Nurse Aide Training Program
Policies & Admission Procedure Handbook
275 Swamp Road
Newtown, PA 18940
Revised 7/2021 kjs
Dear Nurse Aide Candidate,
Thank you for your interest in our Pennsylvania Department of Education approved Nurse Aide
Training Program. Please read this letter in its entirety before you proceed to the Nurse Aide Training
Program Policy and Admissions Procedure handbook. The handbook contains a thorough review of
the Nurse Aide Training Program policies and registration requirements along with Frequently Asked
Questions that applicants generally have.
The tuition for the Nurse Aide Training Program is $1250 (textbooks included). Classes may
be held two days per week for 12 weeks; 3 days per week for approx. 8-10 weeks; or 4 - 5 days
per week for approximately 5 weeks. Check for the latest course schedules online at There is a total of 67 hours of classroom/skills lab instruction and
53 hours of clinical experience.
The course is offered at the Upper Bucks (Perkasie), Newtown and Lower Bucks (Bristol) campuses.
Clinical sessions are held at a pre-determined long-term care facility.
In order to register students must:
Complete ALL requirements prior to registration then contact the Program Coordinator.
Please refer to the Policy and Admission Procedure handbook for details
In addition to the program requirements, the full tuition amount of $1250 is due at the
registration appointment.
o Financial Aid is not available. For student loans visit or call
1-888-272-5543. Proof of loan approval must be provided at time of registration.
At the conclusion of the Nurse Aide Training Program, students must pass the National Nurse
Aide Assessment Program (NNAAP) Competency Exam to be placed on the Pennsylvania
Nurse Aide Registry.
There is a strict attendance policy due to the intense course schedule and PA Department of
Education requirements. If you have an event that requires missing class or clinical, please register
for the next semester.
Uniform is required on the first day of class. A white scrub top, black scrub pant and a white sturdy,
non-slip, non-skid full shoe; and a watch with a second hand.
The occupational responsibilities of the Nurse Aide candidate require having full use of their
hands, the ability to stand for extensive periods of time (approximately 5+ hours), and the ability to
perform bending, pushing, pulling, and lifting a minimum of 40 pounds without restrictions
Bucks County
Community College
Nurse Aide Training Program
Department of Health Sciences
275 Swamp Road
Newtown, PA 18940-4106
(215) 968-8482
Table of Contents
Training Program Policies
Attendance and Make-up Policy Page 5 - 6
Achievement Policy Page 6
Nondiscrimination Policy Page 7
Physical/Health Condition Policy Page 8
Standard of Conduct Page 9
Grievance Policy Page 11
Tuition/Refund Policy Page 12
Utilization/Signature of Policy Page Page 12 - 13
Health Risk Waiver Policy Page 13
Admission Policies Page 15
Criminal Background Clearance Policies Page 15 - 19
Exclusion from Participation in Federal Health Care Programs Page 19
Admission Procedures
Identification/Citizenship Page 20
PA Residency Verification Page 23
Attestation of Compliance to Act 14 Page 24
Criminal Background Clearance Page 27
*FBI Clearance (*for those with under 2 years PA residency) Page 27 - 28
Physical/ PPD’s Page 31 - 32
Drug Screening Page 33
Final Steps Page 35
Policy Signature Page Page 36
Admissions Checklist Page 37
Registration and Enrollment Page 38
Nurse Aide Training Program~ Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Nurse Aide?
A Nurse Aide assists the nurse in providing basic patient care such as helping take vital signs (blood pressure, heart rate,
temperature, etc.), assist with a bath, shower or meals, change bed linens, and other personal care needs.
Where can a Nurse Aide work?
Nurse Aides usually work in a long-term care facility, under the direct supervision of a licensed nurse. With further
training, it is possible for a Nurse Aide to move into advanced nursing, other Allied Health careers, or work in a hospital
setting (may require training in CPR, EKG or Phlebotomy).
For information about Nurse Aide jobs, you can research online or in the newspaper for positions in long-term
care (nursing homes), hospitals, or home health care agencies.
In this geographic region, a Nurse Aide can earn an average of $15 to $20+ per hour.
What is the cost of the Nurse Aide Training Program?
The tuition of $1250 must be paid in full to register. Payment types: credit card, money order or check
Bucks County Community College does not have a payment plan option for the Nurse Aide Training Program and
you are not eligible to apply for Financial Aid.
For information on acquiring an educational loan, please contact Sallie Mae at
or call 1-888-272-5543. Nurse Aide is a noncredit continuing education program.
You may receive tuition reimbursement if you choose to work in a long-term care facility (nursing home) after you
graduate and pass the statewide registry exam.
What are the requirements before I apply?
Step 1: Read and review this handbook in its entirety. Complete the required documents detailed in this handbook.
Step 2: Prepare and organize the documents, IDs, etc. as outlined on page 37.
Step 3: Contact the Program Coordinator at for a document review and approval prior to the
registration deadline.
Step 4: If you have all requirements and space in class is available, you may register.
What is the Nurse Aide Training Program like?
The Nurse Aide Training Program, approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, is 120 hours (67 hours
classroom/skills lab; 53 hours clinical). The classroom/skills component covers topics ranging from vital signs, personal
care, ethics, communication skills, infection control, feeding and body mechanics. The clinical component is the hands-on
training at an assigned long-term care facility. This begins when you have satisfied the theory and lab components of the
What is the Dress Code?
A white scrub and black scrub pant are required on the first day of class. You are required to have sturdy, non-slip, non-
skid full white colored shoe. A watch with a second hand is recommended. Your instructor will review all details on the
first day of class.
What are the requirements after successful completion of the program?
After successfully completing the program, students must pass the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program
(NNAAP) Competency Exam in order to enroll on the Pennsylvania Nurse Aide Registry. There is an additional cost of
$135 for the written and skills exam administered through Pearson Vue.
Training Program
Nurse Aide Training Program Policies
A. Attendance Policy
In compliance with Regulation Section 483.152 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) and Section
3 of Act 14, a student must complete a minimum of 16 hours of instruction in the five (5) content areas listed
below before any resident contact. These are as listed below:
a. Communication and interpersonal skills
b. Safety and emergency, including the abdominal thrust
c. Infection control
d. Resident rights
e. Resident independence
In order to complete the program, students must satisfy the entire 120 hours of instruction. The curriculum
includes classroom lecture (theory), skills laboratory and clinical hours at a long-term care facility. Attendance
will be documented on a daily basis to reflect the number of theory, lab and clinical hours as per the program
To meet this requirement, students must:
i. Arrive on time for all clinical and classroom scheduled hours. Students absent are expected to call
and inform the coordinator and instructor 1 hour prior to the beginning of class/clinical. Notifying a
classmate is not acceptable; instructor or coordinator must be notified.
ii. Inform coordinator and instructor as soon as possible if running late for class/clinical.
iii. Refrain from leaving the classroom or clinical site early.
iv. Refrain from making any appointments during school hours. If a student leaves class early, for any
reason, it is counted towards missed clocked hours.
v. Refrain from sleeping clinical/class. Student will be asked to leave, and it will be counted as missed
clocked hours.
vi. Remain on the premises for lunch/breaks while at the clinical sites.
vii. Attend scheduled make-up. See specified make-up policy.
