Freshman Fundamentals
Myron Heckman
Michael Hensley
Assistant Principal
Van Buren Freshman Academy
821 Pointer Trail East
Van Buren, AR 72956
Van Buren High School Freshman Academy reserves the right to
address inappropriate conduct which disrupts the learning
environment in the school even though such behavior is not specified
in the following written rules.
Information contained in this handbook does not supersede Van
Buren School District Policy
Notice of Non-Discrimination
Van Buren Schools shall establish and maintain an atmosphere in which all persons can develop
attitudes and skills for effective, cooperative living including respect for the individual regardless of
economic status, intellectual ability, race, creed, color, religion, gender, or age.
Van Buren Freshman Academy Student Handbook
Our Vision:
“Empowering students to discover their potential, set goals, and develop plans to reach them.”
Parents/Guardians and Students:
Welcome to the 2020-21 school year!
At the Freshman Academy, we have the honor and privilege to perform one of the greatest professions of all-
Teaching, where we get to take care of and support the students who will soon be leading our future organizations,
companies, and communities. We believe every student is important. Our focus is to provide you with the very best
educational experience possible. We have high expectations for every student; however, we understand all students learn
differently and at different rates, so we will support students as they challenge themselves to meet and exceed those
I want to take this opportunity to challenge you to try new classes, get involved in clubs and activities, and
establish new friendships. Please take advantage of all the opportunities available to you so you will be well prepared for
high school and beyond.
Parents/Guardians, thank you for partnering with us to help develop your student socially, emotionally, and
academically. It is through the combined efforts of students, families, and staff that students can reach their full potential. .
We’re excited to work with you to build tomorrow’s leaders!
**We want to assure everyone that we as a staff will adhere to District, State, and Federal Guidelines concerning
safety measures pertaining to Covid-19. Procedures will be adjusted depending on the guidelines provided. Even
though school may look a little differently than it has in the past, our desire is for students to have the most
pleasant and meaningful experience possible at the Freshman Academy. We are introducing several measures to
promote health, safety, and effective learning. One specific initiative is issuing an electronic device and carrying
case to each student. We appreciate your help in maintaining them and returning them in good condition.
Best Wishes,
Myron Heckman
Principal, Van Buren Freshman Academy
This procedure guide contains three sections:
Section 1 Student Procedures
Section 2Academics
Section 3Clubs and Organizations
Section 1: Student Procedures
Attendance - Regular school attendance is vital to the overall academic success of every student. Van Buren Freshman
Academy will follow VBSD board policy 4.2 Student Attendance
Attendance Procedures for VBFA Students:
All doctors/dentists notes must be turned in to the office.
A written note or email must be given to one of the secretaries in the office within 5 school days for an absence to be excused
by parent permission.
Any student who missed over ten minutes of class will be counted absent for that class.
Students who accumulate more than 10 unexcused absences in an individual class during a semester may be denied course
credit. Students will be allowed six excused absences per semester(without doctor’s note) any absence after the six excused
absence days will be counted as unexcused (without a doctor’s note).
Students may be assigned Saturday school to reduce their number of absences in an effort to retain/regain course credit in an
individual class.
Attendance Appeals Committee
Students have the right to petition for credit which has been denied to be reinstated. The Attendance Appeals Committee
will meet as needed and will consist of an administrator, a counselor, at least one faculty member and the attendance
Anti-Bullying/Cyber-Bullying Policy
Students will follow VBSD board policy Student Conduct - Bullying 4.3.6
To ensure a safe environment, VBFA requires all students to report bullying to a teacher, counselor and/or administrator.
Bell Schedules: Zero Hour classes: 7:00 to 7:50
Regular Day Bell Schedule
8:00 8:50
8:00 8:50
8:55 9:45
8:55 9:45
9:50 10:45
9:50 10:45
Lunch A
10:45 11:15
10:50 11:45
11:20 12:15
Lunch B
11:45 12:15
12:20 1:10
12:20 1:10
1:15 2:05
1:15 2:05
2:10 3:00
2:10 3:00
Eighth Hour classes: 3:05 to 3:55
Morning Event Schedule
8:00 8:45
8:00 8:45
8:50 9:30
8:50 9:30
9:35 10:20
9:35 10 :20
10:25 11:10
10:25 11:10
Lunch A
11:10 11:40
11:15 12:00
11:45 12:30
Lunch B
12:00 12:30
12:35 1:20
12:35 1:20
1:25 2:10
1:25 2:10
2:15 3:00
2:15 3:00
The office will announce other special schedules as they become necessary.
