Guidance for Industry
Investigating Out-of-Specification (OOS)
Test Results for
Pharmaceutical Production
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Food and Drug Administration
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)
October 2006
Pharmaceutical CGMPs
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Guidance for Industry
Investigating Out-of-Specification (OOS)
Test Results for
Pharmaceutical Production
Additional copies are available from:
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Division of Drug Information HFD-240
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5600 Fishers Lane
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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Food and Drug Administration
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)
October 2006
Pharmaceutical CGMPs
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
I. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 1
II. BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................... 2
PHASE I: LABORATORY INVESTIGATION ........................................................... 3
A. Responsibility of the Analyst.........................................................................................................4
B. Responsibilities of the Laboratory Supervisor............................................................................4
PHASE II: FULL-SCALE OOS INVESTIGATION ................................................... 6
A. Review of Production.....................................................................................................................6
B. Additional Laboratory Testing.....................................................................................................7
C. Reporting Testing Results.............................................................................................................9
V. CONCLUDING THE INVESTIGATION.................................................................... 12
A. Interpretation of Investigation Results ......................................................................................12
B. Cautions........................................................................................................................................14
C. Field Alert Reports ......................................................................................................................14
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Investigating Out-of-Specification (OOS) Test Results
for Pharmaceutical Production
This guidance represents the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA's) current thinking on this topic. It
does not create or confer any rights for or on any person and does not operate to bind FDA or the public.
You can use an alternative approach if the approach satisfies the requirements of the applicable statutes
and regulations. If you want to discuss an alternative approach, contact the FDA staff responsible for
implementing this guidance. If you cannot identify the appropriate FDA staff, call the appropriate
number listed on the title page of this guidance.
This guidance for industry provides the Agency’s current thinking on how to evaluate out-of-
specification (OOS) test results. For purposes of this document, the term OOS results includes
all test results that fall outside the specifications or acceptance criteria established in drug
applications, drug master files (DMFs), official compendia, or by the manufacturer. The term
also applies to all in-process laboratory tests that are outside of established specifications.
This guidance applies to chemistry-based laboratory testing of drugs regulated by CDER. It is
directed toward traditional drug testing and release methods. These laboratory tests are
performed on active pharmaceutical ingredients, excipients and other components, in-process
materials, and finished drug products
to the extent that current good manufacturing practice
(CGMP) regulations (21 CFR parts 210 and 211) and the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
(the Act) (section 501(a)(2)(B)) apply. The principles in this guidance also apply to in-house
testing of drug product components that are purchased by a firm. This guidance can also be used
by contract firms performing production and/or laboratory testing responsibilities. Specifically,
the guidance discusses how to investigate OOS test results, including the responsibilities of
This guidance has been prepared by the Office of Compliance/Division of Manufacturing and Product Quality in
the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER).
In certain instances, in-process testing is done solely for purposes of triggering real time equipment or system
adjustments to prevent process drift. This guidance does not address these situations.
Chemistry-based laboratory testing of biotechnology products that are under the jurisdiction of CDER are within
the scope of this guidance. However, this guidance is not intended to address biological assays (e.g., in vivo,
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
laboratory personnel, the laboratory phase of the investigation, additional testing that may be
necessary, when to expand the investigation outside the laboratory, and the final evaluation of all
test results.
The Agency, in accordance with its August 2002 “Pharmaceutical CGMPs for the 21st Century”
initiative, encourages modern approaches to manufacturing, monitoring, and control to enhance
process predictability and efficiency. Process Analytical Technology (PAT) takes a different
approach to quality assurance by using process controls and in-process data as the release
specification instead of relying on single laboratory determinations to make batch acceptability
decisions. This guidance is not intended to address PAT approaches, as routine in-process use of
these methods might include other considerations. For information on timely in-process testing,
see the CGMP guidance entitled PAT — A Framework for Innovative Pharmaceutical
Development, Manufacturing, and Quality Assurance.
FDA's guidance documents, including this guidance, do not establish legally enforceable
responsibilities. Instead, guidances describe the Agency's current thinking on a topic and should
be viewed only as recommendations, unless specific regulatory or statutory requirements are
cited. The use of the word should in Agency guidances means that something is suggested or
recommended, but not required.
Laboratory testing, which is required by the CGMP regulations (§§ 211.160 and 211.165), is
necessary to confirm that components, containers and closures, in-process materials, and finished
products conform to specifications, including stability specifications.
Testing also supports analytical and process validation efforts.
General CGMP regulations
covering laboratory operations can be found in part 211, subparts I (Laboratory Controls) and J
(Records and Reports). These regulations provide for the establishment of scientifically sound
and appropriate specifications, standards, and test procedures that are designed to ensure that
components, containers and closures, in-process materials, and finished drug products conform
to the established standards. Section 211.165(f) of the CGMP regulations specifies that finished
drug products that fail to meet established standards, specifications, or other relevant quality
control criteria will be rejected.
Both finished pharmaceuticals and active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) are to be
manufactured in accordance with current good manufacturing practice under section
Specifications must be scientifically sound and appropriate (§ 211.160(b)), test procedures must be validated as to
their accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and reproducibility (§ 211.165(e)), and the suitability of the test procedures
under actual conditions of use must be documented (§ 211.194(a)(2)). For products that are the subjects of new drug
applications (NDAs), abbreviated new drug applications (ANDAs), or investigational new drug applications (INDs),
specifications are contained in the application or DMF. Specifications for nonapplication products may be found in
official compendia or established by the manufacturer.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
501(a)(2)(B) of the Act. Current good manufacturing practice for APIs includes the performance
of scientifically sound raw material testing, in-process monitoring, release and stability testing,
process validation, and adequate investigations of any OOS result obtained from such testing.
All citations to part 211 in this document pertain to finished pharmaceuticals, but these
referenced regulatory requirements are also consistent with Agency guidance on CGMPs for
APIs with respect to laboratory controls, which include out-of-specification investigations. See
FDA’s guidance for industry Q7A Good Manufacturing Practice Guidance for Active
Pharmaceutical Ingredients (ICH Q7A) for specific recommendations.
The responsibility of a contract testing laboratory in meeting these requirements is equivalent to
that of a manufacturing firm.
FDA regulations require that an investigation be conducted whenever an OOS test result is
obtained (§ 211.192).
The purpose of the investigation is to determine the cause of the OOS
result. The source of the OOS result should be identified either as an aberration of the
measurement process or an aberration of the manufacturing process. Even if a batch is rejected
based on an OOS result, the investigation is necessary to determine if the result is associated
with other batches of the same drug product or other products. Batch rejection does not negate
the need to perform the investigation. The regulations require that a written record of the
investigation be made, including the conclusions and follow-up (§ 211.192).
To be meaningful, the investigation should be thorough, timely, unbiased, well-documented, and
scientifically sound. The first phase of such an investigation should include an initial assessment
of the accuracy of the laboratory's data. Whenever possible, this should be done before test
preparations (including the composite or the homogenous source of the aliquot tested) are
discarded. This way, hypotheses regarding laboratory error or instrument malfunctions can be
tested using the same test preparations. If this initial assessment indicates that no meaningful
errors were made in the analytical method used to arrive at the data, a full-scale OOS
investigation should be conducted. For contract laboratories, the laboratory should convey its
data, findings, and supporting documentation to the manufacturing firm’s quality control unit
(QCU), who should then initiate the full-scale OOS investigation.
We update guidances periodically. To make sure you have the most recent version of a guidance, check the CDER
guidance page at
Although the subject of this document is OOS results, much of the guidance may be useful for examining results
that are out of trend
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
A. Responsibility of the Analyst
The first responsibility for achieving accurate laboratory testing results lies with the analyst who
is performing the test. The analyst should be aware of potential problems that could occur
during the testing process and should watch for problems that could create inaccurate results.
In accordance with the CGMP regulations in § 211.160 (b)(4), the analyst should ensure that
only those instruments meeting established performance specifications are used and that all
instruments are properly calibrated.
Certain analytical methods have system suitability requirements, and systems not meeting these
requirements should not be used. For example, in chromatographic systems, reference standard
solutions may be injected at intervals throughout chromatographic runs to measure drift, noise,
and repeatability. If reference standard responses indicate that the system is not functioning
properly, all of the data collected during the suspect time period should be properly identified
and should not be used. The cause of the malfunction should be identified and, if possible,
corrected before a decision is made whether to use any data prior to the suspect period.
Analysts should check the data for compliance with test specifications before discarding test
preparations or standard preparations. When unexpected results are obtained and no obvious
explanation exists, test preparations should be retained, if stable, and the analyst should inform
the supervisor. An assessment of the accuracy of the results should be started immediately.
