to de-
velop concepts about print, such as linear-
ity and directionality (Clay, 1975; Ferreiro &
Teberosky, 1982). Children then u se alpha-
betic and syllabic principles to match letters
to sounds, first randomly, then using invented
spelling to represent initial and final sounds in
words (Sulzby et al., 1989; Tolchinsky, 2006).
During this period, most children begin to
understand that print can be used to com-
municate a message to an audience that is
not present (Clay, 1975; Scott, 2012; Sulzby
& Teale, 1991). By the end of second grade,
most beginning writers are becoming con-
ventional writers who can compose words
and sentences that are intelligible to a reader
(Kress, 1982/1994; Tolchinsky, 2006). They
are also beginning to produce cohesive, co-
herent, elaborated texts consisting of mul-
tiple sentences (Fitzgerald & Spiegel, 1986,
1990; Halliday & Hasan, 1976; Langer, 1986;
McCabe & Bliss, 2003; Newkirk, 1987, 1989;
Peterson & McCabe, 1983). Definitions of the
key concepts that are associated with learning
to write are presented in Table 1.
Among students with disabilities, the writ-
ing abilities of students with learning dis-
abilities (LD) have been investigated more
extensively than perhaps any other group.
Research examining the writing products
of students with LD has shown that these
students demonstrate difficulty with hand-
writing, spelling, vocabulary, complex sen-
tence constructions, fluency, text struc-
ture, cohesion, and coherence (Ehren, 1994;
Graham, MacArthur, Schwartz, & Page-Voth,
1992; MacArthur, Schwartz, & Graham, 1991;
Newcomer & Barenbaum, 1991; Scott, 1989).
A reasonable body of research also has high-
lighted the writing challenges and needs of
Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 1. Definitions of key terms and constructs
Construct Definition
Drawings A line drawing or photograph representing an event, object, person, or place
Scribbles A wavy, circular, or continuous line that may, or may not, show directionality
Letter-like forms One or more forms representing or resembling printed or cursive alphabetic
Words A group of letters written in a sequence set off by spaces; includes
intelligible words not separated by spaces and adjacent to random letters
or other intelligible words
Partially formed
At least two words in proximity that appear to be related grammatically as
parts of a sentence
Complete sentence A set of words organized grammatically with a subject and a verb
(punctuation not required)
Organized Discourse that conveys temporal, causal, categorical, or other logical
relationships that are consistent with the author’s apparent purpose in
conveying information, narrating a story, making a persuasive argument,
or some other emergent discourse form
Coherence A central main theme or topic maintained across multiple sentences
Cohesion Intra- and intersentence language connections made by using cohesive
devices (e.g., pronoun or synonym replacement, logical connectors,
conclusions that refer to prior content); one test of cohesion is that
sentences cannot be reordered without changing meaning
Note. From “Cohesion in English,” by M. Halliday and R. Hasan, 1976, London: Longman; Newkirk (1987); “The
achievement and antecedents of labeling,” by A. Ninio and J. Bruner, 1978, Journal of Child Language, 5(1), pp. 1-15.
Copyright 2010 by Janet Sturm; and “Forms of Writing and Re-rereading From Writing: A Preliminary Report (Technical
Report No. 20),” by E. Sulzby, J. Barnhart, and J. Hieshima, 1989, Berkeley, CA: National Center for the Study of Writing
and Literacy. Retrieved November 15, 2010, from
From “Outcome Measures for Beginning Writers With Disabilities,” by J. M. Sturm, N. W. Nelson, M. Staskowski, and K.
Cali, 2010, November, Philadelphia, PA: Miniseminar presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Convention;
used with permission of the author.
students with severe speech impairments and
physical disabilities who use augmentative
and alternative communication (AAC) tech-
niques and supports and who may be de-
scribed as having complex communication
needs (CCN). Slow writing rates (i.e., around
1.5 words per minute) are reported for in-
dividuals using AAC, which has a significant
impact on writing fluency and makes compos-
ing extremely difficult (Koke & Neilson, 1987;
Smith, Thurston, Light, Parnes, & O’Keefe,
1989). Many students with CCN also demon-
strate delays in phonology, spelling, vocabu-
lary, syntax, and discourse knowledge that im-
pact their writing development (Berninger &
Gans, 1986; Harris, 1982; Nelson, 1992; Sturm
& Clendon, 2004; Sturm, Erickson, & Yoder,
2003; Udwin & Yule, 1990; Van Balkom &
Welle Donker-Gimbrere, 1996; Vandervelden
& Siegel, 1999).
Less research is available on the writ-
ing abilities and challenges of students with
intellectual developmental disabilities (IDD)
and social–communicative disabilities, such
as autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Disabil-
ities such as IDD and ASD, individually or in
combination, present risks to written commu-
nication development on multiple levels (cog-
nitive, communicative, and linguistic). Lin-
guistically, students with IDD and ASD can
present with a wide range of abilities (Prelock,
2006). Some students with IDD and ASD are
unable to produce spoken or written words
at all, whereas others demonstrate relative
Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The Developmental Writing Scale 301
strengths in these areas. Students with IDD
are at risk for demonstrating difficulties across
features of writing (e.g., spelling, vocabu-
lary, syntax) (Sturm, Knack, & Hall, 2011).
Many students with ASD present with fine
motor limitations that impact text production
(Broun, 2009), which can contribute to the
production of texts that lack fluency and in-
telligibility. Impairments in social interaction
in students with IDD and ASD might also in-
terfere with these students’ understandings
and production of communicative aspects of
written discourse, although limited research
is available in this area.
Students with severe and multiple disabili-
ties risk remaining beginning writers for life.
