Sustainable Futures / P2 Framework Manual 2012 EPA-748-B12-001
5. Estimating Physical / Chemical and Environmental Fate Properties with EPI Suite™
Estimating Physical / Chemical and Environmental Fate Properties with EPI Suite™ ......................5-1
5.1 How this Chapter is Organized ..................................................................................................5-1
5.2 Introduction to EPI Suite™.........................................................................................................5-1
5.2.1 What is EPI Suite™?..............................................................................................................5-1
5.2.2 How Does EPI Suite™ Work?................................................................................................5-2
5.2.3 Evaluations of and Case Studies using EPI Suite™..............................................................5-3
5.2.4 Running the Sample Chemical, Isodecyl Acrylate, in EPI Suite™.........................................5-4
5.3 Physical / Chemical Properties ..................................................................................................5-6
5.3.1 Melting Point (MP), Boiling Point (BP), Vapor Pressure (VP)................................................5-7
5.3.2 Water Solubility (WSol or WS) ...............................................................................................5-9
5.3.3 Octanol / Water Partition Coefficient (log Kow or log P) ......................................................5-11
5.4 Environmental Fate Properties.................................................................................................5-12
5.4.1 Properties Relating to Environmental Transport – HLC, Koc, BCF .....................................5-12
– Henry’s Law Constant (HLC) .........................................................................................................5-12
– Soil Adsorption Coefficient (Koc) ...................................................................................................5-13
– Bioconcentration Factor (BCF) ......................................................................................................5-14
5.4.2 Properties Relating to Environmental Persistence...............................................................5-15
– Biodegradation...............................................................................................................................5-15
– Atmospheric Oxidation Half-life .....................................................................................................5-16
– Hydrolysis Half-life .........................................................................................................................5-17
– Volatilization Half-life from Surface Waters ...................................................................................5-18
– Removal in Sewage Treatment Plant ............................................................................................5-19
5.5 Entering Predictions into SF Worksheet ..................................................................................5-20
5.6 Obtaining Additional Training Materials on EPI Suite™ ..........................................................5-21
5 Estimating Physical / Chemical and Environmental Fate
Properties with EPI Suite™
5.1 How this Chapter is Organized
This chapter discusses Physical / Chemical and Environmental Fate property estimated by EPI Suite™
and explains the significance of the property, how it is estimated, and how it contributes to risk
assessment. In addition, the sample chemical that will be the subject of the SF PMN in chapter 14
(isodecyl acrylate CAS 1330-61-6) will be run in EPI Suite™ (version 4.1), and the results for each
property will be interpreted and recorded in the Sustainable Futures Summary Assessment Worksheet.
The completed Worksheet for isodecyl acrylate is included in chapter 2.
When this manual was written the current version of EPI Suite™ was version 4.1. Please note that a
more recent version of EPI Suite™ may be available so check the download page for the current version.
EPI Suite™ can be downloaded at no cost from
5.2 Introduction to EPI Suite™
5.2.1 What is EPI Suite™?
EPI Suite™ is the EPI (Estimation Programs Interface) Suite™ and is a Windows®-based set of physical /
chemical property and environmental fate estimation programs developed by OPPT to screen new
chemicals lacking experimental data. The modules within EPI Suite™ version 4.1 are shown in the image
below which is the list from the Help screen on the Data Entry (Welcome) Screen. Each module has
detailed information on how the predictions are made. A user can enter information once into EPI Suite™
and estimate the following:
Sustainable Futures / P2 Framework Manual 2012 EPA-748-B12-001
5. Estimating Physical / Chemical and Environmental Fate Properties with EPI Suite™
Physical / Chemical properties
o Melting point
o Boiling point
o Vapor Pressure
o Water Solubility
o Octanol/water partition coefficient
Environmental fate properties
o Henry’s Law Constant
o Soil adsorption coefficient
o Bioconcentration factor
o Removal in the Atmosphere
o Removal in Soil and Water
Chemical decomposition
Environmental fate models
o Removal in Wastewater Treatment
o Multi-media (fugacity) model
It is important to understand that EPI Suite™ is a screening-level tool and should not be used if
acceptable measured data are available. Users can enter experimental data into EPI Suite™ to replace
conservative default assumptions and improve the estimations of the other properties. All users should
use these methods appropriately and interpret results carefully. Click on the Help tab for detailed
information on the methods and models contained in EPI Suite™.
An updated version of EPI Suite™ (version 4.1) was released in February of 2011. This new version
includes many improvements, including:
User interface updates
Integrated structure drawing program
Structure-searchable data files
Link to pKa calculation (SPARC)
Links to additional data sources including environmental fate and aquatic toxicity data
Enhanced QSARs for many modules, and
Additional classes for hydrolysis predictions.
