Updated 8/19/21
Prices listed with a plus sign (+) mean in app purchases are available
Prices listed with an asterisk (*) means subscriptions are available but not required to use
Speech Communication
Picture-based communication
CoughDrop AAC
Requires Android
Software: 4.4 and up
Also Available for Apple
A simple communication app that
includes starter boards and different
levels of communication. Can be
customized with user provided images or
camera photos and recorded speech.
Alexicom AAC for
Requires Android
Software: 4.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
A free AAC app that features in-app page
creation and the ability to import photos
from device. Compatible with variety of
Bluetooth switches.
Avaz AAC
Lifetime Edition
Requires Android
Software: 5.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
An easy to use and customizable speech
communication app for both children and
adults. Can easily move between picture
mode and keyboard mode. Can also
access a remote therapist using Avaz
Live which is built into the app..
Requires Android
Software: 4.0.3 and up
languages, unlimited customization, can
save profiles and does not require
internet access.
Requires Android
Software: 4.0.3 and up
and adults. Users can start a
communication board from scratch,
rearrange and resize pictures as well as
import pictures from the camera,
Updated 8/19/21
I Can
Requires Android
Software: 4.1 and up
messages or utilize pre-programmed
buttons. Can toggle between English and
Niki Talk
Requires Android
Software: Varies with
Also Available for Apple
languages and 70 different voices.
Capable of creating boards and uploading
Text-based communication
Tell Me – Text to
Requires Android
Software: 4.0.3 and up
adjust pitch, speed, colors, and voices.
Can also save files as a notification tone.
Text to Speech
Requires Android
Software: Varies with
speech. User types directly what they
would like to communicate. Text can be
saved for later.
Speech Assistant
Requires Android
Software: 5.0 and up
customizable. 8 categories are available
for this free version. User can show
messages full screen, can connect a
Bluetooth keyboard, and create shortcut
functions to be accessed with the
Requires Android
Software: 4.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
An app that is designed to assist the blind
or visually impaired identify everyday
objects. User can take a picture or video
of object and speak identification back to
Updated 8/19/21
Visor – Low Vision
Requires Android
Software: 4.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
A magnification app that has 3 different
magnification levels and 5 different color
contrast modes. Can turn on the LED
flash on the device to assist with low-
light. Supports TalkBack.
Be My Eyes
Helping the Blind
Requires Android
Software: 5.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
individuals that will connect them with a
volunteer to assist them with anything
from describing their surroundings or
reading labels.
Blind-Droid Wallet
Requires Android
Software: 4.1 and up
or visually impaired user identify
currency. Works with Voice Assistant
and does not need internet connection.
KNFB Reader
Requires Android
Software: 5.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
A scanning app that reads documents
including menus, bills, documents, mail
and PDF files. Has the ability to scan
multiple pages.
Requires Android
Software: 4.1 and up
for blind and visually impaired students.
Educators can use Vital to create learning
content with multisensory touch, sound
effects, and text-to-speech.
Requires Android
Software: 6.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
identifying braille letters. It was designed
especially for APH’s Chameleon 20
and Braille Trail Reader LE™
refreshable braille displays. It also works
Aipoly Vision
Requires Android
Software: 5.1 and up
An app that is both an object and color
recognizer. Designed to help blind and
visually impaired individuals. User will
point the device’s camera at an object
and then hear what it is.
Updated 8/19/21
Requires Android
Software: 5.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
identify NaviLens labels/codes in the
environment. The app will then read
aloud information associated with the
label. Users can receive blank
labels/codes to customize at home, work,
or wherever they are needed.
Ava: Best Live
Requires Android
Software: 5.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
transcribe with 90% accuracy within 1
meter or the user can invite others in for
a group conversation with an invite link.
As others join the users’ conversation
with Ava they will appear color coded to
Visual Hearing Aid
Requires Android
Software: 5.0 and up
A simple app for hearing impaired
individuals. Uses speech to text to assist
in communicating.
ASL American
Sign Language
Requires Android
Software: 5.0 and up
An application that can assist the user in
learning ASL. It includes the alphabet,
numbers, and 100 basic signs with video.
