Association By-Laws and Policy Manual
February 2020
New York State Conservation District Employees’ Association, Inc.
By-Laws and Policy Manual
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
Association History & Function……………………………
p. 2
Division Map……………………………………………….
p. 4
Association By-Laws……………………………………….
p. 5
Standing Committees & Function………………………….
p. 10
Association Policies
A. General Policies ....................................................................... p. 12
1. Committees
2. Meetings
3. Finances
4. Donations/Bereavements
5. Awards
B. Program Policies…………………………………………
1. Ronny Raindrop®
2. Frank Bratt Scholarship
3. Envirothon Committee
Officer Guidelines…………………………………………..
Four Way Memorandum of Understanding…………………
A. Officer Guidelines and Responsibilities: Supplemental Standards of Operation Treasurer
B. Environmental Education Foundation By-Laws
C. NYS Erosion & Sediment Control Certificate Program Policy & Procedures
D. Credit Card Policy & Payment Request
E. Funds Transfer Request
F. Payment Authorization Form
G. Reimbursement Request Form
H. Frank Bratt Memorial Scholarship Application and Rating Form
I. Checklist for Review of Treasurer’s Records
J. Environmental Education Foundation By-laws
K. NYS Erosion & Sediment Control Certificate Program Policy & Procedures
L. Whistleblower Protection Policy, Conflict of Interest, Code of Conduct and Ethics
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
There are 58 Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCD) in New York State with approximately 300
full and part time employees comprising the membership. New York State Conservation District
Employees Association, Inc. (the Association) was formed in March 1975, incorporated in 1983 and
obtained 501(c)-6 tax-exempt status in 1989. The Association operates with by-laws and policies. The
purposes for which the Association formed were for the mutual advancement of the interests of members
to consider and deal with common problems, and to strengthen local SWCDs by providing assistance
and information to local boards and employees. To that end, the Association has focused resources on
creating and fostering opportunities for employee networking, professional development, and SWCD
outreach and promotion.
During the month of March, the Association jointly sponsors an annual training session with the New
York State Soil and Water Conservation Committee (NYSSWCC) called the Water Quality Symposium.
The four [4] day session offers training that covers topics related to conservation education,
administration, water quality management, and natural resource planning, forestry, agriculture, non-
agriculture, and technical assistance. Training may be offered for CCA, SAF or CEU credits. The session
is open to all employees and partners. In conjunction with the training session, the Association holds an
annual meeting and hosts an annual banquet.
At the Annual Meeting, Association members from across the state have the opportunity for an open
discussion on SWCD employee issues and concerns. Nominations and election of officers and Division
Representatives take place during the Annual Meeting. This is also the forum where policies and
resolutions are addressed.
The banquet includes our Annual Awards and Recognition Program. Awards have been developed and
include the Willard F. Croney Distinguished Service Award, Special Project Award, Division Merit
Awards, District Director Award, Heroic Action Award, Partner Appreciation Award, and Community
Service Award. Awards are also given to individuals working for other agencies, and District directors
who have made outstanding contributions to District programs.
In addition to the annual training session, the Association sponsors several other training events
throughout the year. The Administrative Conference provides specific and pertinent information and
training for SWCD administrative staff. It also serves as a forum to initiate discussion on mutual
problems and concerns among Districts. The Conservation Skills Workshop is a field oriented technical
training program coordinated every fall by the Association, in conjunction with other partners. It offers
a variety of basic and advanced training for SWCD employees and partners.
The “Frank Bratt Memorial Scholarship” was created in 1990 in memory of Frank Bratt (Chautauqua
County) a long-time District Director and friend of SWCDs. It was created to give District employees
and their families an incentive to pursue or continue educational opportunities in natural resources. The
Association uses the funds available through the income and interest to the Frank Bratt Scholarship
account to fund several scholarships annually. Applications are solicited, reviewed, ranked, and
funded four times a year.
Association History & Function
New York State Conservation District Employees’ Association, Inc.
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
The Association is involved in a number of SWCD promotion and outreach related activities. With
assistance from Directors and other partners, the Association creates, organizes, and staffs an exhibit at
the annual New York State Fair. The fair presents an excellent opportunity to educate the public about
SWCD programs and services. Since 1988, the Association has published and distributed an employee
newsletter which is sent to every District in New York State and to our conservation partners.
In 1990, the Association began the New York State Envirothon program, with the mission to test
students’ knowledge and understanding of natural resource issues within the state and cultivate students’
desire to learn more about natural resources and environmental issues. The Association created a sub-
committee to coordinate this annual event. The NYS Envirothon Committee is an energetic group of
Association members and cooperating agency representatives. Districts sponsor local Envirothon
competitions, and send their winning team to the state event. Competitions are held at the local, regional,
state and national levels. New high schools continue to be attracted to the program.
The Association created a costumed figure called Ronny Raindrop® in 1990. The large raindrop costume
is used to teach the importance of water quality. Ronny® has made appearances at the State Fair, county
fairs, festivals, parades, shopping centers, schools, day care centers, etc. The Association has a costume
in each Division and registered copyrights on both the name and image (costume). Coloring sheets and
books, T-shirts and other educational and promotional items have been developed over the years
highlighting Ronny®.
The Association is a signatory to the 4-Way Memorandum of Understanding with the Natural Resources
Conservation Service, New York Association of Conservation Districts and the New York State Soil &
Water Conservation Committee (NYSSWCC). In 1996, the Association became an advisory member of
the NYSSWCC by legislative amendment to NYS Conservation District Law. The Association’s
inclusion in the 4-Way Memorandum and advisory position on the NYSSWCC show recognition of and
confidence in the Association by the other agencies and groups involved.
One of the greatest accomplishments of the Association to date has been SWCD indemnification. In
1996, the Association, through partnerships and collaborations with NYSSWCC, NYACD, and other
agencies and organizations, was able to amend Public Officers Law to provide for the defense of SWCD
employees, officers, and directors when working on projects receiving funding from the state and
approved by the NYSSWCC.
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
Sec. 1: The name of this Association shall be the New York State Conservation District Employees’
Association, Inc.
ARTICLE II: Objectives
Sec. 1: To strengthen the local Soil & Water Conservation Districts of New York State.
Sec. 2: To provide assistance and information to local boards of directors and to employees of Districts
to resolve problems related to natural resource conservation.
Sec. 3: To assist any agency, organization, municipality, group or individual supporting the Soil and
Water Conservation Districts of New York State, in the spirit of cooperation, sound conservation
practices and proper land use.
Sec. 1: This Association shall be a not-for-profit organization. Its function will be to develop, strengthen
and support the conservation programs in New York State.
Sec. 2: Coercion by any person in an attempt to use this Association for any other purpose, such as
collective bargaining, is prohibited.
ARTICLE IV: Membership
Sec. 1: The membership of this Association shall consist of full-time and part-time employees of the
legally organized Soil and Water Conservation Districts within the State of New York.
Sec. 2: Each member shall be entitled to one [1] vote and voting by proxy shall not be permitted. All
members shall be encouraged to attend Association meetings and participate in discussions.
ARTICLE V: Executive Board
Sec. 1: The Executive Board consists of the Board of Representatives and the Executive Committee.
The Executive Board shall constitute the Association’s governing entity. Each Board Member
shall have one vote.
Sec. 2: It shall be the responsibility of the Executive Board to authorize officers and employees to
perform such duties as are necessary for the operation of the Association.
New York State Conservation District Employees’ Association, Inc.
II. Association By - Laws
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
ARTICLE VI: Board of Representatives
Sec. 1: The Board of Representatives shall consist of eight [8] Division Representatives and a Member-
Sec. 2: The term of office for the elected representatives shall be for one [1] year.
Sec. 3: Vacancies shall be filled by appointment of the President. The appointed representatives must be
selected from within the Division they represent and will serve until the next annual meeting.
Sec. 4: The Member-at-Large shall serve as the chair of the Board of Representatives.
Sec. 5: One Division Representative shall be elected from each of the eight [8] Divisions, made up of
the following Soil and Water Conservation Districts and their term is two (2 ) years:
Division I Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Erie, Genesee, Niagara, Orleans,
Division II Cayuga, Livingston, Monroe, Onondaga, Ontario, Seneca, Wayne, Yates
Division III Herkimer, Jefferson, Lewis, Madison, Oneida, Oswego, St. Lawrence
Division IV Broome, Chemung, Chenango, Cortland, Delaware, Otsego, Schuyler,
Tioga, Tompkins
Division V Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Hamilton, Warren
Division VI Albany, Fulton, Montgomery, Rensselaer, Saratoga, Schenectady, Schoharie,
Division VII Columbia, Dutchess, Greene, Orange, Sullivan, Ulster
Division VIII Nassau, New York City, Putnam, Rockland, Suffolk, Westchester
Sec. 6: The election of the Board of Representatives shall take place at the annual meeting of the
Association. Representatives from Division I, III, V, VII, and the Member-at-Large shall be
elected on odd numbered years. Representatives from Divisions II, IV, VI and VIII shall be
elected on even numbered years. The terms of office for the Board of Representatives and the
Member-at-Large shall be limited to not more than three (3) consecutive two (2) year terms.
Sec. 7: The representatives shall be nominated and elected at the annual meeting by their respective
Division members present at the meeting. In the event there are less than three [3] division
members present, the President shall appoint a Division Representative. The duties of the newly
elected representatives shall commence fifteen [15] days after being elected.
Sec. 8: It is the responsibility of the representatives to hold at least one [1] annual meeting and to call
special meetings within their Divisions when it is deemed to be in the best interests of the Soil
and Water Conservation District’s programs and to otherwise assist the employees in their
Sec. 9: The quorum of the Executive Board will be a simple majority of its full membership.
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
ARTICLE VII: Executive Committee (The Officers)
Sec. 1: A President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be elected by the Association’s
membership at each Annual Meeting. The duties of the newly elected officers shall commence
fifteen [15] days after being elected. Elections shall be by secret ballot.
Sec. 2: The President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Member-at-Large of the Board of
Representatives shall constitute the Association’s Executive Committee which shall have the
power to act in the name of the Association between regular or special board meetings.
Sec. 3: Vacancies created during the officers’ terms of office shall be filled by a majority vote of the
Board of Representatives and shall serve until the next annual meeting.
Sec. 4: The immediate past president shall act as an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee and
chair the Nominating Committee.
Sec. 5: The office of President and Vice-President shall be limited to no more than four [4] consecutive
ARTICLE VIII: Duties of Officers
Sec. 1: The duties of the officers of the Association shall be those normally pertaining to the officials in
any association and any additional duties specifically assigned to them by the Board of
Sec. 2: The President shall be empowered to appoint at his or her discretion, any member of committee
formed from within the membership, to expedite the objectives of the Association.
Sec. 3: The duties of the President shall include special attention throughout the term for a smooth
transition to the successor of the on-going programs of the Association. A committee structure
will always be considered for carrying out the work of the Association, before other methods
are adopted.
Sec. 4: The duties of the Secretary shall be to record the minutes of all meetings and to provide copies
of the minutes to each Division representative for distribution. The Secretary will also forward
the minutes to the State Soil and Water Conservation Committee staff representative for email
distribution to Districts. The Secretary shall maintain an official standard hard cover minutes
book for the Association.
Sec. 5: The Treasurer shall keep full and accurate records of all financial transactions and also make an
annual financial report to the membership at the annual meeting. All Association funds will be
maintained in a banking institution in the Association’s name in New York State.
Sec. 6: The officers may by majority vote and with the concurrence of the majority of the Board of
Representatives, establish or abolish positions of employment and to fix the compensation and
time of payment thereof.
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
ARTICLE IX: Finances
Sec. 1: The Association may be financed by an annual assessment on each member as recommended
and approved by the majority vote of the members present at any annual meeting. The
assessment would be payable annually by each member to the Association’s Treasurer.
Sec. 2: Only the Treasurer will accept contributions, donations, earned income gifts, and other legal
revenues to carry on the work of the Association.
Sec. 3: The President shall provide an annual audit conducted by at least three individuals who are
members of the NYSCDEA; one shall be a Division representative; one shall be the Member
At-Large and one shall be the NYSCDEA Treasurer.
Sec. 4: All disbursements will be properly itemized and verified or certified by the Treasurer and
Member-at-Large before payment.
Sec. 5: Payment will be issued by press numbered check only. A press numbered receipt will be issued
for all income revenue.
Sec. 6: No power to borrow money or otherwise incur indebtedness to the Association is granted to any
officer, representative or member.
Sec. 7: A budget for the year following the annual meeting of the Association shall be presented for
approval by the membership at each annual meeting. The budget shall be distributed at
registration to each attending Association member. The budget must be approved by a two-
thirds [2/3] majority of those members attending the annual meeting.
Sec. 8: The budget may be adjusted up to twenty percent [20%] if needed during the year by the
Executive Committee and the Board of Representatives.
Sec. 9: Upon dissolution of the Association, any unencumbered funds shall be given to the New York
Association of Conservation Districts, Inc.
ARTICLE X: Compensation
Sec. 1: The representatives, officials and committee members on official assignment by this Association
shall serve without compensation.
Sec. 2: The Treasurer and Member-at-Large of the Board of Representatives shall approve or disapprove
in writing, the payment of specific expenses incurred by members in the lawful transactions of
Association business.
ARTICLE XI: Meetings
Sec. 1: The annual meeting shall be held at a time and place prescribed by the Association’s Executive
Sec. 2: A meeting may also be held during the session of the annual meeting of the New York
Association of Conservation Districts, Inc.
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
Sec. 3: Special meetings may be called by the President or when requested by the Board of
Sec. 4: Notices of all meetings must be distributed to the membership at least fifteen [15] days in
advance of the meeting date. Parliamentary procedure will be based on “Roberts Rules of
ARTICLE XII: Amendments
Sec. 1: By-laws may be adopted and these articles of the Association may be amended by a two-thirds
[2/3] majority vote of all members present at an annual meeting or special meeting of the
Association provided that copies of the proposed by-laws OR amendments are emailed or mailed
to the membership thirty days [30] preceding the opening of the regular meeting or special
ARTICLE XIII: Resolutions
Sec. 1: Resolutions and policy not having to do with amendments to the by-laws may be adopted by a
majority vote of all members present at an annual meeting or special meeting of the Association
provided that copies of the proposed resolutions are provided via email or mail to the
membership thirty days [30] preceding the opening of the regular or special meeting OR
amendments be provided digitally to the NYSCDEA Executive Board prior to the “Call of
Order” and be digitally presented to the entire membership in attendance at the annual meeting
or special meeting.
ARTICLE XIV: Executive Board
Record of Adoptions and Amendments:
These articles were legally adopted by official vote on September 15, 1975 at Syracuse, New York.
They were amended at the Annual Meeting on March 1, 1984; at the Annual Meeting on March 20,
1986; at the Annual Meeting on March 20, 1987; at the Annual Meeting on March 11, 1993; at the
Annual Meeting on March 15, 1995; at the Annual Meeting on March 13, 2002; at the Annual Meeting
on March 8, 2006; at the Annual Meeting on March 16, 2011; at the Annual Meeting on March 14,
2012; at the Annual Meeting on March 12, 2014; and at the Annual Meeting on March 11, 2020.
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
The NYSCDEA uses a committee structure to undertake a majority of the Association’s business. In
addition to specific Association program committees, NYSCDEA representation is maintained on
various standing and special committees of our conservation partners (NYSSWCC, NYACD, USDA-
NRCS) and other cooperating agencies. The following is a brief description of the Association’s standing
committees, their function, and the current representation. This section will be updated annually, after
the Executive Board’s re-organizational meeting in April.
A. Division Responsibilities:
Each year, the President appoints certain Divisions to undertake the responsibility of various Association activities.
The Divisions are expected to work cooperatively and pool their resources to undertake these tasks. The Division
Representative is charged with the responsibility of coordinating these duties and insuring their completion. Some
examples of these duties are listed below:
Division I - Coordinates the Frank Bratt Memorial Scholarship.
Division II - Coordinates the organization of the Association Historical Archives.
Division II &III -Will assist with State Fair. In addition, will coordinate the Bucket Raffle
and Silent Auction.
Division III& IV - State Fair & Empire Farm Days - Will have the responsibility of organizing all
activities associated with the Association exhibit at the State Fair & EFD to include
organizing a committee, preparing a concept and budget and arranging for all logistics
to include exhibit monitors and construction.
Division V - New Employees/Promotions - Will regularly poll Districts to check on the addition of new
employees and will keep track of promotions for recognition at the annual
meeting/training session. This Division also coordinates marketing for Ronny
Division VI - Fertilizer tablet sales - Responsibilities involve organization of the Association’s fertilizer
tablet earned income program. This Division will distribute order forms, take orders, and
arrange for shipping and distribution via centralized Districts, which serve as
distribution points for multi-Districts.
Division VII & VIII– Awards.
Frank Bratt Scholarship
State Fair/Empire Farm Days
Bucket Raffle/Silent Auction
Employee Recognition & New Employees
Fertilizer Tablets
New York State Conservation District Employees’ Association, Inc.
III. Standing Committees and Functions
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
B. NYSCDEA Standing Committees:
The following are standing committees of the Association. The President will appoint the chairperson
of each committee following the annual meeting/election.
1. State Fair/ Empire Farm Days- This committee will plan and organize the Association’s
exhibit at the NYS Fair. Responsibilities include developing a theme/design, preparing a budget,
and organizing employee assistance with the construction and supervision of the exhibit.
2. Training This committee is responsible for working with the NYSSWCC and other
cooperating agencies to develop a training agenda for the annual training session and to address
additional training needs as directed by the Executive Board.
3. Legislative – This committee will work actively to develop and implement a legislative agenda
to benefit the SWCDs statewide. The committee will work closely with the Executive Director
of NYACD and other groups as necessary and appropriate. The committee may receive
additional direction from the President or the Executive Board.
4. Envirothon – This committee consists of SWCD employees and members from a multitude of
cooperating agencies. The committee operates as a sub-committee of the Association and has a
detailed and specific set of guidelines via which it administers the NYS Envirothon. These
guidelines are included in the NYSCDEA policy book.
5. Nominating – This committee nominates and carries out elections of the regular officers of the
Association. The immediate past President of the Employees’ Association will serve as
chairman. The Committee will:
Nominate individuals for Association offices in accordance with the constitution.
There will be at least two nominees for each elected position, excluding President.
Prepare resumes on each candidate to be circulated prior to the annual meeting.
Conduct an election at the annual meeting.
Provide news releases on election results for use in counties of the officers.
6. NYS Erosion and Sediment Control Certificate Program - The purpose of this certificate program is to
establish and maintain a process to identify and recognize individuals who are capable of developing,
designing, inspecting and maintaining erosion and sediment control plans on projects that disturb soils in
New York State. The development and oversight of these plans will be executed in accordance with the
New York State Standards and Specifications for Erosion and Sediment Control and the New York State
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from
Construction Activity. See NYSESCCP Policy and Procedures for more information.
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
I. Committees:
The NYSCDEA uses numerous committees to conduct the business of the Association and members
often participate on committees of cooperating agencies. The following policy applies to all committees
operating under the NYSCDEA and to members representing the NYSCDEA on other committees.
[1] The President will appoint a chairperson for each of the Association’s standing committees
at the first Executive Board meeting following his/her election.
[2] The chairperson of each standing committee shall select his/her own committee members.
The President may add members to any committee. Members of Association committees
may include SWCD employees and non-SWCD employees representing cooperating
agencies and/or other groups. Committee chairpersons should attempt to seek members
who present a broad representation of employees’ state wide, and may seek
recommendations from Division Representatives or other members.
[3] Special committees may be formed as needed by the President, who will appoint special
committees as needed and will appoint a chairperson.
[4] Each chairperson(s) shall submit the names of all committee members to the Executive
Board for review.
[5] Each chairperson(s) shall notify the President whenever a committee is scheduled to meet
and will provide the Executive Board with regular updates of the committee’s activities.
[6] The President will make all appointments for NYSCDEA representation on NYACD,
NYSSWCC, USDA-NRCS and other agency committees.
[7] When a committee has a pre-approved budget for their activities, expenditures may be made
without individual pre-approval if within budget. A financial reporting will be made at
the conclusion of the committee’s activity or at any time requested to do so by the
President, Member-at-Large or the Executive Board. All bills, reimbursements, or
refunds associated with a committee’s activities will be processed as per NYSCDEA
financial policies.
II. Meetings
The majority of the Association’s business is conducted at Executive Board meetings, and committee
meetings. The Association also provides representation at committee meetings of the NYSSWCC,
USDA-NRCS, NYACD and other groups. The following policy covers meetings directly associated with
the Association and a member’s responsibilities when representing the Association at other meetings.
New York State Conservation District Employees’ Association, Inc.
IV. General Policies
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
A. Executive Board Meetings
[1] The Executive Board will meet a least four [4] times annually and will hold an Annual
meeting during the Water Quality Symposium Training session.
[2] Generally, Executive Board meetings will include an afternoon session, overnight stay
a morning session the following day. Meetings will be scheduled by the President and
will rotate around the state. The Vice-President will arrange for meeting space and
accommodations. The host District may assist as necessary.
[3] In order to promote interest in the Association’s activities, the President will invite local
District staff to attend the day time sessions of the Association when the meeting is held
in their county.
B. Minutes
[1] Draft minutes of Executive Board meetings will be sent to the Executive Board members and
partners within twenty [20] days of the meeting. Attending members will review the
draft minutes and contact the Secretary with additions, deletions or changes. If the
Secretary does not receive any comments within an additional ten [10] days, Division
representatives will distribute the unofficial minutes to all Divisions and/or the Secretary
will forward the minutes to the NYSSWCC representative for email distribution to all
Districts. Minutes will be formally approved by the Executive Board at the next meeting.
[2] Draft minutes of the annual meeting will be sent to all Districts within thirty [30] days
of the annual meeting. Formal approval of the minutes will be done at the following
year’s annual meeting.
[3] Minutes will be kept at all committee meetings and copies forwarded to the President and
Secretary for review and discussion at the Executive Board meeting. Committees should
make every attempt to provide minutes to committee members and the President in a
timely manner.
[4] The Secretary will keep a complete record of all minutes and/or reports from the Executive
Board meetings, standing committees and special committees.
[5] Members representing NYSCDEA on committees of cooperating agencies and at special
meetings will provide the President with a brief written report as requested by the
C. State, Regional and National Meetings
[1] The President or his or her designee will represent the Association at NYACD state meetings
and NACD Northeast regional meetings.
[2] The President will appoint a NYSCDEA member and alternate to represent the Association
on the Northeast Conservation District Employees’ Association. The member(s) will
represent the Association at the NACD Northeast meeting and at other NECDEA
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
[3] The President and his or her designee will attend the national NACD meeting as deemed
necessary and approved by the Executive Board.
[4] The Executive Board may approve the attendance of additional members at state and
national meetings.
D. Member Conduct
[1] Members sitting on NYSCDEA committees or acting as a representative of the Association
at meetings of cooperating agencies or other special events will conduct themselves in
a professional manner and recognize their responsibility to represent the concerns and
interests of SWCD employees state wide.
[2] NYSCDEA representatives presenting personal opinions at these meetings are expected to
clearly preface their comments as being of a personal nature. The Association in no way
seeks to discourage members from expressing relative, constructive comments
presented in a professional manner.
III. Finances
The NYSCDEA annually raises funds, and operates under a budget that provides for financial support to
meet the goals and objectives of the Association. The NYSCDEA has developed the following policies
to address financial matters such as refunds, reimbursements and the acceptance of funds in the
Association’s name.
A. Receiving and Disbursement of Funds
[1] The Treasurer will serve as the chief financial officer of the Association, and will conduct
business as set forth in the Association’s by-laws and standing policies.
[2] The Treasurer will secure all Association funds in a New York State banking institution that
is convenient for them to conduct business. All Association funds must be held in bank
accounts that are protected by FDIC.
[3] The Treasurer will be the primary signatory on all Association disbursements. The
President, Vice-President and Secretary will serve as alternate signatories.
[4] The Treasurer will be responsible for receiving all funds directed to the Association. All
funds received will be recorded and deposited into the proper account. Members other
than the Treasurer that receive funds on behalf of the Association will forward these
funds to the Treasurer in a timely manner.
[5] The Member-at-Large will serve to provide a “check and balance” for the Association’s
disbursements, and will review and approve all bills prior to payment by the Treasurer.
[6] The Treasurer will maintain separate and distinct accounts for standing programs which
include Ronny Raindrop®, New York State Envirothon, New York State Fair, Frank
Bratt Scholarship and others as deemed necessary and appropriate by the Executive
Board. Year-end balances for these programs will be carried over to the next year and
will not be
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
included in the Association’s general fund. The funds for the Frank Bratt Scholarship
will be maintained in an interest bearing savings account or invested as allowed in the
Association’s Investment Policy.
