December 2020
Downtown Uxbridge Vision
# myuxbridgedowntown
DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION (My Uxbridge Downtown) Vision
December 2020 P a g e 1 | 6
I. Table of Contents
1.0 BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 Context ......................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Project Goals, Business Outcomes and Objectives ..................................................................................... 2
1.3 Stage 1 ......................................................................................................................................................... 2
2.0 DEVELOPMENT OF A VISION...................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 What is a Vision ........................................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 The Uxbridge Downtown Vision.................................................................................................................. 3
2.3 Developing the Strategic Plan and Action Plan .......................................................................................... 3
3.0 THE VISION STATEMENT ............................................................................................................................ 4
3.1 Description of Uxbridge Downtown in the future ...................................................................................... 4
3.2 Glossary ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
II. ANNEX A – 2009 VISION ................................................................................................................................ 6
DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION (My Uxbridge Downtown) Vision
December 2020 P a g e 2 | 6
1.1 Context
In 2020, the Township of Uxbridge, with support from the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food and
Rural Affairs (OMAFRA), the Region of Durham and the Uxbridge BIA, initiated a Downtown
Revitalization Project (UDR).
Between February 2020 and December 2021, the UDR Project will implement the first 3 stages of
the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) 4-stage process for Downtown
Stage 1 Preparation
Stage 2 Collect Data and Analyze
Stage 3 Develop Goals & Action Plans
Stage 4 Implementation
1.2 Project Goals, Business Outcomes and Objectives
Objectives & Measurable
Business Outcomes
Develop a cohesive long-term
vision for the downtown of
Create a Strategic Plan
and Action Plan with
short, medium and long-
term goals to improve the
downtown’s prosperity.
More businesses and visitors
in the downtown.
1.3 Stage 1
Stage 1 is Preparation (February 2020 to December 2020):
The activities to be completed during Stage 1 include:
Hiring a Coordinator (Project Manager) to manage all activities;
Developing a brand for the project (#myuxbridgedowntown);
Establishing the Uxbridge Downtown Revitalization Advisory Committee;
Preparing a Preliminary Work Plan; and
Development of a vision for the Downtown.
DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION (My Uxbridge Downtown) Vision
December 2020 P a g e 3 | 6
2.1 What is a Vision
The Vision is an initial declaration about the desired future of the Downtown. It is the document
through which the community declares to itself its aims for the Downtown, i.e. the end it has in
2.2 The Uxbridge Downtown Vision
On March 23, 2009, the Council of the Township of Uxbridge approved a Downtown Vision
Statement (Annex A). Rather than creating a new vision, the UDRC undertook a review of the 2009
Vision Statement.
The UDRC determined that revisions were required due to the opportunities for development in
the downtown, particularly in the “Lower Brock” area once the project to replace the culverts was
In addition to developing a new Vision Statement, the UDRC undertook the work of describing the
Uxbridge Downtown in the future.
2.3 Developing the Strategic Plan and Action Plan
It is understood as part of the UDR Project, the UDRC will revisit the vision in Stage 3. During Stage
3, the Strategic Plan will set out how to achieve the vision, which projects are priorities, and who
has the lead responsibility. Ideally the vision will serve in the revitalization process as a reference
guide to prioritize actions.
DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION (My Uxbridge Downtown) Vision
December 2020 P a g e 4 | 6
Uxbridge features a vibrant and thriving downtown that is rich in history and recognized as an
inclusive and accessible community.
3.1 Description of Uxbridge Downtown in the future
1. The Downtown is a “Complete Community” that continually evolves to meet the emerging
needs of the broader community.
2. The historic buildings display their original architectural features; and newer buildings, while
more modern, are “sympathetic” to the heritage of the downtown.
3. Traffic flow, including parking, within the downtown embraces the importance of “Active
Transportation” and minimizes the flow of heavy trucks.
4. There is a Town Square that acts as an “Agora” and offers a year-round “Marché” for local
residents, farmers, businesses and visitors.
5. The Downtown offers a range of residential opportunities that take into consideration
accessibility requirements, economic factors and own and/ or rent options.
6. The Downtown provides a wide range of amenities which offer unique shopping experiences
while addressing the essential needs of residents. The promenade level is noted for thriving
retail shops
7. The Downtown is home to a range of culinary experiences in the form of restaurants, café’s,
bakeries, pubs, markets etc.
