What makes great teaching?
Review of the underpinning research
Robert Coe, Cesare Aloisi, Steve Higgins and Lee Elliot Major
October 2014
A framework for professional learning
This review set out to address three apparently simple questions:
What makes ’great teaching’?
What kinds of frameworks or tools could help us to capture it?
How could this promote better learning?
Question 1: “What makes great teaching?”
Great teaching is defined as that which leads to improved student progress
We define effective teaching as that which leads to improved student achievement
using outcomes that matter to their future success. Defining effective teaching is
not easy. The research keeps coming back to this critical point: student progress
is the yardstick by which teacher quality should be assessed. Ultimately, for a
judgement about whether teaching is effective, to be seen as trustworthy, it must
be checked against the progress being made by students.
The six components of great teaching
Schools currently use a number of frameworks that describe the core elements of
effective teaching. The problem is that these attributes are so broadly defined that
they can be open to wide and different interpretation whether high quality teaching
has been observed in the classroom. It is important to understand these
limitations when making assessments about teaching quality.
Below we list the six common components suggested by research that teachers
should consider when assessing teaching quality. We list these approaches, skills
and knowledge in order of how strong the evidence is in showing that focusing on
them can improve student outcomes. This should be seen as offering a ‘starter kit’
for thinking about effective pedagogy. Good quality teaching will likely involve a
combination of these attributes manifested at different times; the very best
teachers are those that demonstrate all of these features.
1. (Pedagogical) content knowledge (Strong evidence of impact on student
The most effective teachers have deep knowledge of the subjects they teach, and
when teachers’ knowledge falls below a certain level it is a significant impediment
to students’ learning. As well as a strong understanding of the material being
taught, teachers must also understand the ways students think about the content,
be able to evaluate the thinking behind students’ own methods, and identify
students’ common misconceptions.
2. Quality of instruction (Strong evidence of impact on student outcomes)
Includes elements such as effective questioning and use of assessment by
teachers. Specific practices, like reviewing previous learning, providing model
responses for students, giving adequate time for practice to embed skills securely
Executive Summary
and progressively introducing new learning (scaffolding) are also elements of high
quality instruction.
3. Classroom climate (Moderate evidence of impact on student outcomes)
Covers quality of interactions between teachers and students, and teacher
expectations: the need to create a classroom that is constantly demanding more,
but still recognising students’ self-worth. It also involves attributing student
success to effort rather than ability and valuing resilience to failure (grit).
4. Classroom management (Moderate evidence of impact on student
A teacher’s abilities to make efficient use of lesson time, to coordinate classroom
resources and space, and to manage students’ behaviour with clear rules that are
consistently enforced, are all relevant to maximising the learning that can take
place. These environmental factors are necessary for good learning rather than
its direct components.
5. Teacher beliefs (Some evidence of impact on student outcomes)
Why teachers adopt particular practices, the purposes they aim to achieve, their
theories about what learning is and how it happens and their conceptual models of
the nature and role of teaching in the learning process all seem to be important.
6. Professional behaviours (Some evidence of impact on student outcomes)
Behaviours exhibited by teachers such as reflecting on and developing
professional practice, participation in professional development, supporting
colleagues, and liaising and communicating with parents.
Question 2: “What kinds of frameworks or tools could help us to
capture great teaching?”
Assessing teacher quality through multiple measures
A formative teacher evaluation system based on continuous assessment and
feedback rather than a high-stakes test - must incorporate a range of measures,
from different sources, using a variety of methods. A key to suitably cautious and
critical use of the different methods is to triangulate them against each other. A
single source of evidence may suggest the way forward, but when it is confirmed
by another independent source it starts to become a credible guide.
Currently available measures can give useful information, but there is a lot of
noise around a weak signal, so we must be careful not to over-interpret. If we
were to use the best classroom observation ratings, for example, to identify
teachers as ‘above’ or ‘below’ average and compare this to their impact on
student learning we would get it right about 60% of the time, compared with the
50% we would get by just tossing a coin. Therefore, these judgements need to be
used with considerable caution.
Six approaches to teacher assessment
For this review we focused on three approaches to assessing teachers that
demonstrate moderate validity in signalling effectiveness:
1. classroom observations by peers, principals or external evaluators
2. ‘value-added’ models (assessing gains in student achievement)
3. student ratings
Three other approaches had limited evidence:
4. principal (or headteacher) judgement
5. teacher self-reports
6. analysis of classroom artefacts and teacher portfolios
Classroom observations
Successful teacher observations are primarily used as a formative process
framed as a development tool creating reflective and self-directed teacher
learners as opposed to a high stakes evaluation or appraisal. However, while
observation is effective when undertaken as a collaborative and collegial exercise
among peers, the literature also emphasises the need for challenge in the process
involving, to some extent, principals or external experts.
Levels of reliability that are acceptable for low-stakes purposes can be achieved
by the use of high-quality observation protocols. These include using observers
who have been specifically trained with ongoing quality assurance, and pooling
the results of observations by multiple observers of multiple lessons.
Measuring student gains
Value-added models are highly dependent on the availability of good outcome
measures. Their results can be quite sensitive to some essentially arbitrary
choices about which variables to include and what assumptions underpin the
models. Estimates of effectiveness for individual teachers are only moderately
stable from year to year and class to class. However, it does seem that at least
part of what is captured by value-added estimates reflects the genuine impact of a
teacher on students’ learning.
Student ratings
Collecting student ratings should be a cheap and easy source of good feedback
about teaching behaviours from a range of observers who can draw on
experience of many lessons. There is evidence of the validity of these measures
from use both in schools and, more widely, in higher education.
Question 3: “How could this promote better learning?
A review by Timperley et al. details a teacher ‘knowledge-building cycle ' - a
feedback loop for teachers that is associated with improved student outcomes.
Their synthesis ‘assumes that what goes on in the black box of teacher learning is
fundamentally similar to student learning’. And their findings suggest that teacher
learning can have a sizeable impact on student outcomes.
The observation/feedback routine should be structured explicitly as a continuous
professional learning opportunity that enables them to work on improving student
The literature provides a challenge to the much quoted claim that teachers
typically improve over their first 3-5 years and then plateau. Teachers working in
schools with more supportive professional environments continued to improve
significantly after three years, while teachers in the least supportive schools
actually declined in their effectiveness. Another study found that feedback from
classroom observation led to a gain in students’ math test scores in the years
following the intervention, equivalent to an effect size of 0.11.
Six principles of teacher feedback
Sustained professional learning is most likely to result when:
1. the focus is kept clearly on improving student outcomes;
2. feedback is related to clear, specific and challenging goals for the recipient;
3. attention is on the learning rather than to the person or to comparisons with
4. teachers are encouraged to be continual independent learners;
5. feedback is mediated by a mentor in an environment of trust and support;
6. an environment of professional learning and support is promoted by the
school’s leadership.
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
What is good pedagogy? Elements of teaching effectiveness ..................................................................................................... 9
Defining ‘good pedagogy’ 9
Developing indicators of good pedagogy that can be used reliably 10
Types of evidence relevant to ‘effectiveness’ 11
Examples of effective practices 13
Danielson’s Framework for Teaching 13
The Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) 14
Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction 14
Creemers and Kyriakides’ Dynamic Model 15
Evidence from cognitive psychology 17
Examples of teacher characteristics 18
(Pedagogical) Content knowledge 18
Beliefs about learning 19
Other characteristics 21
Examples of ineffective practices 22
How do we measure it? Frameworks for capturing teaching quality ..........................................................................................25
Section summary 25
Classroom observation approaches 25
Peer observations 26
School leader / principal observations 27
Observation by an external evaluator 29
Instruments for classroom observation 31
Value-added measures 33
Student ratings 35
Principal (headteacher) judgement 36
Teacher self-reports 36
Analysis of classroom artefacts 36
Teacher portfolios 37
How could this promote better learning? ..................................................................................................................................38
Validity Issues 38
Combining evidence from different evaluation approaches 38
Focus on student learning outcomes 38
Purposes: Fixing versus Firing 39
Approaches to providing feedback 39
Evidence of impact of feedback to teachers on student learning 40
Enhancing teachers’ professional learning 40
How might we take this forward? ..............................................................................................................................................43
Overview of the evidence 43
Evidence about effective pedagogy 43
Evidence about methods of evaluating teaching quality 43
Evidence about developmental use of evaluation 44
A general framework for teaching quality 44
Best bets to try out and evaluate 45
General requirements 46
Quick wins 46
Longer term (harder) 47
Multiple, multi-dimensional measures 47
School-based support systems 48
References .................................................................................................................................................................................50
Appendix ...................................................................................................................................................................................56
A: Original research questions 56
This paper was written to set the scene for a summit held over two days in early
November 2014 in Washington, DC. The summit brought together 80 school
leaders and teachers from a range of countries, including Australia, Canada,
Finland, Holland, Hong Kong, Singapore, the UK and the US, to consider the
latest research evidence on professional learning and share their practical tools
and strategies for using observation and feedback, with the aim of creating a
practical guide to support the effective professional learning of teachers.
The summit and programme of work set out to address some apparently simple
What is good pedagogy?
What kinds of frameworks or tools could help us to capture it?
How could this promote better learning?
In focusing on these questions, we recognise that it may seem more obvious to
start thinking about teachers’ professional learning and development by focusing
on the necessary conditions for such learning to occur. For example, we might
argue that teachers need to feel trusted and valued, that their experiences and
perspectives are acknowledged, that the culture of the schools in which they work
should promote critical questioning and innovative approaches, with space and
encouragement for discussion and sharing of ideas. We will return to these
issues, but first we focus on what that learning should be. Again, it might seem
obvious that this is already well known: we surely know what great teaching looks
like; we just need to create the culture in which teachers feel empowered and free
to do it.
In fact, there is some evidence that an understanding of what constitutes effective
pedagogy the method and practice of teaching may not be so widely shared,
and even where it is widely shared it may not actually be right (Strong et al, 2011;
Hamre et al, 2009). Hence it is necessary to clarify what is known about effective
pedagogy before we can think about how to promote it. Unless we do that there is
a real danger that we end up promoting teaching practices that are no more and
perhaps less effective than those currently used.
We also review research that has shed some light on what works in terms of the
practices of professional learning whether it is the frameworks used to define
teaching effectiveness or observing peers, entering into dialogue and feedback
and helping to improve practice.
This study presents a brief review of the existing research evidence that is
relevant to these questions. The original research questions we set out to address
are given in full in Appendix A.
What is good pedagogy? Elements of teaching effectiveness
Defining ‘good pedagogy’
Defining effective teaching is of course problematic. Ideally, we might define
effective teaching as that which leads to high achievement by students in valued
outcomes, other things being equal. We acknowledge that available assessments
and particularly those that have been used for high-stakes accountability or in
existing research studies may not fully capture the range of the outcomes that
we might specify as desirable aims for education (Popham and Ryan, 2012; Muijs
et al, 2014; Polikoff, 2014).
We also acknowledge that ‘other things being equal’ may be open to different
interpretations about what factors should or can be taken into account. A number
of factors will influence students’ achievements, for example, pre-existing student
characteristics (both of individual students and collectively), characteristics of the
school and of the teacher (some of which may be alterable, others not), and of the
context. In practice, the attribution of an ‘effect’ to an individual teacher or school
is generally determined by what cannot be explained by factors that are judged to
be outside the control of that individual (Raudenbush, 2004). This kind of ‘residual
attribution’ – interpreting value-added simplistically as the effect of the teacher
is, of course, problematic (Newton et al, 2010; Hill et al, 2011; Dumay et al, 2013).
Despite these limitations, wherever possible, it makes sense to judge the
effectiveness of teaching from its impact on assessed learning. If the assessments
and value-added models available to us are not good enough, we need to improve
them. In the meantime we must exercise some caution in interpreting any claims
about teaching effectiveness.
