Impact Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading
Corps Program
Reading & Math, Inc.
2400 Park Ave. S.
Minneapolis, MN 55404
NORC at the University of Chicago
1155 E 60th Street
Chicago, IL 60637
Carrie E. Markovitz
Marc W. Hernandez
Eric C. Hedberg
Kristen Neishi
NORC | Impact Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program
Many individuals and organizations contributed to the design and implementation of the Impact
Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program. While it is not possible to name everyone, we
would like to acknowledge some of the individuals and organizations who played a significant role in the
successful execution of this study. We would like to begin by extending a special thank you to the
schools, their staff, and the Reading Corps tutors serving in the Wisconsin Reading Corps program for
agreeing to have their students randomly assigned for program participation and for allowing our field
assessors to collect assessment data from their students. We would like to acknowledge the contributions
of the study site liaisons, Kelly Holt, Julie Kubelka, and Jennifer Scolese, who coordinated and scheduled
the random assignment process and data collection at individual schools, as well as Heidi Whitmore and
Jennifer Satorius who managed the data collection. We would also like to recognize the contributions of
the field assessors who collected assessment data from the Kindergarten and first grade students. Finally,
the impact evaluation would not have been possible without the assistance of the Master Coaches, Internal
Coaches, and staff of the Wisconsin Reading Corps program, and without the strong support of Eric
Hoffman and Sadie O’Connor from Reading & Math, Inc., Karin Charles, David Parker, and Patrick
Kaiser from ServeMinnesota; and Lindsay Dolce from the Reading & Math Inc. Foundation.
NORC | Impact Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program
Table of Contents
Acknowledgement ....................................................................................................................... i
Executive Summary .................................................................................................................... 1
About Reading Corps ........................................................................................................... 1
Study Methodology ............................................................................................................... 3
Findings and Conclusions ..................................................................................................... 4
Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 8
The Reading Corps Program Model .......................................................................................... 9
Response to Intervention Framework ................................................................................... 9
K-3 Program Literacy Focus ............................................................................................... 11
Use of Data in Program Implementation ............................................................................. 11
Coaching and Support ........................................................................................................ 12
Training ............................................................................................................................... 13
Wisconsin Reading Corps .................................................................................................. 13
About the Study ........................................................................................................................ 14
Evaluation Logic Model ....................................................................................................... 14
Research Questions ........................................................................................................... 15
Random Assignment of Students within Schools ............................................................... 15
Data Sources ...................................................................................................................... 18
Analysis Methods ................................................................................................................ 19
Study Limitations ................................................................................................................ 19
Study Findings .......................................................................................................................... 20
What is the impact of Wisconsin Reading Corps on Kindergarten students? ..................... 20
What is the impact of Wisconsin Reading Corps on first grade students? ......................... 21
Findings by Major Demographic Group .............................................................................. 22
Findings by Dosage Characteristics ................................................................................... 22
Conclusions and Discussion ................................................................................................... 23
1.What is the impact of Wisconsin Reading Corps on program participants compared to
students who did not receive Reading Corps? ............................................................. 23
2.Does the impact vary by participant characteristics, such as demographics, program
dosage, and program attendance? ............................................................................... 25
Discussion .......................................................................................................................... 25
NORC | Impact Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program
Appendix A: Logic Model ......................................................................................................... 27
Appendix B: Randomization Process ..................................................................................... 28
Appendix C: Baseline Analysis ............................................................................................... 29
Appendix D: Sample Attrition .................................................................................................. 31
Appendix E: Detailed Analysis Methods ................................................................................ 33
Appendix F: Results Tables ..................................................................................................... 36
NORC | Impact Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program
List of Figures
Figure i.1. Mean scores for Kindergarten program and control students ............................... 5
Figure i.2. Mean scores for first grade program and control students .................................... 6
Figure 1. Response to Intervention – Three Tier Model ..................................................... 10
Figure 2. Mean scores for Kindergarten program and control students ............................. 21
Figure 3. Mean scores for first grade program and control students .................................. 22
Exhibit A.1. Reading Corps Logic Model (for Impact Evaluation) ........................................... 27
List of Tables
Table 1. Expected Benchmarks by Grade ......................................................................... 12
Table 2. Characteristics of schools participating in the Wisconsin Reading Corps Impact
Evaluation (Fall 2017) ......................................................................................... 16
Table 3. Student participants for the Wisconsin Reading Corps Impact Evaluation
(Fall 2017) ........................................................................................................... 17
Table C.1. Baseline Analysis of Wisconsin Evaluation Participants, Kindergarten ............... 29
Table C.2. Baseline Analysis of Wisconsin Evaluation Participants, 1
Grade ..................... 30
Table D.1. Attrition in Kindergarten Sample .......................................................................... 31
Table D.2. Attrition in 1
Grade Sample ................................................................................ 32
Table F.1. Results from K-1 Outcome Analysis .................................................................... 36
Table F.2. Partial correlations between outcomes and dosage indicators ........................... 37
NORC | Impact Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program
Executive Summary
Reading Corps is a multi-state AmeriCorps literacy program that helps students become successful
readers and meet reading proficiency targets by the end of the third grade. Currently operating in 12 states
and Washington D.C., trained literacy tutors implement research-based literacy interventions in school-
based settings for more than 36,000 at-risk students in Prekindergarten (PreK) through grade 3 each year.
As part of an Innovative Approaches to Literacy (IAL) Grant through the U.S. Department of Education
(DOE), a multi-site impact evaluation of the Reading Corps program was conducted in three states during
the 2017-2018 school year. While prior independent evaluations have been conducted of the original
Minnesota Reading Corps program, this multi-state evaluation assessed the impact of the Reading Corps
program model on students in Minnesota, as well as two replication sites, Florida and Wisconsin. This
report describes the findings from the impact evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program on 176
Kindergarten and first grade (K-1) students attending ten public schools in Milwaukee during the first
semester of the 2017-2018 school year.
The Wisconsin Reading Corps program is a replication site of the Minnesota Reading Corps model. In its
fourth year of operation, Wisconsin Reading Corps will expand from serving 12 schools in Milwaukee to
several more schools and districts in southeastern Wisconsin, reaching more than 1,000 students in the
2018-2019 school year. The program is supported locally through a partnership with Milwaukee
Succeeds, a collaborative effort launched by a group of organizations to unite the community around a
common goal of supporting “cradle to career” strategies that foster success for every child. Tutors are
supported by a multi-level coaching model that includes site-based (“Internal”) and external (“Master”)
coaches. Wisconsin Reading Corps is managed by an Executive Director, a Senior Program Manager, and
two Master Coaches.
About Reading Corps
Since 2003, Reading Corps recruits, trains, places, and monitors AmeriCorps members that serve as tutors
in school-based settings to implement research-based literacy activities and interventions for struggling
readers in PreK through grade 3. The goal of Reading Corps is to ensure that students become successful
readers and achieve grade-level reading proficiency by the end of third grade.
Literacy Focused Response to Intervention Framework
Reading Corps uses a Response to Intervention (RtI) framework that employs a multi-tier approach to the
early identification and provision of support to struggling readers. Key features of the Reading Corps RtI
framework include:
Clear literacy targets at each age level from PreK through grade 3
Benchmark assessment data to identify students eligible for one-on-one interventions
NORC | Impact Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program
Evidence-based interventions
Frequent progress monitoring during intervention delivery
High-quality training, coaching, and observations to support fidelity of implementation
The Reading Corps K-3 program consists of one-on-one tutoring where tutors provide supplemental
individualized literacy interventions focused on the National Reading Panel’s “Big Five Ideas in
Literacy” to struggling emergent readers. Reading Corps tutors work with approximately 15-18 K-3
students for 20 minutes each day, delivering supplemental literacy interventions consisting of a set of
prescribed, research-validated activities.
Use of Data
Assessment data play a key role in the implementation of Reading Corps. The program uses two types of
curriculum-based measures (CBM) to determine students’ program eligibility and monitor progress once
services are received.
Benchmark Assessments. Tutors administer 1-minute benchmark assessments to students in the fall,
winter, and spring. Benchmark standards (i.e., target scores) are built into the assessments to assist in
determining which students are at-risk for academic failure versus those who are on track to be
successful. Kindergarten through 3
grade students scoring “below target” on benchmark assessment
probes are eligible for Reading Corps services.
Progress Monitoring Assessments. Once selected to receive Reading Corps services, tutors
administer weekly 1-minute reading probes to students. Progress monitoring data allows tutors to
chart student progress, assess effectiveness of current interventions, gauge if students require a
change in interventions, or determine if they are ready to exit the program.
The Master Coach, Internal Coach, and Reading Corps tutor use each student’s progress monitoring
assessment results over time to inform instructional changes and whether the student can exit from
service. Students in grades 1-3 may be exited from the program once their progress monitoring data
shows that they have achieved 3 to 5 consecutive data points above their projected growth trajectory and
two scores at or above the upcoming season benchmark target. Similar criteria are used for Kindergarten
students, although students must have two scores at or above the Spring target to exit from the program.
