USMEPCOM Regulation
No. 611-1
ffective: March 18, 2024
Personnel Selection and Classification
Enlistment Qualification Tests
onovan D. Phillips
Deputy Commander/Chief of Staff
Unlimited. This Regulation is approved for public release.
xecutive Summary. This regulation establishes policies and procedures for test material accountability,
test administration, management of military entrance test (MET) sites, special purpose testing, confirmation
testing, overseas testing, and appointment.
Applicability. This regulation applies to Headquarters (HQ), United States Military Entrance Processing
Command (USMEPCOM), Sectors, Military Entrance Processing Stations (MEPS), and Remote Processing
Stations (RPS).
ementation. Supplementation of this regulation and establishment of forms other than USMEPCOM
are prohibited without prior approval from HQ USMEPCOM, ATTN: J-3/MEOP-ORT, 2834 Green Bay
Road, North Chicago, IL 60064-3091.
gested Improvements. The proponent agency for this regulation is HQ USMEPCOM, J-3
(Operations), J-3/MEOP-ORT. Users are invited to send comments and suggested improvements on
Form 2028, Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms, or memorandum, to HQ
USMEPCOM, ATTN: J-3 MEOP-ORT, 2834 Green Bay Road, North Chicago, IL 60064-3091.
ternal Control Process. This regulation contains management control provisions and identifies key
management controls that must be evaluated. The management control evaluation checklist is in Appendix
*This immediate revision supersedes USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1, September 3, 2020. Major
revisions have been made to this regulation it is highly recommended that this regulation be reviewed i
ts entirety to have a clear understanding of all revisions.
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
Table of Contents (TOC)
Paragraph Page
Chapter 1
Purpose 1-1 1
References 1-2 1
Abbreviations and Terms 1-3 1
Responsibilities 1-4 1
Additional Duty Appointment Memorandum 1-5 4
Training 1-6 5
Chapter 2
Security and Accountability
Accountable Test Material 2-1 6
Test Security 2-2 6
Control and Storage Procedures 2-3 7
Inventory Procedures for Accountable Test Material 2-4 8
MEPS Inventory Procedures 2-5 8
Transfer of Accountable Test Material 2-6 13
Ordering Test Material 2-7 13
Reproduction of Accountable Test Material 2-8 15
Test/Loss Compromise (TLC) 2-9 15
Non-compromise Related Incidents 2-10 17
Test Administrator (TA) Conflicts of Interest 2-11 17
Prohibited Coaching Practices 2-12 18
Ringers 2-13 18
Chapter 3
Enlistment ASVAB Test Administration
Test Administrator Preparation 3-1 24
Site Security Administration (SSM) Duties for iCAT 3-2 24
Authorization to Test 3-3 24
When Authorized Individuals are Allowed to Test 3-4 25
Request for examination 3-5 27
ASVAB Test Facility Requirements During Test Sessions 3-6 27
Night Testing Provisions 3-7 27
Applicant/TA Ratio 3-8 28
General Enlistment Testing Direction 3-9 28
MEPS iCAT/PiCAT Verification Test Administration 3-10 30
MET Site iCAT / PiCAT Verification Test Administration 3-11 31
Enlistment Paper and Pencil ASVAB Test Administration 3-12 31
Test Results 3-13 32
Manual Scoring 3-14 33
Confirmation Testing 3-15 33
Confirmation Test Administration 3-16 33
Scoring the Confirmation Test 3-17 34
Post Confirmation Test Actions 3-18 34
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
Table of Contents (TOC)
Paragraph Page
Chapter 4
MET Sites
Purpose 4-1 37
Facilities 4-2 37
General Testing Direction 4-3 38
ASVAB Test Scores from iCAT 4-4 38
MET Site Utilization 4-5 38
Intermittent Test Administrator (ITA) 4-6 39
No-show Sessions 4-7 39
Chapter 5
Special Purpose Test Administration
Purpose 5-1 40
Test Administration Preparation 5-2 40
Site Security Manager and Site Administration Duties 5-3 41
Authorization to Test 5-4 41
Request for Examination 5-5 42
Test Facility Requirements 5-6 42
Applicant / TA Ratio 5-7 43
Authorized Tests 5-8 43
General Special Purpose Testing Direction 5-9 50
Test Administration (TA) 5-10 50
Test Results 5-11 52
Answer Sheet Storage and Shipment 5-12 52
Chapter 6
Overseas Testing
Overview 6-1 58
Enlistment Testing Program Responsibilities 6-2 58
Confirmation Testing 6-3 62
Special Purpose Test 6-4 62
Proficiency Skill Levels 45
5-2. Scoring Special Purpose Tests 54
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
Table of Contents (TOC)
Sample Memorandum of Personnel Authorized Access into Restricted Testing Area 19
2-2. Sample Memorandum of Personnel Authorized Access into Secure Storage Room 20
2-3. Sample Memorandum for Checking out a Test Material Kit 21
2-4. Sample Memorandum for Temporary/Permanent Transfer of Accountable Test Material 22
2-5. Sample Memorandum for Verification of APT Account 23
3-1. Sample of an Oral iCAT-ASVAB Briefing 35
3-2. Sample of a Written iCAT-ASVAB Briefing 36
References 63
B. Management Control Evaluation Checklist – Testing Operations 67
C. Joint Knowledge Online (JKO) ILTs for Testing Personnel 69
D. Privacy Act Statement from the iCAT Privacy Act Statement Screen 72
E. Instructions for Creating MET Site Codes 73
F. Glossary 75
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
Chapter 1
1-1. Purpose
The purpose of this regulation is to establish policies, procedures, and responsibilities for the use of the
Enlistment Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) and other testing instruments used to
determine qualifications for enlistment and classification of military applicants.
1-2. References
References are listed in Appendix A
1-3. Abbreviations and Terms
Abbreviations and terms used in this regulation are listed in Appendix E
1-4. Responsibilities
a. Commander, United States Military Entrance Processing Command (USMEPCOM) will:
(1) Administer the Department of Defense (DoD) Enlistment Testing Program in accordance with
policy developed by the Director, Accession Policy.
(2) When approved by the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, administer
additional tests to determine qualifications for military occupations or assignments.
(3) Print and distribute supplies of test materials, counseling materials, and training aids for use in
the DoD enlistment and overseas testing programs.
(4) Maintain sufficient stock of test and career exploration program materials.
(5) Provide operational test and item data for special studies and periodic score monitoring by the
Defense Testing and Assessment Center (DTAC).
(6) Provide testing data to the Recruiting Services.
(7) Establish procedures to investigate prohibited actions and situations in the DoD Enlistment
(8) Endorse written investigative reports of test loss or compromise to Headquarters, Department of
Army (DA), when required.
b. Sector Commanders will:
(1) Monitor the day-to-day tactical operation of testing programs in the MEPS.
(2) Refer matters that cannot be resolved at Sector/Battalion level to J-3 Operations
Directorate/Testing Branch (J-3/MEOP-ORT).
(3) Ensure all test losses or compromises are reported to the USMEPCOM Commander within 24
c. MEPS Commanders will:
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
(1) Appoint Test Administrators (TAs) (personnel not assigned to testing section) in writing within
30 days of assuming command and all newly appointed TAs (personnel not assigned to testing section) during
their tour.
(2) Designate personnel authorized access to the testing secure storage room, restricted areas,
accountable test material, testing common areas, and electronic test delivery by memorandum.
(3) Test eligible applicants referred by the Services.
(4) Conduct approved special purpose testing.
(5) Control accountable test material.
(6) Provide applicant test results to the sponsoring Service’s liaison.
(7) Coordinate testing matters that cannot be resolved with appropriate Service activity.
(8) Ensure Internet-Based Computerized Adaptive Testing (iCAT) Armed Services Vocational
Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) and special purpose testing rooms have no windows. The exception is a maximum
8-inch by 20-inch door side window on or next to the door. Windows already in existence must be blocked
at all times. Ensure iCAT-ASVAB and special purpose testing rooms have standardized furniture (coordinate
with J-3/MEOP-ORT) prior to purchasing furniture (see Paragraph 3-6
(9) Ensure all test losses or compromises are reported to Sector testing personnel within 24 hours of
identifying the loss/compromise.
(10) Ensure initial training is completed by personnel assigned to testing duties (see Paragraph 1-6
(11) Submit an account verification memorandum for the Air Force Publications Center TMI Account
and the Army Personnel Testing account (T- account) to those agencies within 30 days of assuming command
and as key information changes (see Figure 2-5).
(12) Appoint an alternate in writing for security and control of accountable testing material when
MEPS Test Control Officer and MEPS Test Score Technician positions are both vacant.
d. MEPS Test Control Officers (TCOs) will:
(1) Manage and operate the enlistment testing program.
(2) Maintain security and control of all accountable test material.
(3) Exercise close supervision and accountability over accountable test material receipt, storage,
protection, issue, electronic access, administration, scoring, and destruction. Ensure only authorized personnel
handle accountable test material and understand their requirements.
(4) Advise the MEPS Commander of current testing policies and procedures.
(5) Monitor scheduling of enlistment testing and special purpose testing.
(6) Ensure initial and sustainment training is conducted for all personnel assigned testing duties.
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
(7) Coordinate testing at Military Entrance Test (MET) sites.
(8) Develop, publish, and annually update standing operating procedures (SOP), including a detailed
optical mark reader (OMR) contingency plan for testing. Maintain the Testing SOP separate from the MEPS
Operations SOP.
(9) Inspect MET sites and review Intermittent Test Administrators (ITAs) as prescribed in Chapter
(10) Provide a consolidated MET site list on a spreadsheet through Sector testing section to J-
3/MEOP-ORT no later than (NLT) 30 September of each year and as changes occur. The list will contain the
MET site codes, name, location, testing frequency (days and times), and the end-of-the-fiscal-year average of
testers for each MET site. MET sites that are temporarily closed or on probation will be included. Current
MET Site information can be found at https://www.mepcom.army.mil
(11) Supervise members of the testing section as directed by the MEPS Commander.
(12) Conduct inventories of test materials as required and ensure strict accountability and security of
all testing materials.
(13) Place orders for operational material.
(14) Serve as primary Site Security Manager (SSM) for iCAT.
(15) Exercise primary oversight of the MEPS’ Air Force Publications Center TMI Account #(TMI
Account) and the Army Personnel Testing account (T-account).
e. MEPS Test Score Technician (TST) will:
(1) Ensure test scores are valid and entered into the automated United States Military Entrance
Processing Command Integrated Resources System (USMIRS).
(2) Resolve test scoring automation issues.
(3) Train testing clerks on proper test score data entry.
(4) Serve as liaison to MEPS Service liaison personnel for test score reporting.
(5) Assist the TCO with duties related to accountable and controlled test materials as defined in
regulatory guidance. The position has no supervisory duties.
(6) Serve as alternate SSM for iCAT.
(7) Serve as alternate for placing orders for operational material.
(8) Serve as alternate for providing oversight of the MEPS’ Air Force Publications Center account
(TMI Account) and the Army Personnel Testing account (T-account).
f. MEPS Lead Test Clerk will:
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
(1) Lead TAs.
(2) Conduct aptitude examinations.
(3) Brief applicants, distribute and proctor examinations, score exams, perform quality control of
examination and applicable applicant information.
(4) Inspect MET sites and review ITAs as prescribed in Chapter 4 of this regulation.
(5) Inventory test packets when received from test sessions.
Note: This position will be applicable only at selected MEPS.
g. Test Administrators (TA)/Intermittent Test Administrator (ITA) will:
(1) Prepare test materials prior to a test session.
(2) Distribute test materials to applicants.
(3) Ensure balanced usage of all applicable test versions.
(4) Ensure no two adjacent testers have the same test versions.
(5) Ensure the social security number (SSN) on USMEPCOM Form (UMF) 680-3A
and the answer
sheets are identical.
(6) Follow proper testing procedures during test sessions.
(7) Ensure tests are scored and results are recorded accurately.
(8) Ensure administrative test errors are corrected.
(9) Score test sessions.
Note: In-house (MEPS) scoring of paper and pencil tests are not performed by the ITA.
1-5. Additional Duty Appointment Memorandum
a. MEPS Commanders will use an additional duty appointment memorandum to appoint non-testing
personnel (i.e. Medical or Operations personnel) as TAs. Include in the memorandum the effective date, the
name(s) of the individual(s), the authority line, period of the appointment, distribution line, and any other
special instructions. File the original memorandum under record number 1e/800D, “Housekeeping
Instructions – Duty Appointments”, disposition instructions are in Appendix A, Section IV
b. MEPS Commanders will use the Account Verification Memorandum found in Figure. 2-6
to appoint
the TCO (primary) and TST (alternate) to oversee the MEPS’ Air Force Publications Center TMI Account
and the Army Personnel Testing account (T-account).
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
1-6. Training
a. New MEPS personnel have training requirements that must be completed within 30 days of
appointment. MEPS Testing personnel are required to utilize the Training Standardization Job Task Sheets
(TSJTS) located on SPEAR for initial and sustainment training. The TSJTSs can also be used for quarterly
training. MEPS Commanders will ensure training is completed and quarterly refresher training is conducted
in ASVAB security, accountability, and administration with all MEPS TA/ITAs. MEPS TAs/ITAs are
required to maintain proficiency in administering the ASVAB and Special Purpose Tests. The MEPS TCO
will ensure MEPS TAs/ITAs conduct an adequate amount of testing, balanced between Student and MET site
testing, for the purpose of training and proficiency. The number of test sessions conducted is not meant to be
exact. Designated MEPS personnel are responsible with assisting the HQ USMEPCOM Testing mission at
MET sites and High schools when warranted.
b. Per UMR 350-1 (Command Training Program), quarterly training on security, accountability, and
administration will be tracked on the Joint Knowledge Online (JKO) website. The Instructor Led Training
(ILT) and TSJTS ILT rosters for Testing Personnel are located in Appendix C. The TCO is responsible for
choosing which courses are required for training each quarter. Once the TCO verifies the courses have been
completed by the Testing Personnel (this includes in-house TA appointees and ITAs), the TCO will provide
the UMF 350-1-15
(Training and Attendance Roster), to the Training Coordinator for input into JKO. Once
the Training Coordinator has tracked the course completion in JKO via ILT, the test administrator’s JKO
online training transcript will be printed upon completion of quarterly training and placed in the appropriate
personnel training file. Maintain MEPS testing personnel training records under record number 350-
1j3/600E, “Individual Training Files”; disposition instructions are in Appendix
A, Section IV.
Note: The documents used for training are not attached to the ILT.
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
Chapter 2
Security and Accountability
2-1. Accountable Test Material
Accountable items include test booklets, partially or completed answer sheets, scoring keys, and any
associated scoring modules, scratch paper with annotations used for ASVAB or special purpose test
administration, and test material presented on computer screens. Note: Non-accountable (controlled) test
materials are administration manuals for ASVAB and blank answer sheets (maintain the sheets in a secured
storage room to prevent unauthorized use), the Electronic Data Processing Test (EDPT) administration
manual, Air Force Officer Qualifying Test (AFOQT) administration manual, and manuals for scoring. Do
not add these items on the automated inventory software or UMF 611-1-9-R-E, Daily Inventory Log
2-2. Test Security
a. The MEPS Commander will designate a restricted area within the MEPS for storing/using
accountable material. Special purpose testing rooms without computer testing equipment are restricted areas
during test administration only. The iCAT-ASVAB room, special purpose test room with DLPT computers,
the secure storage room, testing common area, and scoring room, must be restricted at all times, to include
being locked when authorized personnel are not in the room(s) and screening personnel entry. If scoring is
being conducted when the OMR is located within a common area, the common area will be restricted to
testing personnel only (testing staff and appointed TAs). Access to the secured storage room will be limited
to testing section personnel only.
b. A “RESTRICTED AREA, AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY” sign will be posted at all
entrances/exits to the restricted area(s). Test rooms not permanently restricted must have a sign posted during
test administration only. Signs are not required for rooms if they are within the test room and do not have
outside access (i.e., a room inside a room) and are not being used to test.
c. The MEPS Commander will designate personnel authorized unescorted access to testing section
restricted areas (Figure 2-1), secure storage room (Figure 2-2
), and accountable test materials by
memorandum. The secure storage room access roster will be limited to testing personnel only. In instances
when MEPS appointed TAs are assigned duties within the testing section to augment shortages, their
appointment orders will reflect the period of time they will be performing iCAT-ASVAB and special purpose
testing duties. In-house appointed TAs in this instance will be placed on the secure storage room access roster
until their appointment has expired. The MEPS Information Technology Specialists (ITSs) will have access
to the iCAT-ASVAB and special purpose test room to perform required software updates and equipment
replacements. A copy of the memorandum will be posted at main entrances/exits to the restricted area(s).
Test rooms not permanently restricted must have a memorandum posted during test administration only.
d. On a case-by-case basis, the MEPS Commander or TCO/TST can orally grant unescorted access to
the testing section restricted areas. This will normally be for cross trainees or during the initial orientation of
new personnel. When the authorization period exceeds 10 consecutive business days, the procedures in “c”
above apply. Recruiters and liaison personnel are not allowed access to any testing section restricted area.
e. As needed, TCOs, TSTs, or Education Services Specialists (ESS) can grant escorted access to testing
section restricted areas as long as the escort maintains positive control of the guest while in the room. Anyone
assigned to the testing section can be an escort. This does not apply to rooms where accountable test material
is stored or where tests are scored/graded. Recruiters and liaison personnel are not allowed escorted access to
any testing section restricted area.
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
f. Release or viewing of accountable test material designated for use by MEPS to any outside agency or
to any persons other than authorized USMEPCOM personnel is prohibited.
2-3. Control and Storage Procedures
a. Secure all accountable test material in locked security containers in a locked room, i.e. secure storage
room. Equip locked containers with a built-in key lock, a three-way combination lock, a bar and clasp secured
with a changeable combination lock, or cipher lock. A cipher lock is the standard lock for the secure storage
room entrance door. Any other locks must be approved by J-3/MEOP-ORT.
b. Change one level of lock combinations (i.e., security container lock or room door lock) within 6
months of previous change. Upon departure of any individual authorized access to the secure storage room,
change one level of lock combination within 7 business days of departure from the testing section.
c. Record the combination/keys on the Standard Form (SF) 700, Security Container Information for
each file cabinet, safe, and secure storage room entry door used as a security container. Once completed, sign
across the flap of each SF 700 envelope. Post part 1 of the original SF 700 in the top drawer of each container.
For the secure storage room entry door, place part 1 of SF 700 in the first file cabinet, first drawer due to
personally identifiable information (PII). Place part 2As inside of part 2 of SF 700 envelope, seal and sign
across the flap of each SF 700 envelope. Place the SF 700 envelopes in one plain envelope, seal, sign, and
date across the flap. The envelope with the SFs 700 inside will be stored in the MEPSdesignated
headquarters security container under record number 1v1/800D, “Access Controls Control Procedures”;
disposition instructions are in Appendix A, Section IV
. Forms involved in an investigation will be kept until
the investigation is completed.
d. An SF 702, Security Container Check Sheet
will be maintained on each file cabinet, safe, and secure
storage room entry door used as a security container to permanently store accountable test material Blocks 1
and 2 are completed daily upon opening and closing the container. Block 3 is initialed at the close of every
business day, even if the container was not opened during that business day. Keep this form under record
number 1v3/800D, “Access Controls Entry into Vaults or Containers”; disposition instructions are in
A, Section IV. Forms involved in an investigation will be kept until the investigation is completed.