A further concern is that in practice, any kinds of observational measures provide
at best poor approximations to how much students actually learn. Whether they
are based on classroom observation, student surveys, book scrutiny or other
sources, their predictive power is usually not high. For example, even in a high-
quality research study such as the Measures of Effective Teaching Project (Mihaly
et al, 2013, Table 3, p24), the median correlation between a range of value-added
and observation ratings was only 0.3. Although a correlation of 0.3 will often be
presented as ‘highly significant’ by researchers, in practice it means that if we
were to use classroom observation ratings to identify teachers as ‘above’ or
‘below’ average in their impact on student learning we would get it right about 60%
of the time, compared with the 50% we would get by just tossing a coin. It is better
than chance, but not by much; there is information in classroom observation, but
not enough to base important decisions on it. And of course, this is a best-case:
with regular teachers or principals using un-validated observation protocols and
no quality assurance process to check judgements are aligned, the correlation will
be much less, perhaps even negative (Strong et al, 2011).
Developing indicators of good pedagogy that can be used
There are at least two kinds of problems we could encounter in trying to
‘operationalise’ good pedagogy - that is developing a set of measures of good
(and great) pedagogy that can be reliably used to assess teacher effectiveness.
One is to be too specific: to define it in terms of a checklist of observable, effective
practices or skills. A potential problem with trying to reduce great teaching to
constituent elements is that the whole may be greater than the sum of its parts.
The choices a teacher makes in orchestrating their skills may be an essential part
of what makes them effective. Focusing on the behaviours themselves will always
be too limited. Instead we need to think in terms of a professional pedagogy in
which judgement is an essential component. Nevertheless, evaluating the quality
of such choices is unlikely to be straightforward.
The other problem is not to be specific enough. Although it is important to be clear
about the principles that underpin pedagogy (James and Pollard, 2011), we must
also relate them to something that is observable. Theory must be specific enough
to be empirically testable and a guide to well-defined actions.
Shulman (1988, p38) has written of the need for “a union of insufficiencies, a
marriage of complements, in which the flaws of individual approaches to
assessment are offset by the virtues of their fellows”. His argument was that
although each individual measure of some aspect of teaching effectiveness may
be flawed and inadequate, when our view is informed by a varied collection of
such measures their failings can be overcome. However, this view seems not to
take into account how we might assess the teacher’s role in selecting and
orchestrating these ‘effective’ approaches, nor does it address the practical
difficulties of turning an array of insufficient indicators into a meaningful whole.
Indeed, Shulman himself seems later to have retracted this view (Shulman, 2009).
Before we can think about the validity of any measures of teaching effectiveness
we need to be clear what those measures are intended to be used for. On some
wish-lists will be requirements: for use in selection for initial professional entry; for
awarding certification as a qualified teacher; for recognising professional
progression, perhaps linked to probation, tenure, promotion, retention, or
performance-related pay; for identifying under-performing teachers, with
associated support or firing. Unfortunately, the evidence seems clear that our best
currently available measures of teaching effectiveness are not adequate for most
of these kinds of purposes (Gitomer, 2009).
Our purpose here is a little different. We take the view that low-stakes, formative
use of teaching effectiveness indicators, with an emphasis on feedback, support
and challenge, and professional learning, may lead to improvements in student
learning, even if those indicators are in many ways ‘insufficient’. In this we echo
Shulman’s (2009) distinction between assessment of teaching and assessment for
teaching. However, where Shulman emphasises creating measures for which ‘the
very act of preparing for and engaging in assessment would be a powerful form of
professional development’ (p241), we also stress the role of feedback from and
discussion about the results of an assessment in professional learning, and the
role of a clearly specified framework of performance indicators to focus teachers’
attention and effort on things that are important.
With this approach, our criterion for validating a measure of teaching effectiveness
is not ‘Does it produce a complete, unbiased and accurate measure of a teacher’s
impact on student learning?’, but ‘Can using it as part of a system of self-
evaluation, feedback, dialogue and re-assessment lead to improvements in
student learning?’. In technical terms, we value consequential validity over
criterion-related validity. This perspective also allows us to acknowledge that
quality teaching is multidimensional: a profile of multiple, independent strengths
and weaknesses may be more useful and a better fit to reality than a single,
unidimensional measure.
Types of evidence relevant to ‘effectiveness’
There are a number of sources of evidence about the skills, knowledge,
behaviours, qualities and competences required to be an excellent teacher. A key
feature of the current review is that we try to limit our attention to well-defined,
operationalisable behaviours, skills or knowledge that have been found to be
related, with at least some justification for a causal relationship, to measureable,
enhanced student outcomes. Following Rosenshine (2010, 2012) and Muijs et al
(2014), these sources of evidence include:
Evidence from educational effectiveness research about teacher
behaviours associated with learning gains
Evidence from intervention studies about what can be changed, and its
effect on outcomes
Evidence and theory from cognitive science about learning: how our brains
acquire, make sense of and use information
There are two key requirements for the inclusion of a teaching approach as ‘great
teaching’ in this review:
There must be a clear, well-specified and implementable intervention
associated with promoting the approach. It has to be something we can
change. For example, the knowledge that ‘great teachers have high
expectations’ is of no use to us unless we have a strategy for encouraging
teachers to raise their expectations
There must be some evidence linking the approach with enhanced student
outcomes. There is not necessarily any assumption that such outcomes
should be limited to academic attainment: whatever is valued in education
should count.
One of the features of research on effective practices is that there are a number of
reviews available with quite different claims about what characteristics of teacher
practice are associated with improved outcomes. For example, a review by
Husbands and Pearce (2012) contains ‘Nine claims from research’, of which the
first is that ‘Effective pedagogies give serious consideration to pupil voice’ (p3). A
good definition of ‘pupil voice’ is given, but as far as we can tell, none of the
studies cited contain robust evidence to link it causally to improvements in pupil
outcomes. There is some evidence of a link to changes in teachers’ practices and
perceptions, and to more positive attitudes for both teachers and students, though
many of even these studies would not meet basic quality standards for robust
support of such claims. Using pupil voice may indeed be an effective pedagogy,
but we believe that the evidence currently available does not support this claim, so
have not included it.
However, we acknowledge that the question of what teaching practices are shown
by research to be effective remains contested. An example from England is Brown
et al’s (2001) analysis of different views of the research basis of the National
Numeracy Strategy. From the US an example is Boaler’s (2008) critique of The
Final Report of the National Mathematics Advisory Panel (National Mathematics
Advisory Panel, 2008).
It is also clear that a lot of the research which has set out to discover the elements
of effective teaching have simply asked the wrong questions. As Good and Biddle
pointed out more than 25 years ago, looking back then over at least 20 years of
this kind of research,
At various times educators in this century have advocated as
answers large-group instruction, smallgroup teaching and
individualised teaching!...However it seems clear that simple
characteristics of instruction have never predicted instructional
effectiveness...The issue is not individualised instruction or small-
group instruction, but rather the quality of thought and effort that can
occur within these structures...(Good & Biddle, 1988 p.116)
A salutary example is from Brown et al (2001), who confidently identified a list of
instructional practices that empirically distinguished effective from less effective
teachers, as determined by their students’ learning gains. They then tested the
predictive power of an observation schedule based on evaluating these practices
for a different group, but found the results rather disappointing:
We are therefore left with the perhaps rather happy conclusion that
the behaviour of effective teachers and less effective teachers are
not easily characterised; much depends on the particular way that
teachers and classes as people relate together. There are signs that
certain types of behaviour may often lead to higher gains, but there
are always exceptions in both directions.
A final caution is from the US National Mathematics Advisory Panel (2008):
Unfortunately, little is known from existing high-quality research
about what effective teachers do to generate greater gains in student
learning. Further research is needed to identify and more carefully
define the skills and practices underlying these differences in
teachers’ effectiveness, and how to develop them in teacher
preparation programs.
Examples of effective practices
In this section we present a collection of teacher behaviours, approaches,
classroom practices and skills that meet our criteria of being well-defined,
implementable and linked to gains in student outcomes. We have sought to
include here some practices that are counterintuitive, or that challenge the
accepted orthodoxy about what is effective teaching, on the grounds that these
examples may have value more as a prompt to critical questioning rather than a
checklist of desirable behaviours. Teachers may need to have clear
understanding of why, when and how each of these practices can be effective,
and exactly what it means to demonstrate them in a way that is optimal to promote
students’ learning. Good summaries of the wider evidence about effective
practices can be found in Muijs et al (2014) and in Ko et al (2013).
Some important caveats are required before presenting these examples of
‘effective practice’. All of them are open to interpretation. All of them could be
done well or done badly. All of them could be inappropriate in some contexts and
appropriate in others. For these reasons it may be unproductive or even harmful
to treat them as if their meaning is unproblematic or to require them as a recipe or
formula. Nevertheless, they are all supported by robust evidence of positive
impact on student learning, so may be seen as offering at least a ‘starter kit’ for
thinking about effective pedagogy.
Danielson’s Framework for Teaching
The use of this framework as a classroom observation instrument is discussed in
more detail below (p31), but for now we present an outline of the elements that
are evaluated.
1. Planning and preparation
a. Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy
b. Demonstrating Knowledge of Students
c. Setting Instructional Outcomes
d. Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources
e. Designing Coherent Instruction
f. Designing Student Assessments
2. Classroom environment
a. Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport
b. Establishing a Culture for Learning
c. Managing Classroom Procedures
d. Managing Student Behaviour
e. Organizing Physical Space
3. Instruction
a. Communicating with Students
b. Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques
c. Engaging Students in Learning
d. Using Assessment in Instruction
e. Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness
4. Professional responsibilities
a. Reflecting on Teaching
b. Maintaining Accurate Records
c. Communicating with Families
d. Participating in the Professional Community
e. Growing and Developing Professionally
f. Showing Professionalism
The Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS)
CLASS (Pianta, La Paro, & Hamre, 2008) is an evaluation framework for
classroom observation that identifies three main domains and a number of
dimensions within each:
Emotional Support
Classroom climate (positive and negative) warmth, respect, enjoyment,
Teacher sensitivity to student needs
Regard for student perspectives respect for student autonomy, interests,
Classroom Organization
Behavior management
Productivity time management, maximizing opportunity to learn
Instructional learning formats activities that maximize engagement
Instructional Support
Concept development focus on higher order thinking
Quality of feedback
Language modelling questioning, expanding, use of vocabulary
Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction
Rosenshine (2010, 2012) has summarised at least 40 years of research on
effective instruction with a key set of principles that maximise its impact. The
starting point for this evidence base is a set of correlational studies linking
particular observed classroom teacher behaviours with higher student outcomes.
For each of these principles there is also experimental evidence showing that
attempts to train teachers in adopting these behaviours can result in changes in
teacher behaviours and improvements in student outcomes.
In outline the ten principles are:
1. Begin a lesson with a short review of previous learning
2. Present new material in small steps, with student practice after
each step
3. Ask a large number of questions and check the responses of all
4. Provide models for problem solving and worked examples
5. Guide student practice
6. Check for student understanding
7. Obtain a high success rate
8. Provide scaffolds for difficult tasks
9. Require and monitor independent practice
10. Engage students in weekly and monthly review
Creemers and Kyriakides’ Dynamic Model
A huge body of research in the educational effectiveness tradition has focused on
the characteristics of schools and teachers that are associated with high learning
gains. Much of the evidence is correlational, cross-sectional and lacking a strong
theoretical foundation (Scheerens et al, 2001). However, the Dynamic Model
(Creemers & Kyriakides, 2006, 2011) is empirically grounded, well enough
specified to be testable and has indeed been subjected to considerable testing
and verification.
