81 Universities with Full-Ride Scholarships
From PrepScholar, Sept. 2020
You've worked hard all throughout high school and are an academic and extracurricular superstar. You're
looking forward to the challenges that college will bring. But are you ready for the challenge of paying for
There are a lot of ways students come up with the money to fund their higher educations. Did you know,
though, that it can be as easy as getting one award? In this article, we give you a list of 81 colleges that offer at
least one full-ride scholarship to cover all of your tuition costs.
What Is a Full-Ride Scholarship?
Getting a scholarship that fully covers tuition costs is most students' dream. It's hard to believe there's
something even better out therethe full-ride scholarship. These scholarships are special because they cover
not only tuition but also other basic costs such as room and board, books, travel, and supplies.
For most private schools, this means you're getting more than $200,000 of expenses covered with these
Unlike financial aid, which many schools offer to students based on what they and their families can afford to
pay for their educations, these scholarships are based entirely on merit.
The idea is that these schools think certain students are specialso special that they want it to be a no-brainer
for you to choose to attend their school. As a result, they're going to try their hardest to make you want to
partner with them for the next four years.
What Kind of Schools Offer Full-Tuition Scholarships?
As you look through the list of schools below, you'll probably recognize at least some of the names. A lot of the
schools on this list are very good schools, but apart from a few notable exceptions, you're not likely to see top
schools in the country giving out full-ride scholarships. Why is this?
Full-ride scholarships are meant to lure top, super-attractive students who have a lot of choices. It's the school's
way of telling you that among the student population, you really stand out. These full-ride scholarships are
merit based, meaning that in your grades, extracurricular activities, and/or leadership skills, you've worked
harder or achieved more than the average student.
At the most competitive schools, full rides are extremely rare. Pretty much all applicants to these schools are
going to be high achievers across the board, making it a lot harder to pick out who the real stars are.
What Do You Need to Get a Full-Ride Scholarship?
Many full-ride scholarships have similar eligibility requirements, so making yourself a great candidate for one
will often make you a great candidate for multiple scholarships. While the specific details they require can vary
between scholarships, most require or recommend the following qualities:
GPA: Good grades are required for practically every full-ride scholarship. Most will require either a
certain GPA (like 3.5 or higher) or a certain class rank (like top 5% or 10% in your class).
Test Scores: Many full-ride scholarships also require a certain score on the PSAT, SAT, and/or ACT to be
Extracurriculars: Many schools look for skills and interests outside the classroom. Leadership and
volunteer experience are particularly highly valued.
Letters of Recommendation: You may also need to ask a teacher, mentor, or boss to write you a letter
of recommendation so schools can get a better idea of your character.
Personal Statement: For some scholarships, you may also need to provide a personal statement or
respond to essay prompts as part of the requirements. Many schools require this so they can get a
better sense of your personality and goals.
Top National Schools That Offer Full-Ride Scholarships
The following schools are ranked in the top 50 national US universities by US News. Consider this list the
exception to the rule: these are the rare, top-ranked universities that offer merit-based scholarships in
addition to standard need-based scholarships. The schools are ordered by ranking.
University of Chicago (Chicago, Illinois)
Stamps Scholarship
This scholarship covers tuition and fees, room and board, and a $10,000 enrichment fund for junior and senior
years of school for students who demonstrate leadership, perseverance, scholarship, service, and innovation.
International students are eligible to apply for it.
Duke University (Durham, North Carolina)
Robertson Scholars Leadership Program
This scholarship pays full tuition, fees, and room and board. It also awards funding for up to three domestic
summer experiences. Winners are typically students who demonstrate purposeful leadership, intellectual
curiosity, strength of character, and collaborative spirit.
Vanderbilt University (Nashville, Tennessee)
Ingram Scholarship Program
This scholarship gives full tuition and stipends for summer projects. Students are selected based on commitment
to community service, strength of personal character, and leadership potential.
Cornelius Vanderbilt Scholarship
This scholarship gives full tuition plus a one-time stipend to be used toward a summer study abroad or research
experience. Selection is based on academic achievement, intellectual promise, leadership, and contributions
outside the classroom.
University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame, Indiana)
Stamps Scholarship
This scholarship gives full tuition and fees plus $12,000 in enrichment funds. Each winner also gets a
professional mentor from the faculty. Students must be nominated by the admissions office. Selection is based
on leadership, perseverance, scholarship, service, and innovation. Five scholarships are awarded each year.
Washington University in St. Louis (St. Louis, Missouri)
John B. Ervin Scholars Program
This scholarship gives full tuition plus a $2,500 annual stipend. Applicants should excel academically,
challenge themselves, demonstrate initiative and leadership in their communities, bring diverse groups together,
commit to community service, serve historically underprivileged populations, and/or persevere through
challenging circumstances.