The same individual can initial blocks 1, 2, and 3.
e. Do not maintain booklets in the same safe as the scoring keys for the same corresponding test.
f. iCAT-ASVAB requires the following special security precautions:
(1) Unless otherwise directed, all Examinee Test (ET) workstations must be logged off after each
test session. If workstations cannot remain powered on overnight due to overheating in the testing room,
affected MEPS are required to email: osd.north-chicago.usmepcom.mbx.service-desk[email protected]il
that J-6/MEIT can maintain a list of affected sites.
(2) The iCAT-ASVAB pass code will be limited to the ITS, auxiliary ITS, and testing section
(3) Do not install any software on the system other than HQ USMEPCOM approved
(4) Do not substitute any other computer equipment for iCAT-ASVAB equipment.
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
g. The TCO/TST may place accountable test material in sealed envelopes or boxes to ease storage and
accountability for materials not frequently used. If done, the TCO/TST must conduct a page-by-page check
of test material before sealing the envelope/box. Ensure the outside of the envelope/box reflects the exact
contents, quantity, and serial numbers of the accountable test material inside. Sign, seal and date across the
envelope/box. Store the envelope/box inside an approved security container as described in “a” above
whenever possible. If the envelope/box is unable to be stored in a safe or file cabinet, the MEPS will maintain
a SF 702 in close proximity to the envelope/boxes. A SF 702
is not required to be placed on each individual
envelope/box. When material is stored in this manner, these envelope/boxes do not need to be opened during
the annual inventory, but must be opened and checked during the joint inventory and upon departure of the
h. When transporting accountable test material, maintain strict accountability. Accountable test material
being transported in a POV or GOV will be kept in the trunk of the vehicle. If the vehicle does not have a
trunk, (i.e., van, pickup truck, sports utility vehicle, etc.) the accountable test material can be stored in the
main cabin. ITAs/TAs should make every attempt to cover and conceal the material if stored in main cabin
of the vehicle. The vehicle must be locked at all times when parked. When in a TDY status to conduct a test
session, test materials will not be left in a vehicle overnight.
i. On a case-by-case basis, the MEPS Commander may authorize MEPS TAs to temporarily store
material in the issued locked containers in their homes overnight. When an ITA/TA stores accountable
material at home, he or she must store it in the issued locked container inside their residence. Storing
accountable test material in the trunk of a POV or in the main cabin of a pickup truck, van, sports utility
vehicle or similar, etc. at an individual’s residence is not authorized. ITAs/TAs will monitor and secure
accountable test material according to the guidance in the Test Administrator Handbook.
2-4. Inventory Procedures for Accountable Test Material
a. There are three types of inventories: annual, joint, and other. Conduct and document the annual,
joint, and other inventories, by using the automated inventory software program and UMF 611-1-1-R-E
Inventory of Accountable Test Material. All controlled special purpose test material will be listed on the
automated inventory.
b. Track accountable test material by automated inventory system stock number and serial number.
c. Inventory documentation is considered as UMF 611-1-1-R-E
, receipts for accountable test material,
and memorandums reflecting transfer of accountable test material. A copy of the UMF 611-1-1-R-E used to
document the annual inventory will be sent to Sector by 15 July for submission to J-3/MEOP-ORT each year.
e. During on-boarding of ITAs, the first inventory issued to them will be documented as an “ITA Initial
Issue” on the UMF 611-1-1-R-E
. Their first Annual Inventory will be conducted within 12 months from the
date of the Initial Issue and within 12 months of their previous annual inventory thereafter. ITA initial issues
do not require a disinterested witness. Both the TCO/TST and the ITA are required to sign the UMF 611-1
1-R-E upon issuance.
2-5. MEPS Inventory Procedures
a. Annual Inventory
(1) The TCO/TST and one disinterested witness (MEPS personnel not assigned to the testing section)
will annually inventory accountable test material. If the selected disinterested witness was previously
appointed as a TA, they must have not performed any TA duties within 6 months between the time of
appointment termination and the date of the inventory. The TCO/TST will provide instructions to the
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
disinterested witness regarding their duties and responsibilities. The disinterested witness will sign the
Disinterested Witness Duties and Responsibilities on the UMF 611-1-1-R-E
. This page-by-page review must
be conducted in June each year. The TCO/TST will record the inventory using the automated inventory
software and complete a new
UMF 611-1-1-R-E reflecting the reason for conducting the inventory, the
physical inventory number generated by the automated inventory system, date inventory was completed, and
any discrepancies noted in the “Remark” section. The TCO/TST must sign (signature stamps and signing
“for” the TCO/TST are not authorized)
UMF 611-1-1-R-E. The disinterested witness must sign UMF 611-
1-1-R-E. In addition, the MEPS Commander will sign UMF 611-1-1-R-E verifying the requirement was met.
(2) ITAs are required to travel to the MEPS once a year to conduct their required ITA annual
inventory. When conducting ITA inventories, the ITA and one disinterested witness will inventory the ITAs
accountable test material under the supervision of the TCO/TST. The MEPS Commander’s signature is not
required on the UMF 611-1-1-R-E for ITA inventories.
Note 1: MEPS Other inventories (destructions or additions) are not to be performed during the annual or joint
Note 2: If an ITA “Other” Inventory was conducted in-between the ITAs Annual Inventory and the MEPS
Annual Inventory due date, the ITAs updated inventory will be used during the MEPS Annual Inventory.
(3) Maintain the UMF 611-1-1-R-E
for 2 years under record number 601-222f/600A, “Test Material
Inventories”; disposition instructions are in Appendix A, Section IV.
b. Joint inventory
(1) Incoming and outgoing TCOs will conduct a joint inventory of accountable test material at the
MEPS, within seven business days after the arrival date of the incoming TCO. If a replacement TCO has not
been assigned before departure of the incumbent TCO, the TST will assume custody of the accountable test
material. When no TST is present, the MEPS Commander will appoint an alternate representative in writing
to assume custody of the accountable test material. The incoming TCO will conduct a joint inventory with
the TST (or MEPS Commander appointed alternate representative) within the above timeframe.
Note: Joint inventories satisfy the annual inventory requirement as long as the Joint Inventory was conducted
between June 1st30th.
(2) Both TCOs will conduct this page-by-page review and record the inventory using the automated
inventory software. A new UMF 611-1-1-R-E
will be completed to reflect the reason for conducting the
inventory, date the inventory was completed, and any discrepancies noted in the “Remarks” section. Both
TCOs will sign (signature stamps and signing “for” are not authorized)
UMF 611-1-1-R-E. In addition, the
MEPS Commander will sign the UMF 611-1-1-R-E verifying the requirement was met.
(3) Maintain the UMF 611-1-1-R-E
for 2 years under record number 601-222f/600A; disposition
instructions are in Appendix A, Section IV.
c. Other inventories.
Other inventories are classified as accountable test material that is received and added to the inventory
software or accountable test material that is removed from the inventory software or destroyed. Other
inventories do not satisfy the annual or joint inventory requirements. The TCO/TST and one disinterested
witness (MEPS personnel not assigned to the testing section) will inventory the accountable test material. If
the selected disinterested witness was previously appointed as a TA, they must not have performed any TA
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
duties within 6 months between the time of appointment termination and the date of the inventory. The
TCO/TST will provide instructions to the disinterested witness regarding their duties and responsibilities.
Other inventories for ITAs will be conducted when changes to their inventory occurs (i.e. test booklets
returned for destruction). Upon completion of an ITA Other inventory, a new UMF 611-1-1-R-E
will be
completed to reflect the reason for conducting the inventory, the physical inventory number generated by the
automated inventory system, and changes made to their inventory in the “Remarks” section. The TCO/TST
and ITA are required to sign (signature stamps and signing “for” are not authorized) the UMF 611-1-1-R-E
for the ITA Other inventory. A disinterested witness is not required during an ITA Other inventory.
Note 1: Each testing section will maintain all inventory documentation on file for 2 years under record number
601-222f/600A, “Test Material Inventories”; disposition instructions are in Appendix A, Section IV
Note 2: The MEPS testing sections may be required by their leadership to conduct an inventory during a
Change of Command. These optional inventories will be considered as Command Directed inventories and
will be conducted in the same manner as an “Other” inventory. Command Directed inventories require a
disinterested witness. A UMF 611-1-1-R-E
will be completed to reflect the reason for conducting the
inventory, the physical inventory number generated by the automated inventory system, date inventory was
completed, and any discrepancies noted in the “Remarks” section. In addition, the incoming MEPS
Commander will sign the
UMF 611-1-1-R-E. At the incoming MEPS Commander’s discretion, the outgoing
MEPS Commander will sign the UMF 611-1-1-R-E in the “Remarks” section.
(1) Receipt of accountable test material.
(a) The TCO/TST and a disinterested witness (MEPS personnel not assigned to the testing
section) will inventory (page-by-page check of the accountable test materials received at the MEPS) and
conduct serial number verification. If the selected disinterested witness was previously appointed as a TA,
they must have not performed any TA duties within 6 months between the time of appointment termination
and the date of the inventory.
(b) The TCO/TST must add permanent accountable test material received to their inventory
using the automated inventory software within 5 business days of receipt, and complete a new
UMF 611-1-
1-R-E reflecting the physical inventory number generated by the inventory software, date inventory was
completed, inventory software material stock number of the items added, total quantity of items added, serial
number/s or serial number set of items added, document numbers generated by inventory softwware during
the receiving process, and the reason for conducting the inventory in the “Remarks” section. Attach the
shipping document to the back of the. Maintain the forms and documents under record number 601-
222f/600A, “Test Material Inventories”; disposition instructions are in Appendix
A, Section IV.
(c) If a shipping document is not received or the shipping document does not contain serial
numbers of the items, prepare a memorandum for record (MFR) listing the material received, date, quantity,
and serial numbers (if available). If accountable material is received and it does not contain a serial number,
notify J-3/MEOP-ORT through your Sector testing section. J-3/MEOP-ORT will contact the materials
proponent unit for guidance. The TCO/TST and a disinterested witness will sign the MFR and attach to the
UMF 611-1-1-R-E
(d) If not marked upon receipt, the TCO/TST will mark accountable test material
“CONTROLLED ITEM (TEST MATERIAL)” except for scratch paper and answer sheets.
(e) The TCO/TST will stamp accountable test material, with the exception of scratch paper and
answer sheets, with the MEPS’ office symbol (e.g., Spokane MEPS will be MEWS-FIS-OT). Test materials
that have been previously stamped are grandfathered and do not have to be re-stamped with new office
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
symbols. Materials received permanently from another MEPS with their office symbol, cross out and add the
office symbol of the receiving MEPS.
(2) Disposition of accountable test material.
(a) Destroy accountable test material (paper) by burning, shredding, or mulching. Scratch paper
and answer sheet spines with computations, item responses, or complete SSNs are considered accountable
test material and must be returned to the MEPS for destruction. Destroy disks by breaking into many pieces
and disposing in regular trash. Destroy scratch paper immediately after each test session. Maintain completed
answer sheets under record number 601-222d/600A, “Qualification Test Answers”; disposition instructions
are in Appendix A, Section IV
(b) The TCO/TST and a disinterested witness (not assigned to the testing section) will destroy
accountable test material. Document the destruction of accountable test material, except answer sheets and
scratch paper, using the automated inventory software and UMF 611-1-1-R-E
. When utilizing a destruction
service to destroy a large volume of controlled test material, the actual destruction must be witnessed by
testing or designated MEPS personnel.
(c) The TCO/TST must destroy accountable test material within 5 business days of removal from
the inventory using the automated inventory software and complete a new UMF 611-1-1-R-E
reflecting the
physical inventory number generated by inventory software and date of completion. In the “Remarks”
section, annotate the reason for conducting the inventory, the inventory software material stock number,
quantity disposed, and the Disposition document numbers generated by inventory software during the
disposition process. Attach the DD Form 1348-1A generated by the automated inventory software during the
disposition process and any applicable destruction guidance (i.e., e-mails, official messages) to the back of
the new
UMF 611-1-1-R-E. Maintain the forms for 2 years under record number 601-222f/600A, “Test
Material Inventories”; disposition instructions are in Appendix A, Section IV.
(d) If controlled Air Force special purpose test material is destroyed, a copy of the
UMF 611-1-
1-R-E and DD Form 1348-1A must be provided to the Air Force Publications Center (HQ AFPC/DPSOE).
(e) If controlled Army special purpose test material is destroyed, a copy of the
UMF 611-1-1-R-
E and DD Form 1348-1A must be provided to the Army Personnel Testing Education Division (AHRC-
(3) Removal of material from the secure storage room.
(a) Each time accountable test material is removed from or returned to the MEPS’ secure storage
room, an entry must be recorded on UMF 611-1-9-R-E, Daily Inventory Log
. No entry is required for material
being destroyed or permanently transferred. The MEPS testing section personnel will maintain one log in a
binder for all material. Place record label 601-222f/600A, “Test Material Inventories” on the binder (see
A, Section IV for disposition instructions) and maintain for one calendar year. If the binder is full,
the MEPS testing section is allowed to keep the most recent 6 months of UMF 611-1-9-R-E in the binder and
the previous months in a file in the testing section file drawer. The binder will be kept in the secured storage
room accessible to all TAs, but does not have to be in a bookshelf, safe, etc.
(b) The individual removing the material must complete a page-by-page check of the material
before removal. He or she must annotate the date (yyyymmdd), test item, quantity, and serial number of the
items being removed, as well as initial in the “Removed By” block. Upon return to the secure storage room,
the same person that removed the item(s) must conduct a page-by-page check of the material and initial in
the “Returned By” block.
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
(c) A second individual will verify return of the material and initial in the “Verified By” block.
The verifier must conduct a complete count of material being returned but is not required to conduct a page-
by-page check as the individual returning the material. When a second individual is not available to verify
the return (e.g., night testing), verification will be accomplished by the first testing personnel to enter the
secure storage room at the start of the next business day.
(d) If an error is made on an entry, correct it by drawing a single line through the mistake,
annotating the accurate information, and initialing the block; whiteout will not be used.
(e) If a Test Administrator (TA) is relieved for any reason during a test session, the outgoing and
incoming TAs will conduct a joint inventory of the material removed. Upon completion, the outgoing TA
must initial in the “Returned By” block and the incoming TA must initial in the “Verified By” block of the
open entry. The incoming TA assuming responsibility will complete a separate line entry assuming
responsibility for the material. The incoming TA now assumes responsibility for the material and for
returning it to the secure storage room appropriately.
(f) An option to the single line entry for each item is to use test kits. Test kits include many
items specifically identified in a memorandum. As reflected in Figure 2-3
, the memorandum will include the
exact nomenclature, quantity, and serial number(s) of each item making up the test kit. The TA removing the
material will conduct a page-by-page check of the material listed, sign the memorandum, and attach the
original copy of the memorandum to
UMF 611-1-9-R-E. In addition, the TA must annotate the date and test
kit title on the form, plus initial in the “Removed By” block. The quantity and serial number blocks are left
blank, as they are indicated on the memorandum. A copy of the memorandum must be maintained in the test
kit for on-site inventory and control. Upon return to the secure storage room, the same person that removed
the item(s) must conduct a page-by-page check of the material and initial in the “Returned By” block. A
second individual will verify return of the material and initial in the “Verified By” block. When a second
individual is not available to verify the return (e.g., night testing), verification will be accomplished by the
first testing personnel to enter the secure storage room at the start of the next business day. Attach the
memorandum to
UMF 611-1-9-R-E.
(g) After the last entry is made on each sheet, the TCO/TST will review the completed form for
accuracy. When a discrepancy is identified, the TCO/TST will train the responsible TA in the correct
procedures, verify the material has been returned to the secure storage room, and ensure the correction is
made to UMF 611-1-9-R-E
. Upon ensuring the form is accurate, the TCO/TST will initial in the “Reviewed
By” block in the upper right-hand corner. Place record label 601-222f/600A, “Test Material Inventories” on
the binder (see Appendix
A, Section IV for disposition instructions) and maintain for one calendar year.
d. Relocation.
(1) In the event that a MEPS test storage room must relocate to a different facility/building, an other
inventory will be conducted three business days before and three business days after the relocation. A copy
of the pre and post-testing inventories will be sent to J-3/MEOP-ORT through Sector within 3 business days
of completion of the inventories.
(2) In the event an ITAs residence changes from the original address when hired, an other inventory
will be conducted three days before and three days after the ITA’s relocation to the new residence. A copy
of the pre- and post-testing inventories will be sent to J-3/MEOP-ORT through Sector within three business
days of completion of the inventories. The TCO/TST do not have to be present and a disinterested witness
in not required for residential moves.
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
2-6. Transfer of Accountable Test Material
a. Accountable test material at a MEPS may only be transferred to another MEPS, Sector testing section,
and J-3/MEOP-ORT, unless otherwise directed by J-3/MEOP-ORT.
b. Use a memorandum to transfer accountable test material (see Figure 2-4
(1) When material is temporarily transferred outside the MEPS, the TCO/TST must complete the
memorandum reflecting the nomenclature, quantity, and serial number of each item. The original
memorandum, signed by the TCO/TST and a disinterested witness, will accompany the material and a copy
will be attached to the most recent inventory. The TCO/TST and a disinterested witness at the receiving
agency must sign the memorandum and return a copy to the originating MEPS immediately. The material
must be returned using a memorandum (see Figure 2-4
); a signed copy will be returned to the sender using
the procedures described earlier in this paragraph.
(2) When material is permanently transferred outside the MEPS, the TCO/TST must complete the
memorandum (Figure 2-4
) reflecting the nomenclature, quantity, and serial number of each item. The original
memorandum, signed by the TCO/TST and a disinterested witness, will accompany the material and a copy
will be attached to the most recent inventory. The TCO/TST and a disinterested witness at the receiving
agency must sign the memorandum, and return a copy to the originating MEPS immediately. Once the
originating MEPS receives the signed memorandum, the TCO/TST will remove the material from the
inventory within 5 calendar days and complete a new
UMF 611-1-1-R-E reflecting the date of completion,
and the reason for conducting the inventory in the “Remarks” section Attach the memorandum to the back of
the new
UMF 611-1-1-R-E. File forms for 2 years under record number 601-222f/600A, “Test Material
Inventories” (see Appendix A, Section IV for disposition).
c. Accountable test material will be double wrapped when transferred from a MEPS. Test booklets/CDs
and score keys of the same test item must not be shipped in the same package.
(1) Stamp the inner envelope/container (also addressed) with: CONTROLLED ITEM (TEST
(2) Label the outer envelope/container with the “from” and “to” addresses. No indication of the
contents will be made on the outer container.
(3) Include a copy of the memorandum inside each envelope/container.
d. The contracted parcel service must be used to transfer accountable test material from the MEPS IAW
UMR 25-50, Official Mail and Distribution Management Program
. If the contracted parcel service is not
available, use the least expensive but traceable means while maintaining security parameters established in
this regulation. Permanent transfer of test booklets will be shipped using the contracted parcel service’s
ground delivery.
e. Non-accountable test material, such as blank answer sheets, will be sent in the least expensive
2-7. Ordering Test Material
a. J-3/MEOP-ORT automatically distributes newly developed and related test material to the MEPS.
Replenishment of these materials is the MEPS responsibility.
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
b. MEPS TCOs will use their established APD accounts to access the APD Ordering Portal
) to order and track items stored at the APD warehouse.