The model identifies 21 particular teaching practices, grouped under eight
headings. Creemers & Kyriakides (2011) have also developed a set of
instruments for capturing these practices, consisting of two low-inference
classroom observation instruments, a high-inference observational instrument and
a student questionnaire, together with a teacher questionnaire for measuring
school factors.
Table 1: The dynamic model of educational effectiveness (Creemers & Kyriakides,
(1) Orientation
(a) Providing the objectives for which a specific
task/lesson/series of lessons take(s) place
(b) Challenging students to identify the reason why
an activity is taking place in the lesson.
(2) Structuring
(a) Beginning with overviews and/or review of objectives
(b) Outlining the content to be covered and signalling
transitions between lesson parts
(c) Drawing attention to and reviewing main ideas.
(3) Questioning
(a) Raising different types of questions (i.e., process
and product) at appropriate difficulty level
(b) Giving time for students to respond
(c) Dealing with student responses.
(4) Teaching
(a) Encouraging students to use problem-solving
strategies presented by the teacher or other
(b) Inviting students to develop strategies
(c) Promoting the idea of modelling
(5) Application
(a) Using seatwork or small-group tasks in order to
provide needed practice and application
(b) Using application tasks as starting points for the next
step of teaching and learning.
(6) The classroom as
a learning
(a) Establishing on-task behaviour through the
interactions they promote (i.e., teacherstudent and
studentstudent interactions)
(b) Dealing with classroom disorder and student
competition through establishing rules, persuading
students to respect them and using the rules.
(7) Management of
(a) Organizing the classroom environment
(b) Maximizing engagement rates.
(8) Assessment
(a) Using appropriate techniques to collect data on
student knowledge and skills
(b) Analysing data in order to identify student needs and
report the results to students and parents.
(c) Teachers evaluating their own practices.
Evidence from cognitive psychology
Because of the fragmentation of academic disciplines, a parallel source of
evidence can be found in research in cognitive psychology that has investigated
the nature of learning, the conditions under which it occurs and the role of memory
in this process. A good summary can be found in Bransford, Brown, & Cocking
One paradoxical finding is that some approaches that may appear to make
learning harder in the short term, and less satisfying for learners, actually result in
better long-term retention. Emphasising the difference between short-term
performance and long-term learning, Bjork and Bjork (2011) call these ‘desirable
difficulties’, and give four specific examples:
Varying the Conditions of Practice: Varying the learning context, types of
task or practice, rather than keeping them constant and predictable,
improves later retention, even though it makes learning harder in the short
Spacing Study or Practice Sessions: The same amount of time spent
reviewing or practising leads to much greater long-term retention if it is
spread out, with gaps in between to allow forgetting. This “is one of the
most general and robust effects from across the entire history of
experimental research on learning and memory.” (Bjork and Bjork, 2011,
Interleaving versus Blocking Instruction on Separate To-Be-Learned
Tasks: Learning in a single block can create better immediate performance
and higher confidence, but interleaving with other tasks or topics leads to
better long-term retention and transfer of skills.
Generation Effects and Using Tests (Rather Than Presentations) as
Learning Events: Having to generate an answer or procedure, or having to
retrieve information even if no feedback is given leads to better long-
term recall than simply studying, though not necessarily in the short-term.
Testing can also support self-monitoring and focus subsequent study more
effectively. “Basically, any time that you, as a learner, look up an answer or
have somebody tell or show you something that you could, drawing on
current cues and your past knowledge, generate instead, you rob yourself
of a powerful learning opportunity” (Bjork and Bjork, 2011, p61).
A recent and comprehensive summary of the impact, strength of evidence and
generality of conditions under which a number of learning techniques have been
shown to be effective is presented by Dunlosky et al (2013).
Table 2: Effectiveness of ten learning techniques, from Dunlosky et al (2013)
High utility
Practice testing
Distributed (‘spaced’) practice
Moderate utility
Elaborative interrogation
Interleaved practice
Low utility
Keyword mnemonic
Imagery use for text learning
Examples of teacher characteristics
As well as observable behaviours, there are also some teacher characteristics
that may not be directly observable in classroom behaviour, but which have been
found to be related to students’ learning gains.
(Pedagogical) Content knowledge
A number of studies have found a relationship between measures of a teacher’s
knowledge of the content they are teaching and the gains made by their students.
It seems intuitively obvious that ‘Teachers cannot help children learn things they
themselves do not understand’ (Ball, 1991, p5). However, the search for a
relationship between characteristics such as academic qualifications or general
ability and student performance has been rather disappointing: correlations are
typically very small or non-existent (Rockoff et al, 2011). Nevertheless, there
seems to be an emerging body of work that can link more specific measures of
content knowledge, and in particular the kinds of content knowledge that are
relevant to teaching, to student gains.
For example, Sadler et al (2013) tested a group of volunteer, experienced middle
school (seventh and eighth grade) science teachers on their understanding of the
content they were teaching and on the kinds of misconceptions they expected
students to show. Generally, their understanding of the content was good, though
there was enough variation to give some predictive power to teachers’ subject
knowledge: overall, teachers answered 83% correctly, compared with 38% by
their students. However, the teachers’ ability to identify common misconceptions
was hardly above chance. Overall, there was a positive but modest relationship
between teachers’ understandings and their students’ gains. However, an item-
level analysis of the relationship between teachers’ and students’ understanding
of specific concepts had considerably more predictive power. This suggests that
targeting support for teachers at particular areas where their understanding or
their knowledge of student misconceptions is weak may be a promising strategy, a
claim that is supported by reviews of the impact of teacher professional
development in these areas (Timperley et al, 2007; Blank and de las Alas, 2009).
Hill et al (2005) investigated the importance of teachers’ pedagogical content
knowledge in mathematics. They cited a number of studies that have found that
teachers’ level of understanding of the mathematics they are teaching is related to
how effectively students learn it. In their own analysis, they found that the
difference between high and low scoring (a 2 SD gap) teachers on their Content
Knowledge for Teaching (CKT) was associated with more than a month’s
additional learning for students in a year. Although this is not a huge effect, it is of
similar order to the strength of the relationship between socioeconomic
background and attainment, for example. Interestingly, most of the difference was
between the lowest scoring teachers and the rest: once their CKT score was into
the third decile there was no further relationship with student learning.
Beliefs about learning
Askew et al (1997) found that highly effective teachers of numeracy were
characterised by a particular set of beliefs, which in turn led to a corresponding set
of teaching approaches. They claim that “The mathematical and pedagogical
purposes behind particular classroom practices are as important as the practices
themselves in determining effectiveness” (p5). In other words, simply describing or
defining observable practices or approaches is not enough to characterise
teachers as more or less effective; it matters why the teachers adopt them.
In particular, Askew et al (1997) identified beliefs about the nature of mathematics
and what it means to understand it, along with teachers’ beliefs and theory about
how children learn and about the teacher’s role in promoting learning, as
important distinguishing factors between those who were more and less effective
(see Error! Reference source not found.). Given the potential significance of the
eed to focus on teacher beliefs, it seems surprising that these findings do not
seem to have been extensively tested by further research; although there is
extensive research on teacher beliefs, links with pupil progress are much less
common. A study by Higgins and Moseley (2001) of teacher beliefs about
Information and Communication Technology failed to find any convincing
relationships between beliefs and pupil progress.
However, some corroboration can be found in the evidence from Timperley et al
(2007) that the professional development programmes with demonstrable benefits
for learners mostly included some attempt to engage with teachers’ existing
theories, values and beliefs (p196). Such a claim is also consistent with a view of
effective pedagogy as consisting of more than just a set of classroom techniques,
but depending on the ability to make complex judgements about which technique
to use when.
Table 3: Characteristics of highly effective teachers of numeracy, from Askew et al,
Highly effective teachers were characterised by beliefs about
What it means to be numerate:
having a rich network of connections between different mathematical ideas
being able to select and use strategies, which are both efficient and effective.
They used corresponding teaching approaches that:
connected different areas of mathematics and different ideas in the same area of
mathematics using a variety of words, symbols and diagrams
used pupils' descriptions of their methods and their reasoning to help establish
and emphasise connections and address misconceptions
emphasised the importance of using mental, written, part-written or electronic
methods of calculation that are the most efficient for the problem in hand
particularly emphasised the development of mental skills.
How children learn:
almost all pupils are able to become numerate
pupils develop strategies and networks of ideas by being challenged to think, through
explaining, listening and problem solving.
They used teaching approaches that:
ensured that all pupils were being challenged and stretched, not just those who
were more able
built upon pupils' own mental strategies for calculating, and helped them to
become more efficient.
The role of the teacher:
discussion of concepts and images is important in exemplifying the teacher's network
of knowledge and skills and in revealing pupils' thinking
it is the teacher's responsibility to intervene to assist the pupil to become more
efficient in the use of calculating strategies.
These teachers used teaching approaches that encouraged discussion, in whole
classes, small groups, or with individual pupils.
Less effective teachers believed in the importance of either
pupils acquiring a collection of facts and standard methods, and that pupils varied in
their ability to remember these. They used teaching approaches that:
o dealt with areas of mathematics discretely
o emphasised teaching and practising standard methods and applying these to
abstract or word problems without considering whether there were alternative
more efficient ways of solving a particular problem.
developing numeracy concepts using practical equipment and waiting until pupils
were ready to move onto more formal methods. They used teaching approaches that
emphasised pupils working things out for themselves, using any method with which
they felt comfortable.
Other characteristics
A large number of studies have set out to find links between a variety of other
teacher characteristics and student achievement gains. Wayne and Youngs
(2003) conducted a review of the available literature and concluded that there
were positive (though often inconsistent and probably small) associations between
student learning gains and teacher characteristics such as the status of the
college they had attended or their scores on certain kinds of tests, such as
licensure or reasoning tests, or specific tests of the material they were teaching.
For mathematics teachers, having a higher degree in maths, or a better class of
degree, was associated with more student learning, but the same relationship was
not found in other subjects. Similarly, being certified (qualified) in maths or science
teaching was associated with greater effectiveness, but there was no relationship
between certification and effectiveness in other subjects. Ball and Hill (2009)
review some of the later literature on the relationships between teacher
certification, qualifications and level of study with student learning, and conclude
they are generally inconsistent and hard to interpret.
Interestingly, a number of teacher characteristics (such as teachers’ self-reported
self-efficacy, extraversion and conscientiousness) were found by Rockoff et al
(2011) to be related to supervisor ratings of effectiveness but not to actual student
achievement gains.
Examples of ineffective practices
It may seem unduly negative to focus on things that do not work, but there are a
number of reasons for wanting to do this.
One is that it provides a challenge to complacency. A potential problem with lists
of ‘best practice’ is that they can be susceptible to confirmation bias. If the list of
effective practices is long enough, and contains descriptions of practices that are
open to a bit of interpretation, most teachers will be able to identify some they
think they are doing. Such lists can also seem, like motherhood and apple pie, to
be good, but predictable, obvious and nothing new. Including some examples of
‘worst practice’ is likely to provoke a stronger reaction, which we hope can be
challenging in a constructive way. Clearly, bluntly telling a teacher that some
aspect of their practice is wrong may not be a good way to get a discussion going,
A second reason is that many of these ineffective practices seem to be quite
popular, though most evidence here is anecdotal and selective. It may be that as
well as telling us ‘what works’, an important contribution of research is to tell us
what doesn’t work. By stopping doing things that are either ineffective or
inefficient, we should allow more time to focus on thing that will make more
The following are examples of practices whose use is not supported by research
Use praise lavishly
Praise for students may be seen as affirming and positive, but a number of studies
suggest that the wrong kinds of praise can be very harmful to learning. For
example, Dweck (1999), Hattie & Timperley (2007).
