Office of the Dean
PMB 357801
2301 Vanderbilt Place
Nashville, TN 37240
T 615-322-2851
To: Department Chairs and Program Directors, College of Arts and Science
From: Cindy D. Kam, Dean of Faculty Affairs, College of Arts and Science
Subject: Guidelines and Call for Recommendations for Promotions and Reappointments
ate: August 30, 2022
n compliance with the Rules and Procedures for Appointments, Renewals, Promotions, and Tenure of the
College of Arts and Science, this memorandum formally requests your department or program’s 2022-
2023 recommendations for promotions and renewals of appointments. A copy of our Rules and
Procedures (revised May 2018) is enclosed.
hese guidelines are divided into four sections, each addressing a specific category of personnel actions:
romotions to Associate Professor with tenure and Professor; (II) reappointments of tenure-track
faculty; (III) appointments and reappointments of non-tenure-track teaching faculty; and (IV)
appointments and reappointments of non-tenure-track non-teaching faculty.
While the entire document has been updated, please note the following:
The deadline for multi-year NTT teach
ing appointments is March 3, 2023.
The Provost’s Office requires that all documents uploaded into Interfolio must be made
New requirements for teaching assessment and peer evaluation have been added to the Promotion
(Part I, p. 5.), Reappointment (Part II, p. 25.), and NTT teaching (Part III, p. 33.) sections. I urge
you to review these with your colleagues.
An optional COVID-19 Impact Statement is permitted for tenure-stream promotions (p. 9.) and
tenure-track reappointments (p. 26.).
he Department Chair or Program Director is responsible for ensuring that each promotion,
reappointment, and appointment file submitted to this office contains all of the materials identified and is
assembled in a manner consistent with the guidelines described in the following sections.
hank you for your assistance in these important matters.
cc: O
ffice of the Provost
Dean John Geer
Dean Bonnie Dow
Dean Sarah Igo
Dean David Wright
Department and Program Administrators
Arts and Science
August 30, 2022 2
Arts and Science Promotion and Reappointment File Deadlines
University guidelines require the timetable for receipt of your recommendations provided
in the chart below. The majority of cases follow the Spring Decision dates (highlighted
below). Fall decision dates apply only to cases in which the initial appointment
commenced at the start of the calendar year or for those who have specific promises of
early consideration. If you have a compelling reason for requesting late delivery of a file,
please inform the dean’s office at least one month prior to the specified receipt deadline or,
in the case of an unexpected delay, as soon as you realize the necessity of turning in the
file after the deadline.
Fall Decisions
(notification expected by
Spring Decisions
expected by
Fall Decisions
(notification expected by
Promotion to Professor
Monday, Sept. 12, 2022
Monday, September
12, 2022
Monday, Sept. 11, 2023
Promotion to Associate
Professor w/tenure
Monday, Sept. 12, 2022
Monday, October
24, 2022
Monday, Sept. 11, 2023
Renewal of tenure-track
appointments (3
Monday, Sept. 19, 2022
Monday, January 16,
Monday, Sept. 18, 2023
Renewal of one-year,
non-tenure-track appoint-
Monday, Sept. 19, 2022
Monday, January 30,
Monday, Sept. 18, 2023
Renewal of multi-year,
non-tenure-track appoint-
Monday, Sept 19, 2022
Friday, March 3,
Monday, Sept 18, 2023
General Contact Information Regarding Faculty Appointments
Dean Cindy Kam, in consultation with Dean Geer, will oversee all processes for
reappointments and promotions of all tenured and tenure-track faculty actions.
Dean Bonnie Dow, in consultation with Dean Geer, will oversee all processes for
appointments, reappointments, and promotion of all non-tenure-track faculty actions, with the
exception of research appointments which will be overseen by Dean David Wright, in
consultation with Dean Geer.
For questions regarding T/TT faculty and anything other than compensation issues, such as
questions about leaves, appointments, recruitment, and promotions, please contact Melissa
Wocher at 615-343-3143 or me[email protected]
For questions regarding NTT faculty and anything other than compensation issues, such as
leaves, appointments, recruitment, and promotions, please contact Jeffrey Keever at 615-343-
August 30, 2022 3
Standards: The College of Arts and Science upholds the standards set forth in the Vanderbilt Faculty
In actions relating to promotion to Associate Professor with tenure: “For the award of tenure,
Vanderbilt requires (1) excellence in research, scholarship, or creative expression in one’s
discipline; (2) a high level of effectiveness in teaching; and (3) satisfactory performance in the area
of service” (Faculty Manual, Part II, Ch 3, Section C).
In actions relating to promotion to Professor: “Vanderbilt expects the level and quality of
achievement in (1) research, scholarship, or creative expression; (2) teaching; and (3) service to be
equivalent to that required of Professors in leading departments and schools of other major research
universities. The candidate must have attained national or international recognition among leading
scholars in their/her/his discipline for sustained and excellent research, must have taught the courses
requested by the department or school at a consistently high level of effectiveness, and must have
demonstrated a well-developed and recognized record of service both the University and their
discipline” (Faculty Manual, Part II, Ch 3, Section E).
The College of Arts and Science Rules and Procedures for Appointments, Renewals, Promotions, and
Tenure document contains information about the rules and procedures that govern these faculty actions.
Please consult it closely as you prepare promotion and reappointment files.
Eligible Voters: The College of Arts and Science Rules and Procedures for Appointments, Renewals,
Promotions, and Tenure (Section II, Part D, #1) specifies eligibility for voting on promotion and tenure.
For promotion cases involving faculty in departments/programs that do not contain at least five
eligible voting members, an ad hoc committee will be constituted that will include the eligible voting
members of the unit, plus the appropriate number of faculty from related fields of appropriate rank
such that the ad hoc committee has five members (A&S Rules and Procedures document, Section II,
Part D, # 2). The ad hoc committee will serve as the eligible voting body, and the chair of the ad hoc
committee will complete the tasks designated below for Department Chairs/Program Directors.
For promotion cases involving faculty who hold joint appointments and whose administrative home
unit includes at least five eligible voting members, a single ad hoc committee will be appointed by
the Dean or the Dean’s designee, in consultation with the chairs/directors of the relevant units. The
chair of the ad hoc committee will be appointed from the faculty member’s administrative home. The
remainder of the committee will be constituted by an equal representation of members from each
unit. The committee will write a single report that is reviewed by each of the units, and the eligible
voters in each unit will discuss and vote on the promotion. Each unit’s vote should be conveyed in a
letter from the unit chair/ director, addressed to the Dean, for inclusion in the file. Minutes from each
meeting (in the format and with the content described below) will also be gathered. The chair or
director of the unit that is the faculty member’s administrative home will be responsible for
overseeing completion of the file (through Interfolio).
For promotion cases involving faculty who hold joint appointments but whose administrative home
unit does not contain at least five eligible voting members, a single ad hoc committee will be
appointed by the Dean or the Dean’s designee, in consultation with the chairs/directors of the relevant
units. When possible, the chair of the committee will be appointed from the faculty member’s
administrative home. The ad hoc committee will include all eligible members from the administrative
home unit and be supplemented with eligible members in related fields in order to reach five
members. The ad hoc committee will write a single report and will constitute the voting unit of the
administrative home unit. The eligible voters in the unit that is not the administrative home unit will
August 30, 2022 4
review the ad hoc report and vote on the promotion. Each unit’s vote (i.e., the ad hoc committee
standing for the administrative home unit, and the department/program that is not the administrative
home) should be conveyed in a letter, addressed to the dean, for inclusion in the file. Minutes from
each meeting (in the format and with the content described below) must also be submitted. The chair
of the ad hoc committee, in collaboration with the chair/director of the unit that is not the
administrative home, will complete the tasks designated below for Department Chairs/Program
Directors (through Interfolio). For joint appointments where neither the administrative home unit nor
the second unit has five eligible voting members, a single ad hoc committee will be formed.
Dossier Contents
The University requires all promotion and review files to be submitted via Interfolio.
All promotion files should contain the required documents outlined in the Interfolio template for
the case and must conform to the following guidelines. In addition, all documents must be
searchable, not scanned, PDF files. A sample checklist of documents required is provided on
page 21 of this document.
All documents except for books authored by candidates will be submitted in electronic form via
1. Chairs or Program Directors recommendation to the Dean
The chair/director must submit a detailed statement commenting on the promotion. This
is an evaluation and recommendation separate from that provided by the department or
program. It is also an opportunity for the chair/director to explain any aspect of the file
that may require interpretation and context. There will be an upload field in Interfolio for
this document.
The statement should address:
o How the candidates field of research relates to the discipline as a whole
o The quality of the candidate’s publications, including the quality of journals
where articles were published or the presses where books were published
o The impact of the candidate’s publications/creative works on the research and
work of others in the field
o The candidate’s external funding record
o The candidate’s promise for future productivity
o Detailed comments on strengths and weaknesses of the candidate’s record in
research, teaching, and service
o The chair/director’s assessment of the external reviewer letters, including
discussion of any conflicting opinions expressed.
2. Recommendation of the eligible tenured faculty of the Department or Program
The first sentence of the recommendation should include the enumerated vote of the
eligible faculty: the number favoring, opposing, proxy votes (if applicable) and
abstaining, along with the date of the vote. Recording a vote as “unanimous” is not
adequate; please state the number of faculty members casting votes relative to all faculty
members eligible to vote.
Minutes: The recommendation should be accompanied by detailed minutes that reflect
the full range of discussion by the eligible tenured faculty at the meeting. Please do not
submit a verbatim transcript of the meeting. Minutes should be taken by a designated
faculty member other than the chair/director or by an appropriate staff person. Do not
send an audio recording of the discussion. There will be an upload field in Interfolio for
this document.
August 30, 2022 5
o The minutes should include the names of those present and absent, and the
number of proxy votes, if any, together with a statement of the department’s or
program’s policy on proxy voting on personnel decisions.
o The minutes should report the faculty’s evaluation of and comments on the
candidate’s accomplishments and prospects in (1) research, scholarship, or
creative expression; (2) teaching; and (3) service.
o If the department or program appoints a committee to review the candidate’s
publications, rather than having all eligible tenured faculty do so, the minutes
should identify those designated members of the faculty who served on this
review committee and have therefore read (1) relevant publications by the
candidate appearing since the last personnel action, and (2) relevant samples of
his/her earlier work. If this committee prepares any written reports or
presentations, these documents must also be included in the dossier.
o If minutes of the meeting do not satisfy all these requirements, a candid
accompanying statement from the Chair/Director must do so.
o Minutes of the meeting must be signed and dated by the person responsible for
their composition.
o In accordance with the Faculty Manual, and Arts and Science Rules and
Procedures document, minutes must be made available for 2 working days to all
eligible faculty before the file is forwarded to the Dean. Within 2 working days
after eligible faculty are notified that the minutes are available, they may make
responses to the minutes that will be included in the file. Such responses must be
available to all eligible faculty members or ad hoc committee members.