Annika Rodriguez Scholars Program
This scholarship covers full tuition and offers a $2,500 annual stipend. Awards are based on academic
achievement (strong grades and SAT/ACT scores), a commitment to serving historically underprivileged
populations, the ability to bring diverse people together, application answers and an essay, and
recommendations received as part of the admission application. International students are eligible for this
Danforth Scholars Program
This scholarship covers full or partial tuition. Students can apply for the Danforth Scholars Program after they
complete and submit an application for admission. Applicants will need to provide a separate application and an
additional letter of recommendation.
Stamps Scholarship
This scholarship covers full tuition, fees, room and board, and supplies; it also gives a $10,000 enrichment fund.
Selection is based on the applicant's academic achievement, leadership, perseverance, scholarship, service, and
Emory University (Atlanta, Georgia)
Emory Scholars Program
This scholarship gives full tuition and enrichment stipends and is only awarded to top students at Emory. The
application deadline is November 15.
University of California, Los Angeles (Los Angeles, CA)
Stamps Scholarship
This scholarship gives full tuition plus an enrichment fund of up to $12,000. You have to be nominated by
UCLA for this scholarship based on qualities such as leadership, scholarship, community service, and
innovation. Up to 10 scholarships are awarded every year: five nationally and five for California residents.
Invitations to apply are emailed by February 1, with applications due in mid-February.
University of Southern California (Los Angeles, California)
Mork Family Scholarship
This scholarship gives full tuition plus a $5,000 stipend. Finalists are selected by USC faculty for interviews.
The average SAT and ACT scores of recipients are in the top 1-2% of all students nationwide. Other factors
considered include academic achievement, talent, perseverance, innovation, involvement, and leadership. A
max of 10 scholarships are awarded each year. Finalists are notified of scholarship award status by April 1.
Stamps Scholarship
This scholarship gives full tuition plus a $5,000 annual enrichment fund ($20,000 in total over four years).
Candidates are selected by USC faculty for interviews. The average SAT and ACT scores of recipients are in
the top 1-2% of all students nationwide. In addition, winners are selected based on academic achievement,
talent, perseverance, innovation, involvement, and leadership. Five scholarships are awarded each year.
Finalists are notified of scholarship award status by April 1.
Trustee Scholarship
This scholarship covers full tuition. The average SAT and ACT scores of recipients are in the top 1-2% of all
students nationwide. Additionally, winners are selected based on factors such as academic achievement, talent,
perseverance, innovation, involvement, and leadership. Approximately 100 scholarships are awarded each year.
Candidates are selected for interviews by February, and finalists are notified of scholarship award status by
April 1. International students are eligible for this scholarship.
University of Virginia (Charlottesville, Virginia)
Jefferson Scholarship
This scholarship covers full tuition, fees, room and board, books, an enrichment program, and personal
expenses. Students are nominated by his/her school directly (and must also attend an eligible school). A
maximum of 36 scholarships are awarded each year.
Wake Forest University (Winston-Salem, North Carolina)
Nancy Susan Reynolds Scholarship
This scholarship covers full tuition and offers a stipend. Selection is based on scholarship, achievement, and
personal interviews. The application deadline is December 1.
Stamps Scholarship
This scholarship covers full tuition, fees, room and board, books, and personal expenses; it also offers an
enrichment stipend of up to $15,000. Selection is based on educational achievements, academic motivation,
maturity, and character. A maximum of five scholarships are awarded each year.
University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, Michigan)
Stamps Scholarship
This annual scholarship covers the full cost of attendance and up to $10,000 in enrichment funds for about 18
students admitted through early action. Selection is based on academic achievement, exceptional talent,
leadership, and service and community involvement.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Chapel Hill, North Carolina)
Morehead-Cain Scholars
This scholarship covers full tuition, fees, housing, books, meals, books, a laptop, supplies, and funding for
research and summer opportunities. It is open to students from a designated nominating school. Current
nominating schools are located all across the globe.
Robertson Scholars Leadership Program
This scholarship gives full tuition, fees, and room and board, as well as funding for up to three domestic
summer experiences. It is awarded to students who show purposeful leadership, intellectual curiosity, strength
of character, and collaborative spirit.
Boston College (Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts)
Gabelli Presidential Scholars Program
This scholarship pays full tuition and provides summer opportunities at Boston College to selected early action
applicants. About 15 awards are given every year. The early action application deadline is November 1, with
students invited in for interviews in late January or early February.
College of William and Mary (Williamsburg, Virginia)
College of William and Mary Stamps 1693 Scholarship
Stamps 1693 scholars receive full in-state tuition, fees, room and board, and $5,000 for independent projects.
(Out-of-state students are eligible, but must pay the difference between in-state and out-of-state costs.) All
applicants are considered for scholarships and will be contacted by the selection committee to submit additional
materials if chosen as semifinalists.
William and Mary Scholars
William and Mary Scholars receive full coverage for in-state tuition and fees. Scholarships are offered to
academically strong applicants who have overcome adversity and/or would increase campus diversity. All
applicants to the college are considered.
Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, Georgia)
Stamps President's Scholars Program
This scholarship gives full tuition, fees, room and board, books, supplies, a laptop, and $15,000 in enrichment
funding. It is awarded to the top 1% of students at Georgia Tech who have also shown a dedication to
leadership and service. To be considered, students must apply by the early application deadline, October 15.
University of Rochester (Rochester, New York)
Alan and Jane Handler Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship is a combination of a merit- and need-based aid. The award guarantees full tuition, individual
mentoring, and up to $5,000 for professional or academic enrichment. Selection is based on financial need,
academic excellence, leadership, and the mastery of difficult challenges.
Boston University (Boston, Massachusetts)
Trustee Scholarship
This scholarship awards full tuition plus fees. Students must have exceptional academic credentials and display
intellectual and creative adventurousness. The application deadline is December 1. Students will complete the
regular common application and submit an answer to one of the Trustee Scholarship prompts as their essay;
they must also complete a short supplemental essay. About 20 students are selected each year.
Tulane University (New Orleans, Louisiana)
Deans' Honor Scholarship
This scholarship covers full tuition. Selection is based on general achievements and a creative project. A
maximum of 75 scholarships are awarded each year. The submission deadline is December 5. The winners of
the Deans’ Honor Scholarship over the last 3 years had an ACT score greater than 31 or an SAT score greater
than 1400.
Paul Tulane Award
This scholarship covers full tuition. Selection is based on general achievement and additional writing
components. A maximum of 50 scholarships are awarded every year. The application deadline is December 5.
The winners of the Paul Tulane Award over the last 3 years had an ACT score greater than 31 or an SAT score
greater than 1400.
Stamps Scholarship
This scholarship awards full cost of attendance and additional enrichment funding. Students must apply for the
Deans' Honor Scholarship or the Paul Tulane Award and will be nominated from that pool of applicants.
Selection is based on academics, leadership, perseverance, and innovation. Approximately five scholarships are
awarded every year.
University of Wisconsin (Madison, Wisconsin)
Chancellor's Scholarship Program
Chancellor's Scholars receive a full-tuition scholarship and a $400 book stipend every semester. They need to
maintain a 3.0 GPA and full-time student status to remain eligible for the award throughout their college
careers. Applicants must meet certain eligibility requirements in regard to race/ethnicity and socioeconomic
background in order to apply.
East Coast Schools
American University (Washington, DC)
Frederick Douglass Scholarship Program
This scholarship gives full tuition plus money for fees, room and board, and books. To be a competitive
applicant, you will need at least a 3.8 unweighted GPA or a 4.0 weighted GPA. ACT/SAT scores are optional,
and preference is given to first-generation college students. Award notifications start April 1.
Barry University (Miami Shores, Florida)
Stamps Scholarship
This scholarship is for full tuition, room and board, books, and transportation. It also provides winners with
$6,000 to go toward a study abroad program or other learning experience. You will need to have a GPA of 3.5
or above and prove you have been actively involved in community service and leadership. The application
deadline is February 1.
The Catholic University of America (Washington, DC)
Archdiocesan Scholarship
This scholarship is for full-tuition coverage. You will need to have an unweighted GPA of 3.8 or above, earn
high SAT/ACT scores, and be in the top of your class in order to be eligible for the scholarship. All
undergraduate applicants, including international students, are considered for this award.
Elizabethtown College (Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania)
Stamps Scholarship
This scholarship provides full tuition, $6,000 in enrichment funds, and a personal mentor. Awards are given to
high academic achievers who have demonstrated leadership, perseverance, scholarship, service, and innovation.
Winners are chosen by the Stamps Family Charitable Foundation. Five awards are given out each year, and the
application deadline is February 1.
Fordham University (New York, New York)
Presidential Scholarship
This scholarship covers full tuition plus room and is renewable for all four years of college. These awards
usually go to students who are ranked in the top 1-2% of their high school classes. Award notifications are
around April 1 each year.
Semifinalist Scholarship
This scholarship covers full tuition. Those eligible for the award include semifinalists or finalists for National
Merit or National Hispanic Recognition Scholarship Programs who have an A average and are in the top 2-3%
of admitted students.
The George Washington University (Washington, DC)
Stephen Joel Trachtenberg Scholarship
This scholarship covers full tuition, fees, room and board, and a book allowance. It is only awarded to students
who are residents of Washington, DC, who have attended an accredited high school in the area, and who are
applying for financial aid.
