Amy Hackney Blackwell
An Imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc.
Naperville, Illinois
Reference/Legal Reference
ISBN-13: 978-1-57248-650-8
ISBN-10: 1-57248-650-3
$11.99 U.S.
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is an up-to-date legal reference, containing over 3,000
explaining legal language that can often be hard to
understand, even for lawyers.
This book focuses on defining the terms that people today
are most likely to encounter when dealing with the law.
The definitions are
clear, concise, and easy-to-
. Whether you are a lawyer, a law
student, or a layperson, this handy reference
will help you understand the precise
meaning of any legal term.
es·sen·tial. ADJ. Of the utmost importance.
The most comprehensive pocket-size dictionary
Easy-to-understand definitions
Written by a leading authority in the field
Legal Terms
and Phrases
Printed in Canada
ess law:Layout 1 5/6/08 12:21 PM Page 1
es·sen·tial ADJ. Of the utmost importance.
Amy Hackney Blackwell
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Copyright © 2008 by Amy Hackney Blackwell
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Hackney Blackwell, Amy.
The dictionary of essential legal terms / by Amy Hackney Blackwell. -- 1st ed.
p. cm.
ISBN 978-1-57248-780-2 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1. Law--United States--Dictionaries. I.
KF156.H33 2008
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1L. N. A first-year law student.
2L. N. A second-year law student.
3L. N. A third-year law student.
401(k) plan. N. A retirement savings plan run by a company for its
employees that allows employees to save or invest part of their
salary tax-free and often includes contributions by the employer.
419 scam. N. A common scam named for a section of the Nigerian
criminal code in which scammers persuade victims to send them
large sums of money in order to receive promised large payoffs that
never arrive.
3 419 scam
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ABBRV. American Bar Association.
abandon. V. To intentionally give up a right or property without any
plan of reclaiming it in the future; to desert a spouse or child.
abatable nuisance. N. A nuisance that can be reduced.
abate. V. To decrease, reduce, or diminish; to end, dismiss, or
temporarily suspend a lawsuit.
N. abatement. ADJ. abatable.
abatement of a legacy. N. A reduction in the amount of a legacy
after the payment of debts owed by the person who granted
the legacy.
abatement of taxes. N. A reduction in the amount owed by the
abdicate. V. To renounce a responsibility or position; generally
used to describe the act of a sovereign giving up a throne or an offi-
cial renouncing the privileges and duties of his or her office; also
used to describe a government or official failing to fulfill responsi-
bilities or duties.
N. abdication.
abduct. V. (1) To take or carry away a person illegally by force or
persuasion. (2) To take away or detain unlawfully a female,
intending to force her into marriage, concubinage, or prostitution.
(3) For a woman to entice a husband to abandon his wife for her.
N. abduction. See also kidnap, alienation of affections.
abet. V. To help or encourage someone else to commit a crime.
abettor. N. A person who abets or instigates a crime; an abettor
shares criminal intent with the person who in fact commits the
crime. See also aid and abet, accessory, accomplice.
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7 abrogate
abeyance. N. A state of temporary disuse or suspension; an unsettled
state; the condition of an estate in fee or freehold during a lapse in
succession with no current titleholder or owner.
ab initio. ADJ. (Latin) From the beginning; used to describe
contracts, marriages, deeds, etc., that are either valid or void from
their inception.
ABM. ABBRV. Anti-ballistic missile.
abode. N. A home or place of residence; a domicile.
abolish. V. To end or do away with; generally used to describe
formally ending an institution, system, or custom, such as slavery
or a tax.
N. abolition.
aboriginal. ADJ. Indigenous, native to a place from earliest times.
aboriginal title. N. The exclusive rights of American Indians to
lands and waters they occupied before the United States claimed
abortion. N. The premature ending of a pregnancy; in legal context,
generally refers to a deliberate termination, though the term can
also apply to spontaneous natural expulsion of a fetus before it
becomes viable.
V. abort.
abortionist. N. Someone who performs abortions.
about. ADV. Approximately; near in time, degree, or quality.
abridge. V. To shorten or condense while retaining the sense of the
original document.
N. abridgement.
abrogate. V. To repeal, revoke, or end; particularly applies to laws,
rights, orders, or formal agreements.
N. abrogation.
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abscond 8
V. To depart quickly and secretly in order to avoid arrest
or a lawsuit, particularly after committing some crime such as
theft; to leave the jurisdiction of local courts or to hide from them.
abstain. V. To refrain from doing something, such as voting. N.
abstention doctrine. N. A policy that allows federal courts to relin-
quish jurisdiction over a matter and allow a state court to decide a
federal constitutional question or a matter of state law.
abstract. ADJ. Existing only in thought or theory and not in reality
N. (1) A summary, abridgement, or condensation of a longer docu-
ment. (2) That which is abstract or theoretical, often used in the
phrase “in the abstract.”
V. (1) To summarize or abridge. (2) To
remove something from something else, as in abstracting money
from a bank.
N. abstraction.
abstract of record. N. A short summary of the history of a case
taken from the trial court record to show an appellate court what
issues were considered at trial.
abstract of title. N. A short history of a piece of land tracing title
through all conveyances, transfers, and liens or encumbrances;
used to prove an owner’s right to the property.
absurd. ADJ. Illogical, incongruous, and obviously untrue. N.
abuse. V. To misuse; to wrong or mistreat a person or animal phys-
ically, mentally, or sexually.
N. Improper use; corrupt acts; cruel
treatment of another; violence or sexual assault toward another.
abuse, child. N. Cruel treatment of a child.
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9 acceptance, implied
abuse of discretion. N. A decision or judgment made by a trial
court that is inappropriate, inconsistent with the facts of the
matter, and not according to precedent or established law.
abuse of process. N. Using the courts and legal process for some
improper purpose, such as initiating a lawsuit for revenge or intim-
abut. V. To share a boundary; to touch; to adjoin.
accelerate. V. To go faster; to increase; to shorten the time in which
a future event will occur, particularly used to discuss the vesting of
property rights.
N. acceleration.
accelerated cost recovery system. N. An accounting method that
writes off the cost of a fixed asset over a period of time. See also
cash method.
acceleration clause. N. A clause in a contract or mortgage that
causes the entire payment to become due if a specific event occurs;
common in installment contracts, in which the entire debt
becomes due if the buyer fails to make payments on time.
accept. V. To receive willingly; to agree voluntarily; implies the
right to refuse.
acceptance. N. In contract law, voluntarily consenting to an offer,
which then creates a binding contract.
acceptance, conditional. N. Agreeing to accept an offer if a certain
condition is fulfilled.
acceptance, implied. N. An agreement that is implied from a
person’s words and deeds rather than from explicit acceptance of
the offer.
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access 10
N. An opportunity to do or use something; a means of
approach or communication; an opportunity for sexual inter-
course; a property owner’s right to go to and from his or her land.
accession. N. (1) An addition; something added to an existing body
of property; the right to ownership of one’s property even after its
form has been altered (e.g., if A cuts down B’s tree and makes it
into a chair, B can still claim ownership of the chair by accession).
(2) The attainment of a rank or title, as in a monarch’s accession to
a throne. (3) Accepting or joining a treaty or association.
V. accede.
accessory. N. (1) Something added to another object as a decora-
tion or to make it more useful. (2) Someone who helps another
person commit a crime.
accessory after the fact. N. A person who aids a felon, knowing
that he or she has committed a felony and intending to help him or
her escape punishment. See also accomplice, aid and abet,
accessory before the fact. N. Someone who encourages or helps
another plan to commit a felony but who is not present during the
commission of the crime.
accident. N. A chance occurrence or incident; an unforeseen and
unintended event; often used to describe unfortunate occurrences,
such as injury or mishap.
ADJ. accidental.
accident, unavoidable. N. An accident that occurs despite the
exercise of due care and common sense; an accident that could not
have been prevented.
accommodate. V. To meet someone’s wishes or demands; to
adapt to; to do something as a favor, without consideration.
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11 accountant, certified public
accommodation loan. N. A loan given without any consideration or
security out of friendship or the lender’s desire to aid the borrower.
accommodation note. N. A note signed by an accommodation
maker. Also called accommodation paper.
accommodation party (maker). N. A person who signs his or her
name to a note or commercial paper to lend credit to another
signer, the accommodated party, without consideration and
thereby assuming liability for the debt; a cosigner or surety.
accomplice. N. Someone who knowingly and willingly helps
another commit a crime. See also aid and abet, accessory.
accord. V. To give or grant; to agree. N. An agreement; a treaty; an
agreement between two parties that settles a dispute and provides
satisfaction to the wronged party.
accord and satisfaction. N. A means of ending a dispute by forming
an agreement (the accord) that one party will pay the other some
consideration (the satisfaction, often less than the amount origi-
nally agreed to) and that this will discharge any remaining obliga-
account. N. (1) A statement of financial events, debits, and credits.
(2) A body of funds held by one institution or individual on behalf
of another. (3) A description of an event.
accountability. N. Responsibility; the state of being answerable for
accountant. A person trained in accounting, bookkeeping, and
accountant, certified public. N. An accountant who has passed an
official examination and fulfilled other requirements and has thus
been licensed as an accountant by his or her state.
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account for 12
account for.
V. To provide a satisfactory explanation for something.
accounting. N. (1) A system of keeping financial records. (2) An
action in equity to settle the finances of a partnership.
accounting method. N. The method used by a business to calculate
its income and expenditures for tax purposes. See also accrual
method, cash method.
account payable. N. Debts owed by a business.
account receivable. N. Money owed to a business.
accredit. V. To recognize officially or authorize; to attribute; to send
someone to another place (often internationally) as an official
accrete. V. To grow or increase by accumulation.
accretion. N. (1) Growing or adding on to something; typically used
to describe natural growth such as the accumulation of sediment at
the mouth of a river. (2) Income to a trust that comes from some
unusual source. (3) The right of heirs and legatees to claim the
property of any other heir or legatee who refuses to accept it or
dies before inheriting.
accrual method. N. An accounting method that records incurred
expenses and income earned during a period even if all money has
not been paid or received; businesses that maintain inventory must
use this method.
accrue. V. (1) To accumulate or increase; to receive at regular inter-
vals; to become due. (2) To come into existence as a cause of
N. accrual.
accrued interest. N. Interest due on the principal.
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13 acquit
accumulate. V. To gradually acquire or gather an increasing
amount of something.
N. accumulation.
accusatory. ADJ. Accusing someone of a crime.
accusatory body. N. A group such as a grand jury that hears
evidence and decides that someone should be accused of a crime.
accusatory instrument. N. A document that sets forth an
accusatory stage. N. The stage of criminal procedure after the
accused has been arrested and is being interrogated.
accuse. V. To charge someone with a crime; to institute legal
proceedings against a suspected criminal.
N. accusation.
accused. N. Someone charged with a crime.
ACLU. ABBRV. American Civil Liberties Union.
acknowledge. V. To admit or confirm; to accept responsibility. N.
acquiesce. V. To accept without protest; to give implied consent by
N. acquiescence. See also laches.
acquiescence, estoppel by. N. Estoppel that arises if a party has
the opportunity to object to something but gives implied consent
by inaction.
acquire. V. To gain or obtain; to become the owner of something.
acquisition. N. The process of acquiring; something acquired.
acquit. V. To set free or release; to absolve of criminal liability. N.
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acre 14
N. A unit of land with an area of 43,560 square feet (4,840
square yards).
ACRS. ABBRV. Accelerated Cost Recovery System.
act. V. To do something, usually voluntarily. N. (1) An action or
deed. (2) A law or written ordinance passed by Congress or
another legislative body; when done by Congress, this is called an
act of Congress.
acting. ADJ. Temporarily performing the duties of a position or
office without officially holding that position or office.
action. N. (Latin) (1) A proceeding or an action; the right to pursue
a lawsuit. (2) A court proceeding; a lawsuit; a formal complaint
brought by one party to prosecute another or demand rights within
a court of law. See also case.
actionable. ADJ. Forming the legal basis of a cause of action.
action at equity. N. An action brought in a court of equity.
action at law. N. An action brought in a court of law.
actio non. N. (Latin) No action; a pleading of nonperformance; a
active. ADJ. Doing purposefully; currently in action; the opposite of
active concealment. N. Intentional and purposeful concealment.
active duty. N. The state of serving full-time in the military; see
active negligence. N. Negligence that occurs through some posi-
tive act as opposed to passive inaction.
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15 actuarial tables
active participant. N. Someone who engages in some conduct that
is part of the commission of a crime.
activism, judicial. N. The practice of making legal decisions based
on beliefs about individual rights and attitudes rather than prece-
dent and statute.
activist judge. N. A judge who uses his or her position on the bench
to make decisions that reflect personal attitudes and beliefs instead
of applying the letter of the law or following precedent.
act of God. N. Something that happens as a result of natural forces
that cannot be controlled by humans, such as storms, earthquakes,
or floods. Also called act of providence.
act of sale. N. An official document certifying that a sale has
occurred, signed by the parties and verified by witnesses and a
actor. N. A person who acts; one who performs an action.
actual. ADJ. Real; existing in fact.
actual damages. N. Damages awarded for real injuries as opposed
to nominal or punitive damages.
actual residence. N. The place where someone actually lives, as
opposed to a legal residence. See also constructive.
actual value. N. A value awarded in condemnation proceedings
based on the price that a property would probably fetch from a
willing buyer to a willing seller.
actuarial tables. N. Statistical tables that predict the likely ages
that people will reach; used for such purposes as calculating the
value of annuities or damages stemming from premature deaths;
also called life tables.
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actuary 16
N. Someone who uses statistics to calculate insurance
ADJ. actuarial.
actus reus. N. (Latin) The guilty act; a criminal action. See also
mens rea.
ADA. ABBRV. Americans with Disabilities Act.
add. V. To join together; unite; attach.
ad damnum. N. (Latin) To the damage; the clause in a complaint in
which a plaintiff specifies the damages he or she seeks.
addendum. N. Something that is added on; usually written material
added to the end of a document.
addict. N. Someone who uses, does, or consumes something habit-
ually and who is dependent on that substance or activity; usually
applies to those who are dependent on drugs or alcohol and cannot
control their consumption thereof.
addition. N. Something added to something else; a new structure
added to an existing building.
additur. N. (Latin) A trial court’s increase in the amount of
damages awarded to a plaintiff by a jury; this can be done with the
defendant’s consent if the court rules that the jury’s award is inad-
equate, and on the condition that the plaintiffs motion for a new
trial will be denied.
ADEA. ABBRV. Age Discrimination in Employment Act.
adeem. V. To remove, revoke, or take away; to take away a legacy
or future bequest in advance.
ademption. N. Revocation of a legacy by a testator before the
testator’s death, sometimes by giving the recipient the property
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17 adjoining
mentioned in the will before death, and sometimes by disposing of
the property in such a way that it is impossible to carry out the will.
adequate. ADJ. Sufficient, satisfactory.
adequate care. N. Care appropriate to the risk in question.
adequate compensation. N. Under eminent domain, the market
value of property when taken.
adequate remedy at law. N. A remedy that provides complete and
appropriate relief.
adhesion. N. Joining; clinging to; sticking together; allegiance. V.
adhesion contract. N. A contract offered to one party by another
on a take-it-or-leave-it basis, in which the offering party creates all
the details of the contract and the receiving party has no opportu-
nity to bargain or modify the contract. This is common with stan-
dard form contracts. Often there is doubt as to whether an
adhesion contract is valid because one party has so little bargaining
power. See also unconscionable.
ad hoc. ADJ. (Latin) For this; arranged for one particular purpose.
ADV. ad hoc.
ad hominem. ADJ. (Latin) To the person; appealing to the emotions
instead of to logic and reason.
ADV. ad hominem.
ad infinitum. ADV. (Latin) To infinity; repeatedly; forever.
adjacent. ADJ. Next to; near; neighboring.
adjective law. N. Rules of procedure; the rules that administer
substantive law.
adjoining. ADJ. Joined with; touching; in contact with.
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adjourn 18
V. To postpone; to suspend; to stop with the intent of
resuming later.
adjudicate. V. To judge; to formally issue a final judgment in a
court proceeding. Synonymous with adjudge.
N. adjudication.
adjudge. V. To decide; to pass judgment; to sentence.
adjust. V. To alter; to make satisfactory; to remove discrepancies;
to settle.
adjusted basis. N. Basis plus additions to capital minus depre-
adjusted gross income. N. Gross income minus expenses and
capital loss deduction.
adjuster. N. A person who settles things, especially insurance
matters; one who determines the amount of a claim against an
insurer and then agrees on a settlement with the insured.
ad litem. ADJ. (Latin) For the lawsuit; for the purposes of the
lawsuit being prosecuted.
ad litem, guardian. N. Someone appointed to act in a lawsuit on
behalf of a child or incapacitated party.
administer. V. To manage; to run (a business or other operation); to
make someone take an oath; to enforce a decree.
administration. N. The process of managing or running something;
the people who manage something.
administrative agency. N. A governmental organization that imple-
ments a particular piece of legislation, such as workers’ compensa-
tion or tax law.
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19 adult
administrative law. N. The body of laws that governs administra-
tive agencies.
administrative law judge. N. The officer who presides over admin-
istrative hearings. This officer is not a judge of law; he or she may
administer oaths, hear testimony, make determinations of fact, and
recommend or make decisions.
Administrative Procedure Act. N. A federal law that governs the
proceedings of federal administrative agencies.
administrator. N. A person appointed by a court to handle the
estate of someone who dies intestate, i.e., without a will.
administratrix. See also executor.
admiralty and maritime jurisdiction. N. Jurisdiction over events
happening on the seas, oceans, and navigable waters.
admiralty court. N. A court that hears disputes related to admiralty
and maritime matters.
admissible. ADJ. Acceptable; valid; able to be admitted.
admissible evidence. N. Evidence that is proper to admit at trial
because it is relevant to the matter at hand. See also admit,
admit. V. (1) To allow in; to accept as evidence (2) To acknowledge
that something is true; to confess to a crime.
N. admission.
adopt. V. (1) To make one’s own; to accept; to choose. (2) To create
a legal parent-child relationship between people unrelated by
N. adoption.
adult. N. A fully grown person; one who has reached the age of
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adult entertainment 20
adult entertainment.
N. Entertainment not suitable for children,
typically erotic or sexual acts or movies; pornography.
adulterate. V. To corrupt; to mix into a pure or good substance
something of poorer quality.
N. adulteration.
adultery. N. Voluntary sexual congress between a married person
and someone who is not his or her spouse.
ADJ. adulterous.
ad valorem. ADJ. (Latin) According to the value; in proportion
to value.
ad valorem tax. N. A tax assessed on the value of property.
advance. V. To move forward or make progress; to approach; to
pay money or some other payment before it is due, as when an
author receives an advance before a book is written.
N. Money paid
before it is due; money or other objects given on credit, with some
future repayment anticipated.
advance directive. N. A document such as a living will or durable
power of attorney that describes the kind of medical care a person
wishes to receive if he or she becomes incapacitated.
advancement. N. A portion of an anticipated inheritance paid
before the death of the testator (usually a parent to a child) that is
then deducted from the recipient’s share of the estate after the
testator’s death.
advance sheets. N. Recent judicial opinions published in pamphlet
or loose-leaf form that are later compiled into bound volumes of
regional reporters; hardbound collections of court opinions.
adventure. N. A hazardous and risky enterprise or activity; often
used in marine insurance policies as a synonym for “peril.”
adversary. N. Opponent; opposing counsel.
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21 advocacy
adversary proceeding. N. A hearing or trial with opposing parties,
one seeking relief from the other, and that ends with one party
receiving a favorable outcome at the expense of the other. See
also case.
adverse. ADJ. Against; opposed; contrary; hostile.
adverse possession. N. A method of acquiring property without
buying it; if a person uses land not belonging to him or her in a
manner that is open (so that the owner knows about it or should
know), but without permission of the owner, continuously, actu-
ally, and exclusively for a period of time prescribed by statute
(usually a number of years), then a court will find that the person
has earned title to the land.
advertise. V. To describe publicly in order to promote sales or
solicit applications; to announce; to call to public attention.
advertisement. N. A public notice promoting a product or service
or soliciting applications.
advertising. N. The practice of creating advertisements.
advice. N. Guidance; suggestions; recommendations intended to
help someone; the opinions and recommendations given to clients
by lawyers.
advise. V. To counsel; to recommend a course of action; to offer
helpful suggestions.
ADJ. advisory.
advisory opinion. N. An opinion rendered by a judge or court that
indicates how the court would rule on a question without actually
ruling on some adversary proceeding; an advisory opinion is only
informative and is not binding.
advocacy. N. Pleading or arguing for a cause.
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advocacy, trial 22
advocacy, trial.
N. Arguing for a cause in court as part of a trial.
advocate. N. Someone who supports a cause or argues for some-
thing; someone who defends another; a legal counselor or repre-
V. To argue in support or defense of; to recommend.
adware. N. A computer program that automatically displays adver-
tisements on a computer, often bundled with another program that
users buy for actual use. See also bundling.
aesthetic value. N. The value of something due to its beauty or
artistic worth rather than its practical use.
affect. V. To have an effect on; to influence; to change.
affiant. N. Someone who makes and swears to an affidavit.
affidavit. N. A written statement of facts whose truth is confirmed
by oath of the party making it, used as evidence in court.
affiliate. V. To associate with; to join officially. N. A person or organ-
ization allied with or officially joined to a larger body.
affiliation. N. The condition of being affiliated.
affinity. N. (1) A relationship; fondness or liking. (2) The degree of
relationship between people who are related by marriage. See also
affirm. V. To confirm; state as fact; ratify; to declare that a previous
judgment is correct.
affirmation. N. The act of confirming that something is true. It can
be used as a substitute for an oath in the case of religious or ethical
objections to swearing.
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23 after-acquired property
affirmative action. N. Deliberate and positive efforts to help victims
of discrimination by remedying effects of past discrimination and
preventing future discrimination.
affirmative defense. N. In pleading, a response to a complaint that
constitutes a defense and justification for the defendant’s actions
instead of attacking the truth of the plaintiffs allegations; affirma-
tive defenses include self-defense, assumption of risk, estoppel,
and insanity.
affirmative misconduct. N. A deliberate act done by someone who
knows it is wrong; deliberately misrepresenting a fact or
concealing a fact.
affirmative relief. N. Relief or compensation granted to a defendant
in a lawsuit.
affix. V. To attach; fasten to something.
AFL-CIO. ABBRV. American Federation of Labor and Congress of
Industrial Organizations.
aforesaid. ADJ. Said earlier; previously mentioned.
aforethought. ADJ. Premeditated; planned in advance.
a fortiori. ADJ. (Latin) With a stronger reason; used in argument to
describe a proposition that must be true because it is a subcategory
of something that is true.
ADV. a fortiori.
after-acquired. ADJ. Acquired subsequent to a particular time or
after-acquired property. N. (1) Property a debtor acquires after
concluding an agreement putting up other property as security for
a loan. (2) Property acquired by a bankrupt after filing for bank-
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after-acquired title 24
after-acquired title.
N. A doctrine providing that if someone sells
property he or she does not own but then acquires the title to it, the
buyer receives the good title.
after the fact. ADJ. Subsequent to a particular event. See also
against. PREP. Opposed to; contrary.
against interest. ADJ. Describes a statement or admission that is
disadvantageous to the person making it.
against the law. ADJ. Illegal; also describes a court decision made
despite insufficient evidence or material issues.
against the (manifest) weight of the evidence. ADJ. Not supported by
the evidence presented at trial, or based on false evidence; the
evidence clearly leading to the opposite conclusion.
against the will. ADJ. Describes the state of mind of a victim of
robbery or rape.
age discrimination. N. Unfair treatment in the workplace and in
hiring based on age; prohibited by the federal Age Discrimination
in Employment Act of 1967.
Age Discrimination in Employment Act. N. A federal law that
prohibits discrimination against people on the basis of age.
agency. N. (1) A relationship in which one person, the agent, is
authorized to act on behalf of the other, the principal. (2) A
department or group that performs a specific task for the govern-
ment. (3) A business that provides a specific service, often
arranging transactions between customers.
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25 aggregate
agent. N. A person authorized to act for another person, the prin-
cipal, in specific or unlimited ways.
agent, insurance. N. Someone authorized to sell insurance policies
on behalf of an insurance company.
agent, real estate. N. Someone authorized to sell or rent property
on behalf of other people.
age of consent. N. (1) The age at which a person may marry
without his or her parents’ permission. (2) The age at which a
person may consent to have sexual intercourse without causing his
or her sexual partner to be guilty of an offense such as statutory
rape or sexual assault.
age of majority. N. The age at which a person becomes a legal
adult, responsible for his or her own actions, and able to enter into
contracts and vote.
age of reason. N. The age at which a child is deemed responsible
for his or her own actions, usually 7 years of age.
aggravate. V. To make worse. N. aggravation. See also simple.
aggravated assault. N. Assault made worse than simple assault by
the addition of aggravating circumstances, such as extreme indif-
ference to human life or the use of a deadly weapon.
aggravating circumstances. N. Circumstances that increase the
severity of a crime or tort.
aggregate. N. The sum of several parts; the entire amount of some-
V. To combine several elements into one whole, as when
several causes of action are joined into a single lawsuit or several
people are combined to form a group for a class action.
N. aggre-
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aggrieved 26
ADJ. Feeling anger at some injury or unfair treat-
aggrieved party. N. Someone who has been injured, suffered a loss,
or whose rights or property are at risk.
aging of accounts. N. Arranging accounts in chronological order of
days outstanding.
agrarian. ADJ. Having to do with land and agriculture.
agree. V. To concur; to consent; to settle.
agreement. N. A mutual understanding between two or more
parties; a meeting of minds. It often leads to a contract.
aid and abet. V. To knowingly help someone commit a crime. See
also accessory, accomplice.
air rights. N. Rights to use the air above land; air rights accompany
land ownership of land, with some limitations, e.g., a landowner
has the right to recover damages from airlines that interfere with
his or her use of the land, but is not allowed to pollute the air.
aka. ABBRV. Also known as. See also alias.
alderman. N. A city or town official or legislator; a councilman.
aleatory. ADJ. Random, uncertain, depending on chance.
aleatory contract. N. A contract whose performance depends on
some random event, such as an insurance contract.
alias. N. A fake or alternate identity. ADV. Used to indicate the use
of a false name, e.g., “Samuel Clemens, alias Mark Twain.”
alibi. N. A defense in which the defendant claims to have been
someplace other than the scene of a crime when the crime was
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27 allocution
committed and produces evidence to prove it, thus proving that it
was physically impossible for him or her to have committed the
crime in question.
alien. N. A foreigner; someone born in another country who has not
become a citizen of his or her country of residence.
ADJ. (1)
Foreign. (2) Strange, unfamiliar. See also resident alien.
alienable. ADJ. Able to be transferred.
alienate. V. To transfer property from one person to another. N.
alienation of affections. N. The tort of maliciously interfering
with a marriage, resulting in damage to the marital relationship.
alimony. N. An allowance ordered by the court that one spouse
pays to the other after a divorce or separation for the support and
maintenance of the recipient.
allege. V. To claim; to assert; to state in a pleading what one intends
to prove at trial.
N. allegation.
allen charge. N. A charge by the court to a deadlocked jury admon-
ishing them to work together to reach a verdict, and especially
encouraging the holders of a minority opinion to listen to the argu-
ments of the majority and to let themselves be convinced if
possible. This is prohibited in some states.
allocate. V. To distribute for a particular purpose; to assign; to allot.
In taxation, to allot portions of income to different purposes.
ADJ. allocable.
N. A speech by a trial judge to a criminal defendant
asking the defendant if he or she would like to make a statement
on his or her own behalf, or asking if the defendant has any legal
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allot 28
reason why he or she should not be sentenced if the jury’s verdict
is to convict.
allot. V. To apportion; to distribute portions of something to several
individuals; to allocate something to someone.
allotment. N. The amount of something allocated to someone; a
portion or share.
allow. V. To permit; to acquiesce; to accept as true.
allowance. N. (1) The amount that is permitted. (2) A sum of
money paid to someone regularly.
alluvion. N. Land formed by the accumulation of silt on the banks
or at the mouth of a stream or river. See also accrete.
also known as. ADJ. See alias.
alter. V. To change or modify. N. alteration.
alteration, material. N. A change in the language of a contract that
affects the rights defined by the contract.
alter ego. N. (Latin) Other self; an alternative personality. In
corporate law, a doctrine that allows the court to find an individual
responsible for acts done in the name of a corporation.
alternative dispute resolution. N. Methods for settling disputes
without recourse to litigation, including arbitration, mediation, and
alternative pleading. N. A form of pleading in which the pleader
sets forth two or more different and possibly inconsistent versions
of his or her claim or defense.
ambiguity. N. Uncertainty of meaning; doubt. ADJ. ambiguous.
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29 amicus curiae
ambulance chaser. N. A derogatory term for a lawyer who repre-
sents plaintiffs in personal injury cases.
amend. V. To fix; to improve; to modify or revise a document. N.
amends. N. Reparations; something done to make up for a wrong
done to someone else.
American Bar Association. N. A national association of lawyers
and law students.
American Civil Liberties Union. N. A national organization dedi-
cated to protecting constitutionally guaranteed civil rights and
American Digest System
. n. A digest of U.S. cases arranged
chronologically and by subject, serving as a guide to American
case law.
American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial
N. U.S. trade union organization made up of over
fifty national and international trade unions representing over ten
million workers.
Americans with Disabilities Act. N. A federal statute prohibiting
discrimination against disabled people in jobs, transportation, and
amicus curiae. N. (Latin) Friend of the court; someone who is not
a party to a lawsuit but who has a strong interest in the subject
matter of a case and petitions the court for permission to file a
brief providing information on the matter to aid the court in
rendering its decision; such a brief is called an amicus curiae brief
or amicus brief.
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amnesty 30
N. An official pardon granted by a government to a group
of people forgiving them for past crimes, usually political crimes
such as treason or draft evasion.
amortize. V. To spread out the payment of a debt by periodically
paying a portion of interest and capital; to pay off a debt such as a
mortgage in installments; to write off the cost of an asset over time.
N. amortization.
anarchist. N. A person who wishes to bring about a state of
anarchy. N. A political system characterized by an absence of
government and law-enforcement mechanisms and complete
freedom for individuals; a state of lawlessness or disorder resulting
from a lack of governing authority.
ancestor. N. A person from whom one is descended.
ancestry. N. A line of family descent.
ancient. ADJ. Old; having existed since the distant past.
ancient writings. N. In evidence law, old (twenty or thirty years
old) documents kept in official custody, presumed to be genuine
without express proof.
ancillary. ADJ. Supplementary; additional; supporting.
ancillary jurisdiction. N. Jurisdiction claimed by a federal district
court to adjudicate matters raised as part of an existing
controversy, even though the court would not ordinarily have juris-
diction over the matter. See also supplemental jurisdiction.
ancillary suit. N. A suit that grows out of an existing or prior suit in
the same court.
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31 answer
animo. ADJ. (Latin) Intentionally.
animo, quo. ADJ. (Latin) With what intent.
animo testandi. ADJ. (Latin) Intending to make a will.
animus. N. (Latin) Will, intent.
animus donandi. N.(Latin) Intent to give.
annex. V. To add something to something else; to join; to unite. N.
An addition to a building or document.
annexation. N. The act of adding or joining one thing to another.
annotate. V. To add notes to a text explaining it or commenting
on it; often done to court cases and statutes.
N. annotation.
ADJ. annotated.
annual report. N. A yearly financial report prepared by a corpora-
tion for its stockholders, audited by an independent certified
public accountant, and filed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission on Form 10-K, including a balance sheet, income
statement, and other information.
annuitant. N. One who receives an annuity.
annuity. N. A fixed sum paid to a person periodically for a set
period of time, often for life.
annul. V. (1) To declare something invalid; to abolish; to make
nonexistent. (2) To declare that a marriage was never legally valid
and therefore never existed.
N. annulment. See also divorce.
answer. N. (1) A response; a reaction. (2) A pleading submitted by
a defendant in response to a plaintiffs complaint, containing
denials of allegations, affirmative defenses, and counterclaims.
To respond; to file an answer to a complaint with the court.
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antenuptial 32
ADJ. Before marriage.
antenuptial agreement. N. An agreement entered into by prospec-
tive spouses before their marriage, to take effect upon marriage. It
usually contains provisions about support and distribution of
property in the event of divorce or separation. See also prenuptial
anti-ballistic missile. N. A defensive missile designed to meet and
destroy a ballistic missile, i.e., a missile carrying some nuclear,
chemical, biological, or other agent intended to inflict harm on its
anticipate. V. (1) To do something before its proper time. (2) To
expect, to predict.
N. anticipation. ADJ. anticipatory.
anticipatory breach of contract. N. A breach of contract that
occurs when one party announces before the time scheduled for
performance that he or she will not perform according to the
anticipatory offense. N. A crime whose purpose is to commit a
crime, such as conspiracy.
Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act. N. A federal law
enacted in 1999 that makes cybersquatting a wrongful act subject
to civil liability.
anti-lapse statute. N. A law that provides for the heirs of a
devisee to inherit the devisee’s share of an inheritance if the
devisee dies before the testator, instead of allowing the bequest
to lapse as it would have under common law; e.g., if a mother
dies before her father, her children can inherit her share of
their grandfather’s estate.
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33 appellate
antitrust. ADJ. Intended to prevent monopolies and trusts and to
promote competition in business. See also Sherman Antitrust Act,
Clayton Act.
APEC. ABBRV. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation.
a posteriori. ADJ. (Latin) Relating to knowledge gained through
recent observation or experience. See also a priori.
apparent. ADJ. Obvious; evident; true as far as one can see.
apparent authority. N. The authority an agent gains when a prin-
cipal allows a third party to believe that the agent has such
authority, whether or not it is part of the agent’s actual authority.
apparent defect. N. A defect that can readily be seen on inspection.
appeal. V. To request a higher court to review a case that has been
decided by a lower court and render a new decision, either a
reversal or a new trial.
N. appeal.
appeals court. N. A court that can hear appeals; also called a court
of appeals or an appellate court.
appear. V. To come into court as a party to a lawsuit and submit to
the court’s jurisdiction.
N. appearance.
appearance, general. N. An ordinary appearance in which the
party is subject to the court’s jurisdiction.
appearance, special. N. An appearance in which the party appears
to attack the court’s jurisdiction over him or her.
appellant. N. One who files an appeal.
appellate. ADJ. Having to do with appeals.
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appellate court 34
appellate court.
N. A court that reviews decisions made by lower
courts or administrative agencies and does not hear new cases.
appellee. ADJ. The party against whom an appeal is filed; the
party who prevailed at trial in the lower court. See also respon-
application. N. A computer program; software that performs a
particular task, such as a word processor, a spreadsheet, or a Web
appoint. V. To select, choose, or designate; to assign someone a job.
appointee. N. One who has been appointed.
appointment. N. (1) The designation of a person to do a job. (2) A
person appointed to a position. See also power of appointment.
apportion. V. (1) To divide something and assign or allocate
portions of it to different parties. (2) To distribute legislative seats
among the parties to be represented.
N. apportionment.
appraise. V. To assess the value of something; to evaluate. N.
appreciate. V. (1) To grow in value. (2) To understand; to realize
fully the implications of something.
appreciation. N. The increase in an item’s market value over a
period of time; the difference between an item’s cost basis and fair
market value.
appropriate. V. (1) To take something for one’s own; often used to
describe theft. (2) To allocate money or other items for a particular
N. appropriation.
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35 arbitrator
appurtenance. N. Something attached or appended to something
appurtenant. ADJ. Belonging to and necessary to the full use of a
larger property.
a priori. ADJ. (Latin) From theoretical deduction. See also a
arbiter. N. A referee; someone appointed by a court to settle a
dispute by the rules of law or equity. See also arbitrator.
arbitrage. N. A financial transaction in which securities or goods
are simultaneously bought in one market and sold in another; price
differences in the different markets produce a profit.
arbitrary. ADJ. At whim or at random instead of according to logic
or rules; capricious.
arbitrary and capricious. ADJ. Describes a decision made
according to whim and without regard to facts or law.
arbitration. N. A form of dispute resolution in which a neutral third
party renders a decision after both parties speak for themselves at
a hearing. See also arbitrator.
arbitration clause. N. A clause in a contract that requires disputes
under the contract to be submitted to arbitration; such clauses are
designed to avoid the litigation of disputes.
arbitrator. N. A neutral person appointed or chosen to settle a
dispute by hearing arguments from both parties and then rendering
a decision at his or her own discretion, not bound by rules of law
or equity. See also arbiter.
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archive 36
N. A place where old records, articles, documents, or
books are kept; a place on a website or computer where old arti-
cles are stored and can be accessed.
arg. ABBRV. Arguendo.
arguendo. ADV. (Latin) Arguing; for the sake of argument; hypo-
ABBRV. arg.
argument. N. A set of reasons given in logical order intended to
persuade hearers of a particular conclusion; a speech given by an
attorney to the judge or jury in order to present a case and
persuade the listeners to believe it.
ARM. ABBRV. Adjustable rate mortgage. See mortgage, adjustable
arm’s length. ADJ. Distant, not intimate; describes a good faith, fair
market transaction by parties with relatively equal bargaining
power, in which neither one forces the other to accept terms.
arraign. V. In criminal law, to bring a defendant into court, charge
him or her with an offense, and allow him or her to plead.
arraignment. N. The first step in the criminal process, in which
a defendant is called into court, charged with a crime,
informed of his or her rights, and allowed to plead guilty, not
guilty, or nolo contendere.
arrears. N. Overdue payments; money owed but not yet paid.
arrest. V. To use legal authority to deprive someone of liberty; in
criminal law, to stop someone suspected of a crime and take him
or her into custody.
N. arrest.
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37 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
arrest of judgment. N. A court’s withholding of judgment in a case
when there is some problem with the record that would make the
judgment erroneous.
arrest record. N. The official record of times a person has been
arson. N. The crime of intentionally and maliciously setting prop-
erty on fire.
article. N. One clause or paragraph of a legal document.
articles. N. A collection of several clauses or rules that comprise a
statute, contract, or other legal document.
Articles of Confederation. N. The document that formalized the
agreement between the original thirteen states of the Union. It was
written in 1777, enacted in 1781, and replaced by the Constitution
in 1789.
articles of impeachment. N. A document outlining reasons for
removing a public official from office.
articles of incorporation. N. A document that creates a corpora-
tion; sometimes called articles of association.
artifice. N. A clever or cunning device, often used to commit fraud
or some trickery.
asbestos. N. A silicate mineral that resists heat and can be woven
into fire-resistant material.
asbestosis. N. A lung disease caused by inhaling asbestos particles.
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation. N. An international economic
treaty organization of nations surrounding the Pacific Ocean.
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as is 38
as is.
ADJ. In the present condition; goods sold “as is” are delivered
in the condition in which they were when the buyer inspected them
before purchase.
asportation. N. Moving goods or a person from one place to
another, as in larceny or kidnapping.
assault. V. To attack physically; to threaten or attempt to cause
injury to someone else. When contact occurs as well, the offense is
often called assault and battery.
N. assault. See also aggravate,
battery, simple.
assault weapon. N. A weapon used by soldiers in military opera-
tions; for the purpose of gun control laws, any automatic or semi-
automatic weapon that meets certain criteria.
assembly. N. A group of people gathered together in the same place
for the same purpose; the meeting together of a group of people for
a common purpose.
assembly, right of. N. A constitutional right allowing citizens to
gather for reasons connected with the government, including
protests and political rallies.
assembly, unlawful. N. A gathering that results in undesirable
behavior by the group, such as noise or obstruction of roads.
assent. V. To approve; to ratify; to agree. N. assent.
assess. V. To evaluate; to determine a value or price for something; to
set a value on property for tax purposes.
N. assessment.
assessor. N. One who assesses something.
asset. N. Something of value; real or personal property worth
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39 associate
assets, capital. N. All property held by a taxpayer.
asset, intangible. N. Assets that have no physical presence, such as
trademarks or goodwill.
assign. V. (1) To transfer legal rights or property to someone else.
(2) To select or designate.
N. assignment.
assigned risk. N. In automobile insurance, a category of drivers
that insurers would not choose to cover due to their poor driving
records or other risk factors, but that the insurers are required by
statute to insure.
assignee. N. A person who receives property from another.
assignment of error. N. A claim by an appellant that the trial judge
made an error at trial.
assignment of income. N. Assigning income-generating property to
someone else in an effort to avoid receiving the income and thus
income taxes.
assignment of wages. N. Assigning the right to collect wages to a
creditor of the wage-earner.
assignor. N. One who transfers property to another.
assigns. N. People who receive property from an assignor.
assize. N. A kind of court that formerly heard criminal and civil
cases in England and Wales.
associate. V. To be connected with or work with someone. N. A
colleague, often a subordinate one; in a law firm, associates are
lawyers who are employees of the firm, as opposed to partners,
who are owners.
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association 40
N. A group of people joined together for a particular
purpose; the act of joining together for a specific purpose.
assume. V. (1) To take on a responsibility or power; to receive. (2)
To take on something deceitfully, such as a false name. (3) To
suppose something to be the case without any proof.
N. assump-
assumpsit. N. (Latin) He promised; a promise to do or pay some-
thing made by one person to another.
assumption of risk. N. An affirmative defense stating that a plain-
tiff voluntarily risked injury by exposing him- or herself to a known
assurance. N. A declaration of certainty; also a British term for
assure. V. To confirm; to make certain; to make someone else sure
of something.
asylum. N. Refuge or shelter from danger; a safe place for the poor
and unfortunate to find help.
asylum, political. N. Protection granted by a nation to someone
who has fled his or her homeland for political reasons.
ATF. ABBRV. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
atrocity. N. An act of extreme cruelty, brutality, and wickedness.
ADJ. atrocious.
attach. V. (1) To join or connect. (2) To seize a defendant’s property
before a judgment has been reached at trial as security for any
judgment that the plaintiff might receive.
N. attachment.
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41 attractive nuisance
attainder. N. Under common law, the forfeiting of all civil and prop-
erty rights after being convicted of treason or a felony. See also bill
of attainder.
attempt. N. The act of trying to do something, usually unsuccess-
fully; in criminal law, an intentional effort to commit a crime that
failed but could have succeeded.
V. attempt.
attendant circumstances. N. The facts and circumstances
surrounding an event.
attest. V. To declare something to be true; to sign a document as a
N. attestation.
attorney. N. A lawyer; more generally, an agent appointed to act for
another person.
attorney at law. N. A lawyer admitted by a court to practice law in
a particular jurisdiction, including drafting legal documents and
representing clients in court.
attorney-client privilege. N. In evidence law, the right of attorneys
and their clients to withhold information about confidential
communications made in the course of their professional relation-
attorney general. N. An attorney who serves as the head of the
Department of Justice and chief legal adviser to the president
and who represents the United States in legal matters; each state
also has its own attorney general who performs the same func-
tions at the state level.
attorney’s fees. N. The fees charged by a lawyer for services
rendered to clients. See also contingent.
attractive nuisance. N. A doctrine in tort law that a person who
keeps something on his or her property that is likely both to attract
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auction 42
children and be a danger to them (such as a swimming pool) is
under a duty to protect the children from the dangers (as by
fencing in the pool).
auction. N. A public sale of goods or property to the highest bidder.
V. auction.
auctioneer. N. A person licensed to conduct auctions, usually
employed by the seller to act as the seller’s agent.
audit. N. A systematic review of an organization’s or an individual’s
V. audit.
auditor. N. A person who conducts an audit.
authenticate. V. To prove that something is genuine or true; to
certify; to give something legal authority so as to allow it to be
admitted as evidence.
N. authentication.
authorities. N. Sources used in composing a legal document, such
as statutes, cases, restatements, and articles.
authorities, table of. N. A list of citations to all the legal sources
used in a brief or other legal document.
authority. N. (1) Power; the right to tell others how to act or to
make others obey; rights or powers delegated by one person or
body to another. (2) An expert.
authorize. V. To approve; to give permission; to give someone legal
N. authorization.
authorized stock issue. N. The number of shares of stock a corpo-
ration is allowed to sell under its charter.
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automatic weapon. N. A gun that will continue to fire bullets as
long as the trigger is held down and it still contains ammunition; a
machine gun.
autopsy. N. The dissection and physical examination of a dead
body to determine the cause of death.
aver. V. To assert or state; to declare.
averment. N. In a pleading, a positive assertion of fact.
avoid. V. (1) To escape or evade. (2) To nullify; to make void; to
cancel; to destroy.
N. avoidance.
avow. V. To acknowledge openly. N. avowal.
avulsion. N. The sudden removal of a large piece of land from one
property and its deposit onto another, as when a river changes its
course abruptly. See also accretion.
award. V. To grant something; to give something as a prize or
N. Money or another object given as a grant or
compensation; also the decision rendered by a nonjudicial decider
such as an arbitrator.
43 award
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back 46
V. (1) To support or be in favor of. (2) To support financially.
(3) To endorse or countersign.
ADJ. From the past; to the rear of.
background check. N. An investigation performed on a person’s
history and background that can include criminal records, bank-
ruptcies, liens, civil court judgments, previous and current
addresses, property ownership, and other information.
back pay. N. The difference between the wages received for a
period of work and retroactive higher wages granted by a court.
back wages. N. Wages earned in the past but not yet paid.
bad check. N. A check written on a closed account or on an
account with insufficient funds to pay it or on a closed account. See
also check kiting.
bad debt. N. An uncollectible debt; a debt owed by an insolvent
bad debt reserve. N. An account used to estimate debts that ulti-
mately will not be paid and will thus eventually be deducted for tax
bad faith. N. Deceit; intent to defraud; dishonesty in dealing with
badges of fraud. N. A fact or circumstance that makes it appear as
if a person intends to defraud someone else in a transaction and
justifies an inference of fraud; examples include transferring funds
in anticipation of a lawsuit, transferring all of a debtor’s property to
someone else, a confidential relationship between the parties, and
fake consideration.
bad title. N. A title that does not convey any property to a
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47 bait and switch
bail. N. Money or other security given temporarily to the court to
allow a prisoner to be released before trial and to ensure that he or
she will return for trial; if the prisoner does not return for trial, he
or she forfeits the bail.
V. To furnish money or property to get
someone released from prison.
bail bond. N. A contract between a prisoner, the state, and a third
party known as a bail bondsman, in which the bail bondsman
agrees to furnish bail for the prisoner in return for a fee and takes
the risk that the prisoner will not return for trial. See also bond,
bailee. N. A person who holds goods or property for someone else
for a specific purpose, such as a mechanic keeping a car for
bailiff. N. (1) A court officer who keeps order and looks after jurors
and prisoners. (2) An agent or steward who is responsible for prop-
erty or goods.
bailiwick. N. A bailiff’s jurisdiction.
bailment. N. The delivery of goods to a bailee to be held in trust for
a specific purpose, such as repairs, often formalized with a
bailment for hire. N. A bailment in which the owner of the goods
agrees to compensate the bailee.
bailor. N. One who delivers personal property or goods to a bailee.
See also bailment.
bailout. N. Financial assistance to an ailing business to save it from
failure. v. bail out.
bait and switch. N. A kind of deceptive advertising in which a
merchant advertises a low-priced product to lure customers and
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balance 48
then disparages that product or fails to have it in stock in order to
persuade them to buy a more expensive item; generally prohibited
by statute.
balance. V. (1) To compare the difference between debits and
credits in an account. (2) To compare the value of one thing with
another. (3) To distribute weights or values to create harmony or
N. balance.
balance sheet. N. A financial statement that includes debits,
credits, assets, and liabilities.
balancing test. N. A test used by courts to weigh the rights of an
individual against the rights of the state; common in cases
involving freedom of speech or equal protection.
balloon mortgage. N. A mortgage in which the buyer makes regular
payments at intervals and then must pay the rest of the balance at
the end of the mortgage period.
balloon note. N. A promissory note in which the interest is paid in
periodic installments and then the remainder of the principal is
paid in one lump sum at the end of the term.
balloon payment. N. The large payment due at the end of the term
of a balloon note.
ballot. N. (1) A piece of paper or other object used by a voter to cast
a vote in an election. (2) The list of candidates or issues being voted
ballot, secret. N. A kind of voting in which a voter’s choices cannot
be identified as coming from him or her.
ballot box. N. A sealed box in which voters deposit ballots.
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49 bankruptcy, Chapter 12
banc. N. (French) Bench; the place where a court sits; the full court
with all judges. See also en banc.
bank. N. A financial institution that holds money for customers,
invests it to earn interest, lends money at interest, issues promis-
sory notes, handles trusts, deals in negotiable securities, and
performs other financial services.
bank, commercial. N. The most common kind of bank, which
provides a full range of banking services. See also savings and
loan association.
bank account. N. A sum placed in a bank by a customer that is
available to be withdrawn upon the customer’s request.
bank draft. N. An order for payment of money drawn upon a bank
by a bank officer, payable when the issuing bank accepts it.
bankrupt. ADJ. Insolvent and unable to pay debts as they come due.
bankruptcy. N. A process in which a court declares a person or
business insolvent and orders the debtor’s assets to be sold to pay
off creditors, at which point the debtor is discharged from any
further obligation and may begin anew.
bankruptcy, Chapter 7. N. Straight bankruptcy; a proceeding that
liquidates property, pays off debts, and leaves the debtor
bankruptcy, Chapter 11. N. Business reorganization in which a
court supervises an insolvent business while it continues to
operate and comes up with a plan for reorganization.
bankruptcy, Chapter 12. N. A proceeding to allow for family
farmers and fisherman to create a repayment plan to pay off debts
over a specified period of time while being supervised by the court.
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bankruptcy, Chapter 13 50
bankruptcy, Chapter 13.
N. A proceeding that lets a borrower with
enough income pay off bills over a specified period of time while
being supervised by the court.
bankruptcy court. N. A federal court that handles only bankruptcy
cases, presided over by a bankruptcy judge.
bankruptcy trustee. N. A person appointed by the court to handle a
debtor’s property during bankruptcy proceedings.
banner ad. N. A small advertisement that appears on a website,
linking that website to the advertiser’s own website; the advertiser
pays the owner of the original website for every hit it receives
through the banner ad.
bar. N. (1) The court; a particular place in the courtroom. (2) A body
of attorneys; such bodies are organized at the local, state, or
national level. See also bench. (3) An obstacle; something that
prevents an issue from being litigated.
V. To prevent or forbid.
bargain. N. An agreement between two parties to transfer goods or
property or to perform some act or service in exchange for consid-
V. To negotiate the terms of a transaction or agreement.
bargain and sale. N. A contract commonly used in real estate to
transfer title and use of property from buyer to seller; does not
include warranties against liens or encumbrances.
bargaining unit. N. A group, such as a labor union, that represents
employees during collective bargaining.
barratry. N. The offense of inciting lawsuits or quarrels.
barrister. N. In the United Kingdom, a lawyer who conducts trials.
See also solicitor.
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51 bed (and board)
barter. V. To exchange goods and services for other goods and serv-
ices without using money.
N. barter.
base. N. Foundation; bottom; starting point.
basis. N. A taxpayer’s cost in acquiring an asset.
basis, adjusted. N. Acquisition cost plus capital improvements
minus depreciation.
basis, carryover. N. The basis of property acquired from a dece-
dent, valued at the basis of the property just before the decedent’s
basis, stepped-up. N. A basis that is increased to a certain level at
a particular date, usually in property transferred through inheri-
bastard. N. A child born to a mother and father not married to one
BATFE. ABBRV. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and
battery. N. A wrongful and intentional physical touching that
causes offense and possibly, though not necessarily, injury. See also
bear. V. To carry.
bearer. N. One who possesses a document, instrument, or security.
bearer paper. N. Commercial paper, such as a check, payable to
whoever has it; often written as “payable to bearer” or to “cash.”
bed (and board). N. The right of a married couple to live together;
(Latin) a mensa et thoro. See also divorce.
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belief 52
N. A conviction that something is true; something that one
thinks or supposes after examining evidence and information.
bench. N. (1) A court; the seat a judge occupies in a courtroom; the
office of judge. (2) The collective body of judges. See also bar.
bench trial. N. A trial conducted by a judge without a jury. See also
jury trial.
bench warrant. N. An order issued by a court for the arrest of a
person, often used to make that person appear in court.
beneficial. ADJ. Profitable; advantageous; often used to describe
entitlements enjoyed by the beneficiary of a trust who does not
hold legal title to a property but is allowed to use it.
beneficial interest. N. In trusts, the benefit or profit from the use of
property enjoyed by a beneficiary who has an equitable interest in
it, as opposed to the legal title held by a trustee.
beneficial owner. N. Someone who has equitable title of property
but not legal title.
beneficial use. N. A right to use and enjoy property without
holding legal title to it.
beneficiary. N. Someone who benefits from someone else’s act,
such as a person for whom property is held in trust, the recipient
of the proceeds of an insurance policy, or someone named in a will
as a recipient of property.
benefit. N. An advantage or profit.
benefit, fringe. N. Something given to an employee by an employer
as part of compensation in addition to salary, such as health insur-
ance; also called benefits.
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benefit of the bargain. N. A rule that allows a defrauded purchaser
to recover the difference between the real and represented values
of the item purchased.
bequeath. V. To leave a gift of personal property to someone by a
will. See also bequest, devise.
bequest. N. A gift of personal property made in a will; a legacy.
bequest, conditional. N. A bequest that takes place when specified
conditions are met.
bequest, residuary. N. A bequest of all items remaining in an estate
after specified legacies and debts are paid.
bequest, specific. N. A bequest of a specific item or items.
Berne Convention. N. An international agreement that establishes
rules for copyrighting artistic works and regulating international
copyright matters.
best evidence rule. N. A rule requiring that the best and most reli-
able evidence be presented at trial instead of less reliable evidence;
thus, if the original version of a document or photograph is avail-
able, it should be presented instead of a copy.
bestiality. N. Sexual activity between a human and an animal.
Better Business Bureau. N. A private, nonprofit organization that
assists consumers and businesses with marketplace issues such as
advertising and selling practices.
beyond a reasonable doubt. ADJ. In a criminal case, proven by
evidence to the point that a reasonable man or woman would be
entirely convinced and morally certain that the defendant is guilty.
BFOQ. ABBRV. Bona fide occupational qualification.
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bias 54
N. A preconceived opinion or prejudice; a condition that
renders someone unable to judge a matter impartially.
V. To
influence in such a way as to render someone else’s judgment
bid. N. An offer to buy or sell goods or services at a stated price,
common at auctions or among builders or laborers seeking
V. bid.
bid, best. N. The bid that best fits the needs of the one soliciting
bidder. N. One who makes a bid.
bid, sealed. N. A bid submitted under seal, not to be opened until
a stated time when all bids for the same thing are opened and
compared simultaneously; common in construction.
bid shopping. N. A prime contractor’s disclosure of current low
bids to pressure subcontractors to submit even lower bids.
bigamy. N. Knowingly being married to more than one spouse at
bigot. N. A person who is prejudiced against people who live differ-
ently or who hold different beliefs from him or her.
bigotry. N. A sense of superiority over and intolerance of lifestyles
and ideas that are different from a person’s own.
bill. N. (1) A statement of goods purchased or services rendered
and moneys owed for them. (2) A piece of paper currency. (3) A
draft of a proposed law introduced into the legislature for debate
and voting. (4) A pleading submitted by a plaintiff to an equity court
stating grounds for a trial.
V. To issue a statement requesting
payment of moneys owed for goods or services.
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55 bind over
billable. ADJ. Able to be billed; used to describe hours worked by
attorneys on behalf of clients who pay their bills by the hour.
bill of attainder. N. A legislative act that inflicts capital punishment
on someone who has been accused of a serious offense but has not
been convicted at trial; prohibited by the U.S. Constitution.
bill of lading. N. A receipt given by a carrier to someone who
entrusts goods to the carrier for shipment, serving as a contract
between shipper and carrier and giving its holder title to the goods
held by the carrier.
bill of lading order. N. A negotiable bill of lading that can be sold,
and that causes title to the goods to vest in its holder, who can
collect the goods by presenting the bill of lading to the carrier.
bill of particulars. N. In criminal law, a written statement by the
prosecution describing in detail its allegations against the defen-
dant and informing the court and the defendant what the prosecu-
tion’s case will be.
bill of rights. N. A statement of fundamental rights of citizenship;
the first ten amendments of the U.S. Constitution.
bill of sale. N. A written agreement that transfers ownership of
personal property from one person to another.
bind. V. To obligate; to place legal duties upon someone. ADJ.
binder. N. (1) A written agreement in which an insurer promises to
cover a prospective insured between the time of application for a
policy and when the policy is actually issued. (2) A written docu-
ment summarizing the key terms of a preliminary contract.
bind over. V. To order a defendant to remain in custody or provide
bail pending trial.
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Biological Weapons Convention 56
Biological Weapons Convention.
N. An international treaty,
effective in 1975, that requires its signatories to prohibit the
creation and stockpiling of biological weapons such as
disease-causing microbes.
bipartisan. ADJ. Containing representatives from both of two sides
or parties.
blackacre. N. The name of a fictitious piece of property used as an
example in teaching and discussing property law; sometimes the
term “whiteacre” is used as well.
black letter law. N. An informal term for basic principles of law.
See also hornbook law.
blacklist. N. A list of people to be shunned, usually due to noncon-
formity or untrustworthiness.
V. blacklist.
blackmail. N. Demanding money in exchange for performing a
duty or under threat of revealing injurious information or
causing injury to one’s person or property; extortion.
V. black-
blank endorsement. N. Endorsing a check or promissory note by
signing it without writing in a recipient’s name, leaving a space for
insertion of a recipient’s name.
blasphemy. N. Irreverent or profane speech or writing about reli-
gion or sacred things.
V. blaspheme. ADJ. blasphemous.
blog. N. Web log; a website typically produced by an individual that
contains entries on particular topics, links to other websites, and
sometimes comments from readers.
BLS. ABBRV. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Blue Book.
See Uniform System of Citation.
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57 bond, coupon
blue sky laws. N. State statutes that regulate the issue and sale of
board. N. A group of people who manage a business or public
board of directors. N. The governing body of a corporation that is
elected by shareholders and that sets company policy and
appoints officers.
board of education. N. A local or state agency that manages munic-
ipal or local schools.
board of health. N. A municipal or state committee dedicated to
improving public health.
boilerplate. N. Standardized text used in legal documents; text
always written identically in the same kind of document.
bona fide. ADJ. In good faith; genuine; not intending to deceive.
bona fide occupational qualification. N. A qualification that is
truly necessary for performing a job, used to judge matters of
employment discrimination.
bona fide purchaser. N. Someone who buys property in good faith
for valuable consideration and has no reason to believe anyone
else has rights to the property.
bond. N. Written evidence of a debt issued by a company or govern-
ment in which the issuing body agrees to pay a fixed rate of interest
during the period of the loan and to repay the principal at a speci-
fied date, called maturity.
bond, bearer. N. A negotiable instrument payable to its holder.
bond, coupon. N. A bond sold with a book of coupons that may be
clipped when they come due and redeemed for interest.
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bond, registered 58
bond, registered.
N. A bond registered in the name of the holder in
the issuing body’s books.
bond, surety. N. A bond issued by a surety promising to perform an
obligation if the person who is supposed to perform it defaults.
bond issue. N. Raising funds by offering bonds to investors; the
bonds issued for that purpose.
bondsman. N. Someone who serves as surety for a bond. See also
bail bond.
bonus stock. N. Common stock offered as an incentive with the
purchase of another kind of securities, such as preferred stock or
book. N. A document containing the accounts or records of a busi-
V. To perform administrative tasks such as recording the
name and alleged crime of someone who has been arrested and
brought to the police station.
N. booking.
book value. N. An asset’s official value, usually cost minus depreci-
books, corporate. N. A corporation’s written records of trans-
boot. N. Taxable cash or property exchanged during an otherwise
nontaxable exchange; cash or property given by one party to equal
the value of items exchanged.
borrow. V. To take money or property from someone else and use
it with the intent to return it. See also loan.
bound. ADJ. Obligated to by contract or moral constraint. N. The
edge of a piece of property; the limit or boundary. See also
metes and bounds.
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59 breach of trust
boycott. V. To withdraw from commercial or social dealings with a
person, business, or state as a way of showing displeasure with that
party’s actions.
N. boycott.
brain death. N. The point at which the brain stops functioning
irreversibly; this point is ambiguous, but some criteria for
assessing it include lack of response to stimulation, absence of
reflexes, cessation of breathing, and no brain activity for twenty-
four hours.
breach. V. To break a promise; to fail to perform a duty or observe
an agreement.
N. breach.
breach, constructive. N. A breach occurring when one party does
something to prevent his or her fulfilling contractual duties or
announces beforehand that he or she will not fulfill contractual
duties. See also anticipatory breach of contract.
breach, material. N. A serious breach of a contract that essentially
destroys the value of the contract, excuses the nonbreaching party
from further performance, and allows suit for breach of contract.
breach, partial. N. A failure to perform some of the duties of a
contract, which gives the nonbreaching party the right to collect
damages but does not excuse his or her performance of contrac-
tual duties.
breach of contract. N. Failure to perform acts promised in a
breach of duty. N. Failure to perform legal or moral duties, or to use
the care that a reasonable man or woman would use in given
breach of trust. N. A trustee’s failure to properly perform duties
required by the trust.
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breaking 60
N. Forcibly opening a door, window, or gaining other
access to a building; the force required can be very slight, as in
opening a closed and unlocked door.
breaking and entering. N. Forcibly opening a building and then
entering it; two elements of the crime of burglary.
breathalyzer. N. A device used to check the level of alcohol in a
person’s breath; breathalyzer test results are admissible as
brethren. N. Plural of brother, i.e., brothers; when used in a will,
also includes sisters; often used by Supreme Court justices to refer
to their fellow justices.
bribe. V. To give someone money or a gift to induce or influence
him or her to act in a particular way, usually an improper or illegal
N. Money or a gift given to influence someone.
bribery. N. The act of offering a bribe.
brief. N. (1) A written document presented to the court and to the
opposing counsel by a lawyer that describes the facts of a case,
questions of law, and legal arguments in support of his or her
client’s position. (2) A summary or abstract of a case.
V. (1) To
write a summary of a case. (2) To inform someone of the details
of something.
broker. N. A person who brings parties together to negotiate trans-
actions between them in return for a commission or other compen-
sation; a middleman.
V. To negotiate a deal between parties.
broker, real estate. N. A person who negotiates transactions
involving the buying and selling of land or property.
Brown v. Board of Education
. N. A 1954 U.S. Supreme Court case
that declared that “separate but equal” schools for black and white
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61 bulk sale acts
students were inherently unequal and thus violated the equal
protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S.
Constitution; this case overturned Plessy v. Ferguson.
browse. V. To move from website to website on the Internet by
clicking from one to another; to surf the Web.
browser. N. A computer program that allows a user to view and use
browse-wrap agreement. N. A contract stating that a user agrees to
a website’s terms and conditions. It is created when the user
browses the website, without the user actively agreeing to the
terms and conditions. See also click-wrap agreement, shrink-wrap
bug. N. A tiny hidden microphone used to secretly monitor conver-
V. To record conversations using a hidden microphone.
buggery. N. Anal intercourse; sometimes includes bestiality. See
also sodomy.
bugging. N. Electronic surveillance by using bugs to eavesdrop on
and record conversations, regulated by statute. See also wire -
building code. N. The state and local laws and regulations
governing the construction, maintenance, and operation of
bulk sale. N. A transfer or sale of the majority of goods and
supplies owned by a business in one transaction; often done as part
of the liquidation of a business.
bulk sale acts. N. Statutes that require a business planning a bulk
sale to first notify creditors, designed to protect creditors from
secret bulk sales.
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bulk transfer 62
bulk transfer.
N. A form of commercial fraud in which a business
sells most of its stock and then fails to pay creditors.
bundling. N. The practice of combining two or more products and
selling them as one item.
burden. N. (1) A duty; something oppressive. (2) A restriction on
the use of land.
burden of persuasion. N. The requirement that the party with the
burden of proof convince the judge or jury of the validity of his or
her case.
burden of proof. N. A party’s duty to furnish sufficient evidence to
sustain an allegation.
bureaucracy. N. A form of government or organization with a hier-
archical structure of officials, authority delegated from top to
bottom, well-defined positions within the structures, inflexible
rules, and usually a fairly complicated administrative system.
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. N. A
federal agency within the U.S. Department of Justice that handles
gun licensing and the investigation of traffic and crimes involving
alcohol, tobacco, firearms, ammunition, explosives, arson, and
Bureau of Labor Statistics. N. An agency of the U.S. Department of
Labor dedicated to assembling information and statistics about the
U.S. workforce.
burglary. N. Under common law, breaking into and entering a
dwelling at night intending to commit a felony once inside;
under modern statutes, the definition has expanded to include
all buildings, not just dwellings, and to require that the actor
must merely enter the building instead of breaking into it, and
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63 bylaws
must intend to commit any crime, not just a felony; the crime
involved is usually theft.
business. N. An occupation or commercial activity done to earn
money; making money by engaging in commerce.
business expense. N. An expense incurred in the process of
running a business to generate income.
business gain or loss. N. Gain or loss resulting from sales or
exchanges done in the course of business.
business judgment rule. N. A rule that exempts corporate execu-
tives from liability if there is reason to believe that they made the
decision in question in good faith, with due care, and thought they
were acting in the best interest of the corporation; their judgment
may not be second-guessed.
business purpose. N. Something done specifically for business as
opposed to personal reasons.
but for test. N. In tort law, a test used to decide whether an indi-
vidual is responsible for something; the court asks whether the
event would have occurred without, or “but for,” the defendant’s
action; not commonly used today because of the difficulty in
applying it.
buyer in ordinary course of business. N. An ordinary buyer;
someone who buys something in good faith from someone in the
business of selling that particular item and without any knowledge
of a third party’s interest in the goods.
bylaws. N. The internal rules and regulations made by a business or
organization to govern its internal workings.
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cabinet 66
cabinet. N. The U.S. president’s board of advisors, composed of the
heads of the executive departments, the vice president, and occa-
sionally other officials; in other countries, a group of senior offi-
cials who advise the king or chief executive, or who control the
government themselves.
cafeteria plan. N. A fringe-benefit plan that allows employees to
choose from a range of benefits, selecting them according to indi-
vidual needs.
calendar. N. A chart describing the organization of days, months,
and years.
calendar, court. N. The list of cases scheduled to be heard during a
court session.
calendar call. N. A court session devoted to checking the status of
pending cases and setting trial dates.
calendar year. N. January 1 through December 31.
call. N. (1) In property law, a natural object that marks a boundary
and serves as a landmark in a deed. (2) A demand for payment.
(1) To demand payment. (2) To redeem bonds before maturity.
callable. ADJ. Able to be paid off before maturity.
callable bond. N. A bond that may be called for payment before it
call option. N. A contract giving its holder the right to purchase
stock at a specific price by a specific date.
calumny. N. Slander or defamation; making false statements to
harm someone’s reputation; a slanderous statement.
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67 capacity to contract
campaign. N. (1) An organized effort to achieve some goal, usually
election to political office or promotion of a political or social
cause. (2) Military operations in a specific area or done for a partic-
ular reason.
V. campaign.
campaign finance. N. Money raised to pay for politicians’ election
cancel. N. To annul; to revoke; to announce that something previ-
ously planned will not take place.
N. cancellation.
canceled check. N. A check that has been paid and charged to the
person who wrote it, and is marked in some way to indicate that
canon. N. A rule or standard; a body of rules, particularly for
governing the conduct of a kind of professional; a rule suggesting
appropriate conduct for legal professionals.
canon law. N. Roman Catholic law, created by popes and cardinals.
CAN-SPAM Act. N. A law passed in 2003 that made certain commer-
cial emails, often called “spam,” illegal and empowered the Federal
Trade Commission to take action to prevent spam.
capacity. N. Legal competence; having the age and mental capacity
to understand the consequences of one’s actions and to make
rational decisions.
capacity, criminal. N. The age and mental ability necessary to
intentionally commit a crime.
capacity, testamentary. N. The mental ability necessary to write a
proper will.
capacity to contract. N. The age and mental acuity necessary to
enter a binding contract.
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capias 68
capias. N. A writ issued by the court demanding that a named
person be taken into custody.
capital. N. Wealth in the form of money and assets; all the assets
owned by a business.
capital account. N. An account that records a business’s capital
assets, expenses, and liabilities.
capital expenditure. N. Money spent to acquire or improve a
capital asset.
capital gain or loss. N. The profit or loss realized when a capital
asset is sold.
capital intensive. ADJ. Requiring a large amount of equipment for
capitalization. N. All stock, bonds, and other securities issued by a
capitalize. V. To convert present or expected income into an asset;
in business accounting, to record an expense (such as repairs to a
building) as a capital asset because it will produce long-term bene-
fits, thus allowing the expense to be written off over a period of
capital offense. N. An offense for which execution is a possible
punishment; also called a capital crime.
capital punishment. N. The death penalty; punishment by death.
caption. N. The heading of a legal document such as a brief, motion,
or pleading, containing the names of the parties, the court, the
action, the docket number, and any other required information.
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69 carryback
capture. V. To forcefully take possession of someone or something.
N. capture.
carbon credit. N. A tradable permit giving its holder the right to
emit a specified amount of carbon dioxide.
care. N. (1) Attention, concern, or caution. (2) Custody. (3) Duty of
care; an obligation to conduct oneself in such a way as to avoid or
prevent injury to another.
care, great. N. The care exercised by a reasonable person in very
important matters, or the care used by an extremely prudent
person in a similar situation.
care, ordinary. N. The care a reasonably careful person would use
in a similar situation. See also reasonable care
, due care.
care, slight. N. The care a reasonable person exercises in unimpor-
tant matters, or the care used by a careless person in a similar situ-
carnal knowledge. N. Sexual intercourse; penetration of a female’s
genitals by a male’s.
carrier. N. A person or business that transports people or goods for
a fee.
carrier, common. N. A carrier who makes transportation available
to the public, and who will transport any person or the goods of any
person who pays for the passage, as long as there is room available
and no legal reason to refuse.
carrier, private. N. A carrier who transports people or goods by
contract and only in particular cases.
carryback. N. In taxation, the process of applying a deduction or
credit from one year to the tax liability of a previous year.
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carryover 70
carryover. N. A deduction or credit from one year to the tax liability
of a future year.
carry over. V. To extend past a stated deadline or boundary; in
the case of health savings accounts, to transfer from one fiscal
year into the next; in the case of taxes, it is the process of
applying a deduction or credit from one year to the tax liability
of a future year.
carte blanche. N. Complete freedom to act as one chooses; unlim-
ited discretionary power.
cartel. N. A coalition of independent producers, usually industrial
corporations, who band together to set prices and restrict compe-
tition. See also monopoly.
case. N. (1) A legal action or lawsuit to be decided in a court of law
or equity. (2) The legal arguments and evidence used by one side of
a lawsuit to support its position.
casebook. N. A textbook used in law school to teach a particular
type of law, containing court opinions from cases in that subject
and commentary by experts in the field.
case law. N. The body of law derived from examination of previ-
ously judged cases, including their treatment of a subject and inter-
pretation of legislation. See also common law, civil law.
case system. N. A method of teaching law by having law students
read and analyze cases.
cash. N. Ready money, i.e., coins and bank notes. Sometimes
includes negotiable checks and bank accounts. See also credit.
cash flow. N. The total money generated; the cash remaining when
all expenses are paid.
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71 cause, proximate
cash method. N. An accounting method that records only money
that has been paid or received. See also accelerated cost recovery
cash value. N. Market value, the price an item would bring if sold
on the open market.
castle doctrine. N. The principle that a person’s home is meant to
be safe from attack and that the person can therefore defend his or
her home with a degree of force that would not be legal in any
other setting. See also duty to retreat.
casualty. N. In insurance, an accident; something destroyed or
badly damaged; a person killed. See loss, accident.
casus belli. N. (Latin). Case of war; a reason to go to war.
causa. N. (Latin) Cause, reason.
causa mortis. N. (Latin) In anticipation of death.
causation. N. Causing something; a cause; the connection between
cause and effect.
cause. V. To make something happen. N. (1) That which makes
something happen. (2) A legal case; see also cause of action.
cause, direct. N. The action that sets in motion a sequence of
events leading directly to a result, without any intervening actions
to assist or interfere with the chain of events.
cause, intervening. N. Something that happens between the action
that sets in motion a series of events and the ultimate result.
cause, proximate. N. A cause that directly produces a result, and
without which the result would not have happened.