Cell Phones and Electronic Devices
Students may properly use electronic devices before school, between classes, during lunch, or after school. Personal use
of cell phones is prohibited in classrooms. Any exceptions are at the teacher’s discretion.
If listening to music during appropriate times, students must keep one ear clear or free from headphones for safety
First offense: Device will be confiscated students will receive at the end of the school day.
Second offense: Device will be confiscated parent/guardian will be required to collect device between
hours of 2:00 4:00 on day it was taken, or during office hours for any days following. Refusal to turn over their
device will result in a minimum of one day of ISS.
Third offense: Device will be confiscated parent/guardian will be required to collect device between
hours of 2:00 4:00 on day it was taken, or during office hours for any days following. Refusal to turn over their
device will result in a minimum of one day of ISS. Loss of phone privileges.
The use of electronic devices is a privilege. Using electronic devices to take, transmit, or disperse images which disrupt
the learning environment will not be tolerated and may result in disciplinary action as determined by school administration.
Closed Campus
Van Buren Freshman Academy is a closed campus. A student is expected to arrive on campus before school begins in
the morning and remain on campus until the close of the school day. If it becomes necessary to leave campus during the
school day, the student must be checked out through the office. In order to check a student out, a parent/guardian must
pick-up, call the office, email, or send a note stating the time that the student needs to check out. The person that picks-up
the student must come in the office and sign the student out. Parents may check students out for lunch if they come in the
office and sign their student out. Students may not leave campus for lunch based on a phone call or note from the parent.
Students leaving and returning to campus will be subject to disciplinary action. This includes leaving campus at the close
of the school day and returning for a ride home.
Computer Usage
Computer usage at VBHS Freshman Academy is available for all students and staff of VBHS-FA from 7:25 AM to 4:00
PM. Students shall abide by the District and school’s “Acceptable Use Policy” (District Policy Handbook), including proper
use of printers. Failure to do so will result in loss of privileges, payment of damages, any and all other discipline or
punishments set out by VBHS-FA or federal authorities. Students may use the computer lab during non-class time only
when proper supervision is provided.
Conduct Behavior Code
Students will follow all procedures according to VBSD board policy Student Conduct Behavior Code 4.3
Fighting or violent behavior will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Students who fight will be suspended a
minimum of three days for the first offense and may have assigned seating at breakfast and lunch when they
return. A second offense will result in a minimum suspension of five days and the student(s) may be referred to
the Izard Center. Students may be arrested and charged. Students who are caught recording a violent offense
may be charged with conspiracy to commit battery and may receive the same punishment as the offenders.
Weapons of any kind are prohibited on campus or at school events. Any look-alike, such as a toy gun, air soft
gun, etc. are also prohibited. Possession of weapons other than firearms will result in a minimum 10-day
suspension. Possession of firearms will result in a recommendation for expulsion for one calendar year (365
Dress Code Students will follow VBSD board policy 4.3.4 - Appearance code
Examples of dress, which would be considered disruptive to the learning environment, are:
Straps and tank tops not meeting the width of a dollar bill
Shorts not meeting length of mid thigh
Holes in jeans being higher than mid-thigh
Any hat or cap.
*These examples are not all-inclusive; the administration and teaching staff reserve the right to make final decisions on
dress issues.
Students who dress inappropriately will be given appropriate attire.
Early Arrival
At the Freshman Academy, the doors will open at 7:15 and students will immediately report to the indoor courtyard.
Early Check-Out Procedure
All students are required to have their parent/guardian sign them out in the office. Any student who misses more than 10
minutes of class will be counted absent for that period.
Hall Passes
Students at the Freshman Academy will only be allowed in the halls during class with a principal approved hall pass in
their possession.
Internet Acceptable Use
See VBSD Board Policy 3.18
In School Suspension (ISS)
Students will be assigned by the Principal’s Office to ISS when events or disciplinary action necessitates removal of the
student from the classroom. Students will serve ISS at the Freshman Academy campus from 8 AM to 3 PM. Students will
be supervised and all classroom assignments will be provided for each assigned student. A student is then expected to
complete these assignments before returning to class.
Students will be considered present at school when attending ISS.
A student should not be assigned to ISS for more than ten (10) days within a school year. Disciplinary infractions beyond
the ten (10) day ISS limit may result in Administrative Disciplinary Action.
***Lockers will not be used this year. Students should bring a backpack or something to carry their materials to
class with them.
Lost and Found
At the VBHS Freshman Academy, lost and found is located in room 203C across from the office.
Students will not be allowed to have food delivered to school by a restaurant. Food brought from outside the school may
not be shared with other students. ***Continuing with our limited restrictions, we are not allowing visitors to eat
with students at this time.
Media Center
Students at VBFA have the privilege of using the media center for research and study skills, recreational reading, and
exploring and retrieving information by way of an automated library program and the Internet. The library is open from
7:25 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily. Admittance during class time is allowed only by way of a principal approved hall pass that will
be issued by the classroom teacher. Overdue charges will be assessed at 10 cents per day for library material. Students
should renew material in order to avoid fines and then clear all fines in a timely manner. It is the responsibility of the
students to return books when due.
Medical Policies
Students will follow board policy 4.12 Health Services and 4.14 Communicable Diseases.
The office of the school nurse is located just to the right of the main office on the right side of the hallway. A supply of first
aid materials are kept on hand in the nurse’s office. Please do not enter the nurses station without permission.
In order for your child to take medication at school it must be brought to the office by a parent or guardian and a
permission form signed. Permission forms are available in the school office and on the Van Buren School District web
ADMINISTERED. Transportation of medications via school buses is strictly prohibited. The exception is self-carry
emergency medications which are limited to asthma inhaler, epinephrine, and/or insulin. If your student is required to self-
carry an emergency medication, a parent/guardian will need to conference with the nurse BEFORE school starts or when
the need arises. All medication must be in the original bottle. Prescription medications must also be properly labeled with
the child’s name, doctor’s name, current date, and dosage. We will not accept any over-the counter medication without a
doctor’s note. Our medication guidelines are strictly enforced.
Public Display of Affection
Public displays of affection will not be allowed on the VBFA campus. Any students engaged in PDA will be sent to the
office. Students may not have body contact by hugging, kissing, holding hands, etc. Minimum consequences are as
offense Warning
offense Detention or 1 day ISS
offense or more 1 or more days ISS
Safety Drills
Fire, Tornado, Evacuation and Lock Down drills will be performed throughout the school year. Students will follow
procedures as directed by staff.
Search and Seizure
Authority to do Reasonable Suspicion searches was established by VBSD board policy 4.4. (See District Student Policy
Student Parking
At the VBHS Freshman Academy, Freshman Academy students are not allowed to park on campus without Principal
Student Participation at School Sponsored Activities
Students will follow all District and AAA Guidelines
Tardy Policy
Disciplinary actions for tardiness may result in the following:
and 2
Tardies within a class in a semester…Teacher Warning
Tardy within a class in a semester…Teacher warning and parent notification via disciplinary slip. Student will
return the disciplinary slip to teacher with parent signature the following day to avoid disciplinary action.
Tardy within a class in a semester … Disciplinary referral and 1 day of detention
Tardy within a class in a semester … Disciplinary referral and 3 days of detention.
Tardy within a class in a semester … Disciplinary referral and 1 day of ISS.
Tardy within a class in a semester … Disciplinary referral and 1 day of Saturday School.
Tardy within a class in a semester … Disciplinary action at the discretion of the Principal.
Textbooks will be available for checkout from the library for each class and students will be responsible for payments for
lost or damaged textbooks.
Tobacco, E-Cigarettes, and Tobacco Products
Tobacco and tobacco products of any kind are prohibited on school property or at school events. This includes using or
being in the possession of any tobacco or nicotine delivery system or product. Specifically, the prohibition includes any
product that is manufactured, distributed, marketed, or sold as e-cigarettes, e-cigars, e-pipes, or under any other name or
descriptor. E-cigarettes are prohibited and will be treated as tobacco. The delivery device or instrument will be destroyed
as provided in ACA. 5-78-102 (2015). Minimum consequences are as follows;
1st Offense -- 3 days ISS, confiscation of tobacco materials, and parent notification
2nd Offense -- 5 days ISS, confiscation of tobacco materials, and parent notification
3rd Offense -- 3 days ISS, 2 days Saturday School, confiscation of tobacco materials, and parent notification
4th Offense or more -- Disciplinary action at the discretion of the Principal.