Coaching, Support, and Training
Reading Corps provides multiple layers of supervision, support, and training to ensure integrity of
program implementation. Site-specific Internal Coaches, who are typically staff literacy specialists,
teachers, or curriculum directors, serve as immediate on-site supervisors, mentors, and advocates for
tutors. The Internal Coach’s role is to monitor tutors and provide guidance in the implementation of
Reading Corps’ assessments and interventions. The external, or Master Coach, is a literacy expert who
provides on-site staff (i.e., Internal Coaches and Reading Corps tutors) with expert consultation on
literacy instruction. The Master Coach also ensures implementation integrity of Reading Corps program
NORC | Impact Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program
elements. In addition to these two coaching layers, a third layer consisting of program support staff
provide administrative oversight for program implementation to sites participating in Reading Corps.
Prior to the start of each school year, Reading Corps hosts a three-day Institute to train returning and new
Master Coaches, Internal Coaches, and Reading Corps tutors in the assessments and research-based
literacy interventions employed by Reading Corps. During several sessions at the Institute, tutors learn
the skills, knowledge, and tools needed to serve as literacy interventionists. Tutors are provided with
detailed literacy manuals, as well as online resources that mirror and supplement the contents of the
manual (e.g., videos of model interventions and best practices). Additional training and coaching sessions
are provided throughout the tutors’ year of service.
Study Methodology
The goal of the Wisconsin Reading Corps impact evaluation was to independently and experimentally
assess the impact of the Wisconsin Reading Corps program on Kindergarten and first grade students’
literacy proficiency scores. The primary research question for the evaluation was: What is the impact of
Wisconsin Reading Corps on K-1 program participants compared to similar students who did not receive
Reading Corps?
Random Assignment of Students within Schools
A randomized controlled trial (RCT) design was used to answer this research question, which was largely
informed by the 2014 Impact Evaluation of the Minnesota Reading Corps K-3 Program.
At the beginning
of the school year (prior to program implementation), all program eligible students enrolled in
Kindergarten and first grade at ten participating public schools in Milwaukee were included in the study
Eligible students in each grade within a school were matched in pairs based on their Fall
benchmark scores. Students within pairs were then randomly assigned to either the program or control
condition. This matched-pair design ensured that the program and control groups had similar distributions
of Fall benchmark scores at the start of the school year. In total, 176 Kindergarten and first grade students
participated in the evaluation.
Data Sources
The main source of data for the evaluation was comprised of the grade-appropriate and semester-specific
literacy assessment scores described above. The evaluation team requested access to the 2017 Fall
benchmark data that Reading Corps tutors collected to identify program-eligible Kindergarten and first
grade students enrolled at the ten participating schools.
Independent assessors from the NORC evaluation
Markovitz, C.; Hernandez, M.; Hedberg, E.; Silberglitt, B. (2014). Impact Evaluation of the Minnesota Reading Corps K-3
Program. NORC at the University of Chicago: Chicago, IL.
Two schools in Milwaukee were not eligible for the study because they did not meet IAL eligibility criteria.
Fall benchmark data was collected prior to randomization, ensuring an unbiased assessment of student baseline proficiency.
NORC | Impact Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program
team collected the Winter benchmark assessment data from students in both the treatment and control
groups at each of the ten schools to ensure independent measures of outcomes and mitigate any potential
bias at posttest. Additionally, Wisconsin Reading Corps program staff at the ten participating schools
provided the evaluation team with other administrative data, including students’ Reading Corps tutoring
session attendance, average length and number of sessions, and student demographic characteristics.
To estimate program effects, the average Winter benchmark scores of students who participated in the
Reading Corps program were statistically compared with the average Winter benchmark scores of the
control group of students who did not. The calculated difference in group averages is the causal effect of
program participation. The impact evaluation analyses were conducted using mixed-regression models,
also known as hierarchical linear models. This type of model uses maximum likelihood to estimate
differences in outcomes associated with predictor variables while also modeling the multi-level structure
of the data, which in this case are students nested within schools. The analytic approach accounted for the
effect of program status (i.e., assignment to program or control group) in isolation as well as when
relevant control variables (i.e., demographic characteristics) were included.
Findings and Conclusions
Below, the evaluation team presents the study findings, followed by final thoughts on the implications of
these findings for the future of the Wisconsin Reading Corps program.
What is the impact of Wisconsin Reading Corps on Kindergarten students?
Kindergarten students who received Wisconsin Reading Corps tutoring achieved significantly higher
letter sound fluency scores by the end of the first semester than Kindergarten control students who did not
participate in the program (see Figure i.1). On average, program students correctly identified 6.5 more
letter sounds in a one minute period than the control group (p=0.035, N=64). This difference had a
positive, meaningful effect size of 0.55, indicating that the average program student scored over one half
of a standard deviation unit higher than the average control group student in identifying letter sounds.
Also by the end of the first semester, the program group on average achieved Winter benchmark
expectations, whereas the control students’ average score did not reach the expected benchmark.
NORC | Impact Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program
Figure i.1. Mean scores for Kindergarten program and control students
What is the impact of Wisconsin Reading Corps on first grade students?
First grade students enrolled in Wisconsin Reading Corps achieved substantially and significantly higher
nonsense word fluency scores by Winter benchmark than first grade control group students (see Figure
i.2). On average, program students correctly identified 8.7 more letter sounds within nonsense words than
the control group (p=0.004, N=112), resulting in an effect size of 0.46. Although neither the program
group nor the control group achieved Winter benchmark expectations, the difference in progress between
the two study groups from Fall to Winter benchmark indicates that first grade program students are likely
to continue to progress at an accelerated pace compared to control group students.
Baseline Winter
Number of Letter Sounds
Predicted Letter Sounds Fluency
(p=0.035, N=64)
Fall benchmark
Winter benchmark
NORC | Impact Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program
Figure i.2. Mean scores for first grade program and control students
Concluding Thoughts
In sum, the results of the evaluation show that the Wisconsin Reading Corps program has a considerable,
positive effect on both Kindergarten and first grade students’ literacy outcomes. Compared to their
control group peers, Wisconsin Reading Corps Kindergarten students scored significantly higher in letter
sound fluency and met the Winter benchmark expectation on average. These findings indicate that the
program is achieving its goal of accelerating Kindergarten students’ literacy development, setting them on
track to exceed grade level expectations within one semester. Wisconsin Reading Corps’ first grade
students also exhibited greater nonsense word fluency compared to their control group peers. Even though
first grade students on average did not achieve the first grade Winter benchmark target by the end of the
first semester, itis important to consider that the average first grade student in the program began the
school year far below the Fall program eligibility benchmark, and the program students should continue
to grow at an accelerated pace throughout the remainder of the school year compared to control students.
Altogether, these results suggest that the Wisconsin Reading Corps program produces meaningful effects
for K-1 students within a single school semester, which is a notable achievement for a replicated program
in its third year of implementation.
Another equally notable implication of the study results is that it provides evidence of the Minnesota
Reading Corps’ successful replication of the program model in a different state – Wisconsin. The
Wisconsin program includes similar program elements, which were found critical to the Minnesota
Reading Corps program’s success in our previous Process Assessment of the Minnesota Reading Corps
Baseline Winter
Number of Letter Sounds Within Nonsense
Predicted Nonsense Words Fluency
(p=0.004, N=112)
Fall benchmark
Winter benchmark
NORC | Impact Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program
Program research.
The key Reading Corps program elements that previously resulted in positive impacts
on student literacy outcomes in Minnesota have now been shown to be a robust and effective model in
another location, which can help guide the development of other successful reading intervention programs
for Kindergarten and first grade students. The current study findings, coupled with the findings from
previous studies of the Minnesota Reading Corps program, add important and useful information to the
literature on successful replications of effective reading interventions.
Hafford, C., Markovitz, C., et al. (October 2014). Process Assessment of the Minnesota Reading Corps PreK Program: Phase
II. (Prepared under contract to the Corporation for National and Community Service). Chicago, IL: NORC at the University of
NORC | Impact Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program
Reading Corps is an AmeriCorps program that provides trained literacy tutors to support reading
development for students in PreKindergarten (PreK) through grade 3, with the ultimate goal of ensuring
that students become successful readers and meet reading proficiency targets by the end of the third
grade. The core activities of the program are training, placing, and monitoring literacy tutors in school-
based settings to implement research-based, early-literacy strategies. Tutors are supported by a multi-level
coaching model that includes site-based (“Internal”) and external (“Master”) coaches. Since 2012, the
PreK and the Kindergarten through third grade (K-3) Reading Corps model has been replicated by
partners in several locations, including Colorado; Washington, D.C.; Milwaukee; and Miami.
As part of an Innovative Approaches to Literacy (IAL) Grant through the U.S. Department of Education
(DOE), a multi-site impact evaluation of the Reading Corps program was conducted in Minnesota,
Wisconsin, and Florida during the 2017-2018 school year. This multi-state impact evaluation builds on
prior independent evaluations of the Minnesota Reading Corps Program. This includes a 2014
randomized controlled trial (RCT) Impact Evaluation of the Minnesota Reading Corps K-3 program that
found that students who received Minnesota Reading Corps services during the first semester of the 2012-
2013 school year accelerated their literacy skills development and performed better than comparable
students who did not.
Given recent developments in the Reading Corps program, specifically its
replication in Wisconsin and Florida, and enhancements made to Reading Corps programming,
evaluation assessed the impact of the enhanced Reading Corps program model on program participants
compared to students who did not receive the Reading Corps program in Minnesota (K-3), as well as two
replication sites, Florida (PreK) and Wisconsin (K-3).
This report describes the findings from the impact evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program
on 176 Kindergarten and first grade (K-1) students during the first semester of the 2017-2018 school
The purpose of the evaluation was to 1) evaluate the impact of the Wisconsin Reading Corps
program on program participants compared to similar students who did not receive the Reading Corps
program; and 2) to assess the degree to which the impact varies by participant (e.g., demographic)
characteristics. Although the Wisconsin Reading Corps program serves students in grades K-3, the scope
of this study was limited to Kindergarten and first grade students because there were not enough program
eligible second and third grade students in the Milwaukee Reading Corps sites in 2017-2018 to meet the
study’s minimum sample sizes for detecting statistical results of program effects.
Markovitz, C.; Hernandez, M.; Hedberg, E.; Silberglitt, B. (2014). Outcome Evaluation of the Minnesota Reading Corps K3
Program. NORC at the University of Chicago: Chicago, IL.
Enhancements to the Reading Corps programming include prescribed guidance on the selection of specific reading procedures
for older students, revised intervention exit criteria, and a book distribution and family engagement component to support reading
at home.
Due to sample size limitations on eligible students in the second and third grades, the evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading
Corps program only assessed the effects of the program on Kindergarten and first grade students.
NORC | Impact Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program
In the sections that follow, we describe the Reading Corps program model and specifically the Wisconsin
Reading Corps program. We then present the methodology used to conduct the evaluation, the study
findings, and conclusions and discussion of the implications of the findings of the evaluation. The
appendices included with this report provide additional details: Appendix A presents the Reading Corps
logic model; Appendix B illustrates the randomization process; Appendices C through E describe
methodological details (i.e., baseline analysis, attrition, and outcome analyses); and Appendix F presents
the detailed results tables.
The Reading Corps Program Model
Reading Corps is the largest AmeriCorps tutoring program in the country, providing trained literacy tutors
to implement evidence-based literacy instruction and assessment protocols for students in Prekindergarten
(PreK) through grade 3 in school-based settings. Beginning in 2003 with just 250 students in Minnesota,
Reading Corps has since expanded to twelve states and Washington D.C. Reading Corps aims to broadly
impact literacy outcomes for children. A primary goal for the program is that all children, age 3 to grade
3, who qualify for Reading Corps, will meet reading proficiency standards by third grade.
Response to Intervention Framework
Reading Corps is based on a Response to Intervention (RtI) framework which uses a multi-tier approach
to the early identification and support of struggling learners. The key aspects of the Reading Corps RtI
framework are:
Clear literacy targets at each age level from PreKindergarten through grade 3
Benchmark assessment to identify students eligible for one-on-one interventions
Evidence-based interventions
Frequent progress monitoring during intervention delivery
High-quality training, coaching, and observations to support fidelity of implementation
In the RtI framework, data play the key roles of determining students’ eligibility for additional services
and then monitoring students’ progress towards achieving academic expectations (i.e., benchmarks).
Reading Corps screens students for program eligibility three times a year (i.e., fall, winter, spring) using
grade-specific, literacy-focused measures that possess criterion-referenced grade- and content-specific
performance benchmarks. These assessments are collectively called curriculum-based measures (CBM),
because they correspond closely with curricular expectations for literacy skills at each developmental
level. Program staff use scores from these general outcome measures to categorize students into one of
three possible tiers (i.e., proficiency levels; see Figure 1): Tier 1 students score at or above benchmark
and benefit from typical classroom instruction (75-80% of students score in this category); Tier 2 students
score below benchmark and require specific supplemental interventions until they meet benchmarks (15-
20% of students fall into this category); and Tier 3 students require intensive intervention provided by a
NORC | Impact Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program
special education teacher or literacy specialist and often have individualized educational plans (5-10% of
students qualify for this category).
Figure 1. Response to Intervention – Three Tier Model
The Reading Corps K-3 program provides one-on-one tutoring where Reading Corps tutors provide
supplemental individualized literacy interventions to primarily Tier 2 students in Kindergarten through
third grade. Generally, those Tier 2 students who score closest to the benchmark are offered Reading
Corps’ intervention services first because they should require the least amount of intervention (i.e., time
in program) to be set on a learning trajectory to achieve grade level proficiency. The students closest to
the benchmark can be moved through the program more quickly than those students with greater need,
allowing the schools to maximize support for students needing more intensive services. The Reading
Corps PreK program includes both an immersive “push-in” component, where tutors provide whole-class
literacy enrichment for all students (i.e., Tier 1), and a targeted one-on-one component, where tutors
provide individualized interventions to students struggling with emergent literacy skills (i.e., Tiers 2 and
3). Although Reading Corps provides both PreK and K-3 interventions to students, the focus of this report
is on the Wisconsin Reading Corps K-3 program. Therefore, the remainder of this report will focus on
describing the K-3 program and evaluation.
NORC | Impact Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program
K-3 Program Literacy Focus
At the K-3 level, the program is focused on the “Big Five Ideas in Literacy” as identified by the National
Reading Panel, including phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.
Reading Corps tutors serve as one-on-one literacy interventionists, working with approximately 15-18 K-
3 students who scored below the grade-specific literacy benchmark for 20 minutes each day. Tutors are
trained to deliver ten research-based literacy interventions that align with the Big Five literacy targets.
The interventions share a common theme in that they focus on building fluency for foundational reading
skills such as phonological awareness, letter sound knowledge, decoding skills, and oral reading fluency.
The literacy interventions are supplemental to the core reading instruction provided at each school and
consist of a set of prescribed, research-validated activities such as “Repeated Reading with
Comprehension Strategy Practice” or “Duet Reading.”
The decision to change a student’s interventions is based upon weekly progress monitoring data. The goal
of the tutoring is to raise individual students’ literacy levels so that they are on track to meet or exceed the
next program-specified literacy benchmark. Meeting benchmark will allow the student to benefit fully
from general (i.e., Tier 1) literacy instruction already provided in the classroom.
Use of Data in Program Implementation
Assessment data are an integral component of Reading Corps’ program implementation. The assessment
tools used by Reading Corps are curriculum-based measures (CBM) from FastBridge Learning,
because of their well-established statistical reliability and validity in evaluating critical literacy skills
appropriate for specific grade levels and seasons. Reading Corps collects the following two types of CBM
assessment data to determine students’ program eligibility and monitor progress once services are
Benchmark Assessments. Tutors administer 1-minute benchmark assessments to students in the fall,
winter, and spring. Benchmark standards (i.e., target scores) are built into the assessments to assist in
determining which students are at-risk for academic failure versus those who are on track to be
successful. Kindergarten through 3
grade students scoring “below target” on benchmark assessment
probes are eligible for Reading Corps services. Table 1 lists the specific Fastbridge CBM assessments
and corresponding benchmark scores used to identify program eligible students in Kindergarten and
first grades.
Snow, C., Burns, M., & Griffin, P. (Eds.), (1998). Preventing reading difficulties in young children. Washington DC: National
Academy Press
Shanahan, T.; Cunningham, A.; Escamilla, KC.; Fischel, J.; Landry, S.; Lonigan, CJ., et al. (2008). Developing early literacy:
Report of the national early literacy panel. Washington DC: National Institute for Literacy.
NORC | Impact Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program
Progress Monitoring Assessments. Once selected to receive Reading Corps services, tutors
administer weekly 1-minute reading probes to students. These progress monitoring data allow tutors
to chart student progress, assess effectiveness of current interventions, gauge if students require a
change in interventions, or determine if they are ready to exit the program. For each participating
student, these progress monitoring scores are graphed and then reviewed monthly by a collaborative
team consisting of the tutors, Internal Coach and Master Coach.
Table 1. Expected Benchmarks by Grade
Grade Measure Fall Winter Spring
Kindergarten Test of Letter Sounds 8 27 48
Grade 1 Test of Nonsense Words (English) 36 63 n/a
For students in grades 1-3, eligible students receive intervention services until their progress monitoring
data shows that they have achieved 3 to 5 consecutive data points above their projected growth trajectory
and two scores at or above the upcoming season benchmark target. Similar criteria are used for the
discontinuation of services with Kindergarten students, although students must have two scores at or
above the Spring target to exit from the program. Once these criteria are met, a student is deemed “on-
track” to achieve appropriate grade-level benchmark at the next assessment window, and is “exited” from
the Reading Corps program (i.e., the tutor no longer provides intervention services). The Master Coach,
Internal Coach, and Reading Corps tutor discuss each student’s assessment results over time before
deciding to exit the student from service.
The data intensive nature of the Reading Corps program provides tutors, coaches, teachers and
principals/directors with a consistent, objective means of identifying students to receive program services,
tracking their progress toward achieving academic goals related to critical literacy skills, and informing
instruction. The data also provide tutors and coaches with objective information about the efficacy of the
interventions with individual students, which can in turn be used to tailor the most effective instruction
for the student’s skill level.
Coaching and Support
Reading Corps provides multiple layers of supervision to ensure integrity of program implementation.
Site-specific Internal Coaches, who are typically staff literacy specialists, teachers, or curriculum
directors, serve as immediate on-site supervisors, mentors, and advocates for tutors. The Internal Coach’s
role is to monitor tutors and provide guidance in the implementation of Reading Corps’ assessments and
interventions. As the front-line supervisor, the Internal Coach is a critical component of the supervisory
The external, or Master Coach, is a literacy expert who provides site staff (e.g., Internal Coaches and
Reading Corps tutors) with expert consultation on literacy instruction and ensures implementation
integrity of Reading Corps program elements. In addition to these two coaching layers, a third layer
NORC | Impact Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program
consisting of Reading Corps program support staff helps ensure a successful year of AmeriCorps service.
Program support staff are Reading Corps employees who provide administrative oversight for program
implementation to sites participating in Reading Corps.
Prior to the start of each school year, Reading Corps hosts a three-day Institute to train returning and new
Master Coaches, Internal Coaches, and Reading Corps tutors. This intensive, information-filled training
provides foundational training in the assessments and research-based literacy interventions employed by
Reading Corps. During several sessions at the Institute, tutors learn the skills, knowledge, and tools
needed to serve as literacy interventionists. Tutors are provided with detailed literacy manuals as well as
online resources that mirror and supplement the contents of the manual (e.g., videos of model
interventions and best practices). Both the manuals and online resources are intended to provide tutors
with just-in-time support and opportunities for continued professional development and skill refinement.
Additional training and coaching sessions are provided throughout the tutors’ year of service.
Wisconsin Reading Corps
As the focus of this report, the Wisconsin Reading Corps program is a replication of the successful
Minnesota Reading Corps model. Currently beginning its fourth year of operation, Wisconsin Reading
Corps is implemented in twelve schools in Milwaukee. The program receives local support through a
partnership with Milwaukee Succeeds, a collaborative effort launched by a group of organizations,
including the Greater Milwaukee Foundation, as a way to unite the community around a common goal of
supporting “cradle to career” strategies that foster success for every child. Wisconsin Reading Corps is
managed by an Executive Director, a Senior Program Manager, and two Master Coaches. In the 2018-
2019 school year, the program is expected to triple in size, expanding to additional schools in Milwaukee
and Racine to serve more than 1,000 students.
NORC | Impact Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program
About the Study
This section provides a detailed description of the methodology used to implement the Wisconsin
Reading Corps program impact evaluation. The methodology was largely informed by the 2014 Impact
Evaluation of the Minnesota Reading Corps K-3 Program.
Evaluation Logic Model
A logic model for the Reading Corps program illustrating key program and school inputs and activities, as
well as the program’s desired short-term outcomes and long-term goals is provided in Appendix A. The
Reading Corps logic model serves as the conceptual framework for the design of the Wisconsin Reading
Corps impact evaluation. The logic model presents a comprehensive illustration of the complete Reading
Corps program and includes inputs, activities, short-term outcomes and long-term goals for PreK and K-3
students. The focus of the Wisconsin Reading Corps program impact evaluation was to assess the impact
of program participation on Kindergarten and first grade students’ literacy scores. As such, the evaluation
focused on only those components of the logic model relevant to K-3 students.
Four key program- and school-based inputs and resources are essential to successful K-3 program
implementation: 1) the selection of schools based on degree of student need and school capacity to partner
effectively with the program; 2) school identification of at-risk (primarily Tier 2) K-3 students within the
school based on benchmark assessment of students’ literacy skills; 3) web-based data management
systems to track and monitor student progress with literacy interventions; and 4) school use of a research-
based core literacy curriculum.
Three important Reading Corps program inputs related to Reading Corps tutors include: 1) joint program
and school recruitment, screening and placement of tutors in schools; 2) comprehensive Reading Corps
training of tutors and Internal Coaches in literacy interventions, assessment, data-driven decision-making
and program rules; and 3) school identification and assignment of dedicated Internal Coaches to support
and monitor the tutors. The logic model also illustrates the multiple layers of supervision and coaching
the Reading Corps program provides to its school-based Internal Coaches and Reading Corps tutors.
As shown in the logic model, the Reading Corps program’s primary activities include: 1) conducting
benchmark assessment three times per year (fall, winter and spring) to identify students in need of literacy
tutoring; 2) delivering one-on-one tutoring to eligible students 20 minutes a day, 5 days a week; 3)
assessing and charting weekly student progress on grade-specific literacy skills (i.e., weekly progress
monitoring); 4) “exiting” students from the program once they achieve assessment scores putting them on
track to meet or exceed the next benchmark; and 5) identifying and tutoring new students eligible for the
program. The intended short-term outcomes of these activities are demonstrated improvement on
Markovitz, C.; Hernandez, M.; Hedberg, E.; Silberglitt, B. (2014). Impact Evaluation of the Minnesota Reading Corps K-3
Program. NORC at the University of Chicago: Chicago, IL.
NORC | Impact Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program
FastBridge measures at the subsequent benchmarking period (i.e., Winter, Spring) and a successful
(permanent) exit from Reading Corps tutoring services. The desired long-term outcomes of the Reading
Corps program is for all third grade students to meet or exceed grade-level proficiency on the Wisconsin
third grade reading test (WISE).
Research Questions
As the logic model illustrates, the Reading Corps program’s short-term objective is to improve at-risk
students’ literacy skills so they are on track to achieve grade-level proficiency. The primary goal of the
Wisconsin Reading Corps impact evaluation was to independently and experimentally assess the impact
of the Wisconsin Reading Corps program on K-1 students’ literacy proficiency scores. Thus, to achieve
this goal, the research questions for the evaluation are as follows:
1. What is the impact of Wisconsin Reading Corps on program participants compared to students who
did not receive Reading Corps?
2. Does the impact vary by participant characteristics, such as demographics, program dosage, and
program attendance?
To answer these research questions, the evaluation team analyzed grade-appropriate and semester-specific
literacy assessment scores collected from 176 Kindergarten and first grade students enrolled at the ten
schools participating in the Wisconsin Reading Corps IAL program during the first semester of the 2017-
2018 school year. Specifically, within each school, all program eligible students in the same grade were
matched into pairs based on their Fall benchmark scores, with one student in each pair randomized into
the Wisconsin Reading Corps program while the other was assigned to the control group. This process
ensured baseline equivalence across treatment and control groups on the Fall, pre-intervention, grade-
appropriate outcome of interest. Data from the Winter benchmark assessment was used to answer the
evaluation’s two research questions, which assesses the impact of the Wisconsin Reading Corps program
on student literacy outcomes.
Random Assignment of Students within Schools
Of the 12 Wisconsin Reading Corps schools operating in Milwaukee, ten of those schools participated in
the study.
The ten participating schools and their key characteristics are provided in Table 2 below.
Two schools were not eligible for the study because they did not meet IAL eligibility criteria.
NORC | Impact Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program
Table 2. Characteristics of schools participating in the Wisconsin Reading Corps Impact
Evaluation (Fall 2017)
Number of
Corps tutors
% Free
Study Participants (N)
Auer Avenue 0 2 82.46% 99.65% 285 10 (K), 12 (F) 10 (K), 10 (F)
Forest Home Avenue 1 0 84.53% 94.03% 821 10 (K), 14 (F) 6 (K), 14 (F)
Gwen T. Jackson 1 0 88.15% 98.78% 329 8 (K), 18 (F) 8 (K), 18 (F)
Hopkins Lloyd 2 0 86.16% 97.23% 289 8 (K), 16 (F) 2 (K), 10 (F)
Milwaukee Academy of Science 0 2 93.86% 99.62% 1042 14(K), 14 (F) 12 (K), 10 (F)
Milwaukee College Prep 36th St. 0 1 68.79% 99.40% 503 4 (K), 6 (F) 4 (K), 6 (F)
Milwaukee College Prep 38th St. 0 1 81.49%
98.27% 521 6 (K), 8 (F) 6 (K), 8 (F)
Milwaukee College Prep Lloyd St. 0 1 83.81%
99.20% 499 10 (K), 6 (F) 10 (K), 6 (F)
Milwaukee College Prep Lola Rowe 0 1 73.09% 99.15% 472 4 (K), 8 (F) 6 (F)
Parkview 1 0 71.53% 94.91% 432 8 (K), 24 (F) 6 (K), 24 (F)
a: 2017-2018 data directly from RC, including updates and changes documented by email as noted throughout the year.
b: 2015-2016 data from CCD (NCES)
c: All students in all grades, excluding Alternative Education
d: 2014-2015 data; 2015-2016 FRPL enrollment numbers were abnormally low. Total enrollment for 2014-2015: 443 students.
e: 2014-2015 data; 2015-2016 data do not meet NCES data quality standards. Total enrollment for 2014-2015: 494 students.
f: (K) indicates Kindergarten; (F) indicates first grade.
