Inventory management in the public sector: a diagnosis of
the inventory management in a Brazilian public warehouse
and proposal of materials classification using utility theory
and ABC curve
Anna Paula Galvão Scheidegger
Universidade Federal de Itajubá
Fabio Favaretto
Universidade Federal de Itajubá
Renato da Silva Lima
Universidade Federal de Itajubá
João Batista Turrioni ([email protected])
Universidade Federal de Itajubá
Considering the inefficiencies found in the Brazilian productive sectors, particularly in the public
sector and inventory management, this work analyses the inventory replenishment process of a
public warehouse. The paper also proposes a multiple criteria materials classification based on
utility theory, which points to a better organization and inventory control.
Keywords: Inventory management, Public sector, Utility theory
According to Mascarenhas et. al (2005), Bravo and Mariano (2006), since the early of 90s, the
Brazilian public organizations has been undergoing transformations that seek to modernize and
restructure their management models, aiming efficiency and quality in service delivery, with
optimization of public spending. Public institutions began to incorporate management methods
from private sector (Bresser-Pereira 2008). However, according to Kovacic and Pecek (2008),
process innovation in the public sector still focuses largely on improvements related to the
elimination of bureaucracy and simplifying processes.
As stocks are a substantial portion of the assets of organizations, they can (and should) be
seen as a potential factor in the optimization of public resources used, and in cost reduction
(Martins and Alt 2011). However, knowing how and when to replenish each material,
considering possible variability to which the organization is subject, becomes an extremely
complex task, since the lack of an essential material may do more harm to the organization than
the maintenance of a minimum stock of the same (Gutiérrez and Vidal 2008, Santos and
Rodrigues 2006).
In this scenario, inventory management, one of the oldest questions of production
management, still arouses much interest both in organizations and academia (Gomes and Wanke
2008, Garcia and Ferreira Filho 2009). However, Kovacic and Pecek (2008) emphasize that
public sector organizations face different challenges from those faced by private companies,
since they need to fulfill multiple, often conflicting goals, and are subject to financial, legal,
contractual, staff and institutional nature restrictions. Thus, an analysis of inventory management
applied in this context becomes relevant.
In addition, Lourenço and Castilho (2006) mentioned that most organizations work with a
wide range of products and give the same degree of attention to all items is not a recommended
practice, given the peculiarities of each material. Thus a suitable type of control for a product
may be inappropriate to another and, therefore, the materials classification becomes important
for proper inventory management.
Thereby, the questions that guide the development of this research emerge: (i) "How is
currently made the materials management and more specifically, the inventory management in
the Brazilian public sector?" (ii) "Which theory can be used to classify the materials based on
multiple criteria?" (iii) "Which criteria should be applied in the materials classification, in order
to treat them differently?".
To answer these questions, this paper seeks to diagnose the materials management in an
object of study of the public sector and to propose, based on multiple criteria, classification of
materials, given the particularities of the sector and each material.
As an object of study, it was adopted the warehouse of a University. This choice is
justified, since the warehouse of the institution has recently undergone a process of restructuring,
changing the unit manager and implementing a new integrated management system. Moreover,
after some visits to the warehouse, examples of materials without moving, overdue and / or
obsolete were observed and there were reports about situations of lack of material in past
periods. These conditions show problems in the inventory management of the institution.
The article, besides the introduction already presented, is structured in more four
sections. In the next section is laid a theoretical foundation of inventory management, then the
research method adopted is described and the results of the research are presented. Finally,
concluding remarks are made.
Theoretical foundation
Inventory management
The inventory management is regarded as a key element for the reduction and control of total
costs and improvement of the level of service provided by the companies (Wanke 2004). For
Roy (2012), the area plays very important role in the overall cost of operations and supply chain
of any business big or small.
For Han (2007), inventory is used as a cushion against the supply and demand
uncertainties. In the same vein, for Khunagornniyomrattana et al. (2007), inventory is a double-
edged weapon, since the lack of inventory leads to loss of productivity, while excess inventory
leads to loss of profitability. Thus, Oliveira and Rodrigues (2008) argue that inventory
management has direct and significant effects on operational efficiency (performance) and
company finances and Roy (2012) points out that an effective inventory management will always
give a competitive advantage to the business over its competitors.
The inventory management aims to optimize the investment by maintaining adequate and
satisfactory levels of materials capable of meeting the needs of customers (Quirino et. al 2011).
To meet this goal, according to Chaharsooghi and Heydari (2010), managers need to find the
best answer to two questions: "How much to order?" and "When?". To answer these questions,
we must deal with the trade-off between the pursuits of cost minimization, while we are seeking
the satisfaction of service levels (Aloi et al. 2012).