MEPS testing personnel will use the ASVAB Material Order Form located on SPEAR at J-3 / Operations and
Readiness/Testing Division/Test Material Management to requisition ASVAB material stored by J-3/MEOP-
c. To requisition Air Force Officer Qualifying Test (AFOQT) or EDPT material, you must have an
account with the Warehouse Management System (WMS)
(1) Use these instructions to establish a WMS general account:
(a) Log into WMS at https://wmsweb.afncr.af.mil/wms/
(b) You will be prompted to choose a CAC certificate (ALWAYS choose the authorization
(c) Click on the “Accounts” tab
(d) Click “My Personnel Information” (on the left side of the screen)
(e) Fill in your “Personnel Information” and then click save. Use only your official government
email address ending in “army.mil” as your contact information.
(2) Once you have registered for a WMS account and receive your account number, send it and a
copy of your current TCO/TST test account verification memorandum (see Figure 2-5
) via e-mail to
AFPC.DP1S.MilTes[email protected]f.mil. The subject of the e-mail will be "Request for WMS TCO
Account". The body of the e-mail must contain your WMS general account number. The Air Force Test
Management Office at the Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC) will confirm the MEPS request for a testing
account with the Air Force Departmental Publishing Office (AFDPO) who, in turn, will send a TCO account
number to the email address entered in the WMS application. At that point you will be able to order Air Force
material using your TCO account.
(3) To order Air Force Officer Qualifying Test (AFOQT) or EDPT material:
(a) Using a Web browser, navigate to https://wmsweb.afncr.af.mil/wms/
(b) Enter in “search” item you require with no spaces (i.e. AFPT991, AFPT993), click search
(c) Click on magnifying glass under "View Details"
(d) Enter quantity requesting, click "Add to Shopping Cart"
(e) When finished with orders, click "Proceed to Checkout"
(f) Review order, if okay, click "Submit Order"
d. Immediately upon assumption of duties, and when any information on the memorandum changes,
MEPS Commanders will provide the following agencies, to include Sector Testing POCs, a copy of the
TCO/TST test account verification memorandum (see Figure 2-5
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
(1) Education Division (AHRC-PDE/APT), U.S. Army Human Resources Command, 1600
Spearhead Division Avenue, Fort Knox, KY 40122-5400, email:
(2) Air Force Test Management Office, HQ AFPC/DPSOE, 550 C Street West, STE 9, Randolph
AFB,TX78150-4711email: AFPC.DP1S.MilTestingO[email protected]
(3) HQ USMEPCOM, J-3/MEOP-ORT, email:
OSD North Chicago USMEPCOM List HQ-J3-
MEOP-Testing Division.
e. File the original memorandum under record number 1e/800D, “Housekeeping Instructions Duty
Appointments”, disposition instructions are in Appendix A, Section IV
2-8. Reproduction of Accountable Test Material
Reproduction of accountable test material is prohibited without prior approval of J-3/MEOP-ORT, through
Sector testing section.
2-9. Test Loss/Compromise (TLC)
a. The following list describes test material loss or compromise that requires reporting and/or possible
investigation. If a TLC is determined to have occurred, the Sector Commander will conduct an investigation
into the matter. The Sector Commander will consult with the Staff Judge Advocate’s (SJA) office to
determine if a UCMJ Rule 303 Commander’s Inquiry or an Army Regulation 15-6 investigation will be
initiated. The details of the loss and the name of the investigator will be provided to the SJA and the legal
office will prepare the appointment memorandum for the Commander to sign (refer to
UMR 27-1, Military
Justice and Legal Services for investigative procedures).
Note: This list is not inclusive, it is only provided for guidance.
(1) Access to test material by unauthorized personnel.
(2) Discussion of test questions by DoD personnel with unauthorized personnel.
(3) Examinee revealing test contents to other individuals.
(4) Questioning of examinees by anyone for the purpose of gaining knowledge of test contents.
(5) Development of a local test or practice test which contains actual test material.
(6) Reproduction of any test materials in whole or in part.
(7) Removal of test material by an examinee or other unauthorized personnel from the test room.
(8) Leaving examinees unsupervised during a test session.
(9) Failure to account for accountable test material at any time.
Note: All pages of an answer sheet are considered accountable test material. Missing answer sheets
containing examinee’s PII will be reported to the J-1/Program Division as a possible Personally Identifiable
Information (PII) Breach. Reference UMR 25-52
for reporting procedures.
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
(10) Transfer of test material without proper receipt.
(11) Destruction or disposition of test material under improper conditions.
(12) Improper mailing of test material.
(13) Suspected incidents of training courses or sessions, sponsored by DoD personnel, using
questions from test booklets or emphasizing information known to be covered by the test (e.g., coaching).
(14) Tampering with any package containing test material.
(15) Improper storage of test material.
(16) Access by unauthorized personnel to any safe, secured container, or restricted area containing
test material.
(17) Theft of test material by any individual.
(18) Use of “crib notes” or unauthorized testing aids.
(19) Copying all or part of the iCAT-ASVAB, special purpose test, or USMIRS test scoring software.
(20) Copying or taking photos of test questions from the computer monitor.
b. The TA/ITA will report instances of actual test loss or possible test compromise of accountable test
material to the MEPS who will report the incident to the Sector testing section personnel within 24 hours of
identifying the loss/compromise. In addition, Sector Commanders will report instances of actual test loss or
possible compromise of accountable test material to the USMEPCOM Commander within 24 hours of
notification of the incident. The MEPS will document the information on
USMEPCOM Form 611-1-R-E,
ASVAB Test Loss/Compromise Telephone Report and fax or electronically send a copy to Sector testing
section. Incidents of Test Loss/Compromise for Single Site Testing (SST) will be reported within 24 hours
of inventorying the packages from the school.
c. Upon receipt, the Sector testing section personnel will assign a case number. Case numbers are
assigned consecutively commencing October 1 of each fiscal year (FY). Case numbers will consist of a two-
digit FY identifier, followed by a single letter Sector identifier, and a three-digit case number (e.g., 01E001,
01W002). After a case number is assigned, Sector testing section will forward the TLC to J-3/MEOP-ORT.
d. Once Sector testing section is informed and a case number has been assigned, Sector testing section
will determine, in conjunction with the Chain of Command, whether an investigation is warranted. The Sector
Commander will appoint the investigating officer in accordance with Paragraph “a” above. The investigation
will be conducted within 15 calendar days of initial notification. The MEPS Commander will ensure involved
personnel are available for interview purposes.
e. In case of loss of test booklets, conduct an immediate inventory of accountable test material. ITAs
are required to provide a copy of their immediate inventory to the MEPS, identifying the serial number(s) of
the lost test booklet(s).
f. The investigation findings will be forwarded by the investigating officer to the Sector Commander
with a courtesy copy delivered to the MEPS Commander. Sector testing section and J-3/ MEOP-ORT will
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
review the report for technical validity and ensure any recommendations are sufficiently warranted before
closing. Once the investigation is closed by J-3/ MEOP-ORT, a copy of the investigation report will be
returned through Sector testing section to the MEPS. The MEPS will maintain a copy of the report under
record number 601-222a/600A, “Test Material Accountability”; disposition instructions are in Appendix
Section IV. The closure memorandum is required prior to removing missing material from the MEPS
accountable test material inventory. The TCO/TST will remove the lost test material from the automated
inventory software and complete a new
UMF 611-1-1-R-E the physical inventory number generated by
inventory software and date of completion. In the “Remarks” section, annotate the reason for conducting the
inventory, the inventory software material stock number, quantity disposed, and the Disposition document
numbers generated by inventory software during the disposition process. . Attach a copy of the closure
memorandum and the DD Form 1348-1A genereated by the inventory software during the disposition process
to the back of the new
UMF 611-1-1-R-E.
2-10. Non-Compromise-Related Incidents
a. J-3/MEOP-ORT requires information regarding any unresolved non-compromise-related testing
incident which has (or could have) a negative impact on enlistment testing. Examples include:
(1) Canceled test sessions.
(2) Recruiter and/or tester misconduct.
(3) Examinee disciplinary problems.
(4) Testing support deficiencies precluding effective administration (for e.g., lack of proctor
b. Report a non-compromise-related incident after prior coordination with the Interservice Recruitment
Committee (IRC) has been insufficient in rectifying the problem. Under these circumstances, the MEPS
Commander will originate and forward a report through Sector testing section to J-3/MEOP-ORT. When
recruiting personnel are directly involved in the incident, forward information copies of the report to the
pertinent MEPS-level recruiting command and to IRC members. The report will include a description of the
following information as applicable:
(1) Location and date.
(2) Type of session and MEPS/recruiting personnel involved.
(3) Circumstances surrounding the incident (narrative description).
(4) Corrective action(s) taken to preclude further incidents.
(5) Copy of the applicable IRC minutes.
(6) Recommendation(s) for consideration by J-3/MEOP-ORT and Recruiting Services.
2-11. Test Administrator (TA) Conflicts of Interest
Both MEPS TAs and ITAs are prohibited from administering tests to coworkers, relatives, household
members, or close personal friends. If a TA knows such an individual is scheduled to test, he or she must
notify the TCO/TST. If such a person appears for testing without the TAs prior knowledge, the TA will not
administer the test to the individual and will explain the circumstances to the TCO/TST. In either situation,
the TCO/TST will schedule another TA to administer the test to the individual as soon as possible. The MEPS
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
will notify the appropriate Service, in writing, with the details of the incident.
2-12. Prohibited Coaching Practices
MEPS personnel may not use ASVAB tests, locally developed test questions, copies of answer sheets, test
aids, or commercial study guides to familiarize applicants or potential applicant with the ASVAB. Applicants
may be advised commercial study guides are available; however, commercial study guides will not be
maintained in any MEPS or MET site facility, or in the possession of MEPS personnel for use by applicants.
MEPS personnel will not participate in applicant study preparation. MEPS TCO/TST will report anyone
seeking inappropriate testing assistance to the MEPS Commander.
2-13. Ringers
a. A ringer is any person taking the ASVAB for another person. Report ringer activity via the Station
Advisory Report Net (STARNET), according to guidance in
USMEPCOM Regulation 380-1, USMEPCOM
Security Program, ITAs will report ringer activity to the MEPS. MEPS TCO/TST will notify the appropriate
Recruiting Service with the details of the incident.
b. The test taken must be invalidated. The applicant for which the test was taken is placed in an
administrative hold status for 6 months from the date of test, pending investigation by the appropriate
Recruiting Service. If the ringer was determined to be an applicant, their record will also be placed in an
administrative hold status for 6 months from the date of the test, pending investigation by the appropriate
Recruiting Service. If the Recruiting Service’s review indicates no knowledge of the incident and no fault by
the applicant awaiting processing, remove the applicant from the administrative hold status and authorize an
immediate retest by the MEPS Commander. Every succeeding retest must be taken at the MEPS.
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
Figure 2-1. Sample Memorandum of Personnel Authorized Access into Restricted Testing Area.
(Use Appropriate Letterhead)
SUBJECT: Personnel Authorized Access in Restricted Testing Area
Per USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1, Paragraph 2-2c, the following personnel are authorized unescorted
access in restricted testing area(s). Others must be escorted by the TCO, TST or ESS.
MAJ Sherri Jones Commander
CPT John Doe Ops Officer
Mrs. Monica Somebody TCO
1SG Brandi McCutchen Senior Enlisted Advisor
TSgt Harvey Snelling TNCO
Ms. Arlinda Butler TA
Mr. Arnt Lockwood TA
Ms. Amy McRider ESS
Special purpose testing rooms without automated testing equipment are restricted areas during test
administration only. The iCAT-ASVAB, special purpose test room with DLPT computers, secure storage
room, testing common area, and scoring room, must be restricted at all times, to include being locked when
authorized personnel are not in the room(s) and screening personnel entry. When scoring is being
conducted when the OMR is located within a common area, the common area will be restricted to testing
personnel only. Access to the secure storage room will be limited to testing section personnel only.
This memorandum supersedes memorandum, (subject), July 11, 2017.
Sherri Jones MAJ, USA Commanding
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
Figure 2-2. Sample Memorandum of Personnel Authorized Access into Secure Storage Room.
(Use Appropriate Letterhead)
SUBJECT: Personnel Authorized Access in Secure Storage Room
Per USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1, Paragraph 2-2c, the following personnel are authorized unescorted
access in restricted testing area(s). Others must be escorted by the TCO or the TST.
Mr. John Doe TCO
Mr. Harvey Snelling TST
Ms. Arlinda Butler TA
Mr. Arnt Lockwood TA
Secure Storage Room access roster will be limited to MEPS Testing Section personnel or appointed MEPS
TAs only.
This memorandum supersedes previous memorandum, dated July 11, 2017.
Jane A. Doe LCDR, USN Commanding
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
Figure 2-3. Sample Memorandum for Removing a Test Material Kit.
(Use Appropriate Letterhead)
SUBJECT: Accountable Test Material High School Test Kit 1
I verify removal of the material listed below and will control this material at all times in accordance with
USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1 (Enlistment Qualification Tests).
Serial Number
Form 1304-24A-STB
DD Form 1304
Test Booklet
Test Booklet
Signature of TA
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
Figure 2-4. Sample Memorandum for Temporary/Permanent Transfer of Accountable Test Material.
SUBJECT: Temporary/Permanent Transfer of Accountable Test Material
The accountable test materials listed below are being forwarded to your command:
Serial Number
DD Form 1304
DD Form 1304
Upon receipt, please have your TCO/TST and a witness sign the endorsement below to acknowledge receipt
of the above materials.
___________________________ _________________________
Disinterested Witness Signature TCO/TST Signature
SUBJECT: First Endorsement for Temporary/Permanent Transfer of Accountable Test Material
Reference: Temporary/Permanent Transfer of Accountable Test Material, dated XXXXXXX
I, hereby, acknowledge the receipt of the above listed material. The materials were received on (date).
_______________________________ _____________________________
Disinterested Witness Signature TCO/TST Signature
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
Figure 2-5. Sample Memorandum for Verification of APT Accounts (sample not to scale)
(Use Appropriate Letterhead)
SUBJECT: Information Verification of Army Personnel Test (APT) Account #(T-account) Information
and Air Force Publications Center TMI Account # (TMI Account)
Test Control Officer (TCO): [Name], [Rank], Test Score Technician (TST): [Name], [Rank]
Test Account Physical Address: [Address used for delivery companies such as FedEx and UPS. This
always includes a complete street address and suite or room number.]
Test Account Postal/Mailing Address: [Address used for the US Postal Service (USPS). This can be a Post
Office Box. Be sure to include attention line, and do not use abbreviations.]
Test Account can receive packages using the following delivery methods: [List all that apply: FedEx,
UPS, USPS Registered Mail, USPS Certified Mail.]
Test Account E-mail Address: [Generic e-mail address for account or e-mail addresses for both TCO and
Test Account DSN & COM Phone Numbers: Test Account DSN & COM FAX Numbers:
Test Account Sub-site Information: [If your account has sub-sites, include locations and TSTs names and
contact information.]
POC for this memo (if differs from TCO or TST) is [name], [phone number], and [e-mail address].
MEPS Commander’s signature
As stated
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
Chapter 3
Enlistment ASVAB Test Administration
3-1. Test Administrator Preparation
a. TAs must be knowledgeable in the following areas before administering any ASVAB examination:
test security and accountability, test access, test administration, authorization to test, retest policy, scoring
tests, and verifying results according to this regulation and the Enlistment Testing Program iCAT ASVAB
User’s Guides as applicable.
b. TAs using iCAT will be granted access by their iCAT SSM only.
3-2. Site Security Administration (SSM) Duties for iCAT
a. iCAT SSM duties are performed by the MEPS TCO (primary) and TST (alternate).
SSM’s will be provisioned by J-3/MEOP-ORT upon completion of SSM training in JKO. New TCO/TST
must establish a JKO account prior to accessing JKO for training.
b. Once training has been completed, the MEPS TCO/TST will forward training certificate along
with DoDID number to J-3/MEOP-ORT for provisioning.
c. TCOs will deactivate TA/ITA access to the iCAT within five business days of an individual’s
departure from the testing section.
d. TCOs will notify J-3/MEOP-ORTvia email when they or the TST are within five business days of
departure from the testing section.
3-3. Authorization to Test
a. Personnel authorized to test.
(1) Non-prior Service applicants at least 17 years of age. If not 17 years of age or older, the applicant
cannot test. If tested before the age of 17, the test will be added to the applicant’s record as invalid for
enlistment purposes, and retest eligibility starts from the date of test.
(2) Military personnel (active duty, National Guard, and Reserve) who are changing components or
Services can be administered the ASVAB at the MEPS. These personnel are required to present a completed
UMF 680-3A
to the TA before taking the ASVAB.
(3) Prior service (PS) applicants may test according to guidance in appropriate Service directives.
The validity period for previous test scores and associated source documentation for PS applicants are
determined by each Service. PS applicants do not need a DD Form 368, Request for Conditional Release
take an aptitude test. When PS applicants are retested with an enlistment ASVAB, the results become the
score of record. IRR applicants will be processed in the same manner as non-prior service applicants.
Note: This paragraph does not pertain to personnel assigned to the MEPS.
(4) TAs, to include appointed and previously appointed in-house MEPS TAs, who need to take the
ASVAB must be removed from testing duties and not have access to ASVAB test material for at least 6
months prior to the scheduled ASVAB test. The iCAT-ASVAB will be used for TAs taking this test. Waivers
of the 6-month rule will be considered on a case-by-case basis for a TA applying for special programs with
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
submission time requirements. Waivers will be requested through Sector testing section to J-3/MEOP-ORT.
(5) USMEPCOM personnel who need to take the ASVAB will request a waiver through their chain
of command to J-3/ MEOP-ORT.
b. Personnel not authorized to test.
(1) Individuals in a Service Delayed Entry Program (DEP) are not authorized to test with the ASVAB
except for inquiry into possible testing improprieties. The applicant’s score remains valid while in the DEP.
However, if the individual is discharged from the DEP, and 2 years have elapsed since the last valid test, the
individual no longer has a valid ASVAB score of record and must be tested to continue further processing. If
a member in the DEP takes an ASVAB, the test will be invalidated.
(2) Individuals who have been accessed (Guard and Reserve) are not authorized to test with the
ASVAB except for inquiry into possible testing improprieties. The applicant’s score remains valid while
accessed. However, if the individual is released and 2 years have elapsed since the last valid test, the
individual no longer has a valid ASVAB score of record and must be tested to continue further processing or
the PS procedures are followed from Paragraph 3-3a(3)
. If a member who has been accessed takes an ASVAB
without prior approval, the test will be invalidated.
(3) Military personnel (active duty, National Guard, and Reserve), Service recruiters (military and
civilian), and liaison personnel are not allowed to take the ASVAB at the MEPS or at a MET site. These
members will be referred to their nearest military installation. This includes MEPS personnel who are
relocating and/or being reassigned to a Recruiting Command.
(4) An applicant disqualified and in an administrative hold status due to positive drug/alcohol or
positive Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) test results is not authorized to ASVAB test until the
eligibility date for further processing (removal of an administrative hold status) is met. An updated
drug/alcohol test is not required. If tested while on medical hold for positive drug/alcohol or positive HIV
results, the test will be invalidated.
3-4. When Authorized Individuals are Allowed to Test
a. Standard retest policy.
(1) The retest policy applies to any enlistment test taken and to a student test when used for enlistment
purposes (i.e., a Recruiting Service requests a high school test to be pulled). A student test cannot be used
for enlistment if there is an ASVAB used for enlistment purposes resident in their test history.
