File Browser PRO
Native file browser for standalone
Date: 15.03.2024
Version: 2024.1.1
© 2017-2024 crosstales LLC
File Browser PRO 2024.1.1
Table of Contents
1. Overview.........................................................................................................3
2. Features..........................................................................................................4
2.1. Filesystem operations............................................................................................4
2.2. Documentation & control.......................................................................................4
2.3. Compatibility........................................................................................................5
3. Demonstration..................................................................................................6
3.1. DemoSync............................................................................................................6
3.2. DemoAsync.........................................................................................................6
4. API.................................................................................................................7
4.1. FileBrowser..........................................................................................................7
4.1.1. Open single file.......................................................................................................... 7
4.1.2. Open multiple files..................................................................................................... 7
4.1.3. Open single folder...................................................................................................... 7
4.1.4. Open multiple folders.................................................................................................8
4.1.5. Save file................................................................................................................... 8
4.1.6. Load data................................................................................................................. 8
4.1.7. Save data.................................................................................................................. 9
4.1.8. Search for files.......................................................................................................... 9
4.1.9. Get folders in a directory.............................................................................................9
4.1.10. Get drives of a device...............................................................................................10
4.1.11. Copy or move file.................................................................................................... 10
4.1.12. Copy or move folder................................................................................................ 10
4.1.13. Show file location....................................................................................................10
4.1.14. Show folder location................................................................................................10
4.1.15. Edit file with the default application............................................................................10
4.2. Callbacks............................................................................................................11
4.2.1. Open Files............................................................................................................... 11
4.2.2. Open Folder............................................................................................................ 11
4.2.3. Save File................................................................................................................. 11
4.3. UWP (WSA).......................................................................................................12
4.3.1. Settings...................................................................................................................12
4.3.2. Files and folders.......................................................................................................12
4.3.3. Search files and folders.............................................................................................12
4.3.4. Example................................................................................................................. 13
4.3.5. Reading and writing files...........................................................................................13
4.4. More details.......................................................................................................13
4.5. Complete API.....................................................................................................13
5. Third-party support (PlayMaker etc.)..................................................................13
6. Verify installation............................................................................................14
7. Upgrade to new version...................................................................................14
8. Important notes..............................................................................................14
8.1. Windows............................................................................................................14
8.2. MacOS..............................................................................................................15
8.3. Linux.................................................................................................................15
8.3.1. Wayland.................................................................................................................. 15
9. Problems, improvements etc.............................................................................16
10. Release notes................................................................................................16
11. Credits..........................................................................................................17
12. Contact and further information.......................................................................18
13. Our other assets............................................................................................19
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File Browser PRO 2024.1.1
Thank you for buying our asset "File Browser PRO"!
If you have any questions about this asset, send an email to
Please don't forget to rate it or write a little review – it would be very much appreciated.
1. Overview
File Browser is a wrapper for native file dialogs on Windows, macOS, Linux and UWP
It also supports custom file browsers which allows it to be used on any platform!
Furthermore, it offers methods to load and save files, search for files and editing files
with the default application of the operating system.
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2. Features
2.1. Filesystem operations
Open file/folder, save file dialogs supported
Multiple file selection
Multiple folder selection on macOS and Linux
Load and save file data (incl. built-in support for images and text-files)
Search for files
Get drives for a device and folders for a location
Open file or folder location
Copy or move files and folders
Edit file with the default application
Synchronous and asynchronous (non-blocking) methods
File extension filters
Expand it via custom file browsers
2.2. Documentation & control
Test all dialogs within the editor
Powerful API for maximum control
Detailed demo scenes
Comprehensive documentation and support
Full source code (including libraries)
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2.3. Compatibility
Works native with Windows, macOS, Linux and UWP (WSA) in editor and
Support for most platforms via Runtime File Browser
Support for WebGL via WebGL Native File Browser
Compatible with Unity 2019.4 – 2023
C# delegates and Unity events
PlayMaker actions
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3. Demonstration
The asset comes with two demo scenes to show the main usage.
3.1. DemoSync
This scene shows open files/folders and a save dialogues.
3.2. DemoAsync
This scene shows asynchronous open files/folders and a save dialogues.
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4. API
The asset contains various classes and methods. The most important ones are explained
Make sure to include the name space in the relevant source files:
using Crosstales.FB;
4.1. FileBrowser
The "FileBrowser.cs" is a singleton and contains the following important methods.
4.1.1. Open single file
public void OpenSingleFile() {
string[] extensions = { "txt", "jpg", "pdf" };
string path = FileBrowser.Instance.OpenSingleFile("Open file", "", "",
Debug.Log("Selected file: " + path);
4.1.2. Open multiple files
public void OpenFiles() {
string[] extensions = { "txt", "jpg", "pdf" };
string[] paths = FileBrowser.Instance.OpenFiles("Open file", "", "",
foreach (string path in paths)
Debug.Log("Selected file: " + path);
4.1.3. Open single folder
public void OpenSingleFolder() {
string path = FileBrowser.Instance.OpenSingleFolder();
Debug.Log("Selected folder: " + path);
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4.1.4. Open multiple folders
public void OpenFolders() {
string[] paths = FileBrowser.Instance.OpenFolders();
foreach (string path in paths)
Debug.Log("Selected folder: " + path);
Note: this works does not work under Windows
4.1.5. Save file
public void SaveFile() {
string[] extensions = { "txt" };
string path = FileBrowser.Instance.SaveFile("Save file", "", "MySaveFile",
Debug.Log("Save file: " + path);
4.1.6. Load data
The get the data after calling "OpenSingleFile"- or "OpenFiles"-action use the following
//call "OpenSingleFile" or "OpenFiles"
byte[] data = FileBrowser.Instance.CurrentOpenSingleFileData;
//Typical use-cases
Texture2D tex = data.CTToTexture(); //returns a Texture of the data (supported
PNG and JPG)
Sprite sprite = data.CTToSprite(); //returns a Sprite of the data (supported
PNG and JPG)
string text = data.CTToString(); //returns a string of the data
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4.1.7. Save data
To save the data of a "SaveFile"-action, set the following property before calling the
byte[] data; //set the data as byte-array before calling "SaveFile"
//Typical use-cases
Texture2D tex; //some texture
data = tex.CTToPNG(); //save texture as PNG
data = tex.CTToJPG(); //save texture as JPG
data = tex.CTToTGA(); //save texture as TGA
data = tex.CTToEXR(); //save texture as EXR
Sprite sprite; //some sprite
data = sprite.CTToPNG(); //save sprite as PNG
data = sprite.CTToJPG(); //save sprite as JPG
data = sprite.CTToTGA(); //save sprite as TGA
data = sprite.CTToEXR(); //save sprite as EXR
string text = "Hello there"; //some text
data = text.CTToByteArray(); //save string
FileBrowser.Instance.CurrentSaveFileData = data;
//call "SaveFile"
4.1.8. Search for files
string[] files = FileBrowser.Instance.GetFiles(<path>, false, "mp3"); //local
files = FileBrowser.Instance.GetFiles(<path>, true, "mp3"); //recursive
4.1.9. Get folders in a directory
string[] folders = FileBrowser.Instance.GetFolders(<path>); //local
folders = FileBrowser.Instance.GetFolders(<path>, true); //recursive
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4.1.10. Get drives of a device
string[] drives = FileBrowser.Instance.GetDrives();
4.1.11.Copy or move file
FileBrowser.Instance.CopyFile(<pathToSource>, <pathToDest>); //copy
FileBrowser.Instance.CopyFile(<pathToSource>, <pathToDest>, true); //move
4.1.12. Copy or move folder
FileBrowser.Instance.CopyFolder(<pathToSource>, <pathToDest>); //copy
FileBrowser.Instance.CopyFolder(<pathToSource>, <pathToDest>, true); //move
4.1.13. Show file location
4.1.14. Show folder location
4.1.15. Edit file with the default application
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4.2. Callbacks
There are various callbacks available. Subscribe them in the "Start"-method and
unsubscribe in "OnDestroy".
4.2.1. Open Files
OpenFilesStart OnOpenFilesStart;
Triggered whenever "OpenFiles" is started.
OpenFilesComplete(bool selected, string singleFile, string[] files);
OpenFilesComplete OnOpenFilesComplete;
Triggered whenever "OpenFiles" is completed.
4.2.2. Open Folder
OpenFoldersStart OnOpenFoldersStart;
Triggered whenever "OpenFolders" is started.
OpenFoldersComplete(bool selected, string singleFolder, string[] folders);
OpenFoldersComplete OnOpenFoldersComplete;
Triggered whenever "OpenFolders" is completed.
4.2.3. Save File
SaveFileStart OnSaveFileStart;
Triggered whenever "SaveFile" is started.
SaveFileComplete(bool selected, string file);
SaveFileComplete OnSaveFileComplete;
Triggered whenever "SaveFile" is completed.
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4.3. UWP (WSA)
We designed File Browser to behave the same on all platforms.
Unfortunately, UWP (WSA) is very restrictive and the returned paths won't help to read
or save any files, since access is only granted via StorageFile or StorageFolder.
Therefore, File Browser offers additional fields to use the selected files and folders,
which are accessible via
4.3.1. Settings
CurrentLocation: path location for the file browser (default:
CurrentViewMode: style of the file browser (default: PickerViewMode.List)
4.3.2. Files and folders
LastOpenFile: Last file from the "OpenFiles"-dialog (StorageFile)
LastOpenFiles: Last files from the "OpenFiles"-dialog (List<StorageFile>)
LastOpenFolder: Last folder from the "OpenSingleFolder"-dialog (StorageFolder)
LastSaveFile: Last file from the "SaveFile"-dialog (StorageFile)
4.3.3. Search files and folders
LastGetFiles: Last files from the "GetFiles"-method (List<StorageFile>)
LastGetDirectories: Last folders from the "GetDirectories"-method
LastGetDrives: Last drives from the "GetDrives"-method (List<StorageFolder>)
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4.3.4. Example
public async void ReadFile()
FileBrowserWSAImpl.CurrentLocation = PickerLocationId.DocumentsLibrary;
FileBrowserWSAImpl.CurrentViewMode = PickerViewMode.Thumbnail;
var file = FileBrowserWSAImpl.LastOpenFile;
var lines = await FileIO.ReadLinesAsync(file);
//do something with the content
4.3.5. Reading and writing files
Please follow this link to learn more about how-to read and save files under UWP:
4.4. More details
All methods can be found in "Example.cs" located under
4.5. Complete API
Please read the FileBrowser-api.pdf for more details.
5. Third-party support (PlayMaker etc.)
"File Browser" supports various assets from other publishers. Please import the desired
packages from "Assets/Plugins/crosstales/FileBrowser/3rd party".
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6. Verify installation
Check if File Browser is installed:
#if CT_FB
Debug.Log("File Browser installed: " + Util.Constants.ASSET_VERSION);
Debug.LogWarning("File Browser NOT installed!");
7. Upgrade to new version
Follow this steps to upgrade the version of "File Browser":
1. Update "File Browser" to the latest version from the "Unity AssetStore"
2. Delete the "Assets/Plugins/crosstales/FileBrowser" folder from the Project-view
3. Import the latest version downloaded from the "Unity AssetStore"
8. Important notes
Whenever possible, use the asynchronous methods – they work best and ensure your
game/app stays responsive during an operation.
8.1. Windows
Windows allows setting the path for any application just once (for every dialog type). As
soon as a user chooses a file or folder, it "remembers" the last destination and ignores
any further attempts to change the path via code.
Multiple folder selection is not possible and the number of selectable files is limited to
256 with a maximal path length of 260 - if the path is shorter, more files can be
selected. This setting can be changed in the Constants-class.
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8.2. MacOS
Notarization and Mac App Store; to get an app through the Apples signing process, you
may have to do one of the following things:
1) Add the following keys to the entitlement-file:
2) Sign the library after building:
codesign --deep --force --verify --verbose --timestamp --sign "Developer ID
Application : YourCompanyName (0123456789)"
8.3. Linux
The library is tested under Ubuntu 18.04 with GTK3+ and X11.
Since there are so many different Linux distributions and configurations, we simply can't
test and support them all.
Therefore, we included the whole source code; please follow the README.txt in the
"FileBrowser - Linux (source).zip".
8.3.1. Wayland
To add support for Wayland, please create a shell-script that starts your application with
X11 as backend, like this:
"GDK_BACKEND=x11 ./<applicationName>.x86_64"
"GDK_BACKEND=x11 ./<applicationName>.x64"
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9. Problems, improvements etc.
If you encounter any problems with this asset, just send us an email with a problem
description and we will try to solve it.
We will try and make a version for all platforms as well, please bear with us.
10. Release notes
See "VERSIONS.txt" under "Assets/Plugins/crosstales/FileBrowser/Documentation" or
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The icons are based on Font Awesome.
Code partially based on:
Improvements for the Linux version:
Yinon Oshrat (Intel)
Help fixing the Apple Silicion version:
Yuli Levtov (Volta)
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12. Contact and further information
crosstales LLC
Schanzeneggstrasse 1
CH-8002 rich
FileBrowser-doc. pdf
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13. Our other assets
3D Skybox
Those beautiful packages contain professional 8k, HDR,
stereoscopic 360° real-world skyboxes for your projects.
Bad Word Filter
The "Bad Word Filter" (aka profanity or obscenity filter) is
exactly what the title suggests: a tool to filter swearwords
and other "bad sentences".
DJ is a player for external music-files. It allows a user to play
his own sound inside any Unity-app.
It can also read ID3-tags.
Online Check
You need a reliable solution to check for Internet
Here it is!
Radio allows implementing free music from Internet radio
stations into your project..
RT-Voice uses the computer's (already implemented) TTS
(text-to-speech) voices to turn the written lines into speech
and dialogue at run-time!
Therefore, all text in your game/app can be spoken out loud
to the player.
True Random
True Random can generate "true random" numbers for you
and your application. The randomness comes from
atmospheric noise, which for many purposes is better than
the pseudo-random number algorithms typically used in
computer programs.
Turbo Backup
Turbo Backup is the fastest and safest way to backup your
Unity project.
It only stores the difference between the last backup, this
makes it incredible fast.
Turbo Builder
Turbo Builder creates builds for multiple platforms in one
click. It works together with Turbo Switch to offer an
incredible fast build pipeline.
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Turbo Switch
Turbo Switch is a Unity editor extension to reduce the time
for assets to import during platform switches.
We measured speed improvements up to 100x faster than
the built-in switch in Unity.
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