If errors are obvious, such as the spilling of a sample solution or the incomplete transfer of a
sample composite, the analyst should immediately document what happened. Analysts should
not knowingly continue an analysis they expect to invalidate at a later time for an assignable
cause (i.e., analyses should not be completed for the sole purpose of seeing what results can be
obtained when obvious errors are known).
B. Responsibilities of the Laboratory Supervisor
Once an OOS result has been identified, the supervisor's assessment should be objective and
timely. There should be no preconceived assumptions as to the cause of the OOS result. Data
should be assessed promptly to ascertain if the results might be attributed to laboratory error, or
whether the results could indicate problems in the manufacturing process. An immediate
assessment could include re-examination of the actual solutions, test units, and glassware used in
the original measurements and preparations, which might provide more credibility for laboratory
error hypotheses.
The following steps should be taken as part of the supervisor's assessment:
1. Discuss the test method with the analyst; confirm analyst knowledge of and
performance of the correct procedure.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
2. Examine the raw data obtained in the analysis, including chromatograms and
spectra, and identify anomalous or suspect information.
3. Verify that the calculations used to convert raw data values into a final test result
are scientifically sound, appropriate, and correct; also determine if unauthorized
or unvalidated changes have been made to automated calculation methods.
4. Confirm the performance of the instruments.
5. Determine that appropriate reference standards, solvents, reagents, and other
solutions were used and that they met quality control specifications.
6. Evaluate the performance of the test method to ensure that it is performing
according to the standard expected based on method validation data and historical
7. Fully document and preserve records of this laboratory assessment.
The assignment of a cause for OOS results will be greatly facilitated if the retained sample
preparations are examined promptly. Hypotheses regarding what might have happened (e.g.
dilution error, instrument malfunction) should be tested. Examination of the retained solutions
should be performed as part of the laboratory investigation.
Solutions can be re-injected as part of an investigation where a transient equipment
malfunction is suspected. Such hypotheses are difficult to prove. However, reinjections
can provide strong evidence that the problem should be attributed to the instrument,
rather than the sample or its preparation.
For release rate testing of certain specialized dosage form drugs that are not destroyed
during testing, where possible, examination of the original dosage unit tested might
determine whether it was damaged during laboratory handling in a way that affected its
performance. Such damage would provide evidence to invalidate the OOS test result,
and a retest would be indicated.
Further extraction of a dosage unit, where possible, can be performed to determine
whether it was fully extracted during the original analysis. Incomplete extraction could
invalidate the test results and should lead to questions regarding validation of the test
It is important that each step in the investigation be fully documented. Laboratory management
should ascertain not only the reliability of the individual value obtained, but also the significance
these OOS results represent to the laboratory quality assurance program. Laboratory
management should be especially alert to developing trends. As part of an effective quality
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
system, a firm’s upper management should appropriately monitor these trends and ensure that
any problematic areas are addressed.
Laboratory error should be relatively rare. Frequent errors suggest a problem that might be due
to inadequate training of analysts, poorly maintained or improperly calibrated equipment, or
careless work. Whenever laboratory error is identified, the firm should determine the source of
that error and take corrective action to prevent recurrence. To ensure full compliance with the
CGMP regulations, the manufacturer also should maintain adequate documentation of the
corrective action.
In summary, when clear evidence of laboratory error exists, laboratory testing results should be
invalidated. When evidence of laboratory error remains unclear, a full-scale OOS investigation
should be conducted by the manufacturing firm to determine what caused the unexpected results.
It should not be assumed that OOS test results are attributable to analytical error without
performing and documenting an investigation. Both the initial laboratory assessment and the
following OOS investigation should be documented fully.
When the initial assessment does not determine that laboratory error caused the OOS result and
testing results appear to be accurate, a full-scale OOS investigation using a predefined procedure
should be conducted. This investigation may consist of a production process review and/or
additional laboratory work. The objective of such an investigation should be to identify the root
cause of the OOS result and take appropriate corrective and preventative action.
A full-scale
investigation should include a review of production and sampling procedures, and will often
include additional laboratory testing. Such investigations should be given the highest priority.
Among the elements of this phase is evaluation of the impact of OOS result(s) on already
distributed batches.