In addition to this trade-off, with the increasing number of items with different demand
patterns and characteristics, complexity increases in material management. Thus, researchers and
managers must also deal with the challenges of considering the particularities of each material
and each organization, and manage the different sources of uncertainty, as shown by Santos and
Rodrigues (2006), Altug and Muharremoglu (2011), Alem and Morabito (2012). Moreover,
according to Santos (2006), the government sector needs more efficient inventory controls.
In this context, present a materials classification to their characteristics is of utmost
importance for more efficient and effective inventory management.
Materials classification
Lopes et al. (2006) argue that there may be low consume materials that are essential to the
continuing of organization activities and, therefore, the cost of their lack, may be more costly
than the investment to keep their in stock. Thus, one must consider, in addition to consumption,
other factors such as difficulty in acquiring the material, supply lead time, volume required for
storage, costs, etc... Therefore, a materials classification based on multiple criteria may assist in
this matter.
One of the most popular methods for materials classification is the ABC curve, also
known as Pareto law, which rests briefly on the fact that there are few critical materials and
many insignificant. Other methodologies available for sorting of materials are Analytic
Hierarchy Process, Analytic Network Process, Krajilic’s Matrix, Utility Theory, among others.
Gaither and Frazier (2002) state that one of the most frequently used criteria in the ABC
classification is valued demand or inventory value, which represents the unit investment of each
product multiplied by its demand. However, as already mentioned this method may overlook
other important factors and therefore it is suggested the adoption of multiple criteria. Roy (2012)
indicates other criteria and parameters to be used in the materials classification, such as: material
importance, price, material turnover, difficulty of supply, stability of demand over time,
durability, substitutability and reparability.
Research method
Regarding the methodological framework, the scientific research can be classified according to
its goals, nature, way of approaching the problem and research method.
As to its nature, the research can be classified as applied which according to Marconi and
Lakatos (2010) studies a problem concerning the applicability of scientific knowledge.
Regarding its objectives, the work has an exploratory character, since there are no
hypotheses to be tested. Rather, the study seeks a better understanding of the current context
(Cervo and Bervian 2002).
We opted for the use of the qualitative approach, where the subjective reality of
individuals involved is considered relevant to the development of research (Martins 2010).
Because of this characteristic of subjectivity, qualitative approach is often criticized. However,
Cooper and Schindler (2011) claim that when conducted with methodological rigor, it is possible
to achieve valid and reliable results.
Finally, regarding the research method, it was adopted the case study. According to Yin
(2010) the case study is used to examine contemporary events and can handle a wide variety of
evidence (documents, interviews, observation, etc.). Moreover, according to Voss et al. (2002),
the case study enables to answer questions such as "Why?", "What?" and "How?" with full
understanding of the nature and complexity of the phenomenon. Also according to Voss et al.
(2002), the use of single case study limits the generalizability of the research findings and the
development of new theories, in addition to increasing the risks related to subjectivity in data
interpretation. But on the other hand, has as advantage the opportunity to make deeper
observations about the object of study. As this paper does not have as goal the development of
new theories, but instead aims to verify how is the application of existing theory in practice, the
single case study was adequate, despite its aforementioned limitations.
Object of study
In order to carry out the case study, interviews were conducted with supervisors of the
procurement and warehouse department at University and warehouse keepers, on-site visits were
made and documents were analyzed.
The university, located in the southern of Minas Gerais state, Brazil, is considered the
first technological university, was the tenth engineering school in the country and has just turned
100 years. Over the past 10 years, as part of the Brazilian government's program of expansion of
Universities, the total number of students increased by about 3 times, bringing the total to 7,455
students in 2012, while the total number of employees has doubled, totaling 827 employees. Still,
because of the expansion, spending on permanent materials and consumables increased by about
2 times, totaling approximately R$147 million. This growth has increased the complexity of
inventory management at the University, also aggravating old problems, as will be discussed in
the next sub-section.
As part of the plan to improve its internal processes, the University bought an integrated
management system, developed by other Brazilian university considering the particularities of
this type of organization and the legal requirements. Thus, in the beginning of 2013 the new
system was implemented at the University and the inventory problems were highlighted.
For this study, it will be considered only the consumables under the responsibility of the
city hall of the University campus. I.e. permanent materials or consumables under the
responsibility of other departments will not be analyzed.
Diagnosis of the inventory management
According to the visits and interviews conducted and as part of the observation, it was found that
the university has been using unscientific inventory control and storage methods and
management models.
The inventory records were not properly made, with constant differences between the
sheet stock in the warehouse and the system logs. These divergences are due to, among other
factors: materials specifications duplicated (or even tripled); specifications poorly done; theft of
materials; lack of procedures for order fulfillment, where warehouse keeper often provided the
material but forgot to write down or incorrectly wrote down the quantity; lack of procedures for
receiving materials, causing discrepancies between the amount actually received and the amount
recorded in the system and lack of procedures to scrap overdue or damaged materials.
Still referring to inventory control, despite trying to follow the First In, First Out (FIFO)
method to supply the materials, during the storage the method was not always observed. In
addition, the previously installed system did not allow the control of lots of materials as well as
their validity. Consequently, numerous materials were expiring and were being held in stock,
even without being able to be used.
The purchase orders were triggered based on intuition and experience of the buyers,
disregarding often even the inventory level registered in the system. Although the system
registered the orders filled, the historical demand records were unreliable and, as the whole
purchase process was done on paper, there was no record on the lead time of the suppliers or lead
time between placing the order and receiving materials. Thereby, all material purchased has not
taken demand and lead time variation into consideration; thus it made the situations of too high
or too low inventory arise, causing sometimes materials shortfalls to the University and
sometimes loss of material due to obsolescence.
Due to the stiffness of the procurement system in the public sphere and the long lead
times, frequently the situations of lack of materials can not be easily contained. This often caused
the excess of material that was not used, and lack of materials required and, consequently, an
inventory imbalance.
The lack of procedures and inventory control, in general, also brought as a consequence
the problem of lack of space in the warehouse and improper storage. Thus, the materials were
stored without proper care, such as: food materials stocked with cleaning supplies; food materials
stored in contact with the ground; boxes stored without respecting the stacking limits, causing,
damage to products and difficulties to find a material when needed and, sometimes, generating
unnecessary purchase orders, feeding, thus, the cycle of inventory imbalance.
Regarding the organizational structure, it could be observed that one of the most evident
characteristic was the great departmentalization of work. This condition has historical source and
is deeply embedded in the sector. This excess departmentalization led to problems such as:
unfamiliarity with the process as a whole by employees, hindering the arising of proposals for
improvements and causing the accomplishment of the same activity by more than one
department; inefficient attitudes as "blaming the other" or "do it anyway just to meet the deadline
and then redo" and, consequently, increasing the slowness of the system. Moreover, as the
process should strongly follow the laws, employees often use them as an excuse, i.e., they often
say that they can not do because something they are not authorized by law (when in fact, they
are) or continuously make the activities in a way less efficient, simply because "it has always
been done in that way", without questioning of the related legislation, modus operandi or other
aspects involved.
Regarding the leadership, centralizing attitudes, due to lack of preparation by managers
or due to fear of losing their position inhibit proactive attitudes of employees and autonomy of
the same and also cause demotivation, increasing inefficiency of the system. Moreover, the
existence of promotions or accomplishment of activities based, sometimes, on friendship and
closeness also caused demotivate on employees.
Finally, political interests of the employees, the security caused by job stability in the
public sector, the lack of training and the aversion to formal control difficult to implement
system improvements and corroborate to the inefficiency of the process.
Therefore, there are evidences showing that if structure, bureaucracy, political
environment or other specific characteristics of public organizations are not considered,
improvement initiatives could fail. Thus, the management models of private sector should be
adapted to the public sector context. In this line, it will be proposed a materials classification
considering the particularities of the organization studied here.
Materials classification
Before presenting the proposal of materials classification, it is necessary to define the purpose of
the same. Considering the scenario of inventory imbalance and lack of managerial models in the
warehouse, there is a need to propose a solution which would aid in the inventory management,
identifying those materials which should have a higher safety stock. I.e., it is intended with this
classification not only identify the most costly, critical or perishable material, but to identify the
materials, according to the criteria adopted, that can or should have a higher safety stock. It may
seem strange, but the idea is to identify those materials in which a higher safety stock must be
kept by its criticality to the organization or those for which it is possible to maintain a higher
safety stock, whereas it is not as perishable or does not occupy much space in the warehouse,
thus freeing the buyer to more critical tasks.
The next step is to define the criteria for classification. Based on the literature presented
earlier in this article, twelve criteria for the materials classification were initially defined, as
shown in Table 1. However, as indicated by the red color, some of the criteria were eliminated
because they were redundant and others were eliminated after finding during the data collection
that the necessary information was not available. An example is the lead time of acquisition.
After analyzing sixty procurement processes, it was found that it was not possible to differentiate
the lead time of a consumable versus another, since the materials were usually purchased in a
single process and it was not possible to identify the material responsible for any delay for
example. Thus, after the elimination of redundant or impossible criteria, six criteria were
remaining, which are the criteria that will be used for sorting the materials. They are: cost,
average demand, storage space, perishability, difficulty of acquisition and criticality.
Table 1 Criteria for materials classification and reason for exclusion
Reason for exclusion
Cost (demand x cost)
Average demand
Reliability of supply (percentage of items
delivered within the time stipulated in the
Similar to the criterion "Lead time of
Quality of supply (percentage of items delivered
as specified)
Data collection: there were no reported
problems in the documents consulted.
Lead time of acquisition (time between placing
the order and receiving the product)
Data collection: unable to collect this
information (materials are purchased in the
same process)
Storage space (space required for item storage)
Inventory turnover (demand/average inventory)
Similar to the criterion "Average demand"
Perishability (validity of items)
Difficulty of acquisition (items whose
procurement process is complex)
Criticality (impact of lack of item and when it
will be felt)
Substitutability (if there is another item that
replaces it or not)
Incorporated into the criteria "Criticality"
Popularity (number of transactions per item)
Similar to the criterion "Average demand"
Since the criteria were already established, it is necessary to define their weights. The
definition was taken through a questionnaire applied to the managers of the City Hall and
alignment by the researchers, considering the goal of the classification. The high importance
criteria received weight 9, the average importance received weight 5 and the low importance
received weight 1. Because of the method used for classification, which will be soon presented
on the article, it was necessary to carry out the standardization of weights, which was made using
Equation (1).
Where: j is the criterion being analyzed.
Before starting the materials classification, it was necessary to define the method to be
adopted. Whereas the decision criteria involved different units of measurement and conflicting
goals, such as storage space occupied by the item and its criticality, it was chosen to use the
utility theory, which takes all the criteria for the same unit, considering the worst value of the
criterion as 0 and the best value as 1.
To calculate the value of each material within each criterion, it was used the Equation (2),
where y is the value of the material in that criterion and x is the utility value to be calculated.
 
Thus, being established the criteria of classification and the method to be used, the theory
was implemented in Excel®. As an example, to better understand the calculus of utility, it will be
presented the calculus of the expiration date criterion. For this case, the shorter the duration, i.e.,
the more perishable is the item, less it is desirable to keep in stock. So the worst case is the
material with lower validity period (0.5 year). And the best case is the materials with the highest
period of validity (10 years). Whereas the validity of stamp pad is 3 years, one comes to their
utility value for the criterion of validity: 0.263, according to Equation (3).
 (3)
Finally, the average utility of each material, i.e., the final utility of each material is
calculated by Equation (4). Where Pc
is the relative weight of the criterion i and Vcij is the value
of the material j for criterion i. Since there are 183 different materials, j ranges from 1 to 183 and
i ranges from 1 to 6, as there are six criteria.
 
 
 
Having calculated the average utility of each material, the classification of the materials
is, then, concluded. However, as the utility theory does not allow the material classification in
groups, but just an ordering of the same, it was necessary to establish a criterion for sorting the
materials in A, B and C groups. After some analysis as number of items in each group and
relevance of the items and considering the literature, it was established that 10% of the items
would be considered A, 20% considered B and 70% considered C. Examples of material A are:
lined foolscap paper; blue, black and red ink refills; disposable cup (coffee and water) and toilet
paper towel. Examples of B materials are: pens, unlined foolscap paper, sweetener and board
eraser. Examples of C materials are: padlock, kitchen paper towel, scissors, Post-it®, and
The article discussed a research regarding the inventory management of consumable materials in
the warehouse of a Brazilian University. As conclusion, it is worth noting that:
The Brazilian public sector has numerous peculiarities, whether organizational or
behavioral, compared with the private sector. Such characteristics make it difficult to improve
processes in the sector and corroborate to the inefficiency and long lead times observed.
Moreover, as noted in the object of study and indicated by Santos (2006), despite the recent
modernization of the sector, it still needs more efficient management models. Thus, the adoption
of management techniques from the private sector can bring positive results to the processes. But
at the same time, it is important to emphasize the need to adapt these techniques to the reality of
the public organizations.
The paper proposed a model for classifying materials based on multiple criteria
considering the problems and difficulties in the public sector. This model has some advantages:
ease of replication, the use of two decision theories together and the use of multiple criteria.
Although the criteria are conflicting, the utility theory allowed to circumvent this issue
efficiently and also allowed to achieve the proposed objective for the materials classification.
This goal is slightly different from the usual goals of materials classification, viz. identify the
most important materials.
Finally, it is important to recognize the limitation of this work that is being a single case
study does not allow generalization of the results. However, since it was chosen as object of
study a public institution with 100 years of existence and nationally recognized for its quality,
the researchers believe that an adaptation of the results to other Brazilian public universities can
be easily made.
The researchers thank CAPES, CNPq and FAPEMIG for financial support to conduct this
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