If a student fails to call, and does not show to class or clinical, it is considered a ‘No Call/No Show’.
First offense will result in probationary status. Second offense will result in dismissal from the
program. Serious, documented extenuating circumstances may be taken into consideration.
In the event of illness, family emergency, or personal crisis students are expected to:
i. Notify coordinator and/or instructor at the appropriate phone number(s).
ii. Submit documentation for any absence over three (3) days.
Nurse Aide Admission and Training Policies (cont.)
2. Make Up Policy In order to ensure students have satisfied all required clocked hours, and are eligible to
take their NNAAP Exam, class/lab make-up and clinical make-up day has been incorporated into the program.
In order to progress to the clinical portion of the program, all class/lab hours must be satisfied. Students may
make-up the following missed time:
i. Up to seven (7) clock hours of class/lab time
ii. Up to seven (7) clock hours of clinical time
Absence beyond these stated hours will result in dismissal from the program. Prior to the make-up day,
students will be required to pay the make-up fee of $35.00/missed clocked hour. This may be paid in the
form of check or money order, payable to Bucks County Community College, and delivered to the Nurse Aide
Please note: make-up fees are non-refundable for a missed scheduled make-up day. Students will not receive
their certificate of completion and be eligible for the certification exam if missed hours are not satisfactorily
completed on the scheduled make-up day. Documented extenuating circumstances such as hospitalization will
be considered.
B. Level of Achievement Policy
1. Students will be given a copy of their final grade, performance checklist and, if applicable, a
Certificate of Completion.
2. To successfully complete the program, the student must fulfill the following requirements:
a. Theory ~ The student must have a final cumulative average of 80% that includes two (2)
quizzes and four (4) module tests.
i. Students must achieve a score of 80% on quizzes and module exams.
ii. Students may re-test one module exam. If a failing grade is issued to subsequent
module exams, the student will be dismissed from the program.
b. Skills Lab ~ the student must satisfactorily demonstrate all the required skills and procedures
listed in the Pennsylvania Nurse Aide Curriculum.
i. All procedures must be performed at a satisfactory level.
ii. An “S” satisfactory level of achievement is attained if no more than two (2) steps are
iii. Missing more than two (2) steps will result in a “U” unsatisfactory level that will result in
a failure of the procedure.
iv. Students have two (2) opportunities to achieve a satisfactory rating.
Students, who do not receive a satisfactory rating after the two (2) additional
opportunities, will receive a unsatisfactory rating in the Lab component of the program
and will not matriculate to the clinical portion of the program.
Nurse Aide Admission and Training Policies (cont.)
c. Clinical ~ the student must achieve an overall score of 80 points or greater in order to complete
the clinical portion of the program.
i. Performance is based on a numerical value system related to behaviors associated
with the following content:
Resident Rights/Independence
Communication Skills
Infection Control
Work Quality
ii. Mid Point Evaluation- Students are provided with a mid-point score and evaluation
and should reflect cumulative average of 40 50 points. Student is provided an
opportunity to reflect and respond to instructor assessment.
iii. Students provided an opportunity to remediate in order to bring the clinical
performance to a satisfactory level.
iv. Final Evaluation-A cumulative average of 80 100 points is deemed passing. A
student who does not improve or is not deemed competent by the instructor will
receive a failure of the clinical requirement.
v. Student may re-take the clinical portion one time after the initial unsuccessful attempt.
A third attempt will not be issued.
vi. Students cannot perform any skill/procedure in which they have not been instructed
and deemed competent by the instructor.
3. Academic Honesty It is the expectation of Bucks County Community College and the Nurse
Aide Training Program that the principles of honesty and truth will be rigorously followed. In
the event of academic dishonesty which includes but is not limited to copying another
student’s test answers, the consequences incurred shall be as followed:
a. First Offense: Written warning as issued by program management
b. Second Offense: Dismissal from program
C. Nondiscrimination Policy
1. Bucks County Community College does not discriminate in its educational programs, activities or
employment practices based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age,
religion, ancestry, veteran status, union membership, or any other legally protected category.
2. This policy is in accordance with state law, including the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act, and
with federal law, including Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the
Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age
Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
Nurse Aide Admission and Training Policies (cont.)
3. The College will not tolerate any behavior by staff or students that constitutes sexual harassment of
a student.
4. If a student feels that his/her rights under the aforementioned laws and regulations have been
violated, contact the Campus Coordinator for Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) in advance to
request or clarify accommodations or to address issues concerning equal opportunities at 215-968-
8090. The EEO Office is located in Room 130 of Tyler Hall.
A. Physical Examination/Health Condition Policy
1. The program requires that a physical exam be performed within one (1) year prior to the course
start date indicating the student is free from communicable diseases and has no conditions that
would affect the student's performance.
a. Change in Health Status: - Student safety is always paramount. Should a student’s health
status change after enrollment or during the class session, an updated physical form will be
required to support the student’s ability to satisfy the program’s occupational responsibilities.
2. The student must have and submit documentation of negative test for tuberculosis: Two-Step
Mantoux or QuantiFERON. An applicant can submit documentation of a negative Two-Step
Mantoux dated within one (1) year of the course start date. If the Two-Step Mantoux is documented
as a positive result or if student has a history of a positive reaction, a negative chest x-ray less than
three (3) years old must be submitted.
a. For enrollment candidates currently employed in a health care setting and are issued
annual PPD testing, proof of the baseline 2 step and subsequent annual PPD results
must be presented.
3. The occupational responsibilities of the candidate require having full use of their hands, the
ability to stand for extensive periods of time, and the ability to perform tasks that include bending,
pushing, pulling, and lifting a minimum of 40 pounds without restrictions.
4. Flu Vaccines *(For clinical rotations commencing from October March only)
For those participating in a clinical rotation during the months of October March,
a flu vaccine will be mandated prior to any resident contact. Documentation must be
provided as proof of vaccination and must contain your name, date, and vaccine information.
