Yealink Json API for RPS Management
Yealink Json API for RPS Management Platform
1. Introduction
1.1. The URL of Service Access
1.2. Basic Introduction
1.2.1. Body and Body Parameter
1.2.2. Query Parameter
1.2.3. Form Parameter
1.2.4. Example Language
1.3. Signature Rule of REST API
1.3.1. Prerequisites
1.3.2. System Header
1.3.3. Calculating the Signature
1.3.4. Examples of the Signature and Calling the Interface Example of Calling the Interface of the Body Parameter Example of Calling the Interface of the Query Parameter
1.3.5. Conclusion about the Signature Rule
1.3.6. Mechanism of Avoiding Replaying
1.4. Returned Data Structure
1.5. Errors
2. Server Interface
2.1. Adding a Server
2.2. Viewing the Server by Paging
2.3. Viewing the Detailed Information of the Server
2.4. Detecting Whether or not the Server Name Exsits
2.5. Editing a Server
2.6. Deleting a Server
3. Device Interface
3.1. Adding a Batch of Devices
3.2. Viewing the Device Information by Paging
3.3. Viewing the Detailed Inforamtion of the Device
3.4. Detecting Whether or not the Device Is Registered
3.5. Detecting Whether or not the Device Exists
3.6. Viewing the Server List
3.7. Editing the Device
3.8. Migrating a Bacth of Devices
3.9. Deleting a Bacth of Devices
4. Notes
4.1. The Authentication Name and the Password
4.2. The Default Handling Method and Prompt of the Device Interface
4.3. The Device Is Added by Other Enterprises
4.4. Server Name
5. The Error and Its Solution
6. Appendix
1. Introduction
1.1. The URL of Service Access
When accessing the server interface or the device interface, you need add the above URL before the request
URL. For example, when adding the server interface:
Request URL:
The request method is POST and the request URL is /api/open/v1/server/add. The complete URL to access the
server interface is It is also applicable to access
other interfaces.
1.2. Basic Introduction
1.2.1. Body and Body Parameter
In this document, Body refers to the HTTP request body and Body Parameter means you need add the
request parameters to the Body of HTTP request.
1. For the Body parameter specified in this document, the Content-Type of the HTTP request header
should be application/json;charset=UTF-8, that is to say, the data format is in JSON.
2. In this document, if the parameter of an interface is Body parameter, you can choose not to enter the
Body parameter, but the Body cannot be null (that is the request Content-length cannot be 0). Take
requesting the server interface by paging as an example, all the Body parameters of this interface can
be unentered, and under this circumstance, the Body is {} rather than null. Following is the example
1.2.2. Query Parameter
The Query parameter means that you need to add the request parameter behind the request URL. For
example, detecting whether or not the device has interface:
Request URL:
GET /api/open/v1/device/checkMac
{ }
 "key":null
Parameter Type Required Length Description
mac String Yes 17 The MAC address.
Request parameter:
Query Parameter:
The complete request URL is:
It is highly recommended that you should not add the Query parameter to the Body, because it doesn’t
make any sense and you need to calculate the Content-MD5 (mentioned in the following parts).
The Query parameter mentioned in the following parts means that you need add the parameter behind
the request URL and the Body should be null (do not add the Query parameter to the Body).
The signature examples and the examples in the Appendix mentioned in the following parts are all based
on the circumstance of not adding the Query parameter to the Body, that is to say, the Body is null and
the Content-Length is 0.
1.2.3. Form Parameter
The Form parameter is the parameter submitted by the Form table. There is no Form parameter in this API we
provided now.
1.2.4. Example Language
If there is no additional notes, the example codes in this document are in Java or pseudo code.
1.3. Signature Rule of REST API
1.3.1. Prerequisites
Before calling the API, you need to obtain the AccessKey ID and the AccessKey Secret from Yealink Device
Management Cloud Service for RPS Enterprise. The AccessKey ID is used as an identity in the request Header
of REST API and the AccessKey Secret is used to complete the signature.
1.3.2. System Header
When sending the HTTP request to call the interface, you need add the following Header parameters to the
HTTP Header.
