Van Buren High School Student Handbook
Van Buren High School is fully accredited by the State Department of Education. The school is also a member of the
North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, which is the highest possible rating for a school. To be a
member of NCA means very high standards must be maintained. The school board, the school administration and the
school faculty are constantly on guard to maintain this high rating.
Notice of Non-Discrimination
Van Buren Schools shall establish and maintain an atmosphere in which all persons can develop attitudes and skills for
effective, cooperative living including respect for the individual regardless of economic status, intellectual ability, race,
creed, color, religion, gender, or age.
Mission Statement
Van Buren High School will serve its students by providing a positive school and community environment so that all
students will possess the opportunity for a comprehensive education that can guide them into an increasingly
technological society.
The administration, faculty and staff are dedicated to all students to develop creative and critical thinking skills, as well as
curiosity, initiative, and a positive and healthy attitude toward life. As a result, students will learn to appreciate different
cultures, understand human relationships, and respect the rights, needs, and achievements of others so they can become
responsible citizens.
**Van Buren High School: A Place For You**
To: Parents and Students:
Welcome to the 2014-15 school year. On behalf of the staff and administration of VBHS, let me express our desire that
every student be successful at Van Buren High School. For this to be a realistic outcome, our school learning community,
which includes parents and students in addition to our staff, must work together. The key will be our combined efforts to
maintain open dialogue and good communication.
This Handbook contains two sections:
Section 1 (the Student Handbook) contains the ABC’s of VBHS. These pages will provide students with the
information they need to be successful at VBHS. It includes everything from attendance to withdrawal procedures.
Section 2 (The clubs/organizations section) contains brief information on the 30+ clubs and organizations operating on
the VBHS campus. We encourage our students to take an active role in school activities to help them become an integral
part of VBHS.
We believe our certified staff to be one of the strongest in our state, and we are committed to helping our students obtain
the best education possible. Visit your counselors, work with your administrators, and take advantage of all the
opportunities we offer.
We have high expectations for our students and will provide encouragement and assistance at every stage of academic
development. This, however, does not mean that success will come automatically. You must approach this vital time in
your life with a good attitude, good work habits, and an enthusiasm for learning. If you do so, success will be yours. I
want to extend my best wishes to everyone in our extended Pointer Family, and I look forward to an exciting and
productive 2014-15 school year.
Best Wishes,
Eddie Tipton
ABC’s of Van Buren High School
Academic Achievement Assembly
Students who meet the following qualifications at the end of the first semester of each school year are eligible for an
Academic Achievement Letter. Letters will be presented in the spring of each school year.
Grade 10 (after First Semester) 3.75 GPA
Grade 11 (after Third Semester) 3.50 GPA
Grade 12 (after Fifth Semester) 3.25 GPA
Advanced Placement Courses
VBHS offers multiple courses endorsed by the American College Board. Consult “Course Selection Guide” for a full list of
Arkansas Academic Challenge Scholarship
This scholarship is sponsored by the Arkansas Department of Higher Education to recognize selected students for
scholastic achievement as measured by their academic records and ACT scores. The AACS is a four year scholarship of
an amount to be determined by the state each year to students in financial need who score a composite score of 19 or
better on the ACT and have at least a 2.50 GPA in specified High School courses. See your counselor for more
Regular school attendance is vital to the overall academic success of every student. All high school students must attend
school under provisions of state law. Students who do not attend school cannot earn grades and thus cannot be given
credit for courses.
It is the parent’s responsibility to contact the school within a 48-hour period to have their child’s absence
excused. Contact MUST
be by written note or email and must be given to school secretary. Excused absences will not
be taken over the phone. Any student who misses more than 10 minutes of class will be counted absent for that
Authority for the VBHS attendance policy is provided by VBSD board policy 4.2.5.
11 total absences will constitute excessive absenteeism. Students who accumulate more than ten (10) absences
in an individual class during the semester may be denied course credit.
