FY 2023 Authorization & Appropriations Requests to Support Native
Homeownership Through Native CDFIs
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development offers the 502 single family housing direct loan
program to borrowers in rural communities. Although this program is available on tribal land, of the 6,194
direct loans made nationally by Rural Development in FY 2019, only six of them were to borrowers on tribal
In 2018, the USDA and two Native community development financial institutions (Native CDFIs) in South
Dakota Four Bands Community Fund on the Cheyenne River Indian Reservation and Mazaska Owecaso Otipi
Financial on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation implemented a successful $2 million demonstration, pursuant
to 7 CFR §3550.7, which sought to improve the deployment rate of the 502 direct program in Native
communities in South Dakota. The pilot made Native CDFIs eligible borrowers under the 502 direct loan
program and enabled them to relend to qualified families for the construction, acquisition, and rehabilitation
of affordable housing on trust land. Through this demonstration, the two Native CDFIs in partnership with
USDA made nearly double the number of loans on these two reservations than USDA deployed on its own on
the same two reservations during the previous ten years.
This enhancement to USDA’s existing program provides an opportunity to leverage federal funds with private
resources to do business on tribal land. While Rural Development has limited staff resources to originate
Section 502 direct loans on tribal land, Native CDFIs have experience and expertise lending in this market, and
they are well-positioned to deploy mortgage capital efficiently. In addition, they provide extensive financial
education, foreclosure prevention counseling, and other technical assistance to their clients.
Permanently Authorizing the 502 Single Family Housing Direct Loan Relending Program
for Native Americans
The Native American Rural Homeownership Improvement Act of 2021 (
S. 2092, H.R. 6331) would make the
USDA 502 home loan relending pilot permanent by authorizing the USDA Secretary to use $50 million of
existing 502 single family housing direct loan appropriations for a national relending program so that Native
CDFIs across the country can increase access to affordable home loans in rural Native communities.
This legislation would help the existing USDA 502 single family housing direct loan program work better in
Indian Country. To prioritize lending on trust land, it waives the pilot’s 20% match requirement for loans on
tribal land. In addition, to make the program consistent with other existing USDA programs, it authorizes an
operating grant for Native CDFIs who relend under this program.
For more information, please contact South Dakota Native Homeownership Coalition Policy Committee Facilitator
Joanna Donohoe at joanna@7sistersconsulting or 561-762-8237.
Senators Tina Smith (D-MN) and Mike Rounds (R-SD) introduced this bi-partisan legislation, and it is co-
sponsored by Senators Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV), Kevin Cramer (R-ND), Ben Ray Lujan (D-NM), Brian
Schatz (D-HI), Jon Tester (D-MT), John Thune (R-SD) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA). To co-sponsor S. 2092,
please contact Adam Schiff at
H.R. 6331 was introduced by Representative Dusty Johnson (R-SD) and is co-sponsored by Reps. Kai Kahele (D-
HI) and Teresa Leger Fernandez (D-NM). To co-sponsor H.R. 6331, please contact Hannah Kagey at
Including $50 million for the USDA’s 502 Single Family Housing Direct Loan Relending
Program for Native Americans in FY 2023 Appropriations Legislation
The President’s FY 2023 Budget request includes funding for the continuation and expansion of the Native
American 502 home loan relending program as part of the existing USDA 502 single family housing direct loan
program. We respectfully request the subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug
Administration, and Related Agencies set aside $50 million for the Single Family Housing Direct Loan
Relending Program for Native Americans in the FY 2023 subcommittee mark.
According to Oweesta Corporation, a national Native CDFI intermediary, Native CDFI housing lenders had to
deny over $40 million in loans in 2021 due to a lack of lending capital. They also anticipate needing an
additional $94 million in 2022 to satisfy their growing loan demand. This proposed set-aside would go a long
way to addressing this need for lending capital for mortgages on tribal land.
The following national and regional tribal and rural housing organizations endorse this legislation and
appropriations request:
Enterprise Community Partners
Great Plains Tribal Chairmen’s Association
Housing Assistance Council
Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC)
Minnesota Housing Partnership (MHP)
National American Indian Housing Council
National Congress of American Indians
National Low Income Housing Coalition
National NeighborWorks Association
National Rural Housing Coalition
Native CDFI Network
Opportunity Finance Network
Oweesta Corporation
Rural Community Assistance Corporation
South Dakota Native Homeownership
Sovereign Council of Native Hawaiian
United Native American Housing