[7] The Treasurer will provide a written financial report at each Executive Board meeting and
the annual meeting.
B. Reimbursements
The CDEA recognizes the fact that members may incur personal or SWCD expenses in the course of
official Association business and it is the policy of the Association to reimburse members for reasonable
and legitimate expenses. The following policy covers reimbursements to members for official expenses.
[1] Members will be reimbursed for routine expenses associated with travel to and from
Executive Board meetings, committee meetings and other activities. Routine expenses
include fuel and tolls.
[2] Reimbursements for meals, lodging and travel other than driving requires the prior approval
of the President. An exception to this policy may be made in the case of a committee
(i.e. Envirothon) that has a pre-approved budget which includes these expenses.
[3] All members must submit a completed “Request for Reimbursement” form and appropriate
bill or receipts to document the expenses being claimed. Requests will be sent to the
Member-at-Large for approval prior to payment by the Treasurer.
C. Refunds:
Under certain circumstances, the Association accepts funds from members or their SWCDs for payment
of fees associated with special training session, special conferences, or activities. This policy will cover
refunds made by the Association for special events. See section D for Water Quality Symposium
[1] When a member or their District requests a refund, the request must be presented in writing
to the President. The request should include the amount of refund requested and the
reason(s) for the request.
[2] Requests for refunds for registration fees associated with the annual training session or
special conferences will not be approved unless the member gives seven [7] daysnotice
that they will not attend the session. Exceptions will be made on a case-by-case basis
for special circumstances such as illness or death in the family. Members who are unable
to attend an event, for which they registered should contact the Vice- President or
another member of the Executive Board prior to the event.
[3] All requests for refunds will be reviewed and approved by the Executive Board. The
Treasurer will make refunds to the party (employee or District) that originally made the
All attendance fees for the Water Quality Symposium Annual Training Sessions must be paid prior to the
event. Full payment for Symposium attendance must be received or postmarked by March 1st. If the
attendance fee is not paid by the date, a late fee of $50 may be added.
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
If an attendee chooses not to attend an event, the cancellation must be made in writing to the NYS CDEA
Vice-President by March 1st to be considered for a refund.
If the NYS CDEA cancels a class and that is the only class an attendee is attending, then a refund for the
class will be granted. NYS CDEA will do it’s best to notify class participants that the class is canceled as
soon as possible.
If the class is still held and the attendee does not notify the NYS CDEA Vice President by March 1st, then no
refund or partial refund will be issued regardless of the reason for missing the course (weather, life
circumstance, etc.). If an attendee attends a class and is dissatisfied with the presentation or content, no
refund or partial refund will be issued.
IV: Donations/Bereavements
The following policy covers the Association’s practice of recognizing a member’s bereavement.
[1] The NYSCDEA will provide sympathy or get-well cards for members and their
immediate family (spouse, mother, father, children). Non-immediate family
members will receive sympathy or get-well cards.
[2] The President shall have discretionary power to provide flowers or donations should it
be determined it is appropriate.
V. Awards
The NYSCDEA annually recognizes individuals, organizations and groups that have had a positive
impact on the Association’s conservation programs state wide. The following policy will serve as a
guideline for the administration of the Association’s awards program.
[1] The Association annually presents the following awards:
Special Project Award -
One award given each year for a District
project. Acknowledges a District(s) that
created a new service, conducted a special
project or otherwise enhanced the District's
overall program.
Merit Awards -
Recognizes one employee in each Division
who has shown an outstanding effort in
promoting their District and its activities.
District Director Award -
One award given each year to a Director who
has shown leadership, supervision
and total dedication to the District in
support of its image, activities and personnel.
Partner Appreciation Award - One award given each year to a non-
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
District person or group who has promoted
and supported soil and water conservation in
New York State.
Heroic Award - Given to a District employee who has shown
bravery in saving a life(s), either on or off
President’s Award -
Given at the discretion of the President to
recognize the work of an employee(s) or other
individuals who have benefited the
Willard F. Croney Award -
This lifetime achievement award is given to a
District employee in the state with
outstanding or continuous excellence in
the promotion of Soil and Water Conservation
District employees and who demonstrates a
special air of cooperation within and between
fellow District employees and his/her
exceeds normal job requirements.
Community Service Award -
One award given each year to a District
employee who, while on or off duty, has
voluntarily provided service for their
[2] At the Association’s re-organizational meeting in April, the President will appoint a Division
to take responsibility for the awards program. This Division Representative will send
requests for award nominations to all Districts by November 30th of each year. Award
nominations will be returned to the Division Representative who sent the requests.
[3] With the exception of the President’s Award and the Willard F. Croney Award, all
nominations will be reviewed and winners selected by the Board of Representatives.
[4] The President’s Award will be awarded at the discretion of the President.
[5] The Willard F. Croney Award nominations will be reviewed and a winner selected
by all past Willard F. Croney for Distinguished Service recipients, who are NYS
Conservation District Employees’ Association members, along with the Division
[6] The chosen recipients of these awards will be kept in strict confidence until the night of the
annual banquet.
[7] Nominations must be submitted by a current SWCD District Employee.
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
The Association has devoted a great deal of time and financial resources to the development of Ronny
Raindrop® for use in SWCD educational programs. The following policy covers the use of Ronny
Raindrop® by Districts in New York State.
[1] The Association will maintain an adequate supply of costumes to allow for the assignment
of one to each Division.
[2] In each Division, the Division Representative will have the responsibility for the storage and
usage of the costume assigned to their Division. The Division Representative may assign
the duty to a District in their Division if they do not have adequate space for storage, but
the Representative maintains the overall responsibility for the costume.
[3] When a District wants to use a costume, they must contact their Division Representative to
schedule its use. If the costume assigned to their District is not available, one may be
acquired from a neighboring District if it is not in use. The District that needs the
costume will be responsible for contacting the Division Representative in the
neighboring Division to schedule its use.
[4] Ronny Raindrop® is a registered trademark belonging to the Association, and as such, the
registered mark (capital R in a circle) must be used after his proper name at all times.
After the first occurrence, the registered trademark is not required when he is referred
to as “Ronny.”
[5] When making appearances, Ronny Raindrop® cannot speak, as the voice is not copyrighted.
[6] The costume and any graphic images of Ronny must contain a copyright mark. This mark is
a capital C in a circle (©).
[7] If a costume is damaged while in the possession of a District, that District will have the
sole responsibility for the cost of repairs or replacement. Costumes with substantial
damage must be returned to the Association for repair. In all cases, Districts will
contact their Division Representative prior to making any repairs. Please note that a new
Ronny Raindrop® costs about $4,000 to replace.
[8] After each use, the costume must be cleaned. Sweatshirt and pants must be laundered and
care must be taken to prevent wrinkling of the sash.
[9] If Ronny Raindrop® is to be used by a person(s) not employed by a SWCD, the costume
must be used under the direct supervision of a District employee and that District
assumes responsibility for the costume.
New York State Conservation District Employees’ Association, Inc.
V. Program Policy I: Ronny Raindrop®
The Frank Bratt Memorial Scholarship was initiated in 1990 to assist District employees with furthering their
professional development and education. This scholarship can encompass a broad range of topics, with emphasis
placed upon conservation related topics and subjects related to District function. Scholarships will be awarded
based upon the supposed value of the course to the applicant, to be judged by the eight NYSCDEA Division
The following policy covers the administration of the scholarship program.
[1] The scholarship is available to members of the Association, and NYSSWCC staff only.
[2] E
ligible employees must hold a permanent position in their SWCD or NYSSWCC. Full- time or
part-time employees are eligible. Employees in temporary positions are not eligible for the
[3] S
cholarships may be used for credit or non-credit classes, workshops, or other professional
development programs.
[4] Eligible expenses include conference/workshop fees, tuition, online courses, fees for
books/manuals and lodging when needed. Meals are only eligible if it is part of the
nference/training registration. CDEA sanctioned functions are ineligible as well as mileage,
other travel costs. Exam fees, equipment, software and other supplies that are not part of the
course fee are ineligible.
[5] Applicants must provide the following information within 2 pages:
1. A competed scholarship application- 1 page.
2. A brief description of the class and explanation of how the educational program
will improve the employee’s job performance.
[6] A
pplications must be received by the application deadlines to be considered. The scholarship will
be available and awarded four times per year. Applications deadlines are the 1
of March, June,
September, and December. A special meeting may be called to approve awards.
[7] Scholarships awards range from $50 to $500 per class/training. The number of scholarships
awarded and the amounts are dependent upon number of applicants and funds available through
the income and interest to the Frank Bratt Scholarship account.
[8] All activities must be pre-paid. Scholarships will be paid upon submittal of NYSCDE
eimbursement Request and proof of registration and successful completion of professional
development activity, i.e. a class certificate or attendance sheet. A Soil and Water Conservati
District can be reimbursed for an employee’s training if they prepay on behalf of the employee.
[9] Scholarship recipients have two years from the award letter to complete their training.
Scholarship recipients can be reimbursed for trainings that take place before an application
deadline as long as the training activity has been completed within the previous 4 months of the
application deadline.
10] Successful applicants will be notified within one week following the next regularly scheduled
Executive Board meeting that follows the application deadline
New York State Conservation District Employees’ Association, Inc.
VI. Program Policy II: Frank Bratt Memorial Scholarship
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
The Envirothon is a competitive event for high school students organized by the New York
State Conservation District Employees’ Association Envirothon Committee. The New York
State Envirothon is sponsored by the New York State Conservation District Employees’
Association, Inc. (NYSCDEA), in cooperation with the Environmental Education Foundation
(Foundation), the New York State Soil & Water Conservation Committee (NYS SWCC),
USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS), New York Association of
Conservation Districts, Inc. (NYACD) and the Empire State Chapter of the Soil and Water
Conservation Society (ESC SWCS).
The overall goal of the competition is to cultivate a desire to learn more about our natural
environment through competitive events. The competition provides students with experience
in environmentally oriented activities to enable them to become environmentally aware, action
oriented adults. The overall success of this program is measured by the participating schools
with Conservation Districts and the support of the cooperating agencies involved.
The objectives of the New York State Envirothon program are:
A. To cultivate a desire to learn more about our natural environment through
competitive events that emphasizes hands-on learning experiences.
B. To develop a greater appreciation for stewardship of the natural environment.
C. To provide students with experience in environmentally oriented activities to enable
them to become environmentally aware, action oriented adults able to make
environmentally wise decisions by providing them knowledge of:
1. The effects individual actions have on environmental problems.
2. The interactions and interdependencies of our total environment.
3. Renewable and non-renewable resources.
4. Current environmental problems.
5. Conservation organizations and agencies available to assist them on
environmentally related matters.
Program Policy III: Guidelines of the New York
State Envirothon Committee
New York State Conservation District EmployeesAssociation, Inc.
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
The purpose of the Envirothon Committee is:
1. To plan and organize the statewide Envirothon competition.
2. To provide guidance and advice to Conservation Districts concerning local
3. To promote the growth of the Envirothon program throughout the state and
4. To participate on the National Conservation Foundation Envirothon (NCF-
Envirothon) Committee and pass on information to all Districts statewide.
5. To provide training to both SWCD staff and teachers as needed.
A. The Envirothon Committee shall consist of representatives from local/state/federal
agencies, organizations, groups or concerned citizens who have an interest in environmental
education. Membership within the New York State Envirothon Committee is subject to
appointment or approval by the New York
State Envirothon Committee and the NYSCDEA
on an annual basis. To be considered a member, an
individual must complete a membership
form to be submitted to the NYSCDEA. The membership list will then be submitted to the
Employees’ Association for review. Voting members will consist of:
1. NYSCDEA, eight members (8), ideally with one representative of each
2. Treasurer of the NYSCDEA (1)
3. NYS Association of Conservation Districts, one (1)
4. NYS Soil and Water Conservation Committee, one (1)
5. USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, one (1)
6. Empire State Chapter Soil and Water Conservation Society, one (1)
7. NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, one (1)
8. Education professional (1)
All other members will be considered advisory members and will not have voting
B. Committee commitment is from September 1 to August 31.
C. Representation from the county in which the Envirothon is being held shall be encouraged.
1. Officers of the Envirothon Committee shall consist of a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary
and Treasurer of the NYSCDEA.
2. Officers shall be elected annually by a majority vote of the committee members.
This will take place at the end of the first meeting after the conclusion of the
National Conservation Foundation Envirothon (NCF-Envirothon). If a slate of
officers cannot be selected, then the previous year’s officers shall hold office until
such time as a new election can be held.