Proof of the flu vaccine should be submitted by the first day of class. Any student who does not
submit the documentation prior to the first day of clinical will not be permitted to begin the clinical
portion of the Nurse Aide Training Program. Those with a medical or religious conflict, must make
an appointment with the Program Coordinator.
The Department of Health (215-345-3318) does offer flu vaccines during the year at specific locations.
Flu vaccines are also offered at many local drugstore chains. Students can check their county health
departments for more information regarding vaccines.
a. Bucks County:
b. Philadelphia County:
c. Montgomery County:
d. State of Pennsylvania:
Nurse Aide Admission and Training Policies (cont.)
B. Standards of Conduct Policy
1. Students are to conduct themselves with a positive attitude and a willingness to learn. Academic
honesty is expected student behavior. Cheating at any time will not be tolerated and will result in
the student being terminated from the program. Students will perform only those tasks for which
they have been supervised and deemed competent by the instructor. Confidentiality with resident
information is to be maintained at all times according to Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations.
2. At the clinical site, students are required to wear a Bucks Nurse Aide Training Student identification
4. Professional behavior is to be displayed at all times. Administrative and instructional staff are
not to addressed by first name. Please use surnames.
5. Dress code: Students are required to wear a white scrub top and black scrub pants throughout all
program instruction. This includes classroom, lab and clinical. In keeping with professional
standards, it is expected that each student report to clinical in a clean uniform and is neat, well
groomed, and presentable at all times. The following is a detailed list of professional clinical dress
code requirements:
a. Bucks’ Student ID badge must be worn at all times in the clinical setting. It is recommended
that ID is carried when on campus.
b. Only white garment may be worn under clinical top
c. White, supportive, comfortable, closed toe shoes (no clogs allowed).
d. In order to maintain infection control no jewelry (including bracelets, anklets, necklaces, and
naval rings) may be worn, with the exception of a plain wedding band and watch with
second hand.
e. Only one pair of stud earring may be worn in ear lobes. Loops or dangling earrings may not
be worn. Gauges must be replaced with skin-tone colored gauges. No other visible piercings
are permitted, including tongue or nose piercings. No tongue splitting is permitted.
f. No visible body art is permitted (tattoos, branding, henna tattoos). Tattoos, if on visible
area, are to be covered while at clinical. Exception will be made for tattoos on hands
g. Nails are to be short (no longer than 1/8th inch beyond finger tips). NO nail polish of any
color (including clear), rhinestones, or designs are permitted. No acrylic nails, silk wraps, or
extensions are permitted
h. Hair to be clean and off the collar. Hair sparkles and colored hair colorings such as pink,
green, purple, etc are unprofessional in the clinical setting and therefore not permitted.
Beards and mustaches must be kept short and neatly trimmed.
i. Conservative makeup is permitted (no false eyelashes or bright eye colored shadow)
6. Conduct code:
Cooperation is expected of each student to present neat at all times. Throughout the Nurse Aide
Training Program, students are expected to dress appropriately and in a manner that is consistent
with shaping professional credibility. Professional, adult behaviors are expected and include the
Nurse Aide Admission and Training Policies (cont.)
a. Excellent personal hygiene
b. Limited fragrances/scents as it may adversely affect patients and staff
c. Good eye contact, engaging & articulate communication, pleasant and cooperative
d. Respectful conduct
e. Goal directed, self-motivated behavior
f. Gum, food and drink are not permitted in the clinical area, except in designated areas
g. Photo Identification
7. Students will have the opportunity to have their Bucks Photo ID Badge provided by the
Safety & Security Department at Bucks, at no charge to the student. Lost ID Badges will
be the responsibility of the student and must be replaced for $5.00 fee. As stated
previously, ID badges must be worn at all times in the clinical facilities. It is strongly
encouraged that students carry them while also on campus.
8. No cell phone use (calls, text, social media, internet, taking photos, etc.) during class or
clinical time.
9. Leaving the clinical area without permission or performing procedures without the
instructor present could result in immediate dismissal from the program
10. Destructive behavior (i.e. profane language, insubordination, lack of respect to classmates
or staff, sleeping or talking in class) will result in disciplinary action.
11. Evidence of behavior related to drug or alcohol use will not be tolerated. The student will be sent
home and dismissed from the program
12. After graduation or “off hours,” a student cannot return to the clinical facility to visit the residents.
13. Violations of these standards of conduct will result in disciplinary action, which may include being
asked to leave the clinical facility or dismissed from the program
14. Substance Abuse Policy
As part of the admission protocol and in keeping with the requirements of our clinical affiliates, all
students must complete the 11-panel drug screen, with negative results.
The Nurse Aide Training Program reserves the right to randomly administer drug/alcohol testing
at any time. A student on school grounds clinical settings, or any school sponsored activity that is
suspected of being under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or mood-altering substances or
possesses, uses, dispenses, sells, or aids in the procurement of any restricted substance shall
be dismissed from the program.
The Nurse Aide Training Program will cooperate with the State and Federal law
enforcement bodies. In addition, we will abide by the structure set down by the Bucks
County Community College policy, school code and affiliating institutional policies, and
the Pennsylvania Department of Education.
Students who wish to seek counseling for the use of drugs and their effects are urged to
seek information from the administrator and/or faculty. Conferences with faculty members
conform to the standards of privacy established within the health care profession.
Nurse Aide Admission and Training Policies (cont.)
15. Confidentiality Policy
During the Bucks County Community College Nurse Aide Training Program. Students come in
contact with confidential information, in written and spoken form, regarding patients and their
families. Federal legislation mandates the confidentiality of all resident information. All resident
information accessible to the student shall be held in the strict confidence. Failure to comply
with this Confidentiality policy and HIPAA regulations will result in dismissal form the program.
Confidential information includes but is not limited to: resident identity, agency record
numbers, DOB, room number, test results, diagnosis, prognosis, treatments, and results.
Conversations regarding any of the stated confidential information should not take place in any
clinical or public areas such as facility elevators, corridors, etc. Any discussions in a public place
that jeopardizes resident confidentiality is prohibited. Written assignment a may not include
information that could identify a resident.
C. Grievance Policy
This procedure has been developed to allow the student to express a grievance or complaint
1. Step One:
i. The student submits the grievance and/or complaint in a written manner to the primary
ii. The primary instructor will review and respond within three (3) business days.
iii. The primary instructor documents in writing the grievance, the review and the resolution.
iv. The primary instructor meets with the student to share the resolution to the grievance.
The student is entitled to a private and confidential counseling; however, another
instructor/staff member may witness the counseling session.
v. If the student and instructor are not able to resolve the issue, or if the grievance is
against the instructor, the grievance should be brought to the attention of the Nurse Aide
coordinator within three (3) days and proceed with Step Two.