HTTP Header Key HTTP Header Value
X-Ca-Key AccessKey ID.
X-Ca-Timestamp Unix timestamp, in millisecond.
X-Ca-Nonce Random string. UUID is recommended.
Content-MD5 The result after Base64 encoding the MD5 digest value of the Body.
X-Ca-Signature Signature string.
X-Ca-Key: AccessKey ID, applied in Yealink Device Management Cloud Service for RPS Enterprise.
X-Ca-Timestamp: the Unix timestamp for calling the API time. Note that it is in millisecond and it is in
string format when adding to the Header.
X-Ca-Nonce: random string, Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) is recommended. It can be used
together with X-Ca-Timestamp to avoid replaying, refer to Section 1.3.6 for more information.
X-Ca-Signature: the signature string, refer to Section 1.3.3 for more information.
Content-MD5: the result after Base64 encoding the MD5 digest value of the Body.
When the Body is null (the content-Length is 0) or when the request parameter is Form
parameter, the Content-MD5 is not required in the Header.
For the interface provided in this document, when it is Body parameter, you need add
Content-MD5, but when it is Query parameter, you needn’t.
As we mentioned above, we do not recommend that you add the Query parameter to the
Body, if you do, you need add the Content-MD5.
The calculation method of Content-MD5 is described as below:
First, digest the Body by using MD5 algorithm to get the MD5 digest value. Note that the MD5
digest value is 128-bit binary number. Do not convert the MD5 digest value into the
Second, encode the MD5 digest value by using Base64 to get Content-MD5. Note that the
MD5 digest value should be 128 bits.
If you use Java, use the following method to calculate:
Get bodyBytes, the byte array of the Body.
Digest the bodyBytes by using MD5 algorithm to get bodyMd5Bytes. Do not convert the
bodyMd5Bytes into string.
Encode the bodyMd5Bytes by using Bse64 to get the result. Note that the encoding object is
bodyMd5Bytes which should not be converted into string.
1.3.3. Calculating the Signature
String contentMD5 =
new String(Base64.encodeBase64(md5(body.getBytes("UTF-8"))), "UTF-8");
//byte[] md5(byte[] bodyBytes)This method is the MD5 digest algorithm, refer to
Appendix for the realization.
There are 3 steps to calculate the signature:
Signature Short Description
HTTPMethod In capital letters, for example: POST and GET.
Headers The required system Header, see the detailed description below.
Remove the “/” in front of the request URL, for example,
The string you get after formatting the Query parameter or the Form
parameter, and the formatting method is described as below.
1. Splice the signatures to get the string to be signed (stingToSign).
The signature and the splicing method are as below:
Detailed description of the signature:
HTTPMthod: the HTTP request method is in capital letters, for example, POST, GET, PUT, and
DELETE. This document only covers POST and GET.
Headers: the required system Header. Sequence the Header Key according to the natural
order and splice them by the following method:
API_URI: remove the “/” in front of the request URL, for example, api/open/v1/server/add
FormattedQFStr: the string you get after formatting the Query parameter or the Form
parameter, and the formatting method is described as below:
First, sequence the Key of the Query parameter and the Form parameter according to
the natural order.
String stringToSign =
HTTPMethod + "\n" +  //"\n" is the line break
Headers + "\n" +   
API_URI + "\n" +    
//When Content-MD5 is required: Content-MD5 is required in all interfaces of
the Body parameter
String headers =
 "Content-MD5:" + content_md5_value + "\n" +
 "X-Ca-Key:" + x_ca_key_value + "\n" +
 "X-Ca-Nonce:" + x_ca_nonce_value + "\n" +
 "X-Ca-Timestamp:" + x_ca_timestamp_value + "\n"
 
//When Content-MD5 is not required: Content-MD5 is not required in all
interfaces of the Query parameter
String headers =
 "X-Ca-Key:" + x_ca_key_value + "\n" +
 "X-Ca-Nonce:" + x_ca_nonce_value + "\n" +
 "X-Ca-Timestamp:" + x_ca_timestamp_value + "\n"
Second, splice the Key by the method below:
For Body parameter, you do not need to splice the signature.
