Top Tips for Great Growth
Set your Light Hood/Grow Lights to the lowest position when starting
a new Seed Pod Kit.
Always keep your Grow Lights as close to your plants as possible, taking
care to trim back the tallest plants so they do not actually touch the Grow
Lights. As they mature, plants should be 1 - 2 inches below Grow Lights.
Replace your CFL Grow Lights every 6 months for
maximum growth and harvests. LED Grow Lights
have a 3 - 5 year life span.
Be brave enough to prune. Pruning promotes
greater health, larger harvests, and more beautiful
plants. Always try to prune/harvest just above a
new leaf set as seen in diagram A.
Plants will grow into each other’s space and block
light. To keep all plants in your garden healthy,
trim back the leaves from the sides of the plant as
seen in diagram B.
Harvest frequently to maintain a healthy garden,
but take no more than 1/3 of any plant at a time.
For best growth, keep water level near the ll line.
Don’t wait for the Add Water’ alert!
AeroGarden plants love a fresh water bath! For extra care, you may
empty the water out of your bowl every other feeding time (once
monthly) and rell with fresh cool water and then add nutrients.
If mixing dierent types of Seed Pods together in one garden,
remember to prune faster growing plants from the top so the Light
Seed Pod Kit Instructions
AeroGrow International, Inc., P.O. Box 18450, Boulder, CO 80308-1450
©2015 AeroGrow International, Inc.
506621-0000 AA
We also have an active Facebook Community that loves
to answer questions at
“Like” us for special oers and community fun!
6 7 8
Basil is usually the rst seed to sprout and it grows rapidly. Harvest basil
(and any other fast-growing herbs) to keep them an inch or two below
the lights, and avoid raising the Light Hood until all other plants are well
Some herbs, such as chives, thyme, and oregano grow slowly and often
get shaded by faster growing plants. Create space for slow-growing
plants by pruning surrounding plants.
Salads prefer cool temperatures below 72 degrees. When growing
salads, take care to keep your garden away from sunny windows that
might increase the temperature.
To harvest, remove whole leaves by cutting the base of the leaf with
scissors or shears, or by gently pinching o with your ngers. Spread
your harvest evenly across your garden.
Tips for Herbs
Tips for Salads
When plants are about 2 inches tall, check each Seed Pod for multiple
plants. Using shears, gently snip the smallest plants at the base of the
stem, leaving just ONE healthy plant in each pod.
Start pollinating your plants regularly once they begin to ower. With
the Grow Lights on, GENTLY shake your plants from side to side. You
may also pollinate by placing a fan in front of the garden, or use our ‘Be
the Bee Pollinator to release and spread pollen from ower to ower.
Your plants should begin to produce fruit in about 6 - 8 weeks. Plants
that are slow to produce fruit may benet from a rinse and rell.
Empty the water from the bowl and rell with fresh, cool water and
fresh nutrients. Remember to reset your nutrient timer afterward.
Heavy fruit can cause your vegetable plants to topple over – support
them with wooden skewers or chopsticks, or try the AeroGarden Trellis
System or Soft Ties.
Don’t worry if you need to trim some owers and/or fruit from the plant;
it will produce more after pruning.
When owers are 2” tall, check each Seed Pod for multiple plants. Using
scissors or shears, gently snip the smallest plants at the base of the
stem, leaving no more than 3 plants in each Pod.
Wilted or dead owers should be removed often for continued ower
Many owers are slow to germinate, and some grow slowly once
sprouted. Allow up to 3 weeks for seeds to sprout, and remember to
keep the Light Hood low until all plants are well established. You will be
rewarded with beautiful blossoms!
Tips for Tomatoes & Peppers
Tips for Flowers
AeroGrow has a searchable online resource section.
For more detailed information about growing in your AeroGarden,
please visit:
First Seed Pod Kit?
Set up your garden using the Quick Setup Guide, then
proceed to Seed Pod Kit Instructions on Page 2.
Already grown a Seed Pod Kit or two?
Follow the “Restarting Your AeroGarden instructions on
Page 5.
Add Water Plant Seed Pods Add Nutrients Enjoy
Hood remains at the lowest position until all plants are well established.
Tomatoes should not be mixed with other plants, as they spread out
substantially as they grow. Other smaller plants will not get enough
light and nutrient to grow well with tomatoes.
As your plants grow, you may see some dead or brown leaves, especially
at the lower part of the plant. This is perfectly normal. Remove these
leaves with scissors or pinch them o with your ngers.
Little bugs can nd their way to your garden by riding in on clothing,
on other plants or produce, or through an open window or door. If you
nd some unwanted guests, spray your plants with water to wash them
o. Make sure you spray UNDER the leaves as bugs usually reside there.
