Report 2022
Dear customers and partners
Dear readers
2022 was an exceptional year for Viseca. We were able to
achieve several significant milestones over the past twelve
months. The card portfolio began to climb sharply again:
As at 31 December 2022, 4.08 million Viseca payment
cards were in circulation, amounting to a 45.3 per cent
year-on-year increase. The strong growth was driven by a
clear increase in debit cards – in the past year too, nume-
rous customer banks relaunched debit cards. Alongside
this, the new Migros Cumulus credit card also contributed
to the growth of the card portfolio. Furthermore, Viseca
also benefited from a good economic environment in
2022: the sound economic situation as well as a clear
boost in tourism (coupled with the growth in cards)
secured Viseca a consolidated profit of CHF 118.4 million.
The profit was facilitated largely by the consistent focus of
the company on the payment card business as well as the
cost management over recent years.
We also achieved a lot in products and services in 2022.
For example, in the middle of the year, we launched the
first digital onboarding across Switzerland including
Instant Issuing. It is now possible to apply for a new credit
card at Viseca completely online. In just a few minutes,
the card is saved to the one App and can be used straight
away. This is a decisive step forward in our digitalisation
strategy and has been commensurately honoured by the
market: in the "Best of Swiss Apps", the one App was
awarded Bronze for the new onboarding in the "User
Experience & Usability" category.
In addition to this, we have also fully revised our insu-
rance services on our card products, and thus strengthe-
ned the bank cards' USPs. Among other things, we are
now also offering simpler and faster processes for claims,
which end clients really appreciate. We can now rightfully
claim that our insurance offering is best in class. In April
2022, we also replaced our previous Platinum credit card
with a completely new premium offer. The improved
provision includes free entry to lounges around the world
as well as free airport parking in Zurich for up to 24 hours
– both offers have been very well-received by our Plati-
num customers. This even allowed us to overshadow the
international competition: we achieved first place in the
category "Metal card" as part of the "Élan Awards of
Excellence". The award is a clear endorsement of the high
quality of our products.
In the middle of the year, the T&Cs of all Viseca Card
Services SA credit cards were amended, enabling us to
transmit transaction data to the client banks. Further-
more, the new T&Cs for cardholders have become
significantly more modern, clearer and shorter.
We would like to thank our cardholders – for trusting in
our products and services, day after day. Our client banks
have always bolstered us with professional cooperation.
We would also like to thank them for that. Our thanks
applies particularly to our employees – they have shown
exceptional willingness to perform over the past year. This
is not to be taken for granted and we really appreciate it.
Max Schönholzer
Chief Executive Officer
Pascal Niquille
President of the Board
of Directors
Key Figures Digital Business Instant Issuing Card productsAt a glanceReporting
Editorial Key Figures Digital Business Instant Issuing Card productsAt a glanceReporting
Viseca looks back
on a record year
In 2022, Viseca finally said goodbye to the coronavirus pandemic. After
the Covid measures were largely lifted in mid-February, the company
recorded considerable increases across all areas last year. As a conse-
quence of this, the most important figures – transaction volume, sales
and consolidated result – are considerably above the previous year. The
card stock continued to grow in 2022 and exceeded the 4-million mark.
The new Instant Issuing for the Migros Cumulus credit card also allowed
Viseca to introduce a Swiss-wide first: within just a few minutes,
customers can request and immediately use a new credit card.
Viseca's sales rose in 2022 by 19.2 per cent to CHF 501.2
million and are therefore significantly above that of the
previous year (2021: CHF 420.6 million). What is more
significant is the increase in the consolidated profit: this
increased by 132.4 per cent to CHF 118.4 million (2021:
CHF 50.9 million). The good results are attributed to a strong
catch-up effect in the previous year: people started to travel
more again and also spent more money than in 2020 and
2021. The consistent cost management of the previous years
also contributed towards Viseca's good position.
In the revenue-generating segments, in particular the service
revenue from the new Issuer model rose sharply in 2022 and
on 31 December 2022 was at CHF 84.3 million (2021:
CHF 6.7 million). This striking increase is primarily attributed
to the switch of three client banks into the extended
business model in the credit area as well as various market
launches in the debit area. The switching, on the other hand,
caused revenues in various other segments to decline: the
commission revenue dropped by 1.3 per cent and the
interest revenue by 3.0 per cent; the annual fees were 9.4
per cent lower than the previous year. In contrast, the
remaining operational revenues increased by 19.9 per cent.
Here, various positive one-off effects became apparent,
including the portfolio carried forward due to the switch in
client banks to the expanded business model as well as
compensation for an early termination of the Jumbo port-
folio contract.
