Email or Fax to the Housing Service Center where you will be stationed
rom: __________________________________ Date: _______________
Applicants Email Address: _______________________________
Applicants Phone Number: ______________________ Number of Pages: _____
SUBJ: Rental Partnership Program (RPP) Application Package
Please check documents attached.
__ Navy Housing RPP Service Member Application
Service Member Counseling Sheet
__ Permanent Change of Station (PCS) Orders
Most Recent Leave and Earning Statement or if recently married, please provide
a copy of marriage certificate
__ Approved Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) Chit signed by E7 or above, if applicable
Power of Attorney (required if spouse or representative is completing application)
Housing Service Center Phone Email Address Fax
JEB Little Creek-Fort Story, Virginia Beach 757-462-8939 757-462-1244
Naval Air Station Oceana, Virginia Beach 757-433-3268
NSA-Hampton Roads, Norfolk
Northwest Annex, Chesapeake
NAVSTA Norfolk
NNSY, Portsmouth
NWS, Yorktown 757-847-7806
Contact Your Local Housing Service Center
Does RPP help me save money?
The RPP oers real cost savings to Service members living in the community. The RPP homes that are
available have already been screened and inspected by the local Navy Housing Service Center (HSC).
The program guarantees the Service member reduced rates and reduced or no security deposit and
administrative fees.
Also, RPP requires rent be paid by allotment or automatic payment, making it one less bill you have to think
about every month.
What is RPP Housing?
The RPP is designed to provide military personnel, enlisted and ocers, with aordable o-base housing.
This program is governed by an agreement between Landlords and the local Installation Commanding
Ocer (CO) or Housing Installation Program Manager (HIPM).
This program exists to ease the transition for our Service members relocating under orders and to help defray
some of the costs incurred with moving. Service members receive reduced rental costs, pay reduced or no
security deposit and application fees. If state or local laws allow the use of surety bonds, they can be used
to satisfy this requirement. Credit checks are minimal as applicants are approved based on End of Active
Obligated Service (EAOS), Projected Rotation Date (PRD) and drawing Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) or
Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA). Applicants must have permanent orders to the area.
This program permits Landlords to voluntarily obligate apartments, houses or townhouses for rent to
military personnel. Housing units which are oered to the RPP are evaluated and qualied to meet the Navys
minimum standards.
Service Member Frequently
Asked Questions
Naval Station Norfolk
Phone: 757-445-2832
Fax: 757-445-1544
Will I have to pay additional fees on RPP Housing?
There are no administrative fees associated with RPP Housing. However, the Landlord may charge a reservation
fee of up to $100 to hold a housing unit. The Landlord may charge up to $50 per applicant for backgound checks.
The reservation fee will be applied towards the rst months rent. If for some reason the Service member does not
qualify, the fee will be returned. If Service member qualies but decides not to take the rental the reservation fee
will be forfeited.
Can a Landlord change the rent based on a Service members rank?
No, there is an established RPP rate that is not based on rank.
I have poor credit; can I still use RPP?
Yes, you can still participate in the RPP. No one can be denied because of credit history.
I have a pet; will I be required to pay additional pet deposits or other associated fees?
RPP does not dictate Landlord pet policy. Individual Landlords may require additional pet fees.
Am I eligible for housing in the RPP?
All active-duty Service members are eligible, either accompanied or unaccompanied, with a minimum of six
months to one year (at Landlords discretion) remaining prior to EAOS and PRD.
How do I get approved for RPP?
The Service member must provide orders and Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) to the HSC. The Service
member must have a minimum of six months to one year remaining prior to EAOS and PRD. The Service member
must complete a counseling session in person or over the phone with the HSC. When counseling has been
completed, the Service member will receive a letter of eligibility, which is presented to the Landlord, authorizing
participation in the RPP.
I am currently in a lease; when can I get into RPP?
It is up to the individual management companies to release a member from their current lease to participate in
this program. The Service member can participate in the RPP at the end of the original lease term by signing a new
lease. If the Service member decides to participate in the RPP, the Landlord must refund the dierence in security
deposit within 30 days. The rental rate must be the discounted RPP rate.
