(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 13, No. 8, 2022
Mobile Application: A Proposal for the Inventory
Management of Pharmaceutical Industry Companies
Alfredo Leonidas Vasquez Ubaldo
, Juan Andres Berrios Albines
, Jose Luis Herrera Salazar
Laberiano Andrade-Arenas
, Michael Cabanillas-Carbonell
Facultad de Ingenier
ıa y Negocios, Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener, Lima, Per
Facultad de Ingenier
ıa, Universidad Privada del Norte, Lima, Per
Abstract—In recent years, the development of mobile
applications has been evolving and becoming more and more
frequent. This event is positive, since it plays an important role
in facing and mitigating the multiple adversities that appear in
the different existing sectors, such as business. On the other
hand, it was detected that a little known problem that many
companies in the pharmaceutical industry experience is poor
inventory management, which causes countless consequences,
generally of a negative nature. For this reason, in this work
it was decided to make a mobile application prototype to face
this problem. In this regard, the RUP methodology was used,
along with various computer tools, in order to elaborate the
prototype. Besides, as a data collection technique, surveys were
made, which were subjected to expert judgment, in order to
qualify the prototype. Likewise, very satisfactory results were
obtained, concluding that the mobile application prototype that
was developed complies with all the necessary conditions to
mitigate the inventory management problems of pharmaceutical
industry companies.
KeywordsInventory management; mobile application;
pharmaceutical industry; prototype; RUP methodology
In the context of the pandemic that we had to live through,
no sector was spared from Covid-19. The health sector was
also hit hard by said pandemic [1],[2].Currently, having good
inventory control is very important for any company, regardless
of its types and items. This action seeks to ensure that the
elements that are needed, such as raw materials [3], supplies
and spare parts, are available in a timely manner, in optimal
conditions and in their respective locations.
It is necessary to keep in mind that in a review of studies it
was mentioned that the organization’s inventory management
involves decisions that include financing, promotion, supply
and acquisition management. All of them have high risks
and have a direct impact on the financial framework [4].
Besides, proper inventory management ensures availability and
minimizes investment when materials are needed.
In the case of the pharmaceutical industry, inventory
management is also essential, both from a financial and
operational perspective. Efficient inventory management
reduces procurement and transportation costs. Likewise [5], it
maintains an effective stock of products to meet the demands
of customers and prescribers.
It cannot be denied that efficient inventory management is
crucial for the future of any business, as it becomes a key factor
for profitability thanks to its multiple benefits. Among them
we have, for example, that it will allow the company to have
a timely control of all its products [6], as well as knowing at
the end of the period a reliable state of the economic situation.
On the other hand, efficient inventory management will
also avoid causing problems that threaten the safety and
health of patients. This is because the system will allow
the proper management of products, thus preventing patients
from acquiring expired, falsified [7], deficient and/or damaged
In this context, inventory management systems are
very convenient. Implementing, consolidating and effectively
applying an inventory control system helps in the progress of
any business, as well as improves the efficiency of its activities
[8]. If companies and organizations use an inventory system,
they will obtain many benefits, since the correct inventory
management will improve their decision making.
Based on everything mentioned above, it is justified that
this work is very important, since it aims to contribute to
all companies in the pharmaceutical industry that choose
to implement the proposed mobile application. In the same
way, the objective of the research is to design a mobile
application prototype, using the Figma tool. This in order to
improve inventory management in companies belonging to the
pharmaceutical industry so that they achieve many benefits,
such as the reduction of losses due to expiration dates and the
improvement of customer service.
To all this, it is also worth mentioning the content of the
next chapters that make up this work. In Section II, works
related to the topic are shown together with an analysis; in
Section III, the methodology used is indicated together with the
tools that helped in the elaboration of the application prototype;
in Section IV, the development of the work is detailed; in
Section V, the results obtained are presented; in Section VI,
the results obtained are explained and compared with prior
knowledge on the topic; and finally, in Section VII, conclusions
are drawn and ideas for future work are provided.
As it was well emphasized before, in the present work
it was decided to address the issue of designing a mobile
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application prototype to improve inventory management in
companies belonging to the pharmaceutical industry, since it
was evidenced that it is a common problem today. For this
reason, it was decided to search for scientific productions
that are useful and related to the topic, in order to collect
information on their observations, results, conclusions and
other relevant aspects and learn from them.