On 31 December 2022, the balance sheet total amounted to
CHF 1,204.1 million compared to CHF 880.2 million the
previous year. The equity was at CHF 703.7 million (2021:
CHF 605.3 million), the equity capital ratio was at 58.4 per
cent (2021: 68.8 per cent). On 31 December 2022, Viseca
employed 762 staff (full time equivalent), compared to 682
on 31 December 2021.
The card portfolio exceeded the
4-million mark
The transaction sales for the fiscal year 2022 amounted to
23,807 million, which equates to an increase of 71.4 per
cent (2021: CHF 13,887 million). The strong growth is
attributed on the one hand to the numerous market laun-
ches in the debit area, as well as to a clear recovery in the
aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic in the credit area.
People have been spending significantly more again,
particularly in the "Travel" and "Entertainment" segments.
The growth extends to all geographic segments: domestical-
ly, the transaction volumes increased by 81.9 per cent, in the
Eurozone the growth amounted to 47.1 per cent and in the
remaining countries, it increased by 76.9 per cent.
The growth was also mirrored in the card portfolio: on
31 December 2022, the portfolio stood at 4,077,896 cards
(2021: 2,806,459), an increase of around 45.3 per cent. In
addition to various migrations mentioned in the debit area,
the market launch of the Migros Cumulus credit card also
contributed to this strong growth. In all, the fiscal year 2022
was shaped by numerous special effects. For 2023, Viseca
expects a flattening of the growth curve and a stabilisation
of the sales and revenues.
Focusing on payment concluded
On 12 May 2022, Viseca sold Contovista AG to Finnova.
With the sale, Viseca completed the final step in focusing all
its activities on the payment business. This means that Viseca
is now in an ideal place to further build on its leading
position in the payment market over the coming years.
Developing the products
and services
Viseca also achieved numerous milestones for its products
and services in 2022. Above all in the field of digitalisation:
the new Digital Onboarding, which includes Instant Issuing
when applying for a Migros Cumulus credit card, is a first in
Switzerland. For the first time, it is possible for a customer to
apply for a new credit card online and use it within minutes.
The new onboarding was awarded bronze in the "Best of
Swiss Apps" in the "User Experience & Usability" category.
Once again, the one App is a leading player.
In the services area, too, we have digitalised our T&Cs and
revised the insurance services on our card products. Since
1 May 2022, the T&Cs for Viseca Card Services SA are fully
digital. They are significantly more modern, clearer and
shorter. Thanks to a small amendment, we also now have
the option to forward the transaction data on our card
products to the relevant client bank. This allows us to satisfy
a request by the banks. The revision of the insurance services
offers the credit card holders simpler and faster processes in
the case of claims. We can now rightfully claim that our
insurance offering is best in class.
When it comes to the products, we were also able to stand
out last year: in April 2022, we launched our completely
revised Premium range. The new Visa Platinum credit card
has a significantly improved and extended range of services.
This includes free entry to lounges around the world as well
as free airport parking in Zurich for up to 24 hours – both
offers have been very well received by our Platinum custo-
mers. But the card itself also conveys exclusivity: it is now
made of metal and emblazoned with a high-quality card
design. For this we were awarded first place in the inter-
national "Élan Awards of Excellence" in the category
"Metal card". The award is a further endorsement of the
high quality of our products.
Committed to the customer
All these milestones demonstrate one thing: Viseca is
committed to its customers. Whether it's on behalf of our
client banks or for the 4.1 million debit and credit cardhol-
ders – we want to continue driving the payment business
forward. With innovative solutions and high quality products
and services. So that cardholders around the world can
always pay – simply, securely and conveniently.
Commission Income
Annual fee
Interest income
Service revenue
Other income
were employed by Viseca as of
31 December 2022 (full-time
equivalents), compared to 682 at
the end of 2021.
million CHF
This was the level of equity as of 31 December 2022. This
corresponds to a very solid equity ratio of 58.4 percent.
in CHF billion
in CHF million
Domestic Europe (Intra) Other countries (Inter)
2021 2022
of Viseca were in circulation as of 31 December 2022, which is an
increase of 45.3 percent year-on-year.
million CHF
As of 31 December 2022, the balance sheet
total stood at CHF 1 204.1 million, as opposed to
CHF 880.2 million in the previous year.