When the parameter value is empty, only keep the parameter name and “=” is not
participated in splicing. For example, when the key1="" or key1=" ", splice the following:
2. Use HMAC-SHA256 algorithm and take AccessKey Secret as the key to digest stringToSign, and you can
get the message digest (msgDst).
Note: The message digest is 256-bit binary number , and do not convert it into string.
If you use Java, you can follow the example below:
3. Encoding msgDst by using Base64, and you can get the final signature string.
Note: The encoding object is the 256-bit megDst rather than the megDst in string format.
1.3.4. Examples of the Signature and Calling the Interface
Take requesting the server by paging and detecting whether or not the device exists as examples, we
introduce the process of calling the interface of Body parameter and Query parameter. For the complete
code, refer to Appendix. Note that the HTTPRequest used in the example is the HTTPRequest in Jodd. Example of Calling the Interface of the Body Parameter
Request URL: POST /api/open/v1/server/list
Request parameter: the Body parameter below:
String Params =
Key1 + "=" + Value1 + "&" +
Key2 + "=" + Value2 + "&" +
 ...
KeyN + "=" + ValueN;
String Params =
Key1 + "&" +//value 1 is empty and "=" is not participated in
Key2 + "=" + Value2 + "&" +
KeyN + "=" + ValueN;
Mac hmacSha256 = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");
//The secret is the AccessKey Secret applied on Yealink Device Management Cloud
Service for RPS Emterprise
hmacSha256.init(new SecretKeySpec(secret.getBytes("UTF-8"), "HmacSHA256"));
byte[] msgDgst = hmacSha256.doFinal(stringToSign.getBytes("UTF-8");   
String sign = new String(Base64.encodeBase64(msgDgst),"UTF-8"));
1. Log into Yealink Device Management Cloud Service for RPS Enterprise and get the AccessKey ID and
AccessKey Secret.
2. Create HTTP Request and add the system Header.
3. Calculate the signature.
Splice the signature to get the string to be signed.
AccessKey ID : "2df23f2d9c255e7138dc603b3847b58a"
AccessKey Secret: "d4a4be460a8d43609d8e8a5e7d0d4ad1"
//Enter the parameter
String input = "{" +
         "\"key\":\"TestServer\",\"skip\":0" +
       "}";
//Creat the HTTP Request
HTTPRequest request = new HttpRequest()
.method("POST")       .set("")
.body(input.getBytes("UTF-8")), "application/json");
//Calculate the value of the system header
String x_ca_key="2df23f2d9c255e7138dc603b3847b58a";//accesskeyId
String x_ca_nonce = "b681e77450a04d22aaffc914a3379561"; //UUID
String x_ca_timestamp = "1544008291631"//The unix timestamp of the current time
//When the request parameter is Body parameter, you need calculate the Content-MD5
the result of the calculated Content-MD5 is as below:
String content_md5 = "KOK7YpXasjJC+MslP+MGWw==";
//Set the request Header
.header("X-Ca-Key", x_ca_key)
.header("X-Ca-Timestamp", x_ca_timestamp)
.header("X-Ca-Nonce", x_ca_nonce)
.header("Content-MD5", content_md5);
//The calculated value of the Header
String content_md5 = "KOK7YpXasjJC+MslP+MGWw==";
String x_ca_key = "2df23f2d9c255e7138dc603b3847b58a";
String x_ca_nonce = "b681e77450a04d22aaffc914a3379561";
String x_ca_timestamp = "1544008291631"
   
//Note that the order of the Header is natural
String stringToSign =
    "POST" + "\n" +
The value of the stringToSign is as below:
Use HMAC-SHA256 algorithm and take AccessKey Secret as the key to digest stringToSign, and you
can get the message digest (msgDst).
Encode msgDst by using Base64, and you can get the final signature string.
Add the final signature string to the HTTP Request Header.
After adding at least 5 system Header required by this interface, you can send the request and
receive the response.
