School Counseling Standards
First Edition
for school counselors of students ages 3–18+
For additional information go to
©2012 (Preface revised and reformatted in 2015, 2016) National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.
All rights reserved. NBPTS, NBCT, National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, National Board
Certified Teacher, National Board Certification, Take One!, Accomplished Teacher and 1-800-22TEACH
are registered trademarks or service marks of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.
Other marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective organizations.
The contents of this publication were developed in whole or in part under a grant from the U.S. Department
of Education. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of
Education, and you should not assume an endorsement by the federal government.
ISBN 999-8059-32-1
Table of Contents
Preface .................................................................................................................................................. 4
About the National Board forProfessionalTeachingStandards ���������������������������������������������������� 4
About the Standards ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6
About Certication ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7
Foundation of National Board Certification for Teachers ................................................................... 8
Five Core Propositions ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8
Architecture of Accomplished Teaching ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11
Standards ........................................................................................................................................... 12
Introduction ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12
School Counseling Standards Statements ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16
Standard I: SchoolCounselingProgram ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 18
Standard II: School Counseling and StudentCompetencies ����������������������������������������������� 25
Standard III: Human Growth and Development �������������������������������������������������������������������� 29
Standard IV: Counseling Theories andTechniques �������������������������������������������������������������� 32
Standard V: Equity, Fairness, and Diversity �������������������������������������������������������������������������� 35
Standard VI: School Climate ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 40
Standard VII: Collaboration with Family andCommunity ����������������������������������������������������� 43
Standard VIII: InformationalResources andTechnology ������������������������������������������������������ 45
Standard IX: Student Assessment ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 48
Standard X: Leadership, Advocacy, andProfessional Identity ��������������������������������������������� 50
Standard XI: Reective Practice ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 54
Epilogue .............................................................................................................................................. 56
Standards Committee ........................................................................................................................ 57
Acknowledgments .............................................................................................................................. 58
School Counseling Standards 4
About the National Board forProfessionalTeachingStandards
The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (National Board) is a not-for-profit professional
organization, created and governed by practicing teachers and their advocates. The founding mission of
the National Board is to advance the quality of teaching and learning by
maintaining high and rigorous standards for what accomplished teachers should know and be
able todo;
providing a national voluntary system certifying teachers who meet these standards; and
advocating related education reforms to integrate National Board Certification into American
education and to capitalize on the expertise of National Board Certified Teachers.
Recognized as the “gold standard” in teacher certification, the National Board believes higher standards
for teachers means better learning for students.
Founded in 1987, the National Board began by engaging teachers in the development of standards for
accomplished teaching and in the building of an assessment—National Board Certification—that validly
and reliably identifies when a teacher meets those standards. Today, there are 25 certificate areas that
span 16content areas and four student developmental levels. The essence of the National Board’s vision
of accomplished teaching is captured in the enduring document What Teachers Should Know and Be
Able to Do, at the heart of which are the Five Core Propositions:
1. Teachers are committed to students and their learning.
2. Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students.
3. Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning.
4. Teachers think systematically about their practice and learn from experience.
5. Teachers are members of learning communities.
The National Board believes that board certification should become the norm, not the exception, and
should be fully integrated into the fabric of the teaching profession. In other professions, such as medicine,
engineering, and architecture, board certification has helped to create a culture of accomplished practice
and is a major reason why those professions are held in such high regard by the public. Those professions
did what teaching must now do: strengthen the coherent pipeline of preparation that begins in pre-
service and continues through board certification and beyond, with each step engineered to help teachers
develop toward accomplished. More than 110,000 teachers had achieved board certification by 2014, a
number which represents the largest group of identified teaching experts in the country. Given the size
of the teaching workforce, however, this sizable number represents fewer than 3 percent of teachers.
School Counseling Standards 5
For most children that means they go through their entire schooling without being taught by a board-
certified teacher. Each teacher who pursues board certification helps to close this gap, strengthening the
profession and the quality of teaching and learning. In a world where board certification is the standard
that all teachers aspire to and most achieve, students experience accomplished teaching throughout their
schooling, unleashing their potential.
School Counseling Standards 6
About the Standards
Every child deserves an accomplished teacher—one who is qualified to equip students with the skills
to succeed in a global community. The core mission of the National Board for Professional Teaching
Standards is to create field-specific standards for accomplished teaching that are grounded in the Five
Core Propositions and that articulate the actions that accomplished teachers employ to advance student
learning. Each standards document represents a professional consensus on the attributes of practice that
distinguish accomplished teaching in that field. Many school systems use the standards as the basis for
ongoing professional development, and many colleges and universities incorporate the standards into
their undergraduate and graduate teacher education programs.
Standards are developed and revised by a committee of 12–15 members who are representative of
accomplished professionals in their field. A majority of standards committee members are practicing Board
certified teachers. Other committee members are experts in academic content and child development,
including teacher educators, researchers, and other professionals in the relevant field. Standards are
disseminated widely for public comment and subsequently revised as necessary before adoption by the
National Board’s Board of Directors.
Throughout the development of both the standards and the certification process, the National
Board ensures broad representation of the diversity that exists within the profession; engages pertinent
disciplinary and specialty associations at key points in the process; collaborates closely with appropriate
state agencies, academic institutions, and independent research and education organizations; and
establishes procedures to detect and eliminate instances of external and internal bias.
National Board Standards and certifications are defined by the developmental level of the students and
by the subject or subjects being taught. Teachers select the subject area that makes up the substantive
focus of their teaching. They may choose Generalist certificates if they do not focus on one particular
subject area in their practice. The four overlapping student developmental levels (listed below) indicate the
age of the majority of their students.
Early Childhood (EC)—ages 3–8
Middle Childhood (MC)—ages 7–12
Early Adolescence (EA)—ages 11–15
Adolescence and Young Adulthood (AYA)—ages 14–18+
School Counseling Standards 7
About Certification
National Board Certification
is a voluntary, standards-based process designed for teachers to
transform the Five Core Propositions into practice. In order to be eligible for certification a teacher must
Hold a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution
Have a minimum of three years’ teaching experience at the early childhood, elementary, middle
school, or high school level; and
Where it is required, hold a state teaching license.
The assessments, aligned with the Five Core Propositions and the standards, are designed so that
teachers demonstrate their practice by providing evidence of what they know and do. The evidence-
based assessment honors the complexities and demands of teaching.
In 2014, the National Board initiated revision of the assessment to make the process more flexible,
affordable, and efficient for teachers. In all certificate areas, candidates for National Board Certification
are now required to complete four components: three portfolio entries, which are submitted online, and a
computer-based assessment, which is administered at a testing center. Teachers develop portfolio entries
that require analysis of their practice as it relates to student learning and to being a reflective, effective
practitioner. Designed to capture what a teacher knows and is able to do in real time and in real-life
settings, the portfolio consists of description, analysis, and reflection focused on student learning that is
captured on video and in student work samples. The process requires teachers to reflect on the underlying
assumptions of their practice and the impacts of that practice on student learning.
Teachers also demonstrate content knowledge by responding to open-ended and multiple choice
questions delivered at a secure testing site. The assessment center component complements the
portfolio, validates that the knowledge and skills exhibited in the portfolio are accurate reflections of what
a candidate knows, and provides candidates with opportunities to demonstrate knowledge and skills not
sampled in the portfolio.
Assessments are based on the standards and are developed for every certificate area by educators
who specialize in the same content and student developmental level as the candidates. Educators who are
themselves practitioners in the certificate area score the submitted portfolio entries. They must successfully
complete intensive training and qualify for scoring on the basis of their understanding of National Board
Standards and scoring guidelines.
Candidates registering for the Career and Technical Education certificate are required to hold a bachelor’s degree only if their
state required one for their current license.
School Counseling Standards 8
Foundation of National Board Certification
for Teachers
Five Core Propositions
The National Board framework for accomplished teaching was established in its 1989 publication,
What Teachers Should Know and Be Able to Do. The Five Core Propositions serve as the foundation
for all National Board standards and assessments, defining the level of knowledge, skills, abilities, and
commitments that accomplished teachers demonstrate. Teachers embody all Five Core Propositions in
their practices, drawing on various combinations of these skills, applications, and dispositions to promote
student learning.
1. Teachers are committed to students and their learning.
Accomplished teachers base their practice on the fundamental belief that all students can learn and meet
high expectations. They treat students equitably, recognizing the individual differences that distinguish one
student from another and taking account of these differences in their practice. They adjust their practice
based on observation and understanding of their students’ interests, abilities, skills, knowledge, language,
family circumstances, and peer relationships. They view students’ varied backgrounds as diversity that
enriches the learning environment for every student.
Accomplished teachers understand how students develop and learn. They consult and incorporate a
variety of learning and development theories into their practice, while remaining attuned to their students’
individual contexts, cultures, abilities, and circumstances. They are committed to students’ cognitive
development as well as to students’ ownership of their learning. Equally important, they foster students’
self-esteem, motivation, character, perseverance, civic responsibility, intellectual risk taking, and respect
for others.
2. Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to
Accomplished teachers have a rich understanding of the subject(s) they teach and appreciate how
knowledge in their subject is created, organized, linked to other disciplines, and applied to real-world
settings. While maintaining the integrity of disciplinary methods, content, and structures of organization,
accomplished teachers develop the critical and analytical capacities of their students so they can think for
Accomplished teachers command specialized knowledge of how to convey and reveal subject matter
to students. They are aware of the preconceptions and background knowledge that students typically bring
to each subject and draw upon pedagogical and subject matter understandings to anticipate challenges,
School Counseling Standards 9
modify their practice, and respond to students’ needs. They also demonstrate a commitment towards
learning about new strategies, instructional resources, and technology that can be of assistance. Their
instructional repertoire and professional judgment allow them to generate multiple paths to knowledge
in the subjects they teach, and they are adept at teaching students how to pose and solve their own
problems so they can continue exploring and advancing their understanding.
3. Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning.
Accomplished teachers view themselves as facilitators of student learning within dynamic instructional
settings. They create, enrich, maintain, and alter learning environments while establishing effective ways
to monitor and manage those environments and the student learning that occurs within them. They
possess a comprehensive knowledge of instructional methods, know when each is appropriate, and can
implement them as needed. They use instructional time constructively and efficiently, customizing physical
layout, resources, and instructional methods. They enlist the knowledge and support of a wide range of
stakeholders to provide their students with enriched opportunities to learn. They understand the strengths
and weaknesses of pedagogical approaches they may take, as well as the suitability of these approaches
for particular students.
Accomplished teachers know how to engage students in varied settings and group configurations.
They create positive and safe learning environments that guide student behavior and support learning,
allowing the schools’ goals for students to be met. They are adept at setting norms for social interaction
among students and between students and teachers. They understand how to motivate students and
value student engagement, supporting them as they face and learn from challenges.
Accomplished teachers assess the progress of individual students as well as that of the class as a
whole. They apply their knowledge of assessment to employ multiple methods for measuring student
growth and understanding. They use the information they gather from monitoring student learning to
inform their practice, and they provide constructive feedback to students and families. They collaborate
with students throughout the learning process and help students engage in self-assessment.
4. Teachers think systematically about their practice and learn from experience.
Accomplished teachers possess a professional obligation to become perpetual students of their craft.
Committed to reflective learning, they are models of educated persons. They exemplify the virtues they
seek to inspire in students—curiosity, honesty, fairness, respect for diversity and appreciation of cultural
differences—and the capacities that are prerequisites for intellectual growth: the ability to reason and take
multiple perspectives, to be creative and take risks, and to adopt an experimental and problem-solving
Accomplished teachers draw on their knowledge of human development, subject matter, and
instruction, and their understanding of their students to make principled judgments about sound practice.
Their decisions are not only grounded in established theories, but also in reason born of experience. They
engage in lifelong learning, which they seek to encourage in their students.
Accomplished teachers seek opportunities to cultivate their learning. Striving to strengthen their
teaching and positively impact student learning, teachers use feedback and research to critically examine
School Counseling Standards 10
their practice, seek to expand their repertoire, deepen their knowledge, sharpen their judgment and adapt
their teaching to new findings, ideas and theories.
5. Teachers are members of learning communities.
Accomplished teachers participate actively in their learning communities to promote progress and
achievement. They contribute to the effectiveness of the school by working collaboratively with other
professionals on policy decisions, curriculum development, professional learning, school instructional
programs, and other functions that are fundamental to the development of highly productive learning
communities. They work collaboratively and creatively with families and the community, engaging them
productively in the work of the school and cultivating students’ connections with the opportunities,
resources, and diversity they afford.
Accomplished teachers can evaluate school progress and the allocation of school resources in light of
their understanding of state and local educational objectives and their knowledge of student needs. They
are knowledgeable about and can advocate for specialized school and community resources that can be
engaged for their students’ benefit, and are skilled at employing such resources as needed.
School Counseling Standards 11
Architecture of Accomplished Teaching
The Architecture of Accomplished Teaching provides a view of how the use of the Five Core Propositions
and the standards that are developed from them result in student learning. As depicted in the Architecture
of Accomplished Teaching illustration, shown below, one strand represents teaching practice as grounded
in the Five Core Propositions, while the other strand represents the teacher’s impact on students and their
The National Board program certifies accomplished teachers who positively influence student learning
through effective teaching practice. The process includes the core propositions for all teachers, a common
set of accomplished teaching standards specific to the content field and students’ developmental levels,
and a set of evidence-based assessments specific to the field that certify what accomplished teachers
know and do.
School Counseling Standards 12
Throughout the past century, the role of the school counselor has evolved to reflect the changing
face of society and needs of students. In the early 1900s, as industrialization continued to change the
workplace and career possibilities broadened, demand grew for career and educational guidance services
in the schools. This responsibility generally fell on teachers, who often performed this role without formal
training or definition of their duties. The National Defense Education Act of 1958 prompted the widespread
use of full-time guidance counselors, but their roles often remained in the same vein as their teacher
predecessors: remediation, reactive crisis management, and administrative and clerical duties.
Guidance counselors found themselves working in a limited capacity with a small portion of the student
body in their schools. In addition, the workplace was demanding higher skills, family structures were
changing, and schools were adjusting to safety threats and budgetary cutbacks. Guidance counselors
knew that they needed a systematic approach that would reach all students, guide students to academic
success, and ensure that students develop into self-confident, productive citizens and workers. These
conditions led to the introduction of a new school counseling program and a new designation for its
practitioners: school counselors.
Founded on developmental psychology, educational philosophy, career development, and counseling
methodology, this school counseling program is developmental, systematic, sequential, clearly defined,
and accountable. Such a comprehensive program promotes and supports student success through
academic, career, and personal/social development and is an integral part of the total education program
of the school. School counseling programs utilize strategies to enhance academic achievement, provide
career awareness, develop employment readiness, encourage self-awareness, foster interpersonal
communication skills, and facilitate successful transitions for every student.
Accomplished school counselors are educators who use their knowledge of students, counseling,
pedagogy, curriculum integration, and the unique context of their school and community to influence
students’ learning and well-being. The “classroom” of a school counselor may be the entire school,
another educator’s classroom, or the school counselor’s office. School counselors may be facilitating
whole-school workshops, leading small-group discussions, or providing one-on-one instruction. They
systematically plan and facilitate activities and monitor students’ progress to ensure that each student
reaches desired goals. They are also integral members of the instructional team of the school and work
with teachers, administrators, and other members of the learning community to advance student learning.
As specialists in intervention, school counselors are in the unique position to be the eyes, ears, and
heart of the entire school. They are often the first school personnel to become aware of problems that
individuals or groups of students may be experiencing. With their specialized training in crisis response,
accomplished school counselors intervene quickly, methodically, and effectively during and after a traumatic
School Counseling Standards 13
event. Because school counselors know that unexpected events will occur, they anticipate difficult times
and organize their schools and communities in advance of a crisis. They are aware of the resources of their
community and use this knowledge, through sound advice and appropriate referrals, to benefit students.
Accomplished school counselors know that an effective school counseling program is one that meets
the needs of every student and that is part of a continuum of programs that meet the needs of students
and families throughout students’ educational lives. Whether working with one grade level of students,
all grade levels in a school, or the full range of preK–12 students across schools, accomplished school
counselors know the developmental characteristics of students throughout the life span and sequence
their school counseling program to build from early childhood through adolescence and young adulthood.
As leaders of a school counseling program, these school counselors plan, deliver, and continuously modify
their program, based on data indicating student needs and desired student outcomes, in order to promote
student achievement and growth and the mission of the school.
Many school counselors work in environments that pose great challenges to achieving their professional
goals. Such issues as student load, travel to multiple schools, less-than-optimal facilities and equipment,
and curricular and school demands can present obstacles to student success. Yet accomplished school
counseling occurs even in the context of such daunting challenges. Accomplished school counselors
work to bring about positive change, improve their techniques, and strengthen the quality of the school
counseling program, even under the most challenging conditions.
Accomplished school counselors are advocates for their profession. They recognize that their roles
have evolved and that with this evolution some stakeholders are not fully aware or accepting of the
school counselor’s professional responsibilities or the role of the school counseling program. Therefore,
it is incumbent upon the school counselor to communicate a clear and compelling message about the
importance of the program and to continually build relationships with families, agencies, the business
community, policymakers, and the general public. Accomplished school counselors know how and
when to influence policies and procedures that affect students, students’ future prospects, or the school
environment as a whole. They are spokespeople for fair, student-centered programs that are in the best
interest of all stakeholders.
And yet, beyond their implementation and advocacy of a program, beyond their vast knowledge
base, and beyond their ability to deliver effective instruction, is the true reward of the school counseling
profession: having a positive impact on the lives of students. It is such connections with people—their
growth, dreams, and interactions—that have been both the attraction and the ongoing joy of school
Developing High and Rigorous Standards for Accomplished Practice
In 2000, a committee of school counselors and other educators with expertise in this field began the
process of developing advanced professional standards for school counselors of students ages 3 to 18+.
The School Counseling Standards Committee was charged with translating the Five Core Propositions
of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards into a standards document that defines
outstanding practice in this field.
This NBPTS Standards document describes in observable form what accomplished school counselors
should know and be able to do. The standards are meant to reflect the professional consensus at this
School Counseling Standards 14
point about the essential aspects of accomplished practice. The deliberations of the School Counseling
Standards Committee were informed by various national and state initiatives on school counseling
standards that have been operating concurrently with the development of NBPTS Standards.
As the
understanding of school counseling and learning continues to evolve over the next several years, School
Counseling Standards will be updated appropriately.
These standards recognize, reflect, and imply varied approaches to school counseling. The National
Board understands that such factors as the context in which school counselors practice, the backgrounds
and experiences they bring to their role, and the professional choices they make during their careers
contribute to a diverse population of accomplished school counselors. Examples given throughout the
standards illustrate a range of possible activities and strategies that accomplished school counselors
might employ to advance student learning and do not represent a prescriptive or exhaustive list. School
counselors who use vastly different strategies may achieve at the highest levels of these standards.
An essential tension of describing accomplished practice concerns the difference between the analysis
and the practice of school counseling. The former tends to fragment the profession into any number of
discrete duties, such as designing learning activities, facilitating career exploration, modeling effective
interpersonal behavior, and monitoring the school counseling program. School counseling as it actually
occurs, however, is a seamless activity.
Everything an accomplished school counselor knows through study, research, and experience is brought
to bear daily through innumerable decisions that shape learning. School counseling frequently requires
balancing the demands of several important educational goals. It depends on accurate observations of
particular students and settings. And it is subject to revision on the basis of continuing developments. The
professional judgments that accomplished school counselors make also reflect a certain improvisational
The paradox, then, is that any attempt to write separate standards that dissect what accomplished
school counselors know and are able to do will, to a certain extent, misrepresent the holistic nature of how
school counseling actually takes place. Nevertheless, the fact remains: Certain identifiable commonalities
characterize the accomplished practice of school counselors. The 11 standards that follow are designed
to capture the extensive and profound craft, artistry, proficiency, and understandings that contribute to the
complex work that is accomplished school counseling.
The Standards Format
Accomplished school counseling appears in many different forms, and it should be acknowledged at
the outset that these specific standards are not the only way accomplished school counseling could have
been described. No linearity, atomization, or hierarchy is implied in this vision of accomplished school
counseling, nor is each standard of equal weight. Rather, the standards are presented as aspects of
school counseling that are analytically separable for the purposes of this standards document but that are
not discrete when they appear in practice.
See, for example, American School Counselor Association (ASCA), National Standards for School Counseling Programs
(Alexandria, Va.: Author, 1997). Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP), The
2001 Standards (Alexandria, Va.: Author, 2001). ASCA, Draft, National Model for School Counseling Programs (Alexandria,
VA: Author, in press).
School Counseling Standards 15
The document follows a two-part format for each of the 11 standards:
I. Standard Statement—This is a succinct statement of one vital aspect of the practice of the
accomplished school counselor. Each standard is expressed in terms of observable actions that
have an impact on students.
II. Elaboration—This passage provides a context for the standard, along with an explanation of what
school counselors need to know, value, and do if they are to fulfill the standard. The elaboration
includes descriptions of school counselors’ dispositions toward students, their distinctive roles
and responsibilities, and their stances on a range of ethical and intellectual issues that regularly
School Counseling Standards 16
School Counseling Standards Statements
The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards has developed the following 11 standards of
accomplished practice for school counselors. Standard I describes the school counseling program and
presents a lens through which to view the knowledge and application expressed in the other standards.
The standards have been ordered as they have to facilitate understanding, not to assign priorities. They
each describe an important facet of accomplished school counseling; they often occur concurrently
because of the seamless quality of school counseling. The standards serve as the basis for National Board
Certification in this field.
Standard I: School Counseling Program
Accomplished school counselors develop and deliver a school counseling program that is
comprehensive, demonstrates continuous improvement, and advances the mission of the school.
Standard II: School Counseling and Student Competencies
Accomplished school counselors apply deep and broad understanding of academic, career, and
personal/social student competencies.
Standard III: Human Growth and Development
Accomplished school counselors apply comprehensive, in-depth knowledge of human growth and
development to improve student learning and well-being.
Standard IV: Counseling Theories and Techniques
Accomplished school counselors demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of established and
emerging counseling theories. They possess a thorough knowledge of techniques and processes that
form the foundation for effective school counseling with a diverse population.
Standard V: Equity, Fairness, and Diversity
Accomplished school counselors model and promote behavior appropriate in a diverse and global
society by showing respect for and valuing all members of the community. They demonstrate fairness,
equity, and sensitivity to every student, and they advocate for equitable access to instructional programs
and activities.
Standard VI: School Climate
Accomplished school counselors work to establish and foster an emotionally, socially, and physically
safe learning environment for students, staff, and families.
School Counseling Standards 17
Standard VII: Collaboration with Family and Community
Accomplished school counselors work collaboratively with families and community members to
achieve common goals for the education of students, improvement of schools, and advancement of the
larger community. They are knowledgeable of the community and community resources, and they utilize
available resources to make appropriate referrals based on the needs of students.
Standard VIII: Informational Resources and Technology
Accomplished school counselors are skilled in the selection and use of informational resources and
technology and use them to facilitate the delivery of a comprehensive school counseling program that
meets student needs.
Standard IX: Student Assessment
Accomplished school counselors understand the principles and purposes of assessment, and the
collection and use of data. They regularly monitor student progress and communicate the purpose, design,
and results of assessments to various audiences.
Standard X: Leadership, Advocacy, and Professional Identity
Accomplished school counselors work as leaders and advocates in the promotion of student learning
and achievement. They adhere to ethical practices and engage in professional growth and development.
Standard XI: Reflective Practice
Accomplished school counselors integrate their knowledge, skills, and life experiences to respond
effectively to new or unexpected critical events and situations. They monitor and refine their work with
continuous, in-depth reflection.
The pages that follow provide elaborations of each standard that discuss the knowledge, skills,
dispositions, and habits of mind that describe accomplished teaching in the field.
School Counseling Standards 18SCHOOL COUNSELING PROGRAM
Standard I
Accomplished school counselors develop and deliver a school
counseling program that is comprehensive, demonstrates
continuous improvement, and advances the mission of the school.
Accomplished school counselors serve as advocates and leaders for the
development, implementation, and management of a school counseling program
that is comprehensive, and they use the framework of such a program to organize
their school counseling activities. They are expert in the elements of the program—
foundation, delivery system, management system, and accountability—and their
interrelationship. They deliver a program that is data driven, that is relevant to both
students and the local community, and that focuses on academic, career, and
personal/social competencies and on desired outcomes for student achievement.
They clearly communicate the purpose and structure of such a comprehensive
school program so that all stakeholders are aware of the importance of the program
to the mission of the school and the success of its students. Accomplished school
counselors use formal and informal assessments to evaluate students and programs.
Using these data and their knowledge of students and the school community, they
advocate for changes in the school counseling program to enhance effectiveness in
achieving student outcomes, program goals, and the school’s mission.
Foundations of the Program
Accomplished school counselors know that the foundation of a school counseling
program consists of its beliefs (i.e., philosophies and assumptions); mission; student
competencies found in the academic, career, and personal/social domains; and
program accountability. They can articulate how the program supports the mission
of the school by promoting and enhancing the learning process of every student
through integration of academic, career, and personal/social development.
This standard includes material drawn from the following sources: American School Counselor
Association (ASCA), National Standards for School Counseling Programs (Alexandria, Va.: Author,
1997). Gysbers, Norman C., and Patricia Henderson, Developing and Managing Your School
Guidance Program (Alexandria, Va.: American Counseling Association, 2000). Moreno Valley
Unified School District School Counseling Department, Moreno Valley Unified School District
Program Model (Moreno Valley, Ca.: Author, 1999). Tucson Unified School District Guidance and
Counseling Department, Program Handbook (Tucson, Ariz.: Author, 1999). Also consulted was
ASCA, Draft, National Model for School Counseling Programs (Alexandria, Va.: Author, in press).
School Counseling Standards 19SCHOOL COUNSELING PROGRAM
Using their knowledge of the history, theories, and techniques in their field,
accomplished school counselors establish their own philosophy of school
counseling programs. They believe that every student has a right to benefit from a
school counseling program that is comprehensive and proactive and that focuses
on prevention and on students’ developmental needs. School counselors work to
achieve support among all personnel involved in managing and implementing the
Delivery of the Program
Accomplished school counselors recognize that a school counseling program
that is comprehensive has the potential to mobilize resources on behalf of every
student. Through skillful planning and intentional allocation of their time, school
are able to shift their emphasis from reactive, responsive services to
proactive, prevention activities that can reach more students. By changing their
focus and time to reach every student in a meaningful way, they are better positioned
to advocate for programs and policies that support academic, career, and personal/
social development.
This school counseling program is student centered and outcome driven. It is a
framework that facilitates communication among counselors and among members
of a school learning community. Through this framework, school counselors join with
instructional teams, administrators, parents,
agencies, and business and industry
to maintain high academic standards, increase safety and security, and invite every
student to stay in school and reach new heights of success. School counselors also
provide direct services to students and their parents and indirect services through
teachers and other professionals. They are comfortable and skilled working with
individual students, small groups of students, a full classroom, or the entire student
body. They raise visibility of what they do and how they work, and they commit to
being accountable for achieving student outcomes.
Guidance Curriculum
Accomplished school counselors deliver a guidance and counseling curriculum
composed of organized, sequenced objectives and activities centering on academic,
career, and personal/social development of students. Through a systemwide needs
assessment, school counselors identify student competencies for their schools.
These competencies provide the content for their school counseling programs. (See
Standard II—School Counseling and Student Competencies.) For example, after
analyzing the needs assessment, the accomplished school counselor may determine
that it would be necessary to deliver lessons on self-respect, study skills, critical
thinking skills, résumé writing, interviewing skills, friendship skills, or personal safety.
In this document, all references to school counselors, whether stated explicitly or not, refer to
accomplished school counselors.
Parents is used in this document to refer to the primary caregivers and guardians of children.
School Counseling Standards 20SCHOOL COUNSELING PROGRAM
The school counseling curriculum can be delivered in stand-alone lessons or
integrated throughout the school curriculum. School counselors develop units
with sequential lessons to achieve goals. Often, school counselors will team with
classroom teachers on delivering lessons or will consult with teachers on how to
integrate the school counseling curriculum into the teacher’s subject-specific plans.
For instance, a school counselor could address character education or career
planning in conjunction with a teacher’s literature lesson. School counselors also
possess a broad repertoire of strategies to engage students in active learning. They
may use simulations, games, structured activities, manipulatives, support groups,
guest speakers, or discovery learning.
Individual Planning
Through effective assessment, advisement, placement, and follow-up,
accomplished school counselors help students and their families develop and
maintain a clearly identified but flexible direction while enrolled in that school. They
systematically monitor students’ academic progress, present career development
information, and provide counseling or references for personal/social development.
School counselors encourage high aspirations and challenging coursework
in conferencing with student and parents. They also may facilitate student-led
conferences where students share academic portfolios with their parents as they
explore goals together. When a student is not demonstrating satisfactory growth in
an academic program, the school counselor collaborates with teachers, parents,
and students to design an academic program that more closely matches the
student’s goals and aspirations and allows the student to experience success.
School counselors help the students and their parents decide on proper placement
and reasons for the lack of growth. If the issue is related to motivation, the school
counselor works with the student and teachers to develop a plan to improve
academic progress. As systemic thinkers, school counselors are comfortable with
district, school, class, and individual records of progress and the future importance
of these records to students. School counselors are able to interpret these records to
inform all stakeholders of the progress of every student.
Responsive Services
The education community calls upon school counselors during times of personal,
interpersonal, or schoolwide duress. Accomplished school counselors respond
quickly, calmly, and effectively to issues such as child abuse and neglect, grief and
loss, suicide, violence, teasing, bullying, sexual harassment, and conflict. Skilled in
teamwork, they are adept at forming, facilitating, and managing multidisciplinary
approaches to problem solving on behalf of individual students, small groups, or the
entire school. School counselors demonstrate effective individual and small-group
counseling skills, and they form various student counseling groups that address the
needs of the school. Accomplished school counselors consult with staff and other
professionals and make appropriate referrals. When appropriate, they refer students
with problems such as depression, eating disorders, and substance abuse to other
School Counseling Standards 21SCHOOL COUNSELING PROGRAM
appropriate professionals, or they collaborate with others to apply widely used
interventions for these students.
Accomplished school counselors notice when individual teachers need support.
Because school counselors are often the first to be aware of members of the school
community who may be struggling, they are well positioned to serve as mentors,
consultants, and referral agents. Teachers new to the profession or new to the school,
as well as more experienced teachers, can benefit from a skilled school counselor
who can help them cope with such issues as job stress and challenging student
behavior. School counselors model stress management and demonstrate effective
approaches for managing disruptive classroom behavior. They advise teachers on
how and when to refer students for academic support and on ways to interact with
System Support
Accomplished school counselors are in the unique position of viewing the entire
school community and the entire academic, career, and personal/social development
of students. They serve as a liaison among all of the stakeholders and the student
in order to ensure successful student development. School counselors recognize
that individual student success depends on cooperation and collaboration among
all stakeholders. They facilitate communication among teaching staff, administration,
families, student services personnel, agencies, businesses, and other members of
the community for the benefit of all students.
As advocates for individual students, school improvement efforts, and the school
counseling profession as a whole, accomplished school counselors provide visible
school leadership and confront relevant, high-impact issues while they promote
the wellbeing of every student. They help design, plan, implement, and assess
schoolwide initiatives, such as academic improvement or anti-bullying programs. As
specialists in human development, they are integral parts of school improvement
teams that focus on the education of students. (See Standard III—Human Growth
and Development.) They share responsibility with teachers and administrators for
helping students meet academic standards and school goals.
Management of the Program
Accomplished school counselors are flexible thinkers who are willing to make
adjustments to their program when presented with sound documentation to support
new methods. They are innovative and balanced thinkers who combine their
management skills, professional knowledge, and outstanding interpersonal skills to
deliver a program that meets the missions and goals of the students, the program,
and the school. Their belief in the value and potential success of all students as well
as their own problem-solving skills and visionary perspective enable accomplished
school counselors to act as advocates to maintain a student-focused program.
School Counseling Standards 22SCHOOL COUNSELING PROGRAM
Management Agreements
When planning the school counseling program, school counselors work
collaboratively with colleagues, including teachers and administrators, to establish
clear agreements of responsibility. Accomplished school counselors are systems
thinkers who intentionally use data, plans, and schedules to guide decision making.
They share this information with administrators to reach a consensus on the
organization and responsibilities of the school counseling department.
Action Plans
Accomplished school counselors use their strong organizational skills and
available data to develop an action plan that addresses student competencies and
matches these competencies appropriately to activities, materials, and curricula.
Accomplished school counselors use these action plans to help students acquire,
develop and demonstrate competencies within the three domains of academic,
career, and personal/social development.
Use of Data
School counselors collect and evaluate process and outcome data using
appropriate evaluative instruments; compare results with expectations; document
short-, intermediate-, and long-range impacts of the school counseling program;
and adjust the program accordingly. They show that each activity implemented as
part of the school counseling program was developed from a careful analysis of
student needs. For example, a school counselor who has collected data showing
that 20 percent of students in the school have failed mathematics would use the
data to create a conversation on the need for a plan to increase student academic
success in mathematics. The educational team, of which the school counselor
is a part, would determine what student competencies are required for success;
develop a plan; determine where those competencies are being taught in the school
curriculum, where additions need to be made, and how best to incorporate those
competencies into the school day; arrange appropriate follow-up to evaluate the plan
and make necessary changes; and use these data as part of an ongoing evaluation
of the school counseling program.
Use of Time
Accomplished school counselors continually evaluate time allocations for the
delivery of the school counseling program. They understand the necessity for program
balance and maintain a balance among delivery system, management system, and
accountability while understanding that student achievement is their main priority.
They customize time allocations for their program based on sound evidence of
student and community needs, and they do so in the spirit of contributing to the
overall school mission. They recognize that the components of a school counseling
program are not independent, but interdependent, which complicates accurate time-
utilization studies. For example, is counseling a depressed student part of responsive
services, or could the session be related to motivational issues that support a
School Counseling Standards 23SCHOOL COUNSELING PROGRAM
student’s individual plan for meeting school and career goals? Accomplished school
counselors deal with such ambiguities and maintain their commitment to students.
Accomplished school counselors are able to view the entire school and school
year with an eye to the importance of clear schedules and timing. They work with
the school administrator to create a shared vision that ensures that the program’s
goals are obtained. They develop and maintain a master calendar that ensures that
students, parents, teachers, and administrators know what is scheduled in order
to optimize participation and planning. For example, the accomplished school
counselor establishes a schedule for schoolwide counseling activities and provides
that information to all involved parties.
Advisory Councils
Accomplished school counselors recognize the importance of involving all
stakeholders as they consistently review their program in relation to best practices
and align it with federal, state, and district requirements. They seek the input of others
to review their program’s goals and results. As a formal structure they may establish
an advisory council that consists of students, parents, teachers, administrators, and
colleagues who periodically review the program goals, competencies, and results and
make recommendations to the school counseling department, principals, and others.
Composition of the advisory council should reflect the diversity of the community
and should include representative stakeholders of the school counseling program.
(See Standard VII—Collaboration with Family and Community and Standard X—
Leadership, Advocacy, and Professional Identity.)
Accountability of the Program
Accomplished school counselors accept accountability for the school counseling
program and utilize data to report the effectiveness of the program to all stakeholders.
They know that they must collect data both before and after the school counseling
activity in order to answer the key questions that underlie all of their choices—How
were students changed? How was the school affected?
Accomplished school counselors collect, analyze, and evaluate data that link the
school counseling program to students’ achievements and academic successes.
They use data to show what activities enabled them to achieve their planned goals
and what activities need to be adjusted. They develop reports that include short-
term, intermediate, and long-term results that become baseline data for continuous
program improvement.
This accountability for the program includes evaluations of school counselors
that reflect the unique training and responsibilities of their profession. Such areas
as professionalism, program implementation, and program evaluation appear in the
tools used to examine basic standards of practice expected from a school counselor.
School Counseling Standards 24SCHOOL COUNSELING PROGRAM
The accomplished school counselor uses these tools for self-evaluation and to create
a professional development plan. (See Standard XI—Reflective Practice.)
The accomplished school counselor completes a yearly program audit for the
purpose of collecting information to guide future actions of the program and to
improve future results for students. Program results are shared with all stakeholders in
order to promote collaboration that advocates for continuous and seamless student
and program growth. (See Standard IX—Student Assessment.)
Accomplished school counselors recognize multiple opportunities to apply
foundational knowledge and finely honed counseling skills in the delivery of the
school counseling program. They are systems managers who use their excellent
communication, relational, and group-process skills to address significant issues
facing students, teachers, administrators, and parents. They believe in the importance
of accountability in providing a school counseling program that provides for the
success of every student. Through the interrelationship of all of these elements of the
school counseling program, accomplished school counselors advocate for schools
and students.
School Counseling Standards 25
Standard II
School Counseling and
Accomplished school counselors apply deep and broad
understanding of academic, career, and personal/social student
Accomplished school counselors possess a thorough knowledge of the academic,
career, and personal/social competencies that students at all developmental levels
need for lifelong success. The academic competencies on which school counselors
focus relate to the strategies that help support and maximize student learning; the
career development competencies provide an important foundation for transitions
from school to work and adult life; and the personal/social competencies help foster
academic and career success.
School counselors address the competencies in the academic, career, and
personal/social domains—which are interrelated, mutually supportive, and the
foundation of a school counseling program—throughout their school counseling
activities. Research shows a strong link between achievement of these competencies
and student success in school and throughout life. School counselors encourage
students’ hopes and optimism that they can be successful within the domains at their
developmental level, and school counselors continually seek to involve parents in their
child’s school experiences to help students reach their goals. (See StandardVII—
Collaboration with Family and Community.)
Academic Competencies
Accomplished school counselors use effective academic counseling to encourage
every student to succeed. Knowledge of students’ strengths, areas for growth,
abilities, aptitudes, interests, and motivations enables school counselors to promote
the highest academic standards. School counselors implement counseling strategies
and activities that support and maximize student learning and achievement. They
do so in many settings: in classrooms, in their offices, and anywhere that they are
working with students in the school.
These definitions of academic, career, and personal/social competencies are from American
School Counselor Association, National Standards for School Counseling Programs (Alexandria,
Va.: Author, 1997), 1.
School Counseling Standards 26
With a thorough knowledge of the schoolwide academic program, school
counselors encourage students and their parents to make appropriate academic
decisions that lead to success in school and beyond. Accomplished school
counselors use their knowledge of human growth and development and counseling
to work in partnership with the faculty to assure the appropriateness of academic
work in fair, equitable, and diverse learning situations. They are integral members of
the instructional team and join with teachers in accomplishing the school’s mission.
School counselors may also build relationships with post-secondary institutions to
provide students with current entrance requirements and scholarship information,
and with local employers to help students learn about employers’ academic
expectations of high school graduates who wish to enter the work force. They may
provide for continuity of skills development by building relationships with before- and
after-school care programs.
To enrich the entire curriculum and encourage independent lifelong learning,
accomplished school counselors actively teach the awareness, development, and
application of skills needed in all areas of academic study, and they are adept at
integrating such skills into the schoolwide curriculum. For example, the school
counselor might work with a mathematics teacher to combine a lesson on lapsed
time with lessons on time management and organization. Or, they may show students
how to form study groups to enhance the learning of all participants and then monitor
students as they practice their skills.
Accomplished school counselors work with students, teachers, and parents to
make academic plans. They facilitate communication among students, parents, and
staff to set goals, monitor the success of the plan, and make appropriate changes.
Furthermore, school counselors help students and their parents make academic
transitions from elementary school to middle school to high school, and then to post-
secondary education or to work.
Career Competencies
Accomplished school counselors are dedicated to their role in the career
development process of students. Through effective career counseling, school
counselors use student knowledge, skills, interests, and motivations to encourage
all students to explore school-to-future opportunities throughout their preK–12
experiences. School counselors continually help students expand their awareness of
careers and of the skills needed to achieve tentative career choices. From the earliest
age of students, school counselors introduce the concept of careers and career
pathways and expose students to an array of career possibilities. School counselors
help students understand the relationship between consistent effort in school and
career success. They acquaint students with role models from diverse gender,
ethnic, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds. School counselors recognize
the benefits of forming partnerships with business and industry, and they serve as
liaisons between the school and students’ future employers.
School Counseling Standards 27
School counselors enhance student awareness of careers by using such
resources as age-appropriate career inventories, computerized career information
systems, career fairs, and job shadowing. They use research-based strategies and
activities that help students acquire relevant skills, self-knowledge, positive attitudes,
and specific career knowledge. They describe traditional and nontraditional careers
and show how these relate to career choice. Accomplished school counselors tailor
career instruction, assessment, and dissemination of accurate, up-to-date career
information to meet the needs of every student equitably, including those with special
needs associated with disabilities or other unique characteristics, or qualities related
to culture, gender, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, or language.
Accomplished school counselors facilitate student development of career plans.
These may take the form of career portfolios across grade levels—either print-based
or electronic—that document self-awareness and exploration activities as well as
planning and preparation for career choices, which may include post-secondary
education and training plans and means for financing postsecondary options. School
counselors understand the importance of updating these plans annually and of
involving parents in the process.
School counselors and teachers become partners on how to integrate career
development in content areas through counselor-led staff development. School
counselors team with teachers to contextualize lessons, thereby enhancing learning.
Personal/Social Competencies
Accomplished school counselors believe that developing the social and emotional
dimensions of students is as critical as career and academic development. They
observe, cultivate, and assess the social development of students, noting their comfort
level in the school environment, relationships with friends, respect accorded to peers
and faculty, sense of belonging, character, integrity, and concern for themselves and
others. School counselors offer encouragement and direction to improve interpersonal
communication skills and to enhance students’ self-respect and respect for others.
They encourage students to develop an awareness and appreciation of the needs,
views, and rights of others. They employ specific strategies that encourage respect
for individual differences related to skills, culture, gender, ethnicity, language diversity,
sexual orientation, physical or learning exceptionalities, and other factors. They often,
for example, design and direct activities that require students to work cooperatively
within a diverse group toward a common goal.
Accomplished school counselors are dedicated to preparing students to be
well-adjusted, productive members of society; therefore, they are dedicated to the
personal/social development of every student. They model what it means to be caring
and ethical by being open-minded and fair. They build appropriate relationships with
students and are aware of individual talents, aspirations, and concerns. Through
effective personal/social counseling, accomplished school counselors encourage all
students to achieve at their highest level. School counselors are aware that a strong
sense of self, awareness of one’s personal strengths and limitations, knowledge
School Counseling Standards 28
of how to interact effectively and respectfully with others, and a sense of personal
responsibility contribute directly to one’s academic and career success.
Accomplished school counselors use varied strategies to develop each student’s
awareness of personal talents, skills, abilities, preferences, and perspectives.
They understand that self-confidence comes from the development of skill and
competence. They encourage students to take appropriate risks and to measure
successes and setbacks appropriately. School counselors know that every student
needs to feel successful regardless of personal, home, family, and community
circumstances. They work collaboratively to recognize each student’s diligence and
high academic and career aspirations.
Accomplished school counselors create a variety of opportunities for students
to take action, assume responsibility, exercise leadership, and develop initiative. To
further students’ personal/social development, accomplished school counselors
encourage students to be actively involved in school activities, such as ambassador
programs, mentor programs, and student organizations. They encourage activities
that go beyond the school setting, such as canned food drives, service club
projects, and community musical presentations. Through such participation, school
counselors assist students in acquiring awareness of their roles as contributing
members ofsociety.
Basing decisions on data and identified competencies, accomplished school
counselors develop ways of instilling in students the character traits that are important
to their lives both in and out of school. In the school setting, school counselors are
expert in dispute resolution, stress management, creating and maintaining healthy
relationships, and resisting pressure to degrade one’s body through unhealthy choices.
They help students accept consequences for their actions. School counselors teach
problem solving and provide students with opportunities to practice making sound
judgments. Accomplished school counselors combine their knowledge of academic,
career, and personal/social competencies to provide students with the traits needed
for successful lives.
School Counseling Standards 29HUMAN GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT
Standard III
Human Growth and Development
Accomplished school counselors apply comprehensive, in-depth
knowledge of human growth and development to improve student
learning and well-being.
Accomplished school counselors use their extensive knowledge of human growth
and development to support student success in the academic, career, and personal/
social development domains. They apply developmentally appropriate counseling and
educational techniques, consult with other stakeholders to address developmental
needs, and examine and adapt programs to meet the needs of the individual learner.
Accomplished school counselors possess extensive knowledge of many theories
of human growth and development. They are familiar with theories in such areas as
cognitive, moral, and social development. They know different theories of personality
as well as theories about the formation of gender, cultural, racial, and ethnic identities.
School counselors also have a deep understanding of theories of social learning,
including resiliency, abnormal and normal behavior, and family systems.
Accomplished school counselors have a thorough understanding of developmental
stages through the life span. They understand the cognitive, social, emotional,
physical, and moral development and needs associated with such stages as early and
middle childhood, early adolescence, and adolescence and young adulthood. They
also have deep understanding of developmental stages and needs of adults, which
helps them to work with parents and other caregivers, as well as with colleagues and
the community, on behalf of students. For example, school counselors understand
the adolescent student’s need for autonomy as it affects school performance and
the parents’ needs to provide advice and protection. School counselors can assist
both students and parents in resolving issues of independence while maintaining
emotional support.
Accomplished school counselors use their broad knowledge of human growth
and development and of learning theories to work effectively with individual students.
They are aware of individual students’ preferred learning styles, personalities,
interests, and extracurricular activities. They are also cognizant of experiential
backgrounds that affect acquisition of knowledge, such as age, gender, cognitive
and motor development, multiple intelligences, culture, socioeconomic status,
language experiences, and exceptionalities. They combine their knowledge of
individual students with their background in human growth and development to use
appropriate counseling techniques and sound instructional approaches.
School Counseling Standards 30HUMAN GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT
Accomplished school counselors understand that developmental assets are the
internal and external building blocks for the healthy development of well-adjusted,
productive adults.
For example, they know the roles in students’ development
of family support, other adult relationships, service to others, creative activities,
school engagement, integrity, sense of purpose, positive view of personal future,
and interpersonal competence. They know that assets such as these help students
to be caring, responsible, and resilient individuals and to avoid high-risk behaviors,
such as alcohol and drug use, sexual activity, and violence. Accomplished school
counselors know strategies for helping students build developmental assets, and
they understand the importance of focusing on student strengths, fostering student
expression, and conveying optimism about the potential of every student. School
counselors also help other adults in their school community accept the role of
strengthening protective factors for students, and they facilitate planning to increase
the likelihood of every student becoming a well-adjusted individual.
Accomplished school counselors are knowledgeable about the developmental
needs of students with exceptionalities. They know about federal and state laws
related to students with exceptional needs, such as the Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act.
They know about the special needs of gifted and talented children.
They understand the support that is needed when acquiring English as a new
language. They know how to encourage learning for children who may be at risk
because of such factors as the environment in which they live, learning difficulties,
and poverty. They serve as advocates for children with special needs in all stages of
their development and work collaboratively with teachers and with school specialists,
such as school psychologists, social workers, and speech therapists. School
counselors are prepared to provide individual and group interventions to assist
students with particular needs, and they use the most effective strategies to meet the
varied learning needs of children.
