One Health
Strategic Plan
This publication is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States
Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of this publication are the responsibility of DAI
and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.
Program Title: Preparedness & Response
Sponsoring USAID Office: GH-HN
Contract Number: AID-OAA-A-14-00098
Contractor: DAI
Date of Publication: December 2018
Author: P&R Staff
DAI Global Health
CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................. 3
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 1
STEP-BY-STEP PROCESS ...................................................................................................... 1
TAGE 1: PREPARE ..................................................................................................................... 1
Eight Weeks before the Stakeholder Workshop ........................................................................................ 1
Six Weeks before the Stakeholder Workshop ............................................................................................ 1
Four Weeks before the Stakeholder Workshop ........................................................................................ 2
Two Weeks before the Stakeholder Workshop ........................................................................................ 2
TAGE 2: DEVELOP .................................................................................................................... 2
TAGE 3: DRAFT & VALIDATE ................................................................................................... 3
Prepare the Draft OHSP ................................................................................................................................... 3
Hold a Validation Workshop ........................................................................................................................... 3
TAGE 4: LAUNCH ..................................................................................................................... 3
Seek Buy-in from Key Institutional Stakeholders ........................................................................................ 3
Finalize OHSP ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
Hold Launch Event .............................................................................................................................................. 3
EXT STEPS ............................................................................................................................... 4
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES .................................................................................................. 4
EFERENCES ............................................................................................................................... 4
A national One Health Strategic Plan (OHSP) is a policy document that lays out a coordinated, multi-
sectoral One Health approach to prevent, detect, and respond to disease threats of public health
concern, especially zoonotic diseases. Countries may also choose to include public health concerns
such as antimicrobial resistance and biosecurity in their OHSPs. A strong OHSP includes vision and
mission statements, values, strategic pillars, objectives, indicators, activities, and resource needs.
This toolkit guides through the process of developing a national OHSP. This document lays out the
step-by-step process for developing an OHSP using a participatory, stakeholder-driven approach. It
also offers helpful tips and important considerations in the text boxes throughout the document.
The success of an OHSP depends on broad-based national ownership. As such, the process outlined
below engages stakeholders at each step, from the preparing to develop the plan to outlining its
components and validating the final plan. This stakeholder-driven approach ensures the OHSP
reflects local realities, represents diverse viewpoints, and drives behavior change among key
The process includes four phases: (1) Prepare (2) Develop (3) Draft and Validate (4)
To begin, the focus is on laying the foundation for a
successful, participatory OHSP development process. The
first step is for the National One Health Platform
(NOHP) to agree on how to develop, renew, or revise
the OHSP. Then, planning for the strategic planning
stakeholder workshop (stakeholder workshop)at which
stakeholders develop key components of the plan
should begin. Meanwhile, a local consultant collects and
analyzes contextual data to inform the OHSP.
Eight Weeks before the Stakeholder Workshop
Discuss the process for developing,
renewing, or revising the OHSP with the
core members of the One Health platform. Then,
meet with stakeholders jointly or one-on-one to
explain the proposed process and estimate the
resources needed. Note: In discussions, seek
opportunities to complement and coordinate with
existing strategy development processes.
Six Weeks before the Stakeholder Workshop
Prepare an Activity Scope of Work (SOW)
and budget for developing the OHSP (NOHP).
Develop a workshop participant list (NOHP). Note: Recommended attendees include
platform members and representatives from core One Health sectors in the government,
international and regional organizations like WHO and FAO, bilateral partners like USAID
This toolkit contains the following templates,
which can be adapted for each countrys
specific context:
Consultant SOWSample SOW for
a consultant to prepare the background
report, co-facilitate the stakeholder
workshop, and draft the OHSP.
Background Report Template
Recommended headings for report
Stakeholder Workshop Agenda
Sample agenda aligned to the
Stakeholder Workshop PPT.
Stakeholder Workshop PPTTool
for facilitating discussions during the
stakeholder workshop.
Facilitator GuideIn-depth guidance
on how to facilitate the workshop using
the Stakeholder Workshop PPT.
OHSP Template - Recommended
structure for a comprehensive OHSP.
and the CDC, NGOs, academic and research institutions and the private sector. As
applicable, use the P&R Stakeholder Mapping Toolkit.
Hire a consultant to prepare the background report, co-facilitate the stakeholder
workshop, and draft the OHSP under the NOHP’s supervision. Use the Consultant SOW
Note: A member of the NOHP may also serve as a facilitator, as may someone from a
partner organization like the WHO, FAO, or other devevelopment partners.
Prepare background report (consultant). Collect and summarize relevant background
information (such as sectoral strategic plans, preparedness and response plans, and health
disease prioritization plans) through document review and interviews, following the
Background Report Template and using other P&R tools, such as the Private Sector Toolkit.
Conduct the initial strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis.
Four Weeks before the Stakeholder Workshop
Finalize and share the Stakeholder
Workshop Agenda and invitations
Undertake necessary administrative
tasks and secure resources for the
workshop (NOHP/Admin). If possible, secure
resources from stakeholders, e.g., venue from
a NOHP member.
Two Weeks before the Stakeholder Workshop
Prepare the Stakeholder Workshop PPT
(consultant, NOHP), adding relevant
background information and the SWOT
Review the Facilitator Guide (consultant,
representative from NOHP).
Share the draft background report with
workshop participants (NOHP). Note: If
possible, send the background report with the
invitations and agenda.
With resources in place, the platform and its workshop facilitators are ready to convene
stakeholders to collaboratively develop key components of the OHSP. Following the Stakeholder
Workshop PPT and Facilitator Guide, the facilitators should:
Introduce the strategic planning process and explain how workshop discussions feed
into the OHSP.
Share strategically-relevant background data.
Facilitate a SWOT analysis activity to identify internal and external factors that
influence One Health issues in the country. Note: If the SWOT analysis has been done
beforehand, participants can validate the analysis and fill in gaps.
Define the OHSP mission, vision, and values. Provide examples, facilitate discussion,
and come to a consensus.
Stage 1: Prepare
Have you reviewed the assessment &
planning sections of the Gender Integration
Toolkit for best practices in integrating
gender in events?
Will diverse stakeholders, including women,
be represented at the workshop?
Stage 2: Develop
Have you reviewed the implementation and
M&E sections of the Gender Integration
Toolkit for best practices in integrating
gender in the workshop?
Have you put in place measures to ensure
that everyone, including women or other
vulnerable/marginalized populations present,
will have an opportunity to contribute/
participate meaningfully?
Stage 3: Draft and Validate
Do the strategic pillars, objectives, and
activities take into account the needs of
women and other marginalized groups?
Have you validated the draft with women
and members of other marginalized groups?
Define the OHSP strategic pillars, objectives, activities, and indicators. Provide
examples, facilitate discussion, and come to a consensus.
Develop an action plan for further developing the OHSP, including refining indicators,
identifying resources, validating the plan, seeking endorsement, and launching the OHSP.
Within one week of the workshop, the consultant should complete a workshop report that includes
a participant list, agenda, key points of discussion, and follow-up actions.
The consultant and NOHP should use stakeholder input to prepare and validate drafts of the OHSP.
Note: Validation processes differ, depending on platform structure and strategic plan visibility.
Prepare the Draft OHSP
Produce a first draft of the OHSP, using the OHSP Template, within two weeks of the
workshop (consultant, NOHP).
Seek comments on the draft OHSP from workshop participants (NOHP).
Incorporate feedback into a second OHSP draft within 30 days of the workshop
(consultant, NOHP). Add refined indicators and a budget so stakeholders understand the
plan’s cost.
Consider holding a meeting with key stakeholders to review the detailed draft
before the validation workshop (NOHP).
Hold a Validation Workshop
Hold a validation workshop to solicit final stakeholder feedback on the draft (use the
Activity SOW and Event Planner as applicable) (consultant, NOHP).
Incorporate the stakeholder feedback into the draft OHSP (consultant, NOHP).
During the Stage 4, the NOHP seeks stakeholders’ endorsement, before officially launching the plan:
Seek Buy-in from Key Institutional Stakeholders
Build consensus on the plan and seek commitments of human and financial resources,
using one-on-one meetings with key institutional stakeholders (senior NOHP members).
Note: Sensitize as many stakeholders as possible about the OHSP and the importance of
making strategic coordination a priority. It is suggested to also target legislators, politicians,
ministry officials, and other decision-makers and influencers. See the One Health Policy
Advocacy Toolkit for more guidance.
Finalize OHSP
Copyedit, format, and prepare printed and electronic copies of the OHSP
(NOHP). Submit to relevant government officers/decision-makers for formal endorsement
Hold Launch Event
Organize an OHSP launch event once the relevant government stakeholders have
endorsed the plan (NOHP). Look to the One Health Platform Launch Toolkit for ideas.
Undertake all necessary administrative tasks and secure resources for the launch
event (Admin). Use the Event Planner as applicable. Note: Select a launch event date early,
preferably right after the stakeholder workshop ends, so you can publicize the event during
the validation workshop and one-on-one conversations. Aim to launch the strategy within
two to three months of the stakeholder workshop to build on the momentum.
After the OHSP’s endorsement and launch, the NOHP should turn to operational planning,
Develop a monitoring and evaluation plan,
Develop a detailed operational plan for the first year.
1. WHO Joint External Evaluation Report for the Country (if available).
2. Strategizing National Health in the 21st Century: A Handbook, WHO.
3. One Health Commission Strategic Plan, One Health Commission
4. Preparation and Planning, CDC
5. Strategic Planning--A 10-Step Guide, World Bank