This risk has been compounded historically
by a lack of serious effort and expectation on
the part of educators to teach such children to
write (Koppenhaver & Yoder, 1993). That pic-
ture has been changing in recent years (e.g.,
Bedrosian, Lasker, Speidel, & Politsch, 2003;
Koppenhaver & Erickson, 2003), spurred on,
in part, by policy-driven expectations for spe-
cial educators to target achievement of ac-
tual academic standards with their students
with severe and complex disabilities. T his
heightens the need for an assessment tool that
could quantify the indicators of small units of
progress that characterize the early steps in
learning to communicate through writing.
As an initial step in the development of
the DWS, existing writing measures were
reviewed to identify the writing constructs
targeted, the developmental range of the
measure, and the limitations. Espin, Weis-
senburger, and Benson (2004) classified class-
room writing assessments as holistic, primary
trait, and analytic scoring. They contrasted
such “typical” assessments with curriculum-
based measurement, which they indicated as
being “developed with special education in
mind” (p. 56).
Holistic scoring criteria are commonly used
to score samples produced for end-of-grade
writing assessments. Such assessments may
be found on Web sites describing statewide
assessments (e.g., Massachusetts Department
of Education, 2012; Tennessee Department
of Education, 2012). They tend to focus on
whether or not students have acquired spe-
cific writing traits during the course of a
school year, using separate rubrics for each
grade level. Writers may be scored for levels
of proficiency on scales of 1–6, with scores
of 1, 2, or 3 denoting lack of proficiency and
scores of 4, 5, and 6 denoting proficiency for
that grade level.
Primary trait and analytic scoring may also
be used in end-of-grade state-level assess-
ments. Especially at the lowest levels, meth-
ods of this type may describe traits that are
absent, rather than present. An example is the
description for kindergarten, Level 1 that in-
dicates, “Writing/drawing shows little or no
development of the topic” (Michigan Depart-
ment of Education, 2000). Some rubrics for
beginning writers also seem to equate very
different constructs, which may not be in-
terchangeable, such as writing and drawing
within the early levels of the Michigan Liter-
acy Progress Profile (Michigan Department of
Education, 2000).
Primary trait and analytic scoring may also
be used more appropriately for rating samples
produced by children functioning beyond the
early writing stages. We were seeking appro-
priate informal assessments of students’ orig-
inal writing samples at the earliest develop-
mental levels. As possible candidates, we iden-
tified 2 types of measurement tools that might
be suitable—developmental writing continua
and curriculum-based measurements.
Developmental writing continua
Developmental writing continua tend to fo-
cus on students’ acquisition of positive traits
in their writing across the primary grades
(e.g., Beginning Writer’s Continuum; North-
west Regional Educational Laboratory, 2010;
North Carolina K-2 Writing Continuum, North
Carolina Department of Public Instruction,
2009). Developmental rubrics within such
continua tend to follow Sulzby et al’s. (1989)
Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
initial stages of writing development, from
early emergent to independent/conventional
writing and spelling. They describe how
young students move from drawing to let-
ter formation to words and sentences. Several
developmental writing measures (e.g., the Be-
ginning Writer’s Continuum) also measure the
development of writing traits (e.g., organiza-
tion, word choice, and conventions).
Some developmental continua include
evidence of student behaviors, such as,
“pretends to read own writing,” and writing
processes, such as, “reads own writing with
fluency” (North Carolina Department of Pub-
lic Instruction, 2009). This is helpful for some
purposes, but such measures cannot be used
for scoring written products by themselves.
Developmental continua may also lack
sufficient refinement to document minimal
changes in student writers. For example, pro-
gressive levels of the North Carolina K-2 Writ-
ing Continuum include descriptors that are
nearly identical at the Emergent level, “writes
1 or 2 sentences focused on a topic,” the
Early Developing level, “writes a few short,
patterned, repetitive sentences focused on a
topic,” and the Developing level, “writes sev-
eral sentences about a topic.” Other prob-
lems occur when descriptors are vague, such
as, “settles for the word or phrase that will
do” and “sections of writing have rhythm and
flow” (Northwest Regional Educational Lab-
oratory, 2010), making it difficult for teach-
ers to score reliably. Developmental continua
may also be difficult to interpret because they
assign single scores to levels on the basis of
multiple constructs across a range of poten-
tially unrelated skills. One example is, “uses
periods correctly” along with “establishes a re-
lationship between drawing and print” (North
Carolina Department of Public Instruction,
2009). In these instances, two writing sam-
ples scored at the same level actually may have
very different attributes.
Curriculum-based measures of written
Curriculum-based measures of written ex-
pression have advantages for older students
with disabilities (Espin et al., 2004) and may
be useful for beginning writers as well, but
they also have limitations. Such measures are
designed to monitor students’ progress fre-
quently over time by administering timed,
on-demand prompts of 3–5 min duration
on a weekly or biweekly basis and using
count data to document changes. Formats
for assessing the writing of beginning writ-
ers in kindergarten and first grade include (a)
sentence copying, (b) picture-word prompt,
(c) story prompt, and (d) sentence writ-
ing (Coker & Ritchie, 2010; McMaster et
al., 2011). Production-dependent quantitative
(count) measures of writing fluency, such
as total words written (TWW), and correct-
ness, such as words spelled correctly (WSC)
and correct writing sequences (CWS), may be
more reliable measures of beginning writing
samples than production-independent mea-
sures of accuracy (Jewell & Malecki, 2005);
however, these quantitative measures often
lack face validity with teachers (Gansle, Noell,
VanDerHeyden, Naquin, & Slider, 2002) and
just adding more of something has limited
value for guiding instructional choices.
Curriculum-based measures of written ex-
pression measures also are problematic for
beginning writers who cannot yet produce
more than three intelligible words, as is com-
mon at least through the middle of kinder-
garten. Thus, count measures of TWW and
written word accuracy may not be appropri-
ate measures for kindergarten students (Coker
& Ritchie, 2010) and other beginning writers.
Similarly, timed, on-demand writing prompts
may not be appropriate for beginning writ-
ers who are still mastering transcription and
idea generation skills (Bereiter, 1980) and for
students whose disabilities make it difficult to
perform motor acts quickly.
In summary, the review of existing options
made it clear that a new tool, such as the
DWS, was needed to achieve multiple goals
for the target population. To be effective with
children with more severe and complex dis-
abilities, most of whom make slower gains in
writing over time, the new tool needed to ac-
curately represent the fine-grained differences
Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The Developmental Writing Scale 303
in early development, spanning from emer-
gent to early conventional writing. It also
needed to focus on abilities that are acquired
across graduated levels of early writing devel-
opment and be designed to capture the differ-
ences in written products produced by chil-
dren functioning at different levels within the
earliest stages of beginning writing.
To fill the unmet need, we conceptualized
the DWS as a new tool that would be valid for
measuring the written language of students
functioning at the earliest levels of writing
development. Because validity must be mea-
sured relative to the question, “Valid for what
purpose?” we articulated five purposes for the
DWS. It should (a) identify small differences
in beginning writing skills, (b) offer instruc-
tionally relevant information about what to
target next, (c) serve as a functional outcome
measure for periodic assessment probes and
classroom-produced writing artifacts, (d) be
easy for educators to learn and use reliably,
and (e) quantify evidence of small but signifi-
cant changes so that educators can celebrate
growth with students and their parents. Meth-
ods of traditional test theory were used to
build in construct and content validity dur-
ing development and to evaluate the DWS
with regard to its reliability and validity for its
five purposes. Research questions were posed
about (a) how to represent the constructs of
early written communication development,
(b) whether the new scale would compare fa-
vorably with existing measures in terms of its
ability to capture evidence of small advances
in early writing, (c) whether it would be pos-
sible to use reliably, and (d) whether it would
meet teachers’ needs for a tool they could use
to measure progress and guide instruction.
Procedures for developing
and evaluating the scale
Development of the DWS was conducted
in four recursive steps aimed at meeting stan-
dards for educational and psychological test-
ing established by the joint committee of the
American Educational Research Association
(AERA), American Psychological Association
(APA), and National Council on Measurement
in Education (AERA/APA/NCME, 1999). They
were to (a) clarify theoretical model of con-
structs to be measured and the purposes of
scale, (b) generate items or scoring criteria
consistent with the model and representative
of its content, (c) conduct recursive tryouts
and modifications until the measure could be
scored reliably, and (d) evaluate whether the
measure could fulfill its stated purposes.
Step 1: Clarify theoretical constructs
and purpose
A developmental progression provided the
theoretical framework for the DWS, using
constructs described previously in the back-
ground section of this article. Key constructs
to be represented in the scale included
drawing and scribbling, production of print,
demonstration of alphabetic and syllabic prin-
ciples, concepts of words with spaces, formu-
lation of sentences, and production of cohe-
sive and coherent texts. Definitions of these
key constructs are provided in Table 1. This
step also involved generating the five pur-
poses for the DWS.
Purpose 1
The first purpose was to distinguish varia-
tions in beginning writing skills. As reviewed
previously, a danger is that writing measures
at the emergent level may capture only what
achildcannot do. If assessment tools as-
sign a low score based on a student’s limited
skills (e.g., “insufficient to score” or “unde-
veloped”), they may fail to capture emerging
indicators of the child’s growing awareness
that writing allows one to share and commu-
nicate ideas through text (e.g., Scott, 2012).
Under deficit-oriented systems, students with
disabilities who produce writing at beginning
levels of development may be viewed as “non-
writers.” It is critical that educators and spe-
cial service providers be able to measure and
show what a student can do with text.
Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Traditional writing assessments also may
not have enough sensitivity to detect re-
fined changes as a student moves from sin-
gle letter writing to more conventional skill
development. Thus, finer-grained descriptors
were added to existing developmental con-
tinua consistent with preliminary samples of
writing gathered from the target population.
Samples were also drawn from typically de-
veloping students. Every child is a beginning
writer in the early grades. The DWS is de-
signed to be used with a beginning writer
of any age, but it is grounded in the writing
development of typically developing children
between the ages of 3 and 7 years.
Purpose 2
The second purpose was to serve as a for-
mative assessment measure that could sup-
port teachers in identifying instructional goals
that would help individual students move to
the next level in development. Traditional
measures might provide a quantitative mea-
sure (e.g., TWW) for a particular product;
but without indicators of what should come
next, teachers might lack clarity about what
should be targeted next. The DWS is based
on quantitative additions to the written prod-
uct as well as qualitative ones, such as move-
ment from three unrelated words to three
related words. An educator using this sys-
tem then could choose instructional goals
designed to improve students’ writing qual-
ity and progress to the next level, such as
“The student will connect two to three words
to convey sentence-like meanings while writ-
ing.” Instruction to support achievement of
that step could include having the child tell
(orally or gesturally) something about a cho-
sen writing topic first. Then, a shared pen-
cil approach or keyboarding with scaffolding
the connected ideas with intelligible words in
Purpose 3
The third purpose was to provide a means
of measuring either periodic probes of stu-
dents’ independent writing abilities or natu-
rally occurring writing artifacts that students
compose within their classroom writing ac-
tivities. As a functional outcome measure, the
DWS was intended to serve also as a forma-
tive assessment tool to assign scores to writ-
ing samples produced across time. This would
support educators in profiling growth in the
work of a student writer. The goal was to de-
sign the DWS so that a student participating in
a classroom writing program might progress
across its levels, such as moving in small steps
from single word writing to writing using mul-
tiple sentences, over a time frame in which tra-
ditional measures would reflect no growth at
all. The measure was also designed to be used
frequently, on a weekly, monthly, or quarterly
basis to monitor progress on existing written
samples so that teachers would not have to
take time out for “testing.”
Purpose 4
The fourth purpose was to provide educa-
tors with a measure that is time efficient and
easy to use reliably. By designing the DWS to
be applicable to existing artifacts with a scor-
ing system that educators could apply quickly,
we hoped that time savings would make it
possible for teachers to examine many sam-
ples for multiple students over time. We rea-
soned that the instructional relevance of the
tool would be enhanced if it were intuitive for
educators to learn and to apply quickly to dis-
tinguish differences between writing samples.
Purpose 5
The final purpose of the DWS was to make
it possible to celebrate students’ positive
change as writers with them and their parents.
This goal stemmed from observations that,
far too often, beginning writers who struggle
throughout their school-age years with basic
writing skills may not be aware of the posi-
tive gains they actually are making in learning
to communicate through writing. The DWS
was developed as a simple ordinal scale so
that it could measure writing advances as
higher numbers. This would make it possible
to show students, through the use of graphs
or tables, what they have accomplished with
Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The Developmental Writing Scale 305
writing. By plotting data across time, a sim-
ple numerical scale could support students in
setting personal goals and talking with oth-
ers (e.g., educators or family members) about
their writing strengths and gains they have
Step 2: Generate criteria for scoring
For a norm-referenced test, items must be
generated that provide a representative sam-
ple of content for each construct being as-
sessed. For a criterion-referenced scale, such
as the DWS, the content is generated by stu-
dents, who produce original writing samples,
and the scoring criteria must be generated to
capture the features of the content. In our
work, this step involved a combination of lit-
erature review and consideration of existing
empirical data in the form of students’ written
language samples. An extensive review of the
literature was conducted on the development
of typically developing writers and a list of
initial constructs (e.g., scribbling or random
letter patterns) produced by children during
text generation was created. The list was used
to create a preliminary hierarchy of levels of
writing quality. Because a core goal was to cre-
ate a scale that ranged from emergent to con-
ventional writing skill development, a bank of
460 naturally occurring writing samples pro-
duced by typically developing kindergarten
and first grade students was used to validate
the accuracy of the tool levels and to anchor
each level on the DWS. In addition, samples of
students with LD between fourth and eighth
grades were reviewed to verify the levels on
the scale.
Step 3: Conduct recursive tryouts and
modify criteria as needed
The initial scoring criteria were revised
multiple times after reviewing the scoring of
writing samples that had been produced by
students with DD. During this process, the re-
search team revised descriptions of linguistic
features and skills linked to student writing
samples. This initial scale was then used by
the authors to code, as a group and then in-
dependently, a wide range of beginning writ-
ing samples. The first author also assembled
a cadre of undergraduate and graduate stu-
dents to collect and code samples to allow
comparison of scores for samples produced
In the process of development, samples
coded with evolving versions of the tool in-
cluded more than 1500 samples produced by
students with DD (ages 5–25 years) and more
than 200 samples of typically developing stu-
dents. During this coding process, outlier sam-
ples were identified, reviewed by the authors
as a group, and additional coding rules were
created. If a particular sample was not cur-
rently represented on the scale, a new level
was created. If a sample could not be reliably
coded, we revised the descriptors for a given
level. The process of creating the DWS, thus,
was recursive in nature, and refinements were
made to resolve difficulties in coming to initial
A substudy was also conducted on inter-
rater reliability in which the DWS was used to
score 285 samples produced by 11 students
with disabilities. All samples were scored ini-
tially by one graduate student, a research as-
sistant who was trained and experienced in
the use of the scale. Then, 20% of the sam-
ples were rescored by a second graduate stu-
dent, who was trained to use the scale as
part of a graduate course. Percent agreement
and Cohen’s κ were calculated to determine
the level of agreement between scorers be-
yond chance agreement (Cohen, 1960; Hayes
& Hatch, 1999).
Step 4: Evaluate the tool’s validity for its
primary purposes
Construct and content validity were par-
tially ensured by the steps used to generate
the components of the tool. Evaluation of the
tool’s validity for achieving its five purposes
is ongoing. This includes a large-scale valida-
tion study (Cali, manuscript in preparation),
in which writing samples of typically develop-
ing kindergarten and first-grade students are
being used to test the sensitivity of the DWS
to advances in children’s writing (Purposes
Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
1–3). The first author is also using the scale
with children with various disabilities in an
evaluation of an Enriched Writers’ Workshop
approach to understand better how it works
for guiding instruction and documenting
progress (Purposes 2, 3, and 5) (see Sturm,
Preliminary evaluation of the validity of the
DWS for meeting its purposes was also con-
ducted by comparing the DWS with existing
developmental scales from Clay (2006) and
Sulzby et al. (1989). A goal of DWS develop-
ment was to build on existing tools and also to
improve on them by capturing developmental
linguistic changes in writing quality; thus, the
constructs measured should be related, but
not exactly the same. Unlike traditional eval-
uation of concurrent validity, in which one
looks for commonalities between the new
tool and existing tools, we also were look-
ing for distinctions. To test further for distinc-
tions, existing writing samples were coded
using the DWS and the two additional scales
(i.e., Clay, 2006; Sulzby et al., 1989), and com-
parisons were made between results.
Finally, a small pilot survey study was con-
ducted to investigate the validity of the DWS
for its purpose of being easy for educators
to learn and useful for them to apply. Us-
ing a protocol approved by a Human Sub-
jects Institutional Review Board, profession-
als who had been helping to pilot test the
scale were invited to participate in the survey.
The 8-item examiner-created Likert-style ques-
tionnaire used the choices, very much agree,
agree, undecided, disagree, and very much
disagree. Open spaces were provided follow-
ing e ach item to allow for written comments.
Item 8 on the questionnaire used a categori-
cal response format (daily, weekly, biweekly,
monthly, and quarterly) to obtain the esti-
mated frequency of use of the DWS when ex-
amining student writers.
The developmental writing scale
The process of recursive tryouts and mod-
ifications resulted in the current version of
the DWS, with 14 writing levels and scor-
ing criteria as outlined in Table 2. This table
presents the ordinal 14-point developmental
scale, standardized scoring criteria, examples,
and accommodations related to each level. Us-
ing this scale, examiners assign level “scores”
to samples of original written products pro-
duced by beginning writers with or without
An important feature of the DWS is that
it is not genre specific. Thus, it can be used
to score and measure any genre (e.g., nar-
rative or expository) composed by a begin-
ning writer. These should be samples of orig-
inal text production, not immediately influ-
enced by teacher or clinician scaffolding. Dur-
ing their production, students should be al-
lowed access to any accommodations (e.g.,
bins of pictures that might stimulate topic se-
lection and/or access to a keyboard to com-
pose text) while producing the samples to
be scored. Examples of how accommodations
might be accounted for in scoring appear in
Table 2.
Comparisons of the DWS with other
Several comparisons were made to illumi-
nate similarities and differences with existing
tools. Table 3 shows how scoring levels on
the DWS correspond to comparable language
levels for writing by Clay (2006) and forms
of writing by Sulzby et al. (1989), illustrat-
ing gaps in the other measures that the DWS
could fill. Copying was the only construct on
one of the other measures not represented in
the DWS scale, and copying is not a construct
that is appropriate when the goal is to en-
courage students to produce original writing
samples. This table also demonstrates that the
DWS, which targets qualitative growth in lin-
guistic development, aligns more closely with
Clay’s (2006) language levels for writing than
with the early forms of writing described by
Sulzby et al., which emphasized spelling de-
Table 4 shows how the results would dif-
fer if the three different systems were ap-
plied to the same samples. It illustrates how
Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The Developmental Writing Scale 307
Table 2. Developmental writing scale for beginning writers
Levels Scoring Criteria Description Accommodations
1 Drawing Lines and curves that appear to represent objects Selection of a picture by a child who cannot hold
a traditional pencil or marker
2 Scribbling Continuous vertical, circular, or wavy lines arranged
linearly across the page, which may include letter-like
forms, but with the majority of shapes not recognizable
as letters.
If a child uses a keyboard, this level would not be
3 Letter strings (no
Handwritten or typed strings of letters but not grouped
into words. Examples:
Alphabet display (e.g., paper copy) and standard
or electronic keyboard access (e.g., on screen
keyboard or AAC system)
4 Letter strings
grouped in words
Strings of letters grouped into “words” ( i.e., with spaces
between at least two groups of letters) but with no
intelligible words. Example:
Alphabet display (e.g., paper copy) and standard
or electronic keyboard access (e.g., on screen
keyboard or AAC system)
5 One intelligible word Strings of letters grouped into “words,” with only one
possible real word (i.e., two or more letters in length)
set apart, written repeatedly (e.g., dog, dog, dog), or
embedded in a string of letters. Example:
IMPlCOTheC (I am playing outside on the swing.)
Word bank or word prediction software
6 Two to three
intelligible words
Two or three different intelligible words embedded in
strings, separated by spaces, or in a list format. Single
letter words such as “I” and “a” must be s eparated by
spaces to count as an intelligible word. Example:
IYTKTOSMNTHETR (I like to swim under the water.)
Word bank or word prediction software
7 Three or more
intelligible words
in a list
Three or more related words. Example:
Lions Detroit football
Word bank or word prediction software
Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 2. Developmental writing scale for beginning writers
Levels Scoring Criteria Description Accommodations
8 Partial sentence of more
than three words
More than three different intelligible words, with at least two of them in a
partially formed sentence (i.e., grammatically related parts of a phrase,
clause, or sentence). Example:
MYDADDYWASLIEGAGARILA (My daddy was like a gorilla.)
Word bank or word prediction
9 One to two complete
Sentences have a subject phrase and a verb phrase. End punctuation
is not necessary. Example:
I am hpe Easter is here. I cw the Easter bnny.
(I am happy Easter is here. I saw the Easter bunny.)
Word bank or word prediction
10 Three or more unrelated
sentences (neither
coherent nor
Sentences have no coherent topic (i.e., sentences are not related)
I play a game. I went to my fnid house. I went to get a egg to eat. I
went to chansh on Sun day. I kiss my momer sun day. I can walk my
dog. I sat in my house. I went to the saing in ring.
Word bank or word prediction
11 Threeormorerelated
sentences (coherent
but limited cohesive)
Organized writing with three or more sentences on a coherent topic but
with limited cohesion between sentences (i.e., sentences can be
reordered without changing meaning). Example:
Frogs are eggs. Frog are cool. I no how a frog grows egg then grow
mory. Frog eat lot of things that we don’t eat like bugs. I want a frog
to play with. I thak frogs are mumloss because thae swim.
Word bank or word prediction
12 Threeormorerelated
sentences that cannot
be reordered
(coherent and
Organized writing with a coherent topic ( i.e., on a consistent theme) and
use of cohesive devices (e.g., pronoun or synonym replacement, logical
connectors, subordinating conjunctions, conclusions that refer to prior
content) across three or more sentences so that sentences cannot be
reordered without changing meaning (see Supplemental Digital Content
[available at] Appendix A [available at] for examples)
Word bank or word prediction
13 Two coherent
paragraphs of at least
three cohesive
sentences each
Organized writing with a coherent main topic and two cohesive
subsections (subtopics or story parts), with at least two sentences
elaborating the meaning of each (see Supplemental Digital Content
Appendix A [available at] for examples)
Word bank or word prediction
14 Three or more coherent
paragraphs of at least
three cohesive
sentences each
Organized writing with a coherent main topic and at least three cohesive
subsections (subtopics or story parts), with at least two sentences
elaborating the meaning of each (see Supplemental Digital Content
Appendix A [available at] for examples)
Word bank or word prediction
Note. AAC = augmentative and alternative communication.
