Saving Energy: 2021
How Electric and Natural Gas Utilities in South Carolina
Are Using Demand-Side Management
Saving Energy: 2021
How Electric and Natural Gas Utilities in South Carolina
Are Using Demand-Side Management
December 2021
Stacey Washington
South Carolina Oce of Regulatory Sta
Energy Oce
1401 Main Street
Suite 900
Columbia, SC 29201
(803) 737-0800
Disclaimer: The information in this Report is based on utility Integrated Resource Plans, responses to information requests and other public
information sources. This agency does not assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of any information.
Disclaimer: This Report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United
States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal
liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or
represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specic commercial product, process, or service
by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or
favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily
state or reect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof.
Demand Side Management (DSM) is a strategy that electric and natural gas utilities use to decrease or shift demand
for their energy services. The State Energy Oce, a division of the South Carolina Oce of Regulatory Sta, submits
this Report pursuant to S.C. Code Ann § 58-37-30. This Report is intended to summarize DSM activities deployed by
South Carolinas electric and natural gas utilities investor-owned utilities, Santee Cooper, electric cooperatives, and
municipalities – as reported in 2021. Data used to create this Report originated from utilities.
For the purposes of this Report, DSM programs are activities conducted by electric and natural gas utilities for
the reduction or more ecient use of energy in the following three major categories (1) Energy Eciency and
Conservation (2) Load Management (i.e., reducing the amount of electricity and natural gas needed); and (3) Public
Summary: South Carolina
Electric Distribution Utilities
Of the 46 Electric Distribution Utilities (EDUs) in South Carolina, 37 conducted DSM activities in 2021. Their ongoing
activities are discussed below. See Appendix A for a summary of all incentives oered by all utilities and refer to
Appendix B for more detailed descriptions of programs oered by each utility.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation
Two EDUs provided nancial incentives to builders and/or building occupants to promote energy-ecient
new construction.
Thirteen EDUs oered nancial incentives to building occupants to encourage energy eciency
improvements in existing structures.
Eleven EDUs oered on-site energy assessments to customers in which they provided trained personnel
to evaluate facilities and suggest methods for improving energy eciency.
Three EDUs implemented energy eciency and weatherization programs for low-income customers.
The programs provide personalized assistance and nancial support to assist in making needed home
improvements and lowering monthly electric bills.
Eighteen EDUs oered nancial incentives for the purchase and/or installation of energy-ecient
appliances, equipment, and lighting.
Load Management
Twenty-eight EDUs oered nancial incentives to customers who allowed utilities to control their peak load
by curtailing the operation of certain appliances or equipment during periods of peak demand.
Three EDUs oered nancial incentives to customers who agreed to partially or completely halt electricity
consumption, or allowed the utility to interrupt service, during periods of peak demand.
Five EDUs oered rates that encourage the reduction of energy use during times when there is a high
demand for electricity.
One EDU provided incentives for customers to switch to on-site standby electricity generation (i.e., generators)
during periods of peak demand.
Public Information
Thirty EDUs maintained websites that oered energy eciency and conservation tips and/or web-based
systems for viewing and analyzing monthly electricity usage and cost.
Eight EDUs communicated directly with customers through mailings and/or in-person assistance to
publicize utility DSM programs and to oer energy eciency and conservation tips and services.
Five EDUs conducted public outreach campaigns through advertising and/or attended community events to
publicize utility DSM programs and oer energy eciency and conservation tips.
Three EDUs provided instructional programs and/or resources to K-12 schools to promote energy
Summary: South Carolina
Natural Gas Distribution Utilities
Of the 15 natural gas utilities (NGUs) in South Carolina, 13 conducted DSM activities in 2021. The DSM activities are
discussed below.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation
Ten NGUs oered nancial incentives for the purchase and/or installation of newer, more ecient natural
gas appliances or equipment.
Load Management
One NGU oered nancial incentives to customers that allowed utilities to eliminate or reduce their natural
gas deliveries during periods of peak demand. Interruptible-service customers are typically commercial or
industrial entities that can switch from utility natural gas to another energy source or are willing to suspend
operations during fuel-curtailment periods.
Public Information
Eight NGUs maintained websites that oered energy eciency and conservation tips and/or web-based
tools for viewing and analyzing monthly natural gas usage and cost.
Two NGUs communicated directly with customers through mailings and/or in-person assistance to
publicize utility DSM programs and oer energy eciency and conservation tips and services.
One NGU conducted public outreach campaigns through advertising and attended community events to
publicize utility DSM programs and oer energy eciency and conservation tips.
Demand Side Management (DSM) is a strategy that electric and natural gas utilities employ to decrease or shift
demand for their energy services. The State Energy Oce, a division of the South Carolina Oce of Regulatory
Sta, submits this Report pursuant to S.C. Code Ann § 58-37-30. This Report is intended to summarize DSM
activities deployed by South Carolinas electric and natural gas utilities investor-owned utilities, Santee Cooper,
electric cooperatives, and municipalities – as reported in 2021. Data used to create this Report was taken from
utility Integrated Resource Plans (IRPs) submitted during 2021 and utility responses to information requests.
Consequently, the data and program descriptions represent the utilities’ descriptions, goals, and objectives for
their DSM activities. The IRPs include data from prior periods as well as future projections.
Utilities are encouraged by state legislation to adopt and implement DSM programs, which directly benet
utilities by reducing their need for wholesale energy purchases and potentially deferring infrastructure
investments. Utilities regulated by the Public Service Commission of South Carolina (PSC) receive regulatory
incentives allowing them to recover costs associated with these programs. Some examples of infrastructure
investments that may be minimized or deferred include the installation of pollution controls, the construction
of new generation, and the construction of new transmission and distribution infrastructure. Customers can
also directly benet from DSM through reductions in their monthly energy consumption.
For the purposes of this Report, DSM programs are dened as activities conducted by electric and natural gas
utilities for the reduction or more ecient use of energy in the following three major categories:
Energy Eciency and Conservation: Energy eciency (EE) reduces energy consumption without
requiring customers to sacrice the benets received from energy (for example, installing building
insulation, purchasing ecient appliances). Energy conservation reduces energy consumption by
requiring customers to decrease their utilization of energy-consuming devices (for example, reducing
thermostat temperature, turning o lights). Although each achieves energy reduction in a dierent
way, they are closely related and are grouped together in this Report.
Load Management: Reduces customer demand for energy during periods of peak demand when
capacity is limited, and the cost of energy provision is high.
Public Information: Encourages customer participation in DSM programs and seeks to change
behaviors through public campaigns, direct-to-customer communication, or increasing customer
access to information about their consumption of energy services.
The following sections of this Report provide a description of the DSM programs oered by the investor-owned
utilities, Santee Cooper, electric cooperatives, and municipalities. Data used to create this Report reect utility
responses to information requests received during 2021. Due to their similarities and the way that the programs
overlap, energy eciency and conservation programs have been grouped together.
In 2021, 50 of 61 South Carolina electric and natural gas distribution utilities oered DSM programs. The widest
variety of DSM programs were available from the three largest investor-owned electric utilities — Duke Energy
Carolinas, LLC, Duke Energy Progress, LLC, and Dominion Energy South Carolina, Inc. — and from the state-
owned South Carolina Public Service Authority (Santee Cooper).
Central Electric Cooperative, reporting for the twenty-member electric distribution cooperatives, has a
longstanding load-control program that has been in eect for more than thirty years. Several electric
cooperatives also oer low-interest loans for home weatherization through on-bill nancing. Thirteen South
Carolina municipal electric utilities, the largest being Rock Hill and the smallest being Westminster, also
maintain DSM programs. South Carolinas fourth investor-owned electric utility, Lockhart Power Company,
has one primary DSM program through its Industrial Interruptible Service Rate.
Piedmont Natural Gas Company, one of South Carolina’s two investor-owned natural gas distribution utilities,
also oered DSM programs. In addition, twelve of South Carolinas municipal natural gas utilities maintain
DSM programs.
2 3
The Energy Oce maintains the EnergySaver.SC.GOV website and Energy Saver Tool for consumers to nd
energy-saving tips and programs for which they may be eligible. The tool was created because of a need
identied in a recommendation made during the 2016 State Energy Plan. After collaborating with NIC South
Carolina for more than a year, the website and tool were launched in 2020. A list of DSM programs by utility
with a summary and website links can be found using the Energy Saver Tool. See Appendix B for a list of DSM
programs. Appendix A includes a summary matrix of the DSM programs.
In addition to the DSM programs oered by utilities, the Report includes the distribution utility market share
(number of customers and sales) for South Carolina’s electric and natural gas utilities in Appendix C. A list of
qualifying facilities under the Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA) can be found in Appendix D.
4 5
Duke Energy Carolinas
Duke Energy Carolinas (DEC) uses DSM and EE programs to eciently and cost-eectively
alter customer demands and reduce the long-run supply costs for energy and peak
demand. These programs can vary greatly in their dispatch characteristics, size and
duration of load response, certainty of load response, and level and frequency of customer
participation. More information on these programs can be found on DEC’s website for
homeowners and businesses.
Duke Energy Progress
Like DEC, Duke Energy Progress (DEP) utilizes DSM and EE programs to eciently and cost-
eectively alter customer demands and reduce the long-run supply costs for energy and
peak demand. These programs can vary greatly in their dispatch characteristics, size and
duration of load response, certainty of load response, and level and frequency of customer
participation. In general, programs are oered in two primary categories: EE programs that reduce energy
consumption and DSM programs that reduce peak demand (demand-side management or demand-response
programs and certain rate-structure programs).
More information on these programs can be found on DEP’s website for homeowners and businesses.
Dominion Energy South Carolina
As stated in Dominion Energy South Carolina, Inc.’s (DESC) 2020 IRP, DSM can be
broadly dened as the set of actions that can be taken to inuence the level and
timing of the consumption of energy. There are two common subsets of DSM:
Energy Eciency and Load Management (also known as Demand Response).
Energy Eciency typically includes actions designed to increase eciency by maintaining the same level of
production or comfort, but using less energy input in an economically ecient way. Load Management typically
includes actions specically designed to encourage customers to reduce usage during peak times or shift that
usage to other times.
More information is available on their website.