2. Step Two:
i. If the student and instructor are unable to resolve the grievance, a meeting between
the coordinator and the student will take place within three (3) business days of the
receipt of the complaint. (Student should put the grievance in writing if it was not
required at this point)
ii. The coordinator reviews the documentation submitted by the primary instructor and
investigates as needed.
iii. The coordinator documents the review process and the resolution to the grievance.
iv. A meeting is to be scheduled with the coordinator, primary instructor, and student to
disclose the resolution.
v. If the decision rendered by the coordinator is not brought to a satisfactory conclusion,
the student may appeal the grievance with the Administrator of the Nurse Aide
Training Program within two (2) business days.
3. Step Three:
i. All documentation is submitted to the Administrator for review and consideration.
ii. The decision of the Administrator is final.
Nurse Aide Admission and Training Policies (cont.)
D. Tuition/Refund Policy
1. Students are responsible for the full tuition at the time of registration. A textbook and workbook are
included in the tuition fee.
2. Bucks County Community College does not have a payment plan for the Nurse Aide Program and
students are unable to apply for Financial Aid.
3. Student may re-register for future classes. Permission for re-registration will be at the sole
discretion of program management.
4. Serious, documented extenuating circumstances may be taken into consideration.
Students may have the option to restart the program at the discretion of program management.
5. There will be an additional fee of $135 for the state competency exam, National Nurse Aide
Assessment Program (NNAAP). This fee is in addition to the initial Nurse Aide Training Program
tuition and must be paid online when registering for the exam through Pearson Vue. The state
exam is offered at Pearson Vue.
For a list of regional test site locations, please visit:
7. Tuition Reimbursement
In accordance with 55 PA Code § 1181, training and testing costs will be reimbursed for those
individuals employed or offered employment by a nursing facility within 12 months of course
completion. The student will be issued an official letter of reimbursement by Bucks County
Community College if he/she personally incurred the cost and successfully complete the Nurse Aide
Training Program. By law, the Nurse Aide graduate will receive only one original letter. The
reimbursement letter is good for one-year after graduation.
8. REFUND POLICY: In the event a course is canceled due to low enrollment or extenuating
circumstances, every attempt will be made to enroll you in another course or a full refund of your
tuition will be issued. There is a $25 non-refundable withdrawal charge if you cancel your
enrollment in a course. Your request must be received by the Program Coordinator via
email BEFORE the registration deadline as posted on the website.
E. Utilization of Students Policy
1. Nurse Aide students will not be utilized for any services or functions for which they have not been
supervised or passed as competent by the instructor. Learning opportunities will be sought by
program instructors to guide student learning.
2. Students will be supervised in the performance of resident care tasks, which have been taught in
class and/or lab.
Nurse Aide Admission and Training Policies (cont.)
F. Admission and Student Policies Signature Page
1. The student is required to sign this document stating that they have read and understood the
policies outlined in the Admission and Training Policies handbook. The student must sign and date
the signature page for registration (page 36). If there are any questions concerning the policies or
handbook, please contact the Coordinator, Nurse Aide Training Program via email at
2. The student will retain a copy of the Nurse Aide Training Program Handbook.
3. The signature portion of the document will be kept in the student’s file for the length of the program.
G. Health Risk Waiver Policy
1. During participation in the classroom, lab or clinical rotation experience, the Bucks County
Community College student must be aware of the actual and/or potential health risks.
2. The occupational responsibilities of the candidate require having full use of their hands, arms and
legs; the ability to stand for extensive periods of time (approximately 5+ hours); the ability to
perform tasks that include bending, pushing, pulling, and lifting a minimum of 40 pounds without
3. While in the program, the student will be required to attend clinical practice in a long-term care
facility. In case of accidents or illness during a clinical practice experience, if medical treatment
should become necessary, the facility is willing to give emergency care.
4. Please be advised the college and the long-term care facility do not carry medical insurance on
students or visitors. Payment for medical treatment, including emergencies, is the responsibility of
the student or visitor.
a) Students, who have health insurance, must accept financial responsibility for care rendered
because of illness/injury that is not covered by their health insurance.
b) Students who do not have health insurance must accept financial responsibility for care
rendered because of injury/illness.
c) Bucks County Community College and the official contracted clinical agencies are not
responsible for any treatment or care given to nurse aide students while in the program.
Admission Policies
Nurse Aide Admission Requirements
A. Admission Policy
1. Read thoroughly the Policies and Admission Procedure Handbook. You must sign and date the
signature page (page 36). If you have any questions concerning the policies, please contact the Program
Coordinator via email at
2. Complete the Verification of Pennsylvania Residency Form (page 23) and Attestation of Compliance with
Act 14 (page 24) and submit original forms and copies of two forms of identification one with a photo
on the first day of class. Approved forms of ID include but are not limited to: PA Driver’s License,
Passport, Library Card, Green Card, PA State-issued Identification Card, Voters Registration and Vehicle
a. If applicant is not a citizen of the U.S., the applicant must submit a copy of their Visa,
I-94, or Resident Alien card (green card) at the time of registration.
3. A physical exam and evidence that the applicant is free of communicable disease is required within one-
year of Nurse Aide Training Program course start date. A Physician, Physician’s Assistant or Nurse
Practitioner must sign, date and complete both the Medical Examination Form (page 31) and Mantoux
Record Form (page 32) in its entirety.
a. This form affirms that the applicant is free of communicable diseases and is able to
perform the occupational responsibilities of the program.
i. Documentation of a negative Two-Step PPD (Mantoux) OR negative QuantiFERON TB
Gold test dated within a year of starting class. A negative chest x-ray completed in place
of a PPD, and dated within three (3) years of the course start date, can be submitted for
those with a history of positive PPD. For enrollment candidates currently employed in a
health care setting and are issued annual PPD testing, proof of the baseline 2 step and
subsequent annual PPD results must be presented
ii. Occupational responsibilities: full use of hands, arms and legs; the ability to stand for
lengthy periods of time (approximately 5+ hours); the ability to perform tasks that include
bending, pushing, pulling, and lifting a minimum of 40 pounds without restriction.
5. 11-panel drug screen is required and implemented through Concorde Inc. and should be completed
prior to the start of the program. The cost of the drug screen is $50.00. In keeping with the
requirements of our clinical affiliates, a negative drug screen must be rendered in order to
enter the program.
B. Criminal Background Check Policy & Procedure
In compliance with the Act 14, it is the policy of Bucks County Community College that each applicant
completes a PA Criminal History Record Information (CHRI) report. The results must be within one year
prior to the Nurse Aide Training Program course start date.