Definitions of key terms are provided in Table 1. If debating between two levels, assign the lower level.
From “Outcome Measures for Beginning Writers With Disabilities,” by J. M. Sturm, N. W. Nelson, M. Staskowski, and K. Cali, 2010, November, Philadelphia, PA: Miniseminar
presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Convention; Revisions copyright 2012 by J. Sturm, K. Cali, N. Nelson, & M. Staskowski used with permission of the
Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The Developmental Writing Scale 309
Table 3. Scoring correspondence for the developmental writing scale, with language levels for
writing by Clay (2006), and forms of writing by Sulzby et al. (1989)
DWS Level Clay’s Language Level Sulzby’s Forms of Writing
Letter strings (no groups)
Alphabetical (letters only)
Letter-like Units
Letters grouped in “words”
with spaces
Letters—name-like elements
One intelligible word
Word (any recognizable word)
Invented spelling—syllabic
Two to three intelligible words
More than three intelligible
words in a list
Invented spelling—full
Conventional spelling
Partial sentence
Word group ( any two-word phrase)
One to two sentences
Sentence (any simple sentence)
Three or more sentences (not
Punctuated story (of two or more
Three or more sentences
(coherent but limited
Three or more sentences in
one paragraph (coherent +
Two paragraphs (coherent +
Paragraphed story (two themes)
Three paragraphs (coherent +
Note.DWS= Developmental Writing Scale.
Sulzby et al. (1989) also included a Level 13, described as “other,” which is not represented in this table.
Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 4. Samples produced by beginning writers, coded for writing development by four methods
End-of-Grade Language Levels Forms of Writing
Writing Sample
Test Score (Clay, 2006) (Sulzby et al., 1989) DWS
Level 2 (recognizable
Level 12
Level 6 (two to
FoRstIll TaLe You weN ItAPPAND
Level 5 (two or more
sentence story)
Level 11 (invented
Level 12 (more
than three
sentences in
a paragraph;
coherent +
BUtHeRMOtHR Sad She was
You wot MADE
HOR want to DO
It Beecose she
HIS AND that’s
Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The Developmental Writing Scale 311
Table 4. Samples produced by beginning writers, coded for writing development by four methods (Continued)
End-of-Grade Language Levels Forms of Writing
Writing Sample
Test Score (Clay, 2006) (Sulzby et al., 1989) DWS
SROD UF DEF POT 1. Hir I whs sentn din rind. SROD UF
Score 1 Level 1 (letters only) Level 5 (random
Level 4 (letters
grouped in
My role model is my dad because he waled on tools,
moshens, and matel baerols. I think it’s verey
intuorasting to do because I like to fix thing’s, and
it’s fun to do waleding.
Score 1 Level 5 (two or more
sentence story)
Level 11 or 12
(invented or
Level 11 (3+
coherent but
Pow Pow Pow, I think it would be a good idea for teachers
to have a gun permit. It would reduce violence in schools
and outside of schools. It will also protect themselves as
well as the students. I think it would be a great idea for it.
Score 1 Level 5 (two or more
sentence story)
Level 12
Level 12 (more
than three
sentences in
a paragraph;
coherent +
DWS = Developmental Writing Scale.
The first two samples in this table were used by Sulzby et al. (1989); the final three are from the Tennessee Department of Education (2010) and are used, with permission,
to introduce this article.
Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
the linguistic and communicative constructs
that underpin the DWS categories differ from
the spelling accuracy of the forms of writing
described by Sulzby et al. (1989) as moving
from drawing and scribbling to conventional
spelling. The DWS, in contrast, is meaning-
based, focusing on linguistic development at
the letter, word, sentence, and paragraph
level. This difference in focus is revealed in
scoring of the two writing samples drawn
from Sulzby et al. that are shown in this table.
Table 5 shows how the results would differ
for three of these samples using the analyti-
cal scoring method of TWW compared with
using the 14 levels of the DWS. Using total
words, Sample A, which has the least num-
ber of words (24), would appear to be the
least sophisticated of the three writing sam-
ples. However, using the DWS, Sample A is
assessed as the most sophisticated because
it demonstrates organized writing on a topic
that is both coherent and cohesive. In con-
trast, Sample B, with 34 words, is evaluated
as the least sophisticated sample within this
set because the sentences a re not related, giv-
ing it a rating of Level 10. Sample C, on the
other hand, is more cohesive than Sample B
because each sentence is about the same
topic, earning a Level 11 score. Sample A is
rated as being more coherent than Sample C
because it has a clear beginning, middle, and
end, and its sentences cannot be rearranged
without changing the meaning of the passage;
therefore, it is rated as a Level 12.
The comparisons in Table 5 also show that
DWS ratings could provide specific informa-
tion on a student’s current developmental
level and direction for what instruction should
target to help the student move to the next
level. This supports the validity of the tool
for meeting Purposes 2, which is to provide
a formative assessment measure that is in-
structionally relevant,and3,whichisto
provide a means of measuring either peri-
odic probes of student’s independent writ-
ing abilities or naturally occurring writing
artifacts that students compose within their
classroom writing activities. Related to Pur-
pose 2, for example, the next goal for student
A would be to target writing an organized, co-
herent topic containing two cohesive subsec-
tions. Work with student B could target writ-
ing three or more topically related sentences
that are organized and coherent. Student C
would need a goal aimed at producing orga-
nized writing on a topic that is both coherent
and cohesive.
Scoring reliability and specialized
scoring rules
The results of the substudy of inter-rater
reliability based on independent scoring by
two trained graduate assistants showed a per-
centage agreement of 91%. The correlation
Table 5. Writing samples comparing total words to the DWS level
Writing Total Words DWS
Sample Text Written Level
A On monday my frid came over my house. We played and we had fun.
She lath. She what houm I clin up my mast.
24 12
B Happy Birthday Matthew. I like chocolate please Mom. I have a new
school. Am 14. A new pet is a puppies and a dog and a cat and a
shirt and a new baby.
34 10
C I love to watch the garbageman to pick up our trash can to. I don’t
watch the garman out to my window to. I love to watch the
recycling person to get my recycling from my house to
38 11
Note.DWS= Developmental Writing Scale.
Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The Developmental Writing Scale 313
between scores using Cohen’s κ (Cohen,
1960; Hayes & Hatch, 1999) also was strong,
with κ = .898 (p < .001).
The procedures for developing the DWS
also revealed some areas in which challenging
situations called for special scoring rules. In
general, the score assigned to the sample is
the one that best fits the description at a
particular level. We found that scoring agree-
ment could be improved if a scorer debat-
ing between two levels assigned the lower
level being considered. Another rule estab-
lished through this process was that the scorer
should focus on the nature of the student’s
writing (or prewriting) and not the spatial
placement of text on a page (e.g., paragraph
spacing, indentation, or margins). In addition,
we found it helpful to remind ourselves that
the concepts of word, sentence, and para-
graph represented in this scale are meant to
be primarily linguistic in nature. One should
look beyond technical accuracy when assign-
ing scores. For example, if a student produces
one large paragraph, examination may reveal
that three cohesive and coherent subsections
are present and a Level 14 is the best score.
Another s tudent might have a true word (e.g.,
the) embedded within random letters. This
student would be assigned a Level 5. If the
same word is repeated in a list format (e.g.,
dog, dog, dog) the student also would be as-
signed a Level 5. Student names at the top
of the page (denoting who wrote it) are not
counted; however, student names in the body
of the text are scored on the scale.
Another challenging scoring element re-
lates to judgments of word intelligibility. DWS
scoring allows examiners to use graphic con-
tent, such as hand-drawn pictures or pictures
selected from a picture bank, to support “read-
ing” of the student’s text. Figure 1 provides
an example in which the picture in Sample
1 makes it possible to detect the words, “to”
and “field trip,” and the picture in Samples 2
makes it evident that the student was writing
“I’m playing basketball.” A caution is that ex-
aminers should use graphic content only (i.e.,
context embedded in the work to communi-
cate with an absent audience) to aid in inter-
preting children’s text. To the extent possible,
they should avoid being influenced by addi-
tional context provided orally by the s tudent
from the author’s chair or in face-to-face com-
munication about the work because such con-
text would not be available to an absent audi-
ence. The rationale is that the scoring should
be based on the messages that can be gleaned
by a remote audience assessing the written ar-
tifacts the student has produced only, and not
oral or gestural communication.
Evidence from the pilot survey for DWS
ease, efficiency, and utility
The brief pilot survey on the ease and util-
ity of the DWS was completed by two teach-
ers and two speech–language pathologists
Figure 1. Examples of students’ writing in which graphic illustrations contribute to the intelligibility of
students’ written content.
Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
(SLP). All four participants had been using the
DWS to examine writing samples produced
by students with DD and CCN across a 1-year
period. Results of this small pilot study are
summarized in Table 6, which also provides
excerpts from qualitative comments written
in the open-ended sections of the survey.
Overall, the teachers’ and speech–language
pathologists’ reported perceptions of the
DWS indicated that they found it easy, effi-
cient, and useful when used to examine the
writing outcomes of students w ith DD.
The DWS described in this article was de-
signed as a comprehensive measure of qualita-
tive change in beginning writers that can cap-
ture refined changes in growth over time. The
construct and content validity of the tool are
supported by the recursive development pro-
cess with foundations in existing literature on
early writing development (e.g., Sulzby et al.,
1989), modified on the basis of empirical
evidence drawn both from young typically de-
veloping students and students with severe
and complex disabilities of a wide range of
ages. These results provide preliminary evi-
dence for the summative and formative uses
of this assessment tool for quantifying devel-
opmental advances in the beginning writing
of students with and without disabilities.
Educational implications for beginning
Currently, measures for monitoring the
progress of typically developing beginning
writers tend to be either literacy profiles that
measure multiple constructs of both read-
ing and writing or curriculum-based measures
that focus on quantitative measures of writing
fluency (e.g., TWW). One advantage of the
DWS is that it provides teachers with specific
information about students’ conceptual un-
derstandings of written language that cannot
be determined by measures of TWW or other
quantitative measures of writing progress.
This is consistent with Purposes 1 (to distin-
guish variations in beginning writing skills)
and 5 (to make it possible to celebrate stu-
dents’ positive change as writers) summa-
rized previously.
In summary, as the previously mentioned
examples illustrate, the DWS can be used to
distinguish variations in the writing quality of
beginning writers that are instructionally rel-
evant. Results of pilot research on the ease,
efficiency, and utility of the DWS, based on
the small survey, are also promising, suggest-
ing that teachers may find it relatively easy to
use the DWS for periodic probes of student
progress. Displaying DWS outcomes in tables
for students, educational teams, and families
provides a way to celebrate student writers.
An anecdotal example of this naturally oc-
curred when a student excitedly shared his
outcome book with his parents as part of a
“Meet the Author” event in an Enriched Writ-
ers’ Workshop taught by the first author (see
Sturm, 2012). The student’s outcome book
contained tables of his writing progress and
his writing for the year. The student looked
at each table and showed them to his parents.
During this sharing moment clinicians were
able to use the DWS to talk easily with parents
about the changes their child had made and
to show how the DWS levels were reflected
in the writing samples.
Limitations and future directions
A limitation of the research reported in this
article was sample size, particularly for the
initial survey of only four participants. Pre-
liminary evidence regarding teacher and SLP
perceptions about ease, efficiency, and utility
of the DWS was reported for only four partic-
ipants. These participants work closely with
the first author; therefore, an additional limita-
tion is response bias based on social desirabil-
ity. Because the participant responses could
not be kept completely anonymous, their re-
sponses may have been influenced by what
they thought the researchers wanted to hear.
Future research could examine perceptions
of the DWS with a larger group of general ed-
ucation teachers, special education teachers,
SLPs, and university students.
Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The Developmental Writing Scale 315
Table 6. Results of pilot survey on the ease, efficiency, and utility of the DWS
Survey Responses Participant
Item (N = 4) Comments
1. The DWS is
easy to use
Very much
agree = 3
Clear instructions and very detailed, helpful examples were
Agree = 1 The description of each benchmark (level) is clear.
The DWS is easy and straightforward. Best of all, it allows me
to plot my students no matter what tools and supports my
students use to write.
2. The DWS is
Very much
agree = 4
Rating the samples goes fast. So far my samples are Levels 1–5.
Most writing samples take less than 2 min to assign a writing
3. The DWS is
Very much
agree = 4
The DWS is useful in many ways—it helps to see, “at a glance,”
the skills of a student writer and to consider the next level
that the student is working toward.
The DWS is very helpful when working with writing across
the curriculum—all instruction is centered on developing
writing with the scale benchmarks (levels) as goals. The
DWS is really useful as a point of reference when team
teaching or when working with educators teaching other
It is extremely useful to have a scale that reflects writing
development across learners.
4. The DWS is
easy to learn.
Very much
agree = 4
The examples are so helpful when learning the tool!
Learning the DWS required a bit of training. The examples are
really helpful.
Very easy and straightforward.
5. The DWS
will help me
with my
Very much
agree = 4
I’ve written IEP goals with the DWS as the measurement tool
(progress indicator).
It has helped center instruction for our educational team. Very
clear for all members of the team and I am hoping it will be
easily transferred to new teams as students transition to new
It helps me to know where my students are in their writing
abilities and where I should help them go.
6. The DWS
will make my
job easier.
Very much
agree = 3
The DWS is helpful in explaining writing development to
parents and IEP teams
Agree = 1 It is very useful in addressing student writing goals.
7. I will use the
DWS again.
Very much
agree = 4
I will continue to use the DWS to inform student written
language assessment.
8. How often
would you
use the DWS
to measure
Quarterly = 1
Monthly = 1
Biweekly and
monthly = 1
Monthly and
quarterly = 1
I use it quarterly at trimester, progress reporting times. I could
increase the frequency.
I’d use it at least monthly, perhaps also during team meetings,
or parent conferences during the year.
Biweekly and monthly—it depends, based on the level of
writer. I use it more often as a student’s writing progresses.
I work with preschool-age children, so, depending on the
child, I may use it monthly. I would also use it quarterly, so I
can look at several samples at one time.
Note.DWS= Developmental Writing Scale.
Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Although evidence of reliability using
Cohen’s κ was reported for analysis of 285
samples, future research should examine scor-
ing reliability using a greater number of writ-
ing samples from both developmentally dis-
abled and typically developing students. It
should also examine scoring reliability for
teachers who have received minimal training.
Such research should also examine the length
of training time and type of training needed
to use the DWS with greater reliability. In ad-
dition, reliability studies should address reli-
ability issues related to scoring words with
questionable intelligibility. For example, the
sample “IKTO the BC” has been scored as a
6 and a 3 by two different individuals (the
authors would score it as a 6).
Currently, research is being conducted to
validate the DWS with typically develop-
ing kindergarten and first-grade writers (Cali,
manuscript in preparation). Future research
should be conducted to validate the levels of
the DWS for beginning writers with disabil-
ities as they change longitudinally. Natural-
istic samples, from both groups of students,
could be examined to further validate each
level of the scale and to understand the range
of writing levels of students in beginning gen-
eral education classrooms. To further validate
the DWS, teachers and SLP could be asked
to rank order sets of samples to confirm the
overall developmental sequence of the tool.
This article began with three writing sam-
ples that all scored a “1” on a state assess-
ment, highlighting the multiple limitations of
the scoring system. In contrast, the DWS,
as a formative and summative assessment,
provides refined developmental levels that
allow teachers to measure small amounts of
progress across grade levels with disabled and
nondisabled writers. This was illustrated in
Table 4, in which the same samples were as-
signed DWS levels of 4, 11, and 12. As a for-
mative assessment, the DWS provides teach-
ers with information about student’s writing
ability within a natural context. Teachers can
use this information to plan instruction that
supports the student in moving to the next
level. The DWS is grounded in research on
the development of beginning writers and is
focused on growth in linguistic quality. There-
fore, the face validity for this measure is en-
cators to use and implement. As the Common
Core State Standards (National Governors As-
sociation Center for Best Practices, Council of
Chief State School Officers, 2010) are imple-
mented, there is an expectation that writing
instruction will be differentiated for learners
while also expecting high levels of teacher
accountability for student progress. As a sum-
mative measure, the sensitivity of the DWS
measure will support educators in achieving
that goal. The DWS is not only for the edu-
cator; it also allows students to see positive
growth in their own writing and can be used
to celebrate their writing gains and foster in-
trinsic motivation to write. The preliminary
data presented here suggest that the DWS
may be a powerful comprehensive measure
of qualitative change in beginning writers and
will be useful to enhance both assessment and
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