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Informatics Syllabi NJIT Syllabi
Spring 2020
IS 218-004: Building Web Applications IS 218-004: Building Web Applications
Keith Williams
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Recommended Citation Recommended Citation
Williams, Keith, "IS 218-004: Building Web Applications" (2020).
Informatics Syllabi
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Course Number: IS218
Course Title: Building Web Applications
Section: 004
Semester: Spring 2020
Date & Time: Tuesday 1-3:50
Location: Online
Credits: 3
Contact Hours: 3
Instructor Information:
Name: Keith Williams
Office: 5114 GITC
Phone Number: 551-580-3989
IM: Slack Preferred
Course Materials
Office Hours:
Monday: 4PM-5:00PM (By Appoint Only)
Tuesday: 4PM-5:50PM (By Appoint Only)
Wednesday: 2:30PM-3:30PM (By Appoint
Slack Chat Preferred
I may be in one of the classrooms I each in,
so text me on Slack to confirm my location. I
don’t have any courses in my building, so I
don’t go back to the building often.
All course materials are provided online through recorded video lessons and hand-on projects. In
additions, extensive online resources are provided.
Catalog Description
Students will gain experience in the development of Web based systems using an object oriented
programming language and SQL. Students will learn to develop a web based system through an
intensive hands-on project that requires students to apply real-world problem-solving skills to meet
the challenge of developing a web based information system. Students will learn the basic principles
of web based applications, MVC application design, how to apply object oriented design patterns,
design a relational database, and write SQL queries to create, retrieve, update, and delete
information in a database.
Prerequisites: NONE
Learning Outcomes
1. Students will be able to create an application using Python and MySQL.
2. Students will be able to design and implement a user registration and management process for
a web application.
3. Students will be able to demonstrate fundamental concepts in web application development
such as Model View Control (MVC) and other OOP design patterns
4. Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to collaborate using source code management
5. Students will be able to demonstrate through coding and project design concepts such as
DRY, Yagni, and basic OOP Design Patterns
6. Students will be able to use SQL create, retrieve, update, and delete (CRUD) queries
Developing Technical Confidence
A major objective of this course is to expose students to current software development technologies,
so that students develop problem solving skills that will help develop technical confidence. Students
gain this through Internet research and developing a process to isolate, identify, and seek solutions to
problems by using a Internet search engine.
Grading Category Weights
4 Mini Projects: 25%
Grading Scale A:
90 - 100
C: 70 - 77
F: 0 - 59
4 Individual Projects: 25% B+: 88-89 Mid-Term Project: 25% B:
80 - 87 Final Project: 25% C+: 78-79
Incompletes are only given for documented medical or personal issues.
Late Grading policy
A. No free late days for projects. 20% off from full credits per day late. (e.g. if you were late for
one day, the instructor would start grading your work at 80%).
B. Quizzes will be graded to 0 automatically if you do not finish them on time.
C. You will receive 0 for any missed exams. If you know you will not be in the day of exams,
please inform the instructor at least a week beforehand to make alternative arrangements.
There will be no make-up exams.
Attendance / Participation
Attendance in face to face classes will be taken for each class meeting. Attendance is worth 10% of
your final grade. Students who miss 3 or more will receive a ‘F’. Attendance in online classes is
determined by participation through Slack
Academic Integrity Policy
My expectation is that each person will complete original work for this course and will not copy
from fellow students or tutorials online. It is OK to refer to tutorials online; however, you will be
considered in violation of the NJIT honor code by submitting work found online. Any violations of the
honor code will be referred to the Dean of Students for investigation and possible disciplinary action.
Every assignment/project is a 'home-mini-exam.' The NJIT Honor Code will be strictly upheld.
Students found cheating/collaborating/plagiarizing will be immediately referred to the Dean of Students
and the NJIT Committee on Professional Conduct and subject to possible Disciplinary Probation, a
permanent marking on the record, possible dismissal and a grade of 'F' in the course. All submitted
assignments are carefully checked for similarities, and plagiarism and guilty students will be identified
and referred to the Dean of Students for disciplinary action.
Use of file sharing sites such are is strictly forbidden. Students either posting
or using these sites will be referred to the Dean of Students for disciplinary action and/or copyright
infringement prosecution.
This is your only warning. Cheating is not worth it - you may not only fail this course, but also
For more information about the NJIT honor code, you should refer to this document:
Week Start
Due Date
Monday, January
20, 2020
Install the IDE, Create a project, and
post it to GitHub
Monday, January
20, 2020
Sunday, February
2, 2020
Monday, January
27, 2020
Homework 1
Monday, January
27, 2020
Monday, February
3, 2020
Monday, February
3, 2020
Homework 2
Monday, February
3, 2020
Monday, February
10, 2020
Monday, February
10, 2020
Individual project 1
Monday, February
10, 2020
Sunday, February
23, 2020
Monday, February
17, 2020
Homework 3
Monday, February
17, 2020
Monday, February
24, 2020
Monday, February
24, 2020
Group Mid-Term
Monday, February
24, 2020
Monday, March 9,
Monday, March 2,
Individual Project 2
Monday, February
24, 2020
Sunday, March 8,
Monday, March 9,
Work Week
Work Week
Work Week
Monday, March
16, 2020
Spring Break
Spring Break
Spring Break
Monday, March
23, 2020
Homework 5
Monday, March 9,
Monday, March
16, 2020
Monday, March
30, 2020
Homework 6
Monday, March
16, 2020
Monday, March
23, 2020
Monday, April 6,
Group Final Project
Monday, March
23, 2020
Last Day of Class
Monday, April 13,
Individual Final Project
Last Day of Class
Thursday, May 14,
Monday, April 20,
Work Week
Work Week
Work Week
Monday, April 27,
Individual Project 4
Monday, April 27,
Sunday, May 10,
Tuesday, May 5,
Wednesday, May
6, 2020
Thursday, May 7,
Friday, May 8,
Thursday, May 14,
Saturday, May 16,
Tentative Schedule Dates May Change Please Refer to Canvas