App Note 279 Copyright © 2015 ARM Ltd. All rights reserved
Using Git for Project Management with µVision
Using Git for Project Management with µVision
MDK Version 5 Tutorial
AN279, Spring 2015, V 1.0
Teamwork is the basis of many modern microcontroller development projects. Often teams are distributed all
over the world and over various time zones. Synchronizing the development work is the main task for project
managers. As this work cannot be done by sending files via email from one location to another, Software
Version Control Systems (SVCS) are used. In the past, Concurrent Versions System (CVS) and Subversion
(SVN) have been popular for workflows with a centralized server infrastructure. Nowadays, more and more
decentralized workflows have been established, making use of a new SVCS called Git.
This application note describes how to integrate Git into µVision and how to establish a robust workflow for
version control of projects using Software Packs.
Abstract ...............................................................................................................................................................................................1
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................................1
Workflows ..........................................................................................................................................................................................2
Centralized Workflow .................................................................................................................................................................2
Using Git with µVision .....................................................................................................................................................................3
Project Files under Version Control ........................................................................................................................................3
Files that do not need to be monitored ..................................................................................................................................3
Configure µVision’s SVCS ...........................................................................................................................................................3
Version Control of Software Packs ..........................................................................................................................................4
Centralized Workflow Example ....................................................................................................................................................5
1. Initialize the Central Repository ......................................................................................................................................5
2. Clone a Repository from a Server ..................................................................................................................................6
3. Feature Work .......................................................................................................................................................................7
4. Manage Conflicts............................................................................................................................................................... 10
Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Appendix A: Software ................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Appendix B: Links ........................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Revision control is being used for a couple of years now in software development. In the past, centralized server
infrastructures have been used to track the changes in the source code of a microcontroller development
project. With the release of Git, decentralized VCS have become more and more popular.
Git, which is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, was developed for
maintaining the Linux kernel. It became more and more popular and is now the de-facto standard in source
control management (SCM), another term for VCS.
This application note assumes that you have installed Git on your PC (refer to Appendix A: Software) and do
know how to use the Windows command shell (cmd.exe).
App Note 279 Copyright © 2015 ARM Ltd. All rights reserved
Using Git for Project Management with µVision
Using Git, you can make use of various workflows when maintaining a software project:
Centralized workflow as known to users of CVS and SVN
Feature Branch workflow that adds a branch for every feature that is to be developed to the master
Gitflow workflow using specific roles to different branches such as develop, feature, and release branch
Forking workflow that is a truly distributed workflow in the sense that every developer has his own fork
of the master branch and only one project maintainer is accepting commits to the master branch
This application note explains how to use µVision in a centralized workflow environment. Other workflows can
be realized as well using a mix of Git commands from within µVision and using the command line/GUI. For more
information on workflows, see Appendix B: Links.
Centralized Workflow
In a centralized work environment, there is usually a single collaboration model: the centralized workflow. A
central repository accepts code changes, and every developer synchronizes his work to it. This is just like using
SVN for example. However, using Git has a few advantages over the traditional SVN workflow.
First, it gives every developer an own local copy of the entire project. In this local environment, each developer
can work independently of all other colleagues. The local repository is used for commits and they can
completely forget about the original one until it's convenient for them.
Second, all developers can use Git’s robust branching and merging model. Git branches are designed to be fail-
safe when adding code and sharing changes between repositories.
The centralized workflow uses a central repository serving as the entry point for all project changes. The default
development branch is called master and all changes are committed into this branch. No other branches are
required by this workflow:
1. Initialize the central repository
2. Clone a Repository from a Server
3. Feature work (stage/commit/push)
4. Manage Conflicts
App Note 279 Copyright © 2015 ARM Ltd. All rights reserved
Using Git for Project Management with µVision
Using Git with µVision
Project Files under Version Control
Before setting up the workflow, the project manager should be absolutely clear about the files that need to be
version controlled. Of course all source code files need to be versioned, but there are a couple of files that are
special to µVision that need to be monitored as well.
All user generated source files (*.c, *.cpp, *.h, *.inc, *.s)
Project file: Project.uvprojx (is used to build the project from scratch)
Project options file: Project.uvoptx (contains information about the debugger and trace configuration)
Project file for multi-project workspaces: Project.uvmpw
Configuration files for the run-time environment that are copied to the project (all files below .\RTE)
List of #includes created by software components: RTE\RTE_Components.h file
Device configuration file: for example RTE\Device\LPC1857\RTE_Device.h
Linker control file (Project.sct) if created manually
All relevant Pack files (for example ARM::CMSIS, Keil::Middleware, Device Family Packs, etc.)