4. Send the request and receive the response. Example of Calling the Interface of the Query Parameter
Request URL: GET /api/open/v1/device/checkMac
Request parameter: Query parameter. Enter the parameter: mac=001565123123, and the complete
request URL is:
    "Content-MD5:" + content_md5 + "\n" +
    "X-Ca-Key:" + x_ca_key + "\n" +
    "X-Ca-Nonce:" + x_ca_nonce + "\n" +
    "X-Ca-Timestamp:" + x_ca_timestamp + "\n" +
    "api/open/v1/server/list"; //Do not have "\n" in the last line
//The interface of the Body parameter, and the FormattedQFStr is not required
//The secret is the AccessKey Secret applied in Yealink Device Management Cloud
Service for RPS Emterprise
String secret = "d4a4be460a8d43609d8e8a5e7d0d4ad1";
Mac hmacSha256 = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");
hmacSha256.init(new SecretKeySpec(secret.getBytes("UTF-8"), "HmacSHA256"));
byte[] msgDgst = hmacSha256.doFinal(stringToSign.getBytes("UTF-8"); 
String sign = new String(Base64.encodeBase64(msgDgst),"UTF-8"));
request.header("X-Ca-Signature", sign);
HttpResponse response = request.send();
String bodyText = response.bodyText();//The response string
1. Get the AccessKey ID and the AccessKey Secret and the result is as below:
2. Create the HTTP Request and add the system Header.
3. Calculate the signature.
Splice the signature and get the string to be signed (stringToSign).
The value of the stringToSign is as below:
AccessKey ID : "2df23f2d9c255e7138dc603b3847b58a"
AccessKey Secret: "d4a4be460a8d43609d8e8a5e7d0d4ad1"
//Creat HTTP Request
HTTPRequest request = new HttpRequest()
.method("GET")      
//Calculate the value of the system Header and Content-MD5 is not required in Query
String x_ca_key="2df23f2d9c255e7138dc603b3847b58a";//accesskeyId
String x_ca_nonce = "9e730a223b48433785494801fb016d39"; //UUID
String x_ca_timestamp = "1544094691000"//The unix timestamp of the current time
//Set the request Header
.header("X-Ca-Key", x_ca_key)
.header("X-Ca-Timestamp", x_ca_timestamp)
.header("X-Ca-Nonce", x_ca_nonce)
//The calculated value of the Header
String x_ca_key = "2df23f2d9c255e7138dc603b3847b58a";
String x_ca_nonce = "9e730a223b48433785494801fb016d39";
String x_ca_timestamp = "1544094691000"
   
//Note that the order of the Header is natural
String stringToSign =
    "GET" + "\n" +
    "X-Ca-Key:" + x_ca_key + "\n" +
    "X-Ca-Nonce:" + x_ca_nonce + "\n" +
    "X-Ca-Timestamp:" + x_ca_timestamp + "\n" +
    "api/open/v1/device/checkMac" +"\n" +
"mac=001565123123"; //FormattedQFStr
The subsequent process is the same as that of calling the interface of the Body parameter, in Section
1.3.5. Conclusion about the Signature Rule
The above parts introduce how to calculate the system Header and the signature, it can be concluded as
Call the interface of the Body parameter, and add the following Header to HTTP Request Header.
When calculating the signature, FormattedQFStr is not required; among the signature Headers, Content-
MD5 is required.
Call the interface of the Query parameter or the Form parameter, and add the following Header to HTTP
Request Header.
When calculating the signature, FormattedQFStr is required; among the signature Headers, Content-MD5
is not required.
1.3.6. Mechanism of Avoiding Replaying
X-Ca-Nonce and X-Ca-Timestamp are used to prevent replay attack. In the following situations, the request is
invalid and the error message (request.replay) will be returned.
1. If the time between the device sending the request and the server receiving the request exceeds 5
minutes, the request is invalid.
