Report to the Board of Trustees:
2018 2023
November 21, 2017
Report to the Board of Trustees: Queens Library Strategic Plan, 2018-2023
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Table of Contents
OUR STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS ............................................................................................... - 3 -
A BROAD AND INCLUSIVE PROCESS ................................................................................................... - 4 -
MISSION, VISION, AND VALUES ........................................................................................................... - 5 -
STRATEGIC GOALS ................................................................................................................................ - 6 -
GOAL 1: Advance literacy and lifelong learning through outstanding collections, programs, and
services ............................................................................................................................. - 7 -
What We Heard ................................................................................................................................ - 7 -
Strategic Initiatives .......................................................................................................................... - 8 -
GOAL 2: Deliver exceptional customer experience with world-class staff ................................... - 9 -
What We Heard ................................................................................................................................ - 9 -
Strategic Initiatives ........................................................................................................................ - 10 -
GOAL 3: Strengthen Queens Library’s role as the center of community life .............................. - 11 -
What We Heard .............................................................................................................................. - 11 -
Strategic Initiatives ........................................................................................................................ - 12 -
GOAL 4: Expand and facilitate access to digital content and technology................................... - 13 -
What We Heard .............................................................................................................................. - 13 -
Strategic Initiatives ........................................................................................................................ - 13 -
GOAL 5: Provide inspiring, safe, and functional spaces for the public and staff ........................ - 15 -
What We Heard .............................................................................................................................. - 15 -
Strategic Initiatives ........................................................................................................................ - 15 -
APPENDIX ............................................................................................................................................. - 17 -
A Year at Queens Library ................................................................................................................... - 17 -
Queens Demographics ....................................................................................................................... - 17 -
Current Library Mission, Vision, and Values ..................................................................................... - 18 -
Report to the Board of Trustees: Queens Library Strategic Plan, 2018-2023
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The Strategic Plan is the culmination of a yearlong, broad and inclusive process to create a
vision for Queens Library and the role it will play over the next five years. A guiding principle
during this process was the engagement of staff, elected officials, the Board of Trustees,
customers, and the community in the development of a transformative plan that best positions
Queens Library to meet the needs of the most diverse population in the nation.
The plan reflects information gathered through an analysis of current programs and services,
demographic data and trends, and feedback and insights obtained from surveys, community
conversations, a dedicated webpage, and in-depth focus groups and strategy sessions held with
staff and other stakeholders.
A Strategic Plan Management Committee met regularly to provide direction throughout the
project. The process resulted in the following Strategic Plan, including a revised mission
statement that defines our purpose, a vision statement that is bold and inspirational, a set of
core values, five overarching goals focused on achieving our vision, and the strategies that will
guide the work to meet these goals over the next five years.
Report to the Board of Trustees: Queens Library Strategic Plan, 2018-2023
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All-staff kick-off meeting
Stakeholder surveys:
o Staff
o Community (in 10 languages)
o Friends of Queens Library
o Elected Officials
o Board of Trustees
o Queens Library Foundation Board of Directors
Dedicated webpage and social media outreach
Community Conversations: Central, Elmhurst, Flushing, Glen Oaks, Peninsula, Sunnyside
Staff Focus Groups: Customer Service, Children’s Services, Safety and Security, Facilities,
Teen Services, Technology, Queens Library Foundation
External Focus Groups: Serving New Immigrants; Serving Older Adults; Friends of
Queens Library
Board of Trustees Focus Groups
Staff Strategy Sessions
Regular Strategic Plan Management Committee Meetings
Report to the Board of Trustees: Queens Library Strategic Plan, 2018-2023
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Queens Library transforms lives by cultivating personal and intellectual growth and
by building strong communities.
Our vision is a vibrant, informed, cohesive, and empowered society.
Inclusion: Queens Library welcomes and serves everyone.
Access: We provide free information, programs, and services that are open to all.
Intellectual Freedom: We uphold the right to privacy and the right to seek, access, and
express diverse points of view.
Customer Service: We care about the people we serve and strive to deliver exceptional
Innovation: We encourage organizational and staff innovation that adapts to emerging
Integrity: We are committed to transparency and accountability.
Respect: We treat our customers, staff, and diverse communities with respect and courtesy.
Excellence: We hold ourselves to the highest standards in everything we do.