A student who is absent without parent/guardian consent is considered truant. A student is also truant if he/she leaves
school without permission; he/she obtains a pass and does not report to the place for which the pass was obtained; or
he/she does not report to his/her assigned class.
Truancies are cumulative and the minimum consequences are:
1st offense within a semester results in 1 day in ISS and a parent notification.
2nd offense within a semester results in 2 days in ISS and parent notification
3rd offense within a semester results in 2 days in ISS, 1 day in Saturday School, and parent notification.
4th offense or more within a semester results in parent notification and Administrative Disciplinary Action.
Video surveillance and other student monitoring
Video/recording devices may be in use in school buildings, on school grounds, and in school vehicles as determined by
the VBSD. Refer to policy 4.48.
Visitors will follow board policy 4.19 Contact with Student While at School and 6.11 Visitors to the School. All visitors
to VBFA MUST report to the office first. *** Visitors will be limited to one family in the front office at a time.
Section 2: Academics
Academic Academy Awards
Students who meet the following qualifications at the end of the 3
Quarter are eligible to participate in the Annual
Academic Academy Awards Banquet.
Cumulative GPA of 3.75
Department Honors recommended by teachers
Students of the Month
Arkansas Academic Challenge Scholarship
This scholarship is sponsored by the Arkansas Department of Higher Education to recognize selected students for
scholastic achievement as measured by their academic records and ACT scores. The AACS is a four year scholarship of
an amount to be determined by the state each year to students in financial need who score a composite “Super” score of
19 or better on the ACT.
Diploma Information
Students will follow board policy 5.14 Graduation Requirements.
Students may earn a College Prep, College Prep with Honors, or College Prep with High Honors diploma by obtaining 23
credits and meeting additional requirements listed in the course catalog.
Students may earn a Smart Core or General Core diploma by obtaining 22 credits and meeting all state requirements.
Enrollment on the High School Campus
Students must complete four credits with passing grades to be enrolled as a sophomore on the Van Buren High School
campus. Students will three credits may be conditionally enrolled with High School principal approval.
Extracurricular Eligibility
Students will follow board policy 5.6 Interscholastic Activities.
Students will follow board policy 5.10 Grading Policy. Students and parents may access student grades through the
Home Access Center or the eSchoolPlus Family app. App may be downloaded from the iPhone app store or from
Android’s Google Play store. Please contact Tammy Poole, Parent Involvement Coordinator, for passwords.
Grade Point Average (GPA)
Students will follow board policy 5.21 – Grade Point Average.
GPA will be based on grades earned in academic courses in grades nine through twelve. Official GPA will be ranked on a
4.0 scale.
Homework Policy
Students will follow board policy 5.11 Homework Policy.
*Pre-AP classes are exempt from the homework policy as they are to prepare for rigorous guidelines of AP coursework
set by College Board.
Make-Up Work
Students will follow board policy 4.2 Student Attendance.
Students and/or parents will have the responsibility of acquiring the work they have missed. Students who are absent for
multiple days may request that missed assignments be collected for pick up in the office.
Plagiarism is defined as quoting, paraphrasing, or summarizing someone else’s words or ideas without giving credit to
that person or source. It is characterized by claiming work published in print, on digital media, such as CD or Internet, as
one’s own. Copying assignments could be construed as plagiarism as well. The penalty for plagiarism will be a minimum
reprimand and notification of the parent, but could also constitute an F in a class in its most blatant or severe form.
Schedule Changes
If space allows, schedule changes must be made before the end of the first two weeks of both semesters. Students must
present a valid reason for the change. Changing schedules to arrange lunch times, or because they do not “like” a
teacher, are not valid reasons. After these deadlines, students must stay in their classes until the end of the semester.
Students may be placed in only one non-credit class per semester.
At VBFA, students will not be allowed to change teams.
Semester Assessments
In all classes, students may be given a cumulative semester assessment at the end of each semester. These semester
assessments may account for up to 10% of the students’ grade for the semester.
Semester Test Exemptions
Students who have an A, B, or C in a class and have only (3) excused absences (these include medical) or less in that
class have the option of being exempt from the semester test in that class. Any unexcused absences, in school
suspensions, or out of school suspensions will make a student ineligible for the exemption. School business will not count
as an absence. If a student who is exempt chooses to take the test their grade may not be lowered from the result of that
test. Pre-AP, AP, or Concurrent may not be exempt (teacher/class discretion).
Resolution of Parental/Patron Concerns- See school board policy 4.3.9
Individuals with complaints concerning personnel, curriculum, and student discipline (including specific discipline policies),
or other day-to-day operational or management issues should address those complaints according to the following
Level One: Teacher or other staff member against whom the complaint is directed
Level Two: Principal (or appropriate supervisor)
Level Three: Superintendent (or designee)
Section 3: Clubs and Organizations
The following school sponsored organizations are scheduled into the school day and therefore a student may
earn ½ or more credits for participation.
A full range of competitive athletics is offered at VBFA. A valid physical and permission from the coach of the team is
required for participation.
VBFA band meets 2
VBFA Cheer squad and Stepper Dance team meet during 7
Choral Music
VBFA students will meet with the VBHS choir.
Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps
JROTC is a student military leadership training organization. Students participate in a wide range of military oriented
training activities.
The following clubs and organizations are also available for student participation. No course credit is given.
Chess Club (9-12)
Chess Club exists for students who have an interest in the game, and who may desire competition either at the intramural
or between school levels. Membership is open.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (9-12)
FCA is a student led Christian organization geared toward continued spiritual development in students who are interested
in athletics.
Family Career Community Leaders of America (9-12)
FCCLA is a community leadership organization for students who have an interest in competition in various state/regional
and state leadership contests. Membership is open to all students.
Future Farmers of America (9-12)
FFA is promotes agricultural awareness and literacy, business, communication, science, technical, and life skills.
Membership is open to students taking CASE (Agriculture) courses only, as per National FFA Organization rules.
Junior Literacy and Arts (9
JLA is a student-based organization for the study creation and illustration of graphic novels.
Project Unify (9)
Project Unify involves VBFA student’s activities with Special Olympics and Project Unify activities. Membership is by
application only.
Quiz Bowl (9-12)
The VBFA bowl team meets during encore, after school, or before school for the purpose of preparing for interscholastic
quiz bowl competition. Students must try out for the team. Membership is by try-out and acceptance.
Student Council (9
Student Council is the student activities and leadership organization on campus. Membership is by election.
Youth Alive (9
Youth Alive is a student led Christian organization which is non-denominational and is organized to promote student
spiritual development.
All clubs must have principal approval. The use of “Van Buren Freshman Academy” (VBFA) is strictly prohibited without
prior principal approval.
Get involved in school activities! It is proven that active students are more academically successful!
VBHS Alma Mater
In Arkansas you’ll find us
With all our main and might
We’ll shout aloud forever
Our love for the Green and White
Three cheers for Van Buren High School
She loves the truth and right
All hail the Alma Mater, All hail the Green and White…
Van Buren Freshman Academy
Parent Involvement Policy
The Van Buren Freshman Academy has created this policy because we know that the more involved a parent is in their
child’s education the more likely that child is to succeed. We want all parents to be informed about how they can become
Our goals are:
To let parent know how important they are to the child’s success
To encourage parents to come to the school and get involved.
To keep parents constantly informed and include them in our decision making process when it
comes to their child.
To teach parents what they need to know in order to help their child succeed.
Improving School Communication with Parent
The school will work to communicate with parents through mailings, phone calls and email. Parents will be given the
following items and contact information in order to help them stay informed.
School Calendar
District handbook
School procedural guide
School personnel contact information
Website and School contact information
Log in information for weekly newsletter
Volunteering information
Parent Link information
Facebook page
Twitter account
Parental Involvement Activities:
The Van Buren Freshman Academy:
Welcome parents into the school and recognize that parents are full partners in their child’s
Will give a “Report to the public” during a parent meeting. Regular parent meetings and parent-
teacher conferences will be held.
Communications will be published in appropriate languages to meet the needs of our diverse
Recognize parents collectively in local newspaper for attending parent conferences.
School performance reports will be made available to parents.
School staff will receive professional development to create positive interaction between home and
Designate a parent involvement facilitator with a current Arkansas teacher’s license to organize
meaningful training for staff and parents, and organizing and promoting a welcoming atmosphere for
parental involvement.
A parent center in the library provides the following materials:
Parenting books
Parenting magazines
Information on the school
Teaching aids
And other information
Post upcoming school events on the school website, the school closed-circuit media, the school
phone message system, or in the local newspaper
Invite and encourage incoming 9th graders and their parents to participate in 9
Orientation/Open House
Online grade viewer passwords available at Open House and all year.
Training available for using Home Access grade viewer.
Host an Academic Awards Banquet