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Employers of foreign migrant workers are increasingly using contract clauses, in part, to ensure
their third-party recruitment agents adhere to commitments to ethical recruitment and to
underpin the effective implementation of an Employer Pays
recruitment policy.
This document presents sample clauses extracted from actual sending-country agency
agreements reviewed by Verité during CUMULUS screenings, audits, consulting, research and
other engagements in the supply chains of leading multinational companies. The sample
clauses presented here represent a current, practical standard for suppliers and employers
using commercial agreements to mitigate recruitment-related forced labor risks in the supply
chain. Employers can adapt these sample clauses to supplement and strengthen their own
agency agreements. Some are composites based on similar clauses in agreements that span
sectors and migration corridors. Others have been translated and edited for clarity. The clauses
presented here do not represent an exhaustive list and each clause is only effective if
incorporated into legally enforceable agreements.
While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of information
presented below, Verité makes no representations about their enforceability in specific
jurisdictions. The inclusion of these sample clauses does not constitute legal advice, nor are
they intended to replace formal consultation with a legal professional.
1. AGENT agrees to provide COMPANY with recruitment-related services which include,
without limitation, the following:
a. Recommending the most effective advertising media to attract suitably qualified
candidates for each recruitment drive, and following COMPANY approval,
placing of advertisements.
b. Recruitment of a sufficient number of suitably qualified candidates to meet
COMPANY’s demand using multiple sources including, but not limited to,
advertisements and job postings, AGENT’s existing database, website, social
media, referrals, and recruiting events.
Employer Pays means the employer pays all recruitment fees and related costs, as defined by the ILO
https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/labour-migration/publications/WCMS 536755/lang--en/index.htm], and that
workers are not charged fees or costs at any point during the recruitment process.
Agency obligations, representations, and warranties are often included in this section.
c. Receiving, storing, and reviewing candidate materials including completed
application forms, CVs, passport details, and relevant qualifications or
d. Screening applicants against the job description and candidate specification
including by conducting initial interviews, trade tests, reference checks, and
verifying qualifications or credentials.
e. Present COMPANY with candidate summaries and a recommended shortlist of
fully vetted suitably qualified candidates for final interview.
f. Arrange, coordinate, and support COMPANY interviews of final candidates
including providing all necessary facilities to COMPANY.
g. Presenting COMPANY selected candidates with a written employment contract,
in the local language, duly signed by an authorized representative of COMPANY
and answering candidate questions.
h. Facilitating pre-employment medical examinations and vaccinations, required
government clearances, pre-departure orientation, and visa processing for
selected candidates that accept COMPANY’s offer of employment.
i. Make travel arrangements for selected candidates that have successfully
completed pre-departure processing.
1. AGENT shall invoice COMPANY for recruitment/placement/introduction fees in
accordance with the following schedule:
Upon signed contract of employment or acquisition of calling visa
Day of departure
Upon workers arrival at COMPANY workplace
a. COMPANY shall be entitled to withhold 50% of the agreed
recruitment/placement/introduction fees where there is a reasonable suspicion
that workers have been charged recruitment fees or related costs contrary to
the terms of this agreement. The balance will only be released when AGENT has
reimbursed workers or a thorough investigation uncovers no evidence that
workers were charged.
b. Approved fee invoices will be paid by COMPANY within 30 days of receipt and
2. COMPANY shall reimburse AGENT for all agreed and approved direct recruitment costs
paid by AGENT on COMPANY’s behalf.
a. AGENT invoices for reimbursement of direct costs shall include proof of payment
to third parties.
b. Approved direct cost invoices will be paid by COMPANY within 30 days of receipt
and acceptance.
1. COMPANY may withhold payments to AGENT when:
a. AGENT has failed to perform, in whole or in part, any of its obligations under this
agreement; and/or
b. COMPANY has reason to believe that workers have been charged recruitment
fees and related costs by AGENT, or its subagents or service providers, during
the recruitment process contrary to the terms of this agreement.
