Business Plan Template
Rural Health Network Development
August, 2015
This is a publication of Rural Health Innovations, LLC (RHI), a subsidiary of the National
Rural Health Resource Center. The Technical Assistance for Network Grantees Project is
supported by Contract Number HHSH250201400024C from the U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Federal Office of Rural
Health Policy.
Network Description .............................................................................. 3
Mission: ......................................................................................... 3
Values: .......................................................................................... 3
Vision: ........................................................................................... 3
History, and Culture: ....................................................................... 3
Strategic Objectives: ....................................................................... 4
Business Structure and Governance: ................................................. 4
Market Analysis and Plan ....................................................................... 5
Rural Health Care Environment: ........................................................ 5
Rural Health Network Members and Customers: ................................. 5
Member and Customer Needs Assessment: ........................................ 5
Value Proposition of Products and Services: ....................................... 5
Promotion and Communication: ........................................................ 5
Leadership and Operations Review.......................................................... 6
Leadership Team and Skills: ............................................................. 6
Key Initiatives: ............................................................................... 6
Key Resources and Infrastructure: .................................................... 6
Key Partners: ................................................................................. 6
Evaluation Dashboard: .................................................................... 6
Financial Outlook .................................................................................. 7
Estimated Operations Cost: .............................................................. 7
Projected Revenues: ....................................................................... 7
Pro forma Scenarios: ....................................................................... 7
This template is designed so you can literally paste your information into it.
It is a Word document, so please feel free to insert your Network’s name and
logo as well.
Network Description
Articulates your Network’s purpose for being. [Insert from page 5 of the
Business Plan Guide. A sample can be found on page 3 of the Case Study
Business Plan]
Principles and beliefs that guide your Network’s activities and the way it
operates. [Insert from page 5 of the Business Plan Guide. A sample can be
found on page 3 of the Case Study Business Plan]
Articulates your Network’s aspirations. [Insert from page 6 of the Business
Plan Guide. A sample can be found on page 5 of the Case Study Business
History, and Culture:
Brief history of the Network along with a brief explanation of the Network’s
culture. [Insert from page 5 of the Business Plan Guide. A sample can be
found on page 3 of the Case Study Business Plan]
Strategic Objectives:
Goals that convert the mission statement into reality. [Insert from page 6 of
the Business Plan Guide. A sample can be found on page 3 of the Case
Study Business Plan]
Business Structure and Governance:
Describes how the network is structured and how decisions are made.
[Insert from page 6 of the Business Plan Guide. A sample can be found on
page 4 of the Case Study Business Plan]
Market Analysis and Plan
Rural Health Care Environment:
Briefly describe the current health care environment as it impacts or
influences your Network and its members/customers. [Insert from page 7 of
the Business Plan Guide. A sample can be found on page 5 of the Case
Study Business Plan]
Rural Health Network Members and Customers:
List your Network’s members/customers. [Insert from page 8 of the
Business Plan Guide. A sample can be found on page 6 of the Case Study
Business Plan]
Member and Customer Needs Assessment:
Briefly describe your member/customer providing insight on why they value
network membership. [Insert from page 8 of the Business Plan Guide. A
sample can be found on page 6 of the Case Study Business Plan]
Value Proposition of Products and Services:
Each product or service is described including the product fit to members’
needs. The value that members perceive of network services is articulated,
i.e. in what way do members benefit from the network? Briefly describe your
Network’s products. [Insert from page 8 of the Business Plan Guide. A
sample can be found on page 7 of the Case Study Business Plan]
Promotion and Communication:
Describe the approach and methods for promotion and communication of the
network’s value propositions. [Insert from page 8 of the Business Plan
Guide. A sample can be found on page 8 of the Case Study Business Plan]
Leadership and Operations Review
Leadership Team and Skills:
Briefly describe the leadership skills and attributes that contribute to the
success of the Network. [Insert from page 9 of the Business Plan Guide. A
sample can be found on page 9 of the Case Study Business Plan]
Key Initiatives:
Describe the key activities and initiatives focused on developing,
implementing, supporting or providing network products and services.
[Insert from page 9 of the Business Plan Guide. A sample can be found on
page 9 of the Case Study Business Plan]
Key Resources and Infrastructure:
Describe the key resources and infrastructure of the Network that supports
operations. [Insert from page 9 of the Business Plan Guide. A sample can
be found on page 10 of the Case Study Business Plan]
Key Partners:
Identify the key partners of your Network from the perspective of supporting
operations. [Insert from page 10 of the Business Plan Guide. A sample can
be found on page 10 of the Case Study Business Plan]
Evaluation Dashboard:
Executive level summary of metrics for monitoring and adjusting strategies
and key initiatives. [Insert from page 10 of the Business Plan Guide. ]
Financial Outlook
Estimated Operations Cost:
A brief narrative or chart of the estimated operational costs of your Network.
[Insert from page 11 of the Business Plan Guide. A sample can be found on
page 12 of the Case Study Business Plan]
Projected Revenues:
A brief narrative or chart of the estimated revenue of your Network. [Insert
from page 11 of the Business Plan Guide. A sample can be found on page
12 of the Case Study Business Plan]
Pro forma Scenarios:
If your Network has some decisions to make that will impact the future of
the Network, this is the place to include those different outcomes by using
the same financial charts above, but changing the assumptions within the
spreadsheet and showing various scenarios. [Insert from page 12 of the
Business Plan Guide. A sample can be found on page 14 of the Case Study
Business Plan]