Possessing a strong background in educational practice, accomplished school
counselors know an array of specific teaching and classroom-management techniques
that are relevant to the developmental level of every student. They implement
developmentally appropriate guidance lessons for students across developmental
levels. For example, when helping students new to a school with transitions, they
might offer a four-year-old an orientation at the school without a parent, help set
up a buddy system for a middle childhood student, establish a small support group
of new students for early adolescents, or provide a formal orientation program for
students at the adolescence and young adulthood level. School counselors also
employ appropriate strategies for specific student needs, such as proximity control,
seating arrangements, lighting, and grouping strategies.
In the school setting, school counselors are expert on theories, research, and
related information that affect student learning in school, community, and family
environments. School counselors provide curriculum design and instructional
Search Institute. “Developmental Assets: An Overview.” 2002. <
assets> (29 August 2002).
Public Law 105-17, 105th Cong., 1st session (4 June 1997).
School Counseling Standards 31HUMAN GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT
strategies that assist students to respond maturely to educational and social
expectations. School counselors know how to design specific interventions that
engage students in planned decision making, prioritizing, and problem solving.
Accomplished school counselors also offer guidance to parents and teachers in
devising developmentally appropriate expectations for student behavior and creating
behavior management plans.
In their consulting capacity with students, parents, administrators, and teachers,
accomplished school counselors use their knowledge of human growth and
development and of students to provide critical input on issues related to attendance,
behavior, and academic achievement. In addition, they identify resources that
support student achievement, such as study groups, mentoring, and test-taking
skills. As advocates for systemic change, school counselors critically review policies,
procedures, school improvement initiatives, materials, and strategies that support
the growth and developmental needs of every student.
School Counseling Standards 32
Standard IV
Counseling Theories
Accomplished school counselors demonstrate a comprehensive
understanding of established and emerging counseling theories.
They possess a thorough knowledge of techniques and processes
that form the foundation for effective school counseling with a
diverse population.
Accomplished school counselors use their extensive knowledge of the theories
and best practices that support their profession to develop a sound, consistent,
professional philosophy of counseling that guides their work with a diverse student
population. They articulate the philosophy and belief systems that direct their work
with individuals, small groups, full classes, the entire school, and the community.
Using this background, they critically examine emerging trends and approaches,
continually refine their skills, and consistently share their strong knowledge base with
the entire school community to ensure that the needs of every student are met by
both the school counseling program and other schoolwide programs. The foundation
of the school counseling profession contains knowledge and professional attitudes
that promote student development, learning, and achievement.
Accomplished school counselors know the history and philosophy of the major
theories in their field, such as humanistic principles, behaviorism, and cognitive-
based models. School counselors also know how theorists have modified and varied
the basic theories, and they know how to analyze and synthesize different theoretical
perspectives to form their own philosophy of counseling. For example, they know
that the evolution of brief counseling is derived from cognitive principles, and they are
able to articulate if, when, and why they would use brief counseling.
Accomplished school counselors maintain a strong knowledge of individual
counseling processes that assist students in setting and reaching goals, solving
problems, and maximizing abilities. They understand that their one-on-one
counseling with students must be efficient as well as effective. They are outcome-
oriented and understand that the counseling relationship must be developed and
conducted in a limited period of time. Accomplished school counselors approach
individual counseling from a strength-based orientation, seeking to reinforce what is
going well in students’ lives while helping students resolve their personal issues. They
know the theories behind and the procedures for such processes as active listening,
establishing rapport, and using reflective statements, and they integrate spoken and
School Counseling Standards 33
unspoken messages as they facilitate students’ self-exploration and problem solving.
Accomplished school counselors recognize that their role as student advocate is
critical, and they strive to balance the needs of the student with the needs of the
Knowledge of the principles of group counseling processes is also a vital part of the
repertoire of accomplished school counselors. They possess a deep understanding
of theoretical models of the group process, and they understand group member roles,
group behaviors, and stages in a group’s development. School counselors know
the theory and purpose of establishing group connections on various interactional
levels within the group, such as recognizing when to interact on an individual level,
when to encourage further dialogue between two group members, and when to
acknowledge whole-group behaviors. They understand the differences in group
dynamics for all developmental levels and for various topics. They also know how to
be a leader, facilitator, participant, and observer in group discussion and when each
is appropriate to their goals.
Whether working with individuals or groups, accomplished school counselors
know how to build and maintain strong relationships with students, parents, and
members of the faculty, staff, and administration. School counselors know and
possess highly developed communications skills, including clear, concise writing;
active, intentional listening; and excellent verbal and nonverbal skills that convey
warmth, respect, and genuineness. The accomplished school counselor knows the
importance of communicating effectively with students and parents whose primary
language is not English and of securing interpretation and translation services
as appropriate. They know how to nurture relationships while maintaining clear
boundaries in their professional relationships. They have a strong command of the
ethical codes of their profession. (See Standard X—Leadership, Advocacy, and
Professional Identity.) School counselors are trustworthy and demonstrate honesty,
dependability, and appropriate confidentiality. They know how and when to involve
other members of the student’s environment and to do so in a way that preserves the
counseling relationship.
Accomplished school counselors are expert in theories and policies related to
multicultural counseling and differences among diverse populations. For example,
a school counselor encountering conflicts among cultural groups in a school would
know appropriate mediation strategies for such conflicts. School counselors are widely
read on multicultural issues and share their knowledge with their colleagues. They
also possess self-knowledge of their personal values, beliefs, and prejudices about
multicultural and diversity issues and how they affect the counseling relationship.
In addition to these counseling processes, accomplished school counselors have
deep understanding of issues that allow them to provide assistance and resources
within the context of a school counseling program. For example, they understand
the stages of grief and how to make appropriate interventions based on these
stages. They understand the emotions and experiences commonly associated
with divorce, as well as types of coping skills to recommend to students. They
School Counseling Standards 34
understand strategies for anger management and conflict resolution. Similarly, they
understand the effect on students and families of transitions, such as those from
grade level to grade level, school to school, family to family, or city to city, and they
are knowledgeable about theories and practices for helping students work through
such changes. Accomplished school counselors possess knowledge of strategies
appropriate to particular conflicts or issues, such as play techniques, art techniques,
journal writing, and character education strategies, and they know how to tailor
interventions to students of particular developmental levels.
Accomplished school counselors understand the relationship between motivation
and behavior and know how to articulate theories of motivation and change to
stakeholders. They understand basic human needs and how individuals attempt to
fulfill them, sometimes productively, sometimes ineffectively or dangerously. They
are able to identify student motivation issues, and they know techniques that help
students increase their motivation. School counselors collaborate with the educational
community to ensure that the school’s practices, expectations, and climate engage
learners in meaningful ways. They help students understand the relationship among
motivation, effort, and achievement at school.
Though they are not therapists, accomplished school counselors know the
literature concerning the identification of and intervention strategies for common
disorders that affect the school population. For example, they have studied the
characteristics, causes, and treatment for such disorders as bulimia, social anxiety,
depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and chronic alcohol syndrome,
and they can articulate that information to all concerned parties. They are sensitive
to indications of impending violence or suicidal behavior. School counselors provide
information that assists the learning community in coping with these disorders and
Accomplished school counselors are familiar with national, state, and local
standards for counseling in general and school counseling in particular. They stay
current in their knowledge of the school counseling field, and they understand how to
implement standards-based school counseling in their daily practice to help students
learn, achieve, and grow.
School Counseling Standards 35EQUITY, FAIRNESS, AND DIVERSITY
Standard V
Equity, Fairness, and Diversity
Accomplished school counselors model and promote behavior
appropriate in a diverse and global society by showing respect
for and valuing all members of the community. They demonstrate
fairness, equity, and sensitivity to every student, and they advocate
for equitable access to instructional programs and activities.
Accomplished school counselors dedicate themselves to helping others in the
learning community to understand and meet the needs of heterogeneous populations
as society becomes more culturally diverse, as gender-based stereotypes dissipate,
and as the philosophy of inclusion becomes the norm. They promote equitable
access to programs and activities for every student, plan and deliver interventions
that will result in schoolwide appreciation for a culturally diverse world, and have high
expectations that students will treat one another fairly and with dignity.
Promoting Diversity
Accomplished school counselors know that each student in the school is a
unique person whose individual or family background includes a tremendous
wealth and variety of human experiences. They view the many forms of diversity
manifest in students—such as language background, race, culture, ethnicity,
gender, socioeconomic status, religious affiliation, family configuration, physical or
psychological exceptionalities, sexual orientation, and literacy experiences—as
opportunities for creating a rich, schoolwide academic environment; meaningful
career education programs; and successful personal/social interactions. They assist
in the development of cultural awareness and promote respect for each student’s
Through continued research, reading, and experience, accomplished school
counselors have expertise in all aspects of diversity. They possess a thorough
knowledge of the stages of racial, cultural, and gender identity and the current
literature on the personal and educational issues concerned with various types
of exceptionalities. To serve as models for the rest of the educational community,
school counselors realize that they must first address their own biases and recognize
Here, worldview is defined as an individual’s perception of the world based on his or her
experiences as well as the socialization processes of the person in interaction with members of his
or her reference group (i.e., culture, country). This definition is from Gladding, S., The Counseling
Dictionary: Concise Definitions of Frequently Used Terms (Upper Saddle, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2001),
School Counseling Standards 36EQUITY, FAIRNESS, AND DIVERSITY
the importance of expanding their own understanding to accommodate the views
of others. For example, because school counselors often work with families with
varying configurations, they examine their biases about family composition; recognize
the unique characteristics, parenting styles, and challenges associated with various
configurations; and are inclusive in their language and actions so that all students feel
that their family composition is recognized.
Accomplished school counselors know how culture affects the way students learn,
that children of different cultures may come to school with prior learning experiences
that distinguish them from their peers, and that student behavior often results from
cultural experiences. For example, because some cultures hold school personnel in
such high regard, students raised in those cultures might consider school counselors
unapproachable; others might think it disrespectful to make eye contact with adults.
Some students may come from cultures that reward individual rather than group
achievement; others come from cultures that emphasize group achievement. When
school cultural norms differ from those at home, school counselors know that
students can feel alienated or isolated and can become confused, anxious, or afraid.
School counselors help these students understand the dual roles in which they
sometimes find themselves and recognize that they may need to behave differently
at school than at home.
Accomplished school counselors are knowledgeable about appropriate
counseling strategies for diverse populations, and they adjust their counseling styles
and techniques to effectively respond to the needs of students whose worldviews
and cultural experiences differ from those of the dominant culture. They recognize
that students with different characteristics and backgrounds may require different
types of counseling interventions. Accomplished school counselors use counseling
approaches that honor the traditions of students and families. They know how to
avoid behaviors that are incompatible with the worldview of a particular student,
such as valuing the individual without considering the family.
School counselors believe that students are entitled to be proud of their cultural
heritage and personal identities. They know that stereotypical thinking and prejudicial
behavior result, in part, from a lack of awareness and appreciation of individual
differences and commonalities. Therefore, school counselors help to educate the
school community about the diversity and commonalities within the school to ensure
that those diverse and common elements become integral parts of academic, career,
and personal/social development. School counselors also introduce students to
aspects of diversity with which students may be unfamiliar. They may use prevention
and intervention strategies to reduce or eliminate hostility and intolerance and to
increase civility. For example, they may establish multicultural clubs, age-appropriate
prejudice-reduction groups, and celebrations of cultural events.
Accomplished school counselors select and recommend research-based
instructional materials and experiences that promote positive images of people of
varying races, genders, religions, cultures, and physical and mental abilities. For
example, they select and promote counseling and teaching materials that positively
School Counseling Standards 37EQUITY, FAIRNESS, AND DIVERSITY
depict children and adults with exceptionalities and that avoid using gender-specific
terms and racially stereotypical language. Accomplished school counselors also
advocate for the use of testing and assessment tools that are free of racial, cultural,
and gender bias. (See Standard IX—Student Assessment.)