The following classification of absences will NOT count toward the ten (10) day limit:
Campus activitySchool sponsored trips
Medical Must submit documentation from doctor/dental office the day student returns to school
Legal Must submit documentation from court the day student returns to school
Death in familyMust submit documentation (such as copy of funeral program) the day student returns to
Days in which a student has been suspended from school
(In-school suspensions are not absences.)
Unexcused Absences are those which can be declared truancies and therefore subject students to disciplinary
action according to the provisions of VBSD Board policy 4.2.5. Parents will be notified of studentsabsences
according to policy 4.2.5
In certain situations, extenuating circumstances may arise. Parents may be allowed to pre-arrange an extended absence
by contacting the principal or one of the assistant principals to excuse the absence. It will be the student’s responsibility
to secure make-up work ahead of time for their absence.
Attendance Appeals Committee
Students have the right to petition for credit which has been denied to be reinstated. The Attendance Appeals Committee
will meet once a month and will consist of a high school administrator, a high school counselor, and at least one high
school faculty member.
Procedure For Appeal:
Students will sign that they have been notified of the date and time of appeal meeting.
Dispositions may include, but not be limited to the following:
Uphold the decision to deny credit. Student will receive a NC (No Credit) for the semester
Overturn the decision to deny credit and require all make-up work to be completed
Overturn the decision to deny credit with no make-up work required
Students who lose credit will NOT be permitted to attend school sponsored trips during the school day. A FINS petition
will be filed on each student who loses credit due to a lack of attendance under the provisions of Act 876. This action may
also result in the revocation of the student’s driver’s license, according to the provisions of the same act. Students with
excessive truancy will be reported to the Juvenile Court.
Anti-Bullying Policy
Students at VBHS must report any verbal or physical confrontation between students. Failure to do this may result in
disciplinary action against students who DO NOT report. Staff members will also be expected to report conflicts
immediately. Reporting of the conflict is to be done whether the incident occurs on campus, at a school event or en route
to or from school. Students who are having conflicts with peers should go immediately to a teacher, counselor, or
administrator to get help in resolving the conflict at the first sign of trouble. If the conflict has not escalated to a physical
altercation, the students involved will not necessarily be subject to disciplinary action.
Students who deliberately attempt to instigate conflicts between other students by words or actions will be disciplined. If
there is evidence that students have been the cause of a violent confrontation, they will be suspended a minimum of 1
day, even though they were not physically involved in the confrontation.
Students involved in extortion, intimidation, or physical bullying of fellow students will be subject to disciplinary action.
Failure to report an incident of any of these activities will also result in disciplinary action.
Bell Schedules: Zero Hour classes: 7:00 to 7:50
Regular Day Bell Schedule
8:00 8:50
8:00 8:50
Lunch A
10:45 11:40
11:20 12:15
Lunch B
12:20 1:10
12:20 1:10
1:15 2:05
1:15 2:05
2:10 3:00
2:10 3:00
Eighth Hour classes: 3:05 to 3:55
Morning Event Schedule
8:00 8:45
8:00 8:45
8:50 9:30
8:50 9:30
9:35 10:20
9:35 10 :20
10:25 11:10
10:25 11:10
Lunch A
11:15 12:00
11:45 12:30
Lunch B
12:00 12:30
12:35 1:20
12:35 1:20
1:25 2:10
1:25 2:10
2:15 3:00
2:15 3:00
The office will announce other special schedules as they become necessary.
*Lunches- In accordance with a new board decision, students will no longer be able to charge lunches on their
Bus Behavior
All students are under the direct control and supervision of the bus driver on the bus. Permission for any student to ride a
bus is conditioned on his/her observance of the safety and behavior code of bus riders. Any student who violates any of
these regulations can be denied permission to ride a bus to and from school. Parents must assume a major portion of the
responsibility for the conduct of their child while riding the bus. If this permission is revoked, parents must provide
transportation for their child.
Cell Phones and Electronic Devices
Students are allowed to use cell phones during class time with teacher approval for class work. Students may also use
cell phones for music purposes during lunch time.
If a cell phone is taken from the student for misuse it will be turned into the office and given back to that student at the end
of the school day for the 1
offense. Habitual misuse will result in more severe consequences.
Child Care
It is the responsibility of student parents who attend VBHS to arrange care for their infant and toddler children. Infants
and young children will not be allowed to attend class with their parents.
Closed Campus
Van Buren High School is a closed campus. A student is expected to arrive on campus before school begins in the
morning and remain on campus until the close of the school day for that particular student. If it becomes necessary to
leave campus during the school day, the student must “check out” through the office. In order to check out, a
parent/guardian must call the office, email, or send a note stating the time that the student needs to check out.
Students leaving and returning to campus will be subject to suspension. Parents will be notified of the suspension.
Parents may check students out for lunch if they come to the office in-person and sign their student out. Students may
not leave campus for lunch based on a phone call or note from the parent.
College Courses & Concurrent Enrollment
VBHS students are eligible to enroll in a public supported community college or four year college/university in accordance
with the rules adopted by the Van Buren School District. A student who successfully completes a three-hour credited
college course or courses shall receive one unit of credit at VBHS and academic credit by the institution of higher
education. Credits shall be applicable to graduation requirements.
VBHS offers several college credit courses on campus through the concurrent credit partnership with NWACC, ATU, and
UAFS. Consult a counselor for a full list of courses and conditions pertaining to each college.
VBHS students are eligible to enroll in technology programs (not offered on the VBHS campus) at the Western Arkansas
Technical Center. The Technical Center on the UAFS Campus will offer classes for 11th and 12th grade students in the
following programs: Health Occupations, Computer-Aided Drafting and Design, Machine Tool Technology, Computer
Repair Technology, Electronics Technology, and Automotive Technology. Visit the VBHS Counseling Center for more
Computer Lab
The computer lab in room C101 is available for all students and staff of VBHS from 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Students shall
abide by the District and school’s “Acceptable Use Policy(District Policy Handbook). Failure to do so will result in loss of
privileges, payment of damages, any and all other discipline or punishments set out by VBHS or federal authorities.
Students may use the computer lab during non-class time only when proper supervision is provided.
Conduct Behavior Code
All students are expected to conduct themselves at all times in a manner that will contribute to the best interest of the
school system and not infringe on the rights of others. Improper conduct will subject the student to disciplinary action
including but not limited to, detention, ISS, suspension or expulsion from school. A violation of the rule will occur if the
conduct takes place on the school grounds at any time, off the school grounds at a school activity, function, event, or en
route to and from school. The Student Conduct and Behavior Code is outlined in District Board Policy 4.3. Other student
discipline policies as well as authority for student discipline are outlined in board policies 4.4, 4.5,4.6, 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, 4.10,
4.11, 4.12, and 4.13. (See District Student Policy Handbook)
Credit Recovery
Students who need to recover lost credit may enroll in COMPASS with principal permission. COMPASS is offered during
each period during the school day, zero hour (7:00 7:50), and 8
hour (3:05- 3:55).
Diploma Information
The Van Buren School District requires 24 credits to graduate. Students may obtain a Smart Core Diploma, a College
Prep Diploma, a College Prep with Honors Diploma, or a College Prep with High Honors Diploma.
Students planning to enter VBHS must have at least 4 academic credits to be enrolled at VBHS unconditionally.
Conditional Enrollment
Students may be enrolled conditionally with 3 credits with the high school principal’s permission. .
Dress Code
Dress which is disruptive to the educational process or inappropriate for a work environment will be prohibited.
Students will not be allowed to wear clothing or hairstyles which interfere with the educational process.
Students will not wear symbols, insignia, emblems, or badges which cause disruption or interfere with the
school operation or safety. Clothing associated with gang culture will not be tolerated. Students involved in
the promotion of gang culture will be suspended from school.
Examples of dress prohibited will be:
Bandannas, head coverings, or hats of any kind.
