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Shape the Vision of Your Community
Master of Public Administration
Public Sector Management and Leadership
Table of Contents
Program Overview
Why Choose This Program?
Program Features
CSUN: A Leader in Online
Graduate Education
Course Highlights
Distinguished Faculty
Supporting the Educational Success
of Midcareer Professionals
Admission to the Program
Contact Us
Master of Public Administration
Public Sector Management and Leadership
Program Overview
California State University, Northridge ranks among the nation’s top providers of Master of Public
Administration (MPA) degrees and is California’s leading MPA provider. Since 1985, more than 3,600
graduates have earned their MPA degrees at CSUN and now work in major roles across Southern
California and beyond.
CSUN oers a two-year, professionally focused Master of Public Administration with a
specialization in Public Sector Management and Leadership. This program develops and enhances
leadership and management skills relevant to the needs of today’s public-sector professionals.
CSUN’s MPA provides the specialized knowledge and develops the capabilities essential for
improving and maintaining the eciency of public organizations of all sizes and types.
CSUN’s MPA Public Sector Management and Leadership Option emphasizes both the quantitative
aspects of management (i.e., decisions based on analytical data) and the human dynamics of
leadership. In addition, by focusing on conceptual as well as professional development, this program
oers an unusually broad perspective on the field. This breadth results in well-rounded leaders who
appreciate both the internal and external factors involved in decision making and problem solving
at all levels of management. This program is delivered in your choice of modes and locations: online,
on-campus or o-campus.
"Great leadership program,
excellent professors, and
flexible schedule."
Jaime Barajas
Director, The Barajas Foundation
Nationwide between February 2023 to 2024, there
were 31,386 public administration jobs that required
a Master’s degree. In California, the median salary
was $94,500 for Master degree holders.
Master of Public Administration
Public Sector Management and Leadership
Why Choose This Program?
Taught by a powerful combination of CSUN faculty and distinguished public administration experts,
the MPA program provides an essential knowledge base for career development and advancement
in today’s increasingly competitive public-sector workplaces.
CSUN’s MPA program prepares students to successfully address managerial and administrative
challenges in public organizations of all kinds.
Courses focus on strategy, program design, and organizational management specific to
the public sector.
An exceptional level of student support and curriculum strength leads to high graduation rates,
with some cohorts achieving up to 90%.
"The cohort program was such a convenience for me as
a full-time employee, the automatic registration which
was done for us, the starting and finishing the program
with the same students allowed for special relationships
in which we really gelled together as a group. I would not
change this if I were to do the program again."
Wendell Brian Wall
General Manager
Georgetown Divide Public Utility District
Los Angeles-Long Beach-
Anaheim, CA ranks 2nd among
the top cities with the highest
number of MPA jobs
Watch: Master of Public
Administration at CSUN
Master of Public Administration
Public Sector Management and Leadership
Program Features Designed to Meet the
Needs of Working Professionals
Work-friendly scheduling – With your choice of delivery mode, you can take this program online,
on-campus or at various o-campus locations.
Online: This option provides convenience and flexibility in where to complete weekly
assignments as well as easy access to the support of fellow students.
On-campus: Students who earn their MPA degrees on campus enjoy face-to-face interaction
with faculty and fellow students. They also have the ability to customize the duration of their
learning experiences by choosing the number of courses taken each semester.
O-campus: For the convenience of working professionals, CSUN also oers evening MPA
classes at locations throughout the Los Angeles area. O-campus MPA classes meet one
night per week.
Structured learning – Regular assignments, activities and due dates enable students to plan ahead.
Scheduled group discussions – Scheduled course activities provide opportunities for student
interaction in real time.
A community of peers – Online and o-campus students enter and progress through the
program as a group or cohort. The cohort format not only ensures on-time completion and
maximizes interaction with faculty, but also encourages the development of valuable professional
relationships with classmates who share similar career interests and goals.
Exceptional support services – Chief among these is the personal assistance of a program
coordinator whose expertise with program-related administrative maers frees students to focus
on their studies and careers.
Guaranteed enrollment – Students admied into the program are automatically enrolled in all
required courses.
Federal financial aid – Many of our students access financial aid to help pay for their education.
A team of financial-aid specialists dedicated specifically to our professional students is available to
help process applications and distribute funding for those who qualify.
"My cohort was filled with mostly
public-sector employees, like
myself, but from wide range
of departments and agencies.
I learned just as much from
my classmates as I did from
my professors."
Stephanie Magnien Rockwell
Principle Project Coordinator
City of Los Angeles,
City Administrative Officer
Master of Public Administration
Public Sector Management and Leadership
CSUN alumni create a network of connections in California, across the nation, and around the globe.
When choosing a university, it is useful to know that others who have earned their degree at that
university have achieved success and oen rise to leading roles in their chosen fields. Graduating
from CSUN will make you a part of an extensive network of over 400,000 alumni that will build
relationships for continued professional success.
Our MPA alumni have successful careers in these organizations and many others:
All product and company names are trademarks™ or registered® trademarks of their respective holders. Use of them does not imply any
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Beverly Hills
Culver City
Indian Wells
Long Beach
Los Angeles
Monterey Park
San Gabriel
Santa Clarita
Santa Monica
Simi Valley
South Gate
South Pasadena
Los Angeles
Santa Barbara
“Our MPA program’s great value
is that it transforms employees
into professionals. It also shows
the importance and shape of the
public administration discipline
as a central and constantly
evolving component of our
broader community.”
Warren Campbell, Ph. D.
Former Professor,
MPA Program, CSUN
Master of Public Administration
Public Sector Management and Leadership
CSUN: A Leader in Online Graduate
CSUN is a model institution for cultural diversity and rigorous scholarship in Greater Los Angeles and
beyond. Here, students combine academic pursuits with hands-on experience to assemble the robust
skills needed to thrive in today’s global economy.
Each year, CSUN’s online programs receive national recognition for their innovative curriculum,
instruction and methods. All online curriculum is designed by the same distinguished faculty and
leading practitioners as on-campus programs. This approach ensures that each course, whether on-
campus or online, is held to the same high standards of academic excellence and student achievement.
CSUN’s award-winning online programs are developed through a strong collaboration between
faculty, instructional design teams and technical professionals. This partnership creates an engaged
online learning community and adds enormous flexibility to the demanding personal and professional
lives of participants.
Faculty receive individualized training and ongoing support to ensure smooth and eective use of
online educational technology. CSUN’s professional distance-learning sta also provides training and
start-to-finish technical support to students in online degree programs.
Education-technology specialists, assigned to each online program and cohort, develop strong
working relationships with those enrolled. This real-world support comes from actual people on the
CSUN campus, and not just at a “virtual help desk,” who remain fully commied to student success
from day one until graduation.
Distinction in Accreditation
California State University, Northridge is accredited by The Western Association of Schools and
Colleges (WASC), a regional institutional accrediting body, recognized by the U.S. Council of Higher
Education and Accreditation. In 2012, the WASC Commission stated, “The Commission commends
CSUN for becoming a model learning organization characterized by collaborative and evidence-based
planning, decision making and problem solving. Among its accomplishments during this review are its
deep understanding of the characteristics and needs of CSUN students, which has led to programs and
activities that promote student success. As noted by the team, the foundation at CSUN could not be
stronger.” Visit the University Accreditation web page for more information.
"The cohort provides a great
opportunity to network and
work with other people in your
same field of work and study. It
provides an excellent opportunity
to share information, be a
sounding board, learn from each
other's public agencies practices,
procedures and methods."
Mariam Lee Ko
Human Resources & Risk Manager
City of South Pasadena
Master of Public Administration
Public Sector Management and Leadership
Advantages of the Carefully Crafted Curriculum
CSUN’s MPA Public Sector Management and Leadership degree features a carefully craed
curriculum, specifically designed to meet the career-development needs of current or aspiring public-
sector professionals. The faculty, working as a creative team with leading practitioners, develop
programs in a cohort format. Faculty look at the program as an educational whole from start to finish
to ensure the educational experience is powerful, comprehensive, and focused on the essentials that
will lead to success in public sectors aer graduation.
The MPA program is taught by CSUN faculty who also work in the field in a range of seings and roles.
The program uses an evidence-based approach to learning and problem solving through the study of
real-world cases. The faculty’s combination of traditional scholarship and applied research puts CSUN
in a position to oer midcareer professionals the advantage of advanced education rooted in the
realities of practice and the challenges facing professionals and organizations today.
The curriculum for this program consists of 12 three-unit courses for a total of 36 units.
MPA 610 | Introduction to Contemporary
Public Administration
MPA 620 | Research Methods for
Public Administrators I
MPA 621 | Research Methods for
Public Administrators II
MPA 643 | Public Sector Human
Resources Management
MPA 644 | Public Finance and Budgeting
in the Public Sector
MPA 650 | Contemporary Public
Policy Making
MPA 697S | Comprehensive Examination
The following electives are available within
the MPA program.*
MPA 623B | Applied Program Evaluation
MPA 624 | The Management of Public
Sector Projects
MPA 632A | Organizational Leadership
MPA 632B | Strategic Management
MPA 634 | Public Organizational Design
and Development
*On-campus programs feature a variety of elective
choices. O-campus/online programs feature a
pre-determined elective package. Not all courses
available at all locations.
"Everything you learn in the
classroom can be applied in
the workplace the next day."
Erick Lee
Deputy Director of Public Works
City of Beverly Hills
Master of Public Administration
Public Sector Management and Leadership
Course Highlights
MPA 610 | Introduction to Contemporary
Public Administration
This course examines the evolution of the study
of public administration with a focus on current
debates and approaches in the field. Particular
aention will be paid to the importance of
federalism and intergovernmental relations,
jurisdictional challenges, administrative ethics,
collaborative leadership, human resource
management, organizational theory, policy
making, community engagement and the
role of politics and financial administration.
During the course students will compare and
contrast market-based approaches with more
traditional bureaucratic approaches to public
administration. Significant aention will be paid
to the numerous challenges facing America’s
large and diverse metropolitan areas. In this
course, we will address these issues and review
new strategies to improve public governance
through eective public management and
community engagement.
MPA 620 | Research Methods for Public
Administrators I
The course combines design methodology, data
collection and management (processing), and
pertinent domain knowledge in the public sector.
The course reviews the benefits and challenges
presented in public sector research, as well as
ethical issues, risks and biases associated with
the design and data collection process. Students
will develop habits of mind of evidence-based
managers and understand the evidence
requirements for ethical decision-making.
MPA 621 | Research Methods for Public
Administrators II
This course builds upon the MPA 620 Research
methods for public administration. Public
sector managers who adopt an evidence-
based, value-driven mindset must translate
analytical know-how and an understanding of
complex problems into actionable insights. This
course entails learning by doing– considering
a range of topics /problems, design purposes
(exploratory, descriptive, explanatory), data
types and sources, application domains, and key
measurement indicators within organizations.
Prerequisite: MPA 620.
MPA623B | Approaches and Methods in
Program Evaluation
This course will provide students with a diverse
theoretical background and strong applied
understanding of program implementation,
management, and evaluation. As a result of
this course, students will be able to develop,
implement, and be critical consumers of public
sector program evaluations. Prerequisite:
MPA 620, MPA 621.
MPA 624 | The Management of Public Sector
This course familiarizes students with the
key features of project management and the
unique challenges presented by public sector
projects. Students will gain the knowledge and
skills required to oversee project management
functions in a public sector organization.
"I really enjoyed not only the classes but the instructors. I definitely left
the program feeling like it was worth it and that I learned a great deal that
I could carry forward in any future job, regardless of whether I ended up
working in the public sector or not."
Devon Renwick
Sales Associate
Johns Hopkins University Press
Master of Public Administration
Public Sector Management and Leadership
MPA 632A | Organizational Leadership
This course is designed to familiarize students
with the ethical nature and dilemmas of public
sector leadership in America and globally. The
curriculum will address individual ethics, ethical
awareness in one’s organizational environment
and the impacts of ethical responsibilities to
society and beyond.
MPA 632B | Strategic Management
Students in this course examine how managers
guide the creation of goals, seing of priorities,
coordinating of disparate activities, and
adjustment to a complex changing environment.
While exploring the concepts and models
of strategic management currently used in
the public sector, students will prepare and
present a strategic plan. The implications of
strategic planning on social justice, ethics and
external stakeholders - including disadvantaged
communities - will be addressed.
MPA 634 | Public Organizational Design
and Development
Organizational design and development
are two systematic integrated processes
aimed at improving the overall eectiveness
of organizational systems. Students will
gain practical organizational design and
development knowledge through a combination
of readings, discussion forums, webinars, case
studies, wrien assignments, and through
the completion of an organizational cultural
assessment project that reflects the student’s
real-world work environment.
MPA 643 | Public Human Resources
This course is designed to educate students
about human resources management as they
will experience it in leadership positions
within various non-profits and the civil service.
Beyond the core functions, the course will teach
students to apply theories, concepts, and best
practices, including diversity management, to
the ethical challenges they will face in senior
leadership positions.
MPA 644 | Public Finance and Budgeting in
the Public Sector
This course provides students with a foundation
in the concepts, terminology and techniques in
the art and science of public sector budgeting
and fiscal administration. Students use real
world examples, to analyze various forms
of inclusive budgeting and revenue and
expenditure planning, evaluate & analyze
financial health, and problem solve fiscal
activities in governmental units, and gain
"hands-on" budget analysis and wrien and
oral presentation experience. Recommended
preparatory: MPA 620, MPA 621.
MPA 650 | Contemporary Public Policy Making
This course will provide a comprehensive
introduction to the various approaches and
processes of public policy making by connecting
theory with practice. Students will develop a
breadth of knowledge and skills necessary to
address the pre-decision, decision, and post-
decision stages of policymaking. Students
will examine the relationship between values,
including equity, eciency, social justice,
and procedural fairness, and the politics of
policymaking in the public sector.
MPA 697S | Comprehensive Exam
Students selecting this option prepare for
examination in General Public Administration
and in two Specialized Subfields.
Master of Public Administration
Public Sector Management and Leadership
Distinguished Faculty
The Master of Public Administration with an option in Public Sector Management and Leadership
program is designed and taught by CSUN faculty members in collaboration with public administration
professionals who are leaders in their areas of specialization. This blend of practitioners with
outstanding CSUN faculty ensures that you will graduate with a solid academic background
and be well prepared for the realities of practice in the field. Faculty bios can be read on the
Faculty web page.
Varouj Abkian, M.S.
Lawrence Becker, Ph.D.
Suzanne Beaumaster, Ph.D.
David Cain, MPA.
Shauna Clark, MBA.
Ariane David, Ph.D.
Jonathan Delgado, DPA
Maurice Franklin, DPA
Rhonda Franklin, Ed.D.
Marc D. Glidden, Ph.D.
Steven J. Golightly, Ph.D., MPA
Tom Hogen-Esch, Ph.D.
Paul D. Krivonos, Ph.D.
James S. Larson, Ph.D.
Julio L. Lima Ph.D.
Dean C. Logan, MPA
Thomas D. Lynch, Ph.D.
Sarmistha R. Majumdar, Ph.D.
Deborah Martin, MPA, CPA
Lauren McDonald, Ph.D.
Henrik P. Minassians, Ph.D.
Jason L. Morin, Ph.D.
Philip M. Nufrio, Ph.D.
Pay Oertel, MBA
David Powell, Ph.D.
Ravi Roy, Ph.D.
Mikayel Safaryan, Ph.D.
Tatevik Sargsyan, Ph.D.
Talin Saroukhanian, Ph.D.
H. Eric Schockman, Ph.D.
Linda-Marie Sundstrom, DPA
Ward Thomas, Ph.D.
Zeynep Toker, Ph.D.
Anaïs Valiquee L'Heureux, Ph.D.
Steve Wantz, MPA
Kim Williams, Ed.D.
Mylon Winn, Ph.D.
Bryce Yokomizo, DPA
“Students are seeking practical
approaches to job-related
problems. In my courses, we
discuss current events that
provide examples of leadership
challenges and encourage
everyone to share challenges
experienced on the job.”
Bryce Yokomizo, MPA
Professor, MPA Program
Master of Public Administration
Public Sector Management and Leadership
The Advantages of CSUN’s Approach to
Supporting the Educational Success of
Working Professionals
Starting a degree program is a big step, but – for working adults – the real value is in completing the
program. That is why CSUN focuses on providing the outstanding student support services that ensure
participants meet their educational goals and succeed in graduating. We recognize that midcareer
professionals undertaking advanced professional education need to focus on their academic work
to be successful in the program. This recognition prompted the development of a level of support
services rare among public universities.
Students should not have to spend time trying to figure out and navigate the university’s
administrative systems. With that in mind, the program coordinator assigned to each cohort works
with students from the point of application through graduation. This practice ensures that each
student will have direct personal support with a specific person to email or call with any questions
or concerns at any time during the program. Each program
coordinator is also a proactive part of the cohort experience,
providing ongoing information, regular reminders and
consistent encouragement.
Each degree program also has an assigned academic lead.
This is a faculty member with specific responsibilities for
coordinating the work of the faculty teaching in the program
and responding to academic questions students may have that go beyond the scope of an individual
course. Participants in each cohort know their academic lead well and can take advantage of this
resource for guidance whenever they face an academic challenge.
With this approach, CSUN graduate programs are proud to have achieved high graduation rates with
some cohorts reaching up to 90%.
CSUN graduate programs are
proud to have achieved high
graduation rates with some
cohorts reaching up to 90%.
Federal, state and local
governments make up
14.5% of total employment.
USA Today
Master of Public Administration
Public Sector Management and Leadership
Admission to the Master of Public
Administration program
Bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university.
Minimum cumulative undergraduate GPA of 2.5.
Admission may be awarded to students with a 2.5-2.99 GPA and the following:
Bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university.
At least two years of work experience in the public sector.
Students with less than a 3.0 GPA must provide
three letters of reference from supervisors that include information about work assignments
and their completion, overall work performance and growth in responsibility in the workplace.
GRE is not required.
English Proficiency Requirements for Non-U.S. Degree and International Students Only
If a graduate applicant has earned a bachelor’s or master’s degree from a college or university outside
the U.S., then an English language proficiency exam may be required.
For more information, please visit Admission Requirements web page.
For More Information
(818) 210-3063
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Master of Public Administration
Public Sector Management and Leadership