35-252 AND 18-104.1 AND TO REPEAL 3
SECTIONS AMENDED: 35-252 and 18-104.1 8
SECTIONS REPEALED: 18-59 and 18-60 10
WHEREAS, there is a need to harmonize the tax treatment of all businesses that 12
engage in the short-term rental of tangible personal property and distinguish the 13
nomenclature of tangible personal property rentals from the rental of residences to 14
transients; 15
1. The title of Article XII of Chapter 35 and Sections 35-252 and 18-104.1 of the City 20
Code are hereby amended and reordained and Sections 18-59 and 18-60 are 21
hereby repealed as follows: 22
Sec. 35-252. Short-term rental tax. Tax on short-term rental of tangible personal 27
property. 28
(a) Levied; amount. Pursuant to Code of Virginia § 58.1-3510.6, there is hereby 30
assessed and imposed on every person engaged in the short-term rental of tangible 31
personal property business a tax of one (1) percent on the gross proceeds of such 32
business defined in subsection (c)(1) and one and one-half (1 ½) percent of such 33
business defined in subsection (c)(2). Such tax shall be in addition to the tax levied 34
pursuant to Code of Virginia § 58.1-605. For purposes of this section, “gross 35
proceeds” means the total amount charged to each person for the rental of short-36
term rental of tangible personal property, excluding any state and local sales tax paid 37
pursuant to the Virginia Retail Sales and Use Tax Act. 38
(b) Short-term rental property defined. For purposes of this section, "short-term rental 40
property" means all tangible personal property held for rental and owned by a person 41
engaged in the short-term rental of tangible personal property business, except 42
trailers, as defined in Code of Virginia § 46.2-100 and other tangible personal 43
property required to be licensed or registered with the department of motor vehicles, 44
department of wildlife resources game and inland fisheries, or the department of 45
aviation. For purposes of this section, the terms “short-term rental property” and 46
“short-term rental of tangible personal property” shall have the same meaning. 47
(c) Short-term rental of tangible personal property business defined. A person is 49
engaged in the short-term rental of tangible personal property business if: 50
(1) Not less than eighty (80) percent of the gross rental receipts of such business 52
during the preceding year arose from transactions involving the rental of short-53
term rental property, other than heavy equipment property as defined in 54
subdivision (2), for periods of ninety-two (92) consecutive days or less, including 55
all extensions and renewals to the same person or a person affiliated with the 56
lessee; or 57
(2) Not less than sixty (60) percent of the gross rental receipts of such business 59
during the preceding year arose from transactions involving the rental of heavy 60
equipment property for periods of two hundred seventy (270) consecutive days 61
or less, including all extensions and renewals to the same person or a person 62
affiliated with the lessee. For purposes of this subdivision, "heavy equipment 63
property" means rental property of an industry that is described under code 64
532412 or 532490 of the 2002 North American Industry Classification System 65
as published by the United States Census Bureau, excluding office furniture, 66
office equipment, and programmable computer equipment and peripherals as 67
defined in Code of Virginia § 58.1-3503(A)(16). 68
For purposes of determining whether a person is engaged in the short-term rental 70
of tangible personal property business as defined in subdivisions (1) and (2), a person is 71
"affiliated" with the lessee of rental property if such person is an officer, director, partner, 72
member, shareholder, parent or subsidiary of the lessee, or if such person and the lessee 73
have any common ownership interest in excess of five (5) percent; any rental to a person 74
affiliated with the lessee shall be treated as rental receipts but shall not qualify for 75
purposes of the eighty (80) percent requirement of subdivision (1) or the sixty (60) percent 76
requirement of subdivision (2); and any rental of personal property which also involves 77
the provision of personal services for the operation of the personal property rented shall 78
not be treated as gross receipts from rental, provided however that the delivery and 79
installation of tangible personal property shall not mean operation for the purposes of this 80
subdivision. 81
A person who has not previously been engaged in the short-term rental of tangible 83
personal property business who applies for a certificate of registration pursuant to 84
subsection (j) shall be eligible for registration upon his certification that he anticipates 85
meeting the requirements of subdivision (1) or (2), designated by the applicant, during the 86
year for which registration is sought. 87
In the event that the commissioner of the revenue makes a written determination 89
that a rental business previously certified as short-term rental of tangible personal 90
property business pursuant to subsection (j) has failed to meet either of the tests set forth 91
in subdivision (1) or (2) during a preceding tax year, such business shall lose its 92
certification as a short-term rental of tangible personal property business and shall be 93
subject to the business personal property tax with respect to all rental property for the tax 94
year in which such certification is lost and any subsequent tax years until such time as 95
the rental business obtains recertification pursuant to subsection (j). In the event that a 96
rental business loses its certification as a short-term rental of tangible personal property 97