In the first instance, in a work carried out by the authors
[9], it was proposed to design and implement a pharmacy
management system with a stock alert system, in order to
improve accuracy and improve safety and efficiency in the
pharmaceutical store. About it, in its conclusions it is indicated
that the developed software allows new prescriptions and refills
to be processed more quickly and easily; at the same time, this
makes the work of pharmacists automated, allowing them to
have more time to advise clients and thus prevent them from
making medication errors.
On the other hand, in a work carried out by the author [10],
it was proposed to design a mobile application for inventory
management in a minimart. In the process, Waterfall was the
methodology used, with the stages of analysis, design, coding
and implementation. Besides, in its conclusions it is indicated
that among the many benefits of this application is that it
allows the management of articles to be easier.
From another approach, in a work carried out by the
authors [11], it was proposed to develop a system to accurately
manage consumable goods in storage. In the process, Systems
Development Life Cycle (SDLC) was the methodology used.
Likewise, the mobile application was developed using the
Android system. Besides, in its conclusions it is indicated that
this system has proven capable of reducing inventory access
time by 80% and accurately tracking inventory compared to
manual stock counting.
Meanwhile, in a work carried out by the authors [12],
it was proposed to develop an information system for the
hotel industry, in order to facilitate the control of data and
inventory, orders and acquisitions and guarantee the follow-up
of the cleaning process and consumption of materials as a
whole. In the process, Design Science Research (DSR) was the
methodology used. Besides, in its conclusions it is indicated
this system has multiple benefits, among which it is mentioned
that it allows data control and analysis to be carried out very
From another perspective, in a work carried out by the
authors [13], it was proposed to develop a mobile application
for inventory management with sales prediction. In the
process, regression analysis, typical of data mining, was used.
Likewise, the mobile application was developed using the
Android system. Besides, in its conclusions it is indicated
that this application helps companies achieve greater social
empowerment and development.
Similar to the previous one, in a work carried out by
the authors [14], it was proposed to develop an inventory
management system using the Rule of Association, in order to
ensure that stores properly maintain their records and update
your items in stock. In the process, the association rule,
typical of data mining, was used. Likewise, AngularJS was
used for the implementation of the system; PHP (Hypertext
Preprocessor) for the backend of system development and
database management; HTML (HyperText Markup Language)
and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) for system interface design;
and NoSQL as the database engine. Besides, in its conclusions
it is indicated that this system was very useful, since it allowed
creating transactions, updating items in stock, keeping records,
generating reports for decision-making and making stores more
Taking into account the previous works investigated, it
can be seen that there is a limitation in the use of software
development methodologies, since they only appear in some
articles. In addition, it is also evident that there is a limitation
in the exploration of different platforms that exist to develop
mobile applications.
Poor performance and unreliability of applications are
common factors that drastically affect their acceptance. In
this regard, measures must be taken in terms of quality. For
this reason, in the development of this work, it was decided
to use a software development methodology, together with
various computer tools, in order to develop the prototype of the
inventory management mobile application for pharmaceutical
industry companies.
A. The RUP Methodology
RUP (Rational Unified Process) is a software development
methodology that is object-oriented. It is responsible for
establishing the bases, templates and examples for each of the
aspects and phases of software development. Furthermore, it
combines aspects of the development process (such as defined
phases [15], techniques and practices) with other development
components (such as documents, models and manuals) within
a unified framework.
This methodology is one of the most widespread and
well-known among software development companies. It is
based on the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and is
characterized by being iterative and incremental, focused on
architecture and guided by use cases [16]. Likewise, the goal of
this methodology is to develop high-quality software, capable
of meeting the needs of customers, within the costs and
schedules planned for the project [17].
Having mentioned all of the above, the scheme of the RUP
methodology can be seen in Fig. 1.
B. Phases of the RUP Methodology
The RUP methodology consists of four development
phases, within which several iterations are carried out in order
to satisfy defined criteria before embarking on another phase.
In other words, if we want to advance to the second phase of
the RUP methodology, we first have to meet all the criteria
established in its first phase.
