Senior Project - Final Report
Modern Yard Sale Software Application
Lauren Epling & Matthew Piasecki
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
CSC Department
March 10, 2019
Advisor: Professor Franz Kurfess
Cal Poly SLO CSC 492- Senior Project II Prof. Franz J. Kurfess
Table of Contents
Senior Project - Final Report
Modern Yard Sale Software Application
Introduction 2
Motivation 2
Background 2
System Requirements 2
Use Case Diagram 2
Initial Class Diagram 3
Project Goals 4
Related Systems 4
Project Overview 5
Implementation 5
Code 5
System Screenshots 7
iOS App Made in XCode 7
iOS/Android/Web App made with Native React 9
Conclusion 10
Findings 10
Future Work 11
Resources 12
Cal Poly SLO CSC 492- Senior Project II Prof. Franz J. Kurfess
After 4 years of driving around the suburbs of San Luis Obispo, California, we noticed
there was a tremendous amount of yard and/or garage sale advertisement posters on
display by locals. Being the programmers we are, we instinctively realized: we could
make an app for that! There is an astounding need for a safe space where users can
comfortably post their yard sale address and items for all locals to easily see (without
needing to drive down a specific street to find out). Currently, there does not exist an
application for users that accomplishes what we set out to accomplish. As a team, we
truly believe YardSail could be a popular application that helps users sail through the
experience of hosting or visiting a yard sale.
As explained in our motivation, for our senior project, we wanted to create a software
application for users to comfortably post and view local yard/garage sales. During Fall
Quarter 2018, we completed CSC 491, which resulted in our preliminary design,
storyboards, use-cases, diagrams, and general prototyping. During that time, we were
able to create a shell program from which we could develop our ideal application.
System Requirements
We decided to include 3 basic system requirements:
R1: The system shall provide the user the ability to create an account.
R2: The system shall provide a place to write a description for a new yard sale.
R3: The system shall provide a settings page.
Use Case Diagram
Below is a preliminary use-case diagram:
Cal Poly SLO CSC 492- Senior Project II Prof. Franz J. Kurfess
Initial Class Diagram
Cal Poly SLO CSC 492- Senior Project II Prof. Franz J. Kurfess
Project Goals
Our first project goal was to research and learn more about building a software
application. Although we have both had experience programming and building tools or
smaller-scale applications, we had never created a full front and back-end complete
project. To accomplish this goal, we completed extensive research during Fall Quarter
2018 and created a shell application that took a start and end location from a user, as
well as an item to search, and output all locations from the start and end location that
might contain said item. This shell application helped us learn more about building an
more involved back-end to serve users based on Yelp’s API.
Our second goal was to create a basic application that accomplished our goals (see
motivation section above for more details). We ultimately hoped to implement 5 pages
in the application, including a Home page, Search, Messages, Profile, and Settings. We
also aimed to connect the application to Firebase, in order to save user login data.
Related Systems
When completing initial research regarding building our application, we wanted to
compare and contrast our goals with other related systems that already exist. The three
systems we found were: Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, and a Yard Sale Treasure
Map application.
Craigslist allows users to see sales of all kinds, not limited to yard or garage sales. The
website itself is grid and list-oriented, making visibility of pages/items difficult for
beginning users. With our application, we wanted to stray away from Craigslist’s
“sketchy” reputation and create a better organized, safer environment for users.
Facebook Marketplace had a better layout (in comparison to Craigslist), but had limited
filtering and sorting capabilities and seemed quite cluttered in general. There was no
map view or radial filtering option (based on location), something we hoped to
implement with YardSail.
Lastly, the Yard Sale Treasure Map application had many broken features, a lack of
categorization, and required users to pay a subscription fee. All of these related
systems helped us rule out features we did not want, as well as plan things we hoped to
accomplish with YardSail.
Cal Poly SLO CSC 492- Senior Project II Prof. Franz J. Kurfess
Project Overview
Our project can be broken up into two stages: research and development. During the
research stage, we researched all tools we wanted to use, related systems, and
completed all preliminary design and planning of our application. We were able to learn
quite a bit about everything it takes to design an application, including: use-cases and
use-case diagrams, creating practical storyboards, selecting tools/databases/libraries to
utilize, sticking to a schedule and working as a team.
During the development stage of our project, we were able to learn first-hand how to
develop an extensive software application, with full front and back-end features. We
spent 8 weeks iteratively implementing pieces of our system, with back-end features
being some of the last work we completed. We learned more about Firebase and Native
React, two tools we had never used before this course. Additionally, we learned how to
successfully work as a team to collaboratively develop our software piece-by-piece.
The entirety of our code can be found on our github . At first, we decided to utilize
Google’s Web Toolkit (GWT) to create a web application. This decision was easy to
make, as both of us are advanced programmers in Java, yet are not as confident in
programming in JavaScript. We made a basic shell application with Google’s Web
Toolkit, available here . We additionally planned to use Google’s Cloud Platform to use
Google’s material design components to help build the application easily.
Our plan to use these tools changed entirely as we began Winter Quarter. We realized it
would not be feasible to create our extensive application from the shell application we
had created, although it was a great starting point. After attempting to create our entire
frontend programmatically, we stumbled upon specialized IDEs such as React Studio &
Deco, which instantly made our lives easier. React Studio allowed us to use
drag-and-drop components and export the code to our project, in order to build the
application quicker and save time for the harder stuff (like connecting to Firebase). We
were lucky enough to find a React Native starter kit , which helped us tremendously
Cal Poly SLO CSC 492- Senior Project II Prof. Franz J. Kurfess
when starting our application from scratch. We were able to use this starter kit to build
and customize our application, as we could add and remove whichever features we
React Studio helped us understand how each UI component corresponds to the
backend code. However, the starter kit further improved our understanding as we had a
solid boilerplate application somewhat resembling what we needed, thus we were able
to make minor adjustments to the source files and immediately see a response on the
iOS simulator. In addition to our React Native implementation, Matt was also making the
same app with Swift & iOS for his Mobile Application Development class. Compared to
the Swift implementation, we found that it was much easier to create our app in React
Native as it gave us the ability to standardize the design patterns.
One of the main reasons we chose to use React Native was its ability to provide a
unified code base for three forms of the application (iOS, Android, and Web). React
Native also propagates your design choices across these three forms which was an
important as we wanted our app to eventually be available cross-platform. Of the many
React Native starter kits out there, we ultimately chose Matt Mcnamee’s boilerplate kit
because of his well organized file structure, clean UI design, and boilerplate functionality
to connect our React Native application to Firebase.
Our decision to use Firebase was easy to make as Prof. Randy Scovil of Matt’s Mobile
App. Dev. class demonstrated how straightforward it was to connect an iOS application
in Swift to a database for cloud storage and user authentication. Both cloud storage and
user authentication were absolutely necessary for our app in order to allow users to
have a profile, post listings, and message other users.
Cal Poly SLO CSC 492- Senior Project II Prof. Franz J. Kurfess
System Screenshots
iOS App Made in XCode
Login Page Deleting Sale Post
Cal Poly SLO CSC 492- Senior Project II Prof. Franz J. Kurfess
Home/Sales Posting New Sale
Cal Poly SLO CSC 492- Senior Project II Prof. Franz J. Kurfess
iOS/Android/Web App made with Native React
Login Page/Sign Up Login/Welcome Back
Cal Poly SLO CSC 492- Senior Project II Prof. Franz J. Kurfess
Yard Sale Listings Example Yard Sale Post
Our senior project was an amazing learning experience. We were able to explore application
and web development, and a better comparison of how to implement applications in Swift and
React Native. Considering neither of us had experience with either Swift or React Native at the
beginning of Fall Quarter, we are proud of how far our skills have come with both tools in such a
short amount of time.
We found that React Native provided more flexibility overall, as we were able to build a website,
an iOS application, and an Android application using a single code base. Programming with
Cal Poly SLO CSC 492- Senior Project II Prof. Franz J. Kurfess
Swift in XCode did not provide the same ability, since it is dedicated for making only
iOS/macOS/etc applications. However, we found that implementing certain back-end features of
our application was easier with Swift, as Swift has modern, lightweight syntax and integrated
We would like to thank Professor Franz Kurfess, our advisor, for supporting the development of
our project and application over the past two quarters at Cal Poly. It was a very rewarding
experience to explore web and application development on our own for the last many months,
something we had no experience with prior, and we are glad we chose to do so with such a
supportive professor. Additionally, we learned how to effectively work as a team to develop an
application we would be happy using ourselves, and happily completed much of what we set out
to do.
Future Work
In the future we will continue to finetune certain aspects of our application, as well as add new
features. This includes the messaging page, to allow users to message one another regarding
sales, as well as the calendar page, to allow users to export sales to their device’s calendar.
Once we have the iOS in React Native fully implemented to our likings, we will work on the
Android and Web applications to get them to compile and build successfully. From there we
hope to deploy our projects to the respective application store and host the web application on
our own domain. We truly hope that our application will be a competitor amongst established
marketplaces such as Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace.
Cal Poly SLO CSC 492- Senior Project II Prof. Franz J. Kurfess
“Learn the Basics · React Native.” React Native Blog ATOM
Mcnamee. “Mcnamee/React-Native-Starter-Kit.” GitHub
, 16 Feb. 2019,
“Productivity for Developers, Performance for Users.” GWT Project
“React Native IDE.” Deco
“React Studio.” React Studio