Stipek (2010) argues that praise that is meant to be encouraging and protective of
low attaining students actually conveys a message of the teacher’s low
expectations. Children whose failure was responded to with sympathy were more
likely to attribute their failure to lack of ability than those who were presented with
“Praise for successful performance on an easy task can be
interpreted by a student as evidence that the teacher has a low
perception of his or her ability. As a consequence, it can actually
lower rather than enhance self-confidence. Criticism following poor
performance can, under some circumstances, be interpreted as an
indication of the teacher's high perception of the student's ability.”
Allow learners to discover key ideas for themselves
Enthusiasm for ‘discovery learning’ is not supported by research evidence, which
broadly favours direct instruction (Kirschner et al, 2006). Although learners do
need to build new understanding on what they already know, if teachers want
them to learn new ideas, knowledge or methods they need to teach them directly.
Group learners by ability
Evidence on the effects of grouping by ability, either by allocating students to
different classes, or to within-class groups, suggests that it makes very little
difference to learning outcomes (Higgins et al, 2014). Although ability grouping
can in theory allow teachers to target a narrower range of pace and content of
lessons, it can also create an exaggerated sense of within-group homogeneity
and between-group heterogeneity in the teacher’s mind (Stipek, 2010). This can
result in teachers failing to make necessary accommodations for the range of
different needs within a supposedly homogeneous ‘ability’ group, and over-doing
their accommodations for different groups, going too fast with the high-ability
groups and too slow with the low.
Encourage re-reading and highlighting to memorise key ideas
This finding has already been mentioned in summarising the review by Dunlosky
et al (2013). Re-reading and highlighting are among the commonest and
apparently most obvious ways to memorise or revise material. They also give a
satisfying but deceptive feeling of fluency and familiarity with the material
(Brown et al, 2014). However, a range of studies have shown that testing yourself,
trying to generate answers, and deliberately creating intervals between study to
allow forgetting, are all more effective approaches.
Address issues of confidence and low aspirations before you try to teach content
Teachers who are confronted with the poor motivation and confidence of low
attaining students may interpret this as the cause of their low attainment and
assume that it is both necessary and possible to address their motivation before
attempting to teach them new material. In fact, the evidence shows that attempts
to enhance motivation in this way are unlikely to achieve that end. Even if they do,
the impact on subsequent learning is close to zero (Gorard, See & Davies, 2012).
In fact the poor motivation of low attainers is a logical response to repeated
failure. Start getting them to succeed and their motivation and confidence should
Present information to learners in their preferred learning style
A belief in the importance of learning styles seems persistent, despite the
prominence of critiques of this kind of advice. A recent survey found that over 90%
of teachers in several countries (including the UK) agreed with the claim that
“Individuals learn better when they receive information in their preferred learning
style (for example, visual, auditory or kinaesthetic)” (Howard-Jones, 2014). A
number of writers have tried to account for its enduring popularity (see, for
example, a clear and accessible debunking of the value of learning styles by
Riener and Willingham, 2010), but the psychological evidence is clear that there
are no benefits for learning from trying to present information to learners in their
preferred learning style (Pashler et al, 2008; Geake, 2008; Riener and Willingham,
2010; Howard-Jones, 2014).
Ensure learners are always active, rather than listening passively, if you want
them to remember
This claim is commonly presented in the form of a ‘learning pyramid’ which shows
precise percentages of material that will be retained when different levels of
activity are employed. These percentages have no empirical basis and are pure
fiction. Memory is the residue of thought (Willingham, 2008), so if you want
students to remember something you have to get them to think about it. This
might be achieved by being ‘active’ or ‘passive’.
How do we measure it? Frameworks for capturing teaching
Section summary
This section reviews the range of different approaches to the evaluation of
teaching. Goe, Bell & Little (2008) identify seven methods of evaluation:
classroom observations, by peers, principals or external evaluators
‘value-added’ models (assessing gains in student achievement)
student ratings
principal (or headteacher) judgement
teacher self-reports
analysis of classroom artefacts
teacher portfolios
For this review we define “observation-based assessment” as all measurement
activities whose main task is to watch teachers deliver their lesson, whether in real
time or afterwards, and regardless of who is carrying out the assessment. We
summarise research on observations performed by: teacher colleagues, senior
management or principals, external inspectors, students, and self-reports.
Classroom observation approaches
Classroom observations are the most common source of evidence used in
providing feedback to teachers in OECD countries, whether American (e.g.
Canada, Chile, United States), European (e.g. Denmark, France, Ireland, Spain)
or Asian-Pacific (e.g. Australia, Japan, Korea).
Successful teacher observations are primarily used as a formative process
framed as a development tool creating reflective and self-directed teacher
learners as opposed to a high stakes evaluation or appraisal. However, while
observation is effective when undertaken as a collaborative and collegial exercise
among peers, the literature also emphasises the need for challenge in the process
involving to some extent principals or external experts. It suggests that multiple
observations are required using a combination of approaches.
Evidence of impact on student outcomes is generally limited. This highlights a
common challenge identified throughout the research: while the theoretical
principles of observation are uncontroversial among teachers, the actual
consistent disciplined implementation is far more difficult. Teachers or head
teachers must be trained as observers otherwise well intentioned programmes
can revert to the blind leading the blind.
Another recurring theme in the research is that any successful programme of
teacher observation (whether a peer or a principal, from inside or outside the
school), needs to address educational and political challenges dealing with
issues of trust, authority, and knowing who is in charge of the information
Peer observations
Overall, the research literature presents a positive narrative about peer
observation as a driver of both teacher learning and a school’s sense of
collaboration and collegiality. It is primarily effective as a formative process where
the teacher observed has full control over what happens to information about their
However its effective adoption depends very much on the willingness of all
parties involved to contribute. This is a political as well as educational issue.
Evidence of impact on student outcomes is limited.
Peer observation as a formative process
Bernstein (2008) draws from a range of sources to argue that ‘class observations
should yield formative review only, unless multiple observations by well-prepared
observers using standardized protocols are undertaken’ because the reliability of
observations by unprepared peers is low (ibid., p. 50).
Goldberg et al. (2010) survey 88 teachers and administrators and find that most
respondents find peer reviews meaningful and valuable ‘for their own personal
use to modify and improve their teaching’ (Maeda, Sechtem & Scudder, 2009).
The observation is deemed to be useful also by the observers, as it has ‘forced
them to reflect on their own teaching skills and methods’ (Goldberg et al., 2010)
and has had an impact on their practice, a result obtained also by Kohut, Burnap
& Yon (2007).
According to McMahon and colleagues (2007) ‘what really matters is whether or
not the person being observed has full control over what happens to information
about the observation’. Where this does not happen, teachers may be reluctant to
be involved in the observation even when the stakes are not necessarily high. A
similar view is shared by Chamberlain, D’Artrey & Rowe (2011), who find that
formative observation can become a box-ticking exercise when it is imposed on
staff and it is separated from a more formalised development system.
In an Australian study, Barnard et al. (2011) make use of ‘peer partnership’, which
are a form of peer observation in which two teachers ‘eyewitness [each other’s]
teaching and learning activities and […] provide supportive and constructive
feedback’ (ibid., p. 436‒437, see also Bell, 2005). They find that while the major
hurdle against participation was the commitment in terms of effort and time, once
this is overcome teachers felt rewarded by the experience and wanted to continue
with the project.
Peer Assistance and Review (PAR)
One of the best-documented approaches to peer observations in schools is the
Peer Assistance and Review (PAR) protocol deployed in some districts in the US.
This programme was based on the idea that teaching practice could be improved
by using expert teachers as mentors for beginning teachers ‘the way doctors
mentor interns’ (Kahlenberg, 2007).
Goldstein (2007) finds six features that distinguish PAR from other less effective
assessments, and especially from principal observations: (1) ‘the amount of time
spent on evaluation’; (2) the tight relationship between observations, formative
feedback and professional development; (3) ‘the transparency of the evaluation
process’; (4) the involvement of teacher unions in the strategy and the appraisal;
(5) the credibility of the evaluation; and (6) ‘the degree of accountability’ involved
in the process.
For this system to work a number of conditions must be in place: there must be
agreement from all stakeholders on who the mentors will be and what their role is;
there must be agreement on what the teaching standards are and how to measure
quality, effectiveness or improvement; there must be the willingness from both
teacher union and principals to delegate part of their power to an ad hoc panel;
there must be a favourable political context and the strength to stand by some
radical departures from the norm; and there must be the resources to pay for the
Overall, the benefits of PAR seems to be mostly indirect: by being ‘designed for
selective retention’, PAR ‘increases the likelihood that students will have the
teachers they deserve’ (Johnson et al., 2009).
There are reports of school-wide effective interventions that, like PAR, manage to
overcome aversion to integrate both a formative and a summative component. For
example, Bramschreiber (2012) describes the model in place in a school in
Colorado, consisting in: frequent observations by ‘master teachers’, who train staff
around ‘either research-based teaching strategies aligned to a schoolwide goal or
general best teaching practices’; a ‘Campus Crawl’, where twice a year all
teachers observe peers in the same or another department; and four formal
observations, two conducted by the school managers for summative purposes,
and two by the master teachers for formative purposes.
School leader / principal observations
Isoré (2009) reports that in OECD countries 60% of students are enrolled in
schools where observations are carried out by principals, although the individual
country figures are highly variable, going from 100% in the United States to 5% of
students in Portugal.
Overall, the literature is that the theory underlying this type of observation
building trusting relationships, empowerment, low-stakes and the need of teacher
motivation - are not controversial. The real hurdle is that even after a successful
protocol is in place there is still a discrepancy between the ‘conversational
aspects of it (the discourses on the importance of feedback, the talks within the
observation conferences) and its actual outcomes in practice. The problem is
one of implementation.
Much of the research on principal observations has focused on determining the
fairness and reliability of their scoring compared to other measures of teacher
effectiveness, such as student (value-added) test scores. The research suggests
that without using detailed standard-based instruments and receiving appropriate
training, principals are not particularly suited for teacher assessment.
Overall, the findings from Levy & William’s (2004) review are aligned with those
coming from the literature on peer observations, which were reported in the
previous section: ‘performance appraisals are no longer just about accuracy, but
are about much more including development, ownership, input, perceptions of
being valued, and being a part of an organizational team’. This has implications
for principal training: if employees must feel supported and that their voice
matters, training ‘could focus on how to deliver feedback in a supportive,
participatory way as opposed to or in addition to other more traditional types of
training (Pichler, 2012, p. 725).
Formative feedback is never completely separated from summative judgements.
After studying a network of charter schools in the United States, Master (2012)
reports that formative mid-year evaluations were still strongly associated to end-
of-year dismissals or promotions decisions.
Examples of successful principal observations
Range, Young & Hvidston (2013) investigate the effect of the ‘clinical supervision’
model (see Goldhammer, 1969; Cogen, 1973; cited in Range, Young & Hvidston,
2013), which is comprised of a flow of observations followed by pre- and post-
observation meetings (conferences). The pre-observation conference is where the
modes, scope and aims of the observation are negotiated and where teachers can
present the classroom context. On the post-observation conference, the authors
note that it should take place in a comfortable setting no longer than five days
after the observation. Their feedback should be factual, non-threatening,
acknowledging of the teacher’s strengths, aimed at creating reflective and self-
directed teacher learners (see Ovando, 2005, on how to train principals to write
constructive feedback, and Ylimaki and Jacobson, 2011, for a general overview
on principal preparation).
Overall, Range, Young & Hvidston (2013) agree with Bouchamma (2005) on the
positive response of teachers towards the clinical supervision model and find that
a trusting relationship, constructive feedback and the discussion about areas of
improvement are valued as important by their sample both in the pre- and in the
post-observation conference. Moreover, they find differences in the responses of
beginning and experienced teachers, which they interpret as evidence in favour of
Glickman’s (1990) theory of developmental supervision, according to which novice
and struggling teachers would benefit from a more directive leadership approach
(Range, Young & Hvidston, 2013).