Clothing which promotes sale or use of tobacco, drugs, alcoholic beverages, those which include profanity,
immoral behavior or which could be determined to be degrading to other students. Symbols which instigate
racial or social conflict will not be allowed.
“Sagging” pants or excessively baggy clothing.
Sleeveless tops with large armholes are not permitted.
For school, shorts, pants and skirts must extend below fingertips. Tops, skirts, and shorts worn over leggings
must also extend below the fingertip length.
Rips, tears, or holes in clothing must be located below fingertip length.
All clothing must provide adequate coverage to conceal the student’s body and undergarments to prevent
disruption of the education process. Examples of clothing not acceptable are: see-through mesh, strapless
tops, halter-tops, any top that doesn’t cover the midriff, spaghetti straps, or other straps which do not cover the
student’s undergarments. Low-cut tops are not allowed. Swimsuits, Spandex, or other similar clothing will not
be allowed.
** These examples are not all- inclusive; the administration and teaching staff reserves the right to make final decisions on
dress issues.
Students who dress inappropriately will be asked to change. If they can not, parents will be called to bring their student a
change of clothing or give permission for student to go home and change.
Drugs and Alcohol
Students found possessing, using, under the influence of, or selling controlled substances (including alcoholic
beverages) will be subject to a minimum 10-day suspension and may be recommended for expulsion for a
minimum of ONE SCHOOL TERM.
Early Arrival
Students arriving early on campus must report to the commons and may not loiter in the parking lot.
Early Check Out Procedure
All students are required to have their parent/guardian sign them out in the Principal’s office. If for any reason a
parent/guardian is unable to come to sign the student out, the procedure may be transacted by phone, except in the
instance of lunch. In this case, parents or guardians of the student must sign the student out in person. In every instance
of leaving early, the students are responsible for completing any missed assignments. JAG/COE students who are on
early release, must exit through the main entrance at the office and must remain off campus after they leave for the day.
Any student who misses more than 10 minutes of class will be counted absent for that period.
Extracurricular Eligibility
A 2.0 GPA for the previous semester is required by the Arkansas Activities Association for participation. Students may
participate under probation by working within the framework of a student improvement plan.
Fighting or violent behavior will not be tolerated under any circumstances at VBHS. Students who fight will be suspended
from school a minimum of 3 days on their first offense. Students may be suspended or expelled on a first offense in
situations where serious injury is inflicted. A second offense may result in a minimum 5-day suspension. Students can be
arrested and formal charges files by the school resource officer for any violent offense.
Foreign Exchange Students
Foreign exchange students must be 16 years of age or older. Foreign exchange students will be classified as seniors.
They will not be included in class rank and will not earn a Van Buren High School diploma. However, they will be able to
participate in all senior activities including graduation.
VBHS follows the state mandated grading scale of: 90%-100% A, 80%-89% B, 70%-79% C, 60%-69% D, Below 60% F.
Student grades may be accessed by parents/guardians by way of Home Access Center (HAC)
Grade Point Average (GPA)
GPA will be based on grades earned in academic courses in grades nine through twelve. Official GPA will be ranked on a
4.0 scale. For purposes of class rank only
, the 4.5 scale will be used for Pre-AP classes and a 5.0 scale will be
used for concurrent classes.
Advanced Placement Pre-AP Courses Regular Concurrent
A=5.0 A=4.5 A=4.0 A=5.0
B=4.0 B=3.25 B=3.0 B=4.0
C=3.0 C=2.5 C=2.0 C=3.0
D=1.0 D=1.0 D=1.0 D=1.0
F= 0.0 F=0.0 F=0.0 F=0.0
NC= No Credit for all three grading scales
(VBSD Board Policy 5.10. See District Student Policy Handbook )
Graduation & Participation in Commencement Requirements
Students should see their respective counselor or advisor as this information changes periodically.
Students are considered part of the student body and must abide by all rules through the day of graduation.