Promoting Fairness and Equity
Accomplished school counselors are committed to understanding and applying
principles of equity and fairness. By showing respect for and valuing all members of
their communities, school counselors model and promote the attitudes and behaviors
necessary for successful living in a diverse society. They hold all students to high
and challenging standards, and they seek equitable access to meaningful learning
opportunities for all students.
Accomplished school counselors model welcoming, respectful behavior and
are eager to work with every student. They understand the many ways in which
students distinguish themselves from their peers and they respond appropriately with
strategies that not only advance individual student learning but also help to improve
understanding among all members of the learning community. They understand that
some students may harbor beliefs that differ from the attitudes school counselors
wish to develop, such as a belief in racial or gender superiority. They model fairness
by openly challenging stereotypical attitudes when they are encountered. They
respond directly to such challenges, emphasizing the importance of equity, fairness,
and respect.
Accomplished school counselors work with other members of the school
community to ensure a clear understanding of each student’s specific needs.
Recognizing that treating all students exactly alike is not always the most equitable
approach, school counselors regularly confront a host of ethical dilemmas regarding
the allocation of their time and other resources, and they recognize their obligation to
foster growth in every student. The accomplished school counselor strives to ensure
that, regardless of an individual’s background, all students are treated with fairness
and respect and have access to high-quality programs that allow them to grow as
individuals and as students.
Accomplished school counselors understand and comply with legislation relevant
to fairness and equity, including federal requirements and state and local policies.
When appropriate for the developmental level, they also help students understand
policies and legislation that are related to fairness and equity. For example, they may
examine sexual harassment law through role play of social or business situations to
clarify what constitutes prohibited behavior.
School counselors are aware of the differing developmental levels of interaction
in schools. They recognize the unique needs of the very young child who is just
beginning to interact with peers, the student in middle childhood who is developing
a sense of belonging in a group, and the early adolescent who is yearning to be
independent. They understand that adolescents and young adults are keenly aware
School Counseling Standards 38EQUITY, FAIRNESS, AND DIVERSITY
of attributes such as gender, ethnicity, physical development, sexual orientation,
religious affiliation, home language, or special needs that identify them as the same
as or different from their peers. (See Standard III—Human Growth and Development.)
Accomplished school counselors are well versed in the needs of students with
exceptionalities, serving as advocates for those with special gifts and talents as well
as those with particular cognitive, social, emotional, linguistic, or physical needs.
School counselors face the further challenge of knowing that many students, by the
very nature of their exceptionalities, are often viewed as outsiders and are therefore
excluded from opportunities, and they work to correct these inequities. They do this
by using the inclusion of students with exceptionalities as a learning experience for
other students and by helping to involve students with exceptionalities in and beyond
the academic setting.
Accomplished school counselors are instrumental in supporting and promoting
programs that facilitate the transition of students for whom English is a new language
toward mastery of Standard English and toward continuing progress in their
school subjects. They advocate against children being labeled as developmentally
handicapped or learning disabled on the basis of their inability to reach academic
levels or to perform well on standardized tests because of language skills not yet
developed. They also work with school staff to provide interpreters and translators
for parents to facilitate communication.
School counselors are leaders in equity and fairness, and they take a proactive
role in the school community on these issues. They advocate for the curtailment
and elimination of school policies and practices that do not provide equity and
fairness for all students. For example, in response to collected data, they may act
as child advocates to prevent the disproportionate placement of minorities in special
education programs, and to make advanced classes available to students from all
groups. They may work to influence school district policy to ensure access and equity
in the hiring, assignment, and promotion of all staff. They may provide in-service
training for the teaching staff to help them better understand how to identify the
real cause of a problem, such as the cultural dimensions of certain behaviors, and
inform the staff of individuals in the community who can mitigate potential problems
and conflicts. They may develop programs to address the concerns of gay, lesbian,
bisexual, and transgender students and their families. They may join with others to
design reasonable and effective intervention and prevention strategies to close the
achievement gaps among the school population, such as establishing after-school
sessions on test-taking and study skills, developing programs to encourage parental
advocacy, or building mentoring programs that provide positive role models who
emphasize high academic standards and positive personal conduct.
Accomplished school counselors believe that every student deserves the respect
of high expectations. They use data to challenge assumptions of academic ability that
are based on stereotypes of students’, parents’, and staff members’ cultural, racial,
ethnic, or economic background. While statistics may suggest that certain patterns
of student performance are true, school counselors understand that generalizations
School Counseling Standards 39EQUITY, FAIRNESS, AND DIVERSITY
based on these traits are detrimental to the success of students. Therefore, they are
passionate in their efforts to advocate for and ensure equitable and fair access to
opportunities for each student to succeed.
School Counseling Standards 40SCHOOL CLIMATE
Standard VI
School Climate
Accomplished school counselors work to establish and foster an
emotionally, socially, and physically safe learning environment for
students, staff, and families.
Accomplished school counselors view themselves as facilitators in the
establishment and maintenance of a productive learning environment that results from
the careful blending of attention to the needs of individual students and the goals of
the entire school community. They take an active role in creating and supporting the
mission and vision of the school. Their organizational and facilitation skills, along with
a deep understanding of their school, equip school counselors to take leadership
roles in school improvement efforts. By advocating and modeling respect for others,
accomplished school counselors can make a positive impact on school climate.
Accomplished school counselors are familiar with the research that identifies
the importance of a positive school climate and the theories, models, and systems
for improving school climate, such as developmental assets, conflict management,
motivational theories, and invitational learning. They utilize local, state, regional,
national, and international resources for enhancing school climate.
School counselors understand the foundational role of school climate on student
learning. They also recognize that perceptions and self-concept are not constructed
in isolation but occur within the context of school climate issues. They know that
school climate can be affected by societal occurrences, such as local, state, national,
or global incidents.
Accomplished school counselors are knowledgeable about school climate
evaluation instruments. They ensure that such assessments are fair, valid, reliable,
and culturally appropriate. When collecting and using data, they are mindful of the
purpose for which the data are being used, whether related to attendance, grades,
attitude, achievement, or program delivery, and focus their efforts accordingly. School
counselors use these data to ensure that interventions meet the desired goals. These
data also provide opportunities to engage in action research. (See Standard I—
School Counseling Program.)
School Counseling Standards 41SCHOOL CLIMATE
Approaches to School Climate: Working with Students
Accomplished school counselors know the impact of mutual respect on student
learning and staff morale, and they work to promote positive interpersonal relationships
through modeling and direct instruction. They know the elements of group dynamics
and the corresponding processes for facilitating growth. School counselors empower
students to take responsibility for their personal and social interactions through anger
management, peer mediation, and peer tutoring. They may facilitate schoolwide
programs, such as partnering with a retirement home or collecting items for a
homeless shelter or food bank, that extend the inviting atmosphere of the school.
They encourage students to become involved in altruistic activities because they
know that participation in such activities increases positive self-concept in students.
They also facilitate students’ development and implementation of systemwide
programs to promote morale, such as spirit weeks or cultural diversity weeks.
Accomplished school counselors know appropriate prevention (proactive) and
intervention (reactive) strategies for the school community. They provide effective,
nonbiased, small- and large-group instruction in assertiveness training in areas such
as sexual harassment, conflict resolution, and personal safety. They work directly with
students who seem disenfranchised or alienated from the school. School counselors
also recognize, identify, and provide prevention and intervention techniques to
respond to hate language, bullying, harassment, intimidation, and gang and clique
activity. They may implement peer programs that encourage students to know each
other as individuals, thereby forging a bond that precludes misunderstanding. For
example, a school counselor who observes the bullying of students with disabilities
could arrange for the “bullies” to pair with the students with disabilities on a field trip
so they get to know each other; after the trip, both groups would reflect on and write
about their experiences. School counselors teach students to reach out to peers
who are troubled and assist them in obtaining help.
Approaches to School Climate: Working with the Entire School
Accomplished school counselors collaborate with all stakeholders to ensure that
the physical and emotional environment of the school is safe and inviting. They initiate
conversations with staff to promote and maintain a positive school climate.
School counselors know that a hostile learning environment jeopardizes student
achievement and undermines instruction and staff morale. As knowledgeable and
skilled facilitators and educators, accomplished school counselors are proactive
in the development of a safe learning environment. They work with students, staff,
administration, and the community to develop and implement school safety initiatives
and prevent school violence. They are involved in the creation and delivery of the
school and district crisis-management plans. They influence policies and conditions
both in the classroom and throughout the school that create an environment that
is inviting to everyone. They also promote and publicize activities related to the
improvement of school climate to staff, parents, and the community.
School Counseling Standards 42SCHOOL CLIMATE
Accomplished school counselors conduct effective in-service activities. They
present to staff members the new communication styles and skills that students
have been taught, such as how to talk out conflicts. They also present schoolwide
workshops to the staff on such topics as drug and alcohol abuse prevention, civility,
character education, and teachers’ development of inviting learning environments.
Accomplished school counselors, working with students and the entire school
community, facilitate the establishment of a school climate that contributes to
educational achievement for every student. They combine their knowledge of people,
theories, data, and leadership to advocate for an emotionally, socially, and physically
safe learning environment.
Standard VII
Collaboration with Family
Accomplished school counselors work collaboratively with families
and community members to achieve common goals for the
education of students, improvement of schools, and advancement
of the larger community. They are knowledgeable of the community
and community resources, and they utilize available resources to
make appropriate referrals based on the needs of students.
In their role as liaisons connecting the student’s school life to the life at home
and in the community, accomplished school counselors work extensively with the
entire school community, including families, agencies, businesses, and industries.
School counselors maintain contacts with a variety of community resources through
collaboration with and referrals to and from the school community. By joining forces
with people vitally concerned with education, school counselors provide for the
academic, career, and personal/social development of students.
Collaboration with Families
Accomplished school counselors know that families are among the strongest
allies in the development of students. Involvement with families helps school
counselors learn about students’ backgrounds as well as parental expectations
and aspirations. School counselors encourage families to become a part of school
life by including them in discussions and plans for students’ academic, career, and
personal/social development. They effectively communicate with families about
students’ accomplishments, successes, and needs for improvement, including
plans for attaining higher goals. School counselors help students and families make
academic and career plans by acquiring and sharing knowledge about institutions of
higher learning, vocational/training programs, and occupational outlooks.
Accomplished school counselors know that relationships between the school
and families need to be congenial and productive. To achieve this goal, they facilitate
communication between parents and school staff. School counselors seek common
ground and attempt to build understandings that will serve the best interests of the
student and the school. They also work to educate parents on key issues that affect
student learning. For example, school counselors may conduct discussions with
parent groups on such topics as student developmental stages, discipline strategies,
communication skills between parent and child and between parents and the school,
and the influence of technology in assisting the academic success of students. (See
Standard VIII—Informational Resources and Technology.)
Collaboration with the Community
Accomplished school counselors have excellent knowledge of the resources
available to students in the community, and they use their interpersonal skills and their
ability to work within a system to coordinate and integrate community resources with
the school program. When needs arise, school counselors can refer students and
their families to community and governmental entities, such as health care providers,
child protection agencies, extended day programs, service organizations, tutoring
programs, shelters, and public library services. They work collaboratively with colleges
and universities to nurture students’ academic development through programs such
as summer institutes. They have contacts with a variety of community members who
can assist students of all ages in obtaining knowledge about volunteer programs and
the world of work. They know how the work of legislative policymakers affects the
schools, and they are willing to step into policymaking positions in order to participate
in educational reforms that will benefit all children. School counselors are able and
willing to use their strong communication skills and knowledge of students and the
educational process to serve as consultants and resources to educate the public on
school issues. They are able to coordinate and collaborate with various community
programs for the timely delivery of services to students, families, and schools.
Accomplished school counselors use advisory councils to maintain family and
community relations as well as to obtain input regarding the delivery and management
of the school counseling program. They recognize that the functions of the advisory
council may vary depending on the size of the school counseling program, the length
of time the program has been in existence, needs of the community, and other
factors. Accomplished school counselors provide the data and analysis needed
for advisory council members to provide support, input, and recommendations for
program development and improvements.
Accomplished school counselors recognize that the school is only one of several
service providers that can affect a student’s life. School counselors may serve on
multi-agency teams aimed at protecting children or promoting children’s well-being.
In the role of liaison to other service providers, the school counselor contributes to
strengthening the community while creating a nurturing environment for students.
Standard VIII
Accomplished school counselors are skilled in the selection and use
of informational resources and technology and use them to facilitate
the delivery of a comprehensive school counseling program that
meets student needs.
Accomplished school counselors understand that appropriate and high-quality
informational and technological resources are vital to high-quality education. Lifelong
learners themselves, they combine a thorough knowledge of traditional resources
with informed awareness of the newest resources in their field. Accomplished school
counselors are adept at determining the effectiveness and appropriateness of varied
resources for their student population.
Accomplished school counselors are proficient at selecting academically sound
materials that have true educational merit and that meet their curriculum goals.
They conscientiously collect resources that will enable them to improve student
learning, including print and nonprint resources, Web-based materials, and emerging
technologies. Accomplished school counselors review new materials to determine
how to incorporate them effectively into their program. They select and develop
resources that can be used to address a range of educational objectives in the
academic, career, and personal/social domains. They evaluate materials for quality
and suitability, and are sensitive to their use by students with differing learning styles,
multiple intelligences, exceptional needs, special talents, and various language
backgrounds. They also select resources that are diverse in form, style, theme,
gender, cultural content, and level of difficulty.
Viewing colleagues and the community as important resources with whom they
can collaborate and enrich learning experiences, accomplished school counselors
willingly share resources and encourage others to do so. They model for students the
importance of collegiality in obtaining resources. Within their schools and districts,
they work cooperatively with library media specialists and technology coordinators.
They also identify community resources by collaborating with colleges, universities,
government bodies, and other institutions to promote student learning in the areas of
academic, career, and personal/social development.
Accomplished school counselors use their broad knowledge of resources to
integrate learning for all students. They actively contribute ideas about resources
to multidisciplinary teams that seek curriculum integration to help students become
successful academically, vocationally, and personally. Accomplished school
counselors also identify academic content standards that relate to interpersonal skills
and provide resources to teachers to support student skill development.
Accomplished school counselors recognize the increasing importance of
technology as a tool for working with students. For example, to enhance student
career-development activities, they may help students use computerized career
courses, inventories, and other pertinent resources. They use software and
technological resources to assist in many student interventions, including educational
and training opportunities, employment opportunities, scholarships and financial
assistance, and personal/social information. School counselors understand the
opportunities technology provides to encourage a global perspective among
students within the realm of academic, career, and personal/social learning. For
example, a school counselor interested in increasing awareness among students of
universality of adolescent behavior in a global context might establish a videocam
exchange with students in Singapore to discuss adolescence in different cultures.
School counselors are aware of and familiar with assistive technologies that increase
success for students with exceptional needs. They may, for example, advocate for a
voice simulator for a student who is without speech or help students gain access to
updated tools for visual enhancement.
In addition to using technology to support their work with students, accomplished
school counselors recognize the increasing value of technology in working with
their own program and with parents and the community. School counselors
view informational management and organization strategies as necessary tools
for accessing resources and monitoring student success. They recognize the
timesaving capabilities of managing student data electronically and seek out
emerging innovations that allow reallocation of their time for direct student contact.
For example, they may use graduation-credit worksheets and four-year planners to
track the academic development of each student. Through technology—such as
e-mail, voicemail, and Internet sites—school counselors in isolated locations can
make and maintain connections with professional organizations, colleagues, and
other stakeholders. They may share parenting-skills sites or update counseling
resources with other stakeholders. They have a thorough knowledge of the legal and
ethical codes that relate to the use of school counseling services via the Internet,
and they clearly communicate these codes to others. (See Standard X—Leadership,
Advocacy, and Professional Identity.)
In situations in which funds are limited, particularly in terms of technology,
accomplished school counselors are models of resourcefulness. While proactively
working to rectify inequities in resources within the school, school counselors
distinguish themselves by locating external resources. They might write grant
proposals, ask for donations, seek sponsorships from businesses, or access other
resources in the community. (See Standard VII—Collaboration with Family and
Community.) School counselors recognize and utilize informational resources and
technological tools that are goal oriented and student focused. Their ability to use
available resources—however limited or extensive—to promote effective learning
while advocating for equitable attainment of resources is what distinguishes them as
accomplished in their use of resources.
School Counseling Standards 48STUDENT ASSESSMENT
Standard IX
Student Assessment
Accomplished school counselors understand the principles and
purposes of assessment, and the collection and use of data. They
regularly monitor student progress and communicate the purpose,
design, and results of assessments to various audiences.
Accomplished school counselors understand the design and purpose of
varied assessments and they are adept at explaining the purposes and designs of
assessments to students, parents, staff, and the community. They are proactive in
their mission to use assessment results to facilitate student planning for academic
growth, and they support the school’s appropriate use of assessments, assessment
information, and improvement tools stressing that any assessment only measures
a portion of a student’s abilities. They use test data to determine which strategies
would be the most effective to address identified needs, questions, or issues. School
counselors ethically report individual and group assessment results to appropriate
audiences. (See Standard X—Leadership, Advocacy, and Professional Identity.)
Accomplished school counselors know how to select assessments for individual
and group use. They recognize the relevancy, limitations, and impact of various
assessments on the academic, career, and personal/social development of students.
They interpret individual test data, such as grades, achievement test scores, language
development measures, teacher and parent questionnaires, and student interviews,
in order to advise each student on a set of clear goals for student improvement or
School counselors take a leadership role, with others in the school community,
in promoting the proper environment for high-stakes, large-scale assessments. They
work to assure that services to students are not diminished by the coordination
and administration of those assessments and that students receive assistance in
preparing for tests. They may offer test anxiety-reduction strategies to students as
well as test-taking skills.
Accomplished school counselors are well versed in a variety of assessments
and inventories that can be used to match student talents, interests, and values to
future areas of employment. They use these assessments throughout the preK–12
curriculum to expose students to a variety of careers and career skills, and to help
students match their talents to various career fields that they may wish to explore.
School Counseling Standards 49STUDENT ASSESSMENT
School counselors collaborate with staff, students, and parents to monitor
student progress on a regular basis to encourage student initiative and responsibility.
Accomplished school counselors further use assessment as a reflective, analytical
tool for students to discover their own talents and abilities. School counselors help
students to evaluate their own performance and to develop ways to best present
their talents and abilities to others.
Accomplished school counselors recognize how certain assessments affect
particular groups, and they advocate for assessment practices that best meet the
needs of every student. School counselors promote the use of a variety of assessment
instruments for students as well as appropriate modifications and accommodations
in the assessment of students with exceptional needs. They are knowledgeable about
laws, regulations, and professional practices regarding student assessments within
a linguistically and culturally diverse school. They recognize that decisions regarding
student placement and special programs or courses are based on multiple criteria.
Accomplished school counselors are skilled at evaluating and selecting assessments
that are not culturally, linguistically, class, or gender biased.
Accomplished school counselors advocate for careful use and analysis of data
in order to develop the academic, career, and personal/social development of every
student. They clearly explain the principles and purposes of assessment to others.
They collaborate with others as they analyze, disaggregate, and report data to
improve school performance, and they use assessment data as the basis of their
own professional decisions.
School Counseling Standards 50
Standard X
Leadership, Advocacy,
andProfessional Identity
Accomplished school counselors work as leaders and advocates
in the promotion of student learning and achievement. They
adhere to ethical practices and engage in professional growth and
Accomplished school counselors set high standards for themselves as counseling
professionals in the education community. They are leaders in their field who are
active advocates for the counseling profession and who recognize the importance
of their individual role in shaping the future of their profession. Their leadership and
advocacy support every student through program development, educational reform,
and school change efforts. Following a professional code of ethics at all times,
accomplished school counselors find numerous ways to enhance their professional
growth. This attention to leadership, advocacy, ethical practices, and professional
growth results in improved counseling skills and programs for every student.
Accomplished school counselors accept a leadership role as an opportunity to
further increase the visibility and impact of the school counseling program. They are
confident in their own capacity to highlight student needs, thereby removing barriers
to student success. Because of this persistent commitment to student success,
accomplished school counselors communicate a clear and compelling vision that
inspires others to consider new possibilities and to realign resources on behalf of
students. School counselors know that many school-related issues are complex and
multifaceted, but they remain optimistic that they can influence conditions for student
success through their inner drive and courage. For example, in a high school where
data show large-scale academic deficiencies, an accomplished school counselor
might recommend a schoolwide reading program to enhance proficiency and present
a plan to implement the strategy.
Accomplished school counselors also know that significant goals related to
student achievement cannot be accomplished without support and assistance from
others. They help to build networks of people thinking together, sharing information,
and collaborating to tackle difficult challenges. They are comfortable and articulate
in expressing data-based evidence of student needs to other educators, parent and
community groups, and policy makers.
School Counseling Standards 51
As schools institute improvement teams, accomplished school counselors take
an active role in providing collaborative leadership. Recognized by their peers as
educators with specialized skills for managing teams, for inspiring optimism, and for
offering structured approaches to reach consensus on complex issues, it is often
school counselors who facilitate schoolwide planning sessions. They are trusted
by their colleagues to conduct meetings efficiently and with sensitivity to all points
of view. They model effective communication skills, even under duress, and help
to set a group norm that promotes shared problem solving and decision making.
Through their own commitment to lifelong learning, they display current knowledge
of innovations in curriculum, instruction, and assessment, as well as research-based
approaches to enhancing student motivation and parent engagement. They are
catalysts for creative solutions and help to translate these into practical action steps.
They are able to balance the need for in-depth dialogue with the realities of time
constraints and pressure to show immediate progress. Recognizing the individuality
of team members, accomplished school counselors integrate differing styles of
thinking and communicating and value controversy as a means to gain clarity and
Accomplished school counselors are motivated by a personal mission to
work collaboratively to protect the right of every student to achieve, which is why
counselors are often looked to by their peers for direction and guidance. They earn
the respect of others with their determination and integrity on behalf of students’
rights. Accomplished school counselors advocate for the belief that all educators
have a moral and ethical obligation to support every student, regardless of ethnicity,
family structure and history, socioeconomic status, or other factors beyond the
control of the student.
As leaders, accomplished school counselors make sound judgments about styles
of leadership appropriate to different settings and issues. They apply their emotional
intelligence to ensuring that participation occurs in constructive ways, and they
confront nonproductive behaviors with openness and empathy, helping others feel
valued and supported during change processes. Accomplished school counselors
are leaders who strive to implement a vision in which every student succeeds.
Advocacy and Collaboration
Accomplished school counselors assert themselves as advocates for their
students and their practice. At the top of their priorities is meeting student needs
for academic, career, and personal/social support, particularly for those students
and their parents/guardians who are less able to access policymakers, such as chief
school executives, school boards, state departments of education, and legislatures.
They may work to improve district and state guidelines for school counseling programs
and other programs that benefit the school. They may become politically active as a
means to advocate for positive system change, increase support for students, and
enhance the overall climate for academic, career, and personal/social development.
They may assume leadership roles in professional organizations. They may propose,
design, and conduct presentations and in-service workshops that communicate
School Counseling Standards 52
the importance of a comprehensive school counseling program to a wide audience,
including colleagues, administrators, parents, school boards, superintendents, the
media, and the community.
Collaboration with other school counselors, counselor educators, and
stakeholders is another important aspect of an accomplished school counselor’s
professional identity. They work collegially with other school counselors to further
their professional growth, and they serve as mentors to other school counselors.
They encourage and support the training of new entrants to the field by serving as
consultants and site supervisors for school counselors in training.
Accomplished school counselors adhere strictly to the profession’s codes of
ethics, including codes that have been established by the American Counseling
Association (ACA), American School Counselor Association (ASCA), and the
National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC), and other relevant codes of ethics.
