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Missouri Bureau of Vital Records
Local Public Health
Agency Training Guide
Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services
930 Wildwood Drive
Jefferson City, MO 65109
Revised: August 28, 2024
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Local Public Health Agencies
Local public health agencies (LPHAs), also known as city or county health departments,
located throughout Missouri work to improve the health of thousands of Missourians every
year. These agencies address a wide range of public health issues, from assessing the health
risks of environmental problems to providing emergency services during natural disasters.
Local public health agencies protect food safety by inspecting restaurants and grocery stores.
And they work to control communicable diseases such as flu and tuberculosis and to alleviate
chronic conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.
The Missouri Bureau of Vital Records in Jefferson City maintains a reliable statewide system to
register, certify, and report vital events. The bureau works with important partners such as
local public health agencies, hospitals, and funeral establishments to collect, register, and
issue births and deaths. The state, together with local vital records offices located inside
LPHAs across Missouri
, provide vital records related customer service and assure that birth
and death certificates are issued conveniently and without delay.
Contact Bureau of Vital Records
The Missouri Bureau of Vital Records has field representative staff who travel the state training
vital records data providers. Field staff can also arrange for telephone/web conference training
If you are a vital records data provider (local county health agency, funeral home/director,
hospital/licensed birthing center, county official, medical certifier, etc.) and would like to
request a personalized training session or gain access to MoEVR, please call 573-751-6387,
option 4.
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Table of Contents
State Statutes
193.225 Preserving Records/Certified Copies ...................... Page 4
193.245 Cannot Make Copies for Use by Others .................. Page 4
193.255 Issuance of Certified Copies of Vital Records ........ Page 4
193.265 Fees for Certificates .................................................. Page 6
Fees for Certificates & PROD Transaction Costs .............................. Page 8
Confidentiality of Vital Records .......................................................... Page 9
Mainframe/PROD A.S.A.P/ Registrar Forms/Printers ........................ Page 10
Missing Children .................................................................................. Page 10
Who Can Obtain a Vital Record & Tangible Interest Documents ..... Page 11
Documents Required to Obtain Vital Records ................................... Page 14
Local Registrar Letter: Out of Country Disposition .......................... Page 16
FAQs and Courier Mailing Service ...................................................... Page 17
Statewide Registration Information Sheet ......................................... Page 18
Vital Records Best Practices Check List ............................................ Page 19
Missouri State Coroners’ Training Fund ............................................ Page 20
Homeless Youth Fee Exempt Birth Certificate .................................. Page 21
Domestic Violence/Abuse Fee Exempt Birth Certificate……………..Page 22
Acts Which Constitute Crimes ............................................................ Page 23
Vital Records Contact List ................................................................... Page 24
Field Representative Map & County Listing ...................................... Page 25
Training Evaluation .............................................................................. Page 27
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Preserving Records/Certified Copies
193.225. Methods of preserving records, requirements certified reproductions accepted as
originals death record originals transferred to state archives. To preserve vital records, the
state registrar is authorized to prepare typewritten, photographic, electronic, or other
reproductions of vital statistics certificates or reports. Such reproducing material shall be of
durable material and the device used to reproduce the records shall be as to accurately
reproduce and perpetuate the original records in all details ensuring their proper retention and
integrity in accordance with standards established by the state records commission. Such
reproductions when certified by the state registrar shall be accepted as the original records.
Death records over fifty years old from which permanent reproductions have been made and
verified shall be transferred to the Missouri state archives.
(L. 19984 S.B. 574, A.L. 2004 H.B. 1634) Effective 28 Aug 2004
Cannot Make Copies for Use by Others
193.245. Inspection and copying of records, disclosure of information, unlawful unless
authorized authority. It shall be unlawful for any person to permit inspection of, or to
disclose information contained in, vital records or to copy or issue a copy of all or part of any
such record except as authorized by this law and by regulation or by order of a court of
competent jurisdiction or in the following situations:
(1) A listing of persons who are born or who die on a particular date may be disclosed upon
request, but no information from the record other than the name and the date of such birth
or death shall be disclosed;
(2) The department may authorize the disclosure of information contained in vital records
for legitimate research purposes;
(3) To a qualified applicant as provided in section 193.255;
(4) Copies of death records over fifty years old may be disclosed upon request.
(L. 1984 S.B. 574, A.L. 1992 H.B. 894, A.L. 2004 H.B. 1634) Effective 28 Aug 2004
Issuance of Certified Copies of Vital Records
193.255. Certified copies of vital records, issuance probative value cooperation with federal
agencies and other states issuance of certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth, when.
1. The state registrar and other custodians of vital records authorized by the state registrar to
issue certified copies of vital records upon receipt of application shall issue a certified copy of
any vital record in his custody or a part thereof to any applicant having a direct and tangible
interest in the vital record. Each copy issued shall show the date of registration, and copies
issued from records marked "Delayed" or "Amended" shall be similarly marked and show the
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effective date. The documentary evidence used to establish a delayed certificate shall be
shown on all copies issued. All forms and procedures used in the issuance of certified copies
of vital records in the state shall be provided or approved by the state registrar.
2. A certified copy of a vital record or any part thereof, issued in accordance with subsection 1
of this section, shall be considered for all purposes the same as the original and shall be prima
facie evidence of the facts stated therein, provided that the evidentiary value of a certificate or
record filed more than one year after the event, or a record which has been amended, shall be
determined by the judicial or administrative body or official before whom the certificate is
offered as evidence.
3. The federal agency responsible for national vital statistics may be furnished such copies or
data from the system of vital statistics as it may require for national statistics, provided such
federal agency share in the cost of collecting, processing, and transmitting such data, and
provided further that such data shall not be used for other than statistical purposes by the
federal agency unless so authorized by the state registrar.
4. Federal, state, local and other public or private agencies may, upon request, be furnished
copies or data of any other vital statistics not obtainable under subsection 1 of this section for
statistical or administrative purposes upon such terms or conditions as may be prescribed by
regulation, provided that such copies or data shall not be used for purposes other than those
for which they were requested unless so authorized by the state registrar.
5. The state registrar may, by agreement, transmit copies of records and other reports required
by sections 193.005 to 193.325 to offices of vital statistics outside this state when such records
or other reports relate to residents of those jurisdictions or persons born in those jurisdictions.
This agreement shall require that the copies be used for statistical and administrative purposes
only, and the agreement shall further provide for the retention and disposition of such copies.
Copies received by the department from offices of vital statistics in other states shall be
handled in the same manner as prescribed in this section.
6. No person shall prepare or issue any certificate which purports to be an original, certified
copy, or copy of a vital record except as authorized herein or by regulations adopted
7. Upon application from either parent, or if both parents are deceased, the sibling of the
stillborn child, pursuant to subsection 7 of section 193.165, the state registrar or other
custodians of vital records shall issue to such applicant a certificate of birth resulting in
stillbirth. The certificate shall be based upon the information available from the spontaneous
fetal death report filed pursuant to section 193.165. Any certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth
issued shall conspicuously include, in no smaller than twelve-point type, the statement "This is
not proof of a live birth.". No certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth shall be issued to any
person other than a parent, or if both parents are deceased, the sibling of the stillborn child
who files an application pursuant to section 193.165. The state registrar or other custodians of
vital records are
authorized to charge a minimal fee to such applicant to cover the actual costs
of providing the certificate pursuant to this section.
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8. Any parent, or if both parents are deceased, any sibling of the stillborn child may file an
application for a certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth for a birth that resulted in stillbirth prior
to August 28, 2004.
(L. 1984 S.B. 574, A.L. 2004 H.B. 1136)
Fees for Certificates
193.265. Fees for certification and other services distribution services free, when.
1. For the issuance of a certification or copy of a death record, the applicant shall pay a fee of
fourteen dollars for the first certification or copy and a fee of eleven dollars for each additional
copy ordered at that time. For the issuance of a certification or copy of a birth, marriage,
divorce, or fetal death record, the applicant shall pay a fee of fifteen dollars. No fee shall be
required or collected for a certification of birth, death, or marriage if the request for certification
is made by the children's division, the division of youth services, a guardian ad litem, or a
juvenile officer on behalf of a child or person under twenty-one years of age who has come
under the jurisdiction of the juvenile court under section 211.031. All fees collected under this
subsection shall be deposited to the state department of revenue. Beginning August 28, 2004,
for each vital records fee collected, the director of revenue shall credit four dollars to the
general revenue fund, five dollars to the children's trust fund, one dollar shall be credited to the
endowed care cemetery audit fund, one dollar for each certification or copy of death records to
the Missouri state coroners' training fund established in section 58.208, and three dollars for
the first copy of death records and five dollars for birth, marriage, divorce, and fetal death
records shall be credited to the Missouri public health services fund
established in section
192.900. Money in the endowed care cemetery audit fund shall be available by appropriation
to the division of professional registration to pay its expenses in administering sections
214.270 to 214.410. All interest earned on money deposited in the endowed care cemetery
audit fund shall be credited to the endowed care cemetery fund. Notwithstanding the
provisions of section 33.080 to the contrary, money placed in the endowed care cemetery audit
fund shall not be transferred and placed to the credit of general revenue until the amount in the
fund at the end of the biennium exceeds three times the amount of the appropriation from the
endowed care cemetery audit fund for the preceding fiscal year. The money deposited in the
public health services fund under this section shall be deposited in a separate account in the
fund, and moneys in such account, upon appropriation, shall be used to automate and improve
the state vital records system, and develop and maintain an electronic birth and death
registration system. For any search of the files and records, when no record is found, the state
shall be entitled to a fee equal to the amount for a certification of a vital record for a five-year
search to be paid by the applicant. For the processing of each legitimation, adoption, court
order or recording after the registrant's twelfth birthday, the state shall be entitled to a fee equal
to the amount for a certification of a vital record. Except whenever a certified copy or copies of
a vital record is required to perfect any claim of any person on relief, or any dependent of any
person who was on relief for any claim upon the government of the state or United States, the
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state registrar shall, upon request, furnish a certified copy or so many certified copies as are
necessary, without any fee or compensation therefor.
2. For the issuance of a certification of a death record by the local registrar, the applicant shall
pay a fee of fourteen dollars for the first certification or copy and a fee of eleven dollars for
each additional copy ordered at that time. For each fee collected under this subsection, one
dollar shall be deposited to the state department of revenue and the remainder shall be
deposited to the official city or county health agency. The director of revenue shall credit all
fees deposited to the state department of revenue under this subsection to the Missouri state
coroners' training fund established in section 58.208.
3. For the issuance of a certification or copy of a birth, marriage, divorce, or fetal death record,
the applicant shall pay a fee of fifteen dollars; except that, in any county with a charter form of
government and with more than six hundred thousand but fewer than seven hundred thousand
inhabitants, a donation of one dollar may be collected by the local registrar over and above any
fees required by law when a certification or copy of any marriage license or birth certificate is
provided, with such donations collected to be forwarded monthly by the local registrar to the
county treasurer of such county and the donations so forwarded to be deposited by the county
treasurer into the housing resource commission fund to assist homeless families and provide
financial assistance to organizations addressing homelessness in such county. The local
registrar shall include a check-off box on the application form for such copies. All fees collected
under this subsection, other than the donations collected in any county with a charter form of
government and with more than six hundred thousand but fewer than seven hundred thousand
inhabitants for marriage licenses and birth certificates, shall be deposited to the official city or
county health agency.
4. A certified copy of a death record by the local registrar can only be issued within twenty-four
hours of receipt of the record by the local registrar. Computer-generated certifications of death
records may be issued by the local registrar after twenty-four hours of receipt of the records.
The fees paid to the official county health agency shall be retained by the local agency for local
public health purposes.
5. No fee under this section shall be required or collected from a parent or guardian of a
homeless child or homeless youth, as defined in subsection 1 of section 167.020, or an
unaccompanied youth, as defined in 42 U.S.C. Section 11434a(6), for the issuance of a
certification, or copy of such certification, of birth of such child or youth. An unaccompanied
youth shall be eligible to receive a certification or copy of his or her own birth record without
the consent or signature of his or her parent or guardian; provided, that only one certificate
under this provision shall be provided without cost to the unaccompanied or homeless youth.
For the issuance of any additional certificates, the statutory fee shall be paid.
(L. 1984 S.B. 574, A.L. 1985 S.B. 263, A.L. 1990 H.B. 1079, A.L. 1992 H.B. 894, A.L. 1999
H.B. 343, A.L. 2004 H.B. 795, et al., A.L. 2010 H.B. 1643 merged with H.B. 1692, et al.
merged with S.B. 754, A.L. 2018 S.B. 819, A.L. 2020 H.B. 1414 merged with H.B. 2046)
6. (1) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, no fee shall be required or
collected for a certification of birth if the request is made by a victim of domestic violence or
abuse, as those terms are defined in section 455.010, and the victim provides documentation
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signed by an employee, agent, or volunteer of a victim service provider, an attorney, or a
health care or mental health professional, from whom the victim has sought assistance relating
to the domestic violence or abuse. Such documentation shall state that, under penalty of
perjury, the employee, agent, or volunteer of a victim service provider, the attorney, or the
health care or mental health professional believes the victim has been involved in an incident
of domestic violence or abuse.
(2) A victim may be eligible only one time for a fee waiver under this subsection.
Fees for Certificates Continued
A search fee must accompany all requests for copies of vital records. A five (5) year
search may be conducted per search fee. If an applicant wishes to have additional sets of five
(5) years searches conducted, an additional search fee will be required.
For example: If an application for a birth record is submitted with the year of birth listed on the
application as 2005, and no record is found in that year, the two years before the year of birth
provided (2003-04) and the two years after the year of birth provided (2006-07) will also be
searched. If no record is found, the LPHA should reach out and connect the applicant with
the state Bureau of Vital Records in Jefferson City as an application for a state level search will
need to be submitted.
Birth Records
Death Records
$15 per record
$14 per record
$15 for each
additional copy
$11 for each
additional copy
View more fee information
Mainframe/PROD Transaction Costs
As outlined in each LPHA’s annual MOU, all transactions related to issuance of birth and death
certificates are calculated at the rate of $0.242 cents per transaction. A transaction occurs
each time the “CTRL” and “PFS” or “FS” key is depressed in the Mainframe/PROD system.
The number of transactions necessary to issue a vital record varies but averages four to five
(4-5) transactions.
Remember: Do not look up a record unless a paid, authorized request has been submitted to
the LPHA. Searching records under any other circumstances could be against state law or
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the code of state regulations and will cost an LPHA significant monthly transaction costs.
See more details below in “Confidentiality of Vital Records”.
Confidentiality of Vital Records
Vital record access to the TN3270 Plus/Mainframe system is provided to each local public
health agency (LPHA) through annual Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) agreements. In
these agreements, LPHAs agree to adhere to the Uniform Vital Statistics Law, Sections
193.005 193.325, RSMo, and rules, regulations, and guidelines adopted to implement the
Uniform Vital Statistics Law.
Specifically, in Missouri, vital records are not public records and are restricted, and as such,
they are protected by law. Their disclosure and use is well-regulated even in circumstances
regarding Sunshine requests.
Vital records fall under an exception to sunshine for records and are protected from disclosure
by law.
§610.021(14), RSMo. Section 193.245 RSMo provides, “It shall be unlawful for any person to
permit inspection of, or to disclose information contained in, vital records or to copy or issue a
copy of all or part of any such record except as authorized by this law and by regulation or by
order of a court of competent jurisdiction or in the following situations:
(1) A listing of persons who are born or who die on a particular date may be disclosed
upon request, but no information from the record other than the name and the date of
such birth or death shall be disclosed;
(2) The department may authorize the disclosure of information contained in vital
records for legitimate research purposes;
(3) To a qualified applicant as provided in section 193.255;
(4) Copies of death records over fifty years old may be disclosed upon request.
The underline portion above regarding section (3) is the only function local public health
agencies across the state are authorized to perform for customers. Additional uses of the vital
record system are not authorized or permitted. If entities request records under sections (1),
(2), or (4), please direct them to the Bureau of Vital Records in Jefferson City.
Vital records or related information should never be released except under the processes
outlined above. If a customer has a question about the status of a record, whether it has been
filed, or other related information, the customer should be directed to contact whomever is
responsible for filing the record. Do not look up a record for these types of reasons. Doing so
could be against state law or the code of state regulations and will cost an LPHA
significant monthly transaction costs.
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For example: mother calls and wants to know whether she can order a copy of her child’s
birth certificate yet? She should be directed to call the hospital, midwife, or other similar entity
that attended/is responsible for filing the birth.
Additional example: a father that is being added to a birth record by paternity affidavit wants to
know if he has been added to the record yet before ordering a certificate. An LPHA should
NOT search the record multiple times. The LPHA should direct the customer to inquire with the
state Bureau of Vital Records for current processing times.
Instructions for A.S.A.P - PROD/TN 3270 Plus
See LPHA ASAP Manual for detailed instructions.
Deputy Local Registrar or Local Registrar Acceptance Form
In addition to requesting PROD/TN 3270 Plus access, a new user must also submit a Deputy
Local Registrar Acceptance Form or a Local Registrar Acceptance Form to the Bureau of Vital
Records. There can only be one local registrar but there can be multiple local deputy
registrars. For more information, call 573-751-6387.
Mainframe/PROD Printers
DHSS strongly recommends the use of Lexmark MS (Mono Series) printers. Vital records
printing from the Mainframe was designed and tested using Lexmark print drivers. While other
printers/drivers may work, the testing has been done on a Lexmark printer and the state can
only troubleshoot Lexmark printers with two trays. The programming for vital records printing is
set to output deaths to Tray 1 and births to Tray 2 by default to avoid having to change the
paper. If a LPHA chooses to use a printer with a single paper tray, all will print from the same
tray. Manual feeders do not work. All paper trays should be set to “letter LTR” and margins
should be set to required settings. After the printer is purchased and installed, the LPHA will
need to reach out to OA ITSD (573-751-6388) to obtain an identification number for the printer.
This number will be used to assign printers to LPHA team members.
Step-by-Step: A Guide to Using Mainframe/PROD
View instructions:
Missing Children
Pursuant to 43.407, RSMo, upon notification by the patrol that a child born in this state is
missing, the state registrar shall mark the birth certificate record of that child in such a manner
that whenever a copy of the birth certificate or information regarding the birth record is
requested, the registrar shall be alerted to the fact that the certificate is that of a missing child.
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In response to any inquiry, the state or local registrar may provide a copy of a birth certificate
or information concerning the birth record of any child whose record is marked pursuant to this
section, but shall proceed as follows:
(1) When a copy of the birth certificate of a child whose record has been marked is
requested in person, the state or local registrar's personnel accepting the request shall
immediately notify the state registrar. The person making the request shall complete a form
supplying the name, address, telephone number, Social Security number, and relationship to
the missing child and the name, address, and birth date of the missing child. The driver's
license of the person making the request, if available, shall be photocopied and returned to the
applicant. The local or state registrar's personnel shall note the physical description of the
person making the request, and, upon the latter's departure from the registrar's office, the
supervisor shall immediately notify the state registrar so notification can be made to the
missing persons unit of the highway patrol. The completed form from the person making the
request shall be retained.
(2) When a copy of the birth certificate of a child whose record has been marked is
requested in writing, the state or local registrar's personnel receiving the request shall
immediately notify the state registrar. The supervisor shall immediately notify the state registrar
so notification can be made to the missing persons unit of the highway patrol. The completed
form from the person making the request shall be retained.
Who Can Obtain a Vital Record and Tangible Interest Examples
In the State of Missouri, vital records are not open to the general public. Copies of vital records
are provided to specifically defined individuals or entities. This helps protect identities, prevent
fraud, and preserve the integrity of vital records. State law only allows a certified copy of a vital
record to be issued to a person with a direct and tangible interest in the record.
Pursuant to 19 CSR 10-10, the registrant, a member of his/her family, his/her guardian, or one
of their official representatives shall be considered to have a direct and tangible interest and
may be issued a certified copy of a vital record such as a birth or death certificate. Applicants
requesting records shall furnish adequate identifying information contained on the record to
ensure the correct record is being released.
The information and examples below outline entitlement requirements to obtain a vital record.
All additional requirements, such as an application and statutorily required search fee, are also
still required to obtain a vital record.
Immediate family members are qualified to receive copies of birth certificates.
Immediate family members shall include those family members and in-laws in the direct
line of descent up to, but not including, cousins or any “great” relationships. This
qualification of entitlement also applies to Statements of Marriage, Divorce, and
Single Status.
*Applicant must identify at least one (1) parent on the record.
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All family members, genealogist representing a family member, and professionally
recognized genealogists are eligible to receive copies of death certificates. All family
members includes in-laws and cousins and great and step relationships for the
following: brother, sister, mother, father, son, daughter, grandmother, grandfather, aunt,
or uncle. Family members outside of these relationships (ex: great, great) will need to
produce additional documentation or information to demonstrate the applicant’s link to
the requested record. Alternatively, direct and tangible interest documents may be used
to prove entitlement. Note: death records over fifty (50) years old may be searched for
using the Secretary of State’s Missouri Digital Heritage website.
*Applicant must identify at least one (1) parent on the record. Death records over fifty
(50) years old are exempt from this requirement.
Official representatives shall include an attorney, physician, funeral director, or
other authorized agent acting in behalf of the registrant or his/her family. Official
representatives shall demonstrate a link between themselves and the registrant on the
vital record or qualified family member. Funeral directors may act as an official
representative to obtain copies of death records only.
Example: an attorney that has signed contractual documentation/retainer demonstrating
they represent the immediate family member.
Example: a funeral home director listed on the death record that shows identification
that matches the funeral director name on the death record or an officially signed letter
by the funeral director on record authorizing another funeral home representative to
request the record.
An other authorized agent shall produce a signed statement by the registrant or a
member of his/her qualified family authorizing the release of a record.
Example: a mother may write a signed notarized statement authorizing a neighbor to
request and receive a record for her child if the mother is unable to make the request for
Others may demonstrate a direct and tangible interest when information is needed for
determination or protection of personal or property rights.
Example: Direct and tangible interest would be present if a car title needed to be
changed over to a person buying the car and the owner is deceased. The buyer would
be qualified to receive a copy of the owner’s death certificate.
Example: An ex-wife (divorced from decedent) needs a death certificate of a former
husband to obtain benefits from the time period they were married. The ex-wife is no
longer a family member but would be qualified to receive a copy of the ex-husband’s
death certificate by providing documentation showing her eligibility to receive benefits.
A parent or legal guardian on behalf of a minor (under 18) applicant.
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Example: a mother (not married to the father of her child, and, therefore not
automatically entitled to the record by her relationship to the father) needs a death
certificate of the father of her minor child for the child to receive benefits from the
deceased father. The mother would need to demonstrate the relationship between the
minor child, herself, and the father prior to her being authorized to request the record on
behalf of the minor child. This may be accomplished by presenting a copy of the minor
child’s birth certificate at the time of the request.
Note: Emancipated minors, upon providing legal proof of emancipation, would be
entitled to a copy of their vital record.
A guardian may receive a copy of the birth certificate of a child who is under his/her
care and custody by showing guardianship papers.
Foster parents may receive a copy of a birth certificate of a child who is under their
care and custody upon furnishing a copy of their custody papers.
A stepparent may receive a copy of a certificate of a legitimate birth by stating
A father may receive a copy of a birth record if he is shown as the father on that child’s
birth record. An alleged father that has legal proof of custody or guardianship (court
documentation, custody or guardianship papers referencing father’s status as the legal
father, or a notarized or certified power of attorney document from the mother or her
legal representative that states he may receive copies on behalf of the mother) would
be qualified to receive copies of that child’s birth record. Family members of an alleged
father may not receive copies a child’s birth certificate unless he is shown on that child’s
birth certificate. In which case, they must be a member of the registrant’s immediate
family and may be required to demonstrate a link to the alleged father.
The state registrar, as outlined in section 193.255.4, RSMo, and prescribed in 19 CSR
10-10.090, may authorize vital records access to entities not normally entitledwhen
deemed in the public interest and not for purposes of commercial solicitation or private
gain. Specifically, copies of records or data from records are allowed for public
agencies administering health, welfare, safety, law enforcement, education or
public assistance programs, and to private agencies approved by the state registrar.
Access, in these instances, shall be for statistical or administrative purposes upon such
terms or conditions as may be prescribed by regulation, provided that such copies or
data shall not be used for purposes other than those for which they were requested
unless so authorized by the state registrar.
Example: a local, state, or federal law enforcement agency could submit a signed letter
on letterhead outlining the need for a vital record to complete a special investigation.
See example letter.
Note: when attempting to issue a vital record to an applicant qualified under 193.255,
RSMo and 19 CSR 10-10.090(D), (public law enforcement, health, or assistance agencies,
etc.) ensure the applicant has provided an application and tangible interest documentation
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prior to searching for the record. If found, the record must be stamped prior to issuance
with the following statement: “This vital record is only for administrative, statistical, or
judicial use by the requesting agency and should not be accepted for any other purpose.”
Alternatively, send these type of requestors to the state Bureau of Vital Records in
Jefferson City, MO.
For additional information regarding vital records access, see the Missouri Code of State
Regulations or contact the Bureau of Vital Records at 573-751-6387.
Documents Required to Obtain
Certified Copies of Vital Records
Requesting certified copies in person
Signed application
One issued identity document that displays a name and photograph OR two alternate
forms of identification. At least two alternate forms of identification documents must be
used if applicant does not have a picture identification card. See Acceptable
Documentation for Identification below.*
If applicable, tangible interest documents or signed notarized statement authorizing
If a family member is requesting a record for another family member, additional
documentation or information may be required if the applicant’s link to the requested
record cannot be established.
*See “Vital Records Best Practices Check List” for additional details.
Requesting certified copies by mail
Signed application which must be notarized by a notary public.
If applicable, tangible interest documents or signed notarized statement authorizing
If a family member is requesting a record for another family member, additional
documentation or information may be required if the applicant’s link to the requested
record cannot be established.
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Requesting certified copies online/by phone
The Bureau of Vital Records contracts with VitalChek to process vital records requests online
or over the phone. VitalChek can verify an identity electronically online through public record
data powered by LexisNexis.
Acceptable Documentation for Identification
Primary Documents (One document is required. Documents should be current/valid.)
A state issued driver’s license that includes a photograph and date of birth
A state issued identification card that includes a photograph and date of birth
A U.S. military identification card that includes a photograph
A U.S. passport with current photograph
A school identification card/document showing applicant’s name, photograph, and date
of school year
Work identification card that includes the applicant’s name, photograph, and company
Alternate forms of Identification Documents (At least two alternate forms of identification
documents must be used if applicant does not have a picture identification card when applying
in person) Alternate documents must display name of applicant, may display date of birth, date
of issuance (or year), must display institution, company or organization/agency name.
Letter from government or social agencies
School yearbook
A W-2 form issued within last year in addition to a signed Social Security card (social
security numbers must match)
Social Security card or Social Security numident printout (print out of an applicant’s
Social Security account of activities)
Court certified adoption papers that includes adopted parent(s) name
Official certified deeds or title to property
Certificate of vehicle title or registration documents
Proof of auto insurance
Insurance policy (health, home, life, etc.)
Medicaid/Medicare document or identification card
A payroll stub that includes a Social Security number of applicant (cannot be
handwritten stubs)
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Military discharge document (DD-214)
Cancelled duplicate check (must show name, address, signature, and name of
Utility bills which shows name and address of applicant (water, gas, electric, telephone)
Shelter name band (including name of shelter)
Letter for Local Registrars to Issue Out of Country Disposition
Statement should be placed on Department/Office Letterhead
This letter is to be used by a local registrar upon request when final disposition is occurring out
of the country and the receiving country requests an “out of country” disposition letter. The
letter must be notarized. A certified copy of the death certificate should accompany this letter,
which may be ordered from a local public health agency. Authentication by the Secretary of
State’s office may be required. Visit: for
more details on certifications and authentications.
Information has been reviewed from the death certificate of (name of deceased) who expired
on (date of death) in (give city/county), Missouri. The cause of death was determined to be
(give cause) by (give medical examiner/coroner, physician’s name) of (give name of
It has also been determined by the certifier that (name of deceased) is free of communicable
disease and has been released by (medical examiner/coroner, physician) for proper
disposition by (give funeral home/service) of (give location of funeral home/service including
city and state).
The body is to be removed from (give name of city/county), Missouri to (give state/country of
Local Registrar’s Name:_________________________________ County:______________
Local Registrar’s Signature:______________________________ Date:________________
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Vital Records Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
A list of answers to the most commonly asked vital records questions can be found at:
If you have additional questions, feel free to reach out to the Bureau of Vital Records via email
at [email protected] or call 573-751-6387.
Courier Service as an Alternate to Mailing Death Certificates
As an alternative to mailing death certificates through the United States Postal Service to the
Bureau of Vital Records, you may choose to send them to the bureau using the State Public
Health Laboratory courier service. Information about the courier service including drop off
locations and pickup time can be found at
Please direct any questions about using the courier service for death certificates to the Bureau
of Vital Records at 573-751-6387, Option 3. Again, using the courier is an option. You may
also continue to mail death certificates using the postal service.
Statewide Registration Information Sheet
Missouri began statewide registration of births and deaths on January 1, 1910.
Statutory Authority for Vital Records
Statutory authority for vital records is in Chapter 193 and Chapter 10 of the Missouri Code of
State Regulations. Missouri vital records are not open to the public.
There is a Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of Health and Senior
Services (DHSS) and each Local Public Health Agency (LPHA) that describes the
responsibilities for each entity as it relates to accessing the vital records centralized database,
charges for the transactions necessary to issue certified copies, security, etc.
Current Fee Information
The current fee for a birth certificate is $15 per copy. The fee for a death certificate is $14 for
the first copy and $11 for each additional copy when ordered at the same time. All fees paid to
the LPHA for issuance of certified copies are retained by the local agency for local public
health purposes except those fees required by law to be remitted to the Coroners’ Training
Fund. Certificate paper is supplied by the state to local registrars at no cost, upon written
Records Available for Certification
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Birth certifications of vital events occurring from 1920 (1910 at state level) to the present are
currently available from the centralized database for issuance by the local registrars.
Certifications of death are available from 1980 to the present. A full certified copy of a death
certificate can only be issued by the local registrar’s office within 24 hours of receipt of the
record. After this time limit, full copies can only be issued from the state office.
Training is provided by State Vital Records staff upon request. Training includes reviewing
appropriate statutes and regulations; confidentiality and security requirements; explaining who
has access to vital records; identification requirements; instructions on using the computer
system; review and registration of death certificates, etc.
Electronic Vital Records
DHSS implemented web-based registration of birth and death records in 2010. The system is
referred to as MoEVR (Missouri Electronic Vital Records). This system allows birth and death
records to be filed electronically, eliminating the need for filing paper certificates with the local
registrar. However, there are data providers who are not yet using the electronic system. Local
registrar staff are trained on the review and processing of these paper records. Local registrars
are encouraged to use the State Public Health Laboratory’s courier service to send paper
death certificates to the Vital Records office in Jefferson City.
Vital Records Best Practices Check List
This list is a quick reference check list and does not include all required vital records
processes. Please regularly review and adhere to all applicable vital records laws,
regulations, policy procedures, and contractual agreements.
Vital records certificate paper should be kept in a locked cabinet or secured storage
location and accounted for at all times.
All birth and death certificates issued should be recorded by a written or electronic
application log, receipt book, or other similar process and include at a minimum: vital
records certificate tracking number (located on the back of each piece of certificate
paper), applicant contact information, and registrant information.
When a photo identity document (such as a driver license) is used, in lieu of
notarization, for in-person vital records requests, indicate on the application that a photo
ID was shown by documenting on the application the type of ID, ID number, and
expiration date. When alternative (no photo) forms of identification are provided,
photocopies of the documentation should be included with the application.
A tangible interest document used to provide entitlement to a vital record may be a
photocopy (unless the document is difficult to read or appears to have been alteredif
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so, request original/certified copy). A photocopy of the document should then be
included with the application and maintained by the LPHA.
Applications, logs, receipt books, and other similarly related documentation relating to
vital records should be maintained for at least a period of five (5) years.
Refer vital records requests from the Department of Social Services, Children’s Division,
to the central Bureau of Vital Records in Jefferson City. The Bureau works with some
agencies, such as the Children’s Division, to route all request through a centralized
contact to avoid issuing duplicate fee exempt copies and to track issuance requests.
Ensure listing of all local vital records team members (local registrars and deputy
registrars) remains up-to-date with the state office.
Contact the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, Bureau of Vital Records
(573-751-6387), when any vital records related questions arise or to schedule specialized
training for new local vital records team members or refresher courses for existing team
Death Certificates and the Missouri State Coroners' Training Fund
Per RSMo 58.208, one (1) dollar from each death certificate issued (including drop to paper
certificates) shall be remitted to the Missouri Department of Revenue (DOR) on a monthly
Currently, each local public health agency (LPHA) should maintain a log or listing of all
vital records issued. Using this log, the number of death certificates at the end of each
month shall be determined.
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$1.00 from each death certificate issued shall be calculated and a check in the resulting
amount be remitted to DOR using the payment remittance form titled DOR Form
Number 5829 located at
Homeless Youth Fee Exempt Birth Certificate
Per RSMo 193.265, an eligible homeless or unaccompanied youth, under twenty-one (21)
years of age, may receive one fee exempt copy of a birth record from the Department of
Health & Senior Services (DHSS) - Bureau of Vital Records in Jefferson City or a local public
health agency (LPHA)/local registrar.
Requests may be made by a parent or guardian of a homeless youth under twenty-one
(21) years of age, as defined in subsection 1 of section 167.020, RSMo, or an
unaccompanied youth, as defined in 42 United States Code (U.S.C.) Section 1434a(6).
A youth may only receive one fee exempt birth record. For the issuance of any
additional certificates, the statutory fee shall be paid.
Requests for fee exempt copies are still subject to all other requirements outlined in the
application for obtaining copies of birth records.
An “Affidavit of Homeless or Unaccompanied Youth Status for Fee Exempt Certified
Copy of Birth Certificate” shall accompany an application for a homeless youth fee
exempt birth certificate. Additional eligibility requirements and applicable information is
located on the affidavit.
If the Bureau of Vital Records in Jefferson City has already issued one fee exempt copy
of a birth certificate, a flag will be placed on the record to alert all LPHAs that one fee
exempt copy has already been issued. Therefore, if additional copies are printed,
applicable fees shall be collected.
If an LPHA issues one fee exempt copy, the following steps must be completed to
ensure the record is flagged appropriately at the state level:
Step 1: Send an email to [email protected] with the subject line
“Homeless/Unaccompanied Youth Birth Certificate”
Step 2: In the body of the email, state that one free copy was issued and include the
registrant’s name, date of birth, and the names of the registrant’s parents.
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The state office will then place a flag on the record so, in the future, all offices across the state
are aware a fee exempt copy has already been issued.
Domestic Violence/Abuse Fee Exempt Birth Certificate
Pursuant to 193.265, RSMo, a victim of domestic violence or abuse, as defined in section
455.010, RSMo, may receive one fee exempt copy of a birth record from the Department of
Health & Senior Services (DHSS) - Bureau of Vital Records in Jefferson City or a local public
health agency (LPHA)/local registrar.
Applicant must be a victim of domestic violence or abuse, as defined in section 455.010,
Applicant must provide documentation signed (Victim of Domestic Violence or Abuse
Fee Exempt Certified Copy of Birth Certificate Form), under the penalty of perjury, by
a(n) employee/agent/volunteer of a victim service provider, an attorney, or a health
care/mental health professional from whom the victim has sought assistance relating to
the domestic violence or abuse.
Each eligible applicant may only receive one fee exempt birth record and this is a one-
time waiver. For the issuance of any additional certificates, the statutory fee shall be
Requests for fee exempt copies are still subject to all other requirements outlined in the
application for obtaining copies of birth records.
If the Bureau of Vital Records in Jefferson City has already issued one fee exempt copy
of a birth certificate, a flag will be placed on the record to alert all LPHAs that one fee
exempt copy has already been issued. Therefore, if additional copies are printed,
applicable fees shall be collected.
If an LPHA issues one fee exempt copy, the following steps must be completed to
ensure the record is flagged appropriately at the state level:
Step 1: Send an email to [email protected] with the subject line
Domestic Violence/Abuse Birth Certificate
Step 2: In the body of the email, state that one free copy was issued and include the
registrant’s name, date of birth, and the names of the registrant’s parents.
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The state office will then place a flag on the record so, in the future, all offices across the state
are aware a fee exempt copy has already been issued.
Acts Which Constitute Crimes
Section 193.315.1 Any person who knowingly makes any false statement in a
certificate, record, or report required by this chapter or in an application for an
amendment thereof, or in an application for a certified copy of a vital record, or who
knowingly supplies false information intending that such information be used in the
preparation of any such report, record, or certificate, or amendment thereof shall be
guilty of a class E felony.
Section 193.315.2 Any person who, without lawful authority and with the intent to
deceive, makes, counterfeits, alters, amends, or mutilates any certificate, record, or
report required by this chapter, certified copy of such certificate, record, or report shall
be guilty of a class E felony.
Section 193.325.3 Any person who knowingly obtains, possesses, uses, sells,
furnishes or attempts to obtain, possess, use, sell, or furnish to another, for any purpose
of deception, any certificate, record, or report required by this chapter or certified copy
thereof so made, counterfeited, altered, amended, or mutilated, or which is false in
whole or in part or which relates to the birth of another person, whether living or
deceased, shall be guilty of a class E felony.
Section 193.315.4 Any employee of the department or involved with the system of vital
statistics who knowingly furnishes or processes a certificate of birth, or certified copy of
a certificate of birth, with the knowledge or intention that it be used for the purposes of
deception shall be guilty of a class E felony.
Section 193.515.5 Any person who without lawful authority possesses any certificate,
record, or report, required by this chapter or a copy or certified copy of such certificate,
record, or report knowing same to have been stolen, or otherwise unlawfully obtained,
shall be guilty of a class E felony.
Section 193.315.6 Any person who knowingly refuses to provide information required
by this chapter, or regulations adopted hereunder, shall be guilty of a class A
Section 193.315.7 Any person who knowingly neglects or violates any of the provisions
of this chapter or refuses to perform any of the duties imposed upon him by this chapter
shall be guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
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Bureau of Vital Records Contact List
Dylan R. Bryant,
State Registrar & Chief
Lani De La Garza
Deputy Chief
Sebastian Starrett
Senior Public Health
Program Specialist -
North Region
Lori Keeney
Public Health Program
Specialist - East Region
Cherie Snellen
Public Health Program
Specialist - South Region
Kimberly (Kim)
Public Health Program
Specialist - West Region
Certification Unit
Issues Vital Records
573-751-6387, Opt 1
Amendment Unit
Corrects Vital Records
573-751-6387, Opt 2
Central Processing
Registers Vital Records
573-751-6387, Opt 3
Public Health
Program Specialists
573-751-6387, Opt 4
LPHA/County Dedicated Email Support (15 minute response time)
PROD/TN 3270 Help
To Order Supplies:
Fax request on agency
letterhead or email
FAX: 573-526-3846
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Bureau of Vital Records Training Evaluation
1. Date of Training: / / My trainer’s name was:
2. Please rate the training you received today:
Excellent Above Average Average Below Average Poor
3. Do you feel the training was helpful in educating you and/or your staff in relation to
what was asked of the field representative to provide? Please provide comments so we
understand where we can make changes in the training.
Yes Somewhat No
4. Were your questions answered in this training? Please provide comments so we
understand where we can make changes in the training.
Yes Somewhat No
5. How can we improve this training to better suit your needs?
6. How can the Bureau of Vital Records better serve you?
Thank you!