At the beginning of the school year (prior to program implementation), all program eligible students
enrolled in Kindergarten and first grade at the ten participating schools were randomly assigned to two
groups: a program group that participated in the Reading Corps program and a control group that did not
participate in the program.
Specifically, the eligibility criteria for the Reading Corps program was
typically a Tier 2 score on the baseline (i.e., Fall benchmark) assessment for the program.
students were included in the study sample by grade in pairs, whereby each student in each grade within a
school was matched with another student based upon their Fall benchmark score. Students within pairs
were then randomly assigned to either the program or control condition.
This matched pair design
ensured that students in the program and control groups had similar distributions of Fall benchmark
scores at the start of the school year.
The final column in Table 2 lists the number of students at each of
Students who participated in Reading Corps in previous years were eligible for participation in the evaluation. The important
eligibility criteria for students was not whether they had received Reading Corps services in the past, but instead whether they
were eligible to receive services at the beginning of the 2017-2018 school year. Furthermore, since students were randomly
assigned to condition, it was equally likely that a student who previously received services would be assigned to the program and
control groups. As such, each group should have a roughly equal number of students who had and had not participated previously
in the Reading Corps program.
Processes for identifying which students should be administered the Fall benchmark assessment can somewhat vary across
schools. While it was recommended that all students in grades K-1 were assessed, some schools may have used previous years’
test scores or other more subjective means for identifying students to be assessed.
Tier 1 scores and low Tier 3 scores requiring support from a school staff member were not eligible for the program and thus not
eligible for the study.
A figure illustrating the randomization process is provided in Appendix B.
A baseline equivalence analysis was conducted to confirm that the two groups formed through random assignment were similar
at baseline (see Appendix C).
NORC | Impact Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program
the ten schools whose Fall benchmark scores made them eligible to receive Reading Corps services
during the Fall semester. In total, 202 eligible K-1 students were selected to participate in the evaluation.
Table 3 presents descriptive statistics for the K-1 students included in the evaluation. Demographics
include gender, race/ethnicity, English Language Learner (ELL) status, Free- and Reduced-Price Lunch
(FRPL) status, and Fall benchmark scores. The analytic sample size for the evaluation (N=176) is smaller
than the 202 students eligible for program services. During the school year, some students left the school
(i.e., moved), or were chronically absent and did not receive regular Wisconsin Reading Corps tutoring or
assessments. Additionally, some parents did not consent to their child’s participation in the evaluation.
These students and their matched pair were removed from the analytic sample (i.e., pairwise deletion).
Thus, the final sample of students included in the evaluation totaled 176 students. See Appendix D for
details on sample attrition.
Table 3. Student participants for the Wisconsin Reading Corps Impact Evaluation (Fall 2017)
1st Grade
Mean SD Mean SD
Female 45% 51%
White 2% 2%
Black 91% 79%
Asian 2% 9%
Hispanic/Latino 6% 9%
Multi-Racial 0% 1%
English Language Learner (ELL) 6% 10%
Free and Reduced Price Lunch (FRPL)
82% 81%
Fall Benchmark Score
2.19 2.48 17.76 10.36
a: School average
b: Kindergarten = Letter sound fluency; 1st Grade = Nonsense word fluency
The evaluation team conducted a power analysis prior to developing the evaluation’s sampling plan, in
which the number of students required to detect a difference between the treatment and control groups
was calculated. For Kindergarten, a minimum of 40 students (i.e., 20 pairs of students) across the ten
schools was needed to detect an effect size of 0.67, and for first grade, a minimum of 140 students (i.e.,
70 pairs of students) across the ten schools was needed to detect an effect size of 0.39. As shown in Table
3 above, 64 Kindergarten students and 112 first grade students were included in the evaluation, thus the
minimum sample sizes for the evaluation were achieved or nearly achieved and the study was adequately
powered to detect plausible effect sizes.
The evaluation team used a NORC proprietary, centralized password-protected website to conduct the
within pair randomization of students to the program or control groups. Wisconsin Reading Corps Master
Coaches entered Fall benchmark and demographic data on all program eligible students into the website.
The website included grade-specific Fall benchmark assessment score range checks to ensure that only
those students eligible for Wisconsin Reading Corps services were included in the sample. Once all
NORC | Impact Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program
eligible students’ data were entered into the website and confirmed, the website then automatically
randomized students within grades within pairs to either the program or control group and displayed each
student’s assignment. The Master Coach then shared the list of students to be tutored with the school’s
Internal Coach and Reading Corps tutors.
Because the evaluation was designed to measure the impact of Wisconsin Reading Corps program
participation relative to nonparticipation, students in the control group were embargoed from receiving
Wisconsin Reading Corps tutoring services during the first semester of the school year. Thus, Internal
Coaches and Reading Corps tutors were asked to tutor the students assigned to the program group as
usual and to not tutor the control group students until after the Winter benchmark. The evaluation team
remained in regular contact to verify that program students received Wisconsin Reading Corps tutoring
services and control students did not.
Data Sources
The primary data for the evaluation are comprised of the Fastbridge reading assessments described in the
Use of Data in Program Implementation section above. The evaluation team partnered with the
Wisconsin Reading Corps program to utilize the Fall benchmark assessment data that Reading Corps
tutors collected on all program-eligible K-1students enrolled at the ten eligible Reading Corps schools in
Wisconsin. Wisconsin Reading Corps has been completing Fastbridge reading assessments with students
for the past two years, so the Fall benchmark data collection was standard practice for the program. Also,
bias in the collection of pretest Fall scores by program staff was highly unlikely because students had yet
to be assigned to treatment or control groups. As mentioned previously, Reading Corps tutors collect Fall
benchmark data on all K-3 students who the school identifies as potentially eligible for Reading Corps
This procedure identifies objectively those students who meet Reading Corps eligibility criteria
(i.e., primarily Tier 2). Given that tutors already collect this data and so as not to duplicate assessment
efforts, the evaluation team requested access to the 2017 Fall benchmark data in order to identify the pool
of students eligible to participate in the evaluation.
In order to address potential bias at posttest, independent assessors from the NORC evaluation team
collected the Winter benchmark assessment data from students in both the treatment and control groups at
each of the ten schools. The independent assessors completed the exact same assessments using the same
tools as the Reading Corps program staff and participated in an assessment training that is similar to the
training provided to Reading Corps tutors. Informed consent from students’ parents was obtained using an
opt-out consent procedure. Additionally, program staff at the ten participating schools provided the
evaluation team with other administrative data, including students’ tutoring attendance, average length
and number of sessions, and demographic characteristics.
In many cases, schools assess all of their K-3 students for eligibility.
NORC | Impact Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program
Analysis Methods
The study analysis was designed to determine if there is an impact of the Reading Corps program on
student literacy outcomes, and if so, to estimate the average causal treatment effect of the program. We
estimate program effects by statistically comparing the average score of students who received Reading
Corps tutoring with the average score of a similar comparison group of students who did not. The
calculated difference in group averages is the causal effect of program participation. This effect is
considered “causal” because the primary predictor variable (the program) was randomly assigned to
students in the two groups, and therefore not related to any other student characteristics that may affect
the outcome. For this report, to estimate a plausible effect, we fit a statistical model that includes
information about the student’s Fall test score and membership in major demographic groups (e.g., race,
gender, and English Language Learner status), which improves the precision of our estimates. From this
model, we predict the average Winter scores for the program and control groups and the associated
sampling error. We then compute the likelihood
of observing our results when the program has no effect
(noted as a p-value). If this likelihood is low (less than 0.05), we conclude that it is likely that the program
had an effect on the Winter scores.
The impact evaluation analyses were conducted using mixed-regression models, also known as a
hierarchical linear models. This model uses maximum likelihood to estimate differences in outcomes
associated with predictor variables while also modeling the multi-level structure of the data, which in this
case are students nested within schools. Two models are estimated for each outcome. The first model uses
program status as the only predictor. From this first model, we calculate an effect size based on typical
standard deviation based effect sizes such as the Cohen’s d or Hedges’ g parameter for multisite
randomized designs.
Due to its robustness with small sample sizes, we selected Hedges’ g for
calculating effect sizes. The second model includes control variables to remove any spurious effects due
to demographic characteristics on outcome values. While the program and control groups are well
balanced, they are not perfectly equal, and thus, the treatment effect is slightly different. From this second
model, we then predict the scores for program and control groups based on the program variable and
holding all other controls as their sample means. This is the information that was used to produce the
plots and tables provided in the report. More detailed information about the specific statistical models
employed is available in Appendix E.
Study Limitations
The design of this study is strong because the primary predictor of interest, receiving the program, was
randomly assigned, and thus, is exogenous to all other variables in the model. That is, a strong argument
can be made that students’ improvements in Winter benchmark scores are the result of the program and
The p-value summarizes the likelihood of the observed data’s test statistic or a statistic of higher magnitude under the
assumption of the null hypothesis.
Hedges, L. V., & Rhoads, C. (2010). Statistical Power Analysis in Education Research. NCSER 2010-3006. National Center
for Special Education Research; Hedberg, E. C. (2017). Introduction to Power Analysis: Two-group Studies (Vol. 176). SAGE
NORC | Impact Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program
not from unobserved factors, which leads to high levels of internal validity. However, there are always
limitations to any study.
Because all eligible IAL schools and Kindergarten and first grade students were recruited to participate in
the study, we would expect high levels of external validity. However, while the sample is adequately
powered to detect effects, it is still limited by the availability of program eligible students. This situation
raises the possibility that the effects represented in this report only reflect the effects for a very specific
population of eligible students and schools, and that results will be difficult to replicate in other locations.
On the other hand the Wisconsin Reading Corps program itself is a successful replication of the
Minnesota Reading Corps program, and so this concern may not be warranted.
Another common limitation in education impact evaluations is student attrition. As mentioned above, the
evaluation team implemented a matched-pair experimental design for the study. Students within a school
within grade were matched on Fall benchmark scores and then randomly assigned within pair to either the
program or control group. Statistical tests showed that the program and control groups did not differ on
important demographic variables and proficiency measures at the beginning of the school year (See
Appendix C). As is inevitable, there was attrition due to students moving away or being chronically
absent from school. When this occurred, the affected student and the matched student within the pair were
both dropped from the study’s analytic sample. This pairwise deletion procedure reduced the overall
sample size by two students, but ensured the integrity of the RCT design (See Appendix D).
Study Findings
In this section, we present the major findings from the analysis of Kindergarten and first grade study
participants. The “p-value” represents the probability of observing the data if we assume the null
hypothesis that the program and control groups have the same average outcomes. The “effect size”
indicates the results from a model without controls that is converted into standard deviation units. Below
we summarize the study’s key findings. Detailed tables presenting the results of our analysis are provided
in Appendix F.
What is the impact of Wisconsin Reading Corps on Kindergarten students?
The Wisconsin Reading Corps program had a significant and substantial impact on Kindergarten
students’ letter sound fluency scores between the Fall benchmark (September 2017) and the Winter
benchmark (January 2018). On average, program students correctly identified 6.5 more letter sounds in a
one minute period than the control group after a single semester of the program (p=0.035, N=64). Figure
2 presents the findings visually and shows that the program Kindergarten students’ average score was
27.2 letter sounds compared to 20.7 letter sounds for the average control student. Also by the end of the
first semester, the program group achieved the Winter benchmark expectations of 27 letter sounds,
whereas the control students’ average score did not reach the expected benchmark. Furthermore, this
NORC | Impact Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program
difference had a positive, meaningful effect size, indicating that the average program student scored over
one half of a standard deviation unit higher than the average control group student in identifying letter
sounds (effect size = 0.55).
Figure 2. Mean scores for Kindergarten program and control students
What is the impact of Wisconsin Reading Corps on first grade students?
Similar to the findings in Kindergarten, first grade students enrolled in the Wisconsin Reading Corps
program attained significantly higher nonsense word fluency scores by Winter benchmark than first grade
control group students. On average, program students correctly identified 8.7 more letter sounds
embedded within non-real words than the control group (p=0.004, N=112). Figure 3 presents the findings
visually, which shows that the program students’ average score of 43.8 was substantially higher than the
control group’s average score of 35.1. While neither the program group nor the control group achieved
Winter benchmark expectations, it is important to note that the average first grade students’ Fall score
was far below expected benchmarks prior to program intervention. The study observed a meaningful
difference between the two study groups in terms of their progress between Fall and Winter benchmarks,
so first grade program students are likely to continue to grow at an accelerated pace compared to the
control group students. A similarly positive effect size was calculated, indicating that the average program
student scored about one half standard deviation units higher than the average control group student in
identifying letter sounds within nonsense words (effect size =0.46).
Baseline Winter
Number of Letter Sounds
Predicted Letter Sounds Fluency
(p=0.035, N=64)
Fall benchmark
Winter benchmark
NORC | Impact Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program
Figure 3. Mean scores for first grade program and control students
Findings by Major Demographic Group
To address the study’s second research question focused on varying program impacts by participant
group, we originally planned to include a set of subgroup analyses of student outcomes. As stated in the
limitations section, however, the sample sizes by grade for this study were relatively small, and the
subgroup sizes by demographic group were not sufficient (e.g., the vast majority of students were African
American). As a result, we lack the statistical power to detect differences both within and between
subgroups. Second, many of the subgroups with more than two categories are comprised of less than five
students, which means reporting even aggregate results for these groups could result in participant
disclosure. Therefore, we were unable to conduct analyses on subgroups for this study.
Findings by Dosage Characteristics
In addition to the overall effect of the Wisconsin Reading Corps program on students, the study also
explored the effect of dosage (i.e., amount of intervention received) on student outcomes to identify how
much intervention is needed to produce anticipated effects. As explained in the detailed analysis section
in Appendix E, dosage analyses are often difficult to perform and interpret with reactive programs (i.e.,
programs that determine dosage based on changing need). In this study, we attempted to surmount these
issues by incorporating three aspects of “dosage” into the model: 1) Number of sessions; 2) Average
length of sessions; and 3) Attendance. Attendance is defined as the proportion of planned sessions
completed. We present these effects from a multivariate mixed regression model where the effect of any
one aspect of dosage holds constant the influence of the other aspects. That is, for example, we present
Baseline Winter
Number of Letter Sounds Within Nonsense
Predicted Nonsense Words Fluency
(p=0.004, N=112)
Fall benchmark
Winter benchmark
NORC | Impact Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program
the effect for attendance while holding constant the average length of sessions. Tables presenting the
results of our analysis of dosage are provided in Appendix F.
The dosage analysis for Kindergarten students did not yield significant findings.
The direction of the
correlations with student benchmark scores was not unexpected, but requires explanation. For example,
the association between student outcomes and total number of sessions was negative, reflecting the
reactive nature of education interventions. It is often the case that programs must provide more sessions to
those students who are farthest from benchmark or most in need. This finding demonstrates this inverse
relationship. A more promising finding (but still not statistically significant) was the positive association
between Kindergarten student outcomes and attendance. This relationship indicates that when students
attended the planned number of sessions appropriate for their level of need and received tutoring with
fidelity, they tended to score higher on the Winter benchmark.
While the dosage analysis for first grade students yielded similar findings to those found among the
Wisconsin Kindergarten students, the findings were statistically significant. The direction of the
correlations were consistent with the Kindergarten findings. The association with total number of sessions
was negative, significant, and strong (correlation = -.53; p = 0.011), reflecting the reactive nature of
providing more sessions to students who were most in need. The association with attendance was
positive, significant, and strong (correlation = .44; p = .002), indicating that when there was good
coordination between student need and planned number of sessions, students who received tutoring with
high fidelity produced higher Winter benchmark scores.
Conclusions and Discussion
The findings from the Wisconsin Reading Corps impact evaluation provide important evidence for
addressing the study’s two primary research questions. Below, the evaluation team offers our conclusions
on the impact of the Wisconsin Reading Corps program on Kindergarten and first grade students’ literacy
proficiency scores and organizes them by major research question. Following our assessment of the
questions is a discussion on the implications of our findings for the Wisconsin program and other Reading
Corps replication sites.
1. What is the impact of Wisconsin Reading Corps on program participants compared to
students who did not receive Reading Corps?
The results of the study showed that Kindergarten and first grade students who received the Wisconsin
Reading Corps program achieve significantly higher literacy assessment scores by the Winter benchmark
than did control students who did not participate in the program. The tutoring effects were similar across
grades, with substantial effects found among both Kindergarten and first grade students.
Sample sizes were again small for the Kindergarten subgroup analysis, which most likely contributed to the lack of statistically
significant findings.
NORC | Impact Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program
Kindergarten students who received tutoring produced more correct letter sounds by the end of the first
semester than did students in the control group and reached the Winter benchmark score. This effect was
not unexpected given similar findings from the earlier impact evaluation of the Minnesota Reading Corps
K-3 program. Both programs recruited Kindergarten students who qualified to receive Reading Corps
services because they knew few letter sounds at the beginning of the school year, as evidenced by
extremely low Fall benchmark scores. Students’ low scores at the beginning of the school year are often
due to a lack of exposure to or instruction in letter sound correspondence at home or in early education
settings. Previously unexposed Kindergarten students who are explicitly taught can quickly learn the
correspondence between letters and their sounds.
Kindergarten students in the Reading Corps program
are provided with at least 100 minutes a week of tutoring focused explicitly on mastering letter sound
correspondence and related skills (e.g., phonological awareness). This intensive, targeted intervention
produced large gains in letter sound knowledge, including achieving the Winter benchmark expectation
on average. These findings indicate that the Wisconsin Reading Corps program, a replication of the
successful Minnesota Reading Corps program, more than achieved its goal of accelerating at-risk
Kindergarten students’ letter sound fluency, setting them on track to exceed grade level expectations by
the end of the first semester.
In addition, first grade students participating in the Wisconsin Reading Corps program produced
significantly higher nonsense word fluency scores than students in the control group by Winter
benchmark. As with the Kindergartners, first grade students demonstrated both statistically significant and
sizeable effects of the program. By the end of the first semester, students who received Wisconsin
Reading Corps tutoring were able to produce more letter sound segments in nonsense words than students
in the control group. While Wisconsin Reading Corps first grade students exhibited greater nonsense
word fluency, unlike the Kindergarten students, first grade students on average did not reach the first
grade Winter benchmark proficiency score by the end of the first semester. However, it is important to
consider that the average first grade student in the program began the school year far below the Fall
expected benchmark, and the program students should continue to grow at an accelerated pace throughout
the remainder of the school year compared to the control students.
In sum, the results of the Wisconsin Reading Corps impact evaluation on Kindergarten and first grade
students suggest that the program produces meaningful effects for its younger students within a single
school semester. The intensive one-on-one tutoring produces increases in Kindergarten students’ letter
sound fluency, helping them reach expected benchmark scores within a single semester. For first grade
students, the program produces sizeable gains in nonsense word fluency compared to control students.
National Reading Panel (US), National Institute of Child Health, & Human Development (US). (2000). Report of the national
reading panel: Teaching children to read: An evidence-based assessment of the scientific research literature on reading and its
implications for reading instruction: Reports of the subgroups. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development,
National Institutes of Health
NORC | Impact Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program
2. Does the impact vary by participant characteristics, such as demographics, program
dosage, and program attendance?
After establishing an overall positive impact of the Wisconsin Reading Corps program on Kindergarten
and first grade students’ literacy outcomes, we planned to conduct analyses to examine whether
differential effects of the program existed for specific subgroups of students. However, we were unable to
complete these analyses in most cases due to small sample sizes.
In addition to demographic subgroups, the study also examined the effect of dosage and attendance on
student outcomes to identify what levels of program intensity are appropriate for producing anticipated
effects. As is often the case, we found that higher dosages of the Wisconsin Reading Corps program did
not necessarily lead to better outcomes for students because the students furthest from target required
greater program dosage to reach benchmark. Thus, we found that dosage levels were often more highly
correlated with student need rather than literacy outcomes. On the other hand, when looking at
attendance, which is defined as students attending the planned number of sessions appropriate for their
level of need, we found that the students with higher attendance levels tend to score higher on the Winter
benchmark. Based on these findings, we conclude that the Wisconsin Reading Corps program is assigning
the correct amount of planned sessions for their students because when those students complete the
planned number of sessions, they achieve higher scores on literacy outcomes.
Overall, the results of the evaluation show that the Wisconsin Reading Corps program positively impacts
Kindergarten and first grade students’ literacy outcomes, and the magnitude of the effect of the program
was similarly large in both grades. These findings have important implications for both the Wisconsin
program and its planned expansion in the 2018-19 school year and for the Reading Corps replication
effort. In our previous study on the Minnesota Reading Corps, we concluded that the large and significant
impacts of the program’s early, intensive intervention on Kindergarten and first grade students helps
students catch up to their peers on critical literacy skill. While the students in the Wisconsin Reading
Corps program started far below Fall benchmark compared to the average student in the Minnesota
Reading Corps study, Kindergarten students were still able to reach benchmark within a single semester
and first grade students made meaningful gains compared to their control group peers. Therefore, we are
able to conclude the effectiveness of the Wisconsin replication site of the Reading Corps program on
these age groups.
An equally consequential result of this study for the Reading Corps program is the documentation of their
successful replication of the program model in Wisconsin. While we were unable to conduct in-depth site
visits to the Wisconsin program to confirm fidelity to the Reading Corps model, the program appears to
include several similar elements that we found in our previous Process Assessment result in a successful
NORC | Impact Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program
The Wisconsin replication program appears to have established a similar program-based
infrastructure and resources, including critical partnerships with local nonprofit organizations, the
implementing school district, and schools; the use of objective data based decisions to determine student
eligibility, track learning progress, and make adjustments to interventions when needed; specialized
interventions accurately implemented and closely monitored by a multi-layered supervisory structure of
Internal and Master Coaches; and comprehensive, ongoing training to and supervision of tutors serving
without possessing any specialized prerequisite technical skill. Therefore, the combination of Reading
Corps program elements that previously resulted in positive impacts on student literacy outcomes in
Minnesota have been shown to be a robust and effective model for the development of other successful
reading intervention programs for K-1 students.
Also, the implications of this evaluation for research are critical. Much of the literature on the scaling of
effective program models is theoretical in nature and mainly offers lessons learned and insights based on
experience. Reading Corps has not only been shown through rigorous research to be an effective program
in its original location, Minnesota, but now includes evidence of a successful replication of its program
model in another state, Wisconsin. These current study findings coupled with the findings from the
previous Impact Evaluation and Process Assessment, which identified those program elements that make
the Reading Corps successful, add important and useful information to the literature on effective
replications of reading interventions.
Hafford, C., Markovitz, C., et al. (October 2014). Process Assessment of the Minnesota Reading Corps PreK Program: Phase
II. (Prepared under contract to the Corporation for National and Community Service). Chicago, IL: NORC at the University of
NORC | Impact Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program
Appendix A: Logic Model
Exhibit A.1. Reading Corps Logic Model (for Impact Evaluation)
NORC | Impact Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program
Appendix B: Randomization Process
NORC | Impact Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program
Appendix C: Baseline Analysis
The study team conducted baseline equivalence analyses, including chi-square tests of independence
, t-
test analyses of two populations
, and Hedges’ g
to determine effect size, in order to ensure that the two
groups formed through random assignment were indeed similar at baseline (i.e., prior to program
intervention). Based on these analyses, it was determined that the program and control groups for both
Kindergarten and first grade were comparable (see Tables C.1 and C.2). While some differences among
smaller subgroups of demographic variables were found, the overall balance between the program and
control groups for both Kindergarten and first grade student in Wisconsin is sound, indicating that the two
groups were similar on average at baseline. Differences in these smaller subgroups were accounted for by
including these less balanced demographic characteristics as control variables in the study’s final analysis.
The most important measure, students’ Fall assessment scores, was balanced between the treatment and
control groups.
Table C.1. Baseline Analysis of Wisconsin Evaluation Participants, Kindergarten
Covariate Chi-sq
alue2 Hedges
otal N
Kindergarten 78
Male 0.83 0.36 -0.91 0.36 -0.20 42
Female 0.83 0.36 0.91 0.36 0.20 36
Black or African American 0.46 0.50 0.68 0.50 0.15 68
White 2.05 0.15 -1.43 0.15 -0.32 2
Hispanic/Latino 0.16 0.69 -0.40 0.69 -0.09 7
Asian 1.01 0.31 1.01 0.31 0.22 1
Multi-racial 0
merican Indian, Alaskan Native
Native Hawaiian
Student ELL status
-eligible 2.89 0.09 1.70 0.09 0.38 6
Not ELL-eli
ible 2.89 0.09 -1.70 0.09 -0.38 72
Fall Assessment Scores -0.19 0.85 -0.04 78
Conducted as appropriate based on variable type, e.g. categorical, interval, ratio, etc. A chi-square test of independence
determines whether any significant relationship exists between two nominal (categorical) variables.
Conducted as appropriate based on degrees of freedom, related to sample size and number of response categories. A two-
sample t- or z-test for independence determines whether there is a statistically significant difference between means in two
unrelated populations, or in this analysis, between two sample groups. This helps to establish whether the samples are
significantly different in terms of any specific characteristics, as measured by variables.
Hedges’ g is a statistical measure of effect size which is quite similar to Cohen’s d. That is, Hedges’ g describes how much one
sample group differs from another in standard deviation units. We employed Hedges g rather than Cohen’s d for the equivalence
tests due to small samples.
NORC | Impact Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program
Table C.2. Baseline Analysis of Wisconsin Evaluation Participants, 1
Covariate Chi-sq p-value Test p-value2 Hedges g Total N
First grade 124
Male 0.03 0.86 -0.18 0.86 -0.03 61
Female 0.03 0.86 0.18 0.86 0.03 63
Black or African American 0.48 0.49 0.69 0.49 0.12 101
White 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 2
Hispanic/Latino 0.44 0.51 -0.66 0.51 -0.12 10
Asian 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 10
Multi-racial 1.01 0.32 -1.00 0.32 -0.18 1
American Indian, Alaskan Native
Native Hawaiian
Student ELL status
-eligible 0.90 0.34 0.95 0.34 0.17 11
Not ELL-eligible 0.90 0.34 -0.95 0.34 -0.17 113
Fall Assessment Scores
-0.12 0.90 -0.02 124
NORC | Impact Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program
Appendix D: Sample Attrition
The What Works Clearinghouse places a large emphasis on attrition when qualifying their standards for
causal evidence. To that end, we present our attrition rates and detail the reasons why we experienced
sample shrinkage for the final analysis. Differential attrition is also important to consider, as differences
in sample loss between program and control groups can bias the results. To avoid this, we took advantage
of the matched pair design and removed incomplete pairs, which results in zero differential attrition.
A total of 82 Kindergarten students were randomized into program or control conditions through the
matched pair design. Of those randomized, one control student refused the study, three program students
were removed from the program (e.g. low attendance, refusal to engage tutor, and became ineligible), and
six withdrew from the school (two in the program group and four in the control group). To avoid
differential attrition, if a member of a student’s pair left the sample, the remaining pair member was also
removed from the analysis pool. This situation resulted in the removal of five extra students in the
program condition and three extra students in the control condition due to incomplete pairs. As such, the
analysis sample was reduced to 64 Kindergarten students, an attrition rate of 22%, which given the lack of
differential attrition, is well within the norms outlined by the U.S. Department of Education's Institute of
Education Sciences’ What Works Clearinghouse (WWC). Table D.1 summarizes these findings.
Table D.1. Attrition in Kindergarten Sample
Overall Program Control
Total Randomized 82 41 41
Refused 1 0 1
Removed from Program 3 3 0
Withdrawn 6 2 4
Pair member Attrition 8 4 4
Total Attrition 18 9 9
Analysis sample 64 32 32
Attrition Rate 22% 22% 22%
A total of 126 first grade students were randomized into program or control conditions through the
matched pair design. Of those randomized, one program student was removed from the program (e.g. low
attendance), and six withdrew (five in the program group and one in the control group); Table D.2
summarizes these findings. To avoid differential attrition, if a member of a student’s pair left the sample,
the remaining pair member was also removed from the analysis pool. This means that we removed an
extra student in the program condition and six extra students in the control condition due to incomplete
pairs. As such, the analysis sample of 112 first grade students, an attrition rate of 11%, which given the
lack differential attrition, is well within the norms outlined by the WWC.
NORC | Impact Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program
Table D.2. Attrition in 1
Grade Sample
Overall Program Control
Total Randomized 126 63 63
Refused 0 0 0
Removed from Program 1 1 0
Withdrawn 6 5 1
Pair member Attrition 7 1 6
Total Attrition 14 7 7
Analysis Sample 112 56 56
Attrition Rate 11% 11% 11%
NORC | Impact Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program
Appendix E: Detailed Analysis Methods
The analysis for the impact evaluation employed a mixed model (defined below) to estimate the treatment
effect for each outcome using data from specific grades individually. The statistical model uses
assignment to treatment as the primary predictor in a linear equation to estimate the difference between
the averages of those assigned treatment to those assigned control. This predictor is coded as
.5if assigned control
.5if assigned treatment
Specifically, we fit two models. The first model for an outcome for student in school is
is the overall average of school means of student outcomes,
is the average of the school-
specific differences in the means of treatment and control students,
is the school mean effect (i.e., the
difference between the overall average and the school-specific average),
is the school effect on the
treatment effect (i.e., the difference between school-specific treatment difference and the average of
school treatment differences), and
is the student residual.
From this first model (1), we estimate an effect size, , defined as
which defines the difference in standard deviation units; the standard deviation is estimated with
The second model includes controls, which were used for two reasons. First, when there is balance
between treatment and control groups (i.e., they have similar averages of control variables), including
controls in the model improves the statistical significance by reducing the variances of the random effects
, and
) which comprise (in part) the estimated sample variance of the treatment effect. The
second reason controls were employed was to account for any small imbalances that exist between
treatment and control groups. When small differences exist, the concern with estimated treatment effects
is that some of the difference between treatment and control groups may be attributed to differences in
sample demographics. By entering these variables into the model, these factors are held “constant” and
thus estimate a treatment effect net of the influences of the entered variables.
The variables entered as controls include English learner status, gender, race, and most importantly, the
Fall benchmark score. In addition to entering the student values into the equation, the study team also
calculated the school averages of these variables and entered them into the model as well. The model
which includes controls can be noted as
NORC | Impact Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program
is the overall average of school means of student outcomes net of controls,
is the average of
the school-specific differences in the means of treatment and control students net of controls,
is the
school mean effect (i.e., the difference between the overall average and the school-specific average) net of
is the school effect on the treatment effect (i.e., the difference between school-specific
treatment difference and the average of school treatment differences) net of controls,
is the student
residual net of controls, and
represents all the effects of control variables at both the
student and school levels. Note that, for example, 
, which is why we do not derive
effect sizes from the second model (2).
In this report, we present estimates and statistical tests for the
parameter for each outcome and grade.
We also present marginal predictions of
based on the specific values of the treatment predictor (-.5 for
control and .5 for treatment) and setting all controls to sample average values. These represent the
expected control and treatment averages for typical students. Finally, we present the effect size parameter
estimates, , defined above.
Dosage Analysis. The relationship between the amount, or dosage, of an intervention received by
participants and their outcomes is often difficult to estimate and interpret. This is especially true for
programs that are, in part, reactive in nature in that they provide more services to those with higher need.
As a result, we often find negative associations between dosage and outcomes that can be counter
intuitive to interpret. However, these negative findings are often the result of the responsive program
structure that leads to positive outcomes—those who need more (and score lower) receive more services.
As a result, we attempted to conceptualize dosage in different ways and used statistical adjustments to
better understand the relationship between “more” dosage and outcomes. For this report, we used three
methods to quantify how much of the program a student received. The first variable is the “number of
sessions,” which is simply a count of the number of tutoring sessions the participant received. The next
dosage variable "attendance" was created to measures the proportion of attempted intervention sessions
which were successfully administered to the student. Attempted sessions, including those that were
unable to be administered, were documented.
Thus, the attendance variable is the fraction of attempted
sessions that were successfully administered to a student. Next, to measure reactive need, we computed
the "Average length of sessions," or the mean number of minutes each intervention session lasted. Each of
these variables were used in a regression model to predict the outcome values for program participants.
Thus, the regression model is specified as
We also documented the reasons for missing sessions, which included student's absence, school cancellation, Reading Corps
tutor's absence, conflicting student assessments times, among other conflicts.
NORC | Impact Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program
where we report the standardized coefficients to present partial correlations.
Our model also includes
control variables represented by
We achieved standardized coefficients by z-scoring both the outcome and predictors into standard deviation units (i.e., 
NORC | Impact Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program
Appendix F: Results Tables
Table F.1 presents the detailed results from the K-1 analysis. The column labeled “Treatment effect”
represents the
parameter detailed in the analysis section, which represents the difference between the
program and control groups’ predicted means. The columns labeled “p-value” represents the probability
of observing the data if we assume the null hypothesis that the program and control groups have the same
average outcomes.
The “Effect size” column presents the results from a model without controls that is
converted into standard deviation units. The final columns are the predicted program and control means in
the outcome metric and the total sample size.
Table F.1. Results from K-1 Outcome Analysis
Grade and Outcome
) p-value
Effect size
Prog. Mean
Total N
Letter Sounds fluency 6.460 0.035 0.549 27.183 20.723 64
First grade
Nonsense Words fluency 8.735 0.004 0.462 43.814 35.079 112
a: Reported statistics from model that includes the Fall assessment, gender, race, ELL status, and the school averages of the Fall
assessment, gender, race, and ELL status; the treatment effect is allowed to vary
b: Standard errors in parentheses
c: Effect size reported from unconditional model without control variables
d: Reported statistics represent marginal predictions based on the model that controls for the Fall assessment, gender, race, ELL
status, and the school averages of the Fall assessment, gender, race, and ELL status; all controls are held at their sample
Table F.2 presents the detailed results from the K-1 dosage analysis. The column labeled “Partial
correlation” represents the regression coefficient detailed in the analysis section and relates the dosage
variable to the outcomes. The column labeled “p-value” represents the probability of observing the data,
if we assume the null hypothesis that the program and control groups have the same average outcomes.
Rejecting the null hypothesis is based on a range of data starting with the observed differences between groups.
NORC | Impact Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reading Corps Program
Table F.2. Partial correlations between outcomes and dosage indicators
Grade, Outcome, and Covariate
Partial correlation
Kindergarten (Letter Sounds, N = 32)
Number of sessions (
-0.392 0.142
Average length of sessions (
0.185 0.201
Attendance (
0.138 0.590
First Grade (Nonsense Words, N = 56)
Number of sessions (
-0.526 0.011
Average length of sessions (
0.188 0.101
Attendance (
0.438 0.002
a: Model includes Fall assessment, gender, race, and ELL status control variables.
b: Variables coded into standard deviation units to produce partial correlations; Standard errors in parentheses