Live Transcribe
Requires Android
Software: 5.0 and up
art automatic speech recognition
technology. Displays spoken text on the
screen, can respond by typing on screen,
and can enable a shortcut that is
Parent Advocacy:
Requires Android
Software: 4.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
An app designed specifically for parents
and caregivers of school-age children
who are deaf and hard of hearing. App
includes important messages, legal
rights, strategies for advocating,
resources, and checklists for IEP’s, 504,
and other meetings.
Updated 8/19/21
Petralex Hearing
Requires Android
Software: 5.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
An app that adjusts sound to your
hearing specifics. Built in hearing test
and has a 4-week adaptive course for
getting used to the hearing aid.
Tunity: Hear any
muted TV
Requires Android
Software: 5.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
Tunity allows the user to hear live TV
from their phone, headphones, or
Bluetooth speaker. Users use their
camera to scan the TV and will bring up
a Quick Tune list of stations to sync
with. Note: the app only supports live TV
and not online content like YouTube or
other streaming services.
Requires Android
Software: Varies with
Also Available for Apple
A video messaging app that allows users
to call up to 24 people. Chat feature and
voice calls available. Skype to Skype
calls are free. Users can turn on auto-
captioning for video calls.
Requires Android
Software: 5.0 and up
Also Available for Android
Rogervoice uses automatic speech
recognition and speech synthesis to
caption phone calls. All calls made to
another Rogervoice user are free.
CaptionCall Mobile
Requires Android
Software: 5.0 and up
User must have a recognized
hearing disability and provide
Professional Certification of
hearing loss.
Also Available for Apple
An app that allows the user to make and
received captioned telephone calls from
your iPad. User can adjust font size, save
conversations, and have captioned
Requires Android
Software: 4.4 and up
User must have a recognized
hearing disability and provide
Professional Certification of
hearing loss.
Also Available for Apple
An app that allows the user to make and
received captioned telephone calls. Users
can choose between captioning from live
stenographers or automated speech
recognition (ASR) software. Can view
and email past call transcripts, voicemail
with captions, and make 911 calls with
Updated 8/19/21
Requires Android
Software: 5.0 and up
User must have a recognized
hearing disability and provide
Professional Certification of
hearing loss.
Also Available for Apple
An app that provides Video Relay
Service for mobile sign language
P3 Mobile
Requires Android
Software: 4.1 and up
User must have a recognized
hearing disability and provide
Professional Certification of
hearing loss.
Also Available for Android
An app that provides Video Relay
Service for mobile sign language
communication. App also includes text
chat and allows users to block unwanted
Education Support
Khan Academy
Requires Android
Software: 5.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
Khan Academy is a learning library that
is available to all users for free. It has a
wide variety of lessons for grades 2nd
and up.
Microsoft Math
Requires Android
Software: 5.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
A math app that provides free step-by-
step instructions for solving math
problems. Users can scan the problem
with the device’s camera, write in the
app, or import the problems. It can be
used for simple arithmetic to advanced
algebra and calculus.
Requires Android
Software: Varies with
Also Available for Apple
Using the devices camera users can take
a picture of their math problem and be
given step-by-step solutions. The app
covers basic math, algebra, geometry,
trigonometry, calculus, and statistics.
Updated 8/19/21
Learning Disabilities and Executive Functioning
Notetaking apps
Google Keep
Requires Android
Varies with device
Also Available for Apple
holds notes, lists, links, pictures, and
drawings that can set reminders, labels,
and is searchable.
Microsoft OneNote
Requires Android
Software: 6.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
create different notebooks, sections, and
pages to keep notes, pictures, or
drawings. Can add tags, create checklists,
and search notes. Includes Immersive
Requires Android
Software: 4.4 and up
Also Available for Apple
An audio recording app that allows you
to bookmark recordings as well as take
pictures to assist the user in notetaking.
Requires Android
Software: 6.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
A simple notetaking app to make notes
and lists. Notes are searchable and can be
tagged for quick reference.
Requires Android
Software: 5.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
A notetaking app that allows the user to
take notes, add images, create checklists,
audio notes, or sketches. Notes can be
organized into individual notebooks,
grouped together, and tagged. Can set
reminders and share notes.
Requires Android
Software: 4.1 and up
take handwritten notes. Paper can be
customized for users’ needs (lines, graph,
or colored), starred for importance, and
organized into notebooks. Can easily
import and mark up PDF’s.
Updated 8/19/21
AudioNote Lite
Requires Android
Software: 2.1 and up
recorded notes. Each note is time
stamped and highlights notes during
playback. The lite version allows up to 5
minutes of free recording.
ColorNote Notepad
Requires Android
Varies with device
memos, create shopping lists, and to-do
lists. Can organize by color, they are
searchable, and can set reminders.
Requires Android
Software: 5.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
An app that is designed to be used with
the Livescribe 3 and Aegir series
smartpens which allows the user to sync
what is written.
Apps for Literacy
Microsoft Lens
Requires Android
Software: 7.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
A scanning app that can save and
organize digital copies of printed
documents, business cards, posters, or
blackboards. Provides Text-To-Speech
and translation with Immersive Reader.
(Immersive Reader only available on
some Android devices)
Speechify (Beta)
Requires Android
Software: Varies with
Also Available for Apple
A simple text-to-speech app that allows
you to upload documents, import website
links, or copy text into the app. Can also
have emails from Gmail read through the
T2S: Text to Voice
– Read Aloud
Requires Android
Software: 5.1 and up
to create or open text files to be read
aloud. App provides a built-in browser
tool that will read highlighted text.
Updated 8/19/21
Smart Lens
Requires Android
Software: 5.0 and up
image to text. Can scan and translate
documents, detect phone
numbers/emails, and provide text-to-
Text Fairy
Requires Android
Software: 5.0 and up
image to text. Can edit text, copies to the
clipboard, and recognizes over 50
languages. Collaborates with Google
Translate to translate text to another
Moon+ Reader Pro
Requires Android
Software: Varies with
speech. Supports PDF documents,
customizable reader bar functions, and
allows annotations, highlighting, and
Requires Android
Software: 5.0 and up
with dyslexia, low vision, or blindness.
Can download from book and newspaper
libraries or copy and paste text from
anywhere to be aloud.
OverDrive: eBooks
& audiobooks
Requires Android
Software: 5.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
App that links up with your local
libraries to check out eBooks and
audiobooks. Can adjust reading settings
of eBooks including changing font,
theme, and text size.
Libby, by
Requires Android
Software: 5.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
App that links up with your local
libraries to check out eBooks and
audiobooks. Can adjust reading settings
of eBooks including changing font,
theme, and text size.
MDA Avaz Reader
for Dyslexia
Requires Android
Software: 5.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
An app with multiple features to assist
reading including OCR to translate Text-
To-Speech. Enables finger reading,
allows for plain-text view, line-by-line
reading, hints to encourage reading, and
a build tool.
Updated 8/19/21
Requires Android
Software: 5.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
An app that assists users in checking
spelling, grammar, punctuation, and
vocabulary. Keyboard integrates
smoothly with all apps and provides
explanations for corrections to help you
understand the mistakes.
Audio Recording & Transcribing apps
Otter Voice
Meeting Notes
Requires Android
Software: 5.0 an up
Also Available for Apple
audio in real time. It automatically
applies punctuation, capitalization, and
highlights key points. Has the ability to
search, differentiate different speakers,
and provides 600 free minutes a month of
Temi Recorder
and Transcriber
Requires Android
Software: 4.1 and up
Also Available for Apple
in speech recognition engine. The app
provides real-time live voice-to-text as
you record. Transcripts are searchable.
Scheduling apps
School Planner
Requires Android
Software: 4.1 and up
organize and keep track of schoolwork
and schedule. Can assign colors to
subjects and tasks, save teachers contact
information, record lectures, set
notifications and reminders for
VAST Visual
Aids and Sensory
Requires Android
Software: 6.0 and up
to create routines that are easy to follow
and manage. The app has no ads and is
fully functional offline.
Fun Routine –
Visual Schedules
Requires Android
Software: 5.0 and up
designed for children with Autism to
assist with completing daily chores,
tasks, and routines.
Updated 8/19/21
First Then
Requires Android
Software: 4.0.3 and up
focuses on one task at a time. User can
upload pictures to customize the task and
save the task for reference later. App also
has a built-in timer.
Visual Schedule &
Social Story
Requires Android
Software: 4.1 and up
Also Available for Apple
This app provides visual support for
completing tasks and appropriate
behaviors at home, school, or in the
community. Users can create new
schedules using templates or your own
pictures within the app.
Time Tracking apps
Requires Android
Varies with device
Google calendar to give a visual dial of
events and tasks for the day. Can add a
widget to the home screen and works
with Android Smartwatch.
Multi Timer
Requires Android
Software: 4.4 and up
allows the user to set multiple timers and
stopwatches at one. Can create multiple
boards of timers, customize lengths,
tones for alerting, or be alerted by text-
Focus To-Do Focus
Requires Android
Software: 5.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
A timer and task management app that
combines the Pomodoro Technique and
To Do Lists. App allows user to set tasks,
recurring tasks, subtasks, reminders, and
task priorities. User can also customize
pomodoro timer/break lengths and tones
for alerts.
Toggl Track Time
Tracking & Work
Hours Log
Requires Android
Software: 5.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
A productivity app designed to help users
track where they are spending their time.
Can integrate tasks with calendar, use
Siri to add or update tasks, and customize
entries with project labels and tags. Can
produce summary reports.
Updated 8/19/21
aTimeLogger -
Time Tracker
Requires Android
Software: 4.2 and up
Also Available for Apple
A simple, easy to use time tracking app.
Can customize with themes, colors, and
icons. Ability to set goals and view
reports with diagrams and graphs. Can
use with widget or Siri shortcuts.
Lanes: Todo List
app and timer
Requires Android
Software: 4.2 and up
A productivity app that includes a to-do
list and Pomodoro timer. User can create
custom projects, tags, and labels. Can
also save articles and videos within the
app and view reports.
Do Now Focused
Requires Android
Software: 4.0 and up
A simple-to-use basic to do app. Can set
planned and unplanned tasks as well as
setting up routines.
Task apps
Tasks: Todo list,
Task List,
Requires Android
Software: 4.1 and up
organize their daily lives. Can customize
lists by color, dark and light themes
available, and the ability to add a widget
to the home screen.
Remember the Milk
Requires Android
Software: 4.1 and up
Also Available for Apple
A smart to-do app that allows you to set
tasks and get reminded via email, text,
IM, Twitter, or mobile notification.
Ability to search tasks and notes.
Integrates with Gmail, Google Calendar,
Twitter, Evernote and more.
Requires Android
Varies with device
Also Available for Apple
An organization app that uses simple and
customizable boards, lists, and cards to
get things done. Can turn on notifications
and assign or collaborate on boards or
Updated 8/19/21
Daily Living
Requires Android
Software: Varies with
Also Available for Apple
An automation app that works with over
600 apps. Uses “recipes” to control, alert,
back up, and even post to social media
without you needing to do so manually.
Medication Tracking
Mango Health
Requires Android
Software: 5.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
A habit tracking app to help simplify and
reward the user’s daily routine. Can set
reminders for medications, healthy
habits, and your mood. Gives points for
keeping up with daily habits. Can also set
up a caregiver profile to monitor
medications and reminders.
Pill Reminder
Medication Tracker
with Alarm
Requires Android
Software: 4.1 and up
Also Available for Apple
A customizable medication and
appointment reminder app – all in one
place. Can add medications from the
FDA Drug Database for easy entry, view
medications and appointments in the
calendar view, and set reminders in a
variety of ways needed for the user.
Requires Android
Software: 5.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
A medication tracking app that provides
an easy-to-read schedule of medications
and when to take them. Can set alarms,
reminders for refills, keep a diary of
symptoms, appointments, and doctors all
within the app.
