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The eect of colors of e-commerce websites on consumer
mood, memorization and buying intention
Jean-Éric Pelet, Panagiota Papadopoulou
To cite this version:
Jean-Éric Pelet, Panagiota Papadopoulou. The eect of colors of e-commerce websites on consumer
mood, memorization and buying intention. European Journal of Information Systems, 2012, 21 (4),
pp.438-467. �10.1057/ejis.2012.17�. �hal-04027333�
Jean-Éric Pelet
& Panagiota Papadopoulou
Nantes University, Nantes, France,
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece
This paper aims at studying the effect of the colors of e-commerce websites on consumer mood,
memorization and buying intention. Based on a literature review a conceptual model is proposed,
showing the effects of the color of e-commerce websites and specifically of its components, hue and
brightness on the behavioral responses of the consumer, memorization and buying intention. These
responses are conveyed by mood. Data collection was carried out during a laboratory experiment in
order to control for the measurement of the colored appearance of e-commerce websites. Participants
visited one of the 8 versions of a website designed for the research, selling music CDs. Data analysis
using ANOVA, regressions and general linear models (GLM), show a significant effect of color on
memorization, conveyed by mood. The interaction of hue and brightness, using chromatic colors for the
background and foreground supports memorization and buying intention, when contrast is based on low
brightness. A negative mood infers better memorization but a decreasing buying intention. Implications
for theory and practice are discussed.
Keywords: color, consumer behavior, e-commerce, web design, mood, memorization.
E-commerce website interfaces seek to entice consumers in a buying intention and manifest a buying
behavior, by activating their senses, specifically their sight or hearing. The perception of a website
atmosphere lies almost exclusively in its visual aspect since 80% of the information processed by Internet
user’s brain comes from sight (Mattelart, 1996). Color constitutes an important sight stimulus for online
consumers, since it is a key website characteristic, associated with the information displayed as well as
with the overall website aesthetics. As such, color is deemed as a significant website factor, positively
influencing the frequency of a consumer visiting a website (Lemoine, 2008) and affecting online shopper
responses (Eroglu et al., 2001, 2003).
Although color is a widely researched topic in various fields (Divard and Urien, 2001), to this day there
is a lack of studies focusing on color in the online context. Color in websites has been studied within
information systems, especially in human-computer interaction, usability and e-commerce, recognized as
a fundamental aspect in web interface design (Lee and Koubek, 2010; Wu et al., 2008; Coursaris et al.,
2008; Kang and Corbitt, 2001). Research has found color to be an important factor in e-commerce,
influencing website aesthetics (Agarwal and Hedge, 2008; Coursaris et al., 2008; Schmidt and Liu, 2005)
e-retailer perceptions (Agarwal and Hedge, 2008), user preference for e-commerce websites (Lee and
Koubek, 2010). Studies are largely associated with the impact of colors on website readability, offering
recommendations about how to choose the most harmonious colors (Hill and Scharff, 1997; Hall and
Hanna, 2003; Nielsen (2000). Yet, color is omnipresent on e-commerce websites. Aware of the
significant and widely known impact of the atmosphere inside stores on consumer activities and behavior
in a traditional buying situation (Kotler, 1973; Donovan and Rossiter, 1982; Filser, 1994, 2003a, 2003b;
Lemoine, 2003), there is a need to investigate the effects of colors as a component of e-commerce
interfaces, on online consumer behavior.
Color has always been used by human beings as an aid to recognize important information among other.
In addition, it can aid an individual’s memory in retaining and recalling information in many activities,
including education or purchases. Similarly, in the online context, the color of an e-commerce website
can possibly improve consumer memorization of information presented in the website.
With the large amount of information presented on e-commerce websites, memorization becomes an
important factor for buying online since consumers are often facilitated in their purchases when they can
retain information from one page to another. This implies that memorization of information in an e-
commerce website may have an impact on consumer buying intention and can potentially be facilitated
by the website colors. However, the relationship between memorization and purchase intention online
has not been investigated. In addition, there is a lack of research regarding color and its effect on
memorization and buying intention in e-commerce websites.
To address this gap, the aim of this paper is to examine how the colors of an e-commerce website can
help consumers memorize information so as to end up buying on the website. The paper presents an
empirical study of the effects of e-commerce website color on the memorization of product information
and buying intention. Our research method includes both a qualitative and a quantitative part. Unlike
most empirical studies dealing with color by comparing warm and cold colors, we examine color by
focusing on its hue, brightness and saturation, following the recommendations of Gorn et al. (2004), so as
to demonstrate that its influence varies according to the intensity of each of these three components. Our
findings show that the colors used on an Internet website have a positive effect on memorization of
product information and buying intention, which is also mediated by mood. They also show that mood
acts as a mediating variable for the effect of colors on memorization.
The structure of the paper is as follows. In the next section a literature review on color and web interface
aspects is provided. The following section presents the research model and hypotheses. The empirical
testing of the model, including the exploratory qualitative study followed by a quantitative study is
described next. The section that follows presents our results which are subsequently discussed in the next
section. The paper ends with the conclusions, implications for theory and practice, limitations and future
Color contains three principal components (Trouvé, 1999):
The hue (or chromatic tonality), which is the attribute of the visual sense defined according to the
colors denominations such as blue, green, red;
The saturation, which provides the proportion of chromatically pure color contained into the total
The brightness, which corresponds to the component according to which a surface illuminated by a
source seems to emit more or less light.
To this day, the effects of the three color components on the Internet have been but seldom documented.
In the offline environment, Bellizzi and Hite (1992), Dunn (1992), Drugeon-Lichtlé (1996) and Pantin-
Sohier (2004) chose hue as the main variable in their experiments and showed that brightness and
saturation should be taken into consideration when conducting experiments about color. As Valdez and
Mehrabian (1994), Drugeon-Lichtlé (2009), Camgöz et al. (2002) and Gorn et al. (2004) show about the
brightness component of color, an experiment involving color should compare hue and brightness rather
than warm and cold colors in order to understand what consumers recall and what influences their buying
On a website, the interface represents a graphic chart, which refers to a collection of website elements. A
graphic chart includes two colors, the foreground color and the background color, both of which
constitute the color scheme. These colors reveal the contrast, which corresponds to a strong opposition
between the foreground and the background colors, as defined by W3C (W3C, 2008). Its main function
relies on facilitating the readability of the displayed information, and a fortiori the memorization process.
A summary of the main studies on color in a computerized context is presented in Table 1.
Table 1 : Studies on computer interface color and its effect on other variables
Color as part of
aspect, not
Cold vs. warm
colors were used
rather than the
components of
The sites were
identical in
content varying
only in color,
balance, or
combination of
the two.
on memorization
(1) pre-use usability and task
completion time were correlated;
(2) the relationship between pre
usability and preference was greater
an that of task completion time
and preference; (3) design attribute
assessments after actual use were
highly intercorrelated; and (4)
organizational structure and layout
had a greater effect on user
preference than aesthetic aspects,
such as color and typ
More favorable perceptions
regarding a website design’ s
aesthetics when cool color
combinations (blue-
light blue), as
opposed to warm color
combinations (red
orange), are
This study focused on the role
aesthetics play in website usability.
rceived usability was measured
as the design principles of color and
balance were manipulated. No
statistical differences in user
satisfaction between the four sites.
and visual content
Experiments on nine online
bookstore websites with ten
A 2 x 2 between
research design manipulates
the temperature of a
Website s primary and
secondary colors.
Viewing screenshots of four
nalysis of 23 factors intended
to compare the results
Objective performance measures
(task completion time), evaluation
of the design factors, and decisions
of preference on the websites
point Likert scales (anchored
ngly Disagree/Agree” )
measured responses to the question
“My perception of this Website is
that it is…”
for each of the
following items: clean, clear,
symmetric, aesthetic, pleasant for
classical aesthetics, original,
creative, fascinating, sophisticated,
and uses special effects for
expressive aesthetics
A usability checklist was developed
by selecting 36 guidelines for web
design and usability (Koyani
et al.
Color (Aesthetic
Color temperature
and gender
lor and balance
User preference
Perceptions of
Lee and Koubek
et al.
Brady and
Phillips, (2003)
The experimentation
does not take the
memorization process
into account
Color combinations
rather than color
components were used
Interesting experience
to prepare the
laboratory conditions
of our experimentation.
No variable related to
the psychological
aspects of the
respondent was
Work on time, nothing
on memorization of
information and on
buying intention
Moderate or even high color
contrast does not guarantee quick
visual perception. With black and
white information, the spee
d of
visual perception decreases with
decreasing contrast. Visual
search times, number of eye
fixations, and mean fixation
durations increased strongly with
decreasing luminance contrast
despite the presence of color
The speed of reading text in
different color combinations
cannot be described as one
dimensional problem.
Mathematical metrics were
mostly in contradiction with the
judgment of the observers
Red background infers a
perceived duration longer than a
blue one
Eye movements d
uring the visual
search experiment were recorded
simultaneously with threshold
search time measurement by
using an SMI (Sensomotoric
Instruments Inc.)
