Fluent IMS 2018
User Manual for
Who’s Responding App
iOS, Android & Windows
User Manual for Who’s Responding App
Last Update: 1/04/2019 2
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Setting Availability ................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Sound On/Sound Off ........................................................................................................................................................... 5
Responding To: Options ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Cancel Response ................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Menu Bar ................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Map ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Searching the Map ............................................................................................................................................................ 11
Map Markers ..................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Hiding Map Markers.......................................................................................................................................................... 13
Navigation............................................................................................................................................................................. 14
Directions .......................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Map Marker Editing ............................................................................................................................................................. 16
On Scene ............................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Mute ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Incident ................................................................................................................................................................................. 22
Incident Images ................................................................................................................................................................. 23
Responders ........................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Chat ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Switch Accounts ................................................................................................................................................................... 26
Internal Messages ................................................................................................................................................................ 28
Recipient Selection ............................................................................................................................................................ 30
Reading & Replying to Messages ...................................................................................................................................... 31
System Notifications ............................................................................................................................................................ 33
Checking Availability ............................................................................................................................................................ 35
Unavailability Schedule ........................................................................................................................................................ 36
Deleting an Entry ............................................................................................................................................................... 38
On Duty Schedule ................................................................................................................................................................. 39
Deleting an Entry ............................................................................................................................................................... 41
Preplans ................................................................................................................................................................................ 42
Preplan FAQ ...................................................................................................................................................................... 43
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Table of Contents, Continued
Dispatch Settings .................................................................................................................................................................. 44
Show Messages vs. Receive Alerts .................................................................................................................................... 46
Department Specific Alert Sounds .................................................................................................................................... 48
Override Device Volume ................................................................................................................................................... 49
Virtual Pager ...................................................................................................................................................................... 50
Text-to-Speech .................................................................................................................................................................. 51
Dispatch Settings FAQ ....................................................................................................................................................... 52
Courtesy Message ................................................................................................................................................................ 53
Send Dispatch Alerts ............................................................................................................................................................ 56
Locating Previously Send Dispatch Messages ................................................................................................................... 58
Send Dispatch Alerts FAQ.................................................................................................................................................. 59
Manage Accounts ................................................................................................................................................................. 60
SMS Dispatch Alerts .......................................................................................................................................................... 62
Groups ............................................................................................................................................................................... 63
Job Title ............................................................................................................................................................................. 64
Location ............................................................................................................................................................................. 65
Photo ................................................................................................................................................................................. 65
Test-to-Speech Settings ........................................................................................................................................................ 66
Close Active Incident/End Call ............................................................................................................................................. 69
Settings ................................................................................................................................................................................. 70
Emergency Contacts ............................................................................................................................................................ 74
Support Request .................................................................................................................................................................. 76
Who’s Unavailable Now? .................................................................................................................................................... 78
Push-to-Talk & Radio Stream Access .................................................................................................................................. 80
Manual Radio Stream Access ............................................................................................................................................ 81
Burn Permits ........................................................................................................................................................................ 82
Burn Permits Who’s Responding App Integration ......................................................................................................... 85
Burn Permits Permit Holder Lookup .............................................................................................................................. 86
Burn Permits Active Burn View ..................................................................................................................................... 87
Burn Permits Change Risk Level .................................................................................................................................... 88
Contact Us ............................................................................................................................................................................. 89
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Setting Availability
Who’s Responding allows you to display your availability to your department. The availability options include:
Available”, “Unavailable”, and “On Duty. Availability status will default to available until it is altered.
1. If the home screen looks like the example below, the user’s status is set to Available, as displayed by
the blue toggle.
2. To change status to Unavailable, simply slide the blue Availabletoggle, and it will change to red,
displaying “Unavailable”.
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Setting Availability, Continued
3. When setting availability to Unavailable”, users can choose to still receive sound alerts from the app,
or mute all sounds while unavailable. By default, the sound alerts will be enabled while unavailable, as
displayed by “Sound On”.
4. To mute all sounds while unavailable, simply click the blue “Sound On” toggle, and it will change to red
displaying “Sound Off”.
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Responding To: Options
Who's Responding gives members the ability to report that they are responding to an incident. In addition to
this, it allows them to indicate which location they are responding to (for example, a firefighter may indicate
that they are responding to the hall/station or directly to the scene). This feature generates a real-time list of
all responders, ensuring that educated decisions, such as mutual aid requests, can be made promptly.
1. From the home screen, these three default responses can be found: Scene”, Halland Standing
2. Responding To:” options are customizable. If you have additional options you would like added for
your department, please contact the Who’s Responding team: [email protected]
3. The app features a “Standing Down” button to allow members to cancel their response. It is a two-
stage process, which requires users to select
standing down from the home screen, then an
additional “Cancel Response” button to cancel
the response. Here is an example of the button
that appears:
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Responding To: Options, Continued
4. Once the Cancel Responsebutton is selected, members will be presented with a pop-up to finalize
their response. Selecting Nowill not cancel the member’s response. Selecting Yeswill cancel the
member’s response, removing the users from the current incident and will clear all reports. Below is an
example of the pop up.
5. Reports - After each callout, an e-mail report is sent to any member with the specified permission,
indicating who responded to the call, and any messages that were sent during that call.
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Menu Bar
Below is a description of the sliding menu available on the home screen. Shortcuts for features and functions
can be found in this menu. Please note that some features are permission based, and so may not be available
on your access level of the app.
Map - Who’s Responding offers several map-related features that ensure you and your department can gather
pertinent information about the scene, the resources available, or possible detours relevant to each individual
Navigate - When the location of a callout is known, Who's Responding can provide turn-by-turn directions from
the user’s location to the location of the call. The Navigation feature is complete with voice prompts, just like
the GPS in a car, which saves valuable time otherwise spent searching for the destination. (When the location is
unknown, the button appears grey and the feature is unable to be used, as displayed in the above example.)
