Safety and Efficacy of Rivastigmine in Children
with Down Syndrome: A Double Blind Placebo
Controlled Trial
Gail A. Spiridigliozzi,
Sarah J. Hart,
* James H. Heller,
Heather E. Schneider,
Jane Ann Baker,
Cathleen Weadon,
George T. Capone,
and Priya S. Kishnani
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina
Department of Pediatrics, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina
Formerly of Department of Surgery, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina
Department of Neuropsychology, Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, Maryland
Down Syndrome Clinic and Research Center, Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, Maryland
Department of Pediatrics, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland
Manuscript Received: 13 October 2015; Manuscript Accepted: 11 March 2016
Individuals with Down syndrome (DS) have decreased cho-
linergic function and an uneven profile of cognitive abilities,
with more pronounced deficits in learning, memory, and
expressive language. Choline ster ase inhibito rs m ay improv e
cognitive function in adults and adolescents with DS, but
aimed to: (i) investigate the safety and efficacy of rivastigmine
treatment; (ii) build upon our open-label studies in children
with DS in a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial;
and (iii) investigate specific cognitive domains that
may respond to rivastigmine t reatment. We conducted a
20-week double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to investiga te
the safety and efficacy of rivastigmine in 22 children a nd
adolescents with DS aged 10–17 years. Safety measures inclu-
ded r eports of adverse events, laboratory parameters, and
electrocardiograms. Efficacy measures included parental
assessments of adaptive behavior and executive function,
and direct measures of language and memory. No group
differences were found o n safety m easures and 22 of 24
participants that passed study screening completed the study.
The results did not demonstrate evidence for significant
improvement in aspects of cognition, language, or overall
function in the children receiving rivastigmine. Our results
suggest that rivastigmine is safe and well-tolerated for chil-
dren and adolescents with DS, but may not be effective for
improving performance on the selected measures in this study.
However, larger samples and/or alternate measures could
possibly reveal improvements in cognitive function with riva-
stigmine treatment. Further research is needed to define a
battery of cognitive measures that is sensitive to treatment
effects in DS.
Ó 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Key words: Down syndrome; trisomy 21; cholinesterase
inhibitors; cognition; adaptive behavior
Individuals with Down syndrome (DS) show an uneven profile of
cognitive abilities, with more pronounced deficits in learning, mem-
ory, and language [Kishnani et al., 2010]. There is currently an unmet
need for strategies to improve independence and overall performance
in these cognitive domains for individuals with DS. The cognitive
deficits in DS may be associated with an innate cholinergic deficit
or dysfunction, as abnormalities have been demonstrated in both
Conflict of interest: none.
Grant sponsor: Taishoff Family Foundation (Naples, FL); Grant sponsor:
The Anna Michelle Merrills Foundation for Down Syndrome Research
(Durham, NC).
Correspondence to:
Sarah J. Hart, Department of Pediatrics, Duke University Medical
Center, 905 S. LaSalle St., Box 103857, Durham, NC 27710.
Article first published online in Wiley Online Library
( 8 April 2016
DOI 10.1002/ajmg.a.37650
How to Cite this Article:
Spiridigliozzi GA, Hart SJ, Heller JH,
Schneider HE, Baker JA, Weadon C,
Capone GT, Kishnani PS. 2016. Safety and
efficacy of rivasti gmine in children with
Down syndrome: A double blind placebo
controlled trial.
Am J Med Genet Part A 170A:1545–1555.
Ó 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 1545
peripheral and central cholinergic function [Sacks and Smith, 1989;
Florez et al., 1990; Beccaria et al., 1998]. As the central cholinergic
system is critical in cognition, memory, attention, and mood, enh-
ancing cholinergic function may be an appropriate target for treat-
ment in individuals with DS. DS has been associated with reductions
in cholinergic neurons [Casanova et al., 1985], leading to the hypoth-
esis that decreased neurogenesis or survival of cholinergic neurons
could underlie altered cortical connectivity and delayed maturation of
cortical neurons in children with DS [Becker et al., 1991; Berger-
Sweeney, 2003]. This hypothesis implies that increasing cholinergic
function early in development could potentially improve cognitive
function by altering cortical connectivity [Berger-Sweeney, 2003].
Cholinesterase inhibi tors (ChEIs), including rivastigmine and done-
pezil, have been investigated as potential therapeutic agents to
improve cognitive performance.
Several clinical trials have been completed to test the safety and
efficacy of ChEIs for improving cognitive and language function in
adults with DS who do not have Alzheimer disease. The first clinical
trial of ChEIs in individuals with DS demonstrat ed improved
global functioning in a small sample of adults treated with done-
pezil [Kishnani et al., 1999]. A subsequent open-label study of
donepezil indicated that donepezil was generally well-tolerated and
was associated with improvements in expressive language in adults
with DS [Heller et al., 2003]. Additionally, several double-blind,
placebo-controlled studies of donepezil have shown gains in
memory, language, and global function in individuals with DS
[Johnson et al., 2003; Kishnani et al., 2009; Kondoh et al., 2011].
Studies investigating efficacy of ChEIs in children with DS have
yielded mixed resu lts. Using donepezil and rivastigmine tartrate,
open-label trials with children (aged 8–13 years) [Heller et al., 2004 ;
Spiridigliozzi et al., 2007] and adolescents (aged 10–17 years)
[Heller et al., 2006b] with DS have shown similar increases in
expressive language performance, memory, and attention. How-
ever, several recent clinical trials have failed to demonstrate signif-
icant effects of ChEIs on cognition in children with DS. A
long-term follow-up study of rivastigmine in adolescents with
DS indicated no between-group differences in cognitive or lan-
guage performance change over time [Heller et al., 201 0]. However,
at least two participants in this study showed long-term gains in
adaptive function, suggesting that there may be a subset of indi-
viduals that respond to the medication. A double-blind placebo-
controlled study of donepezil in adolescents with DS also found no
group differences in adaptive behavior, with both the experimental
and placebo groups showing significant improvement over the
course of the trial [Kishnani et al., 2010].
The previous studies of ChEIs in children with DS have been
limitedby open-labeldesignsor by the specific cognitive assessments
that were selected. The study by Kishnani et al. [2010] did not
demonstrate improvement in cognition using a limited set of
measures with administration of donepezil. We aimed in this study
to investigate the safety and efficacy of rivastigmine treatment in a
double-blind design and to expand the assessment battery to include
other specific cognitive domains that may selectively respond to
ChEIs. To our knowledge, there have been no double-blind ran-
domized trials conducted using rivastigmine in children with DS.
We conducted a 20-week double-blind, placebo-controlled trial for
safety and effic acy of rivastigmine at Duke University Medical
Center and at the Kennedy Krieger Institute at Johns Hopkins
University (Clinical Trials Registry NCT01084135). The study was
prospectively reviewed and approved by both the Duke University
and Johns Hopkins University Institutional Review Boards.
Eligible participants for enrollment in the study included males and
females ages 10 through 17 years of age with a diagnosis of DS (free
trisomy 21 or Robertsonian translocation for trisomy 21 as deter-
mined by chromosome analysis). Participants were required to be
outpatients with reliable caregivers. Participants were also req uired
to have sufficient verbal skills for stud y participation as defined by
the Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test (EOWPVT)
[Brownell, 2000] and examiner assessment (described below).
Exclusion criteria included any medical con dition that was con-
sidered both significant and unstable, including an active medical
history of gastric ulcer, glaucoma, poorly controlled asthma, and
prolonged use (>2 weeks) of NSAIDs. Exclusion criteria also
included any active or clinically significant conditions affecting
absorption, distribution, or metabolism of the study drugs.
Participants were recruited from DS clinics and the community.
A total of 24 participants with DS were enrolled into the study,
including 12 participants enrolled at Johns Hopkins University and
10 participants at Duke University. Two participants at the Johns
Hopkins site declined to continue with the study following the
screening visit. A total of 12 parti cipants received rivastigmine and
10 received placebo. The treatment group included four males and
eight females, and the placebo group included four males and six
females. Participant ages are presented in Table I by treatment
group and gender. No significant differences were fou nd between
treatment groups for age (P ¼ 0.24) or gender (P ¼ 1.0). No
participants had a history of epilepsy or seizures. A history of
cardiac surgery for structur al heart defects such as atrioventricular
TABLE I. Demographic Characteristics
Rivastigmine Placebo
Male ¼ 4 Female ¼ 8 Total (n ¼ 12) Male ¼ 4 Female ¼ 6 Total (n ¼ 10)
Mean age (SD) 13.02 (1.79) 13.89 (1.98) 13.6 (1.88) 12.79 (1.51) 12.54 (2.08) 12.64 (1.78)
Age range 10–14 10–17 10–17 10–14 10–16 10–16
canal defects and valvular defects was noted for five individuals in
the treatme nt group and four individuals in the placebo group.
Four individuals in the treatment group had comorbid neuro-
developmental disabilities including ADHD (three participants)
and sensory integration disorder (one participant). In the placebo
group, one individual had ADHD, two had oppositional defiant
disorder, and one had pervasive developmental disorder. No
significant differe nces were found between treatment groups in
the number of individuals with comorbid neurodevelopmental
disabilities (P ¼ 1.0) or history of cardiac surgery (P ¼ 1.0).
