Policy Title: Moving and Relocation Expense Reimbursements
for Academic Employees
Policy Number: 650-31
Associate Vice Chancellor of Business & Financial Services
and Controller
Responsible Office:
Business and Financial Services – Accounting Office
Date of Revision:
Date of Last
Origination Date:
This policy applies to the payment and taxation of Moving
and Relocation expenses for the University’s academic
positions in accordance with Business and Finance Bulletin
G-13 and the Academic Personnel Manual Sections 550,
560 and 561.
Moving and Removal expenses for staff employees are
covered by UCR P&P 650-32.
I. Overview
To attract and retain the most qualified employees, the University on occasion
provides reimbursements for certain moving expenses, depending on the
situation (e.g., new recruitments, transfers), the employee's geographic location,
and availability of funding. New tax laws effective from January 1, 2018 through
December 31, 2025 require the taxation of many of these benefits. Therefore,
based on lessons learned in calendar year 2018, effective January 1, 2019, UCR
will gross up all allowable reimbursements by 30% (up to $3,000) to minimize the
impact of taxable benefits (i.e. imputed income) on these eligible employees’ net
Business and Finance Bulletin G-13 Policy and Regulations Governing Moving
and Relocation sets forth the University-wide policy governing the payment of
these expenses. This local implementing procedure, 650-31, describes UCR's
transactional processing procedures for moving and relocation of academic
II. Eligibility for Moving and Relocation Expense Reimbursements
Refer to the UC Business & Finance Bulletin G-13, APM 550, APM 560, and
APM 561 to determine if an academic employee is eligible for a moving and
relocation expense reimbursement.Payment of relocation expenses is provided
for certain new appointees to academic positions. These payments are not
provided automatically and should not be presumed. Agreement to pay
relocation assistance for academic employees requires pre-approval by the
organizational unit head or next higher level.
III. Allowable Moving and Relocation Expenses
Refer to the UC Business & Finance Bulletin G-13 and Academic Personnel
Manual 550, 560 and 561 for moving and relocation expenses that are allowable
and eligible for reimbursement, as reimbursements can vary depending on the
situation, the employee's position, and availability of funding.
IV. Income Tax Reporting
Amounts paid for moving and relocation expenses from January 1, 2018 through
December 31, 2025, whether or not paid directly to an employee, are includible in
an employee's gross income, subject to withholding of federal income, social
security, and Medicare taxes. Such amounts must be tax coded for reporting on
the employee’s W-2 for moving expense payments through December 31, 2025
under I.R.C. Sections 217(k) and 132(g)(2).3. Not all moving and relocation
expenses are subject to California income tax. Business & Finance Bulletin G-13
should be referred to for determining the tax reporting requirements in
accordance to IRS regulations. Appendix A of this policy outlines the taxability
changes of certain items.
To minimize the impact of these tax changes on net pay of employees offered
moving and relocation assistance, effective January 1, 2019, an additional
payment to the employee (i.e. gross up) of 30% will be applied to all taxable
moving and relocation costs up to a total of $3,000 per employee. The cost of
the 30% gross up will be borne by the employee’s department. In addition,
whenever possible, reimbursements processed after September 1, 2019, will be
paid via the UCPath system.
V. UCR Procedure - Moving and Relocation Expenses
A. Authority to Approve Moving and Relocation Expenses
The authority to approve academic moving and relocation expense
reimbursements that are in accordance with Business & Finance Bulletin
G-13 has been delegated to the Chancellor; this authority has been re-
delegated to Provost/EVC and Deans for their respective
organization. UCR has instituted a maximum reimbursable moving and
relocation expense amount of $10,000 for academic; taxable moving and
relocation expenses will automatically be grossed up by 30% (not to
exceed $3,000). The employee’s department has the discretion to
recommend reimbursement amounts up to the$10,000 limits to their
respective Dean. The 30% gross up (up to $3,000) will be automatically
applied and is not at the department’s discretion.
The 30% gross up is provided to minimize the impact on an employee’s
net pay; departments should consider the gross up amount when
authorizing moving and relocation benefits to new employees as this
expense will be borne by the department. All reimbursements to the
employee must be specified in writing and will be processed via UCPath,
when possible, so the related taxes can be withheld and reported on the
employee’s W2.
Exceptions: Approval of a reimbursement that is an exception to policy or
exceeds $10,000 must be routed through the respective organization unit
head (e.g. Dean, Vice Chancellor) for approval. The Dean should evaluate
if such exceptional reimbursement is necessary for the recruitment of the
most qualified employees in that particular profession. The request for an
exception should be made in advance in writing and must specify the
purpose, special circumstances, applicable dates, and name of the
individual. Please note exceptions to the gross up amount are not
B. Source of Funds/Forms
As a general rule, moving and relocation expense reimbursements for
academic employees are typically recorded and funded on the same
activity, fund, and function as that used to pay the employee's salary. See
APM 550, 560 and 561 for additional restrictions
C. Notifying Employee
After securing the appropriate approvals for moving and relocation costs,
the Hiring Department should inform the employee of the related policies
and limitations at the earliest possible date, preferably in the offer letter
(see sample language in Appendix B). The employee must also be
advised that all family and household moving and relocation expenses are
taxable. Employees can make their own moving and travel arrangements
for themselves and their family members. Reimbursement of allowable
costs will be made upon submission of an approved Moving and
Relocation Expense Reimbursement form with required receipts. *A list of
moving companies offering UC discounts to employees is available from
When a purchase order is used for relocation expenses, the personal
portion of the move must be clearly separated from the non-taxable
relocation of equipment and property to be transferred to UCR.