A. Review of Production
The investigation should be conducted by the QCU and should involve all other departments that
could be implicated, including manufacturing, process development, maintenance, and
engineering. In cases where manufacturing occurs off-site (i.e., performed by a contract
manufacturer or at multiple manufacturing sites), all sites potentially involved should be
included in the investigation. Other potential problems should be identified and investigated.
Please note that § 211.192 requires a thorough investigation of any discrepancy, including documentation of
conclusions and follow-up. Implicit in this requirement for investigation is the need to implement corrective and
preventative actions. Corrective and preventive action is consistent with the FDA’s requirements under 21 CFR part
820, subpart J, pertaining to medical devices, as well as the 2004 draft guidance entitled Quality Systems Approach
to Pharmaceutical Current Good Manufacturing Practice Regulations, which, when finalized, will represent the
Agency’s current thinking on this topic.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
The records and documentation of the manufacturing process should be fully reviewed to
determine the possible cause of the OOS result(s).
A full-scale OOS investigation should consist of a timely, thorough, and well-documented
review. A written record of the review should include the following information.
1. A clear statement of the reason for the investigation.
2. A summary of the aspects of the manufacturing process that may have caused the
3. The results of a documentation review, with the assignment of actual or probable
4. The results of a review made to determine if the problem has occurred previously.
5. A description of corrective actions taken.
If this part of the OOS investigation confirms the OOS result and is successful in identifying its
root cause, the OOS investigation may be terminated and the product rejected. However, a
failure investigation that extends to other batches or products that may have been associated with
the specific failure must be completed (§ 211.192). If any material was reprocessed after
additional testing, the investigation should include comments and the signatures of appropriate
production and quality control personnel.
OOS results may indicate a flaw in product or process design. For example, a lack of robustness
in product formulation, inadequate raw material characterization or control, substantial variation
introduced by one or more unit operations of the manufacturing process, or a combination of
these factors can be the cause of inconsistent product quality. In such cases, it is essential that
redesign of the product or process be undertaken to ensure reproducible product quality.
B. Additional Laboratory Testing
A full-scale OOS investigation may include additional laboratory testing. A number of practices
are used during the laboratory phase of an investigation. These include (1) retesting a portion of
the original sample and (2) resampling.
1. Retesting
Part of the investigation may involve retesting of a portion of the original sample. The
sample used for the retesting should be taken from the same homogeneous material that
was originally collected from the lot, tested, and yielded the OOS results. For a liquid, it
OOS results might also be the result of the objectionable practice of making unauthorized or unvalidated changes to
the manufacturing process.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
may be from the original unit liquid product or composite of the liquid product; for a
solid, it may be an additional weighing from the same sample composite prepared for the
original test.
Situations where retesting is indicated include investigating testing instrument
malfunctions or to identify a possible sample handling problem, for example, a suspected
dilution error. Decisions to retest should be based on the objectives of the testing and
sound scientific judgment. It is often important for the predefined retesting plan to
include retests performed by an analyst other than the one who performed the original
test. A second analyst performing a retest should be at least as experienced and qualified
in the method as the original analyst.
The CGMP regulations require the establishment of specifications, standards, sampling
plans, test procedures, and other laboratory control mechanisms (§ 211.160).
FDA inspections have revealed that some firms use a strategy of repeated testing until a
passing result is obtained, then disregarding the OOS results without scientific
justification. This practice of “testing into compliance” is unscientific and objectionable
under CGMPs. The maximum number of retests to be performed on a sample should be
specified in advance in a written standard operating procedure (SOP). The number may
vary depending upon the variability of the particular test method employed, but should be
based on scientifically sound principles. The number of retests should not be adjusted
depending on the results obtained. The firm's predetermined retesting procedures should
contain a point at which the additional testing ends and the batch is evaluated. If the
results are unsatisfactory at this point, the batch is suspect and must be rejected or held
pending further investigation (§ 211.165(f)). Any deviation from this SOP should be rare
and done in accordance with § 211.160(a), which states that any deviations from written
specifications, sampling plans, test procedures, or other laboratory control mechanisms
shall be recorded and justified. In such cases, before starting additional retesting, a
protocol should be prepared (subject to approval by the QCU) that describes the
additional testing to be performed and specifies the scientific and/or technical handling of
the data.
In the case of a clearly identified laboratory error, the retest results would substitute for
the original test result. All original data should be retained, however, and an explanation
recorded. This record should be initialed and dated by the involved persons and include a
discussion of the error and supervisory comments. (See section III of this guidance for
more details on a laboratory investigation.)
If no laboratory or calculation errors are identified in the first test, there is no scientific
basis for invalidating initial OOS results in favor of passing retest results. All test results,
both passing and suspect, should be reported
and considered in batch release decisions.
In other words, all data are reported in, for example, quality control reports, batch records, Certificates of Analysis,
in accordance with §§ 211.188 and 211.192.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
2. Resampling
While retesting refers to analysis of the original, homogenous sample material,
resampling involves analyzing a specimen from any additional units collected as part of
the original sampling procedure or from a new sample collected from the batch, should
that be necessary.
The original sample from a batch should be sufficiently large to accommodate additional
testing in the event an OOS result is obtained. In some situations, however, it may be
appropriate to collect a new sample from the batch. Control mechanisms for examination
of additional specimens should be in accordance with predetermined procedures and
sampling strategies (§ 211.165(c)).
When all data have been evaluated, an investigation might conclude that the original
sample was prepared improperly and was therefore not representative of the batch quality
(§ 211.160(b)(3)). Improper sample preparation might be indicated, for example, by
widely varied results obtained from several aliquots of an original composite (after
determining there was no error in the performance of the analysis). Resampling should
be performed by the same qualified, validated methods that were used for the initial
sample. However, if the investigation determines that the initial sampling method was
inherently inadequate, a new accurate sampling method must be developed, documented,
and reviewed and approved by the QCU (§§ 211.160 and 211.165(c)).
C. Reporting Testing Results
Practices used in reporting and interpretation of test results include (1) averaging and (2) outlier
1. Averaging
There are both appropriate and inappropriate uses of averaging test data during original
testing and during an OOS investigation:
a. Appropriate uses
Averaging data can be a valid approach, but its use depends upon the sample and its
purpose. For example, in an optical rotation test, several discrete measurements are
averaged to determine the optical rotation for a sample, and this average is reported as the
test result. If the sample can be assumed to be homogeneous, (i.e., an individual sample
preparation designed to be homogenous), using averages can provide a more accurate
result. In the case of microbiological assays, the U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP) prefers the use
of averages because of the innate variability of the biological test system.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
It should be noted that a test might consist of a specific number of replicates to arrive at a
result. For instance, an HPLC assay result may be determined by averaging the peak
responses from a number of consecutive, replicate injections from the same preparation
(usually 2 or 3). The assay result would be calculated using the peak response average.
This determination is considered one test and one result. This is a distinct difference from
the analysis of different portions from a lot, intended to determine variability within the
lot, and from multiple full analyses of the same homogenous sample. The use of
replicates to arrive at a single reportable
result, and the specific number of replicates
used, should be specified in the written, approved test method. Acceptance limits for
variability among the replicates should also be specified in the method. Unexpected
variation in replicate determinations should trigger remedial action as required by
§ 211.160(b)(4). If acceptance limits for replicate variability are not met, the test results
should not be used.
In some cases, a series of complete tests (full run-throughs of the test procedure), such as
assays, are part of the test method. It may be appropriate to specify in the test method that
the average of these multiple assays is considered one test and represents one reportable
result. In this case, limits on acceptable variability among the individual assay results
should be based on the known variability of the method and should also be specified in
the test methodology. A set of assay results not meeting these limits should not be used.
These appropriate uses of averaging test data should be used during an OOS investigation
only if they were used during the original testing that produced the OOS result.
b. Inappropriate uses
Reliance on averaging has the disadvantage of hiding variability among individual test
results. For this reason, all individual test results should normally be reported as separate
values. Where averaging of separate tests is appropriately specified by the test method, a
single averaged result can be reported as the final test result. In some cases, a statistical
treatment of the variability of results is reported. For example, in a test for dosage form
content uniformity, the standard deviation (or relative standard deviation) is reported
with the individual unit dose test results.
Averaging can also conceal variations in different portions of a batch, or within a sample.
For example, the use of averages is inappropriate when performing powder blend/mixture
uniformity or dosage form content uniformity determinations. In these cases, testing is
intended to measure variability within the product, and individual results provide the
information for such an evaluation.