1. Applicants must obtain and submit a Criminal History Record Information (CHRI) report with
a watermark seal from the Pennsylvania State Police dated within one year of the nurse aide
training program start date. The CHRI report must be free of prohibitive offenses as cited in
Act 14 of 1997 [63 P.S. §§ 675 (a) (1)-(3)].
Nurse Aide Admission and Training Policies (cont.)
2. Both the PA State Police CHRI and a FBI report with a clearance letter from the PA
Department of Education must be completed before registering for the program by
applicants residing in Pennsylvania for LESS than two years, prior to the date of
applicants who are not certain whether a crime committed in another state is similar to
those crimes listed on the Prohibitive Offenses Contained in 63 P.S. § 675.
i. The FBI and CHRI (PA check) must comply and not contain prohibitive offenses as
cited in Act 14 (see #1)
ii. For instructions about the FBI process, please refer to the Admissions Packet
a. Only the stamped original FBI report that is issued by the PA Department of
Education can be used for enrollment purposes
b. FBI reports obtained through the Department of Aging that are under one
year old may also be accepted
3. If the applicant has lived in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for TWO OR MORE
CONSECUTIVE YEARS, prior to entering the Nurse Aide Training Program, the student
must complete a PA Criminal Background Check (CHRI) from the Pennsylvania State
a. The only acceptable website to process the CHRI electronically is
b. Do NOT use New Record Check for Volunteers.
c. The electronic version has a state seal embedded in the final report.
4. If the applicant has NOT lived in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for two or more years,
or is not certain whether a crime committed in another state is similar to those crimes
listed on the Prohibitive Offenses contained in 63 P.S. § 675,
a. Applicant must complete both the CHRI from the Pennsylvania State Police (item #1)
b. A FBI check through IDEMIA at For additional details,
please see pages 27 -28.
5. The Coordinator, Nurse Aide Training Program or Administrator is responsible to:
a. Receive the applicant's original CHRI report or copy the applicant's original CHRI
b. Review the CHRI report for prohibited offenses contained in 701.13 (relating to the
non-acceptance of certain applicants);
c. Sign with complete signature and date the original or a copy of the original and place
it in a locked file cabinet;
d. Ensure that only those individuals who are designated in the "Right to Know” policy
for NATCEP and state or federal employees involved in monitoring the program have
access to these files;
e. Notify the applicant in writing whether the decision not to admit the applicant is based
in whole, or in part, on the CHRI report.
Nurse Aide Admission and Training Policies (cont.)
6. Bucks County Community College will not enroll a Nurse Aide applicant whose CHRI report
indicates that the applicant has been convicted of any of the offenses designated as
a. A felony under the Controlled Substance, Drug, Common Device, and Cosmetic Act
(P.S. 780-101, 780-144); or
b. Any offense listed under Act 14; or
c. A Federal or out-of-State offense similar in nature to those crimes listed under a. or
b. above.
7. PA CHRI checks and FBI reports will be maintained by the Coordinator, Nurse Aide Training
Program in a secured location for three years.
8. Individuals designated to review and approve application for enrollment into the program
who willfully fail to comply with §701.12 (2) and (3), or 701.13 of Act 14, shall be subject to a
civil penalty as provided for in §701.21.
9. Representatives from the Pennsylvania Department of Education, State or Federal
Departments will be permitted to view all PA CHRI and FBI reports.
Policy and Process for Criminal History Record Information (CHRI)
Student Procedure and Responsibility for Procuring CHRI:
All applicants must complete a PA Criminal Background Check (CHRI) for the Pennsylvania State Police. This is
completed through the E-patch website. The fee is $22.00 and a credit or debit card will be needed for the transaction.
The following are the step-by-step directions to be followed:
Go to
Click ‘Submit a New Record Check (Do Not Use New Record Check for Volunteers)
Follow the prompts
Print Results ~ most results can be printed immediately
Procure the original results for regostration
You must bring the CHRI Certificate. Please do not just provide the control number.
If for some reason you did not print out your CHRI Certificate, you must re-enter the epatch system using the
following steps:
Select Record
Select Check Status
Type in your Control Number, Name (case sensitive) and Date of Request
Click on the ‘Record Check’ Details screen
At the bottom of the page, click on ‘Certificate Form.
Print the certificate (be sure the state watermark seal appears).
Reports that indicate a “pending” or “under review” status may not be used to enroll. If a record exists, the
results will be mailed to the applicant within 2 4 weeks. Your RAP sheet must be presented at time of
Nurse Aide Admission and Training Policies (cont.)
Administrative Procedures and Responsibility for Processing CHRI:
The Nurse Aide Training Program Coordinator or Administrator is responsible to:
Receive the applicant's original CHRI report or copy the applicant's original CHRI report.
Review the CHRI for a disseminated date within one year from the start of the class.
o Verify the CHRI no less than one day prior to the start of class.
Review the CHRI certificate for proof of state seal; Volunteer reports cannot be accepted.
o Verify for “No Record” status
o Identify the CHRI with a “pending” or “under review “status; Suspend enrollment until
disposition is clarified and applicant is not in violation of Act 14.
o Review the CHRI report for prohibited offenses contained in 701.13 (relating to the non-
acceptance of certain applicants).
o If offenses are not ‘graded’, refer applicant back to municipality for the grading of unreported
or non-graded offenses.
o Direct applicant to present proof of expungement (if applicable).
o Direct applicant to produce proof substantiating identity fraud (if applicable).
Indicate that the CHRI report has been viewed and verified. Sign with complete signature and date
the original or a copy of the original. Place document in a locked file cabinet.
Ensure that only those individuals who are designated in the "Right to Know” Policy for NATCEP and
state or federal employees involved in monitoring the program have access to these files.
Based on the CHRI outcome, notify the applicant in writing if admission is denied.
Policy and Process for Procuring Federal Criminal History Report (FBI Clearance)
Student Procedure and Responsibility for Procuring Federal Criminal History (FBI Clearance)
For applicants who have not resided in PA for at least the past two (2) years, an FBI clearance must be done in
addition to the PA Criminal Background Check (CHRI). This is completed through the Identogo. The fee is $23.00
(approximate) and a credit or debit card will be needed for the transaction. The following are the step-by-step directions
to be followed:
Step 1
Registration online at: or 844-321-2101 Monday through Friday, 8am to 6pm
You will be issued an UEID number
Step 2
Major credit card or Money orders/cashier’s checks/personal checks payable to MorphoTrust.