2. If the timestamp (when the server receives the request) is no more than X-Ca-Timestamp, the request is
3. Within 5 minutes, if two requests carry the same X-Ca-Nonce, the request is invalid. For example, if a
device accesses the interface A at 12:00 with the X-Ca-Nonce as 123456789, and if the device accesses
interface A or other interfaces with the same X-Ca-Nonce before 12:05, the request is invalid. But if the
device accesses the any interface after 12:05, the request is valid.
To sum up, we recommend that you use UUID for each X-Ca-Nonce.
The result of replaying is as below:
 "ret": -1,       
 "data": null,     
 "errors": {
   "msg": "",    
"errorCode": 401, 
"fieldErrors": [  
1.4. Returned Data Structure
The returned data form uses JSON encoded by UTF-8. The returned data structure is unified as follows:
ret: the result code. Value smaller than 0 means error response, otherwise it means successful response.
data: the returned message when requesting.
errors: the returned error object.
msg: the error message.
errorCode: the error code.
fieldErrors: the error message which records the error field and the detailed error message.
Example of Successful Response:
Example of Error Response:
"field": [],  
"msg": "request.replay"   
 }
 "ret": -1,        //-1 means error, otherwise it means correct
 "data": null,      //The returned data
 "errors": {
   "msg": "",     //The error message
"errorCode": 400,  //The error code
"fieldErrors": [  //The detailed error message
"field": "",  //The detailed field
"msg": ""    //The error message
 }
"ret": 1,
"data": {
  "existed": false,
  "self": null
 },
"error": null
code Description Example
400 BAD_REQUEST Illegal MAC Address.
401 UNAUTHORIZED Error user key.
404 NOT_FOUND Try to modify an deleted object.
409 CONFLICT Register the email repeatedly.
444 PROTOCOL_NOT_MATCH A lack of the required parameter in the interface.
1.5. Errors
2. Server Interface
2.1. Adding a Server
Request URL:
Request Parameter:
Body parameter:
 "ret": -1,
 "data": null,
 "error": {
   "msg": "server.not.found",
   "errorCode": 404,
   "fieldErrors": []
 }
Parameter Type Required Length Description
serverName String Yes 20 The server name.
url String Yes 512 The server URL.
authName String No 32 The authentication name.
password String No 32 The authentication password.
certificateUrl String No -- The certificate URL.
Example Request:
Example of Successful Response:
2.2. Viewing the Server by Paging
Request URL:
Request Parameter:
Body parameter
 "authName":"Seakeer",
 "password":"123456",
 "certificateUrl":""
"ret": 1,
"data": {
 "id": "b38dea23a4e6458188799833b72d950f",
 "serverName": "TestServer",
 "url": "",
 "authName": "Seakeer"
"error": null
Parameter Type Required Length Description
key String No - The server name or URL, used for fuzzy match.
skip Integer No - The skipped records, and it defaults to 0.
limit Integer No -
The maximum number of the obtained records
per paging.
autoCount boolean No -
The total number is accounted automatically or
not, and it defaults to false.
Example Request:
Example of Successful Response:
"ret": 2,
"data": {
 "skip": 0,
 "limit": 10,
 "total": 2,
 "autoCount": true,
 "orderbys": [
  {
   "field": "modifyTime",
   "order": -1
  }
 ],
 "data": [
  {
   "_id": "b38dea23a4e6458188799833b72d950f",
   "id": "b38dea23a4e6458188799833b72d950f",
   "serverName": "TestServer",
   "url": "",
   "userId": "8320f8baee7f4639985fa24b5a1f0131",
   "authName": "Seakeer",
   "password": "**#***",
   "enterpriseId": "0e0736cfed5c451baca69351e3b1b6bf",
   "phoneCount": 0,
   "createTime": 1541465552869,
   "modifyTime": 1541465552874,
   "deleted": false
  },
  {...}
Parameter Type Required Length Description
id String Yes 32 The server ID.