Photo Credit: Hidden Springs Community, LLC
Santee Cooper
For over 20 years, Santee Cooper has oered DSM programs. These programs
have measures that save energy and/or demand. The energy and/or demand
impacts of the actual and projected participation of Santee Coopers directly served retail customers are
considered when updating the energy and/or demand needs in the generation plan.
More information on these programs can be found on their website for homeowners and businesses.
Lockhart Power Company
Lockhart Power Company’s primary demand-side program is its Industrial
Interruptible Service Rate (IS-1). This rate is available to industrial customers
receiving service from the Company under Schedule I concurrent with a metered demand of 750 kilowatts or
more served from the Companys transmission system. Under this rate the customer agrees, at the Company’s
request, to reduce and maintain its load at or below the level specied in the individual contract. The Companys
request to interrupt service may be at any time the Company or its power supplier has capacity problems.
In addition, the electric rates have an inclining feature— namely, Lockhart charges a somewhat higher rate for
all usage above 1,000 kWh each month. This rate structure provides incentives to customers to reduce their
consumption of electricity. Lockhart’s website also includes energy-saving tips.
6 7
Photo Credit: Dennis Schroeder / NREL
Central Electric Power Cooperative (Central) reports on behalf of the 20 distribution electric
cooperatives in South Carolina. Below is a summary of their demand-side management
(DSM) and energy eciency programs for the year 2020.
Central and its member-cooperatives are reducing peak loads approximately 91 MW during winter months and
93 MW during summer months via DSM. For more than 30 years, Central and its member-cooperatives have
invested in DSM programs for cooperative members. While direct load control of central air conditioners, heat
pumps, and electric water heaters is projected to remain a core focus of DSM eorts across the Central system,
the type of devices and communication protocols are evolving.
In 2017, Central began to pilot smart thermostats for demand-response purposes and transitioned to a full program
in 2018 with active participants at over half of the member-cooperatives. In 2020, Central piloted two Wi-Fi
connected water heater control devices as a possible alternative to Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) switches.
The preference for smart devices is twofold. First, the smart devices are more attractive to member-cooperatives,
which can increase adoption rates among members. Second, the two-way communication capabilities of these
devices allow for rapid and accurate impact analysis and increased visibility into the operability of the eet of load
management devices.
In accordance with the South Carolina on-bill nancing statute,
several electric power cooperatives oer retail members low-
interest loans for home weatherization. Through 2021, over 950
homes have participated in the Help My House® weatherization
program, and Help My House® cooperatives have access to $15.5
million in loans from the USDAs Rural Energy Savings Program to
further expand the eort.
In addition to on-bill weatherization programs, some South
Carolina distribution cooperatives oer on-bill heat pump
replacement programs and special rates for members whose
homes meet certain energy eciency requirements.
Some of the cooperatives have additional programs. A list and
description of the DSM programs can be found in Appendix B.
Municipal electric and natural gas utilities also oered DSM programs in 2021. A list and description of the DSM
programs can be found in Appendix B.
Electric and Natural Gas
Demand Side Management Programs
Electric Demand Side Management Programs
Utility Name Ownership
Energy Eciency Load Management Public Information
Eciency and
Use or
Tips and
Abbeville, City of Municipal
ü ü
Bamberg Board of Public Works Municipal
Bennettsville, City of Municipal
Camden, City of Municipal
Clinton, City of Municipal
ü ü
Dominion Energy South Carolina
ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü
Town of Due West Municipal
Duke Energy Carolinas
ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü
Duke Energy Progress
ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü
Easley Combined Utility System Municipal
ü ü
Electric Cooperatives (20 Co-ops) Cooperative
ü* ü* ü* ü ü* ü* ü* ü ü
Ganey Board of Public Works Municipal
Georgetown, City of Municipal
ü ü
Greenwood CPW Municipal
Greer CPW Municipal
Laurens CPW Municipal
ü ü
Lockhart Power Co., Inc
ü ü
McCormick CPW Municipal
Newberry, City of Municipal
Orangeburg DPU Municipal
Town of Prosperity Municipal
Rock Hill, City of Municipal
ü ü ü ü ü
Santee Cooper State-Owned
ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü
Seneca Light & Water Plant Municipal
Union, City of Municipal
Westminster CPW Municipal
ü ü ü
Winnsboro, Town of Municipal
SOURCE: Oce of Regulatory Sta- Energy Oce annual survey of utilities
Note: This table does not include pilot projects.
*Avaliable from select Co-ops
Natural Gas Demand Side Management Programs
Utility Name Ownership
Energy Eciency
Public Information
Eciency and
Appliance or
Tools and
Bamberg Board of Public Works Municipal
City of Bennettsville Municipal
Chester County Natural Gas Authority Municipal
ü ü
Clinton-Newberry Natural Gas Authority Municipal
Fort Hill Natural Gas Authority Municipal
ü ü
Fountain Inn Natural Gas Municipal
Greenwood Commission of Public Works Municipal
Greer Commission of Public Works Municipal
ü ü
Lancaster County Natural Gas Authority Municipal
Laurens Commission of Public Works Municipal
Orangeburg Department of Public Utilities Municipal
ü ü
Piedmont Natural Gas Company
ü ü ü
Dominion Energy South Carolina
ü ü ü ü
City of Union Municipal
Town of Winnsboro Municipal
York County Natural Gas Authority Municipal
Source: Oce of Regulatory Sta- Energy Oce annual survey of utilities.
Note: This table does not include pilot projects.
DSM / EE Incentives
Programs By Utility
Program Name Description
Aiken Electric Cooperative
Aiken Electric Cooperative Help My
House Program
Members can improve their home’s energy efficiency with this energy efficiency audit and
zero-down, low-interest loan program. An audit is performed on qualifying homes to identify
energy improvement measures. Improvements can be financed by including monthly loan
payments on the power bill.
Aiken Electric Cooperative H2O
Select Plus2 Program
H2O Select® PLUS2 is a residential water heater and timer incentive program. Members can
choose a new high-efficiency electric water heater with cash incentives. The water heater,
timer and installation is free. A 10-year worry-free maintenance warranty is also available.
Aiken Electric Cooperative Home
Energy Savings Energy Tips
Online energy-saving tips.
Aiken Electric Cooperative Smart
Thermostat Program
Receive an Ecobee Smart Thermostat for free, including installation. Then, enjoy the
convenience and control of adjusting your home’s temperature from anywhere, anytime.
Gives members the opportunity to help save on heating and cooling costs by programming
the thermostat to automatically adjust when they’re not home. The thermostat also adjusts a
few degrees during “peak” periods. That helps hold down power costs for all our members.
Aiken Electric Cooperative Beat the
Aiken Electric provides this program through Central Electric Cooperative that informs
members of how electricity usage varies during the day and across the seasons of the year.
By signing up, they receive a notification (via text, email and/or voice messages) at times
when they can help reduce electricity use.
Aiken Electric Cooperative Home
Energy Saving Tips
Online energy tips that help by providing tools our members can use to evaluate their use of
things like heating, cooling, lighting, and cooking in their home.
Bamberg Board of Public Works
Bamberg Board of Public Works
Energy Saving Tips
Online energy tips
Berkeley Electric Cooperative
Berkeley Electric Cooperative Time-
of-Day Rate
Voluntary program that rewards members with lower electric rate for shifting energy intensive
tasks – such as laundry, cooking and heating/cooling – away from peak hours.
Berkeley Electric Cooperative H2O
Water heater rebates ranging from $200 - $400 for new electric water heaters with a load
management switch.
Berkeley Electric Cooperative Earth
Connect Geothermal Heat Pump
Geothermal heat pump rebate of $250 per ton up to $1,250 limit.
Berkeley Electric Cooperative Dual-
Fuel Heating System
New Dual-Fuel Systems that replace gas heat qualify for rebates up to $500/home.
Program Name Description
Berkeley Electric Cooperative Home
Advantage Loan Program
A five percent interest rate loan, up to $15,000, for energy efficiency home improvements to
existing homes. Measures with a high return will be prioritized. These include items such as
infiltration improvement, duct work leakage, air flow improvement, insulation upgrades, and
HVAC unit upgrades. The loan payment will be added to the electric bill.
Berkeley Electric Cooperative Energy
Advance Loan
These loans can help finance energy improvements from storm doors to large appliances and
feature competitive interest rates.
Berkeley Electric Cooperative Energy
Audit - Residential
A team of accredited auditors are available to help customers save money at their home or
business at no cost.
Berkeley Electric Cooperative Smart
Thermostat Rebates
Take advantage of all the benefits offered by smart thermostats when you purchase an
Ecobee Smart Thermostat with voice control for just $150 + tax. Members can purchase an
Ecobee thermostat directly from the cooperative and either install it themselves or have it
installed by an approved contractor. Once the Ecobee thermostat is installed and connected
to Wi-Fi, you will qualify for a $150 + tax bill credit (one per household). Members will also
receive additional $50 bill credits for active participation (credit applied in April). In exchange
for the rebates, members will allow Berkeley Electric to adjust the thermostat settings around
4-8 times a month in order to reduce kilowatt-hour use during peak electricity demand periods.
This helps the cooperative keep costs stable for all members while still allowing members to
enjoy the comfort and energy efficiency savings of a smart thermostat.
Berkeley Electric Cooperative Energy-
Saving Tips
Online energy-saving tips.
Berkeley Electric Cooperative Energy
Audit - Business
A team of accredited auditors are available to help customers save money at their home or
business at no cost.
Black River Electric Cooperative
Black River Electric Cooperative Help
My House Program
Members are able to finance home energy improvements and make payments through their
electric bill.
Black River Electric Cooperative
Energy Efficiency Tips
Tips to reduce energy use.
Blue Ridge Electric Cooperative
Blue Ridge Electric Cooperative
Energy Savings Tips
Energy saving tips and calculator.
Blue Ridge Electric Cooperative
Energy Audit
On-site home energy audit.
Blue Ridge Electric Cooperative
Smart Thermostat Program
Blue Ridge Electric’s Smart Thermostat Program offers members the opportunity to purchase
an Ecobee 3 or Ecobee 4 smart thermostat at a discounted rate. As a participant, the
member will allow the cooperative to control the thermostat during peak periods. After 36
months, if the member opts out of load control less than 40% of the time, the co-op will
rebate the amount of the thermostat back to the member.