Retain a record of the UEID number issued to you
Step 3
A list of approved ID types may be found on the IDEMIA website
Keep your receipt that contains your UEID number
State or Federal photo ID is required
Step 4
Provide to PDE a legible written request of FBI results:
Fax 717.783.6672 OR email ra[email protected] the following:
(1) Your full name
(2) Current mailing address and
(3) Universal Enrollment Identification (UEID) number
(4) Email address and
(5) Telephone number
*Only stamped original of the FBI report will be issued via certified mail to applicant within 30 calendar
days of written request
Step 5
Provide copy of FBI report at time of appointment
Only the original, stamped report relinquished by the Department of Education is
acceptable for enrollment
Eligibility will be determined upon review of findings
Nurse Aide Admission and Training Policies (cont.)
Administrative Procedures and Responsibility for Processing Federal Criminal History (FBI
The Nurse Aide Training Program Coordinator or Administrator is responsible to:
Receive the applicant's stamped, original FBI report; Unofficial reports cannot be accepted.
Evaluate and determine eligibility for enrollment in NATCEP and in compliance with Act 14.
o Verify for “No Record” status
o If assistance with the evaluation and determination is required (for issues such as out of state
crime codes), guidance will be sought from the Bucks County Community College’s Solicitor.
Review the FBI Report and verify that it is no more than one year from the start of the class.
Review the FBI Report for the ORIGINAL FBI report or copy of the ORIGINAL FBI report that is
stamped “original” in red ink in the student’s file.
o Record their full signature and date as an attestation of compliance with Act 14
o Retain the signed and dated ORIGINAL or copy of the ORIGINAL FBI report that is stamped
“original” in red ink on the student’s file in a locked cabinet.
o Ensure that only those individuals who are designated in the "Right to Know” Policy for
NATCEP and state or federal employees involved in monitoring the program have access to
these files.
o Based on the FBI report outcome, notify the applicant in writing if admission is denied
Exceptions for current LTC employees who want to enroll:
Employer is responsible to evaluate the CHRI/FBI report to determine eligibility for employment in
compliance with PA Act 13 of 1997. Prior to enrollment, must provide:
o CHRI, and when applicable, letter from Department of Aging or FBI report with a full signature
and date on each document to verify compliance with PA Act 13,
o Written verification of the prospective student’s employment (not impending hire) on nursing
facility letterhead that includes initial hire date and job title of the employee/student.
Coordinator or Administrator must record their full signature and date on each facility-signed document
to confirm receipt prior to enrollment in the NATCEP and retain in student file for compliance review.
C. Exclusion from Participation in Federal Health Care Programs
Long-term care facilities are not permitted to hire an employee who is excluded from participation
in Medicare, Medicaid or any other federal health care program. A list of excluded persons can
be found at
Before You Begin
The admission process is a multi-step procedure. The design of
this manual is to help guide you through this process. A number
of documents will need to be printed. A credit card is required for
fees related to criminal background clearance, drug screening and
There is an enclosed checklist to help keep you on track and
organize your forms.
STEPS 1- 4
Identification and Verification
Step 1: Identification- 2 Forms Required
Proof of current PA residency such as a Driver’s License or state ID
Both IDs MUST contain your signature; one photo ID is required
Acceptable Forms of ID (Valid)
Not Accepted
1.PA Driver’s License
2.PA State ID
4.Military ID
5.Signature bearing Library/CPR Card
6.Resident Alien Card/
Permanent Residency Card
7. Voters Registration
8. Vehicle Registration
9. Certificate of Naturalization
1. Birth Certificates
2. Social Security Cards
3. Credit Cards
4. ID badges that do not contain
Step 2: Citizenship
U.S. Citizenship original IDs required
If you are not a U.S. Citizen, bring your Visa, I-94 or Green Card to the
Step 3: PA Residency Verification
Fill out the Verification of Pennsylvania Residency Form (See page 23)
Complete the form and print
Original form is required for registration
Step 4: Attestation of Compliance with Act 14
Fill out the Attestation of Compliance Form (See page 24)
Complete the form and print
Original form is required for registration
Refer to the List of Prohibited Offenses (See page 25)
If you do not possess any of the offences listed, check the box and sign
** If you have NOT been a resident of PA for the least two years, you are required to obtain FBI
Revised 12/24/2019
Revised 12/24/2019
Revised 12/24/2019
STEPS 5 and 6
Criminal Background Clearance
Step 5: Criminal Background Clearance (fee)
All applicants must complete a PA Criminal Background Check (CHRI) for
the Pennsylvania State Police. This is completed through the Epatch
website. A fee is required and a credit card will be necessary for this step of
the process.
Go to
Click Submit a New Record Check
o (Do not use New Record Check for Volunteers)
Most results can be printed immediately
Certificate form must be presented at time of registration
o Be sure the state watermark seal appears.
If your copy only has a control number but not a record determination
i.e. “no record exists” or a printout of prior offenses, you need to go back
to the Epatch website. Please follow the steps below to gain access to
your record:
i. Go to
ii. Select Check Status of a Record
iii. Type in your Control Number, Name (case sensitive) and Date of
iv. Click on the Record Check Details screen
v. At the bottom of the page, click on Certificate Form.
vi. Print the certificate (be sure the state watermark seal appears).
Step 6: FBI Clearance (fee)***
(Only required for those whose recent PA residency is under 2
If you have NOT lived in PA for the last two years, an FBI clearance must be
done IN ADDITION to a Pennsylvania Criminal Background Check (CHRI).
See Step by Step Chart for easy processing (page 28)
Step 1
Registration online at:
Telephonic registration is available at 844-321-2101 Monday through
Friday, 8am to 6pm EST
You will be issued an UEID number
Step 2
Fee: $23.00(approx)
Major Credit card
Money orders or cashier’s checks payable to MorphoTrust.
Cash not accepted
Personal checks are accepted.
Retain a record of the UEID number issued to you
Step 3
State or Federal photo ID is required
A list of approved ID types may be found on the IDEMIA
Applicants will not be processed if they cannot produce an
acceptable photo ID.
All ten fingers are scanned to complete the process.
Process take approximately five minutes.
Keep your receipt that contains your UEID number
Step 4
Provide to PDE a legible written request of FBI results:
Fax 717.783.6672 OR email [email protected] the following:
(1) Your full name
(2) Current mailing address and
(3) Universal Enrollment Identification (UEID) number
(4) Email address and
(5) Telephone number
*Only the stamped original of the FBI report will be issued via
certified mail to the applicant within 30 calendar days of the written
Step 5
Provide copy of FBI report at time of appointment
Only the original, stamped report relinquished by the
Department of Education is acceptable for enrollment
Eligibility will be determined upon review of findings
Steps 7 and 8
Physical with 2-Step PPD
Drug Screening
Step 7: Physical & 2-Step PPD (Mantoux)
A physical must be done and the healthcare provider must complete the entire physical chart and
sign where indicated.