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cause, superseding 72
cause, superseding. N. An intervening cause that substantially
affects the ultimate outcome of the series of events and breaks the
chain of causation between the direct cause and the effect.
cause of action. N. A set of facts that creates a valid legal claim that
can be grounds for a lawsuit.
cautionary instruction. N. A judge’s instruction to the jury to
consider specific pieces of evidence only for instructed purposes,
not to allow extraneous information to influence their judgment,
not to speak about the case to anyone outside the courtroom, and
other matters.
caveat. N. (Latin) Let him beware; a warning.
caveat emptor. N. (Latin) Let the buyer beware; the principle that
the buyer is responsible for examining merchandise and judging its
quality before buying it.
CDA. ABBRV. Communications Decency Act.
CDC. ABBRV. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
cease and desist order. N. An order by a court, agency, or judicial
body telling someone to stop doing a particular activity, usually
because the activity in question is illegal.
censor. N. A person who examines published media, including print
and film, in search of objectionable or offensive content.
V. To
examine published media looking for offensive content and
suppressing it when found.
censorship. N. The practice of censoring.
censure. N. A formal reprimand or expression of disapproval. V.
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73 certify
census. N. An official count of a population.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. N. An agency within
the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that works to
promote public health.
certificate. N. An official document confirming a particular fact.
certificate, birth. N. A certificate stating the date and place of a
person’s birth.
certificate, death. N. A certificate stating the date and place of a
person’s death.
certificate, stock. N. A certificate issued by a corporation to a
shareholder indicating that the shareholder owns a certain number
of shares of the corporation’s stock.
certificate of deposit. N. A document issued by a bank to a
customer indicating that it has received a sum of money from the
customer and will repay it with interest at a specific date.
certificate of incorporation. N. A document issued by a secretary
of state approving a company’s articles of incorporation and indi-
cating that the corporation exists.
certificate of occupancy. N. A document issued by a local govern-
ment confirming that a building complies with local building codes.
certified check. N. A check drawn on a bank account that has been
certified in writing by a bank official, thereby making the bank
responsible for it.
certify. V. To confirm formally; to authenticate in writing. N. certi-
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certiorari 74
certiorari. N. A writ issued by an appellate court to a lower court
requesting the official record of a decision made by the lower court
so that the appellate court can review it for errors.
cestui que. (French) The one who.
cestui que trust. N. The person who has a beneficial interest in a
trust; the beneficiary.
cestui que use. N. The person who has a right to use property held
by another.
cestui que vie. N. The person whose life determines the duration
of a trust or insurance contract.
CFAA. ABBRV. Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.
chain of title. N. The history of ownership of a property, listed from
the original owner to the present one.
challenge. V. To object; to dispute the truth of a statement. N. (1)
An objection. (2) An objection by a lawyer to the inclusion on the
jury of a juror proposed by opposing counsel.
challenge, peremptory. N. An objection to including a juror for no
particular reason; each party is permitted a certain number of
peremptory challenges.
challenge for cause. N. An objection to a juror based on a specific
reason, which the judge must approve.
chamber. N. A hall or room in which a judicial or legislative body
chambers. N. A judge’s private office.
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75 charitable
champerty. N. An illegal agreement between a party to a lawsuit
and another person who agrees to pay the costs of pursuing the
lawsuit in exchange for a share of the resulting proceeds.
chancellor. N. (1) A senior officer, especially at a university. (2) The
judge of a court of chancery. (3) In some European countries, the
head of the government.
chancery. N. Equity, or equitable jurisdiction. Court of chancery. A
court of equity.
change. V. To alter or modify; to substitute one thing for another,
often used in reference to money.
N. change.
Chapter 7. See bankruptcy, Chapter 7.
Chapter 11. See bankruptcy, Chapter 11.
Chapter 12. See bankruptcy, Chapter 12.
Chapter 13. See bankruptcy, Chapter 13.
character. N. A person’s moral qualities; reputation; disposition.
character evidence. N. Evidence about a person’s reputation in
character witness. N. A witness who attests to a person’s reputa-
tion and moral qualities.
charge. V. (1) To accuse someone of an offense. (2) To entrust
someone with a duty. (3) To request money for something
purchased or provided. (4) To issue instructions to a jury as to how
they should analyze the facts and arguments presented at trial.
charitable. ADJ. Done out of benevolence or a desire to help those
in need.
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charitable contribution 76
charitable contribution. N. Donations of money or other valuable
items to charitable organizations; often tax-deductible.
charitable organization. N. Under the Internal Revenue Code, a
corporation or business devoted to specific charitable purposes
and not operated for profit or political influence.
charitable trust. N. A trust whose property must be used for chari-
table purposes.
charity. N. (1) An organization whose focus is on charitable work
and public benevolence. (2) The donation of money or help to
those in need.
charity, public. N. A charity that receives most of its support from
the public.
charter. N. A document granted by the state permitting the creation
of a corporation, city, or university and defining its rights and priv-
ileges. See also articles of incorporation.
V. To hire an airplane,
boat, or other such vehicle for private use.
chattel. N. A possession; movable or personal property, as opposed
to land or real property; something that can be owned.
chattel mortgage. N. A mortgage placed on personal property to
secure a debt; chattel mortgages have been mostly replaced by the
Uniform Commercial Code’s security arrangements.
chattel paper. N. A document that records a debt and a security
interest or lease of specific goods.
check. V. Examine; verify. N. A document indicating that the
amount of money noted on it is to be drawn from the writer’s bank
account when it is presented to the bank.
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77 Children’s Internet Protection Act
check, cashier’s. N. A check written for a bank customer on a
bank’s own account, guaranteeing that the bank will pay the
amount of money recorded on the check.
check, personal. N. A check written on an account holder’s
personal account.
check, traveler’s. N. A check purchased from a bank that functions
as cash but is protected against loss or theft. See also certified
check kiting. N. A scam in which an individual deposits worthless
checks in different banks and uses his or her good credit to with-
draw funds before the checks clear, attempting to deposit the
money into the account on which the check is drawn before the
discrepancy is discovered. See also bad check.
Chemical Weapons Convention. N. An international agreement
effective in 1997 that prohibits its signatories from creating and
stockpiling chemical weapons such as nerve gases.
chief. ADJ. Most important; highest ranking. N. Leader or head.
chief justice. N. The judge who presides over a court with more
than one judge.
child. N. (1) Offspring, a son or daughter. (2) A person under the
age of majority; a minor.
PL. children.
child abuse. N. Physical, sexual, or mental mistreatment of a child.
child labor laws. N. Laws regulating the hours, conditions, and
nature of work that may be performed by children.
Children’s Internet Protection Act. N. A federal law enacted in 2000
that requires schools and libraries that receive federal funding to
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child support 78
implement safeguards to prevent minors from viewing inappro-
priate content on the Internet.
child support. N. Financial contributions that a parent must make
toward the upbringing of a child, usually paid by the parent who
does not keep custody of the child after a divorce.
chill. V. To inhibit; to discourage.
chilling effect. N. Limits on constitutional rights, such as free
speech, created by fear of repercussions rather than outright
government prohibition.
Chinese wall. N. A policy used by securities firms that prevents all
departments from accessing nonpublic information in order to
prevent insider trading and self-dealing.
choate. ADJ. Completed. See also inchoate.
choate lien. N. A lien that has been perfected and can be enforced.
chose. N. (French) A thing; a personal possession.
chose in action. N. A claim that can be brought as a lawsuit.
chose in possession. N. Something that is owned or can be owned.
churning. N. Excessive and unnecessary trades of stock by a
broker in order to increase his or her commission.
C.I.F. ABBRV. Cost, insurance, and freight. Also called C.F.I.
CIPA. ABBRV. Children’s Internet Protection Act.
circuit. N. A judicial division of a state or the country, usually
covering several counties or districts.
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79 civil law
circuit court. N. A court that hears cases from within a judicial
circuit, so-called because its judges traveled a circuit within the
region, hearing cases in different places. See also district court.
circumstantial evidence. N. Evidence drawn from inference or
deduction; secondary evidence. See also direct evidence, indirect
citation. N. (1) A reference in a legal document or argument to a
legal authority such as a precedent or statute. (2) A summons
issued by a court ordering its recipient to appear in court at a spec-
ified date and time.
V. cite.
citizen. N. A legally recognized member of a nation or state, who
owes allegiance to the government and in return receives the
government’s protection.
citizenship. N. The status of a citizen. See also naturalize.
civil. ADJ. Having to do with the concerns of citizens and the state;
the branch of law that handles private matters as opposed to crim-
inal ones.
civil action. N. A lawsuit brought by a private citizen to protect a
private or civil right or to seek a civil remedy; a noncriminal action.
civil court. N. A court handling civil actions, i.e., noncriminal
civil disobedience. N. Deliberately refusing to obey a law as a way
of protesting its unfairness.
civilian. N. A person not in the military; a private citizen.
civil law. N. (1) Law concerned with citizens and private matters.
(2) The body of jurisprudence created by a nation or state, as
opposed to natural law or international law. (3) A system of
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civil liberties 80
jurisprudence practiced in Europe and in Louisiana, based on the
codes of ancient Roman law as opposed to the precedents that
form the authority of common law.
civil liberties. N. Personal rights and immunities from government
oppression established and guaranteed by the Constitution,
including freedom of speech and freedom of association;
natural liberties that cannot be limited by the government. See
also civil rights.
civil procedure. N. The laws governing procedure and practice
used in civil litigation.
civil rights. N. The rights of all citizens to personal liberties,
freedom, and equality; rights specifically granted through laws
enacted by communities, as opposed to civil liberties, which are
rights that the government is not allowed to restrict.
Civil Rights Acts. N. Federal laws enacted to protect personal
rights guaranteed by the Constitution, particularly freedom from
civil service. N. The professional staff and workers of a govern-
Civil Service Commission. N. A commission that exists to ensure
that civil service jobs are awarded on the basis of merit rather than
claim. V. (1) To state the truth of something; to assert. (2) To assert
ownership of or right to money or property and demand it.
N. (1) A
demand for something that one considers one’s own. (2) An appli-
cation for compensation filed with an insurer. (3) A cause of action,
including a right enforceable by the court, an injury, and damages.
claimant. N. One who makes a claim.
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81 clear and present danger
claim of right. N. (1) In property, the claim that someone in adverse
possession of land intends to claim the land as his or her own. (2)
In taxation, the requirement that a taxpayer report all income for
the year, even if some of it might have to be repaid in a later year.
Claims Court, U.S. See United States Court of Federal Claims.
class. N. A group of people or things sharing common charac-
class action. N. A lawsuit brought by one or a few members of a
group on behalf of all the members, specially certified by the court
to confirm that all the members share a concern and meet other
classified stock. N. Common stock divided into classes.
classify. V. To put into groups on the basis of similarities and
shared characteristics.
N. classification.
clause. N. A paragraph, stipulation, or article in a legal document
such as a contract or pleading.
Clayton Act. N. A federal statute that amends the Sherman Antitrust
Act by prohibiting price discrimination and regulating mergers and
contracts that might inhibit competition.
Clean Air Acts. N. Federal and state statutes that regulate air pollu-
clean hands doctrine. N. A doctrine holding that in order for
someone to receive equitable relief for a wrong, he or she must be
blameless in the transaction, and must have performed his or her
duties in good faith without wrongdoing. See also unclean hands.
clear. ADJ. Obvious or evident; easy to understand; without a doubt.
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clearinghouse 82
clear and convincing. ADJ. Highly probable, establishing a firm
belief that something is true; an evidentiary standard between a
preponderance of the evidence and beyond a reasonable doubt.
clear and present danger. N. A constitutional doctrine that allows
the government to restrict freedom of speech in cases where free
speech would create an obvious and immediate danger that the
government has a duty to prevent.
clearinghouse. N. A banking establishment where member banks
exchange checks and bills all at once, paying only the balances in
cash so as to settle daily accounts conveniently.
clear title. N. A title free of encumbrances; good title.
clemency. N. Mercy, forgiveness, or leniency.
clergy. N. Religious professionals; those ordained for the ministry.
cleric. N. A member of the clergy.
clerical. ADJ. Having to do with bookkeeping, records, filing, corre-
spondence, and similar duties.
clerical error. N. A mistake made while drafting or copying a docu-
clerk. N. (1) A person who works in an office handling documents,
records, and other administrative duties. (2) A person who works
in a store, selling and organizing merchandise, usually an assistant.
(3) A court officer who keeps court records, files pleadings and
motions, issues process, and enters judgment.
V. To work as a
clerk, especially a law clerk.
clerk, law. N. A law student or recent law school graduate who
assists an attorney or judge with research; writing of briefs, memo-
randa, and opinions; and, other tasks.
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83 cloture
clerkship. N. The period spent working as a law clerk.
click-wrap agreement. N. A contract formed when a user clicks a
box on a website agreeing to the website’s terms and conditions;
see also browse-wrap agreement, shrink-wrap agreement.
client. N. An individual or organization that employs a professional
to provide that professional’s services; someone who employs an
attorney to represent him or her in court, to draft legal documents,
to advise, or to provide other legal services.
close. V. (1) To complete or bring to an end. (2) To cover an
ADJ. (1) Near, nearby. (2) Closed or restricted. N. (1) An
enclosed piece of land surrounded by a visible or invisible
boundary; see also inclosure. (2) The end of a period of time or
closed shop. N. A business in which a collective bargaining agree-
ment requires that all employees be members of a particular union.
See also open shop.
closing. N. The conclusion of a sale of real estate in which the
buyer pays the purchase price, the mortgage is secured, and the
seller hands over the deed to the buyer.
closing argument. N. An attorney’s final arguments to the judge and
jury at the conclusion of his or her case, summing up the facts
supporting the case and explaining why the opposing side’s case is
closing costs. N. Expenses that must be paid on closing, including
fees for title searches and title insurance, deeds, appraisals, credit
reports, and escrow.
closing statement. N. A document that records the details of the
sale, including purchase price, deductions, tax adjustments, and
credits, resulting in the net amount that the seller receives.
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cloud on title 84
cloture. N. A vote by a legislature to end excessive debate on the
matter at hand and vote on it. See also filibuster.
cloud on title. N. An encumbrance or claim on a title that could
potentially impair the title but can be proven invalid by outside
evidence, and can be removed by an action to quiet title.
COBRA. ABBRV. Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
of 1985.
code. N. A systematic collection of laws, regulations, or rules.
code, civil. N. The collection of laws based on the French Napoleonic
Code that governs Louisiana jurisprudence. Also known as code
code, penal. N. A collection of laws dealing with criminal acts and
punishments. See also United States Code.
co-defendant. N. Someone who is a defendant together with
someone else accused of the same crime or offense, or who is sued
with another defendant in a single action.
code of military justice. N. The collection of laws that govern the
administration of military justice for all the armed services of the
United States.
code of professional responsibility. N. A compilation of guidelines
for the professional conduct and ethical behavior of attorneys and
legal professionals; has been replaced by the Model Rules of
Professional Conduct.
codicil. N. An addendum to a will, modifying, adding to, revoking,
or explaining portions of the original document.
codify. V. To arrange laws or rules systematically. N. codifi-
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85 collate
coerce. V. To force someone to act against his or her wishes,
through the use of verbal or physical threats or other forms of
N. coercion.
cognizable. ADJ. Within a court’s jurisdiction.
cognizance. N. Jurisdiction or judicial notice.
cognovit judgment. N. A debtor’s written confession of judgment in
the event of nonpayment.
cognovit note. N. A promissory note written by a debtor author-
izing an attorney to confess judgment against him or her if the debt
described in the note is not paid when due.
cohabit. V. To live together; to share a dwelling as a married couple
without being married.
N. cohabitation.
co-heir. N. One of two or more heirs inheriting from the same
coif. N. A headdress; a white piece of cloth worn by top English
lawyers on top of their wigs.
Coif, Order of the. N. An honor society for law students in the top
10% of their class.
coinsurance. N. A form of insurance in which the insurer pays only
a portion of a claim for damage, sharing the risk with the insured.
collate. V. (1) To collect information and arrange it in order. (2)
When someone dies intestate, to estimate the value of all advances
made by the deceased to his or her children before death so that
these advances can be considered in dividing the estate according
to law.
N. collation.
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collateral 86
collateral. N. Something pledged as security for a loan, to be
forfeited if the debt is not paid.
ADJ. Beside; parallel; additional. See
also lineal.
collateral attack. N. An attempt to defeat a judgment through a
separate action instead of an appeal or other direct attack.
collateral estoppel. N. A doctrine holding that a judgment on
issues litigated by two parties is binding on them for those issues
in all subsequent actions with different causes of action.
collateral source rule. N. A rule stating that if an injured person
receives compensation from a source such as insurance, the
damages the injured person can receive from the tortfeasor are not
reduced by that amount.
collective bargaining. N. Negotiation and dispute resolution over
employment matters between a representative group of employees
and the employer. See also union.
colloquium. N. In an action for slander or libel, a declaration that
words spoken or written by the defendant were about the plaintiff
and intended by the defendant.
collude. V. (1) Conspire; to agree secretly to commit some fraudu-
lent act. (2) In a divorce proceeding, for the husband and wife to
agree that one of them will commit some act that can be grounds
for divorce.
N. collusion.
collusive action. N. A lawsuit brought by people who do not actu-
ally have a grievance in order to see how the court will rule or to
establish a precedent; courts will not hear collusive actions
because they have no real controversy.
color. N. Appearance as opposed to reality; disguise; hiding facts
behind a false legal theory.
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87 commercial speech
colorable. ADJ. Presenting a deceptive appearance.
color of law. N. The appearance of legal authority without the
substance; something that appears to have the authority of law but
in fact does not.
color of title. N. An instrument that appears to be a valid title but
in fact is not.
comity. N. (1) Courtesy toward others. (2) The judicial practice of
one court recognizing the decisions of courts from other jurisdic-
tions out of respect. See also full faith and credit.
comity of nations. N. Recognition by one nation within its own
territory of the laws of another nation.
commence. V. To begin. N. commencement.
comment. N. An opinion or reaction to something; an observation.
V. comment.
commerce. N. The exchange, buying, and selling of goods, services,
and property; trade and transportation of goods.
ADJ. commercial.
Commerce Clause. N. Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 of the U.S.
Constitution, which gives Congress the power to regulate
commerce with foreign nations, among the states, and with
American Indian tribes.
commercial paper. N. A document in which the maker promises to
pay the bearer a certain sum on deposit or at a particular time; a
short-term unsecured loan issued by a company.
commercial speech. N. Speech that has a specific commercial
purpose, such as advertising.
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commercial unit 88
commercial unit. N. An item or collection of goods that cannot be
divided without impairing its value, such as a machine, a suite of
furniture, or a bale of cotton.
commingle. V. To mix; to blend together.
commingling of funds. N. A fiduciary’s mingling of a client’s or
beneficiary’s money with his or her own.
commission. N. (1) A fee paid to an agent, broker, etc., for handling
a transaction, usually a percentage of the total transaction. (2) A
warrant issued by the government or a court authorizing its recip-
ient to perform specific duties. (3) A group of people authorized to
perform some function. (4) The act of committing a crime.
commissioner. N. A member of a commission, or a person with a
commit. V. (1) To do or perform a deed or act. (2) To entrust to the
care of someone else; to send someone to prison or a mental insti-
tution. (3) To bind oneself to someone or something.
commitment. N. (1) The act of committing. (2) An obligation.
committee. N. (1) A group of people appointed to perform a
specific duty. (2) Someone who has been committed to a mental
institution. (3) Someone appointed to care for an incompetent
commodity. N. (1) Something that can be sold; a thing of value. (2)
Raw materials or agricultural products that can be bought and sold.
common. ADJ. (1) Ordinary; frequently occurring. (2) Shared.
common law. N. A system of law based on judicial precedent and
custom rather than statute and code; the system of jurisprudence
used in England and most of the United States. See also civil law.
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89 compact
commons. N. Parks and other land set aside for public use.
Commons, House of. N. The British legislative house that repre-
sents the common people, all subjects except the nobility and
common stock. N. Shares of ownership of a company. See also
preferred stock.
commonwealth. N. A political unit governed for the common good;
a commonwealth can take many forms, such as a nation, state,
republic, or union.
communicate. V. To exchange information. N. communication.
Communications Decency Act. N. A law passed as part of the
Telecommunications Act of 1996 that attempted to regulate
obscenity on the Internet and was effectively ruled unconstitu-
tional by the U.S. Supreme Court in the late 1990s and early 2000s.
community. N. (1) A locality or the people who live in it. (2) A group
of people who share a religion, profession, or other characteristic.
(3) A group of states or nations with common interests. (4) The
sense of fellowship that comes from sharing a home, interests, or
community property. N. Property owned equally by husband and
wife, with all earnings divided equally between spouses; the form
of marital property distribution used by a minority of states. See
also equitable distribution, marital property.
commute. V. To replace or change; to replace a criminal sentence
with a lighter one.
N. commutation.
compact. N. An agreement between two or more parties, especially
states or governments, to work together on shared concerns.
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Compact Clause 90
Compact Clause. N. Article I, Section 10, Clause 3 of the U.S.
Constitution, prohibiting states to enter into compacts with other
states or with foreign nations (i.e., interstate compacts) without the
consent of Congress.
company. N. A group or association of people with the purpose of
running a business or commercial enterprise; a business.
company, joint stock. N. A company that raises capital by pooling
the contributions of its members, which are then divided into
shares that are distributed to members to represent their share of
ownership of the company.
comparative negligence. N. A system under which negligence is
computed in terms of percentage, and a party’s damages will be
reduced by the amount that his or her negligence contributed to
them; contributory negligence has largely replaced the doctrine of
comparative negligence.
compensate. V. (1) To give someone money to make up for an
injury he or she has suffered. (2) To pay someone for work he or
she has performed.
N. compensation.
competency. N. Ability to stand trial or serve as a witness.
competent. ADJ. Able; capable; having the ability to do something;
capable of understanding.
competent court. N. A court with proper jurisdiction.
competent evidence. N. Evidence that is admissible because it is
material and relevant.
complainant. N. A party who brings a legal complaint against
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91 compulsory insurance
complaint. N. (1) The pleading that begins a civil lawsuit, in which
the plaintiff sets forth his or her causes of action and demands
relief. (2) In criminal law, a charge made before a magistrate that a
particular person has committed an offense, in an effort to begin
the process of prosecution.
compliance. N. The practice within a business of ensuring that all
personnel are following applicable laws, rules, and regulations.
comply. V. To follow orders or rules; to submit.
compos mentis. ADJ. (Latin) Of sound mind; sane and mentally
competent. See also non compos mentis.
compound. V. (1) To combine. (2) To make worse.
compound a crime or felony. V. For an injured party to agree not
to prosecute the person who has committed the crime against him
or her in exchange for some payment.
compound interest. N. Interest paid both on principal and on any
interest already accumulated.
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. N. An international treaty effec-
tive in 1997 that bans all nuclear explosions.
compulsion. N. Force or duress; forcing someone to do something.
V. compel.
compulsory. ADJ. Required; obligatory.
compulsory arbitration. N. Arbitration in which the parties are
forced to agree.
compulsory insurance. N. Motor vehicle insurance that drivers are
required by law to purchase.
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compulsory process 92
compulsory process. N. A court’s use of subpoena, arrest, or
attachment to force a person to appear in court; a defendant’s
constitutional right to force witnesses to appear and testify at trial.
Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. N. A federal law passed in 1986
that made hacking into computer systems illegal.
conceal. V. To hide.
concealed carry. N. The practice of carrying a concealed weapon;
open carry.
N. The practice of carrying a weapon in plain sight on
one’s person.
concealed weapon. A handgun or other firearm that is concealed
on a person’s body or is kept in close proximity to the person.
concealed weapon permit. N. A license that allows a private citizen
to carry a concealed weapon.
concealment. N. Intentionally withholding information.
conception. N. (1) The beginning of pregnancy, when an egg is
fertilized by a sperm; the action of conceiving a child. (2) A notion
or idea; the beginning of an idea.
V. conceive.
concerted action. N. An act that has been planned and performed
by two or more people with a common purpose. See also
conspiracy, accomplice.
conciliation. N. Amicable resolution of a dispute by the parties
themselves, often done before trial. See also arbitration,
conclude. V. (1) To end; to sum up. (2) To reach a judgment through
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93 condition subsequent
conclusion. N. (1) An ending. (2) A final opinion arrived at through
examination of facts and logical reasoning.
conclusion of fact. N. A conclusion reached by examining only the
facts and evidence, without applying any law.
conclusion of law. N. A court’s legal conclusions about a case,
arrived at by applying rules of law.
conclusive. ADJ. Proving something beyond doubt; decisive.
conclusive evidence. N. Incontrovertible evidence; evidence that
establishes a proposition and that cannot be disproved.
concur. V. To agree.
concurrence. N. A concurring opinion; an opinion written by a
judge or justice of an appellate court agreeing with the majority
conclusion in a case but describing a different path of legal
reasoning. See also dissent.
concurrent. ADJ. Simultaneous; at the same time.
condemn. V. (1) To find someone guilty of a crime; to sentence
someone to death. (2) To disapprove of publicly. (3) To officially
declare a building unfit for use. (4) To use eminent domain to take
private property for public use.
N. condemnation.
condition. N. Something that must happen or be the case before
something else can happen; a prerequisite.
ADJ. conditional.
condition precedent. N. A fact or state of affairs that must exist
before a particular contractual duty must be performed.
condition subsequent. N. A future event that will end a contractual
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condominium 94
condominium. N. A kind of dwelling arrangement in which individ-
uals own separate units in a multi-unit complex and all owners
share common facilities and areas. See also cooperative.
condonation. N. In marriage, the forgiveness of some behavior that
would be grounds for divorce by resuming cohabitation on the
condition that the behavior not happen again.
condone. V. To approve, albeit reluctantly; to allow undesirable
behavior to continue.
confederate. ADJ. United by a treaty or common agreement. N. An
confederation. N. An alliance or league of states, each of which
retains full sovereignty and self-government, with a limited
central government.
confess. V. To admit to having committed a crime or wrongful act.
N. confession.
confession and avoidance. N. A pleading in which the party admits
the truth of the allegations in the complaint but then presents new
information that makes those allegations ineffectual. See also
affirmative defense.
confession of judgment. N. Entry of judgment against a debtor
without a legal proceeding, done if the debtor signs a cognovit note
at the time of purchase.
confidence game. N. A swindle in which a swindler earns the trust
of the victim and then takes advantage of it to cheat the victim out
of money; informally called a con game or simply con.
confidential. ADJ. Secret; private. N. confidentiality.
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95 Confrontation Clause
confidential communication. N. Statements made in private, meant
to be heard only by the person addressed. See also privilege.
confirm. V. (1) To show that a statement is correct; to state that a
fact is true. (2) To formally install someone in office; to ratify.
confirmation. N. Formal approval; written ratification of some-
confiscate. V. To take someone’s private property for public use;
during wartime, to take an enemy’s property; for the government to
appropriate private property without compensation.
N. confisca-
conflict of interest. N. An ethical dilemma in which a person is
entrusted with two duties at odds with one another, in which atten-
tion to one duty will harm the other.
conflict of laws. N. The conflict that results when a controversy
occurs in more than one jurisdiction, thus raising the question of
which jurisdiction’s law to apply to the matter; the branch of law
that considers these questions, also called choice of law.
conform. V. To comply with stated rules or standards. ADJ.
N. conformity. See also nonconformity.
conformed copy. N. An exact copy of a document with handwritten
notations of items that were written by hand on the original; often
prepared and certified by a clerk of court.
confront. V. To face someone; to come face to face with a problem
or an accusation.
N. confrontation.
Confrontation Clause. N. A provision of the Sixth Amendment of
the U.S. Constitution guaranteeing the accused the right to
confront his or her accuser and witnesses at trial, to hear his or her
testimony, and cross-examine him or her.
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confuse 96
confuse. V. To make blurry or perplexing; to intermingle things so
that they cannot be distinguished from one another.
N. confusion.
confusion of goods. N. Mixing the property of different owners so
that they can no longer identify their own goods.
conglomerate. N. A corporate entity composed of several different
corporations merged together. See also merger.
congress. N. (1) A country’s national legislative body; in the United
States, the body composed of the Senate and the House of
Representatives, usually capitalized to “Congress.” (2) A formal
meeting, usually by political or professional groups. (3) A union or
coming together, as in the phrase “sexual congress.”
conjecture. N. A tentative conclusion or opinion based on limited
information; a guess.
V. conjecture.
conjugal. ADJ. Having to do with the marital relationship.
conjugal rights. N. Rights that each spouse can expect from the
other, particularly sexual rights but also the rights to society,
comfort, and affection.
conjugal visit. N. A visit to a convict by his or her spouse during
which the couple is given the opportunity to have sexual inter-
conjunctive. ADJ. Connective; joining.
conjunctive denial. N. A single collective denial of several facts
stated in a complaint.
con man. N. Slang for a swindler. See also confidence game,
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97 consent, implied
consanguinity. N. Blood relationship; the relationship of people
who share a common ancestor.
ADJ. consanguine, consan-
consanguinity, collateral. N. The relationship between those who
share an ancestor but are not descended in the same line, such as
the relationship between aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews,
and cousins.
consanguinity, lineal. N. Kinship between people descended in a
direct line from one another, such as the relationship between
parent and child and grandchild.
conscience. N. A personal standard that guides a person’s view of
what is right and wrong; moral sense.
conscience of the court. N. An equity court’s application of
community standards of fairness and decency along with princi-
ples of equitable law and precedent to its resolution of a contro-
conscientious objector. N. A person who refuses to serve in the
armed forces due to ethical, moral, or religious objections to war.
See also pacifist.
conscript. N. One who has been compulsorily enrolled in the mili-
V. conscript.
conscription. N. The draft; compulsory enlistment in the mili-
consent. V. To agree voluntarily; to give permission. N. consent.
consent, implied. N. Consent that is expressed indirectly
through behavior and actions that make it appear that consent
has been given.
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consent decree 98
consent decree. N. A binding decree issued by a judge that
expresses a consensual agreement between the parties to a
consent judgment. N. A judgment that the parties agree to.
consent search. N. A search made by police after the subject of the
search has voluntarily consented to it freely, which absolves the
police of the need for a search warrant.
consequence. N. A result; the result that naturally follows a cause.
conservator. N. A guardian; someone appointed by a court to
manage an estate, a business, or the personal affairs of someone
unable to manage alone.
consideration. N. The payment or reward essential to the forma-
tion of a contract and that persuades a person to enter the
contract; something of value given in exchange for a performance
or a promise.
consign. V. To entrust goods to someone else; to deliver goods to the
custody of a carrier or agent, usually so that they can be sold.
consignee. N. The recipient of consigned goods; the person named
as recipient in a bill of lading.
consignment. N. (1) The act of consigning. (2) A batch of goods
consigned to someone.
consolidate. V. To put together several things into one coherent
N. consolidation.
consolidated appeal. N. A single appeal filed by more than one
appellant whose interests are similar enough to make their combi-
nation feasible.
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99 constitutional
Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985. N. A
federal law that allows some employees to maintain health
coverage through an employer after leaving employment.
consolidation of actions. N. Combining several related lawsuits
into a single action.
consolidation of corporations. N. Combining two or more corpora-
tions by destroying them and creating a new corporation with the
assets and liabilities of the now nonexistent ones. See also merger.
consortium. N. (1) A married person’s right to fellowship, help, and
affection from his or her spouse. (2) An association of several
companies that join together to pursue a common object for a
specified period of time, in which the members do not assume
liability for one another’s actions.
PL. consortia.
consortium, loss of. N. A cause of action that can be brought by
someone whose spouse has been killed or injured, based on loss of
material services, companionship, and sex.
conspiracy. N. Two or more people who join together to plan and
commit an unlawful act.
V. conspire.
conspirator. N. A person who participates in a conspiracy.
constituent. N. One who authorizes someone else to act for him or
her, usually used to name the members of a community that elect
and are represented by a legislator or politician.
constitution. N. A collection of fundamental principles of law
according to which a nation or organization is to be governed.
constitutional. ADJ. According to principles defined in the
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constitutional question 100
constitutional question. N. A legal question that must be answered
by interpreting the Constitution, as opposed to being addressed by
a statute. See also unconstitutional.
construct. N. An idea composed of various conceptual elements,
usually one that is not empirically verifiable or testable.
construction. N. (1) The interpretation of a statute or legal authority,
particularly of ambiguous portions of it. See also construe.
construction, liberal. N. Interpreting a statute expansively, looking
for the spirit of the law.
construction, strict. N. Interpreting a statute solely on the basis of
what is written, bringing in nothing that is not expressed and
looking for the letter rather than the spirit of the law.
constructionist. N. A person who interprets a law, especially the
Constitution, in a particular way. (2) Building houses and other
constructive. N. Implied or inferred; inferred by construing facts in
a particular way.
constructive contract. N. A contract not intentionally entered into
by the parties that arises legally to prevent injustice. Synonymous
with quasi contract.
constructive discharge. N. A situation in which an employee finds
conditions at work so intolerable that he or she feels forced to
resign, without actually being discharged by the employer. See also
harass, discrimination.
constructive eviction. N. A situation in which a landlord lets living
conditions get so bad that a tenant feels compelled to move out.
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101 contempt
constructive notice. N. Notice implied by law, usually because it is
in a public record.
constructive possession. N. The power to control an item without
actual physical possession of it.
construe. V. To find the meaning in words or actions. See also
consultant. N. An expert, often an independent contractor, paid by
a company to give it advice on some matter but not employed by
that company.
consumer. N. A person who buys goods and services and consumes
or uses them.
consumer-driven health plan. N. A health plan that is meant to give
consumers a higher degree of control over their own health care,
typically by allowing consumers to save money and use it to pay for
medical care as they choose. See also health savings account, high
deductible health plan.
consumer goods. N. Goods bought for personal use by an indi-
vidual, household, or family, and not intended for resale; a category
of goods under the Uniform Commercial Code.
consumer protection laws. N. Federal and state laws regulating
sales and credit practices, intended to protect consumers from
deceptive advertising, poor quality, dishonest credit and debt prac-
tices, and other dangers facing retail consumers who cannot
engage in arm’s-length bargaining with retailers and manufac-
contempt. N. Disregard for authority; willful disobedience or disre-
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contempt, civil 102
contempt, civil. N. Refusing to perform a duty ordered by the court
to benefit another party to the litigation, such as producing docu-
contempt, constructive. N. Disregard for court authority that
occurs away from the court, such as refusing to obey an
contempt, criminal. N. An act that directly interferes with the
court’s operation or obstructs justice.
contempt, direct. N. Contempt committed in the court or near
enough that it interferes with orderly proceedings.
contempt of court. N. Disobedience to a court and its officers; any
act intended to interfere with the operation or dignity of the court.
contiguous. ADJ. Touching, next to, sharing a border.
Continental Congress. N. A congress held by the American
colonies at the start of the American Revolution; Continental
Congresses were held in 1774, 1775, and 1776, and resulted in the
creation of the Continental Army.
contingency fee. N. A fee charged by an attorney that is contingent
on a successful outcome of the case; often the attorney will take a
percentage of the client’s recovery if the client prevails, and will
receive nothing if the client loses; commonly used by attorneys
representing plaintiffs in personal injury lawsuits. Also called a
contingent fee.
contingent. ADJ. Depending on something; occurring if some spec-
ified condition occurs; provisional.
N. A delegation; a group of
people that represents a larger group.
contingent beneficiary. N. Someone who will receive the proceeds
of a trust or some other arrangement only if a specific event occurs.
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103 contractor
contingent estate. N. An estate that will only vest if a specific event
contingent interest. N. An interest that will only vest if a specific
event occurs.
contingent liability. N. Potential liability; liability that will accrue if
some specific event occurs first.
contingent right. N. A right that will only vest if a specific event
continuance. N. Postponement or adjournment of a trial or other
court proceeding to a later date.
contra. ADJ. (Latin) Against.
contraband. N. Illegal goods; goods that are illegal to possess, such
as narcotics or counterfeit money.
contract. N. An agreement between two or more parties that is
enforceable by law; a transaction between two or more people in
which one or both promise to perform some duty in exchange for
consideration, and if a party fails to do what he or she promised, the
law allows the other party to seek a remedy.
V. contract.
contract, bilateral. N. A contract between two parties in which
each one promises something to the other.
contract, oral. N. A contract that is executed verbally and not put
in writing. See also statute of frauds.
contract, unilateral. N. A contract in which one party promises to
do something in exchange for performance by the other party.
contractor. N. A person who contracts to do work for someone
else, on an independent basis, using his or her own materials and
methods and not under the control of the customer with regard to
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contribute 104
the details of how the work is done. See also independent
contractor, subcontractor.
contribute. V. To give; to donate something in order to help some
cause; to help or assist in bringing something about.
contribution. N. A payment of a portion of a liability recovery by
one who shares liability, especially among insurers; the doctrine
that allows someone who has already paid a judgment to recover
part of the amount from another party who is also liable.
control. N. Power over someone or something; power to direct a
person’s actions, manage a machine, or influence events.
controlled substance. N. A drug regulated by law whose distribu-
tion is restricted or prohibited because of potential for abuse,
including narcotics, stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens, and
controlled substance acts. N. Federal and state laws that regulate
distribution and use of controlled substances.
controversy. N. A dispute that can be litigated in court; a civil action
or lawsuit.
contumacy. N. Willful disobedience of the court’s authority.
contumely. N. Contemptuous insolence; rudeness or insulting
convention. N. (1) An agreement, usually among several nations,
that is less formal than a treaty. (2) A meeting of members of a
professional, political, or social organization.
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105 coroner
conversion. N. The tort of wrongfully taking another person’s prop-
erty and assuming ownership of it or preventing the owner from
using it.
V. convert.
convertible securities. N. Bonds or preferred stock that can be
exchanged for common stock or another lesser security, generally
within the same company.
convey. V. To transfer property from one person to another. N.
convict. V. For a court to find someone guilty of a crime. N. One
who has been found by a court to be guilty of a crime.
conviction. N. The legal act of finding someone guilty of a crime;
the end of the prosecution, including the judgment or sentence.
conviction, summary. N. Finding a person guilty of a crime after a
trial without a jury.
cooperative. N. A business owned and run by its members for the
purpose of mutual help, in which profits and costs are shared.
cooperative apartment. N. An apartment in a complex of apart-
ments in which each owner has a share in the entire complex and
a lease of his or her own apartment. See also condominium.
copay. N. A set fee a person pays for a medical service received as
part of a health insurance plan.
copyright. N. The legal right to publish, perform, or display a work
of literature, art, music, drama, recording, or film, protected both
by common law and by statute, including the Copyright Act of
1976. See also infringe.
coroner. N. A public official who investigates sudden, violent, and
suspicious deaths. See also inquest.
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corporal punishment 106
corporal punishment. N. Physical punishment, such as beating.
corporate opportunity. N. The opportunity available to someone
closely related to a corporation to use corporate information or
appropriate corporate business opportunities for his or her own
personal gain; the corporate opportunity doctrine prohibits this
kind of opportunism.
corporation. N. The legal entity created by law of an association of
people who hold shares of a business, existing as an artificial
person that can sue and be sued and whose liability is generally
limited to corporate assets.
corporation, C. N. A corporation formed under Subchapter C of the
Internal Revenue Code; also called a Subchapter C corporation.
corporation, close. N. A corporation whose shares are not publicly
traded but instead are held by a small group or a single shareholder
who also runs the corporation’s business; also called a closely held
corporation, private. N. An ordinary corporation formed to do busi-
ness and earn a profit.
corporation, public. N. A corporation formed by the government
for a particular governmental purpose.
corporation, S. N. A small corporation that can have its taxable
income taxed to its shareholders to avoid corporate income tax.
corporeal. ADJ. Having a physical body.
corpus. N. (Latin) Body; a collection or mass; the principal mass of
a physical substance. In trust law, it is the principal or res of an
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107 cosigner
corpus delicti. N. (Latin) The body of a crime; the person or object
on which the crime is committed, or the prima facie showing that
the person or object was the victim of a crime; a necessary element
for conviction, including the occurrence of some injury and some
criminal act.
corpus juris. N. (Latin) Body of law; a book that collects principles
of law.
Corpus Juris Canonici. N. (Latin) A collection of canon law.
Corpus Juris Civilis. N. (Latin) A collection of civil law.
correctional institution. N. A jail, reformatory, prison, or other
institution where those convicted of crimes are sent.
correctional system. N. The government system of correctional
institutions and parole systems.
corroborate. V. To confirm or verify; to agree with or give support
N. corroboration.
corroborating evidence. N. Evidence that agrees with or supports
evidence that has already been presented.
corrupt. ADJ. Willing to act dishonestly in exchange for money or
advantage; morally depraved.
V. To spoil; to make someone turn
corruption. N. Abuse of an official position for personal gain;
dishonest behavior by someone who holds official power. See also
cosign. V. To sign a document along with someone else, either to
guarantee the first signer’s obligation or to verify the authenticity of
the other signature.
cosigner. N. One who cosigns a document. See also surety.
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cost 108
cost. N. The price; the amount that must be paid for something.
cost, insurance, and freight. A term meaning that the cost of
goods, insurance, and shipping are included in the contract price.
cost, opportunity. N. A potential benefit lost because of a decision
cost basis. N. The amount a taxpayer paid for an asset.
cost of completion. N. In a breach of contract action, a measure of
damages calculated by the amount it would cost to pay for a
performance that would put the plaintiff where he or she would
have been had the contract not been breached.
cost of living. N. The amount it costs to live from day to day, meas-
ured by the Consumer Price Index.
cost-plus contract. N. A kind of contract, common in construction
projects, in which the contractor is paid for costs of material and
labor plus a percentage of those costs as profit.
costs. N. The expenses involved in taking a case to trial, sometimes
awarded to the victorious party; costs usually do not include
attorney’s fees.
cotenancy. N. A tenancy shared by two or more people at the same
time, including joint tenancy and tenancy in common.
cotenant. N. Someone who shares a tenancy with someone else.
counsel. N. (1) An attorney, a lawyer; also called counselor. (2)
Legal advice.
V. To give legal advice.
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109 course of business
count. N. A distinct statement of a cause of action or a claim in a
plaintiffs pleading; an allegation of a specific offense or charge in
an indictment.
counter. ADJ. Against. V. To oppose; to rebut.
counterclaim. N. A claim made by a defendant to oppose the claim
brought by the plaintiff; a counterdemand.
counterclaim, compulsory. N. A claim arising out of the same
subject matter as the plaintiffs original claim and involving largely
the same people; it must be made when the defendant answers the
counterclaim, permissive. N. A claim not arising out of the occur-
rence that brought about the original complaint, and that can be
brought at the defendant’s choice.
counterfeit. ADJ. Fake; forged; copied with the intention of passing
off as authentic.
V. counterfeit.
counterfeiter. N. A person who makes fake copies of money or
other objects and passes them off as genuine.
county. N. A locally governed territorial division of a state; called a
parish in Louisiana.
coupon. N. A certificate attached to a loan instrument that can be
separated from the instrument and presented after a specified time
for the collection of interest.
coupon bond. N. A bond that has coupons attached to it for the
collection of several installments of interest before the bond
course of business. N. Normal business operations.
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course of dealing 110
course of dealing. N. A series of previous acts and conduct
between the parties to a transaction that establishes an under-
standing that subsequent actions and conduct related to the same
or similar transactions will be interpreted the same way. See also
trade usage.
course of employment. N. The normal duties and activities associ-
ated with a job; the activities that an employee performs as his or
her customary services to the employer.
court. N. A tribunal in which a judge and/or jury hears and decides
civil and/or criminal cases; the governmental entity that applies the
state’s laws to cases and controversies and administers justice; also
called a court of law.
court, civil. N. A court that hears civil cases.
court, criminal. N. A court that hears criminal prosecutions.
court, out of. N. Occurring before a case reaches trial or outside the
courtroom; usually used to describe a settlement.
court, trial. N. The level of court at which a civil or criminal case
receives its first hearing.
court-martial. N. (1) A military court that hears cases involving
members of the armed forces. (2) A trial or proceeding before a
military court.
V. To try someone in a court-martial. PL. courts-
martial or court-martials.
court of appeals. N. A court that hears appeals of decisions made
by trial courts. See also appellate court.
court of equity. N. A court that hears cases in equity, particularly
cases that would not have a suitable remedy at law; most states no
longer have courts of equity. See also chancery.
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111 covenant running with the land
court of last resort. N. The highest court to which an appellant can
hope to appeal, such as the Supreme Court for federal cases.
court reporter. N. A person trained and certified to record testi-
mony at trial or at a deposition and produce an official transcript
of it.
court stacking. N. The practice by the president of appointing to
federal benches only judges who espouse a particular ideological
viewpoint, in order to increase the likelihood that courts will rule
in that direction.
covenant. N. A contract or formal agreement; often produced in
writing and signed by all parties.
V. To enter into an agreement.
covenant, affirmative. N. A covenant in which one party agrees to
do something.
covenant, negative. N. A covenant in which one party promises not
to do something.
covenantee. N. A person for whom a covenant is made.
covenant for further assurance. N. A covenant in which a seller of
land agrees to do whatever is necessary to perfect the buyer’s title.
covenant not to compete. N. An agreement made as part of a
contract for employment in which the covenantor agrees not to
compete with the covenantee in a particular area for a specified
covenantor. N. A person who makes a covenant.
covenant running with the land. N. A covenant that is attached to
a piece of land and is binding on those who come into possession
of it.
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cover 112
cover. V. (1) In insurance, to protect against loss or liability; to
furnish money to pay for the financial consequences of an accident
or misfortune. (2) In commercial law, after a seller breaches a
promise to deliver goods, to find an alternative source of the same
goods on the open market.
coverage. N. In insurance, the amount that the insurer is prepared
to pay for a particular loss.
coverture. N. In common law, the legal state of a married woman,
which was generally merged with that of her husband, leaving her
without the right to own property or enter contracts on her own.
CPA. ABBRV. Certified public accountant.
Creative Commons. N. A nonprofit organization dedicated to
making creative work more freely available by providing free
licensing services to creators of literary works, enabling copyright
holders to grant some of the rights to their work to the public.
credibility. N. The quality, especially in a witness, of being believ-
able and likely to tell the truth.
credible. ADJ. Believable; trustworthy.
credible evidence. N. Evidence that is likely to be true because
it is natural and probable in light of other circumstances
already known.
credible witness. N. A trustworthy witness whose testimony is
credit. N. (1) The ability of a person or business to obtain money,
goods, or services because of the likelihood that he or she will pay
back any debt on schedule, usually based on a past history of
payment and likelihood of future success. (2) Money lent on credit.
(3) In accounting, a sum received; the opposite of debt.
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113 crime of passion
creditor. N. A person or business to whom a debt is owed. See also
creditor’s bill (suit). N. A proceeding brought in equity by a
creditor who has secured judgment against a debtor to enforce
payment of the debt if the creditor cannot reach the debtor’s
property at law.
credit rating. N. A number calculated by examining a person’s
assets, liabilities, and financial history that tells a lender how likely
that person is to pay back a loan.
crime. N. An act that violates criminal law.
crime, white-collar. N. A crime usually done by professionals
and businesspeople, such as extortion, computer crime,
wire fraud, and government contract fraud. See also felony,
crime against humanity. N. An attack on or persecution of a group
of people who are part of a widespread practice or governmental
policy that results in serious attacks on human dignity or degrada-
tion of the victims, including widespread rape, murder, torture, or
racial, political, or religious persecution.
crime against nature. N. Sexual intercourse that violates statutorily
mandated standards of behavior. See also buggery, sodomy.
crime malum in se. N. A crime that is illegal because it is wrong in
itself. See also malum in se.
crime malum prohibitum. N. A crime that is illegal because it is
prohibited by statute. See also malum prohibitum.
crime of passion. N. A crime committed in the heat of sudden
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criminal 114
criminal. N. One who commits a crime; one who violates a criminal
ADJ. Related to a crime; done with malice or intent to injure.
criminalize. V. To decide that some act is a crime; to pass a law
stating that an act is a crime; see also decriminalize.
criminal justice system. N. The government’s system of law
enforcement that apprehends, prosecutes, and punishes criminals,
including law enforcement officers, courts, and correctional insti-
criminal law. N. The branch of law that deals with the prosecution
and punishment of criminals; the body of law that determines what
constitutes a crime and what constitutes suitable punishment.
criminal maintenance. N. Helping a party to a lawsuit prosecute or
defend the case in such a way as to obstruct justice and promote
needless litigation.
criminal mischief. N. The crime of maliciously injuring property.
criminal procedure. N. The body of law that governs actions in
criminal courts, including investigation, prosecution, and
criminal record. N. An official history of a person’s arrests, convic-
tions, sentences, and paroles; also called a rap sheet.
cross-claim. N. A claim brought by a party to a lawsuit against a co-
party, out of an occurrence that is part of the subject matter of the
original action. See also counterclaim.
cross-examination. N. At trial or a deposition, the examination
of a witness by the party opposed to the side that produced
him or her, regarding testimony already raised on direct
examination and matters of witness credibility.
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115 curative statute
cruel. ADJ. Callously causing pain or suffering. N. cruelty.
cruel and inhuman treatment. N. As a grounds for divorce, treat-
ment by one spouse that causes the other spouse suffering and
makes life together completely unbearable.
cruel and unusual punishment. N. Punishment that offends ordi-
nary people due to its excessiveness or cruelty, or that is far out of
proportion to the offense it punishes; forbidden by the Eighth
Amendment of the Constitution.
CTBT. ABBRV. Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.
culpa. N. (Latin) Fault, blame.
culpable. ADJ. Guilty; deserving blame or punishment. N. culpa-
culprit. N. A person who commits a crime or wrongful act; a person
accused of a crime.
cumulative. ADJ. Increasing with new additions; piling up.
cumulative voting. N. A system of shareholder voting in which a
shareholder is allowed to apply all of his or her votes to one candi-
date for a board of directors instead of having to cast separate
votes for each office, allowing minority shareholders a chance for
meaningful representation.
curative. ADJ. Able or intended to correct a legal error.
curative instruction. N. An instruction given by a judge to a jury
intended to correct an erroneous instruction or to fix the jury’s
interpretation of improper evidence.
curative statute. N. A statute passed to correct a defect in a previ-
ously enacted law. See also declaratory.
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currency 116
currency. N. Coined money and banknotes in general
current. ADJ. Of the moment; in the present time.
current assets. N. Property of a business that could or will be
converted into cash as part of normal operations in the immediate
future, usually within the year.
current liabilities. N. Liabilities that are part of normal business
operations and that will be repaid within a year.
curtesy. N. A common-law right of a husband to take a life estate in
all of his wife’s lands if she dies before him, usually only applicable
if they had children together; curtesy has been abolished or modi-
fied in most states. See also dower.
curtilage. N. The land surrounding and attached to a house, often
enclosed in some way.
custodian. N. One who cares for something, ranging from buildings
to financial assets.
custody. N. (1) Responsibility or guardianship of a person or thing.
(2) Imprisonment.
custody, joint. N. Custody in which both parents share responsi-
bility for caring for and raising a child.
custody, temporary. N. Custody awarded to one parent for a brief
period, pending a decision on permanent custody.
custody of children. N. The daily nurture and control of a child,
usually awarded to one parent in a case of divorce or separation.
custom. N. The traditional, ordinary, and accepted way of doing
things in a particular community.
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117 cy-près
custom and usage. N. A customary practice that has been done so
long that it has acquired the force of law in its locality.
customary. ADJ. Ordinary; according to usual practices or custom;
customer. N. Someone who buys goods or services from a business.
customs. N. (1) The government agency that collects tariffs and
taxes on imports; also the place at an airport, port, or border
crossing where imported goods are inspected. (2) Tariffs or taxes
on imported goods; also called customs duties.
cybercrime. N. A crime committed using computers, networks, or
the Internet.
cyberlaw. N. The field of law that encompasses issues involving
computers, networks, and information technology.
cyberspace. N. The nonphysical territory occupied by the Internet
and computer networks.
cybersquatting. N. Registering a trademarked name as a domain
name with the intention of selling it to an individual or company
that actually owns the trademarked name.
cy-près. ADJ. (French) As near; as near as possible; the doctrine
that if a bequest is illegal or impossible, the court will try to
replace it with one as close to the testator’s intentions as possible.
ADV. cy-près.
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damage 120
damage. N. Physical harm; injury. V. damage.
damages. N. Money awarded as compensation for injury or loss.
damages, actual. N. Damages for actual losses and injuries
sustained; also called compensatory damages or general damages.
damages, consequential. N. Damages for an injury that arises from
the consequences of an act, for loss that arises from an injury but
is not directly caused by the injury and would not necessarily
occur; also called special damages.
damages, double or treble. N. Damages awarded in particular
kinds of cases in which the court will award two or three times the
amount awarded by the jury.
damages, incidental. N. Damages for expenses that arise out of an
occurrence that gives rise to a claim for actual damages.
damages, liquidated. N. A sum that a party to a contract agrees to
pay if he or she breaches it; meant to be a reasonable estimate of
the loss that the breach would cause.
damages, punitive. N. Damages over and above compensation for
actual injury, intended to punish the wrongdoer for malicious
conduct; also called exemplary damages.
damnum absque injuria. N. (Latin) Harm without injury; a loss or
injury that does not give rise to a legal action to recover damages.
damnum fatale. N. (Latin) Harm due to fate; an injury caused by
an act of God or some force beyond human control. See also act
of God.
dangerous. ADJ. Able to harm or injure; risky or hazardous.
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121 death, violent
dangerous instrumentality. N. An object that can endanger people
by either careless or improper use.
dangerous weapon. N. A device that can inflict serious injury or
death; see also deadly weapon.
day in court. N. The day on which a litigant is appointed to appear
in court and be given the opportunity to seek relief from an injury
or to defend him- or herself from charges.
d/b/a. ABBRV. Doing business as.
dead hand. N. The continuing control by the dead over the affairs
of the living; see also mortmain.
deadly force. N. Force that could kill the person against whom it is
deadly weapon. N. A weapon or instrument that is capable of
killing someone, whether because of its inherent nature (such as a
gun) or the way it is used (such as a hammer). See also weapon.
deal. V. To conduct business; to buy and sell a particular
N. (1) An arrangement between two or more parties
that works to their mutual benefit. (2) A transaction that involves
buying or selling something.
dealer. N. A person who buys and sells a particular commodity; one
who buys something in order to resell it. See also retail, broker.
death. N. The moment at which life ceases; the condition of being
dead; see also brain death.
death, natural. N. A death that results solely from natural causes.
death, violent. N. A death caused by human actions.
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death benefit 122
death benefit. N. An amount paid to a beneficiary when an insured
person dies.
death certificate. N. An official document issued to certify that
someone is dead, usually including cause and time of death.
death penalty. N. Capital punishment; punishing someone for a
serious crime such as murder by killing him or her.
death records. N. Official records of deaths kept by a municipal
death tax. N. Any tax imposed on property or its transfer after its
owner dies.
debauch. V. To corrupt; to destroy one’s morals or manners; to
debauchery. N. Overindulgence in pleasures of the senses; sexual
de bene esse. ADV. (Latin) Conditionally; in preparation for a
possible future need; usually used to describe a legal proceeding
that is done provisionally and let stand for the time being, but that
can be challenged in the future.
de bene esse, deposition. N. A deposition of a witness done just
in case the witness cannot appear at trial, so that the litigant
will have the testimony regardless. Also called examination
de bene esse.
de bene esse, evidence. N. Evidence admitted provisionally by the
court on the understanding that its admissibility will be shown
debenture. N. An unsecured loan instrument issued by a company
and backed by a promise to pay or general credit rather than a
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123 deceive
specific property; an unsecured bond, often issued by a large
company with good credit ratings; holders of debentures are cred-
itors of a corporation and if the corporation dissolves, they receive
payment before stockholders. See also indenture.
debit. N. In accounting, a sum of money that is charged and due; the
opposite of credit.
debt. N. Something, usually money, that is owed; an obligation to
pay a certain amount; see also bad debt.
debt, bonded. N. Debt issued as bonds.
debt, floating. N. Current and short-term debt.
debt, secured. N. Debt tied to collateral, such as a mortgage.
debt consolidation. N. The practice of combining debts from
various sources into one account.
debtor. N. (1) A person who owes a debt to someone else; see also
creditor. (2) A person subject to bankruptcy proceedings.
debtor, judgment. N. Someone who is the subject of a judgment
awarding a sum to a creditor.
decease. N. Death. V. To die.
deceased. N. Someone who has died; a dead person. ADJ. Dead.
decedent. N. Someone who has died.
deceit. N. A fraudulent misrepresentation used to cheat someone;
the act of deceiving someone by lying or misrepresenting the truth.
ADJ. deceitful.
deceive. V. To make someone believe something that is not true;
to mislead.
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decide 124
decide. V. To come to a conclusion or resolution after deliberation
and consideration; to determine something.
decision. N. A conclusion reached after considering facts and
applicable law if necessary; a judicial determination or judgment.
See also opinion.
declaration. N. (1) A formal announcement or statement. (2) At
common law, the first pleading presented to the court by a plain-
tiff, similar to a complaint in structure and purpose. (3) In
evidence, an unsworn statement made by a witness, a party to a
lawsuit, or a person who subsequently died. (4) When entering a
country, a statement of goods brought into the country by the
person entering.
declaration, dying. N. A statement made by someone who thinks
he or she is about to die about the circumstances of his or her
death; dying declarations are sometimes admissible as evidence.
declaration against interest. N. A statement made out of court that
is so disadvantageous to the person making it that it is presumed to
be true; declarations against interest are admissible as an excep-
tion to the hearsay rule.
Declaration of Independence. N. A document written by Thomas
Jefferson and adopted by the thirteen colonies on July 4, 1776,
listing the colonies’ grievances against England and declaring the
colonies a separate nation free from allegiance to Great Britain.
declaration of war. N. A formal public announcement by the lead-
ership of a nation that it is at war with another nation.
declaratory. ADJ. Explanatory; meant to clarify an ambiguity.
declaratory judgment. N. A judgment issued by a court in which it
determines the legal rights of the parties or expresses an opinion
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125 deductible
on the law but does not award a remedy; also called declaratory
relief. See also advisory opinion.
declaratory statute. N. A statute enacted to clarify the law on a
particular matter, intended to end any doubts as to its meaning. See
also curative.
declare. V. (1) To announce something formally, such as war; to
make a pronouncement about the state of something, such as
naming something a fire hazard. (2) In taxation, to admit to having
received income; when going through customs upon entering a
country, to admit to possessing goods on which duty is owed.
decree. N. The judicial decision of a court in equity made after
hearing testimony and determining the rights of the parties, equiv-
alent to a judgment by a court of law, though the term “judgment”
may also be used in reference to courts of equity.
decree nisi. N. A conditional judgment that will be made perma-
nent unless a party can show cause why it should not be; common
in actions for divorce. See also consent decree.
decriminalize. V. To legalize an act that was formerly criminal.
dedicate. V. For a private owner to convey land or an easement to
the public for public use.
N. dedication.
deduct. V. To subtract something from a total; in taxation, to
subtract the cost of items from total income to determine taxable
N. deduction.
deductible. ADJ. Able to be deducted; items that may be deducted
from gross income are described as tax-deductible.
N. The amount
of money that an insured party must pay for a loss before an
insurer will pay a claim.
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deduction, itemized 126
deduction, itemized. N. Expenses individually listed and deducted
from gross income.
deduction, standard. N. A standard amount that a taxpayer may
deduct from gross income instead of itemizing individual expenses.
deed. N. A written instrument, signed and delivered, by which one
person conveys land to another.
deed of release. N. A deed that releases property from an encum-
brance, such as a mortgage.
deed of trust. N. A deed that transfers the title of property to a
trustee as a security; used instead of a mortgage in some states.
deed poll. N. A deed made by and binding a single party.
deep rock doctrine. N. In corporate bankruptcy, a principle that
prevents controlling shareholders from presenting their claims
before or with those of other creditors.
de facto. ADJ. (Latin) In fact, in reality; used to describe a situation
that is for all practical purposes the case, though it might not be
legal or official; see also de jure.
de facto authority. N. Authority that exists in reality.
de facto government. N. A government that sets itself up in place
of the legal government, often by use of force.
de facto judge. N. Someone who performs the duties of a judge but
who does not have legitimate judicial authority.
de facto marriage. N. A union of two parties who live together as
husband and wife but in which the legality of the marriage is in
some way defective.
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127 defective
defalcate. V. To embezzle funds that have been entrusted to the
embezzler; to fail to pay over trust funds or other money held in a
fiduciary capacity at the proper time.
N. defalcation.
defamation. N. An intentional publication or public statement of
false information that damages someone’s reputation.
V. defame.
ADJ. defamatory. See also libel, slander.
default. N. Failure to perform a legal duty or meet an obligation.
default judgment. N. Judgment entered against a defendant who
fails to defend himself or herself by responding to the plaintiffs
complaint or appearing in court.
defeasance. N. The action of rendering something null and void; an
instrument that negates or nullifies some other instrument, such as
a will or deed.
defeasible. ADJ. Able to be revoked, nullified, or undone; usually
applied to estates and land interests that are subject to a condi-
tional limitation and are not absolute.
defect. N. An imperfection or a flaw; a lack or deficiency.
defect, design. N. A defect inherent in the design of a product, so
that even when it is correctly made and used it poses a danger to
defect, fatal. N. A defect serious enough to void a contract.
defect, latent. N. A hidden defect; a flaw that is not apparent to
reasonable observation.
defect, patent. N. A defect that is immediately obvious upon
normal observation.
defective. ADJ. Flawed or insufficient; lacking something necessary
to completion.
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defective pleading 128
defective pleading. N. A pleading that is insufficient or inaccurate
in substance or form.
defective title. N. Unmarketable title; a title obtained by fraud or
not in fact entirely owned by the purported owner.
defend. V. To resist an attack; to shield or repel; to represent a
defendant in a lawsuit. See also defendant, defense.
defendant. N. The party against whom a lawsuit is brought; in civil
cases, the party who responds to the complaint; in criminal cases,
the person against whom charges are brought.
defense. N. A response, reason, or allegation offered by a defen-
dant to a lawsuit as to why the plaintiff has not established a claim
and should not receive relief; a denial of the plaintiffs claims or an
attack on the validity of the plaintiffs causes of action. See also
affirmative defense.
defense attorney. N. An attorney who normally represents defen-
dants in lawsuits.
defense firm. N. A law firm that specializes in representing defen-
dants in lawsuits, often paid by the hour. See also insurance
defense, plaintiff’s firm.
defer. V. To put off to a later time; to postpone. N. deferment,
deferral of taxes. N. Postponing the payment of taxes to a later
deferred compensation. N. Compensation that is taxed when it is
received as opposed to when it is earned, such as contributions
made by an employer to an employee’s retirement plan that are not
taxed until the retirement funds are distributed.
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129 degree of proof
deferred payments. N. Payments that are spread out over time or
entirely postponed.
deficiency. N. A lack; a shortcoming; in taxation, the amount of tax
owed that has not been paid on time.
deficiency judgment. N. A judgment issued against someone who
holds a mortgage, imposing personal liability on him or her if a
foreclosure sale does not yield enough money to cover the mort-
gage debt.
deficit. N. A shortfall; an insufficiency; the condition brought about
by spending more money than is earned; in accounting, the oppo-
site of surplus.
defraud. V. To take money or property from someone through the
use of fraud or deceit; to cheat someone; to misrepresent a fact
intending for someone to rely on it and thereby harm him or her.
See also fraud.
degree. N. (1) The amount, level, or extent of something. (2) A
certificate awarded to those who finish a course of study at a
university or college.
degree of crime. N. A classification of crime based on the level of
guilt involved in committing it.
degree of negligence. N. A measurement of different kinds of
negligence, used to determine whether someone is sufficiently
negligent to be liable for an injury.
degree of proof. N. The level of proof needed to convince a court
to render a verdict for a particular case; see also preponderance of
the evidence, clear and convincing, reasonable doubt.
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de jure 130
de jure. ADJ. (Latin) By law, by right; the condition of being in
compliance with all applicable laws; legitimate and lawful. See also
de facto.
delegable duty. N. A duty that can be performed by someone other
than the one originally intended to do it.
delegate. V. To entrust someone with a task or responsibility; to
transfer one’s authority to another person.
N. A person appointed to
act for someone else; a person elected or appointed to represent
others at a conference or assembly.
ADJ. delegable.
delegation. N. (1) A group of representatives or delegates. (2) The
transfer of power by one branch of the government to another.
deliberate. V. To consider; to ponder; to examine reasons for and
against something in order to come to a decision.
ADJ. Slow and
careful; done with full awareness and intention.
deliberate speed. N. Immediately; as quickly as practical consider-
ations of law, order, and the welfare of the people will allow; often
used to describe the speed expected by those enacting state-
mandated school desegregation.
deliberation. N. Careful consideration of a matter, weighing all
arguments and evidence.
delict. N. A violation of the law; a tort, injury, or crime. (Latin)
delicto, ex. ADJ. (Latin) Arising out of a tort. ADV. ex delicto.
delinquency. N. Neglect of duty; the commission of minor crimes.
delinquent. ADJ. (1) Of a person, neglecting one’s duty; failing to
pay a debt; guilty of a crime or failure of duty. (2) Of a debt, due
and unpaid.
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131 demilitarized zone
delinquent child. N. A minor below a specified age who tends to
commit crimes or otherwise engages in immoral or disobedient
behavior and therefore needs treatment or supervision. See also
juvenile delinquent.
delist. V. To remove something from a list; usually refers to
removing a security from an exchange for failing to meet the
minimum requirements for listing.
N. delisting.
deliver. V. To hand something over to someone else; to voluntarily
transfer title or possession of something to someone else’s posses-
sion or control.
N. delivery.
delude. V. To deceive someone or persuade him or her to believe
something that is false.
delusion. N. An erroneous belief that is contrary to fact, inappro-
priate to the age, class, and education of the believer, and that
cannot be shaken by evidence to the contrary, usually a result of
some mental disorder; see also insanity.
ADJ. deluded.
demand. N. An insistent request under a claim of right, requiring
someone to do or relinquish something to the demander.
V. To
require or insist on something; to ask authoritatively.
demand note. A note or instrument that is payable on demand or
on presentation. Also called a demand instrument.
demesne. N. (French) Domain; something owned. N. Ownership of
land held in one’s own right, not subject to the claims of a superior
or occupied by tenants; the phrase “held in demesne” means occu-
pied by the owner as opposed to tenants.
ADJ. In pleading, own or
original, i.e., “son assault demesne” means “his own assault.”
demilitarized zone. N. An area where no military activity is
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de minimis 132
de minimis. ADJ. (Latin) Insignificant or unimportant; not of a level
to interest the law.
de minimis crime. N. A crime that is not important enough to
justify judicial involvement.
de minimis non curat lex. (Latin) The law does not care about
insignificant matters.
demise. V. To lease property; to convey property for life or for
years; to bequeath.
N. A lease or conveyance of property for a
period of years or for life.
demonstrate. V. To show; to prove the truth of something by using
logic and evidence; to use practical illustrations to show how
something works or happens.
N. demonstration.
demonstrative evidence. N. Evidence composed of real objects
that appeal directly to the senses, such as maps, charts, illustra-
tions, or the weapon used in committing a crime.
demur. V. To object to a point of law or fact alleged by the opposing
party on the grounds that it does not advance the interests of the
party making the statement; to present a demurrer.
demurrer. N. (French) To stop; in common law, a formal allegation
by a defendant that the facts stated in the complaint are true but
nevertheless are not legally sufficient to allow the case to proceed,
and requesting judgment for the defendant and dismissal of the
cause of action; the use of demurrer has mostly disappeared under
the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
denial, conjunctive. N. A denial of all allegations as entirely false.
denial, general. N. A denial of all allegations.
denial, specific. N. A denial of one specific allegation.
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133 dependent coverage
denounce. To publicly declare someone or something to be
morally wrong or evil; to inform against someone, usually in
order to allow the authorities to arrest that person.
N. denunci-
de novo. ADJ. (Latin) Anew; starting again at the beginning; doing
something a second time as if the first time had not occurred.
de novo.
de novo trial. N. A second trial for a matter that has already been
adjudicated; starting over as if the first trial had never happened.
deny. V. In a pleading, for the defendant to contradict the allega-
tions made in the complaint, to state that the plaintiffs allegations
are not in fact correct.
N. denial.
Department of Homeland Security. N. A department of the U.S.
Cabinet that is charged with protecting U.S. territory from natural
and man-made hazards, including terrorist attacks.
Department of Labor. N. A federal department that dedicates
itself to the U.S. workforce, monitoring working conditions,
regulating wages and retirement benefits, and gathering infor-
dependency. N. A territory or possession governed by another
country and geographically separate from the governing country;
e.g., Puerto Rico is a dependency of the United States.
dependent. ADJ. (1) Needing support from an outside source. (2)
Contingent on some external fact or condition.
N. Someone who is
supported by someone else; in taxation, a dependent is usually
someone related to the supporting taxpayer or someone who lives
in the taxpayer’s home.
dependent coverage. N. Insurance protection for dependents of
the insured.
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dependent intervening cause 134
dependent intervening cause. N. In common law, something that
happens in between a defendant’s action and its result that occurs
as a normal and predictable response to the defendant’s action;
usually a dependent intervening cause does not break the chain of
causation and the defendant is still held liable for the result of his
or her original action.
dependent promise. N. A promise in which the promisor does not
have to perform until the other party has done some agreed-upon
duty first.
dependent relative revocation. N. The principle that if a person
revokes a will intending to replace it with another will, the first will
is actually revoked only if the second will is valid; otherwise, the
first will continue to be in effect.
deplete. V. To use up a supply or resource; to exhaust assets or
natural resources.
depletion. N. In taxation, a principle that allows the owner of a
natural resource such as oil or gas to recover the capital cost of the
property as the resource is used up.
depletion allowance. N. The tax deduction allowed to owners of
property containing natural resources as the resources are
used up.
deponent. N. A witness who testifies at a deposition.
deport. V. To send a foreign national from one country to another
because he or she has committed a crime or is of illegal immigra-
tion status.
N. deportation. See also extradite.
depose. V. (1) To question a witness at a deposition. (2) To testify
under oath.
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135 derivative
deposition. N. A form of discovery before trial in which an attorney
questions a witness under oath and a court reporter makes a tran-
script of the testimony, which can then be used as evidence at trial.
depreciate. V. To decrease in value over time.
depreciation. N. The process of spreading the cost of an asset over
a period of years, deducting an allowance for wear and tear as the
asset is used up or worn out.
depreciation, accelerated. N. A method of depreciation that
provides larger deductions in the earlier years of an asset’s life.
depreciation, reserve. N. In accounting, an account kept of the
likely depreciation of assets in order to plan for the reduction in
value of assets.
depreciation, straight-line. N. A method of depreciation in which
the cost of an asset is deducted in equal amounts over its life. See
also accelerated cost recovery system.
depredation. N. Attacking or plundering; robbing or pillaging.
deputy. N. An agent; a substitute; someone empowered by a supe-
rior to exercise the functions of the superior’s office and to act on
the superior’s behalf.
V. deputize.
deputy sheriff. N. An officer who has the authority to exercise the
duties of the office of sheriff.
derelict. ADJ. In poor condition; neglected; abandoned. N. (1) A
homeless person. (2) A boat abandoned on the sea whose master
and crew are not expected to return.
derivative. ADJ. Coming from, influenced by, or originating in
someone or something else.
N. Something that comes from another
person or source.
V. derive.
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derivative action 136
derivative action. N. (1) A lawsuit brought on behalf of a corpora-
tion by a shareholder. (2) A cause of action founded on an injury to
another person, such as an action for loss of consortium brought
by a wife after her husband is injured.
derivative tort. N. (1) A civil action in tort based on an injury
caused by criminal conduct by the defendant, in which the plaintiff
seeks compensation for the injury, independent of a criminal action
brought for the same offense. (2) Tort liability imposed on a prin-
cipal for a wrong done by his or her agent.
derogation. N. The partial repeal or relaxation of a law.
descent. N. Family origin; heredity; the transmission of property
and goods by inheritance.
descent, collateral. N. Descent among relatives who share a
common ancestor but are not in a direct line, as between uncle and
nephew or between cousins.
descent, lineal. N. Descent in a direct line, as from parent to child
or grandparent to grandchild.
descent and distribution. N. The rules that determine transmission
of a person’s real property if he or she dies intestate, i.e., without a
valid will.
desegregate. V. To end separation of people by races at school, in
the workplace, or in public facilities.
N. desegregation. See also
desert. V. To abandon; to leave willfully with the intention of never
N. desertion.
desist. V. To stop; to refrain from doing something. See also cease
and desist order.
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137 devise
despot. N. A ruler with absolute power. See also tyrant.
despotism. N. A form of government in which one ruler has
absolute power.
destroy. V. To damage something so badly it can no longer be used
or repaired; to ruin something completely; to demolish or annihi-
late; to nullify or revoke.
N. destruction. ADJ. destructive.
desuetude. N. A condition of disuse; the state of obsolete laws and
practices that are no longer applied because their subject matter no
longer exists, such as laws governing carriages drawn by horses.
detain. V. To hold in custody; to arrest; to keep or hold back. N.
detainer. N. (1) Preventing a person from possessing property or
goods that he or she owns rightfully. (2) A request filed by a crim-
inal justice agency asking a correctional institution to hold a pris-
oner for the agency or to notify the agency when the prisoner is
about to be released.
detainer, unlawful. N. Wrongfully keeping a person’s property or
goods and refusing to deliver them at the right time or on demand.
determinable. ADJ. (1) Able to be known or ascertained. (2)
Terminable; able to be ended if a particular condition occurs.
determination. N. The decision made by a judge, court, or agency
that ends a lawsuit or controversy; a final judgment.
detinue. N. A common law action brought to recover property that
has been unlawfully taken; see also replevin.
devise. N. A testamentary gift of real property made in a will. V.
devise; see also bequest, bequeath.
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devisee 138
devisee. N. The person who receives real property through a
devisor. N. The person who makes the gift of real property by will.
devolve. V. To pass from one person to another, often as a result of
the operation of law and without any intentional act by either party;
often used to describe the passing of an estate from a deceased
person to an heir.
DHS. ABBRV. Department of Homeland Security.
dictum. N. A statement or observation made by a judge about a case
that is not an official part of a judicial opinion, does not embody the
court’s decision, and is not binding.
PL. dicta.
dictum, considered. N. A dictum that is so well-developed it has
gained an air of authority as if it were part of an opinion.
digest. N. A compilation or summary of a number of books, arti-
cles, cases, or other type of information, often arranged by subject
and indexed for ease of reference; a listing of reported cases
arranged by subject and court.
Digital Millennium Copyright Act. N. A federal law passed in 1998
that criminalizes copyright infringement of digital content as well
as attempts to get around digital copyright protection measures.
digital rights management. N. The practice of restricting access to
digital materials and information by copyright holders and
dilatory. ADJ. Deliberately slow; intended to delay something.
dilatory plea. N. A plea by a defendant that does not address the
factual merits of the complaint but instead raises procedural or
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139 directed verdict
jurisdictional points in an effort to defeat or at least delay the
action; very uncommon in modern civil practice.
diligence. N. Persistence and care; attentiveness; hard work. ADJ.
diligence, due. N. Investigation of the management, operation,
and facts surrounding an investment opportunity; steps that a
person must take to satisfy the requirements in buying or selling
dilute. V. In corporate law, to lower the value of shares currently
outstanding by issuing new shares.
N. dilution.
dilution doctrine. N. In trademark law, a doctrine prohibiting the
use of a trademark by a second user even if there is no possibility
of confusion so that the uniqueness of the first user’s mark will
be preserved and not weakened by the presence of another use
of the name.
diminished capacity. N. In criminal law, a mental state that is not
sufficient to have the mens rea needed to commit a crime, brought
on by mental disease or defect, trauma, or intoxication; also called
diminished responsibility.
diminution. N. Decrease; a reduction in size or number.
diminution in value. N. A means of measuring damages in a breach
of contract case in which the plaintiff may recover for a decrease
in value to property caused by the breach.
direct attack. N. An attempt to have a judgment reversed or
vacated by attacking it directly through some process designed to
do that, such as an appeal; see also collateral attack.
directed verdict. N. Judgment granted for the defendant by a judge
without letting the jury consider the matter in a case where the
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direct evidence 140
plaintiff does not meet the requirements for presenting a prima
facie case.
direct evidence. N. Evidence that proves a fact directly, without
inference or presumption; evidence provided by a witness who
actually saw or experienced what happened. See also circum-
stantial evidence, indirect evidence.
director. N. A person who runs or manages a business, company,
or corporation, often as a member of a board of directors, with a
fiduciary duty to direct its affairs in the best interest of both the
business and its shareholders.
disability. N. A physical or mental condition that prevents someone
from performing certain acts; lack of legal capacity, caused by a
condition such as infancy or insanity; see also Americans with
Disabilities Act; workers’ compensation.
disability, partial. N. The condition of being unable to resume one’s
job before injury but being able to perform some suitable gainful
disability, permanent. N. Disability that prevents one from ever
returning to one’s former occupation.
disability, total. N. The condition of being rendered unable to
perform any functions of one’s occupation.
disarmament. N. The act of destroying, taking away, or getting rid
of weapons.
disaster unemployment assistance. N. Financial assistance
provided by the U.S. Department of Labor to those whose jobs or
self-employment have been lost or disrupted by a major disaster
declared by the U.S. president.
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141 discovery
disbar. V. To expel a lawyer from the bar and rescind his or her
license to practice law.
N. disbarment.
discharge. V. (1) To perform a duty; to satisfy a debt. (2) To dismiss
or release someone. (3) To terminate someone’s employment.
discharge in bankruptcy. N. The release of a bankrupt person from
his or her debts.
disclaimer. N. A denial of something, usually one’s own responsi-
bility; a denial of someone else’s claim.
disclaimer, qualified. N. A written statement made by a taxpayer
refusing to accept an interest in a particular property.
disclose. V. To reveal; to make known, especially hidden or secret
N. disclosure.
discontinuance. N. An end to a lawsuit brought about voluntarily
by a plaintiff; a nonsuit or dismissal.
discontinue. V. To stop, to end.
discount. N. An amount subtracted from a larger sum; a deduction
from a loan or advance made by a bank when it buys a negotiable
instrument due at a future date at a price below its face value.
discount rate. N. (1) A rate used for discounting negotiable instru-
ments purchased by banks in exchange for money or credit. (2)
The minimum interest rate that Federal Reserve banks charge their
members for loans.
discovery. N. The process of gaining information about an oppo-
nent’s case before trial by reviewing documents, inspecting and
examining property, and asking questions through interrogatories
Essential Legal Dictionary:Layout 1 4/21/08 5:23 PM Page 141
discredit 142
and depositions.
V. discover. See also Federal Rules of Civil
discredit. V. To hurt someone’s credibility or reputation; to
make an idea, a statement, an individual, or a piece of evidence
appear unreliable.
discretion. N. (1) Independent judgment; freedom and authority to
decide how to act; the power given to public officials to act inde-
pendently in fulfilling their duties. (2) The ability to recognize the
difference between right and wrong. (3) Prudence; cautiousness;
ADJ. discreet. See also abuse of discretion.
discretion, judicial. N. A judge’s freedom to make decisions as he
or she sees fit, bound by the principles of law.
discrimination. N. Unequal or unfair treatment of people based on
categories such as sex, race, religion, or age, when by all rights they
should be treated fairly.
V. discriminate. See also civil rights,
Americans with Disabilities Act.
dishonor. V. (1) To fail to show proper respect. (2) To shame, to
disgrace. (3) To refuse to accept a negotiable instrument such as a
check when presented for payment.
N. Shame or disgrace.
disinherit. V. To take steps such as changing a will to prevent inher-
itance by someone who otherwise would inherit.
disjunctive allegation. N. A statement in a pleading or a criminal
charge accusing a defendant of two mutually exclusive acts
connected by the word “or,” as in “the defendant murdered or
caused to be murdered.” See also alternative pleading.
dismiss. V. (1) To allow to leave or to send away. (2) To terminate
someone’s employment. (3) For a judge to refuse to consider a
lawsuit further, thereby ending it before a trial is completed.
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143 disqualification
dismissal. N. A judge’s order that terminates a lawsuit, motion, etc.,
without considering the issues involved in the matter.
dismissal and nonsuit. N. An end to a case caused by a plaintiff’s
wish to end the matter or a plaintiffs failure to pursue it.
dismissal with prejudice. N. A dismissal that prevents the plaintiff
from ever suing on that cause of action again, considered a judg-
ment of the case on its merits and thus res judicata.
dismissal without prejudice. N. A dismissal that does not preclude
the plaintiffs attempting to sue on the same cause of action again.
disorder. N. Confusion, a lack of order; unlawful and riotous
disorderly. ADJ. Contrary to standards of law-abiding, peaceful
disorderly conduct. N. Unruly behavior that disturbs the peace or
shocks public morals.
dispose of. V. (1) To transfer property to another’s care. (2) To
settle a matter finally.
disposition. N. (1) Giving up or relinquishing property, especially
through a will. (2) The settlement of a matter; a judge’s final ruling.
(3) In a criminal case, the sentence. (4) Demeanor or personality.
dispossess. V. To evict or oust from a property, either legally or ille-
gally; to deprive someone of property or land that he or she owns.
dispute. N. A disagreement or argument; a conflict. V. dispute.
disqualification. N. The act of disqualifying; the condition that
disqualified someone.
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disqualify 144
disqualify. V. To pronounce a person ineligible to perform a
particular task, usually due to some offense or failure to observe
applicable rules.
disseisin. N. The act of evicting someone from his or her property
and taking it over as one’s own.
dissent. V. To hold a contrary opinion; to disagree with the
majority or official view of a matter; used especially of judges
presiding over the same case.
N. A contrary opinion; an opinion
written by a judge or justice explicitly disagreeing with the
majority decision.
ADJ. dissenting.
dissenter. N. One who dissents.
dissolution. N. The act of terminating something, such as a busi-
ness, partnership, or contract; the termination of a corporation’s
legal existence; the ending of a marriage.
dissolve. V. To close, annul, or end; to end the legal existence of a
corporation. See also dissolution.
distinguish. V. To tell one thing apart from another; to point out
differences between things; to show how one case is significantly
different from another.
distinguishable. ADJ. Able to be distinguished.
distinct. ADJ. Clearly different from something else.
distraint. N. The seizure of a tenant’s personal property by a land-
lord; see also distress.
V. distrain.
distress. N. (1) Anxiety, fear, pain; see also emotional distress. (2)
A landlord’s seizing of personal property without court approval to
satisfy a claim, such as nonpayment of rent; see also distraint.
To cause anxiety, pain, or fear.
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145 district court
distributable net income. N. The maximum amount of money
received from distributions from a trust or estate on which benefi-
ciaries may be taxed.
distribute. V. To deal out portions or shares of something. N. distri-
distribution, corporate. N. A corporation’s paying out money to
shareholders, such as accumulated earnings in the form of
distribution, partnership. N. Payment of a partner by a partnership.
distribution, trust. N. Payment by a trust to its beneficiaries.
distribution in kind. N. A distribution of property as it is, instead of
selling it and distributing the proceeds.
distributive. ADJ. Concerned with the sharing and distribution of
shares of something among recipients.
distributive share. N. A share that an heir receives from an intes-
tate estate, or that a partner receives from a dissolved partnership.
district. N. A territory or region of a state or country, defined for
administrative, political, or judicial purposes; a division of a state
under the jurisdiction of a particular federal district court.
district attorney. N. A public officer of a state or county whose duty
is to prosecute those accused of crimes within the area; different
states use different titles, including prosecuting attorney, county
attorney, state’s attorney, or solicitor. See also United States
district court. N. (1) A federal court that has jurisdiction over a
particular region of a state and hears cases arising from offenses
against federal laws and cases involving litigants from different
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disturb 146
states; see also diversity. (2) In some states, an inferior court with
general jurisdiction over minor matters.
disturb. V. To interfere with peaceful, normal conditions; to throw
into disorder; to intrude or interrupt.
disturbance. N. An act that interrupts or annoys someone;
interference with someone’s rights or property; a disruption of
law-abiding, peaceful conditions; a riot.
disturbance of the peace. N. Conduct that disrupts the quiet and
order of a community by riotous behavior or loud noise.
diversity. N. Heterogeneity; the state of being composed of different
types of people as opposed to being single-sex, single-race, or
otherwise homogeneous.
diversity of citizenship. N. The condition that exists when the
parties to a lawsuit come from different states, or when one is a
citizen and one an alien, and that forms the basis of federal diver-
sity jurisdiction
N. In antitrust law, a remedy in which the court orders
a defendant to sell off assets and property.
V. divest.
dividend. N. Corporate profits and earnings distributed to share-
holders in proportion to the number of shares they own.
dividend, cumulative. N. A dividend on preferred stock that accu-
mulates if not paid regularly and must be paid before common
stock dividends.
dividend, preferred. N. A dividend paid on preferred stock.
dividend, stock. N. A dividend paid in stock instead of money.
dividend addition. N. A dividend added to the face value of an
insurance policy.
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147 documentary evidence
divorce. N. The legal dissolution of a marriage. V. divorce. See also
alimony, annul, separate.
divorce, no-fault. N. A divorce in which neither spouse must prove
the other guilty of some marital misconduct as grounds for divorce;
also called divorce by consent.
divorce a mensa et thoro. N. A legal separation in which parties are
forbidden to live together, but that does not end the marriage; also
called divorce from bed and board.
DMZ. ABBRV. Demilitarized zone.
DNA. ABBRV. Deoxyribonucleic acid.
DNA testing. N. Using evidence contained in DNA to identify or rule
out criminal suspects or fathers in paternity suits.
DNI. ABBRV. Distributable net income.
DNS. ABBRV. Domain Name System.
DOB. ABBRV. Date of birth.
docket. N. (1) A list on a court calendar of cases scheduled to be
tried. (2) On appeal, a formal record summarizing the proceedings
of a lower court.
V. docket.
document. N. A piece of written, recorded, printed, or
photographed information or evidence; a physical object or instru-
ment on which information is recorded in letters, numbers,
symbols, or images, including maps, letters, photographs, prints, x-
rays, contracts, deeds, receipts, accounts, etc.
documentary evidence. N. Evidence consisting of documents
whose authenticity has been established.
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document of title 148
document of title. N. A written document that supplies proof that a
person is entitled to receive and hold particular goods; see also bill
of lading.
document review. N. A component of discovery in which attorneys
for one party examine documents produced by the other party to
identify the ones relevant to the lawsuit.
doing business. ADJ. Carrying on or conducting business affairs;
usually used to describe a company that is conducting affairs in a
particular state; see also long arm statute.
doing business as. N. Phrase used to identify a trade name or the
name of a business.
ABBRV. d/b/a.
domain. N. (1) Total ownership of land; land that is owned
completely. (2) The property owned by a nation or state; synony-
mous with public domain. (3) An area of expertise or influence.
domain name. N. A name composed of letters and/or numbers,
such as “ebay.com,” or the portion of an email address that follows
the @ sign, linked to a numerical IP address that identifies the loca-
tion of a particular website or computer. See also Domain Name
System, DNS, Uniform Resource Locator, URL.
Domain Name System. N. The system used to identify information
on the Internet by linking domain names with computer-readable
domestic. ADJ. (1) Having to do with the home and family relations.
(2) Occurring within a country’s or state’s borders.
N. A household
domestic partner. N. A person who shares a sexual relationship and
a home with another person but is not necessarily married to him
or her.
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149 dower
domestic relations. N. The branch of law that handles family
matters such as divorce, adoption, and custody.
domestic violence. N. Violent physical behavior committed by one
family member against another.
domicile. N. A legal home; the country or state that a person
considers his or her permanent residence, even if he or she is
living elsewhere; the place where a corporation conducts its
ADJ. domiciliary.
dominant estate. N. A piece of property that has the use of an
easement or servitude on another piece of property, usually
adjacent to it.
dominion. N. Ownership and control over how a piece of property
is used; title and possession.
donation. N. Something given; a gift. (Latin) donatio. V. donate.
donee. N. One who receives something from someone else. See
also donor.
donor. N. One who gives something to someone else; one who
creates a trust, gives a gift, or confers a power. See also donee.
double jeopardy. N. A second prosecution for an offense after the
defendant has already been tried for it and acquitted; prohibited by
the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution.
doubt. N. Uncertainty. V. doubt. See also reasonable doubt.
dowager. N. A widow who holds the title or property that belonged
to her dead husband.
dower. N. In common law, a widow’s right to a life estate in her
dead husband’s property; no longer exists in most states; see
also curtesy.
Essential Legal Dictionary:Layout 1 4/21/08 5:23 PM Page 149
downsize 150
downsize. V. To reduce the size of a workforce in response to
economic conditions or business needs. See also layoff.
dowry. N. Money and property brought into a marriage by a bride.
draft. N. (1) A document in which the writer directs someone,
usually a bank, to pay a specific amount of money to a third party;
see also bank draft. (2) A preliminary or preparatory version of a
document. (3) Compulsory induction into the military; see also
conscription, Selective Service System.
V. (1) To write a rough or
preliminary version of a document. (2) To select people for
compulsory military service.
draft, sight. N. A draft of money payable when presented.
draft, time. N. A draft of money payable on a specific day.
dram shop act. N. A law that imposes strict liability on a seller of
intoxicating beverages if the sale results in injury to a third party’s
person, property, or means of support due to the intoxication of
the buyer.
draw. (1) To create a draft that orders someone to pay money to
someone else. (2) To aim a firearm at a target. (3) To select the
members of a jury.
drawee. N. The person or entity on which a draft is drawn, often the
drawer. N. The one who writes a draft, i.e., the person who writes a
check from his or her account and signs it.
Dred Scott v. Sandford. N. An 1857 U.S. Supreme Court decision
that ruled that no black person could be a citizen of the United
States, that all slaves were the property of their owners and not citi-
zens who could bring lawsuits themselves, and that the govern-
ment could not revoke a slave owner’s right to own slaves based on
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151 due process, procedural
where he or she lived, invalidating the Missouri Compromise,
which had tried to ban slavery in part of the Louisiana territory.
dress code. N. A set of rules dictating how people should dress in
a given setting, such as students at a school or employees at a
driving under the influence. N. Operating a motor vehicle while
under the influence of alcohol or drugs; also called driving while
intoxicated (DWI) or drunk driving.
DRM. ABBRV. Digital rights management.
droit. N. (French) Law; a right; the entire body of law.
drug abuse. N. Chronic, habitual, uncontrolled, or excessive use of
a controlled substance.
drunkenness. N. Intoxication; the condition of mental impairment
brought on by consuming too much alcohol.
dual citizenship. N. The condition of being a citizen of two nations
simultaneously; also the condition of being a citizen of both the
United States and a state.
due. ADJ. (1) Proper, adequate, rightful, just, appropriate for the
circumstances. (2) Expected to be paid at a particular time;
N. Something owed to someone.
due care. N. The legal duty a person owes to others in order not
to be negligent; care that is sufficient and proper for the
circumstances. See also care, ordinary.
due process, procedural. N. The guarantee of a fair civil procedure
that follows the rules, including the right to be notified about a
complaint or charge and the right to be heard in court.
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due process, substantive 152
due process, substantive. N. A guarantee that all legislation that
binds citizens will be fair and reasonable, not arbitrary and unrea-
due process of law. N. Fair judicial treatment guaranteed to every
U.S. citizen by the Constitution in the Fifth and Fourteenth
Amendments, which promise that no citizen will be deprived of
life, liberty, or property without the opportunity to first defend him-
or herself, including the rights to a fair trial, to be present at one’s
trial, to be allowed to present testimony, and to present evidence to
counter the opposing side’s case.
DUI. abbrv. Driving under the influence.
dummy. N. A sham, imitation, or straw man.
dummy corporation. N. A corporation with no legitimate business
purpose formed to protect its founders from liability or to hide
their activities.
dummy director. N. A director of a corporation who is in fact
merely a figurehead and who has no real interest in the corpora-
dummy shareholder. N. Someone who holds shares of stock in his
or her own name but for the benefit of the real owner.
dump. V. To sell goods in quantity at a price far below market value,
often in a foreign market.
N. dumping.
duplicity. N. (1) Double-dealing. (2) In common law, the error of
combining two separate causes of action in one count of a pleading
or a similar mistake in a criminal pleading or legislation; now
permitted under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
durable power of attorney. N. A document in which a person
names a surrogate decision maker to consent to or refuse medical
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153 dwelling
treatment if the person becomes incapacitated and unable to direct
medical treatment him- or herself.
duress. N. Conduct intended to force someone to do something he
or she does not want to do, such as threat of violence or coercion.
duty. N. (1) An obligation, often legally sanctioned; in negligence
cases, a legally recognized requirement to observe a specific stan-
dard of conduct toward another person. (2) A tax on imported and
exported goods.
duty free. ADJ. Not subject to tax on imports or exports; see also
duty to act. N. An obligation to perform some act to prevent harm
to someone else.
duty to mitigate. The obligation of the plaintiff in a breach of
contract case to minimize damages resulting from the breach.
duty to retreat. N. The principle that a person being attacked
should always retreat if possible instead of using force in self-
defense; see also castle doctrine.
dwell. V. To live in a place.
dwelling. N. A residence; a house, building, or any enclosed space
or structure used as a home; a house and all buildings attached to
it; also called a dwelling house.
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earn 156
earn. V. To acquire money in return for work; to perform some task
that makes one deserve some reward.
earner. N. A person who earns.
earnest. N. Something that one person gives another to mark a
promise or bind a contract, such as a token, pledge, or partial
ADJ. Sincere; truthful.
earnest money. N. Money paid by a buyer on entering a contract as
proof of his or her intention to pay the full price at the proper time.
earning capacity. N. The amount of money that a worker is capable
of earning on the open market.
earnings. N. That which is earned, usually money.
earnings and profits. N. In tax, income earned by a corporation
that would constitute a dividend if distributed to shareholders.
earnings and profits, accumulated. N. Earnings and profits from
previous years that have not yet been distributed as dividends.
earnings and profits, current. N. Earnings and profits from the
current taxable year.
easement. N. A right to use someone else’s property (the servient
estate or burdened property) for a specific purpose.
easement, affirmative. N. The right to do some positive act to or on
the servient estate, such as using it as a right of way.
easement, appurtenant. N. An easement that is attached to a partic-
ular piece of property (the dominant estate or benefited property)
and stays with it if it is transferred to another owner.
easement, implied. N. An easement that the law will find must have
been intended by the parties to a transaction, even if they did not
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157 ecclesiastical law
express it, i.e., easements that are necessary for both parties to
continue to use their property.
easement, negative. N. An easement that prevents the property
owner from doing specific things on or to the land, usually because
it would impair use of the dominant estate.
easement, prescriptive. N. An easement that arises in a manner
similar to adverse possession by long use of the servient estate.
easement, public. N. An easement that the entire community can
easement, reciprocal negative. N. An easement that automatically
arises when an owner of two or more related properties sells one
of them with a restriction on it, binding the other properties with
the same restrictions.
easement in gross. N. An easement that belongs to a person, not to
a piece of property.
easement of necessity. N. An easement that arises by operation of
law if a dominant estate is completely cut off or otherwise
rendered unusable without it.
eavesdrop. V. To secretly and unlawfully listen to a conversation,
either by entering a private place to listen, installing a listening or
recording device outside a private place, or intercepting commu-
nications over telephones or other devices.
N. eavesdropping.
See also wiretapping.
ecclesiastical. ADJ. Relating to the Christian church.
ecclesiastical court. N. A court with jurisdiction over religious and
church matters.
ecclesiastical law. N. Law applying to religious matters.
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e-commerce 158
e-commerce. Buying and selling goods and services electronically,
particularly over the Internet.
EEOC. ABBRV. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
egalitarian. ADJ. Supporting equality and fair treatment for all
N. egalitarian.
ejectment. N. A common law action brought by a property owner
to eject a tenant who has refused to leave at the appointed time or
someone claiming the land by adverse possession.
ejusdem generis. ADJ. (Latin) Of the same kind; a rule of inter-
preting statutes holding that if a statute lists a few examples of
something, then it will be assumed that it only includes things
similar to the examples; e.g., if for “dangerous weapon” it uses
examples of guns, then the term refers only to firearms and not to
other weapons such as knives.
elect. V. To choose or select; to select a public official; to choose
one legal right from more than one option.
election. N. (1) The act of choosing. (2) The formal event in which
public officials are chosen.
ADJ. elective.
election by spouse. N. The right of a surviving spouse to choose
how to inherit from the deceased spouse, whether from will,
dower, or his or her share prescribed by statute (the elective
election of remedies. N. A choice between two or more remedies
for an injury.
elector. N. (1) Someone who has the right to vote in elections. (2)
A member of the electoral college.
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159 Emancipation Proclamation
electoral college. N. The group of representatives chosen from
each state to cast their votes in a presidential election.
electronic. ADJ. Done on a computer or over a computer network.
Electronic Communications Privacy Act. N. A law enacted in 1986
that amended the Wiretap Act to restrict government surveillance
of private electronic communications.
electronic publication. N. Publishing a work online or on a
computer network.
electronic signature. N. An electronic symbol, sound, or
process that can be used by a person to verify that he or she is
taking the step of signing a record or document, such as by
keying in a personal identification number or clicking a box to
accept the terms and conditions of a website; also called a
digital signature.
eleemosynary. ADJ. Charitable, related to charity.
element. N. A component of some abstract concept; one of the
components of a criminal offense that the prosecution must prove.
elements. N. Forces of nature such as rain and snow.
eligible. ADJ. Able or qualified to do or receive something.
email. N. Electronic mail; correspondence by letter over the
Internet or another computer network.
emancipate. N. (1) To free someone from the control of someone
else; to liberate. (2) For a parent to relinquish parental rights and
duties toward a child.
N. emancipation.
Emancipation Proclamation. N. A proclamation issued by
Abraham Lincoln in 1862 to free all black slaves in states at war
against the Union.
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embezzle 160
embezzle. V. To misappropriate or steal funds entrusted to one’s
N. embezzlement.
embracery. N. The crime of trying to influence a juror with bribes,
promises, etc.; see also obstruction of justice.
emergency doctrine. N. The principle that a person is not expected
to exercise the same degree of care when faced with an emergency
or sudden peril as he or she would under ordinary circumstances.
eminent domain. N. The government’s right to take private property
for public use in return for just compensation to the property
emissions trading. N. The practice of assigning businesses a certain
number of credits that permit them to emit specified amounts of
pollution, which they can then trade with other businesses that
need to emit more or less pollution than their credits allow; also
called cap and trade.
emolument. N. The total compensation from a job, including salary,
rank, benefits, and other privileges and advantages.
emotional distress. N. Severe mental and emotional suffering that
results from another person’s conduct.
employ. V. To hire someone to do a particular job in exchange for
employee. N. One hired to do a job.
employee handbook. N. A manual given to all employees in a
workplace that describes workplace policies on discipline and
discrimination, defines positions and responsibilities, explains
grievance procedures, and may require employees to sign a form
stating that they have read and accept the terms of the handbook.
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161 en banc
employee stock ownership plan. N. A kind of employee retirement
benefit plan in which the employees own shares in the employer’s
company, often receiving contributions from the employer, and
only recognize income from the shares upon collecting the
proceeds at retirement.
employer. N. One who employs someone else.
employer’s liability acts. N. Statutes defining employer liability for
injuries that happen to employees while working; see also workers’
employment. N. A job; the act of employing.
employment at will. A type of employment in which either
employer or employee may end the working relationship at any
time and for any reason.
Employment Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. N. An act
of Congress that sets guidelines for employee benefit plans.
enable. V. To make possible.
enabling clause. N. A clause in a statute that gives the proper offi-
cials the power to enforce it.
enabling statute. N. A statute that gives someone a new power.
enact. V. To make something happen; to create a law.
enacting clause. N. A clause at the beginning of a statute that iden-
tifies its purpose and the body that has created it.
en banc. ADJ. (French) On the bench; by the whole court; refers to
occasions when all the judges of a court participate in a session, or
when the panel of judges is expanded for a special case.
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encroach 162
encroach. V. To intrude; to gradually advance into someone else’s
property or territory.
N. encroachment.
encryption. N. The practice of converting information into code
that can only be deciphered with a key.
encumber. V. To burden; to place a debt or mortgage on a prop-
encumbrance. N. A mortgage, debt, or other burden on a piece of
Endangered Species Act. N. A federal law passed in 1973 that
protects animal species and ecosystems that are threatened with
extinction by human activity.
endorse. (1) To sign the back of a check or other negotiable
instrument to make it payable to someone else. (2) To express
approval of someone or something.
N. endorsement. See also
endow. V. To bestow something on someone; to provide financial
support by granting property or an income.
endowment. N. A fund granted to support something, usually an
institution such as a university or charity.
end user license agreement. N. A contract presented by a software
producer to the product’s end user, i.e., the person who has
acquired the software in order to use it, stating the terms and
conditions associated with using the software. See also browse-
wrap agreement, click-wrap agreement, shrink-wrap agreement.
enemy. N. An adversary; a hostile individual, group, nation, or mili-
tary force.
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163 entail
enemy combatant. N. A member of the armed forces of an enemy
state; during war with that state, a member of a force that commits
a belligerent act against a state.
enfeoff. V. In feudal times, to give someone property in exchange
for service; in modern usage, to give someone the title to property.
N. enfeoffment.
enforce. V. To take action to ensure that a law is upheld.
enfranchise. V. To grant someone the right to vote. N. enfran-
enjoin. V. To order or require someone to do something. See also
enjoyment. N. The ability to use and profit from the property one
owns. See also quiet enjoyment.
enlargement. N. An extension of time, granted by a court, to do
something that ordinarily must be completed by a specific dead-
line; also called enlargement of time.
enrollment period. N. A limited period of time in which individuals
can sign up for benefits or health insurance plans, usually for the
upcoming year.
enslave. V. To make someone a slave. See also indenture,
entail. V. (1) To bring along certain inevitable consequences. (2) To
settle the inheritance of a property within a specific family line over
generations, limiting it to particular descendants; to create a fee
N. An inheritance restricted to a particular family line; property
that is settled in that way.
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entailment 164
entailment. N. A restriction of the way a property will be inherited
that is different from what the ordinary rules of inheritance would
enter. V. (1) To write down in a record; to file or deposit. (2) To go
into a house or building; to go into a country or state. (3) To
become a party to.
N. entry.
entitlement. N. A right granted; a benefit or right guaranteed by law,
such as Social Security.
entity. N. A being or abstraction, such as a corporation or estate,
that can hold legal rights and obligations, owe and pay taxes, and
sue or be sued.
entrap. V. To catch someone in a trap; particularly, to induce
someone to commit a crime in order to arrest him or her.
enumerated powers. N. Powers expressly granted by the
Constitution to a branch of government.
en ventre sa mere. ADJ. (French) In the belly of one’s mother;
unborn but in gestation.
environmental impact statement. N. A document that a devel-
oper must prepare before receiving approval for a new project,
predicting the project’s likely effect on the surrounding envi-
Environmental Protection Agency. N. A federal agency that coordi-
nates government actions to protect the environment and prevent
EPA. ABBRV. Environmental Protection Agency.
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165 equal time act
e pluribus unum. (Latin) One out of many; the motto of the
United States.
equal. ADJ. The same; having the same value, size, degree, or
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. N. A federal organiza-
tion created by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 whose
purpose is to end discrimination in the workplace.
equality. N. The condition of having the same opportunities, rights,
privileges, and liabilities.
equal justice. N. Equal and impartial treatment of all people by the
law and government.
equal opportunity. N. A policy of treating employees equally and
not discriminating on the basis of race, sex, religion, national
origin, age, etc.
equal protection (of the laws). N. The principal that every person
is entitled to the same treatment under the law as other people in
similar conditions.
equal protection clause. N. A clause in the Fourteenth Amendment
to the Constitution that prohibits states from denying people
within their jurisdictions equal protection of the laws.
Equal Rights Amendment. N. An amendment to the Constitution
that was proposed but never ratified that would have prevented
the states or nation from denying people equality based on sex.
equal time act. N. An act that requires a broadcaster who allows a
political candidate to campaign on the air to provide equal time on
the air to all other candidates for the office.
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equitable 166
equitable. ADJ. (1) Fair, impartial, just. (2) Arising in equity instead
of law.
equitable distribution. N. A method of distributing property fairly
but not necessarily equally among interested parties, particularly
between a husband and wife after a divorce.
equitable recoupment. N. A doctrine that allows a taxpayer who
mistakenly pays taxes too soon and is later assessed taxes for
the same taxable event to reduce the new tax by the amount
already paid.
equity. N. (1) A branch of jurisprudence that arose in England as an
alternative to the harsh common law in which courts tried to deter-
mine what would be fair in a given situation instead of strictly
applying law and precedent, used in matters where the law was
inadequate; today, equity and the law have merged for the most
part, but equitable principles and remedies still exist. (2) Fairness,
justice. (3) The value of a property minus any mortgages or liens on
it. See also chancery.
equity, court of. N. A court that hears cases and makes judgments
according to principles of equity; see also chancery.
equity jurisdiction. N. The body of cases and matters that are
appropriate for hearing in equity.
ERA. ABBRV. Equal Rights Amendment.
ergo. CONJ. (Latin) Therefore. ADV. ergo.
Erie doctrine. N. A doctrine developed by the 1938 case Erie v.
Tompkins stating that, except in matters governed by the
Constitution of acts of Congress, in a federal case the court should
apply the state law of the state in which the court is situated
instead of applying federal common law.
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167 escheat
ERISA. ABBRV. Employment Retirement Income Security Act of
erroneous. ADJ. Mistaken; in error.
erroneous judgment. N. A judgment rendered using a mistaken
application of the law.
error. N. A mistake; an inaccurate conception of fact or law.
error, fundamental. N. An error committed by a trial court that
harms the case enough to render the judgment void.
error, harmless. N. An error committed by a trial court that
did not harm the rights of the party appealing the judgment
and for which an appellate court will not reverse the trial
court’s judgment.
error, reversible. N. An error that justifies an appellate court’s
reversing a trial court’s decision. See also assignment of error.
error of fact. N. A mistake made because an essential fact is not
known or because something that was believed to be a fact was
actually not true; also called error in fact.
error of law. N. A mistake made in applying the law to a case; also
called error in law.
escalator clause. N. A clause in a contract that provides for an
increase or decrease in price if a particular event happens.
escape clause. N. A clause in a contract that allows the parties to
it to break the contract without penalty if a specified event happens
or under specified circumstances.
escheat. N. The reversion of property to the state if it has no verifi-
able owner or anyone to inherit it.
V. escheat.
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escrow 168
escrow. N. A legal document, money, or property entrusted by the
people making a contract to a third person, who holds it until the
contract is finalized and then delivers it to the proper person.
escrow account. N. A bank account into which funds are held as
security until the escrow condition is fulfilled.
ESOP. ABBRV. Employee stock ownership plan.
esquire. N. (1) The title added to the name of an attorney admitted
to the bar. (2) Originally in England, a title used by men who owned
land, or officers, barristers, or judges.
establishment clause. N. A clause in the First Amendment of the
Constitution that prevents the government from passing laws
establishing a religion; see also free exercise clause.
estate. N. (1) An interest in or ownership of land. (2) All the money,
property, and goods that one person owns.
estate, equitable. N. An estate that can only be enforced in equity,
particularly a trust held in beneficial interest for someone.
estate, future. N. An estate for which a person might receive title or
interest some time in the future.
estate, legal. N. An estate recognized and enforceable by law.
estate, vested. N. An estate that is currently owned or held by the
person to whom the property interest will go when a life estate or
other current interest ends. See also life estate.
estate planning. N. The branch of law that deals with passing on a
person’s property and assets after death through wills, trusts, and
insurance; also called trusts and estates.
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169 euthanasia, active
estate tax. N. A tax on property transferred after the owner’s death
that is levied on the estate.
estoppel. N. A restraint or bar; a doctrine that prevents a person
from doing or saying something that would contradict some
earlier action or statement that another has relied on and the
contradiction of which would hurt that other person.
V. estop.
See also collateral estoppel; promissory estoppel.
et. (Latin, French) And.
et al. ABBRV. (Latin) And others; used to indicate the presence of
more people than are named in a category.
ethical. ADJ. Morally right.
ethics. N. Moral principles governing behavior.
et seq. ABBRV. (Latin) And what follows; used in page citations to
instruct the reader to look at the identified page and the following
ones; e.g., “p. 45 et seq.” means “page 45 and following pages.”
EU. ABBRV. European Union.
EULA. ABBRV. End user license agreement.
European Union. N. A union of European countries that exists to
create uniform economic, judicial, and security policies throughout
euthanasia. N. Mercy killing; painlessly killing someone who is
suffering from a painful incurable disease or who is in a coma and
has no hope of ever waking up.
euthanasia, active. N. Actively doing something to kill someone,
such as administering poison.
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euthanasia, passive 170
euthanasia, passive. N. Withholding artificial support in order to
let a person die naturally; see also right to die, living will.
evade. V. To avoid, elude, or escape. N. evasion. See also tax
evasive. ADJ. Elusive; trying to escape or avoid.
evasive answer. N. An answer that avoids a straightforward
response, neither denying nor confirming something.
evict. V. (1) To recover something from someone through judicial
action. (2) To expel a tenant from property he or she has leased.
eviction, actual. N. Physically expelling the tenant from the
eviction, retaliatory. N. Expelling the tenant from the property in
retaliation for the tenant’s valid complaints about the landlord. See
also constructive eviction.
evidence. N. Anything used to prove the truth of an issue in court;
includes testimony, documents, objects, and anything else that
could persuade the jury.
evident. ADJ. Obvious; clear to see.
evidentiary. ADJ. Forming evidence.
evolution. N. The process by which something grows and changes;
the scientific theory that explains how living organisms have devel-
oped throughout the history of the earth.
examine. V. To inspect; to investigate; to question or interrogate. N.
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171 exclusive
exception. N. (1) Something excluded from a category to which it
would ordinarily belong; something that does not follow the
general rule. (2) An objection; an objection to a court’s ruling or an
error. (3) In insurance, a risk that is excluded from a policy. (4) In
property, a piece of land that is not included in a transfer of an
estate or interest.
V. except.
excessive. ADJ. More than necessary; going beyond what is proper
or fair.
N. excess.
excessive bail. N. Bail set in an amount greater than that required
to prevent the accused from fleeing, prohibited by the Eighth
Amendment of the Constitution.
exchange. V. To give something to another person and receive
something else in return; to barter.
N. (1) The act of giving one thing
and receiving something else in return. (2) An institution that facil-
itates the trading of a commodity such as stocks or bonds. (3) A
transaction in which people living far away from each other settle
accounts by transferring credits or drafts called bills of exchange.
exchequer. N. The national treasury of the British government.
excise. N. A tax on certain actions or occupations, the manufacture
and sale of particular items, or the transfer of property; also called
excise tax.
exclude. V. To deny access or entrance; to keep out; to remove.
exclusion. N. (1) Refusing admittance or removing. (2) In taxation,
an item that is not included in gross income; see also deduct. (3) In
insurance, something that is not covered by a policy.
exclusionary rule. N. A rule stating that evidence found during
illegal searches and seizures cannot be used at trial.
exclusive. ADJ. Applying only to one subject, excluding all others.
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exclusive contract 172
exclusive contract. N. A contract in which a person promises to
buy or sell from one source only.
exclusive control. N. Control over something exercised by only
one person.
exclusive jurisdiction. N. Power over a kind of lawsuit or person
that is held by only one court or tribunal, requiring that all actions
of that sort be heard there.
exclusive license. N. A right granted by the owner of a patent to
one person, allowing him or her to use, make, and sell the
patented item.
exclusive use. N. In trademark law, the exclusive right to use a
specific mark and other marks similar enough to be confusing.
exculpate. V. To show that someone is not guilty of a crime or
wrongful act; to clear of blame or fault.
ADJ. exculpatory.
exculpatory clause. N. A clause in a legal document that releases a
party from liability for wrongdoing.
exculpatory evidence. N. Evidence that helps clear a defendant of
excusable neglect. N. Failure to perform the right action at the
right time due to unexpected and unavoidable circumstances
rather than through carelessness or disregard.
excuse. V. To forgive; to release from responsibility. N. A reason
given to justify an action.
ADJ. excusable.
ex-dividend. N. Without dividend; the condition of a stock sold
without a recently declared dividend, which is retained by the
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173 executory trust
execute. V. (1) To put into effect; to complete; to carry out an
action; to sign a legal document and perform any other tasks
needed to make it legally binding. (2) To put to death.
N. execution.
executive. ADJ. Having the power to make things happen and carry
out laws; the power held by the president of the United States.
executive agreement. N. An agreement similar to a treaty that the
president of the United States can make with another country
without Senate approval.
executive clemency. N. A chief executive’s right to pardon crimi-
nals and commute criminal sentences.
executive order. N. An order issued by the president interpreting
the Constitution or a law.
executive powers. The power to enforce and carry out laws held
by the president and governors of the states.
executive privilege. N. An executive’s freedom from the disclosure
laws that bind other citizens when secrecy is necessary to fulfill the
duties of the office.
executor. N. A person chosen by a testator to give away his or her
property according to his or her will.
FEMININE. executrix or
executory. ADJ. Not yet complete; awaiting a future event for
executory contract. N. A contract that will not be complete until
some specific event happens.
executory interest. N. A future estate or interest in land.
executory trust. N. A trust that has a settlement or conveyance still
to make in the future.
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exemplar 174
exemplar. N. Evidence other than testimony taken from a defen-
dant and used to identify him or her, including fingerprints, voice-
prints, blood samples, handwriting samples, etc.
exemplary damages. N. Damages awarded on top of actual
damages if the wrong done to the plaintiff by the defendant was
aggravated in some way.
exempt. ADJ. Not under an obligation that applies to others;
free from liability or obligation.
V. To release someone from an
obligation or liability.
exemption. N. (1) Freedom from a normal obligation. (2) In
taxation, a deduction given to a taxpayer for him- or herself and
for dependents.
exhaustion of remedies. N. The state of having attempted and
failed to get a remedy through administrative channels before
bringing a matter to litigation, or through state court before
bringing a matter before a federal court.
exhibit. V. To display something; to present something publicly. N.
A piece of physical evidence or a document displayed in court or
during a deposition or hearing to be made part of the case.
exigence. Urgent need; an emergency; also called exigency. ADJ.
exigent circumstances. N. An emergency situation in which imme-
diate action is necessary, regardless of procedural requirements;
generally applied to situations in which law enforcement officials
conduct a search and seizure without a warrant.
exile. N. Banishment from a country; a person who has been
expelled from a country.
V. exile.
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175 expel
exit interview. N. An interview conducted between an employee
and employer when the employee leaves his or her job with that
employer, at which the parties discuss the employee’s job satisfac-
tion, performance, and other matters.
ex officio. ADJ. (Latin) Out of duty; by virtue of one’s office or
status; used to describe powers that are not explicitly defined in an
officer’s duties but that are implied because they are necessary to
the performance of the office.
ex officio justice. N. A judge who serves in a particular capacity
because it is part of his or her job description, not because he or
she was chosen personally to perform that task.
ex officio member. N. Someone who is a member of a board or
other group due to a title or office he or she holds.
exonerate. V. To absolve; to release from blame or obligation. N.
ex parte. ADJ. (Latin) From a side; on behalf of one side of a case.
ex parte divorce. N. A divorce proceeding in which only one
spouse attends or participates.
ex parte hearing. N. A judicial hearing held for the benefit of one
party only, without notice to or attendance by an adverse party.
ex parte injunction. N. An injunction issued by a court after hearing
only the party requesting it.
expectancy. N. Something that is expected or at least hoped for; in
property, an interest or estate that is expected to occur when some
specific event happens in the future. See also life expectancy.
expectant. ADJ. Hoping to receive something in the future.
expel. V. To force out; to eject; see also expulsion.
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expense 176
expense. N. Cost; the amount of money spent on something.
expense, business. N. An expense that is part of running a business.
expense, personal. N. Money spent on personal and family needs.
expenses. N. Costs incurred in performing a job; money that must
be spent in the ordinary course of business or daily operations.
expenses, operating. N. The ordinary and regular costs involved in
operating a business.
expert. N. Someone with great knowledge about a particular topic,
such as science, medicine, art, or business. See also lay witness.
expert testimony. N. Opinions about a subject offered by an expert
in the field in order to help the jury understand specialized
evidence in a case.
expert witness. N. A witness who has training or experience in a
field that gives him or her knowledge about it far beyond that of an
ordinary person, whose testimony is provided to help the jury
understand difficult technical information.
expiry. N. The end of something, such as a contract period or a
period of time.
export. V. To transport goods from one country to another to sell
N. Goods made in one country and sold in another. See
also import.
exportation. N. The act of exporting goods.
ex post facto. N. (Latin) From the point of view of subsequent
events; after the fact; retroactive.
ex post facto law. N. A law that is passed after an occurrence that
changes the law at the time the act occurred; e.g., a law that creates
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177 extension
criminal penalties for an act that was not a crime when it was
committed; ex post facto laws are prohibited by the Constitution.
express. ADJ. Clear and explicit; directly stated; unambiguous. V. To
state definitely.
expressio unius est exclusio alterius. (Latin) That which is
expressed is included and that which is not is excluded; a rule of
statutory interpretation that says that if something is mentioned as
being included, then anything that is not mentioned is by implica-
tion meant not to be included.
expropriate. V. To take for the government under eminent domain.
N. expropriation.
expulsion. N. Driving out; ejecting from a group, school, etc;
depriving of membership; see also expel.
expunge. V. To erase; to destroy completely, especially information
or documents.
expungement of records. N. Court-ordered destruction of criminal
records after a certain period of time or if an accused is not
expurgate. V. To cleanse; to remove objectionable material from a
ex rights. N. Without rights; the condition of a stock sold without
rights to purchase more stock from the issuing corporation.
extend. V. To make larger; to prolong; to push back the original
boundary or deadline.
extension. N. (1) An allowance of additional time after a deadline
has expired. (2) An addition that makes something bigger, such as
a structure added to a building to make it larger.
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extenuate 178
extenuate. V. To mitigate; to make a crime or misdeed seem less
extenuating circumstances. N. Circumstances that make a crime
appear less serious and make the one who committed it appear less
blameworthy than would ordinarily be the case.
extinguish. V. To end; to cancel; to void a right; to quench or put
out, as a fire.
extinguishment. N. The end of a right or contract by agreement
between the parties or by operation of law.
extort. V. To get something from someone else through force,
threats, or fear.
N. extortion.
extortionate. ADJ. (1) Far more expensive than is appropriate. (2)
Prone to extortion.
extradite. V. For a state or country to transfer a person accused of
a crime to the country or state where the crime supposedly
N. extradition.
extrajudicial. ADJ. Done outside of court; not legally authorized.
extramural. ADJ. Outside the walls, boundaries, or limits of an insti-
tution or business; in corporations, outside the limits of corporate
power. See also intramural.
extraordinary. ADJ. Unusual, remarkable.
extraordinary circumstances. N. Circumstances and factors not
usually associated with a particular time, place, or situation.
extraordinary risk. N. A risk not normally associated with a partic-
ular activity.
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179 eyewitness
extrinsic. ADJ. Coming from the outside; not an inherent part of
eyewitness. N. Someone who sees an event firsthand.
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FAA 182
FAA. ABBRV. Federal Aviation Administration.
fabricate. V. To invent; to create; to make up a story or manufacture
an object, usually intending to deceive.
N. fabrication.
fabricated evidence. N. Evidence created after the fact to disguise
the truth.
face value. N. The value of a check, bond, note, insurance policy,
or other negotiable instrument as stated on the instrument itself;
see also market price.
facilitate. V. To assist; to make something possible or easier to
accomplish; to make it easier for someone to commit a crime.
facilitation. See also aid and abet.
facility. N. A building, a space, or the equipment used to
provide some service or perform some function; an amenity.
PL. facilities.
facsimile. N. An exact copy of something, usually a document.
fact. N. Something that is true; a thing that has happened or a
situation that exists.
fact finder. N. The person or group of people whose job is to
determine the facts in a case; also called the trier of fact. See also
factor. N. (1) Something that influences an outcome. (2) An agent
who buys and sells goods for a commission called a factorage.
factual. ADJ. Truthful; describing actual events or circumstances.
faculties. N. Physical and mental capabilities; the ability to do
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183 fair hearing
fail. V. To be unsuccessful at something; to be deficient; to be
unable to meet obligations; to lapse (a legacy).
N. failure.
failure of consideration. N. A condition that occurs when a
contract’s consideration becomes worthless or no longer exists.
failure of issue. N. The condition of producing no children to
inherit one’s estate; dying childless.
failure of justice. N. Miscarriage of justice; a loss of rights or lack
of reparation due to the absence of an adequate legal remedy.
failure of proof. N. Inability to prove a side of a case.
failure to state a claim (upon which relief may be granted). N. A
plaintiffs failure to define and support a cause of action sufficient
to support a case in court, resulting in dismissal of the case; see
also Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
fair. ADJ. Impartial and just; according to stated rules and
fair and impartial jury. N. A jury composed of people who have no
preconceptions about a case and who will form opinions based on
a fair consideration of evidence and testimony.
fair and impartial trial. N. A trial or hearing before a court or jury
that has no preconceived notions about the matter and that will
hear testimony and examine evidence before making a decision.
fair comment. N. A defense in libel cases, used especially by the
news media, that the published statements in question were meant
to state facts that the writer or speaker believed were true.
fair hearing. N. An administrative hearing authorized in a case
where a normal judicial proceeding would not satisfy the
requirements of due process, such as a case in which no judicial
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Fair Housing Act 184
remedy is available or in which the plaintiff would have to suffer
much more harm to be eligible for one.
Fair Housing Act. N. A federal law passed as Title VIII of the Civil
Rights Act of 1968 that prohibits discrimination in the rental, sale,
and financing of housing based on race, sex, religion, national
origin, handicap, and family status.
Fair Labor Standards Act. N. A federal statute passed in 1938 that
set a minimum wage, a maximum work week, and established
rules about work by teenagers for businesses engaged in interstate
fair use. N. The legal use of copyrighted materials without the
owner’s consent or payment of royalties; whether a use is a fair use
or an infringement of copyright depends on factors such as who is
using the material, the amount used, and whether or not the user
acknowledges the copyright owner; see also copyright, plagiarize.
faith-based. Religious; based in religious beliefs.
faith-based initiative. N. A charitable project undertaken by a
religious organization.
false. ADJ. Untrue; incorrect; deceitful or treacherous.
false advertising. N. The deliberate inclusion of false information
in advertising, with the intention of misleading consumers in order
to make them purchase the advertised product. See also advertise.
false arrest. N. Unlawfully arresting or detaining someone without
legal authority or the detainee’s consent.
falsehood. N. An untruth or lie.
false imprisonment. N. The tort of detaining someone intentionally
and without justification.
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185 family court
false pretenses. N. Intentionally using fraud or misrepresentation
to obtain property or money.
false representation. N. Intentionally misleading someone either
by lying or by failing to disclose a fact when the fact should have
been disclosed.
false statement. N. A statement made by someone who knows it is
false or who makes it recklessly without honestly believing it to be
true, intending it to deceive.
false swearing. N. When a person swears that something is true
and he or she knows that it is not; also called a false oath.
family. N. A group of people related to one another by blood and
marriage, often sharing a common ancestor; the unit consisting of
parents and children; for insurance purposes, the people who live
with and are dependent on an insured person.
family allowance. N. Money allocated to a surviving spouse and/or
children to support them while the deceased spouse’s estate goes
through the probate process; see also widow’s allowance.
Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993. N. A federal law that
protects the jobs of and guarantees unpaid leave to certain workers
who suffer medical problems or who must care for sick family
members or new children.
family automobile doctrine. N. A doctrine, also called a family
purpose doctrine, that makes the owner of an automobile liable for
negligent operation of it by a member of his or her family; this
doctrine has been rejected by many states.
family court. N. A court with jurisdiction over matters related to
families and children, including child abuse and neglect, support
and custody, paternity, and juvenile delinquency.
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FAQ 186
FAQ. ABBRV. Frequently asked questions.
fatal. ADJ. Deadly; causing death; causing something to fail
fatal error. N. An error at trial that hurts one party’s case so badly
as to be grounds for a new trial.
fatal injury. N. An injury that causes death to its victim.
fault. N. Blame; responsibility for a bad result; a wrongful act or
mistake; negligence; breach of duty.
faulty. ADJ. Defective.
FBI. ABBRV. Federal Bureau of Investigation.
FCC. ABBRV. Federal Communications Commission.
FDA. ABBRV. Food and Drug Administration.
FDIC. ABBRV. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
fealty. N. Sworn loyalty; in feudal times, allegiance to a feudal lord
sworn by a tenant.
fear, uncertainty, and doubt. N. A marketing strategy in which the
manufacturer of a product tries to make consumers worry that
buying a competing product might result in bad consequences,
typically by criticizing or spreading disinformation about the
competing product.
featherbedding. N. A practice by employees of increasing or main-
taining the number of workers required to perform a task or the
time allotted to do a specific job in an effort to protect job security,
especially against the threat of technology.
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187 Federal Firearms License
federal. ADJ. Relating to the central government of a union of
states, such as the national government of the United States.
Federal Aviation Administration. N. The federal agency that
handles civil aviation as part of the Department of Transportation.
Federal Bureau of Investigation. N. The federal agency that inves-
tigates violations of federal laws, including criminal, civil, and
security matters as part of the Department of Justice.
federal common law. N. A body of case law composed of decisions
made by federal courts, used in a very narrow range of cases; see
also Erie doctrine.
Federal Communications Commission. N. The federal agency that
regulates broadcasting by television, radio, telephone, satellite, etc.
federal courts. N. The courts of the United States, created by the
Constitution or by acts of Congress and having jurisdiction created
by statute, including federal district courts, federal courts of
appeal, and the Supreme Court of the United States.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. N. An agency within the
executive branch of the U.S. government that insures deposits in
banks and savings associations.
Federal Emergency Management Agency. N. An agency of the U.S.
Department of Homeland Security dedicated to coordinating
national responses to major disasters such as hurricanes or earth-
Federal Firearms License. N. A license issued by the Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives that allows an indi-
vidual or business to manufacture or sell firearms and ammuni-
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Federal Insurance Contribution Act 188
Federal Insurance Contribution Act. N. The act that regulates the
Social Security system by taxing employers and employees and
setting benefits.
federalism. N. The federal system of government, including a divi-
sion of power between a central government and individual states,
in which states handle local affairs and the central government
handles matters that affect the entire nation.
federalist. N. Someone who supports federalism.
Federalist Papers. N. A collection of essays published by
Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay from October
1787 to August 1788, advocating that New York vote to ratify the
Constitution that had already been adopted in Philadelphia in
September 1787.
federal question jurisdiction. N. Original jurisdiction held by
federal courts over cases in which interpretation of the
Constitution, acts of Congress, or treaties of the United States are
in dispute; federal question jurisdiction is granted to federal courts
by Article III of the Constitution.
Federal Reserve System. N. A network of twelve central banks
established by the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 to oversee a
national system of banking, including monitoring the money
supply by holding cash reserves and issuing currency for circu-
lation, overseeing the credit system, and generally watching the
nation’s economy.
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. N. A compilation of rules created
by the Supreme Court in 1938 that govern the procedure used in
civil cases in U.S. district courts, which have been used as a model
for procedure by most state courts.
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189 fee simple conditional
Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure. N. Procedural rules created
by the Supreme Court in 1945 that govern proceedings in criminal
cases before U.S. district courts and sometimes before U.S.
Federal Rules of Evidence. N. Rules governing the admission of
evidence before U.S. district courts, U.S. magistrates, and
bankruptcy court, which have been used as a model for rules
of evidence by many states.
Federal Trade Commission. N. A federal agency that promotes
free trade and fair competition in interstate commerce by
preventing price-fixing, advertising, and general unfair competition.
federation. N. A union of states that share a central government but
also govern themselves independently.
fee. N. (1) Payment made to someone in exchange for services. (2)
An estate of complete ownership of land; ownership of a piece of
fee, in. ADJ. Owning a property completely.
fee simple. N. Complete ownership of a property, with no time limit
or restrictions on what can be done with it, that will pass to the
owner’s heirs if he or she dies intestate; also called fee simple
fee simple conditional. N. An interest in property that is given by a
grantor to the owner that will become a fee simple if a particular
condition is met, usually having to do with the estate passing to
specific heirs of the owner, and if the condition is not met the
estate goes back to the grantor when the owner dies.
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fee simple defeasible 190
fee simple defeasible. N. An estate that can end if a particular
event does or does not happen; also called a fee simple deter-
fee tail. N. A conveyance of property that establishes a specific
line of succession, limiting the transfer of the property to a
particular category of descendants of the recipient, and that goes
back to the grantor if there are no suitable descendants; also
called an estate tail.
fee tail male or female. N. An estate limited to male or female lines
of descent.
fellow servant. N. A coworker; someone who works for the same
fellow servant rule. A rule that absolved an employer from liability
for injury done to one employee as a result of the negligence of
another; now superseded by workers’ compensation.
felon. N. One who has committed a felony.
felony. N. A serious crime; most felonies are defined by statute, and
often include those that are punishable by death or by more than
one year of imprisonment.
ADJ. felonious. See also misdemeanor.
felony murder. N. A killing that occurs while committing a felony;
whether the killing occurs accidentally or not, under the felony
murder doctrine it could be prosecuted as first-degree murder; this
doctrine varies from state to state.
FEMA. ABBRV. Federal Emergency Management Agency.
fence. N. (1) A structure made of wood, metal, or some other
material that encloses or divides a piece of land. (2) Someone
who receives and sells stolen property.
V. To buy and sell stolen
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191 Fifth Amendment
fetus. N. An unborn mammal; an unborn human child after the first
eight weeks of gestation.
ADJ. fetal.
feudalism. N. A social, economic, and governmental system
common in medieval Europe, under which nobles gave land to
vassals who fought for them, and peasants farmed the land and
gave much of their produce to their lords, who in return gave them
ADJ. feudal.
FFL. ABBRV. Federal Firearms License.
fiat. N. An arbitrary and authoritative command; a decree.
FICA. ABBRV. Federal Insurance Contribution Act.
fiduciary. ADJ. Involving trust, confidence, and good faith;
describes the relationship of a trustee to a beneficiary or a guardian
to a ward.
N. Someone entrusted with a duty to act on behalf of and
in the best interest of someone else, especially the management of
someone else’s property; a trustee.
fiduciary capacity. N. The condition of acting, transacting busi-
ness, or handling money on behalf of someone else.
fiduciary duty. N. The duty of a person or institution entrusted with
someone else’s property to act in that person’s best interest while
putting aside personal interests; the highest duty imposed by law.
FIFO. ABBRV. First-in, first-out.
Fifth Amendment. N. An amendment added to the Constitution as
part of the Bill of Rights that provides important protections from
government actions, including a guarantee that no person will be
required to answer for a capital crime unless first indicted by a
grand jury; no one will suffer double jeopardy; no one must testify
against him- or herself; no one will be deprived of life, liberty, or
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fighting words 192
property without due process of law; and, no property will be taken
for public use without just compensation.
fighting words. N. Words that in and of themselves cause injury or
could provoke a violent response from listeners; fighting words are
not protected under the First Amendment, and uttering them can
constitute the tort of assault.
file. N. The documents that comprise a case, including pleadings,
motions, briefs, affidavits, and other papers.
V. To deposit a docu-
ment with the court or other proper authority so that it becomes
part of the official record.
file sharing. N. The practice of sharing computer files over a
computer network such as the Internet.
filibuster. N. An excessively long speech intended to obstruct
debate and voting on a piece of legislature, especially in the Senate.
V. filibuster.
filing. N. A document that has been filed as part of a lawsuit. See
also file.
final decision. N. A decision by the court that ends a dispute
between parties and settles their respective rights, preventing
further litigation of the matter unless it is reversed or set aside; also
called a final judgment
finance charge.
N. A fee charged for the extension of credit and the
deferral of payment of a loan.
financial institution. N. A business that deals in money, such as a
bank or trust company, a thrift institution, a currency exchange, a
securities trading company, a credit card company, an insurance
company, etc.
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193 fire
financial intermediary. N. A person or company that brings
together borrowers and lenders and specializes in transactions that
change money from one form to another.
financial statement. N. A report of the financial condition of a
person or institution, including a balance sheet, an income state-
ment, and charges.
finder. N. A middleman who helps people find things such as jobs,
business opportunities, or loans in return for payment of a
finder’s fee, and then lets the parties come to their own business
finding. N. A court’s or jury’s conclusion about a matter of law or
finding of fact. N. A court’s or agency’s determinations about the
facts of a case after hearing testimony, examining evidence, and
finding of law. N. A court’s determination of how to apply law to
the facts of a case.
fine. N. Money that a person must pay as a penalty for a crime
or wrongful act.
V. To punish someone by making him or her
pay a fine.
fine print. N. Details of a contract, insurance policy, or other docu-
ment that are printed in small type and placed where they will not
be easily noticed or read, making it difficult for someone to learn
about conditions that might be unfavorable.
fingerprint. N. The unique pattern of lines and whorls on the tip
of a finger, used to identify individuals.
V. To take someone’s
fire. N. To end or terminate someone’s employment.
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firearm 194
firearm. N. A gun; a device that uses an explosive substance to
propel a projectile from a barrel.
fire sale. N. A sale of merchandise at reduced prices, usually done
after an emergency such as a fire or flood that destroys or damages
the commercial premises.
firewall. N. A device or program that limits access to a computer
firm offer. N. An offer by a merchant to buy or sell goods made in
writing and signed, assuring the other party that the offer will be
held open for a specified period of time; regulated by the Uniform
Commercial Code.
First Amendment. N. An amendment to the Constitution added with
the Bill of Rights, guaranteeing freedom of speech, assembly, reli-
gion, press, and the right to petition the government for redress of
first-degree murder. N. Killing someone deliberately and intention-
ally, having planned it beforehand, with extreme cruelty, or while
committing another felony.
first impression. N. The first consideration of something, particu-
larly the first time a case appears before a court and presents an
entirely new question of law that has never been considered
before, and thus has no precedents to guide the decision.
first-in, first-out. N. An accounting method that assumes goods are
sold in the order purchased; see also last-in, first-out.
fiscal. ADJ. Concerning financial matters, particularly matters of
government finance and the public treasury.
fiscal year. N. A twelve-month period used by a business as a tax
and accounting period; the accounting year.
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195 flexible spending account
fit. ADJ. Of sufficient quality or ability to meet a specific purpose;
adequate or suitable.
N. fitness.
fit for a particular purpose. N. An item’s condition of being suitable
for the purpose for which it is intended, usually as promised by the
seller. See also warranty.
fix. V. (1) To establish something permanently or for the long-term.
(2) To decide or settle something; to set a price.
ADJ. fixed.
fixed assets. N. The property that a business uses in its daily oper-
ations and will not convert into cash, such as equipment.
fixed capital. N. The money permanently invested in a company.
fixed income. N. Regular income that does not fluctuate over time;
income from a retirement benefit or annuity. See also price fixing.
fixture. N. An object that is permanently attached to a building or
property and is thus regarded as part of the property.
fixture, trade. N. An object used in business attached to a rented
space by a tenant who runs a business there; trade fixtures remain
the property of the tenant and do not become part of the property.
flee. V. To run away, usually to escape danger. See also flight.
flee from justice. V. For someone who has committed a crime to
leave home or the jurisdiction where the crime was committed in
order to avoid arrest.
flexible benefits. N. An employee benefits program that allows
employees to choose from a range of possible benefits to create
personalized benefits packages. See also cafeteria plan.
flexible spending account. N. A savings account in which an
employee can save tax-free a portion of his or her earnings to meet
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flight 196
a specific type of expense.
ABBRV. FSA. See also cafeteria plan,
health savings account.
flight. N. The act of running away or trying to escape something;
fleeing. See also flee.
flight from prosecution. N. The act by someone who has
committed an unlawful act of leaving the scene of the crime in an
effort to avoid arrest.
flim-flam. N. A type of fraud or confidence game performed by two
perpetrators, one of whom persuades the victim to give money to
the other as part of a get-rich-quick scheme, whereupon both
perpetrators disappear with the money.
float. N. The time between when a check is deposited and when the
money it represents is deducted from the writer’s account.
floating. ADJ. Not settled; fluctuating.
floating capital. N. Capital kept to meet current expenses, often
kept in the form of current assets.
floating debt. N. Short-term debt held by a business or government.
floating interest rate. N. A variable interest rate that changes based
on the money market.
FMLA. ABBRV. Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993.
FOB. ABBRV. Free on board.
FOIA. ABBRV. Freedom of Information Act.
Food and Drug Administration. N. A federal agency that regulates
the safety of food, drugs, cosmetics, and other household prod-
ucts as part of the Department of Health and Human Services.
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197 forcible entry and detainer
forbear. V. To resist an impulse to do something; to refrain from
doing something.
N. forbearance.
force. N. Compulsion; power exerted to make something happen. V.
To make someone do something against his or her will.
force, deadly. N. Force likely to cause death or serious bodily
force, unlawful. N. The use of force against someone who has not
consented to its use.
forced heirs. N. People who cannot be disinherited by a testator’s
will, such as a spouse or children.
forced sale. N. A sale made by order of the court to enforce a judg-
ment against the property owner.
force majeure. N. (French) Superior strength; unforeseeable and
unavoidable circumstances outside the control of a party to a
contract that render him or her incapable of carrying out contrac-
tual duties.
forcible. ADJ. Done by force, compulsion, or violence.
forcible detainer. N. (1) Using force to hold someone in custody.
(2) A statutory remedy allowing someone who owns property to
take possession of it from someone who refuses to relinquish it;
see also detainer.
forcible entry. N. Using force or threat of force to illegally enter
property that belongs to someone else against the owner’s will.
forcible entry and detainer. N. A statutory proceeding that returns
property to someone who has been wrongfully deprived of it.
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foreclose 198
foreclose. V. To end someone’s right to a property; to take posses-
sion of mortgaged property as a result of the property owner’s
failure to make payments.
N. foreclosure.
foreign. ADJ. From another country, state, or jurisdiction.
foreign corporation. N. A corporation that does business in one
state but is incorporated in another.
foreign court. N. A court in another country or state.
foreign national. N. A person who is in one country but who is a
legal permanent resident of another.
foreman. N. (1) A juror who leads jury proceedings and speaks to
the court on the entire jury’s behalf. (2) A worker in a leadership
position over his or her coworkers. Also called a foreperson.
forensic. ADJ. Relating to law and courts.
forensic engineering. N. A branch of engineering that applies engi-
neering principles to legal matters.
forensic medicine. N. A branch of medicine that applies medical
principles to the investigation of legal matters, especially the inves-
tigation of crimes that result in death.
forensics. N. The application of scientific tests and techniques to
the investigation of crimes.
foresee. V. To predict; to know in advance what is likely to occur in
a given situation.
ADJ. foreseeable. N. foreseeability.
foreseeable risk. N. The risk that a person of ordinary intelligence
and prudence should reasonably expect to occur.
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199 forthwith
forfeit. V. To lose the right to something as a punishment; to be
forced to give something up.
N. A right or thing lost as a penalty; the
act of forfeiting something.
ADJ. Lost or given up as a penalty.
forfeitable. ADJ. Able to be given up or taken as a punishment.
forfeiture. N. The taking of property without compensation, usually
as a punishment for breaking the law.
forge. V. To make a copy or imitation of something intending to
pass it off as the genuine article; see also counterfeit.
forgery. N. The copying of a document, signature, work of art, or
bank note with the intention of deceiving someone into thinking it
is genuine.
form. N. (1) A model or frame of a legal document with blank
spaces to be filled out with information that applies to an individual
situation. (2) Customary procedure or formalities; the way some-
thing is expressed as opposed to what is expressed.
Form 1040. N. The form that most U.S. taxpayers must fill out to
file their income tax returns.
forms of action. N. The categories of legal actions available under
common law, such as trespass, debt, etc., and divided into actions
at equity and actions at law; now all forms of action are gathered
together under the Rules of Civil Procedure into the single heading
“civil action.”
fornication. N. Sexual relations between two unmarried people, or
by an unmarried person (who commits fornication) and a married
person (who commits adultery); definitions vary by jurisdiction.
forthwith. ADV. Right away; immediately; at the first opportunity.
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fortuitous 200
fortuitous. ADJ. Happening by chance rather than design. N.
forum. N. A court or tribunal; a place where people can try to get a
judicial or administrative remedy for some wrong.
forum non conveniens. N. (Latin) An inconvenient court; a court’s
discretionary power to refuse to hear a case that is within its juris-
diction if it would be more convenient for the parties or better
serve the interests of justice for it to be heard elsewhere.
forum shopping. N. An attempt by a litigant to have the case tried in
a specific jurisdiction that appears likely to rule in his or her favor.
found. V. (1) To establish something, usually an institution or
charity, often by providing an endowment for it. (2) To serve as a
basis for something.
foundation. N. (1) The lowest part of a building that supports the
weight of the entire structure. (2) The establishment of an institu-
tion, hospital, charity, school, etc. (3) A fund that supports an insti-
tution, hospital, charity, school, etc. (4) Evidence and questions of
a witness used to establish the relevance of other evidence, thus
making it admissible.
founder. N. One who establishes a charity or institution by
endowing it or supplying initial funds.
Founding Fathers. N. The men who created the U.S. Constitution in
four corners rule. N. A rule requiring that the meaning of a docu-
ment and the intention of its creator be determined by considering
it as a whole and not in isolated parts.
franchise. N. (1) The right to vote. (2) A privilege granted by the
government or a company to a person or company, allowing it to
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201 fraud, intrinsic
engage in a specific activity not permitted to most citizens; a
license from the owner of a trademark to sell products under that
name, under which the franchisee agrees to follow certain rules
and the franchisor promises assistance through advertising and
other services. (3) A business owned by a franchisee.
franchisee. N. A person who owns a franchise of a business.
franchisor. N. A business or other entity that sells the right to
engage in a particular activity or run a particular business.
fraternal. ADJ. Brotherly; having common interests.
fraternal benefit association. N. An organization whose members
either belong to the same professional field or who are working
toward the same goal that exists to promote a common cause and
assist its members with benefits for death, injury, or illness; also
called a fraternal benefits society.
fraud. N. Intentional misrepresentation of the truth done to cause
someone else to rely on that misrepresentation and be deceived
into surrendering a legal right or otherwise being injured.
V. defraud.
fraud, actual. N. A misrepresentation done specifically to cheat
someone; also called fraud in fact.
fraud, constructive. N. An act or omission that might not be
intended to deceive, but does anyway; also called fraud in law.
fraud, extrinsic. N. Fraud that prevents a party from knowing
about and therefore defending or pursuing all legal rights available
to him or her.
fraud, intrinsic. N. Fraudulent information, such as perjury, that is
considered by the court in reaching a judgment.
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fraud in the factum 202
fraud in the factum. N. Fraud that arises when a person signs a
document that is not the document he or she believes is being
fraud in the inducement. N. Fraud in which a person is misled
about the details of a transaction or contract and enters into an
agreement under a false impression about what is involved.
fraudulent concealment. N. Hiding a material fact that legally or
morally should be disclosed.
fraudulent conveyance. N. A transfer of property done to hinder a
creditor or place the property out of a creditor’s reach.
fraudulent misrepresentation. N. A false statement about a mate-
rial fact made by a speaker who knows it is false but intends the
hearer to believe it and rely on it, and that injures the hearer if he
or she does rely on it.
free and clear. ADJ. Of property, unencumbered by liens.
freedom. N. Liberty; absence of restrictions or restraints.
freedom of contract. N. The right to enter into contracts and agree-
ments with others, guaranteed by Article I of the Constitution.
Freedom of Information Act. N. A federal law, 5 U.S.C.A. section
552, that attempts to prevent abuse of governmental power by
requiring federal agencies to make documents and information
about agency matters available to the general public, with a few
freedom of press. N. The right to publish views and opinions
without interference by the government, guaranteed by the First
Amendment of the Constitution.
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203 freeze-out
freedom of religion. N. The right to choose and practice a religion
without interference from the government or from established
churches, guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution.
freedom of speech. N. The right to express one’s opinions verbally
or in writing without interference or restriction from the govern-
ment, guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution.
free exercise clause. N. A clause in the First Amendment of the
Constitution stating that Congress will pass no law prohibiting the
free exercise of religion; see also establishment clause.
freehold. N. A piece of land held in fee or as a life estate; property
that the owner holds at least for life and might also be able to pass
on after death; see also leasehold.
free on board. ADJ. Describes a contractual agreement by a seller
to deliver goods to a specified place without expense to the buyer,
in which the seller assumes all delivery expenses and risks; such a
contract is called an f.o.b. contract.
free trade agreement. An agreement between two or more
nations, states, or other geographic units that requires each
member to allow other members to sell specified goods freely
within its territory, without imposing tariffs or duties. See also
North American Free Trade Association, NAFTA.
freeware. N. Software made available by its copyright holder for
use for an unlimited time free of charge. See also public domain,
freeze-out. N. A process in which a close corporation tries to force
minority shareholders to sell their stock on terms favorable to the
majority shareholders by preventing the minority shareholders
from getting any profit from their investment. See also squeeze-out.
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freight 204
freight. N. (1) Goods transported by a carrier such as a truck, train,
aircraft, or ship. (2) The cost of transporting goods by a carrier.
To transport goods by a carrier.
freighter. N. (1) A ship or airplane used to transport cargo. (2) A
person or company in the business of transporting goods.
freight forwarder. N. A business that consolidates small shipments
of goods so they can all be sent as a single lot and assumes respon-
sibility for their transport.
frequently asked questions. N. A list of questions frequently asked
about a topic followed by their answers.
fresh pursuit. N. Pursuit by police officers of a suspected felon
fleeing the scene of the crime done immediately after the criminal
act and without delay, which provides the officers with the
common law right to cross state lines to make the arrest; also
called hot pursuit.
friendly suit. N. A lawsuit brought by parties who agree on a partic-
ular settlement but need a judicial decision to make it binding; see
also declaratory judgment.
fringe benefit. N. A benefit that supplements an employee’s pay,
such as health insurance, profit-sharing plans, or recreational facil-
frisk. V. A quick physical search of a person to feel for concealed
weapons done by running hands over the body over clothing.
frivolous. ADJ. Unimportant; not serious; lacking in substance;
presenting no legitimate legal question.
frivolous appeal. N. An appeal that has no merit, presents no justi-
ciable question, and has no hope of success.
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205 fund
frivolous claim. N. A cause of action that has no hope of success,
brought primarily to annoy or embarrass the defendant.
fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine. N. The principle that evidence
obtained for a criminal trial through an illegal search or illegal
interrogation of a witness is tainted and therefore inadmissible
against the defendant because it violates the guarantee of due
fruits of a crime. N. The items acquired by a criminal through crime.
frustration of purpose. N. A situation that arises when a condition
that was part of a contract does not occur, through no fault of
either party, but the condition was the reason for one party
entering the contract in the first place; can be cause for terminating
the contract.
FSA. ABBRV. Flexible spending account.
FTC. ABBRV. Federal Trade Commission.
FUD. N. Fear, uncertainty, and doubt.
fugitive. N. Someone who flees or hides in an attempt to evade
fugitive from justice. N. A person who flees to another state or
hides after committing a crime, hoping to avoid arrest.
full faith and credit. N. The constitutional requirement that all
states must recognize the laws, judicial decisions, and public
records of all other states and must give them the same degree of
recognition that their own laws, judicial decisions, and public
records receive.
fund. N. An amount of money saved or intended for a particular
V. To supply money for a particular purpose.
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fund, general. N. A fund that is not restricted to a specific purpose
but can be used for general expenses. See also mutual fund,
sinking fund.
funded debt. N. A debt that has a fund allocated for its payment.
fund in court. N. An amount of money deposited with the court
either because the parties to a lawsuit both claim it, or to keep it in
reserve to pay for potential liability.
fungible. ADJ. Interchangeable; describes goods that are essentially
identical to one another and that can replace one another, e.g., oil,
grain, or money.
future interest. N. An interest in real or personal property that will
begin at some specified time in the future.
futures contract. N. An agreement to buy shares of a commodity
at a fixed price but with delivery and payment occurring at an
agreed-upon date in the future; if the price of the commodity
rises during that period, the seller pays the buyer the difference
between the agreed price and the current price, and if the price
of the commodity drops, the buyer pays the seller the difference.
fund, general 206
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gag order 208
gag order. N. (1) An order issued by a judge prohibiting participants
in a lawsuit from discussing the case publicly in order to protect
the litigants’ right to an impartial trial; gag orders may not usually
be imposed on the press. (2) An order to restrain or silence a
disruptive defendant in a criminal trial.
gain. N. Profit; growth of wealth, property, or value. V. gain. ADJ.
gainful employment. N. A job or an occupation that earns money or
generates profit; employment for pay that is suited to the abilities
of the worker; also called gainful occupation.
gamble. V. To bet; to play games of chance for money. N. A risky
enterprise that could turn out as either a profit or a loss.
gambling. N. Betting; playing games of chance for money.
game. N. Wild animals that can be hunted.
game laws. N. Federal and state laws that regulate the hunting of
animals for sport or food.
game of chance. N. A game in which the outcome is determined
primarily by luck and chance rather than skill.
gaol. N. An archaic spelling of “jail.”
garnish. V. To seize someone’s money, property, or wages to settle
a debt or claim.
garnishee. N. The third party who is ordered by the court to
surrender money or property owed to a debtor so that it can be
used to pay the debtor’s debts.
garnishment. N. A court order that takes the property or money
that a third party owes to a debtor (typically wages owed to the
debtor by an employer) and gives it to a plaintiff creditor.
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209 general public license
garnishor. N. A creditor plaintiff who brings a garnishment
proceeding against a debtor.
GATT. ABBRV. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. N. An international
agreement that states guidelines and rules for international trade.
gender. N. The condition of being female or male, with emphasis on
cultural implications of masculinity or femininity rather than
biological and physical differences; the members of the female or
male sex; see also sex.
general. ADJ. Not specialized; concerning an entire class or cate-
gory as opposed to individuals.
N. The highest-ranking kind of
officer in the army.
general bequest. N. A bequest to be paid out of the general assets
of an estate rather than a particular thing or money.
general election. N. An election taking place in an entire state to
elect offices that come open regularly.
general exception. N. An objection to a pleading for lack of
general jurisdiction. N. Jurisdiction covering all types of cases that
can be brought before a court.
general law. N. A law that affects all people of a state or class.
general public license. N. A free software license used by software
producers to ensure that all versions of software licensed by
general public license will remain freely available. See also open
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general reputation 210
general reputation. N. The character of a witness as portrayed by
testimony of people who know him or her.
general welfare. N. The health, peace, safety, and morality of the
citizenry, promoted by Article I of the Constitution.
generation. N. (1) The period of time it takes a person to be born,
grow up, and have children of his or her own, usually between
twenty and thirty years. (2) A set of family members all born
around the same time and at the same stage of descent from a
common ancestor.
generation-skipping transfer. N. A transfer of wealth that passes
over one generation to go down to a younger one, e.g., a transfer
from grandparents straight to grandchildren.
generation-skipping trust. N. A trust created to facilitate a
generation-skipping transfer.
generic. ADJ. General, not specific; covering a whole class of
generic drug laws. N. Laws that allow pharmacists to substitute
generic drugs for equivalent brand-name drugs in order to save
consumers money.
generic mark. N. A name of an item that is so general and
commonly used as to lack the distinctiveness necessary to make it
eligible for trademark protection.
Geneva Conventions. N. Four treaties created in Geneva,
Switzerland, between 1863 and 1949 that set standards for how
member nations should treat prisoners of war and civilians during
wartime. See also jus in bello, laws of war.
genital mutilation. N. The practice of modifying genital organs by
cutting off portions of them; usually done to young girls.
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211 going concern
genocide. N. The practice of killing a race or ethnic group; system-
atic eradication of an ethnic or national group by murder, forced
birth control, removal of children from the group, and a general
program of persecution.
geopolitical. ADJ. Having to do with the combined effects of geog-
raphy and politics.
gerrymander. V. To manipulate boundaries in dividing a state or
territory into political divisions in order to secure an advantage for
a certain party in elections.
N. gerrymander.
gift. N. Something given to someone else willingly and without
expectation of payment; a voluntary and intentional giving of prop-
erty by a competent donor that is delivered to and accepted by the
recipient without exchange of consideration.
gift, absolute. N. A gift given while the donor is still alive; also
called a gift inter vivos.
gift in contemplation of death. N. A gift that is promised to
someone by a donor who expects to die soon that will take effect
if the donor does die as expected, but for which the donor retains
the title while he or she is still living, and that becomes invalid if the
donor recovers and does not die of the illness that he or she
suffered from when the gift was made; also called a gift causa
gift over. N. A gift that occurs after an intermediate estate ends; e.g.,
if A gives B a life estate with a gift over to C, then C takes B’s estate
when B dies.
gift tax. N. A tax imposed on gifts.
going concern. N. A company or enterprise currently conducting
its ordinary business.
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going concern value 212
going concern value. N. The value of a firm that is currently
conducting business, which includes goodwill and other aspects
that make it more valuable than its mere assets.
good cause. N. A good reason for doing or not doing something; a
reason for one’s behavior that is substantial enough to constitute a
legal excuse, determined by the context of an individual case.
good faith. N. Sincerity, honesty, lack of deceit; a sincere intention
to do what is promised.
good Samaritan. N. Someone who voluntarily aids a person who is
in imminent danger or has been injured without expectation of
compensation; a good Samaritan is not held liable for injury to the
victim unless he or she fails to use reasonable care and the victim
is injured further by the efforts at assistance.
good title. N. A title to property that is valid and can be sold without
worry; a title free from doubts, encumbrances, and defects, and
that is not the subject of litigation; also called merchantable title.
Synonymous with clear title, marketable title.
goods. N. Personal property, chattels; all property that is not land
or buildings, including animals and crops and all other movable
goods, durable. N. Items that are not consumed when used and
thus last a long time, such as household appliances; also called
hard goods.
goods, soft. N. Goods made of fabric, such as clothing or bedding,
or textiles themselves; also called dry goods. See also consumer
goodwill. N. An intangible business asset composed of a good repu-
tation with customers, suppliers, and the community at large, good
employee morale, the ability to attract customers and clients, good
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213 graft
management, and other positive aspects that are difficult to value
monetarily but that contribute to the success of a business.
govern. V. To control and regulate the affairs of an organization,
institution, nation, state, or group of people.
governing body. N. A group or entity that controls the actions and
policies of an institution, nation, state, group, or organization.
government. N. The body that controls, influences, and regu-
lates the affairs of a nation, state, or community.
ADJ. govern-
governmental act. N. An act done by the government or its agents
that uses legislative, judicial, or administrative powers for the
public good.
governmental immunity. N. A doctrine limiting the federal govern-
ment’s power to tax states and the states’ power to tax the federal
governor. N. The elected executive leader of a state.
GPL. ABBRV. General public license.
grace period. N. A period between an official due date and the time
when an actual penalty will be imposed for failure to pay or
perform; in insurance, the time between the due date of a premium
and the time when insurance will actually be cut off if payment is
not made.
graded offense. N. A crime that has different degrees and penalties
depending on level of guilt; e.g. murder can come in first, second,
or third degree. See also degree of crime.
graft. N. Corrupt practices used by public officials to unlawfully
take public money; money obtained by corruption.
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grandfather clause 214
grandfather clause. N. A clause in a new statute that exempts those
who are already engaged in the enterprise or activity it regulates
from the new requirements.
grand jury. N. A group of people who are selected to investigate an
alleged crime and indict suspected criminals. See also petit jury.
grant. V. To give; to bestow something on someone; to agree (to a
N. (1) A legal conveyance of property. (2) A sum of money
given by the government or an organization for a particular
grant, land. N. A donation of land by the government to a state or
institution such as a university.
grantee. N. A person who receives a grant.
grantor. N. A person who grants something.
gratis. ADJ. Free; without charge.
gratuitous. ADJ. (1) Done for free; given without expectation of
payment. (2) Unjustified; done without good reason.
gratuitous promise. N. A promise made without consideration,
making it unenforceable as a legal contract.
gratuity. N. Money or other property given freely, usually in return
for some service or favor.
gravamen. N. The essence or most serious part of a complaint,
cause of action, charge, etc.
gray market. N. An unofficial trade in something, especially of unis-
sued shares of stock, controlled or scarce goods, or goods manu-
factured abroad that use U.S. trademarks without permission of
the trademark holders.
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215 guarantee clause
green card. N. A registration card that allows a permanent resident
alien to live and work in the United States.
grievance. N. A complaint; an allegation that someone has
committed some injury or injustice that deserves recompense; in
labor law, a complaint about working conditions filed by a worker
or a union in order to seek relief.
gross. ADJ. (1) Of income or profit, total, before deductions. (2)
Extreme; blatant. Gross income.
N. All income from all sources. See
also negligence.
gross national product. N. The total value of goods and services
produced by a country in one year plus net income from foreign
exports and investments.
ground lease. N. A lease of vacant land with no buildings on it,
usually rented in order to build structures such as office buildings
or hotels on it; ground leases often run for many years and are
renewable by the lessor.
ground rent. N. Rent paid for the use of land, usually to build on it.
growth stock. N. A security that is likely to increase in market
guarantee. N. (1) A promise or formal statement that specific
conditions are the case or will be met. (2) A person who receives a
V. guarantee.
guarantee clause. N. (1) A clause in the Constitution in which the
U.S. government guarantees each state a republican form of
government and promises to protect each of the states against
invasion and against domestic violence. (2) A clause in a contract
in which one party promises to pay someone else’s obligations if
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guarantor 216
guarantor. N. A person or organization that guarantees something;
one who makes a guarantee.
guardian. N. A person who looks after the legal and financial affairs
or takes care of someone who is unable to look after his or her own
because of age or disability; see also ad litem, ward.
guardian by election. N. A guardian chosen by a child who lacks
guardian, testamentary. N. A guardian appointed by the will of a
child’s father or mother.
guest. N. Someone who receives hospitality; someone invited into
another person’s home for entertainment or driven by another
person in a car without paying for the ride.
guest statute. N. A statute that absolves a driver from liability
injury to a passenger in the car if the injury was the result of ordi-
nary negligence, requiring that the driver exhibit gross or willful
negligence, reckless disregard, or some other higher level of care-
lessness to be liable; many states have repealed these statutes.
guilt. N. (1) The condition of having committed a crime or wrongful
act. (2) A feeling of remorse after committing a wrongful act or
failing in some obligation.
guilty. ADJ. (1) Having committed a crime; culpable; having been
determined by a jury to have committed a specific crime. (2)
Remorseful; see also innocent.
guilty plea. N. A voluntary admission of having committed a crime
made to a court by a criminal defendant, punishable in the same
way as a guilty verdict after trial.
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217 gun control law
Gun Control Act of 1968. N. A federal law that regulates interstate
commerce in firearms by prohibiting certain categories of people
from possessing firearms and by limiting trade in firearms to
certain licensed dealers. See also Federal Firearms License, FFL.
gun control law. N. A law regulating the sale, possession, and use
of guns and firearms.
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habeas corpus 220
habeas corpus. N. (Latin) You have the body; a writ that institutes
a court proceeding to determine whether a criminal defendant has
been lawfully imprisoned, or to test the constitutionality of a
conviction; also used in cases of child custody and deportation.
habitable. ADJ. Referring to a building or dwelling, of good enough
quality to be lived in or occupied without serious inconvenience or
danger to health and safety.
N. habitability.
habitual. ADJ. Customary, usual, regular.
habitual drunkenness. N. The practice of frequently drinking to the
point of intoxication.
habitual offender. N. A person who regularly commits crimes; also
called a habitual criminal. Synonymous with recidivist.
hack. V. To break into a closed computer network by using soft-
ware or clever programming.
N. A quick fix to a computer program-
ming problem; a modification to a program that allows the user to
enter an area of the program or network that was previously closed
to the user.
hale. V. To drag forcibly; to summon forcefully into court.
halfway house. N. A temporary residence for people who have left
an institution, such as a prison or mental hospital, to help them
readjust to life in society.
handwriting. N. Writing done by hand with a hand-held implement
such as a pen or pencil; the unique writing produced by a particular
person and identifiable as his or her production.
hanging. N. A form of capital punishment in which the convicted
person has a rope placed around his or her neck and is then hung
until dead.
V. hang.
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221 harmless error
harass. V. (1) To pressure, intimidate, or attack repeatedly; to
annoy; to insult or abuse verbally. (2) To bring a criminal prosecu-
tion against someone without a reasonable expectation of convic-
N. harassment. See also harassment, sexual.
harassment, hostile environment. N. Harassment that is deter-
mined by a pattern of sexual behavior by supervisors or fellow
employees that creates an environment that the victim finds
harassment, quid pro quo. N. Sexual harassment in which a supe-
rior demands sexual favors from an employee as a condition of his
or her continued employment, threatening to fire the employee if
the demands are not met.
harassment, sexual. N. Employment discrimination that involves
sexual demands and acts, which can involve perpetrators and
victims of either sex.
harbor. V. (1) To provide shelter to someone. (2) To hide or take in
a criminal or alien, usually secretly.
N. (1) A protected body of
water for anchoring ships. (2) A safe place; a refuge.
hard case. N. A legal case in which the judicial decision accommo-
dates the extreme hardship faced by one party by deviating from
strict legal principles.
hardship. N. Suffering, privation, difficulty, oppression. See unnec-
essary hardship.
hardware. N. Computer equipment; the physical devices that make
up a computer system. See also software.
harmless error. N. An error made by an appellate court during a
trial that is usually trivial or academic, does not prejudice the rights
of the party affected by it, and does not necessitate the reversal of
the judgment.
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hdhp 222
hdhp. ABBRV. High deductible health plan.
headnote. N. A short summary of a case and its legal holdings
placed at the beginning of the case report.
head of household. N. (1) A person who lives with and supports
one or more people living in the same home, and generally
manages household affairs. (2) An unmarried taxpayer who houses
and supports one or more dependents.
healthcare. N. The prevention and treatment of diseases and
injuries by medical professionals and institutions.
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. N. A federal
law enacted in 1996 that allows many workers to maintain health
insurance coverage when they lose or change jobs and that
protects the privacy of health data.
health maintenance organization. N. A form of health insurance
consisting of a group of physicians, hospitals, and other health care
providers that join together to provide health care services for
people who pay a fee to the group.
health plan. N. A health insurance plan; a benefits plan that
provides medical care through a predetermined network of
doctors, clinics, and hospitals. See also insurance.
health savings account. N. A savings account available to people
who participate in a high deductible health plan that allows them
to save pretax earnings to pay for qualified medical expenses and
carry over their savings from year to year.
hearing. N. A legal proceeding, usually less formal than a trial, in
which the parties to a case are given an opportunity to present
evidence and testimony to a judge or other official who determines
the facts and makes a decision based on the evidence presented.
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223 heir, lineal
hearing, final. N. The last stage in a lawsuit, in which the case is
determined on its merits.
hearing, preliminary. N. An initial hearing in a criminal case in
which a magistrate or judge decides whether there is sufficient
evidence to justify detaining a person accused of a crime.
hearing de novo. N. A hearing in which a matter that has already
gone through trial is presented again as if for the first time, starting
over from the beginning.
hearsay. N. A report made by a witness of something that another
person said or communicated nonverbally, usually not admissible
as evidence.
heat of passion. N. The mental and emotional state caused by
sudden anger, hatred, terror, or extreme excitement that provokes
someone to commit a crime.
hedge. V. To protect an investment by making a compensatory or
counterbalancing transaction.
N. hedging.
hedge fund. N. A mutual fund or partnership of investors that uses
hedging techniques such as arbitrage, futures contracts, and selling
short in an attempt to maximize profits.
heir. N. A person legally entitled to inherit an estate if its owner dies
without a will.
heir, collateral. N. An heir who is not directly descended from a
decedent but instead related collaterally, such as a cousin, niece, or
heir, lineal. N. An heir descended directly from the decedent, such
as a child or grandchild.
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heir apparent 224
heir apparent. N. A person who has a legal right to inherit an estate
if he or she outlives its owner, and whose right to the property
cannot be defeated.
heiress. N. A female heir.
heirloom. N. A valuable object that is passed down through gener-
ations of a family.
heir of the body. N. An heir who is the natural child or direct lineal
descendant of the decedent.
heir presumptive. N. A person who would inherit a property if the
owner were to die immediately, but whose right could be defeated
if a nearer heir is born first.
heirs and assigns. N. A phrase used in conveying an estate in fee
simple, used to define and limit the class of people who can inherit
the estate.
hereditament. N. A thing that can be inherited.
hereditary. ADJ. Transmittable through or based on inheritance.
hereditary succession. N. Inheritance; the passing of estates
through the laws of descent and distribution.
heretofore. ADV. Before the present time.
hereunder. ADV. Within or further on in the document.
hidden. ADJ. Concealed from view.
hidden asset. N. An asset recorded on a company’s books at much
less than its market value.
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225 hobby loss
hidden defect. N. A defect in an object or property that is not imme-
diately apparent on inspection and for which a buyer has the right
to revoke an acceptance to purchase.
hidden tax. N. A tax built into the price of an item, usually incurred
at some point in manufacturing or distribution.
high deductible health plan. N. A health insurance plan that
attempts to reduce costs by imposing a high deductible on medical
expenses, on the reasoning that if consumers must pay for most
medical care themselves they will avoid unnecessary care and shop
for the lowest prices when they do seek treatment.
ABBRV. hdhp.
See also health savings account.
hijack. V. To commandeer a vehicle such as an airplane, bus, or
ship, while in transit, in order to take it to a different destination, to
steal its cargo, or to take hostages.
N. hijacking.
HIPAA. ABBRV. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.
hire. V. To give someone a job; to take someone on as an employee.
N. A person who has been given a job.
hit and run. ADJ. Describes an automobile accident in which the
driver of one of the vehicles involved immediately leaves the scene
without identifying himself or herself or providing statutorily
required information to the police or other drivers and passengers.
HMO. ABBRV. Health maintenance organization.
hoard. V. To acquire and keep goods or money beyond what is
needed, often done in times of scarcity.
N. hoarding.
hobby. N. An activity engaged in for pleasure during leisure time,
not done for profit.
hobby loss. N. A loss incurred from a hobby, usually not deductible.
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holder 226
holder. N. A person with legal possession of a document of title,
promissory note, check, or other instrument, and who is entitled to
receive payment on it.
holder in due course. N. A bona fide purchaser who acquires an
instrument in good faith, for value, and without notice of any claim
against the instrument.
hold harmless. V. To assume the liability for a situation, thereby
absolving another party of any responsibility for it. See also indem-
nify, save harmless.
holding. N. (1) A court’s ruling on an issue presented at trial; a legal
principle produced by a court in deciding a case. (2) Property or
stocks owned by someone.
holding company. N. A company that exists solely to own the stock
of or manage the affairs of another company.
holding period. N. The period of time an asset must be held before
its sale or exchange will result in a capital gain or loss.
holdup suit. N. A lawsuit without a legal basis instituted to delay or
obstruct some occurrence.
holograph. N. A will written by hand by a testator, signed by the
testator, and not witnessed; also called a holographic will.
home equity loan. N. A loan in which a lender gives money to a
borrower in exchange for a lien on the borrower’s house, using the
borrower’s equity in his or her house as collateral.
Homeland Security. N. The U.S. government’s collective efforts to
keep the territory of the United States free from hazards, including
natural disasters such as hurricanes and man-made disasters such
as terrorist attacks.
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227 homicide, negligent
home port. N. The port where a ship or vessel is registered, or the
port nearest to the residence of its owner or manager.
home port doctrine. N. A doctrine in maritime law holding that a
vessel engaged in foreign and interstate commerce is subject to
property tax only at its home port.
home rule. N. A means of apportioning power between state and
local governments that allows local entities a certain degree of
independent self-government, allowing them to pass laws without
first getting permission from the state.
homestead. N. The residence of a family, including house, land, and
homestead, probate. N. A home taken from a probate estate by the
court for the use of the surviving spouse and children of the
deceased in order to guarantee them a place to live.
homestead exemption. N. A doctrine that allows a homeowner to
designate his or her home as a homestead and thereby exempt it
from claims by creditors.
homicide. N. The killing of one human being by another.
homicide, excusable. N. The killing of a person by accident or in
homicide, justifiable. N. The intentional killing of a person without
evil intent in circumstances that make the killing necessary, such as
self-defense or the execution of a criminal sentenced to death.
homicide, negligent. N. The killing of a person through the killer’s
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homicide, vehicular 228
homicide, vehicular. N. The killing of a person through the negli-
gent or reckless operation of a motor vehicle such as an automo-
bile, airplane, or boat.
honor. V. To accept a check, note, credit card, or other form of
V. A title of courtesy given to a judge, as in the phrase
“Your Honor” or the adjective “Honorable.”
honorable discharge. N. A declaration by the government that a
soldier is leaving military service with a good record.
honorarium. N. A payment of money or a valuable item rendered to
a professional in exchange for a service for which a fee is tradition-
ally or legally not paid; a gift given instead of pay as consideration
for services.
honorary. ADJ. Conferred as an honor or reward without the usual
requirements or responsibilities.
hornbook. N. A short treatise that summarizes the fundamental
principles of a branch of law; a primer.
hornbook law. N. General principles of law that are widely known
and not questioned; see also black letter law.
hostage. N. A person held by a criminal or an enemy who threatens
to kill or harm the hostage if demands are not met or promises are
broken. See also kidnap.
hostile. ADJ. Antagonistic; acting like an enemy.
hostile possession. N. Occupying and claiming ownership of a
property without permission of the owner.
hostile witness. N. A witness who is so obviously antagonistic to
the party who has called him or her that the party is allowed to
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229 human rights
cross-examine him or her as if he or she had been called by the
opposing party.
house. N. (1) A building or structure used as a dwelling. (2) A
legislative body.
V. To provide a home for someone.
House of Commons. N. The lower house of the British Parliament,
consisting of representatives from all the common people of the
House of Lords. N. The upper house of the British Parliament,
consisting of representatives from the nobility.
house of prostitution. N. A building in which prostitutes work.
House of Representatives. N. The larger of the two legislative
bodies that make up Congress, consisting of elected representa-
tives from each state whose number is set by population; often
called the House.
house of worship. N. A church or other building used for religious
HSA. ABBRV. Health savings account.
humanitarian. ADJ. Working to promote the welfare and preserve
the dignity of human beings.
human resources. N. The management of personnel and issues
surrounding employees, such as hiring, firing, pay, discipline, and
human rights. N. The basic rights to which all humans are generally
considered to be entitled, which can include life, liberty, freedom
of speech, freedom of religion, due process, equal rights, and
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hung jury. N. A jury that cannot agree on a verdict.
husband-wife privilege. N. Privilege covering spouses, who are not
required to reveal confidential communications between them
while married.
hypnosis. N. A state of consciousness in which the subject loses the
power to control his or her actions and becomes very sensitive to
V. hypnotize.
hypnotist. N. A person who hypnotizes others.
hypothecate. V. To pledge money or property for a particular
purpose, often as security for a debt.
hypothesis. N. A supposition; a proposed explanation for an occur-
rence based on available evidence, serving as the beginning of
further exploration of the question. See also theory.
hypothetical. ADJ. Based on assumptions but not necessarily true.
hypothetical question. N. A question in which the questioner asks
someone to offer an opinion based on the assumption that certain
conditions are true.
hung jury 230
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ibid 232
ABBRV. (Latin) Ibidem.
ibidem. (Latin) In the same place; used to cite a source that has
already been cited in full in the preceding footnote.
ABBRV. ibid.
ICANN. ABBRV. Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and
ICC. ABBRV. Interstate Commerce Commission.
id. ABBRV.
idem. (Latin) The same; used when citing a text that is part of the
source that has just been cited in the immediately preceding refer-
ABBRV. id.
ignorance. N. The state of being unaware of something; lack of
ADJ. ignorant.
illegal. ADJ. Forbidden by law or not according to law; unlawful.
illegal immigrant. N. A foreign national present in a country
without legal permission to be there.
illegally obtained evidence. N. Evidence acquired by violating a
person’s constitutional protection against illegal searches and
seizures; evidence obtained without a warrant or probable cause.
illegitimate. ADJ. (1) Not authorized by law; illegal. (2) Born to
parents not married to one another at the time of conception.
illicit. ADJ. Illegal; against rules or custom.
illusory. ADJ. Not real; deceptive; having a false appearance.
illusory promise. N. A promise with such vague terms that it actu-
ally promises nothing because the person making it is allowed to
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233 impartial
choose whether or not to do the promised act and does not in fact
agree to do anything.
immaterial. ADJ. Irrelevant; not essential; of no material impor-
tance. See also material.
immaterial evidence. N. Evidence that has no real bearing on the
issue in question.
immigrant. N. A person who moves to a foreign country to live
immigrate. V. To move to a foreign country with the intention of
living there permanently.
N. immigration.
Immigration and Naturalization Services. N. The federal agency
that registers immigrants and oversees the process of making them
into citizens. See also naturalize.
immoral. ADJ. Against accepted moral standards; dissolute. N.
immoral conduct. N. Conduct that is willful, flagrant, or shameless,
and in disregard of the moral opinions of respectable members of
the community.
immunity. N. Exemption or protection from something such as
prosecution, duty, or penalty.
immunity, official. N. Personal immunity given to public officials,
protecting them from liability for injury caused by acts they have
done as part of their official duty. See also sovereign immunity.
impanel. V. To list or enroll the jurors who have been selected for
a trial.
impartial. ADJ. Fair, unbiased; not favoring one side over another.
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impeach 234
impeach. V. To accuse a public official of misconduct; to question
the validity of something, such as a judgment, or the integrity of
a witness.
impeachment. N. A criminal procedure in which a public official is
charged with misconduct.
impertinent. ADJ. Not pertinent; irrelevant. N. impertinence.
implication. N. A conclusion that can be drawn from information
but that is not expressly stated; a likely consequence.
implied. ADJ. Strongly suggested by circumstances and evidence
but not directly stated; see also express.
implied authority. N. Power given to an agent by a principal that is
not expressly stated but that can be assumed as a necessary part of
the agent’s job.
implied powers. N. Powers not expressly stated or enumerated but
that can be implied as necessary to do a particular job, sometimes
found by the Supreme Court in its interpretation of the
imply. V. To suggest strongly that something is true without stating
it directly. See also infer.
import. V. To bring goods into a country for sale. N. Goods brought
from another country for sale. See also export.
importation. N. The act of importing goods.
importer. N. A person who imports goods. See also customs.
impossibility. N. A situation that makes it impossible to do some-
thing; circumstances that make it impossible to perform a contract,
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235 impute
such as the destruction of something necessary to the performance
or the death of one of the parties, which relieves a party of his or
her duty to perform under the contract.
ADJ. impossible. See also
impossibility, legal. N. A condition arising when a law makes it
impossible for a person to do a particular act; e.g., a minor cannot
make a valid will, so any will made by a minor is invalid because it
is a legal impossibility.
imposter. N. Someone who pretends to be someone else with the
intention of deceiving others, usually to gain some benefit.
impound. V. To seize and take legal custody of something, such as
a vehicle; to capture animals and shut them in an enclosure.
impracticable. ADJ. So inconvenient or difficult as to be essentially
N. impracticability.
imprimatur. N. (Latin) Let it be printed; a license to print and
publish a book.
imprison. V. To put in prison; to keep someone restricted to a place
that essentially functions as a prison; to confine; to deprive of
imprisonment. N. See incarcerate.
improve. V. To make something better.
improvement. N. A change that makes something better; an addi-
tion or change to buildings or land that goes beyond mere repairs
and enhances its value, utility, or attractiveness.
impute. V. To attribute; to assign someone responsibility for the act
of another person over whom the first person exercises control.
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imputed knowledge 236
imputed knowledge. N. Knowledge that is attributed to a person
because he or she had a duty to know it and it was available.
in absentia. ADV. (Latin) In absence; not physically present at an
inadmissible. ADJ. Not able to be admitted under the rules of
inalienable. ADJ. Not able to be taken away or given up without
consent of the possessor.
inalienable interest. N. A property interest that cannot be sold or
inalienable rights. N. Rights such as freedom of speech, equal
protection of the laws, and due process that cannot be taken away
from or given up by anyone without his or her consent.
in camera. ADV. (Latin) In chambers; done in a judge’s private
incapacity. N. Inability to do or understand something; lack of
physical, mental, or legal ability to do a particular task.
incarcerate. V. To put in jail or prison; to imprison. N. incarcera-
incendiary. ADJ. Able to start a fire. N. A person or device that starts
incest. N. Sexual contact between people who are so closely
related to one another by blood that they are prohibited by law
from marrying.
in chief. ADJ. Main; primary; principal.
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237 income, accrued
in chief, case. N. The initial case presented at trial by the party
with the burden of proof, i.e., the party bringing the lawsuit,
including testimony and evidence, after which the opposing party
has an opportunity to rebut.
inchoate. ADJ. Not yet fully developed; incomplete. See also choate.
inchoate crime. N. A crime that could constitute the initial stages
of another crime; e.g., assault could be an inchoate form of battery.
inchoate interest. N. A potential future interest in property.
incident. N. (1) An event. (2) Something that is inseparably
connected with something else.
ADJ. Attached to something in a
subordinate way; dependent on something.
incidental. ADJ. Accompanying something else, usually in a subor-
dinate way; occurring in connection with something else by chance
or as a consequence.
incidental beneficiary. N. A person who is indirectly benefited by
a contract formed between other people.
incidental powers. N. Powers that are a necessary accompaniment
to powers expressly granted.
incident of ownership. N. Partial or complete ownership or control
of a life insurance policy.
inclosure. N. A piece of land surrounded by a fence, wall, or other
barrier; also called an enclosure.
income. N. Money received as compensation for work, through
investments, or as profits from a business.
income, accrued. N. Income earned but not yet received.
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income, adjusted gross 238
income, adjusted gross. N. Gross income minus deductions.
income, deferred. N. Income received before it is actually earned.
income, earned. N. Income brought in through work or business,
as opposed to income from investments.
income, gross. N. Total income from all sources.
income, imputed. N. Value acquired by a taxpayer through use of
his or her own property, or by performing work services for himself
or herself, and not included in gross income.
income, net. N. A business’s income minus operating expenses and
income, unearned. N. Income received from investments.
income in respect of a decedent. N. Income earned by a taxpayer
but received by his or her heirs or personal representatives after
his or her death.
income statement. N. A statement of financial gains and losses over
a twelve-month period; also called earnings report, operating state-
ment, profit and loss statement.
income tax. N. Tax levied on a person’s income by the federal
government and some state governments.
incompetency. N. The state of being incompetent.
incompetent. ADJ. Lacking the skills or capability necessary to do
something; not legally qualified to perform a particular duty.
N. A
person who lacks the ability or qualification to do something.
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239 incumbent
inconsistent. ADJ. (1) Self-contradictory; not staying the same;
adopting two or more mutually exclusive viewpoints simultane-
ously. (2) Not in keeping with one’s own beliefs. See also prior
inconsistent statement.
incorporate. V. (1) To combine something into something else
as part of one whole. (2) To create a corporation.
N. incorpo-
incorporeal. ADJ. Having no physical or material existence; intan-
incorporeal property. N. Property that exists as a legal right
without physical substance, such as a copyright.
incorrigible. ADJ. Unable to be reformed or corrected. N. A person
who refuses to be reformed; an unmanageable person, especially a
increment. N. An increase, usually part of a scale of regular
incriminate. V. To suggest or charge that someone is guilty of a
N. incrimination. ADJ. incriminating.
incriminating evidence. N. Evidence that helps establish the guilt
of an accused person. See also self-incrimination.
inculpate. V. Accuse; blame.
inculpatory. ADJ. Helping to establish guilt or incriminate a criminal
incumbent. N. A person who currently holds a particular office. ADJ.
Necessary; required as part of duty or responsibility.
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indecent 240
indecent. ADJ. Offensive, vulgar, against modesty or proper
behavior, obscene or lewd.
N. indecency.
indecent exposure. N. Lewdly exposing private parts of the body in
a public place. See also obscene.
indefeasible. ADJ. Not able to be defeated, annulled, or revoked;
usually describes an estate or a right that cannot be revoked.
indefinite. ADJ. Vague; not clearly expressed or defined; tempo-
indefinite failure of issue. N. A dead person’s lack of living children
or descendants that can occur at any time after the decedent’s
death, however far in the future; see also failure of issue.
indemnify. V. To pay or reimburse someone for a loss or injury; to
take on legal responsibility for someone else’s actions; to insure.
indemnity. N. Money given as compensation or reimbursement for
a loss or injury; security against legal responsibility for one’s own
actions; the benefit provided by an insurance policy.
indemnity against liability. N. A promise to take on another
person’s liability or compensate him or her if and when that liability
indemnity against loss. N. Compensation given to a person when
he or she suffers a particular loss. See also insure, subrogation.
indenture. N. (1) A formal agreement conveying real estate from
one party to another and binding both parties with obligations. (2)
An agreement issuing corporate bonds and debentures, often
between a corporation and an indenture trustee, who holds title to
the trust property and carries out the terms of the agreement. (3)
Historically, a legal contract made into several copies with the
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241 Indian Claims Commission
edges indented to mark them as authentic. (4) Historically, an
agreement in which a person in the British colonies agreed to pay
the transportation costs for someone who wanted to immigrate in
exchange for the recipient’s labor for a specified number of years;
the recipient was called an indentured servant.
independent contractor. N. A person who does a job for another
person independently, using his or her own methods and is not
under the control of the employer in regard to how the work is
independent counsel. N. A person or group of people appointed to
investigate accusations of criminal conduct by a high-level public
index. N. (1) An alphabetical list of entries or topics in a book or
series, including the pages on which they appear. (2) A statistical
method of tracking fluctuations in the value of stocks, mortgages,
inflation, the economy, etc., over time.
index fund. N. A mutual fund that chooses its stocks according to a
stock market index number.
indexing. N. Tying wages, mortgages, or other financial issues to
inflation in order to keep values relatively constant.
Indian. N. For the purposes of many U.S. laws and treaties, an
indigenous American; a Native American or American Indian.
Indian Affairs, Bureau of. N. A federal agency in the Interior
Department that oversees dealings between American Indians and
the federal government.
Indian Claims Commission. N. A commission that hears claims
brought against the federal government by Indian tribes or other
groups of American Indians.
Essential Legal Dictionary:Layout 1 4/21/08 5:24 PM Page 241
Indian reservation 242
Indian reservation. N. Public land set aside for the use of American
Indians, supervised by the federal government.
Indian title. N. A right granted to American Indian tribes by
the federal government to use and occupy certain territories
that they have occupied for a long time, though without any
right of ownership.
Indian tribe. N. A distinct group of American Indians of the same or
similar race, occupying a specific territory, and under the same
indicia. N. Indications, signs; circumstances indicating that some-
thing is probably true; synonymous with circumstantial evidence.
indicia of title. N. A document showing title to a piece of prop-
indict. V. To formally charge someone with a crime.
indictable offense. N. A crime that can be prosecuted by indict-
ment, usually a serious crime.
indictee. N. A person who has been indicted.
indictment. N. A formal, written accusation presented by a grand
jury to the court charging someone with a specified crime.
indigenous. ADJ. Native, indigenous people. N. An ethnic group that
was present in a nation before the current population was created
by colonization from a foreign nation, which generally maintains a
culture, language, and social organization distinct from that of the
current surrounding population.
indigent. ADJ. Poor; poverty-stricken; destitute. N. A poor or needy
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243 indorsement, accommodation
indigent defendant. N. A criminal defendant who lacks the finan-
cial resources to pay for a lawyer to defend him- or herself.
indignity. N. In divorce law, abusive or cruel treatment directed at
the mind and emotions rather than the body, such as vulgarity,
harsh criticism, ridicule, neglect, or abusive language.
indirect. ADJ. Circuitous or roundabout; not going straight from one
point to another; not directly caused by something.
indirect evidence. N. Evidence that makes a hypothesis appear
plausible but does not actually prove it. See also circumstantial
evidence, direct evidence.
indispensable. ADJ. Necessary; essential.
indispensable evidence. N. Evidence that is absolutely necessary
to prove a particular fact.
indispensable party. N. A party who has such an important interest
in a lawsuit that the judgment cannot be issued without his or her
presence; see also joinder.
individual retirement account. N. A tax-advantaged personal
retirement account that an individual acquires and funds himself or
herself, not through an employer.
indorse. V. To endorse; to sign the back of a check or negotiable
instrument in order to transfer its payment to someone else.
indorsee. N. The person to whom a check or instrument is trans-
ferred by indorsement.
indorsement, accommodation. N. An indorsement made without
consideration for the benefit of the person holding the instrument,
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indorsement, blank 244
allowing that person to receive credit or a loan on the basis of the
indorsement, blank. N. An indorsement that does not name a recip-
ient, allowing any bearer to place his or her own name on the
instrument and collect the funds it transfers.
indorsement, restrictive. N. Words placed on an instrument that
limit the circumstances in which it can be paid out, e.g., “for
deposit only.”
indorsement, special. N. An indorsement that specifies the person
to whom the instrument is payable.
indorser. N. The person who signs the check or instrument to
transfer it to another.
induce. V. To cause; to bring about; to influence or persuade.
inducement. N. The benefit that persuades a party to enter a
contract; the motive that causes someone to commit a crime.
industrial relations. N. Relations between workers and their
employer on issues of compensation, safety, hiring, etc.
industry. N. Commercial activity conducted for profit; economic
activity that uses a great deal of labor, capital, and raw materials for
the manufacture of goods.
ADJ. industrial.
inebriate. V. To make intoxicated or drunk.
inebriation. N. A person under the influence of too much alcohol.
ineligible. ADJ. Not legally allowed to hold a position or conduct an
activity; disqualified.
N. ineligibility.
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245 informal
in extremis. ADV. (Latin) At the outermost limits; at the point of
death; in extreme difficulty.
infamous. ADJ. Well-known for some misdeed or bad reputation;
notorious; wicked.
N. infamy.
infamous crime. N. Historically, a crime that renders its perpetrator
infamous; under the modern view, a crime punishable by death or
imprisonment in a state penal institution for more than one year.
infamous punishment. N. Punishment by imprisonment or by
hard labor.
infancy. N. Childhood; minority; the period before which a person
reaches legal majority.
infant. N. A person below the age of legal majority, or before
marriage. See also emancipate.
infanticide. N. Killing a baby soon after birth.
infer. V. To deduce or conclude through a process of reasoning
based on facts and logic.
N. inference. See also imply.
inferior court. N. A court whose decisions are subject to review by
an appellate court; see also trial court.
infirm. ADJ. Weak; sickly.
infirmity. N. Weakness or disability, especially caused by age or
disease; in insurance, a disease or illness that substantially impairs a
person’s health, and if revealed will discourage an insurer from
issuing that person a life or health insurance policy.
informal. ADJ. Unofficial; not drafted or executed in the proper legal
N. informality.
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informal contract 246
informal contract. N. A contract that is valid without being
executed formally, such as an oral contract.
in forma pauperis. ADV. (Latin) In the form of a pauper; the right
given an indigent person to sue without having to pay court fees
or costs.
informal proceeding. N. (1) A trial or hearing less formal than a
regular trial, such as a proceeding in a small claims court. (2) In
probate court, a proceeding that admits a will to probate without
first providing notice to all interested parties.
information. N. A written document filed with the court accusing
someone of a crime that serves essentially the same function as an
indictment but without a grand jury, informing the accused of the
charge against him or her.
information and belief. N. A legal term used to describe testimony
that is not based on a witness’s firsthand knowledge but that the
witness nevertheless sincerely believes to be true, and that is based
on a reasonable, good faith effort to know the truth.
information technology. N. The field of study and work that
concerns itself with computers, networks, and the electronic trans-
mission of information.
informed consent. N. Consent given after learning and under-
standing all relevant facts needed to make an intelligent decision,
required in situations where someone is giving up rights, as when
being arrested, or in potentially risky situations, such as surgery.
informer. N. A person who confidentially gives information about a
crime to police officers; also called an informant.
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247 inherit
informer’s privilege. N. The government’s right to keep the identity
of an informer secret from the defendant about whom the informer
has provided information.
infra. ADV. (Latin) Below; used to refer to information further on in
a document. See also supra.
infraction. N. Violation of a law, agreement, or duty.
infringe. V. To encroach or trespass on something; to violate the
terms of a contract, right, or law; to violate a copyright, patent, or
trademark by using it without permission or payment to the owner.
N. infringement.
ingress. N. Entrance; the act of entering or the right of entrance;
opposite of egress.
inhabit. V. To live in a place; to dwell, to reside.
inhabitant. N. Someone who lives in a place.
inherent. ADJ. Existing as a permanent, essential, and intrinsic part
of something.
inherent defect. N. A defect built into an object that exists regard-
less of how it is used.
inherent powers. N. Powers and authority that are an intrinsic part
of an office or position and that exist without being expressly
inherent right. N. A right that a person has simply by virtue of being
a person and that is not granted from some outside source.
inherit. V. To receive property or money as an heir after the owner’s
death; technically refers to receiving property by the rules of
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inheritance tax 248
descent and distribution when the owner dies without a will, but
has also come to mean receiving property through a will.
N. inher-
inheritance tax. N. Tax imposed on someone who receives prop-
erty and money through inheritance.
inhuman. ADJ. Cruel, brutal, lacking normal human compas-
inhuman treatment. N. Treatment that is so physically or mentally
cruel or brutal as to endanger the health or life of its victim.
initial public offering. N. The first set of shares a new company
sells on a public stock exchange, usually in an effort to raise money
from investors in order to enlarge the company.
initiative. N. A process in which citizens file a petition proposing a
new piece of legislation and submit it to a vote by the legislature or
the electorate. See also referendum.
injunction. N. A court order prohibiting someone from doing a
specified act in order to prevent future injury.
ADJ. injunctive.
injunction, mandatory. N. An injunction that requires the defen-
dant to do a particular act instead of prohibiting an act. See also
restraining order.
injunction, permanent. N. An injunction actively sought by a party
to a trial and issued at its conclusion.
injunction, temporary. N. An injunction issued as a preliminary
preventive measure, pending trial.
injure. V. To harm or damage a person or property.
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249 in perpetuity
injury. N. Harm or damage; damage that comes from the violation
of a legal right.
injury, irreparable. N. An injury for which damages cannot be
assessed accurately, usually addressed by injunction.
injury, personal. N. An injury done to someone’s body or personal
rights, as opposed to reputation or property.
injustice. N. An absence of fairness; an unfair occurrence; a mistake
made by a court that results in unfair and unjust treatment.
in kind. ADJ. Of the same kind, category, or type; used to describe
the act of exchanging one thing for another thing of the same or
similar type.
ADV. in kind.
in loco parentis. ADJ. (Latin) In the place of a parent; describes a
situation in which someone (e.g., a teacher or camp counselor)
supervising a minor temporarily assumes the legal obligations
normally held by a parent or guardian.
ADV. in loco parentis.
N. A person confined to a prison, hospital, or other
innocent. ADJ. Not guilty; in good faith; without intention of
committing a wrong or knowledge that a wrong is being
N. innocence.
innovate. V. To create something new. N. innovation.
innuendo. N. A suggestive remark or hint; in a libel action, the part
of the pleading in which the plaintiff explains the meaning of the
allegedly libelous words.
in perpetuity. ADJ. Forever; perpetual. ADV. in perpetuity.
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in person 250
in person. ADJ. Describes a situation in which a person actually
attends a trial, hearing, or other event, and speaks for himself or
herself, instead of allowing an attorney or other representative to
appear and speak for him or her.
ADV. in person.
in personam. ADJ. (Latin) Against a person; describes actions
concerning the personal rights and liability of a person or jurisdic-
tion over a particular person, as opposed to jurisdiction over prop-
erty. See also in rem.
ADV. in personam.
in personam jurisdiction. N. The jurisdiction a court holds over an
individual defendant, as opposed to jurisdiction over his or her
inquest. N. A judicial investigation into the facts surrounding a
death, conducted by a coroner or medical examiner; a court’s
inquiry into the facts surrounding an incident, often made by a jury;
sometimes called an inquisition.
in re. PREP. (Latin) In the matter of; concerning; in regard to; used
to entitle judicial proceedings that do not involve adversaries but
instead concern themselves with disposing of some situation, such
as the settling of an estate.
in rem. ADJ. (Latin) Against a thing; describes actions or proceed-
ings concerning property rather than people, used in cases to deter-
mine title to or interests in property within the court’s territorial
jurisdiction and that are brought against the property itself, not
against the people who own it.
ADV. in rem.
in rem, quasi. ADJ. Describes proceedings brought against a defen-
dant personally but that concern property, usually claims for
money damages such as foreclosures or attachments.
ADV. quasi
in rem.
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251 inspection of documents
INS. ABBRV. Immigration and Naturalization Services.
insanity. N. Madness or mental illness; the condition of being
mentally ill to the point that one’s perceptions and behavior are
seriously impaired and one is not responsible for one’s actions.
insanity defense. N. A defense to criminal prosecution based on
the claim that the defendant cannot be guilty because he or she
lacked the ability to behave correctly and the capacity to under-
stand that his or her act was criminal.
insider. N. In securities and corporations, someone who has access
to information about a business that is not available to the general
public, such as corporate directors, officers, and major stock-
holders; insiders are not allowed to buy and sell stocks in such a
way as to take advantage of their privileged position and use it for
personal gain.
insider information. N. Information about a corporation that is
available only to insiders and not revealed to the general public.
insider trading. N. The illegal buying and selling of stock based on
information available only to insiders.
insolvent. ADJ. Financially unable to pay debts. N. insolvency.
inspect. V. To examine closely, looking for defects and quality,
often done to make sure the object meets some official standard;
to scrutinize.
N. inspection.
inspection of documents. N. A process done during discovery in
which a party examines and copies documents held by the
opposing party that are relevant to the lawsuit.
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inspector 252
inspector. N. (1) An official charged with issuing permits and
inspecting objects or places, such as buildings or restaurants, to
ensure that they adhere to legal standards. (2) In some jurisdic-
tions, a police officer.
Inspector General. N. A high-ranking administrative official in
charge of monitoring operations and finding and eradicating fraud
and waste.
installment. N. A sum of money that serves as partial payment of a
debt, usually as part of a payment plan that divides payment up into
several portions spread out over a period of time; partial satisfac-
tion of an obligation.
installment contract. N. A contract that divides its obligation, such
as delivery of goods or payment, into portions that are performed
periodically over a specified period of time.
installment sale. N. A contract in which a consumer purchases an
item and receives it at once but pays for it over a period of time in
instant. ADJ. Current, present.
instant case. N. The case currently under consideration.
institute. V. To begin, establish, or inaugurate; to commence legal
N. (1) An organization with a particular purpose,
often an authority in a particular field. (2) A commentary on
legal principles.
institution. N. (1) The act of starting or establishing something; the
act of beginning a legal action. (2) An organization with a profes-
sional, charitable, educational, or similar purpose. (3) An organiza-
tion or place that houses people with special needs, such as mental
patients or prisoners.
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253 insurance
instruct. V. To teach; to provide information about something; to
direct or command.
instructions. N. Directions given by a judge to a jury, telling them
how to apply the law to the facts of the case; see also charge.
instrument. N. A formal written document; a writing that formally
expresses some legal agreement, such as a contract, lease, will,
deed, or bond. See also negotiable instrument.
insufficient. ADJ. Inadequate; not meeting needs. N. insufficiency.
insufficient evidence. N. The condition of not having enough
evidence to support a claim at trial, determined by the court and
resulting in a directed verdict for the defendant.
insufficient funds. N. The condition of having less money in a bank
account than has been drawn on that account.
insular. ADJ. On an island; having to do with islands; isolated;
insurable. ADJ. Able to be insured.
insurable interest. N. A connection or relationship with a person or
thing that is substantial enough to bring a real benefit or advantage
to the person who wants to insure it, generally because the person
or thing provides him or her with money or some other valuable
thing, thus justifying the need or desire for insurance coverage.
insurance. N. A contract in which one party, the insurer, agrees to
compensate the other party, the insured, for specified losses or
damage to property or people in exchange for consideration,
usually the payment of a premium.
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insurance, automobile 254
insurance, automobile. N. Insurance that covers the owner or
drivers of a vehicle from loss or damage to the vehicle and liability
for personal injury caused by operation of the vehicle.
insurance, health. N. Insurance that covers illness, injury, and
medical care for the insured.
insurance, life. N. A contract in which the insurer agrees to pay a
specified sum to a named beneficiary when the insured dies.
insurance adjuster. N. A person who investigates and settles insur-
ance claims.
insurance agent. N. A person who represents an insurance
company, selling policies on its behalf.
insurance commissioner. N. A public official who supervises the
insurance business within a state.
insurance defense. N. Legal work done by a law firm that specializes
in defending claims brought against or covered by an insurance
company, usually with a special fee arrangement giving the insur-
ance company discounted rates for high volume work.
insurance policy. N. A contract of insurance.
insure. V. To promise to compensate someone for the loss of or
damage to someone or something in exchange for payments of
money; to assume the risk of loss or damage; to underwrite; see
also indemnify.
insured. N. A person covered by an insurance policy.
insurer. N. A company or individual that insures people or things;
an underwriter.
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255 intentional
insurgent. N. A person who rises up against the government or
insurrection. N. A violent uprising against the government or
authority; a rebellion by citizens against the government.
intangible. ADJ. Having no physical presence; difficult to define or
grasp. See also tangible.
intangible asset. N. Property that has no physical substance but
that nevertheless exists as a right, such as a patent, copyright, or
goodwill; also called intangibles.
integrate. V. (1) To combine two or more things into one whole. (2)
To desegregate.
integrated contract. N. A written contract that contains the entire
and final agreement of the parties, and to which oral evidence
cannot be admitted; also called an integration.
intent. N. Plan, resolve, or intention; desire to bring about a partic-
ular result; the state of mind of a person who wants to do a certain
act and accomplish a particular result.
V. intend. See also motive.
intent, general. N. In criminal cases, an intention to break a law but
not necessarily to cause the specific result that occurred.
intent, legislative. N. A legislature’s intended purpose in enacting a
piece of legislation.
intent, specific. N. In criminal cases, an intention to commit a
particular crime.
intention. N. A plan, desire, or aim; something that is intended.
intentional. ADJ. Deliberate; done consciously and purposely with
an awareness of probable consequences; not accidental.
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intentional infliction of emotional distress 256
intentional infliction of emotional distress. N. A deliberate act
done expressly to inflict emotional distress on its victim.
intentional tort. N. A tort committed deliberately with an express
desire to harm.
inter alia. ADV. (Latin) Among other things; used to avoid listing
all the details of a statute or other document while noting that
they exist.
intercept. V. To catch or obstruct something on its way to a desti-
nation; to use electronic or other devices to obtain the contents of
a communication done through some telecommunications device,
such as a wiretap.
N. interception.
interest. N. (1) A right, claim, or title to something. (2) A share or
stake in some undertaking; a personal stake in a matter. (3) Money
paid at a specified rate on a regular basis for the use of a loan or to
delay the date of repayment of a loan.
interest, absolute. N. An interest in property that cannot be taken
from its owner without his or her consent, no matter what
interest, compound. N. Interest paid on top of interest already
accrued, in addition to interest paid on principal.
interest, simple. N. Interest paid only on the principal of a loan.
interest, vested. N. A present interest in property that the owner is
allowed to transfer in the present but might not be allowed to actu-
ally possess or enjoy until some time in the future.
interested party. N. A person with a legally recognized private
interest in some matter.
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257 Internal Revenue Service
interest rate. N. The percentage used to calculate interest due on
a loan.
interim. N. In the meantime; during intervening time; temporary.
interim financing. N. A short-term loan held until long-term or
permanent financing can be arranged for an enterprise; also called
a bridge loan.
interim order. N. A temporary order issued to handle a matter until
a specified event happens or until a final order is issued. See also
interlocking directors. N. People who serve on the boards of direc-
tors of two or more corporations simultaneously, resulting in a situ-
ation called an interlocking directorate, which can be used to
restrict competition and is often illegal under antitrust law.
interlocutory. ADJ. Temporary; provisional; issued as a temporary
stopgap measure while a lawsuit proceeds.
interlocutory order. N. An order issued by the court while a trial is
still in process, determining an intermediate issue before coming to
a final decision for the entire case.
internal network. N. A computer network restricted to a given
workplace or facility, not accessible by the general public.
Internal Revenue Code. N. A federal statute in Title 26 of the U.S.
Code setting forth laws on federal taxes, including income tax,
estate tax, gift tax, excise tax, etc.
Internal Revenue Service. N. The federal agency that administers
federal tax laws, assesses and collects taxes, audits taxpayers,
and handles appeals by taxpayers who dispute their tax liability.
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international agreement 258
international agreement. N. An agreement between two or more
nations that creates legal rights or obligations among them; a
treaty, convention, or other such agreement between nations.
International Court of Justice. N. The United Nations’ court, seated
at The Hague, Netherlands, that provides advice on questions of
law and the writing of treaties and settles legal disputes between
nations; its decisions are enforceable by the U.N. Security Council.
international law. N. The body of law that governs relations
between different countries, composed of custom and practice,
rules and statutes, international treaties, and other sources.
international trade. N. Trade in goods or services across national
Internet. N. A global network of computers, networks, and
websites that allows the exchange of information through domain
names, IP addresses, email, file sharing, and other mechanisms.
See also World Wide Web.
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. N. A
nonprofit corporation in California that manages the assignment of
IP addresses and domain names for the U.S. Department of
Internet Protocol. N. (1) The set of rules governing communication
among computers across a computer network or the Internet. (2)
Intellectual property.
Internet service provider. N. A company that sells consumers
access to the Internet.
interpleader. N. An action in equity in which two or more parties
who each claim property held by a third party submit the claim to
a court to settle their rights, brought by the third party who fears
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259 Interstate Commerce Commission
that the claimants might pursue him or her to recover the property
and does not want to be exposed to liability from several sources;
often used by insurers in cases where several parties make
conflicting claims on the same matter.
interpolate. V. To insert words into a document, thereby changing
its meaning.
N. interpolation.
interpret. V. To ascertain or explain the meaning of something, such
as a statute, contract, or other document; to explain the meaning of
the language of a law or other legal document without venturing
into legal intentions and consequences.
N. interpretation. See
also construe, construction.
interrogate. V. To question; to ask questions of someone such
as a suspected criminal, often in a close or formal way.
interrogatories. N. During discovery before trial, written ques-
tions about the case presented by one party to the opposing
party that must be answered under oath and returned to the
questioning party.
interstate. ADJ. Existing in more than one state; carried on in or
between two or more states.
interstate commerce. N. Trade, transportation of people or prop-
erty, and all forms of commerce that involve the territory of more
than one state in the United States.
Interstate Commerce Commission. N. A federal commission that
regulates surface transportation between states, including trucks,
trains, freight forwarders, oil pipelines, and other commercial
carriers, in order to facilitate interstate commerce by ensuring that
the public will have access to transportation that is reliable and
reasonably priced.
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interstate compact 260
interstate compact. N. An agreement between two or more states
on a matter of interest to each of them.
intervene. V. To come between two things in such a way as to delay,
obstruct, or change the course of events.
N. intervention.
intervening cause. N. An independent event that occurs between a
wrongful act and an injury and changes the expected course of
events so that the result is not the one that would have been
predicted, thus relieving the person who committed the original
wrongful act of liability for the injury. See also superseding cause.
intervenor. N. A person who enters a lawsuit by intervention.
intervention. N. A procedure in which someone who is not origi-
nally a party to a lawsuit enters it to defend his or her own interest
in the matter.
inter vivos. ADJ. (Latin) Between the living; describes gifts or
transfers done from one living person to another.
ADV. inter vivos.
intestacy. N. The condition of dying without a valid will.
intestate. ADJ. Without a valid will at the time of death. N. A person
who dies without a valid will.
intestate succession. N. Disposition of the property of someone
who dies intestate according to the rules of descent and distri-
in the course of employment. ADJ. Occurring while an employee is
at work or otherwise in his or her employer’s service.
in toto. ADV. (Latin) Totally; completely; as a whole.
intoxicant. N. An intoxicating substance.
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261 invalid
intoxicate. V. To make drunk; to cause someone to lose control of
his or her physical and mental faculties.
intoxicated. ADJ. Drunk; under the influence of alcohol.
intoxication. N. Drunkenness; a state of losing control of one’s
physical or mental faculties due to the consumption of alcohol or
another intoxicating substance, which renders one incapable of
acting like a reasonable person of ordinary prudence would under
the same circumstances.
intramural. ADJ. Within the walls; within the confines or boundaries
of an organization or institution. See also extramural.
Intranet. N. An internal network; a computer network restricted to
a secure area and specific users.
intrinsic. ADJ. Inherent; naturally part of something.
intrinsic evidence. N. Evidence produced by questioning a witness
at trial.
intrinsic fraud. N. Fraud that occurs during trial through perjury,
forged documents, or hiding or misrepresenting evidence, which
affects the outcome of the trial.
intrinsic value. N. The inherent value of a thing, which remains
constant regardless of place, time, or special features that affect its
market value.
inure. V. (1) To take effect; to benefit someone; to vest. (2) To
accustom someone to something.
invalid. ADJ. Not valid; not legally adequate; void.
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invasion of privacy 262
invasion of privacy. N. The wrongful and unwarranted intrusion
into or publicizing of someone’s private affairs by another person
or the government.
invent. V. To design or create some new thing that did not exist
before; to create a story, often intending to deceive.
invention. N. The process of creating some new thing, especially a
device or machine; something invented.
inventor. N. A person who invents something.
inventory. N. A detailed list of property, such as goods in stock or
the complete contents of an estate. See also first-in, first-out, last-
in, first-out.
invest. V. (1) To spend money on an enterprise in the hope that it
will result in a profit; to give time or energy to a cause in the hope
that it will generate good results. See also investment. (2) To
bestow on someone an office or a right. (3) In feudal times, to
bestow a grant of land on someone in a ceremony called investi-
investee. N. A company whose shares are bought by an investor.
investigate. V. To examine the facts surrounding an incident as part
of a formal inquiry into the matter.
N. investigation. ADJ. investi-
investigatory powers. N. Powers given to governmental agencies to
investigate violations of laws and the possible effects of proposed
investment. N. The expenditure of money on an enterprise in the
hope of making a profit; assets or securities bought in the hope of
earning a profit.
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263 IP
investment banker. N. A financial institution or broker that buys
newly issued securities and sells them to investors.
investment company. N. A company primarily in the business of
trading securities, using its capital to invest in other compa-
investor. N. Someone who buys shares in a company or otherwise
invests money.
invitee. N. A person who enters another’s property after being
invoice. N. A list of goods contained in a shipment along with the
price due for them; a bill.
V. To send an invoice to someone for
goods or services provided.
involuntary. ADJ. Done unwillingly, without choice; accidental or
involuntary confession. N. A confession made unwillingly and
without free choice by someone whose rights against self-incrimi-
nation have been violated by threat of violence, coercion, improper
promises, etc.
involuntary conversion. N. The unintentional loss of property
through theft, destruction, seizure, or condemnation.
involuntary servitude. N. Slavery; forcing someone to work for
someone else.
iota. N. The Greek letter “i,” i.e., the smallest letter of the Greek
alphabet; a miniscule amount, the smallest possible amount of
IP. ABBRV. Internet Protocol.
Essential Legal Dictionary:Layout 1 4/21/08 5:24 PM Page 263
IP address. N. Internet Protocol address; a computer address; the
unique set of digits that computers use to identify a specific
computer or device in a network.
IPO. ABBRV. Initial public offering.
ipso facto. ADV. (Latin) By the very fact itself; through the effect of
a fact or act.
IRA. ABBRV. Individual retirement account.
IRC. ABBRV. Internal Revenue Code.
irrelevant. ADJ. Not applicable to the matter at hand; immaterial. N.
irrelevance, irrelevancy.
irreparable. ADJ. Impossible to repair.
irreparable injury. N. An injury for which no adequate legal remedy
exists, usually addressed by an injunction.
irrevocable. ADJ. Unable to be withdrawn or revoked.
IRS. ABBRV. Internal Revenue Service.
ISP. ABBRV. Internet service provider.
issue. N. (1) A problem or question; a topic for debate. (2) The act
of sending something out formally; promulgation. (3) Children;
descendants. (4) The act of offering corporate securities for sale.
To send out or distribute; to promulgate; to offer something up for
issue of fact. N. A disagreement about facts in a legal controversy,
i.e., when one party suggests one version of facts and the other
IP address 264
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issue of law. N. A question about the law applicable to a case when
the facts of the matter are undisputed.
issue preclusion. N. The barring of an issue from further litigation
because it has already been settled conclusively at trial.
IT. ABBRV. Information technology.
265 IT
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J 268
J. ABBRV. “Judge” or “justice”; used as a title for a person holding
that office.
JAG. ABBRV. Judge Advocate General.
jail. N. A building used to confine people held in legal custody
either awaiting trial for a criminal offense or serving a prison
sentence after conviction; usually used for short-term confinement.
V. To imprison; to put someone in jail. See also prison, correctional
jailhouse lawyer. N. An inmate in a correctional institution who
has no formal legal training but has studied the law independently,
who helps fellow inmates prepare appeals and provides legal
advice to them.
JD. ABBRV. Juris doctor.
Jencks Act. N. A law requiring the government to provide a crim-
inal defendant in a federal case with copies of witness statements
made against him or her in order to prepare a defense.
jeopardy. N. Risk or danger; the danger of being convicted that is a
natural accompaniment to being a defendant in a criminal trial. See
also double jeopardy.
Jim Crow laws. N. Laws used in the first half of the twentieth
century to segregate the races. See also segregate, desegregate.
job. N. (1) A position of employment. (2) A task, usually paid. (3) A
crime such as robbery.
V. To buy and sell goods or stocks.
jobber. N. (1) A person who buys and sells stocks or goods; a
wholesaler or middleman. (2) A person who works casually doing
odd jobs for pay.
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269 joint and several liability
John/Jane Doe. N. A fictitious name given to a party to a lawsuit
who wishes to remain anonymous or whose name is unknown;
a fictitious name given to a hypothetical character for purposes
of argument.
join. V. To combine or unite; to unite with another party in a
lawsuit; to add a cause of action or issue to a lawsuit. See also
joinder. N. The act of uniting parties or causes of action to a
joinder, compulsory. N. The mandatory addition of a party to a
lawsuit if his or her presence is necessary to provide complete
relief to the current parties, or if his or her interests will be substan-
tially affected by the lawsuit.
joinder, permissive. N. The voluntary joining of a lawsuit by a party
who is not indispensable to the action but who does have a claim
for relief arising out of it.
joinder of actions. N. Combining two or more causes of action into
a single lawsuit.
joinder of parties. N. The addition of one or more parties to a
joint. ADJ. Shared; united. N. A marijuana cigarette.
joint and several. ADJ. Both shared and individual.
joint and several liability. N. Liability for an enterprise shared by
two or more people that can be applied to the group as a whole or
to individuals, so that each is individually responsible for
performing the entire obligation and each can be sued independ-
ently for failure to fulfill it, while at the same time the group is also
responsible for the obligation and can be sued as a whole.
Essential Legal Dictionary:Layout 1 4/21/08 5:24 PM Page 269
joint bank account 270
joint bank account. N. A bank account shared by two or more
people who each have equal right to it.
joint enterprise. N. An enterprise undertaken by two or more
people who agree on a common purpose and share control of the
project and a financial interest in it.
joint liability. N. Liability owed by two or more people together.
jointly. ADV. Done together.
joint venture. N. A commercial enterprise similar to a partnership,
in which two or more parties join together for the purpose of
carrying out a single commercial enterprise, for which they share
assets, liability, and control.
journal. N. (1) A daily record of transactions, business, proceed-
ings, appointments, events and occurrences, etc. (2) A periodical
publication covering a particular profession or field.
journalists’ privilege. N. A privilege that protects journalists and
other media professionals from being forced to reveal confidential
sources of information in some cases.
joyriding. N. Taking an automobile without the owner’s permission
in order to use it temporarily but not intending to keep it perma-
J.P. ABBRV. Justice of the Peace.
judge. N. An officer who presides over and decides cases in a
V. To decide a legal case; to form an opinion about a matter.
judge advocate. N. A military lawyer or legal officer; an officer in
the Judge Advocate General’s corps.
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271 judicial
Judge Advocate General. N. A title used by military senior legal
judge-made law. N. Case law created by judges who interpret
statutes in what some consider to be an extreme or ideologically
motivated way.
judgment. N. (1) The ability to form opinions and make decisions.
(2) The court’s final decision in a trial; the amount of money
awarded to the prevailing party by the court.
judgment, final. N. A judgment that ends a legal controversy by
conclusively stating whether or not the plaintiff is entitled to relief.
judgment, foreign. N. A judgment issued by a court in another state
or country.
judgment, money. N. A judgment that awards a party a sum of
judgment notwithstanding the verdict. N. A judgment by the court
for one party after receiving a verdict for the other, following a
motion for a directed verdict; also called judgment n.o.v., non
obstante veredicto.
judgment on the merits. N. A judgment rendered after the parties
have presented their cases and the court has determined which
party is in the right on the basis of facts and evidence presented.
judgment proof. ADJ. Describes a person not worth suing for
monetary damages because he or she is insolvent, has no prop-
erty within a jurisdiction, or is otherwise protected from a judg-
ment for money recoveries.
judicial. ADJ. Related to the office of judge, judgments, the admin-
istration of justice, or courts; related to the interpretation and
application of laws.
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judicial activism 272
judicial activism. N. A form of legal action in which a judge writes
opinions and renders decisions based on progressive ideas of
social justice instead of basing his or her decisions strictly on judi-
cial precedent and a restrained interpretation of legislation.
judicial authority. N. The power that comes as part of the office of
judge; the power to hear cases and render decisions; also called
judicial power.
judicial branch. N. The branch of government consisting of courts
and other entities that exist to interpret and enforce laws.
judicial immunity. N. A judge’s immunity from civil liability for
anything done in his or her official capacity.
judicial notice. N. A practice in which the court will recognize
certain facts without requiring one of the parties to produce
evidence proving them, usually in the case of facts that are univer-
sally acknowledged to be true or facts that the judge or jury already
judicial review. N. (1) The power of the courts to review the acts
of other branches of the government, usually in order to determine
that the law is properly applied to a matter, especially in constitu-
tional matters; review by the Supreme Court of acts by the legisla-
ture, as established in the case Marbury v. Madison. (2) Review of
a trial court’s decision by an appellate court.
judiciary. N. A collective term for judges; the bench; the judicial
branch of the government.
jump bail. V. For a criminal defendant to leave the jurisdiction or
fail to appear at trial after bail has been posted for him or her,
causing whoever posted bail to forfeit it. See also bail, bondsman.
jural. ADJ. Relating to the law, justice, rights, or obligations.
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273 jury challenge
juridical. ADJ. Having to do with legal proceedings, judges, or the
administration of justice.
juris. ADJ. (Latin) Of law.
jurisdiction. N. The power to make judicial decisions; a court’s or
judge’s power to investigate the facts of a matter, apply law to
them, and declare a judgment. (2) The territory in which a partic-
ular court can exercise its authority; the system of courts within
a particular area.
ADJ. jurisdictional.
jurisdictional amount. N. The amount of money required to be
involved in a controversy in order to give a court jurisdiction
over it.
juris doctor. N. The degree received by someone who completes
law school.
jurisprudence. N. (1) The philosophy or science of law. (2) The
body of law formed by cases and interpretations of them; a system
of law.
jurist. N. A scholar of the law; a lawyer or judge.
juror. N. A member of a jury.
jury. N. A group of people selected and sworn to hear the evidence
in a case and decide what the true facts are; usually composed of a
cross section of the community. See also grand jury, hung jury,
petit jury.
jury, blue ribbon. N. A jury composed of experts, professionals, or
other people who are exceptionally qualified, rather than a cross
section of all members of a community.
jury challenge. N. A party’s rejection of a potential juror while
selecting a jury for trial.
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jury instructions 274
jury instructions. N. A statement made to the jurors by the judge at
the conclusion of testimony but before the jurors begin deliber-
ating, in which the judge describes the law that applies to the
matters in controversy and explains how the jury should apply it.
jury panel. N. The group of people summoned to court on a partic-
ular day to serve as jurors if chosen.
jury selection. N. The process of choosing members of a jury from
a panel of potential jurors, done by the parties to a lawsuit at the
start of trial.
jury trial. N. A trial that takes place before a jury, in which the jury
hears the testimony and sees evidence and then renders a decision
about the facts in accordance with the judge’s instructions. See
also bench trial.
jus cogens. N. (Latin) Compelling law; a peremptory norm; in
international law, a principle that is widely accepted to be true by
a large number of states and individuals, such as the belief that
genocide and slavery are wrong.
jus in bello. N. (Latin) Law in war; law governing actions during
just. ADJ. Fair; lawful; morally right.
just cause. N. A legitimate or fair reason for doing something; a
reason that will legally justify an action.
just compensation. N. Compensation given to an owner whose
property is taken through eminent domain that is fair both to
the owner, who is losing property, and to the public, who is
paying for it.
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275 juvenile delinquent
justice. N. (1) Fairness; fair and just administration of law; fair
treatment or behavior. (2) A judge; a magistrate; a judge sitting on
the Supreme Court of a state or country.
Justice Department. N. The federal department that enforces
federal laws and represents the federal government in legal
matters, under the direction of the attorney general.
justice of the peace. N. A magistrate with minor local authority,
who hears minor criminal and civil cases, performs marriages, and
handles other civil matters; most states have replaced justices of
the peace with other courts and officers.
justiciable. ADJ. Able to be tried in court; presenting real interests
instead of merely hypothetical or abstract ones.
justiciable controversy. N. A controversy involving a real issue that
can be settled by a court, involving a present claim made by one
party and another party disputing it.
justifiable. ADJ. Excusable; defensible; able to be proven to be
reasonable or correct. See also homicide, justifiable.
juvenile. N. A child; a person below the age of legal majority. ADJ.
Childish or youthful; relating to children or young people.
juvenile court. N. A court that hears cases involving children and
teenagers, particularly over juvenile delinquents and neglected
juvenile delinquent. N. A minor who commits a crime or engages
in regular criminal activity. See also delinquent child.
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kangaroo court 278
kangaroo court. N. A court that is completely biased against one
party and therefore disregards that party’s rights and delivers a
judgment or verdict that is unfair to him or her; a trial in a kangaroo
court is considered a sham without legal authority.
Keogh plan. N. A retirement plan for self-employed people with
benefits similar to those enjoyed by employees with employer-
sponsored retirement plans.
key number system. N. A system of organizing published cases by
numbering each point of law with a key number, making it easy for
legal researchers to locate relevant topics and cases.
kickback. N. A payment made by a seller to a buyer or agent in
order to persuade him or her to enter into the transaction; illegal in
most cases.
kidnap. V. To unlawfully and forcibly take and carry away a person.
N. kidnapping.
kidnapping for ransom. N. The abduction and holding of a person
in order to demand money in return for the victim’s release. See
also abduct, false arrest, ransom.
kite. V. To write fraudulent checks; to write checks on an account
with insufficient funds in the hopes that funds sufficient to cover
the check will be deposited before the check is presented to the
bank for payment.
N. kiting, check kiting. See also float.
know. V. To be aware of; to have information about something; to
knowingly. ADJ. With awareness; consciously; with understanding
of the circumstances and the implications of an act.
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279 Kyoto Protocol
knowledge. N. Awareness of or familiarity with something; actual
information; awareness of the positive and negative aspects of
Kyoto Protocol. N. An amendment to the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change that requires signa-
tory nations to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions to an
assigned level.
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labor 282
labor. N. (1) Work, especially manual work. (2) A collective term for
V. To work, especially at hard physical jobs.
labor dispute. N. A disagreement between employees and their
employer about terms and conditions of employment, including
pay, safety, hours, etc.
laborer. N. A person who engages in physical work for wages.
labor relations. N. The relationship between employers and
employees, usually as personified by management and employees.
labor union. N. An organization of workers in a particular field that
exists to handle disputes between the workers and their
employers, working under the assumption that the workers have
more power when they join forces and negotiate as a unit; also
called a labor organization.
laches. N. An unreasonable delay in asserting or enforcing a claim.
laches, estoppel by. N. A doctrine that prevents a person from
suing for some grievance that happened far in the past or otherwise
seeking to enforce some right that he or she should have addressed
long ago, on the assumption that the party with the claim has been
negligent in not bringing it, that the defendant would have a hard
time defending against it because it is so old, and that often the
defendant has been put at a disadvantage because the would-be
plaintiff has delayed so long.
laissez-faire. ADJ. (French) Allow to do; an economic doctrine
stating that the free market should be allowed to operate free of
governmental interference.
lame duck. N. A public official still in office after the election but
before the inauguration of his or her successor.
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283 lapse
land. N. (1) Soil or earth, including plants growing on it and
rocks embedded in it. (2) Property, especially in the form of
land; real property.
land, tenements, and hereditaments. N. A legal term encom-
passing all types of real property.
landed. ADJ. Consisting of land; owning land.
landlord. N. A person who owns real property and rents it to
tenants. See also lessor.
landmark. N. (1) A feature of the landscape or an object placed on
it that marks the boundary of a piece of property. (2) A building or
natural object that is easy to spot, or that has some historical or
cultural significance. (3) An important event that marks a turning
point or a significant moment.
landmark decision. N. A decision by the Supreme Court that
changes the established law in an area.
land mine. N. An explosive device laid on the surface of the earth
or hidden just underneath it, intended to explode when a person or
vehicle touches it.
land trust. N. A form of trust in which a trustee holds legal title to
a piece of property but the beneficiary has the power to direct the
trustee, manage the property, and receive income from it; also
called an Illinois land trust.
lapse. N. The expiration of a right or privilege due to failure to exer-
cise it or otherwise maintain it; the end of a legacy or right due to
the death of the person who held it or to the expiration of a speci-
fied period of time; failure of a bequest or testamentary gift; the
termination of an insurance policy if the policyholder does not pay
the premium.
V. lapse.
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larceny 284
larceny. N. Taking the property of another person without the
owner’s consent and with the intention of making it the property of
someone else.
larceny, grand. N. The taking of property with a high monetary
value, set by statute.
larceny, petit. N. The taking of property with a low monetary value,
set by statute. Also called petty larceny. See also burglary, theft,
lascivious. ADJ. Overtly sexual; lewd.
last clear chance. N. A doctrine that allows a plaintiff to recover
from a defendant if the defendant had the last clear chance or
opportunity to avoid the accident, regardless of the plaintiffs own
last-in, first-out. N. A method of inventory that assumes that the
goods most recently bought are the first ones to be sold, and that
goods still in inventory at the end of the year are the ones bought
long ago. See also first-in, first-out.
last will and testament. N. A will; the most recent will created by a
deceased person; traditionally, the word “will” referred to the
disposition of real property and the word “testament” to the dispo-
sition of personal property.
latent. ADJ. Hidden; existing but not yet obvious or apparent.
latent ambiguity. N. Language that appears to be clear and under-
standable but that in fact presents ambiguities or confusion when
someone tries to apply it.
latent defect. N. A defect in an object that is not apparent on
reasonable inspection or through the use of ordinary care.
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285 law review
launder. V. To move money through different businesses,
accounts, and banks in order to conceal its origins; the federal
crime of obscuring the source of money obtained through illegal
means such as drug dealing, racketeering, and other crimes.
law. N. (1) A system of rules created by a society to regulate
behavior and punish crimes. (2) A statute. (3) The professional
field concerned with the rules that regulate society.
law, at. ADJ. Pertaining to law; related to the law or the legal profes-
law enforcement. N. Seeing that people follow laws and catching
and punishing lawbreakers; the work done by police.
lawful. ADJ. Legal; permitted by law.
lawless. ADJ. Not conforming to law; not controlled by law.
law of the case. N. The doctrine that if a court decides an issue of
law, the determination will stay the same throughout subsequent
trials of the same facts unless a higher court reconsiders the issue
and issues a new determination.
law of the land. N. The established law of a society, especially the
principles of due process and other rights too fundamental to be
abolished by government; in the United States, the Constitution
and laws made by its authority.
Law of the Sea. N. United Nations Convention on the Law of the
Sea; an international agreement that sets rules for the use of the
world’s oceans, establishing territorial boundaries and governing
the management of marine resources.
law review. N. A professional journal published by a law school
containing scholarly articles on legal topics by experts and
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Law School Admission Test 286
students, usually compiled and edited by a staff of students chosen
for their excellent academic record.
Law School Admission Test. N. A test that is required for admission
to most law schools.
laws of war. The laws that govern the actions nations may take
when they are at war. See also Geneva Conventions, jus in bello.
lawsuit. N. An action at law or equity; a dispute brought before a
court for determination.
lawyer. N. An attorney; a person who has studied law or who prac-
tices law.
lay. ADJ. Not professional or expert in a particular field; nonecclesi-
astical or nonclergy.
lay judge. N. A judge who has not studied law.
layman. N. A person who is not a professional or expert in a partic-
ular field, e.g., in legal situations, a nonlawyer.
layoff. N. The firing of one or many employees in response to busi-
ness conditions, not for any wrongdoing of the employee; the
temporary or permanent termination of one or more workers. See
also downsize.
lay witness. N. A witness who is not an expert in the field on which
he or she is called to testify; see also expert.
lead counsel. N. The head lawyer on one side of a lawsuit who is
in charge of managing the case and all other attorneys and other
people working on it.
leading case. N. A case that is recognized as determining the law
on a particular topic and is often cited for that purpose.
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287 legacy, contingent
leading question. N. A question in which the questioner hints or
suggests to the witness the answer he or she would like to receive;
not allowed during direct examination.
lease. N. A contract in which the owner of a piece of property
allows someone else to possess it exclusively for a specified period
of time in return for payment.
V. To allow someone to use property
for a period of time in exchange for payment; to rent. See also let,
lessor, lessee, sublease.
lease, month-to-month. N. A tenancy without an actual lease, in
which the lessor pays rent monthly and either party can terminate
the arrangement with one month’s notice.
lease, proprietary. N. A lease held by a resident in a cooperative
leasehold. N. An estate in real property held by lease, usually of a
fixed duration; see also freehold.
leave. N. Permission.
leave of absence. N. A period of time in which a person has
permission to be absent from work or duties, after which he or she
intends to return.
leave of court. N. The court’s permission to do a particular act.
legacy. N. A bequest; money or property left to someone by a will.
legacy, absolute. N. A bequest that comes into effect immediately
without any conditions or restrictions.
legacy, alternate. N. A bequest in which the testator leaves a recip-
ient one of several things without specifying which.
legacy, contingent. N. A bequest that will take effect when and if a
specified event occurs.
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legacy, demonstrative 288
legacy, demonstrative. N. A bequest of money that is to be paid out
of a specific fund.
legacy, general. N.A bequest of money or goods to be paid out of
the general assets of the estate.
legacy, residuary. N. A bequest of all personal property not other-
wise disposed of by will, i.e., the residue.
legacy, specific. N. A bequest of a specific item designated by the
legal. ADJ. (1) Having to do with law; related to principles of law as
opposed to equity. (2) In accordance with law; lawful.
ADV. legally.
legal age. N. The age at which a person can enter into contracts
and conduct business on his or her own behalf, or the age at which
a person can marry; majority.
legal aid. N. A nonprofit system that provides legal assistance to
people who cannot afford to pay for lawyers themselves.
legal capacity to sue. N. The right to bring a lawsuit; the condition
of being of sound mind, being of legal age, and suffering from no
legal restraints or other impediments to bringing a lawsuit.
legal cause. N. The conduct or event that directly causes an injury;
proximate cause.
legal detriment. N. Injury or disadvantage caused to someone who
acted in such a way as to change his or her legal position or assume
a liability or duty based on a promise that another person made but
did not keep.
legal duty. N. An obligation required by law, such as the duty of
parents to care for their children or the duty arising from a
contract; also called a legal obligation.
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289 legislator
legalese. N. The formal language used in legal documents; espe-
cially refers derogatorily to unnecessarily complex and opaque
language that is extremely difficult to understand.
legal fiction. N. An assumption that certain facts are true that is
made by the court in order to render a legal decision without delay.
legal name. N. A person’s official name registered with the govern-
ment, usually consisting of one or more given names recorded on
the person’s birth certificate, the parents’ or father’s family name,
and possibly a new family name acquired upon marriage.
legal secretary. N. A secretary with special expertise in legal
Legal Services Corporation. N. A corporation established by
Congress in 1974 that provides funding for legal assistance in
noncriminal proceedings for people who cannot afford to pay for
legal counsel. See also legal aid.
legal tender. N. Money that can be used to pay for things; all coins
and currencies of the United States, regardless of when they were
legatee. N. A person who receives a legacy.
legislate. V. To create or pass a law or resolution.
legislation. N. The act of making laws; laws created by a legis-
legislative. ADJ. Holding the power to create laws; pertaining to the
creation of laws.
N. legislative act, legislative branch, legisla-
tive history, legislative immunity, legislative power.
legislator. N. A member of a body that creates laws.
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legislature 290
legislature. N. The group of people who make laws for a state
or country.
Legum Magister. N.(Latin) Master of laws; a post-graduate degree
offered by law schools to students who have done advanced study
in a legal specialty or to foreign lawyers who have taken a certain
number of classes at an American law school.
lemon. N. A defective or unsatisfactory automobile.
lemon laws. N. Laws passed by many states that provide relief to
people who purchase new automobiles that turn out to be defec-
lend. V. (1) To let someone use something temporarily, on the
understanding that it will be returned; to allow someone to borrow
something. (2) To provide someone with money that he or she must
eventually pay back, usually with interest.
lender. N. A person or organization that lends something, particu-
larly money.
lending. N. The act or business of lending something, especially
money. See also loan.
lessee. N. A person who holds property through a lease; a person
who rents property; a tenant. See also lease, lessor.
lesser included offense. N. A crime that is inherently part of a
more serious crime; e.g., assault is an inherent part of the more
serious crime of assault and battery, or attempt is an inherent part
of any crime that is actually completed.
lessor. N. A person who rents or leases property to someone else;
a landlord.
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291 lewd
let. V. (1) To rent; to allow someone to use property in exchange for
payment; to grant a license to use property. (2) To award a contract
for a project to one of several applicants who have submitted bids.
letter of credit. N. A promise made by a bank or other financial
institution to another bank or financial institution that it will honor
demands for payment on behalf of a specified customer under
specified conditions.
letter of intent. N. A document that records the intention of the
parties to it to enter into a contract or take some other action but
that is not itself a formal contract.
letter of the law. N. A strict, literal, word-for-word interpretation of
laws and statutes. See also spirit of the law.
leverage. N. (1) The use of borrowed money to try to earn much
more through investment, in the hopes that the profits will
outweigh the interest owed on the debt. (2) The ratio of a busi-
ness’s debt to equity.
leveraged buyout. N. A method by which outside investors or a
corporation’s own management buy the outstanding stock of a
corporation using money borrowed from outside sources, and
using the purchased company’s assets as security for the loan.
levy. V. (1) To impose a tax, fee, or fine on someone; to raise or
collect. (2) To seize money or property. (3) To begin to wage war.
N. (1) A tax or other sum collected from people. (2) Raising money
through seizing property and selling it. (3) The enlisting of troops;
a group of enlisted soldiers.
lewd. ADJ. Sexually indecent; provoking lust. See also lascivious,
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lewdness 292
lewdness. N. Sexual indecency, especially performed in public or in
the presence of people who might be offended by it.
lewd and lascivious cohabitation. N. The crime of a man and
woman living together without being married.
LexisNexis. N. A privately owned online legal research system that
provides access to reported decisions, federal and state statutes,
law review articles, and many other materials; also called Lexis.
See also Westlaw.
liability. N. The condition of being responsible for something;
something for which someone is responsible; an obligation or duty
to do something or pay a sum of money; a possible claim against a
person or business.
liability insurance. N. Insurance that covers an individual against
claims against him or her made by third parties.
liable. ADJ. Responsible; legally answerable for something; obli-
gated or accountable.
libel. N. A written, printed, or published false and malicious state-
ment that injures someone’s reputation; the written form of
ADJ. libelous. See also defamation, slander.
liberal. ADJ. Open to new opinions and interpretations; not strict,
conservative, or narrow-minded; in favor of individual liberty;
generous. See also construction.
liberalize. V. To remove restrictions.
liberties. N. Specific instances of freedom from restrictions; rights
or privileges. See also civil liberties.
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293 lien, floating
liberty. N. Freedom; freedom from restrictions except for those
imposed by law to prevent people from interfering with the liberty
of others.
license. N. (1) A permit that allows someone to do some act;
permission to do something that would be illegal without that
permission. (2) Permission to use property owned by someone
else, which does not give the licensee an exclusive right of posses-
sion; see also lease.
license fee. N. A fee imposed by the government for granting a
license or a privilege to do something; also called a license tax.
licensee. N. A person who receives a license; a person who has the
right to use property or do some action through a license.
licensor. N. A person who grants a license.
lie. V. (1) To intentionally make a false statement; to tell an untruth.
(2) For an action or claim to be sustainable or admissible.
N. A
falsehood or untruth told intentionally to mislead someone.
lien. N. A claim placed on property to act as security for a debt
owed by the owner, held until the owner pays the debt and kept if
the owner never pays.
lien, artisan’s. N. A lien that allows an artisan or craftsman to hold
an item he or she has made until receiving payment for it.
lien, equitable. N. A lien enforceable in equity, not at law.
lien, floating. N. A lien that affects not only inventory and assets
owned by the debtor at the time the agreement is made, but also
property acquired afterward.
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lien, judgment 294
lien, judgment. N. A lien that a judgment creditor is entitled to file
against a judgment debtor’s property, often in order to sell the prop-
erty at a sheriffs sale.
lien, materialman’s. N. See lien, mechanic’s.
lien, mechanic’s. N. A lien that allows builders, tradesmen, suppliers,
and others who provide materials or labor for construction or
maintenance of buildings to attach the land or buildings in question
to secure payment for their work and materials.
lien, tax. N. A lien that the state may place on a taxpayer’s property
if he or she fails to pay taxes.
life estate. N. An estate in property that lasts until the person
holding it dies, or until some other specified person dies.
life expectancy. N. The number of years a person is expected to
live, based on age and sex and calculated by actuarial tables and
life insurance. See insurance.
life interest. N. A claim to or interest in property that ends at the
death of the person holding the interest or of some other person;
see also life estate, life tenant.
life tenant. N. A person who holds a tenancy on land that ends at
his or her death or at the death of another person; such a tenancy
is called a life tenancy. See also life estate.
LIFO. ABBRV. Last-in, first-out.
like-kind exchange. N. An exchange of an item of property for
another item of property of a similar type and value, usually
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295 lineal heir
limit. V. To restrict; to set boundaries. N. A boundary or restriction.
limitation. N. A restriction; a restriction of the time in which a
lawsuit can be filed; a restriction of who can receive an estate in
property or the uses to which an estate may be restricted. See
also statute of limitations.
limited. ADJ. Restricted in size, time, or extent.
limited jurisdiction. N. Jurisdiction over only specific kinds of cases
or otherwise restricted by statute; see also special jurisdiction.
limited liability. N. Liability for corporate losses that is restricted in
some way, usually to the amount that an investor or shareholder
has placed in the corporation and not reaching personal assets.
limited liability company. N. A business organization, often
managed by its members, with limited liability and limited ability to
transfer ownership.
limited partnership. N. A form of partnership in which one or more
general partners manage the business and are personally respon-
sible for its debts, and one or more limited partners contribute
money and earn profits but do not run the business and are not
liable for its debts.
lineage. N. Family descent or ancestry.
lineal. ADJ. In a direct line from a particular relative, such as grand-
parent to parent to child; see also collateral.
lineal descendant. N. A person who is directly descended in a
straight line from an ancestor.
lineal heir. N. A person who inherits directly from a lineal ancestor
or ascendant; see also descent.
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line of credit 296
line of credit. N. An amount of credit available for a specified time
to a consumer that the consumer may access as he or she chooses;
a standing loan available for a preset time period.
lineup. N. A procedure used by police to identify criminal suspects,
in which a suspect and several similar people are lined up in front
of a wall and a witness is asked to identify the one who committed
the crime.
link. V. To connect one website or computer with another. N. A
place on a website that, if clicked, will connect the user to another
liquid. ADJ. In cash or readily converted into cash; holding a large
amount of cash and working capital.
liquid assets. N. Cash or items that can be quickly converted into
liquidate. V. (1) To convert assets into cash; to sell assets. (2) To
settle; to pay debts; to settle the affairs of a business by deter-
mining debts and apportioning assets.
N. liquidation.
liquidated damages. N. The amount of damages that a party to a
contract agrees to pay if he or she breaches it.
liquidity. N. The amount of cash available to a person or business;
the ease with which a person or business can obtain cash.
lis pendens. N. (Latin) A pending lawsuit; a doctrine that
requires purchasers of property or other people with an interest
in property subject to a lawsuit to be bound by the outcome of
the litigation.
lis pendens, notice of. N. A public notice informing the commu-
nity that a particular property is subject to litigation and that
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297 living will
prospective purchasers of the property will be bound by any judg-
ment affecting it.
list. N. A document containing several items of the same type, such
as a court calendar or schedule, or a registry of voters.
V. To
compile a list; to register; to put a property up for sale with a real
estate agent.
listed stock. N. Stock in a company that meets the Securities and
Exchange Commission’s requirements and is traded on an organ-
ized stock exchange; also called a listed security.
listing. N. (1) Putting real estate up for sale; entering an agency
agreement with a real estate agent to sell a piece of property.
(2) Entering into a contract to place a company’s stock on a
stock exchange.
list price. N. The publicly advertised price of an item.
litigant. N. A party to a lawsuit; a plaintiff or defendant.
litigate. V. To bring a dispute to a court of law; to bring or defend a
lawsuit in court.
litigation. N. A lawsuit or legal action; the act of bringing or
defending a lawsuit.
ADJ. litigious.
litigator. N. A lawyer who represents parties in lawsuits in courts of
law; a specialist in litigation.
living wage. N. A wage sufficient to meet ordinary living expenses.
See also minimum wage.
living will. N. A document created by a person while still in rela-
tively good mental condition stating in advance his or her wishes
for medical treatment if and when he or she is no longer able to
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L.L.C. 298
communicate and provide informed consent; see also advance
directive, durable power of attorney.
L.L.C. ABBRV. Limited liability company.
LL.M. ABBRV. (Latin) Legum Magister.
Lloyd’s of London. N. A group of private insurance underwriters
based in London, England, that originally specialized in marine
insurance but now will agree to underwrite a wide variety of risks.
loan. N. Something that is borrowed, especially money; the act of
lending something to someone, with the intention of having it
returned at some future time.
V. To lend; to borrow.
loan, personal. N. A secured or unsecured loan to be used for
personal purposes as opposed to commercial ones.
loan, secured. N. A loan that is secured with property or securities;
also called a collateral loan.
loan commitment. N. A promise made by a bank or other lending
institution to a prospective purchaser of real estate that it will lend
him or her a specified sum at a specified interest rate to purchase
a particular property if it is done within a specified period of time.
loaned servant. N. An employee hired out to another employer
for a particular job, who comes under the control of the
temporary employer and for whom the temporary employer
becomes liable.
loan shark. N. A person who lends money at extortionate interest
rates, usually illegally.
loansharking. N. The act of lending money at excessively high
interest. See also extort, usury.
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299 loiter
lobby. V. To attempt to influence a politician on a particular issue.
N. A group of people who work to influence politicians on an issue;
an attempt to influence politicians on an issue.
lobbyist. N. A person who works to influence politicians on partic-
ular issues and to persuade them to support or argue against partic-
ular items of proposed legislation.
local government. N. The government of a geographical region
smaller than a state, such as a city or county, with control over
local matters.
lockdown. N. Confining prisoners to their cells temporarily in order
to restore security after a riot or other emergency.
lockout. N. An employer’s refusal to allow employees to work
during periods of negotiation; the employer’s version of a strike.
locus. N. (Latin) A site; a place.
locus contractus. N. The place where a contract was made.
locus delicti. N. The place where an offense occurred.
locus in quo. N. The place in which, i.e., the place where something
logrolling. N. A method used by legislators to pass legislation
without actually persuading fellow lawmakers of the validity of the
proposed law, done by combining several unrelated matters into
one bill in an effort to attract the votes of people who support indi-
vidual parts of it, or by exchanging favors such as agreeing to vote
for one another’s bills.
loiter. V. To stand around idly; to move slowly and purposelessly. N.
Essential Legal Dictionary:Layout 1 4/21/08 5:24 PM Page 299
long arm statute 300
long arm statute. N. A state statute that gives the state personal
jurisdiction over nonresident defendants in matters that affect
local residents and property.
long-term. ADJ. Occurring over a long period of time.
long-term capital gain or loss. N. A gain or loss that occurs from
the sale of capital assets that have been held for the required length
of time, usually at least one year.
long-term debt. N. Debt with a maturity date at least one year in
the future.
long-term financing. N. A loan or mortgage that has a term of one
year or more.
lookout. N. (1) A person who stands near the place where a crime
is being committed to watch for police or other witnesses; a person
stationed to watch for potential danger. (2) The watchfulness and
diligence that a driver of an automobile must use while driving.
loophole. N. An ambiguity in a law; an inadequacy in a law that
allows a person to legally avoid complying with it, especially in
tax laws.
loss. N. The fact or act of losing something; something that is lost;
the detriment or damage resulting from the destruction or ruin of
something; injury; expense.
loss, casualty. N. The destruction of property by an unexpected
cause such as fire or flood.
loss of earning capacity. N. Damage to a person’s ability to earn
money in the future.
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301 lynch
lost property. N. Property that is no longer in its owner’s possession
due to the owner’s negligence or carelessness and that cannot be
found or recovered.
lot. N. (1) An item or collection of items delivered or sold as one
unit. (2) A plot of land. (3) A set of shares of stock to be traded; see
also odd lot.
lottery. N. A game of chance in which people pay money for a
chance to win a prize that is awarded at random.
love and affection. N. The emotional support and kind feelings
shared by close relatives such as parents and children or husbands
and wives; love and affection can serve as adequate consideration
for a gift between relatives.
loyalty oath. N. An oath of allegiance to a government or other insti-
tution, required of some public officials.
LSAT. ABBRV. Law School Admission Test.
lump sum. N. A single payment of an entire amount due. See also
lying in wait. N. The act of hiding in order to ambush someone or
attack suddenly.
lynch. N. For a mob to kill someone for a suspected but unproven
offense, usually by hanging, without the approval or authority of
the law.
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Maastricht Treaty 304
Maastricht Treaty. N. The treaty signed in Maastricht, the
Netherlands, in 1992 that created the European Union.
machination. N. Scheming or plotting, usually to carry out some
evil purpose.
mafia. N. A body of organized criminals who use extortion, threats,
and violence to influence business or government; see also organ-
ized crime, mob.
mafioso. N. A member of the mafia.
magistrate. N. A public official with judicial, executive, or legisla-
tive power granted by the government, often functioning as a judge
over minor matters or a justice of the peace.
magistrate’s court. N. A court over which a magistrate presides,
handling small claims and minor matters.
Magna Carta. N. (Latin) Great Charter; an agreement signed by
King John in England in 1215, guaranteeing political rights and
liberty to his nobles and forming the foundation of English rights
and privileges.
Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act. N. A federal statute that requires
warranties for consumer products to be written in clear, easily
understandable language.
mail. N. Letters or packages transported from sender to recipient
through a postal system.
V. To address a package or letter, place the
proper postage on it, and deliver it into the keeping of a postal
mailbox rule. N. A doctrine in contract law stating that an offer is
accepted at the time a written acceptance is deposited in the mail.
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305 malice aforethought
mail fraud. N. Using letters sent through the mail to defraud people
out of money.
maim. V. To injure so as to cause permanent damage to some part
of the body; to cripple someone.
maintain. V. To support; to continue; to keep something in a condi-
tion to continue and to prevent decline or decay; to continue to
prosecute a lawsuit once beginning it.
maintenance. N. (1) The upkeep of property. (2) Providing financial
support for another person.
majority. N. (1) A number greater than half of a total; the larger
group or number. (2) The age at which a person becomes an adult.
majority rule. N. A form of government in which the desire of the
largest group within the whole determines how the entire state,
nation, or organization will act.
majority vote. N. A vote in which the person who receives the
greatest number of votes is declared the winner.
maker. N. A person who makes or creates something; a person who
creates a law; a person who signs a check or promissory note.
malfeasance. Bad conduct; wrongdoing; a wrongful or unlawful
act, particularly by a public official.
malice. N. Evil intention; an intention to do a wrongful act or
commit a crime without any justification or excuse.
malice aforethought. N. A state of mind in which a person deliber-
ately plans to commit a crime before actually performing it, char-
acterized by cruelty and a disregard for the consequences to
human life and social duties.
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malicious 306
malicious. ADJ. Intending to do harm; done out of ill will and
without justification.
malicious abuse of legal process. N. Intentionally using the legal
process for an improper purpose.
malicious arrest. N. Arresting on criminal charges a person who is
known not to have committed a crime or arresting a person
without probable cause.
malicious prosecution. N. Criminal or civil litigation brought
without probable cause and out of malice; if the defendant
prevails in such a case, he or she may bring an action for the tort
of malicious prosecution.
malinger. V. To pretend to be sick or disabled to get out of work or
to keep receiving disability compensation.
malingerer. N. A person who malingers.
malpractice. N. Incompetence or improper conduct by a profes-
sional performing professional duties.
malpractice, legal. N. Failure by an attorney to use the degree of
skill or care that should ordinarily be exercised in a situation.
malpractice, medical. N. Failure by a physician to use the degree
of skill or care that should ordinarily be exercised in a situation.
malum in se. ADJ. (Latin) Bad in itself; describes an act that is
inherently wrong in itself without regard to what the law says.
malum prohibitum. ADJ. (Latin) Bad because it is prohibited;
describes an act that is wrong because it is prohibited by law.
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307 manslaughter, involuntary
mandamus. N. (Latin) We command; a writ issued by a superior
court to a lower court, corporation, or officer, ordering it to do
some act that is a duty required of it by law.
mandate. N. (1) A judicial order or command directing that some
action be taken, especially from a higher court to a lower one. (2)
Authority granted to a person to do some act, usually granted to an
elected official by the electorate.
V. (1) To require that something
be done. (2) To give someone authority to do something.
mandatory. ADJ. Required; compulsory.
manifest. ADJ. Evident; obvious. N. A document listing the cargo
and passengers on a ship or aircraft.
manifesto. N. A public declaration of political principles issued by
a sovereign or politician; a formal document issued by an executive
officer of a state declaring its reasons for taking some international
manipulate. V. To influence someone unfairly; to control someone’s
actions; to buy or sell a security in order to give a false impression
about its value and thus influence the purchasing or selling deci-
sions of others.
N. manipulation. ADJ. manipulative.
Mann Act. N. A federal statute that makes it a crime to transport a
woman or girl across state lines for immoral purposes such as
prostitution; also called the White Slave Traffic Act.
manslaughter. N. The unlawful and unjustifiable killing of another
person without premeditation or malice aforethought.
manslaughter, involuntary. N. Accidental or unintentional killing of
a person through negligence or recklessness.
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manslaughter, voluntary 308
manslaughter, voluntary. N. The intentional but not premeditated
killing of a person in the heat of passion.
Marbury v. Madison
. n. An 1803 U.S. Supreme Court case that
formalized the concept of the judicial review of statutes, enshrining
the principle that the courts could invalidate laws passed by legis-
latures if they found them unconstitutional.
margin. N. (1) An edge or border; the place where water meets
land. (2) The difference between two prices, such as the selling
price of an item and its cost of production. (3) The amount paid to
a securities broker by a customer when using the broker’s credit to
buy securities.
ADJ. marginal.
margin transaction. N. The purchasing of securities using a combi-
nation of cash and a loan extended by the broker making the
marijuana. N. Cannabis; a plant whose leaves can be smoked as
an illegal drug; also spelled marihuana; also called pot, grass,
weed, Mary Jane.
marital. N. Related to marriage.
marital agreement. N. An agreement or contract between a
married couple or a couple about to get married, usually stating
which partner owns what marital property.
marital communications privilege. N. The doctrine that a person
does not have to disclose confidential communications made by
his or her spouse during a legal marriage, and that such communi-
cations are inadmissible at trial; see also husband-wife privilege.
marital property. N. Property acquired by either spouse during a
marriage, which is subject to equitable division if the parties
divorce unless they made a marital agreement that allocated it; also
called marital estate.
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309 marriage, common law
marital rights. N. The rights that constitute the basis of
marriage and that a husband and wife are entitled to expect
from one another.
marital status. N. The condition of being single, married, divorced,
separated, or widowed.
maritime. ADJ. Related to the sea and seafaring; connected with all
bodies of navigable water and commerce upon them.
maritime law. N. The body of laws governing travel and commerce
on navigable waters.
market. N. (1) A place where goods and services are bought and
sold. (2) The demand for a particular good or service; the state of
commerce in general. (3) The actions of supply and demand on
commerce; the free market.
marketable. ADJ. Able to be sold. N. marketability.
marketable title. N. Title to property that is free from encum-
brances such that a reasonable person would accept it, and that
can be sold or transferred without impediment.
marketplace. N. The world of commerce and trade.
market price. N. The price for an item that a buyer will pay and a
seller will accept on the open market; the current price for an item;
also called market value.
marriage. N. A legally recognized union between a man and a
woman as husband and wife.
V. marry.
marriage, common law. N. A union between a man and a woman
who have not been married by ceremony but who have agreed to
live together as husband and wife and have assumed marital duties.
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marriage, same-sex 310
A majority of states in the United States do not now recognize
common law marriages. See also domestic partner.
marriage, same-sex. N. A union between two men or two women
who live together as spouses; not legally recognized by most states.
See also domestic partner; marriage, common law.
marriage certificate. N. A document certifying that a couple is
legally married.
marriage license. N. A document issued by the state authorizing
two people to marry within a stated period of time.
marshal. N. A public officer who enforces laws; the head of a police
or fire department; a sheriff.
V. To arrange; to put in order. See also
United States Marshal.
marshalling assets. N. Arranging assets into the order in which
they will be used to pay debts.
martial law. N. Government by the military instead of civilians
during times of war or extreme civil unrest.
master. N. (1) A person with authority over another; an employer.
(2) The presiding officer in a court of equity, also called a master in
chancery or master in equity. (3) An officer appointed to represent
a court in some matter, also called a special master.
master and servant. N. The relationship between an employer and
an employee in which the employee performs services for the
employer in return for pay, and the employer directs the employee
and has the right to fire him or her.
master plan. N. The long-term plan for some governmental project,
such as the plan for the urban development of a city.
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311 matricide
master-servant rule. N. A rule stating that an employer is respon-
sible for conduct by an employee while the employee is working
for him or her.
material. ADJ. Essential; important; relevant to establishing a
cause of action or arriving at a judgment; see also immaterial.
N. materiality.
material alteration. N. A change to a document that alters its orig-
inal meaning or its legal effect.
material evidence. N. Evidence that influences the judge’s or jury’s
perception of the facts in a case; evidence with a real bearing on
the issues.
material fact. N. A fact that is relevant and important to the matter
at hand and that would influence the actions of other parties if
made known to them; a fact that would cause someone to decide
to enter or not enter a contract.
material witness. N. A witness who is the only person, or one of
very few people, who can testify about a particular fact.
maternal. ADJ. Having to do with mothers and motherhood.
maternal line. N. A line of descent traced through mothers.
maternity. N. The condition of motherhood. See also paternity.
maternity leave. N. Leave granted a worker during pregnancy, or
after the birth or adoption of a new child.
matricide. N. The killing of a mother by her child; a person who
kills his or her own mother.
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matrimonial action 312
matrimonial action. N. A lawsuit related to the marital status
of the parties, such as an action for divorce, separation, or
matrimony. N. The state of marriage; the ceremony in which two
people are married.
ADJ. matrimonial.
matter. N. A situation or state of affairs; the facts that comprise a
cause of action or defense.
matter in controversy. N. The situation that is the basis of a lawsuit.
matter of fact. N. The factual issues to be ascertained at trial; also
called a question of fact.
matter of law. N. A question of the proper law to apply to the facts
of a case, to be determined by the judge; also called a question of
matter of record. N. An issue that can be proven by the official
record on which it has been entered.
mature. ADJ. Fully developed; due for payment. N. maturity.
maturity date. N. The date on which a note or other commercial
obligation comes due.
maturity value. N. The amount due for a mature note or other obli-
maxim. N. A short statement of a principle or rule of law, often used
in deciding equity cases.
mayhem. N. (1) Violent disorder or chaos. (2) The crime of mali-
ciously injuring, maiming, or dismembering someone so as to
render the victim permanently unable to fight.
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313 member bank
McCain-Feingold Act. N. The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of
2002, a federal law that sets rules for campaign finance, limiting the
amounts of money that contributors can donate and regulating the
types of advertising that campaigns may use to raise money.
means. N. (1) Resources, especially financial. (2) The action or
method that allows something to happen.
mediate. V. To intervene in a dispute in order to help the parties
resolve it.
mediation. N. A form of alternate dispute resolution in which a
neutral third party, the mediator, hears the testimony of both
parties to a dispute and tries to help them agree on a solution, but
cannot impose a decision on them.
Medicaid. N. A health insurance program run by the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services that pays for health
care for low-income individuals, the disabled, and several other
categories that people may fall under.
Medicare. N. A health insurance program run by the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services that pays for health
care for people who are at least 65 years old and certain other
meeting of minds. N. The state of agreement about the terms and
conditions of a contract that the parties to it must reach for it to be
validly created.
member. N. A person or business that belongs to a larger group or
member bank. N. A bank that is affiliated with the Federal Reserve
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member firm 314
member firm. N. A securities brokerage firm that belongs to a
particular stock exchange.
memorandum. N. (1) An informal document that records the details
of a transaction, event, or agreement, or discusses some matter. (2)
A document that examines the facts of a case and applies the law
to it to see whether it has merit or not, usually written by a law
clerk or low-level attorney at the request of a higher-level attorney,
and considered attorney work product; also called a memorandum
of law or a memo.
memorandum of understanding. N. A legal document that
expresses an agreement between two parties but that is not as
formal or binding as a contract.
menace. V. To threaten, especially with the prospect of injury. N.
A threatening person or thing; a danger.
ADJ. menacing. See
also assault.
mens rea. N. The mental state that occurs when committing a
crime, i.e., guilt, criminal intent, or knowledge that a crime is being
committed; one of the four mental states in which a crime may be
committed, i.e., intentionally, knowingly, recklessly, or negligently.
mens rea, general. N. A general intention to commit a crime.
mens rea, specific. N. The specific mental state that is necessary
to convict someone of particular crimes.
mental anguish. N. Extreme distress, anxiety, and any other mental
pain that is extreme enough to merit damages for the victim.
mental capacity. N. A person’s ability to understand what he or she
is doing or the effects that other people’s actions will have on him
or her; see also capacity.
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315 merger
mental cruelty. N. In marriage, behavior by one spouse that
endangers the mental health of the other or is so humiliating and
unpleasant that it makes the other’s life miserable.
mercantile. ADJ. Related to merchants, trade, and commerce;
mercantile law. N. Commercial law; the law that governs
merchants, trade, and commerce.
merchant. N. A person who buys and sells goods, usually buying
wholesale and selling at retail; a trader; a person who imports and
exports goods for sale.
merchantable. ADJ. Salable; able to be sold; of the type described
and fit for the purpose for which it is sold.
N. merchantability.
Mercosur. N. A free trade agreement between Argentina, Brazil,
Paraguay, Uruguay, and several other South American nations that
are associate members.
mercy killing. N. Euthanasia; killing a person or animal because
continued life would be intolerable due to a painful, incurable
illness or severe injury.
merge. V. To combine two or more things together into one whole.
merger. N. (1) The combination of two or more entities, rights, or
other things into a single whole, especially the absorption of the
minor entities, rights, or things into the largest of them. (2) The
combining of two or more corporations into one, with one of them
absorbing the others into itself. (3) The absorption of one estate
into another when one person comes into possession of both of
them. (4) Sentencing a person convicted of two or more crimes for
only one of them. (5) After a plaintiff receives judgment in his or
her favor, the combination of that judgment with other possible
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merits 316
issues arising out of the original claim, thereby making it impos-
sible to sue again on the same cause of action. (6) In a divorce
action, substituting the final judgment for other property settle-
ment agreements.
merits. N. The legal substance of a claim or defense.
mesne. ADJ. Intermediate; in the middle.
mesne profits. N. (1) Profits occurring between two points in time.
(2) Profits earned from land by a person who has no right to it,
recoverable by the landowner.
message board. N. A type of Internet forum in which users can post
and respond to messages on various topics.
meta tags. N. Codes written in a computer language such as HTML
or XML that identify particular types of text or images on a web
page or document.
metes and bounds. N. Boundaries of property; a method of meas-
uring and describing land boundaries using distances and angles
from surrounding properties and landmarks.
MFN. ABBRV. Most favored nation.
military. ADJ. Related to war, the armed forces, and soldiers.
military jurisdiction. N. As listed in the Constitution, the three
kinds of military authority over civil matters: military law,
which governs the military during peacetime and war; military
government, in which a military commander appointed by the
president supersedes civilian laws during times of civil and
foreign war; and, martial law, ordered by the president during
times of dire emergencies.
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317 mining lease
military law. N. The branch of law that regulates the military and
applies only to members of the armed services.
militia. N. An organization of citizens, civilians or military that
defends a locality, state, or nation, but that is not part of a standing
army; an organization of so-called citizen soldiers, such as the
National Guard.
mineral. N. A solid inorganic substance naturally occurring in the
earth, often obtained by mining, drilling, or quarrying, such as coal,
oil, gas, iron, gold, uranium, etc.
mineral rights. N. The right to take minerals out of a particular
piece of land.
minimum contacts. N. The minimum level of contact with a forum
state that a nonresident defendant must have to be subjected to
personal jurisdiction in the courts of that state without offending
due process of law; usually intentional business activity in the
forum state is enough.
minimum wage. N. The federally established lowest hourly wage
that employers engaged in interstate commerce must pay their
employees, or the equivalent established by an individual state, set
at a level to allow workers to maintain their health and well-being.
mine. N. An opening made in the earth to allow the extraction of
mining. N. The process or business of extracting minerals from the
mining lease. N. A lease that allows the lessee to enter land to
search for minerals on it and to extract them if found.
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minister 318
minister. N. (1) A member of the clergy, particularly of Protestant
Christian denominations. (2) The head of a governmental depart-
ment. (3) A diplomatic official who represents one state or nation
to another. (4) (Archaic) An agent; someone who acts for someone
V. To care for; to meet someone’s needs.
ministerial act. N. An act done by an agent or subordinate who is
acting on orders from a superior.
minor. N. A person below the age of majority; a child or juvenile.
ADJ. Small; of less importance.
minority. N. (1) The smaller group or number of a whole; a number
less than half of a total; the opposite of majority. (2) The condition
of being a minor; childhood. (3) A disadvantaged group of people;
a group of people that comprises a relatively small part of the
whole population and that suffers due to its race, religion, sex, etc.
minority stockholder. N. A stockholder who holds very few
shares in a corporation and thus is unable to vote effectively for
corporate directors.
minutes. N. A transcript of a meeting or event; a record of court
Miranda Rule. N. A rule requiring that before a person is interro-
gated about a crime he or she be informed of legal protections
against self-incrimination and the right to counsel, a procedure
called the Miranda warning or reading someone his or her rights;
evidence obtained from questioning done without first reading the
Miranda warning is inadmissible in court (except for impeachment
Miranda v. Arizona
. n. A 1966 U.S. Supreme Court case that held
that the police must inform criminal suspects of their right to
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319 misdelivery
remain silent during police questioning and their right to an
attorney, which developed into the Miranda warning.
misadventure. N. An accident; an unfortunate mishap.
misappropriate. V. To dishonestly take something that belongs to
someone else and use it for oneself; to use someone else’s property
for a purpose for which it was not intended; also called misapply.
N. misappropriation.
miscarriage. N. (1) An unsuccessful outcome, especially due to
mismanagement. (2) The premature termination of a pregnancy
before the fetus is able to survive outside the womb.
miscarriage of justice. N. Errors made by a court that damage the
rights of a party sufficiently to warrant reversal of the decision.
miscegenation. N. The genetic mingling of races; interracial
mischief. N. Harm; trouble; the act of damaging property or injuring
a person intentionally or recklessly.
misconduct. N. Improper behavior; neglect of duties; mismanage-
misconduct in office. N. Unlawful or corrupt behavior by a public
official in the conduct of official duties.
miscreant. N. A person who breaks a law or a rule; a person who
behaves badly.
ADJ. miscreant.
misdelivery. N. Delivery of goods to the wrong recipient or the
wrong destination; delivery of goods damaged by the carrier
entrusted with their transport; failure to deliver goods at all.
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misdemeanor 320
misdemeanor. N. A minor crime, less serious than a felony and
usually punished by less severe penalties.
misfeasance. N. Doing a legally required duty in the wrong way.
misjoinder. N. An improper joinder.
mislead. V. To give someone the wrong idea or impression about
something; to deceive.
ADJ. misleading.
misnomer. N. An inaccurate name; a mistake made in recording
someone’s name.
misrepresent. V. To make a false or inaccurate statement; to give
the impression by words or behavior that a situation is different
from what is in fact the case.
N. misrepresentation.
mistake. N. An incorrect or wrong action or belief; an act or
omission caused by ignorance or misconception about the true
mistake, mutual. N. A mistake made by both parties to an
mistake, unilateral. N. A mistake made by only one party to an
mistake of fact. N. An error caused by ignorance or misconception
of a fact.
mistake of law. N. An error occurring when a party understands the
facts but is ignorant or confused as to how the law applies to them.
mistrial. N. An invalid trial; a trial terminated before a judgment
is reached due to circumstances such as a hung jury, lack of juris-
diction, or another fundamental problem.
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321 money
misuse. V. To use something in an improper or incorrect way; to
use a product in a way not intended or reasonably foreseen by its
N. misuse.
mitigate. V. To make something less severe or serious. N. miti-
mitigating circumstances. N. Circumstances that make a crime or
offense less serious without excusing the act.
mitigation of damages. N. A doctrine requiring the victim of a tort
or breach to use reasonable diligence and ordinary care to mini-
mize injury or damage.
mob. N. (1) A large and unruly group of people, especially a group
engaged in illegal and destructive behavior; see also riot. (2) The
mafia; organized crime in general.
V. For a large group of people to
swarm over and overwhelm an area.
Model Rules of Professional Conduct. N. A set of rules created by
the American Bar Association and adopted by many states that
govern the conduct of attorneys.
modus operandi. N. (Latin) A way of operating; a way of doing
things; especially used to refer to a criminal’s habitual methods;
also called m.o.
molest. V. To engage in sexual touching, up to and including sexual
intercourse, with an unwilling partner.
monetary. ADJ. Having to do with money.
money. N. Coins, paper currency or banknotes, and other mediums
of exchange authorized by a government; wealth.
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money demand 322
money demand. N. A claim made by a plaintiff for recovery of a
specified sum of money.
money judgment. N. A final judgment by a court ordering the defen-
dant to pay a sum of money to the plaintiff.
money order. N. A negotiable instrument purchased by the person
who wants to pay a sum of money from a bank, post office, or other
third party that makes its credit available, and made payable to a
named recipient.
money supply. N. All money in the economy at a given time.
monopoly. N. Exclusive possession or control of a supply of some
commodity or an industry by one or a few people or businesses; a
market condition in which a single person or company controls the
entire trade in something.
V. monopolize.
Montreal Convention. N. An international treaty created in 1999
that establishes rules for the compensation of victims of air
moot. ADJ. Uncertain or unsettled; subject to debate. V. To raise an
issue for debate; to discuss.
moot case. N. A case that seeks a decision on some issue that has
no actual controversy or no practical application because the issue
has already been resolved.
moot court. N. A mock court set up by a law school to try hypothet-
ical cases as an exercise in oral advocacy for law students.
moral. ADJ. Concerned with character, the distinction between right
and wrong, proper social interactions, and ethics.
moral certainty. N. Certainty about something that is beyond a
reasonable doubt but not quite absolute; enough certainty about an
Essential Legal Dictionary:Layout 1 4/21/08 5:24 PM Page 322
323 mortgage broker
issue that a reasonable man or woman of sound mind would feel
justified in acting on the assumption that it is, in fact, the case.
moral turpitude. N. Depravity, dishonesty, or vileness; conduct that
grossly violates acceptable standards of morality and behavior.
moratorium. N. A temporary stop to or prohibition of a particular
activity; a temporary period in which debtors may postpone
payment of debts.
mortal. ADJ. Deadly or fatal; related to death.
mortality. N. Death; the number of deaths from a particular
cause or at a particular time or place; the condition of being
subject to death.
mortality tables. N. Actuarial tables that insurance companies use
to determine how long a person is likely to live.
mortgage. N. An interest in real property held by a creditor who
lends money to a debtor to purchase the property and takes title to
or a lien on the property as security for the loan.
V. To give a cred-
itor an interest in property as security for a loan.
mortgage, adjustable rate. N. A mortgage in which the interest rate
is tied to an index and periodically moves up or down as the index
mortgage, balloon payment. N. A mortgage in which the borrower
pays regular interest payments for a period and then must pay the
entire principal at once.
mortgage, fixed-rate. N. A mortgage with an interest rate that
remains the same throughout the life of the mortgage.
mortgage broker. N. A firm or person who arranges mortgages
between borrowers and lenders.
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mortgagee 324
mortgagee. N. A person who lends money to another through a
mortgagor. N. A person who borrows money to acquire title to
property and pledges that property as security for the debt.
mortmain. N. (French) Dead hand; the state of property owned by
an ecclesiastical or other organization.
most favored nation. N. A nation that is accorded the most favor-
able rights and privileges, especially trade rights, that can be
granted by another nation.
motion. N. A formal application to the court asking for a rule or
order in favor of the applicant, such as a grant of summary judg-
ment, of judgment notwithstanding the verdict, to dismiss a
complaint, or a new trial. See also move.
motion in limine. N. A motion made before trial asking the court to
prevent the other party from introducing evidence that would be
too prejudicial to the party making the motion.
Motion Picture Association of America. N. A nonprofit trade asso-
ciation that lobbies on behalf of film studios, particularly in the
realm of copyright, digital rights management, and free speech.
See also Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
motion to suppress. N. In a criminal case, a request to exclude
evidence that has been obtained illegally.
motive. N. The reason for doing some act; the idea or circum-
stances that cause someone to do something.
MOU. ABBRV. Memorandum of understanding.
movant. N. A party making a motion.
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325 municipal ordinance
move. V. To make a motion.
MPAA. ABBRV. Motion Picture Association of America.
multifarious. ADJ. Of various types; having multiple parts.
multifarious suit. N. A lawsuit in which dissimilar causes of action
or parties are joined incorrectly.
multilateral. ADJ. Involving the participation of at least three
parties, especially governments or nations.
multiplicity. N. A large number or great variety of something.
multiplicity of actions. N. Several lawsuits on the same matter
brought by different plaintiffs against the same defendant; also
called multiplicity of suits.
municipal. ADJ. Related to a city or town or its government, or
another local government; occasionally used in reference to state
or national government.
municipal bonds. N. Securities sold by a city, county, state, or other
local government body to raise money for municipal expenses and
projects, payable at a specified future date with interest that is
exempt from federal and some state income tax.
municipal court. N. A city court with jurisdiction over local matters,
including small civil matters and crimes occurring within the city.
municipality. N. The population of a specific area that has been
incorporated and governs itself; a city, village, or town; also called
a municipal corporation.
municipal ordinance. N. A law enacted by a municipality to regu-
late local affairs.
Essential Legal Dictionary:Layout 1 4/21/08 5:24 PM Page 325
murder. N. The unlawful killing of a person by another person with
malice aforethought.
ADJ. murderous.
murder, first-degree. N. An unlawful killing that is willful, delib-
erate, and premeditated.
murder, second-degree. N. An unlawful killing without delibera-
tion or premeditation but with malice aforethought.
murder, serial. N. The murder by one killer of several victims over
a period of time.
mutilate. V. To injure badly; to deprive someone of the use of a
limb; to inflict serious, disfiguring damage on someone or some-
thing; to damage or alter a document so that it becomes imperfect.
N. mutilation.
mutiny. N. A rebellion by soldiers or sailors against their
commanding officers.
V. mutiny. ADJ. mutinous.
mutual. ADJ. Held in common by both parties; reciprocal.
mutual company. N. A company owned by members who also do
business with the company, and who receive profits in proportion
to their business with the company.
mutual fund. N. A fund run by an investment company that pools
the contributions of various investors who purchase shares in the
fund, and invests them in a selection of publicly traded securities.
mutual insurance company. N. An insurance company owned by
the people it insures, who share in the company’s profits.
mutuality. N. A mutual or reciprocal action, quality, or condition.
murder 326
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mutuality of obligation. N. The principle that both parties to a
contract are either bound to it or not, but one party cannot be
bound if the other is not.
mutuality of remedy. N. The principle that one party cannot receive
an equitable remedy that the other party could not also receive.
327 mutality of remedy
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n/a 330
n/a. ABBRV. (1) Not available; not applicable. (2) (Latin) Non allo-
catur; not allowed.
NAFTA. ABBRV. North American Free Trade Association.
name. N. The word or words used to identify a person, animal,
business, or other entity.
V. To give a name to someone or
named insured. N. The person designated on an insurance policy as
having a contract for insurance.
narcotic. N. A pain-relieving drug that also causes drowsiness or
stupor and is often addictive, many of which are used medically but
also abused illegally.
ADJ. narcotic.
NASDAQ. ABBRV. National Association of Securities Dealers
Automated Quotations.
National Association of Securities Dealers Automated
N. A computerized information system used in trading
National Guard. N. A militia trained and equipped by the U.S. Army
and Air Force that serves as reserve forces and can be mobilized by
the president to help the armed forces with military operations or
during states of emergency.
National Labor Relations Board. N. An independent agency estab-
lished by Congress through the National Labor Relations Act that
works to prevent unfair labor practices by either employers or
labor unions, oversees union elections, and adjudicates claims.
national origin. N. The country in which a person was born or from
which his or her immediate ancestors emigrated.
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331 natural life
National Rifle Association. N. A national advocacy organization
that supports gun rights.
native. N. A person who was born in a particular place; a person
who is a citizen of a place because he or she was born there, or
because his or her parents are citizens.
ADJ. native.
natural. ADJ. Caused by nature or existing in nature; not arti-
natural affection. N. The emotional state that is supposed to exist
naturally between parents and children, spouses, and siblings, and
that can function as valuable consideration for a contract.
natural child. N. A child that is related to his or her parents by
blood, not adoption.
natural death. N. Death from natural causes, such as illness or old
age, and not caused by violence or accident.
naturalization. N. The process of becoming a citizen of a country if
one was not born there.
naturalize. V. To become a citizen of a country other than one’s
place of birth.
naturalized citizen. N. A person who has earned citizenship by
fulfilling residence and other requirements, as opposed to merely
being born in a nation or to citizen parents.
natural law. N. Moral rules and principles believed to govern
human behavior naturally, as an inherent part of human nature,
regardless of laws enacted by people; see also positivism.
natural life. N. A person’s actual physical life that ends with phys-
ical death.
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natural person 332
natural person. N. A human being; an actual person instead of an
artificial entity such as a corporation.
navigable. ADJ. Able to be traveled; describes waters accessible to
boats, or roads accessible to vehicular traffic.
navigable waters. N. Waterways that can be traveled down for
n.b. ABBRV. (Latin) Nota bene, meaning note well, observe; used to
draw a reader’s attention to an important point.
necessary. ADJ. Required; needed; essential.
necessary and proper clause. N. Language in Article I of the U.S.
Constitution authorizing Congress to pass laws that are necessary
and proper to carrying out the powers granted to the government
by the Constitution.
necessary parties. N. Parties who must be included in a lawsuit
because complete relief would be impossible without them.
necessity. N. Something that is required or must be done; the state
of being required.
negative. ADJ. (1) Characterized by absence rather than presence.
(2) Expressing refusal, denial, or disagreement.
negative condition. N. A requirement in an agreement that some-
thing must not happen.
negative covenant. N. A covenant that prevents someone from
doing something, such as selling goods in the same region as
someone else.
negative easement. N. An easement that prevents a landowner
from doing certain things to the property.
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333 negotiable instrument
negative evidence. N. Evidence showing that something is not
the case.
neglect. V. To fail to do something; to fail to care for someone or
something; to disregard or ignore.
N. The state of being uncared for
or ignored; failure to do something.
neglected child. N. A child whose caregivers fail to provide the
required level of care for his or her physical, mental, and emotional
negligence. N. Failure to use the proper care in doing something,
i.e., the amount of care that an ordinarily prudent person would use
under the same circumstances.
ADJ. negligent.
negligence, contributory. N. A plaintiff’s negligence that is at least
a partial proximate cause of the injury.
negligence, criminal. N. Negligence that can constitute a crime;
such carelessness or disregard for the safety of others that it makes
the actor criminally liable.
negligence, gross. N. Failure to use even the slightest care.
negligence, ordinary. N. Failure to use ordinary care.
negligence, willful, wanton, or reckless. N. Negligence done with
complete disregard to the risks and with conscious indifference to
the consequences. See also comparative negligence.
negligence per se. N. Conduct that is treated as negligence
because it violates a statute.
negotiable. ADJ. Able to be transferred to another person;
negotiable instrument. N. A legal document signed by its maker
that promises unconditionally to pay a specified sum at a specified
Essential Legal Dictionary:Layout 1 4/21/08 5:24 PM Page 333
negotiate 334
time to the person who presents it or to order, i.e., “pay to the
order of Mr. X”; a check, money order, draft, note, certificate
of deposit, or other similar document, as long as it can be
transferred to another person. Also called negotiable paper.
See also commercial paper.
negotiate. V. To discuss a matter in an effort to reach agreement,
often suggesting different possibilities for consideration and
acceptance or refusal; to bargain. (2) To transfer the legal owner-
ship of a negotiable instrument.
N. negotiation.
nepotism. N. The practice by a public official or other person with
power and influence of giving choice jobs to close relatives; prefer-
ential hiring of relatives.
net. N. The total amount remaining after all expenses and
net asset value. N. The value of a share of stock in a mutual fund
or corporation, calculated by subtracting total liabilities from total
assets and dividing by the number of outstanding shares; book
net cost. N. The total cost of an item minus any financial gain
from it.
net estate. N. A gross estate minus funeral expenses, claims against
the estate, mortgages and other debts, and any other proper deduc-
tions that must come from the estate during settlement.
net loss. N. The situation arising when expenses are greater than
income; negative income.
net operating loss. N. The loss resulting when the expenses
involved in operating a business are greater than the revenues it
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335 next of kin
network. N. A group of computers that are linked to one another
through electronic communications technology.
V. To set out to
meet people with the intention of using their acquaintance to
further one’s business or career ambitions.
net worth. N. The total assets of a person, business, etc., minus total
liabilities; also called net assets.
neutral. N. Unbiased, disinterested; not taking either side of a
dispute; neither positive nor negative.
N. neutrality.
neutrality laws. N. Laws that govern warfare as it concerns neutral
nations; laws passed by Congress that govern the United States
when it functions as a neutral party while other nations are at war.
new. ADJ. Novel; fresh; appearing more recently than another
similar item or person.
newly discovered evidence. N. Evidence discovered after a trial is
concluded and judgment rendered that could not have been discov-
ered before trial and that can be grounds for a new trial if it prob-
ably would result differently.
new matter. N. In pleading, a new issue with new facts that has not
been already alleged by a party and added by an amended or
supplemental pleading.
next friend. N. A person who acts on behalf of an infant, incompe-
tent, or other person who is not sui juris and is therefore unable to
represent himself or herself adequately in the action; the next
friend is not a party to the suit and acts as an officer of the court;
see also ad litem, guardian.
next of kin. N. The living person or people most closely related by
blood to someone; the person or people who will take a decedent’s
estate under the rule of descent and distribution.
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nil 336
nil. N. (Latin) Nothing; shortened form of Latin word “nihil,”
meaning “nothing”; used in writs and judgments to convey various
negative meanings.
nisi. ADJ. (Latin) Unless; used to describe an order, judgment, etc.,
that will take effect unless some specific thing happens.
NLRB. ABBRV. National Labor Relations Board.
no fault. ADJ. Used to describe a situation in which the fault of the
parties is irrelevant to the outcome, such as an insurance policy in
which the insurer will pay for damage regardless of whether the
insured was at fault in causing it; see also divorce.
nolo contendere. N. (Latin) “I do not want to contend,” or “I am
unwilling to contest it”; a plea used by a defendant in a criminal
case that neither admits nor denies charges but has most of the
effects of a guilty plea.
nominal. ADJ. Existing in name only, having no real presence;
merely stated, not actually existing; so small as to be strictly
nominal damages. N. A very small sum awarded as damages to a
plaintiff who has suffered no real compensable injury.
nominal party. N. A plaintiff or defendant joined to an action for
jurisdictional or procedural reasons, not because of any injury or
nominee. N. A person who has been nominated for a position.
non. PREFIX. (Latin) Not; used to negate a word.
nonacceptance. N. Refusal to accept something.
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337 nonprofit corporation
nonaccess. N. Lack of opportunity for sexual intercourse, used as
a defense in paternity suits.
non compos mentis. ADJ. (Latin) Not of sound mind; insane. See
also compos mentis.
nonconforming use. N. A use of property that began lawfully
before the creation of a zoning restriction that makes it unlawful;
see also variance.
nonconformity. N. An aspect of some object that does not conform
to the prevailing standard for objects of that kind.
noncontestability clause. N. A clause in an insurance contract that
prevents the insurer from contesting a policy due to mistake or
fraud after a specified period of time.
nondelivery. N. Failure by a carrier to deliver goods to the proper
nondisclosure. N. Failure to disclose information or reveal facts.
nonexempt. ADJ. Not exempt; eligible for overtime pay under the
National Labor Relations Act.
nonfeasance. N. Failure to perform a duty; failure by an agent to
perform some obligation he or she has agreed to do for a principal;
failure of a public official to do some duty required by law. See
also malfeasance, misfeasance.
nonperformance. N. Failure to perform some duty or obligation;
failure to perform according to the terms of a contract.
nonprofit. ADJ. Conducted for purposes other than making a profit,
such as charity or scientific research.
nonprofit corporation. N. A corporation that does not distribute
its income to shareholders or officers as profit and that
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nonrecourse 338
engages in a purpose such as religion, charity, education,
public safety, etc.
nonrecourse. ADJ. Not personally liable; without liability.
nonrecourse debt. N. A debt for which the borrower is not person-
ally liable and that is instead secured by the purchased property,
which the creditor can repossess if the debtor defaults.
non sequitur. N. (Latin) It does not follow; a statement that does
not logically follow the statement or argument preceding it;
non seq.
nonstock corporation. N. A corporation that does not issue shares
of stock but instead grants members ownership through a member-
ship charter or agreement, common among mutual companies and
nonsuit. N. A judgment rendered against a plaintiff who fails to
proceed to trial or prove his or her case by not producing enough
evidence to support it; nonsuit is not judgment on the merits and
does not preclude the plaintiffs bringing the same lawsuit again.
nonsupport. N. Failure to provide financial support to someone to
whom a duty of support is owed, such as the failure of a parent to
support a child.
no par stock. See par.
normal. ADJ. Regular; typical; conforming to an established
North American Free Trade Agreement. N. A free trade aggreement
between the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
no strike clause. N. A clause in an agreement between labor and
management prohibiting employees from striking and instead
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339 notice, actual
requiring that disputes be solved in some other way, such as
binding arbitration.
NOTAM. ABBRV. Notice to airmen.
notary public. N. A person with the authority to perform a limited
range of legal functions such as administering oaths, witnessing
signatures, drawing up contracts or deeds, taking depositions, etc.
note. N. (1) A written document in which a borrower promises to
pay back a debt to a specified recipient at a specified time. (2) A
short treatise on some legal subject written by a law student for a
law review.
note, demand. N. A note payable on demand.
note, installment. N. A note that is paid in several installments over
a period of time.
note, mortgage. N. A note promising payment for a property that
serves as security for the debt.
not guilty. N. (1) A plea given by a criminal defendant who denies
committing the crime in question. (2) A verdict given by the jury in
a criminal trial if it finds that the state has not proved its case
against the defendant beyond a reasonable doubt.
notice. N. Notification; warning or knowledge that a fact exists or
that something will occur.
notice, actual. N. Information expressly given to a person so that
there is no question whether or not it has been received, or infor-
mation that he or she should have had because there was sufficient
evidence available.
Essential Legal Dictionary:Layout 1 4/21/08 5:24 PM Page 339
notice, constructive 340
notice, constructive. N. Information that a person is assumed to
have because he or she should have discovered it through
normal diligence.
notice, legal. N. Notice that the law requires to be given, such as by
advertising in a newspaper; also, notice implied by law such as
actual notice or constructive notice.
notice act. N. A recording act that gives priority to a bona fide
purchaser who is the first to record the claim and who has no
knowledge of other claims.
notice of dishonor. N. Notice that a check or other negotiable
instrument has been dishonored.
notice to airmen. N. A notice filed at an airport to notify pilots of
hazards in the area.
notice to appear. N. Notice summoning a defendant to appear in
notice to quit. N. Notice given by a tenant informing the landlord
that the tenant intends to move out; also, notice given by a landlord
informing the tenant that he or she must move out.
notify. V. To inform someone of something; to give notice. N.
notorious. ADJ. (1) Famous; well-known, especially for some bad
behavior or evil deed. (2) Open; easy to observe and not concealed.
notorious possession. N. Open and unconcealed possession of real
property; see also adverse possession.
nov. (Latin) Non obstante verdicto, notwithstanding the verdict;
see also judgment.
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341 nuisance
novation. N. The replacement of an old contract with a new one,
usually substituting a new party for one of the original ones.
N.O.W. ABBRV. Negotiable order of withdrawal.
N.O.W. account. N. A kind of interest-bearing checking account.
NPT. ABBRV. Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.
NRA. ABBRV. National Rifle Association.
NRC. ABBRV. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
NSF. ABBRV. Nonsufficient funds.
NSF check. N. A check written for an amount greater than the sum
in the account on which it is written.
Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. N. An international treaty created
in 1968 that requires its members not to make new nuclear
weapons, not to assist other nations in making nuclear weapons,
and to get rid of their own nuclear weapons, while still being
allowed to develop and use nuclear fuel for power generation.
nuclear proliferation. N. The spread of nuclear weapons and
related materials to nations that have not previously had
nuclear weapons.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission. N. A federal agency that regu-
lates the civilian use of nuclear materials.
nugatory. ADJ. Ineffectual or invalid; useless; of no importance.
nuisance. N. A person, thing, or activity that causes inconvenience
or annoyance; anything that prevents a person from freely enjoying
the use of his or her own property, endangers his or her health, or
offends. See also abate.
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nuisance per se. N. Something that is a nuisance all the time under
any circumstances.
null. ADJ. Invalid; void; with no legal force; also called null and void.
nullify. V. To invalidate; to make null and void. N. nullification.
nullity. N. Something that is legally invalid; the state of being legally
nuptial. ADJ. Related to marriage.
nurture. V. To care for; to raise a child.
nuisance per se 342
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oath 344
oath. N. The act of swearing that something is true; a promise to tell
the truth in court or perform some act, often sworn before a
witness or invoking a supreme power.
oath, under. ADJ. Describes the state of a person after swearing an
oath of allegiance. N. An oath binding the swearer to some nation
or leader.
oath of office. N. An oath sworn upon taking some office, prom-
ising to perform the duties of the office properly.
obiter dictum. N. (Latin) Something said in passing; incidental
remarks or opinions made by a judge that are not essential to judg-
ment in a case.
object. N. Purpose; goal; aim. V. To protest; to express disapproval;
in court, to protest that the opposing party’s action or statement is
improper or illegal.
objection. N. The act of protesting an action or statement of the
opposing party in order to draw the court’s attention to illegality
and impropriety and to preserve the issue for appeal.
objective. N. Purpose or goal. ADJ. Unbiased, not influenced by
outside sources.
obligation. N. A duty; something that a person is required to do; a
binding agreement that requires a person to do something; a
document containing a binding agreement.
V. obligate. ADJ.
oblige. V. To make someone legally bound to do something or pay
a sum of money.
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345 occupancy
obligee. N. The person who is owed the performance of some duty
or the payment of money; a promisee.
obligor. N. The person bound to perform some duty or pay money;
a promisor.
obloquy. N. Blame; public criticism or disgrace; reproach; public
verbal abuse reproaching someone for some act.
obscene. ADJ. Morally offensive; against accepted standards of
decency, especially in a sexual way; appealing to sexual interests
and without serious political, literary, scientific, or artistic value.
obscure. ADJ. Hidden; not easily discovered; hard to understand. V.
To conceal; to make difficult to understand.
obsolescent. ADJ. Becoming obsolete. N. obsolescence.
obsolete. ADJ. No longer used; out of date; still in existence but no
longer observed due to irrelevance to changed circumstances.
obstruct. V. To hinder; to get in the way of something; to block or
N. obstruction.
obstruction of justice. N. Hindering the process of justice in court
or of judicial acts, such as by influencing jurors or preventing an
officer of the court from performing his or her duty.
obvious. ADJ. Clear; easily seen or understood; apparent.
obvious risk. N. A risk that is easily discovered by a person of ordi-
nary intelligence.
occupancy. N. Occupying or taking possession of a property with
title to it.
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occupant 346
occupant. N. A person who occupies a property; a person who
possesses and uses property; a person who holds a particular
public office.
occupation. N. (1) A job or profession. (2) The act of taking posses-
sion of a property or land; the condition of being possessed.
occupational. ADJ. Related to a particular job or profession; related
to work.
occupational disease. N. A disease caused by a particular job or
resulting from long-term exposure to conditions at a particular job.
occupational hazard. N. A risk that is an accepted aspect of a
particular job, as a natural consequence of working conditions and
Occupational Safety and Health Act. N. A federal law intended to
reduce workplace injuries, illnesses, and deaths, administered by
the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
occupy. V. (1) To reside in; to hold; to fill. (2) To conquer and
inhabit a land or nation with an army.
occur. V. To happen; to exist.
occurrence. N. Something that happens; an event or incident.
odd lot. N. A unit of stock containing fewer shares than the usual
one hundred or ten shares that make up units for sale.
of counsel. ADJ. Describes an attorney who assists in the prepara-
tion of a case but is not the lead attorney on it, or an attorney who
is semi-retired from a firm or works at it part-time.
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347 office, home
of course. ADV. Used to describe an action that is a person’s right,
which does not need justification or permission, usually in the
phrase “as a matter of course.”
offend. V. To commit an illegal act; to break a rule.
offender. N. One who commits an illegal act.
offense. N. An illegal act; an act that violates criminal laws; a felony
or misdemeanor.
offense, criminal. N. A violation of a criminal law; a crime.
offer. V. To present something to someone to be accepted or
N. An expression of willingness to do something or pay a
sum of money; a promise to enter into an agreement if the promise
is accepted.
offer and acceptance. N. The two necessary components of a
contract; a proposal by one party that is accepted by the other.
offering. N. A quantity of stock issued for sale at a fixed price.
offer of proof. N. A presentation of evidence at trial for acceptance
by the court; often done in situations where an objection to a
party’s line of questioning has been sustained but the court gives
the party the opportunity to show privately, away from the jury,
evidence showing the relevance of the question.
office. N. (1) An official position of authority, often with a
government or corporation. (2) A room or building in which
business is transacted or in which a professional works or
maintains headquarters.
office, home. N. A room or area in a dwelling set aside as a profes-
sional workplace.
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office, public 348
office, public. N. An official governmental position that gives a
person holding it some degree of governmental powers to be used
to benefit the public.
officer. N. (1) A person who holds an office. (2) A member of the
armed services with authority to command. (3) A member of
the police force. (4) A person entrusted with the management
of a corporation.
official. N. A person who holds an office. ADJ. With the authority of
a public body; done by an officer.
offshoring. N. The practice of a business having some or all of its
operations performed in a foreign country by local workers,
usually for cost reasons.
of record. ADJ. Officially recorded; entered onto official records.
oligarchy. N. Rule of a nation, institution, etc., by a few, i.e., by a
small group of people.
oligopoly. N. A market condition in which only a few sellers control
the entire trade in some product; see also monopoly.
ombudsman. N. An official in a government or company whose job
is to hear, investigate, and remedy complaints.
omission. N. The failure to do some duty or required action; the
exclusion or leaving out of something or someone; overlooking
something or someone.
V. omit.
omnibus. ADJ. Containing several components or items.
omnibus bill. N. A piece of proposed legislation that addresses
several different matters, often combined in order to force the
executive to accept laws that he or she does not want in order to
avoid defeating the whole package.
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349 open
omnibus clause. N. A clause in an automobile insurance policy
extending liability coverage to people other than the named
insured; also, a clause in a will that passes on property not known
or mentioned at the time the will was drafted.
on demand. ADJ. When requested or on presentation, usually used
to describe a negotiable instrument that is payable when presented
instead of on a specified date.
one person, one vote. N. A form of allocating legislators by district
so that every citizen gets equal representation, in that seats in the
legislature are apportioned by population.
on its face. ADJ. Upon immediate inspection; used to describe a
law that is void or unconstitutional by its very wording, usually
because it does not address the issue it is intended to address.
online. ADJ. On a computer network; on the Internet.
on or about. ADV. Approximately; in the vicinity of; used to describe
an act that happened around a particular time without having to
specify a date or time, or something that is near a person without
necessarily being physically on him or her.
on the merits. ADV. Based on the facts of a case and the rights of
the parties involved.
on the person. ADV. In physical contact with the body or in the
clothing being worn.
onus. N. (Latin) Burden; a duty or responsibility.
open. V. (1) To allow access to something. (2) To create or estab-
lish, e.g. a business, bank account, or legal case. (3) To begin a trial.
ADJ. (1) Visible; frank; not hidden or secretive. (2) Allowing access;
not closed.
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open account 350
open account. N. (1) An unsettled account; an account intended to
be used for future transactions. (2) An account on which a buyer
can make repeated transactions on credit.
open and notorious. ADJ. Conspicuous, public, with no attempt at
concealment; see also adverse possession.
open court. N. A court open to the public, to which anyone
conducting themselves properly may be admitted.
opening statement. N. A speech made by an attorney at the start of
a trial describing the facts and issues of the case and arguments
that the attorney will make.
open shop. N. A workplace that employs people without regard to
whether they belong to a union; see also closed shop.
open source. ADJ. With regard to software, freely distributed, with
source code that is freely available and modifiable, without any
restrictive licenses.
operate. V. To function; to run something. N. operation.
operating expenses. N. The money required to run something, such
as a business.
operating system. N. The software that performs the essential
tasks a computer must do in order to function, such as allocating
memory, controlling devices, supporting software applications,
and providing access to files.
operation of law. N. The automatic effects of law; used in situa-
tions when the rights or liabilities of parties are determined by
application of law, and not through their own private agree-
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351 option
operative. ADJ. Most relevant, meaningful, or significant; describes
the word or words that carry the most important meaning in a
sentence, or that cause a contract or document to take effect.
opiate. N. A drug derived from opium; a narcotic; a substance or
drug with addictive properties and other effects similar to
opinion. N. (1) A statement written by a judge explaining his or her
decision in a case. (2) A statement written by an attorney for a
client explaining his or her evaluation of the facts and law in a case.
(3) Personal beliefs, views, or judgments on a matter.
opinion, concurring. N. An opinion written by a judge who is part
of a panel of judges, agreeing with the conclusion of the majority
opinion but not necessarily with the reasoning.
opinion, dissenting. N. An opinion written by one of a panel of
judges disagreeing with the majority opinion.
opinion, expert. N. A statement made by an expert explaining his
or her evaluation of facts from a qualified perspective.
opinion, majority. N. An opinion shared by a majority of the judges
on a panel.
opinion, plurality. N. An opinion shared by less than the majority of
the judges on a panel as to reasoning but that agrees with the
conclusion of the majority.
oppress. V. To force someone to stay in a position of hardship; to
dominate; to use one’s authority to inflict harm or cruelty on
N. oppression.
option. N. The right to choose something; something that can be
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option contract 352
option contract. N. A contract in which one party promises to
keep an offer open (such as an offer to sell property) for a
specified period of time, usually in return for consideration.
See also stock option.
oral. ADJ. Verbal; stated in speech, not in writing.
oral argument. N. A verbal statement made by counsel before a
court arguing in support of a position.
oral confession. N. A verbal statement confessing to having
committed a crime.
oral contract. N. A contract that is made verbally, or partly verbally
and partly in writing.
oral evidence. N. Evidence provided through the speech of a
order. (1) A command or direction; a direction issued by a court to
direct an action or determine a point of law. (2) A request or
instruction to buy something or have something made. (3) The
arrangement of several items or people in a sequence.
V. order.
order instrument. N. A negotiable instrument made payable to a
particular person, through language such as “pay to the order of”;
also called order paper.
ordinance. N. A law, statute, or rule, usually enacted by a municipal
or other local government.
ordinary. ADJ. Common; usual; normal.
ordinary and necessary expenses. N. Expenses that are normal,
expected, and appropriate to the conduct of a business.
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353 outcome test
ordinary care. N. The degree of care that a person of normal
prudence would exercise in a given situation.
ordinary course of business. N. The usual activities and events that
occur during the usual conduct of a particular business or of
commercial activity in general.
ordinary income. N. Earnings from work or business as opposed to
income from investments.
organic law. N. The fundamental law of a state or country that
serves as a basis for all other laws and social organization; it may
be written, such as a constitution, or unwritten.
organized crime. N. Systematic, large-scale crime organized
and executed by professional criminals; see also mafia, mob,
original. ADJ. First; present at the beginning; created directly by a
particular person, not copied.
original document rule. N. A rule that a party must produce the
original of a document offered as evidence unless it is not available.
original jurisdiction. N. Jurisdiction to try and judge a case at its
beginning, as opposed to on appeal.
OS. ABBRV. Operating system.
OSHA. ABBRV. Occupational Safety and Health Act.
ouster. N. Wrongfully forcing someone off his or her own property.
V. oust.
outcome. N. A result.
outcome test. N. The principle that a diversity case should have the
same outcome whether brought in federal or state court.
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outline 354
outline. N. A summary of the key points of a document, argument,
or topic, arranged as a list; a summary of the key points of a law
school class done by a law student or a commercial publisher,
created as a study aid.
V. outline.
outline group. N. A group of law students who collaborate on an
outline for a class, such as by each contributing an outline of one
week of class so as to compile a complete set of notes for the
out-of-court. ADJ. Arranged privately, outside of court or trial, by
parties to a lawsuit.
out-of-court settlement. N. An agreement reached privately by the
parties to a lawsuit, settling their grievances and ending the lawsuit
without intervention by the court.
out-of-pocket. ADJ. Having to do with the expenditure of cash,
especially of a financial loss paid personally.
out-of-pocket expense. N. A necessary expense paid directly by a
person who intends to recover the cost from someone else at a
later time (such as when a tenant pays for repairs to rental prop-
erty and expects reimbursement from the landlord).
out-of-pocket loss. N. In a warranty or breach of contract case, the
difference between the purchase price and the actual value of an
outrage. N. The tort of intentional infliction of severe emotional
distress; an extreme insult or violent injury.
outsourcing. N. The practice of a business hiring another company
or outside individuals to perform some of its work; subcontracting.
See also independent contractor.
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355 overtime
outstanding. ADJ. Undone; remaining to be done or paid.
outstanding balance. N. The money still to be paid on a debt.
outstanding check. N. A check that has been written and given to
its recipient but has not yet been deducted from a bank account.
overbroad. ADJ. Used to describe a statute that covers too many
situations, i.e., that, while legitimately forbidding certain conduct,
inadvertently also prohibits constitutionally protected activities.
overbreadth. See also void, vague.
overdraft. N. The condition of drawing more money out of an
account than it has in it, such as by writing a check for too great an
overdue. ADJ. Not having been done or paid by the appointed date;
overhead. N. Operating expenses of a business aside from cost of
materials or labor.
overreaching. N. Using fraud or a superior bargaining position to
take advantage of someone else in a commercial transaction.
overrule. V. To reverse or annul; to overturn or void the decision of
another court.
overt. ADJ. Open; visible; not concealed.
overt act. N. In criminal law, an open act done as part of a crime.
over-the-counter market. N. A securities market of dealers who
buy and sell securities that are not listed in a securities exchange,
done primarily over the telephone or online.
overtime. N. Time worked in addition to normal working hours.
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overtime pay. N. Wages paid for overtime worked, usually at a
higher rate than ordinary hourly pay.
own. V. To possess; to hold title to property.
owner. N. A person or business that has legal title to property.
ownership. N. The state of owning property, with a right to possess,
use, and dispose of it.
oye. N. A word meaning “hear ye,” cried by a bailiff to mark the
beginning of a court session; pronounced “oh yes.”
ozone layer. N. A portion of the atmosphere surrounding the
Earth that contains a high concentration of ozone, a molecule
that plays an important role in absorbing excess ultraviolet
radiation from the sun.
overtime pay 356
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p.a 358
p.a. ABBRV. (1) Professional association. (2) Per annum, meaning
pacifist. N. A person who thinks war and violence are always unjus-
tifiable, and who refuses to participate in war or military activities.
See also conscientious objector.
pact. N. An agreement between two or more parties.
pain and suffering. N. Physical and mental distress or injury, for
which damages may be recovered in a tort action.
palimony. N. Financial support similar to alimony given to a partner
in a terminated nonmarital relationship; see also domestic partner.
pander. V. To cater to someone’s immoral lusts and desires, such
as by providing pornography; to procure a prostitute for someone.
N. A pimp.
panderer. N. A pimp.
panel. N. A group of people joined together for some united
purpose, such as a group of judges who sit together to hear the
same case, or the group of jurors summoned to court for jury duty.
paper. N. A document, including letters, contracts, account books,
promissory notes, and anything else that can be written or printed
on paper; a written or printed instrument.
paper money. N. Banknotes; documents printed by a government,
backed by its credit, and used as currency.
paper profit or loss. N. Profit or loss that exists on the books but
has not been converted into cash.
par. N. (1) A standard or norm used as a benchmark for compar-
ison, such as the value of one nation’s currency compared to
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359 pardon
another’s (also called par of exchange), or the normal number of
strokes used to complete a golf course. (2) The face value of a
stock, bond, or negotiable instrument, as opposed to market value;
also called par value.
par, above. ADJ. Selling for more than face value.
par, at. ADJ. Selling at face value, when face value and market value
are equal.
par, below. ADJ. Selling for less than face value.
paralegal. N. A person with some legal training who assists an
attorney in preparing cases, documents, and other legal tasks.
paramount. ADJ. Most important; of highest rank; supreme.
paramount title. N. The superior of two titles to the same property,
i.e., the one that will prevail over the other.
paramour. N. A lover, usually of a married person committing
paraphernalia. N. (1) Equipment used for a particular activity. (2)
(Archaic) A married woman’s own personal property, apart from a
dowry, that she could keep after the death of her husband.
parcel. N. (1) A package. (2) A quantity of something, such as a
piece of land or an estate.
V. To divide something into portions and
distribute them to various recipients.
pardon. V. To forgive; to release a convicted criminal from liability
for his or her crime; to absolve.
N. An act by a governor, president,
or other government official releasing a convicted criminal from
punishment for a crime and reinstating his or her former level of
civil liberties.
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pardon, conditional 360
pardon, conditional. N. A pardon that becomes or remains valid as
long as the pardoned person does or does not observe some spec-
ified condition.
pardon, full. N. A pardon removing all legal consequences from a
pardon, general. N. A pardon issued to a group of people who have
all committed the same offense, usually political; see also amnesty.
parens patriae. N. (Latin) Parent of the country; the doctrine that
it is the role of the government to look out for those who cannot
take care of themselves.
parent. N. (1) A father or mother, natural or adoptive. (2) A
company or organization that controls several subsidiaries, often
called a parent company.
ADJ. parental.
parental liability. N. Parents’ liability for the actions of their minor
parental rights. N. A parent’s rights in regard to his or her children,
including the right to custody, discipline, control over a child’s
earnings and property, and to be supported by a grown child.
parish. N. (1) An administrative district of a Christian church. (2) In
Louisiana, a territorial division equivalent to a county.
parity. N. (1) Equality, particularly of pay or status; equivalence of
goods. (2) A method of regulating prices for farm goods by
making them equivalent to prices set on a particular date. (3)
One country’s value in terms of another’s at a particular rate of
exchange. See also par.
parliament. N. A legislature, such as the highest legislature of the
United Kingdom.
ADJ. parliamentary.
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361 partition
parliamentary law. N. Rules governing procedure in a legislature;
also called parliamentary procedure.
parody. N. A work such as a film, literary work, or song that
imitates another work in a humorous, ironic, or satirical way.
parole. N. The release of a convict from prison before the end of his
or her sentence on the condition that the former prisoner follow
certain rules and commit no more crimes.
parolee. N. A person released from prison on parole.
parole officer. N. An official who supervises parolees.
parol evidence. N. Verbal or spoken evidence; spoken testimony by
a witness.
parol evidence rule. N. A rule that prevents the parties to a
written agreement from altering it with spoken provisions or oral
partial. ADJ. Not complete or entire; affecting only part of
partial loss. N. Loss of only part of something, as opposed to
total loss.
participate. V. To take part in something; to do something with
other people; to share.
N. participation.
partisan. ADJ. Associated with and espousing the views of a partic-
ular political party.
partition. V. To divide into sections. N. The division of property
between co-owners so that each gets an individual interest in a
part of it.
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partner 362
partner. N. (1) A person who shares the profits and risks of some
business or other enterprise with one or several other people.
(2) A spouse or domestic partner.
V. To join with someone else
as partners.
partner, general. N. A partner who participates in all management,
profits, and losses, and is personally liable for all partnership debts;
also called a full partner.
partner, limited. N. A partner whose liability for partnership debts
is limited to his or her share of contributed capital, and who has
only a limited share of profits or losses.
partner, silent. N. A partner who shares profits and losses but does
not participate in the management of the enterprise; also called a
dormant partner.
partnership. N. An association between two or more people who
call themselves partners and share the profits and risks of a busi-
ness or some other undertaking.
partnership, general. N. A partnership in which partners share
profits, losses, and management equally, regardless of the contribu-
tions to capital made by each of them.
partnership, limited. N. A partnership with at least one general
partner and at least one limited partner.
party. N. (1) A person or entity involved in some transaction or
matter; a person or entity on one side of a lawsuit or other dispute.
(2) An organized political group that tries to make its own views
the law of the land by participating in elections and working for
common goals in government; also called a political party. See also
third party.
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363 paternity suit
party wall. N. A wall built on the border between two pieces of
property that is shared equally by both owners.
passport. N. A document issued by a national government that
identifies its bearer as a citizen of that country with permission to
travel abroad and return home under the home nation’s protection.
passport control. N. A security checkpoint at an entrance point into
a country where officials inspect and approve the passports of
those wishing to enter.
patent. N. (1) An exclusive right granted by the government to
manufacture and sell an invention for a specified period of time. (2)
A document granting land from a government to a person.
V. To
obtain a patent for an invention.
ADJ. Obvious; readily apparent.
patent pending. N. A notice placed on an object informing others
that its inventor has applied for a patent on it and is awaiting the
government’s decision.
Patent and Trademark Office. N. The federal agency that issues
patents and trademarks as part of the Department of Commerce.
patent troll. N. An individual or business that acquires patents
without planning to manufacture the patented items but intending
to sue anyone who infringes on the patents.
paternal. ADJ. Having to do with fatherhood and fathers; showing
the care expected of a father.
paternity. N. Fatherhood; the state of being a father. See also
paternity suit. N. A lawsuit brought to identify the father of a child
and demand child support payments from him.
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patient-physician privilege 364
patient-physician privilege. N. A privilege exempting confidential
communications between patients and their doctors from
patient’s bill of rights. N. A statement of patients’ rights adopted by
many hospitals and health care providers, and made law by the
federal government and several states, that covers topics such as
confidentiality, consent to treatment, and dignity.
Patient Self-Determination Act. N. A federal law requiring health
care facilities to inform patients of their rights under state law
to create advance directives to dictate how they should be
cared for if they become incapacitated; see also living will,
durable power of attorney.
patricide. N. The killing of one’s own father; a person who kills his
or her father.
patrimony. N. Property inherited from one’s father; property inher-
ited from either parent or other ancestors; heritage.
patron. N. (1) A person who supports or protects someone or some-
thing, usually with financial contributions. (2) A regular customer
of a business.
V. patronize.
patronage. N. (1) The support given by a patron. (2) Regular busi-
ness given by customers to a store, theater, etc.
patronage, political. N. The (generally improper) use of a political
office to provide friends and relatives with government jobs or
pauper. N. A destitute person; a person so poverty-stricken that he
or she must be supported by the public. See also indigent.
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365 peculate
pawn. V. To give an object of personal property to another person,
called a pawnbroker, as security for a loan.
pay. V. To give money in exchange for goods or services, or to
discharge a debt.
N. Compensation; wages; payment.
payable. ADJ. Due to be paid; required to be paid.
payment. N. The amount paid for something; the act of paying for
something; satisfaction of a debt or obligation.
payment in due course. N. Payment to the holder of a negotiable
instrument on or after its maturity date in good faith and with no
known defects in title.
payment into court. N. A party’s depositing with the court money or
other property while a lawsuit is in progress, after which the court
will pay out the money and property according to the judgment or
other settlement.
payout. N. A taxable payment, such as a dividend, drawn from a
company’s earnings and made by that company to its shareholders.
payroll. N. A list of all the employees in a company and the amounts
they are paid; the total amount a company pays its employees.
payroll tax. N. Taxes paid on wages, salary, or income, including
income tax, Social Security tax, and unemployment tax.
peaceable. ADJ. Peaceful; free from arguments, conflict, or
peaceable possession. N. Continuous possession of property
without any adverse claims on it.
peculate. V. For a public officer to steal public funds entrusted to
him or her; to embezzle.
N. peculation.
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pecuniary 366
pecuniary. ADJ. Related to money; financial.
pecuniary bequest. N. A bequest of money.
pecuniary loss. N. A loss of money or any anticipated economic
benefit, such as a child’s support by a parent.
penal. ADJ. Related to punishment or penalties.
penal code. N. The codification of criminal law; criminal statutes.
penal institution. A correctional institution, such as a prison, jail,
or penitentiary.
penalize. V. To impose a punishment on someone.
penalty. N. A punishment.
penalty clause. N. A clause in a contract or agreement that
describes a penalty for a breach, default, or other infraction,
usually not enforceable by a court.
pendente lite. ADJ. (Latin) Pending the lawsuit; describes matters
that must be put on hold to await the outcome of a lawsuit that will
determine how they are settled.
pendent jurisdiction. N. Discretionary jurisdiction by a federal
court over a state law claim that arises out of the same matter that
simultaneously creates a federal claim.
pending. ADJ. About to happen; begun but not yet completed;
awaiting settlement.
penitentiary. N. A prison, usually for the incarceration of people
convicted of felonies or serious crimes.
pen register. N. A device that records the numbers dialed on a tele-
phone; see also eavesdrop, wiretapping.
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367 perform
pension. N. A regular payment made to a person after retirement by
his or her former employer or by the government, usually from a
fund to which the person contributed while working.
pension plan. N. A plan established by an employer to provide
retirement benefits to employees.
per annum. ADV. (Latin) Yearly. ABBRV. p.a.
per capita. ADJ. (Latin) By heads; according to the number of
people; counting individuals and dividing something among them
ADV. per capita.
per curiam. ADV. (Latin) By the court; by a court’s or judge’s
per diem. ADJ. (Latin) By the day. ADV. Daily. N. A daily allowance
of money.
peremptory. ADJ. Absolute; final; indisputable.
peremptory norm. N. A principle of international law that is so
important and so widely accepted that no state is permitted to
deviate from it, such as the prohibitions on genocide, slavery, or
perfect. ADJ. Complete; without flaw or defect; having fulfilled the
requirements to make something enforceable at law.
V. To make
perfect; to finish; to fulfill all requirements necessary for some
perfidy. N. Treachery.
perform. N. To do some act in fulfillment of a promise; to take the
required steps to meet an obligation; to accomplish something.
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performance bond 368
performance bond. N. A bond given as surety by a building
contractor to a customer to ensure that the contractor will
complete the project, and that the customer may use to pay for
completion if the contractor defaults.
peril. N. Danger; risk; the risk that is covered by an insurance
periodic. ADJ. Occurring regularly at intervals.
periodic alimony. N. Alimony paid in a specific amount at intervals,
such as monthly; also called permanent alimony if it lasts for the
recipient spouse’s lifetime.
periodic tenancy. N. A tenancy that lasts for a specified period,
such as a year, and that cannot be terminated except at the end of
the rental period.
perjury. N. The crime of intentionally lying under oath during a judi-
cial proceeding, such as at trial.
permanent. ADJ. Fixed; continuing or lasting without interruption;
intended to stay in the same place or the same condition
permanent abode. N. A fixed residence; a long-term home that the
resident intends to stay in indefinitely.
permanent disability. N. A disability that impairs a person’s earning
capacity for the rest of his or her life.
permanent employment. N. Employment that will continue until
terminated by either employee or employer.
permission. N. Being allowed to do something; authorization.
permissive. ADJ. Allowed but optional.
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369 personal effects
permissive counterclaim. N. A counterclaim that a defendant is
allowed to bring regarding a matter that is completely different
from the one brought by the plaintiff in the original complaint. See
also joinder, use, waste.
permit. V. To authorize or consent to something; to allow. N. An offi-
cial document authorizing someone to do something.
perpetrate. V. To commit a crime or other wrongful act. N. perpe-
perpetrator. N. A person who commits a crime.
perpetual. ADJ. Never ending; continuing without interruption
or end.
perpetuity. N. (1) Something that lasts forever; the condition of
lasting forever. (2) A restriction on property that makes it
impossible to transfer forever, or for a period beyond that
allowed by law; an estate with such a restriction on it. See also
rule against perpetuities.
perquisites. N. The fringe benefits and special rights and privileges
that go with a position; also called perks.
per se. ADV. (Latin) In itself; intrinsically; by its very nature.
person. N. A human being; an individual, corporation, partnership,
trustee, labor organization, government, or other entity with
defined legal responsibilities and rights.
personal. ADJ. Related to or belonging to an individual.
personal effects. N. Movable property and chattels owned by an
individual, particularly all goods owned by a person at the time of
death; also called personal property or personalty.
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personal holding company 370
personal holding company. N. A company with few shareholders
and a large percentage of income through passive sources such as
rents or royalties.
personal injury. N. Physical injury to a person’s body; also refers to
a branch of law specializing in torts arising out of physical injuries.
personal injury lawyer. N. A lawyer who specializes in bringing
lawsuits on behalf of plaintiffs who have suffered physical injuries.
personal liability. N. Liability for a matter extending to an indi-
vidual’s personal funds and property.
personal representative. N. A person who handles the affairs of
someone who cannot do so him- or herself, such as a child, an inca-
pacitated person, or a deceased person; see also executor.
persona non grata. N. (Latin) A person who is not pleasing; an
unwelcome, undesirable, or unwanted person.
per stirpes. ADJ. (Latin) By roots or by shoots, as of a tree; a form
of distribution of an estate in which each recipient takes a share
according to the proportion that would have fallen to his or her
deceased ancestor; the opposite of per capita. E.g., Grandmother
has three daughters, A, B, and C. A is still alive but B and C are
dead. A has one child, B has one child, and C has four children. If
Grandmother dies and leaves $300,000, under a per stirpes
arrangement, A will inherit $100,000 and her child will inherit
nothing; B’s child will take his dead mother’s share of $100,000;
and C’s four children will divide their mother’s share of $100,000,
each receiving $25,000.
persuade. V. To use arguments and reasoning to induce someone to
adopt a particular opinion on a matter.
N. persuasion.
petit. ADJ. (French) Small; see also petty.
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371 pierce the corporate veil
petition. N. (1) A formal written request presented to some
authority asking that something be done, often signed by a large
number of people who express their support for the proposed
action; a formal written request to a court asking it to take some
judicial action. (2) In a court of equity, an application to the court
asking for relief on some matter that functions as a complaint does
in a court of law; in most jurisdictions today, the term “complaint”
is used instead of petition.
V. To bring a petition.
petitioner. N. (1) A person who presents a petition to some
authority. (2) A person who brings a legal action by means of a peti-
tion either in a court of equity or a court of appeals.
petit jury. N. A trial jury that has the job of hearing testimony,
seeing evidence, and using the information to determine issues of
fact and reach a conclusion about them, such as a verdict in a crim-
inal case. See also grand jury.
petty. ADJ. Small; unimportant; trivial; an English corruption of the
French word “petit.”
phishing. N. Using email and misleading websites to entice users to
provide their credit card numbers, bank account numbers, pass-
words, usernames, and other confidential information in order to
use that information for criminal purposes such as theft.
picket. N. A group of people carrying signs and standing or
marching outside a place of business in a peaceful protest against
working conditions, labor practices, union grievances, or other
sources of disagreement.
V. To participate in a picket.
picketing. N. The act of participating in a picket.
pierce the corporate veil. V. To impose personal liability for corpo-
rate activities on individuals associated with the corporation, doing
away with the protection against personal liability that ordinarily
Essential Legal Dictionary:Layout 1 4/21/08 5:24 PM Page 371
pimp 372
accompanies corporate status, usually in cases in which directors
or managers were using the corporation to commit fraud or other
crimes for their own personal gain.
pimp. N. A person who finds clients for prostitutes in exchange for
a share of their earnings.
V. To work as a pimp. See also pander.
piracy. N. (1) The practice of attacking and robbing ships at sea; see
also hijack. (2) The unlawful copying and distribution of copy-
righted works such as software or recordings of music.
pirate. N. A person who commits acts of piracy.
place of business. N. A place where a business is run or where
someone works; see also domicile.
place of business, principal. N. The main or most important loca-
tion of a business’s operations; the management headquarters or
center of operations.
plagiarize. V. To copy someone else’s words or ideas and pass them
off as one’s own.
N. plagiarism. See also copyright.
plain error. N. An obvious error made by a trial court that substan-
tially affects a defendant’s rights and warrants a reversal of the
judgment and a new trial.
plain meaning. N. An interpretation of a statute arrived at by reading
its words and interpreting them according to their general, common
meaning, usually without considering legislative history or other
evidence to determine the intent of the people who drafted it.
plaintiff. N. A person who files a complaint to start a lawsuit.
plaintiff in error. N. An appellant; one who brings an appeal; “appel-
lant” is the term more commonly used today.
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373 plead
plaintiff’s attorney. N. An attorney who specializes in representing
plaintiff’s firm. N. A law firm that specializes in bringing lawsuits
on behalf of plaintiffs, usually for a contingency fee. See also
defense firm.
plain view. N. Those things that can be immediately seen without
special effort because they are sitting out in the open and are
unconcealed; incriminating evidence in plain view can be taken by
police without a search warrant.
plan. N. A benefits plan or health plan; a package of employee
plan year. N. The one-year period in which a given benefits package
remains in place, after which members and plan components may
be modified.
plat. N. A map showing the property lines, roads, and other land-
marks of an area; also called a plot.
plea. N. (1) In criminal law, a defendant’s response to the charges
brought against him or her. (2) Formerly, at common law or equity,
one of several kinds of pleading that have now been made obsolete
under the Rules of Civil Procedure.
plea bargain. N. An agreement made between a criminal defendant
and the prosecutor in which the defendant agrees to plead
guilty to a lesser offense in exchange for a lighter punishment
after conviction.
plead. V. (1) In criminal law, to answer charges brought by the pros-
ecution. (2) To make or file a pleading in a lawsuit; to file a pleading
in response to a plaintiffs complaint.
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pleading 374
pleading. N. A document containing a party’s side of a lawsuit, such
as a plaintiffs complaint or a defendant’s answer, in which the
party lists the facts that support his or her side of the case and pres-
ents them to the court at the beginning of a lawsuit.
pleading, affirmative. N. An answer filed by a defendant that states
the existence of facts that contradict the plaintiffs allegations,
rather than simply denying those allegations.
pleading, amended. N. A pleading that either corrects or expands
an earlier pleading.
pleading, code. N. Pleading done according to the requirements of
a procedural code. See also Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
pledge. N. (1) A promise. (2) An object given as security for a
promise, contract, debt, or other obligation.
pledgee. N. A person who receives a pledge as security.
pledgor. N. A person who gives a pledge to someone else.
plenary. ADJ. Absolute; complete; full.
plenary action. N. A full trial on the merits; see also summary.
plenary session. N. A meeting of a legislature or other group
attended by all members.
Plessy v. Ferguson
. n. The 1896 U.S. Supreme Court case that held
that separate but equal facilities for different races were constitu-
plurality. N. (1) In voting for more than two candidates, the
number of votes for the candidate who wins more than any other
but does not receive a majority. (2) On an appellate court with a
panel of judges, an opinion joined by the greatest number of
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375 police power
judges without being a majority; i.e., on a panel of nine judges, if
four judges agree on an opinion, two judges agree with the result
but not the reasoning, and three dissent, the opinion with four
judges is a plurality.
plutocracy. N. Government by the wealthy; a group of wealthy
people who control the government.
plutocrat. N. A wealthy person who uses his or her wealth to gain
political power.
pocket veto. N. A president’s or governor’s method of rejecting a
bill submitted by the legislature toward the end of a legislative
session by simply refusing to accept or reject it and letting it die
through inaction, rather than rejecting it outright with a veto.
point. N. (1) An argument; a distinct proposition or issue of law; the
relevance or reason of some argument. (2) In real estate, a fee of
1% of a loan amount paid to the lender when the loan is created. (3)
In securities, a measure of value, often worth one dollar.
point reserved. N. A difficult legal issue set aside at trial for later
consideration so that the court can proceed with other issues.
police. N. An organization maintained by a government to preserve
public order, prevent crimes, and apprehend criminals.
V. To main-
tain order; to enforce laws.
police court. N. A local or municipal court with jurisdiction over
minor criminal matters.
police power. N. A government’s power to preserve the peace and
public order through the use of a police force and criminal laws
that restrain personal freedom and property rights.
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policy 376
policy. N. (1) The principles that guide the actions of a government,
business, or other entity or individual. (2) A contract of insurance.
(3) A lottery.
policyholder. N. A person who owns an insurance policy.
political. ADJ. Related to government and public affairs.
political question. N. A question that a court will not decide
because it should be decided by another branch of government,
such as the legislature.
political subdivision. N. Any geographical area that is governed
by a particular governmental entity, such as a county or school
politician. N. A person engaged in politics, particularly one elected
or running for public office.
politics. N. The activities of a government and those associated
with it.
poll. V. (1) To record votes or opinions from people. (2) To ask
the members of a jury individually what their own decision is
before the jury’s verdict is recorded.
N. A record of votes cast in
an election; a place where votes are cast (also called polls); a
list of voters.
poll tax. N. A tax paid by a person in exchange for the right to vote
in elections; a tax on individuals of a particular class, such as all
males over 21 years of age.
polygamy. N. Simultaneous marriage to more than one person.
polygraph. N. A lie detector; a device that monitors heart rate,
breathing, and other physical aspects of a person being questioned
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377 port of departure
to predict the likelihood that he or she is telling the truth, but with
debatable reliability.
ponzi scheme. N. A kind of pyramid scheme in which a perpetrator
promises high returns on an investment and uses money submitted
by later investors to pay off earlier investors, but eventually runs
out of money or disappears and the scheme collapses. See also
Securities and Exchange Commission.
pool. N. (1) A group of people or organizations, especially those
involved in the same business, who combine resources to benefit
one another and to reduce competition. (2) A common fund
contributed to and shared by a number of people, either in legiti-
mate business or in gambling.
V. To combine resources or funds.
pop-under ad. N. An advertisement that opens a new window
under the active window when the user visits a particular website.
See also banner ad.
pop-up ad. N. An advertisement that opens in a new window on top
of the active window when a user visits a particular website.
pornography. N. Literature, photography, or other printed or visual
material that depicts sex organs or sexual activity, intended to
cause erotic stimulation rather than education.
ADJ. porno-
graphic. See also obscene, prurient interest.
port. N. A harbor; a place where ships can load and unload, and
where customs and duties are collected; a city or town with such
a harbor.
portfolio. N. The collective investments held by a person or
port of departure. N. The port or airport from which a ship or
aircraft begins its journey.
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port of entry 378
port of entry. N. A place where a ship, aircraft, or other vessel, and
its passengers or cargo, enter a country, where customs and duties
are paid and immigration procedures observed.
positive law. N. Law created by a government and human institu-
tion to run society; see also natural law.
positivism. N. The belief that laws exist to run society and are valid
because they are enacted by humans, and ideals or worries about
justice should not limit their application.
possess. V. To own; to hold without owning; to control something;
to occupy physically.
possession. (1) The act of holding or controlling something; having
visible control over something; physically occupying a property. (2)
A belonging; something that is held or owned.
possessory action. N. A lawsuit in which the plaintiffs objective is
to recover possession of real property, as opposed to recovering
title to it.
possessory interest. N. The right to possess property, i.e., to
occupy it or control it and to exclude others from it.
possibility. N. Something that could happen but will not necessarily
happen; a contingent interest in property.
possibility of a reverter. N. A chance that an estate will return to
the person who granted it if certain conditions occur.
post. N. (1) Mail; letters and packages and the system that delivers
them. (2) A job; an assigned duty or position, such as that held by
a soldier. (3) A military base.
V. (1) To mail a letter or package. (2)
To hang a sign or notice in some public place, such as a sign
warning away trespassers from property. (3) To enter an amount in
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379 pound
a bookkeeping ledger; to accept a negotiable instrument, pay it,
and record the payment. (4) To furnish bail.
ADV. (Latin) After.
post-conviction. ADJ. After conviction of a criminal offense.
post-conviction relief procedures. N. Court actions that allow a
criminal defendant to challenge a conviction on constitutional
ABBRV. PCR actions.
post-date. V. To enter a date on an instrument that is later than the
date on which it is written.
post hoc ergo propter hoc. ADV. (Latin) After this, therefore
because of this; the mistaken reasoning that if something
happens after an event, it was necessarily caused by that event.
posthumous. ADJ. After death.
posthumous child. N. A child born after the death of his or her
post-mortem. ADJ. After death. N. An examination of a dead body to
determine cause of death.
post-nuptial. ADJ. After marriage.
post-nuptial agreement. N. An agreement made between spouses
settling their property rights if they should divorce or if one should
die. See also prenuptial agreement.
pound. N. (1) A place for the detention of illegally parked automo-
biles or stray animals. (2) A unit of weight used in the United States
and the United Kingdom. (3) The basic unit of currency in the
United Kingdom and several other nations.
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pourover 380
pourover. N. A provision in a will directing that estate property be
placed in a previously established trust, or that property be moved
from a trust to a will.
power. N. Authority; the ability or liberty to do something.
power, constitutional. N. The authority to act in particular matters
granted to branches of the government by the Constitution; see
also implied powers, enumerated powers, Commerce Clause,
necessary and proper clause.
power, corporate. N. A corporation’s power to act in particular
matters that are necessary to its operation.
power of acceptance. N. The power held by a person who receives
an offer to create a contract by accepting it.
power of appointment. N. Authority given by a donor or testator
allowing a donee to choose the beneficiaries of a fund, trust, or
estate; title to the transferred property passes directly from the
donor or testator to the beneficiaries chosen by the donee.
power of appointment, special. N. A power of appointment that
limits the possible beneficiaries to members of a specified group.
power of attorney. N. The authority to act for someone else in legal
matters; a document conferring that authority to someone.
practicable. ADJ. Possible under given circumstances; feasible in
actual practice.
practice. N. (1) Customary action or procedure; the established
procedures of law and court proceedings. (2) The exercise of a
profession or religion.
V. To carry out the daily activities of a profes-
sion such as law or medicine, or of a religion; to work as a profes-
sional in a particular field.
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381 preemption
prayer. N. A formal request in a complaint or petition in equity
asking for relief for the plaintiffs grievance; also called a prayer for
relief or demand for relief.
V. pray.
preamble. N. An introductory statement; an introductory section of
a statute, constitution, etc., that explains the reason for its creation
and the objects it is meant to achieve.
precarious. ADJ. Uncertain; likely to break, fall, or fail; not securely
precarious loan. N. A loan that must be repaid whenever the lender
demands it; a loan that is likely not to be repaid.
precatory. ADJ. Expressing a request, wish, or recommendation, as
when a testator expresses a wish in his or her will.
precedent. N. A previously decided case that serves as a guide for
deciding subsequent cases that have similar facts or legal ques-
tions. See also condition precedent.
precept. N. (1) A moral rule. (2) A written order, warrant, or writ.
preempt. V. (1) To act before someone else in order to prevent him
or her from doing something; to forestall someone else’s action. (2)
In property, to settle or cultivate land before anyone else in order
to acquire a right to purchase it and exclude other settlers; to
purchase something before someone else has the chance to
purchase it.
preemption. N. (1) Acting before someone else; forestalling. (2)
Purchasing something before someone else has the opportunity to
do so. (3) A doctrine holding that federal laws take precedence
over state laws in certain situations, and that states may not pass
laws that are inconsistent with federal ones.
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preemptive rights 382
preemptive rights. N. The right of someone who already holds
shares of stock in a company to purchase additional shares of a
new issue before they are made available to others.
prefer. V. (1) To place before others; to treat one person better than
another; to like one thing better than another. (2) To prosecute; to
submit a charge, such as a criminal charge; to bring an indictment.
preference. N. (1) Favor shown to one person above others. (2)
Placing one creditor in front of others; paying one creditor to the
exclusion of or harm to other creditors.
preferential. ADJ. Favoring one person or group over another.
preferential debt. N. A debt that will be paid before others.
preferential shop. N. A workplace in which union members receive
better treatment than nonunion employees.
preferment. N. Promotion to a position.
preferred. ADJ. Favored; receiving better treatment than other
similar people or objects.
preferred creditor. N. A creditor who receives payment ahead of
other creditors of the same debtor.
preferred stock. N. Stock that received dividends or distributions
ahead of common stock.
prejudice. N. Bias; prejudgment not based on actual experience or
evidence; injury to a party that results from preconceived notions
about the facts.
V. To cause prejudice; to harm. ADJ. prejudicial.
preliminary. ADJ. Initial; introductory; preparatory to something
more important.
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383 prerogative
preliminary hearing. N. An initial hearing on a criminal charge to
give the judge a chance to determine whether the prosecution has
enough evidence to bring the charge to trial.
premeditate. V. To consider an act before doing it; to think out and
plan a crime before committing it.
N. premeditation.
premise. N. A logical proposition or assertion forming the basis
of a subsequent assertion; in a legal document such as a
contract, the introductory language that explains why the docu-
ment has been created.
V. To base an argument on a proposition.
premises. N. Land and the buildings on it.
premium. N. (1) A reward given for services rendered; a bonus; a
sum added to wages or interest. (2) The fee paid for an insurance
ADJ. Superior; of better quality and usually of a higher price
than ordinary goods.
prenatal. ADJ. Before birth; related to or during pregnancy.
prenuptial. ADJ. Before marriage.
prenuptial agreement. N. An agreement signed by a couple before
they marry arranging for ownership of assets owned individually
by each of them before marriage. See also post-nuptial agreement.
preponderance of the evidence. N. The usual standard of proof in
civil cases, in which the evidence of one side is more likely to be
true than the evidence of the opposing side; evidence that is more
probable than not.
prerogative. N. A right or privilege that is exclusive to a person,
office, or class.
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prerogative writ 384
prerogative writ. N. A writ issued by a court through its discre-
tionary powers, not in common use under the Federal Rules of
Civil Procedure.
prescribe. V. (1) To direct, guide, or recommend; to order that
some action be taken. (2) To claim the right to use something based
on a history of having used it for a long time; to claim an easement
to land on the basis of having used the land for a period of time
prescription. N. (1) A recommendation or order given by some
authority, such as a doctor’s prescription. (2) The acquisition of an
easement through continuous use of some property; such an ease-
ment is called a prescriptive easement.
pre-sentence report. N. A report on a convicted criminal including
employment history, education, prior arrest and conviction history,
family background, and sentencing recommendations intended to
help the trial court set a suitable sentence.
presentment. N. (1) A written accusation of a crime created and
signed by the members of a grand jury and presented to the
court. (2) The act of presenting a negotiable instrument to the
person responsible for paying it in order to receive payment.
preside. V. To hold the position of authority in a gathering or
meeting; to be in charge of something; to sit in authority over
a court.
president. N. (1) A person with authority over others; one who
presides. (2) An elected head of a republic.
presume. V. To suppose that something is true based on available
evidence; to assume or infer that something is the case.
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385 pretrial conference
presumption. N. The act of presuming; the use of existing facts to
infer other facts that are assumed to be true until they are
rebutted; an assumption that must be made by a court if certain
facts are shown and that will stand until other facts are
presented to rebut it.
presumption, conclusive. N. A presumption that is so strong it
cannot be rebutted by contradictory evidence, which makes it
effectively not a presumption, but a rule of law.
presumption, rebuttable. N. A presumption that can be overturned
by contrary evidence, but that becomes conclusive if contrary
evidence is not presented.
presumption of innocence. N. In criminal law, the assumption that
a person is innocent until proven guilty.
presumption of legitimacy. N. The assumption that a child born to
a married woman is the offspring of her legal husband.
presumptive. ADJ. Presumed, inferred, or supposed; giving reason
to assume the existence of a fact.
presumptive evidence. N. Evidence that is accepted as true until
rebutted by contradictory evidence.
pretermit. V. To omit, especially to omit a child or heir from a will,
usually in cases where the child or heir was not born when the will
was created.
N. pretermission.
pretrial. ADJ. Before trial begins.
pretrial conference. N. A conference held by the court between the
beginning of a lawsuit or criminal prosecution and the commence-
ment of trial in which the attorneys for both sides define issues,
discuss discovery, take other steps to make the trial run smoothly,
and possibly settle the dispute.
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pretrial intervention 386
pretrial intervention. N. A program under which minor criminal
defendants are not convicted, but instead sent straight to probation
where they are given an opportunity to correct their behavior.
prevail. V. (1) To win. (2) To be common or widespread.
prevailing party. N. The party to a lawsuit who receives judgment
in his or her favor.
prevaricate. V. To speak evasively; to act in a deceitful manner. N.
preventive detention. N. Confinement of a criminal defendant
before trial without the option of bail in cases where the defen-
dant would pose an immediate risk to the public if released
pending trial.
price. N. The amount of money asked or paid for something; the
cost of some object or service.
V. To set a price.
price discrimination. N. Asking different prices from different
buyers for the same item.
price fixing. N. Conspiring with other individuals or companies in
the same business to set prices instead of letting them be set by
market forces, usually to restrict competition.
price fixing, horizontal. N. Price fixing done by businesses selling
the same items, i.e., competitors.
price fixing, vertical. N. Price fixing done between levels of
production, such as between retailer and manufacturer, manufac-
turer and supplier, etc.
priest-penitent privilege. N. A privilege exempting confidential
communications made between a priest and a confessor in the
confessional from discovery.
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387 prime interest rate
prima facie. ADJ. (Latin) First face; at first sight; based on first
impressions; the initial view of something, accepted as true until
prima facie case. N. An initial case; a case with sufficient proof to
stand trial and withstand a motion to dismiss or for a directed
verdict, which will be accepted as true until the defendant proves
prima facie evidence. N. Evidence sufficient to establish a claim or
defense until rebutted by contrary evidence.
primary. ADJ. First; principal; most important. N. A preliminary elec-
tion to choose candidates for a subsequent major election.
primary evidence. N. The best and most important evidence in
a case.
primary jurisdiction. N. The principle that where an administrative
agency has jurisdiction over a dispute, the courts will not hear the
case until the agency has heard it first.
prime. ADJ. First; most important.
prime contractor. N. A general contractor; the contractor who is
ultimately responsible for an entire project and the work of
prime cost. N. The true price paid for something; the true cost of an
item, including the material and labor used to produce it.
prime interest rate. N. The lowest interest rate for short-term
unsecured loans charged by a lender to its customers with the
best credit.
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primogeniture 388
primogeniture. N. (1) The condition of being a firstborn child. (2)
The right of succession that belongs to a firstborn child; in feudal
times, the eldest son’s right to inherit the entire estate of his father,
leaving nothing for younger sons.
principal. ADJ. Most important; main. N. (1) The person with the
highest authority in some organization; the chief, such as the prin-
cipal of a school. (2) A person who directs an agent to act on his or
her behalf. (3) A person who commits a crime; the person directly
responsible for a crime. (4) A sum of money invested or borrowed,
on which interest is paid or charged.
principle. N. A fundamental truth, especially a moral truth, that
serves as a basis for action; a rule of action or procedure.
prior. ADJ. Existing or occurring before something else; preceding.
prior inconsistent statement. N. A statement made earlier outside
of court by a witness that contradicts his or her statement made on
the witness stand.
priority. N. Precedence; something that is ranked higher than some-
thing else; the condition of being more important than someone or
something else.
prior restraint. N. A restriction placed on a kind of free expression
before it has actually been used, e.g., a prohibition placed on a
certain kind of publication before anyone has created such a
prison. N. A jail or penitentiary; a building used to house convicted
prisoner. N. A person confined to a prison; a person confined
against his or her will.
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389 privilege
prisoner at the bar. N. A person who is being tried for a crime.
privacy. N. The state of being left alone, free from observation of
and interference with personal relations.
privacy, right of. N. The right to be left alone, without unwarranted
scrutiny or interference by the public or government in personal
matters, without unwanted publicity, and with the right to make
choices about one’s own personal and family life; the right of
privacy is not specifically guaranteed by the Constitution but the
Supreme Court has found that various Constitutional guarantees
include many aspects of privacy.
private. ADJ. The opposite of public; run by an individual or group
for commercial purposes, as opposed to being run by the govern-
ment; holding no public office; belonging to one particular person
or group of people.
private foundation. N. A charitable or educational organization run
by a private group, not by the government.
private offering. N. Offering securities for sale to private individ-
uals but not to the public.
private practice. N. The work done by a professional such as a
doctor or lawyer who works for his or her own profit and not for
the benefit of the government or the public.
private sector. N. The part of the economy not controlled by the
government, in which private citizens work for their own profit.
privilege. N. (1) A right, immunity, or advantage held by only one or
a few people, or only by a particular group or class. (2) An exemp-
tion from duties or requirements imposed on most people; a
release from an obligation or liability.
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privileged communication 390
privileged communication. N. A communication that does not have
to be revealed during discovery because it occurred in a special
situation, such as information revealed to a doctor by a patient or
from one spouse to another. See also attorney-client privilege,
patient-physician privilege, marital communications privilege,
priest-penitent privilege.
privileges and immunities. N. A phrase used in the Constitution to
refer to rights and protections held by all U.S. citizens by virtue of
their citizenship, such as the right to travel from state to state and
to be accorded the same rights granted to citizens of those states,
the right to vote in federal elections, and the right to do business in
various states.
privity. N. A relationship between parties that occurs when they
share an interest in or right to some property or matter, such as two
people who enter a contract, or a deceased person and his or her
heir, or two people who own the same piece of property one after
the other.
privy. N. A person who shares privity with another; a person
with an interest in an action or property.
ADJ. Sharing in private
probable. ADJ. More likely than not. N. probability.
probable cause. N. Reason to believe that a particular fact is more
likely true than not; when considering doing search and seizure,
reasonable grounds supported by evidence to assume that the
search or arrest is justified, i.e., that a crime has been committed or
that the property to be seized is associated with a crime.
probate. N. A formal court procedure in which a will is proven to
be valid or invalid; the entire process of settling the estate of a
deceased person.
V. To establish that a will is valid.
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391 process
probate court. N. A court that handles wills, estates, and the
appointment of guardians for orphaned children.
probation. N. A sentencing procedure in which, instead of
imprisoning a person convicted of a crime, the court releases
him or her to the supervision of a probation officer, with the
understanding that a violation of the terms of probation will
result in a prison sentence.
probationary period. N. A specified time during which an employer
may assess the skills and suitability of a new hire and may choose
to terminate the employee if he or she is deemed not suitable.
probative. ADJ. Proving something.
probative evidence. N. Evidence that proves what it is intended
to prove.
probative value. N. The quality or level of proof offered by a partic-
ular piece of evidence.
pro bono. ADJ. (Latin) For the sake of good; describes work done
without compensation for the public good.
ADV. pro bono.
procedure. N. A method of doing something; the formal steps and
methods used in conducting a lawsuit. See also civil procedure,
criminal procedure, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Federal
Rules of Criminal Procedure.
proceeding. N. A lawsuit or legal action; a step or event that is part
of a lawsuit; a hearing, inquest, investigation, or other action that
takes place before a judicial officer.
proceeds. N. Money earned from some enterprise or activity.
process. N. (1) A series of actions taken to achieve some result; a
normal method or procedure. (2) A summons, writ, warrant, or
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process server 392
other document ordering someone to appear in court; a court’s
exercise of jurisdiction over someone.
process server. N. A person who is legally authorized to deliver
process documents to a defendant, such as a sheriff. See also
service of process.
proclaim. V. To announce or publish; to make an official or public
proclamation. N. The act of announcing something officially or
publicly; an official or public announcement, especially of some
governmental action or policy; a bailiffs announcement that the
court is about to do something.
proctor. N. An agent or proxy; a person who manages another
person’s affairs.
procuration. N. Appointing an attorney or agent to act on one’s
behalf; acting as a proxy or agent for someone.
procurator. N. A person who acts on someone else’s behalf.
procure. V. (1) To obtain something; to obtain a prostitute for
someone. (2) To persuade someone to do something.
procurer. N. A person who procures; a pimp.
produce. V. (1) To make, manufacture, or create. N. product. (2) To
present for viewing or examination; to present a witness or exhibit
to the court.
products liability. N. A doctrine of tort law that holds manufac-
turers and sellers liable for injuries caused by defective products
they introduce into the marketplace.
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393 promisor
profession. N. (1) An occupation or job that requires extensive
formal training and usually certification by some body of profes-
sionals within the field, such as with law or medicine. (2) A decla-
ration of belief; a public declaration or announcement.
V. profess.
professional. ADJ. Relating to a profession. N. A practitioner of a
professional association. N. (1) A group of people in the same
profession who work together in an organization similar to a
corporation, also called a professional corporation. (2) A group of
professionals who organize themselves to advance education,
lobbying, or other interests held by all of them.
ABBRV. p.a.
proffer. V. To offer; to offer or hold out something as proof or
profit. N. Financial gain; income greater than the costs and
expenses involved in earning it.
V. To earn a profit; to benefit.
pro forma. ADJ. (Latin) For the sake of form; as a matter of form,
rather than based on facts; for politeness. (1) Describes judgments
rendered to facilitate further proceedings rather than on the basis
of facts. (2) Describes accounting statements showing anticipated
income before it actually occurs.
ADV. pro forma.
prohibit. V. To prevent; to forbid by law or rule. N. prohibition.
promise. N. A binding declaration that a person will do a certain
act, which gives the person receiving the promise the right to
expect performance.
V. To declare or assure someone that one will
definitely do some act.
promisee. N. A person who receives a promise.
promisor. N. A person who promises something.
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promissory 394
promissory. ADJ. Implying or containing a promise.
promissory estoppel. N. A condition that arises when someone
promises something to another person who relies on that promise
and takes action that would hurt him or her if the promise is not
kept; a court will find that such a promise is binding if there is no
other way to avoid injustice to the injured party.
promissory note. N. A document in which the maker promises to
pay a certain sum of money on a specified date.
promote. V. (1) To encourage or support. (2) To raise someone to a
higher position or rank. (3) To form a corporation and raise capital
for it.
N. promotion.
promoter. N. A person who founds a corporation.
promulgate. V. (1) To make widely known; to publish. (2) To put
a statute into effect; to announce a statute or rule officially.
proof. N. The use of evidence or argument to establish a fact;
evidence offered at trial to show the truth of some proposition.
proper. ADJ. Correct; appropriate; suitable.
proper care. N. The degree of care an ordinary person of ordinary
prudence would use in a given situation.
proper lookout. N. The degree of attention, care, and prudence an
ordinary person of ordinary prudence driving a car would use
while driving under similar conditions.
proper party. N. A party with an interest in a lawsuit who could be
joined and whose presence would help the just settlement of the
matter, but without whom the lawsuit could still continue.
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395 propose
property. N. That which is or can be owned, possessed, used, and
disposed of; those things owned by someone; possessions, land,
buildings, and all rights and interests that can be owned.
property, common. N. Property shared by two or more owners,
such as tenants in common or husband and wife; property owned
by all citizens and held in trust by the government.
property, intangible. N. Property with no physical existence, such
as a copyright.
property, movable. N. Objects that can be moved; chattels.
property, personal. N. All property other than real property that is
owned by a person.
property, private. N. Property held by a private citizen or entity, not
available for public or governmental use.
property, public. N. Property owned by the community or citizenry
or by a government.
property, real. N. Land, buildings, and other immovable objects
fixed to the ground.
property settlement. N. The disposition of marital property
between spouses after a divorce.
property tax. N. A tax levied by the government on the value of
property owned by taxpayers.
proportional representation. N. System of election that distributes
seats in proportion to the number of votes cast for particular candi-
dates or parties.
propose. V. To suggest or offer an idea for consideration. N.
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proprietary 396
proprietary. ADJ. Related to ownership; acting like an owner;
owned by a particular person or company; sold under a trade
N. An owner or proprietor.
proprietary function. N. A function or duty that a municipal govern-
ment performs on behalf of its citizens.
proprietary information. N. Trade secret information in which a
person has an ownership interest.
proprietary name. N. A trade name or trademark; a registered name
of a product that may not be used without the owner’s permission.
proprietary rights. N. Rights over property that an owner has by
virtue of ownership.
proprietor. N. A person who owns a business; a person with legal
rights or title to a business.
proprietorship. N. A business owned by one person, usually not
incorporated; synonymous with sole proprietorship.
pro rata. ADJ. (Latin) According to the rate; proportional or
ADV. pro rata.
prorate. V. To distribute proportionately.
prorogue. V. To discontinue or suspend a session, as of a legis-
lature, without dissolving it; to end a legislative session; to
proscribe. V. To forbid an action; to denounce, outlaw, or condemn
a person.
N. proscription.
pro se. ADV. (Latin) For oneself; appearing on one’s own behalf;
describes a person who represents himself or herself in a lawsuit.
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397 protective order
prosecute. V. (1) To begin legal proceedings against someone, espe-
cially by the state against an accused criminal. (2) To continue to
carry out some action, intending to complete it.
prosecution. N. The act of prosecuting; the party prosecuting a
case; a criminal action.
prosecutor. N. An attorney who prosecutes criminal cases on
behalf of the state.
prospective. ADJ. Future; expected to happen in the future.
prospective law. N. A law scheduled to be enacted at some future
date and that will apply only to cases arising after it is enacted.
prospectus. N. A document issued by a corporation disclosing its
financial information to current and prospective investors.
prostitute. N. A person who engages in sex acts for money.
prostitution. N. The practice of selling sex for money. See also
pander, pimp.
protect. V. To keep someone or something safe; to keep intact;
to preserve something that exists.
N. protection. ADJ. protec-
protectionism. N. The policy of limiting trade with foreign nations
in an attempt to protect domestic producers.
protective custody. N. The confinement of a person to protect him
or her from harm, either self-inflicted or inflicted by others.
protective order. N. An order issued by a court to protect a party
from the abusive discovery, service of process, or other aspect of
the legal process.
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protective tariff 398
protective tariff. N. A duty or tariff on imported goods intended to
discourage imports and protect domestically manufactured goods.
pro tem. ABBRV. Pro tempore.
pro tempore. ADJ. (Latin) For the time being; temporary or provi-
sional; used to describe someone holding an office temporarily.
ADV. pro tempore. ABBRV. pro tem.
protest. N. (1) A formal statement objecting to something; a
statement of disapproval or dissent, often made to avoid
implying consent by silence. (2) A written declaration witnessed
by a notary that a bill or note has been presented for payment
and refused.
V. protest.
protocol. N. (1) Proper procedure, behavior, and etiquette at a
diplomatic occasion or government function; the procedural rules
for an organization, government, or situation. (2) A draft of a treaty
or other diplomatic document; the minutes to a diplomatic
meeting, signed by participants. (3) An addition to a treaty or inter-
national convention.
prove. V. To establish the truth of something by using evidence and
arguments. See also proof.
provide. V. To stipulate a condition in a legal document.
provision. N. A requirement or condition stated in a legal docu-
provisional. ADJ. Temporary; arranged as a temporary measure to
keep affairs in order until a permanent solution can be arranged.
provisional government. N. A temporary government created to
keep order until a permanent government can be installed.
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399 psychotropic
provisional remedy. N. A temporary remedy given to a plaintiff to
meet a present need while a lawsuit is in progress.
proviso. N. A condition or stipulation added to an agreement or
provoke. V. To cause someone to act, usually by deliberately
annoying or irritating him or her.
N. provocation.
proximate. ADJ. Closest in relationship, time, physical distance, or
causal connection; immediate; direct. See also cause.
proxy. N. A substitute, deputy, or agent; a person authorized to act
on behalf of someone else, especially someone allowed to vote for
stockholders in a corporate election.
prudent. ADJ. Cautious; careful; showing concern about the future.
N. prudence.
prudent man rule. N. A rule guiding investment by trustees in some
states, limiting a trustee’s investments to securities that a prudent
person of reasonable intelligence and discretion would choose to
provide a decent income and preserve capital.
prurient. ADJ. Showing excessive fascination with nudity, sexual
matters, or excrement.
prurient interest. N. An excessive interest in sex, nudity, wanton
behavior, lasciviousness, etc.
psychoactive. ADJ. Altering brain chemistry to affect mood, percep-
tion, and behavior. Synonymous with psychotropic.
psychotropic. ADJ. See psychoactive.
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public 400
public. ADJ. (1) Concerning all people or an entire community. (2)
Shared; common to or belonging to all the members of a commu-
nity. (3) Done or provided by the government; involved in the
government. (4) Open; unconcealed.
N. The citizenry; the commu-
nity; all people.
publication. N. Making something public; preparing and issuing a
book, article, or other document for sale to the public.
V. publish.
public defender. N. An attorney employed by the government to
represent criminal defendants who cannot afford to pay for a
public domain. N. The body of knowledge and creative works,
including works of film, music, literature, and inventions, whose
copyrights are not owned by anyone and are thus considered avail-
able for free use by anyone.
public figure. N. A person who is famous or well-known in a
community or in society in general, such as a famous athlete, actor,
or politician.
public good. N. The well-being of the entire community.
public interest. N. An interest or concern important to an entire
community or all of society.
public office. N. A position that exists to do some job necessary
to and on behalf of the government, held by a public official who
is elected by the people and exercises some sovereign powers of
the government.
public policy. N. The principles that guide a government in its
administration, in an effort to maintain the well-being and order of
the state and its citizens; also, the principle that a contract or trans-
action that harms the public good is illegal.
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401 publish
public property. N. Property owned by the citizenry or the govern-
ment as opposed to a private individual.
public purpose. N. The intention or objective of benefiting or
serving the public; used to describe government actions done to
benefit the community directly; also called governmental purpose.
public record. N. Documents filed in government offices that are
open to the public for examination, such as records of real estate
public sector. N. The part of the economy controlled by the
government, not by private individuals working for profit. See
also private sector.
public service. N. Work done by a corporation that serves the
needs of the public, such as transportation or utilities.
public service corporation. N. A privately owned corporation that
provides a public service, usually with a franchise from the state.
public use. N. Benefit to the entire community brought about
through the use of property condemned by the government
through eminent domain.
public utility. N. A company that supplies a service, such as elec-
tricity, water, or gas, that is so essential to the public that the
government will allow it to use public property and to function as
a monopoly in exchange for government regulation of price and the
requirement that it serve all customers without discrimination.
publish. V. (1) To prepare a book or document and issue it for sale
to the public. (2) To make information widely known, such as by
advertising in a newspaper. (3) To inform witnesses that one is
signing a document as one’s will.
N. publication.
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puff. V. To exaggerate the quality of goods in advertising or in
describing them to prospective buyers, intending to make them
look good and improve the chances of someone purchasing them
but not actually misleading the customer because the puffing is
done as an expression of opinion, not a statement of fact.
punish. V. To inflict a penalty on someone as retribution for a crime
or misdeed.
N. punishment.
punitive. ADJ. Intended as punishment; related to punishment.
purchase. V. To buy; to acquire something by exchanging money or
other valuable consideration for it.
N. purchase.
purchaser. N. A person who buys something.
purchaser for value. N. A person who gives valuable consideration
in exchange for the item purchased.
purloin. V. To steal.
purposely. ADV. Intentionally; done with conscious intent and
awareness of likely consequences.
pursue. V. To chase; to try to accomplish something; to engage in
some activity.
N. pursuit.
pursuit of happiness. N. An inalienable right listed in the
Declaration of Independence; includes freedom to pursue an occu-
pation of one’s choice, the right to have a family, freedom from
discrimination or oppression, freedom of contract, and other
personal freedoms necessary to create a life of one’s own choosing
and to one’s own satisfaction.
purview. N. Within the scope of something, such as a statute; the
enacting portion of a statute.
puff 402
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putative. ADJ. Reputed; generally assumed to be; supposed.
putative father. N. A man who is assumed to be the father of a child
born out of wedlock.
putative spouse. N. A person who believes he or she is legally
married to someone although the marriage is actually invalid.
pyramiding. N. The use of paper profits from existing investments
to buy more investments.
pyramid scheme. N. A sales scheme, often illegal, in which a buyer
of goods is promised a commission for every additional buyer he or
she finds and recruits to be a seller, and in which the people at the
top of the pyramid collect payments from all the bottom tiers but
the people at the bottom usually lose money. See also Securities
and Exchange Commission.
403 pyramid scheme
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qualified expenses 406
qualified expenses. N. Expenses that meet certain criteria, such as
specific medical expenses.
qualify. V. (1) To be eligible for or entitled to something by meeting
a required condition. (2) To meet the criteria for becoming a
member of a profession or to hold an office. (3) To restrict the
meaning of something; to add reservations to a statement.
N. qual-
ADJ. qualified.
quality. N. (1) The standard of excellence of an item as compared
to other similar items; the comparative rank of a person or thing;
excellence. (2) A characteristic; a unique attribute that can be used
to distinguish one thing or person from another.
quantum meruit. N. (Latin) As much as one deserves; used to
describe a reasonable sum to pay to a person for some service if
the price is not specified in a contract; used to prevent the unjust
enrichment of someone who has received services under circum-
stances that should have notified him or her that the plaintiff
providing the service expected to be paid.
quarantine. N. A period of time, condition, or place of isolation for
someone who has been exposed to an infectious disease, intended
to prevent the disease from spreading into the community.
V. quar-
quarterly. ADJ. Four times a year. ADV. quarterly.
quash. V. To reject, suppress, or end; to make legally invalid.
quasi. ADJ. (Latin) Almost, as if; apparently but not actually;
quasi contract. N. An obligation similar to a contract imposed by
the law when two parties have made no promises to one another
but when one party has benefited from services provided by
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407 quiet title
another in such a way that the benefited party would be unjustly
enriched if the court did not find the existence of an obligation.
quasi in rem jurisdiction. N. Jurisdiction based on a defendant’s
interest in property within the court’s jurisdiction, even when the
defendant does not actually live there.
quasi judicial. N. Describes the actions and powers of administra-
tive officers and agencies that can perform some judicial tasks,
although they are not in fact judges or courts.
query. N. A question. V. To ask a question.
question. N. (1) A sentence worded in such a way as to search for
and discover information; an interrogatory statement to a witness
asking him or her for information. (2) A point that is not settled and
is open to debate; a doubt about some matter.
V. To ask someone
for information; to interrogate. See also hypothetical; matter of
fact, matter of law.
quick. ADJ. Alive.
quickening. N. The point at which a pregnant woman feels the fetus
move inside her womb.
quid pro quo. N. (Latin) Something for something; giving one valu-
able thing in exchange for something else.
quiet enjoyment. N. Undisturbed use of land or buildings that one
is leasing.
quiet title. V. To determine title to land in court by bringing all
interested parties into court and allowing them to attempt to
establish their claims; this court proceeding is called an action to
quiet title.
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quit. V. (1) To leave a place; to give up possession of property. (2)
To stop some activity; to resign from a job.
ADJ. Rid of or free from
qui tam. ABBRV. (Latin) Who also. Qui tam pro domino rege quam
pro si ipso in hac parte sequitur; someone who sues in this case on
behalf of the ruling king as much as if on his own behalf; used to
name a legal action brought by an individual plaintiff on behalf of
the state or government as well as on the plaintiffs own behalf,
such as a case brought by a whistleblower.
quitclaim. N. The act of giving up a claim on someone else or relin-
quishing a title to something.
V. quitclaim.
quitclaim deed. N. A deed in which a person transfers whatever
title he or she has to property, without guaranteeing that he or she
has any title at all.
quorum. N. The minimum number of members or delegates that
must be present at a meeting of a body to validate any decisions
made or business transacted at that meeting.
quota. N. A goal; a fixed number of objects or people that are
allowed or desired someplace; a proportional share of something.
quote. V. (1) To copy or read words verbatim from a source, such
as a statute or document. (2) To state a price for something or
the cost of doing a job; to state an official price for the sale of
N. quotation.
q.v. ABBRV. (Latin) Quod vide; which see; used to direct a reader to
another part of a document for more information about a topic.
quit 408
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race 410
race. N. (1) An ethnic group. (2) An election.
race act. N. A recording act that allows the first person to record a
deed to take precedence over others who record deeds to the same
property subsequently, even if the first person to record knows of
other claims to the land.
race notice act. N. A recording act that allows the first person to
record a deed to take precedence over those who record deeds to
the same property subsequently, unless the first person to record
knows of other unrecorded claims to the land.
racial. ADJ. Related to ethnicity or race; because of race.
racial profiling. N. The use by law enforcement officers of racial
quotas instead of actual grounds for suspicion in their selection of
people to stop for questioning.
racism. N. Prejudice against members of a particular ethnic group
or race.
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act. N. A federal
law designed to fight organized crime.
racketeering. N. Engaging in a conspiracy to commit business
fraud, extortion, or coercion; using threats to extort money, goods,
or services from business owners. See also mafia, organized
crime, Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act.
radar. N. A device that uses electromagnetic waves to track the
position, speed, and direction of motion of a vehicle, commonly
used by police officers to detect people driving automobiles faster
than the legal speed limit.
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411 rate
radical. ADJ. Politically extreme, most often extremely liberal;
supporting extreme change or complete reform of a system of
N. radical. See also revolution.
raise. V. (1) To increase; to make higher; to increase the face
amount on a check, usually by forgery. (2) To suggest; to bring up
a topic for consideration; to introduce an issue to the court, as
through pleadings. (3) To collect money, as by asking for donations;
to gather taxes. (4) To care for a child until adulthood.
N. An
increase in salary or compensation.
ransom. N. A sum of money or other valuable item demanded
for the release of a prisoner, especially a kidnapped person.
rape. N. The crime of having sexual intercourse with someone
without his or her consent and against his or her will; synonymous
with sexual assault.
V. rape.
rape, statutory. N. The crime of having sexual intercourse with a
person below a statutorily prescribed age of consent, regardless
of whether the victim consented and how old the victim claimed
to be.
ratable. ADJ. Able to be estimated; proportional; able to be meas-
ured according to some system of proportions.
ratable estate. N. An estate with a value that can be appraised,
usually for taxes.
rate. N. (1) A measure or value relative to some other measure or
value; a proportion. (2) A price; a fee; a charge per unit of service
or goods.
V. To measure or assess according to a standard.
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rate, exchange 412
rate, exchange. N. The price of one nation’s currency relative to
rate, interest. N. The percentage of interest that a lender charges as
a fee for lending money.
rate, tax. N. Amount of tax to be paid determined by a percentage
of income or price.
rate of return. N. The percentage of profit made on an invest-
ratify. V. To approve, affirm, or confirm something, such as a law or
contract; to make something valid.
N. ratification.
rational basis test. N. A test applied by a court to determine
whether a law challenged on constitutional grounds has a rational
basis for existence, i.e., that it is intended to and does accomplish
some legitimate governmental objective, that it is reasonable and
not arbitrary, and that it treats all similar people the same way.
ravish. V. To rape; to have sexual intercourse by force and against
the victim’s will.
N. ravishment.
reactionary. ADJ. Extremely conservative; opposed to social and
political reform; not liberal.
N. reactionary.
real estate. N. Land and the buildings attached to it; see also
property, real.
real estate investment trust. N. An investment company that
invests in real estate, distributes income to shareholders, and is
given special income tax treatment.
real evidence. N. Evidence consisting of actual things that can be
seen and inspected by the jury at trial; see also demonstrative
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413 reasonable belief
realize. V. To make money from something; to receive profits from
N. realization.
realized gain or loss. N. Actual and identifiable gain or loss
received by selling property or an investment. See also recognize.
real party in interest. N. A person with the legal right to enforce a
claim and to benefit from a lawsuit if successful.
real property. See property, real.
realty. N. Real estate; real property.
reapportion. V. To change the way something is distributed; to
change the boundaries of legislative districts or to change the
number of representatives per district in order to keep repre-
sentation proportional to population.
N. reapportionment.
See also gerrymander.
reargument. N. Presentation to the court of more oral arguments
on an issue it has already heard, in cases where it seems that an
important point has been overlooked or where there might be
some confusion about facts.
reason. N. (1) A cause, motive, or explanation for something. (2)
Common sense; mental ability to think, distinguish between
right and wrong, and to discern and interpret facts.
V. To think
about facts and form a judgment based on them; to attempt to
persuade someone to think a certain way through the use of
evidence and logic.
reasonable. ADJ. Appropriate; based on common sense and good
judgment; fair and just.
reasonable belief. N. A belief based on facts, circumstances, and
information trustworthy enough to make a person of ordinary intel-
ligence and caution believe something is the case, commonly used
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reasonable care 414
when deciding to arrest someone or conduct a search and seizure
without a warrant; see also probable cause.
reasonable care. N. The care that a person of ordinary prudence
and competence would use in a similar situation. See also care,
reasonable doubt. N. Enough uncertainty that a person has
committed a crime, based on evidence or lack thereof, that a
person of ordinary prudence and logical ability would hesitate to
find him or her guilty.
reasonable person. N. A hypothetical person with ordinary intelli-
gence, prudence, caution, and good judgment who is interested in
protecting his or her own interests and the safety and well-being of
others, used as a benchmark for measuring the behavior of a defen-
dant in a negligence case; also called a reasonable man or reason-
able woman in cases where gender is a factor.
reasonable time. N. A fair and appropriate amount of time to do
something under given circumstances.
rebut. V. To respond to an argument or claim with contrary argu-
ments and evidence; to refute.
rebuttable presumption. N. A presumption that can be refuted with
evidence; an assumption that is held to be true until refuted by
rebuttal. N. The opportunity given to a defending party to respond
to and refute the arguments presented by the party presenting a
case in chief, or to the party who initiates a closing argument after
the other party has responded to that argument; an oral argument
responding to and refuting an initial case.
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415 receiving stolen property
rebuttal evidence. N. Evidence offered to refute or combat claims
made and evidence presented by an opposing party.
recall. V. (1) To revoke; to reverse or cancel a judgment. (2) To
remove an elected official from office before the end of his or her
term. (3) To order an official, particularly a diplomatic official, to
come back home and often to relinquish his or her office. (4) To
notify consumers of a manufacturing defect in a product and allow
them to return the product for repair or replacement.
N. recall.
recapitalize. V. To reorganize the capital structure of a corporation;
to rearrange the stocks, bonds, and other securities of a corpora-
tion, especially to acquire more capital and reduce debt.
N. recap-
recapture. V. (1) To collect tax that was previously claimed by a
taxpayer as a deduction or credit. (2) To take back something that
has been captured by an enemy.
N. recapture.
receivable. ADJ. Due; ready to be collected. N. An amount that is
owed to a business; an account that records amounts due.
receiver. N. A person or business appointed by a court to manage
property owned by an insolvent person or business that is the
subject of a lawsuit, to hold the property and preserve it for the
benefit of those who will ultimately receive it.
receivership. N. The state of an insolvent business or person whose
property has been put under the care of a receiver for management,
preservation, and distribution at the end of a lawsuit; the equitable
proceeding in which a receiver is appointed.
receiving stolen property. N. The crime of receiving and accepting
property or goods known to be stolen; see also fence.
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recess 416
recess. N. A break in a court or legislative session in which official
proceedings are suspended for a short time.
recidivism. N. The practice of committing crimes regularly.
recidivist. N. A repeat offender; a person who habitually and regu-
larly commits crimes.
ADJ. recidivist.
reciprocal. ADJ. Mutual; affecting both parties equally; done in
return for something.
reciprocal contract. N. A bilateral contract; a contract in which
each party does something for the other.
reciprocal law. N. A law that extends rights and privileges to citi-
zens of another state in exchange for the other state extending its
rights and privileges to the first state.
reciprocity. N. An agreement or relationship between states, coun-
tries, or people, in which the rights and privileges of one are
observed in the other; e.g., an attorney who is a member of a bar in
one state is allowed to practice law in states that have reciprocity
with the first state.
reck. V. (Archaic) To pay attention to something.
reckless. ADJ. Without regard to the consequence of one’s actions;
careless; indifferent.
N. recklessness.
reckless disregard. N. Wanton or careless inattention to the safety
of others or to consequences while conscious of risks, but without
intent to cause harm.
reckless driving. N. Driving a vehicle without attention to risks,
consequences, or the safety of others.
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417 record notice
recognizance. N. A promise or obligation to do an act required by
law, such as to appear in court on a particular date to answer crim-
inal charges.
recognize. V. (1) To include money earned in taxable income. (2)
To acknowledge; to confirm.
N. recognition. See also realize.
recollect. V. To remember; to recall to mind. N. recollection.
reconcile. V. To settle a disagreement; to restore friendly relations
between people, states, or nations; to correct discrepancies in a
document or account.
N. reconciliation.
record. N. An official written report about some event or transac-
tion; written documents, audio and video tapes, and other docu-
mentary information.
V. To write an account of some event or
transaction to serve as an official version of what happened.
record date. N. A date by which a shareholder must be registered
with a corporation in order to receive dividends and vote in elec-
recording act. N. A state statute that regulates the recording of real
estate documents such as deeds, mortgages, and leases, with
particular attention to those cases in which more than one person
claims the same property.
Recording Industry Association of America. N. A trade organiza-
tion that lobbies on behalf of recorded music producers, particu-
larly in the area of copyright and file sharing.
record notice. N. The public acknowledgement of a person’s claim
to property that occurs when the owner publicly records an instru-
ment of conveyance, such as a deed.
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record on appeal 418
record on appeal. N. The documents that constitute the history of
a lawsuit, including pleadings, evidence, motions, briefs, and other
papers filed with the court.
record owner. N. The person who is registered as the official owner
of company stock. See also public record.
recoup. V. To recover; to reclaim something that had been lost;
for a defendant to have a plaintiffs award for damages reduced
through some claim the defendant has on the plaintiff.
recourse. N. Assistance in difficulty; a source of help; a right to
demand compensation.
recourse loan. N. A loan guaranteed by a guarantor or other
endorser who agrees to pay the lender if the borrower defaults.
recover. V. (1) To return to a normal condition, as of a person’s
health or the economy. (2) To regain control or possession of some-
thing. (3) To receive compensation as a result of a lawsuit.
recovery. N. (1) A return to normal condition. (2) The act of recov-
ering something; the restoration of a right or possession. (3) An
amount awarded to the prevailing party in a lawsuit.
recrimination. N. An accusation made by an accused person
against his or her accuser, especially in a divorce case.
rectify. V. To correct; to make something right. N. rectification.
recuse. V. For a judge to withdraw from hearing a lawsuit because
of self-interest, bias, or other inability to render a fair and impartial
decision; to object to a judge or jury on the grounds that he or she
will not be impartial.
N. recusal.
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419 redundancy
Red Cross. N. A group of humanitarian organizations in several
countries that work to help people in need, such as disaster
redeem. V. To buy something back; to exchange a coupon or nego-
tiable instrument for money; to clear a debt, such as a mortgage; for
a corporation to buy back its own stock.
N. redemption.
redemption. N. The act of redeeming; regaining possession of
something by buying it back.
V. redeem.
red herring. N. (1) A misleading clue; a point in a case that might
seem important but that is in fact irrelevant to the main issue. (2)
In securities, a preliminary prospectus about a future stock issue
not yet approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission,
so-called because it is bordered in red to alert investors that it is
not yet approved.
redline. V. To refuse to give someone a mortgage loan based on the
neighborhood in which the prospective borrower lives; to refuse to
insure a dwelling based on its neighborhood.
N. redlining.
redress. N. Remedy; compensation for an injury. V. redress.
red tape. N. Excessive bureaucracy; the excessive requirements,
paperwork, and technicalities that are part of doing business with
a bureaucracy.
reductio ad absurdum. N. (Latin) Reduction to the point of
absurdity; a method of arguing against a proposition by showing
that its ultimate conclusion is absurd.
redundancy. N. The inclusion of words or arguments that could be
omitted without harming the ultimate meaning; the inclusion of
unnecessary material in a document or pleading.
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redundant 420
redundant. ADJ. Unnecessary; superfluous.
re-entry. N. The act of resuming possession of property that one
possessed formerly.
refer. V. (1) To direct attention or allude to something. (2) To send
a matter to some other body; to send a case to a referee for inves-
tigation; to submit a contract to arbitration.
N. reference.
referee. N. An officer appointed by a court to hear testimony from
the parties to a case and report his or her findings to the court.
reference. N. (1) A citation; a mention of the source of information;
a book or other document used as a source of information. (2) A
person who provides information about another person, usually to
a prospective employer; a letter from a person providing informa-
tion about another person. (3) The act of referring a matter to
another body.
V. refer.
referendum. N. A state or local election in which the voters vote on
an item of legislation or an amendment.
refinance. V. To replace an existing loan with a new one, usually at
a lower interest rate; in securities, to issue new bonds to raise
money for the payment of bonds about to mature.
reform. V. To correct; to change something to make it better; to
change oneself or another person for the better; to correct a
written instrument under court order.
reformation. N. A court-ordered rewriting of a contract or other
instrument in cases where the instrument does not say what the
parties intended it to say.
reformatory. N. An institution where juvenile criminals are sent
instead of prison, with an emphasis on education and improved
behavior; also called a reform school.
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421 register of deeds
refugee. N. An individual who has been forced to flee his or her
home due to war, fear of persecution, or natural disaster. See
also asylum.
refund. N. A return of money paid to some person or institution,
such as to a dissatisfied customer or to a taxpayer who has paid too
much in taxes.
V. (1) To return money already paid, such as to a
customer or taxpayer. (2) To refinance; to fund a debt again; to sell
new bonds to pay off a loan.
refuse. N. Rejected things; things that have been thrown away, such
as garbage and trash.
V. To decline to do something. N. refusal.
register. V. To enroll; to enter something in an official list or record.
N. registration. N. (1) An official list; a compilation of public
records. (2) An officer who keeps public records.
registered. ADJ. Recorded in some official list.
registered bond. N. A bond recorded in its purchaser’s name on the
books of its issuer, redeemable only by the purchaser.
registered mail. N. Insured first-class mail that is recorded when
first mailed and at stops along the way to its destination as a safe-
guard against loss or damage.
registered representative.
N. A person who has met certain
qualifications and is allowed by the Securities and Exchange
Commission to sell securities to the general public.
registered voter. N. A person whose name is listed on the rolls of
voters for a particular state or county.
register of deeds. N. An officer responsible for recording property
transactions in the public records.
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register of wills 422
register of wills. N. An officer who records wills and does other
functions for the probate court.
registrar. N. A person who is responsible for a list of records,
such as the officer who enrolls students at a university; a bank or
trust company that keeps records of a corporation’s securities
registration. N. (1) Enrollment; entry on an official list. (2) A
company’s submission of its financial status to the Securities and
Exchange Commission in order to be allowed to sell securities.
V. register.
registration statement. N. A document that companies selling secu-
rities must submit to the Securities and Exchange Commission,
including information on the company’s finances, the nature of the
business, the purpose of the securities offering, and the identities
of the managers and major stockholders.
registry. N. A book or record in which information is recorded.
regular. ADJ. Ordinary, usual, or common; conforming to laws or
regular course of business. N. The habitual and ordinary acts that
a person does in the course of work, or that a company does as an
inherent and regular part of the business in which it is engaged; see
also ordinary course of business.
regulate. V. To control by rules.
regulation. N. A rule created and enforced by an authority; a rule
created by a government agency to carry out the requirements of a
law; the act of regulating.
ADJ. regulatory.
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423 related
rehabilitate. V. To restore a person or business to a normal level
of health, freedom, reputation, dignity, finances, or other
capacity; to improve the reliability of a witness whose credibility
has been impeached by opposing counsel; to help a criminal
improve his or her situation so as to abandon crime in the future.
N. rehabilitation.
rehabilitative alimony. N. Alimony intended to help a divorced
spouse acquire the skills needed to support himself or herself.
rehearing. N. A second hearing of a matter that the court has
already considered; a retrial or reconsideration by the court in
which a matter was originally heard.
reinstate. V. To restore to former status or position; to restore
insurance benefits under a policy that had lapsed or been
canceled; to put a lawsuit that has been dismissed back into the
court process.
reinsure. V. For an insurer to enter into a contract with another
insurer to share a risk already assumed by the first insurer.
N. rein-
REIT. ABBRV. Real estate investment trust.
rejoinder. N. A reply or response; an answer made by a defendant
to a plaintiffs rebuttal.
relate. V. (1) To be connected, as by blood, marriage, or causation.
(2) To recount; to narrate.
related. ADJ. To be connected to someone or something; belonging
to the same type or family.
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relation 424
relation. N. (1) A person related to another by blood or marriage; a
relative. (2) A connection or interaction between two people. (3) A
narration of facts or events.
relation back. N. A principle in which some action is held to have
occurred earlier than it did in fact occur; e.g., an amended
complaint is still held to have been filed at the time of the original
complaint for purposes of the statute of limitations.
relative. N. A kinsman or kinswoman; a person related to another
by blood or marriage.
ADJ. In relation or comparison to someone or
something else.
release. V. To set free; to remove restrictions from someone or
N. (1) The act of setting someone or something free. (2)
Giving up a claim, right, debt, or interest; a document that gives up
a claim, right, debt, or interest.
release on own recognizance. V. To release a defendant in a crim-
inal case without bail, with only a promise from the defendant to
return to stand trial.
relevant. ADJ. Closely connected or logically related to the matter
at hand.
N. relevance, relevancy.
relevant evidence. N. Evidence that is logically connected to the
fact it is intended to establish.
reliance. N. Trust or confidence that someone will do something or
that something will happen; a belief that something will happen
that causes the believer to do something he or she would not have
done otherwise.
V. rely.
relief. N. (1) Assistance, especially money or food given to those in
need; an act or benefit that alleviates some hardship or distress. (2)
A replacement for someone who has been on duty.
V. relieve.
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425 render
remainder. N. Something that is left over; a part of an estate in land
left over after the rest of the estate has been settled; a future
interest in an estate.
remainderman. N. A person entitled to a future interest in an estate
in land; a person who will take the remainder of an estate after all
testamentary bequests are settled.
remand. V. (1) For an appellate court to send a case back to a lower
court for reconsideration. (2) To place someone in custody, such as
a defendant, while a trial is adjourned.
N. remand.
remedial. ADJ. Intended to cure or to act as a remedy.
remedy. N. A means of compensating someone for an injury or
enforcing a right.
remit. V. (1) To refer a matter to some authority for decision; to
send a case back to a lower court. (2) To send money. (3) To cancel
a debt; to refrain from punishing someone for a misdeed; to forgive.
N. remission.
remitter. N. The process of restoring good title to property to a
person who formerly had good title but currently does not.
remittitur. N. The reduction of a jury’s excessive verdict or award
of damages.
remote cause. N. An action or event that would not necessarily
cause a particular result; see also proximate.
remove. V. (1) To take off; to take away; to eliminate. (2) To transfer
a lawsuit from one court to another, especially from a state court
to a federal one.
N. removal.
render. V. (1) To provide something, such as help or payment. (2)
To pronounce a judgment on a case or matter; to provide a verdict.
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renounce 426
renounce. V. To formally abandon a claim or right; to reject or
refuse to support; to give something up; for a wife to waive her
rights under her husband’s will and instead choose to receive a
share of his estate according to statutory rules.
N. renunciation.
rent. N. Money or another consideration paid to the owner of prop-
erty or equipment for the right to use it.
V. To pay for the use of
something; to charge money in return for allowing someone to use
one’s property.
renunciation. N. The act of abandoning a claim or right; a docu-
ment expressing abandonment of a claim or right; in criminal law,
the affirmative defense of having abandoned criminal intent before
committing a crime.
V. renounce.
reorganize. V. To organize something differently; to change the
structure of a corporation or other enterprise, such as when two
corporations merge or a corporation changes its capitalization.
N. reorganization.
repeal. V. To revoke or annul a law. N. repeal.
replevin. N. An action in which the owner of wrongfully taken
goods recovers possession of them.
replevy. V. To deliver goods back to their rightful owner.
replication. N. In common law pleading, a plaintiff’s reply to a
defendant’s answer.
reply. N. An answer or response; in pleading, a plaintiffs response
to a counterclaim raised in the defendant’s answer.
V. To answer or
report. N. An account of something that has happened; a formal
written or oral statement made by an official who has investigated
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427 republic
some matter. V. To provide an account of an event, either oral or
written, based on investigation or observation.
reporter. N. A published volume of cases decided by courts in a
particular region or by a particular court; a compilation of
decisions by an administrative agency, financial transactions
of a company, or other such material; also called reports. See
also court reporter.
repossess. V. For a lender to take possession of an item or property
if the person who borrowed money to purchase it fails to make
N. repossession. See also foreclose.
represent. V. (1) To act or speak on someone’s behalf. (2) To
allege or claim that something is the case; to make a statement
that allows the listener to form a judgment.
N. representation.
See also misrepresent.
representative. N. A person appointed to speak or act on someone
else’s behalf; an agent; a person who represents a group of people
in a legislative body.
ADJ. Typical of a type or class. See also House
of Representatives, personal representative.
reprieve. N. The temporary postponement of a criminal sentence or
other unpleasant event.
V. reprieve.
reprimand. N. An official rebuke; formal censure of a person admin-
istered by his or her superior or by an organization.
V. reprimand.
reprisal. N. Retaliation; an act done out of spite or to retaliate for
some real or imagined wrong; seizure of people or goods belonging
to a foreign nation done as retaliation for some wrong.
republic. N. A state or nation in which power is held by the people
and their elected representatives, and in which supreme leaders
are elected by the people instead of inheriting their positions.
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republication 428
republication. N. The reactivation by a testator of a will that he or
she has revoked; the revival of a revoked will through a codicil.
repudiate. V. To deny an obligation or refuse to perform a duty,
such as that required by a contract; to deny that something is valid;
to refuse to accept something.
N. repudiation.
repugnancy. N. Inconsistency between two statements, clauses,
allegations, etc.
repugnant. ADJ. Inconsistent; incompatible; contrary.
reputation. N. The opinion about a person held by other people or
by the community in general.
res. N. (Latin) Thing; a thing or object; the subject matter of a
rescind. V. To revoke or cancel a contract or agreement. N. rescis-
rescission. N. The revocation or cancellation of a contract or agree-
ment; a cancellation of a contract that returns the parties to their
condition before they entered into it.
V. rescind.
rescript. N. A written court order providing directions on how to
dispose of a case; a short judicial opinion by an appellate court
providing reasons for its decision to be sent to the trial court that
originally heard the case in question.
rescue. V. To save someone or something from danger or destruc-
N. rescue.
rescue doctrine. N. (1) A doctrine that a person who endangers
someone’s life through negligence can also be held liable for
injuries to anyone who tries to rescue the victim. (2) A doctrine
that a person who tries to rescue a victim from danger caused by
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429 resident alien
another’s negligence cannot be charged with contributory negli-
gence as a result of the rescue attempt, as long as the rescue is
not reckless; also called humanitarian doctrine or good
Samaritan doctrine.
reservation. N. (1) A clause in a deed or other instrument of
conveyance that holds back a part of the estate being conveyed for
the grantor. (2) A tract of land set aside for public use, such as a
park or land for American Indians. (3) A court’s setting aside a legal
point for later consideration. (4) A doubt; a qualification in one’s
agreeing to something.
reserve. V. (1) To keep something back; to keep something for the
future. (2) To delay judgment on a matter.
N. Something held back
or set aside for the future or for contingencies, such as money,
troops, or land.
reservist. N. A member of the reserves.
res gestae. N. (Latin) Things done; a spontaneous remark or
declaration made by a person just after an event but before he or
she has had a chance to manufacture a falsehood, which is held to
be inherently reliable. See also spontaneous exclamation.
reside. V. To live in a place; to dwell.
residence. N. The place where someone lives; a person’s home or
dwelling; the condition of living in a place. See also domicile.
resident. N. A person who lives in a place. ADJ. Living in a place.
resident alien. N. A person who is not a citizen of the country in
which he or she resides but who has been granted permanent resi-
dent status by immigration authorities.
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residue 430
residue. N. The items and money that remain in an estate after all
testamentary bequests have been made and all debts, taxes, and
other costs have been paid; also called a residuary estate.
residual, residuary.
res ipsa loquitur. N. (Latin) The thing speaks for itself; a presump-
tion that a defendant was negligent based on the fact that an acci-
dent occurred that ordinarily would not happen without
resist. V. To fight back; to oppose something.
resistance. N. Opposition; the use of force or arms to oppose or
prevent something from happening.
resisting arrest. N. Using physical efforts to avoid being arrested by
a police officer.
res judicata. N. (Latin) An adjudicated matter; a rule that a court’s
final judgment conclusively settles the rights of all parties involved.
resolution. N. A formal expression of the opinion or intended
course of action of a legislative body or other group arrived at
through a vote.
V. resolve.
respite. N. A break; a reprieve; a temporary period of relief before
something unpleasant happens, such as a punishment.
respond. V. To reply; to answer. N. response.
respondeat superior. N. (Latin) Let the superior respond; a
doctrine holding that a master or employer is responsible for the
actions of his or her servants or employees while they work within
the scope of employment.
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431 restrain
respondent. N. (1) The party against whom an appeal is brought;
see also appellant. (2) The party against whom an equitable
proceeding is brought.
responsible. ADJ. Obligated to do something; having care for or
control over something or someone; answerable or accountable for
or in charge of something; liable.
N. responsibility.
responsive. ADJ. Answering.
responsive pleading. N. A pleading that responds to a prior
pleading by the opposing party, such as an answer to a complaint.
rest. V. To conclude a case at trial, i.e., for a party to indicate that
he or she has presented all testimony, evidence, and arguments,
has nothing left to present, and is ready to submit the case to the
jury or judge for consideration.
N. That which is left over; see
also residue.
restatement. N. One of a series of treatises on particular areas of
law (such as contracts or torts) published by the American Law
Institute, intended to show the current state of the law and likely
developments in the future.
restitution. N. (1) A remedy in which a victim is restored to his or
her original state or condition prior to the injury; the act of making
good for some wrong; restoration of the status quo. (2) Paying
money or other consideration as recompense for a loss or injury.
(3) Restoration of stolen property to its owner.
rest period. N. A period of time during which an employee must
rest and not perform work.
restrain. V. To hold back; to confine or limit; to prevent some action
or restrict freedom.
N. restraint.
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restraining order 432
restraining order. N. An order issued with an application for an
injunction preventing the defendant from doing a particular act
until the court decides whether to issue the injunction.
restraint of trade. N. Contracts or agreements between businesses
that restrict free competition, control the market, and encourage
monopolies; see also Sherman Antitrust Act.
restraint on alienation. N. A restriction on an owner’s freedom to
sell or give away a piece of property, usually unenforceable.
restrict. V. To limit, confine, or control; to limit freedom of motion
or action.
N. restriction.
restricted securities. N. Securities acquired from the issuer in a
transaction not open to the public and not available to the general
public to purchase.
restrictive covenant. N. (1) A provision in an agreement transfer-
ring property such as a deed, limiting the uses to which that prop-
erty can be put. (2) A clause in an employment contract limiting an
employee’s work options if he or she leaves the employer.
retail. N. Sale of goods in small quantities to consumers, as
opposed to selling in bulk for resale; see also wholesale.
V. retail.
ADJ. retail.
retailer. N. A person who sells goods to consumers, especially
personal or household goods.
retail installment contract. N. A contract in which a buyer agrees
to pay the seller for some item in installments, along with a finance
charge or with the provision that the ultimate price will be higher
than if the buyer paid the full price initially.
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433 retroactive
retain. V. To hold; to keep; to employ or hire; to pay someone, such
as an attorney, an initial fee as a way of securing his or her services.
retainer. N. A fee paid to someone, such as an attorney, to secure
his or her services for a particular matter or period of time.
retaliate. V. To strike back; to attack in response to a previous
attack; to punish someone or take revenge for a real or imagined
N. retaliation. ADJ. retaliatory.
retire. V. (1) To stop working and leave employment perma-
nently, often after reaching the age when workers typically
retire; to remove someone or something from active service. (2)
To leave a place; for a jury to leave the courtroom to deliberate.
N. retirement.
retirement plan. N. A financial package that is payable to an
employee after retirement, such as a pension or 401(k) plan.
retract. V. To take back; to pull back; to withdraw a statement,
offer, or promise.
N. retraction.
retreat. V. To back up; to withdraw oneself from a difficult or
dangerous situation.
N. The act of backing up or withdrawing.
retreat, duty to. N. See duty to retreat.
retrial. N. A second or subsequent trial of the same matter.
retribution. N. (1) Appropriate and just punishment for a crime or
misdeed. (2) Recompense; money or another consideration paid as
restitution for wrongdoing.
retroactive. ADJ. Made effective as of a date in the past. N. retroac-
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retroactive law 434
retroactive law. N. A law that applies to events that happened
before it was passed. See also ex post facto, retrospective law.
retrospective. ADJ. Looking back to the past; concerned with the
past; taking effect on a date in the past.
retrospective law. N. A law that affects events that happened or
rights that accrued before it was passed. See also ex post facto,
retroactive law.
return. V. To go back; to give something back to someone. N. (1)
Profit made from an investment. (2) An official report, such as
a census report or a report filed by a sheriff or other officer
after serving process on someone; a report of the results of an
election. (3) A document filed by a taxpayer with the Internal
Revenue Service, summarizing a year’s income, deductions, and
taxes paid; also called a tax return.
revenue. N. Income; gross income of a business, individual, govern-
ment, or any other entity that can earn money.
revenue bill. N. A legislative bill that increases or introduces taxes.
revenue ruling. N. An official interpretation of some point of tax
law issued by the Internal Revenue Service.
reverse. V. For an appellate court to vacate or annul a decision
made by a lower court.
N. reversal.
reverse discrimination. N. Unfair treatment that results if efforts to
rectify discrimination against a minority group inadvertently result
in discrimination against a majority group, such as when a benefi-
ciary of affirmative action takes a position that otherwise would
have gone to a white male.
reversible. ADJ. Able to be reversed.
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435 revolving credit
reversion. N. A right to property held by its original owner or his or
her heirs to take it back when a current interest ends, such as at the
end of a lease or on the death of the person who currently
possesses it; also called reverter.
V. revert.
reversionary interest. N. An interest held by someone who has
the right to future enjoyment of property currently held by
another person.
revert. V. To return to an earlier state; for a property to return to its
former owner or his or her heirs.
N. reversion.
revest. V. To return to a former owner or holder.
review. V. To examine and assess; for an appellate court to examine
and reconsider a decision made by a lower court.
N. review.
revise. ADJ. To examine a document and make changes and
N. revision.
revised statutes. N. Statutes that have been amended and re-
revive. V. To bring back to life; to make effective again; to restore a
will, contract, or law to validity.
N. revival.
revoke. V. To cancel or withdraw a will or other instrument, or
some power, authority, or privilege.
N. revocation. ADJ. revo-
revolt. N. A rebellion against established authority, intended to end
it; refusal to obey authority.
V. revolt.
revolution. N. The overthrow of a government.
revolving credit. N. A kind of consumer credit that is renewed auto-
matically as the borrower pays off debts and allows the borrower
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RIAA 436
continuous credit as long as he or she makes regular payments and
does not exceed a set limit.
RIAA. ABBRV. Recording Industry Association of America.
RICO. ABBRV. Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act.
rider. N. An addendum or amendment to a document, such as an
insurance policy or a legislative bill, written on a separate piece of
paper and attached to the original.
right. ADJ. Correct; just or fair. N. A power or privilege; authority to
do something; a legal, equitable, or moral entitlement to something;
an individual liberty. See also bill of rights, civil rights, privacy.
right of first refusal. N. Entitlement to the first opportunity to do
something before the opportunity is offered to others.
right of way. N. (1) The right of a person traveling on a road, in the
air, or on a body of water to proceed ahead of others. (2) An ease-
ment that allows a person to pass through someone else’s property,
usually in order to reach his or her own property; a piece of land
that is subject to a right of way.
right to die. N. A dying person’s right to refuse medical treatment
to extend his or her life when there is no hope of recovery,
including the right to appoint a representative to speak on his or
her behalf in the event of incapacity. See also advance directive,
living will.
rigor mortis. N. The stiffness that overcomes a body after death.
riot. N. A violent uprising by a large group of people. V. riot.
riparian. ADJ. Having to do with the banks of rivers and streams.
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437 rogatory letter
riparian rights. N. The rights of those who own property on the
banks of rivers and streams related to use of the water and the land
bordering it.
ripe for judgment. N. Ready for a final decision by the court; the
condition of a lawsuit in which all arguments have been made and
evidence has been presented, and nothing is left but for the court
to render a final judgment.
ripeness doctrine. N. The principle that federal courts will only
hear cases involving actual controversies, not cases that are
hypothetical, speculative, or otherwise not in need of immediate
risk. N. Danger; peril; uncertainty; the possibility that something
might be lost if a particular course of action is followed; the peril
against which an insurer protects someone.
risk capital. N. Money directly invested in some business venture,
usually in exchange for common stock in the company.
robbery. N. Theft involving the use of force; the felony of taking
money or property from another person through the use of force or
threats that make the victim afraid.
robbery, armed. N. Robbery committed by a defendant armed with
a dangerous weapon; sometimes called aggravated robbery.
Roe v. Wade
. n. The 1973 U.S. Supreme Court case that held that
abortions are permissible for any reason up to the point of the
fetus’ viability.
rogatory letter. N. A letter sent from a judge to another judge in
another state or country, asking that he or she question a witness
who lives there.
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rogue state. N. A nation that, due to its disregard of peremptory
norms, authoritarian government, or support for terrorism, consti-
tutes a threat to world peace.
roll. N. A register, list, or record; a record of court proceedings; a
list of voters registered in a district.
roll over. V. To extend or renew a short-term loan; to transfer the
contents of a retirement account to another retirement account
without actually withdrawing the funds and thereby incurring a
tax penalty.
Roman law. N. A body of law derived from ancient Rome; also used
occasionally to refer to the system of civil law.
Roth IRA. N. An individual retirement account in which contribu-
tions are made from post-tax income and qualified withdrawals can
be made tax-free. See also individual retirement account.
royalty. N. A percentage of the proceeds from the sale of a literary
work, recording, or other intellectual property that is paid to the
author, creator, or owner of the work by the person or company
that is selling it.
rubric. N. A category; a statement of purpose; the heading of a
document, such as a statute.
rule. N. A law, principle, regulation, or standard that prescribes suit-
able conduct in a given situation; a court order requiring someone
to do something.
V. (1) To control; to exercise power over someone
or something. (2) To make a judgment in a lawsuit; to make an
authoritative statement about the law.
rule against perpetuities. N. A rule in property holding that a
contingent future interest in property must vest within twenty-one
years of a life in being at the time the interest is created.
rogue state 438
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rule nisi. N. An ex parte order that will become final unless the
affected party can show a reason why it should not.
rule of law. N. The belief that a court should make decisions by
applying laws or legal and equitable principles to a matter without
using discretion in their interpretation and application; also called
supremacy of law.
ruling. N. A judge’s or court’s decision or authoritative statement
about a question of law, the admissibility of evidence, etc.
run with the land. V. For a covenant affecting land to be transferred
along with the property to which it is attached when the property
is sold or given away, so that it continues to be binding on the
new owner.
439 run with the land
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sabotage 442
sabotage. V. To destroy or impede something deliberately, as part
of war or a political or labor dispute.
N. sabotage.
salable. ADJ. Able to be sold; fit for sale; merchantable.
salary. N. A regular fixed payment made by an employer to an
employee as compensation for services rendered, generally set
by the year or for another fixed period, as opposed to by the
hour; see also wage.
sale. N. The act of exchanging a commodity for money; a contract
between a buyer and a seller in which the seller transfers property
to the buyer in exchange for money or the promise of money.
V. sell.
sale, bulk. N. The sale of all of a merchant’s stock, materials,
merchandise, and equipment.
sale, cash. N. A sale in which the buyer pays the full purchase price
at the time of sale.
sale, forced. N. A sale made without the owner’s consent, ordered
and administered by the court as part of a proceeding, such as fore-
sale, judicial. N. A court-ordered sale of property administered by
an officer of the court.
sale, tax. N. A court-ordered sale of a person’s property to collect
money for the owner’s unpaid taxes. See also auction, installment,
retail, sheriff’s sale.
sale and leaseback. N. The sale of an item to a buyer who imme-
diately leases it back to the seller, done to free up the seller’s capital
or to gain a tax deduction.
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443 sane
sale or exchange. N. A phrase used in tax to describe a sale or
transfer of property that yields a taxable gain or loss.
sales tax. N. A tax paid on purchased goods, usually a percentage
of the cost of an item, collected by the seller on behalf of the
salvage. N. The goods retrieved after the destruction or damage of
a building or other property, or the value of those goods; the cargo
retrieved from a wrecked ship or other vessel; the goods remaining
after some destruction that are claimed by the insurer after it pays
the owner for the loss; the act of rescuing goods from destruction.
V. salvage.
salvage value. The value of an item after its useful life has ended;
the value of a building scheduled to be moved or destroyed, as in
same. ADJ. Identical; not different; equal or equivalent; unchanged;
of the same type.
sample. N. An example or model; a specimen of some commodity
offered as an example of the quality or design of the commodity as
a whole.
sample, sale by. N. A sale in which the buyer examines only a
sample of the item purchased, which creates an express warranty
that all goods of that type are of the same quality and design as the
sanction. N. (1) Official approval of some action. (2) A penalty or
threatened penalty for disobeying a law or rule; penalties taken by
one nation against another, such as trade restrictions, intended to
force it to comply with some standard.
V. sanction.
sane. ADJ. Of sound mind; in possession of one’s mental faculties;
not insane.
N. sanity.
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sanity hearing 444
sanity hearing. N. A hearing in which the court determines whether
a criminal defendant is mentally competent to stand trial.
Sarbanes-Oxley Act. N. A federal law passed in 2002 that increased
auditing and reporting requirements for corporations.
Sarbox, SOX.
satisfy. V. To fulfill an obligation or pay off a debt. N. satisfaction.
ADJ. satisfactory. See also accord and satisfaction.
save. V. (1) To exempt; to reserve. (2) To rescue someone or
something from danger; to keep safe. (3) To keep; to accumulate
something such as money; to avoid expending or wasting some-
save harmless. V. To indemnify; to repay another party if a specific
loss occurs. See also hold harmless.
saving clause. N. A clause inserted in a statute to make an excep-
tion to the statute’s provisions, such as a grandfather clause; a
clause that prevents the statute from affecting those who currently
enjoy rights that the statute takes away.
savings. N. Money that is accumulated and held for the future.
savings account. N. A bank account in which money is held and
accumulated, as opposed to being spent regularly as in a
checking account.
savings and loan association. N. A mutually owned cooperative
institution that exists primarily to make loans to members, partic-
ularly for the purchase of real estate, and to provide members with
savings accounts, but that may offer other banking services.
scandal. N. (1) An event that is considered morally wrong and
causes public outrage; the outrage provoked by a shocking
event. (2) Malicious gossip about a shocking event that causes
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445 scope of employment
public outrage; defamation or slander based on such an event;
damage to reputation that results from such malicious gossip.
ADJ. scandalous.
schedule. N. (1) A plan for conducting events; a list of planned
events that occur regularly. (2) An appendix attached to a docu-
ment, such as a statute or tax return, describing in detail matters
mentioned briefly in the document itself.
V. To arrange for some-
thing to happen at a particular time.
school district. N. A government entity that oversees the operation
of public schools in a defined area.
scienter. ADV. (Latin) Knowingly; used to describe situations
where a defendant had guilty knowledge that a crime was being
committed, such as knowledge that a misrepresentation he or she
made was not true; often used as a noun to mean guilty knowledge
or a mental state intending to deceive.
scintilla. N. (Latin) A spark; the tiniest particle; the merest trace
of something.
scintilla of evidence. N. A very insignificant or small particle of
evidence tending to support an issue, which is nevertheless enough
to allow the matter to go to the jury.
scope. N. Range; boundaries; the area encompassed by some
concept, activity, etc.
scope of authority. N. Authority that has been delegated to an agent
to allow him or her to carry out the assigned task, including both
powers actually authorized by the principal and those that are
implied in the task.
scope of employment. N. The activities done by an employee as
part of his or her employment; duties that are part of
someone’s job.
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scrivener 446
scrivener. N. A scribe, clerk, or notary; a person who prepares
written instruments such as contracts and deeds for other people
for a fee.
scrutiny. N. Close observation; critical and thorough examination.
V. scrutinize.
seal. N. An impression in wax or another substance, or an
impression on paper, placed on a document to verify that it has
been legally executed.
V. To place a seal on a document; to close
a document and place a seal on it that must be broken for it to
be read.
sealed and delivered. ADJ. Words used to describe a conveyance
that has been properly executed, signed, witnessed, sealed, and
delivered to the proper recipient.
sealed bid. N. A bid for a job submitted by a contractor in a sealed
envelope; all sealed bids are opened at the same time and the job is
awarded to the lowest bidder.
sealed instrument. N. An instrument signed and sealed by its
sealed verdict. N. A verdict placed in a sealed envelope by a jury if
the court is not in session when the jury reaches a decision, which
it presents to the court when it reconvenes.
sealing of records. N. The sealing of a person’s criminal records so
that they can only be examined by court order, often done with
juvenile criminal records to prevent their impeding the person in
his or her efforts to become a productive adult.
search. V. To look for something; to explore hidden places in a
person’s house, vehicle, or other place in a quest for evidence of a
N. search.
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447 second mortgage
search and seizure. N. A search in which the officers conducting
the search take evidence of a crime if they find it.
search engine. N. A software application that allows users to
search for the appearance of particular words or images on
search warrant. N. A written order issued by a judge or judicial offi-
cial in the state’s name, authorizing a sheriff or other officer of the
law to search a particular place for evidence of a crime and seize it
if found.
seasonable. ADJ. At the appropriate time; within a reasonable time;
at the time agreed upon.
seasonal. ADJ. Occurring during a particular season of the year.
seasonal employment. N. Employment that exists only at partic-
ular times of the year, such as harvest work.
SEC. ABBRV. Securities and Exchange Commission.
secede. V. To withdraw formally from a union, an alliance, or a
political or religious group.
N. secession.
secondary. ADJ. Coming after something; less important than some-
thing else; subsequent.
secondary distribution. N. A public sale of stock that has already
been issued and sold once, as opposed to a new offering.
secondary party. N. A person who is responsible for paying a debt
if the original debtor fails to; a person who has secondary liability
for a debt.
second mortgage.
N. A mortgage placed on property that
already has a mortgage on it, which follows in priority behind
the first mortgage.
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secret 448
secret. ADJ. Not known by others; hidden from view or concealed.
N. secret.
secretary. N. (1) A clerk; an employee who handles correspon-
dence, keeps records, types documents, and performs other admin-
istrative tasks; see also legal secretary. (2) An officer of an
organization who handles correspondence, records, etc. (3) An
official who heads a governmental department.
secretary general. N. The head of the United Nations.
secretary of state. N. (1) The head of the State Department of the
United States, top-ranking officer in the Cabinet, responsible for
advising the president on matters of foreign policy. (2) An officer
in a state who supervises state business affairs and licenses
Secret Service. N. A government agency in the Treasury
Department whose duties include protecting the president and
investigating counterfeiting and credit fraud.
secure. V. To make something safe; to guarantee; to guarantee
repayment of a loan by obtaining collateral.
ADJ. Safe; backed by
secured debt. N. A debt that is guaranteed by certain items that the
creditor may take if the debtor fails to pay back the loan.
secured transaction. N. A transaction that involves security, i.e., a
transaction secured with collateral that can be taken by the cred-
itor if the debtor defaults.
securities acts. N. Federal and state statutes that govern registra-
tion of and trade in corporate securities, including the Securities
Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, administered
by the Securities and Exchange Commission.
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449 sedition
Securities and Exchange Commission. N. A federal agency that
oversees the sale and issuing of corporate stocks and bonds
and corporate takeovers.
Securities Investor Protection Corporation. N. An organization estab-
lished by federal statute to help brokers and dealers in corporate
securities who find themselves in financial difficulties.
security. N. (1) Safety; protection; the state of being protected from
danger, loss, or threat. (2) Collateral; an item promised as a forfeit
in case of default. (3) A stock, bond, debenture, or other interest
that represents a share in ownership of a company or evidence of
the company’s indebtedness; an instrument that gives its owner the
right to money or property;
PL. securities. See also stock, bond,
Securities and Exchange Commission.
Security Council. N. A group of fifteen United Nations member
nations that work to prevent war and maintain peace throughout
the world.
security deposit. N. Money or property given to a creditor by a
debtor as a pledge of payment, usually returned to its owner if
payment is completed satisfactorily; e.g., money given to a landlord
by a tenant as a guarantee that the tenant will pay rent and observe
other terms of the lease, to be forfeited if the tenant damages the
property or otherwise breaks the bargain.
security interest. N. An interest in real or personal property that
exists because the property has been offered as security for an obli-
gation or debt.
sedition. N. Speech or actions intended to persuade the people to
rise up against a government and, if possible, overthrow it; advo-
cating treason.
ADJ. seditious.
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seduce 450
seduce. V. (1) To tempt or entice someone into sexual activity. (2)
To tempt someone into doing something he or she knows is wrong
or ill-advised.
N. seduction.
segregate. V. To separate; to keep certain things or people away
from one another; to separate people based on race, religion, sex,
N. segregation. See also desegregate.
seisin. N. Ownership of property; possession of a freehold estate
in land.
seize. V. To take someone’s property by force; for a police officer
authorized by a search warrant to take the real or personal prop-
erty of someone who has broken the law or who has been ordered
to forfeit that property by the court; to take a person into physical
N. seizure. See also search and seizure.
Selective Service System. N. An agency of the executive branch of
the U.S. government that administers the draft, requiring all males
between the ages of 18 and 26 to register and inducting them into
the armed services when necessary.
self-dealing. N. A fiduciary’s use of property or funds entrusted to
him or her for personal benefit, such as a trustee’s using trust prop-
erty for himself or herself.
self-defense. N. The act of defending oneself against threatened
injury; the right to protect oneself or one’s family from immediately
threatened harm, which can serve as a defense in a criminal or tort
action arising out of injuries caused by an act of self-defense.
self-employed. ADJ. Working for oneself, performing jobs for and
receiving pay directly from clients instead of working for an
employer for wages or a salary.
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451 senator
self-employment tax. N. The 15.3% tax that the self-employed must
pay on their incomes to cover both employee and employer
portions of Federal Insurance Contribution Act taxes.
self-executing. ADJ. Coming into effect automatically when
specific criteria are met.
self-help. N. Handling some matter that could involve legal authori-
ties without using the normal legal process, such as taking posses-
sion of collateral when a debtor defaults or evicting a tenant for
nonpayment of rent without involving the police.
self-incrimination. N. The act of testifying against oneself or impli-
cating oneself in a crime, which the Fifth Amendment forbids the
government to require of anyone.
sell. V. To give someone property in exchange for money; to be in
the business of selling something.
N. sale.
seller. N. A person who sells something.
sell short. V. To sell shares of stock or other commodities
borrowed from someone else, intending to buy them back at a
lower price later so as to make a profit and still be able to return
the shares or their value to their original owner.
N. short sale.
See also hedge.
semiautomatic weapon. N. A gun that fires only one bullet with
each trigger pull and automatically loads a new bullet into the
chamber with each shot, eliminating the need to cock or reload the
gun after firing.
Senate. N. The upper chamber of the U.S. Congress; the upper
chamber of a state legislature; a governing body of a nation, univer-
sity, or other organization.
senator. N. A member of a senate.
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seniority 452
seniority. N. The condition of having been in a job longer than
someone else, which can result in preference for promotions and
sentence. N. The punishment given by the court to a criminal
defendant who has been found guilty of a crime.
V. sentence.
sentence, concurrent. N. A sentence served simultaneously with
another sentence.
sentence, custodial. N. A sentence that involves imprisonment.
sentence, death. See death penalty.
sentence, deferred. N. A sentence that is postponed to some future
time and possibly never imposed if the defendant does not violate
the terms of probation.
sentence, definite. N. A sentence set by law for a particular crime,
not modifiable by the judge; also called determinate sentence or
fixed sentence.
sentence, indefinite. N. A sentence that has a prescribed range of
punishments set by law, for which the court and other officials
have some discretion in sentencing and that may be ended early at
the discretion of the parole board; also called indeterminate
sentence, interlocutory. N. A temporary sentence imposed on a
defendant between conviction and final sentencing.
sentence, life. N. A sentence to prison for the rest of one’s natural
sentence, mandatory. N. A sentence set by law for a particular
offense, with no room for judicial discretion.
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453 separation agreement
sentence, noncustodial. N. A sentence that does not involve
imprisonment, such as a fine.
sentence, split. N. A sentence divided into a period of incarcera-
tion and a period of probation
sentence, suspended.
N. A sentence that is not imposed on the
defendant on the condition that he or she does not violate terms
specified at sentencing.
sentences, cumulative. N. Multiple sentences that are served one
after another; also called consecutive sentences.
separable. ADJ. Able to be divided or separated. N. separability.
separable controversy. N. A cause of action brought as part of a
larger suit that could be separated and could stand alone as its own
lawsuit, which can serve as a basis for removing the entire lawsuit
from state to federal court.
separate. ADJ. Not connected with something; distinct; forming an
entity or unit by itself.
V. (1) To divide; to move apart; to place a
boundary between things. (2) For a judge to order witnesses at a
trial to stay out of the courtroom except for when they are testi-
fying. (3) For a husband and wife to move into different homes
intending to no longer live together as a couple, often as a
precursor to divorce; if the separation is ordered by a court, it is
called a legal separation.
N. separation.
separate but equal. ADJ. Describing a doctrine, now generally
believed to be unconstitutional, that held that the races could be
treated equally although segregated into different facilities.
separation agreement. N. A written agreement between a husband
and wife who have separated and intend to divorce, arranging for
division of property, custody of children, alimony, child support,
and any other necessary matters.
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separation of powers 454
separation of powers. N. The division of the U.S. government and
many state governments into three branches—executive, legisla-
tive, and judicial—each of which wields a particular set of powers
unique to it and not shared by the other branches, and that the
other branches are not permitted to use.
SEP-IRA. ABBRV. Simplified Employee Pension Individual
Retirement Account.
sequester. V. (1) To isolate; to separate or segregate; to hide
away; to isolate a jury during a trial. (2) To seize property
pending the outcome of litigation or to hold until a debt is paid;
to impose spending restrictions on a government; to declare
someone bankrupt. Also called sequestrate.
N. sequestration.
servant. N. A person who works for someone else and is controlled
by him or her; an employee; a person employed by a government,
also called a civil servant. See also civil service, independent
serve. V. (1) To work for someone, especially as an employee; to
hold a position in the armed forces. (2) To deliver a legal document
such as a summons formally and in an official capacity.
service. N. The act of working for someone; the work that is
performed by someone.
service, constructive. N. Any form of service other than personal
service, personal. N. Actual delivery of the document to the person
named on it.
service, substituted. N. Service in which the document is
presented to someone authorized to receive it on the named
party’s behalf.
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455 set aside
service by mail. N. Delivery of a legal document through mail.
service by publication. N. Publication of a summons or other docu-
ment as an advertisement in a newspaper named by the court, used
in cases where the defendant cannot be found.
servicemember. N. A member of the military; a soldier in the armed
service of process. N. The formal delivery to a defendant of the
complaint, summons, or other legal document to notify him or her
that a lawsuit has been brought.
servient estate. N. Land subject to an easement; land that the
owner of a dominant estate is allowed to use for some specific
servitude. N. (1) The condition of being enslaved; the condition
of a person who is bound to work for another person as a
servant, either voluntarily or involuntarily; see also indenture.
(2) An obligation or encumbrance on land that takes the form of
a burden or restriction on the landowner, as opposed to an ease-
ment, which is a right or privilege enjoyed by the owner of the
estate that claims it.
servitude, equitable. N. A servitude that is enforceable in equity.
session. N. A meeting of a court, legislature, or other body; the
period when a court sits to hear cases.
session laws. N. A bound volume of the laws passed during a
legislative session, compiled in the order of their enactment.
set aside. V. To vacate, annul, or reverse a judgment, order, or
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setback 456
setback. N. A building’s distance from a curb, building, property
line, or other boundary.
set-off. N. A counterclaim brought by a defendant against a plaintiff
that arises out of a different matter from that raised in the plaintiffs
complaint, and that the defendant hopes to use to recover some
amount from the plaintiff, thereby reducing or canceling the
damages due to the plaintiff.
settle. V. (1) To resolve a matter; to conclude an estate; to finalize
accounts; for the parties to a lawsuit to resolve their dispute on
their own before a court reaches a final judgment on the matter
after trial, thereby allowing the trial to be canceled and the lawsuit
terminated. (2) To dispose of finally, such as after death; to give
property to someone.
N. settlement.
settlor. N. A person who creates a trust; a person who gives prop-
erty to someone; see also donor.
sever. V. To cut; to divide or separate; to end a relationship; to
separate causes of action or defendants that have been joined
together to try them instead in individual lawsuits.
N. sever-
severable. ADJ. Able to have portions removed without destruction
of the whole; able to be divided.
N. severability.
severable contract. N. A contract that contains two or more inde-
pendent parts, one or more of which can potentially be breached
without invalidating the entire contract.
severable statute. N. A statute that remains valid after portions of
it are declared invalid and removed.
several. ADJ. (1) Three or more but not many. (2) Separate;
regarded separately or individually.
ADV. severally; see also joint.
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457 shall
several actions. N. Individual lawsuits brought against multiple
defendants by the same plaintiff out of the same subject matter.
several liability. N. Liability for something held by every individual
involved with some matter, which allows for a separate lawsuit to
be brought against each party.
severalty. N. The ownership of property by one person, who does
not share title with anyone else.
severance pay. N. A sum of money paid to a terminated employee
as compensation for firing him or her.
severe. ADJ. Extreme; very bad; strict or harsh.
sex. N. (1) Sexual activity; sexual intercourse. (2) A physical cate-
gory, either male or female, determined by reproductive organs;
members of a group that have the same reproductive organs; the
state of being a male or female; see also gender.
ADJ. sexual.
sex crime. N. A crime involving sex, either with a sexual motive or
involving a sexual act, such as rape, sexual assault, or indecent
sex offender. N. A person who has been convicted of a sex crime.
sexual abuse. N. Illegal sexual contact between a minor and an
sexual assault. N. Forcible sexual contact inflicted on an unwilling
victim; see also rape.
sexual harassment. See harassment, sexual.
shall. V. A modal verb used to create a future tense; as used in
statutes and legal documents, generally has an imperative sense,
meaning “must,” though it can also be used in a permissive sense,
meaning “may.” In traditional English usage, “shall” was the future
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sham 458
modal verb for first person subjects (i.e., I and we) and “will” the
verb used with second or third persons (i.e., you, he, she, and it)
except in cases of obligation, strong determination, or an impera-
tive meaning, where “will” was used for first person subjects and
“shall” for second and third person subjects; in modern usage this
distinction is seldom observed.
sham. N. Something that is false; a fake; a pretense. ADJ. False; not
what it is purported to be.
sham pleading. N. A pleading that appears genuine but is not based
on any real issue of material fact, and is so clearly false that it does
not raise a bona fide issue.
sham transaction. N. A transaction that appears to be genuine
but in fact is intended to deceive its creditors or the govern-
share. V. To partake of a portion of something along with others, or
to give a portion of something to another.
N. A portion; a part of a
larger thing; a unit of stock.
share and share alike. V. To divide something into equal portions
for each person or entity that is entitled to a share.
shareholder. N. A person who owns shares of stock; synonymous
with stockholder.
shareware. N. Software that a user may acquire and try free of
charge, usually distributed with a request for voluntary payment.
See also open source.
Sharia. N. Islamic law, based on interpretation of the Quran and
other sources of Muslim doctrine.
sheriff. N. An officer elected by a county to keep the peace, enforce
laws, serve process, execute judgments, and perform other such
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459 short-term
duties; the term is also sometimes used to refer to a deputy sheriff
or sheriffs deputy.
sheriff’s sale. N. A sale of property by a sheriff or court officer
ordered by a court to satisfy a judgment, such as a foreclosure,
often conducted as an auction.
Sherman Antitrust Act. N. A federal statute passed in 1890 to
prevent monopolies and restrictions on free and open interstate
and foreign commerce; see also antitrust, Clayton Act.
shield law. N. A law that prevents a court from requiring witnesses
to reveal certain kinds of information, such as a law that prevents
opposing counsel from questioning a victim of a sex crime about
his or her past sexual behavior, or a law that allows journalists to
refuse to disclose confidential information in a legal proceeding;
see also privilege.
shift. V. To move something; to change position or emphasis; to
transfer a burden of proof from one party to another.
shop. N. (1) A place of business where goods are sold. (2) A place
where goods are manufactured; a factory, plant, or workshop.
shoplifting. N. Stealing merchandise from a store.
shop steward. N. A union official who is elected to represent his or
her fellow workers in negotiations with management.
short. ADJ. (1) Covering a small distance or lasting a brief time;
below the standard or required length. (2) Having sold borrowed
shares or property in the expectation of being able to repurchase
them at a lower price; see also sell short.
short-term. ADJ. For a short time; current; due within a short period
of time, usually within a year.
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show 460
show. V. To illustrate; to prove; to exhibit or display; to produce
evidence of something.
show cause order. N. An order by the court made upon the motion
of one party requiring the opposing party to appear before it and
explain why the court should not take a particular action.
show-up. N. A face-to-face confrontation arranged by law enforce-
ment officers between a suspect and a witness to or victim of a
crime, usually done just after the crime has been committed and
intended to allow the witness or victim to identify the person who
has committed the crime.
shrink-wrap agreement. N. A contract or licensing agreement that
is packaged inside a product and that cannot be read until the
product is purchased and opened. See also browse-wrap agree-
ment, click-wrap agreement.
sick. ADJ. Physically or mentally ill; can also include incapacity due
to physical injury.
sick leave. N. A leave that an employee is allowed to take from
work when either the employee or a close family member is sick or
injured, either with or without pay but without loss of seniority or
sick pay. N. Compensation paid to an employee while on sick leave
either temporarily or permanently, often as part of disability
side-bar. N. A place at the side of a judge’s bench where the judge
and attorneys can discuss matters privately, in the presence of the
court reporter who records their conversation, but without the
jury, parties, witnesses, or spectators hearing what they say.
sight draft. N. A negotiable instrument that is payable on sight, i.e.,
when presented; a draft that is payable on demand.
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461 simulate
sign. V. To write one’s name on a document to authenticate or
execute it.
signatory. N. A party who signs his or her name to an agreement; a
nation that signs on to an international treaty or other agreement.
signature. N. The act of signing one’s name; one’s name written by
one’s own hand, or affixed in some other way such as printing,
engraving, stamping, allowing someone else to write one’s name, a
mark used instead of a name, etc., as long as the person whose
name appears on the document intends it to be placed there to
make the document effective.
signing statement. N. An official statement issued by a president
when he or she signs a bill into law, explaining his or her reasons
for signing and opinions about the new law.
silent. ADJ. Not speaking; knowing something but not saying
anything or acting accordingly.
N. silence.
silent partner. N. An investor in a business who contributes capital
and shares profits and losses but does no active management.
similar. ADJ. Almost the same; resembling; alike in some ways.
similar sales. N. Sales of properties similar to the one in question,
used to determine fair market value.
simple. ADJ. Pure; uncomplicated; used to describe a crime that is
not aggravated or compounded. See also aggravate.
Simplified Employee Pension Individual Retirement Account. N.
An individual retirement account in which an individual may
contribute a set percentage of pre-tax income.
simulate. V. To imitate; to assume an appearance; to fabricate or
N. simulation.
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simulated fact 462
simulated fact. N. An invented fact; a lie.
simulated judgment. N. A judgment on a case of bad debt that
appears valid but actually is meant to give unfair advantage to one
of the parties or to perpetrate a fraud on third parties.
simultaneous death act. N. A law stating that in cases where distri-
bution of property depends on the time that a person dies, and
where two people die simultaneously or close enough together that
it is impossible to determine who died first (such as when husband
and wife perish together in an airplane crash), the law will presume
that each died before the other and their property should be distrib-
uted accordingly.
sine qua non. N. (Latin) Without which not; something without
which something else cannot happen; a requirement or neces-
sinking fund. N. A fund used to accumulate money to replace
equipment as it wears out, to repay debts as bonds mature, or for
other long-term financial obligations.
sit. V. To hold a session of a court, a legislature, or other body.
situs. N. (Latin) Site, position; the location of a thing; the location
of property for tax purposes; the place where a crime or other
action takes place.
slander. N. Making a false and defamatory oral statement about
someone that can injure his or her reputation; oral defamation.
slander. See also libel, defamation.
slander of title. N. Criticizing a product in order to lower public
opinion of it or to persuade a customer to purchase a different
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463 solemn
SLAPP. ABBRV. Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation.
slave. N. A person owned by and forced to work for another
person. See also enslave.
slip and fall. N. An accident in which a victim slips on something,
such as liquid on the floor or a banana peel, and is injured, which
serves as the basis for a lawsuit against the owner of the premises;
a similar kind of accident is a trip and fall. See also personal
injury, plaintiff’s attorney.
small business. N. A business with a small number of employees,
typically fewer than fifty or one hundred, or with low sales or
small claims court. N. A court that handles matters involving small
amounts of money in an informal, inexpensive, and usually fairly
quick manner.
sober. ADJ. Not under the influence of drugs or alcohol. N.
Social Security. N. A national program of social insurance in which
employers and employees all contribute funds that are pooled and
paid out to retired and disabled workers and to the surviving
spouses of dead workers, administered by the Social Security
sodomy. N. Oral or anal sexual intercourse, or sexual intercourse
with an animal; definition varies by state.
software. N. The programs a computer uses to perform particular
tasks; applications. See also hardware.
solemn. ADJ. Formal; observing the proper form or ceremony.
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solemnize 464
solemnize. V. To make formal through an official ceremony; to
perform a marriage in public before witnesses.
N. solemnization.
sole proprietor. N. A person who owns a business alone, without
co-owners or partners.
sole proprietorship. N. See proprietorship.
solicit. V. (1) To try to get something from someone; to ask for
something; to request or entreat; to encourage someone to commit
a crime. (2) To offer one’s services as a prostitute.
N. solicitation.
solicitor. N. (1) The head legal officer of a city, town, department,
or other body. (2) In Britain, a lawyer who drafts wills, prepares
conveyances, and handles all other legal matters aside from
arguing cases in court, though in modern times solicitors do occa-
sionally appear in court; see also barrister.
solicitor general. N. The attorney who ranks just below the
attorney general of the United States and whose responsibilities
include representing the U.S. government before the Supreme
Court and other federal courts.
solitary confinement. N. Imprisoning someone alone in an isolated
cell, without contact with fellow prisoners or without any human
contact at all, even from prison employees.
solvent. ADJ. Able to pay debts; having enough money to cover
one’s expenses.
N. solvency. See also insolvent.
sound. ADJ. In good condition; without defects; healthy. N.
sound and disposing mind and memory. N. Language often used in
wills to mean the mental capacity necessary to create a will.
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465 Speaker of the House
sound body. N. Healthy, without disease, injury, or physical
sound in. V. To aim at; to be connected with.
sound in contract. N. For a lawsuit to appear to be an action related
to a contract, although it was brought as an action in tort.
sound in damages. N. For an action to be brought for damages
only, not for recovery of property.
sound mind. N. Sane and mentally capable, with unimpaired
source. N. Origin; the place or person from which something
comes; the person or thing that starts something.
sovereign. N. A ruler; a monarch or king; the supreme authority of
a country.
ADJ. sovereign.
sovereign immunity. N. A doctrine that prohibits lawsuits being
brought against the government without its consent.
sovereign state. N. A state or nation that governs itself and is not
subject to the authority of any other state or nation.
sovereignty. N. The power by which a government rules its state or
spam. N. Unsolicited emails sent to large numbers of email
addresses in the hope of enticing some readers to respond.
speaker. N. (1) The head of a legislative body. (2) A person who is
Speaker of the House. N. The chief officer of the House of
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special 466
special. ADJ. Unusual; better than or different from something
else; meant for a particular purpose; belonging to a particular
person or thing.
special counsel. N. An attorney who works for the attorney
general on a particular matter.
special interest group. N. A group of people with a common
interest who attempt to influence legislators to pass laws favorable
to them.
special jurisdiction. N. A court’s ability to hear only a limited cate-
gory of cases.
special law. N. A law that affects only particular people and not the
general public; a private law.
special use. N. A use of property that is not allowed under zoning
laws but is permitted as an exception in a particular case.
specie. N. Money in the form of metal coins.
specie, in. ADJ. (1) In coins. (2) A contract performed exactly
according to stipulated terms.
specific. ADJ. Clearly stated or identified; precisely defined;
V. specify. N. specification.
specific performance. N. An equitable remedy in a case of breach
of contract, in which the breaching party is required to perform the
obligation under the contract. See also bequest, intent.
speculate. V. (1) To guess; to theorize or come to a conclusion
about something without adequate evidence. (2) To engage in risky
investments; to buy or sell stocks in the hopes that prices will rise
or fall dramatically.
N. speculation.
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467 spontaneous
speech or debate clause. N. A clause in the Constitution that
provides congresspeople with immunity from prosecution arising
out of any speech or debate conducted during a legislative session,
to ensure that legislators may speak freely without fear of reprisal.
speedy trial. N. A criminal trial conducted according to proper
regulations and without unnecessary or arbitrary delays, a right
guaranteed by the Sixth Amendment.
spendthrift. N. A person who spends a great deal of money quickly
and without prudence; a person who wastes his or her estate
through excessive spending, gambling, laziness, or other irrespon-
sible behavior.
spendthrift trust. N. A trust set up to safeguard the funds of
someone who would be expected to waste them by restricting the
beneficiary’s access to money and placing it out of the reach of
spirit of the law. N. The actual intention of a law; the meaning it is
meant to convey, arrived at through interpretation and possibly
consideration of the intentions of those who wrote it; see also letter
of the law.
split. V. (1) To break into separate parts; to divide between two or
more parties or entities. (2) To divide a single cause of action into
several parts, each of which becomes the basis for its own action.
ADJ. split.
spoliation. N. The act of destroying something; destruction of
evidence that might prove unfavorable; destruction or modification
of a document or instrument.
V. spoil.
spontaneous. ADJ. Done on a sudden impulse without prior
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spontaneous exclamation 468
spontaneous exclamation.
N. A statement made immediately
after some exciting occurrence by someone who saw it or
participated in it, before he or she has the chance to think about
it; see also res gestae.
spouse. N. A husband or wife; a person who is married to another.
ADJ. spousal.
spouse, surviving. N. A spouse who remains alive after his or her
partner has died; see also widow.
spyware. N. Software that is secretly installed on a computer
without the owner’s knowledge or consent in order to collect
personal information, to use the computer to send spam, to hijack
the Web browser, or to conduct other illegal activities.
squatter. N. A person who sets up residence on property that does
not belong to him or her.
V. squat.
squeeze-out. N. Eliminating minority shareholders from a
corporation by buying out minority shares or issuing many
new shares that dilute the minority interest; also called a
stack. V. To apply multiple insurance policies to one loss.
stake. N. (1) An interest, such as in a business. (2) A wager; an
amount of money or item of property placed by two people in the
care of a third party who will give it to the party who becomes enti-
tled to it based on the outcome of some event, such as the winner
of a game or lawsuit.
stakeholder. N. (1) A person with an interest in a business or trans-
action. (2) A third party who holds property or money that is the
subject of a contest between two other people, such as a lawsuit or
a wager. See also interpleader.
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469 start-up
stalk. V. To follow or watch a person with no legitimate
purpose and in such a way that it alarms the person being
N. stalking.
stalker. N. A person who stalks another.
stand. (1) To appear in court when summoned to a trial. (2) To
be in a particular state or condition; to remain in the same
condition; for a law to remain in force.
N. A position taken in an
argument or fight.
standard. N. A norm; an established practice; a level, quality, or idea
used as a benchmark for comparison.
ADJ. Accepted; normal.
standard of care. N. The degree of care that an ordinary person of
reasonable prudence would use in a specific situation.
standard of proof. N. The level of proof that must be offered to
prove a case, such as “beyond a reasonable doubt” in criminal
cases or a “preponderance of the evidence” in civil cases.
standing. N. (1) Position or status in a community; reputation. (2)
Having a strong enough interest in a matter to be allowed to
bring a lawsuit based on it; also called standing to sue.
Permanent; regular.
standing order. N. An order that is carried out as part of a regular
routine, used to regulate procedures in a court or other body.
stand mute. V. For a criminal defendant to refuse to plead when
stare decisis. N. (Latin) Stand by things decided; the principle that
courts in common law will follow previously decided cases as
much as possible and avoid upsetting precedents.
start-up. N. A newly created company.
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state 470
state. V. To say; to express something in words, either spoken or
N. (1) Condition. (2) An organized political unit with one
government; one of the United States. (3) The government; the
people who live in a state. (4) Ceremonies and pomp that accom-
pany high governmental functions.
state action. N. A claim brought by a private citizen against the
government, protesting governmental intrusion into his or her
affairs and violation of his or her civil rights, usually brought under
the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment and the Civil
Rights Act.
state law. N. Laws passed by and enforced within a state, as
opposed to federal law.
statement. N. A written or verbal expression of some fact or belief;
an assertion or allegation made by a witness. See also opening
statement, prior inconsistent statement.
state of mind. N. The mental condition at the time that some event
occurs; a person’s reasons for acting in a particular way.
state police. N. The police force hired by a state to keep the peace
and enforce laws within a state.
status. N. (1) Social standing or rank; official classification. (2)
Condition or state.
status crime. N. A crime based on a person’s character or condition
rather than on actually committing a wrongful act, such as the
condition of being a drug addict; laws defining status crimes are
generally held to be unconstitutional.
status quo. N. The usual state of things at a particular time.
status quo ante. N. The normal state of things before a particular
event occurred.
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471 step
status report. N. A report on the status of a business or endeavor as
of a particular date or time.
statute. N. A formal written law passed by a legislature.
statute of frauds. N. A statute requiring that certain kinds of
contracts be written in order to be enforced, common under
English law and now codified in the Uniform Commercial Code.
statute of limitations. N. A statute that limits the time in which a
lawsuit may be brought for an injury or a crime, after which the
party with a grievance loses the right to sue; see also laches.
statutory. ADJ. Related to statutes; required by or governed by a
statutory construction. N. Interpretation of a statute, often done
by a judge when a statute is invoked during a lawsuit; see also
construe, construction.
statutory rape. An act of sexual intercourse that involves
consenting partners but is legally considered rape because one or
both of the partners were below the legal age of consent.
stay. V. To stop; to put on hold. N. A judicial order that puts some
action on hold temporarily.
stay of execution. N. A judicial order that prevents a judgment from
being executed for a period of time.
steal. V. To take something that belongs to someone else without
the owner’s consent, intending to keep it or use it and never return
ADJ. stolen. See also larceny, theft.
stealth. N. Cautious and secretive movement that is meant to go
ADJ. stealthy.
step. PREFIX. A familial relationship through marriage, not blood.
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stepchild 472
stepchild. N. A natural child of one’s spouse from a previous
marriage or liaison.
stepparent. N. A person who is not a child’s natural parent but who
is married to the child’s natural mother or father.
stipulate. V. To require or demand something as part of an agree-
ment; for the parties or attorneys on opposing sides of a case to
agree in writing on how to handle certain parts of the lawsuit in
order to limit issues and speed up the proceedings.
N. stipulation.
stock. N. (1) The capital of a business raised by selling shares in the
business to people inside or outside the company; an ownership
interest in a company or business; see also security. (2)
Merchandise and goods for sale held by a business. (3) A person’s
V. To keep merchandise available for sale.
stock, no-par. N. Stock issued with no face value, or with an
extremely low face value.
stockbroker. N. A person employed by a customer to buy and sell
securities on the customer’s behalf.
stock certificate. N. A document that indicates that its holder has
an ownership interest in a corporation.
stock exchange. N. A place or organization where shares of stock
and other securities are bought and sold.
stockholder. N. A person who owns shares of stock; synonymous
with shareholder.
stock market. N. A stock exchange; the entire marketplace of secu-
rities trading facilities; the economic concept of securities trading;
also called the market.
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473 straw man
stock option. N. The right to buy stock at a predetermined price,
usually better than market price, during a specified period,
offered as incentive or compensation to employees and managers
of a company.
stock split. N. The splitting of single shares into two or more
shares apiece, resulting in an increased total number of shares and
in the shares held by individual shareholders. See also broker,
preferred stock, common stock, Securities and Exchange
Commission, security.
stolen. ADJ. Acquired through theft. V. steal.
stonewall. V. To refuse to answer questions or to give evasive
answers in order to delay or block some action, particularly a polit-
ical action.
stop. V. To prevent someone from moving; to restrain someone’s
N. stop.
stop and frisk. N. The action by a police officer of stopping a
person suspected to be armed and dangerous and running his or
her hands over the outside of the suspect’s clothing to locate any
concealed weapons.
straddle. N. The securities trading practice of placing a contract to
buy (put option) and a contract to sell (call option) on the same
commodity or stock, hoping to profit from a large change in price
in a volatile market. See also hedge.
Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation. N. A lawsuit filed
by a large corporation against a much smaller adversary in order to
silence the adversary by swamping it with legal burdens and costs.
straw man. N. (1) An argument placed in a brief or opinion solely
for the purpose of refuting it. (2) A third party who acts as a
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streaming 474
nominal party to a property transaction, accepting a transfer of
property and then immediately returning it to the transferor, in
cases where it is necessary for the transferor to receive a new deed
to the property; see also dummy.
streaming. ADJ. Constantly delivered over a telecommunications
street name. N. The name of a broker, rather than that of a
customer; refers to securities that are held in a broker’s name
instead of in the name of the customer who owns them.
strict. ADJ. Rigid; adhering closely to rules without deviation, relax-
ation, or room for interpretation.
strict liability. N. (1) Tort liability imposed regardless of actual
fault on a person or company that sells a product for injuries due
to defective or dangerous products; see also products liability.
(2) Criminal liability imposed regardless of criminal intent on a
person who commits a certain type of criminal act, such as a
parking violation.
strict scrutiny. N. A test that courts apply to determine the consti-
tutionality of statutes that classify people by type (such as race or
national origin) in ways that affect fundamental rights, in which the
government has the burden of proving that there is a compelling
state interest served by the classification and that the classification
is the only way of achieving that purpose.
strike. N. A refusal to work by a group of employees, usually done
to force management to grant some request made by the workers
after negotiations have not produced the desired result; a refusal
by a group of people to do some action that is expected of them as
a way of forcing compliance with their demands.
V. (1) To partici-
pate in a work stoppage. (2) To remove someone from a group; to
eliminate a prospective juror.
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475 sub judice
strikebreaker. N. A person brought in to do the work of a striking
employee; also called a scab.
strike off. V. (1) To remove a case from a court’s docket due to lack
of jurisdiction. (2) To finalize a sale at an auction by the auctioneer
bringing down his or her hammer or otherwise announcing that the
highest bidder is entitled to pay the amount of the bid and take the
sua sponte. ADV. (Latin) Of one’s own volition; voluntarily; without
subcontractor. N. A person or business hired by a general
contractor to perform a portion of a contracted project. See also
subdivide. V. To divide a part of something into smaller parts; to
divide a plot of land into smaller parcels or lots.
N. subdivi-
subject. N. (1) A topic; a person or thing that is being considered or
discussed. (2) A citizen; a resident of a state or nation, excluding
the monarch or ruler.
V. To inflict; to make someone undergo some-
ADJ. (1) Depending on. (2) Under some authority or control.
subject matter. N. A matter or topic presented for consideration or
debate; the right or property that is the foundation of a dispute or
subject matter jurisdiction. N. A court’s power to hear cases
related to a particular kind of subject matter.
sub judice. ADJ. (Latin) Under a judge; under consideration by
a court.
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sublease 476
sublease. N. A lease of property to a third person by a person who
is already leasing it; the original lessee remains responsible for the
original lease.
V. sublet.
submit. V. (1) To present something to someone else for considera-
tion or decision; to present a proposal to the court for approval. (2)
To yield to someone else’s desires or authority; to obey.
subordinate. ADJ. Below someone or something else; of lower rank
or importance.
N. A person ranked below another. V. To rank some-
thing below something else; to give one debt or claim lower priority
than another debt or claim.
N. subordination.
suborn. V. To persuade someone to commit perjury through bribery
or other inducement.
N. subornation.
subpoena. N. An official court document ordering a person to
appear in court or at a judicial proceeding at a specified time; also
called subpoena ad testificandum.
subpoena duces tecum. N. A subpoena commanding a witness to
bring certain documents and other relevant items to court or to a
subprime loan. N. A loan made to an individual who cannot obtain
a loan from a traditional lender at market rates due to a low credit
rating, typically made at a higher interest rate to offset the risks
incurred by the lender.
subrogation. N. The substitution of one person for another with
respect to an obligation, legal claim, or debt, with the substituted
person assuming all duties of payment or performance and all
rights that accompany the claim.
V. subrogate.
subrogee. N. A person who is substituted for another.
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477 substantial performance
subrogor. N. A person who substitutes another person for himself
or herself.
sub rosa. (Latin) Under the rose; secret or confidential.
subscribe. V. (1) To write one’s name on a document as a means of
authenticating it or making it binding upon him or her; see also
sign. (2) To agree to buy shares in a corporation. (3) To give money
to a cause, such as a charity. (4) To pay a sum of money in order to
receive something regularly, such as issues of a magazine.
subscriber. N. A person who subscribes.
subscription rights. N. The right of a person who already holds
shares in a corporation to buy at a favorable price additional shares
of the same type of stock.
subsidiary. ADJ. Under the control of another. N. A company
controlled by another company that owns a majority of the shares
of its stock; also called a subsidiary corporation.
subsidy. N. A grant of money from the government or a public body
to assist an industry that provides services that are needed by the
V. subsidize.
substance abuse. N. Using drugs or alcohol to the point that they
detrimentally affect the life of the user and those around him or
substantial. ADJ. Important; large; considerable; valuable.
substantial evidence. N. Evidence adequate to support the propo-
sition for which it is offered.
substantial performance. N. Performance that does not exactly
meet the terms of an agreement but that does accomplish the
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substantiate 478
intended purpose in a manner close enough to be considered as
fulfilling the obligation; also called substantial compliance.
substantiate. V. To provide evidence to support a contention or
prove a fact; to verify; to back up a story.
substantive. ADJ. (1) Related to actual rights or duties rather than
rules or procedures. (2) Based in reality; having some real meaning.
substantive due process. N. The requirement found in the Fifth
and Fourteenth Amendments that the substance and content of
laws must be fair and reasonable and that they must not be applied
arbitrarily or unreasonably.
substantive evidence. N. Evidence offered to prove a fact at issue
in a trial, as opposed to character evidence about a witness.
substantive law. N. The part of law that defines rights and duties
rather than procedural methods of enforcing those rights, i.e., the
law of contract, tort, property, trusts and estates, etc., as opposed
to civil procedure.
substitute. V. To replace one thing or person with another. N. A
subtenant. N. A person who leases property from someone who is
already leasing himself or herself; a person who enters into a
subterfuge. N. A ploy to escape, evade, or conceal something; a
deceitful means of accomplishing some goal.
subvert. V. To work to undermine established authority or over-
throw the government.
N. subversion. ADJ. subversive.
succeed. V. (1) To achieve a desired goal. N. success. ADJ.
successful. (2) To take the place of someone or something in a
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479 suicide
position, elected office, or other situation; to follow and replace; to
inherit a position or title.
N. succession; see also successor.
succession. N. (1) Several people or things of the same type
following one after the other. (2) Inheriting a title or right to prop-
erty through a will. (3) Following someone in a position, office, or
other situation. See also succeed.
successor. N. A person or thing that takes the place of another in a
position, elected office, or other situation.
successor in interest. N. The next person who would have title to
or control over a property if the current owner were to lose it. See
also succeed.
sue. V. To initiate and carry out legal proceedings against someone;
to bring a lawsuit against someone. (2) To appeal to someone to
grant something.
N. suit.
suffer. V. (1) To experience pain or misery. (2) To tolerate.
sufferance. N. Tolerance; consent to some action implied by failing
to object rather than explicitly approving.
suffering. N. Pain and misery.
sufficient. ADJ. Adequate; enough for the purpose for which it is
N. sufficiency.
sufficient evidence. N. Enough evidence to justify the legal action
in question.
suffrage. N. The right to vote in a public election.
suffrage, women’s. N. The right of women to vote in political elec-
tions, granted by the Nineteenth Amendment in 1920.
suicide. N. The act of killing oneself. V. commit suicide.
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sui generis 480
sui generis. ADJ. (Latin) Of its own kind; unique; the only example
of its type.
sui juris. ADJ. (Latin) Of one’s own right; emancipated; of legal age;
having the right to handle one’s own affairs and not under the legal
control of anyone else.
suit. N. (1) A lawsuit; a legal action in which a plaintiff appeals to a
court to grant him or her a remedy for some injury. (2) An entreaty
or appeal to an authority to grant some request.
suitor. N. (1) A person who applies or appeals to do something,
such as a man who hopes to persuade a woman to marry him or a
person who hopes to buy a business. (2) A person who brings a
lawsuit; a plaintiff.
sum certain. N. A specified or fixed sum of money.
summary. N. A concise statement of the main points of a longer
V. summarize. ADJ. (1) Concise. (2) Conducted
without the usual formalities. (3) Done by a judge or magistrate
without a jury.
summary judgment. N. A judgment that ends a lawsuit without trial
in a case where a judge finds that there is no genuine issue of mate-
rial fact and thus no need to send the matter to a jury.
summation. N. A last step in a jury trial before the jury begins delib-
erations, in which the attorneys for both sides sum up the evidence
presented and call attention to the important points in their argu-
ments; also called summing up.
summer associate. N. A law student who works at a law firm for
the summer. See also law, clerk.
summon. V. To notify a defendant that he or she has been sued and
must appear in court on a particular day.
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481 supervening cause
summons. N. An order issued by a court informing a defendant that
a lawsuit has been brought against him or her and summoning him
or her to appear in court on a particular day to answer the
Sunday closing laws. N. Local or state laws that prohibit certain
businesses from operating on Sunday; also called blue laws.
sunset clause. N. A clause in a statute stating that it will cease
to be effective on a certain date unless it is renewed by the
sunshine laws. N. Laws requiring governmental agencies and
departments to open their meetings to the public and make records
of those meetings available to the public.
superior. ADJ. Above; better than; entitled to priority over some-
thing else.
superior court. N. A court of general jurisdiction, usually wider
jurisdiction than an inferior court, though meaning varies by state.
supersede. V. To take the place of someone or something; to void
one thing and replace it with something else.
superseding cause. N. Something that happens in between an
action and an injury that interrupts the chain of causation and
prevents the initial actor from being liable for the injury.
supervene. V. To occur after an event, in such a way as to change
the circumstances.
supervening cause. N. Something that happens between an action
and an injury that changes the circumstances enough that it
becomes the cause of the injury.
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supervisor 482
supervisor. N. An employee who oversees the work of other
supplement. N. Something added to something else to improve,
enhance, or complete it.
V. supplement. ADJ. supplemental,
supplemental act. N. A legislative act that clarifies, extends, or
completes an existing law.
supplemental jurisdiction. N. The discretionary jurisdiction of a
federal court to hear and decide matters that are related to claims
already within the court’s original jurisdiction, such as claims that
arise out of the same case or controversy as one already before the
court or claims that add parties to the original parties.
supplemental pleading. N. An answer, complaint, or other
pleading that adds new facts to an original pleading without
changing it; see also amend.
supplemental proceeding. N. A proceeding done after a court has
issued judgment against a debtor, to identify the debtor’s property
and use it to satisfy the judgment; also called supplementary
support. V. (1) To provide someone with money, a home, and the
necessities of life. (2) To encourage; to approve of; to defend; to
aid. (3) To corroborate; to back up with evidence. (4) To hold
something up; to bear the weight of something.
N. support. See
also alimony, child support, maintain.
suppress. V. To end something forcibly; to prevent information
from being revealed; to control or restrain.
N. suppression.
suppression of evidence. N. (1) A court’s refusal to admit
evidence acquired by unlawful means. (2) A party’s refusal or
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483 surplus
failure to furnish opposing counsel with evidence that might
prove unfavorable.
supra. ADV. (Latin) Above; used in a document to refer to some-
thing mentioned earlier in the document; see also infra.
supranational. ADJ. Transcending national boundaries, concerns,
or governments.
Supremacy Clause. N. A clause in Article IV of the U.S.
Constitution that makes the acts of the federal government
the supreme law of the land, superior to all state laws and
supreme. ADJ. The highest, most important, or most powerful;
superior to all others.
N. supremacy.
Supreme Court. N. The highest court in a state or in the United
States; the court of last resort in many states and in the United
States; also used as a name for a court of general jurisdiction in
some states.
surcharge. N. (1) A charge added on top of a price or payment. (2)
A financial penalty imposed on a fiduciary who fails to perform his
or her duties properly.
V. surcharge.
surety. N. A person who takes responsibility for someone else’s
debt, agreeing to pay it if the debtor fails to do so, usually bound by
the same original instrument as the debtor and thus responsible for
the debt from its inception. See also guarantee.
surgeon general. N. A federal officer who heads the U.S. Public
Health Service; the head of a military medical service.
surplus. N. Excess; something left over after most of an asset or
fund has been used for its designated purpose; a corporation’s
assets remaining after expenses and debts have been paid.
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surplus, earned 484
surplus, earned. N. Surplus earnings and profits retained by a
corporation instead of being paid to shareholders as dividends.
surplus, paid-in. N. A corporation’s surplus obtained by selling
stock at a price above par value.
surprise. V. (1) To catch, capture, or discover someone unawares.
(2) To astonish or amaze.
N. (1) Coming upon someone unawares.
(2) An unexpected event; a revelation or situation that a party to a
trial has not expected and could not reasonably have prepared for,
which potentially can be grounds for a new trial.
surrender. V. To give up; to yield; to hand something over to
someone else; for a tenant to give up a lease before its term with
the understanding that the landlord will terminate the lease.
surrender value. N. The amount that an insurer will pay a policy-
holder if he or she gives up a life insurance policy, i.e., the policy’s
current value.
surrogate. N. (1) A substitute or deputy. (2) A judicial officer who
handles matters such as probate, adoptions, and guardianships at
the local level, such as within a county.
surrogate mother. N. A woman who bears a child for another
couple, either by having her own egg fertilized with the husband’s
sperm or by having an embryo made from the couple’s gametes
implanted in her uterus, and after birth surrenders her parental
rights to the couple.
surrogate parent. N. A person other than a child’s parent who
assumes parental responsibilities toward that child; an advocate
appointed for a child by a juvenile court.
surtax. N. An additional tax imposed on something that has already
been taxed.
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485 suspend
surveillance. N. The monitoring or observation of a person or situ-
ation, especially done by police pursuing a suspected criminal or
gathering evidence of a crime.
survival action. N. An action that survives the death of the party
who brought it.
survival statute. N. A statute that allows the estate of a deceased
person to maintain a cause of action for that person’s pain and
suffering up until the moment of death.
survive. V. To remain living; to live after someone else has died. N.
ADJ. surviving.
survivor. N. A person who remains alive after the death of someone
else or after some event.
survivorship. N. Becoming entitled to property by outliving someone
else who had an interest in it; the right of a joint tenant to take the
entire property when his or her co-tenant dies.
suspect. N. A person who is believed to have committed a crime. V.
To believe without proof that someone has committed a crime or
misdeed; to have some slight idea that something is the case
without having any proof.
ADJ. Untrustworthy; unreliable; poten-
tially dangerous.
suspect classification. N. A classification of people that seems to
have no legitimate purpose, such as grouping people by race or sex
when those traits could not be relevant to the matter at hand.
suspend. V. (1) To put on hold; to postpone. (2) To prevent
someone from performing a job or attending school for a period of
time as a punishment.
N. suspension.
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suspended sentence 486
suspended sentence. N. A sentence for a criminal offense that is
postponed indefinitely unless the convicted person commits
another crime within a specified period.
suspicion. N. The act of suspecting; a belief that someone has
committed a crime or misdeed.
V. suspect. ADJ. suspicious.
sustain. V. (1) To support. (2) To uphold; to affirm the validity of
something. (3) To suffer something unpleasant, such as an injury.
swear. V. To bind oneself or someone else with an oath.
swearing in. N. The act of administering an oath to a witness at a
trial, to a public official, or to a person undergoing some other
formal proceeding.
ADJ. sworn.
sweepstakes. N. (1) A contest that awards prizes based on random
drawings of entries, often used as a promotion of products. (2) A
horse race or other gambling contest in which the winner or
winners receive all the stakes placed on the race.
swindle. V. To use fraud to cheat someone out of money. N.
swindle, swindling.
syllabus. N. A headnote at the beginning of a reported case,
summarizing the key legal points contained within.
symbolic speech. N. Conduct or actions without words that
express some sentiment or opinion, which may or may not be
protected under the First Amendment.
syndicate. N. (1) A group of people or companies that form an
alliance, permanent or temporary, to conduct some business or
activity together. (2) An organization that supplies material to a large
number of periodical publications.
V. (1) To manage a syndicate;
to be managed by a syndicate; to sell something to a syndicate.
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487 syndication
(2) To publish or broadcast the same material in multiple publi-
cations at the same time.
syndication. N. The act of forming a syndicate; the condition of
being owned or managed by a syndicate.
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table 490
table. N. A list or chart that includes many items of information in
a concise display.
V. To postpone or suspend consideration of
something, such as a proposed item of legislation.
table of cases. N. An alphabetical list of the cases mentioned in a
legal book or document.
tacit. ADJ. Implied but not openly expressed; understood without
being explicitly stated.
tack. V. To add something to something else, such as to add
together periods of time in which a property is under adverse
possession by different occupants in order to meet the statutory
requirement for ownership, to combine coverage from two or more
insurance policies in a claim for damages, or to unite two or more
liens so as to increase the priority of one of them.
N. tacking.
Taft-Hartley Act. N. A federal law enacted in 1947 as an addition to
the National Labor Relations Act, giving employers increased
rights in labor disputes.
tail. N. A limitation on the ownership of land, usually restricted
to one person and his or her heirs.
ADJ. Limited as to tenure or
tail, estate in. N. Inheritance that must be passed on to the recip-
ient’s children and grandchildren in a direct line. See also fee tail.
take. V. To grasp or lay hold of something; to seize a person or
thing; to steal something; to assume ownership of something; to
receive title to property.
take over. V. To acquire control over or management of a company.
N. takeover.
take the fifth. V. To invoke the Fifth Amendment as justification for
refusing to answer a question in a criminal prosecution.
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491 taxable gift
taking. N. The act of taking something; a government’s interference
with or regulation of how a property owner can use his or her prop-
erty in such a way that it substantially impairs the owner’s property
right. See also condemn, eminent domain, larceny.
tamper. V. To interfere with something so as to change it, especially
in a destructive or unauthorized way; to attempt to influence a jury
through bribery or other illegal means.
tangible. ADJ. Real; with a physical presence; perceptible to touch
and sight. See also intangible.
tangible evidence. N. Evidence that can be seen or touched, as
opposed to testimony.
tangible property. Physical things, such as land, buildings, and
objects, that can be possessed.
tariff. N. A tax or duty imposed on imports and exports; see also
tariff, protective. N. A fee imposed on imported goods of a certain
type to protect producers and sellers of domestic goods of the
same type.
tax. N. A charge imposed by the government on people and busi-
nesses on various activities and possessions, such as income, prop-
erty, purchased goods, or inheritances, used by the government to
fund itself and its programs.
V. (1) To impose a tax. (2) To assess
the costs of a legal action.
taxable. ADJ. Able to be taxed.
taxable estate. N. The amount of an estate that is subject to taxes,
i.e., the gross estate minus any allowable deductions.
taxable gift. N. A gift that is subject to taxation.
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taxable income 492
taxable income. N. The amount of income subject to taxes, i.e.,
gross income minus credits and deductions.
taxable year. N. A twelve-month period used for calculating taxes;
see also fiscal year.
taxation. N. The act of taxing; money paid as tax. See also ad
valorem tax, estate tax, gift tax, income tax, payroll tax, sales tax.
tax benefit rule. N. A rule stating that an amount deducted in an
earlier year but then recovered in a later year is to be included in
the income of the later year.
tax bracket. N. A category of income that is subject to a particular
tax rate.
tax court. N. A court that has jurisdiction over tax matters.
tax credit. N. An amount subtracted from a taxpayer’s tax liability.
tax deduction. N. An amount subtracted from a taxpayer’s taxable
tax evasion. N. The crime of paying less in taxes than the amount
required by the government, such as by fraudulently reporting a
lower income than what was in fact received.
tax exempt. ADJ. Not subject to taxation.
taxing power. N. The power granted to Congress by the
Constitution to levy taxes.
taxpayer. N. A person or business that pays taxes; the person or
entity subject to taxes on a particular transaction.
tax rate. N. The percentage of income or purchase price that must
be paid in tax; see also tax bracket.
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493 tenant
tax return. N. A document filed by a taxpayer with the Internal
Revenue Service or state tax agency on which the taxpayer
reports a taxable year’s income, deductions, and credits, and
calculates tax liability.
tax shelter. N. A fund, transaction, business arrangement, or other
method used by a taxpayer to reduce taxable income or tax
telecommunication. N. Using signals to transmit information over
a distance, such as over a telephone or over a computer network.
telecommute. V. To perform one’s job at some location other than
the traditional workplace, such as at home, and using information
technology to communicate with the workplace.
teleworker. N. An employee who performs his or her job at some
location other than the traditional workplace, using information
technology to communicate with the workplace.
temporary. ADJ. Not permanent; provisional; lasting for a limited
temporary disability. N. Disability due to illness or injury that
prevents a person from working for a period of time but that is
expected to end when the person recovers.
temporary restraining order. N. An order issued by a court forbid-
ding a party to take some action as a temporary measure to protect
a plaintiff until a formal hearing on an injunction can take place.
tenancy. N. The condition of being a tenant; an interest in land held
by a tenant.
tenant. N. (1) A person who rents property from a landlord. (2) A
person who owns or possesses property.
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tenant, life 494
tenant, life. N. A person who holds an interest in property until the
end of a life, either the tenant’s or someone else’s.
tenants, joint. N. Two or more people who share an interest in
property, each of them owning the whole interest; when a joint
tenant dies, his or her interest in the property ends.
tenants by the entirety. N. A husband and wife who hold property
as joint tenants, with one spouse taking the whole title when the
other dies.
tenants in common. N. Two or more tenants who hold an undivided
interest in property but who each have a separate title to a propor-
tional share; when a tenant in common dies, his or her share of the
property goes into his or her estate.
tender. V. To offer or present something to someone; to present
someone with money as payment; to offer to perform some service
for a price.
N. tender.
tender, legal. N. Valid money; money that a creditor must accept as
payment of a debt.
tender of delivery. N. A seller’s actual delivery of goods to a buyer;
a seller’s placing goods at the buyer’s disposal and notifying the
buyer of that fact.
tender offer. N. An offer to purchase shares of stock, often above
market price, in a company made by a person or business that
wished to acquire control of the company.
tenement. N. A building, house, dwelling, or other structure affixed
to land; a building divided into separate residences that are rented;
a dilapidated or run-down apartment building.
tenure. N. (1) A right to hold property; the condition of holding
property. (2) The time that a person spends in a position or an
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495 territorial sea
office. (3) A state of guaranteed permanent employment awarded
to professors, teachers, and a few other employees who have
worked for an institution a specified period of time.
term. N. (1) A word or expression for something. (2) The duration
of something; a fixed period of time; a period of time in which a
court is in session. (3) A condition or requirement in a contract or
agreement, usually used in the plural, i.e., terms.
V. To give a name
to something.
terminable. ADJ. Able to be terminated.
terminable interest. N. An interest in property that ends when a
particular event occurs or does not occur.
terminate. V. To end; to expire; to fire an employee. N. termination.
terms of use. N. The rules presented by the creator or producer of
a work such as a software application to its users, explaining the
rights and obligations that accompany use of the work.
territorial court. N. A court in a U.S. territory that functions as both
a state and a federal court.
territorial integrity. N. The principle that a state’s borders are
sacrosanct; the idea in international law that one state or nation
should not aid actions that could reform the borders of another
state or nation.
territorial jurisdiction. N. A court’s or government’s power over a
specified territory or region.
territorial sea. N. The waters that are considered the territory of
the state off which coast they lie; a band of waters parallel to the
coast that can be no more than twelve nautical miles wide. See also
Law of the Sea.
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territorial waters 496
territorial waters. N. All waters contained within a state or country
and all ocean waters within a three-mile border around its coast.
territory. N. A defined area of land; an area or region under the
control of one government or ruler; the area in which a judge has
jurisdiction; a region that is organized and governed according to
the terms of a particular nation but has not yet been admitted to
statehood in that nation.
ADJ. territorial.
terror. N. Extreme fear or dread, which can lead to intimidation; the
fear typical of someone who is afraid of being hurt or killed.
terrorism. N. The use of violence to achieve political ends in order
to intimidate citizens and governments into acquiescing to the
demands of the terrorists.
terrorist. N. A person who engages in terrorism. ADJ. terroristic.
terrorize. V. To frighten someone terribly; to use violence or threats
to fill someone with dread and alarm.
testament. N. A will; the part of a last will and testament that
disposes of someone’s personal property.
testamentary. ADJ. Related to or given by a will.
testamentary capacity. N. The mental ability required to compose
and execute a valid will, i.e., the ability to understand who one is,
what one owns, and what the will will do.
testamentary disposition. N. A gift of property from a deceased
person to a living one, done through a will.
testamentary intent. N. A testator’s true intention in writing a will
or naming a recipient of property.
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497 third degree
testator. N. A person who writes and executes a will; a deceased
person whose property is disposed of according to the terms of his
or her will.
FEM. testatrix.
test case. N. A lawsuit that serves as a test of the validity of a law,
principle, or cause of action; one lawsuit chosen out of many
similar ones brought at the same time to be heard by the court and
decided as a test of the right of all the similar cases; also called a
test action.
testify. V. To speak under oath; to give evidence as a witness in a
deposition or lawsuit; to serve as proof of something.
testimony. N. The spoken evidence given by a witness under oath
in court or at a deposition, or written evidence provided by a
witness under oath through an affidavit.
theft. N. The act of taking something that belongs to someone else,
without the owner’s permission and with no intention of returning
it; stealing; see also larceny, steal.
theorize. V. To create a theory; to generate a possible explanation
for some situation.
theory. N. A set of principles or ideas that serve as the basis or
explanation for some action or situation; a generally accepted body
of principles based on known facts that explains some circum-
stance; an idea or premise about something; a legal or factual prin-
ciple that serves as the basis for a case. See also hypothesis.
thief. N. Someone who steals.
third degree. N. Thorough and prolonged questioning administered
to a criminal suspect by the police with the intention of getting the
person to confess to a crime.
ADJ. A category of crime less serious
than first degree or second degree.
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third party 498
third party. N. A person who is not directly involved in a transac-
tion; someone who is not a party to an agreement.
third party beneficiary. N. A person who is not a party to a contract
but who will benefit from it and has rights under it.
third party complaint. N. A complaint filed by a defendant in an
existing lawsuit against someone who is alleged by the defendant
to be liable for damages to the plaintiff.
threat. N. A statement of an intention to harm someone or damage
his or her property; a person or thing that seems likely to cause
damage or danger; a menace.
V. threaten.
thrift institution. N. A savings and loan or savings bank; also called
a thrift.
time. N. (1) Duration; how long it takes to do something. (2) A
specific moment.
time-and-a-half. N. An hourly pay rate commonly paid for overtime
work, calculated by adding 50% of the usual hourly rate to the usual
hourly rate.
time deposit. N. A certificate of deposit; an account from which a
depositor must wait a specific period of time before withdrawing.
time is of the essence. N. A phrase used in contracts in which
performance by one of the parties at or by a specific time is an
essential term. See also reasonable time.
timeshare. N. A property, often a vacation home, that is owned by
several parties, each of whom is entitled to use it for a specified
period of time every year.
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499 title search
tithe. N. A tenth of one’s income contributed to something such as
a charity or church; in feudal times, the tenth of a farm and other
productions that was required to be donated to the church.
V. tithe.
title. N. (1) A right or claim of ownership of property. (2) The offi-
cial name of a job or position; the formal address given to a
person in a position or job or of particular social status. (3) The
name of a book, article, artwork, or other creation. (4) The name
of a legislative bill or legal action.
V. To name a book or other
composition or creation.
Title IX. N. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, a federal
law banning sex discrimination in schools and universities, both
academic and athletic.
Title VII. N. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, a federal law
that prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of sex, race,
religion, or national origin.
title company.
N. A company that checks titles to property in
order to find defects and encumbrances, and that also issues title
title insurance. N. Insurance issued by a title company that has
investigated the title to a property, guaranteeing that it has no
known defects and insuring against claims based on a defective
title of record. N. The official title to a property, found through a
title search. See also bad title, cloud on title, good title.
title search. N. An investigation done by a title company in which
it examines the history of a title in the registry of deeds and then
prepares an abstract summarizing the transfers of the title and the
absence of defects on it.
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Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement 500
Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement. N. A civil settlement in
which several major tobacco companies agreed to pay money to
the states to pay the health care costs of people injured by smoking
and to limit the advertising of tobacco products.
to have and to hold. N. A phrase used in a conveyance expressing
the fact that the transferor intends for the transferee to receive the
property; also used in many marriage ceremonies to convey the
parties’ intention to be joined to one another.
toll. N. A payment for the right to use something once, such as the
right to drive across a bridge.
V. To suspend; to deny or take away.
tombstone ad. N. An advertisement in a newspaper announcing
that a corporation is going to put up for sale an offering of stock.
tonnage. N. Capacity of a ship; the amount of cargo a ship can
carry; the amount of cargo a ship is carrying.
tonnage duty. N. A tax imposed on ships according to tonnage,
assessed when they enter a country.
tort. N. A private injury or wrong; a violation of a socially recog-
nized duty owed to a plaintiff that results in injury to the plaintiff;
torts can be caused intentionally, through negligence, or under
strict liability.
ADJ. tortious.
Tort Claims Act. N. A federal law that makes the U.S. government
liable for damages in tort, waiving sovereign immunity except in
specific cases; many states also have tort claims acts.
tortfeasor. N. A person who commits a tort against another.
torture. N. The infliction of severe mental or physical pain on a
person in order to intimidate or punish the victim or to elicit infor-
V. torture.
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501 trademark
total disability. N. A person’s inability, due to physical or mental
affliction, to perform any work that he or she is qualified to do and
that is available in the community.
totality of the circumstances test. N. A test that examines all the
circumstances surrounding an event to determine whether a
person’s constitutional rights have been violated by a search and
total loss. N. Complete destruction of property, such that it can no
longer be used at all and retains little or no value.
to wit. ADV. (Middle English) To know; namely; that is to say.
tract. N. A parcel of land.
trade. N. (1) Buying and selling goods or services. (2) An exchange;
a one-to-one transfer. (3) A skilled job, especially one that involves
manual work. (4) A particular kind of business; the people who
work in a particular kind of business or profession.
V. To buy and
sell; to exchange. See also commerce.
trade agreement. N. An agreement made by two nations regulating
trade between them.
trade dress. N. The appearance and image associated with a partic-
ular product, including labels, colors, size, shape, and advertising
techniques unique to the product.
trade fixture. See fixture.
trademark. N. A name, word, symbol, or device used by the manu-
facturer of a product to identify that product and distinguish it
from other similar ones produced by competitors, which can be
registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; also called a
mark. See also copyright, patent, trade name.
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trademark, arbitrary 502
trademark, arbitrary. N. A name for a product that is in no way
descriptive or suggestive of the product, such as “Apple”
computers, that is easily registered but difficult to educate
consumers about.
trademark, descriptive. N. A name for a product that is descriptive
of what it is or does, which cannot be registered unless it has taken
on a distinctive meaning over time.
trademark, fanciful. N. A name invented for a particular product,
such as “Exxon,” that is easily registered but difficult to educate
consumers about.
trademark, generic. N. A name for a product that has become
synonymous with the product itself, such as “aspirin,” which
cannot be registered for trademark protection.
trademark, strong. N. A trademark that is inherently distinctive,
such as an arbitrary or fanciful one, which is entitled to greater
protection than a weaker one, such as a generic or descriptive
trademark, suggestive. N. A name for a product that evokes char-
acteristics of the product, and that is considered inherently distinc-
tive and thus allowed to be registered.
trade name. N. A name used by a business to identify itself, which
stands for the business’s reputation and goodwill.
trade secret. N. A secret formula, pattern, plan, process, machine,
or method of compiling information known and used exclusively
by one business that could give competitors an advantage if they
acquired it.
trade usage. N. A practice or custom accepted by the practitioners
of a particular trade that they have every reason to expect to
be followed by other practitioners of that trade in a particular
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503 transferee
transaction; the accepted meaning of a particular word or phrase
within a trade. See also course of dealing.
traffic. N. Trade in some commodity; buying, selling, or trading of
goods and services, often used regarding trade in illegal commodi-
ties such as drugs.
V. traffic.
transact. V. To conduct business; to carry on some activity.
transaction. N. One instance of conducting business, such as
buying or selling an item; an agreement or act involving at least two
people that alters their legal rights in relation to one another.
transaction or occurrence test. N. A test used to determine
whether a cause of action arises out of the same transaction or
event that is the subject matter of an existing claim brought by the
opposing party, in which case it must be brought as a counterclaim
or forever be barred from litigation.
transcribe. V. To record spoken words in writing.
transcript. N. An official, certified, written record of a trial or other
proceeding prepared by a court reporter.
transfer. V. To move a person or thing from one place to another; to
move an object from the possession of one person to the posses-
sion of another; to change the title of property from one owner to
another; to convey.
N. transfer.
transferable. ADJ. Able to be transferred.
transfer agent. N. A person or company that oversees the sale of
shares of publicly traded corporations and keeps records on share-
transferee. N. A person who receives something that is trans-
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transferee liability 504
transferee liability. N. Tax liability imposed by the Internal
Revenue Service on a person who has received transferred prop-
erty in cases where it cannot find the transferor who actually
owes the taxes.
transferor. N. A person who transfers something to someone else.
transfer pricing. N. The practice of transferring goods, services,
loans, intellectual property, or other commodities to other
jurisdictions or countries in order to set prices at local levels
and gain tax advantages.
Transfers to Minors Act. See Uniform Transfers to Minors Act.
Transportation Security Administration. N. A federal agency within
the Department of Homeland Security created in 2001 to oversee
security of transportation systems within the United States.
treason. N. The act of betraying one’s country, such as by aiding an
enemy of the state or plotting to overthrow the government.
treasure trove. N. Treasure found; a cache of money, precious
metals, or other valuable items with no known owner found buried
in the earth or in a hidden place; the person who finds a treasure
trove is entitled to it before anyone except the true owner.
treasury. N. A place where wealth is stored, especially public funds;
the branch of the government responsible for saving and distrib-
uting revenue.
treasury bill. N. A promissory note issued by the U.S. Treasury with
a maturity period of one year or less, which yields no interest but
is sold at a discount and paid in full on maturity.
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505 trespasser
treasury bond. N. (1) A bond issued by the U.S. Treasury that
matures in a term greater than five years. (2) A bond issued and
then bought back by the same corporation.
treasury note. N. A note issued by the U.S. Treasury for an inter-
mediate term, i.e., maturing in one to five years, which pays
interest by coupon.
treasury stock. N. Stock issued and then later repurchased by a
treaty. N. A formal agreement between two or more nations
concerning some matter of public welfare.
treaty clause. N. A clause in the Constitution that gives the
president the power to make treaties with other nations and the
Senate the right to approve them.
treble. ADJ. Triple. V. To triple; to multiply by three.
treble damages. N. An award of damages that is tripled as further
punishment for the wrongdoer.
trespass. V. To enter or disturb property owned by someone else
without the owner’s permission.
N. trespass.
trespass, continuing. N. A permanent state of trespass, as when
someone builds a house on his or her own land that encroaches
onto the property of someone else.
trespass, criminal. N. Trespassing on property that has been
posted with signs warning away trespassers, or remaining on
someone else’s property after being ordered to leave.
trespasser. N. A person who trespasses.
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trespass on the case 506
trespass on the case. N. A common law action that allowed
someone to recover for injury that resulted indirectly from a defen-
dant’s actions; also called case.
trial. N. A formal judicial proceeding in which a judge and some-
times a jury hear the evidence in a case and decide the rights of the
parties in a civil case or the guilt or innocence of the defendant in
a criminal case. See also bench trial, jury trial.
trial court. N. The court in which a case is first presented, as
opposed to an appellate court.
tribunal. N. A judicial court; a judge’s seat or bench; a judge or
group of judges with jurisdiction in an area.
TRO. ABBRV. Temporary restraining order.
truancy. N. Refusal to attend school by a minor required to attend,
without permission or justification.
truant. N. A student who refuses to attend school.
true. ADJ. Accurate; reliable; in agreement with the facts; genuine;
N. truth.
true bill. N. An indictment; the endorsement of an indictment by
the grand jury who has made it.
true copy. N. A copy of a document that is not necessarily an exact
duplicate of the original but is close enough to be clearly under-
stood and recognized.
true value. N. The fair market value of property.
trust. N. (1) Confidence that someone will act in a particular way;
firm belief in someone’s reliability. (2) A legal arrangement in
which one person or company (the trustee) holds title to property
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507 trust indenture
that is intended to benefit someone else (the beneficiary); the
trustee has a fiduciary obligation to administer the trust’s assets
and distribute its income to benefit the beneficiary or beneficiaries.
(3) An organization managed by a trustee. (4) A company or group
of companies that attempts to control a market or create a
V. To believe in someone’s or something’s reliability,
ability, or honesty.
trust, active. N. A trust that must be actively managed by the
trust, charitable. N. A trust created to benefit a class or the public
for educational, charitable, scientific, or religious purposes.
trust, passive. N. A trust that does not require any action by the
trust, resulting. N. A trust that has not been explicitly created but
that arises when it seems that a person transferring property to
another must have wanted the person who receives title to the
property to use it to benefit someone else. See also cestui que.
trust company. N. A company that acts as a trustee for people who
want to create trusts.
trustee. N. The person who holds the property of a trust and admin-
isters it in a fiduciary capacity for the benefit of the beneficiaries.
trustee in bankruptcy. N. A person who handles the administration
of bankruptcies, managing the financial affairs of the bankrupt
person or company and paying creditors.
trust fund. N. Property or money held in a trust, administered by a
trustee and intended to benefit someone who does not own it.
trust indenture. N. A document containing the terms and condi-
tions governing a trust.
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trustor 508
trustor. N. A person who creates a trust; a settlor.
trusty. N. An inmate in a correctional institution who, due to good
behavior, is allowed a degree of freedom and responsibility denied
to other prisoners.
truth-in-lending act. N. A federal law requiring lenders to reveal to
consumers applying for commercial credit the true cost of that
credit, in order to enable consumers to shop around for the most
favorable credit terms.
try. V. To examine a case in a judicial trial; to subject a criminal
suspect to a trial.
TSA. ABBRV. Transportation Security Administration.
turn-key contract. N. A building contract in which the contractor
assumes all risks and performs all work, leaving the owner of the
project nothing to do toward its construction but “turn the key” to
open the door once it is finished.
turnover. N. The rate of replacement of goods, funds, or personnel;
in a company, the rate at which employees leave and are replaced
by others.
turntable doctrine. N. Another term for “attractive nuisance,” so-
called because railroad turntables are known to attract children
who can be harmed by playing on them.
turpitude. See moral turpitude.
tying arrangement. N. A seller’s refusal to sell a buyer a desired
item unless the buyer also purchases a specific other item, whether
the buyer wants the additional item or not.
tyranny. N. Rule by a tyrant.
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509 tyrant
tyrant. N. A single absolute ruler; a ruler who holds absolute power
over the state; a despot.
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UCC 512
UCC. ABBRV. Uniform Commercial Code.
UCCC. ABBRV. Uniform Consumer Credit Code.
UGMA. ABBRV. Uniform Gifts to Minors Act. See Uniform Transfers
to Minors Act.
UIT. ABBRV. Unit investment trust.
ultimate facts. N. The facts that ultimately form the basis of the
decision in a case.
ultrahazardous. ADJ. Extremely dangerous; involving a serious risk
of harm to people or property that cannot be avoided no matter
how careful one is.
ultrahazardous activity. N. An activity that is so abnormally
dangerous that no amount of care can prevent risk of harm, and
that therefore gives rise to strict liability.
ultra vires. ADJ. (Latin) Beyond the powers; outside one’s official
authority; used especially to describe actions by a corporation that
exceed the powers granted to it by its charter or by state law.
UN. ABBRV. United Nations.
unanimous. ADJ. Agreed to by all concerned parties without a nega-
tive vote or opinion.
N. unanimity.
unauthorized. ADJ. Done without official authorization or permis-
unauthorized use. N. Using an automobile without permission of
the owner.
unavoidable. ADJ. Impossible to avoid or prevent.
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513 underwrite
unavoidable accident. N. An accident that could not have been
prevented by the parties involved in it, no matter what steps they
took to avoid it, and not caused by their negligence or lack of skill
or care.
unborn. ADJ. Not yet born; can refer to a fetus in the womb or a
child who has not yet been conceived.
unclean hands. N. The equitable doctrine that a plaintiffs own fault
must be considered when determining the remedy he or she should
receive from a defendant. See also clean hands doctrine.
unconscionable. ADJ. Unreasonably detrimental; grossly one-sided;
so unfair or oppressive to the interests of a party to a contract as to
render the contract unenforceable.
N. unconscionability.
unconstitutional. ADJ. Conflicting with the Constitution of the
United States or another constitution.
uncontestable. ADJ. Not able to be challenged or contested.
uncontestable clause. N. A clause in a life insurance policy that
says the insurer may not contest a claim after the policy has been
in force for a specified period of time.
under control. ADJ. Of a vehicle, able to be stopped quickly when
under protest. ADV. Unwillingly; done under compulsion while
making one’s unwillingness known; used to describe an action
done unwillingly and with objection.
under the influence. ADJ. Intoxicated; suffering from mental and
physical impairment due to consumption of alcohol or drugs.
underwrite. V. (1) To insure; to accept the liability for something.
(2) To agree to buy all unsold shares from an issue of stocks or
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underwriter 514
bonds. (3) To provide financial support for some enterprise.
underwriter. N. A person, bank, insurance company, or other insti-
tution that underwrites something.
undivided. ADJ. Not divided or broken up into portions.
undivided interest. N. An interest in property held by tenants in
common, joint tenants, or tenants by the entirety, each of whom
has a right to use the entire property; also called an undivided right;
see also tenant.
undue. ADJ. Improper; unwarranted; exceeding what is necessary.
undue influence. N. Excessive or improper influence exerted on a
person writing a will or giving away property by someone who
wants to take away the person’s free will and dominate the action;
influence that interferes with someone’s free will or judgment and
subjugates it to someone else’s wishes.
unearned. ADJ. Not earned.
unearned interest. N. Interest paid to someone by a financial insti-
tution before it is actually earned.
unearned surplus. N. All surplus that is not earned, including
surplus from the revaluation of assets, surplus from contributions
by shareholders or others, and paid-in surplus. See also income,
unemployment insurance. N. Insurance that pays benefits to
temporarily unemployed workers; in the United States, an
insurance program that federal law requires each state to fund
and administer.
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515 uniform laws
unethical. ADJ. Not ethical; not according to morals or the ethical
standards of a profession.
unfair competition. N. The tort of fraudulently trying to pass off
one’s goods as those of another company, or to use the reputation
of another company to sell one’s own product, as through
misleading advertising or packaging.
unfair labor practices. N. Acts forbidden to both employers and
employees under the National Labor Relations Act, including for a
union to coerce employees and employers, or to refuse to bargain,
or for an employer to interfere with the employees’ attempts to
exercise their rights.
unfit. ADJ. Not suitable for a particular purpose; not qualified;
uniform. ADJ. Conforming everywhere to the same standard;
remaining the same everywhere; applying equally to everyone
Uniform Code of Military Justice. N. A compilation of laws
governing the conduct of military personnel.
Uniform Commercial Code. N. A compilation of laws governing
commercial transactions, including the sale of goods, commercial
paper, banking, and secured transactions.
Uniform Consumer Credit Code. N. A law adopted by some states
that regulates consumer credit.
Uniform Gifts to Minors Act. See Uniform Transfers to Minors
uniform laws. N. Compilations of laws that address various subject
areas and attempt to make the law in those areas uniform, such as
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Uniform Resource Identifier 516
the Uniform Commercial Code, Uniform Consumer Credit Code,
and Uniform Transfers to Minors Act; also called uniform acts.
Uniform Resource Identifier. N. A commonly used synonym for
Uniform Resource Locator.
Uniform Resource Locator. N. The series of characters that will
retrieve a particular web page when typed into the address bar in a
Web browser; a domain name or IP address plus other information
that specifies a particular page.
Uniform System of Citation
. N. A guide to legal citation published
by the Harvard Law Review Association and accepted as the stan-
dard guide to citation; synonymous with Blue Book.
Uniform Transfers to Minors Act. N. An act governing transfers of
property to a trust managed by a custodian for the benefit of named
minors; an act called the Uniform Gifts to Minors Act was the orig-
inal law of this type, but the Uniform Transfers to Minors Act has
replaced it in most states.
unilateral. ADJ. One-sided; performed by one party in a situation
without the participation or agreement of other parties; affecting
only one party or group in a particular situation. See also contract,
uninsured. ADJ. Without insurance coverage.
uninsured motorist coverage. N. Insurance that covers the insured
for injury or damage caused by a driver who does not have liability
union. N. (1) A group of states or nations with a central govern-
ment. (2) The act of joining together; a state of togetherness or
harmony. (3) A labor organization that exists to negotiate with
employers on behalf of workers in matters such as wages, hours,
and workplace safety.
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517 United States Court of Federal Claims
unionize. V. To become a member of a labor union or persuade
others to join it.
ADJ. unionized.
United Nations. N. An international organization founded in 1945 to
help nations cooperate in matters of human rights, economics,
security, and international law.
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. N. A
nonbinding international treaty passed in 1992 that states the desir-
ability of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and slowing climate
change. See also Kyoto Protocol.
United States Attorney. N. An attorney appointed by the president
to represent the U.S. government in civil lawsuits and other matters
in a judicial district; see also district attorney.
United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. N. A bureau in
the Department of Homeland Security that oversees immigration,
naturalization, visa applications, and petitions for asylum. See also
Immigration and Naturalization Services.
United States Code. N. A compilation of federal statutes, updated
every six years and supplemented in between.
United States Code Annotated. N. The annotated version of the
USC, supplemented with case notes, cross-references, and histor-
ical references.
United States Constitution. N. The principles according to which
the federal government of the United States is organized, enacted
in 1787 and modified by twenty-seven amendments.
United States Court of Federal Claims. N. The federal court that
hears claims against the U.S. government; this court replaced the
Court of Claims in 1982. Synonymous with Claims Court, U.S.
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United States Customs Service 518
United States Customs Service. N. The government service that
collects customs duties, seizes contraband, processes people and
goods coming in and out of the United States, and enforces appli-
cable trade statutes.
United States Department of Treasury. N. The department of the
federal government that handles financial policy, collects taxes,
issues currency, manages public debt, and oversees several
bureaus including the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and
Explosives, the Secret Service, and the Internal Revenue Service.
United States Department of Veterans Affairs. N. A federal agency
that provides benefits and services to military veterans.
United States Marshal. N. An officer appointed by the president for
a judicial district who executes all writs and orders issued by
federal courts.
United States Tax Court. N. An administrative agency that func-
tions as a court to hear disputes over amounts of income, estate,
and gift taxes between taxpayers and the Internal Revenue Service.
unities, four. N. The four conditions that must exist in order to
create a joint tenancy under common law, including unity of
interest, unity of time, unity of possession, and unity of title.
unit investment trust. N. A registered trust that purchases fixed-
income securities and holds them to maturity, sold to investors in
units (typically of $1,000 each).
unity. N. The state of forming a united whole; agreement or
harmony between people.
unity of interest. N. Sharing an interest in the same property.
unity of possession. N. Holding equal rights to use and possess the
same property.
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519 unnecessary hardship
unity of time. N. Sharing an interest in property simultaneously.
unity of title. N. Receiving an interest in property through the same
conveyance or instrument.
unjust. ADJ. Not just; unfair.
unjust enrichment. N. Knowingly receiving and accepting a benefit
without paying for it or a benefit that rightfully belongs to someone
unlawful. ADJ. Against the law; illegal.
unlawful assembly. N. The gathering of three or more people with
the intention of disturbing the peace or committing some unlawful
act; definition varies by state.
unlawful detainer. N. The act of keeping possession of a property
by someone who once had a right to it but no longer does, such as
a tenant whose lease has ended but who refuses to leave.
unlawful entry. N. Entering property without the owner’s consent
through the use of force or fraud.
unlisted security. N. A security that is not listed on a stock
exchange and can only be traded over the counter.
unnatural act. N. Sexual acts that were historically considered
unnatural or wrong, including sodomy or buggery; see also crime
against nature.
unnecessary hardship. N. A condition found when the physical
characteristics of a piece of property prevent it from being used for
purposes permitted by zoning laws, or when it would be prohibi-
tively expensive to use it in the permitted ways, so zoning laws are
therefore found to impose unreasonable difficulties on the prop-
erty owner and a variance is warranted.
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unrealized 520
unrealized. ADJ. Not achieved; not converted into money.
unrealized profit or loss. N. Profit or loss that has not yet been
converted into actual money, existing only in principle or “on
paper,” such as a rise or loss in stock prices.
unreasonable. ADJ. Arbitrary; excessive; unfair; irrational.
unreasonable search and seizure. See search and seizure.
unsolicited. ADJ. Unasked-for; not requested or sought after.
URI. ABBRV. Uniform Resource Identifier.
URL. ABBRV. Uniform Resource Locator.
usage. N. A practice that is usual within a particular business;
the typical way of doing an activity or interpreting a word or
phrase within a profession or kind of business. See also custom,
trade usage.
USA PATRIOT Act. N. Uniting and Strengthening America by
Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct
Terrorism Act of 2001; a law passed shortly after September 11,
2001, that strengthened U.S. law enforcement agencies for the
purpose of preventing future terrorist attacks.
USC. ABBRV. United States Code.
USCA. ABBRV. United States Code Annotated.
USCIS. ABBRV. United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.
use. V. To employ someone or something; to put into action; to
enjoy the benefits of real or personal property.
N. The act of using;
the fact of being used; the right to enjoy the benefits of property.
useful. ADJ. Able to be put to some beneficial use.
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521 utmost resistance
useful life. N. For tax purposes, the period during which an asset is
expected to be useful to its owner before wearing out or otherwise
becoming useless.
user. N. A person who uses something.
usufruct. N. The civil law right to use property that belongs to
someone else.
usurer. N. A person who lends money at unreasonably high interest.
usurp. V. To take over; to supplant; to take over a position of power
by force.
N. usurpation.
usurper. N. A person who usurps a position.
usury. N. Lending money at excessively high interest rates. ADJ.
U.S. v. Microsoft.
N. An antitrust lawsuit brought by the U.S.
Department of Justice against Microsoft Corporation in 1998, in
which the United States alleged that Microsoft had violated antimo-
nopoly laws by bundling its operating system and Web browser
software, thus unfairly preventing rivals from competing for
UTMA. ABBRV. Uniform Transfers to Minors Act.
utmost. N. The greatest amount or extent possible. ADJ. utmost.
utmost care. N. Highest care; the care that a very cautious and
competent person would use.
utmost resistance. N. The highest degree of resistance a person is
capable of, historically required of a victim of rape in order to
charge the offender with rape.
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utter 522
utter. V. (1) To say something out loud. N. utterance. (2) To offer
forged money as valid; to introduce forged money into circulation.
N. uttering. ADJ. Complete; total; absolute.
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v 524
v. ABBRV. Versus.
VA. ABBRV. United States Department of Veterans Affairs.
vacate. V. (1) To leave; to make empty. (2) To make void; to annul.
vacation. N. A break from work; leave from work to be used for any
purpose, particularly recreation.
vagrancy. N. The act of living as a vagrant.
vagrant. N. A person with no regular job or home who wanders
from place to place and supports himself or herself by begging.
vague. ADJ. Uncertain; unclear; not clearly defined or stated. N.
valid. ADJ. Properly executed and legally binding; legitimate;
N. validity. See also void.
validate. v. To make valid.
valuable. ADJ. Worth money; important.
valuable consideration. N. Something of value given in exchange
for a performance or a promise, which entitles the recipient of the
promise to enforce a claim against a promisor who fails to perform.
value. N. (1) Worth; cost or price in money; the price a seller would
give a buyer in a bona fide transaction in an open market. (2)
Importance; utility. (3) A moral principle.
V. (1) To estimate the
worth of something. (2) To consider important.
vandal. N. A person who willfully destroys or damages property.
vandalism. N. The act of willfully destroying or damaging property.
V. vandalize.
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525 verdict
variance. N. (1) A discrepancy. (2) A disagreement between the
allegations in a pleading and the evidence offered to prove them.
(3) Permission to use property in a way not allowed under appli-
cable zoning ordinances; see also unnecessary hardship.
vehicle identification number. N. A unique seventeen-digit number
that identifies any given motor vehicle.
vehicular. ADJ. Of or related to motor vehicles, such as automobiles
and motorcycles. See also homicide, vehicular.
vend. V. To sell.
vendee. N. A buyer.
vendor. N. A seller.
venire. N. (Latin) To come; the writ that summons potential jurors
to court; the group of potential jurors for a case.
venture. N. A risky undertaking; a business enterprise that involves
some risk.
V. To dare to do something; to undertake some enter-
prise that involves risk of loss.
venture capital. N. Funding for a new business that involves risk
but has potential for great profits. See also joint venture.
venue. N. The place where something happens; a court that has
jurisdiction over a matter; a court in which cases from a particular
location may be brought; the district in which a federal lawsuit is
veracity. N. Truth; honesty; accuracy.
verbal. ADJ. Expressed in words; oral; spoken rather than written.
verdict. N. A jury’s or judge’s finding on a question of fact, to be
used by the court in determining its final judgment.
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verdict, general 526
verdict, general. N. A verdict that announces which party prevails;
the ordinary kind of verdict.
verdict, partial. N. A verdict that finds a criminal defendant guilty
of one or more charges and innocent of the others.
verdict, special. N. A jury’s determination on a particular question
of fact alleged in the pleadings. See also directed verdict.
verify. V. To confirm the truth, accuracy, or authenticity of some-
thing; to attest to the truth of something in an affidavit or other
sworn statement.
N. verification.
versus. ADV. (Latin) Against; used in the title of a lawsuit to indi-
cate which party is against which.
ABBRV. v. or vs.
V. To accrue; to take effect; to bestow on someone; to give
someone authority, power, or a right; to gain a legal right to some-
thing; to come into possession of something.
vested. ADJ. Fixed; settled; secure in someone’s possession; having
the right to present or future enjoyment; established or protected
by law or contract.
vested estate. N. A property interest currently in someone’s posses-
sion or that will certainly come into his or her possession in the
future, and therefore can be given away or sold by him or her.
vested gift. N.
A gift given at present, or a gift that will certainly
take effect in the future and that is not contingent on some
vested interest. N. An interest that is recognized as belonging to
someone who has the right to give it away; a personal stake in
some matter.
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527 vicarious liability
vested pension. N. A pension to which an employee is uncondition-
ally entitled because he or she has completed the required period
of employment, whether or not he or she is working for that partic-
ular employer at the time of retirement.
vested right. N. In constitutional law, a right that is so firmly
attached to a person that it cannot be taken away by someone else.
vesting. N. An employee’s acquisition of an unconditional right to
receive retirement benefits after working for an employer for the
required period.
veteran. N. A person who has served in the armed forces and been
honorably discharged.
veto. N. The act of rejecting a law or decision that has been passed
by a legislature, usually done by a president or governor who must
sign it in order for it to become valid.
veto, line-item. N. The power to reject some portions of a law
without rejecting the whole thing. See also pocket veto.
vexatious. ADJ. Troublesome; annoying; worrisome.
vexatious litigation. N. A lawsuit brought without probable cause,
out of malice toward the opposing party.
viable. ADJ. (1) Feasible; able to work. (2) Of a fetus, capable of
living outside its mother’s womb, with or without artificial life
N. viability.
vicarious. ADJ. Experienced or done through another person.
vicarious liability. N. Liability imposed on one person for the
actions of another based on a relationship between them, such as
that between a principal and an agent or a parent and child.
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vice 528
vice. N. Immorality; bad behavior; a bad habit. PREFIX. Next in rank;
a deputy for someone else, such as a vice president.
vice crime. N. A crime involving immorality, such as drug use or
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. N. An international
treaty effective in 1980 that codified and clarified accepted interna-
tional law on the creation of treaties.
VIN. ABBRV. Vehicle identification number.
violent. ADJ. Using physical force, especially unwarranted force
used to intimidate or physically defeat someone else, often accom-
panied by anger or strong emotions.
N. violence.
violent crime. N. A crime involving physical force, such as assault
or murder.
violent death. N. Death caused by a violent external force, such as
another person.
virtual. ADJ. Almost but not quite as described or intended; effective
for all practical purposes, though not officially acknowledged.
virtual representation. N. The condition of being represented in
a lawsuit without being named as a party by a party who shares
the same interest, with the nonparty agreeing to be bound by
the judgment.
virus. N. A computer program that can copy itself and install itself
onto a computer without help from or the knowledge of the
computer’s owner or user.
visa. N. A document or stamp issued by a country to a foreign
national, giving the holder the right to enter the country for a spec-
ified period and for specified purposes.
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529 void on its face
visitation. N. A formally organized meeting with someone, espe-
cially the time that a divorced spouse is allowed to spend with the
children from his or her marriage.
visitation rights. N. Rights granted to divorced parents without
custody to visit their children, and occasionally granted to grand-
parents as well.
vitiate. V. To ruin something; to void or annul; to impair something’s
viz. ABBRV. (Latin) Videlicet, meaning obviously, namely, or of
course; in other words; used to explain or rephrase preceding
words in order to clarify them.
voice exemplar. N. A recording of someone’s voice made during a
criminal investigation, to be used as a basis for comparison against
recorded evidence.
void. ADJ. Invalid; not legally binding; ineffective; empty. See also
valid. v. To declare something legally invalid.
void ab initio. ADJ. Never having had legal validity; void from the
voidable. ADJ. Able to be annulled or voided due to some irregu-
larity or problem, but valid until that happens.
voidable contract. N. A contract that may be legally voided by one
or both parties, but that is valid until voided.
void for vagueness. ADJ. Describes a statute so obscure, difficult to
understand, or unclear that it is impossible for ordinarily intelligent
people to agree on a meaning, and so it must be void.
void on its face. ADJ. Describes a statute or instrument that has
such obvious errors or imperfections that it must be invalid,
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voir dire 530
especially excessively broad legislation that does not address a
particular crime specifically enough and inadvertently impairs
many legal rights.
voir dire. N. (French) To say the truth. (1) The preliminary exami-
nation of potential jurors by the judge and attorneys to decide
whether they are qualified for jury service and whether any
conflicts exist. (2) A hearing done during a trial outside the hearing
of the jury in order to determine some point that the court must
rule on without the jury.
voluntary. ADJ. Done willingly, without the influence of or pressure
from someone else.
vote. N. An indication of a choice for candidates in an election; an
individual ballot or other means of indicating such choice
submitted by a voter; the right to vote.
voter. N. A person who votes; a person who has the right to vote.
Voting Rights Act. N. A federal law passed in 1965 that guarantees
all citizens the right to vote without discrimination by forbidding
districts to require people to meet conditions such as literacy tests
or educational requirements.
voting trust. N. A device in which corporate shareholders transfer
their voting rights to a trustee who votes for them in corporate elec-
tions in order to pool their votes and control corporate affairs.
vouch. V. To verify; to confirm that a person is of good character or
qualified for a position; to assert that something is true, based on
personal experience.
voucher. N. A small printed document that entitles its holder to
some good or service; a receipt; a document that authorizes the
payment of cash.
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531 voyeurism
voyeur. N. A person who receives sexual gratification from
watching other people engaged in sex acts or seeing other people
naked, or from watching others in pain.
voyeurism. N. The act or condition of being a voyeur.
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W-4 534
W-4. N. A form filled out by an employee informing the employer
how many tax deductions the employee may take and thus how
much the employer should withhold.
wage. N. Compensation for work performed, particularly pay by
the hour or by production paid weekly or daily to a manual or
skilled worker; often called wages. See also salary.
V. To carry on
some enterprise, particularly a war.
wage, living. N. Compensation sufficient to support a family above
poverty conditions.
wage, minimum. N. The lowest hourly wage an employer is allowed
to pay workers in most jobs, set by statute.
wager. N. A bet; an agreement made by two parties that one of them
will pay the other a specific sum if a certain condition occurs.
waiting period. N. A period of time that must elapse before a
person can take some action or enforce some legal right.
waive. V. To voluntarily give up a legal right or claim.
waiver. N. The act of intentionally and voluntarily surrendering a
right or claim; a document that records a person’s surrender of a
right or claim.
wanton. ADJ. (1) Reckless; malicious; deliberate, unprovoked,
and in disregard of the safety of others. (2) Immodest; sexually
war crime. N. During wartime, a violation of the laws of war. See
also Geneva Conventions.
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535 warrantor
ward. N. (1) A territorial division in a town or city. (2) An area of a
hospital or prison. (3) A person, especially a child, under the care
and supervision of a guardian.
ward of the court. N. A person who is under the care of the court,
or for whom the court has appointed a guardian.
warehouse. N. A building used to store goods. V. (1) To store goods
in a warehouse. (2) For a mortgage broker to retain a mortgage
until the mortgage resale market improves. (3) For a corporation to
notify certain investors of a tender offer before it is made public,
allowing those investors to purchase stock at a low price.
warehouse receipt. N. A document issued by a person who runs a
warehouse, indicating that the goods have been deposited into his
or her care, which serves as a document of title for its holder.
warrant. N. A written order issued by some authority directing
someone to do a certain act, particularly an order issued by the
state directing a law enforcement officer to arrest someone.
V. (1)
To justify; to make necessary. (2) To guarantee or confirm; to affirm
that a title is good; to confirm that something is as it is represented.
See also search warrant.
warrant, death. N. A warrant issued by a governor or other high
officer ordering a law enforcement officer to execute a convicted
criminal who has been sentenced to death.
warrant, stock. N. A certificate entitling its holder to buy a certain
number of shares of stock for a specified price.
warrantee. N. A person who receives a warrant.
warrantless arrest. N. An arrest made without a warrant, occasion-
ally justifiable if the arresting officer has sufficient probable cause.
warrantor. N. A person who makes a warranty.
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warranty 536
warranty. N. A promise or assurance that something is true, of a
certain quality, or useful for a particular purpose; an assurance by
one party to a contract that a certain fact is true, given to save the
other party the trouble of confirming it, which is in effect a promise
to cover any losses suffered by the other party if the fact turns out
not to be true.
warranty, express. N. A promise included with the terms of a sale
agreement, assuring the purchaser that the goods are of a partic-
ular quality and promising to fix or replace them if they are not as
warranty, implied. N. A warranty implied by the seller’s actions or
warranty deed. N. A deed that contains a warranty of good title.
warranty of fitness for a particular purpose. N. A promise by the
seller, expressed or implied, that the purchased item will be suit-
able for the use to which the buyer wishes to put it.
warranty of habitability. N. An assurance, expressed or implied,
given by a landlord to a new tenant that the premises are suitable
for human habitation.
warranty of merchantability. N. An implied assurance by a seller
that the goods he or she sells are fit for the general purpose for
which they are sold.
Warsaw Convention. N. An international convention that regulates
international air transport of people and goods.
wash sale. N. (1) A sale of stock followed by a purchase of the
same stock within a short period of time, usually thirty days; losses
on such a sale and repurchase may not be recognized for tax
purposes. (2) Simultaneous buying and selling of a stock issue to
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537 weapon of mass destruction
generate interest in the stock, forbidden by the Securities and
Exchange Commission.
wash trade. N. The sale of a security at a loss and the repurchase of
the same security within thirty days before or after the sale, which
does not result in a capital loss for tax purposes; a wash sale.
waste. N. (1) The act of using something carelessly for no good
reason. (2) The things left over from producing something,
which have no value and must be disposed of. (3) Damage to or
neglect of property by a life tenant that reduces the property’s
V. waste.
wasting asset. N. A natural resource that is depleted as it is used
and that eventually will cease to be useful, such as a coal mine; also
called wasting property.
watered stock. N. Stock issued by a corporation whose total worth
is less than its capital investment; stock issued for less than
adequate consideration, as a bonus or as part of compensation,
which means that its true value is actually less than its stated
market value.
watermark. N. (1) A transparent mark on a piece of paper that can
be seen when the paper is held to a light, used as a sign of genuine-
ness. (2) A mark on the bank of a body of water that indicates the
highest or lowest point to which the water has risen or dropped.
way. N. A road, path, or passage. See also right of way.
ways and means. N. Raising money for governmental purposes.
weapon. N. An object designed or used to hurt or kill, either offen-
sively or defensively.
weapon of mass destruction. N. A weapon that can kill or injure
a very large number of people simultaneously and destroy an
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Web 538
enormous range of territory, usually without the aggressor having
to come near its area of effectiveness.
Web. N. See World Wide Web.
webmaster. N. The individual responsible for administering and
maintaining a website.
website. N. A collection of documents, images, and other forms of
digital information on one computer that broadcasts them on the
Web traffic. N. The visits a website receives from users.
weight of evidence. N. The preponderance of the evidence; the
side of the case that has more evidence supporting it.
welfare. N. (1) Well-being, quality of life. (2) Financial aid paid by
the government to the needy.
wellness. N. General physical and mental well-being.
Westlaw. N. A privately owned online legal research system that
provides access to reported decisions, federal and state statutes,
law review articles, and many other materials; see also LexisNexis.
wetland. N. An area of land on the edge of a body of water, where
aquatic and terrestrial life forms intersect.
when issued. ADV. Shortened form of phrase “when, as, and if
issued,” used to describe a security that has not yet been author-
ized for issue, or that has been authorized but does not in fact exist
yet, which can be purchased in a conditional transaction that
becomes complete when the stock is officially issued.
whereas. CONJ. (1) Considering that something is the case; used in
legal documents to begin an introductory statement. (2) In compar-
ison to; in contrast with.
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539 willful and wanton misconduct
whistleblower. N. An employee who reports wrongdoing by his or
her employer or coworkers.
whistleblower acts. N. Federal and state laws that prevent
employers from retaliating against employees who report wrong-
doing in the workplace.
WHO. ABBRV. World Health Organization.
wholesale. N. The selling of goods, usually in large quantities, to
retailers who will in turn sell them to consumers.
wholesaler. N. A person or company who buys large quantities
of goods from manufacturers or suppliers, and then sells them
to retailers.
widow. N. A wife who remains alive after her husband dies.
widow’s allowance. N. Property and money that a widow can claim
from her husband’s estate for her own support.
widow’s election. N. See election by spouse.
wiki. N. A website that can be edited by any user.
wildcat strike. N. A strike not authorized or organized by a labor
union, usually illegal.
will. N. (1) Desire; intention; choice. (2) A document in which a
person describes how to distribute his or her property after death.
V. To leave property to someone through a will. See also holograph,
last will and testament, living will, testament.
willful. ADJ. Deliberate; intentional; premeditated.
willful and wanton misconduct. N. Conduct that displays an inten-
tional disregard of one’s legal duties or of the safety of others.
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willful, deliberate, and premeditated 540
willful, deliberate, and premeditated. N. A description of the
mental state necessary for some crimes, such as first-degree
murder. See also wanton.
will, joint. N. A will disposing of joint property or property that is
owned individually but is treated as common property, signed by
all parties who hold the property.
will, mutual. N. A will in which two people make mutual provisions
for one another; also called a reciprocal will.
winding up. N. Concluding the affairs of a corporation or partner-
ship that is being liquidated, including paying off debts and distrib-
uting the remaining assets.
WIPO. ABBRV. World Intellectual Property Organization.
wiretapping. N. Using an electronic device to eavesdrop on tele-
phone conversations or other communications; see also eavesdrop,
pen register.
withdraw. V. To retreat; to remove or take away; to take money out
of an account.
N. withdrawal.
withhold. N. To hold something back; to keep something that is
desired by someone else; to deduct income tax from an
employee’s pay and send it to the Internal Revenue Service on the
employee’s behalf.
N. withholding.
with prejudice. ADV. Describes a claim or action that has been
dismissed and that may not be brought again as a new action.
without prejudice. ADV. With no legal rights affected; describes a
claim or action that may be brought as a new action after dismissal.
without recourse. ADJ. (1) Having no further rights or possible
remedies. (2) Nonrecourse.
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541 work product
witness. N. A person who has seen or experienced some event; a
person who testifies under oath about seeing or experiencing some
event, or about the character of someone involved in a lawsuit. See
also character witness, material witness.
Witness Protection Act. N. A federal statute that provides for the
protection of witnesses in cases involving organized crime.
word of art. N. A word that has a particular meaning when used in
a particular field, such as law or medicine, and that has a different
meaning or no meaning when used in ordinary speech; also called
term of art.
workers’ compensation. N. A system of benefits provided by
employers to employees who are injured on the job.
Workers’ Compensation Acts. N. Federal and state laws that regu-
late the awards given by employers to employees injured on the
job, generally holding that an employer is strictly liable for all
injuries regardless of the employee’s fault, and preventing
employees who receive workers’ compensation from filing civil
lawsuits in an attempt to win damages.
work/life. N. A person’s combined work and nonwork activities.
work made for hire. N. A copyrightable work prepared either by an
employee in the course of employment, or by someone commis-
sioned to do the work, on the condition that the person who
prepares the material is paid for the job and does not retain any
rights to it, including copyright. The employer or commissioner of
the work is considered the author for copyright purposes.
work product. N. Documents, notes, memoranda, and other mate-
rials prepared by an attorney as part of representing a client,
especially in anticipation of litigation on a particular matter.
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work product rule 542
work product rule. N. A rule protecting work product from
work release program. N. A program that allows an inmate in a
correctional institution to go out to work during the day and return
to the institution at night.
World Bank. N. A financial institution that exists to reduce global
poverty by providing loans to help poor nations develop.
World Health Organization. N. An agency of the United Nations
that works to promote international public health.
World Intellectual Property Organization. N. An agency of the
United Nations that promotes creative activity and the protection
of intellectual property.
World Trade Organization. N. An international organization that
regulates trade among nations.
World Wide Web. N. The body of interlinked documents on
websites, accessible through the Internet by using a Web browser.
Synonymous with Web.
worth. N. Monetary value; the quality of something. See also net
wraparound mortgage. N. A second mortgage combined with an
older mortgage with a lower interest rate than the current one,
which results in a new interest rate between the old and current
mortgages; the borrower makes payments to the new lender,
who in turn makes payments to the lender that provided the
original mortgage.
writ. N. A written command issued by a court or other authority
ordering someone to do a particular act.
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543 wrongful act
writing. N. The act of writing; a written document or instrument.
writ of assistance. N. An equitable remedy that transfers title to
property that has been determined by the court to belong to the
writ of attachment. N. A court order to seize a debtor’s property;
see also attach.
writ of certiorari. See certiorari.
writ of error. N. A writ issued by an appellate court to a lower court
ordering it to send the appellate court the record of a case tried in
the lower court so that the appellate court can review it for errors
in application of the law.
writ of execution. N. A writ ordering a law enforcement officer to
enforce a judgment by the court.
writ of prohibition. N. An order issued by a higher court to a lower
one preventing it from exceeding its jurisdiction.
written instrument. N. Something set down in writing; see also
wrong. ADJ. (1) Incorrect; false. (2) Immoral; dishonest; violating
the rights of another.
N. An immoral, unjust, or injurious act; a viola-
tion of someone’s legal rights that results in harm; a breach of one’s
legal duty that results in harm to someone else.
wrongdoer. N. A person who violates someone’s rights or injures
someone else.
wrongful. ADJ. Causing injury; infringing on someone’s rights; reck-
less; unfair.
wrongful act. N. An act that infringes on someone’s rights and
injures him or her.
Essential Legal Dictionary:Layout 1 4/21/08 5:25 PM Page 543
wrongful death. N. A statutory offense or tort for death caused by
a wrongful act or negligence for which an action can be brought on
behalf of the dead person’s beneficiaries.
wrongful life. N. A medical malpractice claim that can be brought
on behalf of a child injured at birth, born with birth defects, or
other situations in which the parents allege that the child is the
victim of bad medical practice or advice.
WTO. ABBRV. World Trade Organization.
wrongful death 544
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x. N. A mark used as a signature by someone who cannot write.
x 546
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year-and-a-day rule. N. A common law rule, discarded by some
jurisdictions, requiring that death occur within one year and one
day of some wrongful act for that act to be considered murder.
yellow dog contract. N. An employment contract that threatens to
fire an employee if he or she joins a labor union, prohibited under
most laws and unenforceable in court.
yield. V. (1) To produce; to deliver. (2) To surrender; to give up. N.
That which is produced by something; the money produced from
an investment.
yield, current. N. Current return on an investment measured as a
percentage of its current price.
yield to maturity. N. The return that an investor will receive from a
bond held until it matures.
youthful offender. N. A criminal who is older than a juvenile but
still young, usually between the ages of 18 and 25, who might
receive special consideration at sentencing to maximize chances
of rehabilitation.
year-and-a-day rule 548
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zone. N. An area with a particular characteristic or assigned use. V.
To divide a town or city into geographical areas with different
building requirements and land use restrictions.
zoning. The act or condition of dividing a town or city into zones.
zoning, aesthetic. N. Zoning designed to encourage the preserva-
tion of beauty or aesthetic features in an area.
zoning, cluster. N. Zoning that permits small lot sizes and closely
spaced homes along with large areas of public green space such as
zoning, density. N. Zoning that emphasizes clustered housing and
aims for a particular population density. See also variance.
zone 550
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List of Common Abbreviations
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List of Common Abbreviations 552
1L. A first-year law student.
2L. A second-year law student.
3L. A third-year law student.
ABA. American Bar Association.
ABM. Anti-ballistic missile.
ACLU. American Civil Liberties Union.
ACRS. Accelerated cost recovery system.
ADA. Americans with Disabilities Act.
ADEA. Age Discrimination in Employment Act.
ARM. Adjustable rate mortgage.
BATFE. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
BLS. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
CDA. Communications Decency Act.
CDC. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
CFAA. Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.
C.I.F. Cost, insurance, and freight.
CIPA. Children’s Internet Protection Act.
COBRA. Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985.
CPA. Certified public accountant.
CTBT. Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.
Essential Legal Dictionary:Layout 1 4/21/08 5:25 PM Page 552
553 List of Common Abbreviations
DHS. Department of Homeland Security.
DMZ. Demilitarized zone.
DNI. Distributable net income.
DNS. Domain Name System.
DRM. Digital rights management.
EPA. Environmental Protection Agency.
ERA. Equal Rights Amendment.
ERISA. Employment Retirement Income Security Act of 1974.
ESOP. Employee stock ownership plan.
EU. European Union.
FAA. Federal Aviation Administration.
FBI. Federal Bureau of Investigation.
FCC. Federal Communications Commission.
FDA. Food and Drug Administration.
FDIC. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
FEMA. Federal Emergency Management Agency.
FFL. Federal Firearms License.
FICA. Federal Insurance Contribution Act.
FOIA. Freedom of Information Act.
FSA. Flexible spending account.
Essential Legal Dictionary:Layout 1 4/21/08 5:25 PM Page 553
List of Common Abbreviations 554
FTC. Federal Trade Commission.
FUD. Fear, uncertainty, and doubt.
GATT. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.
HIPAA. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.
HMO. Health maintenance organization.
HSA. Health savings account.
ICANN. Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers.
INS. Immigration and Naturalization Services.
IPO. Initial public offering.
IRA. Individual retirement account.
IRS. Internal Revenue Service.
MPAA. Motion Picture Association of America.
NAFTA. North American Free Trade Agreement.
NASDAQ. National Association of Securities Dealers Automated
NLRB. National Labor Relations Board.
NPT. Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.
NRA. National Rifle Association.
NRC. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
OSHA. Occupational Safety and Health Act.
Essential Legal Dictionary:Layout 1 4/21/08 5:25 PM Page 554
555 List of Common Abbreviations
RIAA. Recording Industry Association of America.
RICO. Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act.
SEC. Securities and Exchange Commission.
SEP-IRA. Simplified Employee Pension Individual Retirement
SLAPP. Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation.
TSA. Transportation Security Administration.
UCC. Uniform Commercial Code.
UCCC. Uniform Consumer Credit Code.
UGMA. Uniform Gifts to Minors Act.
UN. United Nations.
USA PATRIOT Act. Uniting and Strengthening America by
Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct
Terrorism Act of 2001.
USCIS. United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.
UTMA. Uniform Transfers to Minors Act.
VA. United States Department of Veterans Affairs.
WHO. World Health Organization.
WIPO. World Intellectual Property Organization.
WTO. World Trade Organization.
Essential Legal Dictionary:Layout 1 4/21/08 5:25 PM Page 555
Amy Hackney Blackwell received her AB from Duke University,
her MA in history from Vanderbilt University, and her JD from
the University of Virginia School of Law. She is an attorney and
practiced law for several years. Besides writing and practicing law,
she has also taught LSAT preparation classes and paralegal
courses, as well as spending several years as a researcher in the
University of Virginia Law Library.
Essential Legal Dictionary:Layout 1 4/21/08 5:25 PM Page 556
Amy Hackney Blackwell
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