2. If COMPANY has reason to believe that specific workers have been charged recruitment
fees and related costs in breach of this agreement, COMPANY may only withhold the
proportionate amount of the invoice related to those workers for the period after the
violation occurred and until it is cured or remedied by AGENT.
3. If COMPANY determines that cause exists to withhold payment to AGENT, COMPANY
shall, within fifteen (15) days of this determination, provide AGENT with written notice
that COMPANY is withholding payment. The notice shall describe the reasons for the
withholding and the amount to be withheld. AGENT will have thirty (30) days from the
date of receipt of such notice to take all necessary and appropriate action to correct the
breach, otherwise payment will be denied.
4. In the event AGENT fails to correct the breach, COMPANY shall be further entitled to
withhold the equivalent of USD_______ per worker as liquidated damages.
The parties
agree that if AGENT fails to provide remedy to workers, based on available data from
credible third-party sources, this is a reasonable, good faith estimate of the amount of
recruitment fees and costs that COMPANY will need to reimburse workers that have
been charged contrary to the terms of this agreement. AGENT and COMPANY agree
that the estimated liquidated damages are not a penalty.
5. AGENT understands and acknowledges that if workers are charged recruitment fees and
related costs by AGENT, or its subagents or service providers, during the recruitment
process it will cause serious and irreparable damage to COMPANY, the amount of these
damages being difficult to estimate and prove, which is why AGENT accepts that in the
event of a breach of this obligation in the agreement it shall pay damages
in the amount of USD_______.
This is a liquidated damages clause.
This is a penalty clause. Penalty clauses may not be enforceable in common law jurisdictions.
1. AGENT acknowledges, represents, and warrants that it will provide the services to
COMPANY and fully discharge its responsibilities under this agreement and that its
compensation shall consist exclusively of the recruitment fees and related costs payable
2. AGENT acknowledges, represents, and warrants that it will not, under any
circumstances at any time, solicit, levy, collect – directly or indirectly – any recruitment
fees or related costs from any candidate applying for a position with COMPANY.
3. AGENT acknowledges, represents, and warrants that it shall be liable if any employee,
subagent, intermediary, or service provider of AGENT solicits, levies, or collects any
recruitment fees or related costs from any candidate applying for a position with
COMPANY at any time during the recruitment process or thereafter.
4. AGENT acknowledges, represents, and warrants that if candidates applying for a
position with COMPANY are directly or indirectly charged recruitment fees and related
costs at any time during the recruitment process or thereafter, AGENT shall be
responsible for fully reimbursing applicants and workers.
5. AGENT acknowledges, represents, and warrants that if candidates for a position with
COMPANY are charged recruitment fees and related costs in breach of this agreement,
and AGENT fails to cure the breach within ___calendar days, COMPANY shall be entitled
to withhold payments due to AGENT in respect of the services. Company shall be further
entitled to setoff and deduct from any amounts owed to AGENT pursuant to this
Agreement all damages and expenses incurred due to AGENT’s breach of this
Agreement, following any applicable cure periods, and provided such party has given
notice of its intention to apply a setoff prior to making the payment deduction. These
rights shall be cumulative and may be exercised successively or concurrently, in addition
to any other available remedies.
1. In the event the employment of a candidate recruited under this agreement lasts less
than ___ calendar days, except in the case of redundancy or reduction in force, where
all recruitment fees and related costs have been paid or reimbursed by COMPANY, and
COMPANY notifies AGENT in writing of the termination within ___ calendar days,
AGENT will provide a suitably qualified replacement candidate for the same position at
no additional charge to COMPANY.
These are sometimes included in agency responsibilities or performance clauses.
2. In the event AGENT fails to provide a suitably qualified replacement candidate
acceptable within ___ calendar days of written notification of termination, COMPANY
shall be entitled to a full refund of the recruitment/placement/introduction fee.