Northeastern University (Boston, Massachusetts)
Torch Scholars Program
Every year, 10 first-generation college students will receive coverage for full tuition, fees, and room and board;
they'll also get to participate in a summer immersion program. Applicants must be nominated by a non-family
member who knows the student well.
Providence College (Providence, Rhode Island)
Roddy Scholarship
This scholarship covers full tuition, fees, and room and board. The scholarship is awarded based on academic
achievement in high school; no separate application is required. However, it is only for students who are hoping
to have a career in the medical field.
Rollins College (Winter Park, Florida)
Alfond Scholars Program
Every year this program awards up to 10 full-ride scholarships to incoming freshmen to the College of Liberal
Arts. Each scholarship covers full tuition as well as room and board. Scholarships are renewable for up to four
Stevens Institute of Technology (Hoboken, New Jersey)
The Ann P. Neupauer Scholarship
This highly prestigious scholarship covers full tuition. The award can be renewed for four years as long as you
maintain a GPA of 3.2 or better and meet certain academic requirements.
Stevenson University (Stevenson, Maryland)
Presidential Fellowship
This scholarship covers full tuition, is renewable for all four years of college, and is open to all freshman
applicants. The scholarship application submission deadline is November 1.
St. Lawrence University (Canton, New York)
Trustee Scholarship
This scholarship covers the cost of tuition for four years. It is offered to the top male and top female students
entering their first year. Selection is based on academic excellence, character, and leadership.
Syracuse University (Syracuse, New York)
Coronat Scholars
This scholarship provides full tuition, admission to the honors program, and the chance to receive additional
funding for study abroad programs. It is awarded to freshmen pursuing a liberal arts major. Application is by
invitation only, and recipients are selected by the College of Arts and Sciences.
Haudenosaunee Scholarships
This scholarship is for certified citizens of one of the Haudenosaunee nations. For the Promise Scholarship in
particular, applicants need to have lived in a Haudenosaunee territory for at least four years prior to enrollment.
Both programs cover full tuition and mandatory fees. Applicants can be freshman or transfer students.
University at Buffalo (Buffalo, New York)
Millonzi Distinguished Honors Scholarship
The University at Buffalo offers one annual full-ride scholarship, covering tuition and fees, to an admitted
freshman honors student studying the creative or performing arts. To be eligible, you must have an unweighted
high school average of 90 and either a 1300 SAT score or a 27 ACT score. You must also turn in a scholarship
application, undergo an interview, and do an audition or turn in a portfolio of your work (whichever is relevant
to your field).
University of Delaware (Newark, Delaware)
Eugene du Pont Memorial Scholars
This scholarship covers full tuition, room and board, and a $2,500 enrichment stipend for academic activities
such as study abroad. Application is by invitation only, with invitations going out in January each year.
University of Maryland, College Park (College Park, Maryland)
Banneker/Key Scholars Program
This scholarship covers full tuition, room and board, and books. Application is by invitation only by a selection
committee. Winners can also receive up to $5,000 for research, travel, study abroad, and internships. Three
scholarships are awarded each year.
University of Miami (Coral Gables, Florida)
Hammond Scholarship
This scholarship covers full tuition. Winners are selected based on academic excellence and a demonstrated
passion for achieving personal goals.
Stamps Scholarship
University of Miami Stamps Scholars receive full tuition, fees, room and board, textbooks, a computer
allowance, and up to $12,000 in enrichment funds. All applicants to the university are considered for Stamps
George W. Jenkins Scholarship
This scholarship offers full tuition, fees, room and board, university health insurance, and a laptop allowance.
Candidates must be nominated for this award by their high school counselors. Selection is based on a
combination of financial need, academic merit, and an essay on overcoming adversity.
Isaac Bashevis Singer Scholarship
This scholarship offers full tuition. Finalists are nominated by the admission committee; there is no separate
application process. Applicants must apply using Early Action or Early Decision 1 to be eligible. International
students are also eligible for this scholarship.
Marta S. and L. Austin Weeks Scholarship
This scholarship offers full tuition. Applicants must apply using Early Action or Early Decision 1 to be eligible.
University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
Chancellor's Scholarship
Recipients receive full tuition, fees, room and board, a $500 stipend for books, and $2,000 for study abroad or
research. Applicants must be nominated by the scholarship selection committee.
Stamps Scholarship
Five incoming freshmen from Pennsylvania will be offered a Stamps Scholarship, which covers full tuition,
fees, room and board, a personal and academic allowance, and up to $17,400 in enrichment funds.