(2) An applicant who answers at least one ASVAB question is considered to have tested and
establishes retest eligibility.
(3) Any ASVAB test, including confirmation and student tests, when the student test is used for
enlistment purposes, within 2 years of any previous ASVAB test is a retest and will be counted toward the
retest policy.
(4) When retested, a complete ASVAB is administered, and the results of a valid test become the
applicant’s score of record.
(5) Applicants, who have taken an initial ASVAB, enlistment or a student test used for enlistment,
can retest after 1 calendar month has elapsed (e.g., initial test taken on 2 January, applicant can retest on 2
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
(6) Applicants who have taken the first retest, can retest after 1 calendar month has elapsed (e.g.,
initial test taken on 2 January, first retest was taken on 2 February, applicant is eligible for second retest on 2
March). Third and subsequent retests can be administered after 6 calendar months have elapsed from the last
test date (e.g., initial test taken 2 January, retest taken 2 February, second retest taken on 2 March, third retest
is authorized 2 September).
b. Special considerations.
(1) Retesting with the same version of the ASVAB that was used on any previous test is strictly
prohibited for at least 6 months. If an applicant is retested with the same test version within a 6-month period,
the retest score will be invalidated and the previous valid test score will stand as score of record. However, if
the condition is the result of a MEPS procedural or administrative error, the MEPS Commander may authorize
an immediate retest using a different ASVAB version.
(2) Applicants dismissed for cheating or disruptive behavior will have their test invalidated, and are
not authorized to retest for 6 months from the date of the invalid test.
(3) MEPS Commanders will not authorize immediate retests simply for the purpose of improving an
examinee’s scores. MEPS Commanders may authorize an immediate retest if the examinee’s prior test results
were obtained under one the following conditions:
(a) If MEPS personnel made procedural and/or administrative errors resulting in test invalidation
(e.g., retests taken on the same test version if ability exists to check before test, etc.).
(b) If the examinee’s prior test scores are believed to be unrepresentative of the applicant’s
ability. Examples include test session disruption (e.g., fire evacuation, etc.) or environmental problems (e.g.,
air conditioning failure, excessive noise, etc.).
(4) MEPS Commanders may mandate immediate retests when reasonable cause exists to suspect that
improper means were employed to influence or increase test scores. If any testing impropriety is discovered
as a result of the mandatory retesting and/or an interview, associated test results for that applicant will be
invalid, and the individual will be prohibited from voluntary retesting for 6 months.
(5) Applicants excused from test sessions due to distress may be authorized an immediate retest by
the MEPS Commander (see Paragraph 3-9(g)(1)
(6) When the MEPS Commander orders an immediate retest, record the immediate retest
authorization on an MFR signed by the MEPS Commander. The MFR will be uploaded into the applicant’s
processing record. Immediate retests will only take place at the MEPS. The immediate retest when authorized
by the Commander will be the test of record.
(7) Applicants unable to complete an iCAT test due to technical difficulties may retest immediately.
See Paragraph 4-3b
c. Exceptions to retest policy.
(1) Each Recruiting Service and HQ USMEPCOM (J-3/MEOP-ORT) has a Manpower Accession
Policy Working Group (MAPWG) representative appointed to address special situations dealing with
enlistment testing policy. At any time, the MAPWG can approve exceptions to current testing policy based
on individual cases.
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
(2) Recruiting Service personnel request waivers to testing policy, through their Service’s chain of
command to their MAPWG representative. This representative will confer with J-3/MEOP-ORT and make
a determination. If the exception is approved, J-3/MEOP-ORT will notify Sector testing section and the
MEPS of the required action.
d. Unless otherwise stated, exceptions to testing policy granted by J-3/MEOP-ORT are valid for 1 year
from the date of approval. Keep written approval of exceptions from J-3/MEOP-ORT under Record Number
1oo/800D, “Policies and Precedents” (see Appendix A, Section IV
) and upload a copy of the approved
exception into the applicant’s processing record when applicable.
3-5. Request for Examination
a. Non-PS applicants, PS applicants, and military personnel changing components (who have an
approved exception to policy to test) must provide a completed UMF 680-3A
to the TA before examination.
b. Active duty Marines who are changing components, to include those applying for officer programs,
will provide the memorandum from the Commandant of the Marine Corps before taking the ASVAB.
3-6. ASVAB Test Facility Requirements During Test Sessions
a. A sign stating “Test in session—will end (time)” must be posted at each entrance to the test room.
b. The test room must be free from noise and visual distractions and properly illuminated.
c. Each seat must afford the tester an appropriate writing surface for scratch paper.
Note: iCAT-ASVAB testing room dimensions for the tables: 72 inches long, 30 inches wide and 29 inches
from the floor. These dimensions allows for only two Examinee Test (ET) stations per table. Dimensions
for the chairs: Chair seats are 18 inches from the floor. Any deviations will be reported to J-3/MEOP-ORT
thru Sector.
3-7. Night Testing Provisions
a. All applicants for night testing will be checked in and out of the Testing Section. Night testing will
be provided Monday through Thursday except holidays, and Friday prior to a Saturday opening. The MEPS
will provide a 3-hour applicant arrival window that covers, at a minimum, 1500 1700. The MEPS will
accept walk-in testers, but projected testers will be given priority.
b. Exceptions to policy (ETP) regarding the minimum arrival window as stated in 3-7a can be approved
locally by the MEPS Commander when a 3-hour window is provided that includes the timeframe of 1500-
1600 and the IRC agrees with the applicant arrival time window. The ETP must be documented on a
Memorandum for Record (MFR) with the MEPS Commander’s signature verifying the agreement between
the MEPS and the IRC. The MFR will include the expiration date of the ETP, which will be one year from
the date of the MEPS Commander’s signature. MEPS Testing Sections will forward the MFR via email to
Sector Representatives and J-3/MEOP-ORT within 3 business days of MEPS Commander’s authorization.
c. Exceptions to policy (ETP) regarding the minimum arrival window as stated in 3-7a that cannot be
approved locally by the MEPS Commander (e.g., cutoff time before 1600) will be sent to J-3/ MEOP-ORT
through Sector for approval/disapproval. The ETP request must be in Memorandum for Record (MFR) format
and signed by the MEPS Commander. The MFR must provide the justification for the change and a statement
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
that the IRC agrees with the applicant arrival time window. Approved ETPs will be valid for one year from
date of approval by Sector.
3-8. Applicant/TA Ratio
a. MEPS. During enlistment testing in a MEPS, the maximum applicant/TA ratio for iCAT-ASVAB is
40:1. If the ratio exceeds 40:1 at any time in a MEPS, a second TA is required.
b. MET site. During enlistment testing at a MET site, the maximum applicant/TA ratio is 25:1. When
the seating capacity at a MET site exceeds 25, MEPS Commanders are authorized to waive the ratio to 30:1,
provided adequate security and integrity of the test can be maintained. The maximum number of applicants
at a MET site will not exceed 30.
3-9. General Enlistment Testing Direction
a. ITAs are only authorized to conduct tests resident on the iCAT-ASVAB system in the MEPS during
manning shortages and high-peak periods of testing.
b. The appropriate MET site code will be used for all test sessions (see Appendix E
c. The TA will remain in the test room when applicants are present. Observing applicants through a
window/door is not allowed.
Note: The TA is defined as the individual who is responsible for the required testing material on
UMF 611-
1-9-R-E and will administer the test session. If the TA needs to leave the testing area, the only authorized
individuals to assist with taking over the testing session are other trained MEPS TAs.
d. Only authorized MEPS personnel are allowed access to the iCAT-ASVAB testing room. Authorized
MEPS personnel are the only members permitted access to a MET site testing room during test administration
and scoring. Recruiters/liaison personnel (military or civilian) are not allowed in testing rooms at any
e. Personnel taking the ASVAB in a MEPS must be given the iCAT-ASVAB unless:
(1) He or she has taken all versions of iCAT-ASVAB within 6 months from the test date.
(2) The iCAT-ASVAB system is completely inoperable.
f. TAs will not perform any nonrelated testing activities during the session.
g. Applicants may be excused from a test session for one of the following four reasons:
(1) Distress (e.g., sick, nervous, fatigued). Be alert for applicants who show signs of distress and,
when appropriate, excuse the applicant from the test session. If an applicant is excused, collect testing
material, including scratch paper, before the applicant departs the room. The TA must note the time and
reason of dismissal on UMF 611-1-7-R-E, Aptitude Testing Processing List
. The MEPS testing section
personnel will notify the Recruiting Service of the action taken. The MEPS Commander may authorize an
immediate retest for the applicant and, when immediately retested for this reason, the original test results will
be invalidated and not counted as a test taken. The form may be obtained from the USMEPCOM Intranet
Sharing Policy Experience And Resources (SPEAR), ordered from APD or reproduced on 8 ½- by 11-inch
plain white bond paper.
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
(2) Cheating. Ensure applicants are working independently and not cheating. Applicants will have
on their desks only those materials (test booklet, answer sheet, two sheets scratch paper, and two lead pencils)
provided by the TA when taking the test. Use of unauthorized assistance such as cameras, cellular telephones,
or any other electronic devices is prohibited within any testing area. Applicants detected receiving or using
unauthorized assistance (e.g., crib sheets, talking during the test, gazing onto a neighbor’s test, etc.), or using
other devious means (e.g., working on a portion of the test other than the one being administered or using a
calculator, cellular telephone, electronic translator, or other electronic/mechanical devices) will not be
allowed to continue to test. If testing is complete, their test results will be invalidated. Without causing
disruption to the test session, excuse applicants caught cheating after collecting test material, to include
scratch paper. The TA must note the time and reason of dismissal on UMF 611-1-7-R-E
. The MEPS testing
section personnel will notify the Recruiting Service of the action taken. The applicant’s test will be
invalidated and the applicant will be placed in an administrative hold status and will not be allowed to retest
until 6 months from the test date. Every succeeding retest must be taken at the MEPS. If the applicant has a
cellular telephone or other electronic devices with Wi-Fi or internet accessibility on their person during the
test, but does not use it as a means of unauthorized assistance, the test will be invalidated and the applicant
will not be allowed to retest for one month, unless the test being invalidated is their third test, then Paragraph
3-4(a)(5) of this regulation applies.
(3) Disruption. Dismiss any applicant who becomes disruptive during the testing session. The TA
must collect test material, to include scratch paper, and note the time and reason of dismissal on
UMF 611-1-
7-R-E. The MEPS testing personnel will notify the Recruiting Service of the action taken. The applicant’s
test will be invalidated, the applicant will be placed in an administrative hold status, and will not be allowed
to retest until 6 months from the test date. The MEPS Commander may authorize immediate retests for the
other applicants.
(4) Other necessities (e.g., restroom). When it is necessary to excuse an applicant from a test session,
collect the applicant’s test material before he or she leaves the test room. To ensure the applicant does not
return to work on a previous part of the paper and pencil examination, the TA will circle the item number of
the last question answered on the answer sheet with a “RED” felt-tip marker. The applicant must wait until
the beginning of the next subtest to proceed upon return. Make every effort to prevent examinees from leaving
during a subtest. In a iCAT-ASVAB session, the applicant can be excused once they have completed a subtest
and have not started on the next subtest. Applicants must return within 5 minutes to ensure the test session
does not time out.
h. Applicants who abandon or do not return within 30 days to complete a test after answering at least
one question are considered to have been tested. The TA will collect test material, to include scratch paper,
and note the time and reason of departure on UMF 611-1-7-R-E
. The applicant’s test will be invalidated, and
the MEPS testing section personnel will notify the Recruiting Service of the action taken. Follow the normal
retest policy for test eligibility.
i. Breaks will not be permitted during administration of the ASVAB.
j. The MEPS Commander will determine if the circumstances of the delay warrant invalidating the test
k. The TCO/TST will prepare and annually review contingency plans for conducting MEPS test sessions
in the unplanned absence of the assigned TA. Ensure service liaison personnel are notified in advance when
a session is canceled.
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
Note: The computer generated Applicant Test Processing List printed from iCAT A&R may be used in lieu
of the UMF 611-1-7-R-E
3-10. MEPS iCAT/PiCAT Verification Test Administration
a. The TA will conduct the test session using the Enlistment Testing Program iCAT: ASVAB User’s
Guide verbatim.
b. Applicant will provide the TA with a completed USMEPCOM Form 680-3A. Once reviewed for
accuracy, sign block 22 in the TAs presence.
c. The TA must maintain visual control of applicants checked in for testing. If an applicant departs
the area for any reason during the session, the TA must again verify the individual’s status by having the
applicant sign the back of the UMF 680-3A and conduct a signature comparison with block 22 of the
d. The TA will brief applicants taking the test. This may be done orally or in writing. See Figures 3-1
and 3-2 for sample briefs. Each MEPS may modify to emphasize unique concerns.
e. Unless projected for testing and a records check has been conducted using USMIRS, a systems query
will be accomplished prior to the applicant test to review the applicant’s eligibility to test and the previous
versions used, if any. Checking UMF 680-3A
or asking the applicant whether he or she was previously tested
is not adequate for this purpose.
f. During test administration, the TA will add to or update personal data as required to the applicant’s
record in USMIRS.
g. As tests are completed, the TA will:
(1) Collect all scratch paper directly from the applicant.
(2) Release applicant from the test room only after his or her test material has been accounted for.
h. Once the test session is completed, the TA will:
(1) Ensure all ET stations are logged off.
(2) Secure accountable test material according to Paragraph 2-3
(3) Review test data. Compare the applicant’s processing record in USMIRS and UMF 611-1-7-R-E
to ensure accuracy of merged test results. After, initial UMF 611-1-7-R-E and file under record number 601-
222d/600A, “Qualification Test Answers”; disposition instructions are in Appendix A, Section IV. Destroy
after 30 days.
Note: The computer generated Applicant Test Processing List printed from iCAT A&R may be used in lieu
of the UMF 611-1-7-R-E
(4) Upload UMF 680-3A used for testing into the applicant’s processing record in USMIRS.
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
i. In the event the iCAT cannot not be accessed due to connectivity issues timeframe and the issue cannot
be resolved in timely manner, the test session will be terminated. The applicant can return to either the MEPS
or MET site within 30 days to complete the test.
3-11. MET Site iCAT/PiCAT Test Verification Test Administration.
a. The TA will conduct the test session using the Enlistment Testing Program iCAT: ASVAB User’s
Guide verbatim.
b. Applicant will provide the TA with a completed UMF 680-3A
and a photographic identification card.
If no photographic identification card is available, the TA will ink the applicant’s right thumb to obtain a
thumbprint in the appropriate block on
UMF 680-3A. The TA will fill in the photo ID information on block
22 of the UMF 680-3A. Once reviewed for accuracy, the applicant will sign block 22 in the TAs presence.
In the event the applicant has an envelope provided by the recruiter to transport unverified test scores, it will
be collected from the applicant at this time.
c. Procedures in Paragraph(s) 3-10c will be followed regarding physical control of the applicants when
administering iCAT/PiCAT verification testing at the MET Site.
d. In the event iCAT cannot not be accessed due to connectivity issues and no resolution has been found
within the specified timeframe provided by the TCO, the test session will be terminated. The applicant can
return to either the MEPS or any iCAT MET site within 30 calendar days to complete the test.
3-12. Enlistment Paper and Pencil ASVAB Test Administration
a. Enlistment Paper and Pencil ASVAB testing can be conducted at a MEPS as a contingency process
in the event iCAT-ASVAB testing is unable to be provided for an extended period of time. The J-3 MEOP-
ORT Chief of Testing is the approval authority for reversion to enlistment paper and pencil ASVAB testing
at the MEPS and will provide the announcement and operational guidance when these situations occur.
b. Applicants must provide the TA with a completed UMF 680-3A
. Once reviewed for accuracy, the
applicant must sign block 22 in the TAs presence.
c. The TA will complete a UMF 611-1-7-R-E
as applicants arrive to test.
d. The TA will ensure available test versions are used and distributed equally among examinees. Seat
applicants in a fashion where they cannot readily observe another applicant’s answer sheet. Applicants seated
side by side, behind, or in front of other personnel, will have alternate versions of the test. Only test versions
27A and 27B are authorized for enlistment paper and pencil test administration.
e. The TA must maintain visual control of applicants once they have been checked in for testing. If an
applicant departs the room for any reason, the TA must again verify the individual’s status by having the
applicant sign the back of the UMF 680-3A and perform a signature comparison to block 22 of the
UMF 680-
f. Conduct the test session according to guidance in the appropriate manual for administration.
g. Upon completion of the test, the TA will:
(1) Instruct applicants to remain quietly in their seats.
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
(2) Collect materials, including scratch paper, directly from each applicant.
(3) Inventory test booklets and answer sheets (to include a quick page check ).
(4) Release applicants from the test room after test material has been accounted for.
(5) Conduct a thorough page-by-page check of test booklets once the TA returns to the MEPS or
testing storage site.
(6) Review test booklets for serviceability. Erase stray marks from test booklets. Booklets that are
worn or contain marks that cannot be completely erased will be destroyed. Test booklets will not be repaired
in any fashion (e.g., stapling, taping, etc.).
(7) Secure accountable test material according to Paragraph 2-3
h. MEPS TAs will:
(1) Prior to scoring, review answer sheets to ensure personal information (i.e., applicant’s name and
SSN) are entered correctly on each page of the answer form. Reconcile errors between the answer sheet,
UMF 611-1-7-R-E, and UMF 680-3A
. If appropriate, test scorers can make minor administrative changes to
the answer sheet to ensure the SSN, date of test, date of birth, and test version are accurate and match the
forms listed above.
UMF 680-3A is the source document. Changes to the applicant’s subtest item responses,
to include darkening in responses are prohibited. Do not write test scores on answer sheets.
(2) Use an optical mark reader (OMR) to score ASVAB answer sheets for record purposes. When
the OMR is inoperative, or the test version cannot be scored by the OMR, use manual scoring to provide the
score of record.
(3) Review merged test data. Compare applicant processing record in USMIRS 1.1. and
UMF 611-
1-7-R-E to ensure accuracy of merged test results. After verifying accuracy of merged test scores in USMIRS,
initial the UMF 611-1-7-R-E and file under record number 601-222d; disposition instructions are in Appendix
A, Section IV.
(4) Upload UMF 680-3A
used for testing into the applicant’s processing record in USMIRS.
j. Completed answer sheets will be maintained under record number 601-222d; disposition instructions
are in Appendix A
, Section IV. Answer sheets may be destroyed after 30 days but will be maintained for no
more than two years after the date of test.
3-13. Test Results
a. If the recruiter requests test results, the verified test results must be sealed in an envelope before
release to the applicant. Instruct the applicant to deliver the sealed envelope to their recruiter. Note: This
process is optional when test data is transmitted through the system data exchange.
b. Results from iCAT will automatically merge with an applicant’s USMIRS record provided personal
data exists in USMIRS. If local circumstances or issues dictate a longer timeframe, notify the IRC and Sector
testing section. Results from enlistment tests administered by the Services or other agencies will not be
entered into USMIRS with the exception of tests administered at designated overseas testing sites managed
by the Services.