The following conditions must be met to participate in the commencement program:
Students must be a student in good-standing by being enrolled in the VBHS day school program, VB Career Center
students may participate if approved by the principal of VBHS.
Students must have accumulated a minimum of 24 credits. Students may count a total of five (5) credits earned
thru COMPASS, summer school, VB Career Center, or by correspondence course toward graduation.
Students must complete all 24 graduation requirements in order to participate in the commencement
Students may not participate in commencement if they are over the age of 21.
Students may be excluded or removed from participation in the commencement program for disciplinary reasons.
Students will not participate in ceremonies or receive their diploma until all fines have been paid in full and
discipline actions served.
Hall Passes
Students will only be allowed in the halls during class with the principal approved hall pass in their possession signed by
the teacher.
Homework Policy
Home study is a necessary part of each pupil’s educational program. Each student is expected to spend some time in
addition to scheduled class instruction to achieve satisfactory work. Some assignments are long range in nature and
require planned study time for their completion. Planned study eliminates the necessity of spending too much time
completing assignments the day before they are due. Homework is classified as either work that is not finished in class or
additional work to be done outside of class. Homework will be counted as part of the total grade. Completion of
assignments, either done at home or as class work, is essential to making a passing grade. (see VBSD Board Policy 5.11,
District Student Policy Handbook)
*Concurrent classes are exempt from the homework policy since they must abide by the colleges guidelines.
* AP Classes will also be exempt from the homework policy due to rigorous guidelines of College Board.
Internet Acceptable Use
(See District Student Policy Handbook)
In School Suspension (ISS)
Students will be assigned by the Principal’s Office to ISS when events or disciplinary action necessitates removal of the
student from the classroom. Students will serve ISS from 8 AM to 3 PM. Students will be supervised and all classroom
assignments will be provided for each assigned student. A student is then expected to complete these assignments
before returning to class.
Students will be considered present at school when attending ISS and may be subject to out-of-school suspension or
recommended for expulsion from school for repeated disciplinary actions.
A student cannot be assigned to ISS for more than ten (10) days within a semester. Disciplinary infractions beyond the
ten (10) day ISS limit will result in out-of-school suspension.
Lost and Found
Students having lost items should check with the office. Clothing that has been in lost and found all week will be removed
on Friday.
Make-Up Work
Students who have had their absences excused according to the attendance policy will be allowed to make up all class
work. Students and/or parents will have the responsibility of acquiring the work they have missed. Students will be given
a minimum of 2 days for each day missed to make up their work. Tests will be made up during that time period or at a
scheduled time designated by their teacher during the school day.
Students who are absent for more than 5 consecutive days may request that missed assignments be collected for pick up
in the office.
Media Center
Students at VBHS have the privilege of using the Grace Barlow Scholastic Library for research and study skills,
recreational reading, and exploring and retrieving information by way of an automated library program and the Internet.
The library is open from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily. Admittance during class time is allowed only by way of a principal
approved hall pass that will be issued by the classroom teacher. The library will be open during lunch for any student
wishing to use its resources. Only educational purposes and school-related projects will be allowed while using the
Internet. Overdue charges will be assessed at 10 cents per day for library material. Students should renew material in
order to avoid fines and then clear all fines in a timely manner. It is the responsibility of the students to return books when
Medical Policies
Students are not allowed to transport prescription or non-prescription medications
. Medication must be brought to
school by a parent in the original container. Parents are also responsible for bringing refills to the school office. Students
will not be sent home with bottles for refills. We will send a note home with your child when his/her medication supply is
almost gone. Your child will not be given medication at school unless it is brought to the office by a parent. Medication
changes will only be accepted by a physicians note. Notes from parents concerning dosage changes will not be
accepted. These guidelines will be strictly enforced.