On Scene - When a member arrives to the scene of a call, they can press the "On Scene" button to alert other
members that they have arrived. This feature provides members with the opportunity to plot the location of
the scene for other members. When a member chooses to plot the location, a marker is shown on the map and
turn-by-turn directions to navigate to the exact location become available to all responding member’s phones.
In addition to this, voice prompts can be enabled for hands-free navigation.
Mute - If you are in a situation where you do not want any noise disruptions from the app, click the Mute
Preplan - Who's Responding grants specified members access to any preplans/documents associated with an
address (uploaded for an organization). If the address is known for an incident and a preplan is available, a
convenient one-touch button is highlighted allowing direct access to the preplan. It should be noted that
preplans are a read-only, permissions based feature. Additions and edits of preplans are completed through the
web-based control panel. In this example, the user has not been granted access to view the preplan.
Send Alert - Dispatch alerts can be sent from the “Send Alertbutton on the home screen. The user will need
to slide the menu to the left to locate the button. Both “Send Dispatch Alerts” and “Send Alert” are permission
based features.
End Call - When a call is complete, users can close the active incident by selecting End Call”. Alternatively, 30
minutes (or your department’s customized time setting) after the last user interaction the incident will be closed
automatically, and cleared from the home screen. A total history of calls can be found under Dispatch Msg.
on the top right of the “Settings” menu. “End Call” is a permission-based feature.
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Who’s Responding offers several map-related features that ensure you and your department can gather
pertinent information about the scene, the resources available, or possible detours relevant to each individual
Locating the Map
1. The location of the “Map” feature is highlighted below.
Searching the Map
1. To search for a specific address, select the “Search” button from the bar above the map, as highlighted
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Map, Continued
2. When the “Search” button has been selected, a search bar will appear:
3. Type the address into the search bar and select the “Search” button in the bottom right corner of the
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Map, Continued
4. When the address is entered, and the “Search” button is selected, a pop-up will appear confirming the
5. Once confirmed, a marker will be placed on the map at the address that was searched:
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Map, Continued
Map Markers
Who’s Responding provides the ability to place markers on a map. This would be useful for departments to
mark the locations of water sources, AEDs, road works, etc. Each marker is customizable, with the ability to
have a selectable icon and caption. During a response, users can easily click on any water source and get the
"as the crow flies" distance from scene to water source.
Upon selecting the “Map” button, a view of your area will appear. Markers that have been plotted for your
area will be visible. An example is below:
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Map, Continued
Selecting a map marker will display the distances between
the marker and the user, and between the marker and the
scene. This feature provides crucial information to users. An
example could be to determine the nearest hydrant to a
burning building. Here is a display of distances between the
user and the marker, and/or the scene and the marker.
Hiding Map Markers
To hide the markers from disrupting the map view, simply select the “Markers” button from the bar above the
map. Unselect the “Markers” button to have them reappear. Below is where to locate the “Markers” button.
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When the location of a callout is known, Who's Responding can automatically provide turn-by-turn directions
from the user’s location to the location of the call. The Navigationfeature is complete with voice prompts,
just like the GPS in a car, which saves valuable time otherwise spent searching for the destination.
1. When there is an active incident, it will appear where highlighted below. Click the incident. In the next
window, a map of the incident will appear. Click the “Nav” button at the top of the page.
Incident This is where the active
incident details and pictures are
Navigation Click the “Nav” button
highlighted at the top of the screen to
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Navigation, Continued
Upon selecting “Nav”, the app will begin providing turn-by-turn directions to the scene. It will appear as
shown below on the left. If an overview of the directions is desired, simply tap anywhere on the screen to
access a detailed overview. An example of this detail screen is provided on the right.
Turn-by-turn Directions An
example of turn-by-turn navigation
Overview of directions An
example of an overview of
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Map Marker Editing
Plotting markers
Plotting markers is a permission based feature, meaning that only members who are granted access can add,
edit, and delete map markers. We can also work with you to bulk-import a data file if you have a large quantity
of markers to add.
To Plot a Marker:
1. Select the “+” button on the top bar of the map show here:
(Continued on next page)
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Map Marker Editing, Continued
2. When the “+” button is selected, the following pop-up will appear:
Icon Selector Slide to the
left to view available icons
View Toggle between Map
and Satellite view
Marker Name Enter the
name of the marker. For
example: Fire Hydrant
Zoom Zoom in with the
+” button. Zoom out with
the “-“ button
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On Scene
When a member arrives to the scene of a call, they can press the "On Scene" button to alert other members
that they have arrived. This feature provides members with the opportunity to plot the location of the scene
for other members. When a member chooses to plot the location, a marker is shown on the map. Turn-by-
Turn” directions to navigate to the exact location become available to all responding member’s phones. In
addition to this, voice prompts can be enabled for hands-free navigation.
Enabling “On Scene”
1. From the home screen, select the “On Scene” button. It will turn green, indicating that “On Scene” is
2. Once enabled, the app will prompt a pop up asking the user if they would like to notify everyone that
they are on scene. Below is an example of the prompt:
Where to locate On Scene
Indication that “On Scene” is enabled
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On Scene, Continued
3. If the user selects “Yes” to the “On Scene” pop-up, the app will prompt with another pop-up asking the
user if they wish to plot their location. This makes the exact address and turn-by-turn navigation
available to all responding members. Below is an example of this prompt:
4. As stated in the overview, should a member choose to plot their location while on scene, a marker is
shown on the map and turn-by-turn directions to navigate to the exact location become available to all
responding member’s phones.
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If the user is faced with a situation where they do not want any noise disruptions from the app, there are a
couple of ways to mute the sounds of the app.
If the situation has the user unavailable to their department, simply setting their status to “Unavailable” will
both notify their department that they are unavailable, as well as provide them with the opportunity to mute
the sounds of the app.
1. If the home screen looks like the example below, the user’s status is set to Available, as displayed by
the blue toggle.
2. To change status to Unavailable, simply slide the blue Availabletoggle, and it will change to red,
displaying “Unavailable”.
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Mute, Continued
3. To mute all sounds while unavailable, simply click the blue “Sound On” toggle, and it will change to red
displaying “Sound Off”.
If the user is still available to their department, but simply wishes to mute the sounds of the app, utilizing the
mute shortcut is the appropriate solution for this circumstance.
Below is the location of the “Mutebutton from the home screen. Selecting this option will mute the app. Once
the Mutebutton is selected, it will turn red in colour. This confirms that the app is muted. Below is an example
of where to find the mute button and how it appears with notifications are muted.
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The incident section of the app will show any pertinent information about the active call, ranging from CAD
information, to audio pages for replay, to scene images.
The “Incident” section is located on the home screen, as highlighted below. In this example, the department
has received an audio recording of their dispatch message and the triangular PLAY button can be selected to
play back the audio at your discretion.
Audio message replay.
Location of the “Incident
Secondary alert delivered
with the audio recording.
Primary alert, when tones
are detected.
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Incident, Continued
When the address or co-ordinates are known for an incident, the app will display 5 images under the “Incident
section. The first is an overhead satellite view of the area, and the remaining 4 are north-facing, south-facing,
east-facing, and west-facing views of the area. These images are advantageous to members because it provides
users with information of what to expect when locating the scene of an incident.
Location of the 5 images
when address is known
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Responders are shown in real-time on our dashboard view, as well as on the smartphone app. This is
beneficial for departments because users can see Who is Responding as soon as each user indicates that they
are responding to a call. Having this information available assists in making educated decisions such as mutual
aid requests.
The “Responders” section is located on the home screen, as highlighted below.
Location of “Responders
section. A blue tab indicates
which section is displayed
List of responders who have
indicated that they are
Locations of where each
responder will respond to
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Who’s Responding provides members with the opportunity to converse with one another about a specific call.
The Chatfeature provides a messenger style section for members to send quick messages, which disappear
once the call is complete.
The “Chat” section is located on the home screen, as highlighted below.
Location of “Chat” section.
A blue tab indicates which
section is displayed
The red bubble with the
number 1 indicates that
there is an unread chat
Send Button Select this
button to send a message
Example of a chat bubble
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Switch Accounts
If you have more than one account, or if you share a device with someone else who has an account, Who’s
Responding allows you to switch between accounts with ease. It should be noted that only the active account
will send push notifications to the phone, unless departments are in the same dispatch group.
1. From the home screen, select the button highlighted in the top right corner. Select the “Switch
Account” button highlighted below (to the right).
2. When selected, a list of the available accounts will appear. The account with the blue and white bullet
indicates which account is currently active. Simply click another account name to make this the active
account on the device. To add an account, click the “Add Account” button.
Active account, as indicated
by blue and white bullet
Add Account” button
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Switch Accounts, Continued
3. To add an account to a device, fill out the form below, which is displayed by clicking Add Account
button. You must have a Who’s Responding subscription with the e-mail address that you enter to
activate an account.
Enter the password
associated with your Who’s
Responding account
Enter the e-mail associated
with your Who’s
Responding account
Once all details are entered,
click the “Login” button to
add the account
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Internal Messages
Our smartphone app provides members the ability to communicate with groups of other members via text and
voice messages. Voice messages are played live to other members who are viewing the conversation, so this
also doubles up as a private talk group. Internal messaging greatly increases the communication within your
department and keeps everyone in the loop.
How to Send an Internal Message
1. From the home screen, select the highlighted Menu button in the top right corner. Click the “Internal
Msg.” button to send private messages to certain individuals/groups.
2. Click Send Message:
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Internal Messages, Continued
3. Use the following form to both select who receives your message and compose it.
Method of Delivery:
please note that Internal
Messages are ONLY sent
via PUSH notification to
the app. Please ensure
that the “Push” icon is
Recipient Selection: Click
here to select to send to
individual members,
groups or by locations
see next page for details.
Cancel: Click to discard
changes and return to the
previous screen.
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Internal Messages, Continued
Recipient Selection
1. To select which individuals, groups, or locations will receive the message, click the “+ button as
highlighted below. If numerous groups are selected, and the members overlap, each member will still
only receive one copy of the message.
2. Browse through Members, Groups and Locations to select which individuals you would like to send a
message to. If you require additions to your Grouplist, please contact staff at: [email protected]
A blue tab indicates which
list is being displayed. You
can make selections from
multiple lists before
pressing the Back Button.
Back: Click to return to the
message composition
screen once you have
selected your recipients.
A checkbox indicates your
selected recipient(s)
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Internal Messages, Continued
Reading & Replying to Messages
Once a message has been sent/received, the Internal Msg.page will keep a history of messages, until deleted
by the user. Users will be notified that they have received a message when they launch the app by the
highlighted indicators below. Coming Soon: push notifications (alerts) to your phone to advise you of a new
Internal Message.
When a message has yet to be read, there will be a red indicator to the left of the message, as highlighted below.
Messages that have been read do not show this indicator.
View from home screen
View from “Settings” menu
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Internal Messages, Continued
Tap a message tab to read and reply to a message. Below is an example of an internal messaging conversation.