Program Name Description
Blue Ridge Electric Cooperative
Geothermal Heat Pump Program
Install a WaterFurnace Geothermal Heat Pump and receive $1,600 per ton for vertical and
horizontal closed loop systems. On-bill financing available for up to $40,000 at 6.5% for 7
Blue Ridge Electric Cooperative H2O
Select Water Heater Program
Water heater rebates ranging from $200 - $600.
Blue Ridge Electric Cooperative Heat
Pump Loan Program
Heat pump loans ranging from $1,000 - $15,000.
Blue Ridge Electric Cooperative -
No energy efficiency programs available.
Broad River Electric Cooperative
Broad River Electric Cooperative
Smart Thermostats
This program offers a discount on smart thermostats ordered through the Cooperative.
Broad River Electric Cooperative
Energy Efficiency Rate
Alternative electric rate available to homes with certain energy efficiency measures that
address insulation, windows, outside doors, water heaters, fireplace/chimney, attic ventilation,
and HVAC. If your home does not meet the requirements, they will tell you what it will take to
meet the requirements to earn the rate.
Broad River Electric Cooperative -
No business energy efficiency programs available.
Central Electric Cooperative - All cooperative members.
Central Electric Cooperative Beat the
Members to voluntarily sign up to receive notifications of peak demand periods. Notifications
are sent via text, email, and/or voice messages during peak times when members can help
reduce electricity use.
Central Electric Cooperative Smart
Thermostat Program
This program gives members the opportunity to purchase a smart thermostat at a discounted
rate. By participating in the program, members will agree to allow the cooperative to control
the thermostat during peak periods.
Chester County Natural Gas Authority
Chester County Natural Gas Authority
Appliance Rebate Program
Customers receive appliance rebates through this program. Rebates range from $50 - $400.
Chester County Natural Gas Authority
Water Heater Program
Chester County Natural Gas Authority will furnish customers with a free 40-gallon water
heater to replace an electric or propane water heater. Additionally, tankless water heaters
purchased through Chester County Natural Gas Authority will receive a promotional discount
of $200.
Program Name Description
Chester County Natural Gas Authority
Rate 1
Customers with primary natural gas heating, natural gas water heater, natural gas dryer, and
one natural gas appliance qualify. This rate allows customers to pay 3% less per therm than
the regular rate.
Chester County Natural Gas Authority
Energy Saving Tips
Online energy tips
Chester County Natural Gas -
No business natural gas incentive programs available.
City of Abbeville
City of Abbeville Energy Advisor
A set of online tools and resources to help you better understand and manage your home
energy use and costs.
City of Abbeville - Business No business energy efficiency programs available.
City of Bennettsville
City of Bennettsville - Residential No residential energy efficiency programs available.
City of Bennettsville - Business No business energy efficiency programs available.
City of Camden
City of Camden - Residential No residential energy efficiency programs available.
City of Camden - Business No business energy efficiency programs available.
City of Clinton
City of Clinton Green Grid Rewards
Participants will receive fiber/radio-controlled switches for their air conditioner so the energy
can be managed during peak-demand periods. They also will be placed on the Green Rewards
Rate which will typically allow a savings of $25-$50 per year and receive a $25 restaurant gift
City of Clinton Online "Energy Depot"
This website includes a personalized energy profile, energy-reduction tips, do-it-yourself
energy audit, and more.
Program Name Description
City of Clinton - Business No business energy efficiency programs available.
City of Georgetown
City of Georgetown Consumption
Audits for Residential Customers
Customers with unusually high electric energy consumption will be contacted to determine if
they are interested in this program. An energy audit is conducted and ways to reduce energy
consumption are identified.
City of Georgetown Smart Energy
Home Program
Low-interest loans with no down payment for HVAC units, weatherization, smart thermostats,
and water heaters. Payment is added to the electric bill.
City of Georgetown - Business No business energy efficiency programs available.
City of Newberry
City of Newberry Online Energy Depot Online energy tools.
City of Newberry Utilities - Business No business energy efficiency programs available.
City of Rock Hill
City of Rock Hill Smart Choice
This program provides rebates or low-interest financing for the installation of high efficiency
heat pumps and water heaters. Program participants also are eligible for the City’s lowest
residential electric rate schedule. Rebates range from $225 - $400. Financing is available for
electric heat pump installations at an interest rate of 6 percent for a maximum of 60 months.
City of Rock Hill Smart Switches
Smart Switches are devices that control the flow of electricity to major appliances (water
heater, air conditioner, or swimming pool pump) during times of peak demand, normally June
through September. Customers with Smart Switches are entered into a drawing for a $100
utility bill credit at each City Council meeting.
City of Rock Hill Energy Conservation
Tools and Tips
Online energy tools and tips.
City of Rock Hill Energy Management
The City of Rock Hill is available to provide consultation regarding energy management
programs for its commercial and industrial consumers. For more information about energy
management services, call 803-329-5500.
City of Union
Program Name Description
City of Union Conservation Tips Online energy tips.
City of Union Online "Energy Depot"
This website includes a personalized energy profile, energy-reduction tips, do-it-yourself
energy audit, and more.
City of Union Utility Department
Natural Gas Rebate
A $300 rebate if a meter and year-round appliance are installed within six months of service
line installation.
City of Union - Business No business energy efficiency programs available.
City of Westminster
City of Westminster Online "Energy
Depot" Toolkit
This website includes a personalized energy profile, energy-reduction tips, do-it-yourself
energy audit, and more.
City of Westminster Energy Saving
Online energy tips
City of Westminster - Business No business energy efficiency programs available.
Clinton-Newberry Natural Gas Authority
Clinton-Newberry Natural Gas
Authority Energy Saving Tips
Online energy tips
Clinton-Newberry Natural Gas -
No natural gas business programs available.
Coastal Electric Cooperative
Coastal Electric Cooperative Energy
Conservation Tools and Tips
Online tools and tips.
Coastal Electric Cooperative Home
Energy Checkup
This is a free home checkup where a trained Coastal Electric Member Services Advisor
examines the energy efficiency of the entire home. A detailed report will be completed
indicating problem areas with recommendations explaining steps that can be taken to reduce
energy costs.
Coastal Electric Cooperative Energy
Advance Loan
Loan program to assist with items such as high efficiency heat pumps, insulation,
programmable thermostats and more. The loan payment is applied to the electric bill.
Program Name Description
Coastal Electric Cooperative H2O
Select Program
Through this program, a load management device can be added to your existing water heater
to reduce energy demand, or you can receive financing for a new water heater.
Coastal Electric Cooperative -
No business energy efficiency programs available.
Dominion Energy South Carolina
Dominion Energy Time-of-Use Rate -
Participants are charged higher rates during peak-usage periods and lower charges during off-
peak periods to encourage customers to conserve energy during peak periods.
Dominion Energy Seasonal Rates
Many of Dominion’s rates are designed with components that vary by season. Energy
provided in the peak usage season is charged a premium to encourage conservation and
efficient use.
Dominion EnergyWise Online Savings
Huge discounts off retail pricing on ENERGY STAR® certified LED bulbs, smart lighting,
smart thermostats and advanced power strips. All products conveniently mailed directly to
your home. FREE shipping on qualified orders. Available to residential electric customers
Dominion Energy Year-Round Energy
Saving Tips
Easy, straightforward ways to save energy every day.
Dominion Energy Appliance Recycling
FREE pickup and $50 cash back when you recycle your old, secondary refrigerator or freezer.
Rebates are available to residential electric customers for full-size units between 10-30 cubic
feet in working order. You can also save up to $105 annually on your electric bill. A partner
with EPAs Responsible Appliance Disposal Program.
Dominion Energy Heating & Cooling
Rebates to residential electric customers for the purchase of new ENERGY STAR® qualified
HVAC equipment and heat pump water heaters that replaces older inefficient equipment.
Additionally, incentives to encourage customers to improve the efficiency of existing AC and
heat pump systems through duct improvements. Rebates range from $200 - $750.
Dominion Home Energy Check-up
FREE in-home energy efficiency consultation. A professionally trained member of the
Dominion Energy SC team will review with you a variety of measures that impact your home's
energy efficiency. After completion of the check-up, limited incentives may be offered to
homes with higher than average electric usage. Installation of home shell measures may
include air sealing, duct sealing and insulation, as appropriate for the home. DESC provides
incentive for 75% of project costs.
Dominion Energy Home Energy
Free monthly reports comparing customer's electric energy usage to peer group and providing
information to help identify, analyze, and act upon potential energy efficiency measures and
behaviors. Residential electric customers are identified for participation and automatically
enrolled into the program based on predetermined factors such as electric usage and
propensity to save energy.
Dominion Energy Neighborhood
Energy Efficiency Program
Provides income-qualified residential electric customers energy efficiency education, an in-
home energy assessment, and direct installation of low-cost energy saving measures
delivered in a neighborhood door-to-door sweep approach. Dominion Energy selects
neighborhoods to participate in this program.
Dominion Energy Energy
Saver/Conservation Rate
Homeowners will be on a reduced electric rate when existing homes are upgraded and new
homes are built with a high level of energy efficiency.
Program Name Description
Dominion Energy Natural Gas
Bill credits for installing natural gas equipment. Incentives range from $50 - $200.
Dominion Energy Residential
Provides energy education, an on-site energy survey of the dwelling, and direct installation of
select energy-saving measures specific to multifamily customers. DESC pays 100% of the
in-unit residential upgrades.
Dominion Energy Municipal LED
This program offers municipalities in the Dominion service territory incentives to replace
street lighting with high efficiency LED streetlights.
Dominion Energy Time-of-Use Rate -
Participants are charged higher rates during peak-usage periods and lower charges during off-
peak periods to encourage customers to conserve energy during peak periods.
Dominion Energy Commercial
Energy efficiency measures are recommended for common areas to include HVAC upgrades,
LED lamps and/or fixtures and water conservation measures which will result in incentives for
property owners. Dominion pays 75% of the common area upgrades.
Dominion Energy Small Business
Energy Solutions
Deep discounts available for energy efficient lighting, refrigeration, and HVAC upgrades.
Includes a FREE on-site energy analysis for lighting, refrigeration, and/or HVAC and financial
incentives up to 90% of project costs (up to $6,000). Available to small business and
nonprofit electric customers with five or fewer Dominion Energy electric accounts and an
annual energy use of 350,000 kWh or less.
Dominion Energy EnergyWise for Your
Incentives for non-residential electric customers to become more energy efficient. Incentives
include retrofit and new construction lighting, HVAC unitary, HVAC chillers, HVAC variable
frequency drives, food service and refrigeration equipment, custom, building tune-up and
technical services.
Dominion Energy Standby Generator
For wholesale customers. Provides about 27 megawatts of peaking capacity that can be
called upon when reserve capacity is low on the system. A retail version of this program is
also available that provides about 10 megawatts of additional capacity as needed.
Dominion Energy Interruptible Load
Participating customers receive a discount on their demand charges for shedding load when
Dominion Energy is short on capacity. Incentives range from $2.75 per kW to $4.50 per kW.
Dominion Energy Real Time Pricing
During peak usage periods throughout the year when capacity is low in the market,
participants receive a high price signal that encourages conservation and load shifting. During
low usage periods, prices are lower.
Duke Energy Carolinas (DEC) - Upstate
Duke Energy Carolinas (DEC) Energy
Provides customers with a free energy audit of their home and an energy efficiency starter kit
including LED bulbs, a low flow shower head, and more. The customer will also receive a
report with actions to take to increase the home's efficiency. Customers may also purchase
discounted measures and blower door tests at a discounted rate.
Duke Energy Carolinas (DEC) Energy
Efficiency Education
Engages school children with a live in-school theatrical presentation regarding energy
efficiency, and allows children who complete a home energy survey to receive an Energy
Efficiency Starter Kit.
Duke Energy Carolinas (DEC) Energy-
Efficient Appliances and Devices
Provides incentives for customers to install energy-efficient equipment. The program consists
of measures related to lighting, smart thermostats, smart power strips, water heating, and
Program Name Description
Duke Energy Carolinas (DEC)
Income-qualified Energy Efficiency
and Weatherization Assistance
This program consists of three components to provide energy efficiency to low income
customers. Neighborhood Energy Saver targets neighborhoods considered low-income for
participation based on third party and census data. Customers are provided with direct
installation of measures into the home to increase energy efficiency and comfort level.
Energy efficiency education is also provided. The Weatherization and Equipment
Replacement Program provides funds for weatherization measures and/or heating system
replacement. The Refrigerator Replacement Program includes replacement of inefficient
operable refrigerators in low income households.
Duke Energy Carolinas (DEC) Multi-
Family Energy Efficiency Program
Targeted at getting lighting- and water-efficient measures installed in multi-family properties.
The program offers LEDs including A-Line, Globes and Candelabra bulbs and energy efficient
water measures such as bath and kitchen faucet aerators, water-saving shower heads, air
sealing, insulation, and pipe wrap.
Duke Energy Carolinas (DEC) My
Home Energy Report
A periodic report is sent to customers to engage them around their energy usage by providing
them with a comparison to similar customers. The report also provides customers with
actionable energy-saving tips.
Duke Energy Carolinas (DEC)
Residential Smart $aver Energy
This program offers measures to reduce energy consumption in the home. Incentives are
available for HVAC, attic insulation/air sealing, duct sealing, variable speed pool pumps, and
heat pump water heaters. Rebates range from $100 - $450.
Duke Energy Carolinas (DEC) Power
Program provides customers with a financial incentive to allow the Company to interrupt or
cycle a customer’s heating or air conditioner during peak events. Participants will receive an
initial payment of $75 and an annual payment of $25.
Duke Energy Carolinas (DEC) Time-
of-Use Rate Residential
Under this rate, participants pay a higher rate during times of the day when demand for
electricity is higher, and a lower rate during times when demand is lower.
Duke Energy Carolinas (DEC) Park &
Plug EV Pilot
Customers who have a Level 2 EV home charger can get $500 upfront and up to $500 more
over three years with the Park & Plug pilot program. Participants will receive a participation
credit of $13.87 per month, paid quarterly, for every month they comply with program charging
schedule. To receive the participation credit, customer shall charge during the off-peak
periods determined by Duke Energy.
Duke Energy Carolinas (DEC) Online
Online tools and tips including energy calculators.
Duke Energy Carolinas (DEC) Time-
of-Use Rate Non-Residential
Under this rate, participants pay a higher rate during times of the day when demand for
electricity is higher, and a lower rate during times when demand is lower.
Duke Energy Carolinas (DEC) Non-
Residential Smart $aver Energy
Efficient Products and Assessment
This program provides incentives to commercial and industrial customers to install high
efficiency equipment in new construction, retrofit, and equipment replacement projects.
Incentive are provided through prescriptive measures (lighting, HVAC, and refrigeration),
custom measures (whole building, non-prescriptive), and technical assistance (energy audits,
retro commissioning, design assistance).
Duke Energy Carolinas (DEC) Non-
Residential Smart $aver Performance
Financial assistance to customers to enhance their ability to adopt and install cost-effective
electrical energy efficiency projects. Incentive payments are provided to offset a portion of
the higher cost of energy efficient installations that are not eligible under the prescriptive and
custom programs. Incentives are based on actual measure performance.
Duke Energy Carolinas (DEC)
Business Energy Saver
Targeted to provide small business customers with direct installation of energy efficiency
measures. Program measures address lighting, refrigeration, and HVAC and overcome initial
barriers to participation. This program is available to non-residential customers that are not
opted-out of the EE/DSM Rider and have an average demand of 180 kW or less per active
Program Name Description
Duke Energy Carolinas (DEC)
Through this series of programs, the Company provides customers with financial incentives
for the ability to require a customer to shed load during peak events.
Duke Energy Carolinas (DEC)
EnergyWise Business
This program provides customers with a financial incentive to allow the Company to cycle
customers’ air conditioner or heat pumps using either a Wi-Fi thermostat or load control
switch during peak events. Participants choose the operation level. Incentives range from $25
to $135.
Duke Energy Progress (DEP) - Pee Dee
Duke Energy Progress (DEP)
Residential Smart $aver Energy
This program offers measures to reduce energy consumption in the home. Incentives are
available for HVAC, air conditioning, heat pumps, Smart Thermostats, attic insulation and
sealing, high efficiency variable speed pool pumps, and heat pump water heaters. Rebates
range from $100 - $450.
Duke Energy Progress (DEP)
Residential New Construction
Company provides financial incentives to builders of single family and multi-family residential
dwellings to build new homes to a high efficiency standard.
Duke Energy Progress (DEP)
Neighborhood Energy Saver Program
Program uses neighborhood engagements to educate low-income customers and directly
install low-cost measures such as efficient lighting, refrigeration, air infiltration, and HVAC in
homes in a targeted neighborhood. One-on-one energy education is also offered.
Duke Energy Progress (DEP) My
Home Energy Report
A periodic report is sent to customers to engage them around their energy usage by providing
them with a comparison to similar customers and with actionable energy-saving tips.
Duke Energy Progress (DEP) Multi-
Family Energy Efficiency Program
Targeted at getting lighting- and water-efficient measures installed in multi-family properties.
The program offers LEDs including A-Line, Globes and Candelabra bulbs and energy efficient
water measures such as bath and kitchen faucet aerators, water-saving shower heads and
pipe wrap.
Duke Energy Progress (DEP) Energy
Efficiency Education
Engages school children with a live in-school theatrical presentation regarding energy
efficiency, and allows children who complete a home energy survey to receive an Energy
Efficiency Starter Kit.
Duke Energy Progress (DEP)
Residential Energy Assessments
Provides customers with a FREE energy assessment of their home and a customized report.
Customers also receive an energy efficiency starter kit including LED bulbs, a low-flow
shower head, and more. Customers may also purchase discounted measures and blower door
tests at a discounted rate.
Duke Energy Progress (DEP)
EnergyWise Home Program
Provides customers with a financial incentive to allow cycling of the customer's air
conditioner during peak events. Participants receive a $25 annual credit on their energy bill.
Duke Energy Progress (DEP) Time-of-
Use Rate - Residential
Under this rate participants pay a higher rate during times of the day when demand for
electricity is higher, and a lower rate during times when demand is lower.
Duke Energy Progress (DEP) Energy
Efficient Lighting Program -
Financial incentives for customers to install energy efficient lighting and fixtures. Provides
incentives in the form of discounts applied at retail stores or the Online Savings Store.
Duke Energy Progress (DEP)
Distribution System Demand
Response (DSDR) Program -
This program provides the capability to reduce peak demand while maintaining customer-
delivery voltage above the minimum requirement.
Duke Energy Progress (DEP) Energy
Efficient Appliances and Devices
Customers receive a free kit that includes water efficiency measures for those with electric
water heaters. Additionally, through the Online Savings Store, customers can purchase items
such as air purifiers, dehumidifiers, and LED fixtures.
Program Name Description
Duke Energy Progress (DEP) Online
Online tools and tips including energy calculators.
Duke Energy Progress (DEP)
Residential Service Energy
Conservation Discount
This program provides residential customers with a 5% discount on the energy and demand
portions of their electricity bills when their homes meet certain thermal efficiency standards.
Homes that are Energy Star receive a certificate as well as a 5% discount on their energy
and demand portions of their electricity bills.
Duke Energy Progress (DEP) Small
General Service Thermal Energy
Storage Rate
This non-residential rate schedule uses two-period pricing with seasonal demand and energy
rates applicable to thermal storage space conditioning equipment.
Duke Energy Progress (DEP) Real
Time Pricing Rate
This rate is available to non-residential customers and uses a two-part real-time pricing rate
design with baseline load representative of historic usage. Hourly rates are provided on the
prior business day. A minimum of 1 MW load is required. This rate schedule is currently fully
Duke Energy Progress (DEP) Large
Load Curtailable Rates & Riders
Participants agree contractually to reduce their electrical loads to specified levels upon
request by DEP. If customers fail to do so during an interruption, they receive a penalty for
the increment of demand exceeding the specified level.
Duke Energy Progress (DEP) Non-
Residential Smart $aver Energy
Efficient Products and Assessment
This program provides incentives to commercial and industrial customers to install high
efficiency equipment in new construction, retrofit, and equipment replacement projects.
Incentive are provided through prescriptive measures (lighting, HVAC, and refrigeration),
custom measures (whole building, non-prescriptive), and technical assistance (energy audits,
retro commissioning, design assistance).
Duke Energy Progress (DEP) Non-
Residential Smart $aver Performance
Financial assistance to customers to enhance their ability to adopt and install cost-effective
electrical energy efficiency projects. Incentive payments are provided to offset a portion of
the higher cost of energy efficient installations that are not eligible under the prescriptive and
custom programs. Incentives are based on actual measure performance.
Duke Energy Progress (DEP)
Business Energy Saver
Targeted to provide small business customers with direct installation of energy efficiency
measures and overcome initial barriers to participation. Program measures address lighting,
refrigeration, and HVAC. This program is available to non-residential customers that are not
opted-out of the EE/DSM Rider and have an average demand of 180 kW or less per active
Duke Energy Progress (DEP)
Commercial, Industrial, and
Governmental Demand Response
Automation Program
The Company provides customers with financial incentives for the ability to require a
customer to shed load during peak events.
Duke Energy Progress (DEP) Time-of-
Use Rate - Non-Residential
Under this rate participants pay a higher rate during times of the day when demand for
electricity is higher, and a lower rate during times when demand is lower.
Duke Energy Progress (DEP)
EnergyWise Business
Program provides customers with a financial incentive to allow the Company to cycle
customers’ air conditioner or heat pump using either a Wi-Fi thermostat or load control switch
during peak events. Incentives range from $25 - $135.
Duke Energy Progress (DEP) Energy
Efficient Lighting Program - Business
Financial incentives for customers to install energy efficient lighting and fixtures. Provides
incentives in the form of discounts applied at retail stores.
Duke Energy Progress (DEP)
Distribution System Demand
Response (DSDR) Program -
This program provides the capability to reduce peak demand while maintaining customer-
delivery voltage above the minimum requirement.
Program Name Description
Easley Combined Utilities
Easley Combined Utilities Load
Management Program
This program helps reduce the amount of energy needed during peak hours. Participants
allow the utility to install a load management device on their HVAC unit. The customer
receives a one-time $20 account credit and will be placed on the Load Management Program
Residential Rate.
Easley Combined Utilities Online
Online energy resources including conservation tips, an energy quiz, and Energy Resource
Easley Combined Utilities - Business No business energy efficiency programs available.
Edisto Electric Cooperative
Edisto Electric Cooperative Do-It-
Yourself Energy Audit
Booklet of articles, suggestions, and methods to reduce electricity usage.
Edisto Electric Cooperative Energy
Saving Tips
Online energy tips.
Edisto Electric Cooperative -
No business energy efficiency programs available.
Fairfield Electric Cooperative
Fairfield Electric Cooperative H2O
The cooperative will replace an old water heater with a 50-gallon high efficiency water heater
and enroll you in a $3 per month water heater maintenance program. A $200 installation fee is
Fairfield Electric Cooperative Energy
Online energy tips.
Fairfield Electric Cooperative Energy
Energy Experts are available to answer questions concerning energy efficiency. Education
programs for schools and civic groups are also available.
Fairfield Electric Cooperative -
No business energy efficiency programs available.
Fort Hill Natural Gas Authority
Program Name Description
Fort Hill Natural Gas Authority
Appliance Rebates
For customers purchasing new natural gas appliances. Receive a rebate ranging from $100 -
Fort Hill Natural Gas Authority Energy
Online energy tips
Fort Hill Natural Gas Authority -
No natural gas business programs available.
Fountain Inn Natural Gas
Fountain Inn Natural Gas - Residential No natural gas residential programs available.
Fountain Inn Natural Gas - Business No natural gas business programs available.
Gaffney Board of Public Works
Gaffney Board of Public Works
Conservation Tips
Online energy tips
Gaffney Board of Public Works Online
Online energy saving resources tool.
Gaffney Board of Public Works -
No business energy efficiency programs available.
Greenwood Commission of Public Works
Greenwood Commission of Public
Works Policy for Promotion of Natural
Gas Usage by Residential Owners
and Builders
Incentives for installing natural gas appliances, replacing existing appliances with natural gas,
using natural gas as the primary heat source, and installing a natural gas water heater.
Incentives range from $50 to $450.
Greenwood Commission of Public
Works - Business
No business energy efficiency programs available.
Greer Commission of Public Works
Program Name Description
Greer Commission of Public Works
Electricity Conservation Tips
Energy saving tips and resource links
Greer Commission of Public Works
Natural Gas Conservation Tips
Tips to conserve and save on natural gas bills and links to resources
Greer Commission of Public Works
Natural Gas Rebate Program
Rebate program for customers who convert to natural gas and new installs. Rebates range
from $100 - $400.
Greer Commission of Public Works -
No business energy efficiency programs available.
Horry Electric Cooperative
Horry Electric Cooperative Guide to
Energy Savings
Online energy tools and tips.
Horry Electric Cooperative H2O
The cooperative offers rebates of $125 and $250 for new qualifying water heaters with a load
control unit. No-interest financing, with zero upfront cost is also available.
Horry Electric Cooperative H2O Load
Members with existing water heaters less than five years of age who install a load
management device receive a one-time $50 electric bill credit.
Horry Electric Cooperative - Business No business energy efficiency programs available.
Lancaster County Natural Gas Authority
Lancaster County Natural Gas
Authority Energy Tips
Online energy tips.
Lancaster County Natural Gas
Authority - Business
No natural gas business programs available.
Laurens Commission of Public Works
Laurens Commission of Public Works
Green Grid Reward
The rate is offered to incentivize the use of switches to control air conditioning and heat
pumps during high electricity-demand periods. Customers in this program receive the lowest
electric rate.
Laurens Commission of Public Works
Blue Star-Switch to Gas
Residents receive a bill credit for installing natural gas appliances. Bill credits range from $75
to $450.
Laurens Commission of Public Works
Ways to Save
Online electricity and natural gas tips.
Program Name Description
Laurens Commission of Public Works
- Business
No business programs available.
Laurens Electric Cooperative
Laurens Electric Cooperative Energy
Star Rate Schedule
This is a separate energy efficiency rate for members with standard residential service with
homes that meet Energy Star requirements.
Laurens Electric Cooperative Home
Rewards Program
Residential members who live in single-family homes receive cash back for making energy-
efficiency improvements to their homes. Rebates for HVAC upgrades, ductwork, attic
insulation, and dual-fuel heat pumps are available ranging from $100 - $500.
Little River Electric Cooperative
Little River Electric Cooperative Help
My House
Members are able to finance home energy improvements and make payments through their
electric bill.
Little River Electric Cooperative -
No business energy efficiency programs available.
Lockhart Power Company
Lockhart Power Company Standard
Residential Rate
This rate has an inclining feature. A higher rate is charged for usage above 1,000 kWh each
Lockhart Power Company Energy
Saving Tips
Online tips to tips to help customers save energy and money.
Lockhart Power Company Industrial
Interruptible Service Rate (IS-1)
Customer agrees, at the Company’s request, to reduce and maintain its load at or below the
level specified in the individual contract.
Lynches River Electric Cooperative
Lynches River Electric Cooperative
Energy Tools and Tips
Online tools and tips.
Lynches River Electric Cooperative
H2O Select
Members receive a new water heater with no installation costs and a ten year warranty for $7
a month.
Program Name Description
Lynches River Electric Cooperative -
No business energy efficiency programs available.
Marlboro Electric Cooperative
Marlboro Electric Cooperative Energy
Online energy tips
Marlboro Electric Cooperative Energy
Resource Conservation Loan
A loan for items such as heat pumps, programmable thermostats, and insulation. The loan
application fee is $35, and if it is approved, up to $5,000 is available for a repayment period of
six years. It is a simple interest loan with a fixed 7% interest rate.
Marlboro Electric Cooperative -
No business energy efficiency programs available.
McCormick Commission of Public Works
McCormick Commission of Public
Works Conservation Tips
Online energy tips
McCormick Commission of Public
Works - Business
No business energy efficiency programs available.
Mid-Carolina Electric Cooperative
Mid-Carolina Electric Cooperative
H2O Select Program
This program provides 100% financing with no interest or finance charges to pay for installing
new standard high efficiency electric water heaters in existing homes.
Mid-Carolina Electric Cooperative
Energy Tips
Online energy tips
Mid-Carolina Electric Cooperative -
No business energy efficiency programs available.
Newberry Electric Cooperative
Newberry Electric Cooperative -
No business energy efficiency programs available.
Orangeburg Department of Public Utilities
Program Name Description
Orangeburg Department of Public
Utilities Natural Gas Rebate Program
This program offers rebates to residential customers installing new natural gas appliances,
replacing electric appliances with natural gas, or converting gas appliances from propane to
natural gas. Rebates range from $90 - $250.
Orangeburg Department of Public
Utilities Interruptible Rates
Favorable rates are offered for interruptible-service customers
Palmetto Electric Cooperative
Palmetto Electric Cooperative Buried
Treasure Rebate Program
Receive up to $1,000 for new qualifying ground source heat pumps.
Palmetto Electric Cooperative Dual-
Fuel Heat Pumps
Receive up to $500 for new qualifying dual fuel heat pumps.
Palmetto Electric Cooperative H2O
Off-peak water heating program offers up to $350 rebate or a 60-month interest free turnkey
plan for a new large capacity water heater.
Palmetto Electric Cooperative Smart
Thermostat Program
Participants in this program receive a FREE Ecobee Smart Thermostat, FREE standard
installation, and Smart Rewards up to $5 per month bill credit.
Palmetto Electric Cooperative Energy
Audits - Residential
Free energy efficiency inspection to help customers understand their energy use and ways to
save. Available for both residential and commercial members.
Palmetto Electric Cooperative Energy
Audits - Commercial
Free energy efficiency inspection to help customers understand their energy use and ways to
save. Available for both residential and commercial members.
Palmetto Electric Cooperative -
No business energy efficiency programs available.
Pee Dee Electric Cooperative
Pee Dee Electric Cooperative Energy
Resource Conservation Loan
Five percent interest rate loan for items such as geothermal heat pumps, heat pumps,
programmable thermostats, caulking/weather-stripping, building insulation, windows, doors.
The maximum loan amount is $5,000.
Pee Dee Electric Cooperative Dual
$500 rebate when a dual-fuel heat pump is installed.
Pee Dee Electric Cooperative Energy
Experts and Audits
Energy experts can go over a customer’s bill and usage over the phone or perform an in-
home energy audit.
Pee Dee Electric Cooperative
Geothermal Heat Pump
Receive a rebate for a ground-source heat pump. The rebate is $200 per ton up to a
maximum of $1,000.
Program Name Description
Pee Dee Electric Cooperative
Commercial Lighting Incentive
A non-residential incentive for the installation of new energy efficient equipment. Projects are
eligible for an incentive up to 25 percent of the total project cost with a maximum of $7,500
per member per year.
Piedmont Natural Gas Company
Piedmont Natural Gas Company
Natural Gas Appliance Rebates -
Provides rebates to customers who purchase and install qualifying high efficiency natural gas
equipment. Rebates range from $50 to $300.
Piedmont Natural Gas Company
Energy Saving Tools and Tips
Online energy tips
Piedmont Natural Gas Company
Natural Gas Appliance Rebates -
$250 rebate for commercial customers who purchase an efficient tankless water heater.
Santee Cooper
Santee Cooper Time-of-Use Rate -
Participants are charged higher rates during peak-usage periods and lower charges during off-
peak periods to encourage customers to conserve energy during peak periods.
Santee Cooper Smart Energy Loans
Loan program for financing energy efficient improvements (up to $20,000) and renewable
energy resources (up to $40,000).
Santee Cooper Smart Energy Existing
This program offers home energy evaluations, incentive rebates, and financial assistance for
energy efficiency improvements. Heat pump, smart thermostat, duct replacement, and heat
pump water heater rebates are available.
Santee Cooper Equipment and
Lighting Incentives
LED bulbs are given out through retail offices and Home Energy House Calls.
Santee Cooper Smart Energy New
Rebates for home builders based on Home Energy Rating System ratings.
Santee Cooper Onsite Energy
Free energy assessments to residential customers upon request.
Santee Cooper Public Information
Program elements include web-based customer tips, direct-to-customer communications and
public campaigns.
Santee Cooper School Programs and
This program includes the Energy Educators Institute, educational publications, the Solar
SchoolsProject/Conservation and Energy Curriculum, E-SMART Kids and environmental
Santee Cooper Energy Savings Tips -
Online energy saving tips.
Santee Cooper Level 2 Electric
Vehicle Charger Rebate
Rebate for a residential Level 2 electric vehicle charge. The rebate is capped at 100% of the
total cost of the charger + installation costs. $500 rebate level is limited to the first 50
residential projects submitted with complete documentation. After the first 50 projects, the
rebate will be $250.
Program Name Description
Santee Cooper Energy Savings Tips -
Online energy saving tips.
Santee Cooper Time-of-Use Rate -
Participants are charged higher rates during peak-usage periods and lower charges during off-
peak periods to encourage customers to conserve energy during peak periods.
Santee Cooper Commercial
Prescriptive Program
Rebates for qualified lighting, HVAC, commercial refrigeration, kitchen equipment, domestic
hot water, pumps, and motors.
Santee Cooper Commercial Small
Business Direct Install Program
Through this program, small businesses receive a free energy assessment. After the
assessment install lighting or refrigeration equipment upgrades. Santee Cooper will pay a
portion of the project cost.
Santee Cooper Interruptible Service
Customers served under this schedule must contract for at least 1,000 kW of demand and
receive service directly from or near SC's transmission system.
Santee Cooper Seasonal Rate This is a rate designed for businesses that operate on a seasonal basis.
Santee Electric Cooperative
Santee Electric Cooperative H2O
Members that purchase and install a new large capacity electric water heater that meets co-
op approval and includes a Santee Electric installed load management device receive a $200
Santee Electric Cooperative Help My
Members receive a FREE home energy audit, choose a contractor to make energy
improvements, finance the improvements with a low-interest loan, and pay for the
improvements on the monthly electric bill.
Santee Electric Cooperative Energy
Saving Tools and Tips
Online energy tools and tips.
Santee Electric Cooperative Smart
Members can purchase an Ecobee 4 Smart Thermostat with Alexa for $75 (MSRP $249), or
an Ecobee 3 Smart Thermostat for $35 (MSRP $169), and free standard installation by a
licensed electrician to install the device—at no cost to you! You must have Wi-Fi in your
home in order to participate.
Santee Electric Cooperative -
No business energy efficiency programs available.
Seneca Light and Water
Seneca Light and Water Electricity
Online energy tips
Seneca Light and Water - Business No business energy efficiency programs available.
Program Name Description
Town of Due West
Town of Due West - Residential No residential programs available.
Town of Due West - Business No business programs available.
Town of Prosperity
Town of Prosperity - Residential No residential programs available.
Town of Prosperity - Business No business programs available.
Town of Winnsboro
Town of Winnsboro - Residential No residential energy efficiency programs available.
Town of Winnsboro - Business No business energy efficiency programs available.
Tri-County Electric Cooperative
Tri-County Electric Cooperative Help
My House
Members receive a FREE home energy audit, choose a contractor to make energy
improvements, finance the improvements with a low-interest loan, and pay for the
improvements on the monthly electric bill.
Tri-County Electric Cooperative
Residential Energy Efficiency Tools
and Tips
Online energy tools and tips.
Tri-County Electric Cooperative
Commercial Energy Efficiency Tools
and Tips
Online energy tools and tips.
York County Natural Gas
This information was downloaded from and is subject to change. Please check with the specific
utility provider or organization for the most current information and program details.
December 15, 2021
Program Name Description
York County Natural Gas Residential
Rebate Program
This program is offered to customers converting eligible appliances to natural gas. The
rebates will be credited to a customer’s gas account or used to reduce the cost of new
appliance purchases. Rebates range from $50 to a total of $925.
York County Natural Gas - Business No natural gas business programs available.
York Electric Cooperative
York Electric Cooperative Dual-Fuel
Heat Pump Rebate
A $700 rebate is available for installation of a Dual-Fuel Heat Pump as well as $200 for
additional units.
York Electric Cooperative Energy
Audit Program
At a resident’s request, personnel will visit homes and advise on improvements that can
result in both energy and financial savings.
York Electric Cooperative Energy Tips Online energy tips
York Electric Cooperative Smart
Thermostat Program
This program offers members the opportunity to purchase an Ecobee3 lite or Ecobee4 smart
thermostat at a discounted rate. As a participant, the member will allow the cooperative to
control the thermostat during peak periods, saving money and energy for everyone. If a
participant overrides 30-percent or fewer of the load control events during a 12-month period
of connection, the member will be credited $100.00 the 1st year and $50.00 the 2nd year and
each year going forward.
York Electric Cooperative Electric
Vehicle Rate
This Time of Use – Plug-in Electric Vehicle Rate is an experimental rate available to
residential members with a separately metered Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE)
capable of providing Level 1 or Level 2 charging for plug-in electric motor vehicles. This rate
is a voluntary rate and only available to the first 100 members to request service.
York Electric Cooperative - Business No business energy efficiency programs available.
South Carolina Electric and Natural Gas
Distribution Utility Market Share
2020 Electric Distribution Utility Market Share
Number of Customers
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Annual Electric Power Industry Report, Form EIA-861 detailed data les
Electric Cooperatives
Lockhart Power Company
Santee Cooper
Duke Energy Carolinas
Dominion Energy
South Carolina, Inc.
Municipalities and
Local Utilities
Duke Energy Progress
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Annual Electric Power Industry Report, Form EIA-861 detailed data les
2020 Electric Distribution Utility Market Share
Sales, in Megawatt-hours
Electric Cooperatives
Lockhart Power Company
Santee Cooper
Duke Energy Carolinas
Dominion Energy
South Carolina, Inc.
Municipalities and
Local Utilities
Duke Energy Progress
Lancaster County NGA
2020 Natural Gas Distribution Utility Market Share
Number of Customers
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Natural Gas Annual Respondent Query System (EIA-176 Data through 2020)
Greenwood CPW
Greer CPW
Fountain Inn Natural Gas
York County NGA
Fort Hill NGA
Dominion Energy
South Carolina, Inc.
Orangeburg DPU
Clinton-Newberry NGA
Greer CPW
Clinton-Newberry NGA
Lancaster County NGA
Greenwood CPW
York NGA
Dominion Energy
South Carolina, Inc.
Fort Hill NGA
Chester County NGA
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Natural Gas Annual Respondent Query System (EIA-176 Data through 2020)
2020 Natural Gas Distribution Utility Market Share
Sales, in Thousand Cubic Feet
PURPA Qualifying Facilities
The Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA) enables end users who generate power for their
facilities to make any excess power available to the electric utilities supplying those users. PURPA also allows
private companies to generate and to supply electricity to utilities if that power is generated using approved
energy resources. “Qualifying facilities”, as dened by PURPA, include both 1) small power production
facilities using renewable fuel sources, such as wind, solar, hydroelectric, biomass, waste, or geothermal; and
2) cogeneration facilities that produce both electricity and thermal energy in a way that is more ecient
than the separate production of both forms of energy. Utility companies are required to purchase power
from qualifying facilities at a price equivalent to the avoided cost of additional generation. The purchase of
electricity from qualifying facilities and other customer-owned generation helps utilities to oset growth in
overall and peak demand.
Qualifying facilities are classied into two categories: 1) purchase, meaning that utilities purchase the power
generated; and 2) displace, meaning that the power is used by the facility itself, displacing power that would
otherwise be drawn from the electrical grid. As shown in the table below, qualifying and customer-owned
generation facilities in South Carolina had the capacity to provide 2,301,931 kW of power as of October 31,
Utility Project Owner Location Type Fuel
DEP Darlington Solar LLC - Solar* Darlington Solar LLC Darlington Solar
Purchase Operating 10,000
DEP RockTenn CP, LLC - Biomass* RockTenn CP, LLC Florence Biomass
Purchase Operating 10,000
DEP Rankin Solar Center LLC - Solar* Rankin Solar Center LLC Florence Solar
Purchase Operating 10,000
DEP Cherry Blossom Solar, LLC - Solar* Cherry Blossom Solar- LLC Hemingway Solar
Purchase Operating 10,000
Cardinal Solar, LLC - 261 Curtis
Floyd Rd - Solar*
Cardinal Solar, LLC - 261 Curtis Floyd
Marion Solar
Purchase Operating 7,020
DEP Freedom Solar, LLC - Solar* Freedom Solar, LLC Nichols Solar
Purchase Operating 5,000
DEP Bonesh Solar, LLC - Solar* Bonesh Solar, LLC Manning Solar PP Purchase Operating 2,000
DEP Watauga Solar, LLC - Solar* Watauga Solar, LLC Society Hill Solar PP Purchase Operating 2,000
DEP Willis Solar, LLC- Solar* Willis Solar, LLC- Solar* Pamplico Solar PP Purchase Operating 2,000
DEP Bond Solar, LLC - Solar* Bond Solar, LLC Summerton Solar PP Purchase Operating 2,000
DEP South Solar LLC - Solar* South Solar LLC Pamplico Solar PP Purchase Operating 2,000
DEP Blacktip Solar LLC - Solar* Blacktip Solar LLC Scranton Solar PP Purchase Operating 2,000
DEP Gary Solar, LLC - Solar* Gary Solar, LLC Bishopville Solar PP Purchase Operating 2,000
DEP Goldenrod Solar LLC - Solar* Goldenrod Solar LLC Pamplico Solar PP Purchase Operating 2,000
DEP Bloom Solar LLC - Solar* Bloom Solar LLC Summerton Solar PP Purchase Operating 2,000
DEP Redwing Solar LLC - Solar* Redwing Solar LLC Darlington Solar PP Purchase Operating 2,000
DEP Abbot Solar, LLC - Solar* Abbot Solar, LLC Manning Solar PP Purchase Operating 2,000
DEP Bani Solar, LLC- Solar* Bani Solar, LLC Olanta Solar PP Purchase Operating 2,000
DEP 1634 Solar, LLC- Solar* 1634 Solar, LLC Hartsville Solar PP
Purchase Operating
DEP Gaines Solar LLC* Gaines Solar, LLC Bishopville Solar PP
Purchase Operating
DEP Sapphire Solar LLC - Solar* Sapphire Solar LLC Lake City Solar PP Purchase Operating 1,980
DEP River Solar LLC - Solar* River Solar LLC Lynchburg Solar PP Purchase Operating 1,980
DEP Vincent Solar LLC - Solar* Vincent Solar LLC Lynchburg Solar PP Purchase Operating 1,980
DEP Jessamine Solar, LLC- Solar* Jessamine Solar, LLC Mullins Solar PP Purchase Operating 1,920
Sumter Heat and Power, LLC -
Sumter Heat and Power, LLC Sumter Biomass PP Purchase Operating 1,546
Utility Project Owner Location Type Fuel
Cherokee County Cogeneration
Partners LP - Other*
Cherokee County Cogeneration
Partners LP - NM
Ganey Natural Gas
Purchase Operating
Broad River Energy, LLC - 50MW
Broad River Energy, LLC Ganey Natural Gas No Data Purchase Planned 50,000
Northbrook Carolina Hydro II, LLC-
Gaston Shoals*
Northbrook Carolina Hydro II, LLC Blacksburg Hydroelectric
Purchase Operating 8,500
Aquenergy Systems LLC-Ware
Aquenergy Systems, LLC Ware Shoals Hydroelectric
Purchase Operating 6,300
DEC Mohea Solar Energy Center, LLC* Mohea Solar Energy Center, LLC Ganey Solar PP Purchase Operating 5,000
Cherokee Falls Hydroelectric, LLC-
Hydro-Interconnected BTM (Broad
Cherokee Falls Hydroelectric Project,
Blacksburg Hydroelectric
Purchase Operating 4,140
Utility Project Owner Location Type Fuel
DSM Nutritional Products LLC-
DSM Nutritional Products LLC Kingstree Solar PP Purchase Operating 998
DEP Food Lion #2629 - Diesel* Food Lion #2629 Elgin Diesel No Data Purchase Operating 400
Carter Hill Farms LLC (W H Bundy)-
Carter Hill Farms LLC (W H Bundy) Rembert Solar PP Purchase Operating 50
DEP Laney Development, Inc. - Solar Laney Development, Inc. Hartsville Solar
Purchase Operating 11
Eva Grey & James Anderson-Solar-
Eva Grey & James Anderson Nichols Solar PP Purchase Operating 6
Eva Grey & James Anderson-Solar-
Eva Grey & James Anderson Nichols Solar PP Purchase Operating 5
DEP Darlington County Schools-Solar* Darlington County Schools Darlington Solar PP Purchase Operating 5
Total 90,901
* denotes PURPA QF
Updated 10/31/21
Utility Project Owner Location Type Fuel
Northbrook Carolina Hydro LLC -
Holliday’s Bridge - Hydro
Northbrook Carolina Hydro, LLC -
Hollidays Bridge - Hydro - NM
Honea Path Hydroelectric
Purchase Operating
Limelight Solar III LLC F/K/A Limelight
Solar 1 LLC- Solar 1*
Limelight Solar III, LLC Spartanburg Solar PP Purchase Operating 3,333
Hecate Energy West Newberry -
Hecate Energy West Newberry Newberry Solar PP Purchase Operating 3,300
Pelzer Hydro Company
Hydroelectric, LLC- Lower -
Pelzer Hydro Company, LLC Williamston Hydroelectric
Purchase Operating 3,300
Greenville Gas Producer LLC-Landll
Greenville Gas Producer, LLC- NM Greer Biomass PP Purchase Operating
DEC Lockhart BioEnergy, LLC* Lockhart BioEnergy, LLC Enoree Biomass
Purchase Operating 3,200
DEC Bluebird Solar LLC - Solar* Bluebird Solar LLC Pendleton Solar PP Purchase Operating
DEC Crown Solar Center LLC - Solar* Crown Solar Center LLC
Purchase Operating 3,000
DEC Saluda Hydroelectric Plant- Hydro
Northbrook Carolina Hydro, LLC -
Saluda- Hydro- NM
Greenville Hydroelectric
Purchase Operating 2,400
Pelzer Hydro Company,LLC-
Pelzer Hydro Company,LLC Anderson Hydroelectric
Purchase Operating 2,020
DEC Whitt Solar, LLC - Solar* Whitt Solar, LLC Piedmont Solar PP Purchase Operating 2,000
DEC Adams Solar LLC - SC - Solar* Adams Solar LLC - SC Piedmont Solar PP Purchase Operating 2,000
RPSC Solar 7 LLC - White Horse A -
RPSC Solar 7 LLC - White Horse A Greenville Solar PP Purchase Operating
DEC Anderson Solar Farm LLC - Solar* Anderson Solar Farm LLC Anderson Solar PP Purchase Operating 2,000
DEC Augusta Solar, LLC - Solar* Augusta Solar, LLC Greenwood Solar PP Purchase Operating 2,000
DEC Briarwood Solar, LLC - Solar* Briarwood Solar, LLC Greenwood Solar PP Purchase Operating 2,000
DEC RPSC Solar 3 LLC - Berry Rd - Solar* RPSC Solar 3 LLC - Berry Rd Pelzer Solar PP Purchase Operating 2,000
DEC RPSC Solar 5, LLC Ballenger Rd* RPSC Solar 5, LLC Inman Solar PP Purchase Operating 2,000
DEC Briarwood Solar, LLC - Solar* Briarwood Solar, LLC Greenwood Solar PP Purchase Operating 2,000
DEC Gold Mine Solar LLC - Solar* Gold Mine Solar LLC Greenwood Solar PP Purchase Operating 1,500
DEC ATOOD Solar III LLC - A - Solar* ATOOD Solar III LLC Spartanburg Solar PP Purchase Operating 1,999
DEC AGA TAG Solar III LLC - Solar* AGA TAG Solar III LLC Spartanburg Solar PP Purchase Operating 1,999
DEC ATOOD Solar II LLC* ATOOD Solar II LLC Cowpens Solar PP Purchase Operating 1,980
Utility Project Owner Location Type Fuel
Lockhart Power Company - Wellford
- Landll*
Lockhart Power Company - NM Wellford Biomass
Purchase Operating
DEC Gold Mine Solar LLC - Solar* Gold Mine Solar LLC Greenwood Solar PP Purchase Operating 1,500
Boyd’s Mill Hydroelectric Plant -
Northbrook Carolina Hydro, LLC -
Boyd’s Mill - Hydro - NM
Ware Shoals Hydroelectric PP Purchase Operating
Converse Energy Incorporated-
Converse Energy Incorporated - NM Spartanburg Hydroelectric PP Purchase Operating
Lockhart Power Company - Upper
Pacolet Hydro*
Lockhart Power Company - Upper
Pacolet Hydro
Pacolet Hydroelectric
Purchase Operating 1,100
DEC Pelzer Solar 1, LLC* Pelzer Solar 1, LLC Pelzer Solar PP Purchase Operating 1,001
DEC Ace Solar LLC - Solar* ACE Solar LLC Piedmont Solar PP Purchase Operating 1,001
DEC Spartanburg Water System- Hydro Spartanburg Water System - NM Chesnee Hydroelectric PP Purchase Operating
Renewable Water Resources - PPA
- Solar*
Renewable Water Resources Greenville Solar PP Purchase Operating 996
DEC Lockhart Minimum Flow - Hydro
Lockhart Power Company - Minimum
Flow Hydro
Lockhart Hydroelectric
Purchase Operating 850
Northbrook Carolina Hydro LLC -
Boyd’s Mill - Hydro
Northbrook Carolina Hydro, LLC -
Boyd’s Mill - Hydro - NM
Ware Shoals Hydroelectric PP Purchase Operating
Converse Energy Incorporated-
Converse Energy Incorporated - NM Spartanburg Hydroelectric PP Purchase Operating
Lockhart Power Company - Upper
Pacolet Hydro*
Lockhart Power Company - Upper
Pacolet Hydro
Pacolet Hydroelectric
Purchase Operating 1,100