Communicable Diseases may affect a school-age population and/or staff. Depending on the degree of communicability
and the life threatening nature of the disease, exclusion from school will be mandatory in order to protect the health and
general welfare of the school population. Any staff member who has knowledge of a student who has or has been
exposed to a communicable, contagious and/or infectious disease will immediately inform the building administrator as to
the identity of the person and all other information related to this situation. If in the judgment of the administrator there is
danger of communicating the disease to others, measures will be taken to immediately exclude the person from school.
Re-admittance may require a release statement from a medical doctor, the school nurse or local health official. Every
effort to protect confidentiality of the affected person will be made and identity of such students will not be released to the
Off Limits Areas
Students may congregate during lunches in the commons area. Students may not congregate in parking lots, in
unsupervised areas north, south, east or west of the building, or in unsupervised classrooms. All south and west exterior
doors will be locked allowing no re-entry into building. Exterior doors leading to portable buildings and old gym will be
Parents Contacting Students
It is our policy not to deliver phone messages to students unless there is a definite emergency.
Plagiarism is defined as quoting, paraphrasing, or summarizing someone else’s words or ideas without giving credit to
that person or source. It is characterized by claiming work published in print, on digital media, such as CD or Internet, as
one’s own. Copying assignments could be construed as plagiarism as well. The penalty for plagiarism will be a minimum
reprimand and notification of the parent, but could also constitute an F in a class in its most blatant or severe form.
Students in concurrent classes may be removed from that class.
Preparation For Class
Before the tardy bell rings, students are to be in their classroom seats with the appropriate material required for the class.
Students are not allowed to take soft drinks, candy, gum, chips, etc. into the classroom unless approval has been
secured in advance from the instructor and the principal. Bottled water (with no additives) will be allowed inside classes if
the instructor of the class approves it. Students will not be allowed to store drinks in cups or bottles in lockers.
Public Display of Affection
Public displays of affection will not be allowed on the VBHS campus. Any students engaged in PDA will be sent to the
office. Students may not have body contact by hugging, kissing, holding hands, etc.
offense- Warning
offense- Detention
offense- ISS
Safety Drills
Fire Drills, Tornado Drills, Evacuation Drills, and Lockdown Drills will be performed through-out the school year.
Students will follow the procedures practiced by the staff.
Schedule Changes
Schedule changes must be made before the end of the first two weeks of both semesters. Students must present a valid
reason for the change. Changing schedules to arrange lunch times, or because they do not “like” a teacher, are not valid
reasons. After these deadlines, students must stay in their classes until the end of the semester. Students may be placed
in only one non-credit class per semester. Weighted can go to non-weighted at the 1
progress report or 1
9-weeks if a
student has no zeroes and has a D or F.
Search and Seizure
Authority to do probable cause searches was established by VBSD board policy 4.4. (See District Student Policy
Semester & Quarterly Tests
In all classes, students may be given a cumulative semester assessment at the end of the 2
and 4
Students who take AP or concurrent tests may be allowed to substitute that test for a final, but must attend classes during
finals week.
Semester Test Exemption Policy
Students who have an A, B, or C in a class and have only (3) excused absences (these include medical) or less
in that class have the option of being exempt from the semester test in that class. Any unexcused absences or out of
school suspensions will make a student ineligible for the exemption. School business or ISS will not count as an absence.
If a student who is exempt chooses to take the test their grade may not be lowered from the result of that test
Student Parking
Parking is an important procedure for the overall smooth operation of Van Buren High School. Improperly parked cars are
a nuisance and could result in a safety problem if they bar easy access to the school by emergency vehicles.
Driving to school is a privilege for VBHS students, not a right.
Students will only park in an orderly fashion in designated student parking lots only.
Students will register their vehicles on-line with the administration and be given a parking tag. Students will
be required to present a valid driver’s license to obtain a parking permit tag. Parking tags cost $5.
Students who do not register their vehicle may receive a $20.00 ticket.
Students will observe a speed limit of 5 miles per hour while on campus.
Students who violate parking rules will be subject to a $10.00 parking violation or have their driving privileges
on campus revoked.
Students who receive two parking violations per term will be disciplined according to the decision of the administration.
