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Business Calculus
MATH 0120
4 Credits
Description: This is an introduction to calculus for students in business, economics, and other social
sciences. Application of concepts is stressed throughout the course
Prerequisite: A rigorous high school algebra background that includes exponentials and logarithmic
functions or precalculus is a prerequisite for the course. Proficiency in algebraic manipulation is essential.
A score of 61 or greater on the ALEKS placement examination is required to register for the CHS credits
for this course.
Grading: The grade is determined by the student's performance on three exams and a comprehensive
final. The student’s final grade will not exceed the final exam grade by more than one letter grade.
Textbook: The recommended text for this course is Brief Applied Calculus by Berresford and Rockett, 6
ed. Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning.
The following topics are covered in the University of Pittsburgh MATH 0120 course:
1. Functions
Inequalities and lines
Linear and quadratic
Polynomial, rational
Piecewise linear
Composite, shifts of graphs
Difference quotient
Break-even points
Maximizing profit
2. Derivatives
Introduction to limits
Approaching infinity
One-sided limits
Tangents as rate of change
Definition of derivatives
Rules for derivatives
Chain Rule
Implicit differentiation
Higher-order derivatives
Related rates
3. Application of the Derivative
Graphing using:
First derivative
Second derivative
Asymptotes and intercepts
Absolute extrema on a given domain
Optimizing problems
Marginal analysis in business
4. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Algebraic properties review
Graphs of exponential/log functions
Constant e
Compounding Interest
Chain Rule
Elasticity of Demand
5. Integration
Antiderivatives and Indefinite integrals
Integration rules and procedures
Definite integral
Definite integral as a limit of a Riemann sum
Fundamental theorem of integral calculus
Area under the curve and between curves
Integration by substitution
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Integration by parts
Integration using tables
Recovering cost from marginal cost
Cost of a succession of units
Average value of a function
Consumer and producer's surplus
6. Multivariable calculus
Functions of several variables
Partial derivatives
Maxima and minima, the D test
LaGrange multipliers
Improper integrals
Numerical Integration
Trapezoidal and/or Simpson’s Rule
Method of least squares
Double integrals over rectangular regions
Logistic Growth
Trigonometric functions
Basic trigonometric values, graphs, and laws
Derivatives and integrals
Differential Equations
General and particular solutions
Separation of variables
Arithmetic and Geometric Progressions
Additional course credit information for MATH 0120:
At the University of Pittsburgh:
Majors: This is a course that can be used for majors in the College of Business
Administration as well as some social sciences. Students intending to major in a
math- or science-related field or engineering should not take this course and would
need to take a scientific calculus course such as the University of Pittsburgh’s
MATH 0220.
Electives: Individual Schools and Colleges of the University (such as Engineering,
Arts & Sciences, Business, Information Sciences, and so on) have different policies
about elective credits and may count this course as an elective. Students interested
in studying at the University of Pittsburgh should contact their School/College of
interest to see if this course would be counted.
Academic Integrity: All College in High School teachers, students, and their parents/guardians are required to
review and be familiar with the University of Pittsburgh’s Academic Integrity Policy located online at
Grades: Grade criteria in the high school course may differ slightly from University of Pittsburgh standards. A
CHS student could receive two course grades: one for high school and one for the University transcript. In most
cases the grades are the same. These grading standards are explained at the beginning of each course.
Transfer Credit: University of Pittsburgh grades earned in CHS courses appear on an official University of
Pittsburgh transcript, and the course credits are likely to be eligible for transfer to other colleges and universities.
Students are encouraged to contact potential colleges and universities in advance to ensure their CHS credits
would be accepted. If students decide to attend any University of Pittsburgh campuses, the University of
Pittsburgh grade earned in the course will count toward the student grade point average at the University. At the
University of Pittsburgh, the CHS course supersedes any equivalent AP credit.
Drops and Withdrawals: Students should monitor progress in a course. CHS teacher can obtain a Course
Drop/Withdrawal Request form from the CHS office or Aspire. The form must be completed by the student,
teacher and parent/guardian and returned to teacher by deadlines listed. Dropping and withdrawing from the CHS
course has no effect on enrollment in the high school credits for the course.