D. Reimbursement
Application for reimbursement for moving expenses should be made on
the Moving and Relocation Expense Reimbursement Form (available on
the Accounting Office website). A single Moving and Relocation Expense
Reimbursement form is required to provide a final accounting of the
moving/relocation expenses, initiate reimbursement of related out-of-
pocket costs, and enable proper tax reporting. Employees should submit
reimbursement requests immediately after the move, and approved
requests must be submitted to the Accounting Office within 60 days.
Delinquent request may jeopardize reimbursement.
Original receipts must be supplied for claims of allowable expenses.
Reimbursement requests will be reviewed by Accounts Payable and
payments will be processed in UCPath with the gross up outlined above to
ensure proper tax withholding and reporting.
VI. Feedback and Additional Information
If you have questions or comments on interpreting or applying this procedure,
please contact the Accounting Office.
VII. Other Policy References
Business and Finance Bulletin G-13, Policy and Regulations governing
Moving and Relocation
Business and Finance Bulletin G-28, Policy and Regulations governing
Academic Personnel Manual, Section 550: Recruitment, Moving
Expenses for Intercampus Transfer
Academic Personnel Manual, Section 560: Recruitment, Removal
Academic Personnel Manual, Section 561: Recruitment, Removal
IRS Publication 521- Moving Expenses
Appendix A: Taxability
Types of Allowable Expenses (see policy BFB G-13, APM 550, APM560, and APM 561
for specific limitations)
Standard Expense Types:
Taxable Income
Taxable Income
Effective 1/1/18
Packing, crating and unpacking of household goods and
personal effects
No Yes
Transporting household goods and personal effects by
professional movers
No Yes
Packing, crating, unpacking, and transporting a library,
office or lab that is transferred as UCR property (must be
quoted and invoiced separately from household goods
and library, office or lab items that are NOT considered
UCR property)
No No
Transporting household goods and personal effects by
rental truck; fuel may be claimed separately
No Yes
Insurance of household goods and personal effects while
in transit
No Yes
Driving or shipping up to two personal vehicles No Yes
One-way economy/coach class airfare for all household
No Yes
One time ground transportation from former residence to
the airport and from the airport to the new residence or
temporary lodging
No Yes
Rental car if personal vehicle is shipped Yes Yes
If driving, lodging while en route, up to the daily CONUS
lodging limit
No Yes
Meals for all household members while en route, up to
daily CONUS M&IE limit per (this is not a per diem)
Yes Yes
Furnished temporary lodging and meals for up to 30
days, not to exceed daily CONUS limits
Yes Yes
Storage of household goods and personal effects for up
to 30 days (90 days for SMG) after removal from prior
Yes Yes
Connecting and disconnecting utilities, excluding
Yes Yes
Non-standard Expenses Requiring Approval from the
designated Organization Head or next higher level
(regardless of the dollar amount):
Taxable Income
Taxable Income
Effective 1/1/18
Packing, crating, unpacking, and transporting a library,
office or lab that is NOT University property
Must be quoted and invoiced separately from transfer
of university property
No Yes
Relocation services, e.g., home search assistance Yes Yes
House-hunting trip Yes Yes
SMG only: Up to two return trips to former residence to
help with the move
Yes Yes
Selling costs within policy limits directly associated with
the sale of the former residence
Yes Yes
Lease settlement costs within policy limits Yes Yes
Appendix B: Proposed Language to Insert on Academic Position Offer Letter When
Moving and Relocation are Included:
The University will pay the allowable expenses for moving and relocation expenses
associated with your household goods and professional items (e.g. library, laboratory,
office materials) to the Riverside area (this designation is within 90 miles of the
campus), if the conditions of Campus Policy 650-31 and IRS Publication 521, Moving
Expenses are met, up to a maximum of [$X,000]. For example, the University will
reimburse expenses incurred in moving your dependents to the Riverside area via air
coach, automobile, or other means of transportation, up to the equivalent of the most
economical air coach fare. The Department can arrange for the hire of a moving
company when you have determined the time and place of your move.
Please note certain expenses paid by the university related to your moving/relocation
must be reported on your W2 as a taxable fringe benefit and are subject to federal tax
withholding. To assist with the tax burden, the University will provide and additional
payment of 30% [up to $XXX] based on the actual eligible moving and relocation costs.
You are strongly encouraged to consult with your personal tax advisor. For more
information, please refer to: UC Business and Finance Bulletin G-13
(, UCR Policy & Procedure 650-31, and
IRS Publication 521 (