Students who speed on campus will be cited for violation of speed limits and could receive a reckless driving citation.
Students are not to be in the parking lots during the school day without a pass and should not loiter in the parking lots
when they arrive at school or after their school day is finished. Drivers will be subject to random drug testing and if found
under the influence may lose driving privileges to school.
Student Participation at School Sponsored Activities
Student participation at athletic, social and official events is encouraged by the Van Buren School District. We believe
very strongly that our students are our most credible and significant representatives. With this participation, students bear
responsibility to represent VBHS with pride and dignity. Sportsmanship and compliance with Arkansas Activity Association
and 6A 7A West district rules will be mandatory. Students should come to athletic events to support the Pointers, cheer
for favorite players or just simply enjoy seeing good competition. Students should not draw attention to themselves by
chanting obscenities, painting their faces or bodies, wearing disruptive clothing, improperly engaging opposing players,
coaches, fans, or sports officials in arguments and taunting. Examples of taunting and harassment include the continued
chanting of “air ball” during basketball season, chanting of criticisms directed at game officials, holding of signs in the
stands, or general disorderly conduct directed toward opposing players or coaches. This is not school spirit or good
sportsmanship and will not be tolerated. Students who violate these rules, or in any other way disrupt the activity, will be
removed from the event. Habitual violations will result in disciplinary action taken by the school and could result in arrest.
Students who participate in any school sponsored activity are subject to the same regulations, regardless of whether the
school activity is on campus or off. Students are also subject to school policies if they are en-route to and from school or
any school-sponsored activity.
In some circumstances it will be necessary to suspend or expel a student from school. Authority and procedure for
suspension and expulsion are outlined in VBSD Board Policies 4.5, 4.10. (See District student policy handbook)
Tardy Policy
Whether at school or work, being prompt is an essential life skill. Being late constantly is at the least a bad habit, but
more importantly inconsiderate of others, irresponsible and a waste of valuable time.
Disciplinary actions for tardiness may result in the following:
and 2
Tardies within a class in a semester…Teacher Warning
Tardy within a class in a semesterTeacher warning and parent notification via disciplinary slip. Student will
return the disciplinary slip to teacher with parent signature the following day to avoid disciplinary action..
Tardy- 1 Detention; 5
Tardy 2 Detentions; 6
Tardy 3 Detentions
7th Tardy- ISS
Tardy within a class in a semester Administrative action
Students will be considered absent if they miss more than 10 minutes of class.
Telephone Usage
The administrative office does not maintain a phone for student use. A phone is available for emergency use only.
Students will be issued free textbooks for each class and will be responsible for payments for lost or damaged textbooks.
Students may be assessed a fee for college texts.
Tobacco or e-cigarette use is not allowed on campus or at school sponsored events. VBSD Board Policy 4.9. (See
District Student Policy handbook)
A student who is absent without parent/guardian consent is considered truant. A student is also truant if he/she leaves
school without permission; he/she obtains a pass and does not report to the place for which the pass was obtained; or
he/she does not report to his/her assigned class.
Truancies are cumulative and the consequences are:
1st offense within a semester results in one (1) day in ISS and a parent notification.
2nd offense within a semester results in two (3) days in ISS and parent notification
3rd offense within a semester results in three (3) days in ISS, 1 Saturday School, FINS filed and parent
All visitors to VBHS MUST report to the office first. Students are not permitted to bring guests on school campus
during school hours. Students may only be visited by their legal guardian or school approved personnel during
the school day.
Weapons of any kind are prohibited on campus, in vehicles, or at school events. Facsimiles of firearms are also
prohibited. Students found in possession of weapons other than firearms will face a minimum 10-day suspension and
possible expulsion. Students in possession of firearms on campus, en-route to and from school, or at school sponsored
activities will be recommended for expulsion for a period of one calendar year (365
days) from Van Buren High School.