Original forms are found on pages 31-32 and are required at time of registration
A 2 step PPD or QuantiFERON test must be completed
How to Conduct a Two-Step PPD / Mantoux Test ( For your Health Care Provider)
The Two-Step PPD* / Mantoux is used to detect individuals with past Tuberculosis (TB) infection who have diminished
skin test reactivity. This procedure will reduce the likelihood that a boosted reaction is later interpreted as a new infection.
There are four (4) required visits when following the Two-Step Mantoux protocol:
Visit 1 Step 1 Injection Administered
Place the 1
skin test and have the patient return to the doctor’s office in 2 3 days (48 72 hours) to read the results.
Visit 2 Step 1 Results Read and Documented in mm (48 72 hours after initial injection)
Read the 1
skin test results (48-72 hours of visit one). If the first test is positive, the patient may have (had) a TB
infection. Refer the patient for a chest x-ray and physician evaluation. An asymptomatic patient, whose chest x-ray
indicates no active disease, may begin work.
Visit 3** Step 2 Injection Administered (**Administered 7 days after initial Step 1 RESULTS but no longer than 21 days).
Place a 2
skin test on patients whose 1
test was negative at 48 72 hours. As per the PA Department of Education
regulation, the 2
test is given no earlier than 1 week (7 days) from the initial date of results but no longer than 21
days. Have the patient return to the doctor’s office in 2 3 days (48 72 hours) to read the results.
Visit 4 Step 2 Results Read and Documented in mm (48 72 hours after initial injection)
Read the 2
skin test results (4872 hours of visit three). A positive 2
test indicates TB infection in the distant past.
Refer the patient for a chest x-ray and physician evaluation. An asymptomatic patient, whose chest x-ray indicates no
active disease, may begin work.
Important Information
The test results for Test 1 and Test 2 must be read within 48-72 hours. If it is longer than 48-72 hours, the PPD
test and results are invalid.
The maximum time allowed between Test 1 and Test 2 is 2.5 weeks. If the patient receives Test 2 after 2.5
weeks, the Two-Step method and testing is invalid.
Sensitivity of this Method
The majority of significant PPD skin test reactions will remain “positive” 7 days after application. Those that have
diminished or disappeared by Day 7 will be boosted back to positive by the 2
skin test.
*PPD means “purified protein derivative.” It is the substance used in the Mantoux TB skin test, which is the accepted
standard method of TB skin testing. TB skin tests are commonly referred to as a PPD.
Institution Consultation Services / effective TB solutions
Francis J. Curry, National Tuberculosis Center
****For those who have history of sensitivity to the PPD, QuantiFERON results or a Chest x ray, (done in place
of the PPD), that is no more than 3 years old can be used. The Chest x-ray report must indicate that it was
performed to rule out TB infection in place of a Mantoux (PPD). A copy must be submitted at the time of
Bucks County
Community College
275 Swamp Road
Newtown, PA 18940-
(215) 968-8000
Bucks County Community College
Nurse Aide Training Program
Physical Examination Form
Student Name: ___________________________________ Date:
Please complete all sections below or the form will be returned. Thank you.
Healthcare Provider Review:
The occupational responsibilities of the candidate is to have full use of their hands, arms and legs; the
ability to stand for extensive periods of time (approximately 5+ hours); the ability to perform tasks that
include bending, pushing, pulling, and lifting a minimum of 40 pounds without restrictions.
The undersigned, being a licensed Physician, Physician’s Assistant or Nurse Practitioner, does
hereby certify that I have reviewed the above information and believe this person is able to attend
training, perform physical duties at the clinical site and is free from communicable disease, including
Tuberculosis infection.
Healthcare Provider Signature: __________________________ Date: __________
(Signature and date must be provided)
Print Name:
Office Phone:
Revised 12/20 kjs
Bucks County Community College Nurse Aide Program
Two-Step PPD / Mantoux Test Policy and Procedure
**Must be executed as outlined below or results will be deemed invalid
Visit 1 Step 1 Injection Administered
Place the 1
skin test and have the patient return to the doctor’s office in 2 3 days (48 72 hours) to read the results.
Visit 2 Step 1 Results Read and Documented in mm (48 72 hours after initial injection)
Read the 1
skin test results (48-72 hours of visit one). If the first test is positive, the patient may have (had) a TB infection. Refer the
patient for a chest x-ray and physician evaluation. An asymptomatic patient, whose chest x-ray indicates no active disease, may begin
Visit 3** Step 2 Injection Administered (**Administered 7 days after initial Step 1 RESULTS but no longer than 21 days).
Place a 2
skin test on patients whose 1
test was negative at 48 72 hours. As per the PA Department of Education regulation,
the 2
test is given no earlier than 1 week (7 days) from the initial date of results but no longer than 21 days. Have the patient
return to the doctor’s office in 2 – 3 days (48 72 hours) to read the results.
Visit 4 Step 2 Results Read and Documented in mm (48 72 hours after initial injection)
Read the 2
skin test results (4872 hours of visit three). A positive 2
test indicates TB infection in the distant past. Refer the patient
for a chest x-ray and physician evaluation. An asymptomatic patient, whose chest x-ray indicates no active disease, may begin work.
Important Information
The test results for Test 1 and Test 2 must be read within 48-72 hours. If it is longer than 48-72 hours, the PPD test and
results are invalid.
The maximum time allowed between Test 1 and Test 2 is 7 to 21 days from the date of TEST 1 results. If the patient receives
Test 2 after 21 days, the Two-Step method and testing is invalid.
****For those who have history of sensitivity to the PPD, QuantiFERON results or a Chest x ray (no more than 3 years old)
can be used. A copy must be submitted at the time of registration
Two-Step Mantoux/PPD Test Recording
TEST #1: Date Administered: Reaction*: _____mm Date Read: __________
*Reaction must be recorded in mm of induration and be read within 48 72 hours. Beyond 72 hours
will be considered invalid test.
TEST #2: Date Administered:** Reaction*: mm Date Read: __________
** (must be 7 21 days after the 1 step READ or not considered valid)
*Reaction must be recorded in mm of induration and be read within 48 72 hours. Beyond 72 hours
will be considered invalid test.
If a QuantiFERON or Chest x-ray (due to history of positive PPD within 3 years) was obtained, a copy of the result
must be attached. Provider Initials: _________
Healthcare Provider Signature:______________________________________ Date: __________
(Signature and date must be provided)
Revised 3.21 kjs
Step 8: Drug Screening (Fee)
Concorde Inc. is our partner to provide you with a hassle-free process
for completing your required 11 panel drug & alcohol screen. This must
be completed and yield a negative response in order to enter the
program. The cost of the drug screen is $50.00. Please follow the below
process to schedule your drug screen:
Call Adrianna Owens at Concorde 215-587-6266
o or email her at <>
Have a credit card ready to order and pay for the drug screen.