8. Uxbridge is recognized as “The Trail Capital of Canada” and the downtown is an integral
component of the trail system.
9. The Uxbridge Brook and Centennial Park provide a north south focal point, to be enjoyed by
residents and visitors.
10. Visitors enjoyment of downtown Uxbridge’s extensive and diverse cultural and recreational
offerings is enabled by access to local overnight accommodation.
11. Uxbridge’s reputation as an artistic community is evident throughout the Downtown, supporting
many forms of artistic expression and incorporates “Viewable Art” in the public spaces.
12. The rear aspects of buildings offer a welcoming experience for residents and visitors using the
parking lots and laneways found throughout the downtown. A number of the businesses
provide rear entrances that are both attractive and accessible.
DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION (My Uxbridge Downtown) Vision
December 2020 P a g e 5 | 6
3.2 Glossary
1. Active Transportation:
Active transportation is using your own power to get from one place to another. This
o Walking, biking, skateboarding, in-line skating/rollerblading, jogging and running,
non-mechanized wheel chairing; snowshoeing and cross-country skiing.
2. Agora:
The Agora was a central public space in ancient Greek city-states. The literal meaning of the
word is "gathering place" or "assembly". The agora was the center of the athletic, artistic,
spiritual and political life in the city. The Ancient Agora of Athens is the best-known
3. Complete Community:
Complete Communities are places where homes, jobs, schools, community services, parks
and recreation facilities are easily accessible.
4. Marché:
Refers to the place where producers (traders, artisans, peasants) come together to directly
offer their products to consumers.
5. Sympathetic Architecture:
Basically, infill/restoration should attempt to harmonize the old and valued historic
buildings/spaces with the new, while at the same time respecting established design
elements (such as height, façade characteristics, setback and materials). Infill / restored
buildings should be compatible and work with the surrounding buildings and historic
context. The end result should be new structures that enhance and complement the existing
character of the area.
DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION (My Uxbridge Downtown) Vision
December 2020 P a g e 6 | 6
The Vision (Approved 2009)
Downtown Uxbridge is the vibrant focus of a thriving small town set in rolling hills
and reflecting its strong agricultural heritage.
There is an active street scene, with people - residents and visitors - shopping, browsing,
enjoying the company of friends in restaurants and cafes, and strolling along pleasant and attractive
streets. A range of stores, more varied and attractive than in the past, and other commercial
enterprises, many run by local entrepreneurs, has made it attractive as a place to shop and conduct
business. Vacant stores are a thing of the past. The pedestrian orientation of the downtown streets is
evident from the modest flow of traffic, with few trucks. A small park, or “town square” in the centre
of town provides a focal point for community activities, or for simply relaxing in a pleasant park setting.
The town’s farming roots are evident from the colourful farmer’s market that attracts both residents
and visitors, and provides a valuable means for area farmers to offer their produce. A grocery in the
downtown provides essentials without the need for a car.
The Uxbridge Brook, once completely out of sight in the downtown area, is once again visible,
providing an attractive natural feature to complement the large shade trees along the main streets.
The streets themselves reflect Uxbridge’s heritage and history, with buildings that have had their
exteriors remodeled or renovated in keeping with established heritage guidelines, and signage and
street furnishings in tasteful harmony. The rear aspects of buildings facing public areas are no longer
an eyesore. The older heritage buildings are complemented by some newer structures (some replacing
eyesores or deteriorating buildings), some of which may be more modern in design, but enhance the
character of the town.
Uxbridge’s reputation as an intensively artistic community is evident from the many works of public
art installed around the town, giving it a unique character. And its designation as “The Trail Capital of
Canada” is evident from the extensions of the extensive trail system that reach into the downtown,
enabling people to walk or bicycle from downtown into surrounding natural areas. Ease of access is
provided through numerous public parking areas, well-marked and attractive in design and
landscaping. Similarly, ease of access for the physically challenged is provided at most stores and all
public facilities. The downtown has a diversified population of residents, with accommodation suited
to varying economic levels.
In short, downtown Uxbridge is a place that attracts visitors and tourists, and tempts travelers to stop
and explore, with appropriate accommodation for those who wish to stay overnight. The downtown
offers a good livelihood to business enterprises located there, and provides a commercial and
recreational focus for residents.
Uxbridge is a small town in a rural community, with a downtown that has become an
attractive destination for visitors and an effective focus for residents, through a bold
approach by the Council and the community, including enlightened planning, good
design and wise investment of resources.