Department of Art & Art History Phone: (212) 772-4995 Fax: (212) 772-4458
BFA Program: Application Forms and Guidelines
Please read this information carefully. If you have additional questions, please email
Professor Chitra Ganesh at [email protected]om or Professor Reiner Leist
[email protected]. For questions about forms, contact Staesi Davis at For questions about transcript and credits please contact
undergraduate advisor, Laura Frantz You must be a 42 Credit
Studio Art major to apply.
The deadline for emailing your application materials is Friday, May 5, 2023. Please send
your application to [email protected] and cc: Staesi Davis of the art office at Admissions committee members will review your materials
prior to interviews. BFA Committee Review will take place on Wednesday May 10, 2023.
Candidates will receive a Zoom link and be assigned a time slot for a 20-30 minute
interview with the Admissions Committee.
Application / Eligibility Requirements:
1) Ideally you would have finished all your required courses for the 42 credit BA major
before the Fall Semester of 2023, or have courses in progress when you apply. Students
should follow the guidelines for the 42-credit studio art major and must complete 36
credits in order to apply to the BFA Program. If you wish to apply, please consult a studio
advisor at any point.
2) You must have finished at least 90 credits toward the 120 credit BA degree, and satisfied
all of your Common Core, Science, and Language requirements. If you are accepted, your
BFA credits can be applied to the 120 credit degree major if appropriate. We encourage you
to complete all outstanding coursework prior to joining the BFA program so that you can get the
most out of your experience. Students interested in pursuing the BFA should also check with the
financial aid office to confirm credit requirements needed for receiving financial aid.
BFA Program: Selection Process
The BFA Selection Committee will review the following:
1) Recommendation Letters: Your application must include 2 recommendation letters from
faculty who know you well for the Committee to review. Additional letters and letters from
part-time instructors are welcome. Faculty should use the BFA recommendation form
included in this document.
2) Statement: The committee will rely on your statement to understand your artistic
practice and goals. Your statement should be as clear and informative as possible, including
information about the media and content of your work, process, artistic influences, and key
interests shape your work. Writing skills are not a concern; however you communicate your
your artistic practice, abilities, and commitment will provide valuable information.
3) Documentation of work: Your application must include samples of your work. Your
images must be clear, adequately lit, in focus, and made within the last two years. Please
limit the number of works to what can be reviewed in a ten minute presentation, with no
more than 20 images. Please send all documentation in the form of jpegs and mp4/mov
files. These must be received in advance of the Zoom review and will be made available to
the Committee.
4) Zoom presentation of your work: For the zoom review, you will share a slide presentation
of your works with the Committee. These works will count as your official presentation.
Please include detail shots of works if necessary, along with image captions for each slide
including date, title and medium. If you are presenting time-based work, the committee will
allow an additional 5 minutes during the review. Slide presentations are preferred, but you
may also install your work in a space available to you for the Committee to view in a video
walk through.
5) Selection Criteria: The BFA committee will consider 4 primary areas in assessing
candidate. The ideal BFA candidate will:
A) show a commitment to exploring both content and form in their work
B) have the capacity to work in a self-directed manner, working towards specific goals and
and maintaining consistent studio practice
C) demonstrate familiarity with ideas and artists that inform or inspire your work
D) demonstrate intellectual curiosity and the willingness to be challenged by new ideas
6) Reapplication: Please be aware that you are entitled to apply again, as long as you do not
apply to graduate, so please consider your options carefully before applying.
BFA Program - Curriculum and Courses
The (BFA) Bachelor of Fine Arts is a 61-credit major degree open to students who wish to
extend their work in studio art beyond 42-credit major, particularly for the student who
intends to pursue a career as an artist or attend graduate school. The program culminates
in a group exhibition of the candidates’ work at the end of second semester in which all
students must participate. Students must maintain a GPA of 3.0 to stay in the program.
A total of 64 credits in art must be earned toward the BFA degree:
Total studio art courses: 11. Total art history courses: 5 Total BFA courses: 3
(Please see a Studio Art Advisor for individual course program consultation):
Year 1: Two studio courses and one art history course
ArtLa 20100
Art Foundations: Seeing, Thinking, Making
ArtLA 20200 Art Foundations: Methods and Techniques
ArtH 25100 Contemporary Art
Year 2 : Four beginning studio courses selected from the seven possible areas
of concentration: Ceramics, Drawing, New Genres, Painting, Photography,
Printmaking, and Sculpture
ArtCr 22500 Printmaking ARTCr 290 New Genres
ArtCr 23500 Painting ArtCr 25700 Ceramics
ArtH 24900 20th Century Art I
Year 3: Six ARTCR courses (for a total of 10 required for the major), with at least
two Advanced (300-level) courses in area of concentration.