They recognize that, in many states, a violation of a code of ethics constitutes a
violation of law. School counselors know the state and national laws, as well as
district and school policies, related to the reporting of behaviors such as child abuse
and sexual harassment. School counselors respect each individual’s right to privacy
and understand the scope and limits of the concept of confidentiality. They know
that violation of a student’s rights of privacy and confidentiality could result in criminal
or civil action. In addition, they know that in many states, school counselors do not
have privileged communication with students and that courts can subpoena their
written records and verbal communications.
Accomplished school counselors use their knowledge of ethics to protect
the rights of every student and to guide the school in protecting the rights of all
stakeholders. School counselors recognize that each person has the right to
be treated with respect and dignity while being entitled to self-direction and self-
development. They recognize that each person has freedom of choice and the
ensuing responsibility for actions taken. In making difficult ethical decisions, they
know when they can act independently and when they should involve supervisors
and others from their school in making decisions. School counselors also know
the limits of their skills, training, and job responsibilities, and know when to make
referrals to outside agencies. Accomplished school counselors are able to extend
their knowledge of ethics to students, parents, and colleagues, and they recognize
opportunities to reinforce ethical behavior.
Ongoing Professional Growth
Accomplished school counselors are lifelong learners who consistently
demonstrate their own commitment to continued improvement and professionalism.
They have a thorough knowledge of updated research across all areas of counseling.
They regularly read professional journals, access counseling- and education-related
Web sites and other technological resources, and apply their knowledge of research
School Counseling Standards 53
to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate new information. They understand such research
methods as qualitative, quantitative, action, and outcomes research, as well as
the implications these methods may have on findings. They know how to critically
analyze and use research and assessment data and know when and how the data
link to specific school improvement initiatives. School counselors avail themselves
of professional resources by attending district, state, and national conferences, and
they participate in advanced education programs and workshops. Such personal
study enables them to clearly articulate a rationale for their actions and decisions.
Accomplished school counselors keep current in their field, especially as emerging
trends and issues in school counseling—such as changing family structure, the
emphasis on comprehensive school counseling programs, and awareness of the
diversity of students within a school—affect their profession. School counselors may
work with educational researchers or other colleagues to examine the profession
of school counseling and add new knowledge to the field, which they may then
share with colleagues through publications in professional journals or presentations
at professional conferences. School counselors also refine and monitor their own
school counseling skills and service delivery through formal and informal supervision
and dialogue. For example, they may engage in peer supervision, group supervision,
and professional clinical supervision; observe other effective school counselors; and
solicit feedback informally from other school counselors about their work.
School Counseling Standards 54
Standard XI
Reflective Practice
Accomplished school counselors integrate their knowledge, skills,
and life experiences to respond effectively to new or unexpected
critical events and situations. They monitor and refine their work
with continuous, in-depth reflection.
Accomplished school counselors think reflectively about their practice, and they
use that self-reflection to achieve both short- and long-term goals. At times, this
self-reflection is nearly intuitive, combining their knowledge, skills, and experience to
respond quickly and effectively to crisis situations. At other times, this self-reflection
is a slow, thoughtful process, allowing school counselors to examine their practice
and improve their services to students.
Accomplished school counselors are adept at knowing what to do in new and
unexpected critical events and situations. Their ability to synthesize and integrate
their knowledge, skills, and life experiences allows them to think comprehensively and
creatively and to act accordingly. They demonstrate advanced skills in relationship-
building by handling difficult situations, such as confrontations with hostile parents
or overstressed teachers, or schoolwide trauma. They are skilled facilitators and
mediators, and, when appropriate, they do not hesitate to step in when differences
of opinion escalate to interpersonal conflict. They frequently anticipate issues before
they become serious problems and see beyond symptoms to potential root causes.
For instance, an accomplished school counselor who notices a subtle increase in
absenteeism, disciplinary actions, and negative classroom behavior could develop a
hypothesis that the actions result from stress or depression rather than automatically
regarding these behaviors as problems or passing off the concern to administrators.
The school counselor could then provide stress management or coping skills
to students or make appropriate referrals to reduce the likelihood of serious
consequences. School counselors synthesize anecdotal and empirical evidence with
contextual cues to facilitate effective and efficient problem solving.
Understanding the school as a whole system and as part of a larger system
with political, demographic, historical, and economic elements is essential to the
practice of accomplished school counselors. They are attuned to the routines of the
school cycle, and they anticipate recurring events. They combine reflective practice
and interpersonal skills to build coalitions that can address issues in comprehensive
ways. They facilitate broad-based groups in discovering innovative and cost-effective
strategies to address systemic issues.
School Counseling Standards 55
Facing a multitude of pressing issues, accomplished school counselors are able
to respond calmly, methodically, and responsibly to direct each situation to the most
effective problem solver. The volume, intensity, and complexity of student issues,
however, often outdistance a school counselor’s training or resources of time, energy,
and emotional stamina. Through thoughtful self-reflection, accomplished school
counselors know when they should handle a situation themselves and when to refer
the situation to another professional. They are alert to when their own psychological
reserves run low and apply appropriate self-care strategies. They have a support
system in place that allows them opportunity to reflect and to refresh and renew
Students benefit from school counselors whose reflective practices lead them
to evaluate how they allocate their time and focus on the best results for students.
Accomplished school counselors understand that their primary resource is time
and that they must analyze how to apply their knowledge and skills efficiently to
achieve positive results for students. During their careers as school counselors,
they have learned how to handle multiple requests for assistance in timely ways,
and they continue to improve these skills. They are deeply committed to reaching
each student in a meaningful way and resist the temptation to focus exclusively on
responsive services.
Through in-depth reflective practice, accomplished school counselors examine
their counseling skills, constantly challenge themselves to improve, take responsibility
for their own professional growth and development, and reinvigorate themselves
professionally. They know that both their own performance and the performance
of their program are vital to ensuring the success of every student. In their reflective
practice they monitor their own performance in terms of self-imposed standards as
well as ones set for them by others. Students observe the school counselor as the
model of a lifelong learner committed to school counseling and as an advocate for
the implementation of a comprehensive school counseling program that promotes
success for all students.
School Counseling Standards 56
The 11 standards in this report represent a professional consensus on the characteristics of
accomplished practice and provide a profile of the accomplished school counselor. Although the standards
are challenging, they are upheld every day by school counselors like the ones described in these pages,
who inspire and instruct the nation’s youth and lead their profession. By publishing this document and
offering National Board Certification to school counselors, NBPTS aims to affirm the practice of the many
school counselors who meet these standards and challenge others to strive to meet them. Moreover,
NBPTS hopes to bring increased attention to the professionalism and expertise of accomplished school
counselors and in so doing, pave the way for greater professional respect and opportunity for these
essential members of the teaching community.
In addition to being a stimulus for self-reflection on the part of school counselors at all levels
of performance, School Counseling Standards is intended to be a catalyst for discussion among the
entire education community about accomplished practice in this field. If these standards can advance
the conversation about accomplished school counseling, they will provide an important step toward the
NBPTS goal of improving student learning in our nation’s schools.
School Counseling Standards 57
Jan Linder Olson—Chair
High School Counselor
East High School
Sioux City, Iowa
Ken Sanders—Vice Chair
School Counselor
DeKalb Community School
Decatur, Georgia
Maria Balotta
Bilingual School Counselor
Luis Muñoz Marín Middle School
Cleveland Municipal School District
Cleveland, Ohio
Karen G. Bean, NBCT
School Counselor
Director of Guidance
Telstar Middle/High School
Bethel, Maine
Jim Bierma
Coordinator of Safe and Drug-Free Schools
St. Paul Public Schools
St. Paul, Minnesota
Alicia Donner
Elementary School Counselor
Central Elementary
Nettleton Public Schools
Jonesboro, Arkansas
Anthony Harris
Executive Assistant to the President
University of Southern Mississippi
Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Christine Jensen
School Counselor Educator
Department of Counseling and School Psychology
Seattle University
Seattle, Washington
Mark H. Kuranz
High School Counselor
J.I. Case High School
Racine, Wisconsin
Mary Landis
School Counselor (Retired)
Bon Air Elementary School
Chesterfield County Schools
Chesterfield, Virginia
Adjunct Faculty
John Tyler Community College
Chester, Virginia
Jim Lukach
Executive Director
New Jersey School Counselor Association
Milltown, New Jersey
Gloria Montalvo
Middle School Counselor
Martin Middle School
Adjunct Counselor
Del Mar College
Corpus Christi, Texas
Otha L. Myers
Director of Student Services
Falls Church High School
Falls Church, Virginia
Tarrell Awe Agahe Portman
School Counselor Educator
Division of Counseling, Rehabilitation,
and Student Development
University of Iowa
Iowa City, Iowa
Claudia Roels
Executive Director
Arizona School Counselors Association
Glendale, Arizona
Darryl T.Yagi
High School Counselor
Casa Grande High School
Petaluma, California
Standards Committee
School Counseling Standards 58
The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards’ School Counseling Standards reflects more
than two years of dialogue about the characteristics of accomplished school counseling. These standards
derive their power from an amazing degree of collaboration and consensus. Through the expertise and
input of the NBPTS School Counseling Standards Committee, the thorough reviews by the NBPTS Board
of Directors, and the diverse comments by educators across the country during a public comment period,
these standards emerge as a living testament to what accomplished school counselors should know and
be able to do.
The National Board is deeply grateful to all those who contributed their time, wisdom, and professional
vision to School Counseling Standards. Any thank-you must begin with the School Counseling Standards
Committee, a dedicated group of highly skilled professionals convened by NBPTS, who led the effort to
articulate and develop standards for this field. In the course of constructing the standards, this committee
exhibited the collegiality, creativity, and facilitation skills characteristic of their profession while representing
many diverse and important perspectives. The committee worked through a myriad of complex issues to
articulate clearly what accomplished school counselors know and are able to do.
Special recognition is extended to Chair Jan Olson, who not only led the meetings with true dedication
to the welfare of students and promotion of the field, but also spent innumerable hours between meetings
assisting with rewrites and research. Special thanks also go to Ana Maria Rodriguez, who first served as
vice chair, and Ken Sanders, who, with his calm and organized manner, served ably upon her departure.
This significant endeavor was further supported by Facilitator Virginia Mann, whose broad knowledge
of the field proved to be an invaluable resource to the committee. Thanks also go to Richard Wong,
Executive Director of the American School Counselor Association, who served as the ASCA liaison to the
standards committee.
The work of the School Counseling Standards Committee was guided by the NBPTS Board of
Directors. The National Board Certification Working Group deserves special thanks, because it reviewed
the standards document at various points in its development, made suggestions about how the standards
could be strengthened, and recommended adoption of the standards to the full board of directors.
Representing the board of directors as liaisons to the standards committee were Barbara Pope Bennett
and Marcella DeNice. Both contributed significantly to the work of the committee. Their knowledge and
enthusiasm made them valuable advisors and friends to the standards committee.
Individuals not directly associated with NBPTS aided substantially in the development of School
Counseling Standards. School counselors, teachers, scholars, state and local officials, and representatives
of disciplinary organizations reviewed a draft of the standards documents when it was disseminated
nationwide during a public comment period.
Many staff members and consultants to NBPTS deserve thanks for helping to make the publication of
School Counseling Standards possible. Chuck Cascio, former Vice President for Certification Standards
and Teacher Development, initiated the standards development process. Michael Knab, Manager for
School Counseling Standards 59
Certification Standards, and Teacher-in-Residence Mary Lease, NBCT, worked directly with the standards
committee, making suggestions and guiding the development process. Writing credits go to Mary
Lease, who, with help from Michael Knab, turned the ideas from the committee’s rich conversations into
clear and cogent prose. Thanks go to Consultant Angela Duperrouzel, who coordinated the standards
committee meetings; Teacher-in-Residence Maria Telesca, NBCT, who assisted in the editorial process;
and Administrative Assistant Glowena Harrison, who ably supported the work of the standards committee
in ways too numerous to mention.
In presenting these standards for accomplished school counselors, NBPTS recognizes that this
publication would not have evolved without the considerable contributions of numerous individuals and
institutions. On behalf of NBPTS, I extend my thanks to all of them.
Katherine S. Woodward
Director, Certification Standards
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