2.3. Viewing the Detailed Information of the Server
Request URL:
Request Parameter:
Query parameter:
Example of Successful Response:
2.4. Detecting Whether or not the Server Name Exsits
Request URL:
Request Parameter:
Query parameter:
 ]
"error": null
"ret": 1,
"data": {
 "createTime": 1541465552869,
 "modifyTime": 1542683736995,
 "deleted": false,
 "_id": "b38dea23a4e6458188799833b72d950f",
 "serverName": "YealinkServer",
 "url": "",
 "userId": "8320f8baee7f4639985fa24b5a1f0131",
 "authName": "Yealink",
 "password": "**#***",
 "enterpriseId": "0e0736cfed5c451baca69351e3b1b6bf",
 "certificateUrl": "http://cer/cer.cer",
 "id": "b38dea23a4e6458188799833b72d950f"
"error": null
Parameter Type Required Length Description
serverName String Yes 20 The server name.
Parameter Type Required Length Description
id String Yes 32 The server ID.
serverName String Yes 20 The server name.
url String Yes 512 The server URL.
authName String No 32 The authentication name.
password String No 32 The authentication password.
certificateUrl String No -- The certificate URL.
Example of Successful Response:
The server name exists.
The server name does not exist.
2.5. Editing a Server
Request URL:
Request Parameter:
Body parameter:
Example Request:
Parameter Type Required Length Description
ids List Yes - The server IDs to be deleted.
Example of Successful Response:
"ret": 1,
"data": {
"id": "b38dea23a4e6458188799833b72d950f",
"serverName": "YealinkServer",
"url": "",
"authName": "Yealink"
"error": null
2.6. Deleting a Server
Request URL:
Request Parameter:
Body parameter:
Example Request:
Example of Successful Response:
Parameter Type Required Length Description
macs List Yes -- The list of the MAC addresses.
serverId String No 32 The server ID.
uniqueServerUrl String No 512
The URL of the autop server, and it is set for
certain devices. After you set a URL for this
parameter, the phone will go to the URL firstly
when sending the RPS request. If you do not
set a URL, the phone will go to the linked server
remark String No 256 The remark.
authName String No 32 The authentication name.
password String No 32 The authentication password.
3. Device Interface
3.1. Adding a Batch of Devices
Request URL:
POST /api/open/v1/device/add
Request Parameter:
Body parameter:
Example Request:
Parameter Type Required Length Description
key String No - The key words.
status String No - The status mark, one of bound or unbound.
skip Integer No - The skipped records, and it defaults to 0.
limit Integer No -
The maximum number of the obtained records
per paging.
autoCount Boolean No -
The total number is accounted automatically or
not, and it defaults to false.
Example of Successful Response:
"ret": 1,
"data": [
"id": "82c2df80fca745d3b7a1405b02bd55a8",
"mac": "aa000a0000aa",
"serverId": "ba7c7b13ed114a5fa6f12063ea9dff41",
"serverName": "SeakeerTestServer",
"remark": "SeakeerDevice",
"uniqueServerUrl": "",
"authName": "Seakeer"
"error": null
3.2. Viewing the Device Information by Paging
Request URL:
POST /api/open/v1/device/list
Request Parameter:
Body parameter:
Example Request:
Example of Successful Response:
"ret": 1,
"data": {
"skip": 0,
"limit": 10,
"total": 1,
"autoCount": true,
"orderbys": [
"field": "modifyTime",
"order": -1
"data": [
"_id": "82c2df80fca745d3b7a1405b02bd55a8",
"id": "82c2df80fca745d3b7a1405b02bd55a8",
"mac": "aa000a0000aa",
"userId": "8320f8baee7f4639985fa24b5a1f0131",
"enterpriseId": "0e0736cfed5c451baca69351e3b1b6bf",
"enterpriseName": "SeakeerRPS",
"serverId": "b25ac1016caf416a90d5ca1ee438153a",
"serverName": "SeakeerServerTest",
"ipAddress": null,
"dateRegistered": 1542680124026,
"lastConnected": null,
"remark": "edit",
"uniqueServerUrl": "",
"serverUrl": "",
"resellerId": "400ed821a4774900aa4ee0e7d1931465",
"resellerName": "SeakeerReseller",
"createTime": 1542680124026,
"formattedCreateTime": null,
"formattedLastConnected": null,
"authName": "edit",
"password": "**#***"
"error": null
3.3. Viewing the Detailed Inforamtion of the Device
Request URL:
GET /api/open/v1/device/detail
Request Parameter:
Query parameter:
Parameter Type Required Length Description
id String Yes 32 The device ID.