ArtCr 35700 Advanced Ceramics ArtCr 37200 Advanced Photography
ArtCr 33600 Advanced Painting ArtCr 35200 Advanced Sculpture
ArtCr 32600 Advanced Printmaking ARTCr 36023 - Time Based Media
BFA Major
Semester 1 ArtCr 45900 Professional Experience in Art I
(typically meets Tuesdays 1:10 - 4:50 pm) 6.5credits
Semester 2 ArtCr 46000 Professional Experience in Art II 6.5 Credits
ArtCr 40500 Art and Current Ideas 3 credits
B.F.A. Thesis Exhibition
Art History elective of your choice to be taken in either semester 3 credits
BFA PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS: (Studio art major + BFA courses)
STUDIO ART 42-CREDIT MAJOR: 14 classes total/ 42 credits
2 classes (6 credits) introduction and foundations (ARTLA):
ARTLA 20100 Art Foundations: Seeing, Thinking, Making 3 credits
ARTLA 20200 Art Foundations: Methods and Techniques 3 credits
4 classes (12 credits) elective studio classes outside the area of study (ARTCR)
Any 200- or 300- level ARTCR course; do not repeat courses.
4 classes (12 credits) in one area of study (ARTCR)
Can include only one ARTCR 36000.
Please note that the core courses in an area of study can be repeated once for credit if
taken with a different instructor (Ex. Advanced Painting with Jaudon and Advanced
Painting with Davis).
Areas of study to choose from are Drawing, Painting, Printmaking, Photography,
Sculpture, Ceramics, and New Genres
3 classes (9 credits) of study in art history (ARTH),
at least one of which must be in contemporary or modern art, i.e. ARTH 24900, ARTH
25000, ARTH 25100, ARTH 24700, ARTH 25700, ARTH 35100, ARTH 45000.
1 class (3 credits) Capstone Seminar (ARTLA),
ARTLA 40600 2D-3D-4D to be taken towards the end of the degree.
BFA COURSES - 4 classes/total 19 credits
Semester 1 ArtCr 45900 Professional Experience in Art I
(typically meets Tuesdays 1:10 - 4:50 pm) 6.5credits
Semester 2 ArtCr 46000 Professional Experience in Art II 6.5 Credits
ArtCr 40500 Art and Current Ideas 3 credits
B.F.A. Thesis Exhibition
Art History elective of your choice to be taken in either semester 3 credits
19 Credits total
BFA Program: Application Instructions
1. Application Form Only students who have completed 92 credits including all
Distribution Requirements are eligible to complete the application. Application
Forms and Deadlines are posted at the Art Office. Your application must be reviewed
and signed off by the BFA Advisor. Please speak with advisors and prepare your
application package in a timely fashion. Late or incomplete applications will not be
2. Grades and Transcripts Your application must include your latest transcript of
grades. Please list all courses completed to date, and currently taking, on the
attached worksheet provided. Please be sure to include the names of courses and
their numbers on the form. All "INC" and/or final grades must be resolved prior to
3. Statement Candidates must submit a 1-2 page Artist Statement including reasons
you are pursuing the BFA program, how would benefit you personally, why you are
qualified for the program, and most importantly, what you would like to accomplish
during the course of your BFA year. Please submit both a PDF version of your
statement to, and a printed copy with your application.
Recommendations Two Letters of Recommendation from faculty, addressed to the
BFA Committee are required. BFA Candidate Recommendation Forms are available
at the Art Office. When you request a reference please ensure adequate response
Interview and Presentation Each applicant will participate in a Zoom Interview with
the committee, and present a body of work that includes both assigned projects but
most and independent investigations. Candidates should present a body of work
that is connected to their intended course of study, and shows evidence of artistic
development and self-motivation. Students will speak briefly about the issues and
ideas that inform their artwork. Please seek out your advisor if you have further
Please complete and send to or bring a hard copy of the application
to the Art & Art History Department office in Room 11054 Hunter North.
Total # of Credits completed (see attached worksheet) GPA:
Number of Credits currently taking: Number of Credits for summer semester:
(if applicable)
Faculty References: Forms should be given to faculty who will return them to the department.
Application must include:
1. Completed Application Form
2. Current Transcript with completed worksheet (Official transcript is not necessary)
3. Artist Statement/Essay
4. Two Faculty Recommendation letters
Address !
City, State & Zipcode!
Email address:!
Area of Concentration:!
Advisor: Date:
Studio Art Courses, including courses taken this semester:
Art History Courses, including courses taken this semester:
Art Courses Completed at Other Institutions:
To tal Number of Art Credits: ________________ Art Index (GPA): _________
Course Name & Number
Course Name & Number
Course Name & Number
The student below has listed your name as a reference on their BFA Application. Please
complete this recommendation and send a PDF to [email protected].edu or give a copy in a
sealed envelope to the Art Oce.
NAME: __________________________________________ EMPL ID#:____________________________
AREA OF CONCENTRATION: _______________________________________________________________
______I waive my right to read this recommendation
_____ I choose for this recommendation to not be condential
Student Signature: ________________________________. DATE_______________
Please use this assessment scale:
1. Level of engagement with chosen media _______
2. Interest in exploring new ideas _______
3. Ability to communicate ideas clearly _______
4. Has developed thematic interests in the work _______
5. Is prepared for advanced studio practice _______
6. Is qualied to to successfully complete BFA _______
7. Please place this student in on the following scale ________
(1-TOP 10%, 2- TOP 30%, 3- AVERAGE, OR 4- BELOW AVERAGE)
Faculty Member Signature Date
Additional Comments: