Pennymac Statement on Human Rights
Approved: 03-30-2022
Effective: 03-30-2022
PennyMac Financial Services, Inc. (“PFSI”) and PennyMac Mortgage Investment Trust (“PMT,” and
collectively with PFSI, “Pennymac”) are committed to upholding human rights and treating everyone
with dignity and respect. We believe in the human rights principles contained in the United Nations
Universal Declaration of Human Rights and recognize the importance of respecting, protecting, and
fulfilling human rights and fundamental freedoms. We are dedicated to being a responsible
corporate citizen and believe it is our duty to promote and protect human rights in every interaction
with all stakeholders.
Our Employees
We conduct our business in accordance with all labor, safety, health, non-harassment and
non-discrimination, and other workplace laws and regulations.
We offer equal employment opportunities for all qualified applicants and employees and
are committed to diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace.
We offer a compensation program that is designed and actively administered to ensure that
all full-time employees receive compensation meeting or exceeding the amount for basic
living needs, above the legal minimum and living wages in the states where we have
We strive to provide an inclusive workplace where all employees feel valued, respected and
We do not directly or indirectly use or support the use of child labor. We do not hire children
under the legal age for employment in any location in which we operate.
We do not tolerate any form of forced labor that is against a person’s free will, such as child
labor, indentured labor, prison labor, slave labor, or any form of human trafficking. We
prohibit this activity in our own operations and expect the same of our vendors.
We recognize employees’ freedom of association and right to bargain collectively, and we
comply with applicable laws and regulations in the communities in which we operate. We
also support the rights of employees who choose not to participate in these forms of
All employees are required to comply with the PFSI and PMT Codes of Ethics and Business
Conduct and report any suspected violations through the Company’s whistleblower hotline.
Our Customers
We are committed to responsible lending and building relationships with customers in order
to provide them access to meaningful products and guidance to ensure they are able to
make informed financial choices.
We consistently follow business practices we believe serve the interests of our customers
for the long term. We do not tolerate abusive, misleading or fraudulent lending.
We take seriously our fair lending responsibility to not deny customers access to home loan
financing based on race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or any other protected status.
We support the provision of, and access to, affordable housing for a range of vulnerable
and underserved populations needing protection of these rights, including low-income
residents and veterans.
Pennymac Statement on Human Rights
Approved: 03-30-2022
Effective: 03-30-2022
We have established policies and procedures designed to prevent the infringement of our
customers’ and potential customersprivacy rights. We also prioritize the fair, ethical and
lawful collection, use and processing of customerspersonal information, which respects
individuals’ privacy rights and is essential to building trust, providing quality customer
service, and achieving our corporate objectives.
We regularly monitor and enhance our business practices to help ensure that our
employees adhere to our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, which requires that we
conduct our business in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations and in
accordance with the highest standards of business ethics.
Our Vendors
We expect our vendors to respect human rights and conform their practices to the
standards set forth herein and in our Statement of Vendor Ethics. We also make efforts to
do business with vendors whose corporate values and performance are consistent with our
We expect vendors to respect human rights by prohibiting the use of forced labor, human
trafficking or child labor; respecting diversity in the workplace; ensuring fair compensation
and benefits; and providing healthy and safe working conditions.
We request that our vendors complete due diligence prior to onboarding and on a regularly
scheduled basis thereafter as determined by their classification and tier.
While we recognize that each vendor will have varying policies and approaches to human
rights, we strive to engage with those vendors whose values and business principles reflect
their respect for the human rights of their employees, business partners and communities
in which they do business.
Our Communities
We respect human rights by using our financial and human capital to partner with and
support local and national charitable organizations to address important human rights
issues, such as equitable housing, economic inclusion, human and social services, health
and medical research, environmental sustainability nondiscrimination, and other issues that
align with our philanthropic focus areas.
We strive to engage with our local communities to help foster community development and
contribute to the environmental and social sustainability of the communities in which we
conduct business.
We are committed to minimizing the adverse environmental impacts of our business
activities through measures designed to increase energy efficiency, reduce water
consumption, and increase waste diversion from landfills. We expect our suppliers to
manage their adverse environmental impacts, as well.