Can I enter into an RPP lease with roommates?
Service members may enter into an RPP lease with roommates. All Service member roommates must complete
the RPP Addendum. Additionally, each Service member must complete all RPP Requirements and be aware of
their rights and responsibilities under the Service Members d Civil Relief Act (SCRA).
Are RPP properties inspected?
All RPP properties have been inspected for adherence to program requirements by the HSC. Additionally, the
Service member and Landlord are responsible for doing a move-in and move-out inspection. Contact your HSC for
information and inspection forms: ww
How do I pay rent?
The Service member must initiate an allotment or automatic payment for payment of rent.
What happens after my lease expires?
After the initial term of the lease has expired, the Service member may continue under the Rental Partnership
Program on a month-to-month basis or may sign a new lease.
What happens if I receive orders during my lease?
If the Service member receives orders in excess of 90 days and is transferred from his current permanent duty
station (per the SCRA guidelines), the Service member may terminate the lease before the end of the lease period
under the military clause. The Service member must present a copy of their orders to the Landlord along with a
30 day written notice.
What happens if I break my lease outside of the SCRA?
A Service member is bound by the lease and provisions for all other types of termination apply.
What if I have a problem with the Landlord or property?
The Service member may contact the HSC directly if they are having diculty resolving a problem with the
RPP lease, RPP property or other Landlord/tenant dispute. The HSC will perform Issue Resolution Services as an
independent third party.
Additionally, the HSC will monitor the number of valid complaints related to a Landlord. In the event a Landlord
receives three valid complaints that are not corrected in a timely manner the Landlord will be removed from RPP.
Denition of Common Terms
Administrative Fees/Application Fees: Additional fees that are collected by a Landlord, but do not go towards
rent. These fees are not allowed as part of the RPP.
Background Check: May include a criminal background check, work history and rental history, but may not
include a credit check.
Credit Check: A search of persons credit history, usually a credit score.
Reservation Fee: A deposit of up to $100 collected by the Landlord to hold housing for an applicant. This fee
must be put towards the rst month’s rent. This fee will be returned in full if the Service member does not qualify
for the housing. The fee will be forfeited if the Service member qualies for the housing, but does not accept.
Surety Bond: Purchased for a small fee from a third party, it guarantees the landlord payment of any damages
at the end of the lease. Surety bonds are usually a small fraction of a security deposit alleviating the burden of
coming up with a full security deposit (often 1-2 months rent) prior to move-in. The fee from a surety bond is not
returned at the end of a lease.
Contact Your Local Housing Service Center
Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) Branch of Service SSN#
Marital Status
Family o  Bachelor o
Single w/Dep o
Pay Grade Rate/Rank
UIC Command Name Report Date
PRD (mm/dd/yy)
Work Phone Home Phone Cell Phone
Home Email Address Emergency Phone
Work Email Address
Have you ever lived or are you currently residing under the RPP/PPV? o Yes o No
If yes, provide lease expiration or move-out date: __________________________________________________________________
Complex name and your address:
AUTHORITY: 5 USC 5911 & 5912:
PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: To identify customer needs for assistance and housing requirements.
DISCLOSURE: Voluntary; however, failure to provide the requested information will result in the inability to assist you.
Does member record exist in eMH? o Yes o No
Is Service Member Release Form provided (if applicable)? o Yes o No
Application Taken by: Date
Pending application checked by: Date
EAOS/ETS (mm/dd/yy) Service Start Date (mm/dd/yy)
Date of Rate/Rank (mm/dd/yy)
Naval Station Norfolk
Phone: 757-445-2832
Fax: 757-445-1544
Contact Your Local Housing Service Center
o To participate in this program, I must be on active duty stationed in Hampton Roads.
o Service member or spouse with Power of Attorney (general, special or nancial upon local requirements) is
applying for RPP.
o Service member must have a minimum of six months to one year remaining before End of Active Obligated
Service (EAOS) and Projected Rotation Date (PRD) at the discreation of the Landlord.
o Service member has presented the Housing Service Center (HSC) with a copy of his/her orders, Leave and
Earnings Statement (LES) and approved Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) chit, if applicable.
o The HSC will inform Service members that:
n No Landlord can refuse to rent to any rank at the current RPP rental rate.
n Service members cannot be turned down unless a bad reference has been received from a previous
n Service members cannot be turned down for poor credit.
o If I meet qualications for the program, I will be issued a Verication of Eligibility which terminates sixty (60)
days from date of issuance.
o It is my responsibility to visit each community I am interested in before making a nal selection. Policies, rules
and/or regulations may vary with each community. Once I make a selection, I understand I must give my
Verication of Eligibility to the landlord.
Service Member Counseling Sheet
Naval Station Norfolk
Phone: 757-445-2832
Fax: 757-445-1544
o Credit checks will not be performed as service members are approved based on EAOS, PRD and drawing Basic
Allowance for Housing (BAH) or Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA).
o If the amount of Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) or Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA) the Service member
receives does not cover the entire rent, it is at the landlord’s discretion to use additional nancial information,
including that of spouses and roommates. Only in this case may a credit check fee apply to the spouse or
o The Service member must authorize their current or prior Landlord to release information regarding their tenancy
to include, but not limited to, rent payment, proper lease termination, unit sanitation issues and appropriate
o After the initial term of the lease has expired, the Service member may continue under the RPP on a month-to-
month basis or may sign a new lease but must notify the HSC of this action.
o The Service member will provide the HSC with a Renewal Notice of Intent for a RPP renewal.
o The Service member will not stop their existing allotment or automatic payment.
o The Service member will increase/decrease their existing allotment or automatic payment based on new
rental rate.
o All state and Federal laws apply.
o Service members must be informed of the provisions of the Service Members Civil Relief Act (SCRA) and applicable
state Landlord/tenant laws in an eort to limit issues and problems during the lease period. More detailed
information can be provided to all parties via the following link:
o A Landlord may charge a reservation fee up to $100 which is applied toward the rst months rent. If for some
reason the Service member does not qualify, the fee will be returned. If the Service member qualies but decides
not to take the rental the reservation fee will be forfeited.
o It is mandatory that the Service member initiate an allotment or automatic payment for payment of the monthly
rent to the Landlord. Interim rent is the Service members responsibility and must be paid in advance directly to
the Landlord until the allotment or automatic payment becomes eective.
o Should the Service member stop the allotment or automatic payment, they are no longer covered under the
RPP lease. The Landlord may charge a deposit and convert the lease to a conventional lease for the market rate
based on the original market rate of the initial RPP lease. The Landlord may also charge the Service member the
dierence for the past months of the lease (market rate vice RPP discounted rate).
Notwithstanding the foregoing, when a Service member terminates an allotment based upon a right or
entitlement under state or local law to withhold rent due to inhabitability of the premises, the landlord may
not require a security deposit, nor end the rent reduction benet, nor assert a charge for the payment of past
rent discounts, unless and until the matter is adjudicated under state or local law or otherwise compromised
and settled by the parties. The Service member and the landlord each have recourse to HSC for fact-nding and
moderation assistance as a means of amicably resolving issues relating to habitability of properties and payment
of rent.
o A RPP participating Landlord cannot refuse to rent to a Service member based upon rank or poor credit history
but may turn them down for poor rental references as veried from a previous Landlord.
o In the event the Service member experiences discrimination, they will notify the HSC and will be counseled on
how to le a complaint.
o It is the responsibility of the Service member to obtain a Letter of Intent from the Landlord which must be
returned to the HSC.
o A previous inspection performed by HSC does not guarantee systems, appliances or other aspects of the property.
o Service member and Landlord are responsible for completing the move-in inspection. A copy of the RPP
Inspection Criteria and Checklist is available and will be provided to the Service member.
o Regardless of whether the HSC has or has not inspected a specic unit, ultimate responsibility and acceptance of
unit belongs with the Service Member as the signee of the lease.
o The Service member will be required to sign a rental lease agreement.
o The Service member must provide the Landlord two items in order to receive keys to the unit:
(1) Proof the allotment or automatic payment was initiated; (2) the pro-rata rent due at move-in.
o I will complete a move in inspection within 5 calendar days of acceptance of keys. It is strongly recommended that
I be present at the move out inspection with the property representative. I may request a housing representative
to be present at the move in or move out inspection. I will be responsible for any damages found during the
check-out inspection. I am required to leave a forwarding address at the time of termination.
Lease Termination and Eviction
o It is mandatory to notify the NHSC when terminating my RPP lease.
o Service member may terminate the lease with PCS orders, discharge orders, retirement or deployment for more
than 90 days or by mutual agreement.
o In accordance with the Service Members Civil Relief Act, if a Service member receives Permanent Change of
Station (PCS) orders, deployment orders or temporary duty (TAD/ TDY) orders for a period in excess of ninety
(90) days, any liability of the person for rent under the lease may not exceed thirty (30) days after the date the
next rental payment is due for the number of days allowed by state law, whichever is less. Member will provide
Landlord with a copy of his/her orders or letter from Commanding Ocer.
o In order to terminate the lease, the Service member must submit a thirty (30) day written notice. A copy of the
ocial orders must be provided prior to the vacate date.
o If the Service member chooses to terminate their RPP lease before the lease termination date for reasons other
than those covered by the State Residential Landlord Tenant Act or SCRA, the Landlord has the legal right to
charge a termination fee (a monetary penalty). To determine the cost of this penalty, the Service member must
contact their Landlord.
o Before the Service member moves out, he/she is responsible for coordinating a joint nal check-out inspection
with the Landlord. The inspection must be requested in writing from the Service member to the Landlord and
must be conducted no more than 72 hours prior to the termination date.
o Evictions are at the discretion of the Landlord. All Federal, state and local laws must be adhered to and the HSC
must be notied of any pending evictions.
o Should the Service member leave owing money, the Landlord can present to the HSC an itemized list of charges
owed to the Landlord. This list must contain a nal total and the Landlord’s signature. The HSC will assist the
Landlord by forwarding documentation to the Service members Command.
Per paragraph 2.b of the MILPERSMAN, the extent to which Installation Commanding Ocers may cooperate with
creditors is limited to administrative referral of correspondence to the Service member. If the Service member is
separating from the service and leaves owing money it will be up to the complex to use their normal collection
procedure, using state and local laws.
o A Housing Counselor may be notied to act as a third party to any unresolved issues.
By signing this document, I __________________________________, acknowledge that I have read and
understand everything herein.
Service Member Signature Date
Counselor Signature Date
From: Navy Housing Service Center
To: Community and Privatized Housing Residents
1. The Navy recommends that tenants living in privatized family housing and in the community
seriously consider the issue of insurance.
2. There are two types of insurance of which you should be aware: renter’s insurance and liability
Renter’s insurance covers your personal property and will normally replace items if they are
damaged or stolen. If you live in privatized family housing, your rent includes a $10,000 personal
property policy. You should review this amount of coverage to determine if it is sufficient to replace
your belongings. If it is not, you should consider purchasing additional coverage.
Liability insurance covers damage to the structure you are renting. Some examples include a
stove fire, a fire caused by a candle, or flooding due to a leaky waterbed. Liability insurance also covers
you in the case of a lawsuit if someone should be injured in the structure you are renting due to your
negligence. An example includes an injury due to a fall by someone due to a wet floor. Please be aware
that some insurance policies provide both personal property coverage and liability coverage at a slightly
increased premium.
3. All families are encouraged to take both renters and liability insurance seriously. An accident which
results in fire or flood damage could result in monetary damages, which could become a financial
burden to you for the rest of your life. A general liability policy is inexpensive and well worth the cost.
4. If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact the Navy Housing
Service Center at:
NSA Hampton Roads Northwest Annex (757) 445-2832
Naval Station Norfolk
NNSY Portsmouth
Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story (757) 462-8939
Naval Station Oceana Dam Neck Annex (757) 433-3368
Naval Weapons Station Yorktown (757) 847-7806
Revised 8/2013