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The Malcolm J. Dashiell scholarship fund was created in 1997 through an estate gift
from Janet Dashiell Gardner in memory of her husband who taught sculpture at The
University of Akron for 17 years and helped establish the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree
program. Earnings from this endowed fund will be used to provide financial assistance
to students majoring in art for educational travel experiences, including foreign travel,
sponsored study abroad, workshops, seminars, field trips, independent study, conferences
and travel to temporary and permanent exhibits which relate to art studies.
The Dashiell Travel Award The Spring 2023 Dashiell Travel Award cycle provides students
in the Myers School of Art partial support for virtual educational travel. Appropriate
opportunities include:
virtual art workshops such as those offered by organizations like Penland, Cortona, or
virtual art seminars and conferences such as SPE (Society for Photographic Education),
SNAG (Society for North American Goldsmiths), NCECA (National Council on Education
for the Ceramic Arts), SGCI (Southern Graphic Council International) or AIGA (American
Institute of Graphic Arts); and
other virtual travel experiences that support students’ educational goals.
The maximum award amount is $1,000 per grant.
There are two grant cycles for the Dashiell Travel Award, in fall and spring. Travels Awards
can be used in either the current or subsequent term.
Eligible for the SPRING 2023 Dashiell Travel Award are undergraduate students who:
are currently enrolled in 6 credits of art studio, art education, and/or art history at the
Mary Schiller Myers School of Art;
have completed at least 12 credits of ART (7100) coursework at the Myers School of Art;
have declared Art as your first and primary major; and
have a 3.0 cumulative GPA. This data can be found in your DPR on MyAkron.
Funding is not available for:
graduating seniors in their final term or post-baccalaureate students;
more than one Dashiell Travel Award application per student per semester;
overseas travel more than once except in unusual circumstances;
visits to graduate schools;
group proposals;
any student who has not yet fulfilled completely the requirements of any earlier grant
or award issued through the Myers School of Art;
any student not in good standing with the Office of Office of Student Conduct and
Community Standards; and
applications that are incomplete or submitted after the deadline.
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Application materials should be submitted to the Manager of Student Affairs by noon on the
Friday the ninth week of the semester. Submit a pdf of the following materials in order via email
to the Manager of Student Affairs. Your pdf must be titled LastName_FirstName_DashiellTravel_
SemesterYear.pdf. No materials will be accepted in hard copy or as print outs.
1. Cover sheet
The requisite cover sheet must be completely and accurately filled out; reformatted cover
sheets are not permitted. If you need assistance determining your GPA or earned credit hours,
please consult the Manager of Student Affairs.
The cover sheet can be found on the last page of these guidelines.
2. Resume
The resume must include your full name, student ID #, UA email address, phone number,
address, education history, and work history (if applicable). Detailed, comprehensive resumes
assist the committee in evaluating your application; many students, especially those in
Graphic Design, find that their professional resume needs significant additional information
and narrative detail.
Be certain to highlight the following aspects:
Professional Growth and Accomplishments: Highlight the public presentation of your
work in venues such as: solo and group exhibitions including those sponsored by the Myers
School of Art such as the Juried Student Show, the Student Art League show, the Myers
School of Art Studio Scholarship show, GAR UA/KSU exhibition, participation in conferences
and research symposia, and any presentation at outside galleries or museums (i.e., AAM
or CMA). Demonstrate your professional growth through: awards and honors received;
educational travel; work history; internships; membership in professional organizations,
such as Spaces Gallery or MOCA.
Service to the School and Community: Document your commitment to the Myers
School of Art and the arts community in NE Ohio. This can include gratis art/design
projects; internships; organizing lectures, films and/or art walks; UA student organization
membership/leadership roles; mentorship of fellow students; volunteering for Myers School
of Art recruitment events.
Sample formats for resumes by discipline can be found on the College Art Association website
(collegeart.org/guidelines/) or in The University of Akron Career Center (uakron.edu/career/).
3. Proposal Narrative
Describe the type of virtual educational travel the award will support (e.g., conference,
workshop, or other experience). Include dates, the sponsor of the project (if appropriate), a
detailed schedule, and any additional applicable information. For programs with admission
requirements, indicate the status of your application (accepted, waitlisted, etc.).
Explain in detail how this virtual travel experience will help your academic and
professional development. Mention any opportunities you will have to interact with
professionals and experts in your field during the experience.
Describe the body of work or research project related to the virtual travel experience.
Explain your research and conceptual interests in the area(s) of art, design, art history, or
education. This summary should be clear, concise, and free of technical terminology and
jargon. Students are encouraged to cross-reference the sample(s) work submitted.
Discuss the need for project funding.
Address plans to engage the arts community in the Myers School and the University of
Akron, and/or the broader local, regional, or national community post-travel to share what
you have learned. This can be accomplished through a variety of creative ways, including
an exhibition, high school visit (accompanied by faculty or staff), class visits (in conjunction
with faculty), presentations, or process demonstrations. Be creative – the goal is to share
your learning broadly and effectively with the greater Myers community.
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4. Budget
The Spring 2023 Dashiell Travel Grant can be used to cover virtual travel costs—
appropriate program fees and registration.
Submit a detailed, complete budget for your entire virtual educational travel
experience; budgets listing only items for which funding is requested are not
complete, and may be rejected outright or subject to reduced funding at the
discretion of the committee.
The virtual travel budget must be reasonable and realistic. It must account for
all major expenses involved in the experience. Since funding is limited, applicants
are expected to utilize award funds effectively. If an applicant requests funding for
particularly expensive programming, it must be justified.
Applicants must disclose all additional funding sources, including Directors
Grants, self-funded contributions, contributions from student organizations, and
all other subsidies. Applicants must also disclose if they will be compensated in
association with this award. For example, if you will be paid for a service or lecture
(including events intended to fulfill the community engagement requirement of
the Dashiell Travel Award), this must be disclosed.
5. Work Sample
Submit examples of your strongest work in order to support your application.
Students are expected to select their work independently, without consulting faculty
or others for advice. You are encouraged to refer to these examples of your work in
the proposal essay.
For studio majors: 5-10 images documenting your work plus artist’s statement,
if appropriate for your concentration. Images should be labeled with title, date,
dimensions, and materials. If the work was created for a class assignment, note
that in the caption as well.
For art history majors: research paper.
For art education majors: sample of curriculum development such as a full lesson
plan with studio samples, electronic portfolios, or advanced research project.
6. Recommendation Letter
If, and only if, this application is required for a class, an individualized letter of
recommendation from the assigning faculty member is required.
Recommendation letters may be submitted by email directly to the Chair of the
Scholarships and Grants Committee.
Application materials should be submitted to the Manager of Student Affairs by
12:00 noon on the Friday of the ninth week of the semester.
A single pdf of the above materials should be emailed to the Manager of Student Affairs.
The pdf must be titled LastName_FirstName_DashiellTravel_SemesterYear.pdf.
No materials will be accepted in hard copy or as print outs.
Applicants will be notified by email of outcome of their Spring 2023 Dashiell Travel Award
application. Recipients of the Dashiell Travel Award will be announced at the Myers School
of Art Awards Ceremony at the end of the spring semester.
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If selected to receive an award, you are obligated to:
Meet with the Myers School of Art Manager of Student Affairs, Sofia
Calderwood (sofia@uakron.edu; 330-972-6856; Folk 103C) to review the
reimbursement process and paperwork.
Give back to the school by participating in school-sponsored events. Events can
include high school visits, Portfolio Review Days, speaking to an Arts Orientation
class about your award, and other events where a student’s voice and perspective
are valued. Your participation will be coordinated by the Manager of Student
Affairs, and by accepting this grant you agree to serve in at least three events over
the next two semesters.
Fulfill your pledged contribution to Myers arts community within 6 months
of your award. If your contribution is an event, you must advertise it at least
one week in advance, and you are strongly encouraged to schedule it in order
to maximize your outreach. Dashiell recipients must submit a brief report
documenting their ‘give-back’ within 2 weeks of the event; award recipients will
be provided with a form to complete which includes the event name, location,
date and time, as well as a brief description of the activity and an estimate of its
attendance. Email reports to the Manager of Student Affairs.
Failure to complete all of these requirements may result in the award not being
disbursed and/or a hold being placed on your student record.
Any questions about the Dashiell Travel Award guidelines or application process should
be directed to the Chair of the Scholarships and Grants Committee.
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Please complete this form by typing the required information and checking the boxes.
Print, sign, scan, and place it as the first page of your pdf application.
Name: ____________________________________________________________________________
Home phone: (______) ______–___________ Mobile phone: (_______) ______–____________
Student ID #: __________________________ Major: ____________________________________
Minor/s (if any): ____________________________________________________________________
UA e-mail address (not your personal email): ______________________________________
Status as determined by earned credit hours: c Senior c Junior
c Sophomore c First Year
ART GPA (ART/7100) classes: ___________ Cumulative GPA (all UA classes): ___________
Total earned credits in the Myers School of Art (ART/7100 courses): _________________
Number of Myers School of Art credits (ART/7100 courses) in current semester: _____
Anticipated Graduation Date/Term: _______________________________________________
Have you previously received an award or grant through the Myers School of Art?
c Yes c No
If yes, list all including dates awarded, and their status (complete or in-progress):
Signature: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________
Authorization for the Release of Information: By signing this form, you grant the Myers School of Art
permission to consult with offices and units on campus as needed to administer this scholarship, including
the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards and the Office of Student Financial Aid.