Max - Pill
Requires Android
Software: 7.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
A simple medication reminder app. Set
notification up by daily, specific days,
day intervals or based on menstrual
cycle. Sends push notification reminders.
If there is no response to the push
notification the user will be notified by a
reminder phone call.
Updated 8/19/21
Habit Tracking
Habit Tracker
Requires Android
Software: 4.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
Formerly known as HabitBull. An app to
help the user keep track of day-to-day
habits and routines. Habits are fully
customizable, easy to track, and provides
inspiring quotes to help stay motivated.
Habitica: Gamify
Your Tasks
Requires Android
Software: 5.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
A habit tracking and To Do app that uses
gaming features for users to stay
motivated and organized. User creates an
avatar that can level up and unlock
features such as armor or pets by
completing tasks and working on healthy
Calendar apps
Google Calendar
Requires Android
Software: Varies with
Also Available for Apple
A calendar application that can add
events as well as To-dos and Goals. Can
sync with other calendars including
iCloud and Google Classroom.
Cozi Family
Requires Android
Software: 4.1 and up
Also Available for Apple
A shared calendar and lists app that
allows you to keep track of every family
members schedule. Also has a recipe box
to keep and organize all your recipes.
Apps for Budgeting and Money Skills
Budget & Finance
Requires Android
Software: 5.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
“envelope method” budgeting a set
amount of money each month/year.
Income and expenses are entered
manually. 10 regular envelopes and 10
annual envelopes available for free
Life Budget –
Personal Finance &
Requires Android
Software: 4.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
A simple expense tracking app to assist
with money management. Users must
enter expenses and income in manually.
Updated 8/19/21
Mint: Personal
Finance & Money
Requires Android
Software: 6.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
Mint allows users to sync their bank
accounts with the app for easier income
and expense tracking. Users can set
budgets, bill due dates, receive financial
advice, and a free credit score all from
within the app.
Assist w
ith Focus apps
White Noise Lite
Requires Android
Software: 5.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
An app that offers a range of sounds to
help the user keep focus, relax, or fall
asleep. Has over 40 looped sounds to
choose from, can mix different sounds to
create your own customized soundscape,
and can set alarms or timers.
Dreampad Sleep
Requires Android
Software: 4.1 and up
Also Available for Apple
Pillow, the app plays relaxing music to
induce relaxation and sleep. The
Dreampad pillow is not needed to utilize
the sounds and music but for best results
Sensory Electra
Requires Android
Software: 4.1 and up
Also Available for Apple
Responds to taps and up to 3 finger
A Soft Murmur
Requires Android
Software: 3.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
allows the user to mix several different
sounds together for perfect productivity
or sleep.
Fluid Simulation
Requires Android
Software: 4.4 and up
Also Available for Apple
The app is designed to simulate gas,
water, and liquids. The user can touch the
screen and see a flourish of colors and
ripples emerge across the screen. Users
can also customize the color palette and
how the screen responds to your touch.
Updated 8/19/21
Caretaking and Behavioral Management
Birdhouse for
Special Needs
Requires Android
Software: 4.1 and up
Also Available for Apple
application to assist parents/caregivers
keep track of behaviors, nutrition,
medical information, therapies,
schedules, and interventions all in one
Chores &
Allowance Bot
Requires Android
Software: 7.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
An easy way to keep track of your
family’s allowances, chores, and savings
goals. Can create daily, weekly, or
monthly allowances for each child.
Symptoms & Mood
Requires Android
Software: 5.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
A tracking tool that allows the user to
track symptoms, mood, sleep, exercise,
diet, and medication. Colorful,
customizable, and easy to use interface.
Dark mode available.
Huddy Health
Requires Android
Software: 8.0 and up
Also Available for Android
A health and wellness app that enables
patients or clinicians to track their health
and symptoms. Includes a personalized
journal, graphs, and resources.
Apps for Children/Adolescents
Khan Academy
Requires Android
Software: 5.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
language, math, social-emotional
development, problem solving skills, and
motor development. Parents/teachers can
set up multiple children’s profiles. For
individuals up to the 2nd grade learning
GoNoodle – Kids
Requires Android
Software: 5.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
GoNoodle has over 300+ dance videos,
yoga exercises, and mindfulness
activities for kids. New videos are
uploaded every week. The menu is easy
Updated 8/19/21
Flip-Over FACES
Requires Android
Software: 6.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
explore facial expressions. While any
student can benefit from this app it is
especially designed for students with
low-vision and a cognitive level of age 5
Jade Autism
Requires Android
Software: 4.1 and up
Also Available for Apple
developing children with autism and
down syndrome. Has association games
where the child must find the answers
among some categories such as Animals,
Breathe, Think, Do
with Sesame
Requires Android
Software: 4.4 and up
Also Available for Apple
as problem solving, self-control,
planning, and task persistence. Available
in English and Spanish.
Mental Health and Emotional Wellness
Brain Exercise
Brain Yoga
Requires Android
Software: 4.1 and up
Also Available for Apple
An app that aims to train your brain in a
relaxing way. Has 11 puzzle game, no
timers, and no high scores.
Requires Android
Software: 5.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
A brain training app with over 40 mind
games to improve cognitive and
academic abilities. The app offers
workout modes, detailed training
insights, and mindfulness training.
Brain HQ
Requires Android
Software: 6.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
A brain training app with exercises
focused on cognitive improvement, real-
world improvements, and physical brain
Updated 8/19/21
Requires Android
Software: 4.4 and up
Also Available for Apple
A brain training app designed to improve
focus, speaking abilities, processing
skills, memory, math skill and more. The
app includes over 35 games, workout
calendar, and personalized daily puzzles.
Mental Health tools
PTSD Coach
Requires Android
Software: 4.4 and up
Also Available for Apple
This app provides education on PTSD,
self-assessments, tools to help manage
PTSD, and information regarding
professional care.
Requires Android
Software: 4.4 and up
Also Available for Apple
A stress management app that provides
detailed information on the effects of
stress as well as instructions and practice
breathing exercises to help reduce stress.
MindShift CBT
Requires Android
Software: 5.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
MindShift is a free, scientifically based
anxiety tool. The app uses Cognitive
Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to help the
user learn to relax, be mindful, develop
more effective ways of thinking, and use
active steps to take charge of anxiety.
Virtual Hope Box
Requires Android
Software: 5.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
An app designed to help with coping,
relaxation, distraction and positive
thinking. User has the ability to save
documents they personally find
Meditation apps
MyLife Meditation
by Stop. Breathe.
Requires Android
Software: 8.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
A mindfulness, meditation app to help
reduce stress and anxiety. User can log
and track progress. Over 40 free guided
activities available in different lengths to
fit your schedule.
Updated 8/19/21
Smiling Mind
Requires Android
Software: 5.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
Australia. Meditation programs available
for children, youth, adults, the classroom,
the workplace, and for sleep. Can set
reminders and follow progress.
Requires Android
Software: Varies with
Also Available for Apple
An app for meditation, sleep, and
relaxation. App contains sleep stories,
guided meditation, and relaxing music.
Can participate in a breathing exercise,
programs for kids or a masterclass, and
can customize app with different scenes
and sounds.
Brain Injury
Brain Injury
Concussion and
Helmet Safety
Requires Android
Software: 4.0.3 and up
Also Available for Apple
An app that teaches the user how to spot
a possible concussion and what to do if
someone has a concussion or serious
brain injury. The application also
features a 3D helmet fit and teaches
about proper helmet safety.
For Aphasia
Language Therapy
Requires Android
Software: 4.4 and up
Also Available for Apple
A free sample version of Language
Therapy designed to be used for
individuals with aphasia. Features
comprehension, reading, naming, and
Requires Android
Software: 4.0 and up
Also Available for Apple
An app that uses unique hand and finger
activities to build strength, control, and
dexterity. Does automatic tracking and
reporting that can be emailed directly
from the app. Can be used with both
children and adults.