business pursuant to this subsection, such business shall not be required to refund to 98
customers daily rental property taxes previously collected in good faith and shall not be 99
subject to the assessment for business personal property taxes with respect to rental 100
property for tax years preceding the year in which the certification is lost unless the 101
commissioner makes a written determination that the business obtained its certification 102
by knowingly making materially false statements in its application, in which case the 103
commissioner may assess the taxpayer the amount of the difference between the short-104
term rental of tangible personal property taxes remitted by such business during the 105
period in which the taxpayer wrongfully held certification and the business personal 106
property taxes that would have been due during such period but for the certification 107
obtained by the making of the materially false statements. Any such assessment, and any 108
determination not to certify or to decertify a rental business as a short-term rental of 109
personal property business as defined in this subsection, may be appealed pursuant to 110
the procedures and requirements set forth in Code of Virginia § 58.1-3983.1 for appeals 111
of local business taxes, which shall apply mutatis mutandis to such assessment and 112
certification decisions. 113
A rental business that has been decertified pursuant to the provisions of this 115
subsection shall be eligible for recertification for a subsequent tax year upon a showing 116
that it has met one of the test provided in subdivisions (1) and (2) for at least ten (10) 117
months of operations during the present tax year. 118
(d) Taxation of rental property that is not short-term rental property. Except for short-120
term rental passenger cars, rental property that is not short-term rental property shall 121
be classified for taxation pursuant to Code of Virginia § 58.1-3503. 122
(e) Collection, reporting return and remittance of tax. Any person engaged in the short-124
term rental of tangible personal property business, as defined by subsection (c), shall 125
collect such tax from each lessee of rental property at the time of the rental. The 126
lessor of the short-term rental property shall transmit a quarterly report return, not 127
later than the fifteenth day following the end of each calendar quarter, to the 128
treasurer, reporting the gross rental proceeds derived from the short-term rental of 129
tangible personal property business. The commissioner of the revenue shall assess 130
the tax due, and the short-term rental of tangible personal property business shall 131
pay the tax so assessed to the treasurer not later than the last day of the month 132
following the end of the calendar quarter. The calendar quarters end on March 31, 133
June 30, September 30 and December 31. The return shall be upon such forms, 134
approved by the commissioner of the revenue and the treasurer, setting forth such 135
information as the commissioner of revenue may require, showing the amount of 136
gross receipts and the tax required to be collected. The taxes required to be collected 137
under this article shall be deemed to be held in trust by the person required to collect 138
such taxes until remitted as required in this article. 139
(f) Procedure upon failure to collect, report or remit taxes. If any person, whose duty it 141
is so to do, shall fail or refuse to collect the tax imposed under this article and to 142
make, within the time provided in this article, the returns and remittances required in 143
this article, the commissioner of the revenue shall obtain facts and information 144
necessary to create an estimate of the tax due. Within ten (10) days from the date 145
the tax was due, he shall proceed to determine and assess against such person the 146
tax and the late filing penalty established in subsection (g) below, and shall notify 147
such person, by hand-delivery, facsimile, electronic mail or certified mail, of the total 148
amount of such tax and penalty; a copy of the assessment shall be delivered 149
simultaneously to the treasurer. The total amount thereof shall be payable 150
immediately, and the treasurer shall proceed to collect same as authorized by law. 151
(g) Failure or refusal to remit tax; penalty. If any person, whose duty it is so to do, shall 153
fail or refuse to remit the tax required to be collected and paid under this article within 154
the time specified in the article, there shall be added to such tax a penalty in the 155
amount of ten (10) percent of the tax past due or the sum of ten dollars ($10.00), 156
whichever is the greater. The assessment of such penalty shall not be deemed a 157
defense to any criminal prosecution for failing to make any return or remittance as 158
required in this article. Penalty for failure to pay the tax assessed pursuant to this 159
article shall be assessed on the first day following the day such quarterly installment 160
payment is due. 161
(h) Late filing penalty. 163
(1) If a report is not filed on or before the due date set forth in subsection (a) above, 165
there shall be added a penalty in the amount of ten (10) percent of the tax 166
assessable on such return or ten dollars ($10.00), whichever is greater; 167
provided, however, that the penalty shall in no case exceed the amount of the 168
tax assessable. Such penalty shall not be assessed until the day after the report 169
is due. Any such penalty, when assessed, shall become part of the tax. 170
(2) No penalty for failing to file a report shall be assessed if such failure was not the 172
fault of the taxpayer or was the fault of the commissioner of the revenue. The 173
commissioner of the revenue shall make determinations of fault relating to failure 174
to file a report. 175
(i) Exclusions and exemptions. No tax shall be collected or assessed on (i) rentals by 177
the commonwealth, any political subdivision of the commonwealth or the United 178
States, or (ii) any rental of durable medical equipment as defined in Code of Virginia 179
§ 58.1-608(22). Additionally, all exemptions applicable in the Code of Virginia Title 180
58.1, Ch. 6 (section 58.1-600 et seq.) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the short-term 181
rental of tangible personal property tax. 182
(j) Renter's certificate of registration. Every person engaging in the business of short-184
term rental of tangible personal property shall file an application for a certificate of 185
registration with the commissioner of the revenue. The application shall be on a form 186
prescribed by the commissioner of revenue and shall set forth the name under which 187
the applicant intends to operate the rental business, the subdivision of subsection (c) 188
under which the business asserts that it is qualified for classification as a short-term 189
rental of tangible personal property business, the location and such other information 190
as the commissioner may require. 191
Each applicant shall sign the application as owner of the rental business. If the 193
rental business is owned by an association, partnership, limited liability company, or 194
corporation, the application shall be signed by a member, partner, executive officer or 195
other person specifically authorized by the association, partnership, limited liability 196
company, or corporation to sign. 197
Upon approval of the application by the commissioner of the revenue, a certificate 199
of registration shall be issued. The certificate shall be conspicuously displayed at all times 200
at the place of business for which it is issued. 201
The certificate is not assignable and shall be valid only for the person in whose name it 202
is issued and the place of business designated. 203
(k) Criminal penalties for violation of article. Any person violating or failing to comply with 205
any provision of this article shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor. Provided 206
however, if the amount of tax due and unpaid for any quarterly installment exceeds 207
one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), any person failing to remit payment when due shall 208
be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. The treasurer may apply for the issuance of a 209
warrant or summons for such person in the manner provided by law. 210
(l) Copies of reports; appeal of estimated assessment. (i) The treasurer shall provide 212
the commissioner of the revenue by the fifteenth of each month with copies of all 213
reports submitted in the preceding month by persons required to collect the tax levied 214
by this article, and (ii) any person issued an estimated assessment as described in 215
subsection (f), who is aggrieved by the assessment, may apply to the commissioner 216
of the revenue for correction as provided by Code of Virginia § 58.1-3980. 217
(m) Duties of the commissioner of the revenue. The commissioner of the revenue shall 219
be charged with auditing the reports required by this article, ensuring that short-term 220
rental of tangible personal property businesses are registered to collect the tax levied 221
by this article, and responding to all inquiries that may be made by taxpayers or rental 222
businesses. 223
(n) Duties of the city treasurer. The city treasurer shall be charged with the receipt and 225
collection of the taxes imposed and levied by this article, and shall cause the same 226
to be paid into the general treasury of the city. 227
. . . . 229
Sec. 18-59. Beach equipment rentalGenerally. 231
(a) The license tax rate for each person engaged in the business of renting beach 233
equipment in the city shall be 0.36 percent of the gross receipts in such business 234
during the preceding calendar year. 235
(b) For the purpose of this section, the term "beach equipment" shall mean dugouts, 237
umbrellas, chairs, windbreakers, air floats and life rafts. 238
Sec. 18-60. SameSurfboards. 240
(a) The license tax rate for each person engaged in the business of renting surfboards 242
in the city shall be 0.36 percent of the gross receipts in such business during the 243
preceding calendar year. 244
(b) All surfboards offered for rent shall be marked with a permanent identification 246
indicating that they are for rent. 247
(c) No license shall be issued for the rental of surfboards until the applicant therefor shall 249
have presented a certificate, approved by the city attorney as to form and surety, of 250
personal injury liability insurance coverage in the amount of $100,000.00 per person 251
and $300,000.00 per accident and property damage liability insurance in the amount 252
of $5,000.00. 253
. . . . 255
Sec. 18-104.1. Short-term rental of tangible personal property business. 257
Every person engaged in the short-term rental of tangible personal property 259
business as defined in section 35-252 of this Code shall be classified in the category of 260
retail sales and shall pay a license tax rate equal to that imposed in section 18-89 on 261
merchants, retail. For purposes of this section and section 35-252, the rental of beach 262
equipment and the rental of surfboards shall be considered the short-term rental of 263
tangible personal property if such rentals meet the classification provided by section 35-264
252(c)(1) or (c)(2). 265
2. The effective date of this ordinance is January 1, 2025. 267
Adopted by the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, this 18
day of
June, 2024.