Diversity Scholarships
The University of Pittsburgh offers four named scholarships to applicants from underrepresented groups: one in
engineering, one in arts and sciences, one in business, and one in nursing. Scholarships cover full tuition, fees,
room and board, a $500 book award, and a $2,000 scholarship for research or study abroad.
Nordenberg Leadership Scholars Program
Nordenberg Scholars receive full tuition, an international experience, and assistance securing internships
throughout college. Five outstanding graduates from Pennsylvania high schools are selected for the award each
Midwestern Schools
Carthage College (Kenosha, Wisconsin)
Lincoln Scholarship
This scholarship covers full tuition in addition to room and board. Applicants must complete the separate
Presidential Scholarship application (usually available in October) and write a personal statement. Three
scholarships are awarded each year.
Clausen Scholarship
This scholarship covers full tuition only. Applicants must complete the separate Presidential Scholarship
application and write a personal statement. Three scholarships are awarded every year.
Ruud Scholarship
Like the Clausen Scholarship above, this scholarship covers full tuition only. Applicants must complete the
separate Presidential Scholarship application and write a personal statement. Three scholarships are awarded
each year.
Drake University (Des Moines, Iowa)
National Alumni Scholarship
This scholarship covers full tuition, fees, and room and board. To be eligible, students must have ACT scores of
at least 31 or SAT scores of at least 1430, be in the top 5% of their high school classes, and have a GPA of 3.8
or above. A maximum of six scholarships are given out every year, and the deadline for submission is
December 1.
Hiram College (Hiram, Ohio)
Trustee Scholarship
This scholarship covers full tuition. Evaluation is by holistic review.
Indiana University Bloomington (Bloomington, Indiana)
Wells Scholars Program
This scholarship covers the full cost of attendance for four years. Potential recipients can be nominated by their
high schools, the admissions office, or an IU faculty member. Each year, 18-22 students receive the award.
Illinois Institute of Technology (Chicago, Illinois)
Duchossois Leadership Scholars Program
This scholarship covers full tuition, room and board, summer educational experiences, a fall retreat, and
mentoring. You will need to have a GPA of at least 3.5 and standardized test scores in the top 10% nationally to
be eligible. Students from households with income levels over $200,000 are ineligible. The application deadline
is December 1.
Miami University (Oxford, Ohio)
University Merit Scholarship
This scholarship covers full tuition. Eligible students will need to have SAT scores of at least 1480 or ACT
scores of at least 33, a 3.5 GPA or higher, and a rigorous academic course load. Priority consideration for all
scholarships and honors programs is given to students who apply for university admission by December 1.
Michigan State University (East Lansing, Michigan)
Alumni Distinguished Scholarship
This scholarship gives full tuition, fees, room and board, and a $1,000 stipend every year. Eligible students will
be invited to take a scholarship examination and apply. The deadline is November 1, and there are a maximum
of 15 awards given every year.
Distinguished Freshman Scholarship
This scholarship pays full tuition and fees, and is given to runners-up of the Alumni Distinguished Scholarship
(see above). Each year, 20 scholarships are awarded to qualified students.
Oberlin College (Oberlin, Ohio)
Stamps Scholarship
This scholarship provides full tuition, fees, and $5,000 in enrichment funds that the winner can use at any time
during his or her four years of college. All admitted applicants to Oberlin are automatically considered for the
award, and there is no separate scholarship application.
The Ohio State University (Columbus, Ohio)
Eminence Fellows Scholarship
This scholarship gives full tuition plus a $3,000 enrichment fund. Recipients are usually in the top 3% of their
high school classes and have an ACT score of 34+ or an SAT score of 1520+.
Morrill Scholarship Program
This scholarship program targets academically strong applicants who will contribute to diversity on campus.
There are three levels of awards: Distinction, Prominence, and Excellence. Distinction awards cover the full
cost of attendance, Prominence awards cover the full cost of tuition, and Excellence awards cover in-state
Purdue University (West Lafayette, Indiana)
Stamps Scholarship
This scholarship gives full tuition plus $10,000 for enrichment activities. Selection is based on leadership,
academics, extracurricular activities, and personal history. Application is by invitation only. Students who wish
to be considered for this scholarship must apply for admission to Purdue by November 1.
University of Illinois (Champaign, Illinois)
Stamps Scholarship
This scholarship covers the total cost of attendance and offers an additional fund for enrichment activities, such
as study abroad experiences, internships, and research. About five scholarships are awarded each year.
James Hunter Anthony & Gerald E. Blackshear Endowment
This scholarship provides full tuition and fees for up to four years, as long as awardees maintain a 3.0 GPA.
Only students who graduated from an Illinois high school are eligible.
Southern Schools
Agnes Scott College (Decatur, Georgia)
Marvin B. Perry Presidential Scholarships
This scholarship covers full tuition in addition to room and board. Promising applicants will be invited to apply.