In the context of additional testing performed during an OOS investigation, averaging the
result(s) of the original test that prompted the investigation and additional retest or
The term reportable result as used in this document means a final analytical result. This result is appropriately
defined in the written approved test method and derived from one full execution of that method, starting from the
original sample.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
resample results obtained during the OOS investigation is not appropriate because it
hides variability among the individual results. Relying on averages of such data can be
particularly misleading when some of the results are OOS and others are within
specifications. It is critical that the laboratory provide all individual results for
evaluation and consideration by the QCU, which is responsible for approving or
rejecting, e.g., drug products, in-process materials (§ 211.22)
For example, in an assay of a finished drug with a specification of 90 to 110 percent, an
initial OOS result of 89 percent followed by additional retest results of 90 percent and 91
percent would produce an average of 90 percent. While this average would meet
the additional test results also tend to confirm the original OOS result.
However, in another situation with the same specifications, an initial OOS result of 80
percent followed by additional test results of 85 percent and 105 percent would also
produce an average of 90 percent, but present a much different picture. These results do
not confirm the original OOS result but show high variability and may not be reliable. In
both examples, the individual results, not the average, should be used to evaluate the
quality of the product.
2. Outlier Tests
The CGMP regulations require that statistically valid quality control criteria include
appropriate acceptance and/or rejection levels (§ 211.165(d)). On rare occasions, a value
may be obtained that is markedly different from the others in a series obtained using a
validated method. Such a value may qualify as a statistical outlier. An outlier may result
from a deviation from prescribed test methods, or it may be the result of variability in the
sample. It should never be assumed that the reason for an outlier is error in the testing
procedure, rather than inherent variability in the sample being tested.
Outlier testing is a statistical procedure for identifying from an array those data that are
extreme. The possible use of outlier tests should be determined in advance. This should
be written into SOPs for data interpretation and be well documented. The SOPs should
include the specific outlier test to be applied with relevant parameters specified in
advance. The SOPs should specify the minimum number of results required to obtain a
statistically significant assessment from the specified outlier test.
For biological assays having a high variability, an outlier test may be an appropriate
statistical analysis to identify those results that are statistically extreme observations.
The USP describes outlier tests in the general chapter on Design and Analysis of
Biological Assays <111>.
In these cases, the outlier observation is omitted from
When arriving at a batch disposition decision, it is important for a firm to assess whether the low assay value may
project to a subpotency failure before the product’s labeled expiration date.
The United States Pharmacopeia, 29th Revision, Rockville, MD: The United States Pharmacopeial Convention,
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
calculations. The USP also states that “arbitrary rejection or retention of an apparently
aberrant response can be a serious source of bias… the rejection of observations solely on
the basis of their relative magnitudes is a procedure to be used sparingly” (USP <111>).
For validated chemical tests with relatively small variance, and if the sample being tested
can be considered homogeneous (for example, an assay of a composite of a dosage form
drug to determine strength), an outlier test is only a statistical analysis of the data
obtained from testing and retesting. It will not identify the cause of an extreme
observation and, therefore, should not be used to invalidate the suspect result.
Occasionally, an outlier test may be of some value in estimating the probability that the
OOS result is discordant from a data set, and this information can be used in an auxiliary
fashion, along with all other data from the investigation, to evaluate the significance of
the result.
Outlier tests have no applicability in cases where the variability in the product is what is
being assessed, such as for content uniformity, dissolution, or release rate determinations.
In these applications, a value perceived to be an outlier may in fact be an accurate result
of a nonuniform product.
When using these practices during the additional testing performed in an OOS investigation, the
laboratory will obtain multiple results. It is again critical for the laboratory to provide all test
results for evaluation and consideration by the QCU in its final disposition decision. In addition,
when investigation by a contract laboratory
does not determine an assignable cause, all test
results should be reported to the customer on the certificate of analysis.
To conclude the investigation, the results should be evaluated, the batch quality should be
determined, and a release decision should be made by the QCU. The SOPs should be followed
in arriving at this point. Once a batch has been rejected, there is no limit to further testing to
determine the cause of the failure so that a corrective action can be taken.
A. Interpretation of Investigation Results
The QCU is responsible for interpreting the results of the investigation. An initial OOS result
does not necessarily mean the subject batch fails and must be rejected. The OOS result should be
investigated, and the findings of the investigation, including retest results, should be interpreted
to evaluate the batch and reach a decision regarding release or rejection (§ 211.165).
In those instances where an investigation has revealed a cause, and the suspect result is
invalidated, the result should not be used to evaluate the quality of the batch or lot. Invalidation
The Agency also recommends that OOS investigation reports be provided to the customer.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
of a discrete test result may be done only upon the observation and documentation of a test event
that can reasonably be determined to have caused the OOS result.
In those cases where the investigation indicates an OOS result is caused by a factor affecting the
batch quality (i.e., an OOS result is confirmed), the result should be used in evaluating the
quality of the batch or lot. A confirmed OOS result indicates that the batch does not meet
established standards or specifications and should result in the batch's rejection, in accordance
with § 211.165(f), and proper disposition. For inconclusive investigations — in cases where an
investigation (1) does not reveal a cause for the OOS test result and (2) does not confirm the
OOS result — the OOS result should be given full consideration in the batch or lot disposition
In the first case (OOS confirmed), the investigation changes from an OOS investigation into a
batch failure investigation, which must be extended to other batches or products that may have
been associated with the specific failure (§ 211.192).
In the second case (inconclusive), the QCU might still ultimately decide to release the batch. For
example, a firm might consider release of the product under the following scenario:
A product has an acceptable composite assay range of 90.0 to 110.0 percent. The initial (OOS)
assay result is 89.5 percent. Subsequent sample preparations from the original sample yield the
following retest results: 99.0, 98.9, 99.0, 99.1, 98.8, 99.1, and 99.0 percent. A comprehensive
laboratory investigation (Phase 1) fails to reveal any laboratory error. Review of events during
production of the batch reveals no aberrations or indication of unusual process variation.
Review of the manufacturing process and product history demonstrates that the process is robust.
The seven passing retest results are all well within the known limits of variability of the method
used. Batch results from in-process monitoring, content uniformity, dissolution, and other tests
are consistent with the passing retest results. After a thorough investigation, a firm’s QCU
might conclude that the initial OOS result did not reflect the true quality of the batch.
It is noteworthy in this scenario that the original, thorough laboratory investigation failed to find
any assignable cause. However, if subsequent investigation nonetheless concludes that the
source of the OOS result was a cause unrelated to the manufacturing process, in response to this
atypical failure to detect the laboratory deviation, it is essential that the investigation include
appropriate follow-up and scrutiny to prevent recurrence of the laboratory error(s) that could
have led to the OOS result.
As the above example illustrates, any decision to release a batch, in spite of an initial OOS result
that has not been invalidated, should come only after a full investigation has shown that the OOS
result does not reflect the quality of the batch. In making such a decision, the QCU should
always err on the side of caution.
As an example, evaluation of process variation would determine if established equipment, facility, and process
control limits were met.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
B. Cautions
In cases where a series of assay results (to produce a single reportable result) are required by the
test procedure and some of the individual results are OOS, some are within specification, and all
are within the known variability of the method, the passing results are no more likely to
represent the true value for the sample than the OOS results. For this reason, a firm should err on
the side of caution and treat the reportable average of these values as an OOS result, even if that
average is within specification. This approach is consistent with the principle outlined in the
USP General Notices that an official article shall comply with the compendial standard any time
a compendial test is applied.
Thus, every individual application of the official test should be
expected to produce a result that meets specifications.
An assay result that is low, but within specifications, should also raise a concern. One cause of
the result could be that the batch was not formulated properly. Batches must be formulated with
the intent to provide not less than 100 percent of the labeled or established amount of active
ingredient (§ 211.101 (a)). This would also be a situation where the analytical result meets
specifications, but caution should be used in the release or reject decision.
As with all analytical testing conducted to evaluate the quality of a drug, all records pertaining to
the OOS test result should be retained. Records must be kept of complete data derived from all
tests performed to ensure compliance with established specifications and standards (§ 211.194).
C. Field Alert Reports
For those products that are the subject of approved full and abbreviated new drug applications,
regulations require submitting within 3 working days a field alert report (FAR) of information
concerning any failure of a distributed batch to meet any of the specifications established in an
application (21 CFR 314.81(b)(1)(ii)). OOS test results on these products are considered to be
one kind of "information concerning any failure” described in this regulation. Unless the OOS
result on the distributed batch is found to be invalid within 3 days, an initial FAR should be
submitted. A follow-up FAR should be submitted when the OOS investigation is completed.
See USP 29, General Notices, “Test Results, Statistics, and Standards.”