Parameter Type Required Length Description
mac String Yes 17 The MAC address.
Example of Successful Response:
"ret": 1,
"data": {
"createTime": 1542680124026,
"modifyTime": 1542682680211,
"deleted": false,
"_id": "82c2df80fca745d3b7a1405b02bd55a8",
"mac": "aa000a0000aa",
"userId": "8320f8baee7f4639985fa24b5a1f0131",
"enterpriseId": "0e0736cfed5c451baca69351e3b1b6bf",
"enterpriseName": "SeakeerRPS",
"serverId": "b25ac1016caf416a90d5ca1ee438153a",
"serverName": "SeakeerServerTest",
"ipAddress": null,
"dateRegistered": 1542680124026,
"lastConnected": null,
"remark": "edit",
"uniqueServerUrl": "",
"resellerId": "400ed821a4774900aa4ee0e7d1931465",
"resellerName": "SeakeerReseller",
"authName": "edit",
"password": "**#***",
"randomStr": null,
"id": "82c2df80fca745d3b7a1405b02bd55a8"
"error": null
3.4. Detecting Whether or not the Device Is Registered
Request URL:
GET /api/open/v1/device/checkDevice
Request Parameter:
Query parameter:
Example of Successful Response:
The device cannot be found on the paltform
Parameter Type Required Length Description
mac String Yes 17 The MAC address.
"ret": 1,
"data": "Unknown",
"error": null
The device is unregistered.
The device is registered by other users.
"data":"Registered Elsewhere",
The device is registered.
3.5. Detecting Whether or not the Device Exists
Request URL:
GET /api/open/v1/device/checkMac
Request Parameter:
Query parameter:
Example of Successful Response:
The device does not exsit.
"ret": 1,
"data": {
"existed": false,
"self": null
"error": null
The device exsits and belongs to you.
"ret": 1,
"data": {
"existed": true,
"self": true
"error": null
The device exsits but belongs to others.
"ret": 1,
"data": {
"existed": true,
"self": false
"error": null
3.6. Viewing the Server List
Request URL:
GET /api/open/v1/device/serverList
Request Parameter:
Example of Successful Response:
"ret": 2,
"data": [
"id": "b25ac1016caf416a90d5ca1ee438153a",
"serverName": "SeakeerServerTest"
"id": "ba7c7b13ed114a5fa6f12063ea9dff41",
Parameter Type Required Length Description
id String Yes 32 The device ID.
serverId String No 32 The server ID.
uniqueServerUrl String No 512
The URL of the autop server, set for certain
devices, has a higher priority than the linked
server URL.
remark String No 256 The remark.
authName String No 32 The authentication name.
password String No 32 The authentication password.
"serverName": "SeakeerTestServer"
"error": null
3.7. Editing the Device
Request URL:
POST /api/open/v1/device/edit
Request Parameter:
Body parameter:
Example Request:
"id": "82c2df80fca745d3b7a1405b02bd55a8",
"serverId": "b25ac1016caf416a90d5ca1ee438153a",
"remark": "edit",
"uniqueServerUrl": "",
Example of Successful Response:
Parameter Type Required Length Description
ids List Yes - The list of the device ID.
serverId String Yes 32 The server ID.
"ret": 1,
"data": {
"id": "82c2df80fca745d3b7a1405b02bd55a8",
"mac": "aa000a0000aa",
"serverId": "b25ac1016caf416a90d5ca1ee438153a",
"serverName": "SeakeerServerTest",
"remark": "edit",
"uniqueServerUrl": "",
"authName": "edit"
"error": null
3.8. Migrating a Bacth of Devices
Request URL:
POST /api/open/v1/device/migrate
Request Parameter:
Body parameter:
Example Request:
Example of Successful Response:
"ret": 2,
"id": "82c2df80fca745d3b7a1405b02bd55a8",
"mac": "aa000a0000aa",
"serverId": "b25ac1016caf416a90d5ca1ee438153a",
"serverName": "SeakeerServerTest",
"remark": "edit",
Parameter Type Required Length Description
ids List Yes - The list of the device ID.