1) Inception Phase: This first phase is very short and
focuses on achieving the feasibility of the project. To do this, it
is necessary to establish the scope, identify current and future
risks, propose an overview of the software architecture and
develop the plan for phases and subsequent iterations with
customers or stakeholders.
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Fig. 1. Scheme of the RUP Methodology
2) Elaboration Phase: This second phase seeks to have a
well-established base before moving on to the next. For this, it
is necessary to select and elaborate the use cases [18], define
the base architecture of the software, specify the selected use
cases, develop the first analysis of the problem domain and
design the preliminary solution.
3) Construction Phase: This third phase focuses on
achieving the functionality of the software. For this, it is
necessary to verify the pending requirements, manage the
changes in relation to the evaluations made by the users and
carry out the improvements.
4) Transition Phase: This fourth phase is the one that
closes the project and seeks to ensure the availability of the
software for end users. For this, it is necessary to carry out
the final tests, adjust the errors and defects found, train users
on the use of the software and provide the necessary technical
support [18].
C. Elements of the RUP Methodology
A case apart from the four phases presented above, the RUP
methodology is governed by four elements that work together
and help to obtain the final result of the project.
1) Roles: It refers to the functions performed by each of
the individuals or entities involved in the project. In this regard,
it is worth mentioning that an involved party can play several
roles, as well as the same role can be represented by several
parties. In this sense, some roles [19], for example, could
be that of a technical documenter, a software architect and
a quality assurance.
2) Activities: It refers to the tasks that must be carried out
by each of the individuals or entities involved in the project. In
this regard, it is worth mentioning that each activity is assigned
to a specific role. In this sense, some activities, for example,
could be the elaboration of the use case diagram, the capture
of software requirements and the performance of tests.
3) Artifacts: It refers to the products (in intermediate
or final state) that originate during the various activities of
the project and that are used to obtain the final result. In
this regard, it is worth mentioning that the products capture
information about the work carried out and transmit it. In this
sense, some artifacts, for example, could be a document (such
as the software architecture document), a model (such as the
use case model) and an element belonging to a model (such
as a class) [19].
4) Workflows: It refers to the sequence of activities that
produce observable results of the project. In this regard, it is
worth mentioning that all the roles, activities and artifacts that
have been previously defined are integrated into the workflows.
In this sense, some workflows [19], for example, could be
a sequence diagram, a collaboration diagram and an activity
Having mentioned all of the above, the elements of the
RUP methodology can be visualized in Fig. 2.
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Fig. 2. Elements of the RUP Methodology
D. Technological Tools
1) Figma: It is used to create prototypes, through
a development environment, which has an intuitive and
easy-to-use interface. Figma allows designing user interfaces
with excellent features in terms of design, prototype,
collaboration, etc. In addition [20], it allows you to work
collaboratively during the creation process and export the result
in various formats such as PDF, PNG and JPG.
2) StarUML: It is an open source software modeling
application based on UML standards [21]. It is flexible and
easy to use.
3) Google Forms: It is a web-based application used to
create forms for data collection purposes. Among its many
benefits [22], its ease of handling when adding questions and
answers stands out, as well as its ability to export the results
in spreadsheets and statistical graphs.
During the development of the project, the activities of the
phases of the RUP methodology that are most related to the
development of the prototype of the mobile application for
inventory management in a pharmaceutical industry company
will be followed.
Based on the above, only the most necessary points of each
of the phases of the RUP methodology were selected in order
to achieve the final result that is the elaboration of the proposed
A. Phase 1: Inception
1) Scope of the Project: In this part, the scope of the project
is established, which is related to its purpose. In other words,
considering the purpose of this project, the need arose to raise
some specific points, thus shaping the scope of the project.
About it, the points that constitute the scope of the project are
the following:
Allow users to login.
Register, modify and delete users.
Register, modify, delete and query users.
Register, modify, delete and consult providers.
Register, modify, delete and consult products.
Record sales.
Generate sales reports.
2) Risks Associated with the Project: In this part, the
risks associated with the project are identified to take them
into account during the development of each of the activities
because, as in any project, there are always situations that
could occur and have a positive or negative impact on the final
result. In this case, such uncertain events or conditions could be
detrimental to scope and quality. About it, the risks associated
with the project that were identified are the following:
Inadequate choice of the technological tools to be used
in the elaboration of the prototype.
Ambiguous list of functional and non-functional
Ambiguous definition of the roles of those involved in
the project.
Inaccurate rendering of Unified Modeling Language
Poor design of the prototype product of errors and
details not considered.
3) Overview of Software Architecture: In this part, an
overview of the mobile application architecture is proposed,
which was done in order to provide a solid base to start
modeling the system prototype. About it, the proposed
architecture for this mobile application is presented in Fig.
B. Phase 2: Elaboration
1) Software Requirements: In this part, the functional
requirements and non-functional requirements of the system
are defined. The functional requirements focus on the
functionality of the system, since they are all those specific
functions that the mobile application has. On the other hand,
the non-functional requirements focus on the quality of the
system, since they are all those specific attributes that the
mobile application has. In this regard, these requirements are
presented in Table I and Table II.
2) Business Use Cases: In this part, the business actors
are established and the business use case diagram is designed.
About it, these diagrams can be observed in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5.
3) Business Activities: In this part, the business activity
diagram is elaborated. About it, this diagram can be observed
in Fig. 6.
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Fig. 3. Architecture of the Proposed Mobile Application
Code Description
The system will allow to validate the access of the users
according to the entered data.
The system will allow to display a successful or failed
login message
The system will allow to modify the login data of the
FR04 The system will allow to delete users.
FR05 The system will allow to register new users.
FR06 The system will allow to consult products.
FR07 The system will allow to modify of products data.
FR08 The system will allow to delete products.
FR09 The system will allow to register new products
FR10 The system will allow to consult providers.
FR11 The system will allow to modify of providers data.
FR12 The system will allow to delete providers.
FR13 The system will allow to register new providers
The system will allow to register the sale of products
in real time.
FR15 The system will allow to generate sales reports.
4) System Use Cases: In this part, the system actors are
established and the system use case diagram is designed. About
it, these diagrams can be observed in Fig. 7 and Fig. 8.
C. Phase 3: Construction
In this phase, the prototype of the mobile inventory
management application is presented, which was developed
with the Figma tool. This this application has two
functionalities, these being the logistics area for employees
and the sales area for customers. It is worth mentioning that
the sales area was added as an added factor. Later, the most
relevant interfaces of the application are shown.
Code Description
NFR01 System learning time per user not exceeding 4 hours.
NFR02 Simple installation.
NFR03 Simple configuration.
NFR04 Disponibilidad de acceso 24/7 a todo el sistema.
NFR05 Safe and easy access.
User authentication with a number of attempts not
exceeding 3.
NFR07 Quick and easy navigation.
NFR08 Friendly and modern graphic interface.
NFR09 Ability to make changes and fixes.
NFR10 Ability to incorporate new functionalities.
NFR11 Compatibility with Android Studio and MySQL.
NFR12 Est
andar de resoluci
on 1440 x 2560: 560dpi.
Fig. 4. Business Actors Diagram.
In Fig. 9, it can be observed the charging interface, which
appears when running the mobile application.
In Fig. 10, it can be observed the interface that appears after
waiting for the application to load. This interface welcomes the
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Fig. 5. Business Use Cases.
Fig. 6. Business Activity Diagram.
user to the logistics area and asks him to enter his access data
to enter. On the other hand, further down there is an option
that directs the user to the entry interface to the sales area.
The choice of which area to enter will depend on whether the
user is an employee or a customer.
In Fig. 11, it can be observed the interface that appears after
entering the access data. It shows the data of the employee
who entered the system and gives the option to enter any of
the windows you want.
In Fig. 12, it can be observed the interface that shows the
providers part. It allows the user to contact them and register
new ones.
In Fig. 13, two interfaces can be observed. The first
interface allows you to register a new product. To do this, it
will ask the user to enter their code and available stock. Also,
it will ask the user to enter a comment about the product they
are registering, as well as its expiration date. On the other
hand, the second interface shows the list of products that are
In Fig. 14, it can be observed the interface that allows
you to make sales reports, according to the date range that
is entered. This interface shows the products sold, along with
their respective units and prices. Also, it allows you to export
the information.
In Fig. 15, it can be observed the interface that welcomes
Fig. 7. System Actors Diagram.
Fig. 8. System Use Cases.
the user to the sales area. This interface shows the current
products and offers. Also, it allows to search for products in
the search engine.
In Fig. 16, it can be observed the interface showing the
products part. In this interface the user can select any product
he wants to buy.
In Fig. 17, it can be observed the payment interface, which
allows you to make sales, asking if the payment method will be
in cash or by card and if you want a bill or invoice. Also, this
interface has the option to include an address for the delivery
of the product.
D. Phase 4: Transition
It is important to validate that the elaborated prototype
meets the necessary requirements of the end users and is free of
errors and defects; otherwise, solutions will have to be found
for the identified observations. For this reason, a validation
of the prototype was carried out through expert judgment.
Likewise, it is worth mentioning that the survey was prepared
in Google Forms and contained fourteen (14) questions. About
it, all this information can be observed in Table III.
On the other hand, it was sought that each expert, under
their own criteria, qualify the proposed model. To do this,
the survey responses were designed to be answered according
to the Likert scale. Likewise, scores and percentages were
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Fig. 9. Load Interface.
Fig. 10. Interfaces de inicio de sesi
assigned. About it, all these data can be observed in Table
A. About the Case Study
In the inception phase, the scope of the project was
established, focusing particularly on the operability of the
system. Likewise, the risks associated with the project were
identified, within which the prototype was tried to be free
of errors and details not previously contemplated. Besides, an
Fig. 11. Logistics Area Interface.
(a) N°5
Fig. 12. Provider Management Interface.
overview of the software architecture was proposed that served
as a guide for the modeling of the system.
In the elaboration phase, the functional and non-functional
requirements were captured. Likewise, five (5) UML diagrams
were elaborated, these being the business actors, the business
use cases, the business activities, the system actors and the
system use cases.
In the construction phase, the prototype of the mobile
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Vol. 13, No. 8, 2022
Fig. 13. Product Management Interfaces.
Fig. 14. Sales Report Interface.
inventory management application for the pharmaceutical
industry was developed. About it, it is worth mentioning that
the prototype consists of a wide variety of graphical interfaces,
which allow users, products, suppliers and sales to be managed.
Finally, in the transition phase, surveys were carried out
with the purpose of validating that the prototype is in optimal
conditions and meets the needs of the user.
B. About the Survey
The survey model was elaborated with the Google Forms
computer tool, which was very beneficial for the management
Fig. 15. Sales Area Interface.
Fig. 16. Product Selection Interfaces.
of the data obtained.
Favorable results were obtained with respect to each of the
survey criteria. About it, 96% of the total answers indicate
that the respondents totally agree with the presentation of
the application. Also, 92% of the total answers indicate that
the respondents totally agree with the security, usability and
functionality of the application. In short, all this shows that
the application is optimal in terms of presentation, security,
usability and functionality. For more details, all these data can
be observed in Fig. 18.
Finally, it is necessary to mention that the survey
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Fig. 17. Payment Method Interface.
Criteria Questions
The interface of the application is
The interface of the application is
The colors of the application stand out
and contrast with each other.
The graphics of the application pop and
are timely.
The windows of the application are well
Indicate how much you agree with the
presentation of the application.
The access to the application is only for
registered users.
Indicate how much you agree with the
security of the application.
Q09 The access to the application is easy.
Q10 The navigation in the application is fast.
Indicate how much you agree with the
usability of the application.
The application meets the needs of the
The application will help improve
inventory management.
Indicate how much you agree with the
functionality of the application.
application returned 93% in the final percentage. About it, all
these data can be observed in Table V.
C. About the Methodology
As is well known, RUP is a methodology that focuses
on planning and organizing a set of activities to turn user
needs into software. The practices of this methodology are very
common in large software projects; however, it is unknown
what is the position of RUP compared to other software
development methodologies. For this reason, a table was
created to compare RUP with other software development
Values Scores Percentages
Strongly disagree 1 20
Disagree 2 40
Neither agree nor disagree 3 60
Agree 4 80
Strongly agree 5 100
Fig. 18. Chart of Tables about the Opinion of the Respondents.
methodologies, in order to answer this question. About it, all
this information can be observed in Table VI.