Van Buren High School Clubs and Organizations
The following school sponsored organizations are scheduled into the school day and therefore a student may
earn ½ or more credits for participation.
A full range of competitive athletics is offered at VBHS. A valid physical and permission from the coach of the team is
required for participation.
Marching/Symphonic band meets during 1
The Pointer Cheer squad and Prancer Dance team meet 7
period. Participation is by tryout/acceptance only.
Choral Music
VBHS choir/glee club and treblettes must audition and be enrolled in the choral music program to participate. Director
permission is required.
Classes taken at University of Arkansas Fort Smith for both High School and College Credit
JAG allows VBHS juniors and seniors to be released from school to work. Students may receive 3 credits for successful
participation in the JAG program. Students must apply and be accepted to participate.
Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps
JROTC is a student military leadership training organization. Students participate in a wide range of military
oriented training activities.
The following clubs and organizations are also available for student participation. No course credit is given.
Art Club
Art Club is open to all students who have an interest and desire to study graphic art and design outside the classroom
BETA Club is a student service/honor society. Members of BETA club must meet a minimum of 3.50 GPA and apply and
be accepted for membership.
Chess Club
Chess Club exists for students who have an interest in the game, and who may desire competition either at the intramural
or between schools. Membership is open.
The Drama club is comprised of theatre/speech students in addition to other students who have an interest in the
stage/performing arts. Membership is open.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
FCA is a student led Christian organization geared toward continued spiritual development in students who are interested
in athletics.
Family Career Community Leaders of America
FCCLA is a community leadership organization for students who have an interest in competition in various state/regional
and state leadership contests. Membership is open to all students.
French Club
French club is an organization for students who have an interest in the French language and French culture. Membership
is open to all students.
Future Business Leaders of American
FBLA is an organization for students who have an interest in a career in business.
Future Teachers of America
FTA involves students who have an interest in pursuing a career in education.
German Club
German club is an organization for students who have an interest in German Language and culture. Membership is open
to all students.
House Of Representatives
Members of the House of Representatives are elected and support the work of the Student Senate in school and
community activities.
Mu Alpha Theta
Mu Alpha Theta is the math student honor society. Membership is exclusive and students must meet a minimum
GPA of 3.50 to participate.
National Honor Society
National Honor Society is an exclusive honor club. Members must meet a minimum GPA of 3.75 and apply and be
accepted into the club by the NHS selection committee.
Parent Teacher Student Association
PTSA promotes an active connection between VBHS faculty, students and parents. PTSA provides 2 senior scholarships
which are given to student members each year. Membership is open.
Partners Club
Partners club involves VBHS student’s activities with Special Olympics. Membership is open.
Quiz Bowl
The VBHS bowl team meets during encore, after school, or before school for the purpose of preparing for interscholastic
quiz bowl competition. Students must try out for the team. Membership is by try-out and acceptance.
Social Studies Club
The Social Studies club is an organization which provides students with an interest in the social sciences with an
opportunity to study, promote and work toward goals in those fields. Membership is open to all students.
Spanish Club
The Spanish club is an organization for students of Spanish, or for any student with an interest in Spanish Culture or
Student Senate
Student Senate is the student activities and leadership organization on campus. Membership is by election.
T412 is a student led Christian organization which is non-denominational and is organized to promote student spiritual
Teenage Republicans
Teen Republicans promote political activities within the framework of the National Teen Republican organization.
Membership is open.
Young Democrats
Young Democrats promote political activities within the framework of the Young Democrats of Arkansas and the Young
Democrats of America. Membership is open.
Ultimate Frisbee
Optimist Club
All clubs must have principal approval. The use of “Van Buren High School” (VBHS) is strictly prohibited without that prior
principal approval.
Get involved in school activities! It is proven that active students are more academically successful!
VBHS Alma Mater
In Arkansas you’ll find us
With all our main and might
We’ll shout aloud forever
Our love for the Green and White
Three cheers for Van Buren High School
She loves the truth and right
All hail the Alma Mater, All hail the Green and White…