Research: The recommendation should also include any department- or program-specific
definitions of the nature of the research, scholarship, or creative expression expected of
the candidate. Please include any statements of expectations of productivity contained in
any special agreement between the Dean’s Office and the candidate, either at the time of
initial appointment or subsequently.
Teaching: The eligible tenured faculty’s assessment of the candidate’s teaching at the
undergraduate and graduate levels must include a review of the following evidence:
o student evaluations, including a complete summary of numerical ratings from
course evaluations that must be provided along with the evaluations. See #4
below for further details.
o a list or statement about graduate theses the candidate has supervised
o the candidate’s contributions to the development of new courses, curriculum,
instructional methodology, and other strategies for stimulating learning.
o a formal peer teaching report written by two tenured faculty members. The peer
teaching report is required for candidates being considered for promotion to
Associate Professor with tenure. It is strongly recommended for candidates being
considered for promotion to Professor. The peer report of teaching should be
based on (a) an in-class visit by the two tenured faculty members and (b) a careful
evaluation by the same faculty members of all relevant course materials such as
course syllabi, reading lists, assignments, grading policies, and examinations to
develop and provide a comprehensive view of the course’s goals, design, and
implementation. The peer teaching report is part of the formal dossier and should
be written in a way that makes it accessible to non-specialists.
o If relevant, materials documenting the candidate’s contributions to non-course
activities that the department or program considers as constituting teaching (e.g.,
supervision of internships, work with students in the laboratory).
Research and Teaching Reports
o If an internal review committee is formed and prepares a report for presentation to
August 30, 2022 6
the department’s tenured faculty, a copy of the report should be included in
o Reports from review committees formed to evaluate scholarship/creative
expression of candidates with an interdisciplinary field, and/or from ad hoc
review committees constituted for candidates from departments/programs with
fewer than five voting-eligible faculty should be included in Interfolio.
o The peer teaching report should be uploaded into Interfolio if it is not already
included in the above reports.
3. The candidates current curriculum vitae
The c.v. will be uploaded by the candidate in Interfolio in Step 1.
The current c.v. must be dated and conform as closely as is reasonably and appropriately
possible to the following format. A sample c.v. is attached as an example (pages 36-38).
o Date, name, and contact information
o Degrees earned (include university, date of degree, subject, title of dissertation,
and mentor’s name)
o Employment history (include post-docs and name of mentor(s))
o Honors and awards (include information from undergraduate and thereafter.
Provide details)
o Research/Creative Expression: All of the following categories of research and/or
creative expression must be separated from each other in the CV. For example,
book reviews should not be listed under articles. Similarly, works in progress
must be separate from published works. For all published works, the full citation
(including full list of authors in order as printed; and beginning and ending page
numbers in book chapters, journal articles and proceedings) must be provided.
For works accepted but not yet published, include full list of authors in order as
will be printed and provide the respective number of manuscript pages.
Books (in print or accepted for publication); list separately (i) authored
and co-authored works; (ii) edited volumes
Articles (in print or accepted) in refereed journals
Book chapters
Articles in conference proceedings
Book reviews
Working papers and books. Please avoid the word “forthcoming,” or any
other ambiguous descriptor; instead, describe the work’s publication status
precisely (e.g., when the work was submitted for consideration; the nature
and timing of editorial response, if any; whether the work is under contract
with a specific publisher, whether a publication date has been announced
by the publisher).
Research grants received (including granting agency, other investigators,
period of grant, amount of grant per year and in total, including direct and
indirect costs).
Research grant proposals currently under review
Invited presentations (list title of talk and any support provided by host
Published abstracts
Conference presentations
For Co-authored Works:
Complete citations listing all co-authors in printed order are required.
Include explanation of candidate role following each bibliographic entry
of a co-authored work in the c.v.; (percentage of the candidate’s
August 30, 2022 7
contribution is helpful but not sufficient)
Further elaboration on collaborations can be included in the Statement of
o Teaching-Related Activities: please list:
any new courses introduced
graduate students on whose Masters/Ph.D. dissertation committees the
candidate has served or whose committees the candidate has directed
training grants received
undergraduate research/immersion projects supervised
o Service: List service to the:
Community (professionally related)
On occasion, the candidate may want to have a c.v. sent to reviewers that is formatted in a
manner more conventional in the discipline. In these cases, the file must contain both
versions of the c.v., with each version clearly labeled, at the time the file is submitted for
evaluation by the department and to the Dean’s Office.
4. Cumulative teaching summary chart
For those courses evaluated prior to Fall 2016 (using the VOICE system), the
department/program will provide a composite chart using the numerical information from
the candidate’s teaching evaluations. (An Excel spreadsheet is attached to this document
for your convenience.)
o The number of students enrolled in each course as well as the number of students
completing the evaluation forms must be included for each course evaluated.
o Data should be listed from the oldest (on the left) to the most recent.
o For promotion to Associate Professor with tenure, data must include all courses
the candidate has taught since being appointed to the tenure-track.
o For promotion to Professor, data must include all courses the candidate has taught
while holding the rank of Associate Professor with tenure. If the candidate has
been in rank for more than 10 years, please consult with the Dean of Faculty
Affairs or Melissa Wocher about the number of years to be included in the chart.
For courses evaluated as of Fall 2016 and thereafter (using the BLUE system), please
provide a separate composite chart, using the numerical information from the candidate’s
teaching evaluations and following the stipulations above (An Excel spreadsheet is
attached to this document for your convenience).
The cumulative teaching summary chart(s) will be uploaded by the department
administrator in Interfolio.
5. Student course evaluations and comments
The course evaluations will be uploaded by the department administrator in Interfolio.
For courses evaluated prior to Fall 2016 (i.e. using the VOICE system), simply upload
the results, including student comments, for each course taught by the instructor during
the period being evaluated. There is no need to re-type online student comments.
o The students’ comments should not be selected, excerpted, or edited.
o For promotion to Associate Professor with tenure, comments from all courses
taught since the candidates initial appointment to the tenure-track must be
o Files for promotion to Professor must include all courses the candidate has taught
August 30, 2022 8
while holding the rank of Associate Professor with tenure. If the candidate has
been in rank for more than 10 years, please consult with the Dean of Faculty
Affairs or Melissa Wocher about the number of years to be included in the file.
For courses evaluated as of Fall 2016 and thereafter (i.e. using the BLUE system), please
upload the entire course instructor report, which includes the objective responses, as well
as the bar graphs and the student comments.
6. Candidate’s Statement of Endeavors
Candidates for promotion to Associate Professor with tenure and for promotion to
Professor should provide a clear, complete, and well-documented report of their activities
and achievements in each of the three areas of performance: research/creative expression,
teaching, and service. This report, typically six to eight pages, should be more than a list
of activities; it should articulate the candidates research agenda and trajectory; discuss
the candidate’s teaching philosophy, contributions, and evolution; and summarize the
candidate’s service.
o Candidates in some disciplines may feel the need to have two separate research
portions of their statement of endeavors: one for the “expertexternal reviewers
and a second constituting a more accessible version that is used internally at
Vanderbilt and read by individuals outside of the candidate’s immediate field. In
these cases, it is imperative that the file contain both versions of the research
statement, with each statement clearly labeled, when it is submitted for evaluation
by the department and each succeeding level.
o The candidate will upload the research portion of the Statement of Endeavors to
be sent to external reviewers in Step 1 in Interfolio. The candidate will have the
opportunity to upload the more detailed internal Statement of Endeavors covering
research, teaching, and service used for internal review at Vanderbilt in Step 2 in
o A candidate is permitted to update the internal Statement of Endeavors prior to
the department vote, but all versions of the statement must be dated and included
in the file at the time of the faculty discussion and vote on promotion. (As noted
below, no updates can be made to materials sent to external reviewers)
o Please inform the candidate of the following guidelines for the three required
parts of the Statement of Endeavors.
The introduction should be understandable to a non-expert.
Describe how the research relates to the discipline as a whole and
to other academic programs.
Describe works in progress, expected dates of completion, book
contracts or expressions of publisher’s interest.
Discuss roles in any collaborative projects.
Do not include in the Statement of Endeavors peer-review
comments on research contracts, grant proposals, publications, and
the like. They may be included in Appendix A.
The statement must be more than a list of activities.
It should articulate the candidate’s teaching philosophy and
The candidate should also endeavor to provide a detailed
discussion of the evolution of their overall teaching record and
performance. This can include a discussion of how and why their
August 30, 2022 9
courses and teaching approach have evolved and improved over
time based on feedback from students, faculty peers, and their own
intellectual development and growth. Wherever helpful, the
candidate should also explain their engagement with resources
such as the Center for Teaching that enhanced their teaching
Include past and planned course and curriculum development and
any pedagogical initiatives, innovations or experiments and their
Do not include syllabi, course materials, and the like in the
Statement of Endeavors. These may be included in Appendix B.
Briefly describe roles as departmental, college and university
Identify those areas of service that have been particularly
rewarding, and those in which continued involvement is desired
Discuss service to the discipline in this section
Discuss professionally related service to the community
Covid-19 Impact Statement (Optional)
Candidates may choose to discuss the impact of the COVID-19
pandemic on their research and teaching within their Statement of
Alternatively, candidates may instead append a COVID-19 Impact
Statement (2 pages maximum) to their internal Statement of
Endeavors (this will be shared internally at Vanderbilt only). The
statement may explain major pandemic-related hindrances in
research or creative expression; grant progress; publication,
production, or exhibition; or teaching. Such hindrances may be
related to travel restrictions, institutional closures, supply chain
disruptions, caregiving burdens, illness, etc.
Appendix Materials: The candidate must provide in the relevant
Appendix supporting documentation for items listed in the Statement of
Endeavors as accepted,” “submitted,” “under review,” “in press,” etc.
Copies of editors’ letters and/or referees’ comments on manuscripts that
have been “provisionally accepted” should be included. The candidate
may also include other pertinent information related to research, teaching,
and service. Examples include press reviews, peer-review comments on
research contracts, grant proposals, or journal articles; testimonial letters
from students and peers; and comments on manuscripts or publications.
7. External reviews
Number of letters: Promotion files must include at least six but preferably eight to ten
external letters of evaluation. These letters are solicited in writing by the Chair or
Director (never by the chair of an internal review committee) from reviewers approved in
advance by the Dean’s Office. These letters are written from two sets of reviewers
(described below):
o The Candidate’s list: At least three letters must be from individuals from a list
compiled by the candidate at the request of the Chair/Director.
o The Department’s/Program’s list: At least three letters must be from a separate
set of reviewers chosen by the Chair/Director. Chairs/Directors may consult
August 30, 2022 10
tenured department or program members in order to identify potential referees
with relevant expertise.
Confidentiality of reviewers: Please remind your colleagues that the identity of external
reviewers (potential or actual) should not be shared with the candidate at any stage of the
promotion process, even after the process has reached its conclusion.
Qualifications of reviewers:
o Reviewers should be leading scholars in the field who hold the rank of full
professor at top institutions (i.e. peer institutions of Vanderbilt or better) with
highly ranked doctoral programs in the field of the candidate.
o In extremely rare cases (for example, small fields), and only in cases of untenured
assistant professors who are candidates for promotion to associate professor with
tenure, associate professors may be approved as reviewers.
o Reviewers from high-profile universities outside the United States are
o Reviewers should not have any vested interest in the outcome of the case and
should not have interacted with the candidate in ways that could compromise their
objectivity. Typical examples of reviewers who would be ineligible are a recent
coauthor of an article or book, a Ph.D. mentor or advisor, a dissertation committee
member, or a postdoctoral advisor.
o In case of promotion to full professor, it is permissible to include up to three
scholars who have written previously on the candidate’s behalf for the initial
appointment or his/her previous promotion, but such individuals must have
exceptional professional standing and should not be research collaborators of the
o All external reviewers must have different institutional affiliations. In case the
candidate and the Department’s lists contain two reviewers from the same
institution, the Dean’s office will ask the Chair/Director to decide whom to ask
for a letter first with the understanding that the second reviewer from the same
institution can be asked only if the first declines to write.
Compiling the two lists: The Candidate’s list of reviewers should be compiled before the
Department’s list. Chairs/Directors should follow the following steps when compiling the
two lists of reviewers:
o Chairs/Directors should first ask candidates for names of six reviewers.
Candidates should be advised in advance about the characteristics of reviewers
that will make them most credible to those who assess the file. In particular,
candidates should be made aware that reviewers must be full professors at top
institutions and that they should not have a vested interest in the outcome of the
case and must not have interacted with the candidate in ways that might
compromise their objectivity. Failure to choose qualified reviewers with such
characteristics may delay the candidate’s case and require the submission of
additional names by the candidate. The candidate should detail any previous
interaction with the proposed reviewers as appropriate.
o Once the candidate’s list is in hand, the Department should construct its proposed
list comprising of an entirely different set of reviewers (from those named by the
candidate). Any reviewer appearing on both the candidate’s and the Department’s
list is automatically assigned to the candidate’s list (and NOT the Department’s).
o If a candidate for promotion to full professor turned down for promotion in a
previous year is being reconsidered for promotion, it is permissible to include,
alongside letters from new reviewers, some letters (no more than 2) from
reviewers who wrote for the candidate when last considered. In such cases, letters
must be solicited from at least four new reviewers and all reviewers should
August 30, 2022 11
receive the candidate’s updated materials for evaluation.
o Any exceptions to the guidelines other than those described above must have the
explicit approval of the Dean.
o The file must note any personal or professional associations between the
candidate and any contributing referee.
o If fewer than four reviewers from the Candidate’s List agree to provide a letter of
evaluation, additional names of potential reviewers should be solicited from the
candidate, but under no circumstances should the reasons for the additional
request be revealed to the candidate.
o Similarly, if fewer than four reviewers from the Department’s List agree to
provide a letter of evaluation, the Department/Program should submit additional
names of potential reviewers for approval by the Dean.
Preapproval of reviewers: The two lists should be submitted by the Chair/Director (via
email) to the Dean of Faculty Affairs for approval before any contact is made with
reviewers. When seeking approval from the Dean’s office, it is essential to fully explain
the credentials of the set of recommended reviewers. In particular, the request to approve
external reviewers must include:
o A brief summary of each reviewer’s professional credentials along with a link to
their webpage (do not include the reviewer’s curriculum vitae)
o A statement regarding the reviewer’s professional relationship to the candidate, if
o The candidate’s curriculum vitae
o The Dean of Faculty Affairs will send an official memo to the Chair/ Director
confirming the approved reviewers and detailing any special arrangements that
might have been agreed upon.
o Please keep a copy of all correspondence between the Chair/Director and Dean
regarding the reviewer approval process, including the official memo, and include
it in the appropriate section in Interfolio.
Contacting external reviewers: After the two lists of reviewers have been approved by
the Dean’s Office, the Chair/Director should contact the reviewers to seek their approval
in the following fashion:
o Contact at least five reviewers from each list in the first round.
o Initial contact with reviewers: Potential reviewers should first be contacted
individually by the Chair/Director through regular email to determine their
willingness to serve. A sample email is included in this document, refer to page
o The candidate’s CV may be attached to the email/letter soliciting the external
o Once the reviewer accepts the initial invitation, each reviewer should be sent the
candidate’s materials to review via Interfolio. A step by step tutorial with
screenshots can be found here . Within Interfolio, the reviewer will have the
option to click “I Accept” or “I Decline.” If the reviewer accepts, they will then
gain access to the documents the department has selected for reviewers. This
should include a detailed letter (see example on pages 19 & 20, as well as
instructions below) from the Chair/Director along with the:
Scholarly materials (journal articles, essays, book chapters, monographs,
etc.) to be reviewed
The current curriculum vitae of the candidate
The research portion of the Statement of Endeavors (do not include the
Teaching or Service portions of the Statement of Endeavors)
If the reviewer declines, they will be asked to provide a reason.
August 30, 2022 12
o Any and all correspondence with the reviewers conducted outside of Interfolio
must be kept and uploaded into Interfolio in the appropriate section.
General directions for Chair/Director’s letter to reviewers The Chair’s or Program
Director’s formal letter/email soliciting assessments from external reviewers should
comply with the following guidelines (a sample letter is included in this document, see p.
19& 20):
o State whether the department or program is considering promotion of the
candidate to the rank of Professor or Associate Professor with tenure. All
correspondence, including telephone conversations and email, as well as written
correspondence, should state simply that the candidate is being considered for
o All correspondence (email, mail and voice) must be objective. It may not refer to
preliminary or provisional judgments, hopes, or fears of the Chair/Director or the
tenured faculty about the candidate’s chances for promotion.
o Prejudicial statements about the candidate are strictly prohibited. For example, do
not say: “I very much appreciate your willingness to help with what (I am
absolutely certain) will be an open-and-shut case,or otherwise indicate your
opinion of the merits of the case.
o The letter should make no reference to the possible outcome of the case.
o The letter should state that the referee is asked to evaluate scholarship or creative
expression (as the case may be), and that the department will assess teaching and
o The letter and other communications with external referees should contain the
following statement: “Under current policies and practices at Vanderbilt
University, peer evaluations such as that being requested from you are, within
limitations imposed by law, regarded as confidential. They are for limited use
within the University. However, governmental agencies may have a legal right of
access to such evaluations. Federal or state law or the courts may afford others,
including the person being evaluated, access to the evaluation.”
o Letters should be submitted via Interfolio to the candidate’s file. If a letter is sent
via email, complete (including header and date) email versions are permissible
during the initial steps in the process such as the department vote. If the letter is
sent via email (i.e. outside of Interfolio), the department administrator will need to
upload it to Interfolio in the proper section. All correspondence related to this
letter will also need to be part of the section in Interfolio for correspondence with
external reviewers.
o Once the candidate’s dossier is sent to the external reviewers, no further status
updates can be provided to those reviewers; that is, it is not possible to send
additional materials to the reviewers, nor is it allowable to send updates on the
status of publications or information about additional publications, grants, etc.
Letter to reviewers for considerations of promotion to Associate Professor with
o The Chair’s/Director’s letter should quote the criteria and standards for tenure
rank as set forth in the first sentence of Part II, Chapter 3, Section C of the Faculty
o It should also quote the elaboration of this quoted passage contained in Section II,
Part A, number 2 of the “Rules and Procedures” of the College of Arts and
Science as follows:
“For appointment or promotion to the rank of Associate Professor,
judgments should be based on performance in research, teaching, and
other kinds of intellectual and academic service. Excellence in all these
August 30, 2022 13
activities is desired. Excellence in research, scholarship, or creative
expression is required. A high level of effectiveness in teaching is
required. Satisfactory performance of service to the University and/or to
professional and learned societies is required.”
o Further, the letter should ask the reviewer to:
describe his or her professional relationship to the candidate, if any
indicate which of the candidate’s works he/she has read
describe and evaluate the quality of the candidate’s scholarship (and/or
creative expression) and its influence on and/or advancement of the
assess the promise and probable impact of the candidate’s future research;
rank the candidate in relation to his/her cohort at other research
state whether the candidate would meet the research standard for
promotion to the rank of Associate Professor with tenure typically applied
at leading research universities
o A sample letter addressing these points is appended (see page 20).
Letter to reviewers for considerations of promotion to the rank of Professor
o The Chair’s/Director’s letter should quote Section II, Part A, number 3 of the
“Rules and Procedures” of the College of Arts and Science, which elaborates on
the criteria and standards prescribed by the Faculty Manual for appointment to
tenure rank as follows:
“For appointment or promotion to the rank of Professor, the College
expects the level and quality of achievement in research, scholarship, or
creative expression and teaching required of professors in corresponding
departments and schools at other leading major research universities. The
candidate must have attained national or international recognition among
leading scholars in his or her discipline for sustained and excellent
research, must have taught the courses requested by the department or
school at a consistently high level of effectiveness, and must have
demonstrated a well-developed and recognized record of service both to
the University and his or her discipline.”
o The Chair’s/Director’s letter should ask the referee to address the pertinent points
of that quoted passage with sufficient specificity to enable readers to reach a
reasoned and informed judgment about the candidate’s qualifications.
o Further, the letter should ask the referee to:
describe his/her professional relationship to the candidate, if any
indicate which of the candidate’s works he/she has read
describe and evaluate the character and importance of the candidate’s
scholarship (and/or creative expression) and its influence on and/or
advancement of the field(s)
assess the promise and probable impact of the candidate’s future
research/creative expression
compare the candidate to his/her scholarly cohort at other leading
universities; and
state whether the candidate would meet the research standard for
promotion to the rank of Professor typically applied at leading research
o A sample letter addressing these points is appended (see page 19).
Additional materials related to the external review process
o These documents should be uploaded into Interfolio into the appropriate section.
August 30, 2022 14
o The candidate’s list of all the names and institutional affiliations of approved
reviewers. A list only of persons who agreed to serve as referees will not suffice.
Beside each name, please make the following notation, as appropriate:
Letter enclosed OR
Did not answer our request OR
Declined to write OR
Not solicited
o The department/program list compiled in consultation with the relevant tenured
faculty members of all the names of approved reviewers and their institutional
affiliations. A list only of persons who agreed to serve as referees will not
suffice. Beside each name, please make the following notation, as appropriate:
Letter enclosed OR
Did not answer our request OR
Declined to write OR
Not solicited
o A brief biographical summary of each approved reviewers’ professional
credentials, including those who were approved, but did not send a letter. Do
NOT include each reviewer’s curriculum vitae.
o Copies of all correspondence, postal and electronic, with actual or potential
reviewers not conducted within Interfolio, including summaries of telephone
conversations between tenured faculty members and/or the Chair/Director and
any reviewers.
If letters are collected outside of Interfolio, the file should contain scanned
PDFs (with signatures) of the letters and email messages sent to the
referees and of reviewers’ responses. A copy of the form letter sent to
each reviewer will not suffice.
Copies of all correspondence between the department or program and the
Dean on the choice and decanal approval of external reviewers. A list of
proposed reviewers and the dean’s approval is not sufficient. If there is
any back and forth between the chair and the dean on the names of the
reviewers and their qualifications or relationship to the candidate, this
correspondence must be included.
8. Previous curriculum vitae and counseling information
These documents are required and should be uploaded to Interfolio for evaluation by
faculty prior to the department/program/ad hoc committees vote on the file.
o For promotion to Associate Professor with tenure
dated copies of the candidates curriculum vitae that were submitted for
the initial appointment/hire and from any and all pre-tenure reviews
copies of the counseling letters for pre-tenure reviews and the summaries
prepared by the Chair/Director after completion of those reviews with the
o For promotion to Professor
a dated copy of the candidate’s curriculum vitae submitted with the
recommendation to promote to Associate Professor with tenure, or with
the initial appointment if the candidate was hired into a tenured position.
Do not include pre-tenure committee reports or counseling memos in files
under consideration for promotion to Professor.
9. Correspondence between the Chair/Director and the candidate
Copies of all correspondence between the Chair/Director and the candidate about the tenure
August 30, 2022 15
review or promotion process(es) not conducted within Interfolio must be provided here.
10. Published reviews of published works
A copy of all available published reviews of published works should be uploaded to Interfolio.
All documents within the Appendices should be uploaded to Interfolio, excluding books.
11. Appendix A
Other relevant materials concerning research/creative expression, such as letters from editors and
readers’ reports. Please include an index of the materials submitted in this appendix within the
Table of Contents, making sure that each item in the Table of Contents corresponds to an easily
identifiable document in the appendix.
12. Appendix B
Other relevant materials (optional) concerning teaching: copies of syllabi, outlines, reading lists,
examinations, and similar materials, may be included here. Please include an index of the
materials submitted in this appendix within the Table of Contents, making sure that each item in
the Table of Contents corresponds to an easily identifiable document in the appendix.
13. Appendix C
Publications: Copies of all publications submitted by the candidate for review by the external
reviewers and the department or program should be included with the file. Do not include any
publications unavailable to the eligible tenured faculty prior to the decision meeting. Please
include an index of all publications sent to this office, including articles, manuscripts, and books
within the Table of Contents, making sure that each item in the Table of Contents corresponds to
an easily identifiable document in the appendix.
14. Role of the voting eligible faculty member
A few clarifications regarding the limited role to be played by some faculty in the deliberations
concerning the candidate:
Vanderbilt University’s Conflict of Interest Policy prohibits members of the University
community from participating in the hiring process or any employment related decisions
pertaining to their family members. Hence, members of the faculty may not participate in
any aspect of deliberations or votes concerning appointments or renewals of family
members, including spouses and partners.
If a faculty member has served in any significant fashion as a mentor to the candidate
prior to the candidate’s appointment at Vanderbilt (e.g., as a doctoral or postdoctoral
advisor or as a dissertation committee member), that faculty member should not serve on
any ad hoc committee that a department might create to evaluate an aspect of the
candidate’s qualifications (e.g., a committee providing a report on research, teaching, or
service). Such a faculty member would normally still be eligible to vote on the case;
please check with the dean in each case.
15. Confidentiality of personnel matters
Please remind your colleagues of their professional responsibility to maintain the strictest
confidentiality concerning personnel decisions.
They may not reveal or discuss the transactions of the decision meeting, the votes, the
contents of letters, the names of referees or the outcome of the meeting.
Your colleagues should be advised at each meeting that the Chair/Director alone
speaks for the tenured faculty of the department or program in communicating with
the dean’s office.
August 30, 2022 16
The faculty meeting should commence with the reading by the Chair/Director of the
following statement:
It is the role of the Chair (Program Director) to represent the voting faculty in any
communications with the candidate. All matters relating to this case are confidential; in particular,
the tally of votes, the details of the discussion at this meeting, as well as any contents of the
candidate’s file such as the names of the reviewers must not be revealed to the candidate.
I also take this opportunity to remind you that the Provost’s Promotion and Tenure Review
Committee (PTRC) does NOT meet with the Dean or the Chair but rather relies almost exclusively
upon the written documentation included in the candidate’s file. The minutes of this meeting are a
vital part of that file and as such your comments will be considered at the highest levels of the
decision-making process. I therefore urge you to speak out for the record on any issues that you
deem crucial to this case.”
16. Ex Parte Communications
Except as set forth below, the entire contents of the dossier, including all solicited or unsolicited
letters regarding appointment, renewal, promotion or tenure that will be included in the
candidate’s file for transmittal to the Dean must be available for review in Interfolio by the
eligible faculty members prior to their vote. Only members of the faculty who are eligible to
vote shall have the opportunity to review the contents of the dossier. Unsolicited letters from
faculty members outside the department or school should not be included in the dossier either
before or after faculty deliberations.
By the end of the second business day after the vote, any faculty member eligible to vote may
write a letter to the department chair or Dean for inclusion in the dossier expressing his or her
views on the deliberations by the faculty. These letters are to be made available to all faculty
who are eligible to vote.
The department must prepare minutes or a summary of the faculty deliberations, and the
summary will be appended to the dossier, after first being circulated to the voting members of
the faculty. Any faculty member who believes that the minutes or summary does not fairly
reflect the deliberations at the meeting may submit a letter to the chair/director or Dean before
the end of the second working day after distribution of the minutes or summary. All such letters
shall be made available to the faculty eligible to vote and will be included in the dossier in
Except as stated above, no faculty member other than the chair/director or Dean may add
materials to the dossier at higher levels of review of the faculty decision.
It is inappropriate for faculty members, including those outside the department or school, to
attempt to influence the deliberations on renewal, promotions, or tenure that come after the vote
of the faculty. Persons involved in subsequent levels of review should not accept or consider
additional unsolicited documents and should discourage any communications that seek to
influence their decisions.
Allegations of professional misconduct by faculty members involved in the process should be
reported following procedures outlined in the Faculty Manual. “Professional misconduct” means
any conduct on the part of a faculty member that might reasonably lead to disciplinary action
under Part IV, Chapter 1 (Disciplinary Actions) of the Faculty Manual.
17. Notification of the department’s or program’s decision and disclosure of information
The Chair/Director must advise a candidate for promotion, in writing (with a copy to
the Dean), within three days of the departmental or program meeting, of the decision
August 30, 2022 17
reached by the tenured faculty (whether or not to recommend promotion).
The vote tally must not be reported to the candidate. Please also do not report to the
candidate whether the vote was unanimous or divided.
The letter informing the candidate of the department’s or program’s decision should not
elaborate on the rationale for it.
When reporting a favorable departmental or program recommendation on promotion, the
Chair/Director should also remind the candidate of the additional stages of the review
process. These include:
o the Dean
o the University Promotion and Tenure Review Committee
o the Provost
o the Chancellor
o (and for promotions to associate professor with tenure) the Board of Trust
o Concurrence at stages prior to the vote by the Board of Trust is not reported, but
lack of concurrence is.
If a candidate requests from you a written statement detailing his or her strengths and
weaknesses as reflected in the tenured faculty’s deliberation of the case, please consult
with the Dean before providing it. The statement can be written only after the final
disposition of the file.
Final decisions in cases of promotion to tenure are normally but not always announced
immediately following the Board of Trust meetings in late April/early May.
Occasionally, cases are announced in June.
Please bear in mind that if a candidate for promotion asks to see his or her personnel file,
under the provisions of the legislation passed by the faculty, the right of access does not
include evaluations, departmental recommendations, or solicited letters of recom-
mendation. Please contact the Dean’s Office if a candidate makes such a request, and
prior to sharing the information.
August 30, 2022 18
Sample of Initial Email to Potential Reviewers of a Candidate for Promotion
to the Rank of Associate Professor with Tenure or to Professor
to be sent by the Chair/Director outside of Interfolio
Dear Professor X,
I am writing to ask that you perform a very important service for the (Department of/Program in
XXXX) at Vanderbilt University. One of our (Assistant/Associate) Professors, (name of
candidate), will be reviewed for promotion to (Associate Professor with tenure / Professor) in
the fall of XXXX. As you know, decisions on such promotions are among the most important
that a university makes. Your name has been chosen with great care as a person who is eminently
qualified to assess the scholarship of Professor (last name of candidate).
We would be very grateful if you would agree to provide an assessment of Professor (last name
of candidate)’s scholarship. Should you agree to assist us, the appropriate materials will be sent
to you via Interfolio in the near future, and we would expect your report by (date).
To facilitate your decision-making, I am attaching an abbreviated version of Professor (last name
of candidate)s c.v.
Please let me know by return e-mail within the next week or so if you would consider taking on
this important task. We of course would very much like to count on your expertise and
assistance in this matter.
Thank you very much.
August 30, 2022 19
Sample Letter Requesting Recommendation
of a Candidate for Promotion to Professor (to be sent via Interfolio)
Dear Professor X:
The (Department of/Program in XXXX) at Vanderbilt University is considering Firstname
Lastname, Associate Professor of XXXX, for promotion to Professor.
As you know, decisions on such promotions are among the most important a university
makes. Thank you for agreeing to help us evaluate Professor Lastname’s accomplishments and
potential as a scholar. The College of Arts and Science at Vanderbilt stipulates the following
expectations for appointment or promotion to the rank of Professor: “For appointment or
promotion to the rank of Professor, the College expects the level and quality of achievement in
research, scholarship, or creative expression and teaching required of professors in
corresponding departments and schools at other leading major research universities. The
candidate must have attained national or international recognition among leading scholars in his
or her discipline for sustained and excellent research, must have taught the courses requested by
the department or school at a consistently high level of effectiveness, and must have
demonstrated a well-developed and recognized record of service both to the University and his or
her discipline.
The (Department of/Program in XXXX) will assess Professor Lastname’s record of
teaching and service; we ask you to focus on Professor Lastname’s contributions to research,
scholarship, or creative expression. In your view, has Professor Lastname’s scholarship made an
original and significant contribution to the discipline? If so, to what extent and in what ways has
this contribution advanced scholarly knowledge and otherwise enriched the discipline? What are
the special strengths and weaknesses of Professor Lastname’s scholarly contributions and what is
your estimate of the promise of future research? What is your assessment of where Professor
Lastname ranks in relation to others at similar stages in their careers? In your judgment, does
Professor Lastname satisfy the research standard for promotion to Professor typically applied by
leading research universities? Any other comments you care to make evaluating Professor
Lastname’s scholarship would be most welcome. We would be grateful if you would describe
how long and in what capacity you have known the candidate, and the extent to which you are
familiar with the candidate’s research.
I enclose Professor Lastname’s curriculum vitae, the research portion of the Statement of
Endeavors, relevant publications, and a few selections from works in progress. I would
appreciate receiving your assessment no later than (insert appropriate date).
Thank you for your help with this crucially important matter. Under current policies and
practices at Vanderbilt University, peer evaluations such as that being requested from you are
regarded, within limitations imposed by law, as confidential. They are for carefully limited use
within the University. However, governmental agencies may have a legal right of access to such
evaluations. Federal or state law or the courts may afford others, including the person being
evaluated, access to the evaluation.
August 30, 2022 20
Sample Letter Requesting Recommendation of a Candidate for
Promotion to Associate Professor with Tenure (to be sent via Interfolio)
Dear Professor X:
The (Department of/Program in XXXX) at Vanderbilt University is considering Firstname
Lastname, Assistant Professor of XXXX, for promotion to associate professor with tenure.
As you know, decisions on promotions to tenure are among the most important a university
makes. Thank you for agreeing to help us render a judgment on Professor Lastname’s
accomplishments and potential as a scholar. For the award of tenure, Vanderbilt requires: 1)
excellence in research, scholarship, or creative expression in one’s discipline; 2) a high level of
effectiveness in teaching; and 3) satisfactory performance in the area of service. The College of
Arts and Science at Vanderbilt stipulates the following expectations for appointment or
promotion to the rank of Associate Professor with tenure: “For appointment or promotion to the
rank of Associate Professor, judgments should be based on performance in research, teaching,
and other kinds of intellectual and academic service. Excellence in all these activities is desired.
Excellence in research, scholarship, or creative expression is required. A high level of
effectiveness in teaching is required. Satisfactory performance of service to the University
and/or to professional and learned societies is required.”
The (Department of/Program in XXXX) will assess Professor Lastname’s record of
teaching and service; we ask you to focus on Professor Lastname’s research, scholarship, or
creative expression. In your view, has Professor Lastname made an original and significant
contribution to the discipline? If so, to what extent and in what ways has this contribution
advanced scholarly knowledge and otherwise enriched the discipline? Does Professor
Lastname’s scholarly work demonstrate originality and intellectual independence? What are the
special strengths and weaknesses of Professor Lastname’s contributions and what is your
estimate of the promise of future research? What is your assessment of where Professor
Lastname ranks in relation to others at similar stages in their careers? In your judgment, does
Professor Lastname satisfy the research standard for promotion to Associate Professor with
tenure typically applied by leading research universities? Any other comments you care to make
evaluating Professor Lastname’s scholarship would be most welcome. We would be grateful if
you would describe how long and in what capacity you have known the candidate, and the extent
to which you are familiar with the candidate’s research.
I enclose Professor Lastname’s curriculum vitae, the research portion of the Statement of
Endeavors, relevant publications, and a few selections from works in progress. I would
appreciate receiving your assessment no later than (insert appropriate date).
Thank you for your help with this crucially important matter. Under current policies and
practices at Vanderbilt University, peer evaluations such as that being requested from you are
regarded, within limitations imposed by law, as confidential. They are for limited use within the
University. However, governmental agencies may have a legal right of access to such
evaluations. Federal or state law or the courts may afford others, including the person being
evaluated, access to the evaluation.
August 30, 2022 21
Checklist of documents for Promotion Files
(either to Associate Professor with Tenure or Professor)
1. Chair’s/Director’s Recommendation
(For Joint appointments – include Chair/Director recommendations from each unit.)
2. Faculty Recommendation – including any subcommittee reports prepared for the faculty
(For Joint appointments – include ad hoc committee report in addition to any reports from
the the relevant departments/programs.)
3. Curriculum Vitae in the format detailed on pp. 6-7 above.
4. Teaching Summary Chart(s)
5. Student Course Evaluations and Comments (from the VOICE and BLUE systems). This
should be the entire instructor report – not just an excerpt.
6. Candidate’s Statement of Endeavors in Research, Teaching and Service. Optional
COVID-19 Impact Statement may be appended to the internal version not sent to external
7. External Letters of Recommendation
a. Candidate’s list of names
b. Letters from candidates list
c. Departments list of names
d. Letters from the departments list
e. Brief biography of the writers
f. All correspondence with reviewers
g. Rationale and approval of department’s list of reviewers
8. Previous Curriculum Vitae and for promotion to tenure only, also include Counseling
9. Correspondence between the Chair/Director and the Candidate
10. Published reviews of published work
Appendix A: Other relevant material concerning research
a. Title/description of item a
b. Title/description of item b
Appendix B: Other relevant material concerning teaching
a. Title/description of item a
b. Title/description of item b
Appendix C: Copies of publications/creative expression
a. Title/description of item a
b. Title/description of item b
August 30, 2022 22
Standards: The College of Arts and Science upholds the tenure-track reappointment standards set forth
in the Vanderbilt Faculty Manual:
“Tenure-track faculty members should be recommended for reappointment only if their performance
provides a reasonable basis on which to project continued progress that should ultimately enable
them to qualify for tenure. The evidence needed becomes more weighty with continued time in
rank.” (Faculty Manual, Part II, Ch 2, Section E).
The College of Arts and Science Rules and Procedures for Appointments, Renewals, Promotions, and
Tenure document contains information about the rules and procedures that govern these faculty actions.
Please consult it closely as you prepare reappointment files.
Eligible Voters: The College of Arts and Science Rules and Procedures for Appointments, Renewals,
Promotions, and Tenure (Section II, Part D, #1) specifies eligibility for voting on reappointments.
For reappointment cases involving faculty in departments/programs that do not contain at least five
eligible voting members, an ad hoc committee will be constituted that will include the eligible voting
members of the unit, plus the appropriate number of faculty from related fields of appropriate rank
such that the ad hoc committee has five members (A&S Rules and Procedures document, Section II,
Part D, # 2). The ad hoc committee will serve as the eligible voting body, and the chair of the ad hoc
committee will complete the tasks designated below for Department Chairs/Program Directors.
For reappointment cases involving faculty who hold joint appointments and whose administrative
home unit includes at least five eligible voting members, a single ad hoc committee will be appointed
by the Dean or the Dean’s designee, in consultation with the chairs/directors of the relevant units.
The chair of the ad hoc committee will be appointed from the faculty member’s administrative home.
The remainder of the committee will be constituted by an equal representation of members from each
unit. The committee will write a single report that is reviewed by each of the units, and the eligible
voters in each unit will discuss and vote on the reappointment. Each unit’s vote should be conveyed
in a letter from the unit chair/director, addressed to the Dean, for inclusion in the file. Minutes from
each meeting (in the format and with the content described below) will also be gathered. The chair or
director of the unit that is the faculty member’s administrative home will be responsible for
overseeing completion of the file (through Interfolio).
For reappointment cases involving faculty who hold joint appointments but whose administrative
home unit does not contain at least five eligible voting members, a single ad hoc committee will be
appointed by the Dean or the Dean’s designee, in consultation with the chairs/directors of the relevant
units. When possible, the chair of the committee will be appointed from the faculty member’s
administrative home. The ad hoc committee will include all eligible members from the administrative
home unit and be supplemented with eligible members in related fields in order to reach five
members. The ad hoc committee will write a single report and will constitute the voting unit of the
administrative home unit. The eligible voters in the unit that is not the administrative home unit will
review the ad hoc report and vote on the reappointment. Each unit’s vote (i.e., the ad hoc committee
standing for the administrative home unit, and the department/program that is not the administrative
home) should be conveyed in a letter, addressed to the dean, for inclusion in the file. Minutes from
each meeting (in the format and with the content described below) must also be submitted. The chair
of the ad hoc committee, in collaboration with the chair/director of the unit that is not the
administrative home, will complete the tasks designated below for Department Chairs/Program
Directors (through Interfolio). For joint appointments where neither the administrative home unit nor
the second unit has five eligible voting members, a single ad hoc committee will be formed.
August 30, 2022 23
Dossier Contents
The University requires all tenure-track reappointment files to be submitted via Interfolio.
All reappointment files should contain the required documents outlined in the Interfolio template
for the case and must conform to the following guidelines. In addition, all documents must be
searchable, not scanned, PDF files. A sample checklist of documents required is provided on
page 29 of this document.
All documents except for books authored by candidates must be submitted in electronic form via
1. Chairs or Program Directors recommendation to the Dean
The Chair/Director must submit a detailed statement commenting on the reappointment.
This is an evaluation and recommendation separate from that provided by the department
or program. It is also an opportunity for the chair/director to explain any aspect of the
file that may require interpretation and context. There will be an upload field in Interfolio
for this document.
The statement should address:
o How the candidates field of research relates to the discipline as a whole
o The quality of the candidate’s publications, including the quality of the journals
where articles were published or the presses where books were published
o The impact of the candidate’s publications/creative works on the research and
work of others in the field
o The candidate’s external funding record
o The candidate’s promise for future productivity
o Detailed comments on the strengths and weaknesses of the candidate’s record in
research, teaching, and service
2. Draft Counseling Memorandum
After a positive vote in the department, the chair/director will submit to the Dean’s Office
via Interfolio a draft counseling memorandum that accompanies the entire dossier. The
draft counseling memorandum should reflect the departmental evaluation of the
candidate’s record of research, teaching, and service, and should convey the department’s
advice for the candidate, moving forward. The Dean’s office will review the draft
counseling memorandum and may recommend revisions. The Dean’s office will inform
the Chair/director of approval of the renewal and the final draft, and then the
Chair/director will send the counseling memorandum to the candidate. Please see page
28 of this document for a counseling memo template.
The chair/director is required to meet with the faculty member after they have been
formally reappointed to discuss the recent review, assess strengths and weaknesses of the
record to-date and strategize for the tenure review.
As part of this process, the chair/director should provide the Dean’s Office a written
summary of that meeting, with a copy also provided to the candidate.
o The format of that summary should mirror the format of the counseling
memorandum, discussing research, teaching and service.
3. Recommendation of the tenured faculty of the Department or Program
The first sentence of the recommendation should include the enumerated vote of the
faculty: the number favoring, opposing, proxy votes (if applicable) and abstaining, along
August 30, 2022 24
with the date of the vote. Recording a vote as “unanimous” is not adequate; please state
the number of faculty members casting votes relative to all faculty members eligible to
Minutes: The recommendation should be accompanied by detailed minutes that reflect
the full range of discussion by the tenured faculty at the meeting. Please do not submit a
verbatim transcript of the meeting. Minutes should be taken by a designated faculty
member other than the chair/director or by an appropriate staff person. Do not send an
audio recording of the discussion. There will be an upload field in Interfolio for this
o The minutes should include the names of those present and absent, and the
number of proxy votes, if any, together with a statement of the department’s or
program’s policy on proxy voting on personnel decisions.
o The minutes must also include the faculty’s evaluation of and comments on the
candidate’s accomplishments and prospects in (1) research or creative expression;
(2) teaching; and (3) service.
o If the department or program appoints a committee to review the candidate’s
publications, rather than having all tenured faculty do so, the minutes must
identify those designated members of the faculty who served on this review
committee and have therefore read (1) relevant publications by the candidate
appearing since the last personnel action, and (2) relevant samples of his/her
earlier work. If this committee prepares any written reports or presentations,
these documents must also be included in the dossier.
o If minutes of the meeting do not satisfy all these requirements, a candid
accompanying statement from the Chair/Director must do so.
o Minutes of the meeting must be signed and dated by the person responsible for
their composition.
o In accordance with the Faculty Manual, and Arts and Science Rules and
Procedures document, minutes must be made available for 2 working days to all
eligible faculty before the file is forwarded to the Dean. Within 2 working days
after eligible faculty are notified that the minutes are available, they may make
responses to the minutes that will be included in the file. Such responses must be
available to all eligible faculty members or ad hoc committee members.
Research: The recommendation should also include any department- or program-specific
definitions of the nature of the research, scholarship, or creative expression expected of
the candidate. Please include any statements of expectations of productivity contained in
any special agreement between the Dean’s Office and the candidate, either at the time of
initial appointment or subsequently.
Teaching: The tenured facultys assessment of the candidates teaching at the
undergraduate and graduate levels must include a review of the following evidence:
o student evaluations
o a list or statement about graduate theses the candidate has supervised
o course syllabi, outlines, and reading lists
o examinations and grading policies
o the candidate’s contributions to the development of courses, curriculum,
instructional methodology, and other strategies for stimulating learning.
o any available supplemental evidence available of teaching effectiveness that is
routinely gathered by the department or program for all candidates or all faculty,
such as reports based on peer observation of teaching
o If relevant, materials documenting the quality of the candidate’s participation in
non-course activities that the department or program considers as constituting
“teaching” (e.g., supervision of internships, work with students in the laboratory).
August 30, 2022 25
o Note that files for cases that will be reviewed for tenure as of AY23-24 will need
a formal peer teaching report to be included. The peer report of teaching should
be based on (a) an in-class visit by the two tenured faculty members and (b) a
careful evaluation by the same faculty members of all relevant course materials
such as course syllabi, reading lists, assignments, grading policies, and
examinations to develop and provide a comprehensive view of the course’s goals,
design, and implementation. While not necessary for reappointment purposes,
routinizing peer evaluation of teaching in reappointments is strongly encouraged.
Research and Teaching Reports
o If an internal review committee prepares a report for presentation to the
department’s tenured faculty, please include a copy of the report in Interfolio.
o Reports from review committees formed to evaluate scholarship/creative
expression of candidates with an interdisciplinary field, and/or from ad hoc
review committees constituted for candidates from departments/programs with
fewer than five voting-eligible faculty should be included in Interfolio.
o The peer teaching report, if available, should be uploaded into Interfolio if it is not
already included in the above reports.
4. The candidates current curriculum vitae
The c.v. will be uploaded by the candidate in Interfolio in Step 1.
The current c.v. must be dated and conform to the outline given on pages 6 & 7 of this
document. A sample c.v. is attached as an example (pages 36-38).
5. Cumulative teaching summary chart
For those courses evaluated prior to Fall 2016 (using the VOICE system), please provide
a composite chart using the numerical information from the candidate’s teaching
evaluations. (An Excel spreadsheet is attached to this document for your convenience).
o The number of students enrolled in each course as well as the number of students
completing the evaluation forms must be included for each course evaluated.
o Data should be listed from the oldest (on the left) to the most recent
For courses evaluated as of Fall 2016 and thereafter (using the BLUE system), please
provide a separate composite chart, using the numerical information from the candidate’s
teaching evaluations and following the stipulations above (An Excel spreadsheet is
attached to this document for your convenience).
The cumulative teaching summary chart(s) will be uploaded by the department
administrator in Interfolio.
6. Student course evaluations and comments
The course evaluations will be uploaded by the department administrator in Interfolio.
For courses evaluated prior to Fall 2016 (i.e. using the VOICE system), simply upload
the results, including student comments, for each course taught by the instructor during
the period being evaluated. There is no need to re-type online student comments.
o The students’ comments should not be selected, excerpted, or edited.
For courses evaluated as of Fall 2016 and thereafter (i.e. using the BLUE system), please
upload the entire course instructor report, which includes the objective responses, as well
as the bar graphs and the student comments.
7. Candidate’s Statement of Endeavors
Candidates for reappointment should provide a clear, complete, and well-documented
report of their activities and achievements in each of the three areas of performance:
August 30, 2022 26
research/creative expression, teaching, and service. This report, typically six to eight
pages, should be more than a list of activities; it should articulate the candidate’s research
agenda and trajectory; discuss the candidate’s teaching philosophy, contributions, and
evolution; and summarize the candidate’s service.
The Statement of Endeavors should conform to those instructions relating to the Internal
Statement of Endeavors outlined on pages 8 & 9 of this document; this also includes the
ability to append a COVID-19 Impact Statement to the Statement of Endeavors.
8. Correspondence between the Chair/Program Director and the candidate
Copies of all correspondence between the Chair/Director and the candidate about the
reappointment process(es) not conducted within Interfolio must be provided here.
9. Published reviews of published works
A copy of all available published reviews of published works should be uploaded to Interfolio, if
All documents within the Appendices should be uploaded to Interfolio, excluding books.
10. Appendix A
Other relevant materials concerning research/creative expression, such as letters from editors and
readers’ reports. Please include an index of the materials submitted in this appendix within the
Table of Contents, making sure that each item in the Table of Contents corresponds to an easily
identifiable document in the appendix.
11. Appendix B
Other relevant materials (optional) concerning teaching: copies of syllabi, outlines, reading lists,
examinations, and similar materials, may be included here. Please include an index of the
materials submitted in this appendix within the Table of Contents, making sure that each item in
the Table of Contents corresponds to an easily identifiable document in the appendix.
12. Appendix C
Publications: Copies of all publications submitted by the candidate for review by the external
reviewers, and the department or program should be included with the file. Do not include any
publications unavailable to the tenured faculty prior to the decision meeting. Please include an
index of all publications sent to this office, including articles, manuscripts, and books within the
Table of Contents, making sure that each item in the Table of Contents corresponds to an easily
identifiable document in the appendix.
13. Role of the voting eligible faculty member
A few clarifications regarding the limited role to be played by some faculty in the deliberations
concerning the candidate:
Vanderbilt University’s Conflict of Interest Policy prohibits members of the University
community from participating in the hiring process or any employment related decisions
pertaining to their family members. Hence, members of the faculty may not participate in
any aspect of deliberations or votes concerning appointments or renewals of family
members, including spouses and partners.
If a faculty member has served in any significant fashion as a mentor to the candidate
prior to the candidate’s appointment at Vanderbilt (e.g., as a doctoral or postdoctoral
advisor or as a dissertation committee member), that faculty member should not serve on
any ad hoc committee that a department might create to evaluate an aspect of the
candidate’s qualifications (e.g., a committee providing a report on research, teaching, or
August 30, 2022 27
service). Such a faculty member would normally still be eligible to vote on the case;
please check with the dean in each case.
14. Confidentiality of personnel matters
Please remind your colleagues of their professional responsibility to maintain the strictest
confidentiality concerning personnel decisions.
This means that they may not reveal or discuss the transactions of the decision
meeting, the votes, the contents of the file, or the outcome of the meeting.
Your colleagues should be advised at each meeting that the Chair/Director alone
speaks for the tenured faculty of the department or program.
The faculty meeting should commence with the reading by the Chair/Director of the
following statement:
It is the role of the Chair (Program Director) to represent the voting faculty in any
communications with the candidate. All matters relating to this case are confidential; in particular,
the tally of votes, the details of the discussion at this meeting, as well as any contents of the
candidate’s file such as the names of the reviewers must not be revealed to the candidate.
The minutes of this meeting are a vital part of the file and as such your comments will be
considered at the highest levels of the decision making process. I therefore urge you to speak out
for the record on any issues that you deem crucial to this case.”
15. Ex Parte Communications
See page 16 of this document.
16. Notification of the department’s or program’s decision and disclosure of information
The Chair/Director must advise a candidate for reappointment, in writing (with a copy
to the Dean), within three days of the departmental or program meeting, of the decision
reached by the tenured faculty (whether or not to recommend reappointment).
The vote tally must not be reported to the candidate. Please do not report to the
candidate whether the vote was unanimous or divided.
The letter informing the candidate of the department’s or program’s decision should not
elaborate on the rationale for it. When reporting a favorable departmental or program
recommendation on reappointment, the Chair/Director should also remind the candidate
of the additional stages of the review process. These include
o the Dean
o the Provost
o Concurrence at stages prior to the decision by the Provost is not reported, but lack
of concurrence is.
If a candidate requests from you a written statement detailing his or her strengths and
weaknesses as reflected in the tenured faculty’s deliberation of the case, please consult
with the Dean before providing it. The statement can be written only after the final
disposition of the file.
Final decisions are normally, but not always, announced by the end of May.
Please bear in mind that if a candidate for reappointment asks to see his or her personnel
file, under the provisions of the legislation passed by the faculty, the right of access does
not include departmental evaluations or departmental recommendations. Please contact
the Dean’s Office if a candidate makes such a request, and prior to sharing the
August 30, 2022 28
A&S Guidelines for Third- Year Review Counseling Memorandum
to Candidate from Chair/Director
This document provides some suggested language for parts of the counseling memo draft and lists
suggestions for topics to address in presenting evaluations of candidates’ research, teaching, and service.
If you have any questions as you prepare drafts, please do not hesitate to contact the Dean of Faculty
Suggested opening paragraphs
Dear <Candidate’s Name>:
Congratulations on your reappointment to the tenure-track at Vanderbilt.
As you know, Vanderbilt’s Faculty Manual lists the following criteria for tenure: “(1) excellence in
research, scholarship, or creative expression in one’s discipline; (2) a high level of effectiveness in
teaching; and (3) satisfactory performance in the area of service.”
The tenured faculty convened to evaluate your performance in these three areas and to discuss
suggestions for future progress as you advance on the tenure-track. I write this counseling memorandum
to provide you with professional guidance in the domains of research, teaching, and service for the next
few years. Your tenure review will take place in < AY XX-YY >.
Topics and suggested content
- the tenured faculty’s assessment of the quantity and quality of research during the review
- the tenured faculty’s advice for future progress in research, including strategies for achieving
a high-quality publications record
- the external funding record during the review period and advice on external funding strategies
within your discipline
- the tenured faculty’s evaluation of teaching effectiveness during the review period
- the tenured faculty’s advice for improvement of teaching, including strategies to address any
shortcomings identified by the tenured faculty
- the tenured faculty’s evaluation of the service contributions in the department, College,
and/or profession during the review period
- the tenured faculty’s advice about which service invitations to accept and which to defer in
the coming years, and for integrating service with research/teaching
Suggested closing paragraphs:
My colleagues and I are committed to supporting you as you progress on the tenure-track. As
[chair/director], I am available to discuss strategies for professional success and can assist you in
identifying resources on campus to support your professional development. The A&S Program in Career
Development can also be a useful resource.
Once you have reviewed this memorandum, please contact me to set up a counseling meeting so that we
can discuss it and your plans for continued progress in research, teaching, and service. Ideally, we should
schedule our counseling meeting to occur within the next two weeks.
cc: Dean Cindy Kam
August 30, 2022 29
Checklist of documents for
Tenure-Track Reappointment Files
1. Chair’s/Director’s Recommendation
(For Joint appointments – include Chair/Director recommendations from each unit.)
2.. Draft counseling memorandum
3. Faculty Recommendation: including any subcommittee reports prepared for the faculty
(For Joint appointments – include the ad hoc committee report in addition to any reports
from the relevant departments/programs.)
4. Curriculum Vitae in format detailed on pp. 6-7 above.
5. Teaching Summary Chart(s)
6. Student Course Evaluations and Comments (from the VOICE and BLUE systems). This
should be the entire instructor report – not just an excerpt.
7. Candidate’s Statement of Endeavors including Research, Teaching and Service statements.
Optional COVID-19 Impact Statement may be appended.
8. Correspondence between the Chair/Director and the Candidate
9. Published reviews of published work
Appendix A: Other relevant material concerning research
a. Title/description of item a
b. Title/description of item b
Appendix B: Other relevant material concerning teaching
a. Title/description of item a
b. Title/description of item b
Appendix C: Copies of publications/creative expression
a. Title/description of item a
b. Title/description of item b
August 30, 2022 30
o Reappointments for multi-year appointments are expected on Monday, March 3,
o Reappointments for faculty holding a term of one-year or less are due on Monday,
January 30, 2023, or as soon as the need for these term-faculty is obvious.
Reappointments should be submitted via the Request for Additional Instructional
Staff and Reappointments link to REDCap.
All appointments and reappointments require the vote of the full department/program
o In the case of the reappointment of NTT faculty members on continuing contracts,
a faculty vote must be included. This vote may take place via email as long as
members of the department are provided with materials to assess the performance
of the faculty member, including the chair/director memo, the faculty member’s
self-assessment, two peer assessments of teaching, the CV, and the course
o All TT/T faculty members vote on reappointments of continuing NTT faculty
members, and NTT faculty members above the rank of the candidate in the same
NTT category also vote. E.g., principal senior lecturers vote on the reappointment
of senior lecturers, principal senior lecturers and senior lecturers vote on the
reappointment of lecturers (if a vote is taken). NTT associate professors vote on
the reappointment of NTT assistant professors; NTT professors vote on the
reappointment of NTT assistant and associate professors; associate professors of
the practice vote on the reappointment of assistant professors of the practice; and
professors of the practice vote on the reappointment of associate and assistant
professors of the practice. If you have any questions about the voting eligibility of
your colleagues, please reach out to Dean Dow.
o For appointments at the rank of Lecturer only, department chairs and program
directors may opt to submit the results of a single vote by their faculty
empowering them to make appointments and reappointments at the rank of
Lecturer only, without further faculty votes. This is known as “Chair Voting
A record of this agreement should be forwarded to Dean Bonnie Dow and
Jeffrey Keever as an official record of this agreement by your faculty.
As chairs/directors change, these votes should be renewed to reflect the
change in leadership.
A few clarifications are in order regarding the limited role to be played by some faculty
in the deliberations concerning the candidate:
o Vanderbilt University’s Conflict of Interest Policy prohibits members of the
University community from participating in the hiring process or any employment
related decisions pertaining to their family members. Hence, members of the
faculty may not participate in any aspect of deliberations or votes concerning
appointments or renewals of family members.
o If a faculty member has served in any significant fashion as a mentor to the
candidate prior to their appointment at Vanderbilt (e.g., as a doctoral or
postdoctoral advisor or committee member), that faculty member should not serve
on any ad hoc committee that a department might create to evaluate an aspect of
the candidate’s qualifications (e.g., a committee providing a report on research,
teaching, or service).
August 30, 2022 31
Definition of Lecturers, Senior Lecturers, Principal Senior Lecturers, Assistant Professors
of the Practice, Associate Professors of the Practice, NTT Assistant Professors, and NTT
Associate Professors:
o Lecturers
Ph.D./terminal degree expected.
May be appointed for no more than one year at a time
Generally limited to introductory (1000-level) courses
Department/program faculty can vote to delegate to the chair the ability to
appoint lecturers without a faculty vote. The Dean’s Office must have this
decision on record. See “Chair Voting Rights” above.
o Senior Lecturers
Ph.D. /terminal degree or foreign language teaching licensure required
Can be appointed for up to 3 years at a time
If appointed for a 3-year term, mandatory review occurs in the 2
year of
their current contract
May teach introductory (1000-level) and intermediate (2000- or 3000-
level) courses
Generally not permitted to teach graduate courses
Initial appointment requires 3 letters of recommendation
TT/T faculty and Principal Senior Lecturers must vote on all senior
lecturer appointments and reappointments
o Principal Senior Lecturers
A faculty member may be promoted to the rank of Principal Senior
Lecturer after completing six years of service at Vanderbilt as a Senior
Consideration occurs during the mandatory review period in the third SL
Can be appointed for up to 5 years at a time
If appointed for a 5-year term, mandatory review occurs in the 4
year of
their current contract
May teach introductory (1000-level) and intermediate (2000- or 3000-
level courses)
Generally not permitted to teach graduate courses
Initial appointment requires 3 letters of recommendation
TT/T faculty must vote on all principal senior lecturer appointments and
o Assistant Professor of the Practice
Ph.D. /terminal degree or foreign language teaching licensure required
Can be appointed for up to 3 years at a time
If appointed for a 3-year term, mandatory review occurs in the 2
year of
their current contract
May teach introductory (1000-level) and intermediate (2000- or 3000-
level) courses
Generally not permitted to teach graduate courses
Initial appointment requires 3 letters of recommendation
TT/T faculty and Associate and Full Professors of Practice must vote on
all Assistant Professor of the Practice appointments and reappointments
o Associate Professor of the Practice
A faculty member may be promoted to the rank of Associate Professor of
the Practice after completing six years of service at Vanderbilt as an
August 30, 2022 32
Assistant Professor of the Practice
Consideration occurs during the mandatory review period in the third
contract as Assistant Professor of the Practice
Can be appointed for up to 5 years at a time
If appointed for a 5-year term, mandatory review occurs in the 4
year of
their current contract
May teach introductory (1000-level), intermediate (2000- or 3000-level
courses), and advanced courses (4000- or 5000-level courses)
Generally not permitted to teach graduate courses
Initial appointment requires 6 letters of recommendation
Promotion to Associate Professor of the Practice requires 6 letters of
TT/T faculty and Full Professors for Practice must vote on all Associate
Professor of the Practice appointments and reappointments
o NTT Assistant Professor
Ph.D. /terminal degree or foreign language teaching licensure required
Can be appointed for up to 3 years at a time
If appointed for a 3-year term, mandatory review occurs in the 2
year of
their current contract
May teach introductory (1000-level) and intermediate (2000- or 3000-
level) courses
Generally not permitted to teach graduate courses
Initial appointment requires 3 letters of recommendation
TT/T faculty and NTT Associate and Full Professors must vote on all NTT
Assistant Professor appointments and reappointments
o NTT Associate Professor
A faculty member may be promoted to the rank of NTT Associate
Professor after completing six years of service at Vanderbilt as a NTT
Assistant Professor
Consideration occurs during the mandatory review period in the third
contract as NTT Assistant Professor
Can be appointed for up to 5 years at a time
If appointed for a 5-year term, mandatory review occurs in the 4
year of
their current contract
May teach introductory (1000-level), intermediate (2000- or 3000-level
courses), advanced courses (4000- or 5000-level courses), and graduate
courses if appointed to the Graduate Faculty.
Initial appointment requires 6 letters of recommendation
Promotion to NTT Associate Professor requires 6 letters of
TT/T faculty and NTT Full Professors must vote on all NTT Associate
Professor appointments and reappointments
o NTT Professorial Ranks: Procedures for promotion should mirror the
requirements for promotion at the respective rank of tenured ranks stated in
Section I of this document.
Dossier Contents: Non-Tenure-Track Teaching Appointments and Reappointments:
All appointment and reappointment materials for NTT teaching faculty must be submitted via
the Request for Additional Instructional Staff and Reappointments link to REDCap. Each
August 30, 2022 33
appointment request should contain the following items:
A current c.v.
A memo/letter from the Chair/Director requesting the appointment. The
chair/director’s memo should be addressed to Dean Dow and must include a detailed
rationale for the reappointment. That rationale should include:
o An account of the faculty vote on the reappointment.
o A description of the role the faculty member plays in the department, including their
curricular role and any additional responsibilities/service roles they fulfill.
o The length of service in the faculty role should also be included in the memo.
o Demonstration of a familiarity with the teaching performance of the faculty member
and an assessment of it. The memo must include an average of the faculty member’s
“overall the instructor was” and “overall the course was” ratings from the course
evaluations. It should also include quotations from a sample of narrative student
comments from the evaluations.
For an initial appointment please include all evaluations available to
For reappointment of faculty with a one-year term or less, please
provide the most recent 3 semesters of evaluations available. For
those with less experience, provide all evaluations available.
For reappointments of faculty with multi-year terms, please include all
evaluations (both statistical summaries and student comments) for
courses taught since the faculty member’s last review. Example: A
senior lecturer was first appointed effective Fall 2012 for a 3-year
term. In the spring of 2014, the faculty member will be reviewed. The
only new evaluations available would be for Fall 2012, Spring 2013
and Fall 2013 (3 semesters).
o Evaluation of the faculty member’s performance in administrative/service and
research roles, if any.
o A discussion of any concerns raised by the overall instructor rating or the overall
course rating or the narrative comments in the course evaluations. The memo should
discuss those concerns and what has/will be done to address them (e.g, counseling
from the chair/director or another senior faculty member, a referral to the Center for
Teaching). Be cognizant of the trajectory of evaluations—sometimes evaluations
from the first year of a three-year contract indicate problems that later evaluations
indicate have clearly been ameliorated. I.e., if the candidate for reappointment has
developed as an instructor, the memo should discuss that development.
o Any existing special provisions for the faculty member being reappointed (e.g.,
course release for administrative service, professional development funds, commuting
o An explanation of any specific/unique teaching arrangements. E.g., if the faculty
member teaches a large course that is the equivalent of two courses, if lab teaching
responsibilities should be counted toward overall course load in a specific way.
Self-assessment from the faculty member(1-2 pages for reappointment; length for
promotion requests varies. Not required for one-year lecturer reappointments)
o Should reflect on the quality of the faculty member’s teaching performance since
the last reappointment and should make clear that the faculty member has read the
student reviews of their teaching.
o Should detail contributions to the teaching mission of the department, any courses
developed or revised, and any other ways of contributing to undergraduate
education through service to the department/college/university.
August 30, 2022 34
o Should make sure to address any concerning issues raised by the student
o Should detail any professional development undertaken since last
reappointment—e.g., Center for Teaching workshops or consultation.
Peer assessment of teaching (two required; 1-2 pages each. Not required for one-year
lecturer reappointments)
o Peer assessments should be provided from colleagues eligible to vote on the
reappointment (some exceptions may be allowed; contact Dean Dow).
o The assessments should be based on recent observation of the faculty member in
the classroom (in the previous two semesters).
o The assessments should address course design (based on review of the syllabus)
as well as teaching performance (based on observation of the faculty member’s
Letters of Recommendation
None are required for appointment to the rank of lecturer
3 letters are required for initial appointment to the rank of senior lecturer,
principal senior lecturer, and NTT assistant professor (including visiting)
6 letters are required for initial appointment to the rank of NTT associate
or full professor (including visiting) or Associate or Full Professor of the
Record of faculty vote
Include this for all appointments/reappointments except for lecturers as
specified above, including, if applicable, a record of any faculty
discussion regarding the reappointment.
August 30, 2022 35
Non-teaching appointments include research faculty, secondary appointments, adjuncts/adjoints,
visiting scholars, etc.
o Recommendations for renewal should be in our office at least two months prior to
the expiration of the appointment.
A few clarifications are in order regarding the limited role to be played by some faculty
in the deliberations concerning the candidate:
o Vanderbilt University’s Conflict of Interest Policy prohibits members of the
University community from participating in the hiring process or any employment
related decisions pertaining to their family members. Hence, members of the
faculty may not participate in any aspect of deliberations or votes concerning
appointments or renewals of family members.
Requests for secondary appointments and reappointments should use the Secondary
Appointment REDCap .
All other non-teaching appointments and reappointments should be:
o addressed to the appropriate dean
o submitted via the appropriate link
Research: Request for Research Faculty Appointments and
Reappointments (Dean Wright)
Secondary Appointment Requests (Dean Dow)
Visiting Scholars: A&S Visiting Scholar Request (Dean Dow)
Interns and Observers: A&S Interns and Observers Application (Dean
Postdoctoral Scholars are now handled through the Office of Postdoctoral
Affairs in the Provost’s Office. (Dean Wright)
o include the following:
a chair’s/director’s memorandum requesting the appointment.
the start and end dates
proposed salary, if applicable, with indication of source of funds
a current c.v.
a faculty vote, as appropriate
letters of reference, if applicable (see below)
o Research faculty:
Procedures for promotion of research faculty should mirror the
requirements for promotion for the respective rank as stated in section I of
this document.
It is rare for a research faculty member to teach, however, if the candidate
has teaching experience at Vanderbilt, and there is an expectation that
he/she will be called upon to teach, this information should also be
included in the recommendation.
The initial appointments for all research faculty require 3 letters of
reference for a research assistant professor and at least 6 letters of
reference for appointments to the rank of research associate professor and
research professor.
Promotion to Research Associate Professor and Research Professor
requires 6 letters of recommendation.
Reappointments do not require letters.
Jane Doe
Department of Academic Studies
311 Kirkland Hall
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN 37235
Ph.D., Academic Studies, Academic University, August 2019
M.A., Academic Studies, Academic University, January 2015
B.A., Academic Studies, Academic University, May 2012
Assistant Professor, Vanderbilt University, Academic Studies, August 2019-present
Outstanding Article of the Year for “Academic Article,from National Academic Studies
Association, 2017.
Jeffrey Nordhaus Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching in the Humanities,
College of Arts and Science, Vanderbilt University, 2019.
Phi Beta Kappa, Academic University, 2012.
Academic Book. New York: Academic University Press, 2019.
Review: John Doe, Historical Journal of Academic Studies, 32.3 (2019):
Review: Jane Doe, Contemporary Academic Journal, 16.4 (2019): 795-
Articles in refereed journals
Jane Doe and John M. Doe, “Academic Article,” Academic Journal, 1.3 (Fall 2019): 59-
Explanation of each co-author’s contribution to the essay.
"Academic Article II,” Contemporary Academic Studies, 14.2 (May 2019): 190-205.
Book chapters
Academic Book Chapter,” in Academic Book, ed. James Doe. New York: Academic
University Press, 2019. 243-264.
Book Reviews
Academic Book by James Doe,” Academic Journal, 16.4 (2019): 798-801.
Working Papers and Books
“Title of Current Unpublished Project.” Explanation of project.
Title of Another Current Unpublished Project.Explanation of project.
Robert Penn Warren Center for the Humanities Fellowship, Vanderbilt University,
2019; $4000 research stipend
Dissertation Fellowship, American Academic Association, 2018-2019.
$20,000 fellowship for the final year of dissertation writing.
“Title of Presentation,” Department of Academic Studies, Academic University, New
York, NY, March 2019.
With John Doe, “Title of Presentation,” Academic Society of Academics, New York,
NY, June 2019.
“Title of Presentation,” Academic Society of Academics, New York, NY, June 2018.
New Courses Introduced
Academic Studies in the Real World (ACAD 2020), Fall 2019.
Additional Courses Taught
Academic Studies for Academic Life (ACAD 2021), Spring 2019.
Undergraduate Research Supervised
Littlejohn Undergraduate Research Faculty Fellowship, Vanderbilt University,
2018-2019; year-long supervision of undergraduate research project on the subject of
academic life, $3000 research stipend
To Department
Member, Departmental Assessment Review Committee, Vanderbilt University, 2018-
Member, Search and Hiring Committee, Associate or Full Professor, Department of
Academic Studies, Vanderbilt University, 2018-2019.
To College
Member, Committee on Educational Programs, College of Arts & Science, 2019.
To University
Member, Advisory Board for the Writing Studio and Undergraduate Writing Program,
Vanderbilt University, 2018-2019.
To Profession
Member, External Review Committee, Academic Studies Department, Academic
University, New York, NY, April 2019.
Member, Editorial Board, Quarterly Journal of Academic Studies, 2018-present
Book Manuscript Reviewer: Academic Studies Press, 2018; Academic Publishing Press,