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
c. When applicants are using student test results to process for enlistment, MEPS test coordinator may
release the student test scores for enlistment if the applicant (student at the time) was in the 11th grade or
higher at the time of testing; is at least 17 years of age, the date of test is within 2 years, and a completed
UMF 680-3A has been received from the Recruiting Service. The UMF 680-3A
must be signed by the
applicant to indicate the applicant’s consent to release the scores in the following instances:
(1) The school specifically requested the scores not be released to the Recruiting Services (option 8,
see Chapter 5, UMR 601-4, Student Testing Program
(2) The specific date of release of the recruiting Service copies has not arrived (options 1-6).
d. To release the scores for student tests, conduct a student test query in the Central Student Database
utilizing name, date of birth, and school. Merge student test scores into USMIRS. Student
tests coded option 7 will not be merged into USMIRS.
e. Incomplete tests (i.e., missing subtest/composite scores) are considered invalid for enlistment
3-14. Manual Scoring
The MEPS testing section personnel will manually score a test when the OMR is inoperative or answer sheets
are damaged. The process used to manually score a student test can be found in the
Test Scoring Application
User Guide. A scorer and verifier will be used during the manual entry process to ensure accuracy of data
3-15. Confirmation Testing
a. The confirmation test is used to determine the correct ability level of an applicant who shows a score
gain of 20 points or more on the AFQT (comprised of the four verbal and math subtests of the ASVAB)
between two contiguous ASVAB tests given within six months of each other. The confirmation test identifies
which AFQT is more representative of an applicant’s true ability: The lower one obtained on the first test or
the higher one obtained on the second or the trigger test.
b. Confirmation testing applies to applicants who were administered retests on any form of the ASVAB
within 6 months of their previous test. There is no distinction between enlistment and student ASVAB when
deciding if a confirmation retest is required. Confirmation testing will be conducted in the MEPS (see Chapter
for further guidance pertaining to the Honolulu MET sites). The confirmation test score will not be used as
the score of record for enlistment. The confirmation test will be administered as a complete test.
c. If an applicant’s most recent test score is 20 AFQT points or more than their previous test score
(critical gain), and the two tests are within 6 months of each other, the applicant is required to complete a
confirmation test to confirm the critical gain is indicative to their true ability. The MEPS testing section
personnel will ensure the test record created in the USMIRS reflects the requirement for a confirmation test.
The confirmation test results can fall back no more than one half the critical gain to sustain the trigger test.
3-16. Confirmation Test Administration
a. Service liaison personnel will be responsible for advising the applicant’s recruiter that a confirmation
test is required at the MEPS and no further processing is authorized until:
(1) The confirmation test is passed, or
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
(2) The 6 months have elapsed from the date of the applicant’s confirmation test, at which time the
applicant may voluntarily retest in the MEPS, on iCAT, or use his or her current score of record (the first of
the two tests that caused the confirmation test).
b. Service liaison personnel will be responsible for requesting and scheduling the applicant to take the
confirmation test. The applicant’s complete and accurate testing history must be provided using
UMF 680-
3A, the “confirmation” block must be checked, and the versions and forms of the applicant’s two (or three
when applicable) most recent ASVAB tests must be reflected. The TA will conduct a records check and
UMF 680-3A with documents in the applicant’s processing record to ensure the information
submitted is correct.
c. Confirmation testing with the same version of the ASVAB that was used on any previous test is
strictly prohibited.
3-17. Scoring the Confirmation Test
When the applicant completes a confirmation test, his or her AFQT from the confirmation test must be
compared to the previous test, and:
a. If the applicant’s confirmation test AFQT is higher than the AFQT from the previous test, or the
AFQT from the confirmation test does not decrease by more than half the value of the critical gain, then the
applicant has met required criteria for a successful confirmation test. The applicant may resume processing
if otherwise qualified and the results from the retest (trigger test) that prompted the confirmation test become
the score of record, not the confirmation test scores.
b. If the applicant's confirmation test AFQT exhibits a gain reversal (i.e., confirmation test AFQT is
lower than his or her previous retest AFQT and the decrease is greater than half of the value of his or her
critical gain), the applicant has failed the confirmation process. This process alone will determine an
applicant's ability. The applicant may process on last valid score or wait six months to retest.
3-18. Post Confirmation Test Actions
All retests after a confirmation test are to be given in the MEPS using iCAT-ASVAB for applicants meeting
any one of the two conditions listed below.
a. All subsequent retests following a C-Test failure.
b. All subsequent retests following a C-Test no-show.
Note: A C-Test no-show is when the applicant does not take the confirmation test within the 6 month
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
Figure 3-1. Sample of an Oral iCAT-ASVAB Briefing.
On behalf of (MEPS Commander’s name), welcome to (name of MEPS). I am (give your name), and I will be
administering your test today.
Has anyone here taken the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery at anytime in the past, either in a high school
or another testing site, and has not indicated this on USMEPCOM FORM 680-3A
you provided? It is extremely
important to identify this because your test will be checked against a nationwide computer file for Armed Forces
applicants. If it is discovered that you previously tested, but did not tell us, the results from today’s test may not be
valid for enlistment.
If anyone raises their hand, check their UMF 680-3A
to ensure they have marked the retest box and entered the
previous forms.
It is important that you are physically fit to take this test. Is there anybody here that doesn’t feel well enough to take
the examination? Remove them from the session group, inform the Service (if available), and indicate the reason for
removal on UMF 680-3A
Applicants who are projected for a retest if the score you achieve today increases by 20 AFQT points or more than
your previous AFQT score, taken within the past 6 months, you will be required to take a confirmation test before
processing is continued. The confirmation test results are not counted as the official scores of record for enlistment,
it is used to confirm your true aptitude ability.
Applicants who are projected for a confirmation test you are here to take the confirmation test which is used to
identify your true aptitude ability. The confirmation test score will not be used as the score of record for enlistment.
You must achieve at least half of the critical gain to validate your highest score obtained.
The test you are about to take is administered by computer. Instructions for taking the test are on the computer, and
the guidelines are very easy to follow. If you need assistance during any part of the test, click on the “HELP” button,
raise your hand, and I’ll assist you.
Cellular telephones and any electronic devices, coats, jackets, and bags will be left in the iCAT-ASVAB waiting room.
The use of crib sheets or electronic devices designed to assist in testing are not permitted. No talking is allowed while
in the testing room. Use the scratch paper and pencils which are provided to you. These are the only tools you may
use for any figuring you need to do while taking the test. If you need more paper or another pencil, click on the
“HELP” button and then raise your hand.
After completing the examination, give your scratch paper and pencils to me and then you are released. If you are
staying at the hotel, wait at the front desk for transportation.
Any time during and after the test, you are not to discuss the material or test questions to anyone. If you are found to
have discussed any testing information, you can be punished under USC Title 10, if civilian, or UCMJ for Military
Does anyone have any questions?
Get them started.
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
Figure 3-2. Sample of a Written iCAT-ASVAB Briefing.
On behalf of (MEPS Commander’s name), welcome to (name of MEPS).
Have any of you taken the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery at anytime in the past, either high school or
another testing site, and have not indicated this on USMEPCOM Form 680-3A
you provided? If you have, this must
be identified on UMF 680-3A that you provided the test administrator, or stated to him or her at this time. It is
extremely important to identify this because your test will be checked against a nationwide computer file for Armed
Forces applicants. If it is discovered that you previously tested, but did not tell us, the results from today’s test may
not be valid for enlistment.
It is important that you are physically fit to take this test. Please let the test administrator now if you do not feel well
enough to take the examination.
Applicants who are projected for a retest if the score you achieve today increases by 20 AFQT points or more than
your previous AFQT score, taken within the past 6 months, you will be required to take a confirmation test before
processing is continued. If the confirmation test results are not counted as the official scores of record for enlistment,
it is used to confirm your true aptitude ability.
Applicants who are projected for a confirmation test you are here to take the confirmation test which is used to
identify your true aptitude ability. The confirmation test score will not be used as the score of record for enlistment.
You must achieve at least half of the critical gain to validate your highest score obtained.
The test you are about to take is administered by computer. Instructions for taking the test are on the computer, and
the guidelines are very easy to follow. If you need assistance during any part of the test, click on the “HELP” button,
raise your hand, and I’ll assist you.
Cellular telephones (and any electronic devices), coats, jackets, and bags will be left in the iCAT-ASVAB
waiting room.
The use of crib sheets, or other devices designed to assist in testing are not permitted. No talking is allowed while in
the testing room. Use the scratch paper and pencils which are provided to you. These are the only tools you may use
for any figuring you need to do while taking the test. If you need more paper or another pencil, click on the “HELP”
button and then raise your hand.
After completing the examination, give your scratch paper and pencils to the test administrator and then you are
released. If you are staying at the hotel, wait at the front desk for transportation.
Any time during and after the test, you are not to discuss the material or test questions to anyone. If you are found to
have discussed any testing information, you can be punished under USC Title 10, if civilian, or UCMJ for Military
Does anyone have any questions?
You may now go to a test terminal.
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
Chapter 4
MET Sites
4-1. Purpose
a. MEPS will provide additional testing service by establishing MET sites to conduct enlistment testing
at locations remote from the MEPS. Testing at MET sites will normally be conducted by Intermittent Test
Administrators (ITAs). MET sites offer iCAT, PiCAT Verification, and special purpose testing.
b. When necessary, the IRC will determine MET site seat allocations in conjunction with the MEPS
Commander. The IRC will base allocation on the Recruiting Service, past testing performances, and
processing quotas.
4-2. Facilities
a. Conduct MET site testing at no additional facility cost to the Government (e.g., Government
facilities). The IRC will share responsibility for locating and coordinating MET sites.
b. Required standards for MET site test room facilities during test sessions, equipment, and conditions
are described in Paragraph 3-6
of this regulation. Coordinate deviation from the standards to J-3/MEOP-ORT
through Sector testing section. MET sites will not be located or co-located within a recruiting station.
c. MEPS Commanders have the authority to open, close, or relocate MET sites to effectively manage
their enlistment testing program. Before opening, closing, relocating or making changes to the
adding/reducing sessions, the MEPS Commander will:
(1) Coordinate with their IRC, Sector testing section, and HQ USMEPCOM, J-3/MEOP-ORT.
(2) Document the MET site opening, closing, relocation, addition, or reduction by memorandum
(signed by MEPS Commander) and a current version of the
USMEPCOM Form 611-1-18-E, Military
Entrance Test Site Update Sheet.
(a) Establish a MET site code according to guidance in Appendix E
. MET site codes are not
reused unless a site is relocated within the same city.
(b) Use a “City and State” naming convention for all MET sites. Indicate who the host is: Army
National Guard, Army Reserve, DeVry University, etc.
(c) Forward a copy of USMEPCOM Form 611-1-18-E
through the Sector testing section to J-3/
(d) Web-delivery of the iCAT to MET sites is activated/deactivated by DTAC. Requests
submitted to J-3/MEOP-ORT on a USMEPCOM Form 611-1-18-E
go to DTAC on Friday afternoons only.
MEPS will be notified by J-3/ MEOP-ORT of completed actions not later than the following Friday.
d. When possible, limit access to the testing room to testing personnel only. If this is not feasible, limit
key access to supervisory and maintenance personnel (National Guard Armory and Reserve Centers).
e. MEPS Commanders will ensure MET sites are inspected before the first test session. Subsequent
inspections will be completed within 12 months from the previous date. MET site inspectors will:
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
(1) Use USMEPCOM Form 611-1-14-I-R-E
, MET Site ITA Review (iCAT) to document the
inspection/review. Retain the most recent form under record number 11-7a/800B, “Internal Review and Audit
Files; disposition instructions are in Appendix
A, Section IV. Deficiencies will be reported in writing to
Sector testing section.
(2) Document on UMF 611-1-14-I-R-E
, MET Site ITA Review (iCAT), page 1, the address and
room number/name of the MET site if accountable test material is stored in the MET site. If material is stored
in the TAs home, the TAs home address will not be indicated due to the Privacy Act.
(3) Annotate corrective action for discrepancies on page 2 of UMF 611-1-14-I-R-E
, MET Site ITA
Review (iCAT).
f. An ETP is required to open a MET site in an educational institution. ETPs will be routed through
Sector to J-3/ MEOP-ORT for approval.
4-3. General Testing Direction
a. Applicants will be registered in iCAT Authorization and Reporting prior to the test.
b. All TA’s will be familiar with system failure/recovery procedures as outlined in the ETP iCAT User’s
Guide. If all recovery efforts fail, the applicant may return to the MET site within 30 calendar days to
continue the test where they left off. Applicants may also elect to retest immediately at the iCAT MET site
or in the MEPS A different test version must be selected. Significant technical difficulties will be reported to
both the MEPS testing section and DTAC per the ETP iCAT User’s Guide.
4-4. ASVAB Test Scores from iCAT
a. Test scores are transferred from DTAC to USMIRS shortly after completion of the test provided
personal data exists for the applicant in USMIRS. For more information, please refer to the ETP iCAT User’s
Guides posted on the iCAT Authorization and Reporting Website (iCAT A&R).
b. Scores posted in iCAT A&R are unverified if the applicant was not projected and personal data does
not exist in USMIRS. When personal data is resident in USMIRS the iCAT scores are verified. The score
report indicates if the scores are verified or unverified.
c. Correcting iCAT scores in USMIRS transactions.
MEPS must submit a USMEPCOM J-3/ Operations Center (MOC) request to correct any data associated with
MET site ID corrections and retest eligibility date changes.
4-5. MET Site Utilization
a. MEPS will monitor the MET site testing program for effectiveness of the site location by analyzing
the Service utilization of existing MET sites using
USMEPCOM Form 611-1-6-R-E, MET Site Utilization
Analysis. File form under record number 601/600A, “General Personnel Procurement Correspondence Files
MET Site Utilization Analysis”; disposition instructions are in Appendix A, Section IV. Form may be
obtained from the USMEPCOM SPEAR and reproduced on 8.5 by 11-inch plain white bond paper.
b. MEPS testing section personnel will review each MET site usage quarterly and provide a copy of the
analysis to Sector testing section. The Sector Commander can delegate the reporting requirement to the
Battalion level. A site is not considered efficient if the average utilization is less than five testers per session
over 6-month period. The MEPS will interface with their Battalion and Sector (if necessary) to develop a
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
plan of action to ensure maximum usage of the site is achieved. Suggested adjustments include changing the
time, day, and/or week of the test or placing the site on-call and only test when five applicants are projected.
MEPS must discuss the proposed plan with the IRC. The MEPS can also evaluate placing a low usage site
on probation for a period of time to evaluate adjustments. If usage does not increase, take appropriate action.
A low MET site average may be appropriate in order to retain an ITA in an area for high school testing. For
example, a MET site that has a low number of confirmed testers, but is in an area where there is a high volume
of high school testing being conducted.
4-6. Intermittent Test Administrator (ITA)
ITAs conduct ASVAB testing at MET sites and schools. Each MEPS coordinates directly with the appropriate
ITA to ensure coverage of scheduled test sessions, and to ensure each ITA is qualified to administer the
ASVAB. The MEPS must complete ITA performance reviews at intervals prescribed below. Reviews may
be in conjunction with the test site inspection. Annotate any corrective action taken UMF 611-1-14-I-R-E
UMF 611-1-14-P-R-E (for HS paper and pencil test sites only).
a. Newly hired ITAs.
(1) ITAs are activated/deactivated for iCAT access by the MEPS iCAT SSM. Deactivations are
completed within five business days of the departure of an ITA.
(2) The TCO, TST, TNCO, or Lead Test Clerk will observe and review newly assigned ITAs at both
an enlistment and student session, if applicable, within 6 months of their first test session. Use
UMF 611-1-
14-I-R-E or UMF 611-1-14-P-R-E (for HS paper and pencil test sites only) to document the review. Retain
the two initial reviews under record number 11-7a/800B, “Internal Review and Audit Files”; disposition
instructions are in Appendix
A, Section IV.
(3) Subsequent reviews must be completed by the TCO, TST, TNCO, or Lead Test Clerk within 12
months of the previous review date at a MET site or student session, and be documented using
UMF 611-1-
14-I-R-E or UMF 611-1-14-P-R-E (for HS paper and pencil test sites only). Retain all review forms under
record number 11-7a/800B, “Internal Review and Audit Files”; disposition instructions are in Appendix A,
Section IV.
4-7. No-show Sessions
A no-show session occurs when an applicant does not appear for a test session. If there are no projections,
cancel the test session and notify the ITA. If no-show sessions continue at a MET site, analyze the situation
and take appropriate action in conjunction with the IRC.
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
Chapter 5
Special Purpose Test Administration
5-1. Purpose
a. Special purpose tests are administered when necessary to determine qualifications of applicants for
specific occupational specialties. Applicants requiring aptitude scores will take the ASVAB prior to taking a
special purpose test. Officer candidates and ROTC cadets that do not require aptitude scores will be coded
that way in USMIRS and may be given special purpose tests. They are not categorized as service members
for the purposes of this regulation.
b. Special purpose tests are delivered by paper and pencil, computerized, and web-based methods.
Administration and scoring vary according to the delivery method. Specific guidance for web-based and
computerized special purpose testing is listed by test in Paragraph 5-8 and Table 5-2
. Special purpose tests
can be administered on the same day the ASVAB is administered; however, the ASVAB must be administered
first, except AFOQT. Special purpose tests can be taken while applicants are in the DEP.
c. MEPS testing section personnel will establish a schedule for the most common special purpose tests
so the Services can schedule their applicants in advance. Special purpose testing will not interfere with
ASVAB testing.
d. Special purpose testing at locations other than the MEPS or MET site is not authorized with the
exception of those special purpose tests conducted by the Services overseas.
e. MEPS will not enter into agreements to conduct special purpose tests not authorized by J-3/ MEOP-
ORT. MEPS testing section personnel are authorized to conduct only those special purpose tests listed in
Paragraph 5-8
f. When the Services administer a special purpose test, they will procure their own test materials from
their TCOs and provide their own testing facility. In addition, results of special purpose tests administered
by the Services will not be entered into USMIRS, with the exception of those tests administered at overseas
test sites. Special purpose tests conducted by overseas TCOs are processed through the New York and
Honolulu MEPS for their assigned areas of responsibility. Those two MEPS are required to enter scores from
special purpose tests conducted by overseas TCOs into USMIRS. For existing applicant records owned by
other MEPS, the New York and Honolulu MEPS will electronically send the special test score reports to those
MEPS for them to enter into USMIRS.
g. Oral Proficiency Interviews (OPI) for language testing will not be conducted by MEPS personnel.
Scores from OPI’s scheduled and conducted by the Services will not be entered in USMIRS.
5-2. Test Administration Preparation
a. TAs must be knowledgeable in the following areas before administering any special purpose test
examination: test security and accountability, authorization to test, retest policy, access to web-delivered tests,
scoring tests, and verifying results according to this regulation and the applicable manual for administration.
b. All MEPS TCOs and TSTs will be registered, trained, and certified as TAs to access and administer
all web-based special tests offered by the MEPS. Other personnel assigned to fulltime duties in the testing
section may be registered, trained, and certified to access and administer web-based tests at the discretion of
the TCO.
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
c. MEPS personnel assigned to fulltime duties outside the testing section may be appointed by the
MEPS Commander to perform special testing duties. An appointment letter listing the TAs name, grade/rank,
position, phone number, and email address will be submitted via Sector to J-3/ MEOP-ORT.