"uniqueServerUrl": "",
"authName": "edit"
"error": null
3.9. Deleting a Bacth of Devices
Request URL:
POST /api/open/v1/device/delete
Request Parameter:
Example Request:
Example of Successful Response:
4. Notes
4.1. The Authentication Name and the Password
The authentication name and the password should appear in pairs.
When editing the server and the device, you cannot set the password as below, otherwise, the password
is invalid.
4.2. The Default Handling Method and Prompt of the
Device Interface
If uniqueServerUrl="" or uniqueServerUrl=“ ”, url.invalid is returned, which means the uniqueServerUrl is
If you enter the parameter, for example, serverId="" or serverId=" " , the serverId is null or the
serverName is null by default.
4.3. The Device Is Added by Other Enterprises
If the following result is returned, it means that the MAC address you add has been used by other
"ret": -1,
"data": "000000000000",
"error": {
"msg": "",
"errorCode": 409,
"fieldErrors": []
You can do one of the following:
Check whether or not the MAC address you entered is correct.
If you want to add the MAC address, you can file an appeal on and Yealink will
review the appeal. To file an appeal, you need provide the materials below:
(1)The device MAC address and the SN
(2) The enterprise name
(3)The device firmware version
(4)The login account
4.4. Server Name
The server name should be unique at the entire system level. That is, if the server name A is used by an
enterprise (user), the server name A cannot be used again. Otherwise, you can see the error message:, indicating that the server name already exists (It may be used by your enterprise or
other enterprise).
5. The Error and Its Solution
Error Description Solution
service.common.token.unauthorized Authentication fails. Check the accesskey and the signature.
Content-MD5 is
Add the Content-MD5 when calling the
interface of the Body parameter.
Content-MD5 is
Re-calculate the Content-MD5.
AccessKey ID is
Check whether the AccessKey ID is valid
or re-obtain the AccessKey ID.
request.header.invalid Signature is invalid. Re-calculate the signature.
request.header.invalid Error Header Refer to Section 1.3.2.
request.replay The request replays. Refer to Section 1.3.6.
The URL format is
The supported URLs are
The length of the URL
exceeds 512
The length of the URL cannot exceed
512 characters.
There are repeated
items in the entered
ID list.
Remove the repeated items.
The server ID is
Use the valid server ID.
The length of the
authentication name
exceeds 32
The length of the authentication name
cannot exceed 32 characters.
The authentication
name and the
password should
appear in pairs.
Enter both the authentication name
and the password, or do not enter both
of them.
The username and
the password you
enter cannot be an
empty string.
The username and the password you
enter cannot be “”, or “ ”, “ ”...
The ID list cannot be
Enter the ID.
Limited device
The device belongs to other
enterprises, refer to Section 4.3 for
more information.
The device cannot be
Check the Device ID or the MAC
address you entered.
Error Description Solution
The device already
The device is added, if you want to edit
the information, you can call the
interface of editing the device, in
Section 3.7.
The device is added
by other enterprises.
Refer to Section 4.3.
The format of the
MAC address is
The supported formats are as below:
00 15 65 12 12 12
The MAC address is
Enter the MAC address.
There are repeated
items in the list of the
MAC addresses.
Remove the repeated items.
The length of the
remark exceeds 256
The length of the remark cannot
exceed 256 characters.
There are empty
items in the list of the
MAC addresses.
Remove the empty items.
The server name
cannot be empty.
Enter the server name.
The server URL
cannot be empty.
Enter the server URL.
The server name
already exists.
Refer to Section 4.4.
The server cannot be
Check the server ID or the name you
Limited server
Use your own server.
The length of the
server name exceeds
256 characters.
The length of the server name cannot
exceed 256 characters.
6. Appendix
This part provides the example code (Java) about calculating the signature and calling the interface, only for