Files that do not need to be monitored
Project screen layout file: Project.uvguix.username
All files that are part of a Pack (the complete Pack will be revision controlled and is available to every
user as soon as he is installing it using Pack Installer)
Generated output files in the sub-directories .\Listings and .\Objects
INI files for debug adapters
Configure µVision’s SVCS
Before using Git for SCM, you need to configure µVision’s software version control menu. µVision 5.15 is
providing a SVCS template file for Git. It resides in the installation directory (for example C:\Keil_v5\UV4) and is
called GIT.SVCS. For versions previous to 5.15, please use the file as it is provided in this application note’s ZIP
file and copy it to the µVision installation directory.
1. Open µVision and go to SVCS Configure Software Version Control…
2. Enter the path to the template file:
When done, press OK. Now, µVision is ready to use Git as the version control system.
App Note 279 Copyright © 2015 ARM Ltd. All rights reserved
Using Git for Project Management with µVision
Accessing µVision Project Files
When working with the SVCS menu, you can usually access files that are highlighted in the Project window of
µVision. For example, if you are clicking on the File Blinky.c in the Project window and you then go to the
SVCS menu, you will see the SVCS options for the Blinky.c file:
To catch µVision’s project related files (uvmpw, uvprojx, uvoptx),
click on the following (or equivalent):
WorkSpace uvmpw
Project uvprojx
Target 1 uvoptx
Version Control of Software Packs
To ensure that only a certain version of a Software Pack is used in a project, use the Select Software
Packs… icon: This will open a new window that enables you to set the versions of all Software Packs:
Hint: Uncheck Use latest versions of all installed Software Packs.
The information about the selected Software Pack versions is stored in the Project.uvprojx file that is also under
version control using this workflow.
App Note 279 Copyright © 2015 ARM Ltd. All rights reserved
Using Git for Project Management with µVision
Centralized Workflow Example
The following sections show an example for the centralized workflow. Other workflows can be derived from
the example. If the SVCS menu does not provide an entry for a required Git command, use either the GUI or
the command line instead.
1. Initialize the Central Repository
Not all steps in the workflow can be accomplished using µVision. Some steps (especially the one for initializing
the repository) need to be made using additional software. Throughout this application note, Git for Windows is
used. You can either use the tool’s GUI or type in the required commands in a Windows command shell as
described here.
A project has been added to this application note’s ZIP file. It is contained in the sub-directory RTX_Blinky.
Copy this folder to your hard disk, for example to C:\workdir. Open a Windows command shell by typing cmd
in the address bar of Windows explorer and hit enter. A command shell opens up with the project directory:
At the command prompt, enter
C:\workdir\RTX_Blinky>git init
Initialized empty Git repository in C:/workdir/RTX_Blinky/.git/
Now, you have to add your remote repository to your working copy (note that this remote repository must
already exist please consult your Git server space provider for details):
C:\workdir\RTX_Blinky>git remote add origin
Then add (stage) all files from the project:
C:\workdir\RTX_Blinky>git add *
warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in Blinky.uvoptx.
The file will have its original line endings in your working directory.
warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in Blinky.uvprojx.
The file will have its original line endings in your working directory.
Note: The project files uvprojx and uvoptx have UNIX-style line endings (LF). In Windows systems, usually
CRLF is used. Git automatically detects this and changes the line endings to CRLF on the server. But then the
status of these two project files is always “changed”. You can get around this problem using the command
git config --global core.autocrlf false
Commit all files and add a description for the commit:
C:\workdir\RTX_Blinky>git commit -m "Initial version"
[master (root-commit) b71a02e] Initial version
warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in Blinky.uvoptx.
The file will have its original line endings in your working directory.
warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in Blinky.uvprojx.
The file will have its original line endings in your working directory.
12 files changed, 5408 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 Blinky.c
create mode 100644 Blinky.uvoptx
create mode 100644 Blinky.uvprojx
create mode 100644 Debug_RAM.ini
create mode 100644 Packs/ARM.CMSIS.4.3.0.pack
create mode 100644 Packs/Keil.LPC1800_DFP.2.4.0.pack
create mode 100644 RTE/CMSIS/RTX_Conf_CM.c
App Note 279 Copyright © 2015 ARM Ltd. All rights reserved
Using Git for Project Management with µVision
create mode 100644 RTE/Device/LPC1857/RTE_Device.h
create mode 100644 RTE/Device/LPC1857/startup_LPC18xx.s
create mode 100644 RTE/Device/LPC1857/system_LPC18xx.c
create mode 100644 RTE/RTE_Components.h
Finally, push the files to the server:
C:\workdir\RTX_Blinky>git push -u origin master
Counting objects: 19, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (17/17), done.
Writing objects: 100% (19/19), 101.31 MiB | 104.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 19 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
* [new branch] master -> master
Branch master set up to track remote branch master from origin.
Congratulations! You have created your first Git repository. For a more detailed description of the commands
that you have just used, go to section 3.
