CARE Study –Phase 1
Caring Te
xts: A Strengthbased, Suicide
Prevention Study in 4 Native Communities
Research Team:
Kate Comtois, UW
Lonnie Nelson, WSU
Dedra Buchwald, WSU
Emma ElliottGroves, WSU
Cindy Gamble, WSU
Why we are here…
Today, we will:
Describe a suicide prevention intervention called
Caring Contacts
Tell you about a new study of Caring Contacts
Ask for your input on how to do this study in a wa y
that is appropriate for American Indian people with
suicide risk in this health system
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Caring messages sent to people with suicide risk over the
course of one year
Provides care and support, asks for nothing in return
Magic ingredient is social connection
Letters, Phone, Emails , Texts
What is the Caring Contacts intervention?
Death Attempts Thoughts
An example of a Caring Contacts study
Military Continuity Study
•Began in 2013
Military Service Members with recent suicide attempt
and/or thoughts of suicide can participate.
•Participants get either:
Usual Care Alone
Whatever care they
would normally get
(nothing extra)
Usual Care +
Caring Contacts
Whatever care they
would normally get
11 text messages
Sample text messages
•David Good to meet you yesterday. Check out our
website: Hope the resources are helpful.
•Hey David –It's Kate from the Care Study. Hope you've
had a good week.
•Hi there David
Hope life is going well. –Kate
•Happy Birthday, David! Hope you have a wonderful day
and a positive year ahead. –Kate
A New Study of Caring Contacts:
Caring Texts in 4 Native Communities
Goal: To culturallytailor and test Caring Contacts for
use with AN/AI people
Began in June 2016, ends in May 2021
1,200 participants in Phase 2 (clinical trial);
Partnership between Fort Peck Tribes, SCF, Pine
Ridge, Cherokee Nation and researchers at WSU and
Funded by National Institutes of Health
Approved by Northeastern State University and IRBs
at each partner site location.
Eligibility: Who can participate?
To participate, individuals must be:
Alaska Native and/or American Indian
1834 years old
At risk for suicide
Able and willing to receive texts messages
Recruitment: How will people join the study?
Flyers posted in public places
People call us to find out about the study
Ads in media
People call us to find out about the study
Healthcare providers in primary care or
behavioral health clinics
Providers provide information about the study and
Providers contact us
People contact us through a private dropbox
Enrollment: What happens when a person
joins the study?
Each participant is randomly assigned for 1 year to:
1. Usual care alone OR
2. Usual care + Caring Texts
Participation: What will participants be asked
to do?
Both study groups:
•Agree to do 2 interviews:
o When joining the study and 1 year later
o Each interview 12 hours long
o Participants receive $50 per interview
•Give researchers permission to see medical records to
understand what services have been used
•Get usual medical and behavioral health care that
they choose
Caring Contacts Group ONLY:
Receive 11 text messages over 1 year
Interviews: What will participants be asked?
•The researcher will go through a series of questionnaires
with each participant, with questions about:
1. Demographic information (employment, marital status, etc.)
2. Personal health history
3. Family health history
4. Spiritual and religious practices
5. Any legal issues
6. Symptoms of depression
7. Past and current substance use
8. Past and current experiences with suicide risk
Frequency of attempts/thoughts
9. Social connectedness and belonging
 
 Suicide Attempt Self Injury Count Lifetime (SASI)
“What I’d like to do now is go through different types of self
injury and have you tell me how many times you have
harmed your self using various methods. Stop me if I get to
one that you’ve done and I will ask you additional questions
about your experience; otherwise I will keep going down the
Suggestions? Questions?
 Suicide Attempt Self Injury Count Lifetime (SASI)
5. Cut yourself on purpose?
6. Intentionally overdosed on drugs?
7. Burned yourself on purpose?
8. At tempted to str angle or hang your self?
9. Jumped from a high place to cause selfinjury?
10. Shot yourself with a gun?
11. Swallowed poisons/caustic sub. on purpose?
12. Asphyxiated or smothered yourself?
13. Tried to drown yourself?
14. Stabbed/punctured yourself on purpose?
15. Banged your head, hit yourself, hitting things?
Suggestions? Questions?
Timing: When do the messages arrive ?
11 messages arrive over 1year:
One day after joining study
One week after joining st udy
One month after
2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 months after
Participants birthday
Content: What will the messages say?
Text Delivery day Example Text
One day after enrollment John – Good to meet you yesterday. Check out our website: Hope the resources are helpful. – Kate
One week after enrollment Hey John – It's Kate from the CARE team. Hope you've had a
good week.
One month after enrollment Hi John, Hope all's well and you're taking good care of yourself.
– Kate
Two months after
Hi there John, Hope you’re having a good day today. Kate
Three months after
Hey John, Hope things are going well and you’re having a good
week. – Kate
Four months after
Hi John, Hope life is treating you well. – Kate
Six months after enrollment Hey John – Just wanted to say hello. Hope things are going
OK. – Kate
Eight months after
John - Hope everything's going well. – Kate
Ten months after
Hello again, John! Hope things are good.– Kate
One year after enrollment Hi John, Hope you're having a good day today. – Kate
Participant birthday Hey John! It's your birthday! Hope you have a great one and
the next year brings you good things! – Kate
Questions for you: Message content
•What should the caring text messages say?
•How should we tailor the content of the messages to
loca l events, holidays, seasons, or activities (fishing,
pow wows)?
•What else should we think about regarding the content
of the text messages?
What happens after the text messages end?
Followup interviews:
12 months after enrolling
Same as enrollment interview to see if suicide risk has decreased
and wellness has increased
18 months after enrolling (6 months after
intervention ends)
Same as above PLUS openended questions about what participants
liked (or didn’t like) about the study
Some participants –how many??
Our next steps
•Complete focus groups/interviews in all 4 communities
Compile feedback from all 4 communities
Use feedback to make changes to study design,
interviews, text messages (timing and content)
•Present updated study to Community Advisory Board
Use feedback to make more changes
•Meet with you again to get your feedback on the
culturally tailored study
Till next time . . . Thank you!
•What questions do you have for us?
•What other suggestions do you have for making this
study useful and successful in your community?