Testing 56 color combinations
and identifying 21 uppercase
alphabetic characters, selected
and presented
in conformance
with the Snellen chart
quantification of treatments of
the digital image color (e.g.
contrast, brightness)
55 observers making
comparative tests and tests of
absolute measure around various
configurations of 8 colors
Time perception
: Students
placed in front of a program and
to whom questions were asked
concerning the program and the
execution of certain tasks
Content analysis
test to study
the differences in legibility
among pairs of color
3 items of speed
Luminance contrast
Color combination of
a text color and
background color
Colors and colored
appearances of
compared images
following various
compression levels
Foreground and
background color
Speed of visual
search and reading
Speed of reading
Number of correctly
identified characters
as a measure of
Appearance of
compressed images
Comparative tests
(organized, forced
choice) and absolute
measure tests were
ceived download
Ojanpää and Näsänen,
et al.
, (2008)
Gorn et al.
, (2004)
Cold vs. warm
colors were
used rather
than the
components of
Nothing about
the buying
ld vs. warm
colors were
used rather
than the
components of
Only a few
colors were
used for this
experiment, it
is not easily
Music and color factors had a significant effect on
participants’ emotional response Participants fe
more aroused and experienced greater pleasure
when they were exposed to a warm color website.
Absence of significant effect of peripheral color and
its constituents
It seems to be preferable to use more than four
colors or monochromatic and analogical
It seems to be preferable to use low contrast levels
between colors
Cold colors are perceived as more suitable than
warm ones
For monochromatic color scheme, it is preferable
to have high contrast in brightness
Regarding saturation, it was found that the b
combination is high saturated background color
with low saturated secondary color.
1) Time passes more slowly with white, blue,
green backgrounds
2) No effect on color on time pass
A white background allows easier reading but a
slower search and more d
ifficult co
Laboratory experiment with a 2
(music: fast/slow) x 2 (color:
warm/cool) between-
factorial design
-estimation of the duration
of their own test;
Study of various personality
traits in interaction with com
mental processes such as
attention capture, reading,
semantic memorization
A machine learning algorithm
generates a network that relates
the color model of a website
with the emotional values that
are attributed to it by its users
1) Effect of 5 backg
colors (white, red, green, blue,
yellow) on 50 subjects who had
to search for information in a
2) Search and
item semantic
differential scale
(Mehrabian and
Russell’ s, 1974)
modified for online
shopping to measure
emotional response to
the surroundings in
terms with a 7
Likert scale, Arousal
dimension: happy
unhappy, pleased
annoyed, satisfied
melancholic, hopeful
despairing, and relax
SSS version V of
mal level of
Locus of control
(LOC) (Rotter, 1966)
Androgynous of Bem
(BSRI) (Bem, 1974)
Confidence level (9
point Likert scale)
Bayesian Belief
Network (BBN)
Time error, Response
time, Devotion,
Interest, Irritation,
e, Achievement,
Website music and
Website colors
Website colors
Emotional responses
and subsequent
shopping behavior
Mouse manipulation
: sex,
initial mood, opt
level of stimulation
Affective state (12
most emotional
descriptors: Pleasant,
Formal, Fresh,
Modern, Friendly,
Attractive, Calming,
Dynamic, Reliable and
e spent on a
Time spent for
searching information
found information
et al.
Roullet, (2004)
et al.
Kiritani and
rai, (2003)
No measure of
Testability of a colo
vision screening test in
a population with
mental retardation, no
measure of
Discriminating abi
measures for predicting
ability of text on
textured backgrounds,
no measure of
Testing the rea
of web page colors, n
measure of
Both experiments showed
significant main effects for
all variables, and that all
interactions were
The overall rate of
testability was 93.2% for
the 1078 athletes screened.
The frequency of males
identified a
s color
deficient was similar to
that expected in the
general population; only
two females (in Spain)
failed the color vision
Search times indicate that
these background
variations only affect
readability when the text
contrast is low, and that
spatial frequency content
of the background affects
Readability increases as
the difference of clarity
between the text color and
the background color
Regardless of the direction
of this difference, clarity is
an important factor f
determining the readability
of a text on a colored
Experiment I: Measuring the effects of
transparent text:
It employed a 2 (text
transparency type) x 2 (text contrast) x 3
(background) within participants design
Experiment II: Measuring the effects of
very low contrast one color combination
(gray on gray) and one
background luminance level
Readability / Mentally handicapped
Readability / Screen background with
149 subjects and 42 samples
Images having different te
xt colors on
different background colors. It was
necessary to note the readability of
Images in GIF format (modification of
text impossi
ble) using the 216 safe colors.
Text Contrast, Adjusted
Text, Contrast,
Background, RMS
Contrast, Adjus
RMS, Contrast, Global
Masking, Index,
Adjusted Index
Testability of the
"Color Vision Testing
Made Easy" color
vision test and with a
test using simple
geometric figures that
are easily identified
measures were
examined (plain,
periodic texture, and
four spatial
filtered textures
created from the
periodic texture).
Scale ranging from
“impossible to read
to “ readable without
» presents on
Text color with different
Weak contrast (with
screen background)
Text color and screen
background color
Text color and image
background color
Text readability
Effects of color
readability on
subjects with
Text readab
Readability of
images containing
Scharff and Ahumada,
Erickson and Block,
Scharff and Hill,
et al.
, (2000)
Readability of websites
with various
ground color
tions, no
rization process
Background color only
Comparison based on
chromatic vs. a
chromatic colors only
Color and pattern were
measured rather than
colors only
Comparison of graphic
charts with no
modification of the
levels of brightness
and saturation.
In general these results
suggest that there is no
combination, font, or
word style which leads
to the fastest RT (i.e.
best readability), but
rather a designer must
consider how each
variable affects the
manipulations had
significant effects on
consumer evaluations of
web page aesthetics and
perceptions of the e
Women tend to use
color in their histogram
choice more than men
and color seems less
important for men
Subjects mention in
e the attractive
products, the picture of
which kept their
attention more than the
Elimination of different
quite incoherent types of
memorization (retention
due to aesthetics and not
always to contrast)
The effects of 6
und color
combinations (color), 3 font types
(Arial, Courier New,
& Times
New Roman), and 2 word styles
(Italicized & Plain) on readability
of websites were investigated.
Participants (N=42) scanned
simulated websites for a target
word; readability was inf
from reaction time (RT).
Conjoint analysis and optimal
design methodologies sixteen web
page prototypes assessed through
an online survey
93 subjects have to measure the
complexity of color and black &
white histogram information
385 subjects have to allocate 100
points according to their
preferences; A
ministration of
online questionnaire
Readability test of 136 partic
of 2 web pages with chromatic
multiple choice questionnaire
Readability / Text
color and screen
background color
color, white
space, thumbnail
image location
and thumbnail
image size were
Likert scale
indicating their
confidence in
their choice
point Likert
scale on the
importance of
security and price
point Likert
Foreground and background
Background color
Graphics color
Appearance / choice
according to the color of the
screen background of
attractive products (or not?)
: 1) orange red & 2)
green with dollars.
: 1) blue w
ith clouds &
2) green with cents
Black text /White
White text /Black
Light blue text /Dark Black
quoise text/Black
Reading speed on screen
Aesthetic evaluation and
perception of e
consumer trust product
preference and purchase
Decision performance and
Gender, decision
task analysis
Purchase intention
Reading speed
Information memorization
after reading
Hill and Scharff,
wal and Hedge,
So and Smith, (2002)
Mandel and Johnson,
Hall and Hanna,
Gorn et al., (2004) focusing on the impact of the three color components on downloading time perception
demonstrate that a lengthy waiting time influences the user’s appraisal of the Internet site and can lessen
his/her desire to recommend it to others. Kiritani and Shirai (2003) show that the effects of screen
background colors on time perception vary according to the tasks performed by Internet users. When
reading a text written on a white, blue or green screen background, users have the feeling that time passes
more slowly. When users merely conduct a simple search and only need to understand the meaning of a
sentence, then the screen background color does not have any impact on how they perceive time duration.
Hill and Scharff (1997) have demonstrated the importance of contrast (foreground color vs. background
color) when searching for information within a page. They obtained better readability scores when
resorting to chromatic colors (green foreground color on yellow background color). During an
experiment where colored labels had been placed on screen backgrounds, Camgöz et al. (2002) observed
that brightness, saturation and hue had a specific impact on each colored screen background.
Biers and Richards (2002) have studied the impact of background color on the perception of promoted
products and found that backgrounds with cold hues, such as blue, increased product value and reduced
the risk of purchase postponement, especially with regards to regular Internet users. Hall and Hanna
(2003) studied the impact of background and foreground colors on how readability was perceived and
aesthetic aspect experienced, as well as on the retention of information and on intentions. According to
them, sites promoting knowledge transfer must display black texts on white backgrounds, achromatic
colors with maximum contrast. In addition, they indicate that e-commerce websites should merely use
chromatic colors due to the higher aesthetic appreciation score which is correlated to higher purchase
intention. Blue is the favorite hue for purchase intention. These results underline that when studying
color on a website, it is important to take into consideration color components (hue, brightness and
saturation), as well as the contrasts of the foreground and background colors.