While the clinical supervision model involves an observation and one pre- and
post-observation conferences, other authors have explored the effectiveness of
the ‘negotiated assessment’ (Gosling, 2000, in Verberg, Tigelaar & Verloop,
2013), which is characterised by a ‘learning contract’ between the assessor and
the assessed containing ‘the negotiated learning goals, learning activities and the
evidence to be provided during the assessment procedure’. Despite the stress on
formative feedback, peer observation and empowered, self-directing learning and
training, their study reported that while the assessment meetings were useful,
collecting and discussing about evidence was far less appealing. This suggests
once more that in spite of the theory, the implementation of any strategy has to
take into account the practical and intellectual burden asked from teachers for it to
produce any effect in the classroom.
Tuytens & Devos (2011) argue, after a study on 414 teachers in Belgium, that
active supervision, charisma and content knowledge are all significantly
associated with teachers perceived to be effective at feedback. The relationship
between principal effectiveness, feedback quality and impact is well summarised
by a teacher’s critique to the appraisal system he or she was subject to: ‘It is a
one-shot observation and has no lasting impact. The only time it is helpful is when
you have an administrator that gives really beneficial feedback. This rarely
happens’ (Ovando, 2001, p. 226).
O’Pry & Schumacher (2012) evaluate teacher perceptions of a complex standard-
based evaluation system such as the Professional Development Appraisal System
(PDAS), used in Texas, and find that the leadership actions have a massive
implication on whether the system ends up being accepted or rejected:
Teachers who feel as though they had a principal or appraiser who was
knowledgeable about the system; who valued the system; who took
time to make them feel supported and prepared for the experience;
who was someone with whom they shared a trusting, collegial
relationship; who gave them an opportunity to receive valuable and
timely feedback; and who guided them through thoughtful reflection on
the appraisal results perceived the evaluation experience as a positive,
meaningful one. When any of these factors was absent or lacking in the
experience of the teacher, the perception of the teacher regarding the
process was quite negative as a whole. (ibid., p. 339)
Observation by an external evaluator
Teachers and principals say that feedback from an external evaluator has spurred
change in their classroom/school practices, but whether this change is actual,
sustained and beneficial is not clear from the research. Moreover, the literature
on school inspections is related to another consistent finding of this review: the
fact that whenever a third-party observes a teacher practice (whether a peer or a
manager, from inside or outside the school), part of the issues with the
assessment are not technical, but political in nature, as they involve concepts
such as trust, authority, territory and power over the information.
In OECD countries, external school inspections are carried out ‘using professional
evaluators, regional inspectors, or a district/state/national evaluation department
[as well as] independent evaluation consultant[s]’ (Faubert, 2009, p. 14), which
means that there is a range of professionals (usually―but not
always―experienced teachers) that can potentially ‘invade’ a teacher’s space.
Although the main outcome of classroom observations is to inform school
accountability, in fact, in countries such as Germany, Ireland, the United Kingdom
and the Czech Republic the external observations can be accompanied by
personalised feedback (Faubert, 2009).
A study on 2400 educators in Hong Kong found that teachers (and especially
primary school teachers) were much less willing to welcome observers in their
classroom than school management or principals were, perhaps because in this
context principal observation is more related to summative than formative
feedback (Lam, 2001).
A similar study in elementary schools found that while less experienced teachers
thought that senior teachers were better assessors than principals, they were no
more ready to accept them over principals as observers for formative purposes
and preferred principals for summative ones (Chow et al., 2002). The researchers
argued that this could be due to the fact that classroom teachers saw principals as
a more authoritative figures, and were therefore more willing to accept
consequences coming from someone higher in the hierarchy (ibid.).
Mangin (2011) argues that one of the challenges faced by external teacher
mentors such as those employed by PAR is that on the one hand they try to gain
other teachers’ trust by de-emphasising and downplaying their expert status, but
at the same time they have to ensure that this does not ‘undermine others’
perceptions of [their] ability to serve as a resource’. Mangin (2011) suggests that a
change in the teachers’ professional norms is needed to overcome this
paradoxical situation, one where both practitioners and external observers are
willing to deal with “hard feedback”, that is those ‘instances where a teacher
leader’s honest critique of classroom practice is issued even though the critique
actively challenges the teacher’s preferred practice and may lead the teacher to
experience some level of professional discomfort’ (Lord, Cress & Miller, 2008, p.
57, quoted in Mangin, 2011, p. 49).
In an evaluation of three external mentoring programmes for science teachers in
English secondary schools, Hobson and McIntyre (2013) report that in many
instances teachers were unwilling to expose their weaknesses to senior
management or even colleagues because of the negative opinion that other
professionals could have of their performance. In this case, the external mentors
seemed to provide an effective ‘relief valve’ for teachers (our wording), because of
their ‘lack of involvement in [the] assessment or appraisal [of the teachers], as well
as […] their perceived trustworthiness and non-judgmental nature, and the
promise of confidentiality’ (Hobson & McIntyre, 2013, p. 355).
Faubert (2009) reports lack of training and support to act upon evaluation results
in a meaningful way, negligible or negative effects of external evaluation and
accountability on student results, as well as negative effects on teacher
There are claims that, after certain tensions are released, external evaluation can
complement self-evaluation and serve as a tool for school improvement (Whitby,
2010), but a later systematic review provides a more realistic picture. Klerks
(2012) summarises research findings on the effectiveness of school inspections in
raising student achievement and changing teacher behaviours. The author reports
that the few studies available provide little to no evidence of any direct effect of
external evaluation on student achievement or global school improvement.
Ehren et al. (2013) state that ‘we do not know how school inspections drive
improvement of schools and which types of approaches are most effective and
cause the least unintended consequences’ (ibid., p. 6), and that in those fewer
instances where feedback is followed by changes in teacher practice, these rarely
involve ‘thorough innovation’. What tends to happen, instead, is a ‘repetition of
content and tasks’, the adoption of assessment task formats, or a ‘slight [change]
in classroom interaction’.
Instruments for classroom observation
Although a great number of instruments have been developed over several
decades to measure what happens in the classroom, these have filtered down to
a relatively few that are now widely used alongside the national teacher
standards that countries including England and Australia have produced.
Some of the protocols currently popular include Charlotte Danielson’s Framework
for Teaching and Robert Pianta’s Classroom Assessment Scoring System™
(CLASS™), but other measures of classroom quality exist: the Assessment Profile
for Early Childhood Programs (APECP), the Classroom Practices Inventory (CPI),
the UTeach Teacher Observation Protocol (UTOP), Fauth’s et al. (2014) Teaching
Quality Instrument or the Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction (QTI). A number of
other observation instruments are described in Ko et al (2013).
Danielson’s Framework for Teaching
The Framework for Teaching [(FfT) Danielson, 1996, revised 2007/2011/2014] is
a standard-based teacher evaluation system or rather, according to the website, ‘a
research-based set of components of instruction grounded in a constructivist view
of learning and teaching’
. The FfT is used to assess four dimensions of teaching:
planning and preparation, classroom environment, instruction and professional
The FfT has gained widespread popularity, and although the exact figures are not
known, the website reports it having been adopted ‘in over 20 states’
. It is in
many ways one of the gold standard frameworks available being based in part on
research. Technically, the FfT is neither an observational instrument nor an
observation and feedback protocol, as it only offers a categorisation of certain
teaching practices deemed to be conducive to learning. In fact, The Framework
for Teaching Evaluation Instrument (Danielson, 2014) suggests that evidence
should be gathered not only through direct classroom observations, but also
through artefacts and principal conferences.
In order for the evaluation instrument to be implemented as intended by the
author, the Danielson Group offers a number of paying workshops ranging from
simple training on the use of rubrics to more complicated professional
development programmes
. This is a non-negligible point for the purposes of this
document, not just because of the costs associated with observer training, but
also because FfT has been employed in a variety of settings and with different
degrees of alignment to its original structure―which in turn makes it difficult to
interpret and generalise the studies.
Borman & Kimball (2005) examine the results for 7,000 students in grades 4-6 in
Washoe Country, Nevada, where the FfT has been implemented with ‘relatively
minor changes’ and found that the relationship between the FfT and student
achievement was rather weak.
In a review of effective measures of teaching, Goe, Bell & Little (2008) confirm the
‘wide variation in rater training, rater’s relationship with the teacher, the degree of
adherence to Danielson’s recommendations for use, the use of scores, and the
number of observations conducted for each teacher’. Overall, they conclude that:
- The research does not indicate whether modified versions of the instrument
perform as well as versions that adhere to Danielson’s recommendations
(ibid., p. 23)
- It is not evident whether the instrument functions differently […] at different
grade levels. (ibid.)
More accurate research was carried out in recent years, but the results were not
too different: as part of the research for the MET project, another modified version
of FfT was found to be only modestly correlated with both academic achievement
and a range of socio-emotional and non-cognitive outcomes (Kane et al 2013).
Sartain, Stoelinga & Brown (2011) examine the predictive validity of a modified
version of the FfT adopted in Chicago public schools and used in the “Excellent in
Teaching” pilot study. They find that ‘in the classrooms of highly rated teachers,
students showed the most growth’ (ibid., p. 9), which means that there was a
positive correlation between teacher ratings on the FfT and their value-added
measure. Moreover, the authors found that principals tend to give higher scores to
teachers than external observers because they ‘intentionally boost their ratings to
the highest category to preserve relationships’ (ibid., p. 41). Overall, the authors’
conclusion is worth sharing in full:
‘Though practitioners and policymakers rightly spend a good deal of
time comparing the effectiveness of one rubric over another, a fair and
meaningful evaluation hinges on far more than the merits of a particular
tool. An observation rubric is simply a tool, one which can be used
effectively or ineffectively. Reliability and validity are functions of the
users of the tool, as well as of the tool itself. The quality of
implementation depends on principal and observer buy-in and capacity,
as well as the depth and quality of training and support they receive.
Similarly, an observation tool cannot promote instructional improvement
in isolation. A rigorous instructional rubric plays a critical role in defining
effective instruction and creating a shared language for teachers and
principals to talk about instruction, but it is the conversations
themselves that act as the true lever for instructional improvement and
teacher development.’
The Classroom Assessment Scoring System™ was developed by Robert Pianta
at the University of Virginia, Curry School of Education, Center for Advanced
Study of Teaching and Learning (CASTL). Like the FfT, CLASS™ was chosen by
the MET project as one of the instruments to measure teacher effectiveness.
Unlike the FfT, though, CLASS™ is a stand-alone observational instrument
focusing on classroom organisation, teacher-pupil instructional and emotional
support. Researchers at CASTL claim that CLASS™ has been used/validated in
over 2000
or 6000 (CASTL, 2011) classrooms.
Ponitz et al. (2009) found that one dimension of CLASS™ (classroom
organisation), was found to be predictive of 172 first graders’ reading achievement
in a rural area in the southeast of the United States. The MET Project finds with
CLASS™ the same significant but weak correlations observed for FfT (Kane et al
2013), and other researchers are even more critical of it, finding that having
access to CLASS™ and training did not help observers to rate teachers more
accurately (Strong, Gargani & Hacifazlioğlu, 2011).
Subject-specific instruments
The literature shows that content-specific practices tend to have more impact than
generic practices on student learning. Therefore, it could be worth at least pairing
general measures of teacher effectiveness with some that are content-based such
as, for example, the Protocol for Language Arts Teaching Observation (PLATO,
see Grossman et al., 2014, for a comparison between PLATO and different value-
added models), the Mathematical Quality of Instruction (MQI)
and many others,
such as the Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol (RTOP, Sawada et al.,
2002), the Practices of Science Observation Protocol (P-SOP, Forbes, Biggers &
Zambori, 2013), of the Electronic Quality of Inquiry Protocol (EQUIP) for
mathematics and science (Marshall, Horton & White, 2009).
Value-added measures
The use of value-added models (VAMs) have become extremely controversial in
recent years, particularly in the US. The prevalence of regular state-wide testing,
encouraged by ‘Race to the Top’, has allowed widespread linking of student test
score gains to the individual teachers who taught them, and some instances of
teachers losing their jobs as a result.
A number of studies have investigated the
validity of VAMs as a measure of teaching quality, or to support particular uses.
We summarise the main arguments and evidence here.
“School chief dismisses 241 teachers in Washington”. New York Times, July 3 2010. Available at
Several studies have compared effectiveness estimates from different VAMs and
shown that the results can be quite sensitive to different decisions about these
issues. Crucially, these decisions are essentially arbitrary, in the sense that there
is not a clear prima facie or universally agreed correct approach.
For example, different assessments used as the outcome measure will change
the rank order of teachers’ scores (Papay, 2011; Lockwood et al 2007). Grossman
et al (2014) have claimed that the strength of correspondence between value-
added and observation measures also depends on the type of assessment used
as the outcome in the value-added model, and that correlations are higher with
assessment of “more cognitively complex learning outcomes” than with state
tests. Although this is true, in neither case are the correlations (0.16 and 0.09,
respectively) particularly impressive.
Hill et al (2011) discuss a range of different approaches to which prior
characteristics should be statistically controlled for in VAMs. One dilemma, for
example, is whether to subtract an overall ‘school effect’ from the effects that are
attributed to individual teachers in that school (for statisticians, this is the issue of
whether to include school-level fixed effects). One could argue that an effect that
is shared by all classes in a school may well reflect quality of leadership,
compositional effects, or unobserved but pre-existing student characteristics, and
hence should not be attributed to individual teachers. On the other hand, if all the
teachers in a school happen to be good, it might seem unfair to say that is a
‘school effect’; and constraining every school to have a zero sum effectively puts
teachers in competition against their colleagues. Nevertheless, as Hill et al (2011)
show, different US districts and VAMs have taken each side of this debate.
In their own analysis, Hill et al (2011) found that incorporating student-level
demographic variables in the model or school fixed effects changed teacher ranks
somewhat, but the use of simple gain scores (an alternative approach favoured by
some districts) made a big difference (p808). For example, with four different
value added models, two-thirds of their sample would be in the top half if they
could choose their best score. In another review by McCaffrey et al (2009) a range
of different models were found to give different results.
A related issue is whether leaving out important characteristics that have not even
been captured could bias the results. Chetty et al (2011) tested teachers’ value-
added estimates to see whether they were affected by key variables that had not
been included in the models and found that there was no evidence of bias.
Individual teachers’ value-added scores were also consistent across changes
from one school to another. They also found long lasting effects on students of
being taught by a teacher with high value-added scores, for example being more
likely to attend college, earning more money on average and being less likely to
become a teenage parent.
Reardon and Raudenbush (2009) set out to examine the assumptions required to
interpret value-added estimates of learning gain as a causal effect of teaching.
Overall, they conclude that there is considerable sensitivity in these models to a
number of assumptions that are either implausible or untestable (or both).
A range of evidence suggests that VAMs can be affected by the effects of prior
teachers, measurement error, and the distribution of students into classrooms and
teachers into schools (Hill et al, 2011; Amrein-Beardsley, 2008; Kupermintz, 2003;
McCaffrey et al., 2003).
Kennedy (2010) points out that our natural tendency to look for explanations in
stable characteristics of individuals, and to underestimate situational variability,
may lead us to over-interpret VAMs as indicating a property of the teacher.
Related to this is evidence about the stability of estimates from VAMs.
McCaffrey et al. (2009) found year-to-year correlations in value-added measures
in the range of 0.20.5 for elementary school and 0.30.7 for middle school
teachers, and show that this is consistent with the findings of previous studies.
Interestingly, it is also comparable with the stability of performance estimates for
other professions, such as salespersons, university faculty and baseball players.
In discussing school-level value-added estimates, Gorard, Hordosy & Siddiqui
(2012) found the correlation between estimates for secondary schools in England
in successive years to be between 0.6 and 0.8. They argued that this, combined
with the problem of missing data, makes it meaningless to describe a school as
‘effective’ on the basis of value-added.
Student ratings
A review of the research on student rating can be found in Burniske & Neibaum
(2012). Among their advantages, the authors report previous findings, whereby
student ratings are valid, reliable, cost-effective, related to future achievement,
valuable for teacher formative feedback and require minimal training. The
disadvantages are that results may require different interpretations according to
the students’ age, and generally the fact that teachers would resist such an
assessment if it was solely used for their appraisal.
Student evaluation of teaching is a topic which has been widely explored by
higher education research, as it is one of the preferential evaluation methods in
the United States and in the United Kingdom, and owes much to the work of
Herbert W. Marsh on developing valid and reliable student assessment
questionnaires (Marsh, 1982, 2007; Richardson, 2005). Today, most literature
agrees that while students’ assessment of teaching can be valid and reliable,
there needs to be careful use of the plethora of available instruments that can be
a tool for formative assessment (Law, 2010; Spooren, Brockx & Mortelmans,
Much less is known about student ratings in school settings. Mertler (1999)
reviews research summarising the benefits of using student observations for
measurement purposes (for instance, ‘no one is in a better position to critique the
clarity of teacher directions than the students for whom the directions are
intended’, Stiggins & Duke, 1988, cited in Mertler, 1999, pp. 19‒20). After testing
a purposely-developed feedback questionnaire on nearly 600 secondary students,
Mertler (1999) reports that the participating teachers were supportive of the pilot
and that student feedback could be a useful measure for teacher formative
assessment. Clearly, the low stakes and the absence of any real follow-up
engagement from the teachers should put these results into perspective.
Peterson, Wahlquist & Bone (2000) use data from almost ten thousand students
from a school district in the United States. Unlike Merton (1999), the authors rely
on a pre-existing evaluation system involving student results as part of a wider
appraisal scheme. They find that students ‘responded to the range of items with
reason, intent, and consistent values’ (Peterson, Wahlquist & Bone, 2000, p. 148).
Pupil surveys have also been shown to predict achievement in primary education.
Drawing from teacher effectiveness research, Kyriakides (2005) uses data from
almost 2000 primary school children in Cyprus to show that ‘student ratings of
teacher behavior are highly correlated with value-added measures of student
cognitive and affective outcomes’.
Principal (headteacher) judgement
Evaluations by principals are typically based on classroom observations, possibly
using informal brief drop-in visits. However, principals are also able to draw on
considerable background knowledge, both of the individual teacher and of the
context in which the evaluation takes place. It may also be that they have access
to additional information about the teacher, the effect of which could be either to
inform or bias the judgement they make.
Broadly speaking, the research evidence suggests that principal judgements
correlate positively with other measures, but the correlations are modest. For
example, Jacob and Lefgren (2008) found correlations of around 0.2 between
principal ratings of teachers’ impact on their students’ learning and value-added
Teacher self-reports
Self-reports include tools such as surveys, teacher logs and interviews. The
content of what is reported may vary considerably. The evidence reviewed by Goe
et al (2008) about validity and reliability of self-report surveys suggests that they
may not currently be trustworthy as a measure of quality. Teacher logs and
interviews similarly suffer from low reliability and all these measures have only
modest correlations with other measures of effectiveness. Self-report measures of
any kind also tend to be influenced by social desirability biases.
Analysis of classroom artefacts
Analysis of artefacts such as lesson plans, teacher assignments, assessment
methods and results, or student work, seems like an obvious way to judge the
effectiveness of the teaching. There is some evidence that when raters follow a
specific protocol for evaluating these artefacts, the results are reasonably
consistent with other measures (Goe et al, 2008).
One such protocol is the Instructional Quality Assessment (IQA). The most work
on this has been done by the National Center for Research on Evaluation,
Standards, and Student Testing (CRESST) located at the University of California
Los Angeles (Matsumura et al., 2006). Another is the Intellectual Demand
Assignment Protocol (IDAP), developed by Newmann and colleagues of the
Consortium on Chicago School Research (Newmann et al., 2001). In both these
cases the evidence of validity and reliability comes from studies conducted by the
developers. This makes it hard to judge what the performance of the measures
might be in regular use in schools.
Teacher portfolios
Portfolios “are a collection of materials compiled by teachers to exhibit evidence of
their teaching practices, school activities, and student progress” (Goe et al, 2008).
They may include “teacher lesson plans, schedules, assignments, assessments,
student work samples, videos of classroom instruction and interaction, reflective
writings, notes from parents, and special awards or recognitions.” An important
difference between portfolios and analysis of artefacts, is that the content of the
portfolio is selected or created by the individual teacher to show their
achievements to best effect. Although it is sometimes claimed that the value of the
portfolio is in the reflection that underpins the process, they are also used as a
source of evaluation evidence and for certification.
Probably the best known example of the use of teacher portfolios is the National
Board certification for its Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS). NBPTS has
been the subject of a substantial amount of research, though the findings are
somewhat mixed. Some studies do find a link between portfolio scores and other
measures of teaching quality, but others do not. Achieving acceptable inter-rater
reliability among markers is also not straightforward (Goe et al, 2008). Despite
considerable enthusiasm for this approach in some quarters, the assessment of
teacher portfolios as a measure of teaching quality is probably not justified.
How could this promote better learning?
So far we have reviewed the evidence about what great teaching looks like, and
how it can be safely identified. This evidence is important for teachers to
understand, but it is in some ways just a preamble to the crucial question of how
that understanding can be used to improve students’ learning. Before we can do
that, we must first clarify some validity issues that arise out of any attempt to
‘measure’ teaching quality. Then we consider relevant evidence about how
feedback about teaching quality can be used most effectively, and how this relates
to the broader issue of teachers’ professional development.
Validity Issues
Combining evidence from different evaluation approaches
One question we need to address early on is whether we are setting out to
produce a single measure of teaching effectiveness. Today, many jurisdictions are
using multiple sources of teacher evaluation, but with the intention of combining
them into an overall measure (Burniske & Neibaum, 2012; Isoré 2009). A single
measure will be required, for example, if we want to rank teachers in order of
effectiveness, or to attach explicit consequences to different score ranges. On the
other hand, if we want to focus on giving teachers feedback on a range of
strengths and weaknesses, such a combined score may be unnecessary and
It may be that part of the reason researchers have not been more successful in
achieving congruence across different methods and instruments for assessing
effectiveness is that there is not just one kind of effectiveness. It may be, for
example, that different teachers with very different sets of skills, knowledge and
understanding can achieve similar ends in terms of students’ learning. A
measurement approach that starts from the assumption that the answer is a
weighted sum of all the component parts may miss the subtlety of their
interactions. If our investigative method is to feed potential explanatory factors into
regression models we will be unlikely to find these kinds of relationships.
There may, for example, be threshold effects, so that once a particular teacher
skill reaches an adequate level, further increases do not make much difference;
below that level, however, and learning is likely to be diminished. Or there may be
interactions, so that two (or more) particular skills can compensate for each other:
as long as at least one of them is strong enough, the strength of the other is
All of this is speculation, of course: any theory of teaching effectiveness would
have to be developed fully and tested. But it may be important to keep an open
mind about the kinds of relationships we may find.
Focus on student learning outcomes
We have already made clear that our definition of effective teaching is that which
leads to enhanced student outcomes. An important corollary is that our criterion
measure, against which we should validate all other sources of evidence about
effectiveness (such as from lesson observation, student ratings, etc.) must always
be anchored in direct evidence of valued learning outcomes.