Overview of Study Visits
The study consisted of a screening visit (4 weeks), a baseline visit
(week 0), a safety visit at week 10, and a final visit at week 20 (Fig. 1).
Efficacy measures of overall function, language, and cognition
(described below) were administered at the screening, baseline,
and final (week 20) visits. Vital signs, physical examinations, and
pregnancy testing for females of childbearing potential were con-
ducted at all visits. An electrocardiogram (EKG) was performed at
the screening and week 20 visits only. Participants receiving placebo
maintained the same schedule as those receiving the medication.
Screening visit. At the screening visit, participants’ caregivers
provided informed consent and the child provided assent prior to
all study activities. Blood was drawn to check thyroid function, liver
function, and comple te blood count. Participants were required to
have normal bloodwork to continue participation in the study. A
12-lead EKG was also performed for all participants.
Participants were administered the examples and items one to nine
of the EOWPVT to determine eligibility to proceed with the study. The
examiner also spoke informally with the child regarding a subject of
interest to the child for approximately 5 min. In order to continue
participation in the study, participants were required to provide correct
verbal responses for seven of nine of the EOWPVT items. The child was
required to be able to put at least two to three words together in
conversational speech. The child’s speech was required to be under-
standable to the examiner for the majority of the time and the child
could not use sign language or an augmentative communication tool as
the primary means of communication. The parent and child were also
interviewed for about 30 min by a clinician about the child’s medical
history and to assess the parent’s impression of the child’s functioning.
Baseline visit. At the baseline visit, participants were random-
ized by the Investigational Pharmacies at Duke University and
Johns Hopkins University to receive liquid rivastigmine or liquid
placebo orally. Blinded data was maintained by each site’s Investi-
gational Pharmacy. Rivastigmine was titrated, based on tolerabil-
ity, on the following schedule: At the baseline visit (week
0), participants began rivastigmine treatment at a dose of
1.5 mg/day (0.75 mg bid). This dose was continued for 2 weeks.
Parents of participants received a phone call from the study
coordinator after 2 weeks to determine the child’s dose tolerance.
The information about the child’s dose tolerance was shared with
the study PI, who determined whether or not to increase the child’s
dose to 3.0 mg/day (1.5 mg bid) for an additional 6 weeks.
Caregivers were provided with study diaries to record drug
administration compliance and changes in medical history. Com-
pliance diaries were reviewed at each visit and adverse events (AEs)
and serious adverse events (SAEs) were recorded. AEs were classi-
fied by the study investigators as being potenti ally related or as
likely unrelated to rivastigmine. A SAE was defined as: (i) results
in death; (ii) is life-threatening; (iii) requires hospitalization;
(iv) results in persistent or significant functional disability; or
(v) other medical event that may jeopardize the participant or
require intervention to prevent one of the outcomes listed above.
FIG. 1. Timeline of study visits.
All participants were administered the NEPSY Immediate Mem-
ory for Names subtest [Korkman et al., 1998], subtests from the
Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals-Preschool-2
(CELF-P-2) [Semel et al., 2004], and the Test of Verbal Expression
and Reasoning (TOVER) [Heller et al., 2000] . Parents/caregivers
were administered the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales , Second
Edition, Survey Interview Form (VABS-II) [Sparrow et al., 2005],
the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function-Preschool
Version (BRIEF-P) [Gioia et al., 2002], and the Rating of Every Day
Activities and Life Skills (REAL) [Spiridigliozzi et al., 2010].
Safety visit. At the week 10 safety visit, the child’s dose toler-
ance was reviewed again. Parents and the child were interviewed for
about 30 min about changes in his/her functioning. Based on the
participant’s response to his/her dose, the dose was increased to
4.5 mg/day (3.0 mg and 1.5 mg). All participants were able to
tolerate the 4.5 mg/day dose.
Final visit. Assessments at study termination (week 20) inc-
luded a full physical exam and medical history intake, vital signs,
routine blood work, and a thyroid profile. Participants were also
given an EKG and liver function tests. Efficacy measures adminis-
tered at the baseline visit with the participants and their parents/
caregivers were repeated at this final visit.
Efficacy Measures
Efficacy measures were obtained at the baseline and final visits
(Fig. 1) and included both parental report measures and direct
assessments of the child’s performance. Parental report measures
included the VABS-II Survey Interview Form, REAL, and BRIEF-P.
The VABS-II is a measure of adaptive behavior in children,
adolescents, and adults. It yields an overall standard score (Adap-
tive Behavior Composite, ABC) and age standard scores in three
domains (Communication, Daily Living Skills, and Socialization).