For more persistent pests, an insecticidal soap may be used.
Diagram B
Too High
Cut Here
Diagram A
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If growing in an ULTRA or BOUNTY model, press ‘Quick Plant’ button
and follow on-screen instructions, then go to Top Tips” on Pg 6.
Add cool tap water or distilled water to the bowl to the ‘Fill to Here
indicator. Do not use well water or softened water which may result
in non-germination and/or poor growth.
Seed Pods are designed to t in any AeroGarden model. Slight pressure
may be needed to insert Pods fully in side openings of some models.
If your AeroGarden has a plant ‘Select’ feature, set it to the plant type
that best matches what you are growing.
Plants grow best and look best if tall plants are in the back row,
medium plants along the sides, and short plants are in front. Seed
Pod labels often identify plant height to assist with placement of Pods.
Seed Pod Kits for Tomatoes and Peppers may include fewer seeded
Pods to make room for the large plant size. Leave empty spaces
between pods to allow plenty of room for plants to spread out.
Do not remove labels from Seed Pods. Labels identify plant type and
plant height, show the germination time, and inhibit algae growth.
Place Grow Domes over the Seed Pods. Leave the Domes on the Pods
until plants nearly touch the Domes, then remove*.
Step 1 Add Water
Step 2 Plant Your Seed Pod Kit
Step 3 Feed Your Garden
Instructions for use of nutrients are printed on the nutrient package.
Add nutrients directly into the water bowl at start-up, and when the
Add Nutrient’ reminder activates (every two weeks).
Add only the amount recommended on the nutrient packaging. Do
not overfeed!
Always top o water level when adding nutrients. For best results, top
o the water level in your garden regularly.
You’re on your way to a beautiful garden. For best results, please read
“Top Tips for Great Growth” on Page 6.
* Grow Domes can be reused or recycled.
2 3 4 5
Let’s Plant Your AeroGarden
Just 3 Easy Steps!
After each planting, you should clean and sanitize your AeroGarden to
reduce the risk of root pathogens that can destroy your crop. Heres how:
Fill the Bowl with water and add ¼ cup of chlorine bleach.
Let the water pump or aerator circulate the bleach solution for ve
Empty the bleach solution from the bowl, rinse well, and then ll with
clear water (no bleach).
Allow the pump or aerator to circulate the clear water for 5 minutes.
Empty and rinse once more to ensure that all bleach is removed.
OR without bleach
Use 5 cups of distilled white vinegar instead of bleach and follow the
instructions above.
It is important to restart the nutrient timer before planting a new Seed
Pod Kit. Refer to your user guide or your AeroGarden control panel for
reset instructions.
This is very important for best growth!
Proceed to Step 1 on Page 2.
Step 1 Sanitize Your Garden
Step 2 Reset Your Nutrient Timer
Step 3 Set Your Light Hood to the Lowest Position
Step 4 Plant Your Seed Pod Kit
Restarting Your AeroGarden
Planting Date:
Nutrient and Water Reminders
Add Water reminders reset automatically when water is added. On most
models, Add Water’ also activates automatically when ’Add Nutrient
activates as a reminder to top o water level when adding nutrients.
Resetting Add Nutrient will turn o both reminders.
If you are setting up your garden for the rst time, there is no need to
reset the nutrient timer.
The cap on your Nutrient bottle holds 4mL nutrients when filled to the
rim. Use the cap to easily measure out the correct amount for your
garden. Add Nutrients directly to the Water Bowl.
See flip side page 6 for Top Tips for Great Growth
Nutrient Requirements
AeroGarden 3 Pod Models 4 mL at start up and every 2 weeks
AeroGarden 6/7/9 Pod Models
8 mL at start up and every 2 weeks
Fast growing plants 12” or
more in height
After plants reach 12” in height:
6/7/9 Pod models: Increase to 10 mL
per feeding every 2 weeks
2 mL per gallon with weekly watering
Outdoor Gardens
4 mL per gallon added weekly to root
WHAT IS COVERED: This warranty covers defects in materials, workmanship, and germination of seeds
for one year from date of purchase. AeroGrow may replace a non-germinating Seed Pod with another
Seed Pod of its choosing. Call AeroGrow customer service at 1-800-476-9669 within 3 weeks of planting
the seed kit for replacement of a non-germinating pod. WHAT IS NOT COVERED: This warranty shall
not apply to problems arising from: growing in a system other than an AeroGarden, germination of
seeds not provided by AeroGrow, failure to adhere to Seed Kit Instructions and/or Quick Start Guide,
improper use, maintenance or storage of Seed Kit, or use of materials not provided by or recommended
by AeroGrow in or on the plants grown. This warranty excludes all incidental or consequential damages.
You may have other legal rights that vary from state to state.
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