Report to the Board of Trustees: Queens Library Strategic Plan, 2018-2023
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1. Advance literacy and lifelong learning through outstanding collections,
programs, and services
2. Deliver exceptional customer experience with world-class staff
3. Strengthen Queens Library’s role as the center of community life
4. Expand and facilitate access to enhanced digital content and technology
5. Provide inspiring, safe, and functional spaces for the public and staff
Report to the Board of Trustees: Queens Library Strategic Plan, 2018-2023
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GOAL 1: Advance literacy and lifelong learning through outstanding
collections, programs, and services
What We Heard
Customers surveyed rate providing materials as the most important service offered by
Queens Library and the top area that should receive additional investment.
The lack of sufficient collection material was cited more by 43% of customer survey
respondents as one of the biggest challenges when visiting the Library.
15% of customers surveyed are extremely satisfied with the programs and services that
the library provides, 43% are very satisfied, and 36% are somewhat satisfied.
Customers who are immigrants rate adult education and job skills and training as the
most important services.
“Teens are the invisible customers in most locations. A cultural change is needed. Our
message has to be that teens matter. Staff Focus Group
“Although schools offer support, the library is a true extension of what it means to be a
lifelong learner.” – Sunnyside Community Conversation
"The Library's role in providing access to information and teaching information literacy in all
its forms is paramount." Community Survey
“We need more large print books and materials focused on issues for older adults.
Serving Older Adults Focus Group
“We need to be innovative and creative to develop new programs to meet underserved and
unserved populations including teens and tweens and new immigrants and to draw them
into the library. Board of Trustees Focus Group
Report to the Board of Trustees: Queens Library Strategic Plan, 2018-2023
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Strategic Initiatives
Build a vibrant collection that supports diverse community needs and the joy of
o Provide user-friendly access to enhanced digital content and e-books
o Ensure that collections reflect the cultural and language needs of a diverse
o Invest resources into building additional and varied collections
Align programs and services with customer interests and needs
o Develop community-based needs assessments and demographic data to help
guide service delivery
o Deepen our ability to evaluate program and service outcomes
o Provide a system-wide “language line” to facilitate interaction with non-English-
speaking customers
Provide learning opportunities that advance personal growth and educational and
professional development
o Strengthen collaboration with educational, cultural, and community-based
institutions and programs to expand Queens Library’s programmatic footprint
o Establish the Library as a key resource for college preparation, readiness and
career counseling
o Facilitate access to e-learning and interactive distance learning tools
o Ensure programs and services to engage immigrants and address their unique
o Emphasize family literacy programs in which parents and caregivers and their
children experience shared learning
o Create welcoming and relevant programming to attract and retain teens
o Enhance connections to information and service resources for a growing older
adult population
Report to the Board of Trustees: Queens Library Strategic Plan, 2018-2023
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GOAL 2: Deliver exceptional customer experience with world-class
What We Heard
Customers surveyed rate library staff and assistance among the top three most
important services offered by Queens Library.
35% of customers surveyed rated the quality and helpfulness of Queens Library staff as
excellent, and 36% rated it as very good.
Customers surveyed valued research assistance, information about programs and
services, and computer assistance as the most important help offered by staff.
The majority of Queens Library staff want more training and tools to better serve
o 82% want more technology training
o 73% want more customer service training
The staff is extremely courteous. If I look lost, someone always comes to help me. The
moment I approach the desk someone comes from behind it to address me.” Flushing
Community Conversation
I have never come here without someone offering to help me. If I ask for a book by a
particular author they get it for me even if they don’t have it here.” Sunnyside
Community Conversation
“I love working here. Customer service is our way of making the world a better place
at least for the moment.” – Staff Focus Group
“We should treat staff as customers as well. It’s all about relationships and meeting the
needs and interests of people.” – Staff Focus Group
“Everything we do should be through the eyes of customer service.” Board of
Trustees Focus Group
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Strategic Initiatives
Implement customer service standards and best practices
o Develop system-wide customer service standards, policies, and procedures to
ensure optimum service levels at every location
o Ensure staff duties and responsibilities reflect current service needs
Build opportunities for staff engagement and recognition
o Develop an ongoing system to acknowledge excellence
o Identify opportunities to increase staff engagement and utilization
o Enhance internal communications to provide robust information sharing and
interdepartmental collaboration
Expand staff training and development opportunities
o Provide training modules that enhance core competencies and support career
o Measure and support successful completion of enhanced training to foster
excellence in customer service
Actively recruit the best qualified candidates to join the Queens Library team
o Expand national and international search opportunities
Report to the Board of Trustees: Queens Library Strategic Plan, 2018-2023
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GOAL 3: Strengthen Queens Library’s role as the center of
community life
What We Heard
Residents depend on Queens Library not only for educational and personal growth, but
also to connect to government and community resources, socialization opportunities,
and cultural offerings.
Customers, staff, and elected officials view the role of Queens Library as a vital center of
community life that goes beyond the traditional library to include supplemental
education, technology, and culture.
Concerts and performances were the programs most attended by surveyed customers
and were the most valued programs along with library events such as book talks.
98% of customers surveyed think the library plays an important role in the community.
"The Library is the community’s treasured resource." Community Survey
"Nothing can replace the library. It is one of the first contact points for people in the
community, from young children to new immigrant to older people and teens."
Community Survey
“After retirement I didn’t know what to do. But I walk here for exercise, and now I am a
volunteer.” – Glen Oaks Community Conversation
“The library is a resource for our lives and a conduit for who we will become.” – Peninsula
Community Conversation
“I am from Nigeria, and this has become my second home and where I come for help and to
get information.” Central Library Community Conversation
“ I came for a Zumba class and made new friends.” – Sunnyside Community Conversation
Report to the Board of Trustees: Queens Library Strategic Plan, 2018-2023
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“Technology isolates people. That’s why the library is so important. It’s a lifeline for a lot of
people.” – Sunnyside Community Conversation
“Every branch is local and relevant to the community.” – Queens Library Foundation Board
“There is a greater reluctance now within the immigrant community to seek services. We
need to do more outreach to educate the immigrant community about library programs and
services.” – Serving New Immigrants Focus Group
Strategic Initiatives
Ensure that Queens Library is a welcoming place of opportunity and inspiration in every
community for everyone
o Expand outreach to draw and welcome new customers
o Serve immigrants through multilingual and relevant materials, programs, and
o Build strong relationships with external organizations, including schools,
community-based organization business groups, faith-based institutions, cultural
and arts organizations, ethnic and civic organizations, and government partners
o Serve as the key information source for all segments of the community
Create opportunities for civic engagement
o Advance the Library’s role as an open forum for the exchange of ideas
o Convene thought leaders and experts in engaging and informative discussions
that appeal to current customers and draw new audiences
o Partner with local organizations to connect with new customers and to expand
access to information and resources
Foster cross-cultural connections and celebrate ethnic and cultural diversity
o Provide opportunities for people of diverse backgrounds to exchange ideas and
share traditions through arts and cultural programming
Report to the Board of Trustees: Queens Library Strategic Plan, 2018-2023
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GOAL 4: Expand and facilitate access to digital content and
What We Heard
Staff surveyed identified internet access and computers, laptops, and tablets as the
Library’s most popular services.
Elected officials surveyed listed technology and internet access as being most important
to them and their constituents.
67% of customers surveyed rated technology and internet access as areas in which they
would like to see the library invest more resources.
83% of customers surveyed visited the Library website to reserve or renew books.
15% of customers surveyed are extremely satisfied with the Library website, 41% are
very satisfied, and 34% are somewhat satisfied.
“We should have more time for computer use and more technology assistance from staff.
Elmhurst Community Conversation
“Online children books are not user-friendly. It takes too much time and effort. I get
frustrated and jump off.” – Glen Oaks Community Conversation
“Our job is to connect people with resources, but technology is constantly changing,
requiring continuous training.” – Staff Focus Group
Strategic Initiatives
Offer user-friendly access to enhanced digital resources
o Expand the reach of Queens Library through digital platforms
o Continuously improve the Queens Library website to provide streamlined access
to digital content and information about library programs and services
Report to the Board of Trustees: Queens Library Strategic Plan, 2018-2023
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o Provide customized recommendations for collections, programs, and services
Expand the availability of new technology and e-content
o Provide enhanced and ongoing technology training to staff and customers
o Offer sandbox sessions where staff and customers can gain hands-on experience
with new technologies and e-content
o Expand opportunities for special needs and immigrant populations to access
technology, audio books, and non-English language content
Report to the Board of Trustees: Queens Library Strategic Plan, 2018-2023
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GOAL 5: Provide inspiring, safe, and functional spaces for the public
and staff
What We Heard
65% of Queens Library staff surveyed said our current spaces do not meet the needs of
our customers.
58% said program spaces need the most investment.
Physical space was the top Queens Library weakness cited by elected officials surveyed.
Customers surveyed rate the need for improved seating areas, increased library size,
and additional quiet room spaces as needing the most improvement or investment.
21% of customers surveyed are extremely satisfied with the Queens Library facilities
visited, while 40% are very satisfied, and 31% are somewhat satisfied.
“ Queens Library is a safe place to explore and expand your imagination. Peninsula
Community Conversation
“The library layout with an open floor plan creates pressure on the staff since there are no
boundaries for the different types of activities”. – Glen Oaks Community Conversation
“The library is not quiet anymore.” – Elmhurst Community Conversation
“Staff needs more input into design of spaces to reflect our experience and needs.” – Staff
Focus Group
Strategic Initiatives
Work with partners and stakeholders to support clean, inviting, and safe facilities
o Continue strong alliances with our public and private partners to help renovate
existing facilities and to create new spaces that meet growing community needs
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o Enhance stakeholder and community communications to invite input and
advocacy with respect to renovated and new spaces
o Evaluate current space allocations to help create multi-use spaces through
flexible design
o Provide timely and high-quality maintenance and custodial services to optimize
customer and staff experience
Develop design standards for library spaces
o Ensure optimum functionality of planned renovations and new spaces
o Standardize a cross-sectional team approach to space allocation reviews,
renovations, and construction of new facilities
Report to the Board of Trustees: Queens Library Strategic Plan, 2018-2023
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A Year at Queens Library
12.8 million items borrowed
11.2 million visits
1.4 million program attendees
625,000 e-books and e-magazines accessed
319,000 digital music and movies circulated
7.3 million visits to Queens Library website
3 million computer sessions
470,000 Wi-Fi sessions
2.8 million reference inquiries answered
8.4 million items in the Queens Library collection
81,000 public program sessions offered
Queens Demographics
Dubbed the "World's Borough,” Queens is the most ethnically diverse county in the nation.
If Queens were a city, it would be the fourth largest in the nation.
Almost 48% of its 2.3 million residents are foreign-born.
57% speak a language other than English at home.
29% have Limited English Proficiency.
20% have less than a high school education.
The top three countries of foreign birth are China, Guyana, and Ecuador.
Top languages spoken by Limited English Proficient population are Spanish and Chinese.
As a percentage, the share of Queens residents with a college degree is less than the
city-wide average.
The borough is growing older, with its elderly population projected to increase by more
than 30% by 2040.
22% of Queens households have incomes less than $25,000.
Report to the Board of Trustees: Queens Library Strategic Plan, 2018-2023
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Current Library Mission, Vision, and Values
Mission Statement
The mission of the Queens Library is to provide quality services, resources, and lifelong learning
opportunities through books and a variety of other formats to meet the informational,
educational, cultural, and recreational needs and interests of its diverse and changing
The Library is a forum for all points of view and adheres to the principles of intellectual freedom
as expressed in the Library Bill of Rights formulated by the American Library Association.
Vision Statement
The Queens Library represents a fundamental public good in our democracy. It assures the right,
the privilege and the ability of individuals to choose and pursue any direction of thought, study
or action they wish.
The Library provides the capital necessary for us to understand the past and grow for the future.
It is also our collective memory, since history and human experience are best preserved in
As Queens Library enters its second century, it will be universally recognized as the most
dynamic public library in the nation. This recognition will arise from: the Library's dedication to
the needs of its diverse communities; its advocacy and support of appropriate technology; the
excellence of its programs and services; the commitment of its staff to its customers and the
very highest ideals of library service.
We at Queens Library believe deeply in equity and that libraries are fundamental in
empowering people to take charge of their lives, their governments and their communities. In
this way, Queens Library has an essential role to play in the new economy. The programs and
services we provide and the technologies we embrace will carry the people of Queens into a
productive and creative future.
Report to the Board of Trustees: Queens Library Strategic Plan, 2018-2023
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Service: We believe that library and information service is essential to a learning society
because information and knowledge are indispensable to the development of human potential,
the advancement of civilization, and the continuance of enlightened self-government.
Customers: We believe that meeting the needs of our diverse customer base is first and
Quality: We value the importance of providing rapid and comprehensive access to knowledge
and information and strive to constantly improve the services we provide to our customers.
Technology: We believe the Queens Library must be an active partner in the development and
implementation of technology to ensure that access to knowledge and information will be
equitably available to all.
Individuality: We respect the individuality and integrity of each customer and each employee,
and foster an environment in which creativity, productivity and individual responsibility are
encouraged, recognized and rewarded.
Teamwork: We believe that each individual is a member of the team, working together to serve
our customers.