5-3. Site Security Manager and Site Administrator Duties
a. All web-based test access will be managed by a Site Security Manager (SSM) or a site administrator,
depending on the test.
b. SSM duties for the Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT) system are performed by J-3/ MEOP-
(1) DLPT system SSMs will activate/deactivate MEPS personnel for access to the DLPT system
(which includes the DLAB, DLPT, and ECL) when requested by the MEPS TCO, through Sector, via email
that lists the TAs name, grade/rank, position, phone number, and email address. An appointment letter is no
longer required for personnel assigned to fulltime duties in the testing section.
(2) Test Administrators that have been selected to conduct DLPT testing will establish a JKO account
and complete the required DLPT training. Once training has been completed, the MEPS TCO will forward
the training certificate along with TAs DoDID# to J-3/ MEOP-ORT for provisioning.
(3) MEPS TCOs will inform J-3/MEOP-ORT by email, via Sector, of a DLPT TAs departure within
five business days of that action. DLPT system SSMs will deactivate those system users within 24 hours of
notification. Maintain the email on file for 2 years under record number 1e/800D, “Housekeeping Instructions
Duty Appointments”, disposition instructions are in Appendix A, Section IV
c. SIFT site administration duties are performed by J-3/MEOP-ORT.
(1) SIFT site administrators will activate/deactivate MEPS personnel for access to the SIFT. At the
discretion of the TCO, personnel assigned to fulltime testing duties can request a new examiner account by
accessing SIFT online at https://sift.health.mil
. After the request is made, the personnel requesting access
must contact J-3/MEOP-ORT SIFT site administrators to get their account activated. SIFT training is
accomplished solely by a review of the SIFT Test Administration Manual (TAM). SIFT test administrators
are required to access their SIFT account every 30 days to keep account active. If the account lapses, it will
be automatically deactivated. Accounts can only be reactivated by J-3/ MEOP-ORT.
(2) MEPS TCOs will inform J-3/ MEOP-ORT by email, via Sector, of a SIFT TAs departure within
five business days of that action. SIFT site administrators will deactivate those system users within 24 hours
of notification.
5-4. Authorization to Test
a. Personnel authorized to test.
(1) Non-prior Service applicants at least 17 years of age. If not 17 years of age or older, the applicant
cannot test. If tested by mistake before the age of 17, the test will be scored and added to the applicant’s
processing record as invalid for enlistment purposes. Retest eligibility will start from the date of test.
(2) Military personnel (active duty, National Guard, and Reserve) who are changing components or
Services may be administered a special purpose test at the MEPS.
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
(3) Prior Service (PS) applicants will test according to guidance in the appropriate Service directives.
The validity period for previous test scores and associated source documentation for PS applicants will be
determined by each Service. PS applicants do not need a DD Form 368, Request for Conditional Release
take a special purpose test.
(4) MEPS TAs who need to take a special purpose test will be removed from testing duties and not
have access to test material for that particular test for at least 6 months prior to the scheduled test date.
Waivers of the 6-month rule will be considered on a case-by-case basis for a TA applying for special programs
with submission time requirements. Request waivers through Sector testing section to J-3/ MEOP-ORT.
(5) USMEPCOM personnel not assigned to the testing section who need to take a special purpose
test will request a waiver through their chain of command to J-3/ MEOP-ORT.
(6) Individuals in a Service DEP are authorized to take special purpose tests.
b. Personnel not authorized to test.
(1) Service recruiters (military and civilian) and liaison personnel are not allowed to take a special
purpose test in the MEPS. Refer these members to their nearest military installation.
(2) Military personnel (active duty, National Guard, and Reserve) who are NOT changing
components or Services will be administered a special purpose test at the MEPS on an exception to policy
(ETP) basis only.
(3) An applicant disqualified and on an administrative hold status due to positive drug/alcohol/HIV
test results is not authorized to take a special purpose test until the eligibility date for further processing
(removal of an administrative hold status) is met. If tested while on medical administrative hold for positive
drug/alcohol/HIV results, the test will be invalidated.
5-5. Request for Examination
a. Applicants will be scheduled in USMIRS by the Services. Service members with approved ETPs will
be projected by the MEPS testing section.
b. Applicant will provide the TA with a completed UMF 680-3A
. Once reviewed for accuracy the
applicant will sign block 22 in the TA’s presence.
c. The applicant will provide the TA a photographic identification card when testing at a MET Site. If
no photographic identification card is available, the TA will ink the applicant’s right thumb to obtain a
thumbprint in Block 23 on UMF 680-3A
5-6. Test Facility Requirements
a. Required standards for the special purpose test room during test sessions, equipment, and conditions
are described in Paragraph 3-6
of this regulation.
b. An audible electronic timer must be used for timing the various tests (all paper and pencil test
c. High quality monaural headphones with volume control that cover the ear will be used for all tests
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
with an audio component. The headphones distributed to all MEPS for DLPT use meet these requirements.
5-7. Applicant / TA Ratio
During special purpose paper and pencil testing, the maximum applicant/TA ratio is 25:1. When the seating
capacity exceeds 25, MEPS Commanders are authorized to raise the ratio to 30:1, provided adequate security
and integrity of the test can be maintained. When there are more than 30 applicants, the applicant/TA ratio
shall revert back to 25:1 with no exceptions. During web-based and computerized testing, the maximum
applicant/TA ratio is 40:1.
5-8. Authorized Tests
a. Air Force Officer Qualification Test (AFOQT)
(1) Used to measure aptitudes for selecting candidates for Air Force commissioning programs.
(2) Applicants who fail to qualify on the AFOQT may retest 90 days after the initial test. Applicants
are allowed three retests, the third retest requires a waiver from applicant Wing/CC or equivalent;
AFROTC/CC, ARPC/DPA, AFRS/RSO, NBG/A1P, and the Air Force Academy Commandant of Cadets
(USAFA/CW) are the waiver authority for their appropriate source of commission. Applicant must provide
an approved waiver to test a third time to the MEPS TCO before the test can be administered. The waiver will
be uploaded into the applicant’s processing record in USMIRS.
(3) Requests for an exception to the retest policy will be initiated by the Service liaison personnel
and forwarded directly to Headquarters, Air Force Reserves for Officer Training School applicants and
Reserve applicants; and Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) for AFROTC detachment
applicants. Service liaison personnel will provide written documentation of all approvals of their requests for
exceptions to the retest policy. This document will be uploaded into the applicant’s processing record in
USMIRS. MEPS personnel will include a copy of the approved exception request when the answer sheets
are mailed for scoring.
(4) AFOQT answer sheets are not scored at the MEPS, but a placeholder score of eight zeroes is
entered into USMIRS to account for workload. Forward answer sheets and a copy of the AFPT 238 (AFOQT
Test Roster) via the contracted parcel service to HQ Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC/DPSOEI), 550 C
Street West, Suite 9, Randolph AFB, TX 78150-4711 for scoring NLT the next business day after the test
date. In addition, if an applicant has been caught cheating, the TCO/TST will attach a note to the answer
sheets indicating the circumstances of the incident.
b. Coding Speed (CS)
(1) Used by the Navy to measure how quickly and accurately an examinee can find a certain number
in a table and link it to a display word.
(2) CS is normally taken in conjunction with the ASVAB, but can be taken as a standalone test.
(3) CS is a special test but the standard ASVAB retest policy applies. See Table 5-2
c. Defense Language Aptitude Battery (DLAB)
(1) Used by the Services for identifying individuals who have potential to learn a foreign language.
(2) DLAB is normally accessed through the web-based iCAT platform, however, it is administered
using the DLPT platform. DLAB can also be administered using the special purpose test computers.
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
(3) DLAB will be offered whenever the DLPT system is available and whenever the established
special test schedule calls for it.
(4) Applicants who fail to obtain a qualifying score on the DLAB may be retested no earlier than 180
calendar days from the last test administration, unless an exception to policy is granted for a specific
individual to retest within 180 days, however, individuals can only take the DLAB twice in a 12-month period.
See Table 5-2
for Service- specific details. DLAB scores do not expire.
(5) Web delivered DLAB tests are automatically scored by the DLPT system and then transferred to
the applicant’s USMIRS record. If there is a system interruption and the score does not make it into DLAB,
the score can be entered manually upon approval from J/3/MEOP-ORT.
d. Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT)
(1) Used by the Services to measure knowledge of a particular foreign language. National Language
Service Corps (NLSC) and Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) procedures are outlined in 5-8(c)(8).
(2) DLPTs are web-delivered only on the DLPT system.
(a) Access activation/deactivation for the web-based DLPT is requested per Paragraph 5-3b
(b) Access to Web-based testing Websites requires a valid (CAC).
(c) The DLPT Authorization and Reporting application at https://dlpt-ar.dpac.mil
is used to
register test applicants, print score reports, determine DLPT test histories, and request retests. An e-mail
advising the DLPT Site Security Manager (SSM) in J-3/MEOP-ORT of requests for retests is required. Access
to the DLPT Authorization and Reporting website can be done from any computer with internet access, but
is restricted after 45 days of non-use. Contact the DLPT Helpdesk for a reset. The User Guide and
Administration Guides can be downloaded from the Documents section of the DLPT Authorization and
Reporting application.
(d) The DLPT Testing application can be accessed only on a dedicated DLPT computer. Open
this application by clicking on the WPDT icon on the desktop.
(3) DLPTs are automatically scored by the testing software, and are manually entered in USMIRS.
(a) Results for multiple choice tests post immediately, but results for constructed response tests
may take up to two weeks to post.
(b) Scores are automatically reported as proficiency skill levels on the DLPT Authorization and
Reporting Web site. MEPS will print the DLPT score report and convert the proficiency skill levels to data
codes according the following chart and manually enter them into USMIRS. The DLPT score report will
then be uploaded into the applicant’s processing record in USMIRS as a source document. All DLPTs are
entered into USMIRS as DLPT regardless of their actual version. The two-character language code will
precede the listening and reading scores in that order. A complete list of available tests and language codes
is found on the DLPT Authorization and Reporting website in the “Account Maintenance” section of the
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
Table 5-1. Proficiency Skill Levels.
Proficiency Skill
(c) Recruiting Services will access USMIRS to retrieve scores, so a copy of the DLPT score
report does not need to be distributed.
(4) The listening and reading portions of the test will be administered during the same test session.
(5) Applicants who fail to obtain a qualifying score on the DLPT may retest no earlier than 270
calendar days from the last test administration and no more than two iterations of the same test in a 12-month
period. DLPT scores expire after 1 year. MEPS Commanders may authorize an immediate retest when
original tests were administered under adverse conditions (i.e., undue distractions). This does not include
illness that existed prior to the test session, as applicants are informed not to take the test if ill.
(6) MEPS will complete a DA Form 330, Language Proficiency Questionnaire
for each Army
applicant who is administered a DLPT at the MEPS and upload it into the applicant’s processing record in
(7) MEPS do not conduct Language Oral Proficieny Interviews (OPI), this is the responsibility of
the Service. MEPS will not administer very low range DLPTs or
upper range DLPTs unless authorized by
(8) NLSC and DIA testing procedures are as follows:
1. Eligibility:
a. Age: Non-service sponsored applicants must be a least 17 years old. There is no upper age limit.
b. Citizenship: Non-service sponsored applicants must be a United States Citizen with a valid social
security number.
c. Language Dialect: Non-service sponsored applicants may take any lower range DLPT that is
available as a web-delivered test. Upper range tests must be approved by J-3/MEOP-ORT.
2. Testing:
a. Testing for this program is accomplished Monday through Friday in MEPS only.
b. NLSC and DIA applicants will be given VIP consideration, especially when it comes to test
scheduling. Arrival times will be no sooner than 0800 hours unless agreed to by the applicant.
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
c. NLSC and DIA applicants personal information will be gathered only upon applicant arrival in the
MEPS and projected as “walk-ins” by the MEPS testing section.
d. NLSC and DIA applicants will contact MEPS Test Control Officers (TCO) directly to schedule their
tests. Email is the preferred method of communication. Below procedures have been agreed upon by
USMEPCOM and the requesting agencies.
(1) Non-service sponsored applicants are instructed by the requesting agency to briefly explain in an
email to the TCO that they need to take the DLPT. They are to list the language they need testing on and
three dates when they will be available for the entire day to take the test. If the MEPS cannot schedule the
test for one of the three dates submitted by the applicant, an alternate date will be agreed upon.
(2) The TCO should respond to the candidate’s e-mail request within 24 hours and exchange emails
with the candidate until a test date and time is agreed upon and the language to be tested is confirmed. It is
the candidate’s responsibility to inform their agency of the test date and time.
(3) The TCO should address issues of parking, building access and security, etc. in the email
exchange. MEPS on military installations or Federal building will sponsor NLSC and DIA applicants for
access to the installation during periods of elevated threat conditions or as required by local guidance.
(4) DIA applicants will be referred to as “DoD” applicants in all written correspondence (email)
between the MEPS and the applicant.
e. Portions of the UMF 680-3A
will be completed by the applicant immediately prior to the test.
Guidance provided in paragraph 3 below. .
f. The applicant is scheduled per paragraph 3 below.
g. The applicant is tested.
(1) Test registration is completed through DLPT Authorization and Reporting (DLPT A&R)
application as specified in paragraph 5-8(c)(2)(c). For further instructions, please refer to the “Web-based
Defense Language Testing User’s Guide,found under the “Documents” section in DLPT A&R.
(a) Most Non-service sponsored applicants will not be found in the Person Data Repository
(PDR) and will be added to the DLPT database per instructions provided in the “Web-based Defense Language
Testing User’s Guide.”
(b) “NLSC” will be selected from the drop down box in the “Choose Service” field when adding
an NLSC applicant to the DLPT database using the “Add Test Candidate to DLPT” screen.
(c) “DoD will be selected from the drop down box in the “Choose Service” field when adding a
DIA applicant to the DLPT database using the “Add Test Candidate to DLPT” screen.
(1) The Reading and Listening portions of the DLPT will be administered on the same day.
(2) Three copies of the score report generated by the DPLT system will be printed.
(a) The first copy of the score report should be given to the applicant before he/she departs the
MEPS. TCOs will highlight the scores on this copy.
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
(b) On the second copy the MEPS should black out all but the last four digits of the Personal
ID. The document will be scanned and sent to the agency requesting the test via encrypted email. Please
refer to the links provided below for instructions located on SPEAR as follows:
National Language Service Corps
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
(c) The third copy is uploaded into the applicant’s processing record in USMIRS.
3. Processing:
a. Portions of the UMF 680-3A
are completed on the day of the test as indicated below. Blocks not
listed will not be completed.
(1) Write “NLSC Applicant” or “DIA Applicant” at the top of the form as appropriate.
(2) Block A: the service processed for (SPF) will be coded as “ZZZ” on the form and in USMIRS.
(3) Block B is completed as usual.
(4) Blocks 1 through 10 are completed as usual. NLSC and DIA applicants must be United States
(5) Non-service sponsored applicants from NLSC and DIA will not take the ASVAB. No aptitude
score is required.
(6) Entries in blocks 11, 12, 16a/b/c, 17a/b, 20 and 22, will be the same for all applicants as listed
below. Religious preference, education level, recruiter ID, etc., are entered only as placeholders. These
entries are to be completed as follows:
(a) Block 11: Unknown (99)
(b) Block 12: High School Diploma (12L)
(c) Block 16a: No
(d) Block 16b: No
(e) Block 16c: Special
(f) Block 17a: 999999999
(g) Block 17b: 99999
(h) Block 20: No
(i) Block 22: the applicant must sign in the presence of the test administrator
(j) Social security conflicts will be communicated to the applicant and the requesting agency
for resolution.
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
b. Upon completion of the Request for Examination, the TCO will enter the applicant’s personal data
into USMIRS and schedule the applicant as a walk-on. This step and the manual entry of DLPT test scores
into USMIRS are necessary to capture work load data.
(1) As appropriate, “NLSC Applicant” or “DIA Applicant” will be entered in the Applicant Notes
section of the USMIRS Schedule an Applicant Visit screen. This step is essential for tracking MEPS
(2) Standard MEPS check-in procedures are followed. Ensure that “DIA or Defense Intelligence
Agency” is not printed on the applicant nametag.
c. Upon completion of the DLPT, the TCO manually enter the DLPT score and upload the original
680-3A, and a copy of the score report generated by the DLPT system into the applicant’s processing record
in USMIRS. Other documentation may be added as needed.
d. Lunch will not be provided to these applicants.
e. After testing, the applicant will be checked out at the front control desk and depart the MEPS.
f. English Comprehension Level (ECL)
(1) Used by the Services to measure English language proficiency for entry into military service,
some reclassifications and promotions, or placement in English language classes.
(2) The ECL is delivered by the DLPT system where it is listed in the alphabetically ordered language
list. Due to a high workload, San Juan MEPS maintains paper and pencil ECL versions as a back up to the
web-delivered test.
(3) Army applicants who have scored a 75 or higher on an ECL are not authorized to retest.
Applicants that have not achieved a score of 75 or higher on the ECL may retest 30 days after initial test, 30
days after first retest, and every six months thereafter. The DLPT system imposes a six month retest policy
for the ECL, so TAs must request a retest approval in that system and via email from J-3/ MEOP-ORT.
g. Electronic Data Processing Test (EDPT)
(1) Used for Air Force applicants to evaluate basic ability to complete formal courses dealing with
operating and programming electronic data processing equipment.
(2) Applicants may continue retesting as long as it has been 6 months from the last test date. MEPS
Commanders may authorize an immediate retest when original tests were administered under adverse
conditions (i.e., undue distractions). This does not include illness that existed prior to the test session, as
applicants are informed not to take the test if ill.
(3) EDPT answer sheets are manually scored by the MEPS and entered in USMIRS. Completed
answer sheets are filed locally per Paragraph 5-12a
h. Selection Instrument Flight Training (SIFT)
(1) Used to test Army flight school applicants.
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
(2) The SIFT is a web-delivered test accessed only through the computers located in the special test
(3) All MEPS TCOs and TSTs will establish SIFT Examiner Accounts. Other testing personnel will
establish SIFT accounts at the discretion of the TCO.
(4) SIFT test scores range between 20 to 80 and must be manually entered into USMIRS.
(5) A printed score report will be generated by the SIFT system but will not be given to the applicant.
However, applicants will see their score on the computer screen at the conclusion of the test. A copy of the
score report may be given to the recruiting liaison and the original used to enter scores in USMIRS.
i. Tailored Adaptive Personality Assessment System (TAPAS)
(1) Used by Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps to assess several personality characteristics
important in military occupations and to evaluate an applicant’s suitability for military life and the likelihood
of successful adjustment.
(2) TAPAS is a Service specific test and normally taken after the iCAT enlistment test, but can be
taken at any time. Such cases include, when a high school ASVAB used for enlistment or a service processing
for (SPF) change. These applicants will then be required to take the TAPAS as a standalone test.
(3) TAPAS will be administered to all Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps applicants. Results
are sent from HQ USMEPCOM USMIRS 1.1 data base to the Services for input into their respective Service
data base.
(4) TAPAS is administered to all Army non-prior service (NPS) applicants who test at the MEPS or
MET site, regardless of component (RA, USAR, ARNG) or Tier after the ASVAB. . TAPAS can be
administered as a stand-alone test selected from the test delivery screen of the ET station. No manual score
entries will be made in USMIRS.
(a) Army applicants who receive an incomplete result on the TAPAS at the first administration
are authorized to retest immediately.
(b) Retest interval for the TAPAS test is the same as the ASVAB, except for the Marine Corps,
they are not authorized a retest.