Goizueta Foundation Scholarships
This scholarship covers full tuition and room and board. It is offered to one student every year, with preference
given to Hispanic/Latina women who have demonstrated both academic excellence and financial need.
Applicants must reside in the United States to be eligible, but they don't need to be US citizens.
Birmingham-Southern College (Birmingham, Alabama)
Distinguished Scholars Award
This scholarship covers full tuition. Eligible students will be invited to apply. Recipients will be selected on the
basis of grades, standardized test scores, extracurricular activities, an interview, and an essay.
Clemson University (Clemson, South Carolina)
National Scholars Program
This scholarship covers full tuition and fees; an allowance for room, board, and supplies; and summer group
study abroad experiences. Selection is based on outstanding academic achievement, leadership, service, and
extracurricular activities.
Davidson College (Davidson, North Carolina)
John M. Belk Scholarship
This scholarship covers full tuition, fees, room and board, and up to $6,000 in special study stipends. It is
awarded to students who have demonstrated exceptional promise in academics, character, leadership, and
service. Students must be nominated by a counselor or administrator. A maximum of eight awards are given
every year.
Lowell L. Bryan Scholarship
This scholarship covers full tuition and fees for one female and one male athlete in each freshman class. It is
awarded to students who "will contribute in a superlative manner to their sports as well as to academic and co-
curricular life at Davidson."
Charles Scholarship
This scholarship covers full tuition, fees, room and board, a book allowance, travel expenses, and personal
expenses. Eligible students are graduates of Chicago public high schools with strong records of academic and
personal accomplishment who also show financial need. Preference is given to students of color, especially
Hispanic/Latinx students. Students must be nominated by a counselor or administrator. A maximum of three
awards are given per year.
Furman University (Greenville, South Carolina)
James B. Duke Scholarship
This scholarship pays full tuition and stipends of up to $5,000 for summer study experiences. Selection is based
on exceptional academic achievement and personal accomplishment.
Hendrix College (Conway, Arkansas)
Hays Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship covers full tuition, mandatory fees, a residence hall room, an an unlimited board plan. To be
eligible, you must have a 3.6 GPA and a 32 ACT or a 1410 SAT score. Applicants must apply early action to
the college and submit a separate application for the scholarship by February 1.
Hendrix College Scholarship
This scholarship gives you anywhere from $18,000 to full tuition. Winners are chosen based on factors such as
GPA, test scores, recommendations, leadership experience, and extracurricular activities. All admitted students
to the school are automatically considered for the scholarship.
Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, Louisiana)
Stamps Scholarship
This scholarship covers full tuition and up to $14,000 for enrichment activities. Eligible students must have a
3.5 GPA or higher as well as SAT scores of 1440+ or ACT scores of 33+. Students will be invited to apply.
Mercer University (Macon, Georgia)
Stamps Scholarship
This scholarship covers full tuition, fees, room and board, books, and up to $16,000 in enrichment funds. These
scholarships are awarded to the highest achievers in the entering freshman class. To be considered, students
must apply to Mercer by October 15. A maximum of five awards are given every year.
Morehouse College (Atlanta, Georgia)
Stamps Scholarship
This scholarship covers full tuition, fees, and $10,000 for enrichment activities. You must have a 3.7 GPA to be
eligible. A maximum of five scholarships are awarded every year. To be considered, students must apply to
Morehouse by November 1.
Rugari Scholarship
This scholarship covers the full cost of attendance for five students. It is awarded to students from the
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, or Uganda.
North Carolina A&T State University (Greensboro, North Carolina)
National Alumni Scholarship
This scholarship covers full tuition, fees, room and board, and books. To be eligible, you must have a minimum
3.5 GPA in addition to SAT scores of 1100 or above or ACT scores of 22 or above. Students will need to
submit a one-page autobiography and three letters of recommendation.
Lewis and Elizabeth Dowdy Scholarship
This scholarship covers full tuition plus room and board. You will need to have at least a 3.75 GPA and SAT
scores of 1270 or above or ACT scores of 27 or above. Students will have to submit a one-page essay and two
letters of recommendation.
North Carolina State University (Raleigh, North Carolina)
Park Scholarship
This scholarship covers full tuition, fees, room and board, books, supplies, travel, a laptop, and personal
expenses. Winners will also get admission to the University Scholars Program. Candidates will be selected
based on academic merit, exemplary character, exceptional potential for leadership, and the sense of promise
that they may one day make contributions of enduring importance to the betterment of the human condition.
Oglethorpe University (Atlanta, Georgia)
Civic & Service Engagement Scholarship
This scholarship offers full tuition to two students who are deeply engaged in community service. Students are
chosen based on activities over Scholarship Weekend. Application is by invitation only.
James Edward Oglethorpe Scholarship
This scholarship gives full tuition for four recipients, determined by a scholarship competition held during
Scholarship Weekend. Application is by invitation only, and up to four scholarships are awarded each year.
OU Theatre Scholarship
This scholarship covers full tuition for two students interested in the study of theater. Recipients are selected
based on Scholarship Weekend activities. Application is by invitation only.
Rhodes College (Memphis, Tennessee)
Bellingrath Scholarship
This scholarship covers the full cost of tuition and is awarded to one applicant each year.
Saint Louis University (Saint Louis, Missouri)
Presidential Scholarship
This scholarship covers full tuition. Applicants should have a GPA of at least 3.85 (weighted or unweighted)
and scores of at least 1390 on the SAT or 30 on the ACT to be eligible. For consideration, you need to submit
your application to the school and fill out the additional Presidential Scholarship application by December 1.
Salem College (Winston-Salem, North Carolina)
Robert E. Elberson Scholarship
This scholarship covers full tuition, room and board, and a semester of study abroad in England. Only one is
awarded each year. Scholarship application is by invitation only. For consideration, you must submit your
application to the school by January 1.
Chatham/Davis/Weyand/Womble/Whitaker Scholarships
This scholarship covers full tuition for 10-15 students. Selection is based on academic performance, evidence of
leadership, responsibility, concern for others, initiative, motivation, creativity, resourcefulness, and vigor.
Finalists will be invited to Scholarship Weekend to compete for these scholarships.
John Preston Davis Art Full-Tuition Scholarship
Already accepted students who want to study studio art, art history, or design can apply for this full-tuition
scholarship. Students will need to answer an essay and provide a recommendation. Finalists will be interviewed
at Scholarship Weekend.
Southern Methodist University (Dallas, Texas)
President's Scholars Program
This scholarship covers full tuition and fees plus one summer and one academic-year program abroad. Under
certain conditions, scholars might receive an additional award to cover room and board. Finalists will be invited
to interview and typically have high SAT/ACT scores, a challenging high school curriculum, a top 10% high
school class ranking, and demonstrated involvement in the community. Students must apply to the school by
January 15 to be considered (no additional application for the scholarship is required).
Texas Christian University (Fort Worth, Texas)
Chancellor's Scholarship
This scholarship awards full tuition to the most academically accomplished applicants to TCU. The average test
scores among current Chancellor's Scholars is a 2150 on the old SAT and a 33 on the ACT. Most recipients are
in the top 3% of their graduating high school classes. In the 2016-17 school year, 54 scholars were selected
from more than 500 finalists.
University of Alabama (Tuscaloosa, Alabama)
Academic Elite Scholarship
This scholarship has two levels. At the first level, seven scholars receive full tuition, an $8,500 yearly stipend, a
$2,000 book scholarship, and one year of on-campus housing. At the other level, one top scholar receives full
tuition, an $8,500 stipend for the first year (followed by an $18,500 stipend for years two through four), a
$5,000 study abroad stipend, a $2,000 book scholarship, and one year of on-campus housing. Applicants to UA
with a 3.8 GPA and either a 32 ACT score or a 1450 SAT score may apply for the fellowship.
University of Georgia (Athens, Georgia)
Foundation Fellowship
This scholarship covers full cost of attendance, several study abroad experiences, mentoring, and research and
conference grants. The scholarship application is due in early November. To be eligible, applicants must have
an unweighted GPA of at least 3.9 and an SAT score of 1470 or an ACT score of 32.
Ramsey Honors Scholarship
This scholarship covers full tuition, a modest stipend, mentoring, and a $3,000 travel-study grant. Finalists for
the Foundation Fellowship who do not receive the fellowship are guaranteed a Ramsey Honors Scholarship.
The scholarship application is due in early November. To be eligible, applicants must have an unweighted GPA
of at least 3.9 and an SAT score of 1470 or an ACT score of 32.
University of Houston (Houston, Texas)
Tier One Scholarship
This scholarship gives full tuition, fees, two years of room and board, a stipend for research, a stipend for study
abroad, membership to the Honors College, and priority registration for classes. Applicants must complete the
scholarship application and application to UH by mid-November.
University of Kentucky (Lexington, Kentucky)
Otis A. Singletary Scholarship
This scholarship covers full tuition as well as room and board. Interested applicants will need to complete and
submit the competitive scholarship supplement by December 1. Applicants should have a score of 33 on the
ACT or 1450 on the SAT, and an unweighted GPA of at least 3.8.
Presidential Scholarship
This scholarship covers full tuition. Interested applicants will need to complete the competitive scholarship
supplement with their application and submit by December 1. Applicants should have a minimum test score of
31 on the ACT or 1390 on the SAT, and a minimum unweighted 3.5 GPA.
University of Louisville (Louisville, Kentucky)
Brown Fellows Program
This scholarship pays for full tuition and housing; it also gives an allowance for books and up to $6,000 in
enrichment funds. Selection is based on academics, well-roundedness, and leadership potential. Applicants need
to submit supplementary materials, including an additional essay, and should have at least a 31 on the ACT or a
1390 on the SAT, as well as a minimum 3.5 GPA. Each year 10 scholarships are awarded.
University of Mississippi (Oxford, Mississippi)
Stamps Scholarship and the University of Mississippi Chancellor's Scholar Program
This scholarship covers the full cost of attendance and a $12,000 enrichment stipend. Selection is based on
academic achievement, leadership, and service. Interested applicants need to submit a Special Programs and
Scholarships Application in addition to their application to the school.
University of North Carolina, Charlotte (Charlotte, North Carolina)
Levine Scholars Program
This scholarship covers full tuition, fees, room and board, a grant to implement a community service project,
and four summer experiences. Students must be nominated by their high school counselors to apply.
University of Richmond (Richmond, Virginia)
Richmond Scholars
This scholarship takes care of full tuition, room and board, and faculty mentoring. In addition, it offers $3,000
in enrichment funds, priority course registration, and tickets for cultural events at the Modlin Center for the
Arts. Selection is based on several factors, including outstanding and engaged scholarship, commitment to the
creation and discovery of new knowledge, leadership skills, service, excitement about learning from different
types of people, and exceptional artistic talent. All applicants to the university who apply by December 1 are
considered for the scholarship. A maximum of 25 awards are given out each year.
University of Texas at Austin (Austin, Texas)
Forty Acres Scholarship
This scholarship covers full tuition and offers stipends for living, books, and enrichment activities (which
include a community component, a global experience, and professional growth opportunities). It is awarded to
students who excel academically and engage in leadership roles, extracurricular activities, and community
service. Interested students must fill out and submit a supplemental scholarship application by December 1.
University of Texas at Dallas (Dallas, Texas)
Eugene McDermott Scholars Program
This scholarship includes full tuition and fees, a $1,400 monthly stipend (given year-round) for housing and
living expenses, a $1,000 annual book stipend, up to $12,000 for an international experience, up to $3,000 for a
professional development experience, paid trips with other scholarship winners, and paid travel home (twice a
year for domestic students and once a year for international students). Selection is based on exceptional
academic performance; community volunteerism and leadership in school; broad and eclectic interests in
science, literature, and the arts; and social skills. Applicants must have a 1490 or higher on the SAT or a 33 or
higher on the ACT. Most students are also in the top 5% of their high school classes.
Washington and Lee University (Lexington, Virginia)
Johnson Scholarship
This scholarship covers full tuition and room and board, as well as $7,000 for summer experiences. Selection is
based on academic and personal accomplishments, essays, and a performance at an in-person scholarship
competition (travel expenses are paid by the university for all finalists). This scholarship is awarded to about
10% of each year's incoming class.
Wofford College (Spartanburg, South Carolina)
The Richardson Family Scholarship
This scholarship covers full tuition, fees, room and board, a monthly stipend for books and miscellaneous
expenses, a laptop, summer internships (one overseas), and a January travel experience.
West Coast Schools
Lewis and Clark College (Portland, Oregon)
Barbara Hirschi Neely Scholarship
This scholarship grants full tuition and fees plus a $2,000 enrichment stipend. Selection is based on academic
achievement and distinctive personal accomplishment. Special preference is given to students who plan on
studying the sciences or who have an interest in intercultural and international issues. Up to five Neely
Scholarships are offered each year.
Loyola Marymount University (Los Angeles, California)
Arrupe Scholarship
The Arrupe Scholarship program is for international students and offers awards from $12,500 annually to full
Trustee Scholarship
This scholarship covers full tuition in addition to room and board. All freshman applicants are considered for
the scholarship, with 10 scholars selected each year. Finalists are invited in late January and early February to
attend Scholars Weekend for on-campus interviews.
Soka University of America (Aliso Viejo, California)
Global Merit Scholarship
This scholarship covers the cost of full tuition, fees, room and board, transportation, books, supplies, and
personal expenses. Winners must maintain a 3.0 GPA to keep the scholarship.
University of Hawai'i (Honolulu, Hawaii)
Regents Scholarship
This scholarship awards full tuition, a $4,000 annual stipend, and a $2,000 travel grant. Applicants should have
a high school GPA of at least 3.5, scores of at least 29 on the ACT or 1340 on the SAT, and remarkable
extracurricular involvement. Each year, 20 scholarships are awarded to incoming freshmen.