DEC Pelzer Solar 1, LLC* Pelzer Solar 1, LLC Pelzer Solar PP Purchase Operating 1,001
DEC Ace Solar LLC - Solar* ACE Solar LLC Piedmont Solar PP Purchase Operating 1,001
DEC Spartanburg Water System- Hydro Spartanburg Water System - NM Chesnee Hydroelectric PP Purchase Operating
Renewable Water Resources - PPA
- Solar*
Renewable Water Resources Greenville Solar PP Purchase Operating 996
DEC Lockhart Minimum Flow - Hydro
Lockhart Power Company - Minimum
Flow Hydro
Lockhart Hydroelectric
Purchase Operating 850
DEC Lockhart Lower Pacolet - Hydro
Lockhart Power Company - Lower
Pacolet Hydro
Pacolet Hydroelectric
Purchase Operating 800
Aquenergy Systems, LLC-
Aquenergy Systems, LLC Piedmont Hydroelectric PP Purchase Operating 600
DEC Vetroresina LLC - PP - Solar* Vetroresina LLC - PP Greenville Solar PP Purchase Operating 225
DEC General Electric-Solar* General Electric – NM Greenville Solar Error Purchase Operating 100
Blacksburg Environmental & Energy
LLC - Solar*
Blacksburg Environmental & Energy
Blacksburg Solar PP Purchase Operating 84
DEC Itron Inc.-Solar* Itron Inc. - NM West Union Solar PP Purchase Operating 57
Go Store It Roper, LLC (The Roper
Group, LLC)*
Go Store It Roper, LLC Greenville Solar PP Purchase Operating 45
DEC Clover School District 2- Solar* Clover School District 2- NM Clover Solar PP Purchase Operating 27
Greenville County Schools dba
Roper MTN Science CNTR Park-
Greenville County Schools- NM Greenville Solar PP Purchase Operating 24
DEC Yuze Holdings LLC - Solar* Yuze Holdings LLC Greenville Solar PP Purchase Operating 24
DEC Barry Stone - Solar* Minnesota Mining Mfg Co Greenville Solar PP Purchase Operating 6
Minnesota Mining & Mfg Co. –
Solar- Active Contract*
Minnesota Mining & Mfg Co Greenville Solar PP Purchase Operating 5
DEC Good Solar Electric LLC- Solar* Good Solar Electric LLC Greenville Solar PP Purchase Operating 5
DEC Lamar Bailes-Solar* Lamar Bailes Walhalla Solar PP Purchase Operating 5
DEC Freightliner Corp- NM - Solar* Freightliner Corp. - NM Ganey Other PP Purchase Operating 0
Midway Green Solar, LLC-
Interconnected BTM Lockhart*
Midway Green Solar, LLC-
Interconnected BTM Lockhart
Union Solar
Purchase Operating --
Total 228,005
* denotes PURPA QF
Updated 10/31/21
Utility Project Owner Location Type Fuel
DESC WestRock Charleston Kraft, LLC WestRock Charleston Kraft, LLC
Contract Displaced Operating 99,200
DESC International Paper Corp International Paper Corp Eastover W/C Contract Displaced Operating 97,500
DESC Huntley Solar, LLC Cubico USA, LLC Orangeburg Solar Contract Purchase Operating 75,000
DESC Beulah Solar, LLC Birch Creek Development, LLC Saluda Solar Contract Purchase Planned 74,970
DESC TWE Bowman Solar Project, LLC Pine Gate Renewables, LLC Orangeburg Solar Contract Purchase Operating 74,970
DESC Palmetto Plains Solar Project, LLC* Cubico USA, LLC Orangeburg Solar Contract Purchase Operating 74,970
DESC Shaw Creek Solar, LLC NextEra Energy Resources Aiken Solar Contract Purchase Operating 74,900
DESC Eastover Solar, LLC Birch Creek Development, LLC Richland
Contract Purchase Planned 73,600
DESC Seabrook Solar, LLC Dominion Solar Projects VII, Inc. Beaufort Solar Contract Purchase Operating 72,500
DESC Midlands Solar, LLC Cubico USA, LLC Calhoun Solar Contract Purchase Operating 72,100
DESC Moett Solar 1, LLC Dominion Solar Holdings IV, LLC Jasper Solar Contract Purchase Operating 71,400
DESC Lily Solar, LLC X-Elio Allendale Solar Contract Purchase Operating 70,000
DESC Peony Solar, LLC Pine Gate Renewables, LLC Orangeburg Solar Contract Purchase Operating 39,000
DESC Estill Solar I, LLC* EDP Renewables North America, LLC Estill Solar Contract Purchase Operating 20,400
DESC Cameron Solar, LLC* EDP Renewables North America, LLC Cameron Solar Contract Purchase Operating 20,000
DESC Blackville Solar II, LLC DP-C2 Episode 1 Barnwell Solar Contract Purchase Operating 20,000
DESC Hampton Solar II, LLC* EDP Renewables North America, LLC Hampton Solar Contract Purchase Operating 20,000
DESC Shaw Industries Group, Inc. Shaw Industries Group, Inc. Columbia
Contract Displaced Operating 16,271
DESC Trask East Solar, LLC Dominion Solar Projects VII, Inc. Beaufort Solar Contract Purchase Operating 12,000
United States of America - Parris
United States of America - Parris
Beaufort Solar/CHP Contract Displaced Operating 11,100
DESC Champion Solar, LLC* Pine Gate Renewables, LLC Pelion Solar Contract Purchase Operating 10,880
DESC Swamp Fox Solar, LLC* Pine Gate Renewables, LLC Pelion Solar Contract Purchase Operating 10,880
DESC Southern Current One, LLC* Pine Gate Renewables, LLC Brunson Solar Contract Purchase Operating 10,200
DESC Estill Solar II, LLC* Cypress Creek Renewables Estill Solar Contract Purchase Operating 10,200
DESC St. Matthews Solar, LLC* Pine Gate Renewables, LLC St. Matthews Solar Contract Purchase Operating 10,200
DESC Gaston Solar I, LLC* Cypress Creek Renewables Gaston Solar Contract Purchase Operating 10,200
Utility Project Owner Location Type Fuel
Capacity kW
DESC Ridgeland Solar Farm I, LLC* Dominion Solar Holdings IV, LLC Ridgeland Solar Contract Purchase Operating 10,000
DESC Yemassee Solar, LLC Dominion Solar Projects VII, Inc. Hampton Solar Contract Purchase Operating 10,000
DESC Blackville Solar Farm, LLC Dominion Solar Projects VII, Inc. Barnwell Solar Contract Purchase Operating 7,200
DESC Odyssey Solar, LLC* Pine Gate Renewables, LLC Pelion Solar Contract Purchase Operating 8,160
DESC Nimitz Solar, LLC Cypress Creek Renewables Japser Solar Contract Purchase Operating 8,000
DESC Diamond Solar, LLC DP-C2 Episode 1 Lexington Solar Contract Purchase Operating 8,160
DESC Haley Solar, LLC* Pine Gate Renewables, LLC Allendale Solar Contract Purchase Operating 8,160
DESC Gaston Solar II, LLC* Cypress Creek Renewables Gaston Solar Contract Purchase Operating 7,480
DESC Saluda Solar, LLC* Cypress Creek Renewables Saluda Solar Contract Purchase Operating 6,800
DESC Hampton Solar I, LLC* Pine Gate Renewables, LLC Hampton Solar Contract Purchase Operating 6,800
DESC Denmark Solar, LLC Dominion Solar Projects VII, Inc. Bamberg Solar Contract Purchase Operating 6,000
DESC Springeld Solar, LLC Cypress Creek Renewables Orangeburg Solar Contract Purchase Operating 6,000
DESC Barnwell Solar, LLC* Pine Gate Renewables, LLC Barnwell Solar Contract Purchase Operating 5,440
DESC Edison Solar, LLC DP-C2 Episode 1 Barnwell Solar Contract Purchase Operating 4,760
DESC Cameron Solar II, LLC* Pine Gate Renewables, LLC Cameron Solar Contract Purchase Operating 4,080
DESC Richardson Solar, LLC DP-C2 Episode 1 Barnwell Solar Contract Purchase Operating 3,600
DESC Saluda Solar II, LLC * Pine Gate Renewables, LLC Saluda Solar Contract Purchase Operating 3,400
DESC Curie Solar, LLC Cypress Creek Renewables Hampton Solar Contract Purchase Operating 2,000
DESC Tig Sun Energy IV, LLC (Otarre) TIG Sun Energy Cayce Solar Contract Purchase Operating 1,620
DESC TIG Sun Energy III, LLC (Leeds) TIG Sun Energy
Solar Contract Purchase Operating 504
Total 1,203,125
* denotes PURPA QF
Updated 10/31/21
Utility Project Owner Location Type Fuel
Capacity kW
SCPSA Lambert I** Silicon Ranch Andrews Solar Contract Purchase Planned 100,000
SCPSA Lambert II** Silicon Ranch Andrews Solar Contract Purchase Planned 100,000
SCPSA Hemingway** Exoplexus Williamsburg Solar Contract Purchase Planned 75,000
SCPSA Watson Hill** Johnson Development Assoc. Dorchester Solar Contract Purchase Planned 75,000
SCPSA Chester White** Birdseye Renewable Energy Aiken Solar Contract Purchase Planned 75,000
SCPSA Centereld-Cooper LLC* Birch Creek Development Chestereld Solar Contract Purchase Operating 75,000
SCPSA Gunsight LLC* Silver Creek Energy Swansea Solar Contract Purchase Planned 75,000
SCPSA Allora Solar LLC* Silver Pine Energy Holdings Gilbert Solar Contract Purchase Planned 75,000
SCPSA Landrace Holdings LLC* Birdseye Renewable Energy Conway Solar Contract Purchase Planned 55,000
Total 705,000
* denotes PURPA QF
** denotes Joint PPA with Central Electric Power Cooperave
Updated 10/31/21
Utility Project Owner Location Type Fuel
Capacity kW
Central Georgetown Silicon Ranch Georgetown Solar Contract Purchase Planned 74,900
Total 74,900
* denotes PURPA QF
Updated 10/31/21
Total for 142 stations 2,301,931
Negotiated (SC) and Contract - Negotiated Contract
PP - Power Purchase
Oce of Regulatory Sta
1401 Main Street
Suite 900
Columbia, SC 29201