5.2.2 How Does EPI Suite™ Work?
The EPI Suite™ interface is linked to the PhysProp Database (maintained by Syracuse Research
Corporation) which contains measured data on more than 40,000 chemicals. The chemical structure can
be entered using SMILES Notation (see Appendix F), or if the chemical has a CAS Registry Number, the
CAS RN may be entered and the structure will be retrieved from the EPI Suite™ built-in database of
structures if available. EPI Suite™ also has a name look-up function.
All of the modules can be run using the EPI Suite™ interface, or by running each individual module as a
stand-alone program. The advantage of running a module as a stand-alone program is that the user has
the ability to change many default parameters that would otherwise not be available through the
integrated EPI platform.
The mathematical algorithms and fragment-based formulas in the EPI Suite™ modules will use
experimental data if they are available in the PhysProp Database. IMPORTANT: You must click on the
PhysProp button to import any measured data that is in that database because available data are not
imported automatically. If data are retrieved they are identified as coming from the experimental
database, and will be labeled as “(exp. database)” in the results. If the user has any experimental data
Sustainable Futures / P2 Framework Manual 2012 EPA-748-B12-001
5. Estimating Physical / Chemical and Environmental Fate Properties with EPI Suite™
for the chemical, that data should be entered into the Data Entry Screen of EPI Suite™. For chemicals
that are known liquids with no experimental melting point data, the user should enter 20 deg C as an
experimental MP into the input screen for all EPI Suite™ predictions.
EPI Suite™ can be run in two modes: Summary and Full. The mode can be selected on the Data Entry
Screen. When the program is run in “Summary” mode, the user is provided the quantitative or qualitative
results for each endpoint with no supplemental information on how the endpoint was predicted. However,
in “Full” mode, the user will be given additional information regarding derivation of the prediction including
the fragments or equations identified which are relevant to the endpoint, coefficient values, corrections
factors, etc. For further explanation on the underlying methods used in EPI Suite™ please refer to the EPI
Suite™ web pages at
Interpreting EPI Suite™
Results or Using Available Measured Data to Characterize Chemicals.
5.2.3 Evaluations of and Case Studies using EPI Suite™
EPI Suite™ has undergone detailed review by a panel of EPA’s independent Science Advisory Board
(SAB) (
), and the September 2007
report can be downloaded from
individual estimation modules have been described in numerous journal articles in peer-reviewed
technical journals. The full reference citations are given in the Help files for the individual modules.
Sustainable Futures / P2 Framework Manual 2012 EPA-748-B12-001
5. Estimating Physical / Chemical and Environmental Fate Properties with EPI Suite™
5.2.4 Running the Sample Chemical, Isodecyl Acrylate, in EPI Suite™
The image below shows the Data Entry Screen (Welcome Screen) for EPI Suite v. 4.1. A chemical can
be entered in EPI Suite™ by entering the CAS RN, SMILES, doing a Chemical Name look-up, or clicking
on File and importing a “.mol” file (described in chapter 4 of this document). You must click on the
PhysProp button to import any measured data that is in that database. The individual modules can be
run separately by clicking on the module name on the buttons to the left. The Output mode can be
selected by clicking on “Full” or “Summary”.
Sustainable Futures / P2 Framework Manual 2012 EPA-748-B12-001
5. Estimating Physical / Chemical and Environmental Fate Properties with EPI Suite™
The sample chemical, isodecyl acrylate, is entered into EPI Suite™ by entering the CAS RN 1330-61-6
and clicking on the “Search CAS” button. The structure, SMILES, and name are imported from the
accompanying database as shown in the figure at the bottom of this page.
IMPORTANT: You must click on the
PhysProp button to import any measured
data that is in that database because
available data are not imported
When you click on the PhysProp button
you get this screen to the right which
shows that a measured MP and BP are
available. Click on the Transfer data to
EPI screen button to import measured
data that will be used in EPI Suite™
modules. In the sample shown here the
BP is not imported because the BP is not
used in any calculations but will be shown on the results screen.
For this sample we’ll run EPI Suite™ in the “Summary” mode, and click on “Calculate” to run all of the
modules incorporated into EPI Suite™.
Sustainable Futures / P2 Framework Manual 2012 EPA-748-B12-001
5. Estimating Physical / Chemical and Environmental Fate Properties with EPI Suite™
The image below shows the first part of the results. Any experimental data that has been entered by the
user or imported from PhysProp is presented under “Physical Property Inputs” at the beginning of the
results. The entire results page is more than 2 ½ pages long and is not presented here in its entirety.
The results can be printed or saved as an ASCII text file or MS Word file. If you want more information on
how each property was estimated click on the tabs with that property and you will be taken to additional
information. This “more information” capability is discussed in the Water Solubility section of this chapter.
For this sample chemical exercise we will discuss the relevant properties and include an image of the
actual module results for each property, along with an image of the section of the Sustainable Futures
Summary Assessment Worksheet where the results should be entered. The reader is encouraged to
refer back to the completed full Sustainable Futures Summary Assessment Worksheet for this sample
chemical which is included in chapter 2 of this document and in the example SF PMN in chapter 14.
5.3 Physical / Chemical Properties
Physical / Chemical Properties Give Valuable Information
When conducting a risk assessment it is very important to first identify physical / chemical properties of
the chemical being evaluated because physical / chemical properties provide information on:
Physical state,
Environmental fate,
Potential routes of exposure for both humans and the environmental, and
Potential environmental partitioning.
This section presents a discussion on each physical property: what that property is, how it is estimated
by EPI Suite™, what it can tell the assessor, and how to properly interpret the results. The reader is
walked through running the sample chemical isodecyl acrylate (CAS 1330-61-6) in EPI Suite™, results
Sustainable Futures / P2 Framework Manual 2012 EPA-748-B12-001
5. Estimating Physical / Chemical and Environmental Fate Properties with EPI Suite™
will be interpreting using the Interpretative Assistance Document for Discrete Chemicals, and then results
entered into the Sustainable Futures Summary Assessment.
Not every physical / chemical property estimated by EPI Suite™ is discussed here because not all
properties are used in a Sustainable Futures Summary Assessment. The physical / chemical properties
discussed here are:
Melting point (MP)
Boiling point (BP)
Vapor Pressure (VP)
Water Solubility (WSol or WS)
Octanol/water partition coefficient (Kow or P)
5.3.1 Melting Point (MP), Boiling Point (BP), Vapor Pressure (VP)
MPBPWIN™ is the estimation module in EPI Suite™ that predicts melting point (MP), boiling point (BP)
and vapor pressure (VP). These properties can indicate physical state (solid, liquid, gas) and provide
information on potential environmental partitioning and fate, as well as potential exposure routes of
concern for workers and the general population.
MPBPWIN™ estimates melting point by giving a weighted average of the results of two methods: (1) the
Joback Method (a group contribution method); and (2) the Gold and Ogle method MP = 0.5839 * BP (in
°K). Boiling point is estimated using an adaption of the Stein and Brown (1994) method which is also a
group contribution method. Vapor pressure is estimated use three different methods: (1) Antoine, (2)
Modified Grain method, and (3) the Mackay method. For solids the preferred method is the Modified
Grain method which will use an experimental MP (if entered) to adjust the vapor pressure from a super-
cooled liquid to a solid. For liquids the preferred method is the mean of the Grain method and the Antoine
methods. More detailed information on how the estimations are generated is available in the Help
screens of the individual modules.
Interpreting Results – Information on Physical State
The estimated MP, BP, and VP indicate the physical state of the chemical to be assessed:
MP < 25 deg C assessed as a liquid
MP > 25 deg C assessed as a solid
BP < 25 deg C assessed as a gas
VP > 10
exists mostly in the vapor (gas) phase
VP 10
- 10
exists in the vapor and particulate phase
VP < 10
exists mostly in the solid phase
Environmental Partitioning
The chemical’s physical state, which can be predicted based melting point, boiling point, and vapor
pressure, can give the assessor an indication of to which environmental compartment (s) – air, water /
sediment, biota, soil – the chemical will move (partition) once released to the environment. For example:
Gases are volatilized in the atmosphere.
Solids may be present in the atmosphere as particulates (dusts).
Liquids tend to dissolve more rapidly and have higher WS than high melting organic solids.
High VP means the chemical is more likely to be present in the atmosphere as vapor.
Potential Exposure Information
Sustainable Futures / P2 Framework Manual 2012 EPA-748-B12-001
5. Estimating Physical / Chemical and Environmental Fate Properties with EPI Suite™
In a similar manner MP, BP, and VP can indicate potential exposure routes of concern for workers and
the general population to the assessor:
For gases consider the inhalation route.
For liquids consider dermal contact (a lower MP tends to increase absorption through the skin,
digestive tract, and lungs).
For both liquids and solids consider ingestion as a route.
For solids potential exposure routes are dermal contact and inhalation of dust.
For chemicals with a VP < 10
, there is low concern for inhalation exposure.
MP, BP, VP Results for Sample Chemical
The results for isodecyl acrylate (below) from EPI Suite™ v. 4.10 show that experimental Melting Point
and Boiling Point were available in the PhysProp Database. The following values will be entered into the
Sustainable Futures Summary Assessment Worksheet We already knew the measured data for isodecyl
acrylate (MP and BP) and that it is a liquid (see section 2.G.1) so we expected to get these results. The
VP value we will use is 0.0227 mm Hg (indicated above) because this is the more commonly-used unit.
The other VP value is in Pascals (Pa) which is used by the International System of Units (SI) and is an
older Metric system.
Sustainable Futures / P2 Framework Manual 2012 EPA-748-B12-001
5. Estimating Physical / Chemical and Environmental Fate Properties with EPI Suite™
5.3.2 Water Solubility (WSol or WS)
Water Solubility (abbreviated as WSol or WS) provides information on the degree to which a chemical will
dissolve in 1 liter of water. WS indicates to the assessor how the chemical is likely to distribute between
environmental compartments (air, soil, or water/sediment). It also indicates the potential for
environmental or human exposure through release to aquatic compartment. Chemicals that are not water
soluble will not enter the water column and are not likely to be a concern for exposure to humans through
ingestion of drinking water.
EPI Suite™ uses two QSAR models to estimate water solubility: WSKOW and WATERNT. WSKOW
accepts experimental Log Kow and MP values, and its accuracy greatly improved if an experimental MP
is entered. WATERNT is a fragment-based method and like all fragment-based method the accuracy of
its estimates is influenced by the relative number of fragments covered by the model – the more
fragments covered the more accurate the estimate will be.
Interpreting Results – General Classifications
General classifications based on WS are:
WS (mg/L) Classification
> 10,000 Very soluble
> 1,000 - 10,000 Soluble
> 100 - 1,000 Moderate solubility
> 0.1 - 100 Slightly soluble
< 0.1 Negligible solubility
Environmental Partitioning
WS gives information on how the chemical will partition between environmental compartments. Chemicals
with higher water solubility will partitioning to water, are likely to be removed from soil into ground water
by rain run-off, and removed from the atmosphere into ground water by rain washout.
Potential Exposure Information
Generally chemicals with higher WS are more likely to present potential exposure concerns for humans
via drinking water ingestion and aquatic biota in surface water. Higher WS means the chemical is more
likely to be absorbed through the GI tract and/or lungs. Chemicals with low WS have a higher potential to
bioconcentrate in biota.
Results for sample chemical
WS results for the sample
chemical indicate that both
WS QSAR models were run
on the chemical and provided
slightly different results (see
image to the right). We will
use the 3.034 mg/L at 25 deg C value which indicates the sample chemical is only slightly soluble in
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5. Estimating Physical / Chemical and Environmental Fate Properties with EPI Suite™
If you want more information on how WS was estimated by each of the methods, while you have the
results screen open, click on the tab that says Water Solubility and you will get additional information
(shown below for the sample chemical).
Sustainable Futures / P2 Framework Manual 2012 EPA-748-B12-001
5. Estimating Physical / Chemical and Environmental Fate Properties with EPI Suite™
5.3.3 Octanol / Water Partition Coefficient (log Kow or log P)
Octanol / water partition coefficient (Kow or P) provides information on how the chemical will partition
between octanol (which represents the lipids or fats in biota) and water. Kow values for various chemicals
range widely and for this reason the values are typically reported in log units (i.e., log
Kow). Kow or log Kow provides information on how the chemical is likely to partition in
biological organisms. Kow is an important parameter that is used to by EPI Suite™ to
estimate other properties including water solubility, bioconcentration, soil adsorption,
and aquatic toxicity.
The EPI Suite™ method that estimates Kow is KOWWIN and it uses a "fragment
constant" method to predict Kow. In the "fragment constant" method, a molecule is
divided into fragments (atoms or larger functional groups) and the assigned coefficient
values for each fragment are added to give the Kow estimate, which is reported as a log.
Interpreting Results
Log Kow or Log P tells the assessor if the chemical has an affinity for water or fats/lipids. The ranges of
Log Kow are:
< 1 Highly soluble in water (hydrophilic)
> 4 Not very soluble in water (hydrophobic)
> 8 Not readily bioavailable
> 10 Not bioavailable - difficult to measure experimentally
Partitioning in Biota
Log Kow indicates how likely a chemical will be absorbed through biological membranes. General trends
are given below:
Liquids with a log Kow of 2-4 tend to absorb well through the skin.
Chemicals with a log Kow > 4 tend to not absorb well.
Chemicals with a log Kow of 5-6 tend to bioconcentrate in the lipid portion of the membrane.
Results for Sample Chemical
The Log Kow results for isodecyl acrylate
are shown to the right. The Log Kow
estimated by KOWWIN is 5.07 and
indicates the chemical is not very soluble in water but will tend to bioconcentrate in organisms.
Sustainable Futures / P2 Framework Manual 2012 EPA-748-B12-001
5. Estimating Physical / Chemical and Environmental Fate Properties with EPI Suite™
5.4 Environmental Fate Properties
Environmental fate properties considered in a Sustainable Futures Summary Assessment are those
related to environmental transport and persistence because these provide information on how a chemical
is likely to partition once released to the environment so the potential routes of exposure and populations
of concern can be identified.
5.4.1 Properties Relating to Environmental Transport – HLC, Koc, BCF
– Henry’s Law Constant (HLC)
Henry’s Law Constant (HLC) is the ratio of a chemical concentration in the gas phase to that in the
aqueous phase at equilibrium. HLC is expressed as atm-m
/mole or Pa-m
/mole. HLC provides an
indication of a chemical’s volatility from water and gives the assessor an indication of potential
environmental partitioning, potential removal in sewage treatment plant, and possible routes of
environmental exposure.
HENRYWIN is based on methodology originally described by Hine and Mookerjee but has been updated
with additional fragments and correction factors and to allow estimation at different temperatures.
HENRYWIN uses three different estimation methods:
1. Vapor pressure / water solubility estimate
– This is the most robust and accurate method because
it uses measured data, but only works when experimental VP and WS are entered by the user.
2. Group method estimate
– This method is preferred over the Bond method because it is more
accurate when sufficient fragment coverage is achieved. This method is not always provided
since it includes a smaller set of fragments, and as a result there are no estimates for many
structure types.
3. Bond contribution method estimate
– This method has a larger set of fragments thus can provide
estimates for many more structure types.
The ranges of HLC values and the information they provide about the chemical are shown below.
HLC value (atm-m
/mole) Classification
> 10
Very volatile from water
- 10
Volatile from water
- 10
Moderately volatile from water
- 10
Slightly volatile from water
< 10
Results for Sample Chemical
The HLC results for our sample chemical are shown below. We did not have experimental VP and WS to
enter so the VP-WS estimate is not available. We will use the Group Method so that value, 1.20E-03 is
outlined below. Results indicate the sample chemical will be volatile from water.
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5. Estimating Physical / Chemical and Environmental Fate Properties with EPI Suite™
– Soil Adsorption Coefficient (Koc)
The Soil Adsorption Coefficient (Koc) provides a measure of the ability of a chemical to sorb (adhere) to
the organic portion of soil, sediment and sludge. Like Kow, Koc is often expressed as a log due to the
wide range of measured Koc values. Koc indicates the potential for the chemical to leach through soil
and be introduced into ground water and partition between water and the suspended solids and sediment
in the water column. Strong adsorption to soil will impact other fate properties.
KOCWIN estimates Koc using the Molecular Connectivity Index (MCI) and a log Kow-based method. The
MCI method is more robust and been in use longer. Fragment corrections are applied in both estimation
Koc is calculated using the following formula: Koc = Kd / %OC X 100 and expressed as Liters per
Kilogram of soil. Kd (partitioning between the solid-phase (soil or sediment) and solution-phase (water) at
equilibrium) is normalized by multiplying the percent organic carbon content of the soil by 100.
Interpreting Koc Results
Low Koc (not tightly bound to soil)
Leaches into the soil
Reduces surface level concentration
Potential contamination of groundwater
Contamination of surface water with
storm runoff
High Koc (tightly bound to soil)
Removal from water column via sorption
to sediment and particulate matter
May reduce rate of degradation because
the chemical is less available to
Interpreting Koc - Other Relevant Factors
pH – Soil adsorption decrease as ionization increases,
High clay content – Some chemicals may absorb very strongly to high-clay content soils,
Bond formation with humic acid in organic matter – Some chemicals, most notably aromatic
amines, may form strong chemicals bonds with the humic acid present, decreasing the potential
for leaching with ground water.
Log Koc Adsorption Classifications
> 4.5 Very strong sorption to soil / sediment, negligible migration to ground water
3.5 - 4.4 Strong sorption to soil / sediment, negligible to slow migration to ground water
2.5 - 3.4 Moderate sorption to soil / sediment, slow migration to ground water
1.5 - 2.4 Low sorption to soil / sediment, moderate migration to ground water
< 1.5 Negligible sorption to soil / sediment, rapid migration to ground water
Results for Sample Chemical
Log Koc results for the sample chemical
are shown to the right. We will use the
more robust MCI method and record the
log Koc value of 3.037 L/kg because a log
value is used by an exposure model, E-
FAST (discussed in chapter 12). Results
indicate that the chemical is likely to
strongly sorb to soil and show slow migration to ground water.
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5. Estimating Physical / Chemical and Environmental Fate Properties with EPI Suite™
– Bioconcentration Factor (BCF)
The Bioconcentration Factor (BCF) provides an indication of the potential for a chemical to bioconcentrate
in lipids (fatty tissue) of organisms and is used as a surrogate for bioaccumulation in higher trophic levels
of the food web. Most BCF tests are done using aquatic organisms however assessors may extrapolate
to terrestrial organisms. BCF, which is unit-less, is the ratio of a chemical’s concentration in the tissue of
an aquatic organism to its concentration in the ambient water, when exposure of the organism is to
waterborne chemicals only (I.e., not to chemical in the organism’s diet or sorbed to ingested particles)..
BCF is estimated by BCFBAF, which is a SAR-based method that uses Kow to estimate BCF. BCFBAF,
an update of the previous method, BCFWIN, accounts for metabolism and biotransformation under field
Relationship Between log Kow and Fish BCF
As log Kow increases the solubility in lipids increases. This generally means an increase in the potential
to bioconcentrate in aquatic organisms. This relationship begins to change around log KOW of 6. Above
this value the situation is more complex because low water solubility limits the rate of uptake by the
exposed organism. This means equilibrium may take a very long time to be achieved in bioconcentration
studies, possibly too long to be practical. A result is that published data on BCF seem to show that BCF
drops with increasing log Kow above log Kow of about 6. Some experts say that “true” bioconcentration
potential continues to increase above log Kow approximately 6. Most likely, dietary exposure becomes
dominant and exposure to waterborne chemical insignificant (remember–waterborne chemical only is a
basic assumption for BCF to be valid!). What this really means is that no simple “BCF/log KOW”
relationship applies at higher values of log Kow.
Interpreting BCF Results
Chemicals with a high BCF are less water soluble and are expected to bioconcentrate in aquatic
organisms. Conversely, low BCF indicates higher water solubility with
BCF Log BCF Classifications
> 5000 3.7 High bioconcentration potential
1000 - 5000 3 Moderate bioconcentration potential
< 1000 < 3 Low bioconcentration potential
Results for Sample Chemical
The log BCF results for the sample chemical (shown below) from the regression-based method is 1.641,
indicating the chemical should have a low bioconcentration potential.
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5. Estimating Physical / Chemical and Environmental Fate Properties with EPI Suite™
5.4.2 Properties Relating to Environmental Persistence
This section discusses properties relating to environmental persistence including:
Ready Biodegradability,
Atmospheric Oxidation rates,
Hydrolysis rates,
Volatilization rates from Surface Waters (rivers and lakes), and
Removal in Wastewater or Sewage Treatment Plant.
These properties provide information on how long a chemical could remain in specific environmental
compartments. This kind of information allows an assessor to predict potential chemical concentrations in
environmental media after release, identify exposed populations, and predict possible exposure.
– Biodegradation
Biodegradation, the degradation of a chemical substance by the action of microorganisms, is estimated
by EPI Suite™ using seven models contained in BIOWIN. The potential for a chemical to biodegrade
provides useful information on the likely persistence of the chemical in soil, water, and sediment, and
potential removal in sewage treatment plants.
Knowing the approximate time required for a chemical to be broken down and potential removal rates in
POTWs will help the risk assessor estimate the likely concentration of the chemical at various times and
locations downstream after release to surface water. BIOWIN provides this information, which can be
used in a variety of ways including serving as the basis for half-lives needed to run other models such as
the PBT Profiler.
Chemicals with very long biodegradation times may be highly persistent in the environment IF they are
not subject to destruction by other processes such as photolysis, hydrolysis, etc.
Primary biodegradation is a change in molecular structure to form a new compound, and ultimate
biodegradation is the complete mineralization of the molecule.
Biodegradation can occur in the presence of oxygen or in its absence. Aerobic biodegradation occurs in
oxygenated environments like the upper levels of surface water and soils. Anaerobic biodegradation
occurs in oxygen-free systems like ground water and sediment and usually occurs much more slowly than
when oxygen is present.
BIOWIN contains seven separate models. Version 4.10 designates these models as follows:
Probability of Rapid Biodegradation:
Biowin1: linear regression probability model
Biowin2: nonlinear regression probability model
Expert Survey Biodegradation:
Biowin3: expert survey ultimate biodegradation model
Biowin4: expert survey primary biodegradation model
MITI* Biodegradation Probability:
Biowin5: MITI linear regression model
Biowin6: MITI nonlinear regression model
Anaerobic Biodegradation Probability
Biowin7: anaerobic biodegradation model
* MITI is the Ministry of International Trade and Industry in Japan
Biodegradability estimates made by these models are based on fragment constants that were developed
using multiple linear or non-linear regression analyses. For more information on how the methodology
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5. Estimating Physical / Chemical and Environmental Fate Properties with EPI Suite™
was derived and for a list of the fragment constants used in version 4.10 of BIOWIN see the BIOWIN Help
Results for Sample Chemical
The EPI Suite™ results for isodecyl acrylate
shown to the right give numeric results that
need to be interpreted. Information on how
to interpret the values from each of the
methods is provided below. This information
is also provided in the Interpretative
Assistance Document for Discrete
Chemicals available on the Sustainable
Futures web site at
. Results from the BIOWIN evaluation of isodecyl
acrylate indicate that the chemical is likely to biodegrade.
Probability of Rapid Biodegradation Biowin1 (linear) and Biowin2 (nonlinear)
For both: > 0.50 Likely to biodegrade rapidly
< 0.50 Not likely to biodegrade rapidly
Sample chemical results > 0.50 Likely to biodegrade rapidly
Expert Survey Biodegradation Biowin3 (ultimate) and Biowin4 (primary)
Result Time Required for Biodegradation
>4.75 - 5 Hours
>4.25 - 4.75 Hours - days
>3.75 - 4.25 Days
>3.25 - 3.75 Days - weeks
>2.75 - 3.25 Weeks
>2.25 - 2.75 Weeks - months
>1.75 - 2.25 Months
<1.75 Longer “recalcitrant
Sample chemical results Primary 3.7 = Days, Ultimate 2.8 = Weeks
MITI Biodegradation Probability:
Biowin5 (MITI linear) and Biowin6 (MITI nonlinear)
For both: > 0.50 Likely to biodegrade rapidly
< 0.50 Not likely to biodegrade rapidly
Sample chemical results > 0.50 Likely to biodegrade rapidly
Anaerobic Biodegradation Probability
Biowin7 (anaerobic biodegradation)
> 0.50 Likely to biodegrade rapidly
< 0.50 Not likely to biodegrade rapidly
Sample chemical results > 0.50 Likely to biodegrade rapidly
The Ready Biodegradability model in BIOWIN is a fragment-based method that was developed using
data on more than 800 chemicals from the Japanese MITI protocol. Results are given as Pass or Not
Pass result. It is a very stringent test and a chemical giving a positive response is expected to
biodegrade in the environment. A chemical giving a negative result in MITI may still biodegrade under
different conditions.
– Atmospheric Oxidation Half-life
Atmospheric oxidation (the rates at which a chemical will be broken down in the atmosphere) gives the
assessor information on the likely persistence of a chemical in the atmosphere and the potential of the
chemical to travel long distances from the original point of release. EPI Suite™ uses AOPWIN to
Sustainable Futures / P2 Framework Manual 2012 EPA-748-B12-001
5. Estimating Physical / Chemical and Environmental Fate Properties with EPI Suite™
estimate the rate at which certain organic compounds will be destroyed by reactions with compounds in
the atmosphere.
The two atmospheric oxidation processes evaluated by AOPWIN are chemical reactions with:
1. Hydroxyl radicals – Reaction with hydroxyl radicals (OH• radicals) is the dominant atmospheric
oxidation process for most chemicals that are released to the atmosphere. OH• radicals are
produced in sunlight and exist in a steady state in the atmosphere.
2. Ozone – Ozone (O3) reacts with a chemical when one or more functional groups are attached to
any olefinic or acetylenic unit. Reaction with ozone is also important for a limited number of
chemical classes including hydrazines, phenols, alkyl lead compounds, and furans.
Interpreting Results
Half-life Classification
< 2 hours Rapid
2 hrs – < 1 day Moderate
1 – 10 days Slow
>10 days Negligible
> 2 days Potential for long range transport in air
Chemicals with a half-life > 2 days will meet the Persistence criteria for New Chemicals Category for
Persistent, Bioaccumulative, and Toxic Chemicals (see
Results for Sample Chemical
The AOPWIN results for isodecyl acrylate (below) indicate that it will react at a moderate rate (5.8 hrs)
with hydroxyl radicals and at a slower rate (6.5 days) with ozone. The fraction of the chemical that is
sorbed to organic particles in the air may be resistant to atmospheric oxidation.
– Hydrolysis Half-life
HYDROWIN™ estimates the rate at which a chemical will react with water. Being able to predict
hydrolysis rates helps the assessor estimate both how long the chemical and/or its hydrolysis products
will remain in water bodies after being released to the environment. During hydrolysis the chemical is
catalyzed (broken down) by acids (hydronium) or bases (hydroxide ions). Hydrolysis processes are pH
sensitive and are an important degradation process at typical environmental pH ranges from the more
acidic 5 to the more basic 9 with 7 being neutral.
HYDROWIN™ estimates acid- and base-catalyzed rate constants for esters, carbamates, epoxides,
halomethanes, and certain alkyl halides. Neutral hydrolysis rates are currently not estimated.
HYDROWIN™ provides estimations by converting acid, neutral, and base rate constants to half-lives at
pH 7 and 8.
Sustainable Futures / P2 Framework Manual 2012 EPA-748-B12-001
5. Estimating Physical / Chemical and Environmental Fate Properties with EPI Suite™
Important Notes on Hydrolysis
Some classes of chemicals hydrolyze extremely rapidly (i.e., in hours), such as acid chlorides,
epoxides, and siloxanes.
Changes in temperature can dramatically change the rate of the reaction, with a 10 degree
change resulting in a 250% change in rate
Besides natural bodies of water, hydrolysis may also occur in clouds, fog, or moist soil, and
Knowing the Hydrolysis Half-Life tells the assessor what species to assess:
o For chemicals with a rapid (<1hr) Hydrolysis Half-Life it is important to assess the
hydrolysis product,
o Chemicals with Hydrolysis Half-Life between 1 hour and 14 days, assess BOTH the
parent compound and the hydrolysis product, and
o Chemicals with Hydrolysis Half-Life >14 days assess the parent compound.
Results for Sample Chemical
The HYDROWIN results for isodecyl acrylate (below) predict that the chemical will have a half-life of more
than 10 years at pH 7 (neutral) and more than 1 year at pH 8 (more basic).
– Volatilization Half-life from Surface Waters
The Water Volatilization Program in EPI Suite™ estimates volatilization half-lives from a model river and
lake by using molecular weight, Henry's Law Constant, water solubility and the various volatilization
parameters for Model Lakes (still water) and Model
Rivers (moving water). Volatilization from surface
water provides information on the potential
environmental partitioning of a chemical. Default
parameters for water depth, wind velocity and current
velocity of the river or lake provided on the EPI
Welcome Screen (right). The default values can be changed if more precise information is available.
Unlike many of the modules in EPI Suite™ this Water Volatilization Program is not a "stand-alone"
program and cannot be run independently of the other modules without the EPI interface and other
supported EPI modules.
The model does not take into account potential adsorption to sediment and organic matter suspended in
the water column. For chemicals with a high Koc the volatilization half-lives for a model river and model
lake are expected to be significantly lower than predicted in the Water Volatilization Program.
Results for Sample Chemical
The Water Volatilization Program predicts that the sample chemical will have a half-life of more than 2
hours from a model river and more than 6 days from a model river.
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5. Estimating Physical / Chemical and Environmental Fate Properties with EPI Suite™
– Removal in Sewage Treatment Plant
STPWIN is the method used by EPI Suite™ to estimate Percent Removal in Sewage Treatment Plants,
also expressed as POTW removal. Knowing the removal in STP or POTW tells the assessor how much of
the chemical could remain after treatment in the POTW and be discharged to surface water and effect
aquatic life or humans through ingestion of fish or drinking water.
The three processes in a sewage treatment plant that act to remove a chemical from the waste stream
Biodegradation in the primary clarifier (Bio P),
Removal in the aeration vessel (Bio A), and
Removal by sludge adsorption in the settling tank (Bio S).
The default method used by STPWIN assumes negligible biodegradation, (half-life = 10,000 hours) is the
default value for the primary clarifier (Bio P), aeration vessel (Bio A), and final settling tank (Bio S). The
default parameters used by STPWIN can be seen by clicking on the STP tab at the top of the EPI Suite™
Welcome Screen. The two other options for running STP that can be selected (shown to the left of the
image below) are using BIOWIN output and EPA Draft method for assigning half-lives or entering half-life
values. It is suggested that the EPA Draft method be used (shown selected below) because it accounts
for biodegradation.
Sustainable Futures / P2 Framework Manual 2012 EPA-748-B12-001
5. Estimating Physical / Chemical and Environmental Fate Properties with EPI Suite™
Results for Sample Chemical
EPA Draft Method
Running STPWIN using the EPA Draft method which accounts for biodegradation gives a removal rate of
Nearly 100%, however unless experimental data indicate otherwise, the EPA will not use a value greater
than 90% when determining rate of removal from STP.
The last property listed in the Sustainable Futures Summary Assessment Worksheet under
Environmental Transport and Fate is “Byproducts” and includes Degradation Products and Metabolites.
There are no EPI Suite™ methods to predict byproducts so the assessor must rely on professional
judgment or the use of other predictive methods to identify degradation pathways.
It is important for an assessor to understand what possible chemical compounds could form, and at what
rates, when a chemical degrades in the environment or metabolizes in the body. These byproducts may
or may not present toxicity concerns separate from the parent compound. Professional judgment tells us
that the sample chemical will form acrylic acid and isodecyl alcohol by enzymatic degradation in soils.
5.5 Entering Predictions into SF Worksheet
The section of the Sustainable Futures Summary Assessment Worksheet shown below shows that the
Physical / Chemical and Environmental Fate Property estimation results have been entered. The reader
is encouraged to refer back to the completed full Sustainable Futures Summary Assessment Worksheet
for this sample chemical which is included in chapter 2 of this document. A blank worksheet is included in
Appendix H.
Sustainable Futures / P2 Framework Manual 2012 EPA-748-B12-001
5. Estimating Physical / Chemical and Environmental Fate Properties with EPI Suite™
5.6 Obtaining Additional Training Materials on EPI Suite™
The training materials covering EPI Suite™ that were developed by EPA for use in the 3 day Sustainable
Futures hands-on training sessions may provide you with additional information.
Check the Sustainable Futures web site at
information on how to get copies of the training materials. These materials are frequently updated and it
was decided that the most effective way to provide up-to-date copies is provide a contact name so that
visitors can request the materials they need. For PDF copies of the presentations contact Kelly Mayo-
Bean, U.S. EPA ([email protected]
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