A number of studies have shown that color has a positive effect on consumer mood (Wu et al., 2008) and
buying intention (Wu et al., 2008 ; Roullet, 2004). However, color has mainly been addressed in terms of
warm and cold hues (Coursaris et al., 2008; Papachristos et al., 2005) and has not examined with respect
to its components, hue, brightness and saturation. Most of the studies linking color and e-commerce take
into account balance or brightness as variables of colors (Brady and Phillips, 2003) or combinations of
colors (Humar et al., 2008), which do not allow for comparing the effects of the components of the
colors. Memorization doesn’t seem to be recognized as an important variable in e-commerce considering
the poor amount of research on this topic. For example, Hamilton and Luo (1999) have shown that the
degree of complexity of an e-commerce website varied according to the colors of the interface which
helped the consumer to be concentrated. However, many studies on the effects of color on readability
exist (Hill and Scharff, 1997, 1999; Hall and Hanna, 2003). In addition, research has not studied how
memorization affects buying intention.
The proposed model follows the general pattern of consumer behavior. It follows the one from Engel et
al. (1978) and introduces three innovative contributions in the consumer behavior analysis (Filser, 1994).
It analyzes the variables that influence the consumer's decision process by distinguishing three
Characteristics of the individual;
Characteristics of its social environment;
Situational factors.
This model offers precision about the different stages of the perception of stimuli process, which
comprise exposure, attention, understanding, acceptance and retention. It suggests measures of these
different levels of perception. It finally breaks down the decision process into a sequence of five steps.
The latter are commonly used in research on consumer behavior. The model explains how the colors of
an e-commerce website and specifically their components - hue, brightness and saturation - can have an
impact on the buyer’s affective state of mood and cognitive states of memorization and buying intention
(Figure 1).
Figure 1: Research model
Memorization is a very important factor for the large number of information-based websites that
currently exist. It is important for e-learning applications, since the user goal is usually to retain the
information beyond the time the page is being read. This also applies to information included in e-
commerce websites, since consumer tasks are often facilitated by memorizing information while
navigating. Drawing on offline settings, we argue that memorization can be influenced by the colors of
an e-commerce website.
In order to understand the effects of color on consumer memorization we have to take into account the
quality and quantity of information a consumer has memorized while visiting an e-commerce website.
We posit that memorization varies according to the colors of the website, and especially according to the
contrast between background and text colors, in agreement with the work of Hall and Hanna (2003). As
we stated earlier, the aim of this research is to investigate the effects of the components of colors rather
than colors themselves.
In general, information is stored according to an encoding process enabling one to sort out information
thanks to criteria which will then allow one to retrieve this information. The role of these criteria is to
connect a piece of information to other similar information already stored (Ladwein, 1999). In order to
examine the information memorized by each participant, we resort to recognition and recall, two
procedures belonging to a method of information retrieval based on overall stimulus in long-term
memory. Be it free or cued, recall enables individuals to mimic mentally a stimulus to which they are not
exposed during the evocation, for instance, their past reaction to a promotional action (Filser, 1994).
Thus, we can hypothesize:
H1: The components (hue, brightness, saturation) of colors of an e-commerce website will have a
positive effect on memorization
10BBuying intention
Intention is activated by a desire or a need (Darpy, 1997) and desire is viewed as an active process
(O'Shaughnessy, 1992). Although buying intention is more than a mere desire, it is not a promise to buy
(O'Shaughnessy, 1992), it is the outcome of a cognitively handled desire. According to Darpy (1997),
building on the studies of O'Shaughnessy (1992), Howard (1994) and Belk (1985), “Intention is the result
of a desire or a need handled on the cognitive level and leading to purchase planning.
Among the environmental factors recognized to produce important emotional and behavioral reactions on
the consumer, color seems to play an important role. It serves to retain consumers longer on the e-
commerce website according to certain criteria related to their perception of the interface. In particular,
pleasure is increased with use of colors whereas boredom can result from a weak use of them (Lemoine,
2008). This duration can help maintaining user interest in a site (Bucklin and Sismeiro, 2003, Hanson,
2000) and give users more time to consider and complete purchase transactions (Bucklin and Sismeiro,
2003). By enhancing consumer interest, it helps to generate repeat visits, which lead to greater long-term
sales (Moe and Fader, 2004). From a business investment point of view, Demers and Lev (2001) show
that sites with longer visit duration also have higher monthly stock returns. Therefore, it can be assumed
that e-commerce website colors are likely to have an impact on buying intention, as they can prolong the
visit duration. According to Agarwal and Hedge (2008), the background color of e-commerce web pages
is an important factor affecting purchase intention. Wu et al., (2008) have found that warm colors of e-
commerce websites have a positive effect on purchase intention. As already mentioned, we are interested
in the effect of color components, hue, brightness and saturation. Therefore, we propose:
H2: The components (hue, brightness, saturation) of color of an e-commerce website will have a positive
effect on consumer buying intention
There are many entries which are available in the memory and in the external environment. They can
potentially be considered in the decision task, but only a few will be used to make a choice in a given
situation. Tactical choices effectively originate from decision making regarding the products we buy,
Considerations linked to the price (cheaper, use less of it, cost a cheaper price);
Considerations linked to the performance (the product functions in these conditions, it owns
these qualities);
Considerations linked to the affect (I like the product, I love the product);
Normative considerations (my father advised me to buy it, my mother always uses this product);
It is important to understand the procedures which determine which part from memorized information
can be used for making a choice. For these reason, we propose:
H3: Memorization will have a positive effect on consumer buying intention
11BMood, a mediating variable
We wish to bring to the fore the effects of colors on affect, which includes mood experienced when
visiting the e-commerce website. Mood refers to affective states of mind less likely to reach our
conscience. Moreover they last longer than emotions but are less intense (Forgeas, 1999).
Mood is linked to a color perceived as positive or negative according to the personal experience of an
individual with a color (Boyatzis and Varghese, 1993). According to Odom and Sholtz (2004), different
colors tend to incur different moods. Studies have demonstrated the association of colors and mood by
using diverse methods such as the objective impressions (printings), the clinical observations, the
introspection and the experimental investigations (Wexner, 1954). Chebat and Morrin (2006) measured
the effects of cold vs. warm colors of a mall decoration on consumer perceptions. They showed that these
were mostly driven by affective mechanisms such as mood, or by other cognitive states, such as the
evaluation of the mall environment quality. Similar mechanisms can exist in an online context. Wu et al.
(2008) have found that e-commerce website color has an important effect on consumer mood. However,
their study focuses on warm and cold hues of website color and their influence on mood and does not
examine the hue, brightness and saturation color components. In this study, we investigate the direct and
interaction effects of the components of colors. Hence, we suggest the following hypotheses:
H4: The components (hue, brightness, saturation) of color of an e-commerce website will have a positive
effect on consumer mood
Mood is generally considered as a mild affective state that may influence cognitive processes such as
evaluation, memory and decision strategies (Gardner, 1985). However, the observed effects of negative
moods have been less consistent than those of positive moods. For example, Cialdini et al.’s (1973)
negative state relief model of helping asserts that people in a negative mood will behave more charitably
than others if the opportunity has potential for direct social or egoistic approval, suggesting that helping
behavior may be quite a complex phenomenon not fully addressed by simpler explanations such as mood
states (Swinyard, 1993). Gardner (1985) observed that the effects of mood may have special impact in
retail or service encounters because of their interpersonal or dyadic nature, a view also supported by
others (Isen et al., 1978; Westbrook, 1980).
H5: Consumer mood will have a positive effect on memorization
When people are in a good mood, they tend to have more favorable expectations for the future (Eysenck,
1976; Masters and Wyndol, 1976). Drawing on research in offline stores, good mood may contribute to
consumers intention to return to a website at which they have made previous purchases (Isen et al.,
1978). We expect mood to be important in the context of online purchase since many consumers make
purchases after having a pleasant time visiting a website. This is in line with the study of Wu et al. (2008)
suggesting mood as a significant predictor of purchase intention. Thus we propose:
H6: Consumer mood will have a positive effect on buying intention
Our research method includes both a qualitative and a quantitative study. An exploratory qualitative
study was conducted first to allow for verifying the importance of the research variables and the necessity
of including them in our model to be tested. The proposed research hypotheses were then empirically
tested through a quantitative study conducted in a laboratory setting.
Qualitative study
The main objective of the exploratory phase was to investigate the empirical knowledge gained by
regular consumers and expert users when browsing e-commerce websites. It mainly sought to confirm
that colors have an impact on users’ perceptions, so as to prepare our quantitative study for data
collection. In this direction, the study explored long-term memory and the website factors that influence
it, drawing from Eroglu et al., (2003) suggesting that atmospheric cues affect consumer behaviour. The
study was based on semi-structured interviews conducted with regular consumers and web designers,
where we asked interviewees to speak about past visits to websites of their choice. The interview guide
and the specific research objectives of the questions are shown in Table 2. From these interviews, topics
referring to the affective states lived by the consumer in an online shopping situation emerged. These
topics relate to the emotions and moods and show the importance attached by the consumers to the ease-
ofuse of a website. They also reinforce the proposed effects of variables such as color, as well as the
quality of the images perceived by the consumers.
Table 2: Interview guide questions used for data collection and relationship to research objectives
Research objective
1. Phase of introduction: use of Internet in general:
a. Could you speak to me about your use of Internet?
b. Do you often use the Internet for shopping?
Learning about the consumption and
familiarity’s experience of the consumer.
2. Phase of centering the subject:
Investigation into the long term memory in
a. Now I would like you to remember your last visits to e-
commerce websites to carry out activities for shopping on
the Internet. By e-commerce websites, I understand the sites
which offer products like books, CDs of music, DVDs, cars,
travels, hotels, flights and train booking tickets, banking
services, etc. Can you remember your visit to a particular
website to seek information on a product or to buy this
b. What do you think of this site in general ?
order to learn what is remembered by
consumers after their visit to an e-commerce
The consumer’s thinking is also interesting to
assess since we want to understand what is
related with what is memorized.
3. Phase of deepening
Topic 1: atmospheric elements of the commercial sites
a. What do you think of the design of this website?
b. What represents a commercial website which you have
found rich, captivating and pleasant to visit?
Topic 2: Emotions and feelings felt following the
consultation of a commercial site
a. Could you describe the feelings that you associate with an e-
commerce website?
b. user called his friend:
“It sometimes happens, that while surfing on an e-commerce
website, the site holds my attention because it is beautiful,
and easy to surf and to consult. It enables me to go quickly
because I easily find the links which are of interest to me and
I never feel lost when I use it. Links are easy to locate and
help me when I am lost. The facility of reading the site gives
me desire to spend even more time on it: the links are quite
visible, the images are very clean, and I can perfectly
distinguish such and such part of the page of a site, because
the colors are used in an intelligent way, to delimit the
c. (To be read again several times if necessary)
Your opinion?
a. Do you think you have already experienced these states?
b. If so, could you speak to me about an experience of this kind
by describing an e-commerce website for example?
c. According to you, why did you live these states?
Topic 3: Antecedents of the behavioral approach
a. What encourages you to buy on a particular website and not
b. According to you what makes you spend more time on one
website than on another?
c. In your opinion what makes you switch to an e-commerce
d. What are the factors which encourage you or discourage you
from revisiting a particular website?
The aspects in terms of design counts in the
consumer’s appreciation. But at which level ?
Qualitative adjectives (rich, captivating…) can
enhance the consumer’s description of a
commercial website, as a way to help him.
The vocabulary dedicated to feelings
contributes to feed our understanding of
aspects linked to the perception.
The projective technique is helpful since
consumers do not have to invent anything.
They can try to remember a past navigation,
which seemed close to a perfect one in order to
compare it with a normal navigation on an e-
commerce website.
The interview is then based on the
interviewee’s perception after he has visited
such a website. He is asked to describe this
period in order to relate particular lived states.
The reason why he experienced these states is
then questioned with the objective to elicit
sentences dedicated to emotional states.
The question we asked in order to understand
behavior when facing an e-commerce website
targets the consumer’s loyalty. Questions were
thus oriented towards the ease of use and ease
of surfing the website as well as questions
linked to ergonomic and interest to the website
Phase of conclusion
What makes you say, after having visited an e-commerce
website: “I have visited a really good website which inspires
me to buy from it and to explore it more”?
Can you think of any ideal e-commerce website?
During the conclusion phase, we tried to get
ideas related to the best conditions participants
would like to have experience when shopping
on the Internet.
An emphasis on an ideal shopping experience
on the Internet was then explored.
Participants were online shoppers with different levels of expertise in terms of Internet use. Sample
selection was primarily based on qualitative criteria. Since the qualitative study aimed at exploring online
consumer perceptions from e-commerce websites, our sample had to have previous experience with
online shopping. In order to qualify for participation in the study, a respondent would have to reply
positively to the question “Have you ever bought a product or service from an e-commerce website?”.
Twenty one subjects, 10 females and 11 males were interviewed. Participants were grouped according to
their expertise with e-commerce websites into expert users and regular users. A participant was selected
as an expert user or not based on the answer to the question Are you a professional web designer?”.
Subjects characterised as expert users represented 29% of the sample, whereas most of them were regular
Internet users. Finally, the sample was selected pursuing balance in terms of age and socio-professional
background. The sample characteristics are presented in Table 3.
Table 3: Characteristics of the sample of respondents
Number of
Under 25 years old
25 - 34 years old
35 - 44 years old
45 - 54 years old
55 - 64 years old
Education level
High school
2nd-year university diploma
License / Master I /Master II
Postgraduate / doctorate / post-graduate / Master degree
no diploma
Executives and academics
Intermediate occupations
Manuel Workers
Storekeepers and business managers
Income per
From 1000 to 1399 euros
From 1400 to 1799 euros
From 1800 to 2199 euros
The interview guide was structured and open, allowing us to collect data on topics related to the
respondents long-term memory and purchase experience in e-commerce websites (Table 2). Satisfying
the criterion of saturation of the data (Mucchielli, 1991, p. 114), we interviewed 21 persons, with the aim
to collect information from both regular and expert users. We adopted a neutral attitude with regard to
them so as not to influence them in the way they answered. Participants were interviewed without being
able to face a computer screen. This was to ensure that they answer only by using their memory to restore
the information evocating their navigation on the e-commerce website of their choice. Every interview,
the duration of which ranged from 13 to 47 minutes, was re-transcribed offering a verbatim of hundreds
of pages.
The exploratory qualitative analysis enabled us to note that color was actually an integral part of the
atmosphere on e-commerce websites. Other atmospheric variables such as fonts, animations, images or
image quality were also revealed during the analysis. However, the interviews show that color seems to
be the most important one. Color was mentioned around 100 times during the interviews carried out.
Table 4 presents a summary of the themes, constructs and modes evoked in the exploratory qualitative
analysis. Given the exploratory nature of our research, the indicated percentages are not intended to be
statistical representative but they rather serve to summarize the information collected in numbers.
Table 4: Summary of the exploratory qualitative analysis
Principal themes
Evoked themes
among the 21
elements of e-
commerce websites
Organized in zones
Calm (part clarity)
Not showing aggression
Make the visit more pleasant
Simplify website use (clear organization)
Create an impression of sobriety and reassure
Lively, sharp
Make the Internet user get tired and lost
Do not facilitate in locating border lines
Create an impression of violence
Make lose trust
Bright (fluorescent)
Showing aggression
Depreciate the website, (impression of
Natural (photos of
environment, of
Create a sensation more quickly
Move closer to the product if the size of the
photo is large
Warm (feeling
creation power)
Stimulate (excite)
Cold (feeling
creation power)
Sedative effect
Impression of purified website
Discount image
Incite the user to move in the website
Sobriety, elegance
Inspire trust
Emphasize the content, aerate and structure it
Download time of interface elements is too
Ergonomic design
Less stress in comparison to purchases made in
a traditional store
Violence of colors
Blink of animations or links
Difficulty in locating links
Appearance and
Unsuccessful search
Beyond an element of the design of the website interface, color seems to comfort the consumer when it is
soft and creates a feeling of assurance necessary for the act of purchase, in an environment to be ‘tamed’.
It supports the organization of information by highlighting useful zones systematically sought by the
interviewed Internet users. When used in compliance with the contrasts, as conceived by Itten (1970),
color can prove very timesaving, a major aspect in the relationship between consumers and websites.
With information search made easier by implementing ergonomics and human computer interaction
rules, the colors encountered when browsing an e-commerce website enable Internet users to navigate it
more easily, according to its layout.
Color scheme seems to be important for online consumers, affecting memorization and buying intention.
Apparently information is more easily memorizable thanks to an appropriate color scheme.
Readability built on a good contrast between the foreground and background colors helps consumers
retain information more easily. Readability also facilitated consumers understand the interface and the
online shopping interaction more easily. This made them feel more comfortable with the e-commerce
website, enhancing their intention to purchase.
The conducted interviews also revealed that the ambience of the room where the respondents made their
shopping was important. Some of them argued that shopping online while being at the office in a bright
atmosphere was completely different from spending time on an e-commerce website, with a bed light,
making the atmosphere sober and dark. The perception of the colors of a website can vary depending on
the light of the room where the customer is physically present and the online shopping experience takes
Quantitative study
The results of the qualitative study have influenced the quantitative study that followed, both in terms of
the research hypotheses as well as in terms of the design of the experiment. The importance of color and
its effect on mood, memorization and buying intention implied by the results of the qualitative study led
us to further examine color, mood, memorization and buying intention as variables in the proposed
research model. We thus developed the research hypotheses proposing links among these four variables,
guided by the results of the qualitative study. The research hypotheses were then empirically tested with
a quantitative study in a laboratory experiment. Since the light of the room was found to be important for
consumers when shopping online, it had to be considered for the empirical study. Therefore, a laboratory
experiment was necessary to allow for controlling the ambient lighting of the physical setting. The results
of the qualitative study also reinforced the importance to take into account the environment of the e-
commerce website where consumers spend time shopping, particularly the color scheme. A website
would thus have to be designed especially for the experiment, enabling control of the color scheme.
Respondents referred to tangible goods, therefore, the development and use of an e-commerce website
selling CDs seemed appropriate, similar to the type of e-commerce website they usually visit.
Thus, a laboratory experiment was conducted with 440 participants in order to test the proposed
hypotheses. An e-commerce website selling music CDs was especially designed for the experiment. A
respondent would visit the website and browse the available CDs which were grouped into categories.
There were 57 CDs available in 19 categories (3 CDs/category). For each CD, participants could see the
CD cover, the album title, the artist name, and seven information items, i.e. music category, online store
price, music company price, sale percentage, delivery time, state (new or used) and delivery charge. This
detailed information was displayed by clicking on the cover image or the title of a CD. In addition, the
detailed information included a CD description of 160 characters (around 20 words), next to the CD
Participants could select a category on the left side of the webpage and see the 3 CDs of this category on
the right side of the same webpage. Participants had to look into the details of a minimum of two CDs of
their choice, regardless of the category a CD belonged to. Participants could look at more than two CDs
if they wanted to, from any category and add them to their shopping cart but they could not conduct real
Each participant visited the website with a color scheme which was randomly selected among the eight
schemes prepared for the experiment, explained in the next section. A balanced distribution of the color
schemes among all respondents was ensured. After viewing at least two CDs, an easy to see link
appeared and respondents were asked to complete a questionnaire with questions about memorized
information, mood state and buying intention. Participants were not able to proceed to the questionnaire
unless they had visited at least two CDs, in order to ensure that they had viewed adequate information for
responding to the subsequent questions. Demographic data were also collected. All subjects were then
tested for color blindness in a separate room using the highly reliable Ishihara test (Lanthony, 2005). This
guaranteed the validity of our sample’s responses, by keeping people with a perfect vision of colors. The
Ishihara test is the most common color blindness test used today (Deeb and Motulsky, 2011). It consists
of a number of plates, 24 or 38, the Ishihara plates, each containing a circle of dots which appear in
random color and size. Within the circle there are dots forming a number which should be clearly visible
to viewers with normal color vision and hard to see or invisible to viewers with defective color vision. To
pass the test participants should recognize the number in every plate. Examples of Ishihara plates are
presented in Appendix 1. The test was conducted in a separate room from the one in which the survey
took place in order to prevent our respondents from being aware of the importance of color in our
experiment and thus avoid any possible bias of the responses.
After discarding questionnaires that were incomplete or filled by color blind respondents 296 valid
responses were used for the analysis, with each color scheme being visited by 37 respondents. One
hundred and twelve answers were invalid and could not be used due to technical problems with the
browser that didn’t delete the temporary internet files folder. There were 32 color deficient participants,
which account for approximately 8% of the males in the sample. This percentage is equal to the actual
percentage of color deficient males in the world (Brémond, 2002). Color vision deficiency is sex-linked
and is mostly expressed in males whereas it is very rare in females. Males with color deficiencies have a
particular type of cone in the retina or one type of cone may be weak. Only forms of red-green color
blindness (protan and deutan defects) are encoded on the sex chromosome and occur more often among
men. Tritan defects and achromatopsia (complete color blindness) are evenly distributed between men
and women. Those forms of color deficiencies are not very common (Deeb, 2004).
12BRespondent characteristics
Participants were drawn randomly from a list of Design School of Nantes students and personnel who
had previously given their consent to participate in design experiments carried out in the prepared
laboratory. Students received course credits for their participation. The respondent characteristics are
presented in Table 5.
Table 5: Characteristics of the sample of respondents
Number of
Under 25 years old
25 - 34 years old
35 - 44 years old
45 - 54 years old
55 - 64 years old
Education level
High school
2nd-year university diploma
License / Master I /Master II
Postgraduate / doctorate / post-graduate / Master degree
no diploma
Executives and academics
Intermediate occupations
Manuel Workers
Storekeepers and business managers
Other (to clarify)
Income per
From 0 to 500 euros
Under 1000 euros
From 1000 to 1399 euros
From 1400 to 1799 euros
From 1800 to 2199 euros
From 2200 to 2599 euros
The use of students as subjects has often been questioned in terms of their appropriateness as a sample.
However, in our study, students are deemed suitable as a sample, as they share many characteristics with
the profile of Internet users population, such as age. As shown by several studies, Internet users tend to
be young adults, while the Internet usage penetration within the age groups of 18-29 raises up to 95%
(Zickuhr, 2010; Pew Research Center, 2010). Hence, although our sample presents a bias towards
younger subjects, it can arguably be acceptable as representative of Internet users. In addition, our study
benefits from the use of students since they are considered as an important group of online consumers
(Delafrooz et al., 2010) and are useful as a sample for empirical studies in e-commerce, in line with
previous research (e.g. Kim et al., 2008).
Our sample would also arguably be stronger in terms of representativeness if it was cross cultural.
However, although the population of respondents was primarily native Continental French, it included
foreign students, with different cultures, as in any school or university settings. In this sense, our
sampling frame does not imply a serious threat to the validity and generalizability of our results.
However, a replication of the experiment with a more culturally diverse sample would allow for richer
data collection and findings.
13BExperiment design
Carrying out the experiment under laboratory conditions allows us to draw valid conclusions about the
groups surveyed (Jolibert and Jourdan, 2006). Internet enables one to conduct non-intrusive studies,
meaning that Internet users are not even aware that their behavior is being analyzed (Dreze and Zufryden,
1997). However, when conducting a study focusing on color, one has to control and neutralize three
major elements: screens, ambient light, and, above all, the participants’ color perception (Fernandez-
Maloigne, 2004). Since, these elements cannot be controlled in a distance study carried out over the
Internet, a controlled laboratory setting had to be used for our study. Screens were calibrated using a
probe to ensure that the colors were displayed as defined. The color of walls was neutral grey. The grey
color of the wall prevents a bad reflection of ambient light on the screens, which avoids color distortion
on the screen. By neutralizing the colors of both the ambient light and the walls we were confident that
we avoided any distortion. The brightness of the room was then set at 1000 lux to guarantee that the
colored appearance of the websites used for the experiment would not be biased by a too dim or a too
bright room light. Finally participants had to pass the Ishihara test for color blindness. Further, detailed
information how each of the three elements was controlled can be found in Appendix 1.
The experiment was a factorial design which included 8 treatments (4 x 2) related to 8 color schemes
developed for the experiment website (Table 6). In order to measure the differences in color perception,
we have created 8 different color schemes by varying hue and brightness and keeping the saturation rate
constant among the schemes. In accordance with Gorn et al. (2004), we set the saturation levels at 100%,
because at that level, the hues are most distinct. The color stimuli were modified in accordance with
Munsell’s (1969) system, considered as the most accurate one (Aumont, 1994), which enables defining
precisely several levels of brightness and saturation for each hue.
Several studies on the impact of culture on the behavior of Internet users and consumers draw attention to
the varying importance of design elements of a website across cultures (Maguire, 2011). Among these,
colors are a significant variable as their perception and impact is strongly influenced by culture. Colors
can convey different semantics depending on the cultural contexts (Filser 1994). Thus, culture is a
parameter that should be controlled in a study on the effects of colors of an e-commerce website. In order
to neutralize this aspect we based our experiment on a color selection driven by research on readability, a
characteristic which is not culture dependent (Hill and Scharff, 1997) .The design of the website was also
not too busy, leaving sufficient room for reading easily the commercial information as well as for
satisfying principles of website ergonomics such as the navigation bar and the search engine visibility.
An easy-to-read text on a screen, thanks to a sufficiently strong contrast between the background and
foreground color, is easier to memorize (Hall and Hanna, 2003; Scharff and Ahumada, 2002, Scharff and
Hill, 2000; Hill and Scharff, 1997). In order to validate that a combination of background and foreground
color was the best for memorization when the contrast was the strongest, we needed to rate each
combination of colors in terms of contrast ratio. We thus measured the latter to provide a gradient scale
between each combination of background and foreground color, which corresponds to a rank with -
and “+” symbols in Tables 5 and 6. We first differentiated each color scheme resulting in Table 5, which
was then used to produce Table 6 summarizing all the information required to explain the contrasts
The contrast was measured by the Color Contrast Analyser (CCA) 1.1 for Web Pages of the Web
Accessibility Tools Consortium (WAT-C, 2005). Contrast ranks ranged from “+++” to “+”, for strong
ones and from -to --for low ones, according to the CCA. For example, a contrast ratio of 21 was
ranked as “+++” whereas a contrast of 1,82 was ranked as-- “. CCA was created with the aim to design
easier to read web interfaces, in accordance with the W3C consortium. By taking into account the W3C
and Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) guidelines, the use of color becomes more professional and the
choices web designers make are more informed in terms of usability, as well as in terms of human
computer interaction in general.
Table 6: Contrast ratio order according to color schemes
Contrast ratio
To set our first experiment treatment we used the color scheme used by Hill and Scharff (1997) which
supported the best readability rate in relation to contrast and we chose as chromatic colors a yellow
background (Magnolia yellow) and a green foreground (Newsvine green). Starting from this scheme, we
reduced the brightness level of the two colors so as to obtain the second experiment treatment. For
experiment treatments 3 and 4 we kept the same colors but switched foreground and background colors.
Experiment treatments 5, 6, 7 and 8 are based on black and white (achromatic colors), the most
frequently used colors on e-commerce websites. Brightness and saturation levels were identical with
those used for chromatic colors in experiment treatments 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively (Table 7).
Table 7: Factorial Design of the Experiment
Plans explanations
Passed at
Level 2
(Hill and Scharff, 1997) showed that the sharp
contrasts of this scheme offered users the fastest
reading speed possible among chromatic colors.
Granny Apple
Same color scheme as in the Plan 1 with an
increased foreground color brightness (from 40 to
Passed at
Level 2
Same colors as in Plan 1. Foreground and
background colors were switched.
Passed at
Level 2
Same color’s scheme as in Plan 3 with an increase
in foreground color saturation (from 20 to 60). The
color which should have been used for the text of
the experimental plan 4, in order to preserve rates of
luminosity and saturation in relation to the
background color, could not be preserved. Indeed,
this scheme could not be used given the lack of
contrast between the two colors
(foreground/background) which made the reading
impossible on a more or less old or difficult screen,
for individual presenting deficiencies with color's
vision we refer to the directives of the w3c. We thus
varied its degree of saturation.
Passed at
Level 3
This scheme is the most widely used one on e-
commerce websites.
Same color scheme as Plan 5 with increased
foreground color brightness (from 0 to 60).
Passed at
Level 3
Same colors as in Plan 5. Foreground and
background colors have been switched.
Same scheme as in Plan 7 with a decrease in
foreground color brightness (from 100 to 60).
* Text or diagrams and their background must have a luminosity contrast ratio of at least 5:1 for level 2 conformance to
guideline 1.4
Figure 2 shows a screenshot of our experiment website. In this particular example, the background color
is Magnolia Yellow and the foreground color is Newsvine Green representing experiment plan 1. As it
can be seen, the experiment website didn’t have any other colors than the foreground and background
ones. The design was simple, with very limited use of graphics such as the store logotype and the
shopping cart logotype, in order to reveal only the colors selected for the color scheme of each factorial
plan (background, foreground). Screenshots of the experiment website for each of the 8 plans are
provided in Appendix 2.
Figure 2: Experiment website
Memorization was measured by measuring recognition, cued recall and free recall.
To measure recognition, participants were asked to recognize two CD covers, each among two other
covers of different albums by the same artist. Recognition scores ranged from 0 to 2, one for each CD
cover they could recognize. Measuring recognition was not deemed useful since the participants
answered to the questionnaires a few minutes after visiting the e-commerce website and 100% of them
recognized both CD covers. Thus, we decided not to include recognition further in our analysis.
Cued recall was measured by asking the respondents to answer to a question with 3 alternative values
(correct, wrong and “I don’t know”) for each of the seven information items related to a CD cover.
Scores could thus be graded from 0 to 7 for each item visited. Since participants were required to check
out two CD covers, scores for cued recall ranged from 0 to 14.
In order to measure free recall, participants were asked to answer to an open-ended question related to an
image about the CD cover they had just seen. The question was “What do you remember from the
information associated with this CD cover?”. Free recall was measured by counting the number of the
items that participants could recall from those used in the CD description. Since participants could see
two CD covers, each having a 20-element description, free recall value ranged from 0 to 40.
The score of commercial information memorization was the sum of the recognition score, cued recall
score and free recall score, ranging from 0 to 56.
To measure mood we used Mayer and Gaschke’s (1988) Brief Mood Introspection Scale (BMIS).
Participants were asked to reply to the question “Do you feel _______?” for a list of 16 items rated on a
5-point Likert scale ranging from ‘Definitely do not feel(1) to ‘Definitely feel(5), and for each of the
16 items select the answer that best expressed their mood. We selected to use BMIS because it provides a
quite exhaustive range of moods and is easy to supervise. The scale and its validity and reliability are
presented in Appendix 3.
Each participant passed a pre-test administrated before the start of the experiment. This pre-test measured
mood, using BMIS, in order to enable linking the affective states of the participants with the website
characteristics. The results we obtained after the visit of the website then refer to the mood experienced
on the experiment e-commerce website.
As an affective state, mood is characterised by its duration and intensity as mentioned earlier. In addition,
it is not possible to link the affective states of participants with the websites characteristics without
measuring the mood before the experiment. We thus used the induction method before the experiment.
Its objective is to induce an artificial and controlled affective state during a short period of time, in order
to make participants attain a state that should be similar to a natural affective state. For deontological
reasons and in order to avoid cognitive failures in the activity of the participants, the intensity of the
induction cannot be too strong. The induction phase is framed by two BMIS questionnaires in order to
assess its effectiveness. Participants were divided into groups and were asked to complete the first BMIS.
The researcher waited until all participants in the group have completed the questionnaire, then, to his
signal, the induction procedure started. The assignment of this phase was as follows: "report a lifetime
experience that reflects a happy event (or sad). This is anonymous; we encourage you to describe
concrete and precise life experiences. You have 10 minutes and three sheets to make your story. Once
finished, fill in the questionnaire and wait until the researcher tells you to continue”. After ten minutes,
the experimenter indicates the end of writing the autobiography and invites participants to start the
questionnaire. Once the participant finishes to complete the BMIS, the experimental phase, visiting the
experiment e-commerce website, starts. After visiting the website, and participants complete the second
BMIS questions among other questions which are part of the questionnaire used for data collection.
Analytical statistics then take into account results of the two BMIS.
28BBuying Intention
We used a four items scale developed by Yoo and Donthu (2001). The items were measured on a 5-point
Likert scale ranging from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (5). Already used in a similar context,
the validity and reliability of the scale was good, presented in Appendix 4.
Data were analysed using General Linear Model (GLM) and ANOVA. We used GLM to test the effect of
the color components (hue and brightness) on mood, memorization and buying intention, and variance
analyses (ANOVA) to test the significance of the links between variables and the difference among
treatments. The effect of saturation on the dependent variables of our model was not possible to be tested
because, as explained earlier in the experiment design, saturation was set constant in order to facilitate
the measurement of hue and brightness. We also examined interaction effects between hue and brightness
with a series of regressions on each of the dependent variables. Regression analysis was used to test the
effect of mood on memorization and the effect of memorization on buying intention. The results are
analyzed in the following paragraphs and are summarized in Figure 3:
Figure 3: Summary of GLM, ANOVA and regression results
Direct effects of the colors of the color scheme on memorization
The GLM analysis did not show a significant effect of color on cued recall. The results in Table 8
indicate that neither hue (p=0.750) nor brightness (p=0.381) have a significant direct effect on cued
recall. Furthermore, we did not find an interaction effect between hue and brightness on cued recall.
Hue and brightness were not found to have a significant direct effect on free recall either. However, a
significant interaction effect of hue and brightness on free recall (F=2.484; p 0.061*) was found. is
3% which is low but sufficient. We can thus accept hypothesis H1, indicating that website color
components, hue and brightness, have an interaction effect on the memorization of the consumer.
Table 8: Effects of Color scheme colors on cued and free recalls
Effects of color components (hue, brightness) on cued recall
Hue x Brightness
Effects color components (hue, brightness) on free recall
Hue x Brightness
Based on the ANOVAs carried out, we noted that the interaction effect of hue and brightness on free
recall is most significant when hue 2 (background color = Newsvine Green, foreground color = Magnolia
Yellow or Sunflower Yellow) was employed (F = 4,048; p 0.048). With a low level of brightness
(brightness 1) participants remember the content of the website better than with a high level of brightness
(brightness 2) (Figure 4).
Figure 4: Effects of brightness on free recall
From this result, we understand that a lower contrast between background color and foreground color
enhances the memorization of the commercial information given on a website.
16BDirect effects of the colors of the color scheme on buying intention
The results of the GLM analysis demonstrate that the color scheme of an e-commerce website is very
influential on buying intention (Table 9). Brightness has a significant positive effect on buying intention
(F = 15.201, p 0.000) (Table 9). In line with our results for memorization, we note that when the
background and foreground colors’ brightness is not too strong, buying intentions are the highest (Table
Table 9: Effects of color scheme colors on buying intention
Hue x Brightness
*p<0.1; ***p<0.001
The GLM analysis also shows that hue and brightness have a positive interaction effect on buying
intention (F = 3.732; p ≤ 0.012).
The results of the ANOVA show that the effect of brightness on buying intention is only significant for
hues n°1 (background color = Magnolia Yellow, foreground color = Newsvine Green or Granny Apple
Green) and n°2 (background color = Newsvine Green and foreground color = Magnolia Yellow or
Sunflower Yellow), i.e. with chromatic hues. Brightness but has no significant effect on buying intention
in the case of black and white hues. This result differs from Hall and Hanna (2003) finding that color
combinations do not have a significant effect on consumer purchase intention. When contrast is higher
and brightness increases, buying intention increases (Figure 5). Therefore, H2 is accepted.
Figure 5: Effects of brightness on buying intention
17BEffect of memorization on buying intention
A simple regression enables us to observe that free recall has a positive effect on buying intentions
(Table 10). The more information an individual memorizes about a product, the stronger her or his
buying intention will be. Thus, hypothesis H3 is accepted.
Table 10: Regression between memorization and buying intention
Buying intentions
F = 3.824 ; R² = 0.013
* p < 0.1 ** p < 0.01
18BDirect effects of the colors of the color scheme on mood
GLM analyses show that hue and brightness have a significant interaction effect on negative mood (F =
3.042; p ≤ 0.029) (Table 11). In this sense, we can accept hypothesis H4.
Table 11: Effects of color scheme colors on mood
Effects of color scheme
colors on positive mood
Effects of color scheme
colors on negative mood
ANOVAs show that color schemes based on hues n°1 (foreground = Newsvine Green or Granny Apple
Green and background = Magnolia Yellow) and n°4 (background = Black and foreground = White or
Grey) allow for an interaction effect between hue and brightness. When hue n°1 (Newsvine
Green/Magnolia Yellow and Granny Apple Green/Magnolia Yellow) is used, an increase of the brightness
level entails a significant increase of negative mood (F = 3.066; p ≤ 0.084), while with hue n°4
(White/Black - Grey/Black), an increase of the brightness level decreases negative mood (F = 3.815; p
Effect of mood on memorization and buying intention
Since positive mood was not found to be affected by color, the effect of mood on memorization and
buying intention was tested by examining the effect of negative mood on these variables. Two simple
regressions give evidence that negative mood has a significant and negative impact on buying intention
(b = -0.129; p 0.01), but does not have a significant effect on memorization (free recall) (Table 12).
Therefore hypothesis H5 is not accepted, while hypothesis H6 can be accepted.
Table 12: Regression between negative mood and buying intention
Buying intentions
Negative mood
- 8.215E-17
F = 4.901 ; R² = 0.017
* p < 0.1 ** p < 0.01
Experiments on the behavior of Internet users are still relatively rare. At the same time there is a paucity
of research distinguishing among the three components of color, hue, brightness and saturation in e-
commerce websites. Building on Drugeon-Lichtlé (1996, 2007, 2009) and Gorn et al. (2004)'s works and
understanding the importance to distinguish the three components of color, this study makes a
contribution in this research area by examining these three color components in e-commerce. Indeed, it
helps to discover new effects on consumer behaviour and responses that we did not know before. Our
research enabled us to bring to the fore the effects of the colors used on e-commerce websites on
consumer memorization and buying intention. It also shows that negative mood as a mediating variable
reinforces these effects.
We thereby found that a lower contrast between background color and foreground color enhanced
memorization. In other words, the retention of information is higher when the latter is more difficult to
read. Such a result existed in psychology (Hill and Scharff, 1997; Scharff and Ahumada, 2002; Hall and
Hanna, 2003) but there are not any research studies explaining this in e-commerce. In addition, although
hue and brightness were not found to have a significant effect on memorization, they have an interaction
effect on memorization and, in specific, on free recal. This interaction effect is most significant with
chromatic colors. Green and yellow hues, which are chromatic ones, are more likely to enhance the
memorization of the displayed information than black and white (achromatic colors). Chromatic colors
induce better memorization scores, thus the effect of interaction of chromatic hues at particular levels of
brightness, produce better memorization scores. The contribution of hue is thus not neutral; it can lead to
better scores of memorization when it is properly combined with brightness.
Hue and brightness were not found to have a significant direct effect on cued or free recall. This seems
reasonable since the hue or brightness of the text of the website (foreground color) and the hue and
brightness of its background do not necessarily have to facilitate the retention of information.
Participants provided equivalent answers to closed questions about the content of the website (cued
recall), regardless of the colors of the color scheme. These questions actually helped participants to
memorize information in that they accurately added up the information that could be easily memorized.
Instead, colors were more important in free recall, when no help was provided and participants had to
remember what they saw on the website.
Brightness has a positive effect on buying intention, which is only significant for chromatic colors. In
addition, hue and brightness have a significant interaction effect on buying intention. Low brightness
favourites a stronger buying intention. However, a too strong brightness can also discomfort the
consumer and limit its desire to buy. When contrast is higher and brightness increases, buying intention
increases. Similarly, it seems that a high brightness of the color scheme, and therefore a sharp contrast
between background color and foreground (text) do not lead to a stronger buying intention.
Furthermore, we found an interaction effect between hue and brightness on mood. This is even more
significant for chromatic hues. We can argue this by explaining that the decrease in contrast due to the
increased lighting of the foreground color on the background one, discomforts respondents and put them
in a negative mood when colors are chromatic. The visual comfort caused by the use of chromatic colors,
which is not very common as explained earlier, should not be damaged by a too bright appearance..
Indeed, when someone has to guess what is written in front of him, affective and cognitive states are
modified, resulting in a decreasing mood. Our results show that the effect of color was significant only
for negative mood.
Purchase intention was found to be influenced by negative mood. Indeed some color schemes show that
when brightness is high, negative mood increases. On the other hand, when negative mood is high,
buying intention are weaker. It thus seems normal to find that higher brightness leads to weaker buying
intention. The intention to buy diminishes when the colors of the e-commerce website seem unpleasant
(negative mood) in the eyes of the consumer.
However, the effect of mood on memorization was not found to be significant. Customers memorize the
commercial information provided on an e-commerce website better when colors result in a negative
mood. This happens when the background and foreground colors create an unpleasant contrast to the
respondents. Indeed, for some color schemes, the brighter colors are, the stronger the negative mood
becomes. At the same time, a strong negative mood leads to strong memorization. It thus seems normal
to find that a higher brightness of the color scheme leads to weaker memorization.
Memorization and in particular, free recall, was found to have a positive effect on purchase intention.
The more a consumer memorizes information about a product, the more he intends to buy it. This result
should be clarified because it would be interesting to know what information is effectively stored. Further
analysis of the results of this experiment would allow us to answer to this question. Repeating the
experimentation with the same respondents after a certain period of time could effectively help us to
answer more accurately.
These results on color had not been revealed in previous work studying the three components of color in
a similar experiment. Rather than comparing warm and cold hues, we focused on hue and brightness. We
found that hue is important online, especially when measured with brightness, in line with previous
findings about the brightness component of color (Drugeon-Lichtlé, 2009; Valdez and Mehrabian,1994;
Gorn et al.,1997, 2004 and Camgöz et al., 2002). Our results on the effect of color on memorization are
in line with Hall and Hanna (2003), whereas the effect of color on mood as well as the effect of mood
and memorization on buying intention have not been studied in previous research. Although the effect of
color on emotions has been the research topic of several studies such as Valdez and Mehrabian (1994)
and Lichtlé (2007), the effect of color on mood had not been previously examined in literature. Finally,
our results regarding the effect of mood on memorization differ from those of Chebat et al. (1995)
finding that positive mood increases memorization. In comparison to their work referring to offline
shopping environments, our work suggests that it is negative mood that enhances memorization. The
main difference between these two studies stems from the different nature of the shopping environment
(online vs. offline). In particular, the psychological stimulation between a shopper in the offline
environment and an online shopper appears to be different. Online shopping entails a cognitive effort of
consumers to read information on screen, an effort that is missing from traditional shopping. Readability
in the offline environment is not as important as online, as the input consumers receive about products
comes from the physical setting and not from the computer screen, which is the primary means of
receiving information for the online consumer. Arguably, readability can influence affective states, and
mood in particular. Therefore, negative mood can occur more easily online, influenced by readability, by
commercial information which is too difficult to read. However, due to the additional effort required for
reading, information that is difficult to read is also difficult to forget and is retained in consumer
memory. This could explain the paradox of negative mood influencing positively memorization. In
offline shopping, negative mood could arise from factors other than bad readability, lacking, thus, a
positive effect on memorization.
According to Gefen et al. (2003), an e-commerce website is an information technology and it is the
primary interface with an online vendor. Therefore the design of an e-commerce website is of paramount
importance for e-commerce success, influencing customer interaction and behavior. This is recognized
by a large stream of research in information systems which have studied web design and have focused on
perceived website quality and website characteristics as factors explaining online consumer behavior
(Torkzadeh and Dhillon, 2002; Singh et al., 2005; Hampton-Sosa and Koufaris, 2005). Color constitutes
an important variable for the design of e-commerce websites, as reported in information system studies,
especially in usability, human-computer interaction and e-commerce literature (Lee and Koubek, 2010;
Coursaris et al., 2008; Agarwal and Hedge 2008; McKracken et al., 2003). In this study, we examined
how color, a key attribute of the technological aspect of a website, influences consumer memorization,
mood and purchase intention. In addition, in doing so, we address color in terms of its components, hue
and brightness.
This study examines color in the context of e-commerce and website design with respect to its
components, brightness and hue. In this approach, it extends previous research which focuses only on the
hue component of color, and which compares warm and cold hues or combinations of hues.
Our study examines memorization in the context of e-commerce. We introduce memorization as a factor
influencing buying intention, contributing to the existing body of literature on antecedents of buying
intention in e-commerce. We also examined two factors influencing memorization, color and mood. We
found that website color components, hue and brightness, have an interaction effect on consumer
memorization. In addition, our results indicate that negative mood also leads to better memorization.
Furthermore, our findings show that the color of e-commerce websites affects consumer mood. While
this is in accordance with Wu et al. (2008), our results also show that color hue and brightness jointly
influence mood. In addition, our study shows that the color of e-commerce websites also influences
purchase intention. Extending previous work showing that warm colors positively influence purchase
intention (Wu et al., 2008) our study contributes as it shows that brightness has a positive effect on
purchase intention for chromatic hues and that hue and brightness have an interaction effect on purchase
intention. Finally, our study shows that purchase intention is influenced by mood, in line with Wu et al.
(2008). Overall, our study also provides easy to replicate standards for laboratory conditions, when
conducting experiments on colors on the Internet. It seems that a study on color should compare hue and
brightness rather than warm and cold colors when trying to examine what consumers recall and what
leads them in purchasing. Indeed, in everyday life there is no support helping consumers to recall the
content of an e-commerce website they visited or to compare it with another offer.
Our study provides findings on color that can inform and guide the design of websites in e-commerce so
that they are effective for attracting customer purchases. By looking into mood and memorization, as
variables which are antecedents of buying intention and are influenced by color, our study further
contributes in information systems. The research implications are most important for memorization, as it
is proposed as a new factor predicting buying intention of online consumers. Our results on the effect of
color hue and brightness on mood and memorization are not only relevant to e-commerce web design but
to web interface design in general and are also of value for research in web aesthetics, usability and
human-computer interaction. Hence, our findings are relevant and important to information systems
researchers, particularly to those active in the areas of usability, human-computer interaction and e-
commerce or the intersection of these areas.
These results must be related to the research conducted by Silverstein (1987) who noticed that
monochrome screens entailed more eyestrain and overall tiredness. Therefore, e-vendors should be aware
of this and choose carefully the hues of the foreground and background colors that they will use on their
site so as to adjust them to their target. They should also take into account the aesthetic and functional
impact of those colors: their contrast facilitates finding information on a webpage. Moreover, low
brightness fosters better memorization scores and stronger buying intention. Consumers recall
information more easily when they had difficulty reading on an e-commerce website, however, they did
not necessarily feel like buying a product from this website. This holds especially for chromatic colors.
As with any research, this study comes with limitations. First of all, data were collected from participants
interacting with a website designed for the experiment and not a real online store. In addition, the
experiment website was an online store selling only CDs and not other products that could possibly
produce different results. Furthermore, saturation as well as recognition variables were not possible to be
measured. Finally, generalization of findings to all colors should be made with caution.
The difference of perception of colors among cultures should also be taken into account. Our sampling
frame was a student population, primarily French, and we did not control for culture as an intervening
variable. Future research with a color scheme varying according to the culture of the respondents could
bring further and more detailed results. This entails the need for a cross-cultural study with samples with
distinct color preferences as well as diverse semantic associations of color. Research across cultures is
also needed to test how online consumer mood, memorization and buying intention and the links among
them may be influenced and vary by cultural characteristics. As implied by a number of studies (Singh
and Baack, 2004; Cyr et al., 2010) e-commerce websites are not culturally neutral and their design
characteristics can have different effects depending on culture. Hence, further work would be necessary
to enhance our understanding towards a culturally informed design of effective e-commerce websites.
Future research related to the measurement of memorization or buying intention of online consumers,
should undoubtedly take into consideration other brightness and saturation rates. As explained earlier,
studying the long memory would probably bring more useful results regarding the effects of colors. This
would require a replication of the experiment some months or years after the first one, with the same
respondents, the same laboratory conditions and the same colors for the website. Coupled with the use of
sound on e-commerce websites, further studies would enable us to reach a better understanding of the
effects of the atmosphere pervading e-commerce websites on consumers, adopting a holistic rather than
an individual approach to the phenomenon. Finally, besides hue, saturation and brightness, further
research should examine the three other color components, texture, brilliance and matt effect, used in
virtual worlds such as Second Life and in new e-commerce websites using the glossy effect for example.
This research illustrated the combinations of the most successful colors for web stores by taking into
consideration the color hue, brightness and saturation. It also underlines the importance of chromatic
colors and reinforces the need to include chromatic colors in web design, especially since most e-
commerce websites use mainly achromatic colors. These results can contribute to help the designers of e-
commerce websites particularly with regards to the combinations of colors of content zones (supporting
the commercial information) and navigation zones (supporting the utilitarian information). The use of a
combination of adequate colors (a) in the contents and (b) in the navigation, by respecting the territories
of each of them by the use of borders or adequate colors when they are close one to the other, will allow
designers to make the color scheme more pertinent in transforming the intention into act of purchase.
The ability of people to distinguish colors, or the inability of some to differentiate among them
constitutes an issue to be considered during the design of an interface in order to increase its usability.
With 8% of color blind people in the male population (Lanthony, 2005), brands have to use proper colors
that are easily distinguishable by them. The W3C and WAI provide solutions for web designers on this
topic by suggesting the use of “web safe colors”. Among the 256 colors that can be displayed on
traditional computer screens, only 10 are viewed by color blind people on the Internet. Colors should be
manipulated, so that the consumers lose no information because of a contrast or of a harmony which they
do not perceive. This should be taken into account early in the design phase of any e-commerce website.
It seems evident that this applies to people affected by color blindness or by another disease affecting the
vision of colors, for whom access to information outweighs the aesthetics of an e-commerce website.
Besides, the growing percentage of seniors using e-commerce, requires taking more seriously into
consideration the management of colors within the wider context of enabling access to the information.
This can be improved with the choice of better contrasts between the foreground color (text) and the
background color. As sight decreases with age, e-sellers should provide an even easier way for seniors to
read information, as assistance in their shopping experience. Thus, playing with brightness and saturation
levels of safe colors carefully selected for the text and background, making the website readable for old
and color blind people, can be a critical success factor in terms of ROI.
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19BAppendix 1: Devices and installation required to conduct the experiment properly
Measurements were taken at different intervals with a
- Keep a distance of about one meter between the back
of the room and the screen,
- Room lighting (ambient illumination),
- High-quality assessment monitor, size 50-60 cm (22"
- 26").
The luxmeter
- An Ishihara’s test for color blindness was conducted
to guarantee that participants were not color-blind and
thus in a position to provide valid answers.
The Ishihara’s test
All the screens used during the experiment were
- The screens must warm up for an hour before
- A CRT display must be used rather than a plasma
- Ambient light compensation must be disabled;
- The probe allows to generate the ICC profile;
- Save the ICC profile which will be set automatically
The probe
20BAppendix 2: Experiment website screenshots for the 8 color schemes
Experiment Plan 1
Experiment Plan 2
Experiment Plan 3
Experiment Plan 4
Experiment Plan 5
Experiment Plan 6
Experiment Plan 7
Experiment Plan 8
21BAppendix 3: Brief Mood Introspection Scale (BMIS) – (Mayer and Gaschke, 1988)
22BThe scale is based on the question “Do you feel _______?” for each of the 16 items shown below. Each
item was measured on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 1 ‘Definitely do not feel’ to 5 ‘Definitely
Quality of
to the factor 1
to factor 2
Happy (Hum1)
Fed up (Hum2)
Caring (Hum4)
Nervous (Hum5)
Satisfied (Hum6)
Grouchy (Hum7)
Sad (Hum9)
Jittery (Hum10)
Loving (Hum11)
Drowsy (Hum12)
Lively (Hum13)
Gloomy (Hum14)
Tired (Hum15)
Active (Hum16)
Cronbach Alpha
Eliminated Items
Peaceful Hum3, Affectionate Hum8
Bartlett Sphericity Test
Approximate Chi² = 985.340 ddl = 28 Sig. = .000
KMO value
Recommended value
% of information
23BItems were measured on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 1 Definitely do not feel to 5 Definitely
24BAppendix 4: Buying intention scale (Yoo and Donthu, 2001)
Quality of
Contribution to
the factor
I will certainly buy products
coming from this website in
the near future.
I intend to buy on this
website in the near future.
It is likely that I buy on this
website in the near future.
I plan to buy on this website
in the near future.
Cronbach Alpha
Eliminated Items
Bartlett Sphericity Test
Approximate Chi²= 563.367 ddl 3 =Sig. = .000
KMO value
Recommended value
% of information
25BItems were measured on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 1 – ‘Strongly agreeto 5 – ‘Strongly