Voice Messaging - Press and
hold the microphone button
to record a voice message to
selected recipients
Send Send additional
Text Field Compose additional
messages/replies here
Voice Message An
example of a received
voice message. Press the
highlighted play button
to listen to the recording
Delete Select this button
to delete this chat from
your history. Please note:
members who delete a
message, will no longer
receive replies
Back- Use the back button
to exit the message
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System Notifications
When an update, or changes have been made, an informative description will become available in the “System
Notifications” tab.
From the home screen, select the highlighted button in the top right corner. Click the System Notifications
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System Notifications, Continued
When a system notification is available, it will appear as below on the left. Tap the message as highlighted below
to view the complete details of the update (as displayed to the right). Select Hideto clear the system
notification from the page
When there are no system notifications, the page will appear as below.
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Checking Availability
Who’s Responding allows users to view which individuals are Available, Unavailable, and On Duty.
1. From the home screen, select the highlighted button in the top right corner.
2. Below the “Availability” tab, you will be able to see the number of people designated to each status.
3. By clicking each tab (“Unavailable”, “Available” and “On Duty”), it is possible to see exactly who is
unavailable, available, and on duty. Below is an example of the screen that appears from clicking the
Available” bar.
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Unavailability Schedule
Who’s Responding has made it possible for users to create a schedule of dates and times that they know they
will be unavailable. For example, if they are taking a vacation, business trip, or have a doctor's appointment,
users can indicate this through the app. Should your availability change, deleting unavailability is as easy as
entering it.
1. From the home screen, select the highlighted button in the top right corner.
2. Click the “Unavailable” tab, then select the “My Availability” button.
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Unavailability Schedule, Continued
3. Use the form below to log your unavailability schedule. Tap the white bars to enter the dates and times
of your unavailability.
4. Scroll upwards on each section to get desired date/time. In the below example, unavailability has been
set to begin on Monday, February 26th, at 7:00 PM. Repeat the same process for entering when your
unavailability will end. Click “Save” to finalize your schedule.
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Unavailability Schedule, Continued
5. Once unavailability has been saved, the schedule will be saved (under “My Dates:”). To delete an entry,
simply click the “X” on the left of the entry.
Unavailability Entry This is
the location of any entries
made for unavailability.
Delete To delete an
entry, simply click the “X
next to the specific entry.
To ensure no entry gets
deleted by mistake, a
prompt will pop-up asking
the user to confirm the
deletion by clicking “Yes
or “No
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On Duty Schedule
Who’s Responding has made it possible for users to create a schedule of dates and times that they know they
will be on duty.
1. From the home screen, select the highlighted button in the top right corner.
2. Click the “On Duty” tab, then select the “On Duty Calendar” button.
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On Duty Schedule, Continued
3. Use the form below to log your on duty schedule. Tap the white bars to enter the dates and times of the
4. Scroll upwards on each section to get desired date/time. In the below example, duty has been set to
begin on Monday, February 26th, at 7:00 PM. Repeat the same process for entering when your duty will
end. Click “Save” to finalize your schedule.
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On Duty Schedule, Continued
5. Once the entry has been saved, the schedule will be saved (under Your Duty Calendar:”). To delete an
entry, simply click the “X” on the left of the entry.
On Duty Entry This is the
location of any entries made
for duty.
Delete To delete an
entry, simply click the “X
next to the specific entry.
To ensure no entry gets
deleted by mistake, a
prompt will pop-up asking
the user to confirm the
deletion by clicking “Yes
or “No
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Who's Responding grants specified members access to any preplans/documents associated with an address
(uploaded for an organization). If the address is known for an incident and a preplan is available, a convenient
one-touch button is highlighted allowing direct access to the preplan. It should be noted that preplans are a
read-only feature. Additions and edits of preplans are completed through the web-based control panel.
Accessing Preplans
1. There are two ways to access Preplans, as shown below:
2. This will open an alphabetical list of organizations
with preplans available:
Shortcut Access to the Preplans
from the Home Page. You may
need to swipe the shortcut bar in
order to make the button visible.
Menu Item Access to the
Preplans via the Menu.
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Preplans, Continued
3. From the list, select an organization to view the information on file. The address, the last update, and a
preplan file is available to the user. To open the preplan diagram, click on the preplan file under Notes:
which will open an internet browser with the diagram.
Preplans FAQ
What type of files can be uploaded as part of a pre-plan?
Any file type can be uploaded to the preplan feature. However, the types of files that can be viewed on a
smartphone are determined by each individual phone. In general, photos, audio files, and plain text files are all
supported. PDF documents are also widely supported on most phones. Additional apps/readers can make
certain files viewable on phones that have limited viewing capabilities.
Who can access the preplan feature?
We understand that the security of preplan documents is important, and we use a combination of encryption,
and group-based access control, to ensure they are only accessed by those who should rightfully have access.
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Dispatch Settings
Dispatch Settings” allows users to manage the way in which they receive dispatch alerts.
Accessing Dispatch Settings
From the home screen, select the highlighted button in the top right corner, and then click “Dispatch Settings
from the menu.
Managing Default Alert Sound
1. To manage the Default Alert Sounds, simply select the highlighted tab below. Scroll upwards to view the
alternative dispatch alert sounds.
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Dispatch Settings, Continued
2. Test the sound by selecting the play button highlighted below.
**PLEASE NOTE**: The remainder of the dispatch settings, are specific to each department. This means, you
must select a department from the Department Dispatch Settings list located on the Dispatch Settings
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Dispatch Settings, Continued
Show Messages vs. Receive Alerts
Users can view messages and receive alerts from other departments in their area. Users have the option to pick
and choose which departments they wish to receive alerts and/or view messages for. Below is how to
enable/disable messages and alerts.
Users can easily view which departments they are receiving messages/alerts for in the Department Dispatch
Settings” list. Enabled messages show up as a check mark in the list, and enabled alerts appear as a bell. Below
is an example of both features enabled.
Show Messages - Enabling
this feature will allow users
to view messages sent by
other departments. This
feature is currently enabled
as indicated by “Yes
Receive Alerts-
Enabling this feature will
allow the app to send alerts
from other departments.
This feature is currently
disabled as indicated by
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Dispatch Settings, Continued
When messages are enabled for departments, they will show up in the “Dispatch Msg.section. Below is where
to locate this feature.
From the home screen, select the highlighted button in the top right corner. Click the “Dispatch Msg.” button.
The “Dispatch Msg.button provides users with a list of the total history of calls. These are stored on the server
and are loaded to the phone as you scroll. Below is an example of the format they are displayed in.
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Dispatch Settings, Continued
Department Specific Alert Sounds
Users can set different alert tones for each department they subscribe to. To manage the department specific
alert sounds, simply select the Dept. Specific Alert Soundbar to view a drop-down menu of other options.
Scroll upwards to view the alternative sound options. By default, each department will use the Default Alert
Sound selected on the Dispatch Settings homepage.
Once a sound selection has been made, test the sound by selecting the play button highlighted below.
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Dispatch Settings, Continued
Override Device Volume
Who’s Responding allows users to set a volume level that will be used whenever an alert is triggered, regardless
of the user’s device volume level, or if silent mode is enabled. It should be noted that officers may have the
ability to override this setting in extreme situations.
Click the department from the Department Dispatch Setting list. Select the Override Device Volume
checkbox. A blue checkbox indicates that the override has been enabled. Slide the bar from left to right to set
the volume. In the example below, it is set to 75%.
Override Device Volume -
A blue checkbox indicates
this feature is enabled
Alert Volume -
Slide the volume adjuster to
the desired volume level. In
this example, the volume is
set at 75%
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Dispatch Settings, Continued
Virtual Pager
Our app provides members with the ability to use a Virtual Pager feature. Users have the option to have the app
automatically start the associated radio stream, or read alert messages using text-to-speech. Users have the
option to opt-in to the virtual pager, even when the app is closed. Additionally, the alert will play at the volume
that is set for playing music/videos, which is not affected by the silent or vibrate mode.
Enabling Virtual Pager
Enabling the Virtual Pager is a department specific feature, meaning you must access the settings of each
individual department.
Enabling Virtual Pager -
A blue checkbox indicates
features that are enabled.
In this example, the
Virtual Pager” is enabled
when the app is open, and
the radio stream is set to
automatically activate
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Dispatch Settings, Continued
Users have the option to enable a Text-to-Speechfeature, which allows the app to automatically read out
dispatch messages for each selected department. This includes “Page Received” notifications if Virtual Pager is
not enabled.
Enabling Text-to-Speech
Enabling Text-to-Speech is a department specific feature, meaning you must access the settings of each
individual department. Simply check the box to the left of the Enable Text-to-Speechtab to enable this
Enabling Text-to-Speech -
A blue checkbox indicates
that “Text-to-Speech” is
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Dispatch Settings, Continued
Dispatch Settings FAQ
Does my department require special hardware to make pager mode work?
Yes, your department requires the rental of hardware to capture radio streams.
Can members prevent the Virtual Pager from activating if they are in a meeting?
Yes, when a member toggles the one touch availability slider on the home tab to “Unavailable”, another slider
appears allowing them to turn all sound off. This will silence all alerts and prevent the radio stream from
activating, to avoid unwanted interruptions.
Is it possible to prevent other department’s members from monitoring my department’s calls?
Yes, simply specify that you wish to have your organization set up separately when you contact us to set up your
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Courtesy Message
When a member indicates that they are responding to a call, one-touch buttons allow users to send out a text
message or e-mail to a specific contact with pre-defined text.
For example, a firefighter could have a courtesy message marked "Wife" or "Husband" to instantly send their
significant other a message letting them know they will be responding to a fire call, and will be home late.
Managing Courtesy Messages
From the home screen, select the highlighted button in the top right corner. Select the “Manage Courtesy
Message” tab, then select the “New Message” button.
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Courtesy Message, Continued
Text Msg. / E-mail
Determines how your
courtesy message will be
delivered. In this instance, e-
mail is the method selected,
as shown in blue
Recipient When E-mail is
selected, provide the
recipients e-mail here.
When text message is
selected, provide the
recipient’s phone number
Save Message When all
details are entered, select
save to turn this message
into a simple, and easy one-
touch button
Nickname Once saved, this
will be the name the
courtesy message is saved
and displayed as.
Message Compose the
message in this text field
Delete Delete a saved entry
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Courtesy Message, Continued
Once courtesy messages are saved, they can become viewable/customizable on the Manage Courtesy Msg.
page. Below is an example of how saved messages are displayed:
Sending a Courtesy Message
When a Courtesy Message is configured, the option to send one automatically pops up once a user indicates
they are responding to a call. Simply tap the empty box beside the Courtesy Message you would like to send.
This will grey out that option as an indication that your pre-determined message has been automatically send,
as shown in the example below:
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Send Dispatch Alerts
Who's Responding allows administrators to dispatch an alert directly from the app. All members will receive
notifications the same way they do when the dispatch center sends an alert. For example, this can be used as a
secondary method of paging your members if your primary alerting method is unavailable. Send Dispatch
Alertscan also to be used to send out messages that you want your members to be alerted to, but are not
critical enough to warrant having the dispatch center send it.
Accessing Preplans
1. There are two ways to access Send Dispatch Alerts, as shown below:
Shortcut Access to the Send
Alert from the homepage. You
may need to swipe the shortcut
bar in order to make the button
Menu Item Access to the Send
Dispatch Alert via the Menu.
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Send Dispatch Alerts, Continued
Use the page below to send a dispatch alert to your department. If you have a message that is sent out
frequently, you can save it as a “Canned Message”. This allows you to quickly send the same message again, or
edit minor details while keeping the essence of the message the same.
Custom Message: Use this
text field to create a
custom message to be sent
out to users
Override App Mute: Alert
members who have the
app on mute. A blue
checkbox to the left
indicates that the override
is enabled. In this
example, it is disabled
Canned Message: Tap this
tab to view a drop-down
list of all previously saved
messages. Resend the
exact message, or edit
some details
Dispatch Groups: Select
which groups to send
dispatch alert to. A blue
checkbox indicates the
Send: Send message to
selected groups. The app
will prompt a pop up
confirming that the user
wants to send the message
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Send Dispatch Alerts, Continued
Location Previously Sent Dispatch Messages
Dispatch messages will show up in the “Dispatch Msg.” section. From the home screen, select the highlighted
button in the top right corner. Click the “Dispatch Msg.button.
The Dispatch Msg.button will provide users with a list of the total history of calls. These are stored on the
server and are loaded to the phone as you scroll. Below is an example of the format they are displayed in.
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Send Dispatch Alerts, Continued
Send Dispatch Alerts FAQ
Who can send dispatch alerts?
Administrators and members who are assigned to a special dispatch group can send alerts.
How do members receive the alerts?
When a dispatch alert I sent, members will receive alerts via the same pre-defined setting they have selected.
(Exception: if the user selects to override mute, members will be alerted at maximum volume).
Is there an additional cost to send dispatch alerts?
Your alert is sent once to our servers via the internet, and our servers relay it to all other notification channels
on your behalf. There is no cost to you.
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Manage Accounts
The Manage Accounts is a permission-based feature available to certain members of your department. This
feature allows for information, and permissions to be edited on all accounts in your department.
From the home screen, select the highlighted button in the top right corner. Click “Manage Accounts”.
Making Edits to Personal Information
1. Select the name of the member to make an edit, or to view their account information.
2. Simply tap the white bars to make edits to the user’s name, E-mail, or cell phone number. You will also
be able to see the user’s password in the location highlighted below. Assistance in retrieving passwords
can be requested from the log-in screen by selecting “Forgot Password”.
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Manage Accounts, Continued
SMS Dispatch Alerts
Enables the user to receive
dispatch alerts in a text
message. The blue
checkbox indicates that
this feature is enabled
Groups Groups simply
means permissions. This is
where users can be granted
access to certain features
and information
SMS Settings To ensure
that SMS Dispatch Alerts
can function effectively
the user’s cellular carrier
must be indicated. It is
here that the user’s
dispatch alerts
subscriptions can be set
Job Title Indicate the
user’s rank
Location For departments
with numerous locations,
stations can be specified
Update Account Save the
changes made to the
Upload Photo Upload a
photo previously saved on
the device
Delete Account Delete the
user’s account
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Manage Accounts, Continued
SMS Dispatch Alerts
To enable SMS Dispatch Alerts, click the SMS Dispatch Alerts” bar. A blue checkbox indicates that the user has
enabled this feature. Select “SMS Settings”. It is here that the user’s cellular carrier must be indicated. It is also
in “SMS Settings”, that users can be subscribed to receive SMS settings for certain departments/stations. In the
example below, the user has been subscribed to receive SMS dispatch alerts forAugusta Station 1.
Smartphone users who are subscribed to SMS Dispatch Alerts will receive push notifications to their device, as
well as a text message alert. SMS Dispatch Alerts are convenient for non-smartphone users, who cannot utilize
the Who’s Responding app, but can still receive SMS dispatch alerts.
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Manage Accounts, Continued
The “Group(s)feature, is where users can be given permissions to access certain features and information. Tap
the bar below Group(s)”. The text in the bar will vary depending on the permissions that the user has been
granted. It will also contain a number on the right that indicates the number of permissions that user has. Simply
select the box beside the permission to grant access. Access is indicated by the blue checkbox. If the checkbox
is empty, the user does not have access.
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Manage Accounts, Continued
Job Title
The “Job Title” feature allows for members to have their rank indicated. For example, when a user responds to
a call, their rank will appear under their name. In addition to this, each Job Titlehas default permissions
settings. For example, a member at “Firefighter” rank will have fewer permissions than a member who is a
“Chief”. Sometimes it is needed to customize the permissions of a member outside of the default permissions
they are assigned with their “Job Title”. Access the “Group(s)” feature to make these changes.
Tap the bar under Job Title”, and scroll upwards to select the appropriate rank for the user. Select Done
when the desired selection is made.
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Manage Accounts, Continued
The Location” feature makes it possible for a member’s station to be indicated. Select the tab below
Location”. Slide the drop-down menu upwards to select appropriate location.
Utilize the Take Photobutton to take a photo with the device’s camera. Utilize Upload Phototo choose a
previously saved photo from the device’s photo library.
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Text-to-Speech Settings
Our app has numerous Text-to-Speech (TTS) features which allow users to stay informed even when the app is
closed. Users can customize the types of messages and information they wish to enable TTS for.
Accessing TTS Settings
From the home screen, select the button highlighted in the top right corner. Click the “Text-to-Speech Settings
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Text-to-Speech Settings, Continued
Enable TTS for Users
have the capability to
choose which type of
information they receive
through TTS. In this
example, “Responders
Arriving on Scene” and
Navigation” are enabled,
as indicated by the blue
TTS Responder Updates
users can choose to
receive announcements
of responder counts
broken down by
destinations. Users can
choose the frequency and
length of time they wish
to receive updates. In this
example, the user has
opted out of this feature,
as indicated by “Never
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Text-to-Speech Settings, Continued
Voice Speed Users can
choose the speed in which
TTS messages will be
played. Options range from
Very Fast” to “Very Slow
Voice Pitch Users can
choose the pitch of the
voice in which TTS
messages will be played.
Options range from “Very
High” to “Very Low
Play Sample Plays an
example of a TTS message
in the settings the user has
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Close Active Incident
When a call is complete, users who have been granted access, can close the active incident. Alternatively, 30
minutes (or your department’s customized time setting) after the last user interaction the incident will be
closed, and cleared from the home screen. A total history of calls can be found under Dispatch Msg. as
highlighted below.
From the home screen, select the Menu button in the top right corner. Click the Close Active Incidenttab.
OR, press the End Call shortcut in the Menu Bar. You may need to slide this icon row to one side in order to
access the button. To ensure the incident is not cleared accidentally, a pop up will appear asking the user to
confirm the reset. Select Yes” to reset the dashboard, orNoto cancel the reset. Please note that both “Close
Active Incident” and “End Call” are permission based features.
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From the home screen, click the Menu button on the top right hand corner. Select the “Settings” tab:
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Settings, Continued
Language Selector- Choose
to view the app in English or
Home Page Items: Use
this section to customize
which features are
displayed on your
homepage. In this
example, all options are
enabled as indicated by
the blue checkboxes
Take Photo Use this
button to take a profile
picture with your camera
Upload Photo Use this
button to pick a profile
picture from the photo
library on your phone
Incident Images: Click
on the “Auto-load
Incident Images” to allow
incident images to load on
the home screen. In this
example, the feature is
disabled as indicated by
the absence of a blue
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Settings, Continued
Units Choose between
Metric and Imperial units of
GPS Tracking Timeout
Choose when GPS tracking
ceases. Select from
minutes to hours from the
drop-down menu
GPS Tracking By
enabling this feature,
members can track your
location when you are
responding to a call. The
feature is enabled in this
example, as indicated by
the blue checkbox
Radio Stream Timeout
Choose when the radio
stream ceases. Select from
minutes to hours from the
drop-down menu
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Settings, Continued
Font Size Choose which
size fonts are displayed in
Terms and
Conditions/Privacy Policy
Click each tab to view
more information
regarding the app, legal
information, and our
App Theme Choose
between a dark or light
Email Reports Enabling
this feature ensures a
report is emailed to the
user verifying attendance,
as well as including the
corresponding dispatch
message. The email is sent
once the call has ended
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Emergency Contacts
Users can access vital information about department members in the event of an emergency. By accessing the
Emergency Contacts feature, medical information (allergies, medications), and emergency contacts are
From the home screen, click the Menu button on the top right hand corner. Select the Emergency Contacts
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Emergency Contacts, Continued
Below “Lookup User” tap “Please Select…” to access a department member’s emergency contact information.
Lookup User Utilize the
drop-down menu to select
Emergency Contact An
example of how an
emergency contact appears
Medical Information
Allergies and medications
that the user takes will be
posted here. An empty
field indicates no
Add Contact Click this
button to add an
emergency contact to the
selected user
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Support Request
Further questions, feedback, or to report issues within the application can be submitted through the Support
Request feature.
From the home screen, click the Menu button on the top right hand corner. Select the Support Request” tab.
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Support Request, Continued
Request Type Utilize the
drop-down menu to select
request type
Your Department Please
provide us with the name of
your department
Your comments Use this
text field to express your
Name Please provide us
with your first, and last
Email Please provide your
e-mail address, so that our
team may reply to you
Send Once all details are
entered, click “Send” to
complete your request
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Who’s Unavailable Now?
The dashboard in the Who’s Responding app allows you to stay organized and up-to-date by having crucial
information readily available on the home screen. One of these key pieces of information is the Who’s
Unavailable Nowfeature, a list of members who are unavailable at that moment in time. By default, the
Who’s Unavailable Nowfeature is not enabled. However, this feature is easily enabled through the app’s
Enabling the “Who’s Unavailable Now” feature:
From the home screen, click the Menu button on the top right hand corner. Select the Settings” tab.
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Who’s Unavailable Now?, Continued
In Settings”, there is a section designated for home page items. To enable this feature, users must have the
Who’s Unavailable Now?tab checked. A blue checkbox indicates that this feature is enabled. To disable the
feature, simply click the tab again, removing the blue checkbox from the tab.
When this feature is enabled, seeing who is “Unavailableis as
easy as scrolling to the bottom of the home page. A list will
appear with the names of the members who are currently
Unavailable”. An example is shown:
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Push-To-Talk & Radio Stream Access
Who’s Responding features a “Push-To-Talk” (PTT) feature to allow communication between members of your
department. This simple tool can be used at any time.
From ANY screen in the app, tap the grey tab at the bottom. This will launch the PTT & Radio Stream access area
as shown below.
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Push-To-Talk & Radio Stream Access
Push and Hold the button at the bottom of the access area to send a PTT message. You will briefly see a Please
Wait message while the app connects to our server. Then, once the button changes to Transmitting, you may
speak your message up to 30 seconds and then release the button to send it to those listening. Note that
tapping the three lines in the “App Radio” area will provide a list of who is currently listening to the channel and
will receive the PTT message.
Manual Radio Stream Access
As an alternative to enabling Virtual Pager, you can manually enable Radio Stream at any time. Note that
manually turning on or off the Radio Stream will not affect your Virtual Pager settings in any way. You have
access to any Radio Stream channels which are setup within your Dispatch Group. Simply toggle the button to
ON to turn on access. The white dotted lines can be dragged upwards to reveal additional radio streams in the
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Burn Permits
Burn Permits.com is an automated online burn permit management tool and auto-attendant phone system.
This allows your residents to read the terms, and digitally sign off for open air fire permits online. By utilizing
our burn permit system, you will not only be automating many of your tedious tasks, but also a substantial
increase in compliance by providing an online option.
Key Features
Automated Call-in System
Residents call a local number from any phone and an automated system indicates risk level status and allows
residents to register their intent to burn. Every call is logged in our system, even if there is a ban, or the resident
does not register their burn.
Risk Level
Our system provides a means of informing residents of the current burn risk level and the proper guidelines for
each level. In addition to this, the system will indicate when there is a complete ban.
Burn Mapping
Your fire department can see at-a-glance where permitted burns are taking place, saving valuable time and
manpower from going to waste on false alarms.
100% Online Registration
Every step of the permit registration process, from providing details, to making payments, can be completed
online. This makes it very practical for residents as well as reducing your department's workload.
Tailored to your Department
Our system can be modified to suit the needs of your fire department. If you have any additional data you
require residents to provide (e.g. Township Roll Number), we can make it happen.
Printable PDF Permits
Every permit registered online generates a PDF that can be printed, complete with signatures, providing the
resident a hard copy of their permit.
Top-notch Security
Every part of the online system is protected. Our servers are located in a secure data center, as well as protected
with multiple layers of security so your resident’s data is kept safe.
Get Paid
Our system integrates with PayPal. Funds for paid permits are instantly and securely transferred directly into
your merchant account your residents can pay with their credit or debit card no need for a PayPal account.
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Burn Permits, Key Features, Continued
Flexible Alerting
Alerts can be sent to your residents via text message, automated phone call, or E-mail and can be filtered by
geographical location, permit type, and more.
Full Control
With our system, you gain the ability to prevent a burn from being registered during a ban, and the ability to
revoke permits from violators. The system will log the attempt and inform them of such an event, giving your
residents no excuse for burning during a ban.
In-house Registration
Our web-based admin system allows you to continue registering permits in-house, with all the same benefits
that online registration provides.
Who's Responding Integration
BurnPermits.com is fully integrated with the Who's Responding app, potentially preventing unwanted responses
to complaints for addresses that are authorized to burn.
Dedicated Website
Your department will get its own public-facing website and web-based administrative panel offering a complete
package tailored to you.
Usage-based Pricing - No Monthly Fees
Never pay for a monthly subscription with our pre-paid credit-based system. Credits are the "currency" of our
system, and unused credits never expire!
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Burn Permits FAQs
Some of our residents don't have computers! How do they to use this system?
They can come into the office and register just as they would before, and you can enter their information into
the system yourself. They can then call in with their regular telephone whenever they are burning.
How can residents pay for their permits?
Through our integration with PayPal, residents have the option to pay with a debit card or credit card, bank
account, or PayPal balance.
Our township doesn't charge for permits. Does the system allow for free permits?
For free permits, the entire payment process is skipped.
Can permits be submitted for approval before being issued?
Our system does provide this option. It is possible to request approval from both your staff, as well as landlords
for residents who rent their homes.
What do we need to do for the automated phone system?
We use a state-of-the-art cloud-based system to make and receive phone calls, a local number for your area will
be assigned to your department. The phone system operates through a digital phone number, which uses the
internet (UOIP). We take care of everything remotely, removing the need for additional hardware or phone
What kind of alerts can we send?
You can send an alert for anything you need to inform your residents of. Whenever there is a change to the risk
level, a ban is put into effect/lifted, changes to pricing, promotions, etc. Residents will receive a text message,
a phone call and/or an E-mail with your message, and you can control who receives the message by permit type,
permit status, and geographical location.
Can we use our existing phone number?
At this time, it is not possible to directly use an existing number with our system. We would recommend that
you have calls to your existing number forwarded to the number that we assign you, and advise your residents
to use the new number.
My department uses Who's Responding. Is this system integrated with the app?
The Who’s Responding app provides full access to the same information that you would find on the web-based
control panel. Therefore, it is possible for you to see who is burning near your current location, or at a given
User Manual for Who’s Responding App
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Burn Permits Whos Responding App Integration
In order to access features of BurnPermits.com through the Whos Responding App, permissions must be
assigned through the IMS Portal. Once the users permissions have been set, the user can access the
BurnPermits.com features by selecting the three white lines at the top of the home page. Then by selecting
Burn Permits from the list.
Users can have access to the following:
1. Permit Holder Lookup
2. Active Burn View
a. Map View
b. List View
3. Ability to Change Risk Level from Phone
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Burn Permits Whos Responding App Integration, Continued
Permit Holder Lookup
Users will have the ability to quickly look up a permit holders account. From this view, the user can see if the
permit holder has a valid permit, the history of their call log and if they have received any notifications
warning of a risk level change. The user can search for a permit holder based on name or address.
User Manual for Who’s Responding App
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Burn Permits Whos Responding App Integration, Continued
Active Burn View
Users have the ability to quickly see who is actively burning in their area. There are two views: Map and List.
The Active Burn Map will populate the map with little flames that indicate the exact location each active burn.
The Active Burn List View will display more details of the active burns in the area such as the address and
permit holder.
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Burn Permits Whos Responding App Integration, Continued
Change Risk Level
Users (if given specific permissions) have the ability to change the risk level without having to log into the Burn
Permits Portal. By selecting the dropdown, users can select the appropriate risk level.
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Our office hours are Monday Friday, 8:30am 5:00pm EST.
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