(5) Services will project applicants for TAPAS test.
i. Test of Basic Aviation Skills (TBAS)
(1) Used for Air Force applicants to test basic aviation skills for the selection of Air Force Pilot and
Remotely Piloted Aircraft pilot candidates.
(2) TBAS consists of subtests that measure psychomotor skills, spatial ability, and multi-tasking
Aptitude. Test scores will send raw data to a central scoring facility where the applicant can check the PCSM
score via the internet within 1-2 days.
(3) Candidates who fail to obtain a qualifying score are allowed 3 attempts and must have a
minimum of 90 days apart.
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
j Cyber Test (CT)
The CT is a cognitive measure designed as an ASVAB technical subtest to predict training performance in an
entry-level cyber-related military occupation.
(1) All Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps components will be administered the CT after taking the
ASVAB and Army applicants qualifying for MOS 35Q/17C.
(2) No retests are authorized for Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps applicants. Army applicants
may retest after one calendar month and every six months thereafter.
5-9. General Special Purpose Testing Direction
a. The TA administering the test will remain physically in the test room at all times when applicants are
b. Recruiters/liaison personnel (military or civilian) will not be allowed in testing rooms at any time
during administration.
c. TAs will not score tests or perform any nonrelated testing activities during the session.
d. Web-based and computerized delivery methods provide the Privacy Act Statement during the on-
screen instructions and it is not read aloud by the TA. It is not required to have the applicant sign a hard-
copy Privacy Act Statement for web-based or computerized special purpose tests.
e. Deviations from specific instructions in test administration manuals are prohibited. Read directions
for paper and pencil tests verbatim, in English, while standing. TAs must ensure applicants ask and respond
to questions in English.
f. Applicants who abandon a test after answering at least one question are considered to have been
tested. The TA must collect test material, to include scratch paper, and note the time and reason of departure
on MFR. The MEPS testing section personnel will notify the Recruiting Service of the action taken. Follow
the normal retest policy for test eligibility.
g. Scoring information for special purpose tests is summarized in Table 5-2
5-10. Test Administration (TA)
a. The TA will have enough test booklets for paper and pencil tests in his or her possession and copies
of the Privacy Act Statement (see Appendix D
), as well as materials required per the applicable manual for
b. Applicants will provide the TA administering the test with a completed UMF 680-3A
. The TA will
have the applicant sign block 22 in his or her presence. The TA will have the applicant review and verify all
personal information and update USMIRS if required.
Note: A new UMF 680-3A
is not required for an applicant to take a special purpose test, unless the applicant
is processing for a different Service. Any new UMF 680-3A signed and submitted by an applicant for a
special test will be uploaded into the applicant processing record in USMIRS.
c. The TA must maintain visual control of applicants once checked in for testing. If an applicant departs
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
the area for any reason before the start of the session, the TA will again verify the individual’s status by
having the applicant sign the back of the UMF 680-3A and perform a signature comparison to block 22 on
the UMF 680-3A.
d. A system query using USMIRS will be accomplished before the applicant tests. Review the
applicant’s eligibility to test and the previous versions used, if any. Checking UMF 680-3A
or asking the
applicant whether he or she was previously tested is not adequate for this purpose.
e. Seat applicants in an orderly fashion so they cannot readily observe another applicant’s answer sheet.
When testing paper and pencil, personnel seated side by side, behind, or in front of other personnel, will have
alternate versions of the test.
f. The TA will read the following statement to the applicants:
g. The TA will read the Privacy Act Statement (see Appendix D
) for paper and pencil tests and provide
the applicants a copy if requested. For the Web-based DLPT, and Web-based DLAB, the Privacy Act
Statement appears on screen and will not be read aloud. Provide a printed copy of the Privacy Act Statement
to applicants who request it.
h. Conduct the test session according to the appropriate manual for administration.
i. Upon completion of the test, the TA will:
(1) Instruct applicants to remain quietly in their seats.
(2) Collect materials, including scratch paper, directly from each applicant. NOTE: For the web-
based DLPT, collect the applicant’s user ID and password when the test is completed.
(3) Inventory test booklets and answer sheets, to include a quick page check by inspecting the
overlapping black lines on the edge of the pages.
(4) Release applicants from the test room only after the test material has been accounted for.
(5) Conduct a page-by-page check of the test booklets once the TA returns to the secure storage
(6) Review test booklets for serviceability. Erase stray marks from test booklets. Destroy booklets
IAW Paragraph 2-5(c)(2)
of this regulation that are worn or contain marks that cannot be completely erased.
Test booklets will not be repaired in any fashion (e.g., stapling, taping, etc.).
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
(7) Secure accountable test material according to Paragraph 2-3 of this regulation.
(8) Review answer sheets to ensure personal information (i.e., applicant’s name and SSN) is entered
correctly. If appropriate, test scorers can make minor administrative changes to the answer sheet, but will not
make changes to the applicant’s subtest item responses, to include darkening in responses.
(9) Score the test, with the exception of AFOQT
j. DLPT score reports will be printed from DLPT Authorization and Reporting, used to manually enter
scores into USMIRS, and uploaded into the applicant’s processing record as a source document.
k. Add/update personal data as required.
(1) Enter test type, test date, and results, if scored at MEPS, into USMIRS.
(2) Build or add to the applicant processing record in USMIRS with the following documents:
(a) UMF 680-3A used for testing. UMF 680-3A presented for testing must be uploaded into the
applicant’s processing record in USMIRS.
5-11. Test Results
a. See Paragraph 5-8 for details on scoring each test. With the exception of TAPAS and TBAS, results
for all other special purpose tests administered by the MEPS are recorded in USMIRS. Those scores that do
not post automatically to USMIRS must be entered manually by the MEPS testing section. Results from
special purpose tests administered by the Services or other agencies will not be entered into USMIRS.
b. Do not release special purpose test results directly to applicants.
c. Prior to manual or automated scoring of paper and pencil tests, review answer sheets to ensure
personal information (i.e., applicant’s name and SSN) are entered correctly on each page of the answer form.
Correct errors between the answer sheets. If appropriate, test scorers can make minor administrative changes
to the answer sheet, to ensure the SSN, date of test, date of birth, and test version are accurate and match the
forms listed above. Do not make changes to the applicant’s subtest item responses, to include darkening in
responses. Do not write test scores on answer sheets.
d. Limitations in USMIRS prevent special test scores from being invalidated.
5-12. Answer Sheet Storage and Shipment
a. Answer sheets not forwarded outside the MEPS will be filed under record number 601-222d/600A,
“Qualification Test Answers” (disposition in Appendix A, Section IV
). Answer sheets may be destroyed after
30 days.
b. The TCO/TST will oversee shipping of answer sheets/automated results via the contracted parcel
service to outside agencies for scoring or recording purposes. Answer sheets will not be folded, creased,
pinned, clipped, or altered in any manner. Package and mail them according to Paragraph 2-5
. The MEPS
testing section personnel will enclose a DA Form 200, Transmittal Record listing each answer sheet/disk by
number and each applicant’s name and SSN. File a copy of the DA Form 200 under record number 1n1/800D,
“Office Mail Records Accountable Mail Receipts” (Appendix A, Section IV).
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
c. Answer sheet shipments must be tracked to ensure receipt at the appropriate destination. A signed
DA Form 200
from the receiving agency, annotation of a confirmed telephonic receipt, or electronic results
on a Web site will suffice.
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
Table 5-2. Scoring Special Purpose Tests
Test Title
Retest Policy
Air Force Officer
Qualifying Test
Paper and Pencil
Forms T1/T3
and T2/T4
Answer sheets are sent to Randolph
AFB for scoring
, but a placeholder
score of eight zeroes is entered into
USMIRS to account for workload.
Three retests are authorized.
Each retest must be at least
apart after initial
The third test requires a waiver from
the applicant’s Wing/CC, or
Coding Speed
Scores automatically post to
Score report available in ICAT A&R
Standard ASVAB retest policy
Scores automatically post to
Navy: Retests not authorized
Air Force
: Retest not authorized
Retest one calendar month
after the initial test and every six
months thereafter.
Retests not
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
Defense Language
Aptitude Battery
Automatically scored by the DLPT
Authorization and
Print score reports from the testing
software and enter into USMIRS.
All Services: Retests are authorized
no earlier than 180 calendar
days from the last test.
Individuals may only take the
DLAB twice in a 12
Any retest outside of the normal
schedule must be approved by J
Defense Language
Proficiency Test:
Automatically scored by the DLPT
Authorization and Reporting
Multiple choice test scores post
immediately at the conclusion of the
Constructed response test results can
take up to two weeks to post.
Print score reports from the testing
software and convert the reported
skill levels to data codes (see table 5
1) Manually enter the language code
and data codes scores into USMIRS.
Retests are authorized no earlier than
270 calendar days from the last test.
No more than two iterations of the
same test are authorized in a 12
month period.
Requests for retests must be entered
into the DLPT Authorization and
Reporting website and also sent via
-mail to the DLPT Site Security
Manager in J
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
Level: Web
Forms M,
N and O
Automatically scored by the DLPT
Authorization and Reporting
Print score reports from the
software and manually enter scores
The score range is 0-
Applicants may retest 30 days after
initial test, 30 days after first retest,
and every 6 months thereafter.
Army applicants are not authorized
to retest after attaining a minimum
score of 75 or higher.
Electronic Data
Processing Test:
Paper and Pencil
Form C
Manually scored in the MEPS
testing section and manually entered
into USMIRS.
One total raw score (the number
right), score length is three digits,
range is 000-121.
All Services:
applicants may retest
after six calendar months.
There is no limit on the number of
retests authorized.
Instrument for
Flight Training
Delivered on an
Army Personnel
Testing system
Version 2.0
Automatically scored and posted on
the SIFT application and manually
entered into USMIRS.
Score length is two digits and the
range is 20
Scores are back
-filled with six
zeroes when entered into USMIRS.
For example,
a score of 45 is entered
as 00000045.
All Services: Applicants may take
one retest after 45 days only if they
did not achieve a qualifying score
of 40.
A retest is never authorized after a
qualifying score is achieved.
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
Table 5-2. Scoring Special Purpose Tests
Tailored Adaptive
Air Force:
Army: 12, 13,
Corps: 5.1
Navy: 12, 13,
Air Force: Scores are not
Scores are not provided.
Scores are not provided
manual input, scores are
sent electronically to the Services
data base.
Air Force: Retest same as the ASVAB
Retest same as ASVAB
Retest same as ASVAB
Retest not authorized
Test of Basic
Aviation Skills:
There is no TBAS score, the
is part of a number of
individual scores that make up the
total Pilot Candidate Selection
Method (PCSM).
Not scored at the MEPS and no
manual entry in USMIRS.
-3 attempts 90 days apart.
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
Chapter 6
Overseas Testing
6-1. Overview
The overseas enlistment testing program is administered on a limited number of overseas bases in Europe and
Asia by the military services. Enlistment ASVAB testing is web-delivered to those military installations using
the Internet Based Computerized Adaptive (iCAT). Web-delivery of tests is managed by the DTAC. New
York and Honolulu MEPS serve as clearinghouses for all administrative paperwork required for overseas’
iCAT tests, but scores migrate electronically to USMIRS, and those records are owned by whatever MEPS
initially entered applicant personal data.
NOTE: For guidance on the student testing component of the overseas testing program, see
UMR 601-4,
Student Testing Program.
6-2. Enlistment Testing Program Responsibilities
a. MAPWG representatives should:
(1) Ensure Services appoint an ASVAB Overseas Program Manager as the point of contact for the
USMEPCOM per (DoDM 1145.02, Chapter 4
(2) Review and approve ASVAB overseas policy changes/updates and coordinate with the Services
ASVAB Overseas Program Managers, USMEPCOM, and the Recruiting Services.
b. DTAC should:
(1) Assign Site ID’s to overseas locations identified by the Services’ iCAT Site Security Managers
(SSM) and activate those locations when requested by the Services.
(2) Web-deliver the iCAT to overseas locations set up with a MET Site Code assigned only by the
New York or Honolulu MEPS.
c. J-3/ MEOP-ORT will:
(1) Ensure that UMF 680-3A
is available to recruiters at the USMEPCOM Web site
https://www.mepcom.army.mil .
(2) Coordinate with the Services’ ASVAB overseas program managers for implementation of all
procedural and/or policy changes for dissemination to overseas testing personnel.
(3) Report testing problems to the appropriate Service ASVAB Overseas Program Manager to
identify trends and determine corrective action.
(4) Provide training materials as requested to Service ASVAB Overseas Program Managers for
dissemination to overseas testing personnel.
(5) Disseminate overseas MET site codes to DMDC and the Services’ ASVAB overseas program
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
(6) Make determinations about test invalidation when testing procedures are not followed as directed.
Tests administered to applicants whose UMF 680-3A
is incomplete in the following blocks will be
(a) Applicant failed to sign in block 22 in the presence of the TA/TE.
(b) Applicant failed to sign in block 24f in the presence of the recruiter.
(c) Recruiter failed to sign in block 25.
d. Service ASVAB Overseas Program Manager should:
(1) Be familiar with ASVAB testing guidance found in
DoD Instruction 1304.12E, DoD Military
Personnel Accession Testing Programs; DoDM 1145.02, Chapter 4.
(2) Serve as Site Security Manager (SSM) for iCAT to activate/deactivate and train personnel for
access to iCAT applications per DMDC directives as needed.
(3) Notify J-3/ MEOP-ORT of the following occurrences:
(a) All test loss or compromise within one business day after occurrence.
(b) Changes in testing locations.
(4) Identify training material requirements to J-3/ MEOP-ORT.
(5) Disseminate ASVAB testing regulatory and training guidance to overseas testing personnel.
(6) Disseminate policy and/or procedural changes to overseas testing personnel.
e. Military Services overseas testing personnel should:
(1) Be familiar with overseas testing program guidance found in this regulation and in “Enlistment
Testing Program iCAT: ASVAB User’s Guidefound on the “iCAT Authorization and Reporting” website
(CAC required).
(2) Complete the “iCAT Test Administrator Training” course found on the
“iCAT Authorization and
Reporting” website (CAC required).
(3) Administer the iCAT only to applicants who provide a completed original UMF 680-3A
(4) Review the completed UMF 680-3A
for accuracy and deny testing to applicants with incomplete
or missing data in any block on the form. Refer these applicants to their Service recruiter.
(5) Properly identify applicants by examining a photo ID. If a photo ID is unavailable, capture the
applicant’s right thumbprint in box 23 of the UMF 680-3A
(6) Prohibit recruiters from the testing area at all times and from performing duties as a TA for the
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
(7) Print an iCAT Session Report from “iCAT Authorization and Reporting”. The procedure for
printing this report is as follows:
(a) Access “iCAT Authorization and Reporting.
(b) Click on "Reports."
(c) Enter the Test Location ID and the session date in the "Account Maintenance" section.
(d) Click "Submit" to get to the "Search Results" screen.
(e) Check the box to the left of "Last Name" in the column header line.
(f) Click "Print Selected Reports” and print the document.
(8) Print an iCAT Score Report for each test administered.
(9) Provide an iCAT score report to the applicant’s recruiter when present, or give it to the applicant
in a sealed envelope when presented with an envelope addressed to the recruiter.
(10) Electronically send a completed transmittal document specific to the Service affiliation of the
testing site accompanied by the iCAT Session Report, all individual iCAT Score Reports, and all completed
UMF 680-3A
to the MEPS servicing the region where the tests were given using one of the methods listed
below. All tests given in Europe go to the New York MEPS; all tests given in the Pacific go to the Honolulu
MEPS. Documents will be sent on the same day the test was administered.
(a) Scan the documents and attach them to an encrypted email sent to either the New York or
Honolulu MEPS as appropriate.
(b) Fax the documents to either the New York or Honolulu MEPS as appropriate.
(11) Retain all original iCAT Session Reports, all individual iCAT Score Reports, and all completed
UMF 680-3A
in secure storage for ninety days. Copies of these forms will be handled as controlled test
materials until destroyed.
f. Recruiting Services should:
(1) Be familiar with ASVAB testing guidance found in
DoD Instruction 1304.12E, DoD Military
Personnel Accession Testing ProgramsDoDM 1145.02, Chapter 4, and this regulation.
(2) Ensure that a UMF 680-3A
is completed for each applicant and the original is presented to the
test administrator prior to the administration of the enlistment test.
(3) Assume responsibility for all other qualification requirements that affect the direct accession of
overseas applicants, i.e. fingerprinting, background screening, medical examinations, etc.
Note: Recruiting personnel and/or designated career recruiters are prohibited from performing duties as a
TCO and/or TA for the ASVAB.
g. Honolulu and New York MEPS will:
(1) Be familiar with ASVAB testing guidance found
DoD Instruction 1304.12E, DoD Military
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
Personnel Accession Testing Programs, DoDM 1145.02, Chapter 4, this regulation, and the Enlistment
Testing Program iCAT: ASVAB User’s Guide, found on the “iCAT Authorization and Reporting” website
(CAC required).
(2) New York MEPS provides official ASVAB scoring support for the European, Caribbean, Central
and South America, and the Middle East areas.
(3) Honolulu MEPS provides official ASVAB scoring support for the Pacific and Far East areas.
(4) Ensure all overseas ASVAB testing sites have a valid MET Site Code entered in the Test Score
Application. All six-digit overseas MET Site Codes start with the two-digit MEPS ID followed by the
overseas site designator of “88” and two additional digits unique to the test location. New test sites are
assigned a MET Site Code by the responsible MEPS. For example, the Army test site at Ramstein AB,
Germany is coded 058863 and is the responsibility of the New York MEPS. The Air Force test site at Misawa
AB, Japan is coded 738841 and is the responsibility of the Honolulu MEPS.
(5) Acknowledge receipt of the iCAT Session Report, individual iCAT Score Reports, and completed
UMF 680-3A
from the test site by annotating and returning the transmittal document to the test site via email.
(6) Review each UMF 680-3A for completion and accuracy within 24 hours of receipt. Inform the
test site and J-3/ MEOP-ORT of any score invalidations that will occur due to missing signatures as outlined
in Paragraph
6-2c(6). Request clarification from the test site for any other blocks on the Request for
Examination that are incomplete or not clear before adding information to USMIRS or forwarding documents
to another MEPS. For records that have issues not resolved after 48 hours, add the test scores to USMIRS
but put the record in an administrative hold status and explain the reason in the comments section. Accomplish
this for records not owned by your MEPS by taking temporary ownership of those records.
(7) Enter the SSN of each applicant from the Request for Examination into USMIRS to check if a
record exists. Scores from iCAT Authorization and Reporting automatically post to whatever MEPS owns
the record as a result of having applicant personal data entered into USMIRS. For existing records, verify
MEPS ownership and take one of the following actions:
(a) For existing records owned by New York or Honolulu MEPS, those MEPS will upload into
the applicant’s processing record in USMIRS the
UMF 680-3A and the individual iCAT Score Report
received from the overseas test site.
(b) For existing records owned by other MEPS, the New York or Honolulu MEPS will
electronically forward all problem-free documents received from the test site to the appropriate MEPS testing
section via encrypted email. For documents with problems, resolve the issues with the overseas test site
before forwarding documents to the MEPS that owns the record.
(c) When no applicant record exists in USMIRS, resolve any document issues with the overseas
test site and enter the applicant’s personal data into USMIRS. Scores from iCAT Authorization and Reporting
will then post in USMIRS under the ownership of either the New York or Honolulu MEPS, depending on
which one entered the personal data into USMIRS. That MEPS will then upload into the applicant’s hard
copy record and add the, and the individual iCAT Score Report.