These scores have a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15
(range ¼ 20–160). Higher scores suggest a higher level of adaptive
functioning. In this study, the change between each participant’s
ABC at baseline and the final visit was computed. A rise in standard
scores from baseline to the final visit indicates improvement.
The REAL is a 29-item parent report measure of an individual’s
behavior, speech and language ability, mood, social interactions,
and executive functioning/attention during the past month. It was
developed in an attempt to briefly characterize each child’s func-
tioning in those areas that may be sensitive to a treatment effect.
Higher scores suggest a higher level of overall functioning. In this
study, we analyzed subscale scores for behavior and executive
function/attention and the Total Scores only.
The BRIEF-P is a parent report measure of executive function
behaviors in children in their home setting. It yields an overall score
(Global Executive Composite, GEC), that is, based on its five
clinical scales. Raw scores range from 63 to 189. Higher scores
suggest that an individual’s executive function skills are more
problematic. In this study, the change between each subject’s
raw score at bas eline and the final visit was compu ted for the
Global Executive Composite. A decline in raw scores from baseline
to the final visit indicates improvement.
Direct assessments of the child’s perf ormance included the
NEPSY Immediate Memory for Names subtest, the CELF-P-2
Recalling Sentences and Word Classes subtests, and the TOVER.
The NEPSY Memory for Names subtestmeasures the child’sability
to learn and recall the names of eight pictured children over three
learning trials. The total number of names recalled immediately after
each learning trial was analyzed. These scores range from 0 to 24.
TABLE II. Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events by Preferred Term,
All Causalities
Treatment group
Any adverse event
(n ¼ 12), n
(n ¼ 10), n
Stomachache 5 (41.7) 3 (30.0)
Diarrhea 3 (25.0) 2 (20.0)
Nausea 3 (25.0) 3 (30.0)
Vomiting 3 (25.0) 1 (10.0)
Cold 3 (25.0) 2 (20.0)
Menstrual cramps 2 (16.7) 0
Stomach flu 2 (16.7) 0
Sleepy 2 (16.7) 0
Dizziness 1 (8.3) 0
Headache 1 (8.3) 1 (10.0)
Trouble sleeping 1 (8.3) 1 (10.0)
Decreased appetite 1 (8.3) 1 (10.0)
Weakness 1 (8.3) 0
Lumps in neck 1 (8.3) 0
Nasal congestion 1 (8.3) 0
Boil 1 (8.3) 0
Cut 1 (8.3) 0
Restless legs 1 (8.3) 0
Pale coloring 1 (8.3) 0
Foot twitching 1 (8.3) 0
Itchy 1 (8.3) 0
Eye twitch 1 (8.3) 0
Rash 1 (8.3) 0
Indigestion 1 (8.3) 0
Constipation 1 (8.3) 0
Worsening acne 1 (8.3) 0
Irritable 1 (8.3) 0
Leg cramps 1 (8.3) 0
Incontinence 1 (8.3) 1 (10.0)
“Assertive, stubborn, more emotional” 1 (8.3) 0
Fainted 1 (8.3) 0
Fatigue 1 (8.3) 0
Shakiness 0 1 (10.0)
UTI, yeast infection 0 1 (10.0)
Increased bilirubin 0 1 (10.0)
Fever 0 2 (20.0)
Worsening alopecia 0 1 (10.0)
Frequent urination 0 1 (10.0)
Weight gain 0 1 (10.0)
Following the initial 10-week period of low dose study drug, two participants
could not have their dose increased to 4.5 mg due to an insufficient supply of the
study drug. The study time was extended for these two participants in order for
them to have a dosage of 4.5 mg for 10 weeks.
TABLE III. Electrocardiogram (EKG) Findings for Participants Receiving Rivastigmine or Placebo
Rivastigmine Placebo
Group difference in
change from
EKG measure
average value
value (SD) P-value
average value
Final average
(SD) P-value
Ventricular rate (BPM) 76.38 (14.5) 73.6 (14.5) 0.25 73.14 (19.1) 72.14 (16.25) 0.75 0.64
P–R interval (ms) 137.0 (21.1) 133.6 (21.1) 0.12 138.46 (24.6) 135.00 (20.41) 0.53 0.62
QRS duration (ms) 88.0 (25.4) 89.2 (28.3) 0.41 85.57 (12.1) 85.07 (13.95) 0.74 0.71
QT interval (ms) 368.38 (73.8) 391.4 (38.4) 0.25 384.42 (39.1) 384.57 (35.77) 0.98 0.45
QTc interval (ms) 431.56 (27.6) 427.6 (19.4) 0.46 415.71 (24.1) 416.00 (31.09) 0.97 0.37
Individual EKG findings present at both screening and final visits
Participant Rivastigmine group
1 AV dual-paced rhythm (Pacemaker)
2 Sinus rhythm; ST elevation anterior leads; possible right ventricular hypertrophy; possible left ventricular hypertrophy
Participant Placebo group
1 Sinus rhythm; first degree AV block; left atrial abnormality; left ventricular hypertrophy
2 Normal sinus rhythm; left axis deviation; borderline prolonged QT interval or TU fusion
3 Sinus bradycardia; left axis deviation; right bundle branch block
No significant differences were found on EKG measures between screening and final visits for either group and no significant differences were found between treatme nt groups.
Left axis deviation was found in two additional participants. Isolated sinus bradycardia was found in one participant.
Isolated mild sinus bradycardia was found in three additional participants.
Two sample
-test assuming equal variance.
TABLE IV. Baseline Performance on Cognitive Measures
Baseline average score (SD)
Outcome masure Rivastigmine Placebo P-value
VABS-II (survey interview form): Standard scores
Communication 67.55 (7.98) 67.20 (4.37) 0.84
Daily living skills 71.80 (17.88) 67.10 (9.39) 0.47
Socialization 74.50 (14.42) 72.00 (9.57) 0.65
Adaptive behavior composite 69.90 (13.60) 67.00 (6.75) 0.55
BRIEF-P: Raw scores
Global executive composite 107.55 (21.03) 100.10 (23.44) 0.45
REAL: Raw scores
Behavior 18.30 (3.56) 17.78 (4.29) 0.78
Executive function/attention 10.27 (3.58) 10.00 (3.97) 0.78
Total 61.10 (12.99) 63.89 (14.78) 0.67
CELF-P-II: Raw scores
Recalling sentences 11.83 (10.54) 6.10 (6.84) 0.16
Word classes expressive 7.75 (6.24) 6.40 (5.56) 0.6
Word classes receptive 13.67 (6.11) 11.0 (5.58) 0.3
Word casses total 21.42 (11.34) 17.4 (10.9) 0.41
NEPSY: Immediate memory for names 10.83 (6.18) 10.20 (5.09) 0.8
TOVER 22.5 (15.92) 12.8 (7.48) 0.09
BRIEF-P, behavior rating inventory of executive function-preschool; CELF-P-II, clinical evaluation of language fundamentals-preschool; REAL, rating of everyday activities and life skills; TOVER, test of verbal
expression and reasoning; VABS-II, Vineland adaptive behavior scales—second edition.
The CELF-P-2 Recalling Sentences subtest is a measure of
expressive language where the child is asked to repeat sentences
of increasing length and complexity immediately after hearing
them. The Word Classes subtest requires the child to choose two
words that are related best and then verbalize how they go together.
The Total, Receptive, and Expressive raw scores for this subtest
were analyzed.
The TOVER is an expressive language measure designed to
assess an individual’s abilit y to find solutions to questions from
pictured stimuli and to think about answers using visual informa-
tion. It was developed to assess change in response to treatment in
individuals with DS. The TOVER consists of 23 pictures and 64
related questions. The total score (range 0–64) was analyzed.
Descriptive statistics were computed for all study variables of
interest (overall and stratified by treatment group). EKG measure-
ments of ventricular rate, QRS complex duration, QT interval, PR
interval, and QTc interval were also compared between the treat-
ment and placebo groups. Short-term efficacy was determined by
comparing differences in language and cognitive performance
between baseline and week 20 visits across treatment and placebo
groups. Repeated measures ANOVA models were used to examine
pairwise changes between baseline and week 20 visits within and
between groups. Age and gender were included as covariates in the
analyses of changes between baseline and final visits. Given
the exploratory nature of the study, we did not correct for multiple
Safety Measures
Adverse events. No SAEs were reported for any in dividuals in
the treat ment or placebo groups and no parti cipants needed to
terminate study participation after starting the study me dication.
Ther e were 11 AEs related or possibly related to the study
medication. A total of six AEs occur red in the first 8 weeks of
the treatmen t (one at the 1.5 mg and five at the 3 mg levels) and five
occurred in the second 8 weeks of treatment at the 4.5 mg level.
None of the AEs was unexp ected and all were categorized as mild.
Of the 12 participants taking rivastig mine, 1 participant reported
no AEs and 8 partic ipants reported between one and five mild,
transient AEs considered to be potentially r elated to rivastigmine
effects, including diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, stomachache, inc-
ontinen ce, dec reased appetite, dizziness, weakness, head ache,
irritability, and “assertive, stubborn, and more emoti onal beha v-
ior (Table II). The re maining three participants ta king rivastig-
mine reported AEs that were considered to be unrelated to the
study medication, including sleepiness, and diarrhea related to
viral i llness.
Electrocardiogram data. EKG findings ar e presented in
Table III. No group differences were found between the treatment
and placebo groups on EKG measures, including ventricular rate,
QRS complex duration, QT interval, PR interval, and QTc interval.
Within group s, no significant change s between baseline and finalvisits
were foundon EKG measures.Three participants inthe placebo group
and two participants in the treatment group had abnormal EKG
TABLE V. Be tween-Group Differences on Cognitiv e Measures
Number of participants analyzed Mean difference final-baseline (SD)
Outcome Measure Rivastigmine Placebo Rivastigmine Placebo P-value
VABS-II (survey interview form): Standard scores
Communication 11 10 0.9 (3.3) 2.0 (3.6) 0.45
Daily living skills 10 10 2.3 (4.6) 2.8 (5.2) 0.03
Socialization 10 10 3.2 (5.0) 2.0 (6.1) 0.05
Adaptive behavior composite 10 10 1.7 (3.2) 2.0 (3.6) 0.03
BRIEF-P: Raw scores
Global executive composite 11 10 3.6 (7.7) 6.1 (12.0) 0.58
REAL: Raw scores
Behavior 10 9 0.2 (2.5) 0.9 (1.2) 0.25
Executive function/attention 11 9 0.2 (1.9) 1.1 (3.1) 0.24
Total 10 9 0.8 (7.1) 3.4 (8.3) 0.46
CELF-P-II: Raw scores
Recalling sentences 12 10 0.5 (4.1) 2.0 (1.9) 0.09
Word classes expressive 12 10 3.75 (4.25) 1.3 (3.23) 0.15
Word classes receptive 12 10 1.17 (3.66) 1.0 (3.89) 0.92
Word classes total 12 10 4.92 (7.06) 2.3 (6.31) 0.38
NEPSY: Immediate memory for names 12 10 2.25 (3.67) 1.9 (5.38) 0.86
TOVER 11 10 0.09 (6.07) 1.80 (3.39) 0.44
BRIEF-P, behavior rating inventory of executive function-preschool; CELF-P-II, clinical evaluation of langua ge fundamentals-preschool; REAL, rating of everyday activities and life skills; TOVER, test of verbal
expression and reasoning; VABS-II, Vineland adaptive behavior scales—second edition.
Significant group difference at
< 0.05.
Efficacy Measures
Performance on baseline efficacy measures did not significantly
differ between groups, although there was a trend toward higher
performance on the TOVER at baseline for the rivastigmine group
(Table IV). Group differences on performance change between
baseline and final visits are presented in Table V. Three participants
receiving rivasti gmine were missing data for some measures. Two
of these participants did not complete all final visit assessments and
the other participant’s data was excluded due to discrepant reports
FIG. 2. Differences in VABS-II scores between final and baseline visits for individual study participants (numbered 1–20) for (A) Daily Living
scores and (B) Adaptive Behavior Composite scores. A rise in standard scores from baseline to the final visit indicates improvement. [Color
figure can be seen in the online version of this article, available at].
between parental ratings at the baseline and final visits. Addition-
ally, one participant receiving placebo did not complete the REAL
at the baseline visit.
Significant differences between the treatment and placebo
groups were found on the overall score for the Vineland
Adaptive Behavior Scale-II and one domain. Significant group
differences were found on the standard score changes between
baseline and final visits for the Adaptive Behavior Composite
score (P ¼ 0.03) and the Daily Living Skills domain (P ¼ 0.03).
Group differences on the standard score changes for the Soc-
ialization domain were of borderline significance (P ¼ 0.05).
However, the patterns of these group differences on all three
VABS-II domain scores indicated relative improvem ents in
performance over time in the placebo group, while the treat-
ment group showed relative decreases in performance over
time. Figure 2 illustrates the differences in VABS-II scores
between final and baseline visits across indiv idual participants.
No significant group differences were found on the VABS-II
report measures (REAL and BRI EF-P). Additionally, no signif-
icant group differences were found on the direct assessments of
the child’s performance, including t he NEPSY Immediate
Memory for Names subtest score, the CELF-P-2 subtest scores,
or the TOVER total s core.
Within-group analyses of the effects of time (baseline ver sus
final visit) are presented in Table VI. Within-group analyses of time
effects indicated that the treatment group showed significant
improvement between baseline and final visits on the CELF-P-2
Word Classes Expressive Scores (P ¼ 0.01) and Total Scores
(P ¼ 0.03). Figure 3 illustrates the differences from baseline to
final visits in CELF-P-2 Word Classes Expressive and Total scores
across individual participants. Differences between baseline and
final visits also approached statistical significance for the treatment
group on the NEPSY Memory for Names (P ¼ 0.06). In contrast,
only the placebo group showed improvement between the baseline
and final visits on the CELF-P-2 Recalling Sentences subtest
(P ¼ 0.01). No significant differences were found between baseline
and final visits for either the treatment or placebo groups on any of
the VABS-II, BRIEF-P, REAL, or TOVER scores. Finally, no
significant effects of age or gender were found for either group
on any outcome measures.
This double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial of rivastigmine
treatment in children and adolescents with DS did not show
significant improvement in aspects of cognition, language, or
overall function. The results suggest that rivastigmine is not
associated with significantly increased adverse events or increased
risk for cardiac complications compared to placebo.
The current s tudy’s findings build upo n p revious investiga-
tions of the efficacy of ChEIs in DS. A previous open-label trial of
TABLE VI. Within-Group Differences Between Baseline and Final Visits on Cognitive Measures
Rivastigmine Placebo
Outcome measure
Baseline average
score (SD)
Final average
score (SD) P-value
Baseline average
score (SD)
Final average
score (SD) P-value
VABS-II (survey interview form):
Standard scores
Communication 67.55 (7.98) 68.45 (8.49) 0.38 67.20 (4.37) 69.20 (4.10) 0.11
Daily living skills 71.80 (17.88) 69.50 (15.17) 0.15 67.10 (9.39) 69.90 (11.0) 0.12
Socialization 74.50 (14.42) 71.3 (12.30) 0.07 72.00 (9.57) 74.00 (6.04) 0.32
Adaptive behavior composite 69.90 (13.60) 68.20 (11.71) 0.13 67.00 (6.75) 69.00 (5.85) 0.11
BRIEF-P: Raw scores
Global executive composite 107.55 (21.03) 103.91 (17.72) 0.15 100.10 (23.44) 94.00 (20.87) 0.14
REAL: Raw scores
Behavior 18.30 (3.56) 18.10 (2.77) 0.80 17.78 (4.29) 18.70 (3.57) 0.05
Executive function/attention 10.27 (3.58) 10.09 (2.39) 0.76 10.00 (3.97) 11.10 (4.31) 0.31
Total 61.10 (12.99) 61.90 (10.50) 0.73 63.89 (14.78) 67.30 (12.85) 0.25
CELF-P-II: Raw scores
Recalling sentences 11.83 (10.54) 11.33 (9.33) 0.68 6.10 (6.84) 8.10 (6.54) 0.01
Word classes expressive 7.75 (6.24) 11.5 (6.52) 0.01
6.40 (5.56) 7.7 (4.32) 0.24
Word classes receptive 13.67 (6.11) 14.83 (7.13) 0.29 11.0 (5.58) 12.0 (5.01) 0.44
Word classes total 21.42 (11.34) 26.3 (13.3) 0.03
17.4 (10.9) 19.7 (9.12) 0.28
NEPSY: Immediate memory for
10.83 (6.18) 13.08 (6.96) 0.06 10.20 (5.09) 12.10 (4.48) 0.29
TOVER 22.5 (15.92) 24.45 (15.12) 0.96 12.8 (7.48) 14.6 (7.83) 0.13
BRIEF-P, behavior rating inventory of executive function-preschool; CELF-P-II, clinical evaluation of langua ge fundamentals-preschool; REAL, rating of everyday activities and life skills; TOVER, test of verbal
expression and reasoning; VABS-II, Vineland adaptive behavior scales—second edition.
Significant effect of visit at
< 0.05.
ChEIs in children with DS [Heller et al., 2004] indicated that
donepezil was a ssociated with significant improvements in exp-
ressive and recepti ve language. Similarly, an inve stigation
of riv astigmi ne efficac y in adolescent s with DS indi cated
improvements in overall adaptive function, attention, memory,
and language [Heller et al ., 2006b]. However, these studies were
limited by sample size (with totals of 7 children and 11 adolescent
partici pants, respectively ) and by the lack of a placebo-c ontrolled
comparison group. In the current study, there was a great deal of
variability in the performance of participants who were treated
with rivastigmine. Although the treatment group showed signifi-
cant improvement on the measures emphasizing expressive
language and short-term v isual memory, this change was not
statistically significa ntly different from the pl acebo g roup. Still,
FIG. 3. Differences in CELF-P-2 scores between final and baseline visits for individual study participants (numbered 1–22) for (A) Word
Classes Expressive scores and (B) Word Classes Total scores. A rise in raw scores from baseline to the final visit indicates improvement.
[Color figure can be seen in the online version of this article, available at].
these measures targeting the participant s’ expressive language
skil ls contin ue to hold promise as a way to detect change in la rger
medication trials, as it is possible that only a subset of individuals
with DS show improvements in expressive language w ith riva-
stigmine treatment.
The results of th e current study were consistent with a long-
term follow-up study of rivastigmine efficacy in adolesce nts with
DS [Heller et al., 2010] and a double -blind placebo-controlled
study of donepezil in adolescents with DS [Kishnani et al., 2010].
Neither stud y demonstrated significant changes in cognitive or
language performance related to the study medication. Wh ile the
study by Heller et al. [2010] su gges ted the potential for a smal l
subset of individual responders to the med icat ion fo r adaptive
behavior, the data from the current study did not provide
evidence for a larger subset of individual responders in the
treatment group compared to the placebo group. Furthermo re,
perf ormance in the treatment group appear ed to decline on
several VABS-II domains from the baseline to final visits, raising
the question of whether a subset of individuals may have had a
detrimental response to rivastigmine. However, thes e pe rfor-
mance differences between visits did not reach statistical signifi-
cance and no individual score changes on the VABS-II were
within a clinically meaningful range. Larger studies may be
needed to address whether a subset of individuals c ould show
clinical ly relevan t changes on cognitive measures related to the
participant’s overall intelligence qu otient (IQ) or other variables,
such as genetic or epigenetic factors, that may modify the
respons e to ChEIs.
While cholinergic deficits have been established to be present
in adults with DS, the timing of the onset of these deficits is less
clear. Data from animal models have suggested that cholinergic
function related to projections from the basal forebrain is
critical for cortical development and establishment of neural
circuits that underlie complex cognitive functions in adulthood
[Berger-Sweeneyand Hohmann, 1997; Berger-Sweeney, 1998].
It is unclear, however, whether the influence of the cholinergic
basal forebrain system is similar during development and
adulthood [Berger-Sweeney, 2003]. It will be important for
future research to aim to gain an understanding of how the
developing cholinergic system is affected in D S. Additionally, i t
will be critical to charac terize the roles of other modulatory
systems such as glutamate, which has been im plicated in le arn-
ing and memory difficulties i n DS [Costa, 2014]. In order t o
develop cognitive interventions that target these systems, fur-
ther research is necessary to characterize the pathogenic roles of
these neurotransmitter systems across different stages of brain
development in DS.
Ther e are multiple challenges inherent in conducting clinical
trials in children with DS. O ne important challenge is determin-
ing appropriate cognit ive testing measures that will be sensitive
to medication effects. DS is as soci ated with changes in a broad
range of cognitive functions, including ad aptive function, exp-
ressive and receptive langua ge, attention, memory, and executive
function. When selecting study measures to investigat e efficacy of
treatment, there is often a trade-off between investigating multi-
ple cognitive domains and obtaining sufficient statist ical power
to demonstrate significant effects [Heller et al., 2006a]. The
current s tudy highl ights the current un met need to define a
set of the most appropriate cognitive measu res that are reliable,
valid, and sensitive to treatment effects. It is also critical to
minimize the variability within each part icipant’s performance
at each time point.
A limitation of the current study is that it may not be adequately
powered to detect small changes in cognitive performance related
to rivastigmine effects. It may be that many hundreds of partic-
ipants are required to detec t more subtle changes in cognitive
functioning in children with DS related to rivastigmine. Larger
studies would be necessary to investigate factors such as dose and
titration tolerance, especially when wide variability in these factors
may be observed [Heller et al., 2006a]. Additionally, the current
study did not investigate the potential role of factors such as
educational or other therapeutic interventions that could influence
change in cognitive functioning. Future studies may benefit from
including these types of factors as covariates to distinguish poten-
tial medication effects.
This study also highlights the challenges of conducting clinical
trials using liquid rivastigmine. The liquid form of rivastigmine is
helpful for children who may have difficulty swallowing pills and
allows for flexibility in dosing and titration [Heller et al., 2006a].
However, we experienced challenges related to a shortage of the
study medication mid-way through the study that required two
participants to follow a modified protocol and extended study
time. Partnering with the pharmaceutical industry is necessary to
ensure adequate supply of study drug, as well for attaining the
necessary study funding and sample sizes that are required for
conducting clinical trials for enhancement of cognitive function in
DS [Heller et al., 2006a].
The current study did not demonstrate evidence for efficacy of
rivastigmine in improving cognitive function in children with DS.
However, our results suggested that rivastigmine does appear to be
safe and well-tolerated for children and adolescents with DS.
Future investigations with larger samples of participants may be
needed to define a profile of specific cognitive measures that are
reliable and sensitive to treatment effects for use in clinica l trials for
children with DS.
This article is dedicated to James H. Heller, whose inspiration and
passion for this research continues to live on despite his untimely
death in 2014.
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