During the literature review, works related to the
development of mobile applications for inventory management
were collected and analyzed. About it, it is worth mentioning
that the works carried out by the authors [13] and [14] were
very interesting. In both, data mining techniques were used
in the methodological part and great results were obtained,
demonstrating that there are other ways to develop software.
On the other hand, the literature review also allowed
to compare the RUP methodology against other traditional
software development methodologies, these being Waterfall
and Incremental. Likewise, this comparison also involved some
agile methodologies, these being Scrum, Kanban and Extreme
Programming (XP). In this regard, it was identified that RUP
is a very good methodology.
Now, regarding the surveys, it is worth mentioning that it is
important that their application has yielded a high percentage
of acceptance. This means that the prototype of the system
is in optimal conditions and can be developed, since there is
certainty that users will be highly satisfied with the application.
The prototype of the mobile inventory management
application for the pharmaceutical industry developed meets
the conditions of the users, given that the survey submitted to
expert judgment was accepted by 93%. It was validated that
the prototype has excellent presentation, security, usability and
functionality. Therefore, it is concluded that there is certainty
that the application will obtain great satisfaction from users
and, therefore, can enter the development stage.
On the other hand, with respect to the case study, it
is concluded that it was a good decision to use the RUP
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E01 E02 E03 E04 E05 E06 E07 E08 E09 E10
Q01 5 5 4 5 4 5 5 5 4 5 94%
Q02 5 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 92%
Q03 5 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 92%
Q04 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 96%
Q05 5 5 5 4 5 4 5 5 4 5 94%
Q06 5 5 5 4 5 4 5 5 5 5 96%
Q07 5 5 4 5 5 4 4 5 4 5 92%
Q08 5 5 4 5 5 4 4 5 5 4 92%
Q09 5 5 4 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 96%
Q10 5 5 5 4 5 4 5 4 4 5 92%
Q11 5 5 5 4 4 5 4 4 5 5 92%
Q12 5 5 5 4 5 4 4 4 5 5 92%
Q13 5 5 4 5 4 5 4 4 5 5 92%
Q14 5 5 5 4 5 4 5 4 4 5 92%
Percentages 100% 100% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 93% 90% 99% 93%
Traditional methodologies Agile methodologies
RUP Waterfall Incremental Scrum Kanban XP
It employs a set of activities
necessary to transform user
requirements into a system.
It linearly orders the different
stages that must follow when
developing the software.
It applies linear sequences in
a staggered fashion as time
progresses on the calendar.
It regularly applies a set
of good practices to work
collaboratively, as a team.
It applies a signaling system
in which production tasks are
displayed on demand by means
of a series of cards.
It employs a set of techniques
that provide agility, control,
efficiency and flexibility in the
development and management
of the project.
It allows early mitigation of
high risks.
It provides the necessary tools
to have clarity in the objectives
from the beginning of the
It allows customers the
opportunity to change
requirements as components are
It allows to easily identify the
objectives of each stage and
the possible setbacks that may
appear along the way.
It allows variations in activities,
thus ensuring that the product
has the desired characteristics.
It allows to save a lot of time
and money.
It can be adapted and extended
to meet the needs of any
The costs and workload can be
estimated at the beginning of the
It reduces the initial
development time.
It manages the project in
simpler and more manageable
blocks, thus reducing the
margins of error.
It does not produce more than
necessary, thus reducing waste.
It has a very low error rate.
The costs of the necessary team
of professionals may not be
covered on small projects.
It is difficult to go back and
make changes.
It requires a lot of planning,
both administrative and
It requires an exhaustive
definition of the tasks and their
It is difficult to deliver on time
on large projects.
It is difficult to keep track of
what has been done.
It may be unsuitable for use in
small projects due to its high
It delays tests until after
It requires clear goals to know
the status of the project.
It requires that those who use
it have a high qualification or
training [23].
It is not implemented well in
very long productive cycles.
The commissions are very high
in case of failure.
methodology, because it allowed the prototypes to be carried
out in a systematic, orderly and coherent manner.
Finally, for future software development work, it is
advisable to use other methodologies and other techniques
related to data mining and technological trends.
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