Executive Summary
1. Case
Peach Payments, a South Africa-based payment service provider founded in
2012, had achieved great success in its home market by early 2015. To build
upon that success and take advantage of its innovative, next generation-
type payment services, Peach Payments planned to enter several new
African markets with the aim to ultimately expand across the entire African
2. Challenge
To achieve its goal of rapid expansion, Peach Payments needed a
technologically advanced white label payment gateway. The gateway
needed to feature streamlined and rapid merchant integration, the ability to
use plugins, and consolidated mobile and traditional online payments. As
Peach began to target and onboard larger and more demanding merchants,
it became increasingly clear that the company’s payments gateway
needed to meet the variety of complicated technical challenges modern
payment providers face. With transaction processing technology becoming
increasingly commoditized, Peach Payments wanted to dierentiate itself
from the market while avoiding the significant investment needed to build a
payment solution from scratch.
3. Solution
Peach Payments integrated to ACI
Payments Orchestration Platform
payments gateway whose underlying open payments architecture makes it
one of the most advanced andexible payment solutions on the market.
Facilitating Cross-Border
Expansion with Open
Payments Architecture
faster merchant
Business Growth
Peach Payments
achieved a 400%
increase in monthly
transaction volume in
less than one year
A Case Study of Peach Payments
4. Result
ACI’s payments gateway helped Peach Payments achieve their targets and
expand their monthly transaction volume by 400% in less than one year,
without a proportionate cost increase. The resources created by Peach’s
increasing revenues enabled the company to increase its focus on
expansion and future growth. The gateway quickened Peach’s merchant
onboarding process by 30%, allowed Peach to easily build plugins for
merchants, and provided integrated e and mCommerce payment options
through a single unified API. The gateway’s global payments network,
featuring hundreds of acquirers and alternative payment methods globally,
gave Peach Payments the ability to expand to Namibia and Mauritius and
plan to Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana and beyond.
Single RESTful API
All Channels and Devices
Connectivity to an Extensive
Global Payments Network
Peach Payments was founded in Cape Town, South Africa in 2012. Through a
fresh and innovative approach, it quickly became a leading payment service
provider in the South African market. The approach brought international best
practices such as one-click payments, reconciliations and recurring billing
directly to African merchants. Building these solutions took time and eort,
often because convincing local banks and acquirers of the value for their own
businesses was not easy.
Yet Peach Payments’ eorts were well rewarded. Their unique approach
gained them a steadily growing list of loyal clients, atrst medium and large
enterprises focused primarily in fashion, retail, food delivery and online
marketplaces. Most of these clients’ businesses grew in conjunction with
Peach’s own growth and as Peach’s reputation and capabilities expanded, it
began to land even larger clients in new sectors such as cloud services and
internet service provision. As Peach’s success began to snowball it saw an
opportunity to take action towards its ambition to become one of the leading
payment service providers on the African continent. Yet it lacked the payments
gateway technology needed to fully take advantage of these new opportunities.
As Peach Payments surveyed the African market with an eye on taking the
next step towards becoming Africa’s preeminent payment service provider
the company realized it needed a payments solution that possessed four key
Rapid and simple integration and merchant onboarding
Fully integrated mobile capabilities
The ability to accommodate Peach-built shop plugins to integrate payments
within merchants’ overall business activities
Access to Africa’s most important alternative payment methods and local card
Customer service is an important dierentiating factor for Peach Payments and
finding a platform to help the company deliver first-rate service was of the
utmost importance.
Company founded
Leading PSP
in the South African market
South Africa, Namibia,
Retail, fashion, food delivery,
cloud services, internet
service provision
Integration and Merchant Onboarding
Successful expansion in Africa, perhaps even more than
in other regions, requires payment providers to have
advanced and user-friendly technology. Merchants often
lack the resources to throw at a complicated integration,
which means platforms warranting little integration eort by
merchants are highly competitive. Thus, Peach Payments’
expansion across Africa relied uponnding a platform with
simple and rapid merchant integration.
Mobile Solutions
Yet the importance of simple and rapid integration does
not mean merchants will accept a platform that is unsecure,
unable to simultaneously process many transactions or
has few capabilities. For example, in Africa it is important
payment providers oer omni-channel solutions because
although less than 25% of Africa’s population has a bank
account, more than 80% have access to mobile devices.
Most African shoppers use mobile devices for internet
access and it is predicted by 2016 there will be more than
100 million mobile payment users in Africa.
is the only way to eectively reach certain shopping
segments. Thus, Peach Payments needed a solution that
would enable a seamless user experience across both
mCommerce and eCommerce.
Shop Plugins
Another challenge for Peach Payments and its focus on
medium-sized enterprises was a plugin strategy for shop
management systems such as Magento, WooCommerce
and Shopify. These platforms are important to most
medium-sized businesses because they use them rather
than build custom shop management systems. Peach
Payments needed to ensure their payments gateway was
flexible enough to incorporate these plugins easily.
An Extensive Payments Network
The final challenge for Peach Payments was its need to
connect to a variety of acquiring banks and alternative
payment methods across Africa. Developing the
connections to the major banks in South Africa took
significant time and eort for Peach Payments, and in order
to expand more rapidly, it required a gateway with an
extensive payments network across the entire continent.
The Need for a Technologically
Advanced Solution
Creating technology that meets all these requirements
from scratch is both costly and time consuming. While
Peach Payments had the ability to build such technology,
the large undertaking would have entailed diverting
significant resources away from the company’s overall goal
of becoming the foremost payment service provider in
Africa. Expansion and other business activities would slow
significantly as Peach designed and built its gateway from
the ground up. Meanwhile, Peach Payments’ competitors
would not take such a hiatus and would likely continue
expanding into the very markets Peach had set its sights
Peach Payments required a payments platform that
delivered a solution for each of these four challenges
without sapping the resources the company needed to
devote to growth and expansion.
The underlying open architecture of ACI’s payments gateway was launched
in February of 2015 and shortly thereafter, Peach Payments integrated it for
transaction processing. Peach Payments’ merchants now onboard through the
gateway and use it for their payment services. The gateway’s features include:
A single RESTful API (application program interface) and interactive
documentation for rapid and ecient merchant integration
A mobile SDK (software development kit) and mobile responsive payments
widget COPYandPAY for coordinated e and mCommerce payments
An open system for simplified assimilation of shop plugins
An extensive network of Africanconnectors” (acquirers and alternative
payment methods), currently numbered at 40 in 35 countries and continually
Peach Payments quickly found that the gateway’s
underlying open architecture helped it overcome each of
the four obstacles to its growth: fast merchant onboarding,
e and mCommerce assimilation, openness to shop plugins,
and access to African acquirers and alternative payment
Speed and Simplicity: Merchant
Two aspects of the gateway’s open architecture made it
particularly easy for Peach to onboard merchants quickly:
the single RESTful API and ACI’s interactive documentation.
By lowering the number of integrations for merchants
to only one, and by basing it on the well known RESTful
standards, Peach saw improvement in merchant onboarding
times, especially as the open payments gateway became
more familiar to Peach.
According to Peach Payments co-founder Rahul Jain,The
open payment API is an extremely developer-friendly API
and helps our merchants integrate up to 30% faster. The
unified API for front-end and back-oce processes has
simplified integration eorts significantly for our merchants.
It has helped Peach Payments deliver on its developer first
approach to market. More than just a matter of improved
service to new merchants, Peach Payments’ sales team
touted the single integration to potential clients with the
advanced technology drawing many onboard.
The interactive online documentation, white labeled by
Peach Payments as API Docs, also contributed to the
improved experience for merchants’ developers, helped
reduce integration times and automated the entire
process. The API Docs’ thorough, interactive, and step-by-
step guides equipped developers with the tools needed
to complete integration quickly, lowering the required
resources for merchants and easing Peach Payments’
support burden.
Flexibility: Mobile Solutions
In addition to better integration, the gateway’s open
architecture gave Peach Payments an assimilated e
and mCommerce solution. The gateway’s mobile SDKs
for iOS and Android native apps and payments widget
COPYandPAY with its responsive mobile design, helped
Peach deliver the omni-channel product that it needed
for the African market. Most African merchants sell across
websites, mobile-optimized sites, and in-app, making such a
solution a key requirement for success.
Flexibility: Shop Plugins
Peach’s third challenge, enabling shopping cart plugins,
was also overcome through the payments gateway’s open
architecture. Through the gateway’s RESTful API and
JavaScript widget, COPYandPAY, Peach was able to build
world-class plugins for Magento and WooCommerce with
more forthcoming. Peach’s clients are never forced to
choose between Peach Payments and their preferred shop
management system; they can have both.
Simplicity and Flexibility: An Extensive
Payments Network
The payments gateway’s open architecture also helped
Peach Payments access the right acquirers and alternative
payment methods. Integrating to the gateway gives
payment providers immediate access to both ACI’s white-
label payment processing capabilities and its entire global
network two tools essential for cross-border payments.
Of the network’s hundreds ofconnectors” (acquirers and
alternative payment methods) globally, 40 currently oer
coverage in 35 African countries and ACI continues to grow
the network. The ACI Payments Orchestration Platform
grants Peach Payments access to a payments network
that is extensive enough for immediate expansion and is
growing to accommodate future strategies.
Obstacles Overcome, Growth
Peach Payments was an early adopter of the ACI’s open
payments architecture because it promised to help the
company overcome the four payment obstacles it faced.
Like with any new product or service, Peach experienced
some bumps as the open payments gateway’s capabilities
and unique features were refined. Yet ACI built the
payments gateway as a fundamentally “open” product
which made it easier to continuously improve based upon
user feedback. The open payments gateway’s inherent
flexibility has allowed Peach Payments to shape the
platform into the exact kind of service their clients need. As
a company that focused on high-quality customer service to
dierentiate from competitors, the open payment gateway
proved to be the perfect technological conduit for Peach to
delivers speed, simplicity andexibility to its clients.
This speed, simplicity andexibility has been fundamental
to Peach Payment’s recent growth. In late 2014, Peach
Payments began to see strong growth as its eorts in South
Africa began to reach a tipping point. However, by early
2015, growth had started to plateau. Peach had foreseen
the need to upgrade its payments gateway technology
and switching to the ACI Payments Orchestration Platform
helped resume Peach’s upward growth trajectory. The
solution gave Peach Payments the technology it needed
to onboard clients quickly, better serve them through
coordinated mobile payments and shop plugins, and
ensured growth continued unabated. As a result, from
February to November 2015, Peach Payments saw growth
of approximately 400%.
This success has given Peach Payments the resources
to expand into Namibia and Mauritius; expansion into
Nigeria, Kenya and Ghana will soon follow. Although just
the beginning of the company’s long-term strategies, Peach
Payment’s current and upcoming market expansion reaches
some of Africa’s most lucrative markets. With a sound
business plan and the ACI’s open payments gateway as its
underpinning payments technology, Peach Payments’ future
is very bright.
Transaction volume (% change from Feb. 2015)
ACI Worldwide is a global leader in mission-critical, real-time
payments software. Our proven, secure and scalable software
solutions enable leading corporations, fintechs and financial
disruptors to process and manage digital payments, power
omni-commerce payments, present and process bill payments,
and manage fraud and risk. We combine our global footprint with
a local presence to drive the real-time digital transformation of
payments and commerce.
Americas +1 402 390 7600
Asia Pacific +65 6334 4843
Europe, Middle East, Africa +44 (0) 1923 816393
© Copyright ACI Worldwide, Inc. 2023
ACI, ACI Worldwide, ACI Payments, Inc., ACI Pay, Speedpay and all ACI product/solution names are trademarks or registered trademarks of ACI Worldwide, Inc., or one of its
subsidiaries, in the United States, other countries or both. Other partiestrademarks referenced are the property of their respective owners.
ACS1687 1023
About Peach Payments
Peach Payments provides payment solutions to online and
mobile businesses enabling them to easily accept payments
from consumers across the globe and especially from those
in the emerging markets. Its specific focus is on Africa and
the BRIC countries where the local infrastructure requires a
unique and tailored approach to online payments.
Peach Payments oer merchants a state-of-the-art
payments solution with the most comprehensive product
suite which enables them to accept payments across all
their channels including their website, mobile site and
their mobile apps (iOS, Android etc.). The company also
gives merchants access to all relevant payment methods
including credit/debit cards, bank transfers, mobile wallets,
electronic wallets and mobile operator billing to help
them succeed in the emerging markets. Peach Payments
currently oers payment solutions in Europe and South
Africa directly and in Brazil and Turkey through partners.
Statistica, “Africa and Asia Are Embracing Mobile Payments,”