2020 2021 2022
At a glanceEditorial Key Figures Digital Business Instant Issuing Card productsReporting
Editorial Digital Business Instant Issuing Card productsAt a glanceReporting
Key Figures
Income statement and
balance sheet
Viseca put the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic behind it
for good in 2022. Its good earnings situation can be attributed to
positive economic performance, solid growth in the card portfolio
and vigorous cost management in recent years. This has put
Viseca in an ideal position for the coming years.
in CHF thousands 2022 2021
Operating income 501,237 420,551
Operating expenses –368,128 –359,947
Earnings before interest and tax 133,109 60,604
Financial income –627 4,405
Non-operating result 4,264 0
Consolidated profit before income tax 136,746 65,009
Income tax –18,332 –14,066
Consolidated profit 118,414 50,943
as % of operating income 23.6% 12.1%
Consolidated income statement as at 31.12.2022
in CHF thousands 31.12.2022 31.12.2021
Current assets 1,188,232 847,835
Non-current assets 15,818 32,313
Total assets 1,204,050 880,147
Equity and liabilities
Short-term liabilities 477,663 265,490
Long-term liabilities 22,670 9,354
Equity* 703,717 605,304
Total equity and liabilities 1,204,050 880,147
*as % of balance sheet total 58.4% 68.8%
Consolidated statement of financial position as at 31.12.2022
Ordered in a flash and ready
to go: The digital road to a
Viseca credit card.
Never wait again
Editorial Key Figures Instant Issuing Card productsAt a glanceReporting
What does digitalisation in pay-
ment mean for Viseca's customers?
Tobias Wirth:
Today payment is easier
than ever before. You simply hold your
card or your mobile phone against the
terminal and the payment process is
triggered automatically. For purchases
of under CHF 80 you don't even need
to enter the PIN anymore. With Viseca
you can now even apply for a credit
card in just a few minutes through a
fully digital process (see p. 12). This
convenience is entirely in our custo-
mers' interests, as paying is a necessary
but largely emotionless process. At the
same time, increasing digitalisation
presents us with new security challen-
ges - also when it comes to payment.
With our multiple-award winning app
we achieve precisely this balancing act:
to constantly increase convenience at
the same high security standards.
Digital business & innovation
from Viseca – payment taken
one step further
Digitalisation is now bringing sweeping changes to the payment
industry. Mobile and contactless payment solutions are now common-
place. The importance of cash, on the other hand, is steadily declining.
This development has even picked up pace since the Covid pandemic. As
a leading Swiss fintech in the payment business, Viseca plays an active
role in shaping these developments. Consequently, digitalisation and
innovation have high priority. In this interview, Tobias Wirth and Bedrija
Hamza explain to what extent Viseca cardholders benefit from these
developments. And also how structured innovation work comes about.
Can you be a little more specic?
Tobias Wirth:
The self services of the
"one" app are a very good example.
On the one hand, we offer cardholders
more and more options. Nowadays, in
the "one" app, for example, you can
look up your PIN or, if in doubt, you
can have your card blocked temporari-
ly. Features like this make for greater
convenience as in many cases you no
longer need to ring a call centre. At the
same time, they give customers more
control, which also means more
So how are new features, products
and services developed?
Bedrija Hamza:
When it comes to
innovation work, we have a structured
process with five phases, from the idea
to the finished product. This starts by
observing and assessing new trends
and technologies, and is followed by
developing a proof-of-concept, which
is then tested in depth. If everything
goes according to plan, this finally
results in the design of a new feature,
product or service. For this purpose we
also run the "Walter" innovation
platform. There we present various
pilot projects such as our wooden card
or the conversational interface "Ange-
la". Moreover, interested customers
can apply for access to Walter Finance.
Walter Finance?
Bedrija Hamza:
Our research app. We
use Walter Finance to develop new
functions for the "one" app together
with our customers, along with
selected customer banks and prestigi-
ous institutions such as ETH AI Center
and the University of St. Gallen.
Apart from new features for the
"one" app, what else is Viseca
working on ?
Tobias Wirth:
Open finance and
banking APIs are an important topic.
Thanks to our modern platforms, we
can now provide more and more of our
services to others – whether these are
customer banks, IT integrators or
third-party companies such as suppliers
of expense-management software. In
addition, we are currently working on a
state-of-the-art B2B portal. That’s
because we attach great importance to
having a structured, digital exchange of
information with our client banks.
Bedrija Hamza:
Naturally, we are also
continuously working on the develop-
ment of our digital loyalty programme
“surprize”, which enables us to offer
our customer banks a versatile custo-
mer loyalty tool. End customers, on the
other hand, benefit from attractive
premiums and discounts.
Tobias Wirth:
Our digital ecosystem is
very wide-ranging. From mobile
payments, API interfaces or loyalty
programs, Viseca makes cashless
payment easy, secure and convenient.
Fully in line with our vision.
« Viseca leverages digitalisation
and innovation to continuously
develop payment solutions that
benefit its customers.»
Tobias Wirth, Head Digital Business & Innovation
Bedrija Hamza, Innotech Lead
Digital Business
Editorial Key Figures Digital Business Card productsAt a glanceReporting
Instant Issuing
Instant issuing from Viseca
Switzerland's rst complete
digital credit card application
in real time.
Who has not experienced this? You are
in a shop and just happen to discover
the perfect jacket. It's an opportunity
you don't want to miss. But, unfortu-
nately, you don't have enough cash on
you. The good news is that there is
now an alternative if all else fails:
digital onboarding, including instant
issuing from Viseca. This means that
customers can get a new credit card in
just a few minutes.
Complete the application, send it off by post, wait for a reply – that is
the usual application process for a credit card. The waiting time can even
be as long as two weeks. With our multi-award winning "one" app we
have managed to considerably shorten this process. Thanks to new
"instant issuing" feature, the digital card is sent to the app just a few
minutes after receipt of the application and is available for making
purchases on the internet and also at the POS, by means of mobile
payment. Viseca thus offers the first fully digital credit card application
throughout Switzerland, via smartphone and in real time. With Viseca
you can get a new credit card in just a few minutes.
It's that easy.
The digital application simply couldn't
be easier. You scan the QR code with
your smartphone and download the
"one" app, if you don't have it
already. As an alternative, you can also
trigger the application on your
desktop using the appropriate web
application. There follows an automa-
ted identity check by means of ID and
selfie. After that you can enter the
usual personal details straight into the
app and – if the function is offered –
set a personal card image by uploa-
ding a picture. In the meantime the
credit check and further controls are
performed in the background. If
everything is in order, the new credit
card is available digitally in the "one"
app within a few minutes. It can then
be used for internet shopping imme-
diately. In addition, customers with a
mobile payment solution such as
Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay
or other options, can also use the card
at a POS straight away. A few days
later the customer receives the
physical card by post.
« With instant issuing,
Viseca customers can
get a new credit card in
just a few minutes.»
Digital onboarding, including instant
issuing from Viseca, was developed in
response to an explicit requirement of
Migros Bank which would like to offer
its customers an uninterrupted digital
experience. The Cumulus credit card
from Migros Bank is also the first credit
card in Switzerland that can be
requested through a fully digital
application, thanks to the new applica-
tion process. Further credit cards are to
Editorial Key Figures Digital Business Instant IssuingAt a glanceReporting
Viseca Payment ServicesSA
Hagenholzstrasse 56
P.O. Box 7007
8050 Zurich
+ 41 58 958 60 00
Investor Relations
Michael Walther
Chief Financial Officer
Nicolas Kucera
Head of Communications
Publishing Details
2022 Summary Report
This consolidated summary report
is published in German, French, Italian
and English.
This report contains forward-looking
statements that do not give any guaran-
tee regarding future performance.
These statements entail risks and uncer-
tainties such as future economic
legal requirements, market
conditions, activities of other com-
and other factors beyond the
company’s control.
Viseca Payment ServicesAG
Card products
Viseca credit cards:
best-in-class thanks to
continual innovation
Only the best is good enough for our
customers. We do not mean this in the
figurative sense. The best example is
the Visa Platinum credit card from
Viseca. In 2022 we thoroughly
overhauled our Premium product. We
have extended the services, expanded
the insurance benefits and given the
whole design a new look, So custo-
mers with a Viseca Platinum credit card
now benefit, for instance, from
unlimited access for two people to
airport lounges worldwide, free
parking at Zurich airport for up to
24 hours as well as cyber insurance
products. We are particularly proud of
our new metal card. Within the
framework of the "Élan Awards of
Excellence 2022" we were awarded
first place in the "metal card" catego-
ry. This is a clear endorsement of the
high quality of our products.
Attractive insurance benets and
modern GTCs
But we are also best-in-class when it
comes to services and benefits. Last
year, for example, we optimised our
insurance benefits and digitised the
GTCs. Customers now benefit from
leaner insurance conditions and an
even simpler process in the event of a
claim. And the insurance products now
offer even greater coverage. For
example, a journey is also insured for a
duration of 90 days and the purchase
insurance has been supplemented with
online purchase protection. The GTCs
are now fully digital. This not only cuts
out unnecessary wastage of paper, but
means that the GTCs are also better
structured. We think that the "small
print" should be clear and understan-
dable, following the principle of
Our customers are important to us. For
them we are always thinking one step
ahead. So that we can offer them
innovative credit card products in
future as well.
Viseca stands for innovative, high-quality credit card products
This not only includes digital services and wide-ranging benefits,
but also first-class materials and design. We aim to be best-in-class.
So we always think one step ahead. Innovation as a service for our