3. The Chair elect may be formally appointed by the President of the NYSCDEA. The
Chair shall be the Executive head of the NYS Envirothon Committee and shall
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
preside at all meetings.
4. The Secretary shall take minutes of all proceedings of the Committee and shall
make them available to the members as soon as possible after the meeting.
5. Any member may be removed by a majority vote of the Committee members
or by resolution of the Executive Board of the NYSCDEA.
1. The Committee shall meet once a month, a minimum of ten times a year, unless otherwise
specified. Special meetings of the Committee shall be scheduled by the Chair. Business may
be conducted through telephone hookup, mail or e-mail.
2. Committee members are expected to attend at least 80 percent of the meetings. The attendance
policy will be enforced. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the Chair. If a member
knows ahead of time that he/she will not be able to attend meeting, they will be expected to
notify the Chair.
3. A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of voting members in attendance in order to
conduct business.
4. Issues requiring Committee approval shall be decided by majority vote. Each of the voting
Committee members shall have one vote.
5. The Committee shall elect members annually to the following standing subcommittees:
Site Coordinator (1) Publicity/Information Liaison (1)
Tests Coordinator (2) Registration/County Coordination (1)
Oral Presentation/Judge Coordination (2) Volunteer Coordination (1)
Education/Recreational Activities (1) T-shirts (1)
Awards (1) Funding (2)
Refreshments and/or Door Prizes (1)
6. The Chair may appoint special sub-committees as needed.
7. The Chair will provide a written report to, or attend the meetings of the Executive Board
of the NYSCDEA
1. The Envirothon Committee’s financial records shall be maintained and audited by the
NYSCDEA. The Treasurer of the NYSCDEA will provide the Committee with accurate,
up to date records at each monthly meeting.
2. Expenses and reimbursements must be authorized by the NYS Envirothon Committee.
The Chair will certify that it is an approved expense and payment will made by the
Treasurer of the NYSCDEA.
3. The Treasurer will provide a financial report to the NYSCDEA Executive Board at their
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
scheduled meetings.
4. Reimbursement of personal expenses and mileage will be determined on an annual
basis, contingent upon the availability of funds.
1. The Envirothon Committee shall elect two (2) representatives to the Foundation Board.
The representatives shall attend the meetings of the Foundation Board and act as a
Liaison between the Envirothon Committee and the Foundation.
2. The Envirothon Committee shall elect one (1) representative and one (1) alternate
representative to the National Conservation Foundation Envirothon (NCF- Envirothon).
Both representatives shall attend the winter and summer meetings subject to the
availability of funds. The representatives shall act as the liaisons between the National
Conservation Foundation Envirothon (NCF-Envirothon) and the NYS Envirothon
1. Transportation
A. If the National Conservation Foundation Envirothon (NCF-Envirothon) is located far
enough away to warrant air transportation, the participating team including five (5)
students and two (2) advisors will travel as a group. Two National Conservation
Foundation Envirothon (NCF-Envirothon) Representatives and one (1) winning County
Representative has the option to travel apart from the group. The winning County
Representative may be District staff or a Director. In the event that a winning County
representative is unable to attend, a member of the NYS Envirothon Committee will
attend in their absence. Airline tickets will be furnished by the NYS Envirothon
Committee. The North American Representative will be responsible for obtaining
airline reservations. Reimbursement for the National Conservation Foundation
Envirothon (NCF-Envirothon) Representatives and the winning County Representative
will be provided by the NYS Envirothon Committee, but no more than the cost of the
airfare. Upon prior approval by the NYS Envirothon Committee, vehicle rental
reimbursement will be made to the National Conservation Foundation Envirothon
(NCF-Envirothon) Representatives whose responsibility will be to secure the rental
B. If the National Conservation Foundation Envirothon (NCF-Envirothon) is located close
enough to warrant land transportation, the participating team, including five (5) students
and two (2) advisors will travel as a group. Two National Conservation Foundation
Envirothon (NCF-Envirothon) Representatives and one (1) winning County
Representative has the option to travel apart from the group. The winning county may
be District staff or a Director. In the event that a winning County representative is unable
to attend, a member of the NYS Envirothon Committee will attend in their absence. The
National Conservation Foundation Envirothon (NCF- Envirothon) Representative will
be responsible for vehicle rental. The vehicle rental fee and fuel will be provided by the
NYS Envirothon Committee. If a student or advisor chooses to drive on their own or with
a family to the National Conservation Foundation Envirothon (NCF-Envirothon), it will
be done at the individual’s expense.
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
2. Scholarships
The New York State Envirothon Academic Scholarship Award is designed to financially assist
qualified applicants in obtaining degrees or certificates from accredited academic institutions of
higher learning. The scholarships are awarded based on team placement at the New York State
Envirothon competition.
1. Scholarships may be used towards tuition, fees, living expenses, travel expenses, etc.
2. Scholarships are limited to use at an accredited degree or certificate granting
institution of higher learning.
3. Scholarships can be paid directly to the institution of higher learning or the candidate
based on requests made to the NYS Envirothon Committee.
4. Full-time and part-time students are both eligible to receive their scholarship.
5. Students have two years from the time of high school graduation to claim their
6. Students need to provide one copy of the official transcript or invoice when claiming
their scholarship.
7. Scholarships must be processed through the New York State Envirothon Committee
and the New York State Conservation Districts Employees Association.
8. All scholarships are subject to annual funds availability through direct donations or
through actual and/or accrued interest earnings from endowments.
9. Scholarships will be awarded without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national
origin, age, or state of physical handicap.
Committee proposed amendments to the Guidelines shall first be submitted to the Committee
at a scheduled meeting. After review of suggested changes by the Committee, each member
shall receive a final draft of the proposed amendment prior to the next scheduled meeting, at
which time the amendment shall be voted upon for recommendation to the NYSCDEA.
Amendments to the Guidelines of the New York State Envirothon Committee must be
approved by the Executive Board of the NYSCDEA.
Revised and Adopted: 2/5/2014
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
It is anticipated that the following guidelines will serve as a valuable reference for persons interested in
serving the CDEA as President. The guidelines were formulated by the officers of the Association and
reviewed and approved by the Board of Division Representatives and should help members when
considering seeking office.
The President is elected at the Association’s annual meeting and holds the term for one year. The term
can be held for a maximum of four [4] years as per the by-laws of the Association.
I. Meetings:
The President is responsible for organizing and chairing at least four [4] Executive Board
meetings a year annually and will hold an Annual meeting during the Water Quality Symposium
Training session. These meetings will rotate around the state may require an overnight stay.
The Executive Board consists of eight [8] Division Representatives, the President, Vice-
President, Secretary, Treasurer and Member- at-Large. The past President serves in an
advisory, non-voting role for one [1] year.
There may also be special meetings that will be the responsibility of the President to conduct.
II. Special Meetings:
The President serves as the Association’s representative to meetings held by cooperating
agencies including:
New York State Soil and Water Conservation Committee
Monthly committee meetings
Special meetings
New York Association of Conservation Districts
Executive Board meetings
Committee meetings
Special meetings
USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Service
Committee meetings
Special meetings
Public speaking is a large part of the President’s responsibility in representing the Association
and many of the meetings may require you to give an oral report on the Association’s activities,
and to actively participate in discussions that occur at the meetings.
III. Coordinate the Flow of Association Business:
The CDEA operates on a committee system that has many committees incorporated into its
structure. The President is responsible for making appointments to these committees and
monitoring their activity and progress.
New York State Conservation District Employees’ Association, Inc.
A. Officer Guidelines and Responsibilities
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
In the event of a Division Representative resigning, the President is responsible for appointing
a person to serve as a replacement until the next annual meeting. The President should also keep
in constant communication with the other members of the Executive Board through phone calls
and circulation of communications.
The President will annually appoint an audit committee as defined in Article VIII – Finances.
IV. Account for NYSCDEA Computer and Office Equipment and Electronics
To effectively conduct business, the NYSCDEA has and continues to purchase electronics and
office equipment to aid in business administration. The President will account, track and direct
the use and housing of NYSCDEA purchased electronics and office equipment to ensure the
appropriate use and retention.
V. Assist Fellow Employees and Districts with Professional Development:
The President should be prepared to assist fellow employees with their professional
Some examples are:
1. Attending or encouraging attendance of Division meetings by Executive Board
members, assist in the communication between the groups, and allow for an
exchange of concerns and ideas.
2. Ensuring that the type and quality of training provided at the annual training
session meets the needs of the majority of the employees in the state.
VI. Encourage Active Involvement and Participation in CDEA Functions and Programs:
The President has the responsibility of assuring that the Association both meets the needs and
provides the opportunity for personal and professional growth of the employees. Employees
should also be encouraged to play a role and take responsibility in the growth and development
of the Association.
VII. Provide a Smooth and Informed Transition to the Successor:
A smooth and orderly transition of leadership is imperative to the survival and growth of any
organization. Future leadership must be developed, and it is the responsibility of each officer,
especially the President, to ensure that this happens. This is accomplished by getting people
involved, keeping them informed, and capturing their interest. Each person who takes a position
on the Executive Board or expresses an interest in the Association should be encouraged as much
as possible. The Association must be in the position to offer personal growth satisfaction so that
these people receive something in return for the time and effort they contribute in carrying out
their responsibility.
The President shall serve for one [1] year after the end of their elected term as an ex-officio
member of the Executive Board in order to provide a smooth transition of CDEA business.
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
It is anticipated that the following guidelines will serve as a valuable reference for persons interested in
serving the CDEA as Vice-President. The guidelines were formulated by the officers of the Association
and reviewed and approved by the Board of Division Representatives, and should help members when
considering seeking office.
I. Attend All Board Meetings:
There is at least four [4] Executive Board meetings per year in addition to the annual
meeting at the Water Quality Symposium Training Session. These meetings generally rotate
around the state may require an overnight stay. It is extremely important that the Vice-
President attend these meetings as they are extensively utilized to develop and implement
the programs, policies and functions of the Association.
II. Attend Meetings as Called:
In addition to individual responsibilities, the Vice-President may be called upon to attend
meetings as requested by the President throughout the year.
III. Coordinate the Flow of Association Business:
The Vice-President is responsible for attending Executive Committee meetings when
requested or as called by the President. The Vice-President will be prepared to represent the
Association at cooperating agency meetings as requested by the President in his/her absence.
The Vice-President will facilitate the Association’s committee structure by holding committee
responsibilities as delegated by the President.
The Vice-President will be responsible for organizing the annual training session, which is
held a minimum of one time per year. The Vice-President will prepare “Requests for
Proposals” to be sent to hotels and convention facilities, review proposals, undertake site
inspections as necessary and prepare recommendations for consideration by the entire
Executive Board. When a facility is chosen, the Vice-President will be responsible for all
arrangements relating to the training session to include but not limited to organizing
menus, instructors needs, lodging, registrations and entertainment.
The Vice-President will work closely with the Treasurer when coordinating the training
session. Organization of the training session takes a great deal of time and preparation to work
The Vice-President will also serve as the chairman of the training committee and will
be responsible for logistical planning for other sessions and conferences.
New York State Conservation District Employees’ Association, Inc.
Officer Guidelines and Responsibilities
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
IV. Assist Fellow Employees and Districts with Professional Development:
The Vice-President should be prepared to assist fellow employees and Districts with their
professional development, help with committee activities, and assist employees and Districts as
V. Provide Smooth Transition to Successor:
The Vice-President should take time to advise, assist, and guide his/her successors with their new
responsibilities to ensure a smooth and informed transition.
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
It is anticipated that the following guidelines will serve as a valuable reference for persons interested in
serving the CDEA as Treasurer. The guidelines were formulated by the officers of the Association and
reviewed and approved by the Board of Division Representatives and should help members when
considering seeking office.
I. Attend All Board Meetings:There is at least four [4] Executive Board meetings per year
in addition to the annual meeting at the Water Quality Symposium Training Session. These
meetings generally rotate around the state may require an overnight stay. It is extremely
important that the Treasurer attend these meetings as they are extensively utilized to develop
and implement the programs, policies and functions of the Association.
II. Attend Meetings As Called:
In addition to individual responsibilities, the Treasurer may be called upon to attend special
meetings as requested by the President throughout the year.
III. Coordinate the Flow of Association Business:
The Treasurer is responsible for ensure that the Association members are kept informed of the
Association’s financial standing. The Treasurer also holds the following responsibilities:
[1] Keep full and accurate records of all financial transactions, and create and disseminate
annual financial report for the Annual Meeting. Accounts are to be kept following the
Uniform System of Accounts.
[2] Maintain all Association funds in a banking institution in the Association’s name in New
York State.
[3] Itemize and verify or certify all disbursements before payment. Disbursements must also
be verified or certified by the Member-at-Large.
[4] Payments to be issued by press numbered checks only.
[5] Issue a press numbered receipt for all income revenues.
[6] Present for a budget for the year at the annual meeting for the Association for approval at the annual
meeting by the body. The budget shall be distributed at registration to each attending member. The
New York State Conservation District Employees’ Association, Inc.
Officer Guidelines and Responsibilities
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
budget must be approved by a two-thirds [2/3] majority of those members present at the Annual
Meeting. The budget may be adjusted by twenty-percent (20%) if needed during the year by the
Executive Board.
[7] Approve or disapprove, in writing, the payment of specific expenses incurred by members
in the lawful transaction of Association business. The Member-at-Large must also approve
or disapprove these expenses.
[8] Accept contributions, donations or earned income, gifts, and other legal revenues to
carry on the work of the Association. These can only be accepted by the Treasurer.
[9] An annual audit will be done according to Article IX Finances.
IV. Assist Fellow Employees and Districts with Professional Development:
The Treasurer should be prepared to assist fellow employees and Districts with their professional
development. Upon request, The Treasurer prepares reports for independent accounts such as state
fair, training session, etc., to assist committees and individuals with planning.
V. Provide Smooth and Informed Transition to Successor:
The Treasurer should take time to advise, assist, and guide his/her successors with his/her new
responsibilities to insure a smooth and informed transition.
Within thirty [30] days, all accounts shall be closed, and funds and financial records forwarded to
the new Treasurer. When a current Treasurer decides to step down, they should inform the President
before the annual meeting to help foster a meaningful election process. Notification should be sent
in writing to the President and Member-at-Large.
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
It is anticipated that the following guidelines will serve as a valuable reference for persons interested in
serving the CDEA as Secretary. The guidelines were formulated by the officers of the Association and
reviewed and approved by the Board of Division Representatives and should help members when
considering seeking office.
I. Attend All Board Meetings: There is at least four [4] Executive Board meetings per
year in addition to the annual meeting at the Water Quality Symposium Training Session.
These meetings generally rotate around the state may require an overnight stay. It is
extremely important that the Secretary attend these meetings as they are extensively utilized to
develop and implement programs, policies and functions of the Association.
II. Attend Meetings as Called:
In addition to individual responsibilities, the Secretary may be called upon to attend meetings as
requested by the President of the Association throughout the year. Due to the large geographic
area the Association covers, the Secretary may have to attend Division meetings as a
Representative of the President at his/her request.
III. Responsibilities
The Secretary of the Association is charged with the proper care of the Association minutes and
records. These documents must be kept in an orderly fashion, which allows for easy reference by
the Association. Also, the timely distribution of Executive Board, Partners and committee
minutes is essential to the flow of Association business. Some examples of the Secretary’s
responsibilities are as follows:
[1] Record minutes of all meetings and provide draft minutes to the Executive Board within
days [20] days following a meeting. If no comments are received within an additional ten
[10] days, Division representatives will distribute the unofficial minutes to all Divisions,
and/or the Treasurer will forward the minutes to the NYSSWCC representative for email
distribution to all Districts. The Secretary shall maintain an official standard hard cover
minutes book for the Association.
[2] All minutes will be kept in an official standard hard cover minutes book for the
Association and affixed with the seal of the Association.
[3] Assist fellow employees with their professional development.
New York State Conservation District Employees’ Association, Inc.
Officer Guidelines and Responsibilities
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
V. Provide Smooth and Informed Transition to Successor:
The Secretary should take time to advise, assist, and guide his/her successors with his/her new
responsibilities to insure a smooth and informed transition. When a current Secretary decides to
step down, they should inform the President before the annual meeting to help foster a meaningful
election process. Notification should be sent in writing to the President and Member- at-Large.
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
It is anticipated that the following guidelines will serve as a valuable reference for persons interested in
serving the CDEA as Member-at-Large. The guidelines were formulated by the officers of the Association
and reviewed and approved by the Board of Division Representatives and should help members when
considering seeking office.
I. Attend All Board Meetings: There is at least four [4] Executive Board meetings per year
in addition to the annual meeting at the Water Quality Symposium Training Session. These
meetings generally rotate around the state and require an overnight stay. It is extremely
important that the Member-at-Large attend these meetings as they are extensively utilized to
develop and implement the programs, policies and functions of the Association.
II. Attend and Chair Board of Representative Meetings as Requested:
The Division Representatives may call or be called upon to exert their responsibilities
collectively as a Board of Representatives. The Board of Representatives consists of the eight
[8] Division Representatives and the Member-at-Large who serves as chairman. The
Association’s by-laws assign specific responsibilities to the Board, which were designed to
maintain the Association’s “grass roots” orientation as well as a system of checks and balances.
Specific responsibilities assigned to the Board of Representatives as a whole, by the
Association’s by-laws:
[1] Appoint by majority vote, vacancies created during an officer’s term of office until the
next annual meeting (President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer).
[2] Determine by majority vote, the time and place of the Association’s annual meeting.
III. Attend Executive Board Meetings:
As prescribed in the Association’s by-laws, the Member-at-Large will serve on the Executive
Committee with the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.
The Member-at-Large may be called upon to represent the Association at cooperating agency
meetings as requested by the President in his/her absence.
New York State Conservation District Employees’ Association, Inc.
Officer Guidelines and Responsibilities
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
IV. Coordinate the Flow of Association Business:
The Member-at-Large, is responsible for ensuring that Division Representatives are kept informed
of the Association’s regular and special business. Conversely, the Member-at-Large will ensure
that the Executive Committee is kept informed of Division concerns, ideas and business. Some
examples are as follows:
[1] Forward pertinent correspondence to either the Division Representatives or Executive
[2] Prepare and present a Member-at-Large report at the annual meeting.
[3] Ensure that an up-to-date copy of the Association’s by-laws is made available to the
general membership.
[4] Assist individual Divisions with the Division Representative election process.
[5] Attend individual Division meetings as requested by the Division Representatives.
[6] In the event of a vacant Division Representative position, forward all pertinent Association
business directly to the respective counties until such time as an appointment is made by
the President.
[7] Review all Association expenses with the Treasurer to ensure that they are properly
itemized, verified and certified prior to payment. The Member-at-Large and Treasurer shall
approve or disapprove, in writing, the payment of such expenses as prescribed by the
Association’s by-laws.
[8] The Member-at-Large will facilitate the Association’s committee structure by accepting
committee responsibilities as delegated by the President, which are relative to the Member-
at-Large position.
V. Provide Smooth and Informed Transition to Successor:
The Member-at-Large should take to advise, assist, and guide his/her successor with his/her new
responsibilities to insure a smooth and informed transition. When a current Member-at-Large
decides to step down, they should inform the President before the annual meeting to help foster a
meaningful election process. Notification should be sent in writing to the President and Division
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
It is anticipated that the following guidelines will serve as a valuable reference for persons interested in
serving the CDEA as a Division Representative. The guidelines were formulated by the officers of the
Association and reviewed and approved by the Board of Division Representatives and should help members
when considering seeking office.
I. Attend All Board Meetings: There is at least four [4] Executive Board meetings per year
in addition to the annual meeting at the Water Quality Symposium Training Session. These
meetings generally rotate around the state may require an overnight stay. It is extremely
important that the Division Representatives attend these meetings as they are extensively utilized
to develop and implement the programs, policies and functions of the Association.
II. Conduct and Chair Division Meetings:
As a Division Representative, it is your responsibility to conduct and chair Division
meetings. Division meetings maintain the flow of information, business and ideas which are
essential to a progressive Association.
It is suggested that Division Representatives conduct at least 1Division meeting per calendar
year or as necessary, in addition to the annual meeting/training session.
III. Attend Board of Representative Meetings as Called:
In addition to your individual responsibilities, Division Representatives may call or be called
upon to exert their responsibilities collectively as a Board of Representatives. The
Board of Representatives consists of eight [8] Division Representatives and the Member-at-
Large who serves as chairman. The Association’s by-laws assign specific responsibilities to the
Board, which were designed to maintain the Association’s “grass roots” orientation as well as a
system of checks and balances.
Specific responsibilities assigned to the Board of Representatives, as a whole by the
Association’s by-laws:
[1] Appoint by majority vote vacancies created during an officer’s term of office until the
next annual meeting (President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer).
New York State Conservation District Employees’ Association, Inc.
Officer Guidelines and Responsibilities
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
[2] Determine by majority vote the time and place of the Association’s annual meeting.
IV. Coordinate the Flow of Association Business:
A Division Representative is responsible for ensuring that the Division’s Association members are
kept informed of the Association’s regular and special business. A Division Representative is also
responsible for forwarding the Division’s ideas, concerns, and business to the attention of the
Association. Some examples are as follows:
[1] Insure that the draft Executive Board meeting minutes are received by each District
within the thirty [30] day time limit set forth in the by-laws.
[2] Ensure that all pertinent correspondence and reports are forwarded to and reviewed
within the Division.
[3] Prepare and present a report of the Division’s activities at the annual meeting.
[4] Forward a copy of the Association’s correspondence such as meeting notices, Division
meeting minutes, reports and other general correspondence to the President.
[5] Inform your Division of Association positions which are up for election and encourage
pre-election discussion and nominations.
V. Assist Fellow Employees with Professional Development:
Division Representatives should be prepared to assist fellow employees and Districts with their
professional development. Some examples follow:
[1] Arrange a conservation tour of a county where new and innovative conservation practices
have been installed.
[2] Provide or arrange assistance in securing training for new and existing employees.
[3] Provide or arrange assistance to Districts with the development of new earned income
VI. Encourage Active Involvement and Participation:
Successful involvement and participation from your Division largely depends on your overall
performance and creativity as a Division Representative. There may be a few Districts or employees
who have been traditionally inactive. Determining the reasons for inactivity is the first step in
attempting to find a solution. Only then can our Association explore new ways to provide
motivation and incentives for active involvement.
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
VII. Familiarize Employees with By-Laws:
The by-laws clearly state the nature and objectives of our organization. By familiarizing you and
fellow employees with the by-laws, we insure that policies and programs are developed within
the intent and framework, which is set forth.
VIII. Provide Smooth and Informed Transition to Successor:
The Division Representatives should take time to advise, assist and guide their successors with
their new responsibilities to insure a smooth and informed transition. When a current Division
Representative decides to step down, they should inform the President before the annual meeting
to help foster a meaningful election process. Notification should be sent in writing to the
President and Member-at-Large.
Division I Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Erie, Genesee, Niagara, Orleans,
Division II Cayuga, Livingston, Monroe, Onondaga, Ontario, Seneca, Wayne, Yates
Division III Herkimer, Jefferson, Lewis, Madison, Oneida, Oswego, St. Lawrence
Division IV Broome, Chemung, Chenango, Cortland, Delaware, Otsego, Schuyler,
Tioga, Tompkins
Division V Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Hamilton, Warren
Division VI Albany, Fulton, Montgomery, Rensselaer, Saratoga, Schenectady, Schoharie,
Division VII Columbia, Dutchess, Greene, Orange, Sullivan, Ulster
Division VIII Nassau, New York City, Putnam, Rockland, Suffolk, Westchester
Frank Bratt Memorial Scholarship
Association Historical Archives
State Fair/Empire Farm Days
Bucket Raffle/Silent Auction
Employee Recognition & New Employees
Fertilizer Tablets
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
New York State Conservation District Employees’ Association Inc.
Bank statements are to be reconciled on a monthly basis.
Reconcile each account; Checking Account, Savings Accounts, and CD Accounts.
Email or fax the monthly bank statements to all executive board members for review. The
Member at Large shall sign off on all reviewed statements. If the member at large is unavailable
any of the other executive committee members present may sign as reviewed.
Original copies of the most recently completed monthly reconciled bank statements shall be
provided to the executive board for review at all regularly scheduled executive board meetings
The “request for reimbursement form” must show the total amount of the requested
reimbursement and be signed by the requesting party.
The signature of the Member At Large verifies the total amount of request reimbursement.
If the requested reimbursement does not match the verified reimbursement no payment will be
made by the Treasurer.
The signature of the NYS Envirothon Committee Chair is also required for reimbursements for
NYS Envirothon expenses.
The signature of the Treasurer is required when the check is written. The pay date, check number
and reimbursement account shall be recorded on the reimbursement form.
Payments will be issued by press number check only.
No Electronic Fund Transfers out of any of the NYSCDEA Bank Accounts is acceptable.
The Treasurer shall provide a financial report at each regularly scheduled executive board meeting. The
following Quickbooks generated reports are to be submitted to each committee member at least two days
prior to the meeting:
a. YTD Bank Report – showing prior period balances
b. YTD Income Report
c. YTD Expense Report
d. YTD Total Budget vs Actual Report
e. Check Register Report – Member At Large to review and sign as approved by the
executive board
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
Record funds received into the correct accounts.
Make copies of checks received.
Print sales receipt from Quickbooks (use page with the copy of the check)
Fill out cash receipt book.
NRCS receipts are done via electronic fund transfer.
One lap top computer
One Quickbooks license
It is understood that the equipment provided to the Treasurer shall be used solely to perform the financial
business of the executive board and for official business of the NYSCDEA. Make, model and serial
number, along with any computer software license information shall be provided to the Division II
representative to be recorded in the records archive. This information should be updated as needed.
If the Treasurer incurs a hardship which requires a leave of absence from the executive board it is the
responsibility of the Treasurer to inform the President and or Vice President as soon as physically possible.
The President will make arrangements to collect NYSCDEA equipment provided to the Treasurer within 14
days and coordinate the delegation of the Treasurers responsibilities for the duration of the hardship.
The President shall provide an annual audit conducted by at least two individuals who are members of the
NYSCDEA; one shall be a Division representative and one shall be the Treasurer.
Request for Reimbursement
Payment Authorization
Fund Transfer
Audit Checklist
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
New York State Conservation District Employees’ Association, Inc.
The NYS CDEA has the following credit cards in use:
Community Bank Business Edition Visa, $5,000 limit President
Community Bank Business Edition Visa, $5,000 limit Vice President
Community Bank Business Edition Visa, $5,000 limit Treasurer
The President & Vice President will use this credit card for expenses of the New York State Conservation
District Employees’ Association, Inc. that are incurred by him or her. This may include, but not limited to:
NYS CDEA Board Meetings
NACD Annual Meeting
Training Sessions
The Treasurer will use this credit card for expenses of the New York State Conservation District Employees’
Association, Inc. that are incurred by him or her. This may include, but not limited to:
NYS CDEA Board Meetings
State Fair Committee
Envirothon Committee
Training Sessions
These cards are to be used for business purposes only and not personal use. Printed receipts must be
given to the Treasurer to be recorded into QuickBooks and to use for reconciliation.
Statement Reconciliation
Statements will be received via the United States Postal Service. The Treasurer will email a copy of the
credit card statement along with the reconciliation report and receipts for expenses incurred to the
Member At-Large for payment approval. The Member At-Large will email a signed
Reimbursement/Payment Request to the Treasurer within five days of the sent email, but no later than
one week before the statement due date.
The Treasurer will bring any statements received and paid to the concurrent scheduled board meeting for
the full board to review.
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
New York State Conservation District Employees’ Association, Inc.
Credit Card Statement Payment Request
Payable to:
Statement Due Date:
Send completed form to Member At-Large
Please have original receipts attached to request form.
Expense Line Item
Executive Board Meeting
NYACD Meeting
NACD Meeting
State Fair Committee
Envirothon Committee
Other (Explain):
Dollar Amount:
Check Number:
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
New York State Conservation District
Employees’ Association, Inc.
Date Requested:
From Account:
To Account:
Transfer Amount Request: $
Reason for transfer: Envirothon Scholarship Frank Bratt
Executive Committee Approval:
Signature of EC Member Title
Date Approved:
Authorization has been given to the Treasurer to transfer the above mentioned funds.
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
New York State Conservation District
Employees’ Association, Inc.
Date Requested:
Check Amount: $ (attach ORIGINAL invoice)
Description of Expense:
Date Paid: Check #
Authorization has been given to the Treasurer to pay the above mentioned expense.
Board Authorization:
EC Member Signature: Date:
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
Frank Bratt Memorial Scholarship Application
The NYS Conservation District Employees Association holds a scholarship program for District employees who are
interested in furthering their education. This scholarship can encompass a broad range of topics, with emphasis placed
upon conservation related topics and subjects related to District function. Eligible expenses include
conference/workshop fees, tuition, online courses, lodging when needed and books or manuals required for the
training. Food is only eligible if it is part of the conference/training registration. CDEA sanctioned functions are
ineligible as well as mileage or other travel costs.
Scholarships will be awarded based upon the supposed value of the course to the applicant, to be judged by the eight
NYSCDEA Division Representatives. The minimum amount of the scholarship is $50, and the maximum is $500.
Successful applicants will be notified within one week following the next regularly scheduled Executive Board
meeting or a special meeting that follows the application deadline. Scholarship recipients have two years from the
award letter to complete their training OR scholarship recipients can be reimbursed for trainings that take place before
an application deadline as long as the training activity has been completed within the previous 4 months of the
application deadline.
To apply, please answer the following questions:
THE PAST 5 YEARS? _______ YEAR RECEIVED? ________ AWARD AMOUNT? __________
HOW MANY?______________
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Please give a brief synopsis of your educational background,
including any special training.
On a separate piece of paper, please type a brief course description and explain how this course will benefit you
personally or your job performance as a District employee.
Your complete application is limited to two pages. Please
keep the description to one page. Resumes or other attached documents will not be reviewed.
Mail or email completed entries to:
Scott Collins,
Niagara County SWCD
4487 Lake Ave., Lockport, NY 14094
Application deadlines are March 1, June 1, September 1, and December 1. For more information, contact
Scott Collins at (716)434-4949. We look forward to hearing from you.
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
Send application to current Division I representative.
5 4 3 2 1
5 4 3 2 1
3 2
Frank Bratt Memorial Scholarship Application Rating Form
The NYS Conservation District Employees Association holds a scholarship program for District employees who are interested
in furthering their education. This scholarship can encompass a broad range of topics, with emphasis placed upon conservation
related topics and subjects related to District function. Eligible expenses include conference/workshop fees, tuition, online
courses, lodging when needed and books or manuals required for the training. Food is only eligible if it is part of the
conference/training registration. CDEA sanctioned functions are ineligible as well as mileage or other travel costs.
Scholarships will be awarded based upon the supposed value of the course to the applicant, to be judged by the eight
NYSCDEA Division Representatives. The minimum amount of the scholarship is $50, and the maximum is $500. Successful
applicants will be notified within one week following the next regularly scheduled Executive Board meeting or a special
meeting that follows the application deadline. Scholarship recipients have two years from the award letter to complete their
training OR scholarship recipients can be reimbursed for trainings that take place before an application deadline as long as the
training activity has been completed within the previous 4 months of the application deadline.
Relevance to applicant’s current position description?
Relevance of the course to technical conservation practice implementation?
Relevance to direct district administration (bookkeeping, records retention…)?
Relevance of the course to district program?
Benefit to applicant and job performance?
Has the applicant previously received funding? If the applicant was partially funded in a previous round,
they should not receive penalty (due to the cap of funds available).
(5 years or more, would give a rank of 5, 4 years ago would rank 4,… 1 year ago or less would rank 1)
No Yes
Is this for a college degree?
No Yes Total Score:
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
Information/Reports that need to be supplied by the Treasurer:
Quickbooks Report – All Accounts Profit & Loss Statement
This should include all activities from January 1
through December 31
of the year being
Quickbooks Report - Check Register Report
This should include all checks issued from January 1
through December 31
of the year being
reviewed. The report should include: date of transaction, check number, name, memo, and amount.
Bank Statements – Monthly Bank Statements
This should include paper copy mailed from the financial institution or printed from the financial
institutions online account for all accounts held from January 1
through December 31
of the year being
Bank Statements – Account Transaction Report
This should include paper copy mailed from the financial institution or printed from the financial
institutions online account for all accounts held from January 1
through December 31
of the year being
Fiscal Year Being Reviewed:
Balances: (statements may be quarterly or monthly depending on account)
What was the prior years ending balance for each and all accounts?
Does the prior year ending balances match current years beginning balances?
Are there any outstanding liabilities for the prior year ending balances to match
current years beginning balances?
Do bank statements balances match Quickbooks balances?
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
Are all files and statements neat & orderly?
Are receipt records maintained in a manner to
Yes No
identify date received, payor, purpose and the amount?
Are all deposits identified?
Do deposit amounts agree with c ash receipt amounts?
Are deposits made timely?
Are c ash receipt records totaled and summarized at the
end of each month?
Do totals agree with monthly reports?
Are the disbursement records neat & orderly?
Are c ash disbursement records maintained in a manner to
identify amounts disbursed, either individually or
totals referenced to abstracts?
Are pre-numbered checks used for disbursements?
Are reimbursement request forms in place,
reviewed and initialed by the Member -at-Large?
Do the board members who are signers on the account
sign all of the checks?
Are images of checks returned with bank statements &
maintained on file?
Are disbursement records summarized and footed?
Do totals agree with monthly reports?
Are disbursements supported by appropriate documentation
(conduct at minimum a 5% random sample of each account - comparing a sample
of disbursements with abstracts, claims and/or other supporting documentation)
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
Bank Statements & Reconciliations:
Are bank accounts reconciled by the Treasurer monthly?
Are bank accounts reconciliations reviewed and initialed by the
Yes No
Member -at-Large?
Are reconciliations documented and available for review?
Does the reconciled bank balance agree with cash
balances recorded in the accounting records and monthly/
annual reports?
Are transfers between bank accounts authorized by the Board?
Are miscellaneous bank charges or other unusual activity
Other Concerns:
Are receipts for the year comparable with those of previous
Are monthly & annual reports prepared and submitted timely?
Do monthly & annual reports agree with the records?
Are there significant safeguards for the protection of records &
c ash, such as a safe or locked filing cabinet, offices with locks
on the door, regular deposits of c ash, etc.?
Has sufficient bonding been obtained for individuals handling cash?
Are all bank accounts collateralized by the boards designated
Overall evaluation recommendations and/ or comments:
NYSCDEA By-Laws and Policy Handbook
Signature of the Board Representatives Conducting the Review:
Treasurer Signature:
1. Date:_
- 1 -
New York State
Erosion & Sediment Control
Certificate Program
July 2019
- 2 -
Contact Information……………………………………………….. 3
Certificate Steering Committee Agencies………………………. 4
Mission Statement…………………………………………………. 5
Program Information………………………………………………. 6
Steering Committee……………………………………………….. 10
Executive Committee…………………………………………… 13
Standing Committees……………………………………………… 16
Amendments……………………………………………………….. 17
Civil Rights…………………………………………………………. 18
Standards of Ethics………………………………………………... 20
Steering Committee Members Contact Information
- 3 -
Contact Information
Program Administration
New York State Conservation District Employees Association
Jessica Verrigni, Chemung County SWCD, Ph.607-796-2216
Program Development
Certificate Program Steering Committee:
Co-Chairs : Tim Clark, NYSSWCC, Ph. 518-485-5010
Jim Lieberum, Warren County SWCD, Ph. 518-623-3119
- 4 -
Certificate Steering Committee Agencies
NYS Soil & Water Conservation Committee
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
NYS Office of General Services
NYS Conservation District Employees Association
NYS Conservation District Employees Association Program Administrator
New York City Department of Environmental Protection
NYS Department of Transportation
NYS Department of State
- 5 -
Mission Statement
The purpose of this certificate program is to establish and maintain a process to
identify and recognize individuals who are capable of developing, designing, inspecting
and maintaining erosion and sediment control plans on projects that disturb soils in New
York State. The development and oversight of these plans will be executed in
accordance with the New York State Standards and Specifications for Erosion and
Sediment Control and the New York State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
SPDES) General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activity.
- 6 -
Program Information
A. Registration:
Any individual who successfully completes the
requirements established for holders of the New York State Erosion and
Sedimentation Control Certificate, is current in their requirements for
Professional Development Hours (PDHs) per the Professional
Development Policy, and continues to enlist with the purposes, policies and
ethics of this Certificate Program, shall be duly accepted by the Certificate
Steering Committee as a registrant in good standing upon the payment of
the annual fee as required by the Program Policy.
Certificate holders must record all activities and work experience to be
submitted for continuing education credit on the New York State Erosion
and Sediment Control Professional Development Hours Reporting Form,
and retain a copy of the form and all documentation and records for a period
of five (5) years after Certificate renewal.
The New York State Erosion and Sediment Control Certificate Program
Steering Committee and Program Administrator randomly audit five percent
(5%) of the Certificate holders to assure compliance with the Professional
Development Policy. Certificate holders should
be prepared to produce
- 7 -
documentation of PDHs submitted for renewal if selected for an audit.
Certificate holders who falsify continuing education credit records may be
subject to suspension or revocation of their Certificate.
B. Fees: Application fees and annual renewal fees of the certificate
registrants shall be established from time to time by the Certificate Steering
Committee and approved by the NYS Conservation District Employees’
Association Board. Annual renewal fees shall be payable by January 1 each
year to the Program Administrator. If renewal fees are not paid within thirty
days from the date of such notice, the certificate of the registrant shall be
automatically suspended. The Program Administrator will send a letter to
the registrant asking for the PDH Renewal Form and associated
documentation for the PDH credits such as certificates of attendance,
agendas, attendee sign-in sheet, etc. and fee to be submitted within 90 days
of receipt of the letter. Any registrant, whose certificate has been
suspended, may be reinstated by the Certificate Steering Committee upon
such terms and conditions as it may provide, including a reinstatement fee
of $75 in addition to the annual renewal fee. If such terms and conditions
are not met for certificate reinstatement within 2 years from the date on the
registrant’s certificate, then the certificate of the registrant will be
- 8 -
terminated. Once terminated, the previously registered individual must
repeat the application and exam process including paying the established
fees for both.
Exam fees and Implementation Course fees shall be established from time
to time by the Certificate Steering Committee and approved by the NYS
Conservation District Employees’ Association Board.
All fees are payable to the Program Administrator.
Fee Schedule
Application Fee: $150
Exam Fee: $100
Certificate Registrant Renewal Fee: $100
Erosion & Sediment Control Implementation Course Fee: $125
Reinstatement Fee $ 75
C. Application: To apply to sit for the exam, the individual must use the
“Application Forms” provided and submit the application 30 days before the
scheduled exam to the Program Administrator. Two endorsements are required.
One must be from a current or former supervisor familiar with work that the
applicant is claiming experience for and provided on the form “Professional
- 9 -
Experience Summary Sheet”, which is part of the “Application Forms”. The
second must be from a working professional, working in one of
the fields listed in
Part 3A of the “Application Form”. An application only reaches submitted status
once both endorsements
have been received by the administrator. The application
review subcommittee will provide eligible applicants with an exam admittance
document within 14 days of receipt of the application. The potential registrant
must meet the eligibility criteria set forth in the “Application Forms” to submit an
application for consideration. Approved applicants, must take a 3.5-hour written,
open-book exam, and earn a score of 75 percent or higher. Upon
passing the
exam, the individual will receive a letter from the Program Administrator with the
score achieved, the newly registered NYS Erosion and Sediment Control
Certificate number, and the Certificate. Individuals that do not receive a passing
score, will receive a letter from the Program Administrator with the score.
Individuals that fail the exam will have up to two (2) years from the application
approval to retake the exam. After the two (2) year deadline, the individual will
have to reapply for the program.
- 10 -
Certificate Steering Committee
A. General Powers: The governance of the New York State Erosion and
Sediment Control Certificate shall be managed by the Certificate Steering
Committee in accordance with the provisions of this Policy and Procedures
B. Number of Committee Members: The number of committee
members on the Certificate Steering Committee shall not be less than eight
(8). Additional members to the Certificate Steering Committee may be
added to the Certificate Steering Committee upon affirmative vote by the
current Certificate Steering Committee. The Certificate Steering
Committee will have one (1) member from the NYS Department of
Environmental Conservation and two (2) members from the NYS
Conservation District Employees Association (CDEA), plus the NYS
CDEA Program Administrator (1).
C. Term and Qualifications: The Certificate Steering Committee
members shall be appointed to serve for a term of two years. Certificate
Steering Committee members may serve a maximum of two consecutive
- 11 -
D. Selection of Committee Members: Certificate Steering Committee
members shall be selected from each participating individual government
agency at least three months prior to the close of the current term of the
fiscal year (March 31
). Candidates for Certificate Steering Committee
membership will
be sought by the standing Certificate Steering Committee
from the participating agencies following their recommendations.
E. Resignation: A committee member may resign at any time by
communicating such resignation in writing to the presiding chair of the
Certificate Steering Committee. The resignation is effective 30 days after
the communication unless the notice specifies a later effective date or
subsequent event upon which it will become effective.
F. Certificate Steering Committee Meetings: Certificate Steering
Committee meetings shall be held a minimum of twice each year. The
location of the meetings will be such places and times as the committee
may direct. A quorum at any regularly scheduled committee meeting is
necessary to conduct the business of the certificate program and shall
consist of 51 percent of the committee membership. Any one or more
Certificate Steering Committee members may participate and shall be
deemed present, at a Board or Committee meeting by means of telephone
or video conferencing, web-based conferencing, or other real-time
- 12 -
communication system that allows all meeting attendees to give and
receive all communications and allows full participation. A resolution or
resolutions shall be valid and
effectual without a meeting, whether
embodied in the form of minutes or not, if there is unanimity of all
members of the Certificate Steering Committee. The resolution shall be
effective on the date of agreement and shall be recorded and included in the
minutes of the next regular meeting.
G. Votes conducted by Email
The committee may pass resolutions by email voting. To conduct a vote, the
committee chairperson will email all committee members with the proposed
resolution. Each member will respond with their vote within 5 business days. A
resolution will be considered passed upon approval of a majority of the
committee. The committee chairperson will save the email replies, record all cast
votes, and inform the committee of the results. A resolution shall be effective on
the date of the successful vote, and shall be included in the minutes of the next
regular meeting.
H. Conflict of Interest: No person shall serve as a member of the
Certificate Committee whose participation constitutes a conflict of interest.
A conflict of interest shall exist in instances where either personal or
employment interests are affected by decisions of the Committee.
- 13 -
Executive Committee (Officers)
1. The Certificate Steering Committee will elect four committee
members (Officers) to constitute an Executive Committee, which
shall have the responsibility of coordinating the governance and
management of the business and affairs of the Program with the
NYSCDEA Inc. during intervals between Committee meetings.
The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chair, the
Administrative Vice Chair, the Financial Vice Chair and the
Technical Vice Chair. Mid-term vacancies in the membership of
the Executive Committee shall be filled by a majority of the
remaining Executive Committee at a regular meeting or at a
special meeting called for that purpose. The Executive Committee
shall keep minutes of its proceedings and shall report to the
Certificate Steering Committee on actions taken. Minutes of
meetings of the Executive Committee shall be prepared and kept
with the records of the Certificate Steering Committee.
2. The Officers of the Executive Committee shall be elected by the
Certificate Steering Committee members at the first Certificate
Steering Committee meeting of the calendar year. Each officer
shall hold office for a term of two years. The election of the
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Chair and Administrative Vice Chair shall be conducted in even
ending calendar years and the election of the Financial Vice Chair
and the Technical Vice Chair shall be conducted in odd ending
calendar years.
3. The Chair shall have the overall leadership role for the Certificate
Steering Committee and shall supervise and administer the
management of the Certificate Steering Committee in accordance
with these policies and procedures. The Chair shall sign, with any
other proper officer, instruments which may be lawfully executed
on behalf of the Certificate Steering Committee, except where
required or permitted by law to be otherwise signed and executed,
and except where the signing and execution shall be delegated by
the Certificate Steering Committee to some other officer or agent.
In general, the Chair shall perform all duties incident to the office
Chair and such other duties as may be assigned by the
Executive Committee from time to time.
4. The Administrative Vice Chair shall oversee and coordinate with
the NYSCDEA Inc. the administration of the New York Erosion
and Sediment Control Certificate Program, including the
application review committee, application procedures, liaison
- 15 -
with supporting organizations, and membership and shall have
such other powers and perform such other duties as may be
assigned by the Executive Committee. The Administrative Vice
Chair shall keep accurate records of the acts and proceedings of
all meetings of the Certificate Steering Committee and the
Executive Committee and shall give all notices required by
5. The Financial Vice Chair shall have the general oversight of the
program books and financial records and maintain coordinating
oversight of all funds and securities belonging to the Program;
shall sign such instruments as may require the signature of the
Financial Vice Chair; shall prepare reports with NYSCDEA Inc.
for funds received, deposited or disbursed under the direction of
the Committee for acceptance. The Committee may appoint a
custodian or depository for any such funds or securities, and the
Executive Committee may designate those persons upon whose
signature or authority such funds may be disbursed or transferred.
The Financial Vice Chair shall in general perform the duties
incident to the office and such other duties as may be assigned
from time to time by the Chair or the Certificate Steering
- 16 -
Committee, including the budget, operations, taxes, audits,
expenses, dues, compensation for employees, fee structure and
outside financial support.
6. The Technical Vice Chair shall preside at all meetings in the
absence of the Chair and Administrative Vice Chair. The
Technical Vice Chair shall oversee the technical activities of the
Program, including educational activities, training courses, exam
content, trainer’s credentials, peer review committees and
Continuing Education Units.
Standing Committees
1. Standing or other committees having two or more members may
be designated by a resolution adopted by the Certificate Steering
Committee. Vacancies in the membership of such committees
shall be filled by
appointment made in the same manner as
provided in the case of the original appointment.
2. Any one or more members or members of a committee may
participate in a meeting of the committee by means of a
conference telephone or similar communications device which
allows all committee members participating in the meeting to
simultaneously hear each other during the meeting, and such
- 17 -
participation in a meeting shall be deemed presence in person at
such meeting.
Application Review Committee: The purpose of the
Application Review Committee (ARC) is to establish a formal
review process for individuals who have made application to the
Program to become a registered certificate holder in erosion and
sediment control in New York State.
Technical Review Committee: Consists of the Technical
Vice Chair, and two additional committee members appointed by
the Certificate Steering Committee. This committee reviews the
exam content, training courses, instructor credentials and
Continuing Education Units (CEUs).
These policies and procedures may be amended or repealed and new policies
and procedures may be adopted by the affirmative vote of a majority of the
Certificate Steering Committee at any meeting of the Certificate Steering
Committee members; provided, that notice of the meeting shall have been
given which states that the purpose or one of the purposes of the meeting is
to consider a proposed amendment to the policies and procedures and
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includes a copy or summary of the proposed amendment or states the general
nature of the amendment.
Section 1. NON-DISCRIMINATION: The New York State
Erosion and Sediment Control Certificate Program will be in compliance
with all requirements with regards to non-discrimination as contained in the
United States of America Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Section
504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975;
and other required laws and regulations pertaining to non-discrimination.
Section 2. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY: No person shall, on the
grounds of race, color, national origin; religion, sex, age, physical
handicap, or political affiliation shall be excluded from participation in, be
denied the benefits of, nor be subject to discrimination within any activity
of the New York State Erosion and Sediment Control Certificate Program.
- 19 -
THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the above Policies and Procedures for
the New York State Erosion and Sediment Control Certificate Program
were duly adopted per vote of the Program Steering Committee.
This the ____ day of ______________, 2019
Chair, Certificate Steering Committee
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I. General Principles
1. The privilege of practice imposes obligations of morality and responsibility.
2. Each registrant agrees to be guided by the highest standards of ethics, personal honor,
and professional conduct.
II. Relation of Professional to the Public
1. A Registrant shall avoid and discourage sensational, exaggerated, and/or unwarranted
statements that might induce participation in unsound enterprises.
2. A Registrant shall not knowingly permit the publication of his or her reports or other
documents for any unsound or illegitimate undertaking.
3. A Registrant shall not give professional opinion or make a recommendation without
being as thoroughly informed as might reasonably be expected considering the purpose
for which the opinion or recommendation is desired, and the degree of completeness of
information upon which it is based should be made clear.
4. A Registrant may publish dignified business, professional, or announcement cards, but
shall not advertise his or her work or accomplishments in a self-laudatory, exaggerated,
or unduly conspicuous manner.
5. A Registrant shall not issue a false statement or false information even through directed
to do so by employer or client.
III. Relation of Professional to Employer and Client
1. A Registrant shall protect, to the fullest extent possible, the interest of their employer
or client insofar as such interest is consistent with the law and his or her professional
obligations and ethics.
2. A Registrant who finds that his or her obligations to their employer or client conflict
with his or her professional obligation or ethics should have such objectionable
conditions corrected or resign.
3. A Registrant shall not use, directly or indirectly, any employer’s or client’s information
in any way that would violate the confidence of the employer or client.
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4. A Registrant retained by one client shall not accept, without client’s written consent,
an engagement by another if the interests of the two are in any manner conflicting.
5. A Registrant who has made an investigation for any employer or client shall not seek
to profit economically from the information gained, unless written permission to do so
is granted, or until it is clear that there can no longer be a conflict of interest with the
original employer or client.
6. A Registrant shall not divulge information given in confidence.
7. A Registrant shall engage, or advise his employer or client to engage, and cooperate
with other experts and specialists whenever the employer’s or client’s interests would
be best served by such service.
8. A Registrant shall not accept a concealed fee for referring a client or employer to a
specialist or for recommending professional service other than one’s own.
IV. Relation of Professionals to Each Other
1. A Registrant shall not falsely or maliciously attempt to injure the reputation of another.
2. A Registrant shall freely give credit for work done by others to whom the credit is due,
shall refrain from plagiarism in oral and written communications, and not knowingly
accept credit rightfully due another person.
3. A Registrant shall not use the advantages of salaried employment to compete unfairly
with another member of the profession.
4. A Registrant shall endeavor to cooperate with others in the profession and encourage
the ethical dissemination of technical knowledge.
5. A Registrant having knowledge of unethical practices of another Registrant shall avoid
association with that Registrant in professional work.
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Steering Committee Members Contact Information
NYS Soil & Water Conservation Committee
Tim Clark [email protected] 518 485 5010
PJ Emerick 585 697 4279
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
Dave Gasper [email protected] 518 402 8114
NYS Office of General Services
NYS Conservation District Employees Association
Kelly Emerick [email protected] 585 753 7380
Jim Lieberum 518 623 3119
NYS Conservation District Employees Association Program Administrator
Jessica Verrigni [email protected] 607 796 2216
New York City Department of Environmental Protection
Matt Giannetta [email protected] 914 749 5301
NYS Department of Transportation
NYS Department of State
Whistleblower Protection Policy
The New York State Conservation District Employee’s Association (NYSCDEA) requires
members to observe high standards of business and personal ethics in the conduct of their duties
and responsibilities. As members and representatives of the NYSCDEA, we must practice
honesty and integrity in fulfilling our responsibilities and comply with all applicable laws and
Reporting Responsibility
This Whistleblower Policy is intended to encourage and enable members, employees and others
to raise serious concerns internally so that NYSCDEA can address and correct inappropriate
conduct and actions. It is the responsibility of all board members, officers, employees and
volunteers to report concerns about violations of NYSCDEA’s code of ethics or suspected
violations of law or regulations that govern NYSCDEA’s operations.
No Retaliation
It is contrary to the values of NYSCDEA for anyone to retaliate against any board member,
officer, employee or volunteer who in good faith reports an ethics violation, or a suspected
violation of law, such as a complaint of discrimination, or suspected fraud, or suspected violation
of any regulation governing the operations of the NYSCDEA. A member who retaliates against
someone who has reported a violation in good faith is subject to discipline up to and including
termination of membership.
Reporting Procedure
The NYSCDEA suggests that members share their questions, concerns, suggestions or
complaints with your Division Representative or a member of the board. If you are not
comfortable speaking with your Division Representative or a member of the board, or you are
not satisfied with their response, you are encouraged to speak with the President of the
NYSCDEA. Members are required to report complaints or concerns about suspected ethical and
legal violations in writing to the NYSCDEA’s Compliance Officer, who has the responsibility to
investigate all reported complaints. Members with concerns or complaints may also submit their
concerns in writing directly to their supervisor or the President or the NYSCDEA’s Compliance
Compliance Officer
The NYSCDEA’s Compliance Officer is responsible for ensuring that all complaints about
unethical or illegal conduct are investigated and resolved. The Compliance Officer will advise
the Board of Directors of all complaints and their resolution and will report at least annually to
the Treasurer on compliance activity relating to accounting or alleged financial improprieties.
Accounting and Auditing Matters
The NYSCDEA’s Compliance Officer shall immediately notify the Treasure and Member at
Large of any concerns or complaints regarding corporate accounting practices, internal controls
or auditing, and work with the committee until the matter is resolved.
Acting in Good Faith
Anyone filing a written complaint concerning a violation or suspected violation must be acting in
good faith and have reasonable grounds for believing the information disclosed indicates a
violation. Any allegations that prove not to be substantiated and which prove to have been made
maliciously or knowingly to be false will be viewed as a serious disciplinary offense.
Violations or suspected violations may be submitted on a confidential basis by the complainant.
Reports of violations or suspected violations will be kept confidential to the extent possible,
consistent with the need to conduct an adequate investigation.
Handling of Reported Violations
The NYSCDEA’s Compliance Officer will notify the person who submitted a complaint if
known and acknowledge receipt of the reported violation or suspected violation. All reports will
be promptly investigated and appropriate corrective action will be taken if warranted by the
Compliance Officer
The Compliance Officer will be elected by the NYSCDEA’s Board of Directors annually. The
Compliance Officer will be elected from one of the NYSCDEA Division Representatives.
I have reviewed this policy and agree:
Name: _________________________________________________
Title: ____________________________________________________
Policy approved by the Board of Directors on Nov 10, 2020.
Current Compliance Officer is:
Aaron Buchta- [email protected]
Onondaga County Soil & Water Conservation District
6680 Onondaga Lake Parkway, Liverpool, NY 13088
Phone: (315) 457-0325, Fax: (315) 457-0410
New York State Conservation District Employees Association
Conflict of Interest Policy
Article I - Purpose
The purpose of the Conflict of Interest Policy is to protect the interest of the New York State
Conservation District Employees Association (the Association) when it is contemplating entering
into a transaction or arrangement that might benefit the private interest of a member of the
Association or might result in a possible excess benefit transaction. This policy is intended to
supplement, but not replace, any applicable state and federal laws governing conflict of interest
applicable to nonprofit and charitable organizations.
Article II - Definitions
1. Interested Person: Any director or member of a committee with governing board delegated
powers who has a direct or indirect financial interest, as defined below, as an interested
2. Financial Interest: A person has a finical interest if the person has, directly or indirectly,
through business, investment, or family:
a. An ownership or investment interest in any entity with which the Association has a
transaction or arrangement;
b. A compensation arrangement with the Association or with any entity or individual
with which the Association has a transaction or arrangement; or
c. A potential ownership or investment interest in, or compensation arrangement
with, any entity or individual with which the Association is negotiating a transaction
or arrangement.
Compensation includes direct and indirect remuneration, as well as gifts or favors that are not
A financial interest is not necessarily a conflict of interest. Under Article III, Section 2, a person who
has a financial interest may have a conflict of interest only if the appropriate governing board or
committee decides that a conflict of interest exists.
Article III - Procedures
1. Duty to Disclose: In connection with any actual or possible conflict of interest, and interested
person must disclose the existence of the financial interest and be given the opportunity to
disclose all material facts to the directors and members of committees with governing board
delegated powers considering the proposed transaction or arrangement.
2. Determining Whether a Conflict of Interest Exists: After disclosure of the financial interest and
all material facts, and after any discussion with the interested person, he/she shall leave the
governing board committee meeting while the determination of a conflict of interest is
discussed and acted upon. The remaining board or committee members shall decide if a conflict
of interest exists.
3. Procedures for Addressing the Conflict of Interest:
a. An interested person may make a presentation at the governing board or committee
meeting, but after the presentation, he/she shall leave the meeting during discussion of,
and the vote on, the transaction or arrangement involving the possible conflict of
b. The chairperson of the governing board or committee shall, if appropriate, appoint a
disinterested person or committee to investigate alternatives to the proposed
transaction or arrangement.
c. After exercising due diligence, the governing board or committee shall determine
whether the Association can obtain with reasonable efforts a more advantageous
transaction or arrangement from a person or entity that would not give rise to a conflict
of interest.
d. If a more advantageous transaction of arrangement is not reasonably possible under
circumstances not producing a conflict of interest, the governing board or committee
shall determine by a majority vote of the disinterested directors whether the
transaction or arrangement is in the Associations best interest, for its own benefit, and
whether it is fair and reasonable. In conformity with the above determination, it shall
make its decision as to whether to enter into the transaction or arrangement.
4. Violations of the Conflicts of Interest Policy:
a. If the governing board or committee has reasonable cause to believe a member has
failed to disclose actual or possible conflicts of interest, it shall inform the member of
the basis for such belief and afford the member an opportunity to explain the alleged
failure to disclose.
b. If, after hearing the member’s response and after making further investigation as
warranted by the circumstances, the governing board or committee determines the
member has failed to disclose an actual or possible conflict of interest, it shall take
appropriate disciplinary and corrective action.
Article IV - Records of Proceedings
The minutes of the governing board and all committees with board delegated powers shall contain:
a. The names of the persons who disclosed or otherwise were found to have a financial
interest in connection with an actual or possible conflict of interest, the nature of the
financial interest, any action taken to determine whether a conflict of interest was present,
and the governing boards or committee’s decision as to whether a conflict of interest in fact
existed; and
b. The names of the persons who were present for discussion, including any alternatives to the
proposed transactions or arrangement, and a record of any votes taken in connection with
the proceedings.
Article V - Compensation
a. A voting member of the governing board who receives compensation, directly or indirectly, from
the Association for services is precluded from voting on matters pertaining to that member’s
b. A voting member of any committee whose jurisdiction includes compensation matters and who
receives compensation, directly or indirectly, from the Association for services is precluded from
voting on matters pertaining to that member’s compensation.
c. No voting member of the governing board or any committee whose jurisdiction includes
compensation matters and who receives compensation, directly or indirectly, from the
Association, either individually or collectively, is prohibited from providing information to any
committee regarding compensation.
Article VI - Annual Statements
Each director, principal officer and member of a committee with governing board delegated power
shall annually sign a statement that confirms such person:
a. Has received a copy of the Conflict of Interest Policy;
b. Has read and understands the policy;
c. Has agreed to comply with the policy; and
d. Understand that the Association is charitable and that in order to maintain its federal tax
exemption it must engage primarily in activities which accomplish one or more of its exempt
Article VII - Periodic Reviews
To ensure the Association operates in a manner consistent with charitable purposes and does not
engage in activities that could jeopardize its tax-exempt status, periodic reviews shall be conducted. The
periodic reviews shall, at a minimum, include the following subjects:
a. Whether compensation arrangements and benefits are reasonable, based on competent survey
information, and the result of arm’s length bargaining; and
b. Whether the Associations joint ventures and arrangements with management organizations
conform to the Association’s written policies, are properly recorded, reflect reasonable
investment or payments for goods and services, further charitable purposes and do not result in
impermissible private benefit or an excess benefit transaction.
Article VIII - Use of Outside Experts
When conducting the periodic reviews as provided for in Article VII, the Association may, but need not,
use outside advisors. If outside experts are used, their use shall not relieve the governing board of its
responsibility for ensuring that periodic reviews are conducted.
Adopted: Nov 10, 2020
New York State Conservation District Employees Association
Conflict of Interest Policy
Acknowledgement and Affirmation
The undersigned, a voting member, a member of a committee with board delegated powers, an
officer or employee hereby affirms under the penalty of perjury:
a. I have received a copy of the Conflicts of Interest Policy;
b. I have read and understand the policy;
c. I have agreed to comply with the policy, and
d. I understand that the Association is a not for profit organization and that in order to
maintain its federal tax exemption it must engage primarily in activities which
accomplish one or more of its tax-exempt purposes.
Please List any potential Conflicts: _________________________________________________________
Code of Conduct and Ethics
We, as the New York State Conservation District Employee’s Association (NYSCDEA) Board
Members, dedicate ourselves to carrying out the mission of this organization. We will do the
1. Recognize that the chief function of NYSCDEA, at all times, is to serve the best interests of
our constituency.
2. Accept as a personal duty the responsibility to keep up-to-date on emerging issues and to
conduct ourselves with professional competence, fairness, impartiality, efficiency, and
3. Respect the structure and responsibilities of the board, provide them with facts and advice as a
basis for their policy making decisions, and uphold and implement policies adopted by the
4. Keep the community informed about issues affecting it.
5. Conduct our organizational and operational duties with positive leadership exemplified by
open communication, creativity, dedication, and compassion.
6. Exercise whatever discretionary authority we have under the law to carry out the mission of
the organization.
7. Serve with respect, concern, courtesy, and responsiveness in carrying out the organization’s
8. Demonstrate the highest standards of personal integrity, truthfulness, honesty, and fortitude in
all our activities in order to inspire confidence and trust in our activities.
9. Avoid any interest or activity that is in conflict with the conduct of our official duties.
10. Respect and protect privileged information to which we have access in the course of our
official duties.
11. Strive for personal and professional excellence and encourage the professional development
of others.
Approved - Nov 10, 2020