Program Support Notes by:
Peter Verrion TAE, DipVET, Grad
Cert VET
Produced by:
VEA Pty Ltd
Commissioning Editor:
Sandra Frerichs B.Ed, M.Ed.
Executive Producers:
Edwina Baden-Powell B.A, CVP.
Sandra Frerichs B.Ed, M.Ed.
© Video Education Australasia Pty Ltd 2012
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Playing Your Part 1
Diversity in the Workplace
Playing Your Part 1
Diversity in the Workplace
© Video Education Australasia Pty Ltd 2012
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For Teachers
In the workplace, you will be working with people with a range of diverse backgrounds; people of
different cultural backgrounds, different ages and different abilities. This program explores what
diversity is, and how to work effectively with people from a range of diverse backgrounds.
The program uses a case study from a simulated workplace, where staff from diverse backgrounds
show how they work together. It shows the issues that can arise and how these can be effectively
dealt with to allow a harmonious and productive workplace.
00:00:00 The scope of diversity
00:03:27 Responding sensitively
00:07:31 Know the guidelines
00:12:13 Communicating appropriately
00:17:10 Building on diversity
00:22:19 Credits
00:23:04 End program
Related Titles
Playing Your Part 2 – Workplace Relationships
Workplace Training – Planning, Organising and facilitating
Meeting Management Challengers 1
Meeting Management Challengers 2
Recommended Resources
Playing Your Part 1
Diversity in the Workplace
© Video Education Australasia Pty Ltd 2012
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Student Worksheet
Initiate Prior Learning
1. What do you know about diversity? Find out the dictionary definition, as well as some definitions
from other sources, such as ‘diversity’ websites.
2. Make a list of some of the people you know, and find out how they would contribute to the diversity
of a workplace. These may be family, friends, people in the community, etc.
3. Do you think there is a need for recognition of people’s differences to be written into legislation?
Explain your answer.
4. In a group, discuss some ideas for how you can work effectively with people who are from
cultures/backgrounds you are unfamiliar with.
5. Research the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UNUDHR). Which articles
relate to diversity in the workplace?
Playing Your Part 1
Diversity in the Workplace
© Video Education Australasia Pty Ltd 2012
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Active Viewing Guide
The scope of diversity
1. List at least five of the different types of diversity you might encounter.
2. Dennis cannot get everyone to agree on a meeting time. What are the different issues that the
three staff members have?
3. What does working effectively with diversity mean?
Responding sensitively
4. There are two versions of the same scene (where Kevin and Dennis are discussing the meeting
that didn’t happen). What differences between the two versions do you notice?
5. a) Who else besides staff members need to be considered when dealing with diversity?
Playing Your Part 1
Diversity in the Workplace
© Video Education Australasia Pty Ltd 2012
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b) Why do you think it is important to consider these other groups?
6. How do you respond sensitively?
Know the guidelines
7. Why must workplaces accept diversity?
8. What does ‘DDEO’ stand for?
9. a) What is the purpose of DDEO policies within organisations and enterprises?
b) In larger organisations, which department usually oversees these policies?
Playing Your Part 1
Diversity in the Workplace
© Video Education Australasia Pty Ltd 2012
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Communicating appropriately
10. Nasim talks to Dennis about an issue she has at a meeting:
a) What was Heather’s condition that Nasim wasn’t aware of?
b) Do you think people should be forced to tell others what impairments they have? Why/why not?
11. Verbal language is just one aspect of communication. What two other aspects of communication
should you be aware of when communicating in the workplace?
Building on diversity
12. What are the advantages of ‘recognizing people’s differences and making the most of what people
can bring’?
13. Heather and Dennis are speaking about customer complaints:
a) What does Heather suggest to Dennis that Kevin could do?
Playing Your Part 1
Diversity in the Workplace
© Video Education Australasia Pty Ltd 2012
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b) Why might Kevin be able to do this?
14. a) What other language does Nasim speak fluently?
b) What are the benefits of Heather’s suggestion that Nasim translate the newsletter?
15. Why do you feel that having diversity of staff in a workplace can be a good thing?
Playing Your Part 1
Diversity in the Workplace
© Video Education Australasia Pty Ltd 2012
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Extension Activities
1. In a group, work together to survey the variety of diversity in the group. Create a graph showing
the results.
2. In small groups of 3 or 4, conduct some role plays where each person chooses to be someone
from a different cultural group (you may need to do some research on that group). Explore the
issues that may arise from this group trying to work effectively together.
3. The issue of eye contact and how it differs between cultures was mentioned in the program. Find
out how this differs around the world, and what it might mean. Report back to the group with your
4. Imagine that part of your work role is to produce a company newsletter. Draft an article that
outlines why diversity is important to the company.
Playing Your Part 1
Diversity in the Workplace
© Video Education Australasia Pty Ltd 2012
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Suggested Student Responses
Active Viewing Guide
The scope of diversity
1. List at least 5 of the different types of diversity you might encounter.
Answers will vary. The list may include: age, race, gender, colour, sexual orientation,
language, religion, politics, mental or physical ability
2. Dennis cannot get everyone to agree on a meeting time. What are the different issues that the
three staff members have?
Nasim has prayers, Stella has to pick up her children, and Andre has an appointment
3. What does working effectively with diversity mean?
Creating a work environment where everyone’s differences are accepted and respected
Responding sensitively
4. There are two versions of the same scene (where Kevin and Dennis are discussing the meeting
that didn’t happen). What differences between the two versions do you notice?
The main difference is an acceptance of differences; Kevin shows more sensitivity to those
5. a). Who else besides staff members need to be considered when dealing with diversity?
Clients, customers, suppliers, government representatives
b). Why do you think it is important to consider these other groups?
Answers will vary but may include: because these people form part of the workplace and
deserve the same respect accorded to work colleagues.
6. What is involved in responding sensitively?
Recognizing differences
Accepting diversity exists
Showing empathy to others
Accepting differences in others
Know the guidelines
7. Why must workplaces accept diversity?
It’s the law
8. What does ‘DDEO’ stand for?
Diversity, Discrimination and Equal Opportunity
9. a) What is the purpose of DDEO policies within organisations and enterprises?
To inform employees of their rights and responsibilities
b) In larger organisations, which department usually oversees these policies?
HR departments
Playing Your Part 1
Diversity in the Workplace
© Video Education Australasia Pty Ltd 2012
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Communicating appropriately
10. Nasim talks to Dennis about an issue she has at a meeting:
a) What was Heather’s condition that Nasim wasn’t aware of?
Heather’s hearing impairment
b) Do you think people should be forced to tell others what impairments they have? Why/why not?
Answers will vary
11. Verbal language is just one aspect of communication. What two other aspects of communication
should you be aware of when communicating in the workplace?
Cultural Diversity and Body language
Building on diversity
12. What are the advantages of ‘recognizing people’s differences and making the most of what people
can bring’?
It enhances the way the organization operates
It promotes innovation and exchange of ideas
It can improve productivity and the bottom line
It can increase job satisfaction for the employee
13. Heather and Dennis are speaking about customer complaints:
a) What does Heather suggest to Dennis that Kevin could do?
Present sessions to staff on how to communicate with older clients
b) Why might Kevin be able to do this?
He has experience in dealing with older people
14. a) What other language does Nasim speak fluently?
b) What are the benefits of Heather’s suggestion that Nasim translate the newsletter?
To make use of Nasim’s skills; support customers whose first language is Arabic; make
Nasim feel more valued.
15. Why do you feel that having diversity of staff in workplace can be a good thing?
Answers will vary but include:
It enhances the way the organization operates
It promotes innovation and exchange of ideas
It can improve productivity and the bottom line
It can increase job satisfaction for the employee
Playing Your Part 1
Diversity in the Workplace
© Video Education Australasia Pty Ltd 2012
Reproducing these support notes
You may download and print one copy of these support notes from our website for your reference.
Further copying or printing must be reported to CAL as per the Copyright Act 1968.
Extension Activities
1. In a group, work together to survey the variety of diversity in the group. Create a graph showing
the results.
2. In small groups of 3 or 4, conduct some role plays where each person chooses to be someone
from a different cultural group (you may need to do some research on that group). Explore the
issues that may arise from this group trying to work effectively together.
3. The issue of eye contact and how it differs between cultures was mentioned in the program. Find
out how this differs around the world, and what it might mean. Report back to the group with your
4. Imagine that part of your work role is to produce a company newsletter. Draft an article that
outlines why diversity is important to the company.