2. Clone a Repository from a Server
To get a copy of an existing Git repository (for example, a project that is created within your engineering
group), you need to use the command git clone. In contrast to other version control systems such as SVN,
the command is called “clone” and not “checkout”. Instead of getting just a working copy, a full copy of nearly all
data on the server is saved to your hard drive. For example:
C:\workdir> git clone
You will be asked for your username and password. The command creates a sub-directory named “rtx_blinky
in C:\workdir, initializes a .git directory inside it, downloads all the data for that repository, and checks out a
working copy of the latest version. If you change into the new rtx_blinky directory, you will see the µVision
project files. If you want to clone the repository into a different directory, specify the name as the next
command-line option:
C:\workdir> git clone MyBlinky
A number of different transfer protocols is available in Git. This example uses the https:// protocol, but you
may also see git:// or ssh://user@server:path/to/repo.git.
App Note 279 Copyright © 2015 ARM Ltd. All rights reserved
Using Git for Project Management with µVision
3. Feature Work
Now, you have a Git repository and a checkout or working copy of the files for that project. Working
on the project will create some changes and you will need to commit snapshots of those changes into
your repository from time to time.
Each file in the working directory is in one of the following two states: tracked or untracked. Tracked
files were already present in the last snapshot; they can be unmodified, modified, or staged. Untracked
files are everything else (for example build output logs etc.) any files in the working directory that
were not present in the last snapshot and are not in the staging area. Cloning a repository for the first
time, all files will be tracked and unmodified.
While editing files, Git will recognize them as modified, because they have changed since the last
commit. Staging modified files and then committing all staged changes will make them be
tracked/unmodified again:
Checking the File Status
To determine the status of your files use the git status command. It is available in the SVCS menu
(Status). If you run this command directly after a clone, your Build Output window will show
something similar:
When opening the project, µVision automatically generates a uvguix.username file. This is marked as
not tracked (because it is not required).
Staging (Adding) an Untracked File
For this example, we will create a text file to will explain the usage of the project. The file will be
added to the working copy of the project and later committed to the origin.
In µVision, right-click on Target 1 and choose Add Group. New Group will be added in the
Project window. Click on New Group and a cursor should appear. Change the group name to
Documentation. Right-click on Documentation and choose Add New Item to Group
‘Documentation’. In the next window, click on Text File (.txt) and enter Abstract as the name. The
App Note 279 Copyright © 2015 ARM Ltd. All rights reserved
Using Git for Project Management with µVision
file will be added and opened in the editor. Enter any text that might seem fit. A git status will
show the file as untracked.
In order to begin tracking (or adding) Abstract.txt, use git add. Make sure that the file is highlighted
in the Project window and then go to SVCS Stage ‘Abstract.txt’:
The Build Output echoes the command: git add C:\workdir\RTX_Blinky\Abstract.txt
Rerun the git status command to see the file now being tracked and staged for the next commit:
Changes to be committed:
(use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
new file: Abstract.txt
Before committing the file, let’s change another file so that it changes from unmodified to modified.
Staging Modified Files
Double-click Blinky.c to open it. After line 26 there are two empty lines. Delete line 27 and save the
file. Another git status will output the following:
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: Blinky.c
To stage the changed file, use the Stage item on the SVCS menu as shown in the previous step. Check
the successful staging using the git status command.
Removing a Tracked File
The GIT.SVCS file does not provide the ability to use the git rm command. This command removes a file from
the staging area and from the working directory. But the file still might be visible in µVision (especially when you
have the file open in the Editor window). This might lead to unexpected behavior. To remove a file safely from a
µVision project and the working repository, do the following:
Close the file in the Editor window.
In the Project window, right-click on the file and select Remove File ‘MyFile.c’
Switch to your Windows command shell, go to the file’s directory and issue the command
git rm MyFile.c
At the next commit, the file will be gone and no longer tracked. If you modified the file in between and added it
to the index already, the removal must be forces using the -f option. This safety feature prevents from
accidentally removing data that has not yet been part of a snapshot and that cannot be recovered from Git.
App Note 279 Copyright © 2015 ARM Ltd. All rights reserved
Using Git for Project Management with µVision
Committing Changes
Before issuing the git commit command, check the project for unstaged files. A commit will only
accept staged files. Any created or modified files which have not yet been staged won’t go into this
commit. They will remain modified on the hard disk.
To commit, go to SVCS Commit staged changes. A window for entering the commit message
will open:
Enter the comment text and press OK. The Build Output window will show the success of the git
git commit -m C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\Sccs13
[master 1d1b0e6] C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\Sccs13
2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
create mode 100644 Abstract.txt
Pushing to the Repository
When the project has reached a point can be shared with others, it has to be pushed upstream (to the
repository server): git push [remote-name] [branch-name]. The built-in command in the
SVCS menu goes one step further. It uses git push origin master to push the master branch to
the origin server.