Be sure to tell Concorde that you are applying to the CNA program
Have your email address ready so that the receipt can be provided
A link to schedule your drug screen at your local Quest Diagnostics will be
Bring your receipt and provide this program code number (M310661730)
to your Quest appointment
o When you arrive at Quest:
Emphasis that you are enrolling into the CNA program
Provide them with the program account number #M310661730
Concorde Inc. confidentially submits results directly to the Program
Coordinator, Nurse Aide Training at Bucks County Community College.
Please forward a copy of the authorization form as proof of
payment to nurse[email protected]
Steps 9 to12
Final Steps
Step 9: Admission and Training Policies
Read policies and sign signature page (see page 36).
Original signature form must be signed for registration
Step 10: Tuition
Tuition $1250.00
Credit Card is required.
Cash is not accepted
Step 11: Review Checklist
Review Checklist, Gather/Organize Documents
Use the check sheet issued on page 37.
Please email nu[email protected] with your name,
class of choice and further instructions.
Calls are returned in the order received; please do not leave multiple
Walk-in registrations are not accepted.
Nurse Aide Admission and Training Policies ~ Signature Page
I. Training Program Policies
A. Attendance Policy
B. Level of Achievement Policy
C. Nondiscrimination Policy
D. Physical Examination / Health Conditions Policy/Flu Vaccine
E. Standards of Conduct Policy/Drug Screen Policy
F. Student Grievance Policy
G. Tuition Policy
H. Utilization of Students Policy
I. Utilization of Student Policy
J. Admissions and Student Signature Policy
II. Nurse Aide Admission Requirements
A. Admission Policy
B. Criminal Background Check
C. Exclusion from Participation in Federal Health Care Programs
I have received a copy of the Nurse Aide Training Program handbook. I have read, understand and agree to
comply with the above policies that are necessary requirements for admittance into and successful completion
of the Nurse Aide Training Program.
I am aware that the occupational responsibilities require having full use of hands, arms and legs; an ability to
stand for extensive periods of time (approximately 5+ hours); an ability to perform tasks that include bending,
pushing, pulling, and lifting a minimum of 40 pounds without restrictions.
In addition, I accept the financial responsibility for any medical treatment, including emergencies, while in
clinical practice as a Nurse Aide Trainee. I am aware that the college and long-term care facility do not carry
medical insurance on students or visitors.
Print Name:
*Parent/Guardian Signature (If student is under 18):_________________________________
Admissions Checklist
Students must complete ALL of the following admission requirements prior to registration.
Please use the checklist to organize your documentation.
Step 1: Two forms of identification (both signature bearing and one photo ID is required)
*COPIES of IDs required for registration
Step 2: U.S. Citizenship original IDs required
If you are not a U.S. Citizen, bring your Visa, I-94 or Green Card to the interview.
Step 3: Fill out the Verification of Pennsylvania Residency
See page 23 for actual form
Step 4: Fill out the Attestation of Compliance with Act 14 Form
See page 24 for actual form
Step 5: Pennsylvania Criminal Background Check PA State Police (additional fee see page 27)
***Step 6: FBI Criminal Background Check (additional fee see pages 27-28)
*ONLY COMPLETED IF you have NOT lived in PA for last TWO consecutive years.
Select “Pennsylvania Department of Education”
Step 7: Physical Examination and Test for Tuberculosis (2-Step PPD or QuantiFERON) (page 29-31)
The healthcare provider must complete the entire physical chart and sign where indicated
Step 8: Panel Drug Screen (additional fee see page 33)
You must provide a copy of your authorization form from Concorde Inc. to the Coordinator
A negative Drug Screen must be completed before entering class.
Step 9: Nurse Aide Admission and Training Policies ~ Signature Page (Page 36)
Step 10: Tuition $1250 Credit Card (Check or cash is not accepted)
Step 11: Review Checklist (page 37), Gather/Organize Documents
Email with your name, choice of class and further instructions.
*Original forms, including copies of 2 forms of signature bearing ID’s, will be required
and collected by the Program Coordinator on the first day.
Registration and Enrollment
Step 1. Review
Review and print the Nurse Aide Policy and Admission Procedures Handbook
Step 2. Completion
Complete all of the required documentation included in the handbook.
Step 3. Submission
Once ALL of the required documents have been completed, please contact the Program Coordinator
at with your name and choice of class.
Please scan ALL of the following documents (JPEG or PDF format). We ask that you do not submit forms
2 forms of signature bearing IDs
Verification of PA Residency
Attestation of Compliance with Act 14
PA Criminal Background (CHRI) Certificate form
o *FBI clearance (*only for those who have not lived in PA for the last 2 years
Physical form
TB Clearance: 2 step PPD/QuantiFERON or CXR (only if done in place of PPD and is under 3 years)
*Drug Screen Receipt
Sign Policy Form (Must be signed by parent/guardian if applicant is 18 years old)
Flu Vaccine (Only for clinical rotations commencing October to March)
COVID Vaccine (if vaccinated)
*Drug screen results are sent directly and confidentially to Bucks
NOTE: The original forms (including copies of IDs) will be submitted to the Program Coordinator on the
first day of class. All forms must be completed in blue/black ink.
Step 4. Enrollment
Once your forms have been reviewed and meet enrollment requirements, an enrollment form will be
issued. Please have a credit card ready.
Step 5. Confirmation
An email confirming your placement in the class of your choice will be issued once required forms,
payment and a negative drug screen have been received.
If you have questions, require further information or are unable to download the Policy
Handbook/Admissions packet, please contact the Program Coordinator by email
Nurse Aide Training Program Contact Information
Department of Health Sciences
275 Swamp Road
Newtown, PA 18940
Telephone Number 215-968-8482
Mailing Address See above
Karen Souvigney MSN, RN 215-968 -8482 Founders Hall 205
Coordinator, Nurse Aide Training Program
Eric Parker 215-968-8316 Founders Hall 110
Administrative Assistant, Department of Health Sciences
Jeanne Turner-Brady 215-968-8106 Founders Hall 110
Administrative Assistant, Department of Health Sciences
Michelle Rue 215-968-8448 Founders Hall 110D
Administrator, Nurse Aide Training Program
Pennsylvania Department of Education
Tel: 717-772-0814
Fax: 717-783-6672
Pennsylvania Department of Health Nurse Aide Registry and NNAAP Examination
(Managed by Pearson Vue) 800-852-0518