(8) Inform overseas testing sites of confirmation test requirements via e-mail within 24 hours of
receiving and reviewing documents.
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
6-3. Confirmation Testing
a. Confirmation testing guidance in Chapter 3
will be adhered to with the following exceptions:
(1) Administration of confirmation tests at overseas test sites is authorized with a few exceptions.
Due to a lack of internet capabilities, American Samoa, Saipan, and Kona are allowed to test using the
enlistment paper and pencil test forms. All other overseas sites must use iCAT. Currently there are two iCAT
testing forms available for overseas enlistment testing. If an applicant has taken both iCAT forms and triggers
a confirmation test, a student test form may be used until more iCAT test forms are made available. Applicants
that travel stateside will have the option to take their confirmation test at a MEPS using iCAT.
(2) The confirmation test should be administered by a different overseas Military Service TA from
the person who administered the test that prompted the confirmation test. In addition, the TA should highlight
“CONFIRMATION TEST” on the individual iCAT score report or on top of the answer sheets.
b. The confirmation test score will not be used as the score of record for enlistment.
The following confirmation test guidance is prescribed for the Honolulu MEPS and its outlining MET
(1) The test administrator who administered the ‘trigger” test may not administer the confirmation
(2) Applicants must present a government issued photo ID card to the test administrator (student ID
is not valid for confirmation testing).
(3) Retests following the confirmation test, excluding American Samoa, Saipan, and Kona, must be
administered. via the student paper and pencil version of the ASVAB until more iCAT test forms are made
(4) For confirmation testing in American Samoa, Saipan, and Kona, confirmation testing for a paper
and pencil trigger test will be conducted using a different version paper and pencil test, and the applicant must
wait four calendar months before taking the confirmation test.
6-4. Special Purpose Tests
Most special purpose tests used for military accessions are not available at overseas test sites, but scores from
available tests may be entered into USMIRS with proper coordination between a designated overseas testing
program site and either the Honolulu or New York MEPS, as appropriate. Special purpose tests conducted
by Military Service testing personnel at non-overseas testing program locations will not be entered into
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
Appendix A
Section I
Required Publications
(The publications needed to comply with this regulation.)
DoD Manual 1145.02
Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS)
CAT-ASVAB User’s Guide
Test Scoring Application User Guide
USMEPCOM Regulation 25-52-1
Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and Protected Health Information (PHI)
USMEPCOM Regulation 27 -1
Military Justice and Legal Services
USMEPCOM Regulation 380-1
Security, Safety, and Special Programs.
USMEPCOM Regulation 601-4
Student Testing Program
USMEPCOM Regulation 601-23
Enlistment Processing.
USMEPCOM Manual 680-3-1
System Operations
Section II Required Forms
(The forms needed to comply with this regulation.)
DA Form 200
Transmittal Record
DA Form 330
Language Proficiency Questionnaire
DD Form 368
Request for Conditional Release
DD Form 1304-2AM
ASVAB Career Exploration Program, Manual for Administration Enlistment. (Form available to the test
control officer on the “T” account at https://www.orderportal.army.mil/OPlogin.aspx
. Ordering instructions
on the SPEAR, J-3/MEOP page.)
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
DD Form 1304-2AS
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Answer Sheet. (Form available to the TCO/TST on
the “T” account at https://www.orderportal.army.mil/OPlogin.aspx .Ordering instructions on the SPEAR
, J-
3/MEOP page.)
DD Form 1348-1A
Issue Release/Receipt Document
SF 700
Security Container Information.
Not available on line; order by calling Federal Supply Service customer assistance on 800-525-8027 Option
3. Stock number is: 7540-01-214-5372)
SF 702
Security Container Check Sheet.
USMEPCOM Form 680-3A
Request for Examination.
Processing List (PL).
Section III Prescribed Forms
(The forms prescribed by this regulation.)
USMEPCOM Form 611-1-R-E
ASVAB Test Loss/Compromise Telephone Report.
USMEPCOM Form 611-1-1-R-E
Annual, Joint, Other Inventory of Accountable Test Material.
USMEPCOM Form 611-1-2-R-E
Unverified Test Scores (Single Applicant). (Form available to the TCO/TST on the “T” account at
https://www.orderportal.army.mil/OPlogin.aspx. Ordering instructions on the SPEAR
, J-3/MEOP page.)
USMEPCOM Form 611-1-6-R-E
MET Site Utilization Analysis.
USMEPCOM Form 611-1-7-R-E
Aptitude Testing Processing List. (Form available to the TCO/TST on the “T” account at
https://www.orderportal.army.mil/OPlogin.aspx. Ordering instructions on the SPEAR
, J-3/MEOP page.)
USMEPCOM Form 611-1-8-R-E
Inventory of MEPS Accountable Test Material. (Form available to the TCO/TST on the “T” account at
https://www.orderportal.army.mil/OPlogin.aspx. Ordering instructions on the SPEAR
, J-3/MEOP page.)
USMEPCOM Form 611-1-9-R-E
Daily Inventory Log.
USMEPCOM Form 611-1-11-R-E
Statement of Destruction of Test Materials.
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
USMEPCOM Form 611-1-14-I-R-E
MET Site/ITA Review.
USMEPCOM Form 611-1-14-P-R-E
MET Site/ITA Review (HS paper and pencil only).
USMEPCOM Form 611-1-18-R-E
Military Entrance Test Site Update Sheet.
USMEPCOM Form 611-1-19-R-E
MET Site Accountable Material Checklist for Test Administrators
Section IV
Recordkeeping Requirements
Record Number 1e/800D: “Housekeeping Instructions – Duty Appointments”
Keep in office file until rescinded and no longer needed for business, not longer than 6 years, then destroy.
(Referenced in Paragraph 1-5a
Record Number 1n1/800D: “Office Mail Records Accountable Mail Receipts
Keep in office file until record is 2 years old, then destroy.
Note: DA Form 200 that contain PII (i.e. last name, last 4, etc.) will not be arranged to permit retrieval by
personal identifier; it should be filed by date.
(Referenced in Paragraph 5-12b
Record Number 1oo/800D: “Policies and Precedents”
Keep in office file for one year, not longer than 6 years, then destroy.
(Referenced in Paragraph 3-4d
Record Number 1v1/800D: “Access Controls Control Procedures
Keep in office file until complete and no longer needed for business, not longer than 6 years, then destroy.
(Referenced in Paragraph 2-3c
Record Number 1v3/800D: “Access Controls – Entry into Vaults or Containers”
Keep in office file until complete and no longer needed for business, not longer than 6 years, then destroy. If
the SF 702 is involved in an investigation, it will be retained until the investigation is complete, then destroy.
(Referenced in Paragraph 2-3d
Record Number 11-7a/800B: “Internal Review and Audit Files”
MET Site Inspections: Keep in office file for two years or until superseded and no longer needed for business,
not longer than 6 years, then destroy.
ITA Reviews: Keep in office file until 2 years upon transfer or separation of individual, not longer than 6
years, then destroy.
(Referenced in Paragraphs 4-2e(1), 4-6a(2), 4-6a(3)
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
Record Number 350-1j3/600E: “Individual Training Files” (may add individual name for filing)
PA: OPM/GOVT-1; A0600-8-104AHRC
Upon transfer or separation of individual, keep in office file until record is 1 year old, then destroy.
(Referenced in Paragraph 1-6
Record Number 601/600A: “General Personnel Procurement Correspondence Files MET Site Utilization
Keep in office file for 2 years, not to exceed 6 years, then destroy.
(Referenced in Paragraph 4-5a
Record Number 601-222a/600A: “Test Material Accountability”
Keep in office file for two years, not to exceed 6 years, then destroy.
(Referenced in Paragraph 2-9f
Record Number 601-222d/600A: “Qualification Test Answers”
PA: A0601-210aUSAREC
Keep in office file for 30 days, not to exceed 6 years, then destroy.
(Referenced in Paragraphs 2-5c(2)(a), 3-10j(4), 5-12a
Record Number 601-222f/600A: “Test Material Inventories”
Keep in office file for 2 years, then destroy.
(Referenced in Paragraphs 2-5a(3), 2-5b(3), 2-5c, 2-5c(1)(b), 2-5c(2)(c), 2-5c(3)(a), 2-5c(3)(h), 2-6b(2)
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
Appendix B
Management Control Evaluation Checklist - Testing Operations
B-1. Function
The functions covered by this checklist are security/accountability of test materials, test administration, test
scoring, military entrance test (MET) sites, and special purpose testing.
B-2. Purpose
This purpose of this checklist is to assist Commanders and Test Control Officers (TCOs) in evaluating the
key management controls listed below. It is not intended to cover all controls.
B-3. Instructions
Answers must be based on the actual testing of key management controls (e.g., document analysis, direct
observation, sampling simulation, other). Answers that indicate deficiencies must be explained and corrective
actions indicated in the supporting documentation. These controls must be evaluated at least once every 2
years. Certification that the evaluation has been conducted will be done on
DA Form 11-2-R, Management
Control Evaluation Certification Statement.
B-4. Test questions
a. Security/accountability. The objective is to ensure test materials are handled and secured by the
military entrance processing station (MEPS) according to procedures outlined in this regulation.
(1) Has an access roster been published listing personnel authorized unescorted access to accountable
test material and restricted area(s), and is it posted at each entrance to testing restricted area(s)? (USMEPCOM
Regulation 611-1, Paragraph 2-2c
(2) Did the TCO/TST and the disinterested witness conduct an annual inventory of accountable test
material in the MEPS within 12 months of the previous annual/joint inventory and utilize the most current
ITA inventory for 100% accountability of test materials? Did the TCO/TST and the disinterested witness
sign USMEPCOM Form 611-1-1-R-E (Annual, Joint, Other Inventory of Accountable Test Material)?
(USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1, Paragraph 2-5a(1)
and Note 2))
(3) Did the TCO/TST and the ITA conduct an annual inventory of accountable test material within
12 months of the previous annual inventory at the MEPS? Did the TCO/TST and the ITA sign USMEPCOM
611-1-1-R-E (Annual, Joint, Other Inventory of Accountable Test Material)? (UMR 611-1, Paragraph 2-5(2))
b. Test administration. The objective is to ensure testing personnel are knowledgeable in the areas of
ASVAB test administration.
(1) Is a completed USMEPCOM Form 680-3A (Request for Examination) submitted by each
applicant? (CAT-ASVAB session) (USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1, Paragraph 3-5a
(2) Is there a sign stating “Test in session will end (time)” posted at each entrance to the test room?
(USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1, Paragraph 3-6a
(3) Are recruiters/liaisons not allowed to enter test rooms when testing material is present?
(USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1, Paragraph 3-9d
(4) Does the TA remain in the test room when applicants are present? (USMEPCOM Regulation
611-1, Paragraph 3-9c
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
c. Test scoring. The objective is to ensure testing personnel are knowledgeable in the area of ASVAB
test scoring.
(1) Is a scorer and verifier used during the manual entry process to ensure accuracy of data input?
(USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1, Paragraph 3-13
d. MET sites. The objective is to ensure MEPS personnel are knowledgeable in the establishment and
administration of MET sites.
(1) Are MET sites being inspected at intervals not to exceed 12 months? (USMEPCOM Regulation
611-1, Paragraph 4-2e
e. Special purpose testing. The objective is to ensure testing personnel are knowledgeable in the
administration of special purpose tests to determine qualifications of applicants for specific occupational
(1) Are MEPS testing personnel requiring a completed USMEPCOM Form 680-3A for a special test.
(USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1, Paragraph 5-5b
(2) Are MEPS TCOs informing J-3/MEOP-ORT by email, via Sector, of a DLPT TAs departure
within five business days of that action? (USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1, Paragraph 5-3b)
(3) Did the TA(s) remain in the test room at all times during test administration? (USMEPCOM
Regulation 611-1, Paragraph 3-9c
B-5. Supersession
This management control evaluation checklist replaces the previously published version in USMEPCOM
Regulation 611-1 (September 3, 2020).
B-6. Comments
Help make this a better tool for evaluating management controls. Submit comments to HQ USMEPCOM, J-
B-7. Use of DA Form 11-2-R
DA Form 11-2-R, Management Control Evaluation Certification Statement
is designed to document any
management control evaluation. Certification that a management control evaluation has been conducted will
be certified on this form.
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
Appendix C
Joint Knowledge Online (JKO) ILTs for Testing Personnel
Enlistment Test Administration
MET Site Test Administration
Security and Accountability
Accountable Test Material Test Security
Control and Storage Procedures
Inventory Procedures for Accountable Test
MEPS Inventory Procedures
Transfer of Accountable Test Material
Ordering Test Material
Reproduction of Accountable Test Material
Test Loss/Compromise (TLC)
Non-Compromise Related Incidents
TA Conflicts of Interest
Prohibited Coaching Practices
Mailing Procedures
Package Inventory and Quality Control
TA Preparation
Authorization to Test
When Authorized Individuals are Allowed to
Request for Examination
ASVAB Test Facility Requirements During
Night Testing Provisions
Applicant/TA Ratio
General Enlistment Testing Direction
CAT-ASVAB Administration
iCAT/PiCAT Test Verification Test
Manual Scoring
Confirmation Testing
Confirmation Test Administration
Scoring the Confirmation Test
Post Confirmation Test Actions
General Testing Direction
ASVAB Test Scores from iCAT
MET Site Utilization
Intermittent Test Administrator (ITA)
No Show Sessions
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
Recruiting Services Access to Student
Electronic Transmittal of Student Results
Special Purpose Test Administration
TA Preparation
Site Security Manager and Site Administrator
Authorization to Test
Request for Examination
Test Facility Requirements
Applicant-TA Ratio
Authorized Tests
General Purpose Testing Direction
Test Administration
Test Results
Answer Sheets Storage and Shipment
Training Standardization Job Task Sheets
Brief Applicants
USMIRS Operational Functions
Perform Quality Control
Performance of the Intermeittent Test
Prepare Test Materials Prior to Test Sessions
Test Score Procedures
Track Applicant Using USMIRS
Market the ASVAB CEP
Program Management and Administration
Sell the ASVAB CEP to Nontesting Schools
Soft Skills
Conduct Aptitude Special Testing
Understand Education Programs
Administrative Duties
Database Management
CEP Training
Conduct Inventories
Distribute Test Material for All Paper and
Pencil Testing in a Secure Environment
Ensure Test Errors in USMIRS are Corrected
Maintain Security Control and Accountability
of Test Material
Manage and Supervise the Testing Section
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
MET Site Facilities
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
Appendix D
Privacy Act Statement from the iCAT Privacy Act Statement Screen
AUTHORITY: 44USC3103, 10USC133, 10USC3012, E09397*
PRINCIPAL PURPOSE(S): To request administration of enlistment qualification examination. Your
social security number is used to positively identify qualification results.
ROUTINE USE(S): To compute and verify test scores to determine eligibility for enlistment in the Armed
Forces and provide scores to the recruiting services. To provide data to the DoD agencies and appropriate
outside activities for compilation or research purposes.
DISCLOSURE: Disclosure is mandatory. If you do not authorize disclosure for the purposes described
above, you will not be allowed to take the test.
* Note: AUTHORITY: as updated.
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
Appendix E
Instructions for Creating MET Site Codes
E-1. MET Site Codes Within the Continental United States
Each code in the table will consist of six positions as follows:
Position 1 & 2: Will always be the two-digit MEPS ID.
Position 3:
2 = ITA
Positions 4 & 5: A unique two-digit number assigned by J-3 MEOP-ORT. This number must be unique
within the MEPS and must not change for a given physical MET site. Use “99” for in-house (MEPS) PiCAT
Verification testing and “97” for in-house (MEPS) iCAT testing.
Note: These numbers are re-used only when a site relocates within the same city.
Position 6:
1 = Day test session (a test session that starts between the hours of 0600 and 1359)
2 = Night test session (a test session that starts between the hours of 1400 and 0559)
3 = Saturday test session (day or night)
4 = Sunday test session (day or night)
5 = Second day session
6 = Second Saturday session
7= PiCAT verification session (day or night)
Examples of Chicago MEPS MET site codes:
542011 = A test session given by an ITA at site “01” during the day.
541022 = A test session given by a MEPS TA at site “02” during the night.
542017 = A PiCAT Verification test session given by an ITA at site “01”.
541997 = A PiCAT Verification test session given by a MEPS TA in-house.
541971 = An iCAT test session given by a MEPS TA in-house “97” during the day.
541972 = An iCAT test session given by a MEPS TA in-house “97” during the night.
Note: For MET sites, the DTAC system will only accept one MET Site code per location. Create a “day” or
“night” test session code for the most frequent test session for that site. For example, if the MET site tests
three times a week with one session being a day test and the remaining two being a night test, code the MET
site as a “night” test.
E-2. MET site codes for overseas testing
All codes will be created by J-3/ MEOP-ORT who will inform DTAC and the Service responsible for the test
Each code will consist of positions as follows:
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
Position 1 & 2: MEPS ID for either the New York (05) or Honolulu (73) MEPS.
Positions 3 & 4: Two digit code “88” for overseas MET sites.
Positions 5 & 6: A unique number assigned by J-3/ MEOP-ORT for a given physical overseas MET site
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
Appendix F
Section I Abbreviations
Air Force Personnel Center
Air Force Officer Qualifying Test
Air Force Personnel Test
Armed Forces Qualification Test
Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps
Army Personnel Testing
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery
Common Access Card
Computerized Adaptive Testing-Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery
Cyber Test
Centralized Test Validation
Department of the Army
Delayed Entry Program
Defense Language Proficiency Test
Department of Defense
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
Defense Testing and Assesment Center
English Comprehension Level
Electronic Data Processing Test
Federal Express
Enlisted Testing Program
Examinee Test
Fiscal Year
Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Headquarters, United States Military Entrance Processing Command
In Accordance With
Internet Based Computerized Adaptive Testing
Interservice Recruitment Committee
Individual Ready Reserve
Intermittent Test Administrator
Information Technology Specialist
Manpower Accession Policy Working Group
Military Entrance Processing Station
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
Military Entrance Test
Memorandum for Record
USMEPCOM Operations Center
Not Later Than
Non-Prior Service
Optical Mark Reader
Personal Computer
Pending Internet Based Computerized Adaptive Testing
Prior Service
Standard Form
Sharing Policy Experience and Resources (USMEPCOM Intranet)
Service Processing For
Standing Operating Procedures
Social Security Number
Station Advisory Report Net
Test Administrator/Test Examiner
Test of Basic Aviation Skills
March 18, 2024 USMEPCOM Regulation 611-1
Test Control Officer
Test Site Control Number
Test Loss Compromise
Testing Material Inventories
Test Score Technician
United States Military Entrance Processing Command
United States Military Entrance Processing Command Integrated Resource System
Section II Terms
Day Test Session
Test session that starts between the hours of 0600 and 1359.
In-House Testing
Testing within the MEPS.
Invalid Test
An ASVAB test/retest where the scores are nullified for enlistment.
Military Entrance Test (MET) site
A military entrance test location outside the MEPS used for the administration of the ASVAB and/or Special
Purpose Tests, staffed by either Intermittent Test Administrators or MEPS personnel.
Night Test Session
Test session that starts between the hours of 1400 and 0559.
Special Purpose Test
Tests used to determine qualifications of applicants for specific occupational specialties.
Web-Based DLPT
Defense Language Proficiency Test delivered over the Internet.
established term or abbreviation