There are two prerequisites for this command to work properly:
1. You need to have write access to the server you are pushing to and
2. Nobody has pushed in the meantime. If this happens, your push will be rejected:
! [rejected] master -> master (fetch first)
error: failed to push some refs to
hint: Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you
do not have locally. This is usually caused by another repository
pushing to the same ref. You may want to first integrate the remote
changes (e.g., 'git pull ...') before pushing again.
See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for details.
You’ll have to pull down first and incorporate any changes or rebase before you will be allowed
to push.
App Note 279 Copyright © 2015 ARM Ltd. All rights reserved
Using Git for Project Management with µVision
4. Manage Conflicts
The Git server’s central repository is the one that every developer will finally commit to. If a
developer’s local commits diverge from this repository, Git will refuse to push the changes. Before the
developer can publish on the server, all updated commits on the central repository need to be fetched
and the changes need to be rebased on top of them. This results in a linear history on the central
repository, just like in a SVN workflow.
If some of the changes are conflicting directly with upstream commits, Git will pause the rebasing
process. The developer can then manually resolve the conflicts. For generating commits and merging
conflicting files, Git uses the same git status and git add commands. This makes it easy to
manage merges.
To rebase, use SVCS Rebase. This will issue a git pull --rebase origin master that tells
Git to move all of your commits to the tip of the master branch after synchronizing it with the
changes from the central repository.
Rebasing transfers each local commit to the central repository’s master branch one at a time. Thus,
merge conflicts are caught on a commit-by-commit basis rather than by resolving all at once in a single
merge commit.
If two developers have worked on the same features (for example Blinky.c), the rebasing process
will generate conflicts. Git will pause the rebase (at the current commit) and the Build Output window
will show the following conflict message:
git pull --rebase origin master
* branch master -> FETCH_HEAD
44af614..cdfdc12 master -> origin/master
First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...
Applying: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\Sccs5
Using index info to reconstruct a base tree...
M Blinky.c
Falling back to patching base and 3-way merge...
Auto-merging Blinky.c
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in Blinky.c
Failed to merge in the changes.
Patch failed at 0001 C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\Sccs5
The copy of the patch that failed is found in:
When you have resolved this problem, run "git rebase --continue".
If you prefer to skip this patch, run "git rebase --skip" instead.
To check out the original branch and stop rebasing, run
"git rebase --abort".
App Note 279 Copyright © 2015 ARM Ltd. All rights reserved
Using Git for Project Management with µVision
Also, the problem will be shown in the Editor window, for example:
To get more information on the changes, you can use Git’s blame feature. While the main.c file is
highlighted in the Project window, go to SVCS Blame ‘Blinky.c’. This will initiate the GUI of Git
for Windows and show the details of the differences (hovering over the window will give more details
in the yellow boxes):
Finishing the Rebase Process
When finished merging the file(s), do not forget to stage (git add) them. A commit is not necessary at this
time as you are rebasing. Then, you need to continue the rebase process. This is not available from within
µVision. You need to switch to the Windows command shell and enter:
C:\workdir\rtx_blinky>git rebase --continue
Git will acknowledges the changes with
Applying: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\Sccs5
Finally, do not forget to push the changes to the server (see next section).
Stashing a Project
Sometimes, things can get messed up and you do want to switch branches for a while to work on
another part of the project. But you do not want to commit half-done work to get back to this point
later. To come around this problem, you need to issue the git stash command. Stashing takes the
current (messy) state of your working directory (all modified tracked files and staged changes) and
saves it on a stack of unfinished changes that can be reapplied to the working directory at any time.
App Note 279 Copyright © 2015 ARM Ltd. All rights reserved
Using Git for Project Management with µVision
Pulling the Latest Version from the Server Repository
To pull the latest version from the remote server, go to SVCS Pull latest version from server.
This will initiate the git pull command:
git pull
d8418bf..6fbcd97 master -> origin/master
Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
… Whatever has been changed …
A subsequent git push should show no errors:
git push origin master
6fbcd97..e0c5dd3 master -> master
This application note has shown one way of using Git with µVision. As Git offers may ways of collaboration,
please consult the available literature that is stated below on how to use Git for a distributed workflow. Using a
combination of the commands from the GIT.SVCS file and the command line/Git GUI, you can use any workflow
supported by Git.
Appendix A: Software
To be able to use Git on a Windows PC and from within µVision, you need to install the following software:
Git for Windows:
For MDK versions below 5.15, you need to add the µVision SVCS template file for Git which is part of
this application note’s ZIP file:
Please copy the file to the µVision installation directory, for example C:\Keil_v5\UV4
Appendix B: Links
Git Book:
Git server space providers:,,
Possible Workflows:
Migrate from SVN to Git:
More information on Git replacing LF with CRLF: