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1st Session of the 48th Legislature (2001)
SENATE BILL 379 By: Price
An Act relating to insurance; creating the Oklahoma
Producer Licensing Act; providing short title;
stating scope; amending 36 O.S. 1991, Section 1422,
as last amended by Section 59, Chapter 418, O.S.L.
1997 (36 O.S. Supp. 2000, Section 1422), which
relates to licensing definitions; adding and
modifying definitions; amending 36 O.S. 1991, Section
1423, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 246,
O.S.L. 1996 (36 O.S. Supp. 2000, Section 1423), which
relates to agency status and authority; modifying
terms; requiring licensing; providing exceptions to
licensing; requiring examination and providing
procedure for application for examination; providing
qualifications for applicant; providing for issuance
of license; providing lines for which license may be
issued; providing term of licensure; providing for
reinstatement of lapsed license; providing for waiver
in certain circumstances; providing for nonresident
licensing; amending 36 O.S. 1991, Section 1426, as
amended by Section 79, Chapter 418, O.S.L. 1997 (36
O.S. Supp. 2000, Section 1426), which relates to
exemptions from examination requirements; providing
for mandatory exemptions; requiring insurance
producer to notify the Insurance Commissioner of use
of assumed name; providing for temporary licensing;
providing for license denial, nonrenewal or
revocation; prohibiting commissions, with exceptions;
providing for appointed agents; providing procedure
for appointment; requiring notification to the
Insurance Commissioner for termination of insurance
business relationships; requiring notification to
producer; providing immunities; providing for
confidentiality; providing for reciprocity;
authorizing promulgation of rules; amending Section
60, Chapter 418, O.S.L. 1997, as last amended by
Section 9, Chapter 353, O.S.L. 2000 (36 O.S. Supp.
2000, Section 1424.11), which relates to categories
for licensure; providing for limited lines
qualification; modifying lines for which a limited
lines producer may receive qualification; amending
Section 63, Chapter 418, O.S.L. 1997 (36 O.S. Supp.
2000, Section 1424.14), which relates to controlled
business; modifying terms; providing for customer
service representative licenses; requiring bond for
insurance consultants and surplus lines brokers and
stating purpose therefor; amending 36 O.S. 1991,
Section 1425, as last amended by Section 69, Chapter
418, O.S.L. 1997 (36 O.S. Supp. 2000, Section 1425),
which relates to licensing; providing for fees;
providing that certain fees are not refundable with
exception; amending Section 71, Chapter 418, O.S.L.
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1997, as amended by Section 34, Chapter 205, O.S.L.
2000 (36 O.S. Supp. 2000, Section 1425.2), which
relates to qualification for licensure as a resident
or nonresident; limiting scope of section; amending
Section 73, Chapter 418, O.S.L. 1997 (36 O.S. Supp.
2000, Section 1425.4), which relates to surplus lines
applicants; modifying terms; amending Section 75,
Chapter 418, O.S.L. 1997 (36 O.S. Supp. 2000, Section
1425.6), which relates to unlawful acts and penalties
therefor; modifying terms; amending 36 O.S. 1991,
Section 1425.1, as renumbered by Section 127, Chapter
418, O.S.L. 1997, and as last amended by Section 12,
Chapter 353, O.S.L. 2000 (36 O.S. Supp. 2000, Section
1426A), which relates to continuing education;
modifying terms; amending 36 O.S. 1991, Section 1427,
as amended by Section 80, Chapter 418, O.S.L. 1997
(36 O.S. Supp. 2000, Section 1427), which relates to
insurance consultants; modifying terms; amending
Section 6, Chapter 246, O.S.L. 1996 (36 O.S. Supp.
2000, Section 1427.1), which relates to customer
service representatives; modifying terms; amending
Section 24, Chapter 178, O.S.L. 1992 (36 O.S. Supp.
2000, Section 5103), which relates to licensing under
the Reinsurance Intermediary Act; defining terms;
providing terms of licenses and fees therefor;
repealing 36 O.S. 1991, Sections 1421, Section 76,
Chapter 418, O.S.L. 1997, as amended by Section 2,
Chapter 36, O.S.L. 1999, Section 78, Chapter 418,
O.S.L. 1997, 1428, as last amended by Section 13,
Chapter 353, O.S.L. 2000, 1430, 1431, 1431.1, 1432
and 1433 (36 O.S. Supp. 2000, Sections 1425.7, 1425.9
and 1428), which relate to insurance agent licensing;
providing for codification; providing for
recodification; and providing an effective date.
. NEW LAW A new section of law to be codified
in the Oklahoma Statutes as Section 1435.1 of Title 36, unless there
is created a duplication in numbering, reads as follows:
A. This act shall be known and may be cited as the "Oklahoma
Producer Licensing Act".
B. This act does not apply to excess and surplus lines agents
and brokers licensed, except for Section 13 of this act and except
where specifically referenced in this act.
. AMENDATORY 36 O.S. 1991, Section 1422, as
last amended by Section 59, Chapter 418, O.S.L. 1997 (36 O.S. Supp.
2000, Section 1422), is amended to read as follows:
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Section 1422. As used in Section 1421 et seq. of this title the
Oklahoma Producer Licensing Act:
1. “Business entity” means a corporation, association,
partnership, limited liability company, limited partnership, or
other legal entity;
2. "Commissioner" means the Insurance Commissioner;
2. 3. “Customer service representative” means an individual
appointed by an insurance producer, surplus lines insurance broker,
managing general agent, or insurance agency to assist the insurance
producer, broker, or agency in transacting the business of insurance
from the office of the insurance producer, broker, or agency and
whose salary may vary based on the production or volume of
applications or premiums;
4. “Home state” means the District of Columbia and any state or
territory of the United States in which an insurance producer
maintains the producer’s principal place of residence or principal
place of business and is licensed to act as an insurance producer;
5. “Insurance” means any of the lines of authority in Title 36
of the Oklahoma Statutes, including workers’ compensation insurance.
Any insurer approved to offer workers’ compensation equivalent
insurance pursuant to the provisions of Section 65 of Title 85 of
the Oklahoma Statutes may appoint property and casualty insurance
producers. All producers appointed for workers’ compensation
equivalent insurance products must be licensed as property and
casualty insurance producers by the Oklahoma Insurance Department;
6. "Insurance consultant" means an individual or legal entity
who, for a fee, holds himself or herself or itself is held out to
the public as engaged in the business of offering any advice,
counsel, opinion or service with respect to the benefits,
advantages, or disadvantages promised under any policy of insurance
that could be issued or delivered in this state;
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3. "Insurance agent" means an individual or legal entity
appointed by an insurer to solicit applications for a policy of
insurance or to negotiate a policy of insurance on its behalf.
7. “Insurance producer” means a person required to be licensed
under the laws of this state to sell, solicit or negotiate
insurance. Any person not duly licensed as an insurance agent
producer, surplus lines insurance broker, or limited insurance
representative who solicits a policy of insurance on behalf of an
insurer shall be deemed to be acting as an insurance agent within
the meaning of this act the Oklahoma Producer Licensing Act, and
shall thereby become liable for all the duties, requirements,
liabilities, and penalties to which an insurance agent producer of
the company is subject, and the company by issuing the policy of
insurance shall thereby accept and acknowledge the person as its
agent in the transaction. For purposes of the laws of this state
and the Oklahoma Insurance Code, the term “insurance agent” shall
have the same meaning as the term “insurance producer”;
8. “Insurer” has the meaning set out in Section 103 of this
9. “License” means a document issued by the Insurance
Commissioner of this state authorizing a person to act as an
insurance producer for the lines of authority specified in the
document. The license itself does not create any authority, actual,
apparent or inherent, in the holder to represent or commit an
insurance carrier;
10. “Limited line credit insurance” includes credit life,
credit disability, credit property, credit unemployment, involuntary
unemployment, mortgage life, mortgage guaranty, mortgage disability,
guaranteed automobile protection insurance, known as “gap”
insurance, and any other form of insurance offered in connection
with an extension of credit that is limited to partially or wholly
extinguishing that credit obligation that the Insurance Commissioner
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determines should be designated a form of limited line credit
11. “Limited line credit insurance producer” means a person who
sells, solicits or negotiates one or more forms of limited line
credit insurance coverage to individuals through a master,
corporate, group or individual policy;
12. “Limited lines insurance” means those lines of insurance
defined in Section 20 of this act or any other line of insurance the
Insurance Commissioner deems necessary to recognize for the purposes
of complying with subsection E of Section 9 of this act;
4. 13. "Limited insurance representative lines producer" means
an individual or legal entity a person who is authorized by the
Commissioner to sell, solicit or negotiate contracts for a
particular line of insurance as provided in Section 1424 of this
title, which the Legislature hereby determines does not require the
professional competency demanded for an insurance agent's license
limited lines insurance;
5. 14. "Managing general agent" means an individual or legal
entity appointed, as an independent contractor, by one or more
insurers to exercise general supervision over the business of the
insurer in this state, with authority to appoint agents insurance
producers for the insurer, and to terminate appointments for the
6. 15. “Negotiate” means the act of conferring directly with or
offering advice directly to a purchaser or prospective purchaser of
a particular contract of insurance concerning any of the substantive
benefits, terms or conditions of the contract, provided that the
person engaged in that act either sells insurance or obtains
insurance from insurers for purchaser;
16. “Person” means an individual or a business entity;
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17. “Sell” means to exchange a contract of insurance, by any
means, for money or its equivalent, on behalf of an insurance
18. “Solicit” means attempting to sell insurance or asking or
urging a person to apply for a particular kind of insurance from a
particular company;
19. "Surplus lines insurance broker" means an individual or
legal entity who solicits, negotiates, or procures a policy of
insurance in an insurance company not licensed to transact business
in this state which cannot be procured from insurers licensed to do
business in this state. All transactions under such license shall
be subject to Article 11 of this title the Oklahoma Insurance Code;
20. “Terminate” means the cancellation of the relationship
between an insurance producer and the insurer or the termination of
a producer’s authority to transact insurance;
21. “Uniform Business Entity Application” means the current
version of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners
(NAIC) Uniform Business Entity Application for resident and
nonresident business entities; and
22. “Uniform Application” means the current version of the NAIC
Uniform Application for resident and nonresident producer licensing.
. AMENDATORY 36 O.S. 1991, Section 1423, as
last amended by Section 2, Chapter 246, O.S.L. 1996 (36 O.S. Supp.
2000, Section 1423), is amended to read as follows:
Section 1423. A. Every agent insurance producer, customer
service representative, or limited insurance representative who
solicits or negotiates an application for insurance of any kind
shall, in any controversy between the insured or the insured's
beneficiary and the insurer, be regarded as representing the insurer
and not the insured or the insured's beneficiary. This provision
shall not affect the apparent authority of an agent insurance
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B. Every surplus lines insurance broker who solicits an
application for insurance of any kind shall, in any controversy
between the insured or the insured's beneficiary and the insurer
issuing any policy upon such application, be regarded as
representing the insured or the insured's beneficiary and not the
insurer. Any company which directly or through its agents delivers
in this state to any insurance broker, a policy of insurance
pursuant to the application or request of such broker, acting for an
insured other than himself or herself, shall be deemed to have
authorized such broker to receive on its behalf, payment of any
premium which is due on such policy of insurance at the time of its
issuance or delivery.
C. Every licensed agent insurance producer shall be entitled to
commissions on all premiums collected for group insurance policies
negotiated by said agent the insurance producer on behalf of an
insurer and an insurer shall be required to pay such commissions to
the agent insurance producer, except entitlement to commissions
shall automatically terminate without notice, effective on the date
of the occurrence of any of the following events:
1. The agent's insurance producer’s license to engage in
accident and health insurance business is terminated or revoked by
the State of Oklahoma or any other public authority for cause. As
used in this paragraph, "cause" shall be defined as perpetration by
the agent insurance producer of fraud or embezzlement;
2. Material breach of the agent's insurance producer’s contract
with the account or insurer, excluding production requirements;
3. Termination of the agent's insurance producer’s "Agent of
Record" relationship with the employer or account; or
4. Death of the agent insurance producer, unless the contract
between the insurer states otherwise or the right to the commission
has vested.
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Recovery of such commissions shall be through civil action. In any
action brought pursuant to this subsection, the court may award
reasonable attorneys fees to the prevailing party.
. NEW LAW A new section of law to be codified
in the Oklahoma Statutes as Section 1435.4 of Title 36, unless there
is created a duplication in numbering, reads as follows:
A person shall not sell, solicit, or negotiate insurance in this
state for any class or classes of insurance unless the person is
licensed for that line of authority in accordance with this act.
. NEW LAW A new section of law to be codified
in the Oklahoma Statutes as Section 1435.5 of Title 36, unless there
is created a duplication in numbering, reads as follows:
A. Nothing in this act shall be construed to require an insurer
to obtain an insurance producer license. In this section, the term
"insurer" does not include an insurer's officers, directors,
employees, subsidiaries or affiliates.
B. A license as an insurance producer shall not be required of
the following:
1. An officer, director or employee of an insurer or of an
insurance producer, provided that the officer, director or employee
does not receive any commission on policies written or sold to
insure risks residing, located or to be performed in this state,
a. the officer, director or employee's activities are
executive, administrative, managerial, clerical or a
combination of these, and are only indirectly related
to the sale, solicitation or negotiation of insurance,
b. the officer, director or employee's function relates
to underwriting, loss control, inspection or the
processing, adjusting, investigating or settling of a
claim on a contract of insurance, or
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c. the officer, director or employee is acting in the
capacity of a special agent or agency supervisor
assisting insurance producers where the person's
activities are limited to providing technical advice
and assistance to licensed insurance producers and do
not include the sale, solicitation or negotiation of
2. A person who secures and furnishes information for the
purpose of group life insurance, group property and casualty
insurance, group annuities, group or blanket accident and health
insurance; or for the purpose of enrolling individuals under plans,
issuing certificates under plans or otherwise assisting in
administering plans; or performs administrative services related to
mass-marketed property and casualty insurance, where no commission
is paid to the person for the service;
3. An employer or association or its officers, directors,
employees, or the trustees of an employee trust plan, to the extent
that the employers, officers, employees, director or trustees are
engaged in the administration or operation of a program of employee
benefits for the employer's or association's own employees or the
employees of its subsidiaries or affiliates, which program involves
the use of insurance issued by an insurer, as long as the employers,
associations, officers, directors, employees or trustees are not in
any manner compensated, directly or indirectly, by the company
issuing the contracts;
4. Employees of insurers or organizations employed by insurers
who are engaging in the inspection, rating or classification of
risks, or in the supervision of the training of insurance producers
and who are not individually engaged in the sale, solicitation or
negotiation of insurance;
5. A person whose activities in this state are limited to
advertising without the intent to solicit insurance in this state
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through communications in printed publications or other forms of
electronic mass media whose distribution is not limited to residents
of the state, provided that the person does not sell, solicit or
negotiate insurance that would insure risks residing, located or to
be performed in this state;
6. A person who is not a resident of this state who sells,
solicits or negotiates a contract of insurance for commercial
property and casualty risks to an insured with risks located in more
than one state insured under that contract, provided that that
person is otherwise licensed as an insurance producer to sell,
solicit or negotiate that insurance in the state where the insured
maintains its principal place of business and the contract of
insurance insures risks located in that state; or
7. A salaried full-time employee who counsels or advises his or
her employer relative to the insurance interests of the employer or
of the subsidiaries or business affiliates of the employer, provided
that the employee does not sell or solicit insurance or receive a
. NEW LAW A new section of law to be codified
in the Oklahoma Statutes as Section 1435.6 of Title 36, unless there
is created a duplication in numbering, reads as follows:
A. A resident individual applying for an insurance producer
license shall pass a written examination unless exempt pursuant to
Section 10 of this act. The examination shall test the knowledge of
the individual concerning the lines of authority for which
application is made, the duties and responsibilities of an insurance
producer and the insurance laws and regulations of this state.
Examinations required by this section shall be developed and
conducted under rules and regulations prescribed by the Insurance
B. The Insurance Commissioner may make arrangements, including
contracting with an outside testing service, for administering
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examinations and collecting the nonrefundable fee set forth in
Section 23 of this act.
C. Each individual applying for an examination shall remit a
nonrefundable fee as prescribed by the Insurance Commissioner as set
forth in Section 23 of this act.
D. An individual who fails to appear for the examination as
scheduled or fails to pass the examination, shall reapply for an
examination and remit all required fees and forms before being
rescheduled for another examination.
. NEW LAW A new section of law to be codified
in the Oklahoma Statutes as Section 1435.7 of Title 36, unless there
is created a duplication in numbering, reads as follows:
A. A person applying for a resident insurance producer license
shall make application to the Insurance Commissioner on the Uniform
Application and declare under penalty of refusal, suspension or
revocation of the license that the statements made in the
application are true, correct and complete to the best of the
individual's knowledge and belief. Before approving the
application, the Insurance Commissioner shall find that the
1. Is at least eighteen (18) years of age;
2. Has not committed any act that is a ground for denial,
suspension or revocation set forth in Section 13 of this act;
3. Where required by the Insurance Commissioner, has completed
a prelicensing course of study for the lines of authority for which
the person has applied;
4. Has paid the fees set forth in Section 23 of this act; and
5. Has successfully passed the examinations for the lines of
authority for which the person has applied.
B. In connection with the licensure of an applicant for a
resident insurance producer license, the applicant shall submit
either a letter from the appointing insurer verifying acceptance of
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responsibility for the actions of the applicant in the scope of that
person's appointment, or submit and maintain an errors and omissions
policy acceptable to the Commissioner, or, if errors and omissions
coverage is provided by the insurer for agents by utilizing a
blanket errors and omissions policy for coverage, a copy of the
policy providing the errors and omissions coverage shall be on file
with the Commissioner. The insurer providing coverage shall
maintain an accurate list of all agents covered by such policy.
C. A business entity acting as an insurance producer is
required to obtain an insurance producer license. Application shall
be made using the Uniform Business Entity Application. Before
approving the application, the Insurance Commissioner shall find
1. The business entity has paid the fees set forth in Section
23 of this act;
2. The business entity has designated a licensed producer
responsible for the business entity's compliance with the insurance
laws, rules and regulations of this state;
3. A domestic business entity is organized pursuant to the
provisions of the laws of this state and maintains its principal
place of business in this state;
4. No person whose license as an insurance producer has been
revoked by order of the Commissioner, nor any business entity in
which such person has a majority ownership interest, whether direct
or indirect, owns any interest in the business entity licensed as an
insurance producer; and
5. The business entity has provided proof satisfactory to the
Commissioner that a trade name has been lawfully registered for an
insurance producer license to be issued in a trade name.
D. A business entity acting as an insurance producer shall
notify the Commissioner of all changes among its members, directors
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and officers and all other individuals designated in the license
within fifteen (15) days after the change.
E. The Insurance Commissioner may require any documents
reasonably necessary to verify the information contained in an
F. Each insurer that sells, solicits or negotiates any form of
limited line credit insurance shall provide to each individual whose
duties will include selling, soliciting or negotiating limited line
credit insurance a program of instruction that may be approved by
the Insurance Commissioner.
. NEW LAW A new section of law to be codified
in the Oklahoma Statutes as Section 1435.8 of Title 36, unless there
is created a duplication in numbering, reads as follows:
A. Unless denied licensure pursuant to Section 13 of this act,
persons who have met the requirements of Sections 6 and 7 of this
act shall be issued an insurance producer license. An insurance
producer may receive qualification for a license in one or more of
the following lines of authority:
1. Life - insurance coverage on human lives including benefits
of endowment and annuities, and may include benefits in the event of
death or dismemberment by accident and benefits for disability
2. Accident and health or sickness - insurance coverage for
sickness, bodily injury or accidental death and may include benefits
for disability income;
3. Property - insurance coverage for the direct or
consequential loss or damage to property of every kind;
4. Casualty - insurance coverage against legal liability,
including that for death, injury or disability or damage to real or
personal property;
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5. Variable life and variable annuity products - insurance
coverage provided under variable life insurance contracts and
variable annuities;
6. Personal lines - property and casualty insurance coverage
sold to individuals and families for primarily noncommercial
7. Credit - limited line credit insurance;
8. Title insurance; and
9. Any other line of insurance permitted under state laws or
B. An insurance producer license shall remain in effect unless
revoked or suspended as long as the fee set forth in Section 23 of
this act is paid and education requirements for resident individual
producers are met by the due date.
C. An individual insurance producer who allows the license to
lapse may, within twenty-four (24) months from the due date of the
renewal fee, reinstate the same license without the necessity of
passing a written examination unless the license was revoked,
suspended, or continuation thereof was refused by the Commissioner.
However, a penalty in the amount of double the unpaid renewal fee
shall be required for any renewal fee received after the due date.
Continuing education requirements must be kept current.
D. A licensed insurance producer who is unable to comply with
license renewal procedures due to military service or some other
extenuating circumstance, such as a long-term medical disability,
may request a waiver of those procedures. The producer may also
request a waiver of any examination requirement or any other fine or
sanction imposed for failure to comply with renewal procedures.
E. The license shall contain the licensee's name, address,
personal identification number, and the date of issuance, the lines
of authority, the expiration date and any other information the
Insurance Commissioner deems necessary.
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F. Licensees shall inform the Insurance Commissioner by any
means acceptable to the Insurance Commissioner of a change of
address within thirty (30) days of the change. Failure to timely
inform the Insurance Commissioner of a change in legal name or
address shall result in a penalty pursuant to Section 13 of this
G. In order to assist in the performance of the Insurance
Commissioner's duties, the Insurance Commissioner may contract with
nongovernmental entities, including the National Association of
Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) or any affiliates or subsidiaries
that the NAIC oversees, to perform any ministerial functions,
including the collection of fees, related to producer licensing that
the Insurance Commissioner and the nongovernmental entity may deem
H. The Commissioner may participate, in whole or in part, with
the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, or any
affiliates or subsidiaries the National Association of Insurance
Commissioners oversees, in a centralized producer license registry
where insurance producer licenses and appointments may be centrally
or simultaneously effected for all states that require an insurance
producer license and participate in such centralized producer
license registry. If the Commissioner finds that participation in
such a centralized producer license registry is in the public
interest, the Commissioner may adopt by rule any uniform standards
or procedures as are necessary to participate in the registry. This
includes the central collection of all fees for licenses or
appointments that are processed through the registry.
. NEW LAW A new section of law to be codified
in the Oklahoma Statutes as Section 1435.9 of Title 36, unless there
is created a duplication in numbering, reads as follows:
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A. Unless denied licensure pursuant to Section 13 of this act,
a nonresident person shall receive a nonresident producer license
1. The person is currently licensed as a resident and in good
standing in that person's home state;
2. The person has submitted the proper request for licensure
and has paid the fees required by Section 23 of this act;
3. The person has submitted or transmitted to the Insurance
Commissioner the application for licensure that the person submitted
to the person's home state, or in lieu of the same, a completed
Uniform Application; and
4. The person's home state awards nonresident producer licenses
to residents of this state on the same basis.
B. The Insurance Commissioner may verify the producer's
licensing status through the Producer Database maintained by the
National Association of Insurance Commissioners, its affiliates or
C. A nonresident producer who moves from one state to another
state or a resident producer who moves from this state to another
state shall file a change of address and provide certification from
the new resident state within thirty (30) days of the change of
legal residence. No fee or license application is required.
D. Notwithstanding any other provision of this act or of the
Oklahoma Insurance Code, a person licensed as a surplus lines
producer in that person's home state shall receive a nonresident
surplus lines producer license pursuant to subsection A of this
E. Notwithstanding any other provision of this act, a person
licensed as a limited line credit insurance or other type of limited
lines producer in that person's home state shall receive a
nonresident limited lines producer license, pursuant to subsection A
of this section, granting the same scope of authority as granted
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under the license issued by the producer's home state. For the
purpose of this subsection, limited line insurance is any authority
granted by the home state which restricts the authority of the
license to less than the total authority prescribed in the
associated major lines pursuant to subsection A of Section 8 of this
. AMENDATORY 36 O.S. 1991, Section 1426, as
amended by Section 79, Chapter 418, O.S.L. 1997 (36 O.S. Supp. 2000,
Section 1426), is amended to read as follows:
Section 1426. A. The following may be are exempt from the
requirement for an examination, if the Insurance Commissioner
determines, in accordance with rules adopted by the Commissioner,
that the applicant is cognizant of and capable of fulfilling the
responsibilities of the license:
1. Any applicant for a license covering the same line or lines
of insurance for which the applicant was licensed pursuant to a
similar license in this state, other than a temporary license,
within the twenty-four (24) months preceding the date of
application, unless the previous license was revoked, suspended, or
continuation thereof was refused by the Commissioner;
2. Any limited insurance representative;
3. An applicant for a nonresident license; and
4. 2. A surplus lines insurance broker.
. NEW LAW A new section of law to be codified
in the Oklahoma Statutes as Section 1435.11 of Title 36, unless
there is created a duplication in numbering, reads as follows:
An insurance producer doing business under any name other than
the producer's legal name is required to notify the Insurance
Commissioner prior to using the assumed name.
. NEW LAW A new section of law to be codified
in the Oklahoma Statutes as Section 1435.12 of Title 36, unless
there is created a duplication in numbering, reads as follows:
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A. The Insurance Commissioner may issue a temporary license for
a period not to exceed one hundred eighty (180) days without
requiring an examination if the Insurance Commissioner deems that
the temporary license is necessary for the servicing of an insurance
business in the following cases:
1. To the surviving spouse or court-appointed personal
representative of a licensed insurance producer who dies or becomes
mentally or physically disabled to allow adequate time for the sale
of the insurance business owned by the producer or for the recovery
or return of the producer to the business or to provide for the
training and licensing of new personnel to operate the producer's
2. To a member or employee of a business entity licensed as an
insurance producer, upon the death or disability of an individual
designated in the business entity application or the license;
3. To the designee of a licensed insurance producer entering
active service in the Armed Forces of the United States of America;
4. In any other circumstance in which the Insurance
Commissioner deems that the public interest will best be served by
the issuance of this license.
B. The Insurance Commissioner may by order limit the authority
of any temporary licensee in any way deemed necessary to protect
insureds and the public. The Insurance Commissioner may require the
temporary licensee to have a suitable sponsor who is a licensed
producer or insurer and who assumes responsibility for all acts of
the temporary licensee and may impose other similar requirements
designed to protect insureds and the public. The Insurance
Commissioner may by order revoke a temporary license if the interest
of insureds or the public are endangered. A temporary license may
not continue after the owner or the personal representative disposes
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of the business. If the applicant fails to pass the licensure
examination, the temporary license shall terminate automatically.
C. As to a temporary agent's license issued because of the
death or disability of an agent, no insurers shall be represented by
the temporary licensee in addition to those represented by the
deceased or disabled agent.
D. The fee paid for the temporary license shall not be applied
upon the fee for any permanent license of the same category issued
to the licensee before expiration of the temporary license.
E. No license issued pursuant to the provisions of subsection A
of this section shall be effective for more than six (6) months.
The Commissioner, in his discretion, may renew the license once upon
proper application and for good cause. However, no temporary
license shall be issued for any line of insurance to any applicant
who has failed to pass the required examination.
. NEW LAW A new section of law to be codified
in the Oklahoma Statutes as Section 1435.13 of Title 36, unless
there is created a duplication in numbering, reads as follows:
A. The Insurance Commissioner may place on probation, censure,
suspend, revoke or refuse to issue or renew a license issued
pursuant to this act or may levy a civil penalty in accordance with
subsection D of this section or any combination of actions, for any
one or more of the following causes:
1. Providing incorrect, misleading, incomplete or materially
untrue information in the license application;
2. Violating any insurance laws, or violating any regulation,
subpoena or order of the Insurance Commissioner or of another
state’s Insurance Commissioner;
3. Obtaining or attempting to obtain a license through
misrepresentation or fraud;
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Page 20
4. Improperly withholding, misappropriating or converting any
monies or properties received in the course of doing insurance
5. Intentionally misrepresenting the terms of an actual or
proposed insurance contract or application for insurance;
6. Having been convicted of a felony;
7. Having admitted or been found to have committed any
insurance unfair trade practice or fraud;
8. Using fraudulent, coercive, or dishonest practices, or
demonstrating incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial
irresponsibility in the conduct of business in this state or
9. Having an insurance producer license, or its equivalent,
denied, suspended or revoked in any other state, province, district
or territory;
10. Forging another’s name to an application for insurance or
to any document related to an insurance transaction;
11. Improperly using notes or any other reference material to
complete an examination for an insurance license;
12. Knowingly accepting insurance business from an individual
who is not licensed;
13. Failing to comply with an administrative or court order
imposing a child support obligation; or
14. Failing to pay state income tax or comply with any
administrative or court order directing payment of state income tax.
B. In the event that the action by the Insurance Commissioner
is to nonrenew or to deny an application for a license, the
Insurance Commissioner shall notify the applicant or licensee and
advise the applicant or licensee, in writing, of the reason for the
denial or nonrenewal of the applicant’s or licensee’s license. The
applicant or licensee may make written demand upon the Insurance
Commissioner within thirty (30) days of the date of notification of
Req. No. 478
Page 21
said notification by the Insurance Commissioner for a hearing before
the Insurance Commissioner or an independent hearing examiner to
determine the reasonableness of the Insurance Commissioner’s action.
The hearing shall be heard within a reasonable time period and shall
be held pursuant to the Oklahoma Administrative Procedures Act.
C. The license of a business entity may be suspended, revoked
or refused if the Insurance Commissioner finds, after opportunity
for hearing, that an individual licensee’s violation was known or
should have been known by one or more of the partners, officers or
managers acting on behalf of the partnership or corporation and the
violation was neither reported to the Insurance Commissioner nor
corrective action taken.
D. In addition to or in lieu of any applicable denial,
probation, censure, suspension or revocation of a license, a person
may, after opportunity for hearing, be subject to a civil fine of
not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) nor more than One
Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) for each occurrence. Said penalty may
be enforced in the same manner in which civil judgments may be
E. Every licensee licensed pursuant to the provisions of the
Oklahoma Producer Licensing Act shall keep at the licensee’s place
of business the usual and customary records pertaining to
transactions authorized by the license. All records as to any
particular transactions shall be kept available and open to the
inspection of the Commissioner at any time during business hours
during the three (3) years immediately following the date of
completion of the transaction. The Commissioner may require a
financial or market conduct examination during any investigation of
a licensee. The cost of such examination shall be apportioned among
all of the appointing insurers of the licensee.
F. The Insurance Commissioner shall retain the authority to
enforce the provisions of and impose any penalty or remedy
Req. No. 478
Page 22
authorized by this act and Title 36 of the Oklahoma Statutes against
any person who is under investigation for or charged with a
violation of this act or Title 36 of the Oklahoma Statutes even if
the person’s license or registration has been surrendered or has
lapsed by operation of law.
G. Files pertaining to investigations or legal matters which
contain information concurring a current and ongoing investigation
of allegations of violations of the Oklahoma Insurance Code by a
licensed agent shall not be available for public inspection without
proper judicial authorization; however, a licensee under
investigation for alleged violations of the Oklahoma Insurance Code,
or against whom an action for alleged violations of the Oklahoma
Insurance Code has been commenced, may view evidence and complaints
pertaining to the investigation, other than privileged information,
at reasonable times at the Commissioner’s office. All qualification
examination materials, booklets and answers for any license
authorized to be issued by the Commissioner under any statute shall
not be available for public inspection.
H. The Commissioner shall promptly notify all appointing
insurers, where applicable, and the licensee regarding any censure,
suspension, revocation or termination of license by the
I. Upon suspension, revocation or termination of the license of
a resident or nonresident of this state, the Commissioner shall
notify the Central Office of the National Association of Insurance
Commissioners, or its appropriate nonprofit affiliates and the
Insurance Commissioner of each state for whom the Commissioner has
executed a certificate of licensure status.
J. Any licensee who ceases to maintain residency in this state
shall deliver the licensee’s insurance license to the Commissioner
by personal delivery or by mail with return receipt requested within
ten (10) days after terminating residency.
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Page 23
K. The Commissioner may issue a duplicate license for any lost,
stolen or destroyed license issued pursuant to this act upon an
affidavit of the licensee prescribed by the Commissioner concerning
the facts of such loss, theft or destruction.
. NEW LAW A new section of law to be codified
in the Oklahoma Statutes as Section 1435.14 of Title 36, unless
there is created a duplication in numbering, reads as follows:
A. An insurance company or insurance producer shall not pay a
commission, service fee, brokerage or other valuable consideration
to a person for selling, soliciting or negotiating insurance in this
state if that person is required to be licensed under this act and
is not so licensed.
B. A person shall not accept a commission, service fee,
brokerage or other valuable consideration for selling, soliciting or
negotiating insurance in this state if that person is required to be
licensed under this act and is not so licensed.
C. Renewal or other deferred commissions may be paid to a
person for selling, soliciting or negotiating insurance in this
state if the person was required to be licensed under this act at
the time of the sale, solicitation or negotiation and was so
licensed at that time.
D. An insurer or insurance producer may pay or assign
commissions, service fees, brokerages or other valuable
consideration to an insurance agency or to persons who do not sell,
solicit or negotiate insurance in this state, unless the payment
would violate Section 1204 of Title 36 of the Oklahoma Statutes.
. NEW LAW A new section of law to be codified
in the Oklahoma Statutes as Section 1435.15 of Title 36, unless
there is created a duplication in numbering, reads as follows:
A. An insurance producer shall not act as an agent of an
insurer unless the insurance producer becomes an appointed agent of
Req. No. 478
Page 24
that insurer. An insurance producer who is not acting as an agent
of an insurer is not required to become appointed.
B. To appoint a producer as its agent, the appointing insurer
shall file, in a format approved by the Insurance Commissioner, a
notice of appointment within forty-five (45) days from the date the
agency contract is executed or the first insurance application is
submitted. An insurer may also elect to appoint a producer to all
or some insurers within the insurer’s holding company system or
group by the filing of a single appointment request.
C. Upon receipt of the notice of appointment, the Insurance
Commissioner shall verify within a reasonable time not to exceed
thirty (30) days that the insurance producer is eligible for
appointment. If the insurance producer is determined to be
ineligible for appointment, the Insurance Commissioner shall notify
the insurer within five (5) days of its determination.
D. An insurer shall pay a biennial appointment fee, in the
amount and method of payment set forth in Section 23 of this act,
for each insurance producer appointed by the insurer.
E. It shall be unlawful for any insurer to discriminate among
or between the insurance producers it has appointed. Any person or
company convicted of violating the provisions of this section shall
be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by the imposition
of a fine of not more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or
imprisonment in the county jail for not less than six (6) months nor
more than one (1) year, or be punished by both said fine and
. NEW LAW A new section of law to be codified
in the Oklahoma Statutes as Section 1435.16 of Title 36, unless
there is created a duplication in numbering, reads as follows:
A. Termination for Cause. An insurer or authorized
representative of the insurer that terminates the appointment,
employment, contract or other insurance business relationship with a
Req. No. 478
Page 25
producer shall notify the Insurance Commissioner within thirty (30)
days following the effective date of the termination, using a format
prescribed by the Insurance Commissioner, if the reason for
termination is one of the reasons set forth in Section 13 of this
act or the insurer has knowledge the producer was found by a court,
government body, or self-regulatory organization authorized by law
to have engaged in any of the activities in Section 13 of this act.
Upon the written request of the Insurance Commissioner, the insurer
shall provide additional information, documents, records or other
data pertaining to the termination or activity of the producer.
B. Termination Without Cause. An insurer or authorized
representative of the insurer that terminates the appointment,
employment, or contract with a producer for any reason not set forth
in Section 13 of this act, shall notify the Insurance Commissioner
within thirty (30) days following the effective date of the
termination, using a format prescribed by the Insurance
Commissioner. Upon written request of the Insurance Commissioner,
the insurer shall provide additional information, documents, records
or other data pertaining to the termination.
C. Ongoing Notification Requirement. The insurer or the
authorized representative of the insurer shall promptly notify the
Insurance Commissioner in a format acceptable to the Insurance
Commissioner if, upon further review or investigation, the insurer
discovers additional information that would have been reportable to
the Insurance Commissioner in accordance with subsection A of this
section had the insurer then known of its existence.
D. Copy of Notification to be Provided to Producer.
1. Within fifteen (15) days after making the notification
required by subsections A, B and C of this section, the insurer
shall mail a copy of the notification to the producer at his or her
last known address. If the producer is terminated for cause for any
of the reasons listed in Section 13 of this act, the insurer shall
Req. No. 478
Page 26
provide a copy of the notification to the producer at the producer’s
last known address by certified mail, return receipt requested,
postage prepaid or by overnight delivery using a nationally
recognized carrier.
2. Within thirty (30) days after the producer has received the
original or additional notification, the producer may file written
comments concerning the substance of the notification with the
Insurance Commissioner. The producer shall, by the same means,
simultaneously send a copy of the comments to the reporting insurer,
and the comments shall become a part of the Insurance Commissioner’s
file and accompany every copy of a report distributed or disclosed
for any reason about the producer as permitted under subsection F of
this section.
E. Immunities.
1. In the absence of actual malice, an insurer, the authorized
representative of the insurer, a producer, the Insurance
Commissioner, or an organization of which the Insurance Commissioner
is a member and that compiles the information and makes it available
to other Insurance Commissioners or regulatory or law enforcement
agencies shall not be subject to civil liability, and a civil cause
of action of any nature shall not arise against these entities or
their respective agents or employees, as a result of any statement
or information required by or provided pursuant to this section or
any information relating to any statement that may be requested in
writing by the Insurance Commissioner, from an insurer or producer;
or a statement by a terminating insurer or producer to an insurer or
producer limited solely and exclusively to whether a termination for
cause under subsection A of this section was reported to the
Insurance Commissioner, provided that the propriety of any
termination for cause under subsection A of this section is
certified in writing by an officer or authorized representative of
the insurer or producer terminating the relationship.
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Page 27
2. In any action brought against a person that may have
immunity under paragraph 1 of this subsection for making any
statement required by this section or providing any information
relating to any statement that may be requested by the Insurance
Commissioner, the party bringing the action shall plead specifically
in any allegation that paragraph 1 of this subsection does not apply
because the person making the statement or providing the information
did so with actual malice.
3. Paragraph 1 or 2 of this subsection shall not abrogate or
modify any existing statutory or common law privileges or
F. Confidentiality.
1. Any documents, materials or other information in the control
or possession of the Department of Insurance that is furnished by an
insurer, producer or an employee or agent thereof acting on behalf
of the insurer or producer, or obtained by the Insurance
Commissioner in an investigation pursuant to this section shall be
confidential by law and privileged, shall not be subject to the Open
Records Act, shall not be subject to subpoena, and shall not be
subject to discovery or admissible in evidence in any private civil
action. However, the Insurance Commissioner is authorized to use
the documents, materials or other information in the furtherance of
any regulatory or legal action brought as a part of the Insurance
Commissioner’s duties.
2. Neither the Insurance Commissioner nor any person who
received documents, materials or other information while acting
under the authority of the Insurance Commissioner shall be permitted
or required to testify in any private civil action concerning any
confidential documents, materials, or information subject to
paragraph 1 of this subsection.
3. In order to assist in the performance of the Insurance
Commissioner’s duties under this act, the Insurance Commissioner:
Req. No. 478
Page 28
a. may share documents, materials or other information,
including the confidential and privileged documents,
materials or information subject to paragraph 1 of
this subsection, with other state, federal, and
international regulatory agencies, with the National
Association of Insurance Commissioners, its affiliates
or subsidiaries, and with state, federal, and
international law enforcement authorities, provided
that the recipient agrees to maintain the
confidentiality and privileged status of the document,
material or other information,
b. may receive documents, materials or information,
including otherwise confidential and privileged
documents, materials or information, from the National
Association of Insurance Commissioners, its affiliates
or subsidiaries and from regulatory and law
enforcement officials of other foreign or domestic
jurisdictions, and shall maintain as confidential or
privileged any document, material or information
received with notice or the understanding that it is
confidential or privileged under the laws of the
jurisdiction that is the source of the document,
material or information, and
c. may enter into agreements governing sharing and use of
information consistent with this subsection.
4. No waiver of any applicable privilege or claim of
confidentiality in the documents, materials, or information shall
occur as a result of disclosure to the Commissioner under this
section or as a result of sharing as authorized in paragraph 3 of
this subsection.
5. Nothing in this act shall prohibit the Insurance
Commissioner from releasing final, adjudicated actions including for
Req. No. 478
Page 29
cause terminations that are open to public inspection pursuant to
the Open Records Act to a database or other clearinghouse service
maintained by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners,
its affiliates or subsidiaries of the National Association of
Insurance Commissioners.
G. Penalties for Failing to Report. An insurer, the authorized
representative of the insurer, or producer that fails to report as
required under the provisions of this section or that is found to
have reported with actual malice by a court of competent
jurisdiction may, after notice and hearing, have its license or
certificate of authority suspended or revoked and may be fined in
accordance with Section 13 of this act.
. NEW LAW A new section of law to be codified
in the Oklahoma Statutes as Section 1435.17 of Title 36, unless
there is created a duplication in numbering, reads as follows:
A. The Insurance Commissioner shall waive any requirements for
a nonresident producer license applicant with a valid license from
the applicant’s home state, except the requirements imposed by
Section 9 of this act, if the applicant’s home state awards
nonresident licenses to residents of this state on the same basis.
B. A nonresident producer’s satisfaction of the producer’s home
state’s continuing education requirements for licensed insurance
producers shall constitute satisfaction of this state’s continuing
education requirements if the nonresident producer’s home state
recognizes the satisfaction of its continuing education requirements
imposed upon producers from this state on the same basis.
. NEW LAW A new section of law to be codified
in the Oklahoma Statutes as Section 1435.18 of Title 36, unless
there is created a duplication in numbering, reads as follows:
A. A producer shall report to the Insurance Commissioner any
administrative action taken against the producer in another
jurisdiction or by another governmental agency in this state within
Req. No. 478
Page 30
thirty (30) days of the final disposition of the matter. This
report shall include a copy of the order, consent to order or other
relevant legal documents.
B. Within thirty (30) days of the initial pretrial hearing
date, a producer shall report to the Insurance Commissioner any
criminal prosecution of the producer taken in any jurisdiction. The
report shall include a copy of the initial complaint filed, the
order resulting from the hearing and any other relevant legal
. NEW LAW A new section of law to be codified
in the Oklahoma Statutes as Section 1435.19 of Title 36, unless
there is created a duplication in numbering, reads as follows:
The Insurance Commissioner may, in accordance with Section 307.1
of Title 36 of the Oklahoma Statutes, promulgate reasonable rules as
are necessary or proper to carry out the purposes of this act.
. AMENDATORY Section 60, Chapter 418, O.S.L.
1997, as last amended by Section 9, Chapter 353, O.S.L. 2000 (36
O.S. Supp. 2000, Section 1424.11), is amended to read as follows:
Section 1424.11 A. No person shall act as or hold himself or
herself out to be an insurance agent, surplus lines insurance
broker, limited insurance representative, managing general agent,
consultant, or customer service representative unless duly licensed.
Salaried employees in the office of an insurance agent, surplus
lines insurance broker, limited insurance representative, managing
general agent or consultant, who devote full time to clerical and
administrative services, with incidental receiving of insurance
applications and premiums in the office of the employer and who do
not receive any commissions for the applications nor a compensation
that is varied by the volume of applications or premiums taken or
received, shall be exempt from any licensing requirement. Employees
who sell motor vehicle insurance for a rental vehicle operation in
connection with short-term renting or leasing of motor vehicles may
Req. No. 478
Page 31
do so under the limited insurance license of the branch manager of
the location at which the vehicle is rented or the coverage is sold.
B. No insurance agent, surplus lines insurance broker, or
limited insurance representative shall make application for,
procure, negotiate for, or place for others any policies for any
lines of insurance for which he or she is not then qualified and
duly licensed.
C. An insurance agent may receive qualification for a license
in one or more of the following categories or lines of insurance:
1. Life insurance, including fraternal agents licensed pursuant
to Section 2733.1 of this title;
2. Accident and health insurance, including fraternal agents
licensed pursuant to Section 2733.1 of this title;
3. Personal property and casualty insurance;
4. Commercial property and casualty insurance;
5. Variable annuity contracts, including fraternal agents
licensed pursuant to Section 2733.1 of this title; and
6. Title insurance.
D. A limited insurance representative lines producer may
receive qualification for a license in one or more of the following
1. As a ticket-selling agent of a common carrier who acts only
with reference to the issuance of insurance on personal effects
carried as baggage, in connection with the transportation provided
by such common carrier;
2. To engage in the sale of only limited travel accident
3. To engage in the sale of motor vehicle insurance at a
vehicle rental counter or at any other point of sale at which motor
vehicle insurance is offered or sold in connection with the short-
term renting or leasing of motor vehicles;
Req. No. 478
Page 32
4. To engage in the sale of credit life insurance or credit
accident and health insurance or both credit life insurance and
credit accident and health insurance in connection with a credit
transaction by which satisfaction of a debt in whole or in part is a
benefit provided;
5. To engage in the sale of personal property floater insurance
upon personal effects against loss or damage from any cause in
connection with a credit transaction of not more than Five Thousand
Dollars ($5,000.00) by which satisfaction of the credit transaction
debt in whole or in part is a benefit provided, and such personal
effects are used as collateral on the debt;
6. To engage in the sale of nonfiling insurance relating to
mortgages and security interests arising under the Uniform
Commercial Code, Section 1-101 et seq. of Title 12A of the Oklahoma
7. 5. Prepaid legal liability insurance, which means the
assumption of an enforceable contractual obligation to provide
specified legal services or to reimburse policyholders for specified
legal expenses, pursuant to the provisions of a group or individual
8. Job loss insurance, which means the sale of involuntary
unemployment insurance in connection with a credit transaction by
which satisfaction of a debt in whole or in part is a benefit
9. 6. Crop hail and multiperil crop hail insurance; and
10. 7. Prepaid dental insurance, provided the individual
selling the prepaid dental insurance has been appointed by the
prepaid dental plan organization to sell such insurance.
E. B. 1. An insurance agent producer or limited insurance
representative lines producer may solicit applications for and issue
travel accident policies or baggage insurance by means of mechanical
vending machines supervised by the agent or representative insurance
Req. No. 478
Page 33
producer or limited lines producer only if the Insurance
Commissioner shall determine that the form of policy to be sold is
reasonably suited for sale and issuance through vending machines,
that use of vending machines for the sale of said policies would be
of convenience to the public, and that the type of vending machine
to be used is reasonably suitable and practical for the sale and
issuance of said policies. Policies so sold do not have to be
2. The Commissioner shall issue to the insurance agent or
limited insurance representative a special vending machine license
for each such machine to be used. The license shall specify the
name and address of the insurer and licensee, the kind of insurance
and type of policy to be sold, and the place where the machine is to
be in operation. The license shall expire, be renewable, and be
suspended or revoked coincidentally with the insurance agent license
or limited representative license of the licensee. The license fee
for each vending machine shall be that stated in the provisions of
Section 1425 23 of this title act. Proof of existence of the
license shall be displayed on or about each machine in such manner
as the Commissioner may reasonably require.
. AMENDATORY Section 63, Chapter 418, O.S.L.
1997 (36 O.S. Supp. 2000, Section 1424.14), is amended to read as
Section 1424.14 A. The Commissioner shall not grant, renew,
continue, or permit to continue any license if the Commissioner
finds that the license is being or will be used by the applicant or
licensee for the purpose of writing controlled business.
"Controlled business" means:
a. insurance written on the interests of the licensee or
those of his or her relatives to the second degree or
of his or her employer, or
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Page 34
b. insurance covering the licensee or his or her
relatives of the licensee to the second degree or a
corporation, association, or partnership of which the
licensee or a member of his or her the licensee’s
immediate family is an officer, director, substantial
stockholder, partner, associate, or employee, or the
officers, directors, substantial stockholders,
partners, or employees of such a corporation,
association, or partnership. A vendor's or lender's
interest in property sold or being sold pursuant to
contract or which is security for any loan shall not
be deemed for the purpose of this provision to
constitute property or an interest of the vendor or
B. A license shall be deemed to have been or intended to be
used for the purpose of writing controlled business if the
Commissioner finds that during any twelve-month period the aggregate
commissions earned from controlled business has exceeded twenty-five
percent (25%) of the aggregate commissions earned on all business
written by the applicant or licensee during the same period.
C. The prohibitions contained in this subsection section
concerning licensing for the writing of controlled business shall
not apply to title insurance agents producers and limited insurance
representatives lines producers.
. NEW LAW A new section of law to be codified
in the Oklahoma Statutes as Section 1435.22 of Title 36, unless
there is created a duplication in numbering, reads as follows:
A. Application for a customer service representative license or
license renewal shall be accompanied by a written appointment, which
shall remain in effect until expressly terminated in writing, signed
by the insurance agent or broker who will supervise the customer
Req. No. 478
Page 35
service representative, on forms prescribed by the Insurance
B. 1. Prior to issuance of a license as an insurance
consultant or surplus lines insurance broker, the applicant shall
file with the Commissioner and thereafter, for as long as the
license remains in effect, shall keep in force a bond in an amount
of not less than Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) and not more than
Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000.00) with an authorized corporate
surety approved by the Commissioner. The exact amount of the bond
shall be determined pursuant to the rules of the Commissioner and
shall be based upon the actual or reasonably estimated premium for
policies issued in connection with the services of the licensee.
The surety shall notify the Commissioner of any changes in the bond
of any licensee. The aggregate liability of the surety for any and
all claims on a bond required by the provisions of this subsection
shall in no event exceed the amount of the bond. No such bond shall
be terminated unless at least thirty (30) days' prior written notice
of the termination is given by the surety to the licensee and the
Commissioner. Upon termination of the license for which the bond
was in effect, the licensee shall notify the surety within ten (10)
working days.
2. All surety protection required by the provisions of this
section is to inure to the benefit of any party aggrieved by the
acts of a consultant or broker arising pursuant to conduct as a
licensed insurance consultant or surplus lines insurance broker.
. AMENDATORY 36 O.S. 1991, Section 1425, as
last amended by Section 69, Chapter 418, O.S.L. 1997 (36 O.S. Supp.
2000, Section 1425), is amended to read as follows:
Section 1425. A. The Commissioner shall not issue, continue,
or permit to continue any license of an insurance agent, surplus
lines insurance broker, limited insurance representative, or
Req. No. 478
Page 36
customer service representative except in compliance with the
provisions of this section.
B. 1. Application shall be made to the Commissioner by the
applicant on a form prescribed and with the information required by
the Commissioner.
2. The application for an insurance agent, managing general
agent, or limited insurance representative license shall be
accompanied by a written appointment. The appointment shall be made
by an officer or attorney-in-fact of the insurer designating the
applicant as an insurance agent, managing general agent, or limited
insurance representative for such lines of insurance as the
applicant will be authorized to write for said insurer. All
appointments for any licensee shall be submitted on behalf of the
appointing insurer on a form prescribed by the Commissioner and
shall remain in force until expressly terminated in writing by the
insurer or as provided in subsection E of this section. The
Commissioner shall collect from each company a biennial appointment
3. In connection with the licensure of an applicant, the
applicant shall submit either a letter from the appointing insurer
verifying acceptance of responsibility for the actions of the
applicant in the scope of that person's appointment, or submit and
maintain an errors and omissions policy acceptable to the
Commissioner, or, if errors and omissions coverage is provided by
the insurer for agents by utilizing a blanket errors and omissions
policy for coverage, a copy of the policy providing the errors and
omissions coverage shall be on file with the Commissioner. The
insurer providing coverage shall maintain an accurate list of all
agents covered by such policy.
4. Application for a customer service representative license or
license renewal shall be accompanied by a written appointment, which
shall remain in effect until expressly terminated in writing, signed
Req. No. 478
Page 37
by the insurance agent or broker who will supervise the customer
service representative, on forms prescribed by the Commissioner.
5. Any insurer approved to offer workers' compensation
equivalent insurance pursuant to the provisions of Section 65 of
Title 85 of the Oklahoma Statutes may appoint property and casualty
agents. All agents appointed for workers' compensation equivalent
insurance products must be licensed as property and casualty agents
by the Oklahoma Insurance Department.
C. Every individual applicant for licensing as an insurance
agent, managing general agent, limited insurance representative, or
customer service representative pursuant to the provisions of the
Insurance Agents Licensing Act shall be eighteen (18) years of age
or older.
D. 1. Except as provided in paragraph 2 of this subsection, an
applicant shall not be a full-time employee of the government of the
United States or of the executive or administrative branches of the
government of this state or any county or municipality in this
2. a. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to
applicants for life or accident and health insurance
agents' licenses or limited representatives.
b. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to
persons who hold an elective office except the office
of Insurance Commissioner.
c. For the purpose of this subsection, a teacher shall
not be considered a full-time employee of the
executive or administrative branches of the government
of the state or of any county or municipality in the
E. All applications shall be accompanied by the applicable
fees. An appointment may be deemed by the Commissioner to have
terminated upon failure by the insurer to pay the prescribed renewal
Req. No. 478
Page 38
fee. The Commissioner may also by order impose a civil penalty
equal to double the amount of the unpaid renewal fee.
The Insurance Commissioner shall collect in advance the
following fees and licenses:
1. For filing appointment of Insurance Commissioner as agent
for service of process....................... $ 10.00
2. Miscellaneous:
a. Certificate and Clearance of Commissioner,
under seal ..............................$ 3.00
b. Agent's Insurance producer’s study manual:
Life, Accident & Health .................not to exceed
$ 40.00
Property and Casualty ...................not to exceed
$ 40.00
c. For filing organizational documents of an entity
applying for a license as an agency insurance
producer ................................$ 20.00
3. Examination for license:
For each examination covering laws and one or more
lines of insurance .................... $ 50.00
4. Licenses:
a. Agent's Insurance producer’s biennial license,
regardless of number of companies represented
........................................ $ 60.00
b. Agent's Insurance producer’s biennial license for sale
or solicitation of separate accounts or agreements, as
provided for in Section 6061 of this
title................................... $ 60.00
c. Limited insurance representative biennial
license..................................$ 40.00
d. Temporary license as agent...............$ 20.00
e. Managing general agent's biennial
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Page 39
license..................................$ 60.00
f. Surplus lines broker's biennial license
........................................ $100.00
g. Insurance vending machine, each machine, biennial
fee................... ..................$100.00
h. Insurance consultant's biennial license, resident or
i. Customer service representative biennial
license..................................$ 40.00
5. Biennial fee for each appointed agent insurance producer,
managing general agent, or limited insurance representative
by insurer, each license of each agent insurance producer
or representative............................ $ 40.00
6. Renewal fee for all licenses shall be the same as the
current initial license fee.
7. The fee for a duplicate license shall be one-half (1/2) the
fee of an original license.
8. The renewal of a license shall require a fee of double the
current original license fee if the application for renewal
is late, or incomplete on the renewal deadline.
F. B. 1. The fees and monies received by the Insurance
Commissioner pursuant to the provisions of paragraphs 1, 2, 7 and 8
of subsection E A of this section shall be deposited with the State
Treasurer, who shall place the same to the credit of the State
Insurance Commissioner Revolving Fund for the purpose of fulfilling
and accomplishing the conditions and purposes of the Insurance
Agents Oklahoma Producer Licensing Act, including the use of postal
mail facilities for the Department.
2. The fees and monies received by the Insurance Commissioner
pursuant to the provisions of paragraphs 3 through 6 of subsection E
A of this section shall be paid into the State Treasury to the
credit of the General Revenue Fund of the state.
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Page 40
G. C. There is hereby created in the State Treasury the State
Insurance Commissioner Revolving Fund which shall be a continuing
fund not subject to fiscal year limitations. The revolving fund
shall consist of fees and monies received by the Insurance
Commissioner as required by law to be deposited in said fund and any
other funds not dedicated in the Oklahoma Insurance Code. The
revolving fund shall be used to fund the general operations of the
Insurance Commissioner's Office for the purpose of fulfilling and
accomplishing the conditions and purposes of the Insurance Oklahoma
Producer Licensing Act. All expenditures from said revolving fund
shall be on claims approved by the Insurance Commissioner and filed
with the Director of State Finance for payment.
H. D. All fees, fines, monies, and license fees authorized by
the provisions of this section and not dedicated by the provisions
of subsection F B of this section to the State Insurance
Commissioner Revolving Fund shall be paid into the State Treasury to
the credit of the General Revenue Fund of this state.
I. 1. Prior to issuance of a license as an insurance
consultant or surplus lines insurance broker, the applicant shall
file with the Commissioner and thereafter, for as long as the
license remains in effect, shall keep in force a bond in an amount
of not less than Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) and not more than
Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000.00) with an authorized corporate
surety approved by the Commissioner. The exact amount of the bond
shall be determined pursuant to the rules of the Commissioner and
shall be based upon the actual or reasonably estimated premium for
policies issued in connection with the services of the licensee.
The surety shall notify the Commissioner of any changes in the bond
of any licensee. The aggregate liability of the surety for any and
all claims on a bond required by the provisions of this subsection
shall in no event exceed the amount of the bond. No such bond shall
be terminated unless at least thirty (30) days' prior written notice
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of the termination is given by the surety to the licensee and the
Commissioner. Upon termination of the license for which the bond
was in effect, the licensee shall notify the surety within ten (10)
working days.
2. All surety protection required by the provisions of this
section is to inure to the benefit of any party aggrieved by the
acts of a consultant or broker arising pursuant to conduct as a
licensed insurance consultant or surplus lines insurance broker.
E. If for any reason an insurance producer license or
appointment is not issued or renewed by the Commissioner, all fees
accompanying the appointment or application for the license shall be
deemed earned and shall not be refundable except as provided in
Section 352 of this title.
. AMENDATORY Section 71, Chapter 418, O.S.L.
1997, as amended by Section 34, Chapter 205, O.S.L. 2000 (36 O.S.
Supp. 2000, Section 1425.2), is amended to read as follows:
Section 1425.2 A. The Insurance Commissioner shall issue an
insurance agent's license, managing general agent's license,
insurance consultant's license, a limited insurance representative's
or a customer service representative's license to any duly qualified
resident or nonresident of this state, whether an individual or
legal entity, in accordance with this section.
1. An applicant may qualify as a resident if the applicant
resides in this state. Any license issued pursuant to any such
application claiming residency in this state for licensing in this
state shall constitute an election of residency in this state and
shall be void if the licensee, while holding a resident license in
this state, also holds or makes application for a license in or
thereafter claims to be a resident of any other state or other
jurisdiction or ceases to be a resident of this state. However, if
the applicant is a resident of a community or trade area, the border
of which is contiguous with the state line of this state, the
Req. No. 478
Page 42
applicant may qualify as a resident in such other state and may hold
a resident license from each state, so long as both states are party
to a reciprocal dual licensing agreement.
2. An applicant may qualify for a license pursuant to the
provisions of the Oklahoma Insurance Agents Producers Licensing Act
as a nonresident only if the applicant holds a resident agent's
license in any state of the United States, a province of Canada, or
any other foreign country, in which he or she the applicant claims
residency and which provides for the issuance of nonresident
licenses to residents of this state, by law or by a reciprocal
licensing agreement with the Commissioner.
3. The applicant shall provide to the Commissioner an original
certification of licensure status from the resident state of the
4. A license issued to a nonresident of this state shall grant
the same rights and privileges afforded a resident licensee, except
as otherwise provided for by law.
B. A legal entity otherwise qualified to hold a license as a
nonresident agent shall be licensed pursuant to the provisions of
this section:
1. If the primary purpose of the entity is the transacting of
insurance business, or the entity is a national banking association
that qualifies for an insurance agency license pursuant to federal
law or the regulations and policies of the United States Comptroller
of the Currency or the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System issued pursuant thereto or the entity is a state banking
association that qualifies for an agency license pursuant to federal
law or the law of the state in which it is chartered. Any entity
that owns an interest in or is a partner in a licensed nonresident
agency shall also qualify for and obtain an agency license pursuant
to this section, unless:
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a. a waiver of this requirement is requested in writing
and approved by the Commissioner,
b. the owning entity is a bank organized under the laws
of this state,
c. the owning entity is a national banking association,
d. the owning entity is a “financial holding company” as
defined in Section 2 of the Bank Holding Company Act
of 1956, 12 U.S.C., Section 1841,
e. the parent corporation is also qualified as a
nonprofit corporation under the provisions of Section
501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code on or before
January 1, 1985, and the subsidiary corporation of the
nonprofit parent corporation writes only group
insurance for members of the parent corporation, or
f. the owning entity lawfully owned its interest in the
licensed agency prior to November 1, 1997.
The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to any person
licensed as a title insurance agent; and
2. Except as otherwise provided in paragraph 1 of this
subsection, if such entity does not own an interest in or is not a
partner in an entity licensed as a resident agency in this state
pursuant to this title.
C. The Commissioner shall not issue a license to any
nonresident applicant until the applicant files with the
Commissioner his or her the applicant’s designation of the
Commissioner as the person upon whom may be served all lawful
process in any action, suit, or proceeding instituted by or on
behalf of any interested person arising out of the insurance
business of the applicant in this state. This designation shall
constitute an agreement that said service of process is of the same
legal force and validity as personal service of process in this
state upon the nonresident licensee. Service of process upon any
Req. No. 478
Page 44
such licensee in any such action or proceeding in any court of
competent jurisdiction of this state may be made by serving the
Commissioner with three copies thereof and by paying to the
Commissioner a fee of Twenty Dollars ($20.00). The Commissioner
shall forward a copy of the process by mail with return receipt
requested to the licensee at his or her the licensee’s last-known
address of record or principal place of business, and the
Commissioner shall keep a record of all process so served upon the
D. C. Service of process upon any such licensee in any action
or proceeding instituted by the Commissioner pursuant to the
provisions of this Code shall be made by the Commissioner by mailing
the process by mail with return receipt requested to the licensee at
his or her the licensee’s last-known address of record or principal
place of business. Service of process, other than a subpoena, upon
any nonresident licensee is sufficient, provided notice of the
service and a copy of the process are sent within ten (10) days
thereafter to the licensee at his or her the licensee’s last-known
address of record or principal place of business by mail with return
receipt requested.
E. If the Commissioner revokes or suspends any nonresident's
license through a formal proceeding pursuant to the provisions of
this Code, the Commissioner shall promptly notify the appropriate
Commissioner of the licensee's state of residence of the action and
of the particulars thereof.
. AMENDATORY Section 73, Chapter 418, O.S.L.
1997 (36 O.S. Supp. 2000, Section 1425.4), is amended to read as
Section 1425.4 An applicant for a surplus lines insurance
broker's license shall first be licensed in this state as a resident
insurance agent producer qualified as to the line or lines of
insurance to be written.
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. AMENDATORY Section 75, Chapter 418, O.S.L.
1997 (36 O.S. Supp. 2000, Section 1425.6), is amended to read as
Section 1425.6 A. It shall be unlawful for any person whose
license to act as an insurance agent producer, limited insurance
representative lines producer, managing general agent, insurance
consultant, surplus lines insurance broker, or customer service
representative has been suspended, revoked, surrendered, or refused
to do or perform any of the acts of an insurance agent producer,
limited insurance representative lines producer, managing general
agent, insurance consultant, surplus lines insurance broker, or
customer service representative. Any person convicted of violating
the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a felony and shall
be punished by the imposition of a fine of not more than Five
Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) or shall be committed to the custody of
the Department of Corrections for not less than one (1) year nor
more than five (5) years, or be punished by both said fine and
commitment to custody.
B. It shall be unlawful for any insurance agent producer,
limited insurance representative lines producer, managing general
agent, insurance consultant, surplus lines insurance broker, or
customer service representative to assist, aid, or conspire with a
person whose license as an insurance agent producer, limited
insurance representative lines producer, managing general agent,
insurance consultant, surplus lines insurance broker, or customer
service representative has been suspended, revoked, surrendered, or
refused to engage in any acts as an insurance agent producer,
limited insurance representative lines producer, managing general
agent, insurance consultant, surplus lines insurance broker, or
customer service representative. Any person convicted of violating
the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a felony and shall
be punished by the imposition of a fine of not more than Five
Req. No. 478
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Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) or shall be committed to the custody of
the Department of Corrections for not less than one (1) year nor
more than five (5) years, or be punished by both said fine and
commitment to custody.
C. Except for those persons exempt from licensure, it shall be
unlawful for any person to do or perform any of the acts of an
insurance agent producer, limited insurance representative lines
producer, managing general agent, surplus lines insurance broker,
insurance consultant, or customer service representative without
being duly licensed. Any person convicted of violating the
provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and
shall be punished by the imposition of a fine of not more than Five
Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or imprisonment in the county jail for not
less than six (6) months nor more than one (1) year, or be punished
by both said fine and imprisonment.
. NEW LAW A new section of law to be codified
in the Oklahoma Statutes as Section 1435.27 of Title 36, unless
there is created a duplication in numbering, reads as follows:
If an insurance producer or insurance producers choose to use a
facsimile signature stamp in their business, such stamp shall be
proof that the producer or producers have authorized the signing of
any documents relating to the business of insurance.
. NEW LAW A new section of law to be codified
in the Oklahoma Statutes as Section 1435.28 of Title 36, unless
there is created a duplication in numbering, reads as follows:
It shall be unlawful for any insurance producer to receive an
ownership interest in any policy, by assignment or otherwise, unless
the insurance producer has an insurable interest in the life of the
. AMENDATORY 36 O.S. 1991, Section 1425.1, as
renumbered by Section 127, Chapter 418, O.S.L. 1997, and as last
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Page 47
amended by Section 12, Chapter 353, O.S.L. 2000 (36 O.S. Supp. 2000,
Section 1426A), is amended to read as follows:
Section 1426A. A. 1. Each insurance agent producer shall,
biennially, complete not less than fourteen (14) clock hours of
continuing insurance education which shall cover subjects in the
lines for which the agent insurance producer is licensed. Such
education may include a written or oral examination.
2. Each customer service representative shall, biennially,
complete not less than ten (10) clock hours of continuing insurance
education which shall cover subjects in the lines for which the
licensee is authorized to conduct insurance-related business on
behalf of the appointing agent, broker, or agency.
3. Licensees shall complete, in addition to the foregoing, two
(2) clock hours of ethics course work in this same period.
B. 1. The Insurance Commissioner shall approve courses and
providers of continuing education. The Insurance Department may use
one or more of the following to review and provide a nonbinding
recommendation to the Insurance Commissioner on approval or
disapproval of courses and providers of continuing education:
a. employees of the Insurance Commissioner,
b. a continuing education advisory committee, or
c. an independent service whose normal business
activities include the review and approval of
continuing education courses and providers. The
Commissioner may negotiate agreements with such
independent service to review documents and other
materials submitted for approval of courses and
providers and provide the Commissioner with its
nonbinding recommendation. The Commissioner may
require such independent service to collect the fee
charged by the independent service for reviewing
Req. No. 478
Page 48
materials provided for review directly from the course
The Insurance Commissioner has sole authority to approve courses
and providers of continuing education. If the Insurance
Commissioner uses one of the entities listed above to provide a
nonbinding recommendation, he or she the Commissioner shall adopt or
decline to adopt the recommendation within thirty (30) days of
receipt of the recommendation. In the event the Insurance
Commissioner takes no action within said thirty-day period, the
recommendation made to the Commissioner will be deemed to have been
adopted by the Commissioner.
2. Each insurance company shall be allowed to provide
continuing education to insurance agents producers and customer
service representatives as required by this section; provided that
such continuing education meets the general standards for education
otherwise established by the Insurance Commission Commissioner.
3. An agent insurance producer who, during the time period
prior to renewal, successfully completes any one of the following
courses or programs of instruction and equivalent classroom hours
approved by the Insurance Commissioner shall be deemed to have met
the biennial requirement for continuing education:
a. any part of a life course curriculum totaling fifty
(50) classroom hours, or a health course totaling
twenty-six (26) classroom hours offered by the Life
Underwriter Training Council,
b. any part of the American College of Life Underwriters
(CLU) diploma curriculum for Chartered Life
Underwriters (CLU), Registered Health Underwriters
(RHU), Chartered Financial Consultants (ChFC), or
Registered Employee Benefits Consultants (REBC),
totaling thirty (30) classroom hours,
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Page 49
c. any part of the Accredited Advisor in Insurance (AAI)
program totaling twenty-five (25) classroom hours
offered by the Insurance Institute of America,
d. any part of the Chartered Property and Casualty
Underwriter (CPCU) professional designation program
totaling thirty (30) classroom hours offered by the
American Institute of Property and Liability
Underwriters, or
e. any part of the Certified Insurance Counselor Program
totaling twenty (20) classroom hours.
C. Each provider of continuing education shall, after approval
by the Commissioner, submit an annual fee of Two Hundred Dollars
($200.00) payable to the Insurance Commissioner which shall be
deposited in the State Insurance Commissioner Revolving Fund,
created in subsection G C of Section 1425 23 of this title act, for
the purposes of fulfilling and accomplishing the conditions and
purposes of the Oklahoma Insurance Agents Producer Licensing Act and
the Insurance Adjusters Licensing Act. Provided, public-funded
educational institutions shall be exempt from this subsection.
D. Failure of an insurance agent producer or customer service
representative to comply with the requirements of this act may,
after notice and opportunity for hearing, result in censure,
suspension, nonrenewal of license or a civil penalty of up to Five
Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or by both such penalty and civil penalty.
Said civil penalty may be enforced in the same manner in which civil
judgments may be enforced. Any civil penalties collected under this
act shall be deposited in the State Insurance Commissioner Revolving
E. Limited insurance representatives lines producers and
nonresident agents who have successfully completed an equivalent or
greater requirement as set out in subparagraph b of paragraph 2 of
Req. No. 478
Page 50
subsection A of Section 1424 of this title shall be exempt from the
provisions of this section.
F. Agents Insurance producers and limited insurance
representatives lines producers who are sixty-five (65) years of age
or older and who have at least thirty (30) years of experience as
agents Insurance producers or limited insurance representatives
lines producers, and who do not write new business, shall be exempt
from the provisions of this section.
G. The Commissioner shall adopt and promulgate such rules as
are necessary for effective administration of this act.
. AMENDATORY 36 O.S. 1991, Section 1427, as
amended by Section 80, Chapter 418, O.S.L. 1997 (36 O.S. Supp. 2000,
Section 1427), is amended to read as follows:
Section 1427. A. No person shall act as, or hold himself or
herself out to be, an insurance consultant until a license as an
insurance consultant has been issued to him or her the person by the
Insurance Commissioner. However, no insurance consultant's license
shall be required of the following:
1. Attorneys licensed to practice law in this state acting in
their professional capacity;
2. A duly licensed insurance agent producer or surplus lines
insurance broker;
3. A trust officer of a bank acting in the normal course of his
or her employment; or
4. An actuary or a certified public accountant who provides
information, recommendations, advice, or services in his or her a
professional capacity.
B. An application for a license to act as an insurance
consultant shall be made to the Commissioner on forms prescribed by
the Commissioner. Within a reasonable time after receipt of a
properly completed application form, the Commissioner shall hold a
written examination for the applicant, and may conduct
Req. No. 478
Page 51
investigations and propound interrogatories concerning the
qualifications of the applicant, the residence, business
affiliations, and any other matter which the Commissioner deems
necessary or advisable to determine compliance with the provisions
of the Oklahoma Insurance Agents Producer Licensing Act or for the
protection of the public.
C. In advance of rendering any service as an insurance
consultant as defined in the provisions of Section 1422 2 of this
title act, a written agreement on a form approved by the
Commissioner shall be prepared by the consultant, and shall be
signed by both the consultant and the client. The agreement shall
outline the nature of the work to be performed by the consultant and
shall state the fee for the work. The consultant shall retain a
copy of the agreement for not less than three (3) years after
completion of the services and shall make said copy available to the
Insurance Commissioner upon request by the Insurance Commissioner.
D. No individual may concurrently hold a consultant's license
and a license as an insurance agent producer, surplus lines
insurance broker, or limited insurance representative producer.
E. No licensed consultant in the performance of activities as a
consultant may employ, be employed by, be in partnership with, or
receive any remuneration whatsoever from, any licensed insurance
agent producer, surplus lines insurance broker, limited insurance
representative producer, or insurer.
F. A license to act as an insurance consultant shall be valid
for not longer than twelve (12) months and may be renewed annually.
G. All requirements and standards relating to the denial,
revocation, or suspension of an insurance agent's producer’s
license, including penalties, shall apply to the denial, revocation,
and suspension of an insurance consultant's license to the extent
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H. A consultant is obligated by the terms of this license, to
serve with objectivity and complete loyalty the interests of a
client alone; and render to a client such information, counsel, and
service as, within the knowledge, understanding, and opinion, in
good faith, of the licensee, best serves the client's insurance
needs and interests.
I. A duly licensed insurance agent producer or surplus lines
insurance broker who acts as, or holds himself or herself out to be,
an insurance consultant pursuant to the exemption from licensing as
a consultant contained in the provisions of subsection A of this
section shall nonetheless be subject to the provisions of
subsections C and H of this section. However, nothing in this title
shall prohibit the offset, in whole or in part, of the fee payable
pursuant to the provisions of subsection C of this section by
compensation otherwise payable to said duly licensed insurance agent
producer or surplus lines insurance broker for acting as an agent
insurance producer or broker.
. AMENDATORY Section 6, Chapter 246, O.S.L.
1996 (36 O.S. Supp. 2000, Section 1427.1), is amended to read as
Section 1427.1 A. As used in this section:
1. "Customer service representative" means an individual
appointed by an insurance agent, surplus lines insurance broker,
managing general agent, or insurance agency to assist the agent,
broker, or agency in transacting the business of insurance from the
office of the agent, broker, or agency and whose salary may vary
based on the production or volume of applications or premiums as
provided for in this section as defined by Section 2 of this act;
2. a. "Insurance-related business" means taking
applications, giving quotes, interpreting policies,
explaining procedures, giving insurance advice,
Req. No. 478
Page 53
soliciting new customers at the appointing agent's
producer’s, broker's, or agency's office or by
telephone from that office, binding new or additional
coverages, signing applications and binders in the
customer service representative's own name,
preliminary claims adjusting work, and such other
transactions as authorized by rule of the Insurance
b. "Preliminary claims adjusting work" shall be limited
to assisting in processing the claim which may include
taking claims statements, getting estimates, advising
claimants as to procedures, preparing claims
paperwork, taking photos, and assembling and ordering
claims files.
B. 1. Any person licensed and appointed as an insurance agent
producer, broker, or managing general agent, except a limited
insurance representative lines producer, and any insurance agency
may appoint and employ as customer service representatives any
persons who hold or have qualified for a customer service
representative's license.
2. No person shall be appointed and employed as a customer
service representative by more than one appointing agent insurance
producer, broker, or agency at any one time. The agent insurance
producer or broker designated to supervise the work of the customer
service representative shall sign the appointment form and shall
thereby obligate himself or herself be obligated to supervise the
customer service representative's conduct of insurance-related
business and review such work.
3. A customer service representative shall be housed within the
office of the agent insurance producer, broker, or agency by which
he or she the customer service representative is employed and shall
not conduct insurance-related business as authorized herein from any
Req. No. 478
Page 54
other location. No advertising, letterhead, or telephone listing of
the customer service representative shall indicate any business
address other than that of the agent insurance producer, broker, or
agency by which he or she the customer service representative is
C. 1. A customer service representative's license shall not
cover any kind of insurance for which the appointing agent insurance
producer, broker, or agency is not licensed or otherwise authorized
to transact.
2. A customer service representative may conduct insurance-
related business with customers who have been solicited by any agent
insurance producer, broker, or customer service representative in
the appointing agency, and may conduct insurance-related business
with customers who have not been so solicited to the extent and
under conditions that are otherwise consistent with this section and
with the insurer's contract with the agent insurance producer or
broker. In all such transactions the customer service
representative must always identify himself or herself as a customer
service representative of the appointing agent insurance producer,
broker, or agency.
3. A customer service representative shall be a salaried
employee of the appointing agent insurance producer, broker, or
agency. Compensation shall not include commissions; however, up to
forty-nine percent (49%) of such compensation may be based on
production or volume of business.
4. All insurance-related business conducted by a customer
service representative shall be in the name of the appointing agent
insurance producer, broker, or agency. The agent insurance
producer, broker, or agency shall be responsible and accountable for
all acts of the customer service representative within the scope of
such appointment.
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Page 55
. AMENDATORY Section 24, Chapter 178, O.S.L.
1992 (36 O.S. Supp. 2000, Section 5103), is amended to read as
Section 5103. A. No person, firm, association or corporation
shall act as an RB a reinsurance intermediary broker (RB) in this
state if the RB maintains an office either directly or as a member
or employee of a firm or association, or an officer, director or
employee of a corporation:
1. In this state, unless such RB is a licensed producer in this
state; or
2. In another state, unless such RB is a licensed producer in
this state or another state having a law substantially similar to
this law or such RB is licensed in this state as a nonresident
reinsurance intermediary.
B. No person, firm, association or corporation shall act as an
RM a reinsurance intermediary manager (RM):
1. For a reinsurer domiciled in this state, unless such RM is a
licensed producer in this state;
2. In this state, if the RM maintains an office either directly
or as a member or employee of a firm or association, or an officer,
director or employee of a corporation in this state, unless such RM
is a licensed producer in this state; or
3. In another state for a nondomestic insurer, unless such RM
is a licensed producer in this state or another state having a law
substantially similar to this law or such person is licensed in this
state as a nonresident reinsurance intermediary.
C. The Insurance Commissioner may require an RM subject to the
provisions of subsection B of this section to:
1. File a bond in an amount from an insurer acceptable to the
Commissioner for the protection of the reinsurer; and
2. Maintain an errors and omissions policy in an amount
acceptable to the Commissioner.
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Page 56
D. 1. The Commissioner may issue a reinsurance intermediary
license to any person, firm, association or corporation who has
complied with the requirements of the Reinsurance Intermediary Act.
Any such license issued to a firm or association shall authorize all
the members of the firm or association and any designated employees
to act as reinsurance intermediaries pursuant to the license, and
all such persons shall be named in the application and any
supplements thereto. Any such license issued to a corporation shall
authorize all of the officers, and any designated employees and
directors thereof to act as reinsurance intermediaries on behalf of
the corporation, and all such persons shall be named in the
application and any supplements thereto.
2. If the applicant for a reinsurance intermediary license is a
nonresident, the applicant, as a condition precedent to receiving or
holding a license, shall designate the Commissioner as agent for
service of process in the manner, and with the same legal effect,
provided for by the Reinsurance Intermediary Act for designation of
service of process upon unauthorized insurers; and also shall
furnish the Commissioner with the name and address of a resident of
this state upon whom notices or orders of the Commissioner or
process affecting such nonresident reinsurance intermediary may be
served. Such licensee shall promptly notify the Commissioner in
writing of every change in its designated agent for service of
process, and such change shall not become effective until
acknowledged by the Commissioner.
E. The Commissioner may refuse to issue a reinsurance
intermediary license if, in his the judgment of the Commissioner,
the applicant, any one named on the application, or any member,
principal, officer or director of the applicant, or that any
controlling person of such applicant, is not trustworthy to act as a
reinsurance intermediary, or that any of the foregoing has given
cause for revocation or suspension of such license, or has failed to
Req. No. 478
Page 57
comply with any prerequisite for the issuance of such license. Upon
written request therefor, the Commissioner shall furnish a summary
of the basis for refusal to issue a license, which document shall be
privileged and not subject to the Oklahoma Open Records Act.
F. Licensed attorneys-at-law of this state when acting in their
professional capacity as attorneys shall be exempt from this
G. Licenses issued by the Commissioner pursuant to this section
shall be issued for a period of twenty-four (24) months. The
license shall not be issued unless the application for the license
is accompanied by a license fee of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00).
The license shall not be renewed unless the renewal application for
the license is accompanied by a renewal fee of One Hundred Dollars
H. The terms “reinsurance intermediary broker (RB)” and
“reinsurance intermediary manager (RM)” shall have the meanings
provided in Section 5102 of this title.
. REPEALER 36 O.S. 1991, Sections 1421, 1428,
as last amended by Section 13, Chapter 353, O.S.L. 2000, 1430, 1431,
1431.1, 1432, 1433 and Section 76, Chapter 418, O.S.L. 1997, as
amended by Section 2, Chapter 36, O.S.L. 1999 and Section 78,
Chapter 418, O.S.L. 1997 (36 O.S. Supp. 2000, Sections 1425.7,
1425.9 and 1428), are hereby repealed.
. RECODIFICATION 36 O.S. 1991, Sections 1422,
1423, 1426, 1425 and 1427, as last amended by Sections 2, 3, 10, 23
and 30 of this act, shall be recodified as Sections 1435.2, 1435.3,
1435.10, 1435.23 and 1435.30 of Title 36 of the Oklahoma Statutes,
unless there is created a duplication in numbering. 36 O.S. 1991,
Section 1425.1, as renumbered by Section 127, Chapter 418, O.S.L.
1997 (36 O.S. Supp. 2000, Section 1426A), and as last amended by
Section 29 of this act, shall be recodified as Section 1435.29 of
Title 36 of the Oklahoma Statutes, unless there is created a
Req. No. 478
Page 58
duplication in numbering. Section 63, Chapter 418, O.S.L. 1997,
Section 73, Chapter 418, O.S.L. 1997, Section 75, Chapter 418,
O.S.L. 1997, Section 6, Chapter 246, O.S.L. 1996 and Section 24,
Chapter 178, O.S.L. 1992 (36 O.S. Supp. 2000, Sections 1424.14,
1425.4, 1425.6, 1427.1 and 5103), as amended by Sections 21, 25, 26,
31 and 32 of this act, shall be recodified as Sections 1435.21,
1435.25, 1435.26, 1435.31 and 1435.32 of Title 36 of the Oklahoma
Statutes, unless there is created a duplication in numbering.
Section 60, Chapter 418, O.S.L. 1997 and Section 71, Chapter 418,
O.S.L. 1997 (36 O.S. Supp. 2000, Sections 1424.11 and 1425.2), as
last amended by Sections 20 and 24 of this act, shall be recodified
as Sections 1435.20 and 1435.24 of Title 36 of the Oklahoma
Statutes, unless there is created a duplication in numbering.
. This act shall become effective November 1, 2001.
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