We need to stress that this does not mean that we have to privilege current testing
regimes and value-added models. Existing measures and models may fall well
short of what we need here. However, success needs to be defined not in terms of
teacher mastery of new strategies or the demonstration of preferred behaviours,
but in terms of the impact that changed practice has on valued outcomes.
Because teachers work in such varied contexts, there can be no guarantee that
any specific approach to teaching will have the desired outcomes for students.
Purposes: Fixing versus Firing
A key part of modern thinking about validity is that we need to know the purposes
for which a measure is intended to be used before we can evaluate any evidence
about whether it is fit for purpose.
James Popham (1988) has characterised two incompatible uses of measures of
effectiveness as ‘Fixing’ (formative assessment, intended to improve practice) and
‘Firing’ (summative assessment, with consequences attached, e.g. merit pay or
termination of employment). He pointed out that either may be fine alone, but
together they make a counter-productive ‘dysfunctional marriage’.
As Hinchey (2010, p6) explains
“Assessment to improve practice requires that teachers be open to
admitting weaknesses, which can happen only in a relatively non-
threatening environment. … Teachers whose work can be improved
but who are feeling at risk may understandably be inclined to hide,
rather than confront, their problemsprecluding valuable formative
The requirements for a measure to be used for ‘fixing’ may be very different from
those for ‘firing’. It will not be helpful to talk about ‘validity’ in a general sense
without being clear about this.
Approaches to providing feedback
A range of studies suggests that the quality of feedback is a key component of
any teacher assessment (Stiggens & Duke (1988), McLaughlin & Pfeifer (1988),
Kimball (2002)).
Hattie & Timperley (2007) state that the main purpose of feedback ‘is to reduce
discrepancies between current understandings and performance and a goal’ (ibid.,
p. 86). Although their review concerns teacher feedback to students, given that
learning works in similar ways for adults and young people (Bransford, Brown, &
Cocking, 2000) their findings can be adapted for our focus on feedback as a
follow-up activity to an observation.
Hattie & Timperley argue that effective feedback answers three questions (‘Where
am I going?’, ‘How am I going?’ and ‘Where to next?’) and operates at four levels:
the task (‘How well tasks are understood/performed’); process (‘the main process
needed to understand/perform the task’); self-regulation; and self level (‘Personal
evaluations and affect […] about the learner’).
Timperley et al. (2007) review the characteristics of the teacher ‘knowledge-
building cycle ' - a feedback loop for teachers - that are associated with improved
student outcomes. Their synthesis ‘assumes that what goes on in the black box of
teacher learning is fundamentally similar to student learning’. Their findings
suggest that teacher learning can have a sizeable impact on student outcomes.
They report that in effective interventions feedback was related to evidence and
clear goals about developing teacher pedagogical content knowledge and student
achievement or conceptual understanding, whilst providing the teacher with the
skills to assess student outcomes. Moreover, professional instruction was followed
by a range of opportunities to practice and learn.
The observation/feedback routine should be structured explicitly as a continuous
professional learning opportunity that actively challenges teacher thinking and
practice and enables them to work on improving, for it to be more likely to
translate into student outcomes: teacher learning drives student learning.
Principals can help by ‘developing a vision of how teaching might impact on
student outcomes, managing the professional learning environment, promoting a
culture of learning within the school, and developing the leadership of others in
relation to curriculum or pedagogy.’
Evidence of impact of feedback to teachers on student learning
This is some evidence, reviewed by Coe (2002), that the use of feedback
information from school performance measures can have positive effects on
subsequent school performance. However, as Coe points out, we are limited by
the lack of both direct evidence and strong theory:
Given the complexity of the kinds of feedback that can be given to
schools about their performance, the varying contexts of school
performance, and the range of ways feedback can be provided, it is
extremely difficult to make any kind of generalised predictions about
its likely effects.
One specific example of a positive impact of feedback from classroom observation
is from Taylor and Tyler (2012). They used Danielson’s Framework for Teaching
to evaluate and feed back to teachers in Cincinnati over a period of seven years.
They found a gain in students’ performance in math test scores in the years
following the intervention, equivalent to an effect size of 0.11. The cost of the
observation intervention was estimated at $7,500 per teacher.
Enhancing teachers’ professional learning
Timperley (2008) highlights a number of broad principles from an extensive
research review on successful professional learning - and much of this advice can
be translated to observation and feedback routines or programmes in general. To
be effective, strategies:
Must focus on and be measured against student outcomes;
Encourage ‘self-regulation’ among teachers who need to embrace the
experience as independent learners and sustain the techniques;
Require some input from school leaders;
Involve, ideally, collaboration with peers;
Be a genuine challenge.
Summary of advice from Timperley (2008)
‘Focus on valued student outcomes’, whether it is achievement or a deeper student
‘Professional knowledge and skills that do have a positive impact on student
outcomes are consistent with evidence-based principles of teaching effectiveness’,
national associations’ recommendations, or with rigorously-debated national policies.
‘To establish a firm foundation for improved student outcomes, teachers must
integrate their knowledge about the curriculum, and about how to teach it effectively
and how to assess whether students have learned it’. We consider the last point to be
especially relevant, as it is the basis for teacher monitoring of students but also self-
‘To make significant changes to their practice, teachers need multiple opportunities to
learn new information and understand its implications for practice.
Furthermore, they need to encounter these opportunities in environments that offer
both trust and challenge
Whether the decision of engaging with professional development is voluntary or
directed has no bearing on student outcomes.
‘[I]f teachers are to change, they need to participate in a professional learning
community that is focused on becoming responsive to students […]. As an
intervention on its own, a collegial community will often end up merely entrenching
existing practice and the assumptions on which it is based’.
‘Expertise external to the group of participating teachers is necessary to challenge
existing assumptions and develop the kinds of new knowledge and skills associated
with positive outcomes for students’, and this expertise can come from within or
outside the school.
When it is provided by the principal or other school leaders, these professionals
should establish ‘a vision of new possibilities […] through everyday activities’, lead
learning and organise learning opportunities.
‘Sustained improvement in student outcomes requires that teachers have sound
theoretical knowledge, evidence-informed inquiry skills, and supportive organizational
One example of the importance of the school context in which professional
learning takes place comes from a study by Kraft and Papay (2014). They provide
a challenge to the now much quoted claim that teachers typically improve over
their first 3-5 years and then plateau (e.g. Rockoff, 2004). Kraft and Papay found
on average the same pattern: rapid improvement over the first three years, then
much slower growth. However, they also found that teachers working in schools
with ‘more supportive’ professional environments (assessed by teacher
questionnaires) continued to improve significantly after three years, while teachers
in the least supportive schools actually declined in their effectiveness.
How might we take this forward?
This final section of our review pulls together the implications of the research
evidence we have presented and proposes a framework for conceptualising
teaching quality. We then make some recommendations for practitioners about
how these ideas could be used to promote better teaching.
Overview of the evidence
Evidence about effective pedagogy
In Section 2 (p9) we identified a selection of teaching approaches, skills and
knowledge that have been shown to be related to enhanced student outcomes.
The evidence here is often weak or equivocal, and it is easy to select from it to
make claims that fit preconceptions. The effective practices themselves are often
quite loosely described, leaving room for interpretation about whether what one
has observed is in fact an example of it. Partly for this reason, we also provided a
list of ineffective practices: teaching approaches that seem to be popularly
endorsed by at least some teachers, but whose use is not supported by research
How teaching leads to learning is undoubtedly very complex. It may be that
teaching will always be more of an art than a science, and that attempts to reduce
it to a set of component parts will always fail. If that is the case then it is simply a
free-for-all: no advice about how to teach can claim a basis in evidence. However,
the fact that there are some practices that have been found to be implementable
in real classrooms, and that implementing them has led to improvements in
learning, gives us something to work with. Much of this work is under-theorised
and difficult to make sense of. However, the Dynamic Model of Creemers and
Kyriakides (2006) provides a theory that is well specified and has withstood some
credible attempts to test it. For now at least, it is the best theory of effective
pedagogy we have.
Evidence about methods of evaluating teaching quality
The rise of accountability pressures in many parts of the world have led to a big
growth in the desire to evaluate the quality of teaching. A number of methods
have been widely used and evaluated in research studies.
Value-added models are highly dependent on the availability of high-quality
outcome measures. Their results can be quite sensitive to some essentially
arbitrary choices about which variables to include and how to fit the models.
Estimates of effectiveness for individual teachers are only moderately stable from
year to year and class to class. However, it does seem that at least part of what is
captured by value-added estimates does reflect the genuine impact of a teacher
on students’ learning.
Classroom observation seems to have face validity as an evaluation method, but
the evidence shows that the agreement between different observers who see the
same lesson is not high; neither is agreement between estimates of teaching
quality from lesson observation and from other methods. Levels of reliability that
are acceptable for low-stakes purposes can be achieved by the use of high-quality
observation protocols, use of observers who have been specifically trained with
ongoing quality assurance in using those protocols, and pooling the results of
observations by multiple observers of multiple lessons (Strong et al, 2011, Mihaly
et al, 2013).
There is some evidence that principals’ judgements about teacher quality have
positive but modest correlations with other evidence. Inferring the quality of
teaching and learning from looking at artefacts such as student work, marking or
lesson plans, or from assessing teacher portfolios, is not currently supported by
research as valid.
Evidence about developmental use of evaluation
The assessment of teaching quality need not necessarily have summative
evaluation as its aim. Indeed, our focus in this review is primarily on formative
uses of assessment. In designing systems to support such uses, we need to take
account of the characteristics of feedback that are most likely to lead to positive
effects and of the environment in which the feedback is given and received.
Specifically, feedback should relate performance to clear, specific and challenging
goals for the recipient. It should direct attention to the learning rather than to the
person or to comparisons with others. Feedback is most likely to lead to action
when it is mediated by a mentor in an environment of trust and support. Sustained
professional learning is most likely to result when the focus is kept clearly on
improving student outcomes, when there are repeated and sustained
opportunities to embed any learning in practice, when the promotion of new
thinking about teaching takes account of existing ideas, and when an environment
of professional learning and support is promoted by the school’s leadership.
A general framework for teaching quality
A number of frameworks for conceptualising the elements of effective teaching
have been presented. Broadly speaking they include the following components:
2. (Pedagogical) content knowledge
The evidence to support the inclusion of content knowledge in a model of teaching
effectiveness is strong, at least in curriculum areas such as maths, literacy and
science. Different forms of content knowledge are required. As well as a strong,
connected understanding of the material being taught, teachers must also
understand the ways students think about the content, be able to evaluate the
thinking behind non-standard methods, and identify typical misconceptions
students have.
5. Quality of instruction
Quality of instruction is at the heart of all frameworks of teaching effectiveness.
Key elements such as effective questioning and use of assessment are found in
all of them. Specific practices like the need to review previous learning, provide
models for the kinds of responses students are required to produce, provide
adequate time for practice to embed skills securely and scaffold new learning are
also elements of high quality instruction.
4. Classroom climate / relationships / expectations
Again, the empirically based frameworks all include something on classroom
climate, though this heading may cover a range of aspects of teaching. Some
(e.g. CLASS) emphasise the quality of relationships and interactions between
teachers and students. Also under this heading may come teacher expectations:
the need to create a classroom environment that is constantly demanding more
and never satisfied, but still affirming to students’ self-worth and not undermining
their feelings of self-efficacy. Promotion of different kinds of motivational goals
may also fit here, as may the different attributions teachers make and encourage
for success and failure (e.g. fixed versus growth mindset, attributions to effort and
strategy rather than ability or luck). Related to this is the valuing and promotion of
resilience to failure (grit).
3. Behaviour / control / classroom management
All the empirically based frameworks include some element of classroom
management. A teacher’s abilities to make efficient use of lesson time, to
coordinate classroom resources and space, and to manage students’ behaviour
with clear rules that are consistently enforced, are all relevant to maximising the
learning that can take place. These factors are mostly not directly related to
learning; they are necessary hygiene factors to allow learning, rather than direct
components of it.
1. Beliefs (theory) about subject, learning & teaching
The idea that it matters why teachers adopt particular practices, the purposes they
aim to achieve, their theories about what learning is and how it happens and their
conceptual models of the nature and role of teaching in the learning process all
seem to be important. Although the evidence to support this claim is not
unequivocal, it seems strong enough to include it at this stage.
6. Wider professional elements: collegiality, development, relationships
It seems appropriate to include a final heading that captures some broader
aspects of professional behaviour. Danielson’s Framework for Teaching includes
elements such as reflecting on and developing professional practice, supporting
colleagues, and liaising and communicating with stakeholders such as parents.
There may not be direct evidence linking these practices to enhanced student
outcomes, but if we want to capture a broad definition of effective teaching, they
should probably be included.
Best bets to try out and evaluate
Any recommendations we make here are tentative and very likely to be modified
by discussions at the Summit. Crucially as well, we must build in robust evaluation
into any changes we make; any recommendations are only hypotheses about
what might help. Nevertheless, it is important at least to try to capture some
suggestions about how we can take these ideas forward to enhance learning.
Some actions will be easier than others, so we have divided them into quick wins
and longer term changes. First, though, we outline some general requirements for
system improvement.
General requirements
There are a few general requirements that follow from the previous arguments.
The first is that a worthwhile system for monitoring and formative evaluation of
teaching quality must have at its heart a set of high-quality assessments of
student learning. Building in assessment ensures that we keep the focus on
student outcomes. If the assessments are of high-quality that ensures that they
will capture the learning outcomes that we value and want to incentivise.
Ultimately, for a judgement about whether teaching is effective to be seen as
trustworthy, it must be checked against the progress being made by learners.
However good our proxy measures become, there is no substitute for this.
A second requirement is that a formative teacher evaluation system must
incorporate multiple measures, from multiple sources, using multiple methods.
Users must triangulate multiple sources of evidence, treating each with
appropriate caution, critically testing any inferences against independent
verification. The more sources of evidence we have, the better our judgements
can be.
A third requirement, related to these two, is the need for a high level of
assessment and data skills among school leaders. The ability to identify and
source ‘high-quality’ assessments, to integrate multiple sources of information,
applying appropriate weight and caution to each, and to interpret the various
measures validly, is a non-trivial demand.
A fourth and final requirement is the need to balance challenge and acceptance. If
the gap between research-based ‘effective practices’ or data from performance
evaluation and existing perceptions is too big the former are likely to be rejected.
On the other hand, if the requirements are perceived to be similar to current
practice, nothing will change. The latter would be an example of the ‘we think we
are doing that’ problem: teachers take on superficial aspects of a new approach,
or interpret current practice as aligned with it, and an opportunity for improvement
is lost.
Quick wins
A number of specific recommendations should be possible for teachers to
implement quickly and without great cost:
1. Spread awareness of research on effective pedagogy.
The evidence that has been presented in Section 0 about effective teaching
approaches may not be universally known by teachers. We should
encourage all teachers to engage with these ideas, to challenge their own
thinking and that of their colleagues about what is effective, and to
understand the kind of evidence that supports the claims.
2. Use the best assessments available.
Ultimately, the definition of effective teaching is that which results in the
best possible student outcomes. There is currently no guaranteed recipe
for achieving this: no specifiable combination of teacher characteristics,
skills and behaviours consistently predicts how much students will learn. It
follows that the best feedback to guide the pursuit of effectiveness is to
focus on student progress, and that requires high-quality assessment of
3. Use lesson observation, student ratings, artefacts and principal judgement
All these methods have potential value, but all have their problems. If they
are done well, using the best available protocols, with awareness of how
they can be biased or inaccurate, and with due caution about what
inferences they can and cannot support, then they should be useful tools.
4. Triangulate.
A key to suitably cautious and critical use of the different methods is to
triangulate them against each other. A single source of evidence may be
suggestive, but when it is confirmed by another independent source it starts
to become credible. Having more data can sometimes make people feel
overwhelmed and indecisive, but for anyone who truly understands the
limitations of a single source, being restricted to that would feel hopelessly
5. Follow the advice from Timperley (2008) about promoting professional
Sustained professional learning is most likely to result when the focus is
kept clearly on improving student outcomes, when there are repeated and
sustained opportunities to embed any learning in practice, when the
promotion of new thinking about teaching takes account of existing ideas,
and when an environment of professional learning and support is promoted
by the school’s leadership.
Longer term (harder)
In addition to these quick wins, there are other recommendations that may be
harder, take longer or cost more to implement. There are broadly two kinds of
approaches here: one focuses on developing the measures we need to evaluate
effectiveness robustly, the other on developing the support systems that promote
the use of feedback for improvement.
Multiple, multi-dimensional measures
If the measures we need do not exist, it may be necessary to create them. If they
do exist, but are not yet ideal for our purposes, it may be necessary to develop
them further. If they already exist in a suitable format, then we still need to validate
them against our criteria for developmental consequences: does using them as
part of a formative evaluation process for teachers lead to improved student
Create better assessments
In order to judge the effectiveness of their teaching, teachers need to have access
to assessments that reflect the learning they are trying to promote, that are
calibrated to allow judgements about expected rates of progress, that cover the
full range of curriculum areas and levels, and that are cheap and easy to
administer on a frequent basis. Although generally of high psychometric quality,
available standardised tests do not routinely meet all these requirements.
It may be that system of crowd-sourced assessments, peer-reviewed by teachers,
calibrated and quality assured using psychometric models, and using a range of
item formats, could meet this need.
Lesson observation tools
A number of protocols exist for lesson observation, and it may be that the best of
them provide an optimal way forward. However, it may also be that their
requirements for training are prohibitively onerous or expensive, or that
alternatives could be developed that better meet the needs of a developmental
focus, that are led and owned by the profession, and that make best use of online
communities for video sharing, peer ratings and maximising learning for both
observed and observer.
One example would be a simple tool for measuring students’ time on task in
lessons. Brophy and Good (1986, p360) identify the relationship between
‘academic engaged time’ and student achievement as one of the ‘most
consistently replicated findings’ in the literature. Giving a teacher this relatively
objective measure and allowing them to track its trajectory over time and with
different classes, perhaps contextualised against the values that other teachers
achieve with similar students, could be an effective way to increase the
percentage of time spent engaged in lessons and hence to improve learning.
Student ratings
Again, these instruments exist, so this could actually be quite a quick win.
Collecting student ratings should be a cheap and easy source of high-quality
feedback about teaching behaviours from multiple observers who can draw on
experience of multiple lessons. Although there is evidence of using student ratings
to enhance learning outcomes in higher education, their use in schools does not
appear to have been evaluated yet.
School-based support systems
Creating systems of support within schools that would allow teachers to respond
positively to the challenge of improving their effectiveness is an important task.
There are many advantages to a school-led system here: it keeps the ownership
within the profession and makes the whole process more straightforward to
manage. One danger is that without some external expertise the learning may be
limited to what is already available in-house (Antoniou & Kyriakides, 2011). It may
also be hard to create high challenge in a peer-to-peer system. Part of the reason
for generating objective measures of a range of aspects of teaching effectiveness
is that they provide an external check against which to compare.
There are many existing models of school-based professional mentoring, so it
should not be difficult to select a small number of promising ones for this purpose
and evaluate their impact. Key design issues include creating mentoring
relationships characterised by trust and feeling supported, while being sufficiently
challenging to provoke change. The difficulties of sustaining real change over a
long period should also be addressed in the design.
Lesson Study
Another possible route would be to use a Lesson Study approach. Originally from
Japan, it was imported in the United States and the United Kingdom and involves
groups of teachers collaboratively planning, teaching, observing and analyzing
learning and teaching in ‘research lessons’. (Dudley, 2014, p. 1)
In the United States, Lesson Study was found to be one of the two interventions,
out of the many hundreds systematically reviewed, to have statistically significant
positive effects on the pupils’ fraction knowledge in grades 2, 3 and 5 (Gersten et
al., 2014). Cajkler et al. (2014) argue that Lesson Study provides four benefits:
‘Greater teacher collaboration’; ‘sharper focus among teachers on students’
learning’; ‘development of teacher knowledge, practice and professionalism’; and
‘improved quality of classroom teaching and pupil learning outcomes.’ (ibid., p. 3).
Dudley (2014) suggests that the reasons why Lesson Study works are that it is a
gradual process that places specific learners’ needs as a focus for development. It
involves an element of collaborative enquiry or experiment between teachers who
are trying to solve a problem and that takes place ‘in the context of a supportive
teaching and learning community’. There is also input from an external expertise.
In all studies finding positive effects from the implementation of Lesson Study, a
considerable role was played by an agent outside the teacher group that could
provide feedback and challenge their views.
As with other feedback programmes Lesson Study faces a number of challenges.
Saito et al, (2008) report varied opinions among the faculty members with regard
to how to observe lessons. Teacher groups ‘also differ[ed] in terms of the types of
discussions during reflection’, with some focusing more on the teaching process
and others on student behaviours. Often senior managers or external experts
were not involved. Some argue that experiments with Lesson Study may become
a practice of ‘the blind leading the blind’. This is not a negligible point, and it is one
of the main recent critiques to those professional development approaches
emphasising practitioners’ reflection without providing them with a solid theoretical
framework of reference against which to assess them (Antoniou & Kyriakides,
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A: Original research questions
In more detail, the study set out to review the evidence from existing research to
address the following questions:
1. What are the elements of teaching effectiveness and classroom/teaching
a. What does the educational effectiveness
literature say about the
factors/characteristics/behaviours of teachers/teaching that are
associated with high student attainment/progress?
b. What is the evidence from intervention studies (eg RCTs) about the
classroom strategies that produce increased attainment/progress?
c. What evidence from psychology (eg on learning, memory,
neuropsychology) indicates pedagogical practices that are most
likely to lead to deep understanding and retained knowledge?
2. What frameworks/protocols exist for measuring classroom/teaching quality
(including use of video and student surveys)?
a. What frameworks/protocols have been used in research studies?
What evidence is there of how effectively these frameworks capture
real quality? To what extent are they aligned with the evidence
reviewed in 1?
b. What frameworks/protocols have been used in schools (by
practitioners) around the world for measuring teacher
effectiveness/quality? What evidence is there of how effective and
reliable these frameworks are? To what extent are they aligned with
the evidence reviewed in 1?
c. What requirements for training, accreditation and quality assurance
do these frameworks have?
3. In what ways have these frameworks been used in practice to improve
a. What kinds of outputs/reporting have been developed for these
b. What models of observer/observed have been tried (eg peer-to-
peer, self-evaluation, principal/line manager, external evaluator), and
how have professionals collaborated on this?
Eg school effectiveness research, and the ‘process-product’ literature that looks for correlations between
school or classroom processes and outcomes
c. What models of feedback/dialogue and improvement mechanisms
exist (eg appraisal/evaluation, information for self-evaluation,
support and ‘consultation’ in interpreting and responding to
feedback, goal-setting + feedback, etc)?
4. What evidence is there of the impact of any of these approaches on
student outcomes?
a. What high-quality (eg RCT) evaluations exist of interventions based
on feedback of classroom quality evaluation?
b. What claims exist, based on case-studies or other less-rigorous
designs? What relevant work is currently